#jamie benn fic
yourfavewriteress · 2 years
about that work crush (chapter 11) | jamie benn
Teaser: "You’re the most stubborn person I know."
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The energy in the rink was palpable. You could see fans crying with joy as soon as Tyler let off the game-winning goal. The boys were in the second overtime against the New York Islanders, and the game had been neck-to-neck since the puck drop.
You had a good feeling the entire day. The entire team was ecstatic but focused leading up to the game, you had no concerns about anyone. From what you could tell, the Stars were having a hell of a season. All led by the Captain himself.
You had to keep your PDA to a minimum when at the arena, especially on a game night. But, when Jamie's first stop after getting dressed and one-wording his way through media was you, it was hard not to grin at him like a lovesick puppy.
“Guys, that game was incredible, we have to celebrate!” Tyler exclaimed from behind you, interrupting your opportunity to shower Jamie with compliments and congratulations.
“We actually have plans,” Jamie said, smiling down at you. Your face was hot, because he was referring to your long-awaited plans to have all of Jamie. Days had gone by since the original plan, but something always seemed to come up. Not something, someone. Not someone, everyone.
You loved the team. And, you loved Jamie's dedication to the team. But sometimes, you just wanted Jamie to yourself. Since everyone on the team now knew you were dating, guys were beginning to see it as less of a barrier to hang out with their Captain off the ice. Dates turned into double-dates, turned into hours of socializing that tired you out by the time you got to either of your places. It never felt like the right time for either of you.
It seemed like tonight would be that night. Even with the excitement of the game, Jamie made it clear he wasn't going to let anything trump your planned nightcap.
“Oh, come on,” Tyler scoffed. “Can you guys bang another night?”
“Excuse you, Tyler,” You replied. “Who said we were going to bang?”
You narrowed your eyes at Jamie as his smile grew wider. "Come on, I would never."
“Please come out tonight, both of you,” Tyler pleaded. “You both played a very big part in our win tonight so you both deserve to let loose. Especially you, Y/N. Are you really gonna say no to free drinks? I would say they're on me, but we all know none of us are paying a dime after this win.”
“You make a good case,” You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. It always started like this. Tyler, or someone else, with their big pleading eyes, and promise of alcohol, made it so hard to turn down a night out. You managed to always leave it up to Jamie. These were his teammates, and you were sure the only reason you were included in these invites was because of him. When was the last time anyone invited Dan out?
“Can you give us a sec?” Jamie asked Tyler. Tyler nodded, but not before begging once more.
“Relentless,” You said.
“His best quality,” Jamie laughed. “It’s up to you. What do you want to do?”
“Uhm, I dunno,” You shrugged. “You played in the game, I think you should decide.”
“Tyler’s not going to let it go,” He mumbled.
“I mean, it was a pretty big win tonight, so if you want to celebrate, I can’t blame you.”
“Well, what do you want?”
"Is it really about what I want right now? Am I the captain of the team that just won?"
He rolled his eyes, "Stop."
“I don’t think Tyler would just let me go home. I’m sure he probably has my keys,” You joked. “And, if you would like to go out instead, that’s fine. We can just hang out with everyone, I guess.”
“Really?” The elation on his face said it all. Even if you did want to head home, now you would know his first choice was the team.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Alright, I’ll let Tyler know.”
“Okay, I’m gonna grab my stuff,” You turned on your heel before he could even respond, rolling your eyes in the process.
Jamie was too absorbed to notice, immediately turning around to meet Tyler who had been watching your conversation. Tyler was surprised to see the smile on Jamie's face, since he had been watching yours intently when you were talking to his teammate.
"You're coming?"
"Yeah, she's just grabbing her stuff."
"She wants to come?" Tyler furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Yes, she said so," Jamie shrugged. "We're probably not gonna be out for long but I wouldn't want to miss it."
"Well, I'm glad," Tyler brushed it off as he and Jamie went to get there rest of the guys on board.
While in your office, you gave yourself a pep talk to get through the night. These were your friends. they just won an intense game and are on cloud 9. You helped them get there. You deserve this. Yes, you would rather be underneath your boyfriend. But, good things come to those who wait. Don't take this out on Jamie. You decided not to tell him how much you didn't want to be out tonight.
You planted yourself at the bar as soon as the beginning casualties were over. You had already downed a beer with the guys, and were feening for your next drink.
"Hey," You heard in your ear before a familiar smell swarmed you. "Why'd you run away?"
You leaned into Jamie as he stood in the space next to your chair. "Heels, I just wanted a seat. And, a drink."
"You sure?"
You nodded, not feeling like finding words to lie more about what you were truly feeling. Jamie needed to celebrate, not babysit you. "Go, I'm fine. I'll be right here."
His eyes searched your face for a moment before he pressed a kiss to your lips. "I'll be back in a few."
He wasn't, in fact, back in a few. You watched him take shots with the guys, and if you weren't so annoyed at your circumstance, you would have melted at how happy he looked. Maybe that's why you couldn't say anything. This was his night, especially after all the shit he had been taking from reporters lately. He hadn't laughed like this in a week.
After wallowing in your sad- and drunkenness, you decided that the best thing you could do is go home to your house, change into your old PJs, and curl up in bed. You wanted to be alone, now.
To add to the very depressing moment, when you pulled your phone out to order yourself an Uber, you found that it was dead.
“What’s wrong with you?” Tyler asked, sitting next to you at the bar.
“My phone died and I would like an Uber home,” You huffed.
“What? Why?” He asked. 
“I need you to get a girlfriend so that I can vent to someone without worrying about what you’re going to say to Jamie.”
