#j'onn j'onzz x reader
jupiter-letters · 2 months
Dating J'onn J'onnz would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: None
A/N: For the sake of my sanity and J’onn’s happiness, Martians are alive and well and these headcanons are based more on the young justice show. The reader is already a member of the justice league in this but maybe I’ll do some civilian headcanons later.
You both started out as pretty good friends but you never thought he’d like you romantically due to cultural differences. For him what you looked like didn’t really matter, your personalities meshed so well he wanted you around all the time. 
Despite having an open and honest friendship you kind of tried to bury your feelings from J’onn when you guys would talk telepathically. He did pick up on this though and it bothered him for a while but he didn’t want to pry. 
There’s this lingering tension though, you both like each other but one doesn’t want to overstep and the other is afraid of rejection. Other people can pick up on it too but nobody wants to say anything. There’s this romantic undertone with how you guys talk to each other but again nobody says anything. The other members of the league watching you guys interact is basically like this:
J’onn: “Would you like some refreshments after your journey to the watchtower? I’ve prepared some coffee for you.”  You: Ah, no thank you I appreciate it! Are you ok? I heard your last fight in Metropolis was tough, I was worried about you.  J’onn: And I you, your battle with Grodd caused me some distress but it was well fought. I’m happy you are unharmed.”
Wonder woman, Superman and Shazam standing in the corner like ???🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️🧍???
Things really get shaken up when M’gann makes her debut, she picks up on it as soon as you enter the room thinking you wouldn’t mind(due to your friendship of course). She ends up reaching into that crevice you thought you’d hidden. J’onn is unaware of this for like a second before she just comes out and says it. “Uncle J’onn have you guys started dating yet??” After she says that he’s looking at her like 👁️👄👁️. 
You fall out of your chair and M’gann realizes she messed up. Lucky for her she made a swift exit out of the room. You try not to make eye contact but J’onn is looking directly at you. 
At this point you both couldn’t put it off anymore and talked it out. You tell him your insecurities and he does the same. His fears about the attraction not being mutual due to the whole alien thing. Fortunately for you guys none of that matters since you’re so sickeningly in love. Now we get to the nitty gritty! The dating!
J’onn does everything in his power to learn Earth customs, especially your own culture, the language, the food. He wants to learn about it all to be closer to you. If english isn’t your native language he does a little brain download of it and speaks it with you. He’ll even prepare your favorite dish despite many, many failed attempts. When you make the same effort to learn about Martian culture it really warms his heart. It’s a rocky road but you get the hang of it, his family loves having you over. They’ll shapeshift into you when you come over and give you one big hug. 
You have to awkwardly explain why you’re seeing a new guy every week before J’onn chooses a form he likes. He doesn’t understand why it’d be a problem but he stops for you. It doesn’t matter though since he takes it off when you get home or when you’re among friends. He loves to shapeshifter for you to make you laugh, turning into celebrities or mascots to prank you. You wake up in the morning and open the bathroom door to see Chiitan taking a shower. He’ll even do stupid stuff like long furbys or the fresno nightcrawler. 
Fighting together is a breeze, nobody is crazy enough to go after you in the field. And psychic attacks forget it, you can’t beat a martian when it comes to telepathy. People often underestimate how strong J’onn actually is but they do enter the process of fucking around and finding out. He never doubts your ability to protect yourself either but if the need arises and you get overwhelmed he will step in. 
You understand J’onn’s feelings more than most, despite constantly being linked to each other’s mind. Like Bruce his body language is subtle, there are certain ways his lips twitch or how he rubs his fingers together. You both have a great understanding of each other’s emotions, it’s so wonderful, he never keeps things from you and is very blunt with his opinions. He feels like it’s insulting to you to use flowery language instead of being honest. 
He doesn’t mind PDA, however much you’re comfortable with he’ll do. However he won’t be hanging off of you in public, he will stay within arms reach. He always wants you to know he’s nearby and you’re safe. His love language largely revolves around words of affirmation. J’onn is a great person to vent to since he is a great listener and he’s lived a long life so he’s got some words of wisdom. You need advice? He’s your man and if you don’t he’s a good listener.
You can literally feel how much he loves you, he’ll even show you how he sees you. All colorful and bright like the sun. He’d literally walk through fire for you, his loyalty is unmatched.🗣️🗣️ You always tell him he doesn’t need to but he’ll do it anyway. After the most difficult day of missions and handling Martian and Earth politics, a moment in your arms rejuvenates him. For someone who isn’t super touchy the other thing he loves to do is hold your head in his hands and press your foreheads together. No words are exchanged, you just quietly enjoy each other’s presence. 
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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purple-obsidian · 1 month
beautiful mind pt. 2 (18+, j'onn j'onzz x fem human reader)
⭓ here’s part two. read part one here. this content is not intended for minors. enjoy 👽
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You don't have time to let your nerves get in the way, because J'onn is already kissing you as he eases both of you onto your nearly made bed, making your heart race in the best way. You had made sure to deep clean your room before inviting him back to you place, dusting areas you usually neglect, cleaning your windows inside and out even though it would be hard to tell since its evening time. You've been preparing for this, thinking about it and wanting it all to be perfect. And it does feel perfect, the way he's kissing you and running his hand down your side. his presence is all-encompassing, filling your head even before he enters it.
J'onn pulls away from the kiss, and looks down at you. "Are you ready?" He asks, reaching to caress your temple, itching for the connection he's so eagerly been anticipating.
"Yes." You whisper, taking a deep breath and calming your racing thoughts. Long, green fingers stroke the side of your face with a gentle touch as you feel a foreign sensation in your mind. Keeping your eyes fixated on his deep red ones, the sensation grows more intense, like there's someone else taking up space in your consciousness.
'Can you feel me?' J'onn asks.
"I do, I feel you." You reply, realizing only after you speak out loud that his mouth wasn't moving, and he was speaking directly into your mind.
J’onn grins. It's a different grin than you’re used too, since this is your first time seeing his true form. But you’re already growing fond of his Martian features. His hand trails down to cradle your neck, tangling in your hair just a little. ‘I feel you too.’
His lips brush against yours again, and you swear you can sense his own desire through the slowly strengthening connection with his mind.
‘You’re right. I do desire you. And I can feel your desire for me, too.’
You press your lips more firmly against his, lifting your head from your pillow just a little, his hand staying tangled in your hair. ‘I’m glad the feeling is mutual.’ You respond in your mind. The sensation is still a bit much as you get used to his mind-touch.
‘As if that were ever in doubt.’ J’onn chides back. The psychic connection allows you to banter with him as the two of you deepen the kiss, his large body pressing you firmly against your mattress.
Feeling excited, your hands travel up his back, lightly caressing his body and exploring the real him. J’onn has been nude since shifting into his true self, but you’re still wearing the black sweater and jeans you put on when getting ready for your date earlier. The layer of clothing starts to frustrate you as you get more and more worked up from how intensely J’onn is kissing you.
J’onn has kissed you before, this is hardly the first time the two of you have made out. But knowing where it’s leading is making you excited, and before you can even finish thinking about how much your sweater is annoying you, J’onn breaks the kiss and leans up off of you to help you remove it.
'Allow me.'
You blush, already forgotten that he can hear your thoughts. You allow him to help your sweater over your head, leaving your bra alone for now.
You feel self-conscious as J'onn drinks in your body, still partially clothed but apparently exciting him nonetheless.
'You are breathtaking.' He admits. And somehow, you believe him. You can sense the sincerity in his thoughts, you know his compliments are genuine. ‘Something we have in common.’ You think back with a sly grin.
J’onn rubs his hand down the side of your body slowly as he responds, ‘Not many earthlings would agree with you. There’s a reason why I so often assume my other form.’
Your brow furrows at his comment, feeling angry that anyone could ever think such a thing about the handsome alien on top of you. ’I’m sorry that you’ve encountered so many hateful humans. I’d say that we’re not all like that, but… most of us are. And even those who aren’t often don’t speak up when they see others being cruel.’
J’onn leans down once again, trapping your body between his strong, green arms, and kisses your collarbone slowly. ‘I believe humans have many redeeming qualities, enough to outweigh the bad. It’s why I do what I do. But I cannot deny how refreshing it feels, connecting with someone like you.’
‘Refreshing isn’t the word I’d use to describe this connection.’ You tell him, leaning back and reveling in how nice his lips feel against your skin.
‘No?’ J’onn asks, hesitating just a little. He can tell you’re enjoying yourself, he can literally feel it. But your comment plants a seed of worry.
‘No, it’s not strong enough. Exhilarating.’ You snake your arms up around his body, holding him closer to you. ‘Amazing, even.’
Relieved, he kisses and nips at your skin with just the right amount of pressure. His abilities give him an advantage, quickly being able to judge your reactions as he gets to know what you like. His mouth trails down, now kissing the tops of your breasts as they peek out from your bra.
‘If my mouth alone can bring you this much euphoria, I am eager to show you what else I can do.’ He says back telepathically.
You shiver under his touch, his thoughts getting you itching for more. ‘Do you…? I mean, I know you could, but how…? Is it, like, similar to how humans do it?’
You’re embarrassed at how scrambled your thoughts are as you try to ask if he has a dick or not. You’re not sure how to ask in a way that isn’t awkward, or even offensive. But surely, if there was ever an appropriate time to ask him such a question, it would be now, right?
‘Do not be embarrassed. It’s a fair question. One I’m happy to answer for you.’ J’onn shifts so he’s laying on his side next to you. One hand is stroking your hair, while the other rests on your stomach, rising and falling slightly with your breath. ‘There are many types of intimacy Martian lovers can share together. Not always with the goal of reproduction. Oftentimes, it’s for pleasure. And if that’s the case, I find there isn’t always a need for an additional appendage.’
His hand presses onto your stomach, slipping down under the waistband of your jeans. He unbuckles and unzips your fastenings right away, almost too quickly to makes sense. You look down towards where he’s touching you, and your eyes go wide when you see his hand morphing and flattening to snake down into your panties.
‘I think you’ll find I can be very accommodating to your preferences.’ You feel his fingers brush lightly against the wetness between your legs. ‘And I am eager to learn them all.’
‘J’onn, oh my god…’
With only the slightest pressure, he rubs small, slow circles over your clit. Your lips part in an almost-gasp at how electrifying his touch feels, and J’onn takes the opportunity to resume kissing you.
'You're sensitive, more so than other earth women.' J'onn comments, and you feel a slight pang of jealousy at the thought of him being with other women. You don't dwell on it though, knowing its not fair to be jealous of what's happened in the past. 'Forgive me. It is inappropriate for me to make such comparisons while we are together like this. But you don't need to be jealous. You are, by far, my favorite.'
You smile against his lips, squirming a little under his feather-light touch. Reaching up to trace the ridges on his neck, your lips continue to dance together in perfect sync. 'I’m glad. You're my favorite too, out of all the Martians I've been with.'
You expect him to be amused by your sarcasm, since he's knows that you've never been with an alien before. But J'onn pulls away from the kiss and looks down at your flushed face with a serious look, his fingers slowing.
'I'm the only Martian you'll ever be with.'
The vibe your getting from your connection turns a bit more serious for a moment, before J'onn apologizes once again.
'I... what I mean is, there aren't very many of my kind left.'
J'onn's thoughts wander to his brother, Ma'alefa'ak, and the tone of his thoughts turn almost angry. 'And I would burn them alive before I let them lay a finger on you.'
His sudden shift causes you to tense a little, and you run your hand up and down his neck lovingly in an attempt to diffuse the tension. 'Well, we don't have to think about that right now.' You reassure him, wiggling your hips a little to signal that you want him to continue. 'I'm not interested in anyone else. Earthing or Martian.'
Feeling you squirm causes him to look down at your body again, and he nods in agreement. 'We don't need to think about that... you're correct, I should be thinking about how to get you out of this clothing.'
'I can help with that.'
Relieved that he's not lingering on the topic, you lift your hips up off the bed and shimmy out of your jeans with his help, the clothing quickly tossed aside with your sweater. You reach for your underwear too, pulling them down your legs and kicking them off, all while the Martian observes you with wonder in his eyes. Before you can even settle your weight back onto the mattress, he's caressing your hips and leaning down to place warm kisses on your stomach.
'That feels so nice... your mouth feels so warm.' You're already wet from his attention so far, and having his mouth so close to where you want him the most is making you impatient. But he doesn't make you wait much longer, kissing down your abdomen and shifting down so his elongated head is between your legs. You can sense his eagerness as he takes in the sight of your pussy, marveling at the wetness gathered there.
'It pleases me to see your body already preparing itself for what I want to do to you.' His deep voice echo's in your mind and causes you to blush even deeper than you were before.
'I can't help it. You... I mean, I've been wanting to do this for a while.' You think back to him.
J'onn can feel your sincerity. And you can feel his confidence grow at your admission. 'Then, lets not wait any longer.' He closes his eyes as his tongue, which is longer and thinner than a human's, slowly laps at your clit, finally giving you at attention you're craving.
'Oh my- shit, J'onn, I... I...' You let out an audible whimper, smiling and leaning your head back on the pillow as he tastes you for the first time. Your reaction encourages him, easing away the last traces of nervousness he was feeling. His tongue morphs into a slightly different texture to experiment and see what other noises he can coax from you. He has the advantage, being able to hear your thoughts (or more accurately, lack of coherent thoughts) as he tests what you like the most. You extend your arm down towards him, unsure what your hand is reaching for, but before you can worry about it any, J'onn's hand finds yours, and his long fingers interlock with your own. His other hand is wrapped around your thigh, caressing your stomach and hip as he eats you out. It only adds to the steady heat building inside of you, but for some reason, you feel a nagging thought of insecurity at how exposed you are before him.
'You have no reason to feel insecure.' You hear him reassure you as his tongue rubs against your sensitive nub, sending tingles down your legs. 'Your body is beautiful.' He squeezes your hand a little, and uses his other to rub circles against your hip bone. 'Seeing you like this is arousing me.'
"F-fuck!" You cry out loud when he morphs his tongue to a slightly different shape and texture, which makes the friction feel that much sweeter. It makes it hard to remember what you were worried about just seconds ago.
'I think I found your sweet spot. Lets see how much you can handle.'
Moments later, the pace with which his tongue is moving against your wet skin increases, along with an increase of pressure, that has your legs quivering and your fingers clenching around his own. 'I... I can... ohhh fuck, y-yes, just like that...'
His unfiltered access to your thoughts would embarrass you if he wasn't making you feel so good, your thighs clenching around his head, biting your lip, feeling your body tense and relax as he brings you to life. His large red eyes are closed while savoring you and responding to your feedback, both audible and inaudible. It's like he already knows your body, even though you've never gone this far with him before today.
'So sensitive... I'll have to keep that in mind.' You can tell from the tone of his thoughts that he is pleased with himself, and rightfully so. After several minutes of his enthusiastic attention, your breathing gets shallower, your cheeks are more flushed, and your eyes are unfocused as you clench around nothing, grinding your pelvis against the aliens magic tongue and lips.
You groan out with a shudder, 'More... more, please, J'onn... I want more of you...'
As soon as your thoughts echo into his consciousness, J'onn is already responding. His tongue lowers to your entrance, licking up your wet skin slowly, savoring you. You can tell from your mind touch that he's enjoying your taste, an unexpected but welcome compliment. Feeling his textured tongue against your cunt has you reeling, more incoherent thoughts litter your mind and cause the Martian to smile against you as he slips it into your tight wet heat.
It’s even better than you imagined. He morphs and extends his tongue so it can reach all the way inside of you, lapping at your cervix and teasing your insides.
"Mmmmm.... oh..... fuck, how are you..." Your words come spilling out of your mouth, out of habit more than anything. You can't help it. The sensations you're feeling from him are making the tension in your lower abdomen build, causing you to squirm and write under him even more.
'Don't worry about the how, beautiful one. Just relax for me.'
