bethanydelleman · 9 days
One of my headcanons about Mrs. Bennet, given her character and general lack of tact, is that her daughters are not at all clueless about the bedroom going into marriage. No, they wish they were. Elizabeth and Jane were sitting there wishing they could unhear everything and go in blind. Their ears burned right off their heads. They began to wish they'd never even gotten engaged.
Or, they are super excited about it because the bedroom is the only place where Mr. and Mrs. Bennet have a good relationship, if you know what I mean...
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firawren · 6 months
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"Ungentlemanly," a Pride and Prejudice smutty fanfic
Explicit | Elizabeth/Darcy | 5k words
Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, 5+1 Things, Established Relationship, Married Sex, Library Sex, Vaginal Sex, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Dubiously Consensual Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, 69 (Sex Position), Reconciliation Sex, Light Femdom, Dirty Talk
Elizabeth once berated Mr. Darcy for not behaving in a “gentlemanlike manner.” Ever since her just reproof, he has been determined to always act like a perfect gentleman, even, or especially, within his marital bed. Gentlemen do not use obscene language to express their pleasure while carrying out their marital duties. Doing so would be an affront to his dearest, loveliest wife Elizabeth.
However, he finds this resolution harder and harder to keep as his marriage progresses.
And it is finally Elizabeth’s will that breaks him of it.
(Or, five times Darcy nearly loses control but restrains himself from talking dirty in bed, and the one time he finally lets loose, thanks to Elizabeth’s strong encouragement.)
Read on AO3
Beta read by @loonysama. Thanks for the helpful feedback!
NSFW excerpt under the read more link:
“May I use my mouth on you?” Elizabeth murmured against his lips, and his cock grew harder at the very suggestion.
“You—you would want to do that?” he said in a strangled voice.
“You have used your mouth on me, and I was, well, curious whether it can be done the other way around.”
“You need not do it,” he said weakly, though the idea of it sounded tremendously appealing.
“But may I?” Elizabeth asked, smiling slightly.
“If you wish,” he managed to choke out, rather than exclaiming how much he would like to feel her lick and suck his cock.
Her smile widened, and she moved down his body to his waiting erection. She tenderly pressed her mouth to it, at first, and Darcy hummed at the pleasant sensation of her soft lips against his flesh. But when she engulfed the head of his cock fully in her mouth, his pleasure jolted through him so fiercely that he could not stop himself from moaning, “Ohhh!”
He quickly clamped his mouth shut, but she looked up at him with a prideful sort of happiness dancing in her eyes, clearly pleased with the passionate reaction she had drawn from him. The look increased his arousal even further, heat flaring in his belly, for there was a perverse intimacy in having her eyes fixed on his while her mouth was stretched so obscenely around his cock. Again he could not help but groan, this time in the shape of her name. She smiled around his cock again, and he had to squeeze his eyes shut to block out the intoxicating sight that threatened to unleash words unfit for Elizabeth’s ears.
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taralen · 2 months
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[[Limited Sale]] Sketch commission w/flat colors for @youwillneverguessmyurl's DELTARUNE Addison OC, Looker, and her bird companion JAFF.
I had a bit of fun with this one!
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amarguerite · 11 months
Look who finally updated a fic!!
Behold: a new chapter of Behold the Walls of Jericho, my Northanger Abbey/ It Happened One Night mashup. In this chapter: Catherine learns to drive stick shift and be sarcastic, Henry gets a shock, and Mr. Thorpe makes everything worse.
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kcinpa · 1 year
Into the Austen-verse: Eight Elizabeths (9104 words) by kckahler
Chapters: 2/2
Fandom: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Pride and Prejudice (TV 1995), Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016), Bride and Prejudice (2004), Bridget Jones (Movies), Fire Island (Movie 2022), Pride and Prejudice (1940)
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Elizabeth Bennet, Bridget Jones, Lalita Bakshi, Noah (Fire Island)
Please enjoy some P&P multiverse hijinks. I even made a meme.