“You can tell me anything, Y/N. I tell you all my secrets in our sessions, and I don't hear Jamie throwing them in my face, so,” He rolled his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Jamie and I were supposed to spend some quality time together tonight,” You admitted. “And, I was excited because I don’t know, I’ve been thinking about it. But, I don't think it's happening. For some reason, that makes me feel like shit right now. Not for 'some' reason, the reason is this," You pointed to your fourth drink.
“Your plan was for tonight after the game?” You nodded. “Shit, I'm sorry. I think I might be responsible.”
“No, you’re not because you didn’t make the plan. He was just like, what do you want to do? And, obviously I saw that he wanted to come so who am I to try and stop him?”
“Y/N,” Tyler sighed. “He’s probably focused on the team.”
“That kind of makes me feel worse, Tyler.”
“That’s not what I mean,” He said. “Obviously, you’re important to him and I’m 100% sure this night was supposed to be important, too. But, it was a big win for not only the team, but also Jamie. He got his second hat trick of the season, and that’s big after how we’ve all been playing. He might be on a high right now.”
You looked over at Jamie who was laughing with a drink in his hand, talking with a few of the guys.
“Still, he didn’t even acknowledge that- you know what, forget it. I'm not even mad at him, I want him to stay and celebrate. You're right, he deserves it. Can you just get me an Uber home?” You asked. “Please, Tyler, as my friend.”
“Are you going to say bye to him?” Tyler asked, pulling out his phone from his pocket.
“He’ll be fine,” Youmumbled, stealing another glance at Jamie. “You'll make sure he gets home, right? I really want to get out of here.”
“I’m sorry you didn’t have a good night.”
“No, I did, don’t worry. I’m just drunk and sad right now and it’s not a good combo. I know myself, and I know I need to be home in bed.”
“I get it, but are you sure you can get home? If you’re not gonna tell Jamie, at least let me make sure you’re good. I’ll go with you.”
“Tyler, I’m fine. And, you played amazing tonight so you should go have fun, too.” You smiled, patting his shoulder. “Did you order it?”
“Yeah, two minutes,” He said. “I’ll come out with you.”
“No, it’s okay. I know the car and plate, go have fun.”
“You’re the most stubborn person I know,” He said, hugging you. “I’ll see you tomorrow night at practice. Text me when you make it, okay?”
“Yeah, see you.” You grabbed your stuff before making your way out of the bar. You slid your sweater on and waited for the Uber to arrive outside.
“Y/N?” You heard from behind you. Shit. “Y/N.”
You turned on your heel, facing Jamie. “Hey, I was just heading home.”
“Okay,” He trailed off. “Were you going to say anything to me or just disappear?”
“Not going to lie, I planned on disappearing,” You nodded. “And texting when I got home.”
He searched your face for a few seconds before bringing his hand up to scratch his beard. “I’m a little drunk so you might have to help me out here. Did I do something wrong?”
“I’m just calling it a night for myself. You should go have fun with the guys,” You told him.
"That didn't answer my question. Tyler told me to come out here and talk to you because something’s up. And, I agree,” He responded. “What happened from when we were in the arena to right now? I’m sorry, but I’m really trying to think of what I did.”
“You didn’t do anything,” You sighed. “Jamie, I’m drunk, too and I really just want to go home.”
“I thought we had plans though,” He said. “You were coming over?”
“You still want to do that while we’re both drunk?” You raised your eyebrows at him. 
“What do you mean? Hold on, is that why? Because we’re with the guys right now?” He asked.
“I assum-” You were cut off by a car pulling over next to you, honking. The car and license plate both matched the Uber Tyler called you. “That’s my Uber.”
“Y/N, I’m trying to figure out what’s going on right now. Are you really gonna leave?”
“What do you want me to do? He’s here,” You mumbled, running your hands through your hair tiredly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, seriously, Jamie. There's no issue.”
“Y/N, come on,” He pleaded, stepping closer. “Talk to me.”
“Jamie, everything’s fine. I really just want to go home,” You sighed, looking up at him. 
“Okay, I’m not gonna hold you, because you clearly don’t want to talk,” He stepped back, motioning to the car. “Can you at least let me know when you’re safe?”
“Yeah,” You nodded. “Have fun.”
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when you closed the car door behind you.
"All good?"The driver asked. You nodded, signaling it was okay to drive off. You watched Jamie stand there while you pulled away.
When you pulled into work the next day, you weren't surprised to see Jamie's car parked in his spot. And, Jamie inside. You assumed he had been waiting for you to come in, since you didn't respond to him after sending a simple "Home." text the night before. For someone who wasn't mad, you sure acted like it.
You parked, and gathered your things before opening your car door. Jamie did the same, and you knew what was coming.
“Hey, I’m already running late,” You said walking towards the doors as he approached you.
“Wait,” He moved, reaching for your wrist. “Can you give me 5 minutes?”
“Yes, Jamie?” You turned around. 
“I just want to talk. You’re mad at me and I have no idea why,” He said. “How can I fix this if you won’t even tell me what I did?”
“It’s not a big deal, I’m not mad at you.”
“What were you gonna say before your Uber came?” He asked. “I asked you if the reason why you were upset was because we were with the team.”
“I don’t remember, Jamie. I was drunk.”
“Well, I remember because you were about to tell me why you can’t even look me in the eyes right now. I’m really lost here,” He admitted.
“Hey, guys,” Both our heads snapped to Klingberg who was making his way inside the building.
“Hi, John,” You smiled. 
“How’s it going?” Jamie asked him.
“Pretty good. I’ll see you guys in there,” You both nodded and watched as Klingberg disappeared inside. Jamie looked back at you, raising his eyebrows.
“I was going to say that I assumed you didn’t think our plans were important, and that’s why you wanted to go out,” You admitted after a few moments.