No sex toy has ever given you the sensation's you're feeling now. No human has ever made you feel these feelings. You feel like you're ready to burst when J’onn’s tongue rubs against your g-spot, trying not to wiggle too much or throw off his rhythm. Just when you feel like your release is moments away, J'onn slows his attention, and removes his tongue so it can find its home back on your clit.
'Wha...? Why? I was close, J'onn, why did you stop?’ You whimper out loud as you ask him.
'I know you were.’ He looks up at you from between your legs, blinking his dark red eyes at you. ‘But I wish to delay your gratification, to make your climax more intense.'
You let go of his hand, untangling your fingers and looking down at him, running your hand along his cheek gently, blushing at how wet his smooth green skin is from eating you out.
'Not fair.' You whine, but you smile as you do, your mind racing with the realization that he's into edging. And with him being able to see into your mind, you're sure it makes him that much better at it, being able to read your thoughts and feel your emotions, able to tell when you're close and pulling away just in time.
He returns your grin with one of his own. 'You find the idea pleasurable as well.' Its not a question, but a statement.
'I do. But, I still don't know,' You prop yourself up onto your elbows, still flushed and frustrated from your almost-orgasm. 'How do I make you feel good? I don't want tonight to be all about me. I want it to be for both of us.'
'I will show you, beauty, in due time. I am in agreement that tonight should be for us both. But I must insist, ladies first.'
The hand that was tangled with yours moments ago moves between your legs, tracing your labia gently as his tongue finds its rhythm against your most sensitive spot once again.
You close your eyes, feeling your brain melting into mush when his long fingers prod at your entrance, slipping in easy with how much slick your body has produced already.
‘J’onn, please. I want… I want…’
‘I know what you want.’ He responds. His thoughts have a confident, almost proud tone. ‘You want me to fuck you with my fingers. You want to be full of me. Is that right?’
He asks, but he already knows. And it’s only confirmed at the wave of relief and affirmative thoughts that come spilling from your mind after his question.
He starts slow, with two fingers pumping in and out of you in tandem with the pace of his tongue. You clench around him, almost involuntarily, gripping his shoulders and humming in excitement.
‘That's it, beautiful, just let go… I’ve been looking forward to this. Many nights I’ve thought of you, wondering what you taste like, imagining the noises you’d make. You’re even sweeter than I’ve imagined.’
At the same time he shares this with you, your vision blurs, and you see brief flashes across your vision of yourself through J’onn’s eyes, starting with the first time he saw you. That and several other memories of the two of you play like a montage across your field of vision as he continues to pleasure you, showing you how he sees you. Your first date. Your first kiss. When he took you to the theater, seeing you in a floor length gown for the first time. More memories, all seen through his adoring eyes.
It’s a peculiar experience, you don’t quite look the way you expect yourself to. It’s different than how you look in the mirror, almost as if he's showing you a different person. You can feel the affection in his memories, the way he treasures you in his mind makes you feel warm inside, adding to the already intense sensations he’s giving you.
‘I need you to understand how much I care for you. Your beauty, it extends beyond the physical, I want to know you better than any other being does.’
The warmth of his tongue massaging your clit, the soft squelching of his fingers sliding in and out of you, his thoughts and affection filling your mind, it’s all so intense, your eyes water slightly at how amazing he feels. You’re breathless, panting and clinging to him as he showers you with love and attention.
Just when you think it can’t get any better, his fingers start to morph and expand inside of you, growing larger, causing your body to stretch just a little to accept them. The added friction of being stretched sends a warm shiver down your legs and you shudder again at how good it all feels.
You try to stay off your impending climax, knowing he will slow down once you get close. But he interrupts that thought the moment it materializes in your brain.
‘Don’t worry about that. Just let yourself feel me. You’ll get your release eventually, beauty, that I promise you. Allow me to be in control. It will be worth your while.’
‘Fuck, J’onn, it… I… you… you feel… so good, it’s so good.’
‘Yes, I know. I can sense it from our connection. Your ecstasy is my own, I can feel all of you. Tell me, beautiful, do you trust me?’
‘Yes!’ You respond without hesitation, ‘With my life, J’onn, I… ohhh…’
Your thoughts quickly delve back into the incoherent, as he works his fingers just a little faster, adjusting the angle slightly to test what will make you squirm even more. You can feel his satisfaction at your responses, his own emotions and feelings spilling into your own, the line between his thoughts and your own becoming less and less defined.
J’onn takes his time with you. It’s clear he’s here for the journey just as much as the destination as he brings you to the brink of orgasm over and over, not allowing you to fully experience the sweet release, reducing you to a needy, babbling mess under him by the time he’s denied you a fourth time. You try to keep yourself from begging, but when the Martian finally pulls his mouth away from your sweet cunt to take in the state of you, you lose all shame.
‘J’onn, please, I can’t take much more, I need you, please, I want to cum.’
His dark red eyes twinkle with desire. Your begging for him has his pulse racing and his own lust clouding his mind. You can feel it, how badly he wants you. The unmistakable comfort of reciprocated feelings, to love and be loved in return.
‘Yes, you’ve waited long enough.’
J’onn adjusts his body so he’s on top of you, trailing kisses up your abdomen and nuzzling his face against your breasts, and you can sense that he wants your bra out of the way.
You attempt to reach behind you to unclasp it, but your body is trembling and weak from overstimulation, making it harder than it should be. It takes only a moment before strong green hands are assisting you, tossing your bra aside into the growing pile of clothing next to your bed.
He doesn’t hesitate to explore your naked chest, nuzzling his nose against your plush breasts, licking at and teasing your hard nipples, earning another deep shudder from you. Your hands run over the back of his otherworldly head, hoping he cannot hear how loudly your heart is beating.
J’onn’s excitement is palpable. You can taste it, feel it, feeding into and strengthening your own arousal. His alien tongue rubs against one nipple with his fingers teasing the other. You throw your head back against your pillow and let out a long, desperate moan, not caring how pathetic you sound. You’ve never felt so turned on in your life. You want him. You aren’t even sure how you want him, your messy mind briefly remembering him say how he doesn’t have need for another ‘appendage.’
‘It’s not a necessity. Not unless procreation is the goal.’ He responds to your frantic thoughts. ‘But just because it isn’t necessary, doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy you in such a way. I can tell you crave more penetration.’
J’onn starts slowly grinding his hips into yours, allowing you to feel the bulge as it morphs between his legs. He abandons your chest to kiss your neck, rolling his hips into yours eagerly. He doesn’t enter you, not yet, but you can feel the hard, ribbed erection sliding over your body’s natural lubrication and teasing your sensitive clit.
Another pained whimper escapes your lips. ‘Please… please…’
‘Hearing you beg, it pleases me more than you know. Your patience will be rewarded.’ Another slow kiss is left of your neck before he sits up on his knees, allowing you to take in the sight of him, and what he’s been hiding from you.
Between his legs, where there was just smooth skin and muscle before, is your first look at Martian genitalia. It’s not completely different from a human male, but more… embellished. His shaft is long and ribbed with small ridges (much like the rest of his body), and it’s a shade or two darker than the rest of his green skin. It has a slight curve to it, and is thicker than any penis you’ve seen, but not excessively so. The tip is rounded and swollen, and you feel a rush of excitement, assuming you're the reason why there's a few small drops of liquid leaking out already. He has testicles as well, hanging low and heavy beneath his impressive erection. He doesn't have any pubic hair, but there isn't hair anywhere else on his body, either. You drink in the sight of him, wide-eyed, practically salivating in anticipation.
‘I could shift so it closer resembles what you’re used to, but I have a feeling you like what you see. Is my feeling correct?’ He asks, smirking at you, reveling in the lust and affection he sees in your watery eyes.
‘I want you, J’onn. The real you. Don’t change for me, you don’t have to.’
You surprise yourself by stringing together a coherent sentence. But it’s true, you’re itching to see what it feels like to have him inside of you. Not his fingers, but him. He’s bigger than anyone you’ve been with before, but it’s not too large that you’re nervous about it fitting. You don’t care if it’s uncomfortable at first, he’s got you so warmed up and wet that you’re sure you can make it work.
‘This is my natural size, but I can make myself smaller or larger according to your preferences. We can start smaller at first, as you get used to me.’
You barely register his thoughts, reaching out in wonder to touch him, curiosity killing you. The moment your hand wraps around his length, you feel his own thoughts become clouded like yours. You run your fingers over the ribbed shaft, biting your lip and imagining how good it will feel sliding in and out of you, him filling you up with his cum.
A low moan rumbles in his chest, and you quickly retract your hand, embarrassed that he heard that last thought.
‘No room for that, beautiful. There’s no embarrassment or shame between us. I won’t tolerate it.’ J’onn reaches down to stroke himself a few times, and positions himself on top of you once again. His hand is next to your head, holding himself up so he can kiss you without crushing you. His lips move slowly, giving you a taste of yourself as his alien tongue dances with your own, making another rush of heat creep into your cheeks.
He stills his mind for a moment before he enters you. You feel him check himself, scanning your mind for any hesitation or reluctance, making sure that the emotions he senses from you aren’t just a projection of his own.
‘You won’t find any.’ You reassure him, ‘I want you. Please… I don’t want to wait any longer. Make love to me, J’onn, I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to wait. I want you, I promise, please?’
Your begging spikes a fresh wave of lust in his body, you feel it almost as intensely as he does. This time he’s the one shuddering from arousal, and he bites at your lower lip in response.
‘Your words… your mind… turns me on even more than your body does.’ His hips shift forward slightly, meeting little resistance as he sinks his tip inside of your leaking pussy. ‘I could get lost here, with you, the sweet embrace of your consciousness is unlike any connection I’ve ever experienced.’
You can’t believe how eloquent his thoughts are when he’s this worked up. Your mind is mush at this point, fixated on how his cock is slowly filling you up and stretching you out, feeling every ridge and bump, massaging your already sensitive walls slowly as he sinks deeper with each gentle thrust.
An intense tingle travels up your spine. You’re unable to comprehend how surreal this is. When you first met J’onn, you felt drawn to him right away. But you never imaged he would feel the same, never imagined you’d be here with him like this, in your bed, your bodies and minds becoming one. It fills you with so much happiness, you feel as if you could burst, and with what little control you still have over your thoughts, you try to show him how he looks through your eyes, like he did for you just before.
J’onn’s expression softens when he realizes what you’re trying to do. He feels the happiness and excitement radiating from you mind, and it makes his chest swell with pride. He keeps your lips locked against his while you show him, all the times you’ve gazed at him longingly, admiring him from afar, suppressing your desire for him and trying to play it cool.
But your focus falters when he finally bottoms out inside of you. Your fingernails dig into his broad back, breaking the kiss and burying your face in his neck. ‘Holy shit, you.. it… fuck, J’onn, I..’
You move your lips, peppering slow, hungry kisses against his warm skin, trying to express with your body what your mind can’t articulate.
But he knows.
He feels it too.
Your ecstasy is his own. And his is yours. Two minds, connected and joined as one, mirroring your physical connection. He is everywhere. You feel him deep inside your body and your consciousness. And yet, you crave more. You want more of him. You long to know him deeper, to experience every part of him and appreciate all he is.
Your name is the only word that can be heard from J’onn’s mind. This is every bit as intense for him as it is for you, evident from his labored breathing and how strong his hold on you is.
You’re unsure how long the two of you stay like that, not yet moving, just allowing yourselves to grow used to the feeling of each other. But when J’onn finally withdraws his hips from yours, pulling out of you almost all the way, you’re more than ready.
'You feel... so divine... the way you squeeze me...'
His ribbed cock sinks back into you slowly, your slick dripping down onto your duvet. It isn’t like anything you’ve experienced before, better than any human man or dildo has ever felt. And as you ponder this, J’onn’s confidence grows ever stronger, and so does his pace.
With your face still buried against his neck, you nibble on his skin, temped to bite down to keep yourself from crying out in pleasure from how he's rubbing against all the right places inside of you. He's large enough that you're body is stretching to accommodate him, but not enough to be painful.
‘Y-You may bite, if you wish. You can scream, if you need to. Just don’t… don’t hold back.’
His thoughts are becoming less coherent and more like yours now. You bite on his neck, not nearly hard enough to break his impenetrable skin, but enough to provide you some relief.
J’onn finds it adorable, that you still refrain from biting too hard, as if you’re capable of hurting him.
‘Don’t hold back.’ He repeats. ‘P-please, beauty, you couldn’t make me bleed if you tried. Just… let go. It’s time I give you what you’ve been craving.’
His hips roll into yours faster, assaulting your g-spot with his ribbed cock over and over until you’re seeing stars. You whimper and moan, biting down hard into the strong muscles of his shoulder, clinging to him like he’s the only thing holding you down to this reality. You feel every inch of him, your pussy squeezing him and sucking him in like a vice.
Your bliss isn’t one-sided. J’onn, usually so composed and proper, is crumbling at how reactive you are to his affection, his breaths coming out uneven and broken, deep moans and grunts falling from his mouth as the two of you get utterly lost in each other.
You release his neck from your bite, moaning his name out loud over and over, echoing the thoughts in your mind. You're close. You’re close for the 5th time this evening, and it’s driving you absolutely feral with need. You're scared that he will pull away again, so you allow yourself to beg and hold him tight, wanting to ensure he won't make you wait anymore.
‘… fuck, J’onn, I’m close… please… let me cum, please let me finish, I need-’
‘I know what you need.’ He reassures you, pulling your face from his neck, guiding you to his lips again. ‘You’ve let me tease you and toy with you plenty, I won’t… won’t withhold your release from you any longer.’ He sounds strained, as if it’s taking great effort for him to make sense of his thoughts while he’s rutting into your tight warmth.
His trembling hand brushes your messy hair from your forehead, no longer in the sleek style you had it in at the start of your evening together. ‘If I may… let me just…’
His index finger taps at your temple, and your vision is blurred once again. But it’s different than how it was earlier, when he shared his vision of you. Now, your bedroom has disappeared completely, and is replaced with a beautiful starry sky, the milky way showing itself in all its glory. You no longer feel your bed beneath you. Instead, you feel as if you’re floating, suspended in deep space, nothing tangible around you except for your lover and the stars, which seem closer than you’ve ever seen them. J’onn’s arms wrap around your back, and he kisses you deeply, feeling you clench and spasm around him as your climax approaches.
‘Where the fuck… how… oh my gods, I can’t, it’s… oh, shit, J’onn!!’
He’s pulling out all the stops now, showing off his abilities to you in an attempt to make this experience even more memorable.
He’s close too. You can feel it. He’s holding out, waiting so he can experience his orgasm at the same time as you, struggling with it due to the lewd sounds of wet skin filling his ears, combined with your moans and breathy whimpers. But he keeps his pace consistent even, not wanting to soil this for you again.
It doesn’t take much longer. Your eyes water, blurring the immaculate expanse of stars above you. You feel your body release more dampness around his thick cock as he thrusts into you, legs wrapped around his waist and arms thrown around his neck. The tension that’s been building between your legs finally explodes. At the same time, a star explodes in the distance, bright, brilliant light shining and morphing the scene around you. It’s more intense than any climax you’ve experienced before. The pleasure trickles down your legs like warm honey, making you shake and convulse involuntarily. You yell out, breaking the kiss for a moment before J’onn swallows your cries of pleasure, moaning back into your mouth as his own body shivers.
Your internal muscles clamps down around him, causing his hips to stutter. ‘Thats it, yes… cum for me, yes!’ He tenses, and with a deep grunt, releases his seed deep inside of you, flexing his arms to hold you that much closer. ‘I… feel you, I see you, my beautiful… sweet, sweet lover.’ His hips twitch into yours, giving you a few more half-thrusts to help empty himself. Your name echoes in his mind as he stills, breathing heavily, reeling from the rush of both his orgasm and yours.
The Martian leans his large forehead against your own, pulling his lips from yours, exhaling slowly.
You feel like you’re in another dimension. You might as well be, with the scene he’s projecting around the two of you. The supernova is still happening out of the corner of your eye, brilliant colors and fantastic displays of energy playing out before you. Every cell of your body is alive with sensation, trembling and tingling, your muscles like jello under the Alien still inside you.
