#its 12 am and I should be sleeping lol
bluerosefox · 1 month
One Upon A Time...
Ghost Robin!Jason finds himself in the Infinite Realms and stumbles into a floating ice castle.
Inside said castle is a sleeping/healing Prince of the Infinite Realms Danny Phantom.
And a sticky note written in purple ink saying
"Even fairy tales have some grain of truth in the stories. Will you try to see if its true Jason Todd?"
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plantboiart · 1 month
Every day i imagine a new au where kian feels like an outsider compared to rand and rolan and every day i cry
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catmanbowser · 2 years
teehee :3c
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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astrxealis · 11 months
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she says gn she is dozing off and i too will head to sleep uh ... soon <3
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deadaldipshit-jpg · 1 year
I hv a serious issue of not sleeping at normal times
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beansprean · 1 year
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Queening the Pawn Act 3 Part 1
We're back! Some of these pages were drawn like wayy back in December/January lol so don't be alarmed if the style fluctuates a bit. I had to reorder a lot of stuff! This act should have 12 parts - they keep getting longer! 😅
Acts 1-2
Act 3: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Exterior shot of the house, labeled “vampire residence” at the bottom in the show’s font. The panel is split in half, one side showing daylight and the other showing nighttime. Dialogue on the night side says “Interview with Nandor, March 2nd, 4am.” Dialogue on the day side says “Interview with Guillermo, March 3rd, 4pm.” Both are followed by “Rolling.”
2a. Interior shot of the couch in the library in front of the paper-covered bay window. The panel is split, with Nandor sitting on the right side in the nighttime, lit from the front, and Guillermo sitting on the left side in the daylight, lit from behind. Nandor, wearing multiple emotionally protective layers of fur and sleeves in mostly red and brown but with some green peeking through from beneath, is puffed up and glaring at the camera. He points at it accusingly and declares, “No, I am not avoiding Guillermo.” Guillermo, wearing a faded red shirt and plain brown cardigan, is smiling awkwardly, shoulders slumped and looking past the camera as he says “So, Nandor has been avoiding me.” 2b. Multiple flashbacks to earlier in the week: Guillermo exiting the bathroom and glancing over just as Nandor dashes around the corner to hide, flushed and anxious not to be seen; Guillermo clicking on a lamp and illuminating the silhouette of a nervous bat stretched out inside, gripping the shade with its claws; Guillermo vacuuming the stuffed bear and Nandor crouched behind it, wide-eyed and pretending he cannot be seen; Nandor turning away from an irritated Guillermo as he approaches, tossing his arm around teen Colin Robinson, who is playing with a Nintendo switch, with a large fake smile and saying “Ayyee, little Colin Robinson, tell me about your vee-do jame!!” From the present, Guillermo continues, “He’s not very subtle.” Present Nandor says, “I am just…giving him space after his very embarrassing emotional outburst the other night.”
3a. Split shot of the boys on the couch. Offscreen, one of the documentarians asks them both “So…what actually happened between you guys?” Guillermo laces his fingers together over his stomach and looks away nervously, pinching his lips together. Nandor laces his own fingers together and looks straight ahead, sweating. 3b. Repeat. Guillermo looks at the camera with a grimace, cheeks reddening, and holds his hands up in a helpless shrug. He says, “Look, I was really sleep-deprived…” Nandor whips his head away haughtily, cheeks going purple, and twists his hands further into each other, declaring, “My pinkie was on the line!” /end ID
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erisenyo · 8 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @noexoozes for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 40!! Though a few of them are drabbles/shorter things from tumblr that I've been slowly porting over, so without those its 32
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,638,585 lol holy shit
3. What fandoms do you write for? ATLA! Though I'm thinking about having a go at the Radiant Emperor for @radiantemperorweek if my schedule allows it 🤞I've also been Consumed lately by a particularly pairing of the Game Changers series by Rachel Reid, with a few specific things I'd love to see that were offscreen in the books, so we shall see there as well...
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Love is in the Hair - post-canon established Zukka, one-shot, banter, silliness, identity shenanigans with people not realizing they're sharing political gossip with the Fire Lord
These Things Written - part one of the series that started it all, "what if Zukka was canon", three-part full series rewrite, lots of angst, lots of smut, lots of feels (and technically the next two parts are also on this list, but instead-)
Lessons in Proper Asset Management - post-canon established Zukka, smutty one-shot, Sokka's competence kink vs Zuko being really good at finance, absurdity ensues
Part-Time Plumber, Full-Time Problem - Modern AU smutty Zukka one-shot, based on a grindr exchange about needing a wrench, identity shenanigans, banter, and Mai and Suki absolutely roasting their respective BFFs
Ten Rules For Sleeping With You - canon and post-canon get-together > established relationship fic, all the things Sokka has learned when it comes to sleeping next to Zuko
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I am very behind right now, but I appreciate the time and thought people put into them so much, and I love chatting back!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ohh I love a happy ending, so this is hard. Its probably Darling I Think There's Maybe Something You Should Know, part of my Zukki series where we end with Sokka and Suki realizing Zuko doesn't think they're together, and has been going on other dates.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I love a happy ending, so this is hard in a different way! I'll go with To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved), because ending with a big wedding and laughter just sets a particular mood :)
8. Do you get hate on fics? I wouldn't classify it as hate as much as people occasionally disagreeing with certain characterization, usually Iroh or Katara from the Burning Bright series, and having a lot of feelings about it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Lol you bet I do. And basically all of it? I think the only thing I haven't written technically is f/f and that's just because I haven't had time for my foursome get-together fic yet
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not yet and I'm not sure I will, sometimes the framework of two stories fits well together, but I tend more toward AUs than crossovers
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! These Things Written was translated into Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Technically Night Call, though that was more like tumblr posting back and forth that suddenly got long enough for AO3 haha
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I primarily write Zukka, but I have so many favorites! I love Zukki, Jetko is great, my Jeeko longfic idea has had me in its grips for years, there are ships across other fandoms I love to read. I'm a multishipper at heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I...don't actually have any of these. I only post thing when they're already finished, and I don't do well writing multiple works at one time, so I tend to just finish things sequentially rather than have a bunch of WIPs floating around. (Ideas that I want to write but may never...that's a whole different question.)
