#jaewon park
linda-weiss · 11 months
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“Sehnsüchte, Prozessstufe II” by Linda Weiß Part of the exhibition “etwa faustgroß” Villa Merkel, November 11–27, 2022 
Weiß’s work asks if it is possible to think productively, to create with sugar cycles of ecological systems that are yet still dependent on the massive global sugar industry and all of its attendant historical baggage. The show is in part about the aesthetic, ecological, social, and political possibilities of largely DIY processes like fermentation, for example. Here used as one that converts sugar into cellular energy, it operates as both metaphor and material biological process, in what Lauren Fournier describes in Fermenting Feminism as a “symbiosis between species and coevolution, accessibility and bioavailability, conservation and transformation, future and survival… and finally to the reduction of damage and care.” According to Fournier, fermentation can be understood as a feminist or queer practice; fermenting methods in life and in art draw attention to ecological relations as well as ways of caring for other kin, to the vast variation of the temporalities of life, and to humanity’s bacterial ancestors. 
Weiß’s work stages a digestive aesthetics that pushes us to think about the possibly queer politics of digestion (as Ramzi Fawaz explores elsewhere) through the specific ways in which sugar moves and transforms in different systems and for different functions. Drawing on contemporary theoretical works on feminist theory, plants and weird fungal life, and speculative fictions, Weiß’s focus on certain biological conversions of sugar not only points toward possible clean energy alternatives (we’re not there yet, the work acknowledges this with its dependence on a small lithium battery for power) but also requires that visitors acknowledge their own co-dependencies and how those substances are produced and circulated. 
Sehnsüchte: in English, longings, but it’s a word known for its impossibility to translate exactly. With etymological origins in the words for yearning (das Sehnen) and addiction (die Sucht) the title of Weiß’s show asks us to dwell in the sticky space between both. Sugar seduces, yes, but is nonhuman nourishment here as well, a substance that crosses the species divide or blurs it, a link between complex biological organisms in symbiotic relation. Text by Alison Sperling Alison Sperling is an IPODI Postdoctoral Fellow at the Technische Universität Berlin where she works on queer and feminist theory, science fiction, and the Anthropocene.
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citrinekay · 2 months
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Ji Changwook as Park Jaewon Lovestruck in the City (도시남녀의 사랑법), 2020
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kaeyasthighs · 1 year
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☆ 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚
☆ 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
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wyrmblogging · 2 years
everyone please look at the amazing art jjolee is making for ace awareness week!!!!! she's posting 5 pieces this week :D
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conscbgb · 12 days
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nellpire · 2 years
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[220625] nelldrum
Today was another happy day thanks to you Summer is all about festivals!!! Where to next? #Festival
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그너의 사생활 ♡ In case any of you have We Heart It, here’s a little article I wrote about one of my fave K-dramas 🤩
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yixinghoneybee · 6 months
Top 250 Songs of 2023: 169. WE GO - The Wind 🌤️
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ladyelainehilfur · 8 months
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Jun but make it like how I wrote him in a fanfiction I never actually published
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baeksu-krp · 11 months
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Nome: Park Jaewon Faceclaim: I.M, Monsta X Data de nascimento e idade: 26.12.1996 — 27 anos Gênero: Masculino Etnia e nacionalidade: Sul-coreano, Coreia do Sul
Moradia: Mapo-gu Ocupação: Residente de Oncologia, Severance Hospital Qualidades: Confiável, Inteligente Defeitos: Pavio curto, Teimoso User: @bks_jaewon
TW: Menção à morte, consumo de drogas e câncer
Nasceu em 26 de dezembro de 1996, em Seul. Sua mãe morreu quando deu à luz ao filho, deixando o garoto sob os cuidados do marido Sangwoo e da sogra, Dara. Vindo de uma família pobre, foi praticamente criado pela avó, uma vez que seu pai estava sempre ausente por conta dos turnos longos de trabalho que lhe pagavam uma mixaria.