J’onn smiles, eyes still closed, keeping his arms around you and his arousal buried deep. You run your fingertips lightly over his back, absentmindedly, reeling and basking in the waves of pleasure still coursing through your body as your cunt clenches and spasms around him, hypersensitive and reactive to his slightest movement.
‘That was-’
‘Mind-blowing.’ you finish his thought for him, surprising yourself at how quickly you knew what he was going to say.
The two of you stay tangled like this, floating a few feet above your bed, J’onn still projecting the deep space view around the two of you, breathing deep and enjoying the closeness of both body and soul. He’s warm and feverish from his performance, and you’re covered is a light sheen of perspiration. You feel at peace. Safe, exhausted, and satisfied beyond what you thought was possible.
Your sentiments are reflected in J’onn’s mind as well, but neither of you put any more tangible thought to what you’re feeling right now. You’re both content with just existing here together. Eventually, he does lower the two of you back on to your bed, and allows the scene to fade, soon being replaced by your own dreams as you drift off with him still inside of you. He doesn’t break your psychic link. He keeps it, strong as ever, wanting nothing more than to spend the night basking in the warmth of your beautiful mind.
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⭓ if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment! 💜👽🖤
⭓ part 3 ⭓ masterlist ⭓
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dickmedowndc · 4 months
To Woo You, Pt. II - J'onn J'onzz x Reader
Word Count: 1,684
Summary: It’s a day that J’onn has been looking forward to since he finally managed to ask you out on a proper date – but now that it’s here he finds himself nervous. Thankfully, you seem to be in the same boat. But you’re both determined to make the night a good one, knowing there isn’t anywhere that you would rather be. 
Notes: Requested by @iholli ! I hope that you enjoy this! 
Part I here
It seems to be unfortunate luck that the following days happen to be filled with every criminal trying to sink their claws into some new venture. Keeping the League earthside for the better part of the days, and the Watchtower so busy that even when J’onn catches a fleeting glimpse of you that is all it can be. 
The shifts seem to wear you to the bone enough as is, and while he knows you have tried your best to respond to his messages, he never even gets the chance to really tell you to sleep before you have passed out in bed mid conversation. You always let him know in the morning, which he continues to promise is a good thing. 
Besides, the fighting has left him a little tired as well, though he never mentions a word of it to you, not wanting to risk rescheduling the date. Flash, in his good natured but mischievous spirit, had sworn to him that the date would happen, and nothing could stop it – not even the end of the world. Green Lantern had shaken his head and warned Wally that it sounded like he was going to jinx it, which seemed to do enough to hush him. For all of an hour. 
Still, your bright-eyed optimism, even through tired slurring over voice message, put the Martian more at ease than anything or anyone else. 
By Tuesday night it also seemed that word had traveled like wildfire. And plenty of staff gave him their best silent encouragement as he moved past them to catch you before you left. Mr. Terrific, Superman, and Flash gave their own encouragement, with even Batman giving him a nod. J’onn needed to find the individuals aboard the Watchtower more things to do, really. 
Despite that, it had finally given him a moment to talk with you as you waited for the transporter to fire up.  
“Are you alright?” 
“Mm,” you hummed, snapping back to attention. You realized quick enough that you were beginning to doze off while standing. “I’m okay,” you assured, hands up in a motion of surrender. “Just looking forward to a shower and sleep.” Despite your body seeming ready to collapse where you stood, the smile on your face did not stop when you next spoke. “Need to be well rested for our date tomorrow.” 
Though the lack of communication the days following his asking had been a small knot of concern for J’onn, it certainly hadn’t dampened your feelings towards it. It was a weight off his shoulders to hear. You had that ability though, to put people at ease or lighten the load with little more than a smile and your patience. 
Before the conversation could continue any further, you were alerted to the transporter ready to go, bidding J’onn a quick and sleepy farewell, and he the same. 
He didn’t need to turn around when he felt the breeze behind him, and a moment later his suspicions were confirmed when The Flash spoke. 
“Feeling nervous?” 
J’onn did not immediately reply, instead turning around to face The Flash who stood idly behind, far too interested in his plans for tonight. “Not anymore, speaking with them was... Helpful. In calming my nerves, at least.” J’onn supplied, already moving past the speedster. 
“Well, good, you’ve got nothing to worry about, big guy.” Wally said, clapping his hand against J’onn’s shoulder and taking up step beside him. Before the Martian could excuse himself, he found that there was nowhere to go. Instead readying himself for the rest of his shift. 
And the next day, when it had come far faster than expected, had proven that despite his words, he was still nervous when he arrived to knock on your door. 
It startled you for a moment, when you answered it – because despite being warned that he would morph to appear human, your brain still expected to see the green Martian before you. It took a moment before the gears in your head connected the flowers and the time together with the man before you. “J’onn?” 
“It is.” he assured, tilting the flowers out for you to take. 
And hearing his voice was all it took to confirm his identity. You knew that you had broken out into a smile, you could feel the way your cheeks were already starting to hurt. Not that you had minded, you had been excited for this yourself all day. Barely able to stay still once you had woken up. You could also see that your smile had put him more at ease, watching the tension drop from his shoulders and his gaze soften. “I guess I just couldn’t connect the human look at first.” You laugh, ushering him inside for a moment so you can set the flowers in water. 
“Apologies, but I thought this would be the best way to avoid drawing attention.” He shut the door behind himself, turning to watch as you skittered around your apartment with flitting attention between him and the blooms in your hand. 
“I’m just used to seeing how you really look – but I’ve never seen you outside of the Watchtower either, to be fair.” 
“If it means anything, that is an altered form as well, to put other humans more at ease with my presence.” 
This line catches your attention, and you look back after the flowers have been safely slid backwards onto the counter. “Well, that’s certainly something to see,” you say, genuine intrigue in your voice. “When and if you’re comfortable with it.” you amend, stepping towards him once more. 
J’onn knows you don’t miss the smile he gives you in return, offering his arm to you instead as you both move to the door. “Perhaps after a few more dates.” 
“Well, that sounds promising.” You link your arm with his, stepping out and fumbling with the keys for only a moment to get the door locked before the pair of you continue out and in the direction of the restaurant you had agreed on. 
The conversation after that flows just as easily, switching topics as you each find something new to question the other about. In your own little world, both of you almost walk past the front doors leading to the restaurant, before the smell of food catches your attention and your mistake. 
The reservation and seating go off without a hitch and for a minute you’re just distracted by the interior instead – the lights and decor. “This is nice,” you say, almost under your breath. 
“It was a suggestion, admittedly.” 
“Well kudos to whoever suggested it.” You can’t quite help yourself from shooting a little flirting line in addition, though it is still just as sincere. “But I don’t think that I would enjoy it near as much with anyone else.” 
J’onn opens his mouth for a moment to respond, but nothing comes out at first. He cocks a brow at you instead, well aware of the self-satisfied, mischievous smile that you’re trying very hard to keep off of your face. “Well, I certainly don’t believe that I would have brought anyone else here. It is much more enjoyable with your company.” That seems to kill the smile, but only to be replaced by earnest appreciation, one elbow propped on the table, face in your hand. 
“Oh, a smooth talker,” you tease. 
You’re interrupted for only a moment when the appetizers arrive, but the conversation picks back up flawlessly. 
“Perhaps not as much as you give me credit for,” he jests, “considering how long it took to get to this point.” He can see the way that you cringe in response to that, a grimace on your face. 
You shake your head for a moment before going to speak. “Okay, wait,” you pause, arm waving in the air as though you can physically brush away the embarrassment that you feel, “that one is really on me.” You groan, face hidden behind your hand for a moment. 
“I still found it endearing. You were just excited to call me a friend, I did not want to risk that or upset you if I corrected you.” 
You give a weak chuckle for a moment and shake your head before looking back at him. The heat radiating from your cheeks is noticeable, at least to you. “I was convinced there was no way that anybody from the League could be interested in me. Especially not you. It was surprising enough that you wanted to be friends, and I didn’t want to assume.” 
“If it is any consolation, I had to seek advice from Flash before my last attempt. And I was provided with unsolicited advice from others as well.” 
“I’ve had plenty of people coming up to talk to me about it now that it’s known. Romantic endeavors never stay very private on the Watchtower. But here is a question,” you say, pushing your food aside for a moment. “Did you ever just consider taking a peek into my mind to try and find an answer?” 
It almost set J’onn on edge, but your voice and body language portrayed nothing but curiosity, keeping him calm. “I considered it once or twice, but I did not want to intrude since I wished to court you. And as it had nothing to do with our work or any danger, that was no reason. I have found many humans do not appreciate that psychic link.” 
“Well, thank you for taking that into consideration. I do appreciate it. I was always curious if I would be able to tell if you were. But it sounds like it is something important to you, so I’m sure that it is something we can talk about more in-depth if we keep seeing each other.” 
This seems to catch J’onn off guard for a moment. “I would like that.” 
You flash him another bright smile before turning the conversation into something a little more light-hearted. You both continue, only stopping long enough to eat, even trying to speak despite the food. But more than eager to continue the date after dinner. 
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lizardboiii · 16 days
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
┃Last Updated: 06/03/24
┃Total Works: 1
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Central City
Barry Allen
┃At The Tone
Wally West
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Gotham City
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Hal Jordan
Guy Gardner
John Stewart
Kyle Rayner
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Star City
Oliver Queen
Roy Harper
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Garfield Logan
J'onn J'onzz
Victor Stone
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
⤷Refer to MASTERLIST for introduction and rules.
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logancreatesworlds · 1 year
Pillow Princess
Author’s Note: Yes, I know it’s been years but I’m getting through my first job and I’m going to grad school so cut me some slack.  Here, you filthy animals!  Special thanks to @black-is-beautiful18​ @macfizzle​ @khoicesbyk and @misswonderfrojustice​
Warnings: Cursing, sexual content - Don’t like, don’t read.  18+ only.
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J’onn exhaled in annoyance as he flew the javelin back to the watchtower.  You, the sugary root of his exasperation, had spent the last hour ranting about how he “was too overprotective” and “never let you defend yourself.”  It wasn’t his fault he had to save you after Cheetah almost sliced you into ribbons.  
You were gifted with strength and speed that almost matched that of Wonder Woman and you had the power to teleport on top of that.  Too bad Cheetah nicked you on your side before you could ‘vanish’ out of her reach - a nasty wound which J’onn had to cauterize with his heat vision after dealing with her.
“Are you even listening?”  You asked him angrily.
“How could I not?  Your complaining shall be heard by everyone in the galaxy.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Yes,” J’onn snapped, “Excuse you for not listening to my instructions and reading Wonder Woman’s report on Cheetah.  If you had, you would’ve known she is as fast as you if not faster.”
“You know damn well I hate reading!”
“Of course, unless it’s an erotica,” J’onn replies, not looking at you.
Your mouth flies open with an indignant gasp and J’onn smirks with brief satisfaction as you cross your arms and steam quietly.
The rest of the flight was silent.
“Hey guys,” Flash greets as he and Superman approached, “How was the miss-”
“Ask him,” you huffed angrily as you stormed past the two.
J’onn clenched his jaw at how disrespectful you were.  He had told you about that.
“Rough mission?”  The Man of Steel asked.
“Rough day in general,” The Martian replies, shaking his head.
“Vanish seems pretty pissed off,” Flash comments.
“Well that’s what happens when you aren’t careful during a mission,” J’onn says, brushing past them, “I’ll see you both later.”
You sat in silence as Batman gathered supplies to patch you up.  You couldn’t let Cheetah get the drop on you again.
“You look constipated,” Batman comments.
You gave him an annoyed look, one which the Caped Crusader was unfazed by.
“It’s true,” he said, bringing bandages and alcohol over to where you were.
“...The mission was rough today,” you relented.
“Meaning J’onn won’t stop babying me,” you huffed.
“I find that hard to believe.”
“How come?”
“Because you’re rash and hot-tempered.”
“That is not true!” You argued as he finished bandaging your scratched arm.
Batman gave you a knowing look and you sighed.  Okay, maybe you were.
Then, J’onn walked in.
But you weren’t about to let him know that.
“I can take it from here, Batman,” J’onn says.
Batman nods and leaves the two of you alone, being sure to give a look on the way out.
J’onn quickly gets to work without a word and you let him.
“You can drop the attitude,” the Martian says as he dabs alcohol on the already-healing wound on your stomach.
“I will drop it when I feel like it,” you hiss venomously.
“I’m gonna dismiss that as post-battle jitters,” J’onn says, smirking as he intentionally presses the alcohol-dipped cloth on the wound.  
It wasn’t enough to hurt you.  He knew that.  It was enough to get on your nerves.
“Fuck you!”  You shouted at him.
Black Canary and Green Arrow just so happened to be walking right past the Medbay during your outburst.  The look in J’onn’s eyes when he saw them was enough to make them continue.
J’onn took another exasperated breath.  Breathe, he told himself, Count to ten.
Calmly, the Martian laid the cloth down and leaned over you.
His two green arms guarded both sides of your body as his lips laid against your ear.
“You are so far out of line right now,” J’onn whispered in your ear, “You are already in enough trouble and if you don’t fix that attitude, I’m going to take off this belt, drag you in front of everybody in the mess hall and spank you until you cannot sit.  Is that what you want?”
“That’s what I thought.  Now be quiet and let me finishing cleaning the wound you earned.”
Once J’onn was done, the two of you headed home.
The route back to your apartment was more quiet than the one back to the Watchtower, only this time you were grateful for the silence.  The two of you slipped indoors unnoticed and you dropped your bag and coat on the couch before wordlessly heading to the shower.
The memory of you removing your costume was swiftly replaced by the feel of warm water hitting your sore muscles.  All of the day’s trials and tribulations were forgotten as you cleaned yourself.
A familiar set of hands settled on your hips as you let the hot water rinse your breasts.  You tipped your head back further as J’onn made his way up your back with the soapy washcloth and the gently wrung it out, intentionally brushing his fingertips along your spine.
Whether his fingers were outside or inside of you, you could not deny that the Martian was gifted with his hands.
J’onn used his right hand to pull you to him, allowing his left to run up your stomach and to briefly clutch your breast.  The way he would play with your nipples was your favorite.
Just when you were finally getting into it, J’onn stopped.
The Martian got out of the shower and grabbed his towel before heading off to your room.
Indignance washing over you like the hot water, you quickly turned the shower off and marched into the bedroom.
“What the fuck was that?”  You snapped.
“What was what?”
“Don’t ‘what’ me, you jackass,” you snapped, “You left me high and dry.”
J’onn finished drying his neck and smirked at you, “You don’t look dry to me.  Perhaps you’re just upset because Veronica misses me.  Does she miss me, (Y/N)?”
You glared silently as the cold air hit your skin, amplifying the iciness of the droplets cascading down your hips and stomach.  Your lady parts pulsed at his arrogance.
You hated how he was right.  J’onn hadn’t been inside of you for two weeks.
J’onn sat down on the bed and smiled.  Of course he looked unusually large because of his size.  But given the two years you had been together, that was normal to you.
“Come here,” he said.
You walked up to him.  Not needing any more direction, you handed him your towel.
The energy between the two of you seemed to wash over the room as J’onn rubbed the towel over your skin.
His eyes never left yours as his fingers brushed over the scar on your right breast.
You took initiative and closed the distance between the two of you.  J’onn’s lips wholeheartedly received yours and you pushed him back onto the bed.  His hands grabbed your ass as you crawled on top of him.
Then, you stopped.
“What’s wrong?” J’onn asked.
You slowly crawled off him and sunk down in front of him.
“Take off your clothes,” you ordered.
“You haven’t taken care of me in a whole ass week,” you snapped at him, “Looks like I’ll have to do it myself.”
J’onn smiled as he shifted out of his clothes.  His muscles elongated as you stretched over him.
You always loved his true form.  It was long, angular and he showed it only to a select few - one of which was you.
You wordlessly rubbed between his legs and J’onn took the cue.  Using his shapeshifting, he unsheathed the most private piece of himself and you took him in your hands.
