#ive kinda forgotten how to tag stuff tbh
angry-geese · 1 year
Sea, Swallow Me
Satoru Gojo x Reader
Warnings: not OSHA compliant. hurt/comfort, light angst, ex-husband Gojo. angry/hate sex, unprotected sex, oral (cunnilingus), fingering.
Synopsis: some ex-husband Gojo smut except him and the reader are still totally in love with each other >:)
a/n: this has been rattling around in my drafts since like march and I finally got my thoughts gathered enough to write it out lol
Word Count: 4.7k
jjk masterlist
Outside, the sky grows dark, signaling an incoming storm. The weather report called for it yesterday; off and on thunderstorms all night, and well into this afternoon. Not uncommon for this time of year. This morning’s grocery trip was one made with the hope of being back before another downpour started, and from the looks of it, you were successful.
Typically, when you come home, the cat is the first thing to greet you. Today, even after she hears your keys hit the counter, she remains just out of view. You don't mind it so much, even if you do find it odd. It gives you time to put away groceries, and the treats you bought for her without her begging for anything. 
The foul weather makes it as good a day as any to spend inside. Plenty of chores need to be done around your apartment, as work has begun to consume much of your free time. That’s nothing new. Certain times of the year are busier than others at Jujutsu Tech. It certainly doesn't help that two people are out due to injuries, and another is on maternity leave, meaning you’re on call nearly 24/7. 
The cat makes herself known only after she hears a can of food open, chirping as she trots into the kitchen. She stays long enough to finish eating, and get some pets from you, before settling into her spot on the window sill, intently watching leaves being blown around outside. You settle on preparing dinner: thawing meat, and chopping veggies for a soup that’ll take nearly an hour to simmer. 
A noise from the other room draws your attention; in the living room, the TV is on—something you vividly remember shutting off. A drama was playing, but the lead was giving you such bad second-hand embarrassment that you just had to shut it off.
Maybe you really are starting to lose it. 
You’ve seen it happen to others. The stress of the job—this way of life—gets to some. You could chalk it up to forgetting; maybe the cat stepped on the remote, or maybe you really did just forget. Come to think of it, didn't you turn off the lights in the kitchen before leaving too?
The back of your neck prickles with fear. Did someone really break in? You know this isn't a particularly nice part of town, but the chance of that happening is unlikely. Besides, there is no sign of forced entry. It's just a feeling of being watched. Nothing is missing, just some lights are on, and the books on your coffee table have been moved around, as if someone looked through them. Why go through the trouble then?
Nothing in particular tips you off to the presence behind you. It comes suddenly, and without warning. Fight or flight kicks in. With your elbow and wrist parallel to your collarbone, you swing outwards.
Any normal person's elbow would have been shattered by that hit. Satoru blocks it with little effort. He uses the weight of your movement against you, allowing you to fall against him. It doesn't take much time for you to realize what he’s doing, and shove yourself away from him.
“You broke in?” You say, although your voice doesn't carry any surprise. “I gotta admit, Satoru, that's a new low.”
“Technically I didn't,” he says, “I explained to the guy up front that I was your husband and he let me in.”
Internally, you curse your landlord, a sweet old man by the name of Saito. He was one of the few people who would let you move in on such short notice. This was never meant to be a permanent placement, but you suppose you don't have much to complain about here. It's an older building, but maintenance is consistent, and the interior has been completely redone. Your neighbors are quiet, pleasant people, and this is a nice corner of the neighborhood. Not nearly as luxe as your previous home, but not bad either.
As he sits down on the couch, the cat jumps straight into his lap. You know it's not fair to project human emotions onto her. She's just a cat. But you swear you see a smug little look on her face. She chirps, and bumps her head against his hand, purring loud enough it's audible across the room. 
“I think I would have rather dealt with a house robber,” you say.
“I mean, if you're into that kind of thing,” he says, “I can put the mask back on. We'll roleplay…”
“Absolutely not,” you say, snatching the remote for the tv, switching it off, “what do you want?”
Even sitting, he’s nearly eye-level with you. His hand comes up to tug at the silver chain around his neck. You don't know whether to feel angry, or sorry for him. Gojo is almost pathetic enough that you feel bad for him. Almost. 
“What?” He asks, feigning hurt. “I can't drop in to say hello to my lovely wife?”
“Ex-wife,” you say. 
Despite your current irritation with him, the separation was about as amicable as it could be. Although it’s not official in the legal sense yet, the two of you have been living separately for months now. There was no great turning moment in your relationship, just a lifetime of little things that forced a wedge between you two. These things happen. You were young when you married, and so consumed with grief that perhaps there wasn't enough thought put into it. You don't blame yourself for it, or for anything that happened. At the age of eighteen, you had a skewed view of the world. Mistakes were common at that age. That’s just part of growing up. You were young, and every emotion felt so much more potent back then. It felt right at the time. Hell, it was right.
Maybe you still love him. It’s hard to spend so much time with someone—have so many memories with them—and not love them.
“Tsumiki has a game Saturday,” he says, “you coming?”
You're slightly offended at the suggestion you would miss it. She sent you a text about it nearly a week ago. You swore to her you'd make it, even going as far as to make arrangements to leave work early.
“Of course I am.” You say. “I’ll take her—I’m off work early anyway.”
It's better for the kids that you remain an active part in their life. Megumi and Tsumiki have already dealt with so much upheaval in their life. It's cruel enough that one caregiver left them, but two? 
You tell yourself you couldn't do that to them. That alone was enough to get you to stay in your old apartment for a few more months. By then, the kids knew something was up. They're smarter than people give them credit for, and there's only so many excuses you can make for sleeping in separate rooms.
It's been maybe a year since then. Six months since you moved out. You wouldn't call it easy, but you’ve settled into your new routine quite nicely.
“Great,” he says, “why not go together then? I’ll drive. We can get dinner together afterwards.”
Your mouth opens in protest. Although it’s phrased as a question, you know him better than that. Satoru will do everything to weasel his way into this situation. Your barely-pleasant expression sours entirely.
“No, thank you,” you say, gesturing to the door, “now get out of my house.”
“Don't be like that, baby,” he says. His arms stretch out towards you, and you immediately dart out of their path. 
“I hated you calling me that when we were married,” you say, “what makes you think I’ve changed?”