Jaewon teve uma educação rígida por parte do pai, que não permitia falhas ou fracassos. Ele estava em desvantagem no mundo. A vida era injusta para aqueles que não haviam nascido em famílias abastadas e o coreano sempre teve ciência disso. Ele sempre soube que se quisesse ter uma vida melhor, teria que ralar muito e correr dez vezes mais do que uma pessoa normal. Por isso, foi ensinado e criado para ser o melhor sempre. Estudou nos melhores colégios de Seul graças a inteligência invejável e esforço contínuo que o levaram a conseguir bolsas de estudos integrais durante toda a infância e adolescência. Os estudos e esportes competitivos eram sua vida. Era o capitão do time de natação e handebol da escola. Tinha pouco tempo para lazer e coisas normais de crianças e adolescentes, momentos esses que eram proporcionados apenas por sua avó, que tentava aliviar um pouco toda a pressão imposta pelo pai em suas costas. Amadureceu muito rápido, infelizmente com um déficit notável nas habilidades sociais.
Quando atingiu a adolescência, Jaewon ganhou uma câmera fotográfica de sua avó e foi aí que iniciou sua paixão por fotografia. Adorava sair escondido para capturar cenas e imagens do cotidiano que lhe chamassem atenção. Tinha uma sensibilidade incrível para fotos. Sua avó percebeu o talento do neto e passou a incentivá-lo a pensar na possibilidade de se formar na área. A ideia foi incrível para Jaewon, mas é claro que o garoto foi frustrado logo que seu pai descobriu que a avó estava influenciando-o com "ideias mirabolantes e descabidas". Sangwoo jamais admitiria que o filho perdesse o foco do futuro planejado para ele desde que nasceu. Jaewon seria um médico bem sucedido, que jamais passaria pelas dificuldades que o pai, sem estudos, passava. Não havia outra possibilidade de carreira além da medicina. Sangwoo deixou bem claro isso quando quebrou a câmera de Jaewon na frente dele, destruindo qualquer sonho ou esperança que tivesse.
A adolescência de Park foi marcada por rebeldia e protestos dentro de casa. Tudo o que o garoto foi de santo na infância, na adolescência ele extravasou. Toda a pressão do pai, frustração por não poder fazer o que queria e a morte de sua avó, fizeram-no sair dos trilhos. Começou a fumar maconha, usar drogas e frequentar locais que jamais estivera antes. Foi aí que suas skills sociais melhoraram um pouco, uma vez que furou a bolha em que seu pai o manteve preso a vida toda.
Ao terminar o ensino médio na marra, Jaewon teve um choque de realidade quando seu pai ficou doente. Sangwoo descobriu um câncer em estágio avançado e o tempo de vida restante do progenitor era uma incógnita. Por mais que tivesse problemas com a rigidez e aspereza do pai, ele era a única pessoa que tinha. Os dois só tinham um ao outro depois da morte de Dara, sua avó. Jaewon não tinha escolha, aliás, ele nunca teve. Seu destino estava traçado e o pedido reforçado diversas vezes pelo velho moribundo para que o filho não desistisse de seu futuro, foi o suficiente para que o coreano aceitasse de uma vez por todas que a medicina era a única estrada que ele deveria percorrer.
Atualmente, Jaewon está no primeiro ano da residência médica no Severence Hospital, depois de ter se formado em medicina pela SNU, sendo bolsista integral. Ele mora em mapo-gu, onde divide aluguel com dois amigos da época da faculdade.
Todos dizem que ele será um excelente médico, ele espera que estejam certos.
OOC: +18 Triggers: Suicídio Temas de interesse: Todos
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linda-weiss · 1 year
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Javier Klaus Gastelum, Lisa Granada, Anette C. Halm, Jaewon Park, Patricia Paryz, Jochen Wagner, Linda Weiß
Begonnen hatte alles im Frühjahr 2021 mit uns Sieben und so präsentierten wir etwa faustgroß am Jahresende 2022 in der Villa Merkel. 2023 stellen sich die Weichen in eine vielversprechende Zukunft mit ein Herz ist in der Oberwelt Stuttgart: Die Meisterschüler:innen aus dem Weißenhof-Programm der Bildenden Kunst 2020 präsentieren die Publikation des Jahrgangs und geben Einblick in ihr künstlerisches Schaffen. Skulptur, Malerei, Fotografie, Video Mit Arbeiten von Javier Klaus Gastelum, Lisa Granada, Anette C. Halm, Jaewon Park, Patricia Paryz, Jochen Wagner und Linda Weiß
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luvwasred · 1 year
characters k-s
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 16 days
Gun Park with Mitsuri Kanroji reader
@aline1701, come get your Gun Park.
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Mitsuri is a character from Demon Slayer and is one of the Hashiras supporting Tanjiro and the others in the Swordsmith Village Arc, fighting the Upper Moons Gyokko and Hantengu. She is known as the sweet and kind Love Hashira.
