#jaiden: does cellbit trust anyone . . . does cellbit trust ME?
fagtainsparklez · 8 months
jaiden having this fairly serious and heavy discussion while fucking. nearly edgy idols plays in the background is SO funny
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thatweirdnoise · 9 months
You know what makes me crazy? Jaiden and Cellbit don't fully understand each other.
Cellbo is truly traumatized by the Federation and his distrust is fundamentally based on fear, so he doesn't get it why anyone would work with Cucurucho willingly. For him, Cucurucho and Federation go hand in hand.
On the other hand, Jaiden is an empathetic person who sees the Cucuruchos as individuals who have feelings, thoughts and personality (cuz they do). Not only "things" that work for the Federation. And she does get why people don't like Cucurucho, but she doesn't fully get Cellbit's whole trauma.
Yet they really like each other, Cellbit was the first person to notice her missing. Jaiden trusts Cellbit enough to show him her garden. They are the most important people for Roier, and they love him! They are friends despite differences in perspective, because at the end of the day they love the same way
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natureismynature · 9 months
I wanted to talk about qJaiden and qFoolish's trust and friendship with each other because it means so much to me!!!!
So, initially, when they first started to make a real connection, Jaiden was in a middle of a heavy conflict. She was getting... persecuted, for a lack of better words. She was the first who got tasks from the Federation (aside from Cellbit), she became suspicious to everyone for unfortunate coincidences, and everyone started to become wary of her when she all she wanted to do was protect all the eggs and be alone while she mourned her son.
But then, Foolish came into the picture. He didn't treat her differently, his opinion on Cucurucho was basically the same as hers, and he was never judgemental of her getting and doing Federation tasks. He was the second person she ever showed the Bobby Fields willingly (with Leo), and she explained everything; why she built her home so far away, why there was a room filled with paintings, why there's a tree house, why she placed the chairs like that and she was so surprised when he said he liked the room dedicated to Bobby. And, after all that, as they sat on the tree house waiting for the sunset, with Foolish refusing to sit on any of the chairs because he knew who they were for, all he asked was "Doesn't it make you sad?" she said no and he said "Well, now I'm sad."
Then, when things finally calmed down and Jaiden was no longer suspicious to everyone, it was Foolish who got himself into a situation. A situation that Jaiden understands very well. He was basically isolated, he was singled out of the group. She knew how it felt and she made sure to be there for him. To defend him just as he defended her.
Jaiden didn't want any conflict between her loved ones, so she tried to play all sides by helping Cellbit get information but being truthful to Foolish as well. But Foolish lied to her because he knew what she was up to. Despite all that, in the end, they both admitted to each other what they did. And I think that's where their trust in each other became what it is now.
They became each other's safe place. Jaiden swore her silence to Foolish, and Foolish already did that the moment he kept his silence about the Bobby Fields.
Foolish took Jaiden with him when the Federation assigned him as detective, it was his choice whether or not he should let her in the know, and he didn't even hesitate. He put his full trust in Jaiden that moment. And after that, he kept telling Jaiden everything he knew when people used to keep things from her a LOT. And Jaiden, in turn, told him everything she knew.
And now, Jaiden's the one with a huge secret. Something she swore she would never tell anyone. But she chose to tell Foolish without prompt anyway. Because he trusted in her first. He's her confidant as she is his. She knows he won't judge her. She knows his image of her will never change. She knows he will stand by her no matter what happens because he understood her the way no one else does.
Yes, Roier would never hate her for it, but he's different. The way I see it, Jaiden would never want to put Roier in a situation where he chooses between his family with Cellbit or her. Jaiden knew how much Cellbit hated Cucurucho, if she told Roier about her true connection with the Federation... well, we can only imagine what would happen. And she would never even consider telling Cellbit himself because, well, as I've said, she knew how negative Cellbit sees the Federation and Cucurucho. She cares for them both very much, she would never want them to think ill of her because of what really happened.
With Foolish, she can be honest. Because she knew where he stood and she knew Leo was going to be on her papa's side no matter what too.
Tldr: Jaiden and Foolish are each other's safe places. They are each other's confidants. They know each other's biggest secrets and they are willing to take it to the grave. And I think that's beautiful.
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supposed2befern · 11 months
I had an idea…
I had this idea for a dystopian/modern!AU with Jaiden and Cellbit
Personally, my favorite detail about Cellbit’s character is that he’s like a conspiracy theorist. Obviously, in cannon, there are a lot of people who think just like him, but I find the idea of people thinking he’s crazy really funny and I wanted to make an AU out of it.