“Not important, are you serious? You think I wouldn’t prioritize the first time we have sex?” He furrowed his eyebrows down at you. “Babe, when I asked you if you wanted to go out, I always planned on taking you home, too. I was never going to get that drunk enough to fuck up our plans.”
“Well, that’s not how it felt,” You said, looking down. “Now, I feel like a fucking idiot.”
“I wish you would have asked me, instead of assuming I forgot about you.” He said, stepping closer to you. “I've been waiting for last night, too. No offense to them, but if you wanted me to pick only one, you and we would have been at my house, without a doubt.”
“Oh, my god,” You groaned. “This was the most childish thing I’ve done.”
“Hey,” Jamie whispered, making me look up at him. “You’re right, I should’ve been more clear about the plans, I can see how it looked.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything.”
Jamie wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling me into his chest. “Doesn’t matter anymore. We're okay.”
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hockey-x-imagines · 2 years
Made to Last || Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn Pt. 22
A/N: I'm thinking there's going to be just 1 or 2 more parts to this story unless y'all want more. I definitely cried writing this.  
Song Inspo: Made to Last by Issues & You're Not Sorry Taylor Swift
Paring: Tyler x Reader Jamie x Reader
Warnings: Cussing, angst
Word Count: 1216
Y/N's P.O.V.
Last night you cried yourself to sleep, mourning the relationship you and Tyler once had. You came to a conclusion, whether you and Jamie work out or not, you still have to have this conversation with Tyler. Just the thought of what you're about to tell the man you used to think you were going to spend the rest of your life with guts you. Part of you wishes you could be a chicken shit and do this over the phone. As you wait for the door to open you try to collect your thoughts.
"Y/N now's not really a good time." Tyler's greeting is laced with annoyance. Not exactly the greeting you were hoping for. Though you can't really say you're surprised.
"Tell Nessa to put some clothes on, or tell her to wait. We need to have this conversation, and we need to have it now. I also need to get the rest of my things." Maybe this conversation will be easier than you thought. Rolling his eyes, Tyler steps to the side inviting you in.
"So this is it?" He asks.
"Tyler, I've wasted all this time waiting and hoping you'd come around. I've been giving out chances and every time all you do is let me down. And it's taken me this long to figure it out. You're thinking we'll be fine, because every time you fuck up I come running back, but not this time around. Could've loved you all my life if you hadn't left me waiting in the cold. You had me crawling for your love, and it never would've gone away. You used to shine so bright, but I watched all of it fade You can tell me you're sorry, but I don't believe you like I did before.  I don't want to hurt anymore. It's not just me I have to look out for anymore. Part of me was hoping we'd work out for our child, but you accusing me of cheating, and you running back to the arms of Nessa the second something seemed off between us is the last straw. So you don't have to worry about the 2 of us anymore. I'm done, we're done. The baby and I deserve so much better and more than you could ever give." You were proud of yourself, not a single tear was shed.
"I'm sorry." That's all he had to say. After 2 and a half years, all he had to say was he was sorry.  You had hoped that maybe he would've shown that he still cared, but he didn't.
"You're not, but that's okay. I'm really sorry. I'll grab my things and be out of your hair." You reach in your back pocket and grab the ring he gave you, "give this to someone you really want forever with, not because you feel guilty." With that, you go collect your things.
"What are you doing here?" Nessa hisses. Lovely.
"Don't worry you dumb bitch I'm just here to get my shit and go." You can't see what Tyler sees in her, maybe she's got a pussy of gold. That's the only thing that would be appealing about her.
Tyler's P.O.V.
"Y/N, before you go I feel like I need to give my side." Right now seemed like the best time to come clean. She's already leaving me, not that I blame her.
"It's not going to change anything Ty, I've made my mind up, and seeing Nessa here just cemented my choice."
"What I have to say is only going to make things worse." I take a deep breath, " I can't tell you why or when but I lost feelings for you, and around that time I started seeing Nessa again. I know it was wrong, but I just didn't see a way out. I figured if I was a big enough dick eventually you would've left me like you're doing now. I really am sorry I thought hurting you was the best option. That being said, you can drop the whole pregnancy facade." The look on Y/N's face tells me I struck a nerve.
"You're a fucking idiot." Is all she had to say before slamming my door in my face. We hadn't been having a lot of sex in the first place with her being stabbed and all, so there was no way she is pregnant with my child. There was a small voice in the back of my head telling me she wouldn't lie about something like that, but I refused to believe her. If I believed her, that makes me an even bigger asshole than I intended to be.
A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. Maybe Y/N forgot something? She's about the only person I could think of that would knock. To my surprise it's Jamie.
"Why the hell are you knocking?" I ask.
"We need to have a little chat." Something is off in his tone. My gut tells me whatever he's about to say isn't going to be something I like. Stepping to the side I let him in. "I've done a lot of thinking and I feel it's best that I tell you how I'm feeling." What the hell is he talking about?
"Okay? If you're about to tell me what a shitty person I am, Y/N did a pretty good job of that already, and sadly I don't give a shit." There is a small part of me that does feel bad for the shit I've done, but I don't really care.
"I'm glad she did. Tyler you fucked up, bad. But I'm not here to yell at you. I've already told Y/N, but I feel like you deserve to know that I'm in love with her." What. The. Fuck. "I don't know why or when but I'm in love with her. Like I said I already told her, and if she decided to have me, I'm going to treat her right."
"How long have you 2 been fucking?" Logically I know Jamie wouldn't do that to me, but right now I'm not thinking logically. Of all the people I could see Y/N moving on with, I never would've thought it'd be my best friend. I thought she'd leave Texas and I'd never see her again. That's what made this so easy. Seeing her happy and thriving is something I don't know if I can handle.