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm really good at writing fun smut scenes that still back a lot of emotional punch, and I love dialogue! I also think I'm good at inverting tropes and reader expectations in fun ways to draw out/build narrative tension.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Descriptions, probably. I struggle to make place and people descriptions feel integrated into the next, rather than like clunkily bolted on. Usually I feel like its interrupting the pacing and I end up cutting it significantly back.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'd be cautious of it if I didn't speak it myself, unless I was trying to represent someone with a similar level of competency, just because there are so many nuances of word choice and sentence structure and translation that would probably go over my head.
19. First fandom you wrote for? ATLA!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? This is impossible to answer! I love them all so much in such different ways. To Open Every Door to Night, To Meet Each Rising Sun will always be up there, writing Azula was so much fun. I think Of Tea and Turtle Ducks (and the Turtle Duck Guy) absolutely knocked the whole overarching metaphor out of the park, To Cleave These Roots We've Made is maybe my best like angst/emotional intensity fic, All Along You Were There (But I Missed It) just delivered on the mood and vision I had so well and showcased this warm romance so perfectly, and I'm really cheating so I'm going to make myself stop there haha
And lets see, tagging @sword-and-stars @spacecasehobbit @ranilla-bean @lizardlicks @hot-flippin-mess and anyone else who wants to play!
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twocrabcake · 9 months
alright here’s the deal
i’m gonna make a percentage of how many trap victims/related persons survive
wish me luck this is gonna be tedious 🫡
it’s been an hour or two since i wrote that lol i got busy
idk i’m starting when its like 12am????
survived: iiiiiiiiii
not: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special (survived): iiiiiii
special (not): iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special is either 1 the game was rigged or 2 they beat the game but died some other related way (ex: adam) 3 or if it was up to somebody else to save you as part of their game (ex: eric matthews, like a lot of them actually)
special good is when it was rigged/something was against them or different but they still beat it. hold on hold up i’m looking for an example rn. ok the secretary lady deborah or something she was in a trap out of her control but she survived.
(timing these for some reason) 1:12 am
dude idk where to put matthews bc his first game was a fluke and he survived but he was also like saved? idk man i’ll think about it (i put him in special died OH GOD NO LOOK AT NOTES)
i can’t put my headcanons/theory’s in here okay cowabummer dude (i have to put adam in dead i’m sorry ok)
1:20 (^im realizing now a shit ton of these fall into the special category whoopsies maybe i got too specific)
1:28 aw dude the fatal 5 are gonna suckkkk bc they’re all working together and linked and connected and shit fhhhghh
1:33 okay dude the steam lady is difficult bc the first half was a special but the last wasn’t. fuck it im just gonna say she could have survived the burns herself
1:40 can’t decide if the first and rebooted games from jigsaw should be put in together or if they should be separate. i just finished i smoked an entire bowl and i am trying my best here ok
1:50 the train guys is rigged they don’t explicitly say it but there’s no way
1:58 alright. fucking finally. that experience was just a downward spiral haha get it bc i hate that movie. also hate jigsaw the movie jigsaw. this was very unpleasant once i’m done with this shit i’m gonna fall asleep to saw 5 or smthn.
2:02 i have to use a counter online bc i’m too tired to count all those little i bitches
2:06 the fruits of my labor. my creation. behold
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Pie chart
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oh thank god
ok so there it is. the ratio of victims that survived and victims who’ve perished in jigsaws traps. you don’t know how much footage i’ve skimmed through. 1 like=1 ass kicking for to me because what was i thinking
me laying down in bed after this ↓
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2:18 ok here it is. the real true official one.
sorry for all that. thank you for accompanying me on this task. i did not have fun. except when i was watching 1-3d but then after that it sucked. 1-3d even took up almost all of the view time but the last bits were so unpleasant it threw that all out the window. gonna go watch one of the original saw movies. you can tell saw x will be good bc it has saw in the name. the title. oh my god oh god i’m realizing i forgot people. i think i forgot bobby. what the hell man screw this i’m going to sleep. i’ll deal with it when i wake up and wonder what the fuck i was on last night. thank you for joining me on this journey of a mental breakdown everybody. a mental spiral, even, if you will. i’m imagining cheesy ending scene music like the character/actor is thanking the audience. signing, logging off at 2:34 am. goodnight everyone.
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
My reactions, thoughts, and predictions that I had while reading Percy Jackson: The Titan's Curse. At least the ones I bothered to write down. Spoilers below the cut. Also, fair warning, this one is way longer than either of my previous reaction posts. I had a lot of thoughts.
EDIT: part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5
I feel I should mention that the Percy Jackson books have objectively the best chapter titles
The mental image of Sally driving Percy and his friends to get their ass beat like it's just an after-school sports club is hilarious to me
Ooh, Thalia has hypnosis wind
So Thalia didn't age while she was in that tree? Because I remember she was much older than Annabeth at the time of her death, but now she, Annabeth and Percy are all the same age. Huh. Okay then.
NICO DI ANGELO!!! I've heard about you! You're gay! And he has a sister! Oh I am delighted and ready to love them!
Thalia insulting Grover's music taste.
Aww, Nico defending his sister.
"They're not dolls! They're figurines!" Sure, sweetie.
Bianca is great.
Oh my God, Nico, you beautiful nerd! XD
Zoë Nightshade is easily the most badass name I've ever heard in my life.
Please tell me Annabeth is okay. I will not be okay until I know that she is
Oh my God, Nico! XD Also, chill, Percy, he's just a baby.
"Besides, I hear they rebuilt the cabins you burned down." Excuse me, what?!
Percy, leave Bianca be! Besides, you don't even know her! She can be a badass warrior hunter lady if she wants. What even are your hang-ups about Artemis's hunters? They saved your life.
