#its not that important to me i just happen to think its plausible
mothocean · 2 months
Fuck i think i forgot something at school yesterday but what was it
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beebopboom · 6 months
Greasy Johnson: a Red Herring?
This is a season 3 speculation post - you know not what to do with them
ok so i’ve fallen down a Greasy Johnson is Jesus rabbit hole and I love it - seems pretty plausible (here are some of of the pieces that sent me down here - Jesus 2.0 rides a Motorcycle Scooter , Greasy Johnson is Jesus, and Greasy Johnson in the book)
To summarize Greasy Johnson is the third baby in the swap who grows up near Adam and has kind of a “rival gang” who in the book is used as the reason why Adam finds a fight between two rivals ridiculous
plus you have the working title for the talked about sequel 668: The Neighbor of the Beast which more than likely is Greasy Johnson house and his thing with tropical fish - just a lot of things pointing to him being Jesus
But!! I want to talk about something a little different (and I can recognize this is probably just my want for Warlock to come back as someone important) because it was a choice not have him mentioned after the swap in the show.
What if Warlock is Jesus? Now just hear me out
If i’m following the swap right Warlock is our baby draped in blue and is the Young’s actual son
Now going back a bit I believe Heaven has been testing out aspects of what is said to happen in the Second Coming for a while now maybe as far back as 1827 but probably got close to right around 1941 and was just waiting for Hell to have the Antichrist and trigger Armageddon
and yknow for being an order of satanic nuns they sure do have a lot of Jesus on the Cross hanging around. why? - it’s almost like the were also meant to deliver him as well
So when Hell pulled their final card - so did Heaven
Now who was not meant to be there that night and messed everything up - the Young’s and their baby, Warlock - it’s almost like it was a divine intervention. And like I said earlier Warlock is our baby draped in blue (like Jesus) and our Ace card (ace up their sleeve anyone?)
Greasy Johnson was apart of Hells plan and set up - Warlock was not
also he has traveled the world because of the Dowling’s work before being tempted by Hastur which he denies
and the whales and dinosaurs we see in his room - you got your mothers humor don’t you?
and he is the only one who has to make a return to the UK - the plane in the opening sequence
what about Greasy Johnson and the neighbor of the beast though? that seems to be a pretty great fit and I agree - he is going to be the reason the swap is discovered and they all get together again - whatever that reason may be (*cough*dying*cough*)
and not mentioning him further in season one allows for him to come in as a completely new character and story that we get to follow around with points in his life pointing towards him being Jesus - as a distraction for the characters and for us
but where does Aziraphale come into this and why does the Metatron need an angel of his talents? - Heaven has also lost its card(baby), the trick worked a little too well and there are still two children to choose between, if they could find them - and Aziraphale, who has shown is apt at finding and identifying the Antichrist and knows Earth better than any angel, is just the being for the job
I recognize this is a lot of speculation and this is just kinda just a crack theory but it wouldn’t leave me alone so I’d thought I’d share
and mostly I think it’d be funny that in thinking they were raising the Antichrist they were actually raising Jesus Christ
(but also it would fit a lot of the headcannons floating around. Jesus being a right terror? check. Them raising Jesus? already did that. Trans!Jesus? remember all those trans!warlock headcannons. Jesus having a mentor relationship with Crowley? the demon raised Warlock. Going out for a drink? Warlock would an adult now by the time season 3 comes out and they keep following that the events in the show are happening at the present time it comes out trend - just on and on)
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umbrellacam · 29 days
*steeples fingers and stares at my tablet with gimlet eyes*
so. Road to NML. You mean to tell me that the reason the rest of the country, Congress, and the President himself decided to write Gotham off, blow the bridges, and isolate everyone left - all criminals and asylum lunatics and 'undesirables', of course - was in large part due to *checks notes* a satanic rock star's unnatural, irresistible charisma and cult-like media manipulations aimed at dooming the city for his own benefit?
and that in order to find out what actually happens to this villain, who disappears from the Batman and 'Tec storylines...I'd have to *checks notes* read Azrael's event issues?
....yeah, PASS. I only included JPV's book on my reading list when I absolutely had to (*cough* whenever Cass pops up *cough*), so it's off to the wiki summaries for me!
...but okay, on the one hand I find it very funny how thoroughly fandom has excised this demonic media influencer aspect from the collective consciousness of NML - or at least it had never made its way to me via either fic or fandom posts. I know how few people read comics in general in this fandom, and even for those who do, NML is a Beast that only a percentage have tackled (see: me just starting to pick away at it!), so honestly it's not that surprising.
and like it can easily be left out of the story and still leave it coherent lmao!! One can certainly argue things are in fact neater that way; certainly it's not something that would ever be kept (or at least not in the same form) if NML were adapted to another medium, except as perhaps a normal media demagogue (or a montage of them).
but on the other hand...hmm. Thinking about Hurricane Katrina hitting all of six years after the NML storyline played out. And the debate over whether funds should be used for reconstructing New Orleans and other massively damaged areas. And people around the country wondering if New Orleans would or should be rebuilt at all. Or if a vibrant, historic city would just be basically wiped off the map.
I know this is a conversation that happens everywhere and every time a major disaster wrecks a city. There are always huge fights over disaster aid and funding allocations of any kind.
but man. It's something to see this fictionalized depiction in such close proximity to a real life disaster that paralleled it so strongly, and to know that - yes, there are always people who Do Not Abandon Their Homes and work to reclaim them. Yes, massive amounts of aid (federal and otherwise) and federal reconstruction funding did get dispensed. Yes, people cared, and yes, we rebuilt.
so...maybe we do actually need the demonic social media influencer's evil powers in order to comic book logic explain how everyone in the country turned their backs on Gotham and created No Man's Land.
like - no, it's not necessary. the narrative would work without it. and yet...
the premise imagines - requires? - a significantly more callous, selfish populace. Still plausible and compelling! Possibly even stronger as a story since the turnaround for No Man's Land still hinges on winning the country over to open Gotham back up, let aid in, and rebuild. But. You do have to start from - kind of a bleaker take on humanity?
it also kind of reminds me of what scintillyyy pointed out a few weeks ago about Dick killing the Joker, and how actually there's an important comic book superpower interaction going on there, too, with Rancor present massively amplifying Dick's hate and anger to push him over the edge.
but so few people ever notice or remember that and it certainly isn't one of those things that gets transmitted via fandom osmosis. (It was news to me!!) People focus on Dick breaking down and letting loose solely due to being pushed too far.
and that's extremely compelling on its own! It is! Just like the no-satanic-Nick-Scratch NML.
just thinking about fandom's tendency to ellide the supernatural or powered influences that are canonically affecting a situation, in order to explore/focus on more purely humanistic explanations or motivations...that actually end up being darker than what we might reasonably expect from real life, or from a character's typical values.
like it's part wanting to brush off comic book nonsense, part wanting to dive into gritty realism (that's not always realistic), part not having all the information because of learning things secondhand so you construct the most reasonable explanation...idk it's just interesting.
more importantly: Dick and Tim are adorable in 'Tec 727-729!! Especially love them trading off yelling each other's names in fear/alarm, and also trading off protecting each other - Dick's "You hurt that kid and you're gonna be eating through a tube!" and Tim's clever solo rescue of a thoroughly captive Dick via clever use of a voice modulator and a two-way radio. The Boys 😊
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kookidough · 1 month
analysing vance hopper because he lives in my head 24/7 !
tw for like. literally everything the black phone covers!!!!!!