• Work has been really hectic for you these past days. These owners must take extra good care of their pets! They always feed them things that are not supposed to be eaten by them... That poor cat the other day ate shrimp and the owner didn't know.
• Because of how busy you are, the others at Jaewon High become a bit worried about where their gluttonous social butterfly went. Word quickly spread out that you are not on campus and the bullies started to take advantage of that.
• Big Daniel encountered Gun that day and the man with sunglasses wouldn't leave him alone, Gun kept offering Daniel the same thing about him being his successor, and Daniel was having none of it. So they fought... You're just closing the clinic for the night and head home until you stumbled across their fight, you hid in a corner and search for your phone to call the police.
Gun: "....*pant*..... What? You tired already?..."
Daniel: "...No...*pant*.... I'm just getting started--"
•While Daniel was standing his ground against Gun, the bastard decided to play dirty and elbow him. You take action and then blocked his attack.
Mitsuri: "Oh my goodness! What is happening here?! No fighting please!"
Daniel: "What the- Mitsuri? Is that you? What are you doing here?!"
Mitsuri: "I should be asking you the same thing, Daniel! This is the way to my house... Why are you fighting this guy at night?! You'll wake up my neighbors!!"
Gun: "Great. Another fight interrupted. Why does this always happen. And how did you block that?"
Mitsuri: "H-hey! You better stop fighting each other or I'm calling the police!"
Gun: "This one's a bitch too."
Mitsuri: *GASP*
Daniel: " Umm, Mitsuri--"
Gun: " ...Huh? Is this bitch for real?"
Daniel: "Mitsuri, please, you might kill him--"
Gun: "And what are you gonna do? OH SHI-"
• Gun was definitely sure that if he didn't react in 1.5 milliseconds and dodged, he would've been the ugliest Lookism character with broken bones and with misshapen facial features...
• Gun got excited and was about to punch you but got interrupted once more by a call from Charles Choi. He leaves after telling Daniel that his offer is still on the table. Anyways, you scolded Daniel about fighting Gun was dangerous but Daniel just brought up questions asking you what your work out routine is.
• Gun took notice of your abnormal strength and decided to request for Kouji to give some information about you. Goo misunderstood Gun's sudden interest to you as a sexual liking and teased him until Gun threatened to break his jaw.
• Believe Gun's disappointment after reading your file. It says that you possess abnormal strength from birth but you're desperate to hide it?? Just for a successful marriage??? Fuck no, he's stalk you and fight you until you realize how useful your strength is and will have no use for marriage anymore. That'll totally work, right?
• Everyone is very happy to have your presence in the classroom again. Vasco can share dangos with you now. The bullies hide in fear like roaches after sensing you coming back. You told them that you were just busy with your job and that gave them a relief since you almost never miss a single class.
• Everything seems to come back to normal until you see the same man with sunglasses at your doorstep waiting for you.
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murd3r0u55ilh0u3tt3 · 3 months
Eli Jang x Yor Forger reader
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• You probably went to the Jaewon High together, but you guys first met at the park where you were taking your dog, Bond, for a walk. You played fetch with Bond, but instead of bringing the stick, he brought back a toddler.
• You panicked and immediately removed the girl from Bond's jaws and cradled her, looking around for her guardian. Finally, you heard a voice calling the girl's and a man with blonde hair running your way.
• You gave the girl back to the man and apologized and he said that all was forgiven as there were no scratch marks on the child and that he saw the dog saving the wandering child from a speeding motorcycle. The father, you assumed, introduced himself as Eli Jang, name which you were familiar of... Millie always gossiped about him during lunch at school... Isn't he from the beauty department?
• Soon enough, your meet ups at the park became more frequent and you even offered to babysit Yenna for him! Even Bond likes the child! Eli, as tired as he is, hesitantly agreed after the past few weeks of managing Hostel has been more chaotic.
• One day, he was trying to subdue these men that were terrorizing Hostel members. Eli could only have patience so much that when it ran out, he pummeled the men's skulls into the ground but is having a hard time fighting their leader.
• The leader then retreated to an alleyway and a bloodthirsty Eli followed after. He heard yelling and slashing from what was most likely knives piercing through flesh and turned to a hidden corner. He leaned his back to the wall and peeked, seeing a blur of black fabric. Before he could even interrupt, Warren and Sally pulled him back away from the area and back to Hostel. When he returned to the alleyway, he saw no sign of blood or weapons... That's strange... Must be an expert fighter from another gang.
