#jakurai's ex
ecstaticasusual · 2 months
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Maid AU ☆
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mihai-florescu · 3 months
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He is mesmerized by the beauty of the sunset...
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luckystarzz · 8 months
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thinking about alternative ramudas after revisiting the drama tracks~
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charismaofobedience · 9 months
Hypmic family slash divisions meeting must be so fucking funny can you imagine.
You're Otome Tohoten and you just got there with your wonderful wife Ichijiku and your child creature Nemu that some pink freak got you.
The childs brother is there btw and while you expected him to be glaring daggers at you he's too busy killing self proclaimed rival Ichiro with his eyes because in Samatokis mind Nemu just joined Chuuohku because of him, all due to the same pink freak who ended up ruining the old partnership they had.
Guess what more! As if this wasn't enough for Samatoki his fucking ex Sasara Nurude is there with his newest husband Rosho Tsutsujimori. Guess who made their relationship crumble too. Exactly, the same pink freak.
But he's not the only one having to deal with seeing an ex here. Oh no. Kuko, Ichiros ex, is also there and the tension between the two is almost visible in the air. I wonder who made the two break up, too. However, all this young romantic drama is too tiring for you, so you look away.
Kuko came with Jyushi and you're not sure what their relationship is, but perhaps that's what is sort of making Ichiro on edge. More importantly, Jyushis dad, Hitoya also came and you are quite sure there is something off about the looks him and Jakurai are exchanging. Surely they're not exes, too.
Most importantly, talking about Jakurai, didn't the same pink freak betray him while they were on a unit together and killed his child?
Oh yeah by the way the pink freak, Ramuda, is there.
With his two boyfriends.
One of which is your son by the way.
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fullmetalgirl98 · 14 days
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 23: a crossover with Hypnosis Mic (or other similar multimedia projects) you'd like to see
💿 Yohei & Iori / Samatoki & Jyuto
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I could name an infinity of crossovers that I'd like to see between HypMic and ParaLive: Kenta / Saburo (about which I've already made a fanart); Hajun / Gentaro (... / Shion, why not?); Allen / Ichiro (easy to imagine them talking for hours about Buraikan lol); Saimon and Haruomi / Jakurai, Hitoya and Rei; Toma / Hifumi; Reo, Ryu and Kantaro / Ramuda; Satsuki / Dice (OMG, I WOULD DIE TO SEE THOSE TWO DORKS INTERACTING); Zen / Rio ("SO MUSCLE. HUSTLE. THIS IS A JOY!")... and I think this is quite enough, so I'll stop here for your sake. BUT. BUT BUT BUT. Let's talk about the interaction between Iori, Yohei, Samatoki and Jyuto, will you?
I can perfectly see them meeting at bar 4/7 late in the evening, after the closing time. Yohei is behind the counter, cleaning the glasses while chatting idly with Iori, waiting for Samatoki and Jyuto, who just got off work, to open the bar's door and enter, even if the place is already closed. Because yes, they're a group of friends who just meet up to relax together before calling it a day. It makes me laugh to think that Samatoki is the youngest, among them! Yohei, Iori and Jyuto are, indeed, respectively 28, 28 and 29 years old. And all of them have so much in common! Let's start by saying that them all love smoking. So, I can picture the scene: Samatoki slowly walks in, sits on a high stool next to Iori, who's already smoking from his pipe, a glass of liquor in front of him, greeting Samatoki with a fist bump ("Yooo, Samatoki-kun~") and Jyuto with a graceful pipe motion ("Iruma-san~"). Meanwhile Yohei, with a relaxed smile, starts pouring a glass of iced whisky before the white haired man, who's just brought a cigarette to his lips. On Samatoki's right, Jyuto sits down and loosens just a little bit his necktie, lighting himself a cigarette, so Samatoki leans forward to light his through Jyuto's. Yohei places a glass of whisky before the other man, too. So the chitchat about the day starts, while a relaxing jazz music plays in the background. The two Yokohama men simply love bar 4/7. Samatoki, in particular. He loves the atmosphere, so calm and relaxing with those dim lights and the smell of liquors and a different tobacco to the one he smokes, so detached from the reality he lives every day, so much in line with his tastes about music and aesthetic. Moreover, Yohei's drinks are the best and he himself and Iori are ex Yakuzas too. It's so strange for him to say something like this, but he feels understood by them, he's at ease with Iori and Yohei, because they know what Samatoki goes