also there's some special effects gore rather far down in the post idk just i feel like i should warn you just in case
okay so before anyones like "but bee!!!! he only had 6 minutes of screen time in a 102 minute long movie!!!!! he was only on screen for 5.8% of the movie!!!!!" and to that i say i Know it was a real tragedy so a lot of this will be built on personal interpretation and subtext and stuff said behind the scenes and whatnot
so firstly i wanna rot about what his childhood/upbringing might've been like..... i havent quite decided on something definitive but i think we can take one look at his character and realise that is glaringly obvious he had a bad childhood, in one interview the actor that plays him (brady hepner) says "the background i had set up for vance is that the reason he was the way he was is his home life was fairly difficult, you know maybe his dad was either not there for him or he wasn't supportive, maybe he was fairly abusive, and so that creates a hair trigger sense of rage in vance" hair trigger meaning his patience is literally as thin as a strand of hair it does Not take a lot for him to snap
there more to it after that which i'll get into soon but yea thats the gist of it it's clear he had absent/neglectful/abusive parents and that would certainly contribute to why he's so angry all the time, maybe acting so explosive was the only way to get his parents' attention, either good or bad, so he just internalised that. obviously rage and anger issues like vance's lead to violence (not in all cases but in his case it does) and i think a neglectful and abusive upbringing would obviously expose him to more violence than a normal childhood would, therefore normalising it and desensitising him to it, whether he's seeing it play out in his own home and/or on television or something like that (because i doubt his parents would be the kind to monitor what content he's viewing)
i feel like he has little control over his life and that only adds to his anger, which in his case leads to a fight when his buttons are pushed too many times. i think he probably takes great pride in being the toughest in town and whatnot and winning fights and being perceived as strong and scary is good to him and helps him regain control/power, something he doesnt have at home. the rest of the quote from the interview i mentioned earlier states "this pinball machine could have been the only thing that he has in his heart that's like, good, like 'holy cow i did this, i set the score,' so when someone comes along and messes it up for him, it takes away the only thing that he has. i think that that's when he switches to a 'now you're gonna pay for that'"
similar to what i said about fighting, the pinball machine and his high score is something he has control over and its an important part of his reputation/image like. hes literally pinball vance ! and the whole thing about that high score being the "only thing he has in his heart that's good" implies that hes. well. pretty shit at everything else, which is pretty much canon if you remember that gwen said vance was held back twice in school. makes me think that while he's not the brightest in school he's certainly street smart
moving onto ermmmmm him getting kidnapped era because im sure youre wondering "well bee if he's so street smart then why did he get kidnapped" so may i raise two theories (this is. literally all i got and its not even concrete, me and my friend gray (@staggersz) tried to figure out how this could even happen and this is the most plausible thing we've got. so shoutout to him real quick he has had to deal with me being unnormal about vance for like a year and a half thanks king couldnt have done all this without my rotting buddy)
so either he got taken by surprise (most likely option) or vance's trust was gained first via getting given quarters at the pinball machine and small talk and shit like that but this is unlikely because i feel like it'd take a loooooong time for someone like vance to trust a some random stranger adult man when he clearly has issues with trusting and respecting people older than him and people with authority (e.g. cops, his parents, or school officials) so yea being taken by surprise would probably be the most realistic option, i always see people on tiktok being like "how did the grabber kidnap vance hes so strong!!!!" dude its a 15 year old boy against like. a 45 year old man who's already claimed two lives its really not gonna be a fair fight here
before i get into the next part i wanna quickly address a theory i absolutely Hate and it is so easily disproven and that is the theory that vance is the grabber's son or is related to him in some other way and i see it Far too often on tiktok and i HATE it. from what ive seen this all stems from his dream sequence where he kicks open the fence to albert's house and, presumably, goes inside after being dropped off by the police after the grab n go fight. idk if some people just straight up didnt realise this but clearly in real life he is going to his Own House??? in the dream it's only albert's house because this is how he chooses to show gwen the house she's trying to find her brother in, the house that he himself was killed in??? i hate the theory i hate it sm
the dream sequence itself is interesting though as the ghosts seem to only be able to conjure up what theyve seen in real life (like how bruce can picture the outside of the house and show that to gwen but the house number is all flipped and not right beause he doesnt know it) so vance being able to picture the house and the number and the gate and every detail would imply that hes seen it before, but im going to explain that away as either he got out once before like with finney's failed escape attempt, or the house is most likely on the route he walks to school or the grab n go or something and he hasnt actually been there prior to being kidnapped
mini rant over now onto being kidnapped i guess, so i used the missing posters to try and estimate a timeline of how long each ghost boy would've been in the basement for (although the missing posters are notoriously unreliable for details such as looks/height/age/etc, the dates seem to all line up). so we know the order is griffin, billy, vance, bruce, robin, finney, right?? if we use the poster date then billy was taken on may 4th, 1976, a month and two days after griffin was taken (april 2nd 1976). vance was taken on september 23rd 1977, almost a full year later (stay with me im going somewhere with this), and after that bruce was taken on july 18th 1978, again almost a full year later
its established in the movie that the grabber stalks his victims before he takes them (canon because we literally see the van watching finney and gwen as they walk home from school early on in the movie) but we dont know how long he does this for since griffin/billy and robin/finney were taken such short distances apart and then the others were taken such long distances apart, also it's possible he could stalk his next victim while the previous one is still alive, etc etc lots of confusing factors, but if i've done the maths right then the absolute maximum time vance could've spent down there is 9 months and 25 days, or 298 days, so erm . let that sink in !
howeverrrr in the movie gwen states that vance went missing "last spring" and september is definitely not in spring, meaning he could've been down there for a year or even longer. an explanation or excuse i could think of for the movie and the missing poster saying different things (other than the missing posters being known for some areas being wildly inaccurate) is that maybe he was taken in spring but wasnt labelled as officially missing until september, when he was properly linked to griffin and billy's similar disappearances and the mysterious grabber? i can imagine it'd be very easy for law enforcement, especially in the 70s, to dismiss someone like vance as a runaway until they get solid evidence that he was taken. idk though thats just my personal excuse / angsty headcanon for the difference in information
not sure what exactly killed him but we do hear from vance himself that "he took his time with me" so it was probably blood loss from a variety of injuries, if we look at him in his ghost scenes we can see his hair is absolutely covered in blood which indicates head injury, he clearly has a broken nose and bruising around his eyes as a result of it, he has these deep cuts on his abdomen area (apologies for the image quality but i believe they're like. sfx pieces you would wear under clothing)
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and he also has just like. minor bruising (like the fingerprints on his arm) and other random blood splatters on his face and neck (assuming the blood down his neck comes from wherever he was bleeding on his head) so Yeah overall very unpleasant way to die obviously
okay now the part thats actually in the movie and it only took me 13 paragraphs to get here: vance as a ghost!! first thing i wanna point out is appearance wise i just want to say that when he's a ghost he's missing his choker and that fact Pains me. anyway personality-wise i feel like being violently murdered has, understandably, kicked his rage up to like. the highest level it could possibly go. he's insanely snarky and downright rude to finney on the phone, showing no empathy to the fact that finney is literally in the exact situation he was in
i feel like the whole "this is the nightmare end of your pathetic little life" and "if you knew what you had coming, you'd be fucking terrified" thing is definitely to scare finney on purpose and to get him to do something, vance might as well have just told him he's never going home cuz thats how it came across LMAOO, it is startling though because vance is clearly speaking from experience, that he was literally fucking terrified, and he is warning finney in his own weird way
the thing i think sets vance apart from the other ghosts is that while he does help finney, he does it for a different reason than they do. the other ghosts want finney to escape, to get out, to be free, to live, but personally i dont think vance cares about that. the only thing he wants is for albert shaw to be dead, for someone to seek vengeance, to do what vance couldn't. vance doesn't care if it's bruce or robin or finney or whatever boy could've come after that, he doesnt care as long as that man gets what he deserves after what he put vance through, and i see this through the scene at the end of vance's call where finney thanks him for his help and vance says, and i quote, "helping you? this isn't about you, fuck him! and apologies for being repetitive but to me it just literally proves that to vance, this isnt about finney or his escape, its just about revenge
we dont get to find out what happens to the ghosts once the credits have rolled, and i dont think we quite know enough about tbp's version of ghosts to guess what theyre up to, but i have a few theories :3 maybe theyre no longer bound to those two houses and they can now go anywhere they want in town? or maybe since their shared goal of stopping albert has been achieved, the ghosts can finally pass on to whatever is waiting for them next. i dont think vance would be content to pass on that quickly or easily as anger lingers, but i hope he'd be able to let go of it eventually, and hey we might find out in the sequel. i pray it mentions him cuz i will just die if it doesnt
sometimes, ok thats a lie, frequently i think about an au where he survived or escaped or whatever but ohhhh boy this post is already a train wreck so that au would deserve its own essay of a post :3 if u actually genuinely read this far then Wtf thanks for reading the ramblings of an absolute madman, only pure delusion could get like 20 paragraphs about a guy with 6 minutes screentime but hey thats how i roll, thanks again to my pal gray for letting me rot and thank u to my other pal ana for also enduring all this rot
hope u enjoyed my interpretation of vance hopper im going to crawl in a hole now and probably brainrot some more, thanks again for ur time :3
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ladyluscinia · 7 months
Ugh I'm still thinking about that damn tweet so...
2x08 Reaction #6
Ok, so this is not a screed against people posting about or hoping for Izzy's return - whether in joking denial or genuine belief. Like if that's what makes you feel better after the finale, you are entitled to all the posts, fix-it fics, etc.
I really want to push back on this idea that it's this obvious thing canon is supporting.
This is not another Lucius situation. Like. It's just not.
Look, when Lucius was "killed" at the end of S1, it was a joke everyone was in on. He got tossed over the side of the ship with a little "fwoop" and a literal shoe spinning in the air. His "offscreen death" was confirmed by a guy who could not have known what happened after he fell. Of course he was alive.
Lucius's fake-out was so successful because it engaged with the genre of the show in a way that rewarded the audience for buying into the suspension of disbelief.
Izzy's death... doesn't.
Izzy dies from a stray bullet in a shot that you might miss on first watch. He's not doing anything important, or protecting anyone. It's random. They reveal he's injured and then make it back to the ship, only for him to give a dramatic deathbed speech. He dies on screen, and they immediately cut to his funeral.
This isn't the kind of death that fits with OFMD's universe. They tried to borrow a scene from Black Sails or something and just sanded down its edges. Killing a character in the main cast just because "it's a pirate show"? Really? The daring escape plan is real and dangerous and life-threatening in the same episode where Auntie survives an explosion, and we watched Zheng and Edward casually massacre their way through a dozen soldiers each?