“You haven't.” He says. “That’s why I’m still here.”
Within the air here hangs a rift that time won't heal. This room—this space—is too emotionally charged for you to think straight. Your head spins, clouded with anger and spite.
“Don't tell me you left the kids alone to come bother me?” You say.
Tsumiki is nearly fifteen, and pretty independent, but you don't like leaving the kids alone any longer than you have to.
“Of course not,” he says, almost looking offended, “Tsumiki is off at a sleepover, and I got your mother to watch Megs for the weekend.”
“You what?!” 
A look of shock and betrayal crosses your face. You love your mother dearly, really, but sometimes she can be a bit… much. Early on into your marriage, she was asking when you were going to have children of your own. Being freshly twenty at the time, your answer to her was simple: never. Megumi and Tsumiki were enough. You wanted to be able to devote your time—and attention—to them, not a newborn. 
Satoru catches you in your moment of shock, his arms snaking around your waist. Your hands plant on his wrists to shove them away, yet you stop yourself. 
The sound of your phone ringing in the other room gives you a reason to escape. You free his arms from your waist, heading into the bedroom. You don't hear him get up to follow you, yet you know he does. Sitting on the table beside your bed, still charging, is your phone. It’s Tsumiki. You only glance at your phone long enough to see her name, not what she’s saying. 
The end of the bed dips under his weight as he sits. He tries his best to be covert about it, but you feel his gaze wandering around the room. From the photos on the wall, to the papers on your desk, to the stuffed animals on your bed. Oh, you can hear his snide comments now.
“Those earrings are new,” he says. And you swear you hear a slight tone of disappointment in his voice. “Pretty.”
Goosebumps rise along your arm as he reaches out to feel it, brushing across your shoulder in the process. Crystals, although they may be glass, cut to look like gems, dangling from your ears. They’re blue in color; not a light slate, but a deep cerulean. Subtle enough that they’re rather unnoticeable from a distance.
“Shoko gave them to me,” you say.
She took pity on you once she found out about the divorce. Maybe she felt partially responsible, seeing as she was the one who introduced you two.
Getting sent off to the religious boarding school known as Jujutsu Technical college was a major blow to your teenage social life. At fifteen, all you wanted was to go to a normal high school with your normal friends. Yet you weren't granted such a luxury, and instead were thrown into a world you knew nothing about. You quickly found solace, and a strange kind of companionship in the girl that smoked behind the school: Ieiri Shoko.
If you didn't end up marrying him, you probably would have married her. 
For you, it wasn't love at first sight. You could barely stand him in the beginning. It was a rivalry that slowly turned into friendship, ending in romance, albeit with much prodding from Suguru and Shoko. Teenage love consumed the two of you harshly, and entirely.
It wouldn't be until years later, after the wedding, when you would find out they bet on it.
You don't push him away when he kisses you. Just a peck, nothing more. Like you’re teenagers, exchanging affections in the stairwell between classes. When the higher ups would get upset at you, not him, because he was the strongest and could get away with just about everything.
Of course you still love him. How couldn't you?
You were one of the first to look at him as something other than the strongest. Even after the star plasma vessel, and Toji Zenin. Even after Suguru’s death. Even through your own grief, your presence was constant. To him, the concept of not having you around was strange.
The taste of coffee and lipstick lingers on your lips. Your thumb comes up to wipe away the smudge of red that’s transferred to his lips. And you, so pliable and eager, fall right into his lap.
His lips find your neck, hands wandering from your arms, to your chest, to your waist. He’s savoring your closeness—the scent of your shampoo: coconut. Little do you know, he keeps a bottle of the stuff in his own bathroom. If anyone asks, he claims it’s Tsumiki’s. Only you would know otherwise. She hates the stuff, and has been buying her own since the moment she was able to. Really, he keeps it around because he can't bring himself to throw it away.
“Satoru, we shouldn't do this.” You say. You don't really want him too, it’s only to preserve your pride.
Then why is your body responding so well to him? Your body knows this routine. Maybe the last several months of living alone has sped up the process considerably. Blood rushes where it needs to be, and perhaps most shamefully of all, you’re wet. Although you’re not quite prepared yet, it’s just in the early stages of gathering.
A line of saliva connects his lips and your neck as he pulls away. “If you really wanted me gone, I wouldn't still be here,” he says. 
You tell yourself that, if you really wanted him to stop, then you wouldn't have spent so many nights dreaming of this. You wouldn't reach out to the cold spot on the bed beside you. Your subconscious wouldn't long for him in nearly every way imaginable. 
His hands trace across your waist, coming to take yours. They’re warm, albeit a bit shaky. He’s just itching to undress you—to claim what’s his. It's a sick, possessive side of him that’s only fueled by your recent months apart. He comes to kneel before you like a man bowed in prayer. Satoru sits in worship, but not for the favor of a higher being. You might as well be one to him. Should you wish it, the strongest—wielder of the six eyes—would worship the very ground before you. That devotion would soon become suffocating. It was a bandaid on an already failing relationship.
“Still want me to stop?” He asks, squeezing your hands. Whether that’s on purpose, or an accident, you can't tell. “You say no and I’ll stop here. Just give me the word and we won't ever have to do this again.”
In this moment, your body betrays you: you shake your head. You don't truly want him to go; you know that, he knows that. He wouldn't be poking and prodding at every little unhealed wound if that wasn't the case.
“I need to hear you say it,” he says. That’s when you notice what’s on the chain around his neck: his wedding ring. 
It's like he’s mocking you. Of course he still has it. Of course he saw that yours was still sitting on the bathroom counter. 
Satoru has always been like this. He pokes and prods, finding out where you’re weak. What cracks or wounds he can press his fingers into. Pushing boundaries comes natural to him. 
Maybe you’ve changed. Maybe he hasn't changed at all.
“I just want to get off,” you say. 
“Poor baby,” he coos, “you haven't gotten off at all while I was gone, have you? You should have called me. I would have taken care of you.”
“I think I'd rather call Nanami for that.” You say.
The chuckle he lets out sounds nervous. “I know you're joking,” he says, “but judging by the way he looks at you? I think he'd take you up on the offer.”