through as a Yakuza. That's the only place where he can break down his defenses, at least for a while. Obviously, Jyuto enjoys their company, too! He gets on well especially with Iori (he won't never admit that Yohei remembers him a quieter version of Samatoki, lol). Jyuto and Iori sips from their glasses while talking about the day and exchanging information about criminals in the area... I can see Jyuto taking care of the AKYR case and informing Iori about every small new info about it. In the background, Yohei (who's now enjoying himself a glass of liquor and a cigarette offered by the MTC leader) and Samatoki are exchanging passionate opinions on their new purchases of vintage clothes and records, since they both love that kind of things. Until Yohei says "Oi, Samatoki, let's go to the piano, tell me what do you think about this new rap verse I'm writing for the next stage battle ... try to rap this part and this one, too. Follow me on the beat..." And that's how the rhythmic notes of a piano fill the calm, muted night air inside the bar. "Holy shit! What's the song's name, Yohei-san?" "Shooting arrows. You like it? Eheh" "It's really something, I must admit. But let's talk about it after you listen to our Scarface. Naa, Jyuto?" "Why, yes ~" And Iori: "Nee, Danna ~... What about a small rap battle, just for fun, then? Two on two, since we're in the mood?" Yohei: "Ohoh, not a bad idea! Count me in!" Samatoki: "Ha! You'll regret once we'll show you what MTC can do. Come here, Jyuto!" Jyuto: "Well, I suppose I have no choice " *Double Trouble starts playing...* Funny how to pass from MTC to TCW it's required just a flip of the M (it's an upside down W) and to place it at the end of the word.
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discotenny · 8 months
this ask got me in a Sasara mood. Have a Sasara drabble courtesy of anon. Continuation of 3 years cause I be in an angsty mood ehehe. No one asked for this I’m just playing with png anime boys in my head.
TLDR: you see your ex fiancé for the first time after 3 years. Best friend Samatoki is by your side cooking a potroast.
Ex Fiancé Sasara Nurude who you haven’t seen in three years.
You reside in Yokohama- staying close friends with Samatoki who was able to get you an apartment there for cheap. Both of you are still reeling from the effects of three years past. Both of you find relative comfort that your pain is so similar.
Your daily routine is more simple than your past. Go to work and come home. Sometimes you stop by Samatoki’s place to make sure he hasn’t killed himself dabbling with the yakuza. Today was one of those days.
“Huh. So you really did it,” you say, looking at the local news broadcast on Samatoki’s TV.
It was a pre recorded interview of him, now leader of the team representing Yokohama in the new division rap battle. He was being asked questions fans sent in. After you heard him gag once asked what his favorite bug was- you let the audio fade to the background as you turned to him- fixing dinner for the two of you.
“Did’ya ever doubt me?” He called from the kitchen. You made your way over, the broadcast still playing.
“Just didn’t expect you to want to participate, y’nno? I thought you would’ve left that whole rap battle stuff behind after-“
“You don’t have to bring it up.” His reply is quick and he doesn’t meet your eyes.
“Sorry.” You turn away, not meaning to bring up the past. Both of you knew that nothing good came from reminiscing.
“But y’nno, you should really come with us one time. You’re always worrying over me- gotta show you I’m not some defenseless little pansy right?” He snickers to himself as he bends down to open the oven- checking on the roast. “We could sneak ya in as our manager or something. It could be fun.”
“Mmmmm, maybe,” you give the idea some thought, “do you know any of the other division leaders?”
“I’m sure that poser tried to reach for the title of Ikebukuro,” Samatoki tsked, “But no… there’s four divisions from Tokyo and two from the southern parts I think… wonder what kind of country punks will show their faces here.”
Almost on cue, a flash of light from the TV catches both of your attention. A musical sting punctuates the broadcasters words, saying how the other divisions were ready to announce their representing teams and leaders.
“How convenient…” Samatoki mutters, trying to hide his curiosity at the announcements.
Names and pictures fired up on screen.
Ichiro and his brothers represented Ikebukuro. Despite he and Samatoki’s rivalry, it comforted you to know he was taking care of himself these days. You could hear Samatoki growl from beside you.
Ramuda and two individuals represented Shibuya. It’d been a while since you stepped foot in the area, being put off ever since you first met the pink haired fellow. Something about him just… felt weird.
Jakurai represented Shinjuku with two guys- one of which looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. “I wonder how far they’re gonna go…” you wondered out loud.