• He went home and Yenna ran up to hug her father, and as he was going to greet you, he saw a bruise on your cheek. You nervously made up an excuse about slipping on the floor and hitting your cheek on the table corner, to which Eli sighed. He always noticed how clumsy you are, yet so agile at the right time of danger...
• Okay, he's starting to think that you do a lot more than yoga... The stunts you pulled while fighting off a thief on your way home was definitely martial arts. The way you slice food with a knife is terrifying. Hell, he even saw you climbing up the walls after one glance from a roach on the floor! Something's wrong, but for some reason, he can't quite figure it out... Maybe you'll tell him when the time comes, right?.... Right?
• Millie and the rest of the girls in Jaewon High are pretty jealous that you're so close with one of the most handsome men in the school. Despite your aloof demeanor, you actually made friends like Daniel, Vasco, Mira, Jace, Zoe, Jay... But you dont want any of them finding out your true colours.
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nellpire · 2 years
[220625] nelljwk
I’m so sorry I couldn’t show you my best condition today, and very grateful that you enjoyed yourselves in the heat eitther way. Have a good Saturday night and see you all at our next show. Thank you! #WeWantedToDoAnEncore #ButTheStopLightCameOnTooStrong
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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There are two instances where you could have met Eli, you'd either be a member of the Hostel along with Warren, Sally, Olly, Heather, Max and Derek, or you'd meet Eli at Jaewon High. Let's delve into the scenarios and possibilities of how you could have met this angst filled guy and the Big Daddy of Hostel(Lol, I'm sorry but I cackled like a maniac when I read that)
Scenario 1: To say that your parents were horrible was saying the least. Your parents were obsessed with you trying to be perfect and trying to be the golden child even though you were the only child of the family, they always wanted you to be the best at everything. Your grades were more important to them than your own comfort and happiness. For a recent test in math, you received a horrible score in it and your parents were less than pleased about it. They refused to give you dinner and after your mother ended up slapping you across the face and your father screaming at you of how much of an ungrateful brat you were despite them providing a roof over your head, you couldn't take it anymore. You felt trapped, you felt caged, like a bird with it's wings clipped. You wanted to fly...and forge your own path. You snuck out of your house in the middle of the night as you found comfort and solace in the cold night with the wind gently blowing by you and you headed to the local park as you sat down on a bench. You sniffled to yourself quietly and tears silently streamed down your face as you wondered how much longer were you supposed to live like this for
A guy ended up sitting next to you and he had raven black hair with an H tattoo on his head as he stared at you for a few seconds silently, You felt slightly embarrassed for crying and pouring your emotions out in front of a stranger as you quickly wiped your eyes and you were about to leave. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked you softly as he looked at you, his eyes shining with concern for you. Despite the fact that your mind screamed at you not to talk to a stranger, he exuded no threat to you and had a comforting soothing personality and you felt drawn to him, in a comforting manner. No one's ever asked you about your feelings and you felt touched that someone was ready to listen. Despite your hesitance, he gently prodded on and you told him about how your life was at home and you felt trapped. "Well don't worry, anytime you ever need someone to hear you out, you can always count on me'' he said with a comforting smile as he took you to the Hostel building and introduced you to the others. Sally and Heather could empathize with the pain you were going through and they all ensured that you were always welcome at theirs no matter what. You can expect Eli to have a few 'words' with your parents and don't question where the blood on his fists came from. It's for your protection after all and it makes him seethe that the very people who were supposed to love you and protect you hurt you so much, he can't stand someone he loves being hurt and abused like this 
Scenario 2: You could be a student of whatever department you wanted to major in and while you were heading back home one fine day, you spotted a pudgy baby with brown hair and a little stuffed teddy bear in her little arms as she was about to head out on the road by herself when a speeding car was approaching her. Your mind immediately screamed at you to save the baby as you grabbed her and cradled her in your arms and you heaved a sigh of relief. She started cooing at you and giggling as you sighed at her and looked at her and pinched her cheeks. "I bet you give your parents a hard time huh little one?" you asked with a soft smile. You decided to stick around to wait for her parental figure to arrive as you sat down on the park bench and handed her a lollipop. A while later you spotted someone familiar rushing over to the park, yelling out "YENNA" desperately as his blonde hair fell on his face and looked stressed out. You looked surprised to see him as he looked relieved to see his daughter in your arms. "That's Yenna, she's my daughter. Thank you so much for looking after her'' he said with a relieved smile. Eli and you weren't too close before this incident but after this, you guys closer to each other. He couldn't have been more grateful that his daughter was in the hands of someone responsible and caring 