"You're a fucking idiot. You know better than that. She was or is madly in love with you, she would've never done you dirty the way you've done her dirty. I was happy to sit back and let you two be happy, but you went a fucked up again. So now if she'll let me, I'm going to step up to the plate and treat her the way you should've from the start."
"So you're just going to throw away our friendship over a little bit of pus-," before I could finish my sentence his fist connected with my jaw.
"You are the only person to blame for our friendship being what it is now. And don't you ever talk about Y/N that way. We both know she's more than that." I haven't seen Jamie this pissed since the morning Y/N left the first time.
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diorsluv · 3 months
die for you , part 1
“ swear i couldn’t sleep a wink last night ”
series m. list next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by jasonrob19, mush__27, trevorzegras, and 314,882 others
yourusername got new pink leg warmers 😈🎀
view all comments
username12 trevor has been liking and commenting for MONTHS there’s no way they’re not hooking up
→ username25 calm down she’s friends with turcs and cole 😭😭
logan.stankoven WE GET IT you got new skates or whatever
→ yourusername i will personally send you back to the ahl
→ logan.stankoven okay i was on fire on the texas stars 🥱
→ yourusername what if i light you on fire 🤗
→ logan.stankoven oh!
→ jpav8 let’s be nice guys
_alexturcotte is that the lululemon water bottle
→ _alexturcotte my spidey senses tingled
→ yourusername turcotte tingle is insane
→ _alexturcotte HEY MAN don’t slander the family name ❌❌
username36 my figure skater idol 🙇‍♀️
username4 trevor zegras eh??
colecaufield and new skates and new skate guards and a new bag
→ yourusername you sent me money what was i supposed to do with it????
→ colecaufield use it to pay off your student loans 😒😒
→ yourusername but you already paid them off for me 😶
wyattjohnston_ that’s so preppy and coquette
→ yourusername stop. just stop 😭
→ wyattjohnston_ I’M TRYING TO BE SUPPORTIVE
→ yourusername THEN STOP
→ wyattjohnston_ you don’t want me to be supportive of you? 😔
→ yourusername no
jasonrob19 i bought those skates for you
→ mush__27 we know you spoil her 🙄
→ t.harley48 fr you ain’t gotta flex
→ yourusername indeed you did 😈😈
username41 i’m patiently waiting for the day trevor accidentally posts that they’re dating
→ username88 is he not with dixie??
→ username12 LMAO as if
jackhughes niceee solid skates
→ yourusername jack hughes 😱
→ jackhughes yes that’s me
→ yourusername i feel like a successful fangirl
→ jake30oettinger i thought you liked the stars 😒 yourusername
trevorzegras 👍
liked by yourusername
→ _alexturcotte you’re such a pussy
→ trevorzegras you are what you eat
→ _alexturcotte stfu
→ colecaufield stop being so critical turcs
username53 it’s so preppy in here!
ilia_quadg0d_malinin oh please we all know i can do better
→ yourusername your ego is unbearably big
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin say that to me when you land a quad
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin that’s a lie and we both know it
lhughes_06 Ma’am, would you like to visit the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey to watch us practice prior to our game against the Anaheim Ducks?
→ jackhughes you’re supposed to dm her, not publicly comment…
→ lhughes_06 this is ur fault
→ yourusername YES I WOULD
→ lhughes_06 see it worked anyways jackhughes
t.harley48 you messed up the ice before practice 🤬🤬
→ yourusername stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ wyattjohnston_ stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ logan.stankoven stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ mush__27 stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ t.harley48 once i get on that zamboni it’s over for you all
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liked by miroheiskanen, trevorzegras, _alexturcotte, and 300,024 others
yourusername someone tell him i’m outside waiting rn 🙏
view all comments
ilia_quadg0d_malinin oh! when did you start posting about your crippling love life 😍
→ yourusername you’re like the only person i told and you proceed to make fun of me 😃😃
→ wyattjohnston_ no you told me
→ logan.stankoven and me
→ jpav8 and wyatt told me
→ hhinee you told me as well
→ miroheiskanen i also know
→ matt9duchene so do i
→ tseguin92 oh you told me too
→ t.harley48 don’t forget about me
→ jake30oettinger you literally told me too
→ mush__27 good lord how many people did you tell (i know about it too)
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin you told an ENTIRE nhl team. yourusername
→ yourusername ……..i told you first…..?
→ jasonrob19 what are we talking about
nickrobertson01 that’s not one of your jackets…
→ yourusername how would you know if you haven’t been in my closet 🤨
→ nickrobertson01 you just gave me a closet tour on ft yesterday…..?
→ jasonrob19 then whose jacket is it?????
→ yourusername no one i swear it’s mine 😰😰
jamiebenn14 is that not a literal nightgown?
→ yourusername stop judging my stylistic choices 💔
→ yourusername you old men are NOT hip with the kids
→ jpav8 you’re breaking our hearts here 😔😔
username33 is that or is that not the outside of an ice rink???
username20 i swear to god she’s seeing trevor
username94 someone tell me i’m insane because i swear i’ve seen the ducks practice there before
→ username17 no no you’re not insane i think you’re right 😰
→ username11 lmfao maybe she just practices there too???
hhinee so to be clear, “him” is HIM right?
→ yourusername yes yes you’re right roop
→ jasonrob19 why do i not know what you’re talking about
username6 IF I’M RIGHT, i think i’ve seen that backpack in the background of one of trevor’s stories before…
logan.stankoven so what i’m hearing is if you hang out with him, you leave us alone?
→ yourusername what happened to the kid that BEGGED for my autograph when i showed up to one of the texas stars games
→ yourusername 🙄
→ wyattjohnston_ HE BEGGED?????
_quinnhughes cool fit i like it 👍
→ yourusername aw thank you ☺️
→ username37 OH MY GOD IS IT QUINN
colecaufield i see you’ve been gaining more attention..