The next division came up on screen. “Holy shit,” muttered Samatoki. Kuko, Ichiro’s red haired friend from years past, was on screen. His name was listed under the Nagoya division. “I didn’t know that punk was still kicking…”
Then the last division appeared, those who represented Osaka. And your heart stopped.
After three years you finally saw him. And it was like nothing changed.
It was Sasara. He wore a different suit. His hair seemed longer. And it seemed fluffier. And he was… smiling. Smiling with some older man and Rosho beside him. You wondered when they had made up.
It hurt to see him smiling after all he put you through.
You turned to Samatoki, whose face mirrored the confusion, hurt, and anger in yours.
The broadcast moved on like it didn’t just shatter the world view of the two people standing in the room.
You were on track to finally move on after three, long years of reeling from the sudden abandonment from Sasara. From the supposed love of your life. From all the horrible and cruel words he said to you before he broke it off. Before he asked you to leave.
You had to sit down to stop yourself from falling over.
“You- you okay?” Samatoki swallows his own surprise to put a hand on your shoulder. His eyes still haven’t left the TV broadcast, now playing a pre recorded speech from the prime minister.
It’s hard to find the words to reply. But as you look at your friend an immeasurable guilt passes over you. In three months time… he’d have to see Sasara. Face to face. And he’d be alone. The turbulent look in his eyes show he’s thinking the same.
Your hand finds its way to his and you give it a small squeeze. He turns over to you with furred brows.
“I’ll come with you to the DRB, Samatoki.”
Lowk I didn’t know how to end it LOL. Sorry for the abruptness
I’m so enamored with the ex fiancé Sasara concept I’m sorry guys.
Next time I promise I’ll have smthn y’all actually asked for LOLoL
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mikotosredqueen · 1 year
If you know HypMic, feel free to reblog and put in the tags other crazy things that may or may not have happened.
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What are your predictions on which team will go against with which team in 3rd DRB? (while assuming we would get some new info during the first round of battle) ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
Jesus, idk. Let me see.
Based on how the last DRB was conducted, while every team is given a compelling reason to win in the drama tracks leading up to the DRB so that their victory will have a satisfying narrative payoff, it seems like one team may have a stronger narrative focus overall. We saw that last time with Fling Posse having higher stakes than the rest of the cast, with one of the characters' lives being threatened. (Naturally, while Ramuda living or dying didn't have anything to do with the DRB itself, dropping information that continually increased the tension in the several-year leadup prior to voting almost certainly influenced many fans to vote a certain way, especially those without prior strong feelings towards any particular team.) Similarly, the previous winning team in the second DRB (Matenrou) was given a less DRB-centric focus in their narrative, probably in an effort to reduce the chances of two successive MTR victories in a row and the backlash that would invariably cause from non-MTR fans. Neither Doppo nor Hifumi's character development had any sort of emotional tie to the DRB, and Jakurai's was loosely connected at best, with his emotional stake in the DRB being dependent on him giving it his best effort, not winning outright or even beating Hitoya.
So with that in mind, I assume FP will take more of a narrative back seat and will probably be paired up against a weaker-performing team to give that team's sales a beast, and that team will likely be BAT or DH. I say weaker-performing in terms of sales, which is largely dependent on these two being newer teams. I think DH generally sells better (overall, not necessarily in DRB results) than BAT by stint of Sasara's popularity, so I see FP vs BAT being the most likely. In terms of the in-series reasoning behind this, because there always needs to be some beef, I'm going to assume it has to do with Ramuda working for Chuuouku and his involvement in ruining Kuukou and Ichirou's friendship in TDD. But to be frank, everyone in 1gumi has at least a somewhat valid reason to have beef with Ramuda, so this isn't set in stone.
In terms of who will likely take narrative preference, I think MTC makes the most sense in terms of its strong sales in Japan (esp. because many of its fans are adult women with salaries, as opposed to the stronger teen demographics in other division fan groups) and lead-up to a high-stake plotline. With the hinting of a future Nemu and Samatoki showdown, Juuto's beef with many of the current and ex-Chuuouku leaders, and Riou's plans to break his major out of prison, they seem like the most currently plot heavy of the bunch outside of FP. So I think we'll likely get a strong focus on them and, to help ensure a chance at a victory, pair them up against a lesser-performing team. This could either be BAT or DH, as I mentioned above, but DH makes the most sense (and also frees up BAT for FP) as there's a natural source of tension between Sasara and Samatoki. Likewise, both BB and MTR are unlikely to be chosen due to already featuring in prior line-ups.