You believe it. It was a thinly veiled secret that Nanami harbored a little crush for you. The man would never go as far as to pursue his coworker, let alone his coworker's ex wife. This entire time, he’s kept a respectful distance, only speaking about your marriage if you expressed a want to do so. You’ve considered it. Hell, you’ve given it a lot of thought. You think maybe… just maybe, if the two of you were drunk or desperate enough, something could happen. But fraternizing with coworkers in such a way is ill-advised. 
Satoru is going to give him hell tomorrow when he sees him at work. Nanami will be none the wiser, assuming Satoru is up to his usual antics.
“One last chance to back out of this,” he says, “if you don't want to do this…”
“Are you going to fuck me or not?” You ask.
His fingers trace down the curve of your spine, before coming to the hem of your sweater, pulling it up—and over—your head. From him comes an audible little gasp once he realizes you have no bra on underneath. That part wasn't intentional; you need to do laundry, and your shirt was baggy enough that a bra wasn't necessary. Your nipples stiffen once exposed to the open air. Although you know how this looks, it sends a pang of self-consciousness through you, causing you to cross your arms in front of your chest. It’s not like he hasn't seen this before. Maybe it's a last ditch attempt to preserve your pride. And he’s nearly tripping over himself to undress, pulling off his coat, then button-up, then trousers. Off comes your skirt, the silky fabric pooling around your feet. 
If you could stop for a moment and think, it would be endearing: the desperation that falls over you two like teenagers. He can hardly keep his hands off you, while you don't quite know what to do with yours. Eventually, you settle on wrapping your arms around his neck. 
You sit on the edge of the bed before him, still in your panties. Plain black. Nothing fancy, but cute. Maybe if you knew…
You almost scold yourself for thinking such things. It’s not like you had any way of knowing this would happen. You know part of it was to preserve your pride. Being able to move on without seeming like you needed him. He’s not your husband anymore; why go through the effort of getting dressed up?
Beside you, on the bed, he finds a spot to sit. He’s half hard already. His hands ghost up the outsides of your arms, before coming to cup your face. They soon fall to your waist as you move to straddle his lap.
Satoru leans in to kiss you, and it’s… uncharacteristically sweet. That almost makes things worse. If this were something over and done with quickly, that would be tolerable. You could chalk it up to raw emotions or hormones or something other than the fact you still have feelings for him and haven't come to terms with that.
Sex for the sake of mindless pleasure is one thing. It’s tolerable. You can explain it away easily. But the way he handles you—like you’re going to break—sends a pang of pain through your chest. It's too much. Should he act selfishly, that would be far more bearable than this. 
You almost want him to. It would be so much easier if he just took what he wanted, and left.
“Lay back,” he says, “like that. Good girl.”
You scoot back on the bed just far enough to fall against the pillows. Your thighs part just enough to accompany him. The body above yours is warm. His lips find yours, then your neck, then one of your stiffened nipples, softly biting down on it. That draws a sharp gasp from you, although the shock it sends down your spine is rather pleasurable. 
His fingers hook under the waistband of your panties, tugging them down your legs slowly. Achingly slowly. Shamelessly, his eyes linger on the way they stick to your already slick cunt. This moment is only dragging out because he wants it to. They’re tossed away alongside the rest of your clothes. Long, deft fingers come to trace along your slit; teasing motions done by a man who can barely contain himself. The patience of Satoru Gojo has limits, and you’re testing them.
He palms himself through his boxers. He's completely hard now. That doesn't stop him from trailing long, sloppy kisses down your stomach, and up your thigh. His thumb traces across the bundle of nerves. Slow and steady. Just enough to get you aching for him, but not enough to get you anywhere. You try to angle your hips towards him—to grind against him—but Satoru cruelty pulls his hand away. 
“Just… let me have my moment,” he says, chest heaving as he breathes in. 
So he admits it…
His thumb is soon replaced with his mouth, greedily licking and sucking at the bundle of nerves that is your clit. There's little rhyme or reason but it's just messy enough that it'll get you off. First, his index finger pushes into you, then another. Satoru must be moaning nearly as loud as you. The hand that isn't fucking out is wrapped around his cock, and he's bucking into it like it's a warm body. Judging by the noises he's making, he's going to cum, so he stops himself before he does so. You don't. Satoru guides you through your own orgasm, his mouth leaving your clit only after you've stopped trembling. It felt rushed. You're not quite satisfied.
Satoru makes a show of licking his fingers. When he kisses you, this taste only grows more prominent. He's making you taste yourself and you're not quite sure how to feel about it. It's not unpleasant, akin to unripe persimmons in taste.
“Is it how you remember?" You ask, a coy expression spreading across your face.
“Different,” he says, “better.”
There’s no time to grab a condom. Not that you have any in here anyway. Whatever consequences that result from this will be dealt with in the morning.
A small groan leaves him as he bottoms out. It's obvious that he tries to stifle it, and fails, resulting in a noise that certainly has your neighbors questioning things. You'll avoid their gazes in the hall tomorrow morning. This won't become a regular thing, you tell yourself. 
Hardly a few thrusts in and he knows he is going to cum too soon. You can see it all over his face. Pleasure turns to concentration, then thinly veiled stress. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills your bedroom. Some small, sick little part of you is grateful for your thin walls.
You hate him. You still love him. You wish he would walk out of your apartment right now. But part of you can't bear to sleep another night alone.
“You don't know how much I've been thinking about this,” he says, making a noise between a grunt and a huff, “about the way you feel. Taste. I couldn't get it out of my head.”
His mouth finds yours again and the kiss he exchanges with you is dripping with desperation. Something small, and quiet leaves his lips once they part with yours. You soon recognize it as an “I love you.”
He cums sooner than either of you expected, and from him, your name spills past his lips like a prayer. Though, you suppose that this is the closest he'll ever get to praying.
Your own release is still just out of reach. It doesn't take much effort to get him on his back, and you on top, riding him. He’s still hard, despite having just cum inside you. The fruits of his effort can be seen streaming down your thighs. Your movements grow sloppier as you grow nearer to your release, grinding down against him and his softening cock. Within your stomach, it’s as if an invisible band is tightening. Your own orgasm comes out in the form of a noise that sounds like both a moan and a sob. It's anger and pain mixing with pleasure. Tears of frustration are brimming along your lower lash line. You hate him. You love him. You wish he would leave but you don't want to sleep alone. A rift exists between the two of you that time will not heal.