I'm buying into the suspension of disbelief that our ragtag crew can escape scott-free because it's a silly romcom about a muppet guy where "things always have a way of working out in the end", and then the show looks me dead in the eye and says "Actually, no, this time the consequences are real. Sorry."
A bird landing on a grave doesn't change that?
Like... in Pirates of the Caribbean they can resurrect Barbossa from the dead like it's nothing because some of the first worldbuilding elements they introduce are a compass that points at what you most desire and gold that curses you into an undead existence. Of course necromancy exists.
OFMD had a guy turn into a seagull behind a tree for plausible deniability, a cursed coat rationalized as a peanut allergy, and the gravy basket which took place wholly in Edward's head. Resurrection would be a hell of a reach. Even if they did open S3 with it, it would be a retcon of Izzy's death, not a reveal that we all could have predicted.
Which does mean that pointing to vague tweets from the crew or likes of Witch!Buttons posts and pushing the idea "Look - they're telling us he'll be back!" leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Like... it's not set up as an inside joke this time. And especially if they don't get renewed - and they certainly seem worried - they should not get credited for leaving this particular beat "open" and just being thwarted by MAX or whatever.
Izzy dying right then, as shown on screen, was unambiguously their final beat.
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therantingsage · 1 month
Misc additional observations/notes relating to the implication analysis post that I either forgot to add or omitted for pacing reasons.
This one's embarrassing to admit, but I literally did not remember this until the post was done and posted:
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N being bad at keeping things to himself is literally the first thing we learn about him when he starts talking. "Inclusive reflexes" isn't what teaches Uzi this, it's literally the first thing she finds out about his character, so she has no excuse. There is no plausible deniability she knows her boyfriend can't keep secrets.
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((Unrelated to anything but since I'm talking about the pilot like. Why does he fan himself here. Dude you don't even have feelings for her yet bro what's this about. Guy who really likes strong personalities I guess))
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N's tiny little smile in Promening when Uzi admits to wanting his help. He's like, critically underappreciated by the people around him before this so Uzi reaching out to him here must be so meaningful to him. He wants to be helpful and she's letting him be.
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And Uzi, too, despite being stubborn about it. N being so eager to offer help in the first place isn't something she's used to, either. I'm pretty sure the (correct) general consensus is that this is the episode she falls for him, and honestly all the blushing has very little to do with why I think that's the case.
Because, like...no one really bothered even pretending to get along with her. Like, aside from Thad, but that's for like one scene total before N enters the picture, and Uzi's "how do you know my name, people willingly talk to you" implies to me that they didn't have a lot of, if any, meaningful interactions before that point anyway. And then here comes N, who despite how they'd parted, doesn't even seem upset with her. They both spent their time apart terrified of things being bad between them....but it all just melts away when they reunite and the mutual genuine concern shines through. It's great.
N maybe has fragments of memories of life at the manor, not a lot, but he probably has the vague sense that people used to be nicer to him in general. So it's not as foreign to him. Uzi does not have that luxury so having N be so enthusiastically in her corner definitely touches her heart. And it shows through in how she interacts with him in this episode.
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There's lots and lots of little moments in Cabin Fever that I like but this tiny sheepish blush is a funny one. Like he just. Alluded to talking about her. And that flusters her for some reason. We have no idea how much time has actually passed since the last episode but its clear from how little it takes for this reaction to happen that her feelings have grown stronger. She likes him and its cute.
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This scene is one I want to talk about in more detail, though. Home establishes that V still has faint lingering feelings for N, so it's not that hard to assume that her behavior here is at least partially motivated by jealousy. She's petty and vindictive and jealous...but most importantly she's perceptive.
Uzi has abandonment issues, which I think is easy enough to understand so I'm not going to elaborate on it. But V figured that out, and makes this threat with the knowledge that Uzi is worried about being abandoned. Uzi fears the idea that she wouldn't be missed if she disappeared, and here comes V, claiming that the one person she cares most about wouldn't care either. Hitting her where it hurts, trying to convince her that her fears are justified and inevitable.
It's likely that this moment contributes to her eventually going feral. That the stress overheats her faster.
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She's incredibly vulnerable, when she snaps out of it. Shares that specific fear with N, who reassures her. Because this whole scene is him telling her that no, he wouldn't be able to just get over it if she was gone, because their brief time apart in this single episode was already something that scared him. That she's already become important enough to him that her absence was keenly felt.
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It's probably around here, or a bit after this point in the nebulous timeskip between this episode and the next, that N falls for her. Scratch that, his whole speech, as I said in the prior post, just...really feels like some kind of romantic-adjacent confession. But I don't think it WAS explicitly them confessing feelings for each other. N figures out he likes her in this episode I'd like to think, but that speech was the closest he could come to admitting that. Cuz. Y'know. Uzi needs reassurance in other ways right now, no point in muddying the issue.
((and also not news to anybody I'm sure but the song that plays during that scene is LITERALLY called 'Falling...for you??' so. y'know. hindsight is 20/20 this is genuinely the moment he realizes his feelings for her are romantic))
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And additional thing I like that I think about a lot, but the way he deliberately choses to switch his hands to claws when he pries her wings open. "I'm a monster, leave me be" she says, to which he replies "Hey, look, I am too, see? It's ok". It's great, he's mirroring, trying to make her feel seen. And by the vulnerability of her next line, it works. They really just, understand each other so damn well.
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Home stuff. The fact that the first word that comes to mind to describe him is 'cute' is funny enough, but the fact that she even goes so far as to SAY it out loud before hastily correcting herself. Looking at her bf's baby pictures-coded. Has to keep her image up tho, this version doesn't know her so she can't be too weird or open about it.
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But she still wants this version to think she's cool cuz she's a dork who likes him. It's unclear how much of this episode is diegetic when you subtract Uzi, but since these are memories and not proper time travel, we don't know to what extent Uzi's trying to avoid affecting the events. She might not care at all. Did the real N even go down to that basement willingly at any point? I doubt it. But we don't know! And also that's not what I'm making this post to talk about.
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Funny Solvercam-Uzi body language on display. Delighted he recognizes her finally, spits out something edgy to play it cool (genuinely my favorite Uzi line of all time), sheepishly looks back at him, and shyly averts her gaze when he thanks her before looking back. Had she her regular face I'm sure she'd be smiling and blushing about it. It's cute as hell. It's very open delight, when you think about it. But still awkwardly teenage. It's easy to see this and have it make a whole lotta sense if they were already dating at this point. Got that meaningful eye contact going on. She likes making him happy so she's proud she succeeded.
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Him trying to help steady her when they land. She blushes and slaps his hand away like 'dude I'm fine people are LOOKING at us stoooooop >:('
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Her tail chewing on him is fine tho because we don't know if she controls it fully or if it does things subconsciously. And also the others aren't actually looking at them in this shot. Neither of them make the tail stop chewing so at the very least N doesn't mind.
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Still flustered easily when he shows her he cares tho. Early-relationship 'hehehe he likes meeee' moment, adorable. Still clearly giddy that someone cares about her.
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He's so conflicted after 'Tessa' tells him Uzi needs to die. He loves her, he loves her so so much, but Tessa is his oldest friend. All the memories he has of her paint a picture of someone he's supposed to listen to. Someone he can trust. Someone who wouldn't lie to him. He spends the rest of this episode bracing himself for a goodbye he doesn't want to give and its heartbreaking.
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And despite his fear...Uzi still manages to comfort him the best way she knows how. And it gets him to smile! Because that's what the two of them are to each other. He's scared...but she's with him, so its less scary.
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They've both caught up to the moment. 'Oh. We're still holding hands while the other two can see oh god'. They're both tight-lipped. She bumps him and they let go, maybe N thinks 'oh, right, yeah, not in public' but then they hold hands again but with intent this time.
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And once again, it gets N to smile! And a second later Uzi does too! Awkward little moment of intimacy that must be so refreshing for them because there's so much heavy stuff happening but now they get to be distracted thinking about something lower-stakes.
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To me, this bit is an interesting parallel to the Cabin Fever falling scene. He tends to be pretty perceptive about Uzi's worries. He's a good listener. Uzi fears abandonment, he fires back with a promise to stay with her.
But here, the thing Uzi fears is that things are being kept from her. That these two are keeping secrets from her. But instead of assuring her that they'll talk later, like they said they would, he instead chooses to use this moment to put his foot down with 'Tessa'. He just lost V maybe, and he's not willing to lose Uzi too, so he's decided she must be wrong about this being the only solution to the problem.
Up until that very moment, she didn't realize hurting her was on the table. It comes out of nowhere, freaks her out, and confirms her fear that she's not being told something. So she runs.
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And the guilt he feels for scaring her off is heartbreaking. Half this episode is limb-chopping, genuinely, so the fact that he chooses this bone-saw to cut himself free instead of the litany of other things he has that he knows are quicker can't be a coincidence. He's punishing himself. And, additionally, probably reminding himself of V, hiding things because he worries the truth will hurt. Which makes the V hologram showing up moments later thematically very appropriate.