The pleasure leaked into his red eyes as you jacked him off and a sigh escaped his lips.  You kept a steady pace until J’onn rolled you both over.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
“You don’t get to put yourself in danger and then touch me how you please.  Touching is for good girls.”
The look J’onn gave you silence you immediately and your eyes stayed connected as he spread your legs apart.
He then feasted on your pussy, sucking it like crab legs.
Your moans filled the room as you felt the Martian’s tongue extend into you and lick out the arousal.
‘That’s it, pillow princess,’ he whispered in your head, ‘Feed your boyfriend.’
You cried as J’onn stopped eating you out just before you were about to cum.
J’onn smiled down as you and you glared at him.
‘Fuck you,’ you mumble to him, unable to keep the smile off your face.
He pulled your front to meet him, putting your legs over your shoulder.
‘As you wish, dear,’ the Martian purred.
You did not walk straight the next morning.
Yes, yes - I know.  I’ll be writing more.
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Headcanons of what's like to date Bruce, Dick, Jason, Martian, Wally, and Clark?
Hi, sorry for taking so long, but I am very grateful for your patience!
Here you go...
Headcanons of what's like to date Bruce, Dick, Jason, Martian, Wally, and Clark?
I would like to state that I’m assuming you meant Martian Manhunter and not Miss Martian, but in the case that I am wrong and you meant Miss Martian let me know and I’ll add her to this or write a super-long essay of your guy’s relationship or something!
As always please do not copy my work in any way, shape, or form. Thanks!
Warnings: none i think... not spell checked...
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Bruce Wayne
Dating Bruce Wayne? Gotham’s favorite Billionaire and the Batman? Wow, good luck.
There is a lot of angsty shit in your relationship. Keep in mind it’s not like you guys have like crazy issues or anything, not to say that the Joker isn’t a crazy issue, but I mean that you don’t actually fight with each other a lot. 
You disagree quite a bit considering you watch him on monitors and he goes out and actually gets hurt, but all of that frustration and worry comes from a place of care.
However, you didn’t talk to him for days when he decided to let Dick join him in the field. You were beyond upset, especially since you knew the dangers of crime-fighting yourself, seeing as you used to be a vigilante. 
Regardless of that, it was Dick that convinced you to cut Bruce some slack. Eventually, you came to agree with the teenager, but only after you kicked Bruce where the sun doesn’t shine.
On a nicer note, definitely lots of gifts coming from his end even though he is called the dark knight.
Even when you were both playing hero and he didn’t know who you were under the mask he gave you little gadgets. You two had also met outside of hero-ing and in your real lives where he constantly graced you with the treat of coffee and/or donuts. 
He likes to get you nice treats and sweets. He knows you don’t care for expensive gifts, especially since you work for a lot of nonprofits.
As for PDA on a scale, I will give you a 7.5/10. A solid 2.5 for physical affection such as hand holding, forehead kisses, whispering in each other's ears, and being a little too close to each other but not so close that you freak out everyone else around you.
As for that leftover 5 on the scale, holy shit do you guys never shut up. The constant flirting is where most of this score comes from. Saying embarrassing and inappropriate shit anywhere and everywhere is common with you. You tease each other relentlessly and enjoy seeing the other squirm. It can be quite uncomfortable for others around you, but you tend to keep the more spicy comments quieter, which leads to all of your odd whisperings.
You sort of live with him…? You guys are most often at his place, but you did decide to keep your own just because you wanted something that you paid for and could afford unlike his gigantic fucking manor.
Bruce cares for you deeply and understands why you want to keep your independence and have at least something of your own, especially considering that you guys work together often.
You are close with all of his family, including each kid he adopts, takes in, or has under his proverbial wing. In fact, you kind of think they prefer you over him, or at the very least Jason definitely does. 
It might also be common sense now that Alfred also likes you more than Bruce because, in your guys' relationship, you have all of the brain cells and are logical. 
You both can be impulsive and rude. You both can come across as very blunt and private people. You work well together despite everything.
You were very glad in the end that you both found someone so supportive and understanding. 
You both were also glad that you had the guts to kiss him because, honestly, he was never going to make the first move without it being an epic disaster.
Dick Grayson
Yay! Okay, this guy and you wow. May I just say couple goals here. Like yes, wonderful, perfect together.
Will you go off on someone for hurting his feelings? Count on it. Whether it is physically fighting or verbally berating someone, you also support everyone’s favorite Blue Bird.
Cute nicknames? Yes, as I stated previously, Blue-Bird, you know because he had been Robin and then he became Nightwing, and Nightwing’s suit is black and blue. Also, his eyes are blue and they look so pretty you could stare at them all day. Also, often used but none as creative as Blue-Bird, sweetheart, darling, cutey, and love.
His pet names for you, are Darling, beautiful, sweetie, bundle of too much adorableness, most wonderful human being to ever exist, my reason for getting out of bed every morning, and love. It is obviously a wonderful mixture of names, and yes, sometimes you do worry about him.
I mean how could you not, you were there since he became Robin, you comforted him through every phase, from being a rebellious teen by denouncing Bruce, becoming Nightwing, forming his own group of heroes, and making the obvious mistake of wearing tights as a part of his costume (that one was particularly hard for you).
I will now rate your PDA, congrats you have received a 6/10. You guys like to give small face kisses (forehead, top of the head, cheek, nose, temple, etc.), you guys give each other small pecks on occasion, and always say ‘I love you’ when one of you has to leave. You hold each other's hands a lot. You guys are very sweet and very wholesome. The only time you aren’t is when you get reunited after a long time (2+ weeks) or a life-threatening thing happens (which is pretty often, I’m not going to lie). 
When you reunite do you share that time slowed down and you are running to each other with the wind in your hair moment before frantically grasping one another to share a passionate kiss. 
Sometimes he will tickle you and pick you up just to spin with you. This happens quite a lot and the two of you often have tickle fights.
You get along with his family, but you have no trouble standing up to them for him. You will fist fight with Jason and tell Tim to ‘shut up and go to sleep’. If Damian starts talking crap you won’t physically hit the child, but you will steal away his pets with treats, which annoys him because food > him.
You will scream at Bruce if necessary. Dick and his adoptive siblings will have to physically pick you up to get you away from the situation.
You guys never fight, except when you eat the last of each other’s ice cream. 
Jeez, you two are so cute together.
Jason Todd
You met early on but got together a few years after his death.
He used to annoy the shit out of you, but the events involving the Joker led you both in the same direction.
You both have a better understanding of each other than anyone else. You are field partners and the only real anti-heroes of Gotham.
You were quick to share an apartment once you both learned each other’s civilian names.
It is easier than you both expected to fall into a rhythm, which only made it easier to go from something platonic to something romantically domestic.
You never seemed to get in each other's way and could somehow calm the other down when the world became a little too quiet or loud. You both rarely slept in the separate beds you had brought and maneuvered into the one bedroom. In fact, neither of you really slept on a bed. 
Most nights you stayed up as late as you could and either returned home and passed out on the couch or watched tv till 3 am, cuddling, and passed out on the couch.
You guys are a little different than others. PDA is more of healthy ways to deal with trauma mixed with a little codependency (but nothing terrible, sometimes shit just gets hard for you both and you have some really off days). Hand holding, back rubs, hugs, and playing with each other's hair and hands are just ways to calm each other.
But back to PDA. Yes. 9/10. You will both totally make out in front of other people spontaneously without a care in the world. He tends to initiate it, but you certainly never have an issue with it.
After all of the shit you two have been through you don’t really care about other people’s comfort around you because you feel safe with each other and are each other's security blankets.
Pet names are definitely common. It is probably the most annoying thing he does when you work together fighting crime. You always hated how he was so arrogant and acted childish when he was Robin. Now he just calls you pet names and flirts ceaselessly with you while you fight together. He will call you sweetheart, darling, beautiful, gorgeous, love, my love, love of my life, and more when you are in the field. He calls you them outside of your night shift too, but that does not annoy you at all. 
You tend to use many of the back, if not all of them, because he means just as much to you. 
He always makes the most adorable face when you cradle his head and call him beautiful. Like this is the softest he will ever be with someone else and he just looks so small and cute and in need of a hug.
If he annoys you, expect gifts in the form of food and drinks. If you annoy him, expect to give him extra hugs and books. 
Yes, you read together, cuddling. Typically different books, but he acts as your personal heater and you love it.
Coffee shop dates, take-out-stay-in dates, and video game dates are to be expected. Also, pastries on top of buildings in the middle of the night are a great pastime.
Also, one last thing, just to mention, you are the only one allowed to use or even touch his guns.
Martian Manhunter
Telepathically communicating, yayyyyyyyy! Okay maybe too soon with that one. But really, expect to be snorting in a silent room as everyone looks at you like you're crazy except for him because he’s smiling fondly at your reaction. 
You two are very sweet together. You help the Justice League with PR stuff, so you talk with the group of heroes all the time.
You often work with the big names and more controversial people in the League, but you work with everyone when you need to.
Also, J’onn can fly so expect to be carried in his arms all the time. He won’t even think about it twice because why would he take you somewhere in a car when he can literally swoop you off your feet bridal style and fly off as you look up at him in complete adoration.
For the moment you’ve all been waiting for, PDA rating. I would say 3/10 in public and 6/10 in private. By that I mean outside world public and the justice hall, mount olympus, etc. as private. In your guy’s place he’s just a cuddle bug or a second cat because yes he bought you a cat for one of your anniversaries.
He cooks you dinner. You join him often, but like he loves to cook you dinner. You think it is really sweet, but he also loves to learn different earthly activities. That and M’gann sends him recipes she thinks you’ll like (and you always love them).
You once made him chocolate cake by the way and now he has a new favorite thing. He loves it and didn’t stop talking about it for months. 
He likes to hold your hands a lot. Sometimes when one of you is stressed the other reaches out in hopes of grounding them before they overthink. It’s very sweet and you both love the gesture.
You sort of also took M’gann under your wing when she first arrived and it melted yours and J’onn’s hearts when she first called you her aunt/uncle. At this point you're like the mom of the YJ and the go to friend for the league. It’s all very sweet but sometimes J’onn feels like the League is hogging you and ‘has to’ drag you away from everyone quite literally, which goes a little something like this:
“Oh, but J’onn, I was having a lovely conversation with Bruce.” “Oh, I’m very sorry, Y/n, but we really have to go,” as he starts to pull you out of the room. “Alright, sorry Bruce we can talk, more some other time?” Once you both make it out of the room you release a breath, “Dinner?” “Yes.” “Great because I’m hungry and Bruce was gnawing my ear off.” After that you both just laugh.
Dinner goes great by the way and you share chocolate cake at the end before going home to cuddle with your cat and watch baking and cooking shows.
Wally West
Just to get it out there, you show your guys affection through food and physical touch 
You make Wally whatever you can cook and make a lot of it for his boosted metabolism. You also order extra pizza for him.
He tries to bake you your favorite desserts but sometimes lacks the patience and other times he eats half of it.
He typically just always buys you your favorite snacks and desserts. Even then he always ‘sneaks’ a bite.
Your PDA is surprisingly low, but as he matures it definitely increases. Like Dick had told you all those years ago it took a while to get used to Wally eating.
I would rate you a 2/10 at the beginning of your relationship and an 8/10 when at your best. (basically Young Justice S1 Wally compared to S2)
You are always touching each other. I don’t mean in an inappropriate way, but considering it is Wally that isn’t unheard of, just not often done in public.
On top of that, he will carry you everywhere, superspeed, normal speed it does not matter. Hand holding always, hugging always. He just wants physical contact. And piggy backs.
But like also, his pickup lines. I repeat his pickup lines. They are so cheesy and corny and you find them endearing somehow. I mean I do too, he is a sweetheart so yeah.
He treats you so well too. Your well-being matters so much to him and if you need something, he will be there in like 3 seconds regardless of where he is.
Nicknames should be expected: whatever you do, whatever you like he finds a way to make it a nickname. He does use babe a lot, but it feels a little basic so he comes up with new one's all the time. Sometimes they stick and other times you choke on air, but the scientific method says that you will fail and retry so it doesn’t phase him.
For the record though, he is Wally so a lot of his nicknames are food based: honey, cupcake, sugar cube, sweet potato, and more.
If you nerd out with him he will never, I repeat, never let you go. 
Also if you wear his merch he will be all over you. Depending on the situation and the place it might get a little spicy, but in most cases he will wrap his arms around your middle and just hold you tightly as he falls back into a chair or couch or something. He will not let you go and will nuzzle his face into your neck for hours. For someone that is so fast and gets bored so easily, he will never want any of this to end. 
Clark Kent
Yeah, you know. You knew. You were well aware of who he was. One single pair of glasses did not fool you. I mean, you didn’t say anything until like the seventh date, but you knew.
Yay, lucky you are normal, in fact, you do not play hero in your free time, but you do have some abilities.
You blame the particle accelerator explosion that occurred in your last home for your abilities. But they were easy to hide and really helped with your job.
You are a psychologist/part-time therapist. You met Clark through an interview you did about the effects of the most recent attack in Metropolis on the citizens' mental health. You had to fight for this article to even exist, but you did so because you could feel the fear that radiated throughout it. 
You did everything you could to provide as much help and information as you could on the topic. Clark had been the photographer for the interview and you both immediately hit it off.
He asked you out to dinner when you stopped by his office to discuss doing another article. Clark said that to celebrate the occasion he could take you out if you wanted.
You said yes because free dinner was nice and he seemed like a good guy, so you thought why the heck not?
Of course, the date went well and you highly enjoyed his company. He asked you out again and said yes.
On your third date, he had to leave early for whatever reason, and then a minute later Superman flew by and started to stop a robbery a block away. Interested, you got as close as you could and were very shocked when you saw Superman’s face. 
You didn’t mention it, but he had the same aura with the slightest bit of guilt that you thought was likely toward leaving you mid-date.
Once he knew you knew he eased up a lot and told you all about his past and Krypton and his powers and his hero-ing. 
You guys have great communication, which is in part due to your empathic abilities. You can always tell when something bothers him and he is more than willing to talk through whatever troubles him. You do the same understanding that you both thrive off of honesty with each other.
Conversation always comes easy. 
Some activities you like to do together are going out for dinner, movie nights, baking, picnic dates, and annoying Bruce Wayne.
Your PDA scale would be like a 4/10 at most. You are very sweet with each other, but sometimes you both find it odd being extra coupley with others around you. Since Clark has super hearing he can tell when people are uncomfortable and since you have your empath abilities you can feel it too. Other people’s moods also affect yours in general so the more people there are the more overwhelmed you feel so you try to avoid anything more than a quick peck on the cheek. 
However, it is still very obvious you two are together because you spend a lot of time with each other and go to lunch together basically every day.
Around the Justice League, you can be a little more open with your affections but you both still prefer privacy.
Nicknames: yes. There are some of the basics: darling, dear, love, etc. Clark particularly likes calling you my dear and you enjoy calling him sweetheart. Sometimes you joke around when he enters a room and you say, “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s my boyfriend, Clark Kent.”
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I love your Kryptonian hcs! I was wondering if you have any Martian hcs? I really love j'onn and itd be cool if you had any hcs!   
Martian Headcanons
I don’t have anywhere as many headcanons for Martians as I do kryptonians but I do have a couple, so here they are :)
I believe things like gender are completely different on Mars before Martian society was wiped out. Because of their ability to shapeshift things like gender were very loose, and they probably only really had one type of pronouns that everyone used, as physical appearance was just built on what you wanted to look like.
Martians didn’t have much of a spoken language because they all possessed something like telepathy, so they communicated mostly through that than they did with speech.
Martians mate/marry for life, so if their spouse/mate dies that’s it. They, like kryptonians to some extent, are able to sense when they’ve found their perfect match, though its through their telepathy and other mind powers, where kryptonians is more through their senses and a pull they feel for their other.
Any Martian is able to carry child, or impregnate someone else if they so please, thanks to their shapeshifting. Its typically the strongest of the two that carries the child, as they are able to be pregnant without fearing for their health or the child’s.