Oh, wait, that's right. Camp Half-Blood needs more people to keep it protected. That's right.
Good for you, Bianca, but I can't say that I would ever leave my little brother to become an immortal virgin. No offense to them, but girl, your brother needs you. You may have a new family, but you're all he's got.
Oh, I love Artemis calling Apollo her annoying brother. Do we get to see them interact? I pray that we do.
Grover simping for Artemis is so valid.
Thalia thinking Apollo’s hot is so valid.
Apollo being an obnoxious kind-of hippy going through an anime phase is the greatest idea anyone has ever had. He's so stupid, I love him.
Apollo's comment about pretty girls turning into plants reminded me of the myth about the time where one of his boyfriends turned into a flower after he died. Hyacinthus. Because we cannot forget that Apollo is canonically bisexual. If Rick Riordan doesn't (at some point) acknowledge how gay ancient Greek mythology is, I'm going to riot.
Dating must be really weird at Camp Half-Blood. And between demi-gods in general, right? Because, technically speaking, they're all kind of related to each other. I guess it just works differently since the gods aren't human, so there's not the same case to be made about genetics and the potential for incest. Or maybe that only applies to kids who have the same god parent. Like how Percy sees Tyson as his brother. I’m wondering if the kids from other cabins feel the same way. Like, do kids from different cabins consider themselves siblings? Does Annabeth see the other kids from Athena’s cabin as her siblings? What does the dating scene even look like at Camp Half-Blood? Is it considered scandalous to date other members of your own cabin? Or do some people think it’s taboo or whatever to date other demigods in general? I don’t need sleep, I need answers!
Ohhh. Okay. So apparently Thalia has aged while she was in the tree, just very slowly. So if Percy is 14 and Thalia can pass as an 8th grader like him, and she should be somewhere between 12 and 19, if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say she's about 15 or 16.
Oh, hey, I was right. Thanks, Apollo.
Aww, poor Thalia. Lol. I was the exact same way when I drove for the first time. Literally had a panic attack on the spot, and I wasn't even controlling the Earth's temperature.
Yay, Tyson! I was worried we wouldn’t see him again until, like, the last book or something.
Aww, it’s so sweet that Tyson wants to see Annabeth. And it’s adorable how cool he thinks she is.
Wow, Luke really is an unbelievable bastard. Annabeth is smart, she was smart to question him, but when the rocks started to fall, her instincts drove her to protect Luke, because even though he’s an unbelievable bastard, Annabeth still can’t help but harbor positive feelings for her. For the longest time, he was family to her and she loved him, so of course those feelings are still there, even if she knows it’s illogical.
Wait. Annabeth is holding up the ceiling of a cave, which Percy acknowledges that she shouldn’t be able to do. So… is the cave ceiling actually the sky? Like how, in Greek mythology, the sky is held up by the titan Atlas? In the mythology, Heracles trades places with Atlas holding up the sky while Atlas helps Heracles complete one of his twelve labors, and when Atlas is about to leave, Heracles tricks Atlas into taking back the sky before bolting. Like how Luke tricked Annabeth into holding up the cave ceiling before leaving her alone to hold it by herself.
Okay, Grover, chill out with the stalking, bud.
I guess Grover and Annabeth take turns getting damsel-ed. Last book was Grover’s turn and this book is Annabeth’s turn.
Don’t worry, Percy, I forgot about that scarf too.
Okay, not liking how the Hunters are portrayed. Because when Artemis says to give up love, she only means romantic love, which is clearly not the only kind of love. Greek mythology practically invented the concept of differentiating and identifying different kinds of love. The Hunters should know that, but the way they act towards the other campers is really… I dunno, gross? They act like their way of life is the only way that matters, which is super fucked up coming from the people that follow Artemis.
“I wondered if there was any way I’d looked that ridiculous when I’d first arrived.” Percy, that was literally only two years ago, get off your high fucking horse. XD
Thalia static-shocking people when she’s annoyed is golden and I love her.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, we love the prophecies… Yayyyy.
Okay, guessing time. Artemis is chained to a rock, which immediately made me think of Prometheus, the titan that gifted fire to humanity and was punished by Zeus to be chained to a rock and have an eagle eat his liver every day for eternity. But then the Oracle mentioned that one must withstand “The Titan’s Curse,” which could be another reference to Prometheus, but I don’t think so. Because in the myth, Heracles killed the eagle and freed Prometheus from his punishment, so I’m pretty sure it’s not that, but you never know. Then I remembered Annabeth and my prediction that she’s currently holding up the sky like the titan Atlas, and the Oracle said that “one must withstand.” Admittedly, my knowledge of Atlas and his mythos is shaky at best, and I don't remember him ever having a "curse", but I guess holding up the entire sky is about as "cursed" as it's possible to be. And the Oracle saying that “one must withstand” makes me think that something happened to Atlas, so now someone needs to hold the sky in his place or else the sky will collapse to the earth and the world will end, or something like that. So that’s my prediction, that someone will need to hold up the sky in Atlas’s place for the rest of, well, forever. I don’t have a guess as to who it could be, though.
Also, someone is apparently going to die. And be killed by their god parent. Awesome… Super looking forward to that inevitable heartbreak… I hope it’s not either of the di Angelo kids, but they’re both new characters, and I know Nico becomes more important later (purely by accident and through pop culture osmosis), and since I had no idea that Biance even existed until I started reading this book, I am terrified that that means Bianca is going to die. I pray that I am wrong.
Wow, Thalia is petty and I’m kind of living for it.
I love that the Stoll brothers are basically Greek Fred and George Weasley.
Wow, Zoë’s kind of a bitch. She won’t travel with Percy because he’s a boy, and apparently Grover doesn’t count as a boy because he’s a satyr. Super fucked up.