→ yourusername are you saying i’m not successful enough to regularly get attention??
→ colecaufield oh my god YOU ALWAYS DO THIS
_alexturcotte i have never seen someone leave mid-convo as quickly as i just did
→ yourusername you were with him?
→ _alexturcotte no he just stopped typing all of a sudden
→ yourusername so you were.. texting him????
→ _alexturcotte yeah??
→ yourusername you know for someone so smart, sometimes you make no sense 😭
mush__27 you being 1,500 miles away should be a crime
→ yourusername oh stop complaining i was literally back home like 8 hours ago
username17 has trevor not commented yet??
→ username99 it’s not as if he comments frequently
jake30oettinger you’re so not slick
→ yourusername that’s great i’m so glad you noticed even though you literally didn’t know until i told you!
→ jasonrob19 PLEASE GOD JUST TELL ME 😔
next chapter notes ) your bitch is back with a trevor au and this time it’s gonna be irl + smau because i was fucking STRUGGLING with feather.. and also i’m thinking of the nickname being lacey because i think it’s just so cute and also i got a whole backstory and all… 😈 but regarding ilia malinin and all of my favorite dallas stars.. yall might have to know some stars and figure skating lore for this one but i don’t really think it’s gonna affect the plot of the story or the story itself (you just might not know who anyone is 😭😭) as always if you wanna be tagged, just comment or dm me!!
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toasttt11 · 18 days
first sight
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September 19, 2022
Wyatt followed behind Joe into the locker room even if this is the second week of training camp she was still getting comfortable with everything. Especially since it’s not common to get that close with the players in the beginning just because a lot of the younger players are usally going back down.
But anyone with eyes knew there was no way Wyatt Johnston was getting sent back especially when the second she finished her first drill Jamie demanded she is on his line. Wyatt has been getting picked for all the power play lines as well and any line she plays on in the drills and scrimmages she is amazing on.
Wyatt has been in Dallas now for almost two weeks and has gotten quite close to Joe and his family and Joe has really taken Wyatt under her wing.
“Come on Johnny.” Joe softly spoke walking through the locker room with her following on his heels.

Tyler audibly awed watching her walk in the locker room having thought since he met her is that she is just so adorable. Tyler thought she was more than good enough to stay on the team permanently.
Jake looked up getting a wonderful scent of a warm vanilla with hints of cinnamon and saw Joe walking over with a younger player and he knew who she was, Wyatt Johnston the name everyone in the building has been raving about and the one who shoots quite a lot of difficult shots for him to save.
“Johnny this Jake out goalie.” Joe introduced the two as he hasn’t had the chance yet as the goalie schedule for training is quite different as their and they are only doing the same thing when they are shooting on the goalie.
“Hello.” Wyatt peaked out from around Joe with a shy smile, still in her shell. Wyatt blinked slightly as she looked at him and titled her head curiously.
“Hi.” Jake breathed out looking at her in awe, he’s never seen her without the helmet on and if he thought her eyes were distracting on the ice they were even more distracting off the ice.
Jake shook his head snapping out what ever trance she has put him in, “Your the one who’s pucks keep going in my net.” Jake smirked teasing, he does enjoy the level of difficulty Wyatt adds to her shooting.
“Sorry.” Wyatt sheepishly and awkwardly grimaced shrugging slightly and leaning slighty back and closer to Joe.
“Oh it’s more than okay, it’s a good challenge.” Jack gently reassured having a glint in his thinking about the challenge she adds to stopping pucks.
Joe turned around waving bye at Jake before walking away and Wyatt flashed him a small smile before following Joe.
Jake let out a long breath as he watched her walk away and he had a feeling this was only the beginning of these new feelings.
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dexandnursey · 1 year
does anyone know of a tyler seguin/jamie benn high school au fic which possibly was like a Friday night lights au over 40k words they do it for the first time in a pick up truck???
I cannot find it anywhere and I’m starting to think I’ve imagined it
would have been pre-2018 most likely pre-2017
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naanima · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Men's Hockey RPF Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin, Jamie Benn & Tyler Seguin Characters: Jamie Benn, Tyler Seguin Additional Tags: 2023 Stanley Cup Playoffs, Jamie Benn cross checking Mark Stone because Benn is an idiot, Exes, Platonic Soulmates, Being Friends With Your Ex, Made For Each Other, But only in the platonic sense Summary:
"But Jamie, you can't do this again. I'm the fuck-up, you are the responsible one. That's how the divorce settlement went. Do your part of the deal, Benn."
[Tyler and Jamie, after Benn crosschecked Mark Stone during game three of the 2023 Conference Final. Tyler & Benn, having each other's backs despite the stupid.]
- Thanks to @mikathemad for editing. I fucking hate tenses. Lols
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cgsf · 1 year
Men's Hockey (RPF) fanfic recs — Jamie/Tyler
"A Fool for Lesser Things" (E) by Linsky | 11,553 | Still, though—no way. People don’t just forget four years of their lives. “You’re gonna need to give me way more than that if you want me to believe you,” Jamie says. “Did he wake up yet?” someone asks, and Tyler fucking Seguin walks into the room.
"I Feel Like I’ve Been Locked Up Tight" (E) by Linsky | 33,976 | Jamie’s not sure where he missed the boat on the whole sex thing.
"Something Like a Crush" (E) by purplecatsweater | 3,807 | It isn’t that Jamie isn’t incredibly aware of how close Tyler is – his fingers curled over Jamie’s arm, his leg thrown over Jamie’s, his breath coming in short bursts against Jamie’s collarbone once he shuts up and actually pays attention to the movie. Really, it’s just that Jamie is used to it. Tyler wouldn’t know what personal space was if it smacked him in the face, and Jamie’s never really complained.