Martians don’t purr or make any noise in that regard, but they do something you could compare to two cats wrapping their tails together. With their telepathy they’ll hold onto each other to some extent, though its mainly with their minds so there’s always a connection.
Kissing on the lips is a human concept for the most parts, so Martians tend to press their foreheads together instead. This can be a platonic, familial, or romantic move, it all depends on what they are projecting with their mind when they do.
Martians are the best partners when it comes to communication in relationships, as they can sense if you are distressed and will find time to sit down and talk about it. Two Martians will communicate with their telepathy and have the issue solved quicker than we can keep up, but if you are a human or just not a telepath, they are good at talking too.
Because they are vulnerable to fire, Martians aren’t the biggest fan when it comes to heat, so they tend to like it colder. So, with a Martian lover you can expect to have to wear warm clothes in the winter or to sleep. Though, when your partner notices they’d turn up the heat for you. They wont die from it, they are just more comfortable in the cold, but seeing you comfortable is most important to them.
If you aren’t a Martian and are dating/mated to one, they might alter their appearance when you learn what your type is, because they want to be appealing and attractive to you. Youd have to sit them down and explain that, their appearance isn’t what’s important to you, and you love them as they are.
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superdanverstrio · 1 year
kidnapped PT.3
PT.1   PT.2  PT.4  PT.5  PT.6  PT.7
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
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The first 2 building was just a simple 1-story building that was completely abandoned, so it wouldn't take long to search. Brainy and Nia checked the building, but it was empty there were a few box here and there, but that’s it, the second building was the same. Kara and j’onn Already checked the first floor and there was nothing. Getting to the last floor, both sister were starting to lose hope. They look around the last floor, but they didn't find you or the alien. “Brainy, are you sure those were the only location you found.” Kara asked desperately. “Unfortunately, yes, that’s all I have for now.” Kara sighed and looked at j’onn with tears in her eyes. “We will never find them in time.” J'onn took Kara in his harm.” Yes, we will ok well find them in time.”
 In a last ditch attempt, Kara used her super hearing. She was extremely surprised to hear a really faint but present heart beat, pulling away she concentrated on the sound. “What wrong?” He asked. "I think I hear something, It's coming from downstairs.” She followed the sound, it leads her to a wall on the first floor. “Hidden door, maybe.” Kara said, and J’onn shrugged. They looked around trying to find something like a button, a lever, anything that could reveal a secret door. Looking closely, Kara found a spot that wasn’t the exact shade of the wall, she pressed on it and the wall opened. 
 Behind the door, Kara saw the most horrifying sigh she could ever see. There was you on the floor covered in blood and bruises, your eyes were closed and if it wasn’t for the slight movement of your chest anyone would've thought you were dead. The was towering over you, he grabbed you by the neck and lifted you in the air. “Are you dead yet or do I need to continue?” He chuckled, he squeezed your neck more and with your eyes still close you weakly grabbed at he’s wrist. Kara was frozen there in shock, she couldn’t move, she just looked at you.
Your POV: 
You just wanted to die at this point, your entire body was hurting, you were so weak you couldn’t move nor could you scream in pain when he hit you or stabbed you with his sharp claws. 
 You knew he was there, you could feel his presence. You heard the door open, so you thought he was actually gone, but you quickly realized he wasn’t when he wrapped his hand around your neck and squeezed, cutting your flow of oxygen, you weakly tried to loosen his grip on your throat, but it was obviously a failed attempt. 
 Suddenly you were dropped onto the floor and you groaned at the impact. You heard some struggling then there were hands-on you, you whimpered and flinch in pain because the hand were touching one of your wound, you tried to move away from what you think was Vexok hands. 
 General POV: 
 “Get away from her!” J’onn scream, snapping Kara out of her trance. The Alien dropped you to the floor, right as he did, j’onn attacked him whilst Kara ran toward you. She placed her hand on your side to see how badly you were hurt, She heard you whimpered and try to move away from her, not knowing she was hurting you she pressed down harder to keep you from moving. A weak cry left your lips and that when she took her hand away, you shook like a leaf and try to move away again. “Sweetheart, it’s me, it’s Kara, it’s your big sister. You’re going to be ok. I know it hurt, I’m sorry. Could you open your eyes for me please?” Kara said, tears brimming her eyes at the sight of you like this, you slowly opened your eyes, even if your sight was blurred a little you recognized your sister’s bright blue eyes they were filled with worry. You cried in relief and happiness at the sight of her. 
 Behind her, j’onn made quick work of knocking the alien down. “Come on, we need to bring them both to the D.E.O.” J’onn said, Kara nodded and picked you up. You let out another weak cry of pain, which broke Kara’s heart even more. “I’m sorry, Honey, but I have to bring you to the D.E.O.” She said softly.
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sapphire-widow · 2 years
J'onn J'onzz x adopted daughter reader (part 1)
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Third person pov
It was karaoke night at the Danvers', when they all heard a loud noise. A spaceship came crashing down in the middle of National City. Kara, J'onn, and Mon El all looked at each other and went towards the crash sight.
(Y/n)'s pov
Me and my brother were sitting in our living space. Our parents are no longer in the picture due to the white martians. We were in our green martian forms, because we were more comfortable in that form. We sat there with a small fire keeping us warm. I thought I would turn into my human form. The red glow light formed around my body as my (h/l) (h/c) came, my green skin turned (s/c), my dark eyes turned (e/c). I looked over at my brother, who sat across from me on the other side of  the fire. He was in his human form. My brothers hair was brown, bang swept to the side, eyes were brown, and skin lightly tinted.
It was night time, but the night was always the worst here on Mars. The white martians are always awake at night. The screams never end. 
Some time went by when we heard sounds coming from outside. In a split second, we knew it was the white martians. I looked at my brother and he looked at me. When I looked into my brother's eyes, I saw something I hadn't seen since our parents sacrificed their lives for me and my brother. He took my hand and went to the basement area. My brother knew  something was down there.
He took a blanket off of what looked like a pod.
"Get in. It will take you to earth. You will be safe there." My brother said in martian.
"What about you?"I ask my brother in english.
"I'll be fine, (y/n), I'll be okay," he responded back in english. Just then we heard the white martians break in. I got in the pod, while my brother set it to head towards earth. 
As the pod was leaving, the last thing I saw was my brother getting impaled by a white martians. I screamed in agony, pain, and deep sadness. My brother was all I had left and the white martians took that away from me. 
I am the last green martian of mars.......
End of flashback
My pod had just crash landed on a planet that I'm guessing is earth. I heard three people talking outside of my pod. Out of fear I went into my martian form. Just then my pod got opened and I saw a woman with long blond hair. She looked at me then turned to someone that was behind her. The woman seemed to have whispered to what looks like a man. The man came into the light. Instead of seeing a man, I saw a green martian.
I thought the white martians were playing tricks on me, so I hid within the pod, not daring to trust the being. As I least expect, the green martian showed his human form, showing that he can be trusted. 
"My name is J'onn J'onzz. What is yours, ittle ne?"
"(y/n) (l/n)" I said in a quiet voice, too scared of being killed.
"Don't worry I'm going to take care of you. You are safe here on earth."
"I can trust you?"
"Yes, you can. I am going to take you to a place where you are going to get checked. To see if you're okay, I mean." The green martian said. And all I could do was nod as he picked me up and flew me to an unknown place.
As he flew me, I saw the woman from earlier and another man. They followed us to the unknown place. And I knew from here on out I'm going to be okay.
The little glossary
ittle ne: little one
Author's note: Thank you all for reading. I came up with this hoping you all will enjoy it. Please keep a look out for part 2, cause you all know you like it. You all can deny it all you want, but I know you enjoy this.
And who ever just farted, please keep that stuff to yourself.
With all the love I have (since I'm as single as a pringle),
Raven The Sapphire Widow
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supercorpkid · 4 months
Powergirl Should Die - 2
Supergirl, Powergirl, B!D. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, J'onn J'onzz.
Word Count: 2840.
Part 1
Kara is the sunshine. It irradiates through her skin and you don't think there's a single soul that would be able to deny that. Your sister is always bringing good light wherever she might go. But you-
You were born to rain clouds. Always almost but never enough. Power, yes. But never Super. Even back in Krypton, you were always blessed in her shadow.
And that was fine, for most of your life. You didn’t care to hide away behind her at school. Didn’t care that when she moved to National City, you had to follow her too. But then she got you inside a skin tight suit, gave you a superhero name, and that was a little too much for you to bear.
Because now you are sleep deprived, too tired to function properly. Haven't rested a bit in days. Patrolling the city, watching everyone's step, listening to every heartbeat and shaky breath. Waiting for the worst.
It's not even that you can't rest because you don't have the time, that is only partially true. You have to go to the Museum and work. You haven't let anyone patrol the city ever since you saw that flash of red in Lena's surveillance camera. Even so, you would still have a couple of hours to nap, if only you could. If only you wouldn't wake up drenched in sweat from your nightmares.
All of them are about what's happening right now. You watch from afar seeing her blonde hair and red cape flying behind her while she writes the words that are now rooted in the depths of your mind. 
Powergirl should die. Why won't she die already?
"That's enough!" J'onn stops the arguing. His deep commanding voice is enough to make everyone shut up, including both of your sisters that had been yelling at you until a minute ago. "You are in a government space and some of you are public figures. I expect at least a little bit of decorum, and if that's not possible then the three of you should go talk somewhere private. Preferably at home."
"Fine by me." Kara says, hardening her jaw. "We're all going home." She speaks almost out of greeted teeth, only one eye blinks, so laser focus on you, it sends shivers down your spine. 
She picks Alex up, ready to fly away, but looks back at you before she does so, almost daring. You don't want to go home with them. All the previous yelling already made clear what their point was. You are getting obsessed with this 'Powergirl should die' thing. You're getting fixated, absorbed, borderline manomaniacal about it. Throwing blame around, wary of the people who are there to help you, snapping at your own flesh and blood. 
Yeah, yeah. No shit.
"Y/N, would you stay behind for a second?" J'onn says, and Kara furrows her brows at him. "She'll catch you in a moment, Kara. You and Alex can go."
"Alright." Kara leaves, but it is clear it wasn't ok by the way she said that. 
He starts walking and you follow him silently throughout the corridors of the DEO, and only stops in front of a lead covered room. "For privacy." He explains, pointing inside and you agree with your head walking in. "Would you like to tell me what the problem is?"
"Besides someone wanting me dead?" You snap. You can't really control how you sound right now, even though you wish you could. You're tired, scared, and suspicious of the very one person you should rely on the most. That makes everyone around you untrustworthy by default.
J'onn agrees with his head. And you bite the inside of your mouth to keep you from spilling the truth.
"Seems enough of a reason to me."
"You think Kara wrote it." He explains it further, saying what you've been thinking. At least someone had the courage to say it out loud. You sigh, looking down. 
It's wrong. Thinking your sister is the one writing all these terrible things about you. But what else would you think? It’s the only lead you have. The only one you need.
"It's a pretty big accusation."
You can't look him in the eyes. Even though you haven't directly said it, he could read all the messed up thoughts you were having about it. "You didn't say I was wrong."
"I didn't say you were right." J'onn counters, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "You're going to end up doing something you regret if you don't rest. I'm not going to argue you on this, Y/N. This is not a suggestion, it's an order from a superior. I am not giving you a shift tonight, and I hope that means you won't be on duty."
"What if the writing comes up again?"
"Then we clean it." 
"What if something more than the writing comes up this time?" You can't help the watery eyes when you say that.
He gives you a long pause, "Then we fight it."
Alright, well. You can't argue with that logic. And you also can’t argue with the fact that you are so tired, you might end up doing something stupid. 
So you agree that you won’t patrol tonight, trusting him on this, and leave the DEO. You are well aware that your sisters are waiting for you in Kara’s apartment, ready to tell you what to do. So before you face them, you send Lena a text.
You: Hey! You, me, Love Actually and Thai food tonight?
Lena: Yes, please. All of it sounds perfect ❤️
You smile at her text. Your heart doing a small loop inside you. Alright, now onto the hard part.
You fly in through the window and the second Kara notices your presence, she picks up the conversation from where it was left. 
“How long has it been since you've slept?” She asks, crossing her arms and Alex mimics her action right after. They look like two angry parents, and it makes you even more annoyed. They are not your parents. Your parents exploded 20 years before you even stepped foot on this planet, so. 
“I don’t know.” You mutter, knowing they wouldn't like the honest answer and having no energy to fight them.
“If you would just let me take over for you, mini me. I could patrol the city tonight. I promise I'll call you the second I see something suspicious and –”
“Yeah, ok.”
“What?” Kara and Alex stare at each other.
“I have direct orders from my superior to stay put. And I also have a date – I mean, a movie date – a movie thing with Lena tonight, so yeah. If you want to patrol the city, you do it.”
“Oh.” They stare at each other again, confused about your approach to this. You’ve been very demanding the past few days about how this is only about you and that no one else should get involved, and just one conversation later, you're quick to give up that control? Sounds weird. But they're not going to fight you on this, since it's exactly what they want. "Great! I'll do the patrolling and you do the date."
"And sleep." Alex adds. "Don't forget you need to sleep."
"Sure thing, mom." You force a smile then fly out of Kara's living room, and go back to work.
It’s a lot later that night when you give Lena the empty container of your already eaten Thai food, and snuggle up on her couch, throwing the blanket over your legs and trying to get as comfortable as possible. “Mmm, just FYI I might fall asleep during the movie.” You warn her. “I haven’t had a good night in a while.”
Lena hums her agreement from the kitchen, but soon she is back to her place next to you. “Something’s been worrying you?”
“I guess. But I don’t wanna bore you with that, it’s not something fun to talk about.” You smile when she gets under the blanket too, body so close her warmth irradiates through her skin. 
“You couldn't bore me if you tried, honey.”
“Au contraire, darling. I think everyone at the Museum would say I’m the most boring person alive.” You give her a side smile.
Lena shoots her head up, comically fast. She blinks at you, head clearly going one thousand miles an hour. She is thinking so hard, it's almost loud. You furrow your brows in confusion, while her mouth drops with a 'oh' sound. 
"You're ok?" You pat her leg.
There's no verbal answer. Lena's shaky hands make their way to the collar of your shirt and you sit up straighter trying to understand what's happening right now, and trying to predict what's going to happen next. 
“Lena?” You question her movements when she undoes the first button of your shirt. You swallow. It's not like you never once imagined this happening, but not like this. Not without love confessions and a whole lot of prior conversation.
“Lena, what are you doing?”
Lena doesn’t answer, doesn’t blink. Hands still shaking, but decisively making their way to the second button.
“Lena, please.” She undoes that one as well. And that's when it hits you. You are always wearing your supersuit attire under your clothes, so it's faster when you have to run out from work and such. Panic shoots through your body as you realize that if she unbuttons one more, she’ll be able to see your supersuit. You hold her hands to stop her. “Lena,” you try to smile even if your mouth is completely dry and your breath is stuck in your lungs. “Darling, shouldn’t you kiss me first, before trying to get me naked?”
Lena finally looks back at your eyes, a smile dangling on her lips to match yours. And then she gives you a smirk. “You’re not naked, though. Are you?” 
“Under my clothes? Yeah, I’m naked.” You lie with a fake chuckle. 
She untangles her hand from yours, places it behind your neck and brings your face closer. You hold your breath. Widen your eyes. This is happening. It's happening! You and Lena, it's finally happening!
“What’s going on with you tonight?” You stare down at her mouth. “I’m not complaining, I’m just confused.”
And that’s enough of a distraction for her to move her other hand and unbutton one more. Lena looks down at the white of your supersuit and the little bit of gold from the House of El crest. And you? You panic.
"I, um, I can explain." While your heart beats strongly into your ribcage and there's a loud buzz inside your ears. How do you explain yourself?
Lena seems to be inside her own little world while both hands now make all the way down undoing all of your buttons, opening your shirt to have the House of El crest staring at her in all its secrecy.  