Instead, you lay beside him on the bed. From beside you, he grabs a blanket for you to cover yourself with. As much as he missed the sight of your naked body, he knows this room is cold, and you’ll be getting up to get dressed anyway. 
To him, there’s not a more beautiful sight: you, laying on the bed beside him, leaking of his cum. It would be better if it were his own bed, he thinks, but this'll do. 
“I take it we’re on speaking terms again?” He asks.
“I don't know yet,” you say, “depends on how this conversation goes.”
From beside you on the nightstand, you retrieve your glasses, putting them back on. Outside, the sky still appears dark, only lit up momentarily by a bolt of lightning. The rain has slowed to a drizzle, running down your window in streams.
“Seems like great weather to stay in bed,” he comments. 
An arm snakes around your waist. You debate with yourself on whether or not to shove it off.
“I think some time apart will do us good.” You say, and the arm around your waist stiffens. He seems to be deciding whether to pull away or not.
“And what? Couples therapy too?” His tone suggests he's making a joke, but not one in bad faith.
“Just in general, you need therapy,” you’re only half joking when you say it, despite it applying to you too, “but I don't think there's one that specializes in whatever you have going on.”
“Funny.” He says flatly.
He lays on his back on the bed, and you lay on your side, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest. 
“I don't know what I want.” You say, finally. “I guess I could use something to eat.”
You had plans to make a nice, elaborate dinner tonight, although you’re no longer feeling like it. You went through the effort of buying the ingredients, and cleaning the kitchen, so you might as well. 
Satoru follows you as you make your way to the kitchen, stopping once to pull on a shirt. It used to be one of his, he notes. Maybe enough time has passed that you don't remember. Maybe you do. It’s just long enough to fall towards the middle of your thighs—you won't be giving the neighbors a show. He stops long enough to pull his boxers back on, leaving the rest of his clothes discarded on your bedroom floor.
From a cabinet, you retrieve two mugs. On goes the kettle to boil. He watches as you fill the french press with one… two… three scoops of coffee grounds. Just enough boiling water goes in to wet the grounds—they have to sit for a few minutes before the rest is poured in. 
Your taste in coffee hasn't changed much over the years. You still take it with cream and sugar. Satoru—when he does drink coffee—takes it with enough sugar to make your teeth hurt. 
“We must be on speaking terms,” he says, “otherwise I'd have been kicked out by now.”
“If I was going to kick you out, I would have done it before we had sex. Not after.” You say, taking a sip of your coffee. 
Something about the casualness of this moment makes your chest ache; like the last year hasn't happened, and the two of you are just sharing a moment over coffee. 
Neither of you notice the front door opening, nor the jingle of keys being inserted into the lock. Tsumiki, standing in the doorway, nearly drops what she’s holding: a book. Her eyes are wide with a mix of shock, before narrowing into anger. 
“‘Miki!” You say, almost as shocked as her, if not moreso. “What are you doing here?”
“Returning this,” she says, holding up the book in her hand, “I sent you a text about it like an hour ago. What are you doing?!”
Truly, you don't have anything to say for yourself. Your mouth opens, and a few, broken fragments of an excuse come out. Satoru, looking nearly as surprised as you, simply waves to her, before disappearing into another room. That won't help your case at all. 
“Having coffee,” you say, “we were just talking about your game on Saturday.”
She seems unconvinced. Tsumiki, like most teenagers, is a lot smarter than people give her credit for. Silently, she sets the book on the counter, before turning back towards the door.
“I’ll see you at dinner," she says, leaving.
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dante-transceratops · 18 days
Weekly tag Wednesday !! except it is thursday
Tagged by @thirstyvampyr does this mean you want to be friends???? :3
Name: dante
Eye color: grey? idk
Time zone: CEST
Favorite food: either shoarma or literally anything sweet
Do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair?: completely straight and thin. no texture whatsoever. very shit
Coffee or tea?: both! both are good
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. which album is it?
uhhhhhhh maybe shades of black by kovacs? sentimental value yknow
how many countries have you visited? i don't know the number but about half of europe, most countries multiple times, the us (east coast) and japan
favorite social media platform (other than tumblr): i guess instagram? just for scrolling though. i dont really use much else tbh (is discord a social media platform??)
if you had to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would you want to be?: cat!!!! 1000% cat
Relationship status: single
did you go to college (university 🇬🇧) and if so what did you study?: i did about half a year as a clothes tailor/maker in 2020 but i quit and i might start studying prosthetic manufacturing this september! not sure yet though no pressure
you’ve just made a letterboxd account. what are your top 4 films?
how to train your dragon i guess? honestly im blanking so hard on the rest ive spontaneously forgotten every single movie ive ever watched
What’s one of your pet peeves?: this is gonna make me sound like such a hater but people who laugh too often/too long. it is simply NOT that funny
What’s one of your guilty pleasures?: pressing on bruises, tattoo pain, that kinda stuff :))
and finally, if you could learn any skill, what skill would you want to learn?:
meeting/getting to know new people (irl) without hating every second of it
Tagging @liminalweirdo @grubbyjimm @punky-prince if y'all want ofc
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von-karmas-a-bitch · 6 months
hi sophia :D this is @lover-of-lawyers and um im hoping this reaches you otherwise im just talking to the void ig.
so ive been shadowbanned and since you have experience with it, i wanted to know what you think the pros and cons of being shadowbanned are, so i don't send in a ticket and regret it. i kinda like this stealth mode thing and tbh i've always kinda wanted to be shadowbanned but now that i am i've forgotten why lmao.
have a good one !! :)
great question!
pros of shadowban:
no tumblr live
stuff you post on main will be suppressed, but sideblog stuff (at least in my experience) won't. you can exploit this by reveling in the anonymity of "stealth mode" on main while also still getting appreciated for anything you post on a sideblog. it is truly the best of both worlds
this sideblog thing also applies to your comments and tags showing up in the notes, which is how i ended up being known for my tags here, despite them not showing up in the notes on my main blog
this sideblog thing ALSO applies to your ability to send and receive messages. only your main blog should be affected by this
cons of shadowban
stuff you post on main doesn't reach as far bc it doesn't show up in the tags, so this might hit you pretty hard if you're a Big Content Creator™ with an established presence on main (but then again, if you ARE big content creator, a lot of people will be following you so you won't need to be visible in tags for people to see your posts lmao)
your comments and tags on main will not show up in the notes (but, as i said, this can be a good thing actually)
you can't send or receive messages on main, which also means that you won't be able to scroll through old messages and reminisce, which is kind of annoying. BUT this also means no one can dm you spam on main bc... no one can dm you. lmao.