Can't add anymore pictures to this so maybe I'll make a part three later lol
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minas-linkverse · 22 days
how old is hero, physically? they look young, a similar age to the rest of the cast- but why? does she have a say in how old he looks? if so, why did she pick this age? or, if he has no say in it, why do they look that age?
hero is everyone, right? because they're the hero's spirit? i know most of the cast is pretty young right now, but i assume they'll all grow up later, and personally if i was an adult and then my ghost/spirit was a child i would be pretty unhappy with that
Oooh what a facinating question... 😮
He's a young adult, I'd say 25 maybe? Like the kind of age a kid would think is old but when u reach that age it feels like youre a fraud and not a "real" adult
The meta reasons for why are:
- I wanted him to be recognisable as Link, and most of us imagine even adult Links on the younger side of adulthood due to the games.
- Hero's role in the story is inspired largely by some events in my own life. I'm only 22 when writing this so its pretty easy to guess I wasn't very old when those things occured haha.
- It's very important to me that Hylia and Hero's dynamic is read in a very specific way! The things I want to say are very much tied to the idea of a maternal figure and someone who isn't quite independent yet. Again, this is because of me writing from experience.
Of course an older Hero could work, youre never too old to have troubles with your mom. Just that it works better for my intentions this way.
TLDR; She looks like that cause it works the best (in my opinion) for telling a very personal storyline.
That doesn't answer the question in universe at all. AND I'll admit I hadn't put much thought into that until your ask! So thank you!
However... The answer for now at least is uh... I dont know why hero in-universe appears like that. It may even be better left open for people to make their own conclusions.
Still I dont like leaving people empty-handed and this post could still be longer lol✌
Here's some plausible ideas, pick ur fav:
- She doesn't choose to appear younger but that is how the goddesses see him so it just happens
- He CAN control how they look and doesn't feel ready to exist as an older adult yet.
- She's aging alongside Hylia who's older than her.
- Maybe he feels stuck in a specific moment or moments due to bad experiences
- He hasnt considered it either and if u asked she'd have an extential crisis cause they dont know eitheer....
TLDR part 2: I dont know why he look like that actually.
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danandphilplay · 2 months
im going to put my answers below bc i know some of these vids are likely not returning to dnp and i do agree with that i just wanted to do a fun poll abt if you could have another of these vids then which would you choose. ofc like ive said before we have no control over dnp uploads and i fully know some of these won’t come back lol
ok first of all i don’t think pinof is coming back and i think that’s been clear for ages anyways like ten is a nice number to leave it. HOWEVER i do think an april fools dapc pinof would be hilarious. answering crafties questions and whatever they send to craft universe dnp.
same with amazingdan BUT maybe there’s a slight chance of reacting to amazingdan. maybe not since so much time has already passed since pinof reactions (four months …..) honestly out of the options i’m not that bothered about pinof or amazingdan i feel like they’re classic dnp content that’s fine left as it is
ok for the pizza mukbang thing i don’t care for it to be a mukbang video lol like the actual thing was the nice sit down talk vibes pyjama pizza w friends maybe this is exactly what dan means abt being parasocial 😭 but that video is nice so i don’t think the actual mukbang part of it is that important it’s more the sit down talk style vid
i think i would do anything for another day in the life but i feel like it is prob peak parasocial content. would it count as phouse tour probably. do i think there will be a phouse tour no bc it sounds like it is still having a lot of work done 😭 and i honestly don’t really care abt it… i think the sims renovation was fun and an insight into their interior design opinions lol and that is enough for me
i put it takes two bc a lot of people want to see the next bit i like the game but not rly enough. idk it’s been awhile since that first vid and in terms of other games and things from dnp i don’t rly mind about it takes two being ignored 😭
i know baking is not a discontinued thing anymore bc HALLOWEEN but BUT i really believed easter baking would be a thing 💔 dapc had so much put into it that i kind of forgot about wanting a baking vid but 💔 i can’t lie i think i got set on the expectation for it. like the baking vids have always been absolute classic staple dnp content but definitely the cinnamon roll one was like the baking vids to the extreme… the full potential AND THE BAKE WAS GOOD TOO. the vid was also pretty popular. so my expectations for easter were a bit high. ok so if this poll is like magically summon a dnp vid 🪄 maybe id consider baking because i just love it so much like irl as a hobby but also then dnp doing one of my fav things too and it being so fun idk it’s some of the best dnp content imo. i would love them to try a series of making food from videogames but no offence to them i don’t get the vibe that they cook a lot…… so i think it might not happen. but dil is turning TEN in september so maybe dnp special dil birthday cake baking vid 💔 pleaese pleasemaybe
i think tumblr tag is totally plausible although ik the april fools tumblr tag thing 💔 bc the twitter vid happened i think they’ll do a tumblr one at some point. there’s so much amazing art on here not just fanart but written stuff video and photo edits so i’d want them to see all of that as well as the funny stuff. this isn’t like top of my list of things i’d want to see but it’s definitely one of the more plausible things
dapc behind the scenes content its either happening or it will never be spoken of
honestly idk if they would do reactions to the super amazing project. bc like what vids would they choose. maybe i can see them referencing it or discussing it if someone asked or in a live but idk about reaction vids.
ok draw my life would be fun and i’d watch them. i’d watch an updated dil draw my life too. they put so much effort into that dil draw my life. maybe an updated one for dil’s 10th birthday will happen? that would be pretty fun.
i think if i had to choose it would be a ditl vid. top 3 would be ditl, mukbang or literally just any sit down talk vid, and another baking video. ditl may literally just be bc of nostalgia i don’t really see it happening again but who knows. again just a poll about which vid you’d want to see if you could magic up a dnp vid i definitely know some of these aren’t coming back or very unlikely to
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cripplecharacters · 18 days
Hi Sasza i read through what you wrote about facial differences and realized that some things i planned to include might not be ideal and i would like to ask advice on what to change and how or if it would be better if i don't do it at all.
There are three characters who i would like to ask about. Only one of them has a facial differenc from the start of the story and its still an aquired injurie in his case. In my opinion he is the most simple case so i will start with him.
He is a minor character named Balthazar who shows up a few times throughout the story. He is a very energetic and friendly person who likes to play harmless tricks on people around him and has a good sense for fashion and is considered somewhat a trend setter in the courts he frequently moves in, he has several burn scars on his face. He has difficulty with moving parts of his face especialy the left side of his mouth has inpaired vision in one of his eyes and is missing part of his nose because of them. He is conected to the main character's father (who could be considered a moraly grey character strictly speaking due to some of his actions but he is a positive character over all and the fact that Balthazar choses to involve himself with him is considered a good sign by others around them that he (mc's dad, not Balthazar) is more good than bad.)
The thing that might be problem is that his scars are linked to an important event in his backstory. He was part of the branch of militya who deals with mostly magical, sometimes norma fires. He was a high ranking official and he helped the mc's dad escape when his parents tried to force him to join to get rid of him. A few years later he suffered the injurie and was unabel to continue on with his carrer. The mc's dad bought him enough land to be considered a nobel and ensured he had everything he needed to be confortabel in his new life out of gratitude for his help. The fire in whic he was injured is not significant to the story, and being injured while fullfiling his job is not unusual. But his injurie is still the reason he is in the position he is in. Is this alright? Or should i change it so he gains the injurie outside of his job or maybe he gets the property and titel gifted to him before he is injured? 1/3
First thing about Balthazar, I enjoy that you describe him as energetic and friendly! Characters like this are certainly missing when it comes to facial differences in media.
[I also like that he has trouble moving the left part of his face - hey, that's just like me! :-) I don't see that often]
I don't think that having connections to morally questionable characters is bad. It sounds like you're just making a complex character, which is great. Doesn't seem to go anywhere near the "evil scarred man is Evil and Bad" stereotype :-)
The scenario behind his scar sounds okay. "Workplace accident" is obviously in the Always Traumatic trope bucket, but it's also the most plausible and common injury of that sort, which is nice (and reflects life much more than, let's say, "I was evil and got Punished so now I have The Scar"). But most importantly, you don't seem to merge Balthazar and his Accident into the same character - it's just him, he seems to have a lot going on, oh and he had this accident which influences his current position. His backstory having an effect on him while not being everything about him makes complete sense; that's how it should be! I don't see anything wrong with him being recompensated for his service. He was injured, unable to work, and got the help that he needed - sounds great!
I think it could also set up a premise that I never see around acquired facial differences - "hey, I'm actually glad it happened because I got all these new opportunities!" (here, becoming a part of the royal court and seemingly having a rather good time there?). It's something I see a lot of real people mention, but it's completely missing from fiction for some reason.
My only suggestion (the one that I always give) is to add more characters with facial differences, especially non-traumatic ones*. They can be side or minor characters, but it's still something I always recommend! Especially if fire-related injuries are more common in the setting, I think it would make sense to see more burn survivors just existing in the background of the story as regular people. *- doesn't necessarily mean "non-acquired". Illnesses can cause facial differences as well, both chronic (e.g. leprosy, severe rosacea) and acute ones (e.g. septicemia, Bell's palsy)! There's a lot of differences to be had :)
I hope this helps! :-)
mod Sasza
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starsoftheeye · 20 days
TMAGP Episode 15 Live Reaction
I'm destressing after an exam so we're doing this again baby wooo
My YouTube keeps not showing the episode, it's been like an hour since the release and its still not up for me
It's not even up for my laptop this is so annoying
I can't remember how I got it to show up last time as well
Bro I keep refreshing my page and its not there WHERE ARE YOU???