"I'm sorry." You whisper, one tear rolling down your cheek. Because there's no explanation, really. Nothing you can say for yourself to stop Lena from hating you now.
She finally looks up to you, eyes tearing up as well, mouth agape to her recent discovery. You can see it all playing out in her eyes. She has the most expressive ones. Betrayal and anger, sadness and confusion. And then, a few seconds after two tears drop from her eyes, she raises her eyebrows at you. Eyes widening when something hits her.
"Powergirl should die." Lena whispers, swallowing deep. "Oh my God, Y/N. Someone is trying to kill you." 
She launches herself onto you, holding you tight. Her hand entangles on your hair, holding your neck strongly. 
"Oh, darling." She whispers, her body even closer now. You feel a kiss being planted on the side of your head, while you seek comfort on her arms, face buried on her neck. "No wonder you've been so careless."
"Au contraire, darling? Please, Y/N, I've never heard anyone say that except for you. And Powergirl, apparently." 
"Lena." You whine, embarrassed. Can't believe you made it that easy. You guess J'onn was right, you were about to do something stupid from the lack of sleep. "Someone wants me dead." You try to justify, earning a smile from her.
"You really are tired, huh?" She brings you closer again, kisses your temple. "You thought I was trying to get you naked, honey."
"Lenaaaa." You whine harder, face burning red from embarrassment. God, you're such a loser. "Can you please ignore everything I said tonight? I haven't slept an inch in four days."
Lena smiles fondly at you, while she strokes your cheek delicately. She plants a kiss there, then a light one on your lips. It's so soft, it holds no sexual implication. Just pure comfort. "Come on, Powergirl. You need a power nap."
"Oh God." You complain again, but soon Lena hugs you tight, and with your head on her chest, and Love Actually playing in the back, you're fast asleep. You don't even care if the writing shows up all over town tonight. There's no other place you'd rather be.
You wake up from your place on Lena's chest. Sometime last night she laid back on the couch and you curled yourself around her, not ready to let go. It was the first night you haven't had any nightmares.
You hear a few knocks on the balcony door, and you and Lena raise your heads at the same time to the intruder on the other side. Kara. She is smiling and waving, then she widens her eyes and turns around quickly. X-ray vision. You look down to Lena's body under yours, and your leg slotted between hers. 
"Oh my God. I'm sorry." You get up in a flash, shirt still hung open with a clear view of your supersuit. "Shit, fuck."
Lena gets up as well, trying to look less disheveled to your sister's eyes. And after you button up your shirt, you finally open the balcony door and clean your throat, so Kara can look back at you.
"Hi!" She tries with the biggest, most awkward smile ever. "Just, um, wanted to say that there's nothing new for me to, um, report?" 
You look back at Lena who knows exactly what Kara is talking about, but is looking down pretending she doesn't.
"I didn't mean to interrupt –"
"You didn't." You both are quick to say.
"Oh-kay?" Kara raises her eyebrows, a smile reaching her eyes, and you know exactly what she is insinuating. And sure, you thought the same thing last night, but you're both wrong.
"Can I get a ride?" You ask and Supergirl eagerly agrees. You turn back at Lena. "Thanks for –" You bite your tongue. You don't want to say anything in front of your sister. "Lunch later?"
"Lunch." Lena agrees with her head. And you smile before letting Kara pick you up and fly out of her balcony with you.
When you're out of sight, you untangle yourself and start flying next to her. "So no writing last night, huh?"
"Nope. Not even a kitten to rescue to keep me entertained." Kara grins devilishly at you. "You, on the other hand, was well entertained last night."
"Yeah, well. I slept for the first time in four days and had no nightmares. I'd say I was very entertained."
"Nightmares?" Kara stops flying, and you have to fly back a little, so you can talk face-to-face. "You haven't had nightmares in years."
"That's not true. I've been having them for… I guess, months now?" 
"Months?" Kara's eyebrows furrow so hard, her crinkle shows. "When did they start?"
"They're just nightmares, Kara." You argue, annoyed. But she looks at you with an expression you almost couldn’t read. It's a midst of worrisome and distrust. 
You furrow your own eyebrows, looking back at her. And then it hits you. The only reason you recognize this look, is because it's how you've been looking at her for the past four days.
"When did they start?" She repeats, strongly this time.
"I don't know." You lie. You know exactly when they started. Right after she gave you a superhero name and your first mission. Ever since, you haven't been able to sleep right.
"Let's make sure you don't have them anymore." Your sister finally breathes out. "Maybe you should try sleeping more times with Lena. It looks like she helps."
Wouldn't she like having you back at no patrolling so she can go back to the new way she found to be passive-aggressive and make you question your every single step?
"I'll pick up some extra shifts and I'm sure J'onn won't mind picking up some as well. That way you can rest your head a little."
You narrow your eyes at her, questioning her intentions. "Why don't you worry about your own enemies, and let me deal with mine?" 
She doesn't answer and you're certainly happy you rendered Kara Zor-El speechless for the first time all your life.
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hanasnx · 2 years
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-ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ dc comics ⿻ m.list ꒷ˏ͛-
"Athair ar Neamh, Dia liom / Sacramentum eo deo." — Enya. (1995). Pax Deorum.
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彡 ch: bruce wayne 「 � 」
── one shots ┆ OVER 1K.
smut ¡! ❞
✩ mercury: retrograde | SUMMARY: after your failed attempt to recover the last pieces of joker present in the victims of his diseased blood donation, you discover a mystery about the batman in both body and spirit.
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ nineteenyearold!reader ✩ sugar daddy ✩ young!
── headcanons ┆ LIST OR NARRATION.
smut ¡! ❞
✩ kinks
other ¡! ❞
✩ headcanons
彡 ch: dick grayson 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ facial ✩ stretches
彡 ch: terry mcginnis 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ ripped tights ✩ your voice
other ¡! ❞
✩ maybe i should step in ✩ wii date
── headcanons ┆ LIST OR NARRATION.
other ¡! ❞
✩ "your voice" headcanons
彡 ch: jason todd 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smut ¡! ❞
✩ baby daddy! part three ✩ parent-teacher conference
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ code mistake ✩ mean ✩ sweet gf ✩ doctor!reader ✩ slapping ✩ thigh fucking ✩ daddy! ✩ dry humping ✩ one night stand ✩ no filter
other ¡! ❞
✩ jacket ✩ baby daddy! part two
── headcanons ┆ LIST OR NARRATION.
smut ¡! ❞
✩ baby daddy!
彡 ch: talon 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ drabble
彡 ch: dr. manhattan 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ drabble
彡 ch: wally west 「 � 」
── headcanons ┆ LIST OR NARRATION.
other ¡! ❞
✩ wayne!reader
彡 ch: reader x bruce wayne x dick grayson x jason todd 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
other ¡! ❞
✩ drabble | part two
彡 ch: nanaue x louise lincoln 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ drabble
彡 ch: j'onn j'onzz 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smut ¡! ❞
✩ shapeshifter
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414 notes · View notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
To Woo You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9hK2RzW
by NicoleAW
J’onn has taken interest in one of the new Watchtower workers and has been making attempts at “wooing” the reader. But his efforts seem to be in vain when they mistake his attempts as just “being nice.” Running out of options, he turns to advice from his fellow leaguers on how to flirt properly.
----------- [Preview]
Without shame you scarf your own half down, knowing you would be unable to focus with it just inches away from you for the rest of your shift. “I really needed this today – honestly, what did I do to deserve a friend like you!”
There it is. It takes every bit of self-control that he has not to visibly deflate at your words.
Another attempt, while vague, he admits to himself, has failed.
Words: 2507, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DC Comics, Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: J'onn J'onzz, The Martian Manhunter, Batman, Flash (DCU), Hawkwoman (DCU)
Relationships: J'onn J'onzz/Reader, Martian Manhunter/Reader
Additional Tags: Yeah look HW is just mentioned but it's fine, this was a x reader request from tumblr, and it was so overdue it wasn't funny, do you know how many times this was rewritten, it haunted me, so now enjoy this, and yeah I mostly only know him from JL/JLU and BTBATB, so enjoy, Oh also, the request was for specifics, Oblivious!Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9hK2RzW
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purple-obsidian · 2 months
beautiful mind (18+, j'onn j'onzz x fem human reader)
⭓ warming up to write some alien sex, lemme know who wants to see part 2 👽
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“J’onn… why did you change?” You ask, tilting your head a little as you watch him exit your bathroom. You have been seeing the Martian for a few weeks now, going on dates and spending time together, and tonight you finally invited him back to your place, for what you’re hoping to be a romantic evening.
It started off great, you and him lounging on your couch and talking about your week. But halfway through the bottle of wine you were sharing, he excused himself to use your restroom, and now you’re sad to see that he is no longer his normal green self, but the human version of himself that he shifts into when you two are in public together.
“My apologies,” he begins, his deep voice tinged with embarrassment, “from what I have learned of human dating expectations, I assumed your invitation back to your place insinuated the possibility of engaging in physical intimacy. I… wanted to be prepared. Please forgive me if I was bold to assume as much.”
You smile, and shake your head softly. “No, you read the situation correctly. I guess…” You blush a little, and rub your hand up and down your arm nervously, trying to get the goose bumps to go away, “I guess I was looking forward to seeing more of the real you.”
J’onn ponders your words for a moment. He wasn’t expecting this. He’s been with a couple human women before, but he never felt like they would be comfortable with him as he really is. They never asked.
“The real me.” He repeats back thoughtfully.
“Yes.” You stand up from the couch you two were sitting on and walk towards him as you explain. “I think you’re quite handsome either way, but I want you to be yourself around me. I really like you, J’onn. And I want to get to know more about you, especially about what makes you different.”
The Martian smiles down at you warmly. “If that’s the case… then I have a confession to make.”
“I’m all ears.” You reach for his hand and hold it in your own, encouraging him.
J'onn reaches his other hand out to caress your cheek gently, almost reverent in how he handles you.
“They way you’ve seen me… the way the rest of the league sees me, it isn’t actually my true Martian form.”
You raise your eyebrow in confusion. “No?”
“No. This…” you watch in awe as his human body morphs back into his familiar green features. "This, is a more humanoid version of my Martian self. When I first came to earth, I wanted to appear less frightening to humans, and opted to present myself this way."
Your mind is racing, curiosity getting the better of you. You're already enamored by him, you have been for a while now. But knowing you haven't even seen the real him yet makes your heart beat faster in anticipation. His deep red eyes look down at you with affection as he sees how excited you're getting.
"I… I want to see. Please? If you're comfortable, that is." You release his hand and bridge the gap between you, embracing the tall, green alien gently.
He accepts your embrace readily. "I haven't shared my true form with many people here on earth. I must warn you, it can be quite… jarring."
But even as he says this, you see him grin down at you, and feel his strong hands run through your hair. He knows you well enough by now that he's confident you won't be scared of him. Its one of the things he admires most about you, how accepting and open-minded you are, approaching the unknown with curiosity rather than fear.
It makes him feel safe with you.
"Maybe I'm in the mood to be jarred." You suggest with a sly smile. You lean up to place a kiss on his cheek, and wrap your arms around his neck as his hands shift down, resting on your waist. “I hope you know you can trust me."
Feeling you murmur into his neck and hold him so tenderly is affecting him. He wants to show you, to bare himself to you fully and see your reaction. He doesn't really think you'll respond negatively, but there's still something nagging at him, which gives him pause.
"I am willing to show you. But perhaps… not tonight. I don't want to ruin the mood."
You frown, and pull away just enough that you can look up at him again. "Ruin the mood? I don't understand."
"Allow me to explain. Martians don't engage in physical intimacy the same way humans do. I was hoping tonight would be about us getting closer, in a way that's comfortable for you. I don't want to distract from that. My Martian form doesn't have any reproductive organs that resemble what you're used to." He explains in his deep, calming voice that you've become extremely fond of as of late.
"J'onn, you're killing me." You groan, chuckling and leaning your head on his chest. He smells amazing, thanks to the cologne Clark recommended to him. As another alien who’s dated human women, J'onn has been consulting with his friend regularly for advice, most of which has helped his confidence tremendously in your budding relationship. "I don't know how else to say it. I want to know. I want to know it all. You know so much about humans and our way of life, but I want to know more about you. Who says our first time has to be what I'm most familiar with? I'm comfortable with you. As long as we go slow, I'm sure I'll enjoy myself."
J'onn smiles even wider at you response and holds you close to his chest, his hand still tangled in your hair. He's picturing it in his mind now, being with you and showing you how sex with a Martian can be, quite literally, mind-blowing. He would be lying if he said the idea didn't arouse him.
"Martians are a highly psychic people. Intimacy is rarely ever just a physical engagement, but the melding of two minds as well. Is that something you're comfortable with?" He asks. You can pick up the slight nervousness in his voice.
"Melding of minds?" You repeat back. "So in order for us to…be together, in that way, you'll have to read my mind?"
This does give you pause, your mind isn't exactly the most happy place. It is when you're with J'onn, but opening yourself up in such a way sounds intimidating. You're worried that he won't like what he sees. Every secret and embarrassing moment, does that mean he will know it all?
"Our minds will be connected. I will not intentionally pry into anything private, but yes. It involves being engaged together in the present moment. It allows for open communication to ensure both of our experiences are pleasurable, and so we can avoid any discomfort, if either of us wishes to stop."
The apprehension and anxiety you feel is overshadowed by your curiosity and growing arousal. They way he's holding you against him, gently massaging the back of your neck and explaining all this to you, it makes your heart beat faster and your stomach get a weird, fluttery feeling.
J'onn has always come across as very reserved and proper. Much to your delight, you've gotten to see a different side of him since he asked you out, and the more you get to see of his true personality, the more you adore him. How could you pass up the opportunity to take a peek into his beautiful mind?
Trying not to appear too eager, you lean up to place a few soft, warm kisses below his ear. "I want to try. I want to learn how to make you feel good. And I want to see the real you. Please?"
You asking so politely is endearing to him. His own pulse quickens as he thinks about how to make this work, with you not being a shapeshifter or psychic. He will have to do a lot of the work, at least the first time as you get used to him. But J'onn doesn't mind that one bit. He hopes this is the first time of many.
"Since you said please." He teases, releasing you from his embrace and staring down into your eyes. You gaze back up at him lovingly, but your eyes leave his when you notice his form shift once again. He grows a few inches taller, and his features contort and twist until his head is no longer rounded like a human skull, but elongated with ridges and small horns. His dark red eyes grow larger, and the muscles in his abdomen morph and change, causing his body shape to be slightly more… alien. There's no other word for him. Its different. He's unlike any creature you've ever seen.
But there's still an elegance about him. You don't find it unnerving or scary, but mesmerizing. Before you can stop yourself, you reach out to graze your fingertips over the green skin of his chest, marveling at how smooth and firm it feels. You trace the ridges and muscles, exploring him with your hands and familiarizing yourself with his true form.
"Is it safe to assume, you don't find my body off-putting?" He asks you with a chuckle. He can see the fascination in your eyes, but he wants to hear you say it.
"You're beautiful." You blurt out, now caressing him with both hands, slowly trailing them higher until you're reaching up to touch the small, blunt horns along his head. "Were all Martians as handsome as you? Or were they each different, like humans?"
Your flattery leaves him beaming, albeit slightly embarrassed. He places his hand over your own, holding it more firmly to the side of his face. "Like humans, a Martian's true form may vary in size and appearance. But on Ma'aleca'andra, we focused more on ones inner self, valuing beauty of thought over physical appearance."
"Please, show me." You ask in a low, almost desperate tone. You want to see his beautiful mind. You want to know all of him, and J'onn is happy to oblige, picking you up gently and taking you to your bedroom.
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⭓ part 2 is out now, click here to read.
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dickmedowndc · 1 year
To Woo You - J'onn J'onzz x Oblivious!Reader
Word Count: 2,507
Summary: J’onn has taken interest in one of the new Watchtower workers and has been making attempts at “wooing” the reader. But his efforts seem to be in vain when they mistake his attempts as just “being nice.” Running out of options, he turns to advice from his fellow leaguers on how to flirt properly.