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shmaptainwrites · 1 year
Fitzwilliam Darcy
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- Referred by a close family friend, reader finds herself a job tutoring a lovely young girl and begins to form an unlikely connection with her older brother
- Reader, encountered with an unexpected cold, finds herself staying longer at her friend's home in Pemberley and influencing him with her unconventional attitude
Mark Darcy
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-Mark and Reader meet on a dock in Greece and the rest is history
Harry Hart | Galahad
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whenthegoldrays · 2 months
Read this, I beg you, it’s hilarious
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rusakkowrites · 4 months
JAFF Trope Inversion Bingo
The JAFF Trope Inversion Bingo is a light-hearted fic-writing challenge for the Jane Austen fandom. Participants are challenged to write fics based on prompts that are inverted versions of popular Jane Austen fanfiction tropes.
How to participate
1. Use the bingo card generator to generate a bingo card. (Please copy or screenshot your card for safekeeping, as the generator will randomise a new set of prompts whenever the page is reloaded.)
2. Complete a bingo by filling three prompts from your card to create either a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line on the card. You can write a separate fic for each prompt or combine more than one prompt into the same fic.
3. Post your fic(s) wherever you usually post your fanfiction. AO3 users are encouraged to add their fics to the event collection, but you do not need an AO3 account to participate in the bingo.
4. Enjoy you bragging rights!
Schedule and deadlines
No schedule, no deadlines! The bingo card generator will remain up for the foreseeable future, and the AO3 collection will be open indefinitely. You can generate as many bingo cards as you want whenever you want and post your fics whenever you finish them.
FAQs and public bingo cards
Check out the info post on Dreamwidth.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Common misconception about Mr. Collins in Pride & Prejudice is that he's sucking up to Lady Catherine to retain his position in the church. This is not true, the living is his for life, he's sucking up for more, as Elizabeth observes: Very few days passed in which Mr. Collins did not walk to Rosings, and not many in which his wife did not think it necessary to go likewise; and till Elizabeth recollected that there might be other family livings to be disposed of, she could not understand the sacrifice of so many hours. (Ch 30)
It was possible at the time for a rector to hold multiple livings, they would install a curate for about £50/year and pocket the rest of the income.
Also, it was nigh impossible to remove a clergyman once he was installed at a living. This example is from the book Fashionable Goodness, Christianity in Jane Austen's England by Brenda S. Cox (TW: violence against pregnant women):
Dr. Free seduced his housekeepers, resulting in five illegitimate children; caused one of the women to miscarry; let his pigs desecrate the graveyard, and kept cattle on the church porch; sold the lead off the church roof; cut down and sold trees not belonging to him; left the parish for long periods of time; and refused to marry and bury his parishioners. Eventually, when he offended a gentry family over a burial, they lodged a complaint. This led to seven years of expensive trials, at the Bishop of Lincoln's personal expense. Finally Dr. Free was removed from his living, eventual dying as a beggar. (Ch 10)
(And now you can see why Darcy really didn't want Wickham to be given a living!)
Mr. Collins and Charlotte are not being irrational in their devotion to Lady Catherine, a second living could double their income without adding very much at all to their work. Charlotte might have the added benefit of Mr. Collins spending some time at his other living during the collection of tithes. Now I do think Jane Austen found this kind of behaviour repugnant, but it isn't ridiculous, it's highly motivated.
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firawren · 4 months
Elizabeth/Darcy | rated E | 2,018 words
Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Married Sex, Outdoor Sex, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Clothed Sex, Established Relationship
“Here? You mean, right now? On the ground, in the open?”
Elizabeth smiled at having succeeded in flustering him again despite her ostensible surrender. “If I were to lean against one of those trees, we would not be in the open, really, and only you would have to kneel upon the ground. We have done it so before.”
Elizabeth gets a bit dirty on a walk with her husband, before she gets even dirtier with her husband.
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pennyngram · 1 year
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Has anyone else received this?