Screw it Spotify get over here
who is this man and why is he just doing the toffee/gum in mouth/ face stretching exercise from every drama rehearsal i've ever been to
this is oddly scary
as a physics student... probably
oh its a gum ad
oooh implications
this podcast sounds cool
hi simon!!
i'm gonna stop talking about the ads now this post is so long already lmao
i love it when people dedicate episodes to their friends its so sweet
sam and celia!!
:0 he got them tickets? thats so sweet i love him
Theatre tickets can be fucking expensive as well jesus he is down bad
ah yes, my favourite piece of theatre to bring a date to: The Pillowman
i love them
oooh luke mention
every thursday i listen to a new tmagp episode and every thursday my samalicelia post becomes a little more plausible
she has really thought this through huh
okay this is probably alice meddling out of jealousy but seriously you cannot expect me to hear her basically asking these two to hangout after theyve been on a date and expect my samalicelia brain to not go insane over it
aw alice :(
jack mention jack mention
"babys are cool" shes so me
aw celia i love her
uh oh sam and alice conversation
oh so now youtube decides to work
i cannot understand what sam said there but i'm assuming it was funny and only a bit passive agressive
Ah another voicemail
this guy sounds like tim but not
oh god what fucked up dinner party are the rich doing now
"they wanted to know whos kill they were eating" oh this is gonna be interesting
oh no theyre watching
ah yes, very informative "prepare"
whos gonna die
ooooh a fucked up woman i love fucked up women
i know this is probably a very important character and i should be paying attention but i am a mere lesbian and i am finding this woman very attractive right now
thats when you realised something was up?
oh im so gay
theyre gonna aim for the caterers they are not safe
theyre gonna make them run methinks
they killed all the birds
oh are they gonna make the caterers kill something/someone?
oh no steven :(
these people are being very vague id be asking so many questions
each other?
this guys enjoying this a little too much
go on boris
oh no boris :(
is she following him?
actually no dont you have a better chance if you stay i think
lena what did you do
this is weirdly homoerotic
ooooh is this lukes band?
theyre good i like it
awww these two arent gonna survive together
damn hes doing well
pfffft weedy git i love luke already
hello?? whos this??
lady are you okay??
alice run
yippee more trauma for her to cover up with jokes
is she doing ellie the elephant oh my god
oh shes back
yeah alice you should run
im betting this was the stranger from the magnus institute
i shouldve paid attention to her little ramble lol
oh my god so much is happening in this show and we're only on episode 15
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youngpettyqueen · 18 days
elaborating on some theories a bit
theory 1: I believe that the Doctor is of the same species that the Toymaker and Maestro are
my evidence:
the fourth wall breaks. the Toymaker and Maestro are both able to break the fourth wall, and the Doctor does this as well towards the end of The Devil's Chord. side note- who else do we see do this? Mrs Flood (the working theory in my household is that Mrs Flood is Susan)
the Doctor can hear the music of the show. this was implied with 12, when he played the intro on the guitar, but 15 has now confirmed that he can hear the show's music. we know that Maestro can also hear it, as they play the intro on the piano
this does raise questions. if the Toymaker is play and games personified, and Maestro is music, then what is the Doctor? what does the Doctor personify?
I would like to propose theory 2: the Doctor is memory
my evidence:
when 13 regenerated into 14, and took on that same old face (Tennant's), it's said this happened so that he could come home and rest. he comes home to Donna, and her family, and a crucial part of this process is restoring Donna's memories- which he himself had taken away
the Doctor can share their memories, read memories, and erase memories of other beings. "but Queen," you say, "all Timelords can do that!" well, we know that many Timelord traits come directly from the Doctor- see regeneration cycles. it could stand to reason that these are abilities that the Timelords inherited FROM the Doctor
memories are CRUCIAL to the Doctor's identity. so much of 13's arc revolved around this- she had that fob watch, her missing memories and lifetimes, and no memory of who or what she was before she came through that portal. 15 is still dealing with the fallout of the Timeless Child revelation, directly continuing everything 13 struggled with
the memory with Ruby's biological mother at the church changed
speaking of Ruby's memory. I want to propose that it isnt just Ruby's memory that causes the snow- it's also the Doctor's
Ruby shouldn't be able to remember anything from the night she was left at the church. she was an infant. the Doctor, however, was there the night she was left. he was there and saw it snowing. he was there and heard the music. it's his memory that summons the snow
"but Queen," you say, again, "what about Ruby singing Carol of the Bells?"
yes, that would certainly throw a wrench in my theory. Maestro does say the song is hidden within Ruby. but, hear me out, what if Ruby and the Doctor aren't separate beings?
theory 3: what if Ruby is, in fact, an incarnation of the Doctor?
Ruby's DNA scan read as homo sapien. well, we know that the Doctor can rewrite their DNA to be biologically human, and rewrite their own memories to fit a human life- see 10 in Human Nature/Family of Blood, and also see the Fugitive Doctor. Ruby could very easily be an incarnation of the Doctor, who's memories were wiped, and who's grown up a human- much like the Master did when he took on the name Yana. and we know, from how 10 filled a journal with his dreams of his life as the Doctor, and from the Master's still remembering the drumbeat, that these memories do still bleed through in some way
thats how Ruby could remember being left at the church. she could be remembering it from experiencing it, or she could be remembering it as she saw it through 15's eyes. I think shes a future incarnation of the Doctor, one who became aware of her identity and her powers, and who had her memory wiped- either by force or by her own hand. I dont have a theory as to why that would be, at least not yet, but I do think that its at least a plausible theory at this point
Ruby and the Doctor are established to be the same, in one big way: theyre both abandoned, both adopted, and both seeking who they are. thats a pretty big coincidence when we know how important coincidence has been so far with 15. they're screaming at us that everything is connected, that the Doctor and Ruby are connected, and I think that connection is that they are one in the same- same software, different case, and they are the key to each other's questions
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hannigramislife · 4 months
I feel like Dazai's relationship with Akutagawa is misunderstood. Dazai cares about Akutagawa, he just doesn't know how how to be kind like Odasaku. In the dark age light novel (THEY DIDNT SHOWNIT IN THE ANIME AND IT MADE ME WANNA CRY) but Dazai constantly brags about him to Oda AND DOES SHOW HOW HES PROUD OF HIM AFTER A JOB.
"I executed him." Akutagawa (page 77)
"You defeated an unyielding, formidable enemy and protected your allies, Akutagawa. Good work." Dazai (page 77)
I feel it important to note that Dazai's tone was sarcastic during most of this, while he was annoyed with akutagawa because he had messed up Dazai's elaborate plan to get information, he was genuinely impressed with Akutagawa. He only hit Akutagawa after he had started to talk back claiming that torture methods were more effective than interrogation.
(talking to Oda) "Akutagawa-he's like a sword without a sheath." Dazai grinned from ear to ear. "He'll surely become Mafia's strongest skill user in the not-so-distant-future, but for now he needs someone who can teach him how to put that sword away." (page 95)
BUT THIS IS THE AHXHHAHXBA PART WHEN ODA THINKS JUST AFTER DAZAI SAYS THIS "I was surprised. I've never heard Dazai openly speak so highly of one of his men like that before"
Hii! Thank you for reaching out to me! I love discussing topics with people ^^
Alright, so I haven't read the book, but those two moments you mentioned *were* in the anime, though maybe the tonality was changed and off, which is so sad! Correct interpretation is important!!
I do tend to go off in my tumblr according to my feelings, and I am a very petty person, hence my personal hatred of Dazai, but here is my opinion:
Dazai is not a person who doesn't have feelings and emotions and stuff: it is very plausible that he could have cared about Akutagawa, or a version of caring, during his PM days. However, that does not excuse the way he actually treated him. And evidently Dazai had been shown kindness before - by Odasaku- and he saw first-hand how important it was to his friend to be kind, Dazai just was not in a place to care about such things.
And even so, I could have forgiven his PM days- if he wasn't so incredibly indifferent to Akutagawa during the present. The phone call on Moby Dick was so incredibly cruel and unnecessary, considering all Dazai had to say was "Don't fight Atsushi, the mafia and ADA are working to stop Fitzgerald" and Akutagawa would have complied. It is only an example, but my issue stems from the fact that Dazai manipulates Akutagawa to his own plans instead of letting him move on. His interaction with Akutagawa in season 5 before he asks a favor is also an indicator of that.
The case is that Dazai has learned to put in the effort to care for those he loves - Atsushi, Chuuya, the ADA.
To me, the list simply does not include Akutagawa.
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lillianlilie · 5 months
Honestly i kind of think the mechanisms said ‘what passed between them then is perhaps too personal for us to speak of’ in hnoc because they actually just. don’t know what is said.