This leaves BB and MTR against one another, which I also see as a very likely option considering they were pitted against one another in the Grasshopper arc post-first DRB which came out before DH and BAT officially joined Hypmic. I have a suspicion that MTR vs BB was originally planned (note that, in this same arc, FP and MTC were pitted together, and this gives the justification for why Juuto and Riou are wanting to/willing to fight Gentarou and Dice) and quietly left on the cutting room floor when the last two teams were added. With this set-up already in place, there's nothing stopping the writing team from using it now. Also, with BB's high sales in the last DRB, this is another way to curtail another MTR victory, although I think this is less of a priority for KR than a repeat FP victory as it'd inspire less fan backlash.
This is all speculation, so don't quote me if it turns out to be horribly wrong.
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crehador · 3 months
it's really wonderful to me that they assigned ichiro and samatoki each a different ex for united emceez but went ramuda... you get jakurai again
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natsmagi · 5 months
"apparently he killed someone" I say this in all seriousness. jakurai was a med student who became a hired assassin for the government in the war. he has killed countless people and we will never know how many. he now has a savior complex and is determined to be the opposite of his past self. he is the top doctor at his hospital but because hypmic loves being vague as hell he is like everything ever. surgeon, every kind. pediatrician, doctor for adults, every kind of doctor except therapist (he sucks at that<3)
he has an adopted son who has been in a coma for like 5 years because his ex-friend-now-friend-again-kind-of ramuda put him in one bc the son found out ramuda was doing bad things
so he is a dilf. and barbie the doctor. and an ex contracted killer. also he rap battles people to injure and heal them.
don't get into hypmic my brain hurts
?/¤%=&?/¤=%&?(=¤%?&(=¤?%&(=¤%?&(=? HELLO???????????????????????? WHAT THE FUCKwait i love him.
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ayadoesart42 · 2 years
Hi what r ur personal gender/sexual orientation hcs for the hypmic characters?
Ichiro- cisbi
Jiro- cishet
Saburo- Transmasc omni with a female preference
Samatoki- cisgay
Jyuto- cisgay leaning toward closeted femboy/dragqueen (Not me putting those in the same category just Jyuto like womens clothing, shoes, and make up)
Rio- cis ...grey aroace
Ramuda- Triple A battery (Agender aroace)
Gentaro- Uh you have a gender and a sexuality
Dice- Cisbi but homophobic-ish and finds guys liking guys a little weird but also he's a hypocrite cuz ✨Gentaro✨
Jakurai- Closeted transfem and pan
Hifumi- Cis Doppo-romanic and grey Ace
Doppo- Cis Hifumi-romantic and grey Ace
Rosho- Cis/enby (grey gay? Omni? Pan?) I think Rosho wants to be a parent really really badly
Rei- Cis creep
Kuukou- Amab genderfluid gay (Loves men)
Jyushi- Some crazy flavor of gender queer, commonly known as a musician.
Hitoya- Cishet but very open (Ex. He knows Jakurai is a closeted woman and loves her because she's a woman and he's heterosexual)
If you have questions I can back each one of these up with evidence and reasoning except for Gentaro
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stories2you · 2 years
Dearest (Part 2)
A/N: Continuation from the first part.
Pairing: Jakurai x wife!reader, Jakurai x daughter!OC (familial love)
TW: abuse, descriptions of depression. Please read at your own discretion.
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While they were chatting away about their days, Jakurai had noticed the sullen look on his daughter’s face ever since he arrived home. He slowly brought up the topic, 
“So, Mai, which supermarket did you go to today? The usual one always has the ingredients sold out quickly.” 
Mai looked up to him and said, “Ah, it’s the one near Hifumi-san’s apartment.” 
It went silent for a bit, until Mai spoke up, “Actually… I saw that woman while on my way home.” 
Both you and Jakurai went speechless. That vile woman was the cause of Mai’s breakdown and trust issues. Mai told the two of you what happened. You both listened intently, it was amazing how she doesn’t cry while explaining. Normally she would as that woman had inflicted childhood trauma onto her.
“So you saw her and couldn’t contain your anger? Did she say anything to you?” Jakurai asked. He had a serious look on his face. He had always been weary of his dear daughter meeting his ex-wife. He never wanted them to meet again.