In the idea I came up with, the Federation is seen as this “perfect” government, presenting this utopia-like feeling for the islanders. Cellbit (who actually reads and know’s how “perfect” governments end) feels like the whole thing is just off, and begins to look more into things, going as far as to look for agents to interview and investigating buildings that he can find. Most of his evidence is deemed as coincidental, however, and he is made out to be this crazy man who questions the government for no good reason.
In truth, people who question the Federation end up going missing, and that’s why Cellbit is the only one who sees anything wrong. The Federation feels they have no reason to kidnap him since people think he’s already insane, and if he went missing, it would raise suspicion.
Enter Jaiden: the roommate of Cellbit’s new boyfriend, Roier. Her and Cellbit become fast friends, especially when she is quick to actually believe Cellbit’s theories and even offers to help with research. Cellbit, despite his suspicious nature, doesn’t question her at all. He’s just glad to finally have someone that trusts him. Fast forward a few weeks into them working together and Jaiden is pulling him somewhere with out cameras to tell him that she’s an agent tasked with gathering materials from people.
I think this would make her even more of a valuable character to Cellbit (just like in cannon) and they would work together. I also think Jaiden would get captured due to spilling information to a civilian, and then Cellbit would have to save her, and Roier would insist on coming along.
I have a lot of other ideas, and writing this post allowed me to put some ideas together. Should I write it? And if I do, does anyone have any ideas?
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citruslllad · 10 months
Love your qsmp au, it’s been haunting my brain for the past few hours. Jacob questioning his sanity makes me cackle. Love the concept of a character having a prominent person in their life being lost or replaced and having to find them. I’m particularly curious as to the dynamics Jacob has with the other qsmp members once he arrives on the island. Anyone they like, despise? How do they interact with a certain cat boy conspiracist and our resident eldritch care bear?
Also unrelated, love how Jo is just a concerned observer in all of this. His friend went from pretty okay mentally to “No Jo I’m telling you I’ve definitely had a roommate this whole time! You’ve met her in real life several times by now! Stop gaslighting me about the plushies I’m not a plush guy I wouldn’t buy these on my own. Fine, if there’s no roommate JO, then why is there a drawing tablet in that other room? There is a LIVE BIRD IN MY LIVING ROOM and yet I’ve never expressed interest in owning one. Worse yet, I haven’t MONETIZED IT?! THIS ISN’T FUNNY JOE MY LIFE HAS BECOME A TWILIGHT ZONE EPISODE”
the thing is, they first realized something was off when they were on stream and chatting w/ friends, said something along the lines of "yeah haha it's been so quiet without Jaiden around, hope she's having a good time" and someone goes oh who's Jaiden? and you can practically see the gears in his head turning. at some point he's like we'll they'll HAVE to believe me if i bring them over and they all see her room and setup and stuff right? and then some of their buddies arrive and go lol Jo you had such a weird setup before you left and Jo's just going along with it like yeah haha I don't even remember it, it was a weird time in my life and Jacob is FUMING
regarding dynamics, focusing on Cellbit + Jacob first, I don't think they trust each other at ALL at first. they're both nice to each other for the sake of being polite, but they literally CanNot trust the other, Cellbit because last time he trusted an "ally" he became employee of the month, and Jacob because not trusting anyone on the island comes with the package. over time, they begin to bond over their shared stressful experience, but it's a while till then
(taking this ^^^ into account, Cellbit is secretly ECSTATIC to have Jacob around. not because of Jacob himself, but because they can remember everything about the outside world whereas Cellbit cannot. they bring him a small sense of closure)
he definitely get along better with some of the other members, though. the first people that come to mind are Slimecicle, Roier and Baghera. other than that, he doesn't exactly have all the time in the world to interact with everyone on the island, so he's mostly neutral (except for those he knows has willingly worked with the federation, like Foolish or Elq. he doesn't trust that in the slightest)
with Cucorucho it's a bit of a different story. they've never interacted with it, and all they know about it is from Cellbit, so it's safe to say they'd rather keep off of it's radar. when he DOES meet with it, however, he's very offput by it. they laugh at first, yes, because Cucorucho literally looks like a life sized stuffed animal, but he very quickly gets disturbed by it, something made to look so friendly and undeceiving being capable of so much. he isn't a fan.