You know, Artemis did have male Hunters. It didn’t happen often in the mythology, but there was a pretty famous male Hunter of Artemis named Hippolytus. The thing about Artemis’s Hunters isn’t that men weren’t allowed to be Hunters, it’s just that men typically didn’t choose to be Hunters, because one of the reasons why Artemis’s Hunters joined her in the first place is because Artemis protected the women in her care from the sexist constraints placed on them by Greek society at the time. The reason why men didn’t typically become Hunters is because they didn’t need the same kind of protection and escape from Greek society that women did. And Artemis didn’t hate men on principal, she hated the fact that men were the ones who used their positions of power to discriminate against and abuse the women in their society.
Aww. Grover’s such a sweetheart.
I love Sally.
Percy has so many damn Dreams™ and nightmares I have to wonder if this kid ever sleeps.
Apparently Percy knows the names of the pegasi, which is adorable to me. And this one is apparently Blackjack, which is a great name for a horse.
Aww, I want a baby serpent cow.
Aww, Nico. He's precious and I love him. Protect this child at all costs
Oh, I know about Ariadne. Theseus ditched her on an island after she helped him navigate the labyrinth and kill the minotaur. That's how she met Dionysus. I'm pretty sure they got married not too long after.
Aww, Dionysus and Ariadne are still married. That'd be kind of sweet if Dionysus wasn't such an asshole.
Yup, I know about Medea too.
Did they really just give Dionysus the Snape treatment? He hates all heroes on principle because one of them was cruel to his wife? He thinks he’s justified in harassing children because they’re training to be heroes, and he thinks that all heroes suck? Wow, dude. Get a life.
Oh, cool, Bianca’s forgetting things now. Nothing sketchy or sinister about that, I’m sure.
Is the General the titan Atlas? If my earlier theory was right, then he's gotta be.
Excuse me, teeth?! Plant them?!
Oh, wait! I think I know what that’s talking about. In Jason’s myth, he had to yoke a field with the teeth of (if memory serves) fire-breathing oxen. I don’t remember what planting the teeth did, but I’m guessing it wasn’t anything good.
HAH! Saber-toothed tiger kitties popped out
The General talks about mortals the same way I talk about fanfiction and anime
“Sometimes mortals can be more horrible than monsters.” Truth.
Wait… what’s going on with Bianca? There’s something fucky going on with her memory.
“‘Bianca,’ Zoë said. ‘How long ago…’ Her voice faltered.” FOR FUCK’S SAKE, RICK!
Ain’t no way this friendly homeless guy isn’t some kind of hell monster.
Oh. I stand corrected. Not a hell monster. Probably a god. The gods love disguising themselves as old people to test mortals
The Mountain of Despair. Sounds fun. I wonder if this is the mountain Prometheus was chained to, since it’s powered by titan magic and all that.
Ladon… I know that name. I recognize that, but I can’t for the life of me remember his myth or anything about him.
*in reference to one of Percy's dreams* Oh, wait. Is this Jason and Medea?
Oh, nope. It was Zoë. I figured she had some kind of bad break with a boyfriend or something, but I dismissed it at first because I figured she was too young. But I guess if she was around during ancient Greek times, that sort of thing doesn’t matter.
Oh, hey! I once visited Cloudcroft, New Mexico! It was a nice little place.
“I was never very comfortable talking one-on-one with girls anyway…” Okay, Percy, you and I both know that is a lie. Annabeth is, like, your best friend.
"'Bianca,' I said. 'That hotel you stayed at. Was it possibly called the Lotus Hotel and Casino?'" Oh no.
Seventy years?!
Oh, fuck.
99% sure Aphrodite is the one in the car.
"When she smiled at me, just for a moment she looked a little like Annabeth." AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Aphrodite is the patron goddess of shippers.
What the hell, Aphrodite, chill, lady.
"You act like it was real." Percy, this is Greek mythology. Every single star/constellation was either a person or an animal before this whole mess.
"It... it was for Nico. It was the only statue he didn't have." OH MY GOD!! ToT
"If anything happens, give that to Nico. Tell him... tell him I'm sorry." WHY??!!?!?? LITERALLY DON'T!!!!!
"Here we were in the desert. And Bianca di Angelo was gone." WHAT THE FUCK?!!??!!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME!???!!??
No, but please tell me she's not dead. The prophecy just said "lost", not dead. And there's no body, so she could still be alive. Rick hasn't killed anybody yet, Bianca cannot be the first. I refuse.
The Hesperides! That's why Ladon sounded so familiar! He was the dragon!
I like that Grover, Percy and Thalia actually listened to Annabeth ramble about her special interest enough that they can just recall random facts like that. It's an adorable little friendship detail, but also fucking sad. I miss Annabeth.
Hah. "Dam". Let these kids swear. They deserve it.
"'Nah,' I said. 'Not that high.'" Aww, Percy's a good friend.
Hah. Statue fucking.
Oh no! Is Bessie the monster! No! But she's so cute!
"'This is Atlas's mountain,' Zoë said." LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO
"'Yes,' Zoë said bleakly. 'Atlas is my father.'" THE GAME JUST FUCKING CHANGED
*after finishing chapter 18* ......... Fuck, man.
Wait, why isn't Hades a part of the Twelve Olympians? And why haven't we heard any mention of Demeter's demigod children? I can't remember the last time the Demeter Cabin was even mentioned, if it ever was.
Well, I guess Thalia joining the Hunters is a pretty roundabout way to have the prophecy be about Percy.
"But I will be watching, Percy Jackson. I do not approve of your friendship with my daughter." Well, then you're gonna hate what happens later.
Aww. Percy and Annabeth have matching battle scars. Sort of. Still sweet.
Oh, no, Nico.... Baby.....
"It was a statue of Hades, Lord of the Dead." OH FUCKING SHIT
"A son of Hades." OH FUCKING SHIT
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plantboiart · 20 days
hello! you wanted your askbox full! :D
i'm sure you've posted about most of them already, but any chance you have kian/jrwi headcanons you want to share??