you can't tag people in shit, it won't show up in their notes. unsure the sideblog work around works here bc i haven't tried, so test it with a friend or something
you can't reply, even from sideblogs 😔 this is the one downside that i even remotely give a shit abt lmao the rest is so no-brainer worth it to me
your asks will get eaten so. im guessing you sent me this anon while signed out or smth which... actually is a clever workaround i could use that thanks for the tip >:3€
in conclusion stealth mode rocks it's so peaceful here lmao just make some sideblogs for stuff you wanna do to get around the shadowban and you're golden bc sideblogs work for like.... most of that stuff
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goldenboygate · 2 years
inboxing 1 thing:
how often do you forget to tag your posts as a certain given tag that you have assigned to that specific genre of posts (e.g: .txt, gif, answered/ask, etc)
looking at my ao3 i feel like ive forgotten to tag a lot of things... tbh maybe i should go back to writing carlando i kinda miss their romantic gay tension 😔
all. the. time. back on my old account, i tagged my stuff more, i had more followers, and so tagged stuff for filters and the like. but now i'm just really bleh about it, mostly because i don't post as much as i did (i still have death threats ptsd tbh) and also because i'm just forgetful i guess. i wish i did remember to tag more though because sometimes i'm trying to find stuff i've posted, and it takes ages cause i didn't tag 🥺
on ao3 it's a mixed bag but mostly because i sometimes just don't realise what i should tag stuff as outside of relatonships/drama/smut and stuff like that. mostly i just talk shit in the tags like i'm having a breakdown 🙃
Inbox me (1) thing you want to know about me
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krisdreaming · 4 years
hi :3 i hope this isn't disruptive to your break (and i'm really glad to read that the break has been so good to you!! :D ) but i recently discovered your blog and finally got the courage to message you because i want to fangirl to you about 2 things! warning: looong fangirl post incoming 😬 sorry in advance 😅 btw i love your theme(?) idk if if thats what it's called i'm a tumblr noob but yeah your aesthetic is amazing and so pleasing to look at :D
2) your writing! im not exaggerating when i say that you're my fav haikyuu blog writer. seriously. i get sad when people mischaracterize our boys :'( but you characterize them so beautifully :") your attention to detail is amazing, your descriptions are BEAUTIFUL, and the way you write is just *chef's kiss* some of my favs are your iwaizumi's 4+1 scenario ;-; (ok honestly all of them tho) and your kuroo fluffmass scenario ;-; AH mah heart too many uwus literally melting from how soft it makes me
i actually have been slowly going through all your posts from the beginning lols (because even your responses to questions/random stuff are pleasant to read LOL im a bit weird like that 😅) and i LOVE your little tag notes too hahaha (theyre so fun/funny). maybe when im caught up with everything youve written (sad) and your asks are open i'll stop by again with a request ^^ im so glad you love writing and sharing it with us! hope you have a wonderful week~ (btw your cat is so adorbs like srsly)
whoops actually 3rd thing to gush about- inarizaki match AH!! the hype. the feels. and YES i unexpectedly fell hard for kita (darn you furudate ive already adopted so many haikyuu boys!) so excited for you to write for him because ah hes honestly so amazing?? the block hinata hated the most was a nice surprise & i literally d;lajfak when i saw __ watching the match when jogging. i have such a soft spot for that year in that team ;-; heart broke a bit when __ was the only one we didnt see tho T_T
OMG I ASDJKLFJEI I’M PUTTING OFF ORGANIZING MY BLOG TO WRITE THIS I don’t even know where to start, my insides are literally just this: 🥺🥺🥺 I am SOFT you seriously have no idea how much I was grinning reading this!!!! I don’t even know where to start really, but omg I’m so happy you found my blog and that you’re enjoying it so much, that means everything to me 🥺 Ahh ty for mentioning my theme! I am honestly such a perfectionist with themes, I always mess with them for AGES so it makes me really happy that you noticed it!
You are too sweet, omg, thank you soso much for your incredibly kind words about my writing, hearing that just honestly makes my heart soar. I also have to say that the Iwaizumi 4+1 scenario is one of my favorite pieces I’ve written for this blog!!! I’m glad you liked it too! 
I am ALWAYS spouting off in the tags, tbh if you don’t read them you’re missing out on a big chunk of my personality bc I tend to hide it there orz. But please do stop in with a request!! ^^
YES INARIZAKI MATCH my peabrain has already forgotten everything that happened in it but it was a wild ride for sure. There were so many moments that had me literally pausing from reading just to squeal about them!! Kita kinda just sneaks in there without any warning, after that one chapter it was just over for me, like, Miya twins who?? I really need to keep reading, bc now the Nekoma match is starting and things are just getting 👀👀
Ahaha but anyway! I can’t tell you how much this entire message means to me?? It just made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside, I love you so much darling!!! You can stop in here anytime hehe ❤️
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peacevine · 5 years
any tips on starting off with accents/skins ? ive been wanting to do stuff, but tbh? i die (can you pls tag crowbot-fr when answering, otheriwse i might lose this ask sjdhgjd) i adore your work!
this is kinda late, so i’m really sorry! but anyways, here’s my thoughts:
don’t be afraid to do something simple! super-detailed skins might be great but i’ve had a lot of fun doing very basic things: guilt (my first accent) only uses 2 colors, black and white, and all of the NEON DEVIL series (which also only uses 2 colors) are relatively quick and easy to make, but still manage to pop
and also, if you’re looking to sell stuff? honestly, don’t be afraid to pander to the current trends. i’ve had to stop making pixel accents (which i loved doing) because they weren’t selling at all - i might pick back up on them sometime, but often the accent market can be cruel like that. that’s just a word of warning, though!