I mean. Not like they ever cared about keeping their characters privacy before so why would they now? That moment is the most emotionally charged moment of the album, the resolution of the finale and of one of the main plot strings (mordred being arthers child) so i cannot imagine them leaving it out because they wanted to.
Now there are a few options.
1. brian doesn’t know what happened. In my opinion really plausible because. well. he was still hanging. he wasn’t actually IN the room when the polycule-showoff happened so why would he know what is said? I think if this is what happened he knew about the showoff because of his prophocies, probably up until ‘I’m sorry father‘ which would also explain why he only tells arthur about his son, because that seems like the most relevant thing there (y‘know with mordred killing everyone and stuff)
I can only imagine him foreseeing that scene and kind of grasping at straws to think of what the hell to tell arthur to do in order to safe the world, eventually ending up at ‘so recognise, embrace and believe him’ because well. fatherly love can’t hurt, right?
2. he doesn’t want to tell.
a) maybe he knew that the mechs would forget him in the sun and that’s why he tried to prevent the world from ending, which would potentially make his not-telling a revenge fuck you to the rest of the crew for leaving him. This also makes sense because it would be justifiable in both mje and ejm mode and i can’t imagine none of the mechanisms tried switching his mode when he refused to talk.
This also makes me think of a distraught crew trying to get brian to talk, while he just sits there smug. Except for nastya whom brian has told before but enjoys their suffering too much to tell.
b) but also, they hadn’t actually seen him for a millennia at that point so maybe they forgot that switching his morality switch was a possibility. This gives us another option if they wrote the album while he was in mje mode: He saw what happened but genuinely thinks ‘its too personal for [them] to speak of’, which would mean that line came from him. Maybe because he was genuinely emotionally attached to mordred, arthur and their world, which also makes sense with his effort to safe the world.
Maybe after leaving earth the toy soldier flips the switch because it wanted something from him that he would only do while in ejm. Then, when jonny expresses his frustration again about brian keeping quiet he happily starts talking about what happened. The crew just stares tiredly. Raphaela asks why he decided to tell now (‚just because you wanted to annoy us? By waiting until we finished the last concert?‘) but before he can answer ts pipes in like ‘Oh No, I Just Switched His Mode! We Talked and Were Both In The Mood For A Fight But He Didn’t Want To Start It, So I Switched Him To EJM!’. When asked why it didn’t remind them of the switch when they made the album it says it didn’t think they forgot about such an important part of brian and just didnt want to switch for whatever reason. ‘I Wasn’t Sure What Your Reason Was, But I Just Thought It’s Not My Business!’ Cut to a lot of defeated deadpans (and a guilty frown from marius) and ivy announcing she’s going to bed.
3. he forgot. He did spend a millennia in the sun so like. What did they expect?? That he remembers every little detail? He’s not ivy.
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eye-of-yelough · 2 months
anyway here’s the aeryn/gortash dynamic explanation.
nsfw shit under the cut. CW for. i mean so much. but specifically CNC
because it is all consensual, despite the atrocities. although it’s worth mentioning that that does not make it healthy and there’s definitely a lot of manipulation going on so like. is it. its dubious that’s for fucking sure.
So. their dynamic is really just me taking “psychosexual warfare” and seeing how far i can possibly take it. That’s it in a nutshell. also exploration of how a sexual “relationship” between a hypersexual and grey-sexual would work.
Aeryn’s hypersexuality is a real point of interest to Gortash, and is his main angle when trying to pick apart his psyche, the way his behaviour changes depending on how long he’s gone without, how it seems intrinsically linked to his Urges, “whoever decided to call it bloodlust was a fucking genius” [real aeryn quote]
That fascination really hits its pique when, somewhere a between a year and two into their partnership, gort wakes up in the middle of the night to aeryn just straight up jerkin it. staring at him. (wether he was already there because aeryn stayed over after them being awake for 50 hours plotting and doing medical malpractice or he just walked all the way there from the undercity to break in and wack it to gort’s sleeping body, i don’t know. but it’s important to me that you know that with aeryn, while the former is more likely, the latter is entirely plausible. he’s a creep.) obviously this brings up a lot of question in his head. “did he want to be caught?” (most definitely.) “has he done this before without me noticing?” (you can bet on it, mate.)
Sad thing is, I can’t t for the life of me figure out what gort would actually do in the moment here, but it’s when he realises that if he wants to manipulate Bhaal’s favourite child, to claim, to conquer, he’s going to have to speak his language. so the next morning he very nonchalantly brings up the incident that Aeryn is eagerly pretending didn’t happen, and offers his help. puts himself in this caring, almost therapeutic role. bullshit, of course. he has no intention of fixing just yet. only after he’s been broken can he be fixed, remade in his perfect image. and aeryn, to his credit, does know that it’s bullshit. he just underestimates the depth of it. See, he knows that Gortash wants to break him. he knows that gortash is a manipulative, domineering control freak. but he kind of just. thinks it’s a weird sex thing. his reaction to gort’s proposal is basically “you’re even weirder than i thought. okay fine. i’ll play your game. i’ll win in the end.”
That’s another key part of their dynamic: mutual misunderstanding. Aeryn thinks it’s a game, Gortash thinks it’s war. Gortash thinks he’s breaking Aeryn, but Aeryn’s loving it.
Gortash’s “therapy” is anything but, of course. Aeryn doesn’t become less of a sex pest, he just finds it increasingly difficult to enjoy himself with anyone but Gortash, who knows him, what he likes and doesn’t like, inside and out. (all part of the plan, the possessive cunt) which pisses Aeryn off to no end because the man Just Won’t Fuck Him in the way he wants. oh, they’re doing weird “stabbing as a metaphor for penetration”, sexually charged medical malpractice, voyeurism, full on bdsm shit all the time, but there’s very little genital touching. Gortash just gets off way more on denying Aeryn what he wants while slowly driving him insane with desperation than he ever would if they just. had sex. This isn’t to say they never do, but we’re talking years down the line here, and only under very specific conditions. (more on that in a bit.) If aeryn was right about one thing, it’s Gortash being a weird sexual control freak.
anyway here’s some things their warfare includes:
Gortash bringing some noble up to his chambers to seduce them, notices the window he left closed is open, a chair in the corner’s cushion being smushed down by an invisible weight, and thinking “ah, i’m performing for two tonight.”
gortash just straight up asking if he’s the one aeryn thinks about when he masturbates. aeryn makes the mistake of thinking the right answer is no and gets whipped :)
Aeryn waking up after Gortash spikes him in increasingly awkward positions over the years (this happens a lot. like, a lot.) the first time he wakes up bound, gagged and blindfolded in gort’s basement. “i just wanted to see how long it would take you unti you freed yourself. 2 minutes and 31 seconds if you were wondering. i’m impressed :)” eventually he gets used to that routine and he just ends up laying under gort’s desk for a few hours, listening to him work, Gortash occasionally talking to him like you do to a pet. this is probably the closest they get to domesticity. A few years down the line, Aeryn wakes up naked, covered in bruises and black handprints, aching between his thighs.
Knowing it happened, but with no memory? If I had to pinpoint the closest Gortash ever got to winning the war, it was there.
(it is such a shame that i’m too squeamish about about the violent gory stuff to really have thought about the more fucked up shit they get up to, but. i just can’t, it’s not for me. It’s definitely happening, don’t get me wrong, but i’m not gonna force myself to think about it if i don’t want to just to list off examples of their weird game.)
Oh. And they only kiss once. Right before Aeryn’s lobotomy, as well, it’s a whole thing. I might make that into a separate post. or you can send an ask. that’d be nice :)
edit: here it is
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kookie-doughs · 9 months
Again And Again
Portgas D Ace X Reader
-Amatsuki Y/N decided to stay in the future without her sister upon meeting a friend’s son.
Chapter 5: O Captain! My Captain!
The moment Edward said you were to go on this mission alone was the moment you declined.
Earlier before receiving your current mission, quarter of the crew had been dispatched to search for a fruit. Of course Edward hadn't told you what the fruit was, you declined that mission. After all Ace wasn't one of those deployed.
But today, you didn't have a choice. Still on the same island, Edward had told you to retrieve something else than the first dispatch, and you were to do it alone.
You declined firmly not wanting to leave Ace's side but you had no choice, when he reminds you he was your captain. You had asked, begged even that he sends another person but he firmly sent you.
You were by far the strongest in the crew, second only to your captain. That was the only plausible reason you thought of as to why it had to be you specifically. But then again, what could be so important that you had to be sent?
Right now here you were packing for a mission you don't even know how long will last. You don't even know if the ship would still be docked by the time you finish. But you had to leave for it now.
"Y/N!!!" You turn around to see Ace hopping excitedly to you waving a paper, presumably the new bounty posters. "He's coming!!!"
His giddy and excited screams practically woke up half of the crew that was left on board.
He jumps to hold you by the hip to spin you around, with the biggest grin you had ever seen. You laugh at his excitement, as he sets you down slowly to keep you from getting hurt.