!!!!!!!!! Yeah ive probably posted most of them but. Theres always more…
Post being revived, kian still has some leftover bug instincts. Like even though hes not a bug just having memories of being one and specifically memories of being part of the hive leaves him with bug things in his head. Being around rolan makes them stronger whenever rolan acts bug, like if rolan’s clicking kian just has the instinctual need to click back at him, rolan at some point starts just building a nest out of blankets and stuff and whenever kians not feeling good he feels the need to just go to the nest (blanket fort) to be safe, his hair being groomed makes him feel incredibly safe and relaxed and loved because social insects groom each other as a bonding activity, etc etc
Kian’s afraid of a lot of “embarrassing” things and he tries to hide it but that. Wont work forever. Hes specifically scared of flying, the dark, needles, deep bodies of water, being alone, and post revival hes scared of music in general for a while and the feeling of things going down his throat :(
Kian has like. Really nice handwriting. He spent forever practicing making it look as nice as possible as a kid/teen. In contrast rolan has like.. extremely average looking handwriting, and rand’s handwriting is horrible. (I am rand in this situation lol)
Kian’s really wanted to try drag before, but never really had the chance to. He couldnt afford it (since you know makeup and clothes and everything expensive) when he was younger, and he could have afforded it after becoming a stockbroker but he kind of just.. gave up on doing any performing. Or just really having hobbies in general outside of going to clubs and sleeping around. He didnt feel like he deserved any kind of positive attention that being on stage might have brought him since he’d failed to become a rockstar :(
Okay happier one! Kian hyperfixated on mythology and constellations at some point either in his teens or as a young adult. He really likes stargazing with rand and rolan and explanaining the different constellations and such to them :)
Really likes sour things! Bro would eat a whole lemon if you let him (projecting)
Partly because autism, partly because horrible childhood, he has a lot of trouble like. Reading the signs his body gives him. Or even noticing that there ARE signs. Like hell be exhausted and feeling like shit and just brush it off until he realizes that wait its been like 12 hours since hes eaten. Or he hasnt slept in three days. Or when was the last time he drank water?? He just. Forgets that those are things he needs.
He loves collecting funky earrings :) i mean i feel like its implied by the earrings he has in canon but. Yeah. Hes got so many of them
He gets really clingy and emotional whenever he’s really not feeling well (sick or very tired etc) and he TRIES to hide it but its. Yeah. Rand will like make him soup or something while hes sick and hell just break down in tears
Kian with chronic fatigue save me.. chronic fatigue kian.. save me constantly exhausted but trying to fight it kian…
Specifically to actually explain the last one his body is like. Not the same after coming back. Like being brought back from the dead took a lot of energy and hes also sort of just.. in low power mode? I guess? Like his body doesnt generate as much energy as it should because it just doesnt work like it used to anymore. He really doesnt like it because it makes him feel like a burden :(
Uhhh yeah thats all i can think of for now!! Thank you for giving me an excuse to go crazy about him lol
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Haikyuu!!- Bokuto Textfic [Part 1]
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•[Unknown send you 3 messages]•
Hey hey hey Akaashi! 
Congratulations on new number 🥳
Not going to treat your Bokuto-san? ;) 
[Unknown saved to contact as Bokuto]
I'm not Akaashi-san sorry
Hah! Don't make an excuse! 
You have to treat me 🍝🥗🍱 lunch tomorrow
if don't then I won't spike the ball set by you. 
Srsly I'm not Akaashi!
You have the wrong number Bokuto-san
I'm l/n y/n, a third year studying in your very own class
I never expected you to play such prank 😳 but you should know your Bokuto-san isn't stupid 🤺
Agree or not, I'm going to need my treat sooner or later :D so be prepared 
Stop it Akaashi (。-`ω-)ー  or I will make you treat the whole team as a punishment 
I feel bad for Akaashi-san *sniffs*
Hahaha 🤡 u deserve it for pranking me 
You know what, I give up
Please stop messaging me or I'll have no choice but to block you 
ὸ.ό becoming bolder day by day huh?
Don't you dare or I'll teach you a lesson tomorrow (๑•̀д•́๑) 
I won't talk with you for the rest of the day
You don't talk with me any ways so it's fine with me >:D
😣 Akaashi what happened to you. Is this how you treat your senpai now? 
How many times do I have to say I'm not him?
If you don't believe me, why don't you just meet him and see it for yourself that this isn't him? 
Really? Istg if this is a joke ill take my revenge >:) 
Yeah take it glady. I hope you'll be surprised.
I'm on my way to your house right now. 
You better be prepared >:) 
No need coz I'm not him anyway.
Bye bye :D
Happy realization
A Few Minutes Later 
[Spongebob voice insert]
Yup lol, finally u realized
But technically I'm not a stranger since I'm your batchmate but still nevermind
Its fine lol no need for sorry we're classmates after all
No no Akaashi-san told me to apologize ;-;  and I feel guilty too 
Is that so? Btw I'm sorry too I was a bit rude
( ;∀;)
No I don't feel well. Allow me to make it up to you y/n-san. I'll treat you lunch 😤 tomorrow 
Shut up. Akaashi-san says I need to do it to have a clear conscience
Do you do everything Akaashi-san tells you to do?
Well yeah Akaashi-san is awesome 🤩🥰 my favorite junior and a talented setter. We're technically best friends. 
Yeah I can see that 😄 how you literally dropped at his home at 12 am ☠️💀 speaks volumes of your friendship. It's kinda sweet :) thou
YES 🤩🥰😄
Now tell me what do u want to eat tmrw :) what's your favorite food? Sweet or savory? I heard there's a famous bakery near school who sells delicious cream rolls and oh! I also heard a new ice cream shop, we can check it out. 
Bokuto-san seriously there's no need for this 😅 I'm totally fine with the cafeteria food please 🛐 don't waste your money for my sake
No y/n I'll take you tmrw,,,,,consider it as my treat for troubling you.If you don't accept, I'll be offended😤
I guess I don't have a choice, do I? 
No >;) 
Fine then but I won't accept something expensive 👀
Yay :D ill be waiting for u after class -,-
I hope your fangirls don't kill me for this >:)
Well 😀 what do u expect? You're an ace afterall.