and of course, if things don’t sell one time, keep trying! try out different stuff, see what works for you (and for other people, but mostly for you - it’s not worth it if you hate what you’re doing and making) and eventually you will find that sweet spot somewhere.
starting off is hard. i tried starting making skins on at least 5 different occasions, and gave up, either because my ideas weren’t coming out the way i wanted, or because i just couldn’t figure out how things worked. the sixth time i made my first accent, so don’t be afraid to ask for help & again, make sure to keep trying! that’s the most important bit imo
and if you’re looking to sell: advertise advertise advertise!!! post pictures on here & link to your sales thread, ping GASP (this one is forgotten by a lot of new skin makers, and it kills threads!), and offer previews to anyone who asks. 
and this one’s been mostly useful for festival skins to me, but if you’re comfortable doing it, then you can just keep sharing wips and asking for input! one of my entries for trickmurk (hasardour, the male spiral one - didn’t win and i never printed it, but i’m still extremely proud of how good it looks) wouldn’t have looked as nice as it ended up doing if i hadn’t asked others for what would be good to add. as i said before, don’t be afraid to ask for help!
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desert-dyke · 5 years
I should finally do this before I forget, but i was tagged by @thedarknessofheaven  (fangs! Get it? Cause I’m goffik?)
nickname: Katie is technically a nickname and I was p much exclusively called that when I was younger so that when I first started learning how to read I was like  “why tf does this say Kathryn? That’s not me!” bc i didn’t know it was not legally my name. Other than that, I don’t really have any cool nicknames that have stuck (And I don’t really care for either name tbh)
zodiac: aqueerius
height: 5′4″ (I stopped growing in elemntary school so like literally I used to be the Tall Kid, until everyone caught up)
last movie i saw:  p sure it was About Time. I’ve seen it once before, but rewatched it with my mom recently. I don’t think i cried the first time, but i def did the second time, even tho i knew what was coming
favorite musician: its kinds weird bc I’m not like obsessing over anyone rn, and for a long time it was always like there was One Band I liked more than anyone else. so i really dont know who to put here
song stuck in my head: this is dumb but some electronic tune i was working on earlier
do i get asks?: not regularly. I appreciate those mutuals who will throw me an occasional bone
other blogs: ive got a lot but don’t really post on any of them besides this one. I’ve got like two blogs that are jokes, three specific fandom blogs for posting my cringe content I didn’t want to post here (which was mostly nsfw stuff, back when that was allowed), i have one for my band, one for my personal music projects, one for hosting images for rpg when i did that, one for Aesthetic Images Id want to find again at a later time, and one that I used to save spook-queen as a url back when I was ruff-boi (and now its just another url I want to horde)
favorite song: ill force myself to pick one, since i didn’t for musician. Ive finally listened to the Horrors’ latest album, rather than just listening to the singles, and its great and my current favorite album to listen to while driving. “Something to Remember Me By” is still my favorite track tho
what am i wearing: this t shirt thats soft and comfortable and i used to wear it nearly every day in college under a hoodie i also wore nearly every day and I forgot about it for awhile but recently rediscovered in my closet so now its on my bod
dream job: this is kinda a sore subject rn bc I have no idea what I am doing with my life and am kinda panicking about that and am afraid I am forever going to be stuck in my benefit-less, min wage retail position for the rest of my life and I have daily panic attacks about this since my interview for A Good Job didn’t work out
favorite food: i dont mean to copy you Griffin, but pad thai is so good and I am always down for shrimp pad thai, even tho yes I am allergic to shrimp but its worth the shrimp sweats
instruments i play: guitar, uke, bass
last book i read: Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers. Pls read it. like literally anyone reading this post rn. I need people to talk to about this series. 
last song i listened to: I think we’re alone now - Tiffany
random fact: my first kiss did happen in the grass next to the mausoleum 
describe yourself as an aesthetic object: a halloween decoration you’ve forgotten to take down, and has turned weathered in the rain
ok i tag @justnevilledup @queen-of-arcordia @church-of-cherche @truck-sheperd @vesuviusclub @my-desertroses
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artvmvs · 6 years
Ena mexri 100. Dhladh ola :)
damn y u do this
(btw they kinda got mixed up bc i am dumb sorrry)
The meaning behind my url:  idk. just stardust but star is in greek. idek.
A picture of me: im useless and idk how to put the picture on this place specifically, ask me separately if you do want one
How many tattoos i have and what they are: im a minor so none yet, but I’d like some in the future!
Last time i cried and why: ..no idea. Probably an arguement but I don’t remember, I’m more of a silent suffering kinda gal
Piercings i have: I am currently stretching my ears and I want a helix or an industrial, ik i don’t have many but I think they’re really cool
Favorite band: don’t make me choose
Biggest turn offs: dunno. does this mean generally pet peeves or nah,, 
Biggest turn ons: uhm i am a child!!! neck bites tho  we’re not diving deeper
Age: 16 
Ideas of a perfect date: something chill and not formal like maybe exploring the city or watching movies together at home or cinema idk, something exciting 
Life goal: bold of you to assume i have any goals for the future
Piercings i want: as i said, right now helix or industrial
Relationship status: single :))
Favorite movie: i currently like heathers and the imitation game but i really gotta watch new stuff I just never get around to it
A fact about my life: i didn’t think I would live to 2018, or at least whole (due to an unfortunate series of events) , but here i am binch  y’all have to tolerate me now!! sucks to be you
Phobia: fish and insects freak me out because they’re tiny n I don’t want them near me bc they are fast little shits and also I could literally touch them and they’d die and it freaks me out. or at least that’s what i use to justify me acting like a little bitch
Middle name: dont have one
Height: 165cm or as the ‘muricans like to call it  5'4 i think
Are you a virgin?: yes
What’s your shoe size?: um?? in greece we use different sizing i think? so in greece im a 37  but i looked it up and im a 6.5 in us and a 4.5 in the uk im VERY confused but basically smol
What’s your sexual orientation? i currently identify as a lesbian
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? i,,have,,,, drank beer once,,
Someone you miss: @221b-unicornstreet​ and people i cant tag
What’s one thing you regret?: not defending myself enough,,? I certainly have done many regrettable things but they’ve already happened now.. so
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: uhm BRYAN DECHART bitch i know im a lesbian but let me have this bc he is actually attractive and this is what came to mind rn so shut
Favorite ice cream?: i like vanilla flavour  dONT make that joke 
One insecurity: nose. spine.