Out of all the people, he might be the one to become possessive and obsessive of you quite fast in a short period of time and rightfully so with all the nonsense he's had to endure so far in his life. He's already lost important people in his life, he can't afford to lose you as well. His paranoia for your safety keeps growing because of all the increased violence and gang stuff happening around the city and his ultimate agenda is to keep you safe. He'll start stalking the HELL out of you, acting like your guardian angel in the dark. He does get increasingly concerned and worried when he realizes how naive you are about you are about your surroundings, he's dragged people by their heads and beat them senseless because those lousy scumbags dared to try following you. He realized that he needs to step up and be your protector and take care of you since you obviously can't do it yourself
He's like a fussing mother hen, he'll never let it go if you skip out on your meals or if you forget to hydrate yourself. He'll keep pestering you and lecturing you in a stern authoritative dad like commanding tone to obey him and not neglect your health like this. Look, he might love you and care for you but he will NOT compromise on your safety and health, he does want a family with you after all. He'll end up kidnapping you quicker than expected and it's not like you can snitch on him to his friends from the Hostel either, they're all a FAMILY, Sally would just be in her own little world gushing about how lucky you are for Eli loving you so much and Warren would narrow his eyes slightly warning you silently not to try escaping from him and would end up telling you Eli's sob story and his past so you'll stay with him. Max and Derek would have the same approach as them as well, delusional and agreeing with Eli for everything 
Eli will know everything about you, he'd have memorized your habits and he'll also being a really clingy yandere too, he can't bear to be away from you. He NEEDS you like a dying man needing air and if he loses you, he'll go insane. I want to say I pity the poor fool who dares to try taking you away from him but they'll just be asking for a literal death wish at this point when it comes to him. He'll grow enraged at the thought of someone trying to steal you away from him, it makes him LIVID, HOW DARE THEY?! His mind will be reeling with thoughts of rage and anger as he uses his baton or his own fists and fights them till the other person is on the verge of actually dying. He was trained by a psychotic fighting obsessed maniac Tom Lee after all, he'll use his brutality against his opponent and go for the eyes, pressure points, everything. He doesn't care if it's not a fair fight either, just the mere thought of someone taking who he loves sends him into a frenzy of anger 
You'll be kidnapped by him really soon and he'll understand if you scream or cry, he's not some kind of monster who can't relate to how you feel but please don't be sad, you're making him sad with your sadness too and he feels his heart breaking when he sees you crying. He'll just hold you and pull you close to his strong muscular chest and gently shush you and soothe you to calm you down. He might slip in a few sedatives to make you drowsy but he believes a good and nice nap would make you less cranky. He'll kiss your head softly and caress your cheek lovingly as he'll hold you in his arms while you sleep
He has his eyes and ears everywhere, he's the Big Daddy of Hostel after all, ALL the runaway kids in the area know about him. The second you manage to slip out of his house, you better PRAY someone doesn't recognize you else they'll immediately inform him about your little escape attempt. Eli will be really mad at you for escaping from him and he'll just carry you in his arms with a cold stern look in his eyes which is far different from the usual lovesick loving look he'll have for you. Your internet privileges will be gone for a whole month and he'll start lecturing you on how you're supposed to set an example for Yenna and how could you just abandon him like this when he loved you so much. For your sake, don't answer back to him, he's already mad enough, at this point it would just be like you adding more fuel to the fire. He wont' hesitate to discipline you and spank you like you're some bratty naughty kid that needs to be put in place. Don't worry, he'll cuddle with you after that and make you your favorite thing to eat while saying things like how he'll make sure you never leave him again. 
He might be a stern authoritative disciplinarian at times but he does have his soft moments with you, he loves holding you in his arms and kissing your neck, cheeks, lips and running his fingers through your hair. He's more than happy to be your hair dresser if you want and his skills will improve as he'll give you a stylish hairstyle. He'll love to cook for you as well and his heart feels like it'll melt when he sees you cooking with your cute little apron. He'll immediately hug you from the back and nuzzle his cheek to yours as he tells you how much he loves you and kisses you while being held in his strong arms.You really should have kept a better eye on your surroundings...
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