Notes: A request from @hyomy Hope you enjoy! I cannot tell you how many times I had to rewrite this one, honestly.
Also gonna tag the others who expressed interest - @winters-doll, @movielover2002, and @lunar-the-monster-fu
Part II here
This was it. J’onn could take little more of this. If his newest attempt to show you his affections once more fell flat, then he was out of ideas and would need to seek help elsewhere. 
Even his attempt to be straight forward had only been met with miscommunication! Perhaps, he reasoned, he should have clarified then and there that he had meant he had romantic feelings for you – but the way you lit up, so overjoyed that he considered you a friend had the words drying up in his throat. If you happened to not return his romantic affections, well, he hated the idea of seeing your smile fall. 
You had endured a rough day then, he could see it in the way you carried yourself, but his words had seemed to lift you up. So, there was always next time, he had silently assured himself. At least until you continued to miss the meaning behind his regular presence and interest in your life and self. 
It wasn’t intentional, he knew that much. It really was just honest obliviousness. Something he had become aware of upon getting to know you. 
You were a fantastic addition aboard the Watchtower – a dedicated worker and easy going for the most part. Your honesty and willingness to help others had been what had caught his eye in the first place. 
J’onn could do much of the work himself, but you never offered your assistance because you thought he was incapable, you just wanted to be as helpful as you could and make things a little easier. It was something that had not gone unnoticed and had only served to spearhead his affections for you. 
But now, three months of vain attempts later, all concluding with that same endearing smile and assurances that you were so glad to have him in your life, had led him here; a small blue box in his hands as he traversed the corridors, nodding in passing to staff and League members alike. A few, mostly staff who had seen some of his attempts and spotted the box in his hands, shot him encouraging smiles and thumbs up. 
Word traveled fast, that much was clear. 
You had mentioned the other day that you would be spending your shift in the main console room, working to monitor some of the incoming radio frequencies for distress signals. And if he was right, and he knew he was, it was just about time for you to get back from your break. 
With renewed confidence, J’onn stepped round the corner, spotting you just before you could slip through the automatic doors, managing to call out your name and catch your attention. 
You seemed to almost sway in place, eyes darting immediately to the box in his hands before turning your body to face him. 
J’onn would never admit he was nervous at just the harmless way you gave him your full attention, so quickly and so wholly, hardly a glance at anyone or anything else. He shook himself free and focused back on you, “Do you have a moment?” 
“I’ve got a minute or two still, actually.” Seemingly all too happy to have the chance to speak with him again. 
“I remembered you mentioning this a few days ago, so I wanted to get you a gift.” 
Your eyes widen, if only for a moment, as you carefully take the box from his outstretched hand. Wasting no time, you untie the ribbon, neatly done up in a shape that almost reminds you of a heart, before nudging the lid off. You mentally brush it aside as coincidence. 
 Inside lies a pastry you had mentioned, just once, in passing the week prior when you had stopped to talk to J’onn on your break. “You remembered!” 
“It may not be as good as the ones that you normally get, but hopefully it’s still up to your standards.” 
For a moment you can almost swear you see a smile on his lips, but it vanishes in the blink of an eye. 
“Hey, J’onn, have you had the chance to try one of these yet?” 
“No, I haven’t tried it myself.” 
“No time like the present,” you grin, tearing a piece off and handing it to him, tucking the box under your arm as you cradle the other piece in one hand – silently urging for him to try it first. 
Your energy is infectious and J’onn complies easily. Not his favorite, he can admit, but the way you light up when he tells you he likes it makes it all the sweeter. 
Without shame you scarf your own half down, knowing you would be unable to focus with it just inches away from you for the rest of your shift. “I really needed this today – honestly, what did I do to deserve a friend like you!” 
There it is. It takes every bit of self-control that he has not to visibly deflate at your words. 
Another attempt, while vague, he admits to himself, has failed. 
But once again, you’re so happy with the situation, just to be considered, and he can’t bring himself to correct you on his intentions – not if it risks ruining your mood. 
Looking just over your shoulder, he can see a few other tower workers, visibly cringing before hurrying off to wherever they needed to be. It was a surprise enough to him that none of them had just told you themselves. 
Still, for the moment all he can do is assure you that it was well worth the money, tell you that no, you did not need to pay him back for the gift - he had happily bought it for you – before sending you off and back to work. 
The Martian stands in the corridor for a moment, just thinking, before squaring his shoulders and starting on his way to the cafeteria. 
The Flash was supposed to be in the tower for the day, and the first stop on The Martian Manhunter’s search was wherever the food was to be found. 
It was time to admit he needed reinforcements. 
He finds Flash, roughly 27 minutes later, tucked away in the corner of a deserted room, eating a bag of corn-chips. Likely hiding from Batman, whom J’onn had already run into once, also searching for him. The Bat had seemed less than pleased with whatever was on his mind, and J’onn thought better of prying. For the moment. 
There was more pressing business at hand. 
“Flash, I require your assistance with something.” 
This catches the speedster’s attention, though not before he glances around, seeming to double check the shadows. He makes a hushing motion at J’onn, desperate before he seems to coil in tighter on himself. “Alright, but not so loud.” 
It's almost worth asking what he has done. Almost. 
“So, what do you need help with? An extra hand with some of the circuitry?” 
J’onn hesitates for a moment, but it is enough to have the speedster leaning out of the shadows, thoroughly intrigued. 
“Is it about that Watchtower worker?” 
The Martian falters at that. “You know?” 
“Dude, everyone knows. There’s a betting pool on it.” 
He elects to ignore that comment. “My attempt today was once again met with,”  J’onn has to pause, “obliviousness.” he finishes with a resigned sigh. 
“Are you sure it isn’t on purpose?” 
“I’m positive that it isn’t.” 
“So, you want my help or my advice?” 
The face J’onn makes must be amusing because only a moment later the Flash is cracking up. “Advice, I take it?” 
“That would be preferable, yes.” 
“Well, what are some of the things that you’ve tried so far?” 
J’onn actually has to take a moment to think about that. “In the last month alone, I believe I have tried gifting foods or desserts, spending time with them alone in the watchtower, asking them questions about their life, written them notes, and I attempted to tell them directly.” 
He can hear the breath that his colleague sucks in. “I’m sorry, did you say you tried telling them directly?” 
“Correct, but my wording was sub-par, and I could not sully their mood with the correction if those feelings were not returned.” 
“Have you tried just, I don’t know, asking them on a date?” 
“Does admitting my feelings not count?” 
“Usually? Not necessarily, I guess. Maybe not to them? Either way, just ask them on a date, and make sure they understand that you’re asking for - and I cannot stress this enough - a romantic date.” 
“Do you have any suggestions then? On a plan for where to take them?” 
“Not the movies – maybe for a second or third date, but try dinner or something first, and -” 
Flash is cut off by the whirring of a door opening, both himself and the Martian turning to face the looming figure of Batman. There isn’t a word said before the speedster abandons his bag of corn-chips and makes a break for freedom. 
Batman stands still for a moment, nods to John, and turns to stalk off, almost vanishing in an instant. 
J’onn finds himself letting out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. 
For now, he focuses on planning a romantic dinner date, and the process of asking. 
Two days later J’onn has found that planning the date was the easy part. Planning how we was supposed to ask you, and ensuring that his intentions were crystal clear, proves to be more of an effort. 
The Flash had made quick work to spread the news to whoever was in the betting pool, or some of them, and a few of his colleagues had come forward to offer advice: roses, a card, wording. Some he had considered, like the roses, and others he had scrapped. 
But the day had been decided, and while J’onn was not scheduled to be on the Watchtower that day, you were, and it was nearing the end of your shift. 
It was the perfect time to pull you aside and ask. 
Hopefully the rose in hand will be enough, a full bouquet seemed like far too much of an attention drawer to bring into the Watchtower. 
He finds you leaving in the direction of the transporters, seemingly happy to be in your own company – nodding and saying goodbyes for the day in quick passing. At least until he calls for you, which has you whipping around to face him almost immediately, and he swears you seem to light up even more. 
He hasn’t read your mind, at least he hasn’t prodded it for any hint of feelings you hold for him. And he had promised himself not to until he asked you outright. But the urge is almost overwhelming now, with nerves clawing at his stomach. 
It had been some time since he had tried courting anyone, after all. 
Your eyes flicker to the rose and J’onn swears that you tense for a moment before you’re just as chipper and chatting away, “oh, you have an admirer?” 
“Actually, I brought this for you. I was hoping you had a moment to speak. Alone, perhaps.” 
“Sure, we can step over to the side if that works - I think it’s pretty busy up here today.” 
He won’t say it’s the epitome of seclusion, but the hallways are sufficiently barren, and if he keeps his voice down then it should work well enough. “Of course.” 
When they finally manage to step aside, he realizes that the rose is still in his hands – and in lieu of the words that he finds escaping him – he hands it over, gentle as he can be, only to find you take it just as gingerly, admiring the bloom. 
Finally, because he knows if he doesn’t begin now, he may lose his courage, he speaks. “I was hoping you would accompany me on a romantic date next week. There is a restaurant I found, and I believe you would enjoy it immensely.” 
His request seems to stun you for a moment, and he worries his words might be misinterpreted – somehow. At least until you are parroting back a piece of his sentence. 
“That is correct.” 
“As more than friends?” 
“I would like that,” he assures, but he still cannot be certain of your feelings. Your face seems blank as you process his words. 
It’s only a few seconds more before your eyes widen, and he sees you practically bouncing in place. “Wednesday is my next day off; we can do a different day if that doesn’t work for you.” 
He can finally let his muscles relax. He had been so tense waiting for your answer. Worried of all the negative outcomes, he had hardly imagined a true yes. “Wednesday will work perfectly.” In truth, he had already examined your schedule and switched monitor duty for that day with Hawkwoman. “We can discuss more tomorrow, if you would like.” 
This has you humming, and amused glint in your eyes before fishing a sticky note from your uniform. 
You always kept a few on hand with a good pen, just in case. He remembered that from a few months ago. 
And only a moment later you’re handing over your phone number. “We can also talk about it more tonight, if you’d like.” 
“I would love to.” 
It’s silent for a moment, and admittedly a touch awkward before you step back. “I should probably go soon though, my shift ended. Talk tonight?” 
J’onn nods, clutching the number in one hand and not fully trusting his voice. Still, it seems to put you at ease as you turn and begin to head off. He takes it as his own cue to head back, intending to find Hawkwoman and confirm that their monitor shift switch was still in place. 
You’re struck by one thought though, one that has you pivoting back around and calling loudly out for the Martian - loud enough to catch the attention of some passing staff, who seem to glance at you before hurrying off. You pay little mind to it before realizing you have his attention. “How long have you been trying to tell me?” 
He hesitates to answer before admitting the truth. “2 or 3 months now, I believe.” 
This has you flustered, and admittedly embarrassed recalling many of your interactions in that past time. You really had not noticed? 
His words catch you off guard but do little to quell the heat on your cheeks. All you can do is squeak out an “oh” initially. “Well, at least I know now,” you offer up, unable to meet his eyes for the time being and ready to bolt right back to your home. At least until Wednesday. 
“It was endearing, honestly.” 
You give a little hum, taking note of his amused expression before bidding him a goodnight and hurrying down the hallway, rose clutched in your hands. 
When your coworkers ask about the flower before starting the transporter, you’re too enamored with the gift to notice the range of expressions and people settling up. 
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logancreatesworlds · 5 years
Wine Glasses & Telepathic Kisses - (J’onn J’onzz x black!reader)
Author’s Note:  Hello all!  So I made this for @lovelynervouschaos.  Thanks for waiting so patiently!  Finally, it’s ready.  Sorry it’s so late.  This should’ve come out before Valentine’s Day.  ❤♥❤
Disclaimer:  None of the images are mine.
Warnings: Cursing, sexual references and sex.
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Aliens are a funny bunch.
No, you weren’t one of them - you were human.
Yet, you could appreciate the fact that other life forms existed.
It was humbling.
In turn, there were some aliens who found you interesting.
You couldn’t understand why.
You were a forensic scientist, hired to join the ranks of the D.E.O. about three months ago.
Even if you originally came from a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, you had never felt more at home, among beings who - like you, often felt out of place.
First, it was the Supergirl, the kryptonian.
“Hi,” Supergirl greeted, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Holy shit,” you mumbled, your eyes wide, “You’re-”
“Supergirl?  Yeah that’s me.  You must be the new forensic scientist.  Come on in.  I’ll show you around.”
Then, it was the best agent in the whole compound.
“Excuse me.”
You looked up.
“Hi.  Sorry to interrupt.  I’m Agent Danvers.”
You had heard about her.  She could whip anyone’s ass.
“Oh um...it’s nice to meet you,” you shook her hand, “I’m (Y/N), new in the forensics section.”
“Oh I heard.  I just wanted to come by and welcome you.  A bunch of us are going out to Big Belly Burger for dinner.  You wanna come?”
“Me?  Sure.”
Lastly, it was the Martian.
You breathed deeply in order to calm your nerves as you headed to Director Henshaw’s office.
It was your first day on the job, so you hoped not to disappoint your boss so soon.
Nevertheless and despite your fear, you gathered up your courage and knocked on the door.
“Come in,” came the deep voice from inside.  With one last breath, you opened the door.
A tall black man sat at a large mahogany desk.  The look on his face was one of pure business and no play.
He was not to be fucked with.
“Ms. (Y/L/N),” Director Henshaw greeted, standing from his chair and shaking your hand, “A pleasure to finally meet you, I’m Director Hank Henshaw.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“Please, sit.”
The rest of the brief meeting went well, with Director Henshaw going over everything you needed to know - including giving you a laundry list of procedures that you would need to start you new position.
But things were different with him.  He was different. 
You sighed as you lugged your purse and walked down the dark hallway.  Despite that fact that you had been working at the DEO for over six months, the forensics department was still quite creepy after hours.
What difference did it make?  You were on call in case anything happened...
You soon made it to the break room near your friend Lonnie’s office.  Surprisingly, the light was on.
‘What in the hell?’
Quietly you snuck up to the door and peered to see who was inside.
A tall being with green skin and a long blue cape stood at the coffee machine as it drained the caffeinated liquid into a paper cup.
The being was clearly an alien, and he looked to be male.
Still, virtually all of the other DEO members besides Supergirl were human.
‘Should I call the police?’  You thought to yourself.
The being then froze and stood at attention, and you swiftly ducked back into the Lonnie’s office to avoid being caught.
You held your breath and remained as quiet as humanly possible as the alien slowly walked in.
Then, the light was flipped on.
“You can come out Ms. (Y/N), everything is fine.”
Furrowing your brow, you stepped out from behind Lonnie’s lab cabinet to see Director Henshaw there.
“Director Henshaw?  What are you doing in this forensics wings so late?”
“Nothing,” he replied, “I was merely getting coffee.
Your confusion increased at he drank the hot liquid from a paper cup.
“Wait a minute - if you have the coffee, then who-?”
Director Henshaw’s body briefly glowed red as if shifted into the alien from before.
“Forgive me for startling you,” he said, his reverberating voice now ten times deeper than before, “The dining hall’s coffee machine is subpar.  The one in this wing is much better.”
“No problem,” you said, your eyes wide.
The alien chuckled slightly at your expression, “Yes, Ms. (Y/N). I am an alien, as you can see.”
“Yeah, I noticed.  Um...where are you from?”
A Martian.  Wow.  
Still, you couldn’t resist putting your foot in your mouth.
“I thought y’all were supposed to be little.”
To your surprise, the Martian started laughing.
“No,” he chuckled, “Many of us Martian males used to be quite tall.  I would have been average height.”
“Used to be...?”
His smile faded, “Yes, before the invasion.”
“Oh.  I’m so sorry,” you said.
Even if his face was now harsher in nature, his red eyes still softened as he smiled once again.
“It’s fine,” he said, “Even aliens cannot grasp the concept of peace it seems.”
“Well you can’t be any worse than us humans so...”
The Martian laughed again, “Perhaps not.”