(here are some refs i doodled while watching jaiden vods btw <3)
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unmotivated-student · 8 months
Okay, time to ramble a little about q!Roier [from my own point of view]:
To me, q!Roier seems like the "I have to be fine so I can help everybody else to be fine" kind of guy.
He has experienced tragedies, suffered betrayals and suffered losses, he knows how important it is to have someone by your side when dealing with pain, so if anyone needs him, he will most likely be there.
After losing Bobby he found happiness in his new family formed by q!Cellbit and Richas, although we must not forget the importance of his relationship with other islanders [like Leo, q!Foolish, q!Jaiden...] and after a while, it seemed like he was finally moving forward with his life again...
But now? With the disappearance of the eggs and all the Federation stuff, the mental stability of the islanders [or some of them] deteriorates little by little and his is no exception. He's tired, he's sad, he doesn't look very good/healty but he doesn't want to show it, he needs help but he doesn't want to ask for it because how could he?
How could he ask someone else for help when everyone is dealing with their own stuff? Not only that but how could he ask for help from people he doesn't even trust enough to confide in with his problems and feelings to that extent?
And don't get me wrong, he trusts his husband, he really does, but he knows q!Cellbit still going through Richarlyson's disappearance and he knows how hard it is to lose a child [he already went through that].
In recent days, he has been constantly watching his husband suffering because of it and investigating day and night looking for clues and much more, he can see how tired q! Cellbit is, he can see his husband is not okay...
So how could he add more weight to q!Cellbit's shoulders by making him worry about him too?
Instead, he prefers to keep his feelings to himself so he can help with whatever his husband needs and disguise his pain with jokes, because humor helps heal, right?
And if those silly jokes also help to bring out a smile to his husband's face [or the face of whoever is with him acutally], that's more than enough for him [no matter how small the smile is].
Also, although it may not seem like it at first glance, I think he is a very empathetic person [or cube].
Maybe you believe me or maybe you don't, but I'll explain it anyway. Let's take a look at the next example...
When q!Bagi told him everything about the twin stuff [my apologies, I suck at explaining lore], she let him know how worried she was about her relationship with q!Cellbit, how worried she is about him, just like how much it terrified her that he wouldn't even want to look at her after discovering that they were siblings.
After that he asked her "do you want me to talk to him?" and she answered "yes please".
But here's the thing, he knew there was probably a reason why his husband hadn't told him anything, like he probably wasn't ready to do it. But he was so sure that q!Cellbit would tell him eventually without the need to pressure him he decided to bring that up himself.
He couldn't just minimize Bagi's feelings. No, he was respectful and careful with his words, deciding to tell her what she needed to hear to have some peace of mind "He is not mad at you, I will help you, at the end of the day you two are sibligs and that's never going to change and you have to love each other, next time I see him I'll talk to him" [Paraphrased] And then finish with "Everything is going to be okay and if it's not okay, it will be" [when he said that, part of me thinks he was also saying that to himself].
When he finally talked to q!Cellbit he never pressured him to speak, he let him do it at his own pace. He only mentioned what q!Bagi had told him until q!Cellbit started talking about his past [and fulfilled what he promised q!Bagi in the process].
Also, the way he worried about those two's relationship shows how much he cares about the state of his new family and obviously also shows how much he cares about his husband. In a way, he was their support throughout the entire process.
He knows how hard and painful it is to drown in loneliness and he doesn't want q!Cellbit to suffer anymore either.
Am I overthinking? Of course I am, I always I'm.
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A plot bunny 4halo bit that is plaguing my brain...
A story in which it's getting towards the end of the egg quests- not quite Mama's Coming Home levels yet, but like, tests to weed out all the parents that lost their egg or those eggs with parents that weren't very good. A threshing, if you will.
Everyone is gathered in one of the Federation's white rooms and there are three pressure plates on the floor- one for the egg, and two for whichever parents are present. Osito Bimbo is standing on one side of a locked gate and the players on the other, and the challenge is to get to the other side and join Osito Bimbo to "pass." Nothing else is explained, but the players figure it out quick enough. Philza and Missa are the first to cross with Chayanne (the cut scene everyone got thrown into upon being teleported in lagged Tallulah so hard she disconnected, so she got a pass as she couldn't rejoin without crashing a few seconds after).