What my last text message says: ‘’because it can mean either’’ im very interesting 
Have you ever taken a picture naked? nope
Have you ever painted your room? i want to
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? nYES
Have you ever slept naked? i think? in my?? underwear?? but not completely 
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? i,,yes
Have you ever had a crush? kinda
Have you ever been dumped? yes
Have you ever stole money from a friend? no???
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? i dont think so
Have you ever been in a fist fight? nope im weak LMAO you’d probably kill me by pushing me tbh
Have you ever snuck out of your house?  i’ve snuck into a house when i was six, i know im very cool.
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? yeah
Have you ever been arrested? nope
Have you ever made out with a stranger? IVE NEVER MADE OUT WITH ANYONE DONT
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? met?? up?? a date?? kinda ,, (regrets)
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? idrk
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? nah fam
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? if by more fun you mean cry myself directly back to sleep then yes, every week from grade 4-7 but now i dont have the ability to miss school for so many days,, still do tho, but less frequently 
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yes
Have you ever seen someone die? no
Have you ever been on a plane? yup
Have you ever kissed a picture?,, i mean i was made to kiss pictures in church thanks mom!!
Have you ever slept in until 3? i do that every day in summer
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? i do miss someone now as ive said
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yeah
Have you ever made a snow angel? yess
Have you ever played dress up? i think
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? probably when i was younger
Have you ever been lonely? hasnt everyone at some point tbh? but  not a frequent occurrence, at all
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? yes, from exhaustion
Have you ever been to a club? …unfortunately, 0/10 would NEVER do it again
Have you ever felt an earthquake? yeah, i live in greece dude of course i have
Have you ever touched a snake? not really… which is sad
Have you ever ran a red light? i dont drive
Have you ever been suspended from school? nope 
Have you ever had detention? i was made to sit in a corner once dgkdhfkg we don’t have detentions
Have you ever been in a car accident? no
Have you ever hated the way you look? always fam
Have you ever witnessed a crime? no i dont think
Have you ever pole danced? HH NO
Have you ever been lost? sorta
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? if you count athens then yeah, if you count the islands which i dont see why you wouldnt then no
Have you ever felt like dying? i’ve felt like i was dying and i’ve felt like i wanted to die both buddy
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? i guess uwu
Have you ever sang karaoke? hell NO
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? probably a bunch of times and on a daily basis, i live to disappoint 
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yES
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? no?
Have you ever kissed in the rain? nope
Have you ever sang in the shower? always
Have you ever made out in a park? nope
Have you ever dream that you married someone? i think i have
Have you ever glued your hand to something? nope
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? ,,no
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? ,,nO
Have you ever been a cheerleader? nope
Have you ever sat on a roof top? yesh
Have you ever brush your teeth? ,,, YES??
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? SCARY MOVIES SCARE THE LIVING DAYLIGHT OUT OF ME AND I KNOW ITS STUPID DONT BULLY ME
Have you ever played chicken? no
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? i’ve been pushed into the ocean with all my clothes on and some money too
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? on tumblr where the magic happens yes because yall havent seen my face
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Have you ever been easily amused? on the not so frequent occasion i get in that mood i laugh at absolutely everything
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? yyess love that
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? n o
Have you ever cheated on a test? yup yuup
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? always
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? what does that mean
Give us one thing about you that no one knows. i cried when i realised im gay because i thought i want going to hell (im an atheist now)
Top 5 (insert subject): top 5 what anon
Tattoos i want: havent really settled on anything but i’ll design it myself so…
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A heck ton (92) of questions
Thanks @teatowelhowell for tagging me!
1. Drink: Gingerbread green tea
2. Phone Call: my phone says my friend although I dont remember why lmao
3. Text Message: my mum asking her to pick me up haha
4. Song You Listened To: Living as a Ghost- GEMS
5. Time You Cried: like 2 or 3 nights ago?
6. Dated Someone Twice: never even dated someone once lmao
7. Been Cheated On: see above :’)
8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It: cant regret kissing someone if youve never kissed anyone B) life hack
9. Lost Someone Special: no
10. Been Depressed: no
11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: noooo whenever i drink i always get really paranoid about being sick haha
12. light blue
13. lilac
14. silver
15. Made New Friends: ye boii
16. Fallen Out of Love: no
17. Laughed Until You Cried: yes
18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: no
19. Met Someone Who Changed You: maybe in small ways but i dont think so
20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: yes
21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook: no
22. How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know in Real Life: all of them i think haha i dont use it anymore
23. Do You Have Any Pets: yess i have a cat he is a special boye
24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: nah ive always hated my my name but im slowly getting over it haha (plus itd feel kinda weird to just change it?)
25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: nothing much, just had some friends over lol i have a boring life
26. What Time Did You Wake Up: today at 9 but when i dont have school it can be any time from 8 to 12 lmao
27. What Were You Doing at Midnight Last Night: going through music to make a top jams playlist :’)
28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For: death im going on holiday in a few days!
29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother: like 10 minutes ago
30. What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: id like to be more confident and outgoing and more motivated haha
31. What Are You Listening To Right Now: Past Lives -  BØRNS
32. Have You Ever Talked To a Person Named Tom: yeah like 5 years ago
33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: um idk my lips are kinda chapped lol
34. Most Visited Website: tumblr probably :(
35. Elementary: (im not really sure what this question is haha) it was fun i guess
36. High School: im in high school now, my last year once we go back after summer. I met most of my current friends there so :’)
37. College/University: not there yet but im having to decide about university and stuff atm yikes, im thinking about studying something related to business
38. Hair Colour: brown. not light or dark, just brown lol
39. Long Hair or Short Hair: relatively but not like crazy long? about boob level lmao
40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: im not sure tbh maybe a lowkey crush yikes