Top five spikers in Japan so obviously u have fangirls
Let me just show this to Akaashi-san real quick 🏃💨
Well Igtg before my mom spots I'm still awake and stabs me with a knife so I can sleep 😀
Gud night
But we barely started talking 🥺and you're already leaving? 
It's past 12 am ☠️ what do you expect me to stay awake all night? Also we're going to meet tomorrow anyways so you better get some sleep too athletic guy >:)
Good night
 Ohk Finee!!!!
See you tomorrow <33333
good night 
Sweet dreams ;D
[Bokuto saved you as L/N Y/N] 
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Dude holy shit I just thought of something-
A purely random thought that might be genius. Ok so basically gremlin reader that can match Blue’s energy who is a big fan of him and wants to be trained under him. They go through daily training montages that includes running around, making tacos (usually explosive-), and battling each other until they just crash at home and munch on snacks and probably fall asleep in the living room.
Lol so basically a oneshot of their daily chaotic training. Can be platonic or romantic, your call.
BLUE X FERAL READER (gender neutral) (crackfic??) (Platonic)
Blue was asleep in his room when your dumbass self decided to crash through his door.
Blue woke up with an anxious start that day, and nearly skewered you with a bone too, if it wasn't for your quick reflexes.
You did a half squat, stared at him before raising your hand to point a finger at him.
"TRAIN ME" Your face bent in determination...oh wait... never mind you were just stepping on a Lego. Your face was bent in pain.
"TRRRRRAIN MEEEEEEEEE" You shouted, rolling the r in train.
Blue stared at you, he looked over at his clock, then back at you.
He went back to sleep.
"HEY!" You glared at his figure.
Stretch walked in, alarm written on his face at the sight of the demolished door.
"what the actual hell happened here-"
"BLUUUUUUEEEEEE!!! WAKE UP!!! TRAIIINNN MEE-" you screeched jumping on top of his bed, trying to pry the blankets off him.
"Fine but are you gonna train me tomorrow?"
Stretch looked between the two of you confusion etched on his pale face."What??"
It was 7 am, and blue was going to teach you how to make his famous breakfast tacos.
Stretch watched from the living room, fire extinguisher in hand, And his phone set to dial the firemen...just in case.
You walked in, with the ugliest apron on ever. Blue stared at you in dismay.
"IS THAT A JOKE." He said staring at your stain ridden apron.
"What are you talking about?"
He threw you a green bundle of fabric. Unfurling it revealed that it was in fact... a dinosaur apron. Your carnal desires have been satisfied.
+2 charisma
After a long morning of taco making, bomb diffusing, and getting good use of the 84 fire extinguishers stretch bought, the tacos were finally done.
They were the worst thing you could possibly conceive.
Next you two were going to go on a 12 kilometer run.
You put on your old tennis shoes and started stepping out the door. Blue had packed only the necessities, water. So mutch water. And he made you carry it. 10 GALLONS OF WATER.
Let's just say the run ended with him carrying the remaining water, and you sporting two very busted knees.
Don't worry, stretch brought sparkly bandaids. So many bandaids. Everywhere.
You were exhausted. Completely drained. You managed to convince blue to skip the 14 hour deep clean of the entire house, and instead watch movies and chill.
It was 8pm, you were tired, so very tired. And hungry. You collapsed near the couch, too lazy to actually collapse on the couch. Blue confidently walked through the door, the remaining water in hand, approximately 4 gallons.
Upon seeing your exhausted figure on the floor he sighed. He dropped the water, and walked over to you.
you groaned into the carpet.
Stretch peered through the doorway. "They said they can't move... or breathe. You should probably move them to the couch. Before they y'know...die." he translated from your indescribable groans.
He picked you up and moved you to the couch.
The rest of the day was spent watching transformers on the tv, with stretch brining in his stash of chips and various candy. And blue made lemonade.
Thank you for requesting!!!
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sebbianas · 9 months
Hey! I don’t mean this to be a rush or anything at all, but do you know around what time you’ll post? I just live in an opposite time zone, so it’s almost midnight where I am and I was trying to see if I should wait and stay awake for the update or if I should sleep. No pressure or rush at all!! Just wondering ❤️❤️
i usually try to post around 11am to 12 nn where i am so its better to check it when you wake up honestly its not gonna be gone if you go to sleep lol
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feuqueerfire · 1 month
April 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
A little monthly (spoilery!) wrap-up of all the shows, movies, and shorts I’ve watched or am watching in April 2024, general thoughts, and ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month(s): idk, had a bunch of shows that I rated pretty well but they each have big caveats lol.
The Good Bad Mother (2023) = Utsukushii Kare S2 (2023) = 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) = The Warp Effect (2023)
I Hear Your Voice (2013) = Rewatch: ? Utsukushii Kare S1 (2021) 
Jazz for Two (2024) =  Utsukushii Kare: Eternal (2023)
Some More (2018)
Watching: 23.5
I managed to watch some shows that I’d been really anticipating for quite a while and were released early last year: Utsukushii Kare S2 + movie and The Warp Effect
Average Rating: 6.5/10
MDL Updates - Added to Watchlist: 
A section because I’m curious about how many shows I decide to add to my Watch List a month and also the ratio of watching them:adding them.
Title MDL (year) - (date added to Considering or finalized to Watchlist): initial reaction
Jazz for Two - 240411: New kBL that seems fine
Love is Better the Second Time Around - 240417: i'm fond of the second chance/post-breakup romance trope, hopefully I’ll like this one
Blank - 240417: Only season 1 is out for now and apparently it ends on a cliffhanger, so idk if I should be adding it to the watchlist quite yet but I want age gap GL (w dubious morality? idk what the discourse is about tbh), so I’ll add it and hope S2 is released in May as expected and turns out well
My Beautiful Man: Eternal (2023)
Unknown: I’d been keeping an eye on it since it started releasing and it got pretty high praise all throughout. I think I can get into the we’re-not-biological-brothers-but-we-grew-up-together-as-brothers dynamic 
Deep Night: I’ve enjoyed First Piyangkul in shows before and am curious about the host club setting in this. This show is such an interesting case because on reddit and on Tumblr, everybody seems to love it and MDL has some mixed comments but mostly positive there too and yet the MDL rating is 7.5, I wonder why the discrepancy.