Jaiden and Roier try just for the sake of trying and they get dropped into lava after a minute is up and they get timed out for "not completing the challenge", dying and respawning outside the white room in their beds. And thus the stakes are established.
Foolish and Vegeta also cross with Leonarda and Bad realizes the inherent unfairness of it all- he starts quietly talking to Dapper in the corner about how he's a single parent and this puzzle won't work for them. They try to sneak over to the other side with Etoiles and Baghera plus Pomme, crouching right by the door to try and rush across the threshold, but they can't cross, they get TPed right back out. They have to watch as the four french people + egg make their way through the gate.
Bad starts shouting at Cucurucho about how this puzzle is unfair and set up for Dapper to die, everyone realizes Oh Fuck, He's Right, and a big stink is made. Cucurucho doesn't budge, throwing books at Philza to read that state that the rules are perfect and can't be broken. Bad is thoroughly pissed off and Dapper is getting nervous when people start getting creative.
Maximus is about ready to pipe up but Forever, loud and dramatic guy he is, with a debt to pay to BBH to boot, makes his move first. He walks up to stand on one of the plates, tells Mike and Pac they can have his 20% of Richarlyson's parenthood, then declares to Badboyhalo that since he helped him so much with Richarlyson, he wants to help Badboyhalo too.
"I know that you do not trust easy and you working so hard to help me find Richarlyson when he is in danger, and trusting me with Dapper's life? It means a lot and so, I want to help you. I know it's a lot to ask but please let me save Dapper with you- trust me with his life again and I promise I will never make you regret it." And Forever removes his armor, crouches, and bows his head for a bit before looking up at Badboyhalo.
Bad, on his part, sputters for a bit before asking Forever if he's sure- he's giving up Richarlyson for Dapper, he's pretty sure that if this is to work you have to mean it. And Forever solemnly declares that he does mean it. He owes Bad his egg's life and he trusts Bad more than anyone, plus Bad trusts no one else more than him. If Dapper is to have a chance, he claims, he knows that Bad would be uncomfortable having anyone else as a parent because he doesn't trust them to keep Dapper safe.
Reluctantly, Bad agrees, although you can tell in his voice that Forever's declaration and sacrifice means a lot to him. Dapper, Badboyhalo, and Forever stand on the pressure plates and are let across, after which they promptly find a corner to whisper to each other about what will happen next, but Bad concludes that they'll have to talk later.
Maximus asks Fit to partner up for Ramon, which works, Pac and Mike cross with Richarlyson and Cellbit squishes in to join in the crossover, Slime tries to break out the egg shape but no one wants to be his parent other than Quackity and Mariana isn't online, so he and Q just burn to death.
Later, when things are resolved, Forever follows BBH and Dapper out and says that he'll meet them in the secret room later, he has to get all his stuff from the Favela first. Quackity and the Favela crew overhear and Badboyhalo asks why, Forever says that he'll be moving in with Bad so that he can be closer in case Dapper needs something. He's Dapper's parent now, in whatever capacity Badboyhalo will allow, but he fully intends to do his best. He then begins apologizing to Richarlyson for leaving while Quackity starts shouting about how Forever is a terrible dad- not that anyone other than Foolish and the French pay him any mind.
Bad quietly talks to Dapper and tries to sort out his thoughts on the matter- Dapper's other parent was Skeppy, but... Skeppy was a voice on a phone, not a person who could actually save Dapper should he need saving like he did in the white room. And he trusts Forever. He's just not sure to what extent.
BBH watches as Forever near about sobs over his goodbyes and decides to take a leap of faith. He pulls Forever away and using his warp plates and way points, he takes the man on a whirlwind tour of the server, showing him every farm and safe place and animal collection station he and Dapper have. Forever is in awe as Bad starts pulling out avocado toast and ender pearls and crates in large amounts, even spare armor and backpack upgrades, and he's even more shocked when Bad gifts them to him, stating that if he's to protect Dapper, he needs to be fully prepared.
At the end of the trip, Forever excitedly starts telling Bad and Dapper at the ways he thinks he could help out, such as making them more farms and designing another XP grinder. And Bad, Bad starts to get the feeling that maybe things will work out after all.
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dez-wade · 8 months
Just to let you know people on twt are mad about teaduo soley cause q!bagi doesnt treat foolish that nicely, god forbid a character who doesn’t primarily speak English is silly
LOL that's the hypocrisy and selectiveness I mentioned. It happens a lot with Foolish. He's allowed to do anything that he wants, but he shouldn't be getting any consequences, like people distrusting him. BUT if he does something that deserves praise then he's not silly anymore, he should be taken seriously and they have to consider his real feelings.