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pablo-pigasso · 1 month
reading MP for the first time and
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UM. UMMMM. @amarguerite IS IT SHE??? HER??? ,,,
oml my lil gay woman loving heart cannot I was already internally screaming about the fact that Fanny x Mary Crawford wouldve been so much better but ARGH MILADY MENTIONED!!!!!
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Thanks for the tag @charmsandtealeaves! This is the post 7 lines tag game. I did one yesterday for an HP fic, but what about a little Pride and Prejudice fanfic?!
Darcy waited in his chambers. He considered going to their shared door, but shook his head, as he thought Elizabeth would interpret his attention as a wish to visit her in her bed. It was only sensible that she should see him, apologize for her uncivil behavior, and request forgiveness. 
The hours dragged by. No light appeared in the gap between the door and the floor. Irritated with her impertinent, obstinate behavior, he knocked on the door with no answer. When he tried to turn the knob, he was affronted further. It was locked. 
Having no means with which to see his wife, Darcy poured out a glass of brandy and sat down at his desk to address his correspondence. 
I've already tagged seven people, so anyone else who wants to do this can join in!
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nnschneider · 4 months
I gave myself a reasonable resolution of finishing 3 drafts that had been kicking around in my WIPs folders. I think I finished the first one, "Extremes in Dating." (My goal was to finish the draft, which is not the same as getting it reviewed and edited and posted.)
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It's 5k words, still awaiting peer review, S&S, in the same modern AU as Drynuary For Hookups. I started it 2 years ago and here we are.
Parts of it are based on a date that someone I know told me about. The experience was less than ideal while living it but funny in the retelling. I'm all about standing on the shoulders of giants when it comes to writing, but usually the people giving me the boost are long dead strangers (e.g, Jane Austen). I think this is the first time I've adapted a friend's personal anecdote for my stories and it was a weird feeling. Like, do I tell them before I post? Do I dedicate it to them or gift it to them? and if I do, will others draw mistaken conclusions about my friend? If my friend doesn't like it, do I need to change the story? or change the parts that they don't like? My story isn't about my friend, I just took a situation they lived through and dropped a character in it. And that character in the same initial situation (or relatively similar) is different and reacts differently from my friend and that changes the situation further, etc.
Anyway, I told them. Like I said, weird feeling. Still waiting to hear back. Wish me luck.
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whenthegoldrays · 4 months
Okay I do want to start plotting out the Mansfield Park fic (mentioned in this post) but I’m trying to figure out how the world-hopping occurs.
Does our hero time travel?
Does he dimension hop?
If he time travels, then how does that redefine what the Mansfield Park novel is?
Is it a true story that Austen wrote down? (Plausible, since the bittersweet ending feels the most like a real life story out of her novels.)
Whatever it is he does, is this rooted in a sci-fi explanation or is it straight up fantasy?
Does he magically fall into the story? (The original idea, but it brings up other concerns.)
Does he actually land in the world of Austen in the body of Henry Crawford? If so, how?
If he lands there as himself, what turn of events leads to his acting as Henry? Why do Mary and the Grants go along with it?
Is he Henry’s doppelgänger somehow??
Where is Crawford now during the events of this story?
Very importantly!! Does our hero get to stay in the Austenverse or does he have to go back to his own world?
If he gets to stay, what happens to the real Henry?
If he has to leave, what happens to Fanny?
Writing all these points down has actually helped me sort of form a solution, but I would appreciate any input y’all can give me on the mechanics of the story. If I can get this down, the main plot itself shouldn’t be too difficult.
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amarguerite · 2 years
Oof, it’s been a long month of travel, and irl stuff going wrong, so I needed a little dose of screwball energy, so here’s a new chapter of Behold the Walls of Jericho!
Mr. Thorpe causes problems, I take a little detour into my favorite gag in The 39 Steps because I don’t think Henry Tilney would beat up a man and steal his car, and Catherine learns how to drive stick.
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