jasiper · 4 years
rn jason is in bed with his wife and they’re eating cake discussing baby names because she’s pregnant with their firstborn and he’s so happy he lived 26 years because he finally has a family!!!
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firelordizumi · 5 years
You asked and here I am asking about Jasiper vows 😃😃 those two kiddos are so good with saying