And what's funny is that Bagi doesn't trust anyone on the island pretty much. Just very few people. Yet you don't see other people complaining about that, just Doozers.
There's also the problem that people see Tina as an extension of Foolish, so they're not happy that Tina chose a different view than he did. This happened once when Cellbit introduced the order for her a long time ago and talked about Cucurucho. People called Cellbit manipulative because of that, especially because at the time she was walking around a lot with Foolish and Jaiden, the Cucurucho buddies.
But that's also just me criticizing the fandom, because thank god Foolish is a much better character than his fandom tries to make him be.
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qsmp-lore-dump · 1 year
Stop thinking about BBH, Baghera, Cellbit, and Forever.
The 2 things the elect should be 1)non impulsive, curious 2) no live children.
We know working with the federation is a huge target on someone's back and their egg. So we should not elect any one with an egg.
Roier has the wound of recently losing Bobby and having the thought of getting him back dangled in front of him and Jaiden. And while Roier used to laugh and have fun with cucurucho, that has gone sour. He may not have done what jaiden is doing had he been approached, but he trusts that she believes she's doing the right thing. That history would make him less threatening to the federation but also unlikely to flip sides because of what they did to Bobby. But can keep close eye on jaidens activities.
And he's nosy. He may not know all the secrets that others know, but when there's a chance to lay in a shadow to listen, he does. Roier doesn't speak much about what's happening on the island, but he always is listening.
/what about max?/
No. I love max don't get me wrong. But he is slowly going mad, consumed by his theories and growing paranoia. Along with the questionable decision of showing Sophia to Q, and not mentioning it to anyone in the Order.
We cannot elect one of our core members, they are too integral and have too much to lose. Roier is truly the best choice and I can't understand why no one else is seeing that.
-- to be clear I'm not saying this bc I'm some die hard roier fan This is the logical answer.
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animator-vs-animation · 8 months
im just gonna uhhhh. May delete this later. frubboruchevil partial fic plan under the cut
chapter 1:
tubbo gets a letter from the feds like "HEY YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED FOR TRIAL IN LIKE AN HOUR. GET FUCKED :)" and as per usual he goes and mourns with morning crew who reassure him that no tubbo it's okay you probably won't die or go to prison. meanwhile chat (a drone) keeps going "amiga..." bc it's funny. <- that's not important just a funny detail to me.
tubbo shows up at the trial as the defendant, i think maybe with likeee pac as his lawyer? or maybe he has to be his own lawyer that would be fun. (fit is not his lawyer because in this case the prosecution is forever+the feds meaning he could lose his job). ive decided tubbo will be his own lawyer.
tubbo fails miserably at defending himself partially because he keeps defaulting to "heyy but im just a little guyyy" and partially because when he actually DOES defend himself (like saying the hole is supposed to benefit everyone) he's ignored or it doesn't work.
the prosecution calls fred to the stand as a witness, cue a couple minutes of awkward queerness on tubbo's behalf and a complete lack of Anything from fred. fred testifies that no, tubbo has not informed them of any illegal intentions regarding the hole, but yes tubbo has broken several other laws, notably stealing the feds documents. tubbo is very betrayed but reasons that oh the feds are probably making them do this, there's no way.
but then he sees fred shaking weirdly and comes to the (WILDLY INCORRECT) conclusion that they're actually silently laughing at him. unable to defend himself, tubbo basically just has a panic attack and then phil and bagi and cellbit and morning crew get upset like DUDE you're OVERWHELMING HIM, but the feds Don't give a shit and arrest him for repeated breaking of the law. (this isn't even what he got tried for but the feds dgaf and bad and pierre are partying)
cucurucho and a guard escort him to the prison/rehabilitation centre (idk what it's called exactly but the big white building). tubbo tries to run for it but gets struck by lightning and then lassoed. they put him in a cell. end of chapter one
(note: i think the prosecutor would be jaiden, not bc she like dislikes tubbo or anything but bc of her friendship with cucurucho and also the fact that she's a DAMN good lawyer like that opening in the flippa trial was amazinggg.)