“I hit her. I made that child cry.” Mai’s voice started to quiver. She then looked up to both of you. Her blue eyes were filled with anger and tears forming. Her smile made you shiver, you had never seen your daughter like this. 
“Papa~” Jakurai remained composed, he knew she was breaking down. What she says next would shock him, “I want to end her. I want to make sure she suffers. I-” 
“Stop it, Jinguji Mai!” Jakurai’s voice boomed inside the room. Mai went silent. Her tears finally fell and she realised what she had said. She looked at you and apologised, Mai never wanted you to see her like that. 
You sighed and went over to her side, “ It’s okay, dear. Cry it out, let it out. I’m here.” 
You allowed Mai to rest her head on your shoulder. Her tears stain your shirt. Your (e/c) travelled to look at your husband. As you’ve expected, he had an unreadable expression on his face, but you knew that he was angry. 
Angry at what? Who knows…
-the next day-
Jakurai had a few days off after two months of working non-stop. Both you and your husband were just spending your day together as Mai went out with Hitoya’s daughter.
“Honey, what if Mai meets her again? I’m sure that woman won’t let it slide.” You started. The thought had worried you since last night. 
You saw your husband sighed. You knew that he was worried. Who wouldn’t be though. Before he could speak, the said woman appeared. Greeting both you and Jakurai with a sickeningly sweet voice, 
“Hello there, Jakurai.” She then glanced at you with an evil look, “And Miss (y/n)...” 
Without waiting for an answer, she sat on the empty seat. Jakurai took a sip of his coffee and asked the woman, “Why are you here? Do you not have any shame?” 
“Ah, forgive me dear ex-husband.” Venom in her voice spat. “But I’m just here to talk to you about our beautiful daughter.” 
“I believe she’s mine. Never yours.” Jakurai spat back at her. He then gave you a look that shows that he’ll handle it. You obeyed his gestures and stayed silent while you observed them.
You saw that woman gritted her teeth. ‘Ah, hell’s gotten loose. Now where’s the popcorn when I need it?’  You thought, amused by the woman’s actions. 
You remembered what she had said to you when she picked up the thirteen year old Mai very late at school, 
“She could’ve just gone home alone. Isn’t she a teenager now?” That woman then looked at poor Mai and pulled her long hair, “You just fucking wasted my time. You have legs don’t you? Just go home alone! You-” 
“Stop it! Mai isn’t wrong. It was raining heavily earlier and she had no umbrella with her.” You tried to reason with her by giving out lies. 
Mai never wanted to go home. She had contacted her father to pick her up, but he had an important surgery to perform on. Hifumi and Doppo were out of the country that day.
‘At that point of time, Mai had told me everything. A young girl like her doesn’t deserve this treatment.’ You thought as you listened to the former couple.
“I gave bir-” “Don’t you dare give me that excuse.” Jakurai cut her off. 
“You inflicted childhood trauma into her, you tortured her by starving her. You tortured her with every single thing you could think of. Of course she would get angry when she saw you with your new child.” Jakurai explained bluntly.
“But she doesn’t have to do that in public!” She raised her voice. 
“You made her sit outside the house in sheer coldness. I’ll have you know that when I found her, she was close to death. Do you really call that as ‘love’?” 
The woman went silent. Before she could speak, Jakurai continued his words that contain poison, 
“If you want her to forgive you, how about you apologise to her for the past fifteen years of her life that you have shattered? Though, I doubt she’ll forgive you.” He then gave her a murderous look. The look you recognised when he was an assassin back then, 
“Hurt my daughter, You will pay.” 
The tall man then stood up and gave you his hand, “Come, let’s go.” 
You smiled and held his hand. You turned and saw the woman had a terrified look on his face. Like your husband, you gave her a murderous look, 
“A child deserves a parent. But not all parents deserve a child. Don’t come near my little girl again, bitch.” 
She looked like she wanted to reiterate but when she met your (e/c) eyes, she stopped. 
After leaving the cafe, Jakurai insisted on eating out for dinner. He looked down on his watch and saw that it was almost dinner time, “You should call Mai to come and eat dinner with us. She deserves a treat.” 
You chuckled and nodded, “Let’s bring her to that yakiniku restaurant that she loves.” 
You then called her to meet up at her favorite restaurant. You could hear the excitement in her voice as she asked her best friend, 
“Do you wanna come along?” 