"Y/N!!!!!" He was jumping and pacing in excitement as he tries to hand you the poster at hand, failing miserably as he was moving around too much.
You hold him by the shoulder still laughing, "Calm down, you're gonna get yourself hurt." As you had held him still you snatched the poster on his hand.
It was a 30 million bounty poster to a boy in a straw hat. A familiar one to point out. The boy with shaggy black hair, round black eyes reminds you of both Roger and Ace coincidentally. The boy also has a scar with two stitches underneath his left eye.
"Monkey D. Luffy." You read the name. You took time trying to rack your mind as to who that name belong to. You can see Ace expectantly waiting for your reaction. "OH!!! ITS YOUR BROTHER!!!"
He cheered once again wrapping his arms around you jumping up and down, squeezing you tight you could hardly breath.
"He's coming!! Where do you think he's gonna be? He's probably on his way to the reverse mountain! What if I go there to meet him?! O-Or maybe I could go to his first island instead! Which one do you think is gonna be his first? Our first island was overran by trees. Do you think that his first island is going to be there? Would meeting him at another island be better? What about Drum Island? Or maybe Alabasta? Alabsta is a kingdom I think that'd be the better option. We should go there! But would meeting him there not be a good idea? What if I end up interfering with his ad-"
You squeeze his squeeze his cheeks with your hand giving him a fish face.
"You're so cute when you're excited." You giggle. "But you're overthinking everything."
Getting away from your hold he gave you a grin, "I just can't wait for him to meet you. You're going to love him! He's also gonna love you! It's gonna be great I swear."
You laugh. "From the stories you've told me, I think having you both in my life would be the death of me."
He pulls you to his chest swaying slightly day dreaming about what could happen, he had the sweetest smile that made your heart melt and your stomach tingle. "I haven't seen him in forever."
"I bet he's missed you too."
"You know you're probably not gonna get to eat much if he ever eats with us." He snickers.
"I don't get to eat much when I'm with you either dummy. Something tells me I wouldn't eat at all."
"Where do you think he'd be? Where would be the best place to meet him?"
"I'd say somewhere with a lot of food. Bring him to Big Mom's territory maybe." You joke.
"I know you're joking but that's actually a good idea." He ponders. "Last time we went there she provided 5 buffet tables for the entire crew."
"Yeah, they never stopped feeding you there. You know like the witch in that fats you up with candy."
"Why did we meet with them again?"
"I don't remember anything after you ate her shortcake. She was trying to kill you."
"Katakuri should've seen it coming. It's his fault."
"As if he could stop you. You grabbed the cake as soon as it came to the room." You laughed. "I still remember the look on his face when he saw you grab the cake. He had the look that he knew soemthing bad was gonna happen at that second and he desperately wants it not to happen."
"His future sight it so cool."
"Oh no is your crush on him coming back?"
He pouts, "I'm just saying... Its really cool. I bet Luffy will be all over him."
"I can also technically see the future, but you don't praise me."
"You're both really cool." He grinned and placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
"Hell yeah I am." You smirked making him chuckle. "Is Katakuri like your favorite pirate excluding us?"
"Probably. I remember them talking about having all those food unlimitedly if pops had agreed to something. Whatever it was Pops should've said yes."
"You don't even know what it is." You laughed.
"I don't need to know. I had all Big Mom's son feeding me." He said proudly. "Those guys are unlimited food I'm telling you."
"Now that I think about it maybe I was right they were fattening you up and then they were gonna feed you to Big Mom. You were the only one eating so much."
"Not true! Everyone was eating!"
"We were but not as much as you. I barely got to eat because his sons kept bothering me and I had to keep watch of you."
"We really should come over again, with Luffy. I'll make sure not to eat her shortcake this time."
"Luffy will probably eat it."
"Well maybe Katakuri will finally do something. He should expect it by now."
Your moment was interrupted by someone at your door clearing his throat. Ace goes to hug you from behind not to block your view on the man at the door.
"Teach, what's up?"
"Pops wanted to remind you that you had to leave." He grinned.
Ace slumps on your shoulder with a pout. You ruffle Ace's hair and removes his arms around you.
"Blame Ace if the old man asks." You say as you grab your bag. "I'll be back, don't do anything rash and stupid and just wait for me okay?"
"Don't take too long~"
You'd think a mission personally for you given by Edward would be something important. But alas, it was nothing.
In your hand was an averaged size chest. Inside was 2 devil fruit you aren't quite sure what was, and papers you hadn't bothered to look into yet.
As you returned to the Oro Jackson after weeks of your mission, you'd think you would come back to a warm welcome and cheers for your success, you felt a mix of excitement and anticipation to reunite with the crew... to be more specific Ace.
However, as you stepped onto the deck, your expectation was the total opposite. All that was there was a heavy atmosphere hanging over the crew. Concern etched its way into your heart, and you immediately sought out someone to find answers.
"Guys?" You call out.
Marco was first to notice your return. His eyes widen as if he wasn't expecting you, and looks away.
He grabs Jozu's shoulder and whispers something. Jozu nods and walks to the direction of Edward's room not looking your way.
"I swear, if you don't fucking tell me what's wrong." You taunt. Glaring at everyone.
"Y/N," Deuce comes up slowly. "We couldn't..."
Your brows furrow. "Deuce, I was gone for two fucking weeks. What happened?!" You yell.
But then a realization hit you. You scan the crowd, and it seemed that your suspicions were right as they all looked away figuring you were about to find out.
There were a few missing faces. But it wasn't just anyone missing.
With a sinking feeling, you approached Marco. "What happened? Where's Ace?" You asked, your voice trembling with worry.
His expression turned somber as he looked away. You turn to the other looking at anyone and everyone.
"Deuce? Vista? Banshee??? What happened? Ace, Thatch and Teach are gone... Why isn't anyone telling me anything?"
At this point you were assuming the worse. And you sure as hell are not going to let that happen.
"Y/N don't." Your heart dropped when a booming voice behind you. Standing, towering above you, you glare him down. "Ace, a week ago. He said he needed to sort things out."
"Sort things out?" You repeated, feeling a sense of worry creep into your heart. "What happened?"
The crewmate hesitated, then softly said, "Thatch is gone. He was killed by Teach."
You felt your stomach churn. "T-Thatch- No, Teach is strong but he can't easi-"
"He stole the fruit Thatch's team was to get."
"Yami Yami no Mi."
A fruit you know. A fruit you hadn't thought you'd come across again since your travel across time with your sister began. A fruit that you and your sister had been asked to stay away from centuries ago.
"Ace... Why would you let Ace-" Your eyes widen as you look at your captain in horror, sending Ace into a suicide mission.
Marco hold you back knowing you, he was aware you were about to pounce the old man.
"Y/N, Ace went against pops' orders! Please calm down and listen!!" He cried out trying to keep you down.
Tears streaming your face you glare at your captain. You stood before Edward, your emotions boiling over with anger and grief. The weight of the recent events, Ace's departure, and Thatch's tragic death felt unbearable, and you couldn't help but direct your frustration toward the captain who had sent you on the mission.
"Why did you send me on that mission?" you demanded, your voice sharp with accusation. "If I hadn't been away, maybe I could've been there for Ace and Thatch."
Edward's expression softened, understanding the pain in your words. He knew you cared deeply for Ace, more than anything, and the thought of not being there for him when he needed you most was a heavy burden on your heart. "I sent you on that mission because I believed in your abilities," he said calmly. "I trusted that you could handle it, and I knew you would always do your best for the crew."
You throw the chest you held at him, "Here's your fucking end results." Your anger flared even more at Edward's response. "Great job huh? We got what you fucking wanted!" they retorted. "Ace and Thatch are gone, and I wasn't there to stop anything all because of you! I could've stopped Teach!"
Edward eyes held a mix of sorrow and regret. "I didn't expect such a tragedy to happen," he admitted. "I didn't foresee that the mission would lead to such devastating consequences."
"I told you I didn't want the fucking mission!" You screamed.
Marco held onto you hoping to calm you down, "Y/N calm down! That's your captain!"
But you, consumed by anger, unable to see beyond the pain. "He may be your captain, but he's not mine," you declared, your words sharp and cutting, eyes locking with Edward's. "I was only here for Ace."
Edward looked taken aback by the statement, but he remained calm. "You may be angry right now, I don't hold this against you. You can have your space to collect yourself, you will always be a part of this crew," he said, his voice carrying a sense of fatherly concern.
Your emotions were too raw to be soothed by Edward's words. "I followed Roger and Oden, and I haven't been been part of this crew for years," you said, voice cracking with emotion.
As you turned to walk away, Marco couldn't bear to let you leave in such turmoil. He knew how much the Whitebeard Pirates meant to you, even after all those years of absence. With a hurried stride, he caught up to you and gently placed a hand on your shoulder, trying to offer some comfort.
"Wait," Marco implored, his voice soft and caring. "I know you're hurting, and I understand that things have changed, but you're still a part of this crew in our hearts."
You stopped, but you didn't turn to face Marco. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you fought to control the emotions threatening to overwhelm you.
"I can't lose him," You said, your voice breaking. "If something happens to him... I don't know what I'd do."