41. What Do You Like About Yourself: i think i have quite nice eyes lol i have been blessed with long eyelashes.
42. Piercings: i have my ears pierced but thats it, and i probably wont want anything else in the future im too much of a wimp haha
43. Blood Type: idk my dude
44. Nickname: id prefer not to say in case irl friends find this lol
45. Relationship Status: v single
46. Zodiac Sign: leo
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: game of thrones, nbc hannibal probably, im not sure off the top of my head haha
49. Tattoos: none atm but id maybe like one at some point? idk its a big commitment and im v indecisive
50. Right or Left Hand: left
51. Surgery: ive never had surgery
52. Piercing: ears when i was 12
54. Sport: ballet when i was like 3 if that counts lol
55. Vacation: cyprus
56. Pair of Trainers: idk its not a moment that really stands out haha
57. Eating: surprisingly i dont remember the first time i ate something but i love garlic bread lol
58. Drinking: first time i got drunk i was 15 (on new years eve w my family lmao how wild)
59. I’m About To: stay sat down for like 4 hours probably
60. Listening To: Guillotine- Jon Bellion its a bop lol
61. Waiting For: idk nothing really?
62. Want: a gf lol free spotify premium :(
63. Get Married: yeah
64. Career: idk maybe accountancy (v exciting i know)
65. Hugs or Kisses: hugs
66. Lips or Eyes: eyes (also id just like to say brown eyes are v nice and underrated)
67. Shorter or Taller: taller but thats not asking much bc im short
68. Older of Younger: older
70. Nice Arms or Nice Stomach: um idc really but i do love a good arm
71. Sensitive or Loud: i kinda need someone whos loud sometimes bc im bad at talking but sensitive is good, can you not be both?
72. Hook Up or Relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or Hesitant: hesitant i guess?
74. Kissed a Stranger: no
75. Drank Hard Liquor: yeah
76. Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: never properly lost, but ive forgotten where ive put my glasses for periods of like 5 minutes many times
77. Turned Someone Down: no someone would have to ask first haha
78. Sex on First Date: lol
79. Broken Someone’s Heart: probably not
80. Had Your Heart Broken: no
81. Been Arrested: no
82. Cried When Someone Died: no one i know in real life
83. Fallen For a Friend: no but ive had a lowkey crush on a friend yikes
84. Yourself: lol no (i guess i do sometimes, but not enough)
85. Miracles: no
86. Love at First Sight: not really
87. Santa Claus: no :(
88. Kiss on First Date: do what feels right my dude im not against it
89. Angels: no
90. Current Best Friend’s Name: i must maintain anonymity lol but it begins with an E
91. Eye Colour: blue-ish green-ish grey lol
92. Favourite Movie: the lion king, primal fear, ex machina, idk i always forget favs lmao
im not sure how many people to tag so if you want to do it and youre not tagged pls do anyway lol (also sorry if youve already done this just ignore this haha)
@existentialshoelace​, @planter-lester​, @daniels-knee​, @iihappydaysii​, @lovinghowlter​ , @bitakalla​, @meow309​, @krystalinetg​, @starlightlesster
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wlweiss-blog · 7 years
@wlwnora tagged me 
Here Are The Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
Fool Lineup (i have no idea if this is avas own addition or if the original ask meme had fool lineup from the start. both are good): nat tagged most of the people i know :c @pyrruby @rosezone @angel-maki @tsunamifalls @hope-png and anyone else ive forgotten/wants to do it!!
the last
1. drink: water mixed w/ raspberry stuff 2. phone call: my brother 3. text message: ami 4. song you listened to: Zelda: OoT/TP- Lost Woods(Saria's Song)/ Sacred Grove Piano  5. time you cried: yesterday 6. dated someone twice: whoops yea 7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope ive never kissed someone 8. been cheated on: yyyyea 9. lost someone special: YYYYYYEa 10. been depressed: i am known for being depressed
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: new years
3 favorite colours
12. pastel pink 13. pastel blue 14. that pretty orange color idk what its called
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: oyea 16. fallen out of love: nah 17. laughed until you cried: yeah i cry a lot 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah 19. met someone who changed you: big yes 20. found out who your friends are: idk what this means but probs 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: my fb is basically just family so no
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 3 and the rest is family so im too lazy to count 23. do you have any pets: ye 24. do you want to change your name: kinda but im worried abt what my mom would Do 25. what did you do for your last birthday: im p sure i just slept
26. what time did you wake up: 6:10 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: snnnnnzzzzz 28. name something you can’t wait for: meeting my friends and this day being Over im so tired 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: last night 31. what are you listening to right now:  1 Hour of Relaxing Zelda: Breath of the Wild Music
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yea
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Hip Pain and sadly these dogs im not good w puppies 34. most visited website: tungle and google 35. hair colour: light brown
36. long or short hair: short its just above my shoulders 37. do you have a crush on someone: ye ye ye my gf
38. what do you like about yourself: my eyes bv everyone says i have nice eyes
39. piercings: ears 40. blood type: A or O
41. nickname: kate, kait, kaitee, kb, valerson, koki is old but koki 42. relationship status: gay and taken
43. zodiac: sagittarius. aquarius moon and cancer rising 44. pronouns: they/them
45. favourite tv show: uhhhhhhh… i honestly dont watch many tv shows unless u count like….. anime……… in which case bnha (same nat) 46. tattoos: none. id only get one if i can find a nice easy spot where i dont feel mch pain (same enat) 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: none 50. sport: soccer, softball, baseball, football, tennis, volleyball, golf, and cheerleading (all of these are Death) 51. vacation: Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, D.C, Kentucky, upstate New York 52. pair of trainers: ??
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: nothing rn 54. drinking: coffee
55. I’m about to: finish this and then play botw 56. waiting for: sleep & my mom to get home 57. want: My Cool Friends to be here tbh 58. get married: mmm….. maybe idk (same nat) 59. career: i want.... coffee shop but probably teaching or doing something w kids even tho i dont rlly like kids :/
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: idc
63. older or younger: :// 64. nice arms or nice stomach: again idc 65. hookup or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant:i would be a troublemaker but i have anxiety(sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssame)
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: no scary 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: many glasses but ive always found them eventually 70. turned someone down: yes. same guy four times( meeee too nat) 71. sex on the first date: no 73. had your heart broken: a lil 74. been arrested: almost 75. cried when someone died: yeah 76. fallen for a friend: yea
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: not really 78. miracles: ye 79. love at first sight: not really no 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: probably not 82. angels: kinda for certain reasons
OTHER: 84. eye color: blue 85. favorite movie: spirited away or uhhhh aladdin or uhhhhh moana or uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a lot
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