“So since you’re really from outer space, I assume your name isn’t really Hank Henshaw.”
He smiled, “You are correct.  My name is J’onn J’onzz.  It is nice to finally meet for real this time.”
“J’onn J’onzz...hi.”
He laughed, “Well my coffee is cold now and I still have forty-five minutes for break.  Would you care to join me?”
“Oh um...sure.”
You fell hard for him after that night, and he fell even harder for you.
Over time the talks in the break room led to longing looks across the room during briefings, which then led to discreet kisses in the hall, and then to clandestine meetings in the forsensic storage room during business hours.
Now, the eve of Saint Valentine’s martyrdom had come upon you, and finally the two of you had the day to yourselves.
The wind whipped through your afro puff as J’onn drove you down a long but peaceful road in his 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe convertible.
The trees ocassionally blotted out the sun but it was still bright.  Your eyes drifted past each of them, their green leaves and earthy limbs blending together into one natural mass as the speed of J’onn’s car turned the curb.
You loved it when J’onn would take you to his place via the country route.  Sure, National City was nice and you wouldn’t sacrifice it for anything, but it was serene being out alone with the love of your life - even if he wasn’t human.
Still, a part of you felt...unsatisfied.  Your relationship was romantic, but never overly physical.
Most of your secret meetings between you and J’onn in the storage rooms ended up being interrupted when he had to return to work, but even then there was something missing.  
He never held you down and tortured you until you were crying for him.  He never threw you against the bed and tied you up before taking you in the vilest and most indecent way possible.  He never took it to the next level like you wanted him to.  
It was - quite literally, anticlimactic.
Still, you loved him and that meant that you had to wait.
“Darling,” J’onn’s deep voice asked, interrupting your train of thought as he covered your hand with his, “Is everything alright?”
You nodded, “Mhmm.  Yeah.  M’fine.”
J’onn knew you were lying, “(Y/N)...what’s wrong?”
Again, you lied, “Nothing.  I’m okay, really.”
A fleck of concern shot off in J’onn’s chest, but he thought it best to leave it alone and let you come to him.
“Let’s play some music,” you said, turning up the radio.
A familiar tune played.
No, not the most subtle song to play on February 14th, but it was your favorite.
J’onn’s eyes picqued with interest, “You like that song?”
“Um...yeah.  It has a nice rhythm,” you lied, giving a quick smile before looking away.
J’onn listened to the lyrics.
I need a rider To go down and slide up I hope you can handle a shift stick, babe 'Cause you gotta drive it (Ooh) Girl, don't try to fight it When I'm all up inside it (All up in it) You shiftin' the gears on my stick shift, babe You got me excited (Oh, oh) 
It was then that everything came together.
The way your legs squeezed together, how tightly you were holding his hand, the manner in which you bit your lip...
I bet you ride so good, yeah Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out I bet you ride so good Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out
My naughty little girl is aroused, he thought, resisting the urge to laugh.
A familiar scent hit his nose when you crossed your legs, and a dark smirk crossed his lips.
Don’t worry my love, he thought, We shall have plenty of time to play tonight.
“This is delicious,” J’onn commented, chewing a piece of pasta.
“Thanks,” you replied politely, sipping your wine.  
You had agreed to make dinner, which consisted of spaghetti, vegetables, wine and rose petals to decorate the table.
J’onn was a simple man.  He liked it.
“I have something for you,” J’onn said.
“Yes.  We have been together for about three months so...I wanted to get you something.”
J’onn uses his powers to float a small giftwrapped box across the table, which you plucked from the air.
Opening it, you gasped.
“The bracelet from Vanika’s,” you said, lifting the shiny silver object out of the case and holding it up to the light.
“I noticed you eyeing it in the store a couple of weeks ago,” he said, “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” you answered, “It’s beautiful.”
J’onn’s smile faded, “But it’s not what you want.”
“The bracelet,” he said, “It’s not what you wanted.”
“What are you talking about?”
“(Y/N), I know that something is bothering you.  I noticed earlier during our ride home, but I left it alone hoping you would come to me.  You want something, and I can see it.  Tell me what you want.”
You sighed, “I can’t...”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s embarrassing,” you answered.
“There is nothing you can tell me that should make you embarrassed,” J’onn replied seriously, “We are in a relationship - one where you are to tell me everything, you understand?”
You nodded.
“Good.  Now,” J’onn said, getting out of his chair and coming to lean over you, “Tell me what you want.”
“I...I have these thoughts...about us.”
“Elaborate,” J’onn said patiently.
“They involve...us - having sex.”
A moment of silence passed and you waited for J’onn to be disgusted at your eagerness to get him between your legs.
“What kind of sex?”
“The dirty kind.”
“How dirty?”
“Very dirty.”
“Give me details.”
“I want...I want you to be rough...to pull me to the bedroom and...spank me,” you said contritely, “I want you to tie me to the bed and ruin me in the nastiest ways possible-”
J’onn turned away from you, walking a few paces and breathing to calm his nerves.
Oh no, you had upset him.
Another moment of of silence.
“Take off your clothes.”
You furrowed your brow, “What?”
“I said,” J’onn growled, turning to you with glowing red eyes, “Take off your damn clothes.”
You swiftly got up from your seat and disrobed until you were naked.
“Good girl,” J’onn said, “Now, go to the bedroom and wait for me.”
“This is not up for debate,” J’onn growled, “Now be a good girl, and do as I say.  Go and wait for me.”
You nodded and practically ran to the bedroom.
A few minutes later, J’onn walked into the room with his true visage, wearing nothing over his green skin.  In his hand were several ropes made into lassos. 
“So you wish to be fucked, huh?  Nice and rough?  Very well, my dear.  I think I can make that happen.”
“J’onn, what are you-”
“Silence,” the alien commanded, “For the rest of this night, you belong to me.  Now, turn around, get on all fours and spread your legs and arms.”
You obeyed and bit your lip, and your boyfriend quickly tied your wrists and ankles down.
“So,” J’onn said, “Since this is what you wanted, I am going to ask you several questions.  You will answer them honestly.”
“Or what?”
“Or you will face the punishment.”
You silenced yourself as J’onn started his line of questioning.
“Tell me, my love,” he spoke, “How long have you wanted this?”
“Since January.”
“Good.  You answered honestly.”
You gasped when you felt his index intrude inside of you.
“Whoops,” J’onn said, “My hand must have slipped.”
You bit your lip as he inspected you, curling his finger up and finding your favorite spot with almost surgical precision.
A familiar wet sound became louder and louder as J’onn made you cum, the gasps and moans escaping your throat arousing him more and more.
Once he had finished you, he briefly stepped back to look at his handy work.
“My,” the Martian breathed, sucking on his fingers, “You are truly beautiful.”
“And still horny,” you answered, breathing heavily, “I can take much more.”
“Oh my love, we’ve barely gotten started.”
J’onn pulled your folds apart, “Look.  She’s practically crying for me already.”
Your lip was damn near bleeding now...
“Oh well.  We’ll just have to fix that, won’t we?”
A second passed, and then - 
You let out a surprised squeal and whipped your head around to see J’onn sampling your juices on his tongue.
“You wanna taste too?”
“Yes,” the Martian answered patiently, “And I will have my fill.  And I do not recall giving you permission to turn around.  Eyes forward, my love.”
“Yes,” you said, turning back around.
“Yes what?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Good.  Now you remember what I said earlier, I intend to have you for the rest of the night.  Do you consent to that?”
“Yes daddy.”
“And if you are uncomfortable in any way, you are to use our safe word:  Oreo.  Understand?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Excellent.  Now you do understand that I love you, yes?”
“Yes daddy.”
You gasped when J’onn pulled you back by your hair, and the two words he whispered in your left ear shot straight down to you lower regions.
“Good girl.”
J’onn then got back into his previous position and got to work.
His hands, his tongue...he played you like a fiddle and you loved it.
Soon, your face was sinking deep into your bed, your pillow capturing your moans along with the thin layer of sweat that J’onn’s caresses and flicks had coaxed from you.
“Done already (Y/N)?  I’m disappointed.”
You lurched forward when his hands pulled you back against his pelvis, and your eyes widened when you felt something long and slimy grow between your folds.
“Is that -?”
“Mhmm.  Still wish to continue?”
You nodded, breathing as deeply as possible.
“I need words, darling,” J’onn said, planting kisses up your spine.
“For the love of God - YES.”
“Much better!”  J’onn shouted joyously.
I need a rider To go down and slide up I hope you can handle a shift stick, babe 'Cause you gotta drive it (Ooh)
He thrusted inside of you...
Girl, don't try to fight it When I'm all up inside it (All up in it) You shiftin' the gears on my stick shift, babe You got me excited (Oh, oh)
He rode you like a horse...
I bet you ride so good, yeah Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out I bet you ride so good Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out
Soon you were out of your binds and bobbing on top of him, the two of you having no care for how loud you were.
Boy you got me workin', overtime Soakin' wet, I'm a Slip N' Slide You say you want some breakfast, let me open wide Eat it up, tickle up my spine Run back, side to side, stick shift, overdrive Boy, you tryna give that pussy new interior design Bangin', bangin', wake up in it, I'ma put my back into it No Netflix, we makin' movies, I'ma let you watch me do it
He took you missionary style with his hand around your neck...
I need a rider To go down and slide up I hope you can handle a shift stick, babe 'Cause you gotta drive it (Ooh) Girl, don't try to fight it When I'm all up inside it (All up in it) You shiftin' the gears on my stick shift, babe
In front of the mirror...
I bet you ride so good, yeah Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out I bet you ride so good, yeah, yeah Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out
Against the wall...
I get those goosebumps every time You hit it from behind, the way we bump and grind You love the way I grind on that dick, grind on that dick Yeah, climb on that dick, glide on that dick Big titties in the front seat, ass in the back Throw it like a pitcher, baby, hit it with your bat (Skrrt, skrrt, skrrt) I be on that freak shit (Skrrt, skrrt, skrrt) Bust it for no reason
In the shower...
I need a rider To go down and slide up I hope you can handle a shift stick, babe 'Cause you gotta drive it (Ooh) Girl, don't try to fight it When I'm all up inside it (All up in it) You shiftin' the gears on my stick shift, babe You got me excited (Oh, oh)
Even on the ceiling...
I bet you ride so good, yeah Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out I bet you ride so good, yeah, yeah Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out Oh, let me bang it, oh, let me bang it out
I bet you ride, yeah
“That was...wow,” you mumbled, settling your head into J’onn’s neck.
“Glad you enjoyed it,” he replied, rubbing the goosebumps in your back as the two of you laid over sheets that needed to be washed after so many rounds of fucking.
“I didn’t know the Martian Manhunter was such a skilled lover.”
“Neither did I.  Apparently I am - what you humans call, a dominant.”
“And I am a submissive.”
“My submissive,” J’onn confirmed, kissing your forehead.
“We have to get up for work in the morning,” you groaned.
“Then let us just enjoy this night,” he replied, “And dream of the others to come.”
“Hey guys,” you greeted, rushing into DEO headquarters, “Sorry I’m late.”
“It’s fine,” Supergirl replied, “And is that the bracelet from Vanika’s new Valentine’s Day line?”
“Yup,” you bragged, showing her the sparkly adornment on your wrist.
“It’s gorgeous!  Where’d you get it?”
“My man brought it for me.”
“Aww that’s so sweet.”
“I know!  We had the most wonderful time.  I don’t wanna get into specifics, but let’s just say - he wore me out.”
“Ladies,” Director Henshaw greeted, coming up to you both.
“Director,” you replied politely.
“Good morning.  Did you both do anything special for Valentine’s Day?”
“(Y/N) went out with her boyfriend and I stayed in and watched soap operas,” Supergirl answered.
“Glamourous,” Henshaw commented, sipping his coffee.
“And you, what did you do?”  You asked, with a shit-eating grin on your face.
“Or better yet...who did you do?”
J’onn narrowed his eyes playfully, reading your thoughts as you expected him to, “I spent time with a lady friend of mine.”
“Ooooooh did she enjoy her time?”  Supergirl asked, her blue eyes sparkling with interest.
“Yes,” J’onn replied, “So much so that she could barely speak.”
“Aww that’s great.  Well I have to go train with Alex.  I’ll see you two later!”
Soon, Supergirl was gone and you walked to your office with a smirk on your face and your nose in the air.
“Your ass is mine later,” J’onn spoke in your head.
You grinned, “Can’t wait, daddy.”
Author’s Note:  And that is all everyone!  Hope y’all like it, and please comment.  All opinions are welcome!
@lovelynervouschaos  @macfizzle  @cynbx  @efikarta  @coconutxraikage  @shemiahsmelanin  @jozigrrl  @fanfic-reblog-central  @icycoldbeanieweanies  @siriuslycollins  @bethany-zor-el-danvers  @avengerdragoness  @margaretheriques @wholokianheart @kakess3  @bribrisback
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Mystery Romantics [Martian Manhunter x Reader]
Requested by @cupcakequeen1999​: “Hi! Can you do a JLU Martian Manhunter x reader where the reader is a superhero along with the rest of the Justice League & she's sleeping with someone but nobody (not even Batman) can figure it out & one day Wally walks in on Martian Manhunter & the reader getting really freaky in the monitor room? I need Flash to be shocked like "J'onn...I didn't know you were like this" 😂😂😂“
A/n: Sorry it took a little longer love and that it’s short. I’ve never written for J’onn before so I hope you enjoy it! I appreciate any feedback!! ______
It was a mystery, to everyone. Even the great detective Batman couldn’t figure it out. Who the hell have you been having secret romantic rendezvous with?! One minute you’re with the League, but the minute missions are over, you’re out of there like Wally on Taco Tuesday.
Everyone was curious because you’re a tough nut to crack when it comes to earning your affections. Even the sauve Nightwing had taken a crack at you and earned nothing but a punch in the jaw. Of which he mumbled a ‘worth it’ after, but that’s beside the point.
What matters is that, literally this is what everyone’s down time at the Watchtower has become. Trying to figure out who your mystery man or woman was.
It wasn’t until there was a meeting for a new mission that things got a bit out of hand. Wally was sent to speed around the watchtower and find you because your abilities were essential for this mission. He sped down each hallway checking each room as he went. His super speed doing it in a fraction of the time as anyone else.
Leaving you unaware as he made his way closer to the monitor room where you had been distracting J’onn from some research he was working on. You had gotten bored waiting for your meeting and found him hard at work on one of the computers. Taking the opportunity of the empty room and the fact that you hadn’t had alone time in a solid few days, you took what you could get.
Which led to your current compromising position. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you sat on the desk and he kissed you deeply. It was hot and progressing quickly until a certain speedster came rushing in. Not only ruining the mood but outing your secret.
“OH MY GOD!” Wally yelled, gaping at the both of you. “Are you two?! Is the the one?! J’ONN I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE LIKE THIS!” His yelling ending up attracting the other league members. Of whom were just as shocked.
You blushed a shade of red that made Wally’s suit look subtle as J’onn just groaned and rubbed his face. “Thanks for broadcasting it” You glared at Wally who flinched, though your blush wasn’t helping your attempts at intimidation. He rubbed the back of his neck, “Sorry, it wasn’t intentional….Please don’t hurt me.”
Rolling your eyes you got back to your feet. “We’d appreciate it if you respect our privacy from here on out.” J’onn said and the others agreed. But Wally was still going to give you a hard time no matter what. Especially since he caught you two in the act. Or almost doing the act.
You felt a bit awkward when walking to the mission briefing with the others. Sighing you looked over at Wally who was grinning at you. “What?” Your voice holding no amusement. “How long?” He questioned, the trivia catching everyone else’s attention. You shrugged, “A couple months.” Wally nodded thinking back, “I’m surprised we didn’t figure it out sooner.”
“I did” Bruce said from in front of you. “What? No you didn’t” Wally deadpanned. “You literally said you didn’t know” He flailed his arms dramatically. “Flash please” Bats looked back “I know everything.”
You cocked an eyebrow before mumbling, “This is about to be a long briefing.”
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