Marco moved to stand in front of you, ensuring that you had his full attention. "You know pops would never let that happen," he said, looking into your eyes with empathy. "We've all been through a lot, and your feelings are valid. This incident shouldn't break us. We can get him back together."
You tried to hold back a sob, your emotions still raw and tumultuous. "I don't know if I can be a part of this crew again," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
"You don't have to decide right now," Marco said gently. "Take the time you need to sort through your feelings. We'll be here, waiting for you."
You finally met Marco's gaze, finding warmth and understanding in his eyes. "Does Edward hate me?" you asked, fear and uncertainty in your voice.
Marco smiled reassuringly. "He could never hate you," he said. "He knows you're going through a lot, just take your time, we'll all be here for you."
You reached out, embracing Marco in a tight hug, finding comfort in his presence and the reassurance of a friend's unwavering support.
"I don't know what to do," you admitted, your voice muffled against Marco's shoulder.
"That's okay," Marco said, hugging you back. "You don't have to have all the answers right now. Just know that we care about you, and we'll face whatever comes together."
"You know, the reason I came to the future. I was so heartbroken about Roger." As you spoke, your voice trembled. Marco listened attentively, understanding the deep pain and determination in their words.
"He was sick, so there wasn't really anything I could've done to help him... to save him." You say as tears spilled down your cheeks. "I had no choice but to lose Roger all those years ago," you said, your voice heavy with emotion. "It was beyond my control, and I couldn't even come to his final moments."
Marco nodded, his eyes filled with empathy. He doesn't bother saying anything as he figured a friendly ear was what you needed most right now.
"I can't bear the thought of losing Ace, too," You continued. "Not when I can stop it. I can't let the same tragedy happen again."
Marco placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, offering you support. "We'll do everything in our power to get Ace," he assured you. "We'll face whatever challenges come our way. You're not going to be alone here."
As you walked away from Marco, your heart felt lighter than before. The weight of your past still lingered, but Marco's words and support had provided a renewed sense of hope and determination. You knew that you couldn't change the events of the past, but you could shape the future, and you were determined to do everything in your power to get Ace back.
As you prepared to leave the Whitebeard Pirates once again, a sense of gratitude and responsibility welled up inside. You knew that you owed the crew an apology, especially to Edward.
Taking a deep breath, you approached Whitebeard with a mix of nervousness and determination. You couldn't leave without expressing your feelings and acknowledging the support you had received.
"Edward," you said, your voice steady but filled with sincerity, "I want to say I'm sorry."
Whitebeard looked at you, his expression softening with understanding. "You don't have to apologize," he replied gently. "You've been through a lot, and I know it hasn't been easy for you."
You shook your head, feeling the weight of your emotions. "No, I do need to apologize," you insisted. "I said things I didn't mean in the heat of the moment. I know you care for Ace, Thatch and the crew deeply, and I shouldn't have said what I had said."
Whitebeard placed a hand on your shoulder, offering reassurance. "We all say things we don't mean when emotions run high," he said. "I understand your pain and your need to protect those you care about."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded, grateful for Whitebeard's understanding. "Thank you," you said, your voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for letting me be a part a second time."
Whitebeard smiled warmly. "You'll always be a part of this crew, no matter where life takes you," he said. "We've been through thick and thin together, and that bond won't be broken. No matter how much time passes."
You wiped away your tears, feeling a mix of sadness and gratitude. "I'll always cherish the time I spent with the Whitebeard Pirates," you said. "And I promise I'll come back as soon as I can. Make sure to keep a spot open for me."
Whitebeard nodded, his eyes filled with fatherly affection. "Take all the time you need," he said. "Make sure to bring that brat with you."
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basilibino · 2 months
Season 8 was like 6 years ago(I feel old) and I know ppl have differing opinions on the Mr Echo thing (but it was intended, made it to storyboard and blocked animation and then dropped, soooo) but. I can see his recruitment p easily tbh. Bc the whole reason Dr J was in that lighthouse was because he was resurrected, forced there, and ordered to build Skulkin vehicles by Samukai. But Samukai in the flashback we see has already been deposed as leader of the Skulkin/Underworld. Which means the orders to do so most likely came from Garmadon.
And since Mr. E is one of the head honchos, he's likely an early arrival to the team, so I don't think Harumi has a whole lot figured out at this point, she's just got her Trauma and some Bad Influence Friends and an obsession with Lord Garmadon. So. Like. Plausible deniability road trip that she's just visiting important markers of Ninjago's recent past, all of which involve Lord Garmadon in some meaningful way; its sightseeing, its cathartic, and it gives her time to develop her dream Motorcycle Gang/Resurrection Cult. She's not looking for anyone at the Lighthouse, but she is looking for vehicle blueprints so she can be the Koolest leader on the block. But oops she looks in the basement and there's an Echo.
And she's flipping out bc??? A Ninja???? In the Lighthouse basement??? I mean it makes sense that it would be this one but???
Except this rusty old robot has no idea what she's talking about with this Ninja stuff, he's just waiting for his dad to come back.
And Harumi pauses.
Because how long has he been waiting? He's not sure, he had no proper way to measure time in the basement, and he doesn't have the best view of his clockwork heartpiece. But it was after his father saw a strange ship docking; Echo was worried it was the People who had locked up his father in the first place, but instead his dad sounded happy when he saw whoever was out there. It could have been a front, though, as clearly it was never safe to let Echo back out. Then Dr J popped down briefly, while everyone above was resting, to tell Echo he was desperately needed elsewhere, that it wasn't safe to bring Echo, but that he'd be back in no time.
And the pieces are fitting together for Harumi. And she's like. Your dad's dead, bro.
And he's like. What? Did he die doing what was needed of him?
And she's like. Oh, no. He died a few years later.
And he's like. Why didn't he come back for me????
And she's like. Probably because they kept him away.
And he's like. Who's they?
And she's like. The Ninja I was talking about earlier.
And it surely can't be hard in universe to find pictures of Zane and Dr J post s2-pre s3, so she pulls one up and shows Echo who is freaking out bc why is that one kind of like him and Harumi explains that that was the droid his father created first, that he became a Ninja, and that hes probably the one who took their father away and kept echo waiting for years.
But Echo has doubts, shocked as he is abt a new older brother, he wants to believe the good in the situation so he's unsure. But Harumi mentions that the Ninja's failures to uphold more than their self preservation/interests has led to uncountable losses and devastation in Ninjago time and time again, before delving into her own story. And she seems so kind, and so hurt, and I do think there's a genuine connection btwn these two that forms from this shared emotional torment that they decide came from the Ninja, and now Echo is more receptive.
And then Harumi gets to start her Garmadon pitch because wait! If Echo was made here, then that could only have happened because of Lord Garmadon. And she reiterates that he's the reason she and her city could have even survived The Great Devourer. And maybe Echo's family-by-creation left, maybe they were untrustworthy and lacking, but that's OK bc if you look at it all a certain way, Garmadon is more of a father to Echo than Dr J was. And Echo is a vulnerable, overwhelmed mess who just found out his dad fucked off for years without him and also died, and also he has a brother??? Who their dad clearly seems to have favored??? Did they even know about Echo??? Did they delight in their life free of him???
Basically. Kinda Spinel-core but getting abandoned and left completely alone does that to you. Especially when the first person to find you after being abandoned is a deeply hurt and misguided teen who is probably kinda desperate for someone, anyone else to see the Ninja the way she sees them.
#i was thinking abt the idea of citrusshipping#and how it could have flowed into Mr Echo. with morro as the vengeful influence tinting these#one sided experiences to associate ninja with loss#but theni was like 'wait a sec tho bc Harumi does that also and its her gang called the sons of garmadon#and if youre very carfeully squinting and cherrypicking out pesky details and nuance. like harumi would be.#echos existence is thanks to Lord Garmadon. and there is no better replacement dad than garmadon. you should be a son of garmadon.#and echo would probably listen and she could get him out the lighthouse and off the island'#and anyway i kinda ship Harumi and Echo now?#i like citrusshipping its funney but i think i actually ship this dynamic now#its. fucked and manipulative but its also like. genuine and just. two scarred young people and harumi gives echo her distorted view#of the world as the gift of her love#so its like she wasnt trying to manipulate echo. not like she was trying to manipulate Lloyd.#but she did take someone in a v fragile state and begin shaping his worldview to match hers. unconciously but still done.#like i can also see her bringing him to the mainland and she and UV and Killow are his tethers which means everything he sees radicalizes#him further...and draws him in closer to the fold#anyway if he and harumi smoochie kiss then shes why he got rebuilt in Crystallized. also i think mr F stands for 'Mr Fun Guy'#echo zane#harumi jade#ninjago harumi#quietmystery?#idk what the ship name would be but im here for it#mr e ninjago#mr echo#echo/harumi#tbh i said i kinda ship it now but it could also be friendship#sons of garmadon#...ok til abt the morro-echo-harumi trio hcs and Yes#this is just more of a like. canon compliant ish take where morro is still gone from the narrative#love the idea of the 3 in a vengeance trio tho
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