chapter 2:
chapter starts off with tubbo monologuing his new prison podcast to chat (a drone that legally he should not be able to have but he hid it by attaching it to his back. the feds took the rest of his stuff including his letters with fred). in the podcast, tubbo talks about being scared for a bit. he then rambles about how fred betrayed him and that he can never love anyone again, especially not from the feds. he talks in a joking manner but there's an undertone of genuine panic and heartbreak.
he starts to spiral a bit into paranoia (think "i will not trust anyone ever again not even fit and pac not even phil") but gets interrupted by a guard who comes in. they question tubbo for a bit, like how cucurucho did when they first met. tubbo however does not try to comply at all this time and is just a little shit the whole time.
the feds strike him with lightning again. tubbos like, "EVEN IN THE FACILITY????" and the guard just hits him. when the blindness wears off the guard is gone. he sits in silence for a bit but then starts to get really anxious and decides to talk to chat again. he lasts about 2 minutes before this time cucurucho enters (WOOHOOOOO!!!).
cucurucho gives him a book that talks about the actions they will take to 'Correct His Behaviour'. not quite sure what exactly those actions are, maybe they'll make him take pills similar to forever and pac, but whatever it is, tubbo's immediately like "NAHHHH lmaoooo aint no way im doing this... correcting behaviour shit"
they have a short back and forth, which ends with cucurucho going "YOU WILL LEARN." tubbo, who's been kinda smug and boisterous this whole time, pauses for a second and he's like "??? wdym king" to which cucurucho replies with a smiley face and says "I Hope You Enjoy The Island." it then leaves.
tubbo tries to brush this off but can't push down the dread. when he falls asleep he dreams of lava, white halls and guns.
chapter 3:
tubbo wakes up again and this time cucurucho is just sitting and staring him down. tubbo SCREAMS and immediately scrambles as far away from cucurucho as he can, hyperventilating. after realising that cucurucho is still in fact in the room with him, he forces himself to calm down. cucurucho is silent during the whole ordeal.
once tubbo no longer feels like he's about to explode, he pops the Very vital question of "hey king what the fuck are you doing here." cucurucho doesn't initially respond so tubbo pushes, "yknowww i dont mean to like pry or anything but you were literally watching me sleep. i feel like im owed an answer for that yknow. creepy as shit, watching people sleep." he's very obviously anxious.
(this is not actually supposed to be cucurucho stalking him. the feds track everyone on the island including sleep schedules and tubbo wakes at weird times. this is a nod to the whole "morning crew is not actually morning for tubbo" thing but also just that i like to push my terrible sleep schedules onto my faves.)
cucurucho finally writes down a reply, "YOUR SLEEP CYCLE IS IRREGULAR." tubbo's confused, asking "wdym" and rucho responds "ISLANDERS ARE NOT USUALLY ASLEEP AT THIS HOUR."
for a second tubbo's like "what- i slept that long- wait wdym islanders are not usually asleep at this hour??? are you tracking our fuckin sleep schedules??? what the fuck????" to which rucho just goes "CLASSIFIED." which tubbo basically confirms as yes.
tubbo asks the time and rucho responds that it's around 6pm (pst but that's not shared that's just the implied timezone of the island). tubbo's like, "yeah im always asleep at that time you just woke me up for no reason???"
rucho does not reply and goes "HA HA HA." tubbo notices it writing in a book and expects a reply, bouncing back to the "hey what the fuck do you track our sleep schedules, what else do you track?? our items?? the blocks we place?" rucho laughs again but does not hand the book over to tubbo.
gonna pause here because cctubbo just went live, but i am considering having qtubbo sneak a peak at the book (which says "SLEEP SCHEDULE DIFFERENT FROM PREVIOUSLY DOCUMENTED SLEEP SCHEDULE") so that he can question rucho on wtf that means since he's had basically the same sleep schedule since he thawed.
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unmotivated-student · 7 months
"No, no, no, it has to be a fucking joke" He muttered, clenching his fists trying to contain his anger.
Something had to be wrong, it was impossible, he just refused to believe the green team was dead.
They have strong members like Etoiles, Fit or Forever, they also have Bagi, his sister who, although not very strong physically, is mentally strong and...
They also have Roier...
Oh Roier, his husband who is strong mentally and physically and is always willing to show a smile even if he is not well, one of the few people he cared about on that island, probably the only person he trusted 100%...
He couldn't be dead, he couldn't, he couldn't, Cellbit loved him and needed him, Roier couldn't leave like this forever.
That thing was lying to them, right?....