I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama - 240417: The Conversation podcast mentioned in their 2024 Winter Lagniappe and seems like it's a celeb-related show? they’re actors?
To Watch List At Start Of Month: 64
To Watch List At End Of Month: 64
Removed from To Watch List:
Title (Year) - (date removed): reason
Nothing this month
Completely Watched
The Good Bad Mother (2023)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Apr 26, 2023 - Jun 8, 2023
Watch Via: iQiyi (so, ;>) 
Watch Dates: Apr 1 - 3, 2024
Rating: 7/10
Overall Impression: Lee Dohyun <3 My reason for watching but the show is bigger than just him. It was so addictive and entertaining, watched the whole show in like 2 days and 2 hours. Impressed by the acting of Lee Dohyun and the mother and Mijoo's actors. The show was mostly about the mother and son relationship, with the revenge plot + the Mijoo/Kangho romance arcs in the background. I deeply wish that Kangho hadn't apparently forever loved and understood his mother and did everything for her and sang her favourite song while studying for the Bar or whatever. He went low-contact with her in Seoul even before he discovered the stuff that made him break up with Mijoo, so I think the reasons behind that and the hurt and betrayal that caused him to take such an action should have been focused on more. We got fleeting moments of him being angry or her saying she's bad but it was all explained away or he understood or whatever. Anyway, idk, I think if that relationship was more clear + the ending of the revenge arc was more solid, I would've rated it higher because I did enjoy this but some things bothered me significantly.
Also Appears In: The Good Bad Mother Live Blogging
I Hear Your Voice (2013)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Jun 5, 2013 - Aug 1, 2013
Watch Via: Viki (paid, so ;>)
Watch Dates: Apr 3 - 11, 2024
Rating: 6.5/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I've watched in 2024: 7 -> 6.5]
Overall: Noona romance + mystery + courtroom + sliiight supernatural with mind-reading, it has a bunch of things I liked. It's from over a decade ago but enjoyable nonetheless. I liked it, though Hyeseong and Sooha were quite cute but I wish 1) the episodes were a bit more condensed to be 14-16 episodes and 2) the fucking love triangle wasn't so prominent (though I get that they probably did it because Sooha was underage at first). Not life-changing and kind of overstayed its welcome for me, esp because I was barely watching 1 ep a day in the middle there.
Also Appears In: I Hear Your Voice Live Blogging
Jazz for Two (2024)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Mar 26, 2024 - Mar 29, 2024
Watch Via: iQiyi (paid, so ;>)
Watch Dates: Apr 11 - 12, 2024
Rating: 6/10
Overall: Nobody in this drama asks before kissing lol not Doyoon, not Seheon, not the little kiss that Seheon's brother gave to sleeping Taejoon, and the other two, Juha and Taeyi, are experts in being creeps and having internalized homophobia that they direct outwardly to the guys they like as well (Seheon's brother fits here too lol). Yet, I enjoyed it a fair amount, the story was coherent, the acting was fine, I was endeared by Doyoon (is he the Omega X kid?), and the dynamics were enjoyable, if iffy on certain counts. Not super attached though.
tags: jazz for two
Also Appears In: Jazz For Two Live Blogging
Some More (2018)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Nov 7, 2018
Watch Via: Gagaoolala (paid, so ;>)
Watch Dates: Apr 13, 2024
Rating: 5/10
Overall: It was fine ig but I did skim through the latter half. 
Ah, my exams are done (for this semester or forever? who knows), so I can finally start some new shows. Dunno whether I want yaoi with Utsukishii Kare rewatch + S2 and movie or to watch The Warp Effect. They’re both early 2023 shows that I’ve been meaning to watch but it’s been so long of me anticipating them before their release + wanting to watch while releasing + meaning to binge them after release that the expectations are a little high and I keep putting off watching them oof.
And then I got a bunch of Love for Love’s Sake tiktoks on my FYP and the edits for that show are really good, so I’m tempted a bit to rewatch that because it’s on my To Rewatch list anyway but I’ve decided no.
Rewatch: Utsukushii Kare (2021)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Nov 18, 2021 - Dec 23, 2021
Watch Via: Viki
Watch Dates: Mar 23, Apr 17 - 18, 2024
Rating: 7?/10
Overall: Ahh, idek why I wasn't Gripped by this rewatch, like I like the characters and dynamics but it wasn't keeping my attention as much, maybe because it's a rewatch? Maybe my original rating of 6.5 was correct and I shouldn't have bumped it up to 7 but who knows, maybe I'll be reintroduced to the brainworms after watching Season 2 because I found ep 6 really engaging and was into it and S2 + movie will have new, unfamiliar stories for me.
tags: utsukushii kare
Also Appears In: Utsukushii Kare, Utsukushii Kare (S1, S2, Movie) Live Blogging
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (2023)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Feb 8, 2023 - Mar 1, 2023
Watch Via: Viki
Watch Dates: Apr 18 - 19, 2024
Rating: 7/10
Overall: This season is about Hira and Kiyoi's relationship. They didn't become boring after getting together, they didn't magically end up being a perfect happy well-adjusted couple after getting together, nor were there random issues thrown just because; the struggles and hurdles are true to their characters and dynamics. I liked the themes and dynamics it explored and their character + relationship development and progression. I also smiled a lot and lost my mind a little at certain moments. Strong writing, strong characters, strong acting, what a relief.