“No, it’s okay. If I come along, my dad would be going after your dad. You know, that usual friendly banter.” Hitoya’s daughter sighed.
You chuckled again when you saw the look of displeasure on your husband’s face at the mention of Hitoya.
“We’ll see you there, dear.” You ended the call.
-at home-
It was fortunate that the restaurant wasn’t crowded. You and Jakurai were happy enough at the look of content on your daughter’s face. After washing up, the three of you huddled on the couch while watching a movie on the television.
Mai sat on Jakurai’s lap, a habit she had ever since she was younger. It wasn’t always she gets to cuddle with her father. Let’s just say, her birth mother was possessive. 
You understood her needs of wanting comfort from him. She does the same with you, but Mai would rest her head on your lap as you clean her ears or brush her hair. 
You looked at her sleeping form on your husband’s lap. You reached out and pushed her bangs aside, “How could someone neglect a beautiful child like her?” 
Jakurai’s attention was now on you, “What did you say?” 
You looked up at him and shook your head, “I’ve seen and watched her grow up in school. Mai was very introverted and was scared of people. The only teachers she would talk to were Rosho and I. If it’s her friends, then it would only be Hitoya’s daughter. She would do the talking, Mai would only gesture.
Honestly, I thought she was mute. Mai never talks in class. Her friend would describe her voice but I was very happy when I first heard her voice.” 
You leaned your head on Jakurai’s shoulder and continued, “Everyday Mai would cry when it was time to go home. But that everyday turned less and less. That was when I noticed that she went numb. There was no light in her eyes.”
Mai’s face was peaceful as she rested in her father’s arms. Your eyes showed empathy for her, “I knew that something was wrong at home. Rosho and I did everything we could to protect her. Hifumi and Doppo as well whenever one of them would come and pick her up. That woman would accuse them of being kidnappers. 
She said nasty things to your friends in front of Mai. No matter what I did to try to protect Mai, she was already tainted with poison.” 
You gripped Jakurai’s hand tight, “I’m sorry, Jakurai. I couldn’t protect her well back then. I was just her teacher.” You could feel your own tears finally fall down to your cheeks. “Jakurai, I was very happy when she started to call me ‘mom’ outside school grounds. I was very happy that she openly told me of her feelings, I was even happier to see that genuine smile on her face whenever she was told that she did well.” 
Jakurai listened to your words. It made him hold onto Mai tighter. When he was still with his ex-wife, he had noticed earlier on that after Mai’s birth, she was underfed. Mai’s cries every night made him scared that one day he would never be able to see her again whenever he had night shifts. 
She was being cared for by Hitoya's family for a while as Jakurai already had suspicions towards that woman. He regretted letting his dear daughter suffer at home. There were even days she was left alone at home without his knowledge.
He looked down at her in his arms. You could see that his eyes showed regret and self-loath. You placed a hand on his cheek, making him look at you in the eyes. You smiled, “Don’t blame yourself, honey. She’s happy now. All you need to do is just to be by her side. She is our treasure, right?” 
Jakurai placed his hand on top of yours that was on his cheek. He nodded in agreement, 
“She is.”
His mind wandered as he recalled during the days when Mai was younger. He never once heard her complain nor ask why her birth mother never smiled at her. 
“Because papa is always with me~” “Because papa would always play with me~”
“Because I know that papa loves me~” 
Those were the few words he could recall. Whenever Mai was asked which parent she loves most, she would pick him over her birth mother. At home, she would be neglected by that woman. But he would always come to feed her, tell her that she was loved. 
‘But that wasn’t enough…
I’m sorry, Mai…’ 
‘I promise that I’ll always protect you, my dear.’
Requests are still open, but I'll only start writing them after my exams finish. I hope you enjoy.
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k-wavehours · 2 years
Hello hello my friends welcome to super hell
(I may add more but I make no guarantees)
Here’s a few rules and things to consider before we begin so please read!!!!
•I will write nsfw but not for minors obviously.
•I do NOT write noncon or yandere it makes me violently uncomfortable
•I only take headcanons I cannot write full fics
•I will write some creature hybrid HCs (looking directly at Malleus Draconia and the Octotrio)
•I wont write ships sorry I’m not really a shipper myself
• “Reader” will be gender neutral unless requested otherwise
•I will only take requests for up to 4 characters at a time
•Keep in mind I am very inconsistent and may disappear at times but I promise I will do my best to answer all asks!