"gonna have to ask about" (E) by ferrassie | 6,783 | This is not Tyler’s apartment. He has no idea how he got here or who he’s sleeping beside, face hidden in the pillow. He’s been sitting up long enough to wake him, though. “Tyler,” he says, voice muffled and rough with sleep. “You awake?” He looks up with half-lidded eyes, dark hair a mess.
"Door to Door" 🔒 (E) by Ferritin4 | 10,148 | "I work two jobs. I’m Tyler," Tyler says, extending his hand. "Do you want to come in?" Well, he’s not doing anything illegal, Jamie thinks, shaking it, because no criminal in the history of crime has ever willingly invited a cop into their house, and there is no one in the city of Dallas who hasn’t pegged Jamie as a cop within six seconds of meeting him.
"Whatever You Want" (E) by LouLa | 2,449 | Jamie's possessive streak is something Tyler’s seen more and more of over the past few weeks.
"you haven't moved an inch" (M) by blinkiesays | 7,301 | To be honest, Jamie's gotten drunk and woken up in relationships before. He's not proud, but, you know. It is what it is. He just didn't think it would ever happen with somebody like Tyler.
"God, You Two Are So Married" (E) by popfly | 3,900 | 75% of what people say when they're joking is true. When it comes to Jamie and Tyler's fake wedding it's more like 99.9%.
"definitely, maybe" 🔒 (T) by carissima | 7,935 | He’s never met anyone and thought that they could be The One. But he looks at Jamie and he thinks, maybe.
"Captivated by You, Baby" (E) by Linsky | 9,049 | Tyler said to watch, but—Jamie’s pretty sure this isn’t what he meant.
"it's not a slow dance (this modern romance)" 🔒 (M) by fadeastride | 3,989 | He knows he's a little stupid when it comes to Jamie, a little too easy, a little blind to the rules of platonic friendship. Still, there's no reason for the next thing out of his mouth to be, “Hell, I could do it.”
"Sex Bomb" (E) by my99centdreams | 7,175 | He's got to say something. He's got to. They've been together for almost a year now and his - his need for this god damn word has been here for the entire fucking time. He can't escape it. He wants it so bad.
"Look at the wonderful mess that we made" (E) by sherlockelly | 89,563 | A name-on-wrist soulmate AU where being outed by a same-sex name is still newsworthy if you're in professional sports and is a very real concern for some NHL players. Despite the shifting attitudes, no one in the sport has ever come out publicly. Tyler has always felt relieved that 'Jamie' could be a male or female name, it makes hiding his sexuality a lot easier. Jamie's not been so lucky.
"baby, i want to touch you" 🔒 (E) by teamfreeawesome | 1,376 | So, maybe Tyler has a thing about Jamie's thighs.
"Taste Me" 🔒 (E) by teamfreeawesome | 2,005 | So, maybe Tyler has thing for a post-fight Jamie.
"swear it won't take you long" 🔒 (E) by ladyalysv | 9,823 | Tyler's pretty good at not thinking about stuff. Like, professionally.
"Next Level Bromanship" (E) by disarm_d | 7,974 | The thing that Jamie didn't realize was that even if he wasn't a guy, he still wouldn't be Tyler's type.
"but here's my number" (G) by ifonlynotnever | 1,711 | Tyler is drunk, and Jamie's number is just there.
"rearrange the alphabet" (T) by Aurum | 2,834 | Apparently Jamie's soulmate likes awful pick-up lines. It both is and isn't as bad as it sounds.
"off-ice situation" 🔒 (M) & "carving space" 🔒 (M) by anonymous | 18,767 | He waggles his eyebrows, grins and looks over at Jamie like do you want to tell them or should I? Jamie elbows him and everyone laughs, and neither one of them can stop smiling. Crisis averted.
"Once More With Feeling" 🔒 (E) by SpiritsFlame | 55,431 | Tyler is a romantic. He thinks that anyone who gets to the NHL has to be, to pin everything on an almost impossible dream. He won't admit it, but he'd been looking forward to his Loop, to meeting the person he's going to spend his life with, over and over. Looking forward to the endless days of getting to know them, the two of them trapped in a moment together. He didn't think he was going to be in it alone, on the tail end of a bad trade, with no soulmate in sight. He didn't think it would be like this.
"too fragile just to guess" (M) by SpiritsFlame | 14,672 | Jamie has done stupider things than agree to go be Tyler's date to the wedding. So what if they'd been sleeping together for two years. So what if they stopped a few months ago. So what if Jamie isn't over it, and probably never will be. He's done stupider things. Just not by much.
"caused a scene" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 1,047 | There are two Halloween parties every year: the one where PR gets nice, family-friendly photos of cute kids and couples costumes and usually some dogs, and the one at Tyler's.
"my mouth is filled with honey" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 2,345 | Tyler likes Jamie's body so much. Tyler likes Jamie, so much, too.
"I'm Awfully Fond Of You" (E) by SomebodyOwens | 3,993 | Step 1: Publish Nudes in ESPN. Step 2: ????? Step 3: PROFIT!
"Holding Patterns" (M) by suburbanmotel | 5,342 | “Being between one thing and another,” Tyler says again, the phone close against his ear and mouth now. “Well, that’s us, isn’t it. That’s us.”
This is an ongoing list.
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mortalfateishard · 2 years
Tyler announcing his engagement on Jamie Benn's birthday - adding insult to injury for AO3 writers everywhere
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maxenceandrebisset · 2 years
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Jamie grabbed a black marker from the nearby table of the equipment manager and briefly looked for a piece of paper around only to end up seizing Tyler's hand and writing his phone number down on the top of his hand where the younger's remarkable ink game wasn't reaching yet.
"...Text me your address once you find out what it is and I will stop by."