tags: utsukushii kare
Also Appears In: Utsukushii Kare (S1, S2, Movie) Live Blogging
My Beautiful Man: Eternal (2023)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Apr 7, 2023
Watch Via: Viki
Watch Dates: Apr 19, 2024
Rating: 6/10
Overall: Great, fun, though not as emotionally invested as Season 2 because they're in a better place in their relationship in this movie (even if it's not necessarily Perfect). It was interesting to have new people in their lives like Anna and Noguchi and how their stories influenced them. I'm happy with where we're leaving off the characters after ~6h of show/movie but lowest rating so far because it felt like we spent too much time on stuff like Anna’s story or the random kidnapping.
tags: utsukushii kare
Also Appears In: Utsukushii Kare (S1, S2, Movie) Live Blogging
The Warp Effect (2023)
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Dec 12, 2022 - Feb 27, 2023
Watch Via: Youtube
Watch Dates: Apr 20 - 26, 2024
Rating: 7/10
Overall: A unique and enjoyable show, it was so fun to see all these characters in their specific situations and how they deal with them. The characters were all compelling, it's wild how I was into all their storylines. how charming each character/their story was, and how the story juggled them. It also made me see a bunch of actors in new lights, New most of all, as they acted in a role outside of their usual wheelhouse. I think the most frustrating part for me was how it seemed like although they were getting at it, they never quite acknowledged that what Alex did to Jean that night was rape. It made me quite angry actually, especially how Alex's actions didn't feel like it actually took Jean's feelings and trauma and requests into account. I was at least glad that in that timeline, Jean doesn't get back with Alex. 
tags: the warp effect
Also Appears In: The Warp Effect Live Blogging
GMMTV 2024 Part 2 Showcase happened and it was very intriguing, I’m excited! 
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
Country: USA
Release Dates: March 31, 1999
Watch Via: TV
Watch Dates: Apr 23 , 2024
Rating: 7/10
Overall: Watched it with my sister impulsively because apparently Heart Breakers is loosely inspired by Taming of the Shrew/10 Things I Hate About You and I wanted to understand all the stuff that referenced that movie. It’s a fun one, I thought Kat and whatever the guy’s name is were cute, even though I thought the resolution was much too easy. 
Change2561 Changing Project Lineup 2024 happened and oooh, it had some gems, I’m sooo excited for Goddess Bless You From Death now! 
Also last night I created a list on MDL for Upcoming shows without release dates (mostly BLs, some GLs, a non-QL here and there) and it now has 33 shows. I hope most of them are released by this year please
Currently Watching
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Mar 8, 2024 - May 24, 2024
Watch Via: Youtube
Watch Dates: Apr 27 - ONGOING, 2024
Rating: -/10
Overall: Started it when 8 episodes were released.
tags: 23.5 degrees
Also Appears In: 23.5 Degrees Live Blogging 
I think I'm just in more of a mood to watch intense/thriller stuff and would binge if I was watching that was more that route because I've been watching one ep of 23.5 a day and while it's fun, I'm not dying to watch the next part or next ep. The Warp Effect was kinda like that too, I was watching 1-2 eps a day for a while. Been a while since I binged stuff quickly (The Good Bad Mother in 3 days at the start of the month). Hopefully I can make sure I keep up with the rest of the episodes as they release and don’t get distracted with other shows.
Posts Created This Month:
GMMTV 2024 Part 2 Showcase
Change2561 Changing Project Lineup 2024
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orionc0re · 2 years
some things i made recently:
number one -------------—
i don't have a before photo of this skirt (because i get too immersed in the making process that i just forget to take progress photos most if not all of the time)
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buuut it was a pencil skirt before (very unflattering on me), and what i did was:
- cut skirt in half
- cut a bunch of triangles out of the bottom half of the skirt (the half that didn't have the waistband (important)
- cut slits in the top half of the skirt equal to the amount of triangles (that part was eyeballed lol im not even gonna pretend i measured anything)
- attach one edge of the triangles to one side of the slit (very shit diagram below)
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- repeat that step until all triangles are attached and the skirt should start to flare out (yes this is to mimic a circle skirt
- then attach lace trim (i don't remember where i got mine, pretty sure it's just craft store stuff, nothing special)
honestly this process is pretty easy if you know how to cut triangles and operate a sewing machine
number two --------------—
this one i actually had a few pictures for:
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this is a thrifted ragged priest sweater, obviously i rarely dress in brighter colours so i had an idea to replace the patches of fabric with scraps i had to fit more with my aesthetic
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okay maybe i didn't have as many photos as i thought-
and in hindsight this idea just gave me more fabric scraps that i don't have anything to do with
anyways what i did was:
- cut out a panel that wasn't black from the sweater
- pick out some scraps from my fabric bin
- cut scrap according to shape of the original patch
- sew back onto the skeleton of what the sweater once was
- repeat until the sweater is done
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like that
a couple more detail photos (i had to zoom in as my ceiling light doesn't look great, so it'll be a bit blurry)
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number three ---------------—
i nearly forgot i even made this, but i did! i made this for a festival i was going to
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and yeah i didnt get any progress photos as i was in the timest of crunches (yay procrastination)
yes this was also made of two thrifted items of clothing!!
1 was this faux leather tunic t shirt dress thing (i got it with the intention of using it as spare fabric bc the price was cheaper than just getting it by the meter), i cut about 2/3 of it for this skirt, admittedly it was more than i would've liked to use
2 was this pair of faux leather shorts which i wanted to use for the waistband and to make the fake d-ring garter belt thingys layered over the skirt itself
i did just use the process i used for number one so go and read the process for that
and then i just punched a few holes in the outer layer for the chain detail (its my favourite part of this skirt), and added studs!
i am pretty sure these three were all done within the last month of november, i do take very long hiatuses between projects bc my creative energy works in bursts unfortunately
future projects ----------------—
i have one distinct idea in mind:
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i have this very tattered "fabric" i got from the halloween section, and i think im gonna make a top with an open back, fitted look, and flared sleeves (if i have the materials for it)
i am very inconsistent on both what i am creating and when i will be creating them so as much as deadlines are very helpful i wish i had the drive to just make
it's one am i am sleep
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