Now onto the fun stuff: Who gets to be written about and what are their limits
Most comfortable with in IDENTITY V: Many but here’s the thing; I haven’t been playing in like a year and a half so I may be a lil shaky with some but I will TRY I am determined. I am most comfy with Luca, Victor, Norton, Demi, Frederick (still new to him be patient with me eueueue), Wu Chang, Alva, Antonio, Mary, and Luchino. I can write for anyone else that’s not on this list but it may take a lil bit longer because again I haven’t played in a hot minute! I will also write AU for skins (Ex. Flying Guillotine, Inferno Sonata y’all get what I mean) I won’t write NSFW for Mad Eyes, Axe Boy, Sculptor, and Little girl and some others but this segment will get really long so if a request is sent and ignored it just means I don’t write nsfw for that specific character sorry
Most comfortable with in HYPMIC: Everyone! I should say “everyone” includes only the main six divisions… HOWEVER Saburo Yamada will be strictly platonic with absolutely no nsfw for him of course
Most comfortable with in TWISTED WONDERLAND: Also everyone! This includes the main dorms (I may add faculty + Chenya later but right now I’d like to stick to the main characters)
I may be a little slow on some characters because I’d like to try and characterize them correctly!
Here’s a list of some individuals that I will not have trouble with however because I love and care them dearly: Sasara Nurude, Dice Arisugawa, Kuko Harai, Rio Mason Busujima, Jakurai Jinguji, Jiro Yamada, Leona Kingscholar, Floyd Leech, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Wu Chang, Alva Lorenz, Victor Grantz<- I love my blorbos (a few won’t get nsfw obviously but I still care them)
Read this well and learn it! Welcome to Khai’s super hell
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charismaofobedience · 9 months
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Hi and welcome to my professional analysis on whether the hypmic men could survive rios bootcamp. All the statements on this are facts and cannot be simply disagreed upon without proof. The assessment to each individual ranking can be found under
Rio - that's rio. easy
Ichiro - I think running around ikebukuro doing errands gives him some pretty good stamina AND strength to get through it all, could do it no problem and would possibly have fun doing it which is an added bonus for doing well
Kuko - Monk training gives him good strength and stamina to do it! Even if he couldn't do something, I feel like kuko would somehow end up doing it out of sheer spite due to others doubting him
Dice - Dice gets through so much shit I think he'd do it no problem only to die AFTER it's all done if this makes sense. Plus he does hang out with Rio so this man should have some training under his belt
Hitoya - special clause for this old man. I would put him with jakurai and rei BUT. You have to consider he deals with kuko and jyushi on basically a daily basis. Kuko alone probably gives this man strength to do it if we are being honest
Samatoki - could do it. Samatoki is pretty strong and all but I don't think this man could go through the pushups for long when we consider the state of his lungs. He has the strength but I don't think he has the proper stamina for it, however, he'd do it and just act like it's nothing
Ramuda - don't be fooled by the cute face. Ramudas high energy comes into play here and helps a lot, especially with stamina, even if the strength is lower than others. It also, however, depends highly on this thing WANTING to do the boot camp or not, which has a high chance of not wanting to unless necessary and, even if doing it, ramuda would whine throughout it.
Jiro - Ichiros brother, also doing shit around ikebukuro. The fact he's good at sports also helps a lot here! He'd do pretty well, however, even with the stamina being here, I don't think his strength is at the levels of the ones above to put him there
Hifumi - would rush through it and do it easily if only to check onto doppo who's currently dying on the floor, so it would take some small time. Gigolo would do it well but only if there are women around to impress them so it's a highly dependant case
Rosho - current maths teacher ex bad boy or whatever the shit. due to his age he has some difficulties surely BUT the strength from his past absolutely is still around. The main problem would be stamina
Jyushi - you need to scare them before and then they'd be rushing through everything to get it done quickly. Also highly dependant on if the vkei clothes are actually there or not, if they are, they're passing out almost immediately due to heat
Doppo - i don't think this man knows what an exercise is, you could easily fold him in half. Lives his life in an office and getting home just cries himself to sleep like the average office worker in Japan. F.
Gentaro - Oya do you really think I could not do this Daisu ufufu ^-^ immediately falls to the floor and passes out. Look at the way this man dresses. Another case of heatstroke in this cast. Even if he was wearing lighter clothes he's a writer and reader, does not even know what an exercise is meant to look like. Would instead pull a book out of nowhere and read while the others go through the bootcamp
Saburo - 14 years old hacker who absolutely stays up late doing tech stuff. Do I need to say more.