"Wow, feels like a Hollywood movie scene of a high school girl finally receiving the phone number of her crush." Beaming like an idiot at the improvised way of receiving the older's number as he had been promised earlier on, Tyler's enthusiasm left Jamie snorting in amused disbelief but surprisingly playing along.
"Yeah, you can get it inked if you want to, darling."
or - the years that followed Tyler's trade to Dallas
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starpillowww · 2 years
Back to the world of fan fiction... next chapter in my Jamie Benn story.
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puckinginsane · 2 years
Hanging by a Moment Updated
Chapter 4 : Cooking for a special guy
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hockey-x-imagines · 2 years
Made to Last || Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn Pt. 21
A/N: Since I didn’t get much feedback, I let my 2 proofreaders made the call, and they said switch to Jamie. That being said, I think I’m going to wrap up made to last in the next 2 parts, unless you guys want more. 
Song Inspo: Made to Last by Issues & No Guidance Chris Brown 
Paring: Tyler x Reader Jamie x Reader 
Warnings: Cussing 
Word Count: 1155
Jamie's P.O.V.
Things I don't recommend doing:
1. Falling in love with your best friend's fiancé.  
2. Telling said fiancé that you love her, especially on the phone after he fucked up.. Again.
It's not like I had planned to fall in love with her. And I'm not sure when I fell in love with Y/N, it kinda just happened. I never planned to tell her either. I wholeheartedly planned on cheering her and Tyler on. Maybe it makes me a shitty person, but when she told me what Tyler did this time around, I felt like maybe I had a chance. I guess that's why I let those little words slip.
Hearing the knock on the door has a tornado of butterflies attacking my stomach. This conversation is really about to happen. As I walk towards my front door several emotions run through my head. Excitement, fear, anxiety, hope. Opening the door there stands Y/N. Even with a tear-stained face, she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I step to the side, silently inviting her in. Y/N follows me into my living room where we both sit in awkward silence.
"Jamie are you sure you want to have this conversation?" She looks over at me, worry etched in her features.
"Honestly, I don't know. I've already told you I love you, so we might as well have it." The truth is if this goes wrong, I'll be losing 2 of my closest friends. That being said, I can't just let my confession hang between us.
"When you said you loved me, did you mean as in a sister?" She asks, this time her focus is in her lap.
"No. I'm in love with you. I don't exactly know when this happened, I just know it did. I know Tyler is still in the picture, and I'm not asking you to leave him for me, especially when you're having his baby. But I want you to know how I really truly feel, and from there you can make your decision."
"Okay," I noticed a sense of hesitance in her tone. I take a deep breath before I continue.
"I don't wanna play games. I know you're tired of the same damn thing. I'd fuck around and give you my last name. You're the only one I wanna make love to. You're the only one I wanna pick and choose."
"Jamie I-"
"Hold on, I'm not done. I'm the one you call when shit hits the fan. I'm the one you go to for help with Tyler. I'm the one you call when he's made you cry. Every single time. And please don't take that wrong. I'm more than happy to be the one you come to. I don't make you cry. I would never pull half the shit Tyler has. I'd never run to some skank because we're having issues. I'd do everything and anything I could to make you happy. I'd raise my best friend's kid, if it meant I got to have you."
"Are you done yet?" There was a slight hint of impatience in Y/N's tone. Lovely. Did I already fuck this up?
"Yeah I'm done." I sigh, scared of what she is going to say next.
"I think I need a little time to think about everything you've said. I just have one question."
"That's understandable. Ask me anything you want." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Maybe I didn't lay it on too heavy.
"If you're in love with me, why did you push me into Tyler's arms?" It's the same question I've asked myself several times.
"I didn't know I loved you then. I thought I was happy to make you and him both happy. It wasn't until recently, that I realized I was in love with you Y/N. If I knew earlier, I could've saved you a lot of hurt, and I would've."
"I believe you, I just wish I would've known sooner. I need a few days. I'm going to get a room for a few days so I can sort my head out, then I'll let you know where we go from here. One thing I want you to know, is you're never going to lose me, no matter what." That I can live with.
"Are you sure? You can stay here, I'll get a room or I can go stay with Rads." Something about her staying in a hotel just doesn't sit right with me.
"Yes I'm sure, it'll be okay." Y/N tries to reassure me, but it's not working. I have a bad feeling and I don't know why.
"Fine. At least let me pay for it." I offer, trying to ease the bad feeling.
"Okay, you can pay for it. But please give me the space I'm asking for." She pleaded.
"I can do that." I agree.
"Thank you, I appreciate you." With a hug, she walked right out the front door.
Y/N's P.O.V.
After hearing Jamie's confession, you're more confused than ever.  There's a part of you that knows deep down you deserve someone like Jamie in your life. You know he'd treat you right, the proof is in the pudding. He's continuously been your shoulder to cry on, no matter what. Logically he's your best option. You know without a shadow of a doubt that he'd take care of you and the baby without hesitation. The only thing you can think of that's holding you back is Tyler. No matter what bullshit he's put you through, you still love him. Feelings don't just go away overnight.
Sitting alone in your hotel room, you're thinking about who to call to sort your head out and your first choice is Jamie. That's when it hits you. If you were to take Tyler out of the situation, you could really see yourself with Jamie.  Is your decision that easy? It could be if you'd let it. But the stupid voices in your head won't let anything be that easy. You keep circling back to the good times with Tyler. Because face it, there were a lot of good times, but there are a lot of bad times as well. At what point does the bad outweigh the good?
You knew you needed to talk to someone, you just didn't know who would be unbiased in the situation. Your next option was to write everything down. So you did, you wrote down the pros and cons of each man. You wrote down how you were feeling, you wrote down every single thought you were having. After writing everything down, the answer you were looking for was still the same. Jamie would be your best bet. Tyler has shown you time and time again that he really doesn't care. You know the relationship you once had with Tyler was a thing of the past. That thought alone has a fresh wave of sadness washing over you.