"Aren't you happy? Your team won, YOU won "
The voice of that fucking entity echoed in his head again interrupting his thoughts.
"It's not true right? You just want to see us suffer" He wanted answers but in response he received nothing but silence.
"Answer me!" Cellbit shouted, but he didn't get any response this time either.
He turned his gaze to Jaiden and Foolish looking for some kind of support or encouragement but both of them were looking at him with a combination of pity and sadness.
"I know this is harsh, but it seems like it's telling the truth" Foolish said resting one of his hands on Cellbit's shoulder.
"Maybe we have to accept it" Jaiden also tried to calm him down.
Cellbit wanted to yell at them both, telling them how wrong they were, that they didn't understand anything because they don't love Roier as much as he does, that they were idiots if they thought he could be dead, but... Cellbit knew it wouldn't be fair.
How could he say something like that to Foolish? Roier's father. Despite their various "fights" Cellbit knew how much they both love and care about each other.
And Jaiden, she was Roier's partner, they lived together for a long time, they raised Bobby together... Cellbit knows very well that those two had a special relationship, which was born thanks to Bobby.
He would truly be a heartless being if he let out his anger and frustration in any of them.
"You never told us anything about this!" Cellbit shouted to the entity"Why did you do this?!"
"Me? I didn't do anything, you are the ones who are fighting to win here, aren't you?"
"But I wanted to win to save my son!, I didn't want to..." He couldn't finish the sentence.
"In my opinion it is quite obvious that in a competition the weak lose and this time you were the strongest, congratulations, enjoy your sweet victory"
Had he contributed to the loss of the only family he had left? just by blindly following the instructions of something they didn't even know if they should trust?
He, who had told him "take care" before being sent to that place, was now part of the reason why Roier was no longer there.
If only he had thought things through better, if only he had not gotten carried away by everything that had happened on that island, if only...
That wasn't a "sweet victory" at all, it was bitter.
Whether Roier is alive or not, the entity won, Cellbit is suffering without knowing the whereabouts of his husband, perhaps he is dead, perhaps he is somewhere else suffering worse things. If it is the second option, he only had to trust more than ever in his husband's strength.
A little thing that occurred to me when I read about the elimination.
I don't think anyone dies and maybe it just means that the team "dies" as a concept but I wanted to explore the implications of the loss of a team or at least the implications of the ones left believing it died.
And that's it.
I guess we'll find out soon what happens to the losing team but for now I just wanted to practice my writing 🫡
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natureismynature · 9 months
will never get over how frustrated it makes me when people (all q! obviously) dont trust foolish because they assime he works for the federations (which hes never explicitly told anyone except jaiden and leo) but they trust fit and cellbit who everyone knows works for the fed and have been giving them information (which they have been clear about). and i get that foolish is unpredictable and chaotic and thats why people dont trust him as much but the argument about him working for the fed is so overdone
It frustrates me so much too!! Like, the way they are so insustent that he's an official Federation worker despite him NEVER giving them an indication that he is feels too much like metagaming. I mean, he technically IS an official Fed worker, but he has never ever EVER told anyone but Jaiden and Leo about it, not even a single hint. Yes, he likes to ask people if he could arrest them, but that literally says nothing about his relations with the Feds. Yes, he's more sus than Cellbit and Fit because the one job he did at first came off malicious and in bad faith, but they literally have no proof that he can do it again.
The characters can be suspicious of him all they want, that makes a lot of sense. But immediately assuming and accusing him of being a Federation worker despite having absolutely no proof other than that one time he arrested Pac e Mike kinda irks me sometimes. Especially when they say things like "You can get me an in on the Feds, right?" "You're close with the Feds, you work with them!"
Things like "You kiss up their ass too much" "You're the buggest Federation dick rider I know" those make sense, because Foolish DOES make that obvious. He COMPLAINS about not getting tasks, he COMPLAINS about not getting jobs, he COMPLAINS about Cucurucho not giving him attention. The way he acts make it look like the Feds don't give a shit about him, not that he works for them. So I really don't see how the others would immediately jump to the conclusion that he's like a top employee of the Feds.
And if anyone wanted to throw the "I'm gonna be the employee of the month" thibg at me, I can also throw back the fact that EVERYONE on that Island is technically an employee now. They all get tasks and they do them and they get paid. And when Foolish said that to Cellbit, he immediately followed it up with "I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I WILL." Which indicates that he has no way of being the employee of the month.
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