Sasara - he'd do one push up and a silly goofyass sound effect like point would play. It means his spine broke.
Jyuto - cop + look at the way he's built
Jakurai - he is healthy, don't get me wrong! However his old man bones aren't meant for this anymore!!!!!! Just let him rest. While the others are doing the push-ups just let him go to these public elder academy places
Rei - dies in 13 seconds max.
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pa-stella · 2 years
me: enough… please…
my mind: ok, but a florist/tattoo artist AU? With Hitoya being a grumpy florist and Jakurai a super precise and elegant tattoo artist?
me: stooooop
my mind: they don’t know each other, but Jakurai often stops in front of Hitoya’s shop to admire the flowers and Hitoya is like “ugh. here’s that weirdo again” (weirdo because he just smiles at the flowers and never buys anything). that goes on for months until Hitoya starts to search for somebody to help him in the store and an ex-salaryman shows up saying “a dear friend saw your job ad on the window and told me about it”. who is that dear friend? Hehe. you already know the answer.
me: why are you like this.
my mind: ohhhh! wouldn’t it be cool if Kuko and Jyushi liked to hang out by the store only to take pics with the cute flowers (annoying Hitoya to death)???
me: i hate my life
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discotenny · 8 months
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Oneshots - Drabbles - Scenarios
3 years (9-24-23) [Sasara] Angst, Fluff, Plot Spoilers, Ex-Fiance Sasara AU, 900+ W.C.
How can you still smile? (10-2-23) [Sasara] Angst, Ex-Fiance Sasara AU, 800+ W.C
Hold those bags till you die! (9-26-23) [Rio] Fluff, Fem!Reader, 390 W.C
An epidemic! (9-29-23) [Gentaro] Flush, Steamyish, 500+ W.C
Pet names (10-3-23) [All] Headcanons/Drabbles, W.C n/a
The only cure! (10-29-23) [Dice] Fluff, 400+ W.C
Sleeping positions (11-16-23) [All] Headcanons/Drabbles?, W.C n/a
High and mighty (12-23-23) [Jakurai] Hurt/Comfort, 2k+ W.C
Gift giving (12-29-23) [All] Headcanons, W.C n/a
A single moment (2-12-24) [Doppo] Drabble, 600+ W.C
Bite sized bits Volume 1 [Various]
The second night (9-17-23) [Dice]
Lights in the rain (9-22-23) [Samatoki] <idol!s/o>
How their breakup effects their teammates (10-20-23) [Ichiro, Sasara, Jyushi]
With a partner shorter than him (5-13-24) [Ramuda]
Body temperature (9-19-23) [Gentaro]
Secrets (9-20-23) [Sasara]
Taking care of sick s/o (9-27-23) [Samatoki]
Domestic chores (9-27-23) [Ramuda]
Hugs (10-6-23) [Ramuda]
Furniture shopping (10-18-23) [Sasara]
Using a true-hypmic to turn people against you (10-19-23) [Yandere!Ramuda]
Living to love you (10-21-23) [Ramuda]
Falling in love with his patient (10-22-23) [Yandere!Jakurai]
Sasarms (10-24-23) [Sasara]
Kuko being a good person (10-25-23) [Yandere!Kuko]
Having a fictional you as their comfort chara (12-23-23) [Ichiro, Ramuda, Doppo]
Long drives (12-23-23) [Sasara]
Keeping you forever (1-8-24) [Yandere!Sasara]
[NSFW] Doppo sucking tits and boobs (1-6-24) [Doppo]
Dice is a cat (1-15-24) [Dice]
[NSFW] Trying to text you (1-11-24) [Ramuda]
Get Busy lyric analysis (9-28-23) [Jiro, Kuko, Ichiro]
Thoughts on the new clothing (9-26-23) [all]
Clothing symbolism (9-26-23) [Ichiro, Rosho, Sasara, Gentaro, Doppo, Jakurai]
Hair symbolism (10-4-23) [Ramuda, Sasara]
Ramuda & humanity pt 1 (10-21-23) [Ramuda]
Ramuda & humanity pt 2 (10-21-23) [Ramuda]
Thoughts on new clothing PT 2!! (11-11-23) [all]
Anon Writing
Dice as a father (10-28-23) [Dice]
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