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diorsluv · 3 months
die for you masterlist
( diorsluv 2024 )
— social media, irl faceclaim ; lola tung
nhl + ntdp!2018 x platonic!figureskater!reader,
robertson brothers x fem!cousin!reader,
trevor zegras x fem!fwb!reader
other tags will be revealed once the complete series is done!
part 1: ( swear i couldn’t sleep a wink last night )
act i
part 2: ( no point in turning off the lights )
part 3: ( not the same without your head on my shoulders )
part 4: ( growing pains but i don’t wanna get older )
part 5: ( almost like we left it all on read )
part 6: ( couple feelings never laid to rest )
part 7: ( didn’t know that the party was over )
part 8: ( and it’s true that i need you here closer )
acts ii, iii, iv, and epilogue coming soon!
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toasttt11 · 1 month
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September 12, 2022
Wyatt woke up to the smell of coffee brewing and knew Livia was awake having her morning coffee.
Wyatt had joined Livia for training camp as he got invited to train with the team after his impressive performance at development camp. Wyatt was hoping that he would make the team and get to play with his best friend again.
Wyatt rubbed his face and stumbled out of bed, he walked out of the guest room and down the hallway of Livia’s apartment into her kitchen, seeing her pour creamer into her green coffee mug.
“Morning Wy.” Livia softly greeted smiling softly when she heard his walk in.
“Hi Livy.” Wyatt mumbled back and shuffled over to her resting his head on her shoulder, he loved the domesticity of staying with her alone in her apartment and hope one day it would be something that is normal for them and something they always do.
Livia poured coffee into another mug and a splash of creamer and slid it closer to Wyatt, she didn’t mind that he was fully leaning on her and using her to rest his head.
Livia pushed his mug into his hand and picked her mug and pulled him into her living and onto her couch. Livia brought her knees up to her chest and hummed as she sipped on her coffee.
Wyatt rested his arm on the back of couch behind Livia and started drinking his coffee.
The two sat in comfortable silence enjoying their coffee for a good while until they both finished and they had to head to the practice rink.
Wyatt got ready and met Livia by the front door and they walked out of her apartment down the bottom floor and got into her car.
Livia handed her phone to Wyatt letting him control the music as she started the short drive to the rink.
Wyatt was singing loudly and Livia was quietly hummed all the way to the rink and all way until Livia pulled into the parking garage and shut the car off.
Livia hoped out of the car and waited for Wyatt to grab his bag before she started walking in with Wyatt walking next to her.
Livia could tell Wyatt was a bit anxious and little nervous for today but she knew the second he got on the ice it would all go away.
Livia let Wyatt muttered little jokes to him and would snicker knowing it would calm him down slightly.
The two walked in together both snickering and gaining the attention of many of the team members all giving curious and nosy clanged wondering who the boy is and how he is so close to their Livia.
“Via!” Tyler beamed walking over and immediately dramatically picking her up into a hug and spinning her around making her giggle.
“Hi Ty.” Livia smiled softly hugging him back.
Tyler gently set her back down and boped her nose.
Thomas and Ty both ruffled her hair as they walked by their youngest teammate.
Livia had asked the team to put Wyatt next to her in the locker room so she grabbed his hand and dragged him to their stalls.
Livia sat down on the stall and Wyatt was on one side and Roope on the other, she gently nudged Roope and Roope slighty smirked and nudged his favorite teammate back.
“Is this the friend you talk about?” Roope whispered to her teasing her slightly as he remembered all the times she was on face times with her best friends.
“Yes.” Livia muttered back blushing slighty as she knew she may of talked about Wyatt and Luke but especially Wyatt a lot to Roope.
Roope let out a small chuckle and shook his head.
The team that was from last season all noticed pretty quickly that Livia and Wyatt were very very close. They seemed to just work as one and Livia seems a lot more smiley and laughing more with.
And don’t even get them started at how amazing Livia and Wyatt are on the ice together, they work as one and it’s an amazing connection to watch.
Coach knew the second they got onto the ice the first day of camp and started together he knew Wyatt was staying on the team because the two on the ice together was a connection that should never be separated.
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remedy7411 · 1 year
He’s sooo bad at interviews. Like dang, as captain you think he would be better but nope he just seems really uncomfortable.
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linskywords · 3 months
Hi Linsky! I’m not sure if you’ve answered this already, but I was curious to know what fics you’re currently commissioned to write, and if you’re ever going to accept more requests?
Hi! Sure, I think I mentioned the commissions in passing but not in isolation. Here they are:
Wyatt/Roope soulmate AU -- this one is of course already posted!
Jamie Benn/Joe Pavelski wandering heart AU -- this trope is totally new to me, and I got waaaay too into the resulting plot and am currently on ~33K of what was going to be a 20K story. 😅 But as you can probably guess from that, I'm really enjoying writing it and hope to be able to start posting soon!
1988 Jonny goes into rut -- going back to the wolfverse for this one. Gonna visit the boys and their babies in 2023 👀
As for your second question, probably but I don't know when! I've had a great time writing the commissions so far; they've led me to some story types and pairings I might not have ended up with on my own, which was one of the reasons I wanted to open them in the first place -- I felt like I could use a little variety in what I was writing, and I wanted the intellectual challenge of figuring out outside prompts. And it's been great feeling like I'm contributing to some rarely written pairings. Overall, there hasn't been anything in this process so far that's made me feel negatively about the prospect of doing it again. That said, the list of stories I want to write after the commissions are done has gotten long, so it might be a while before I get through all that and want to reopen. I'll certainly let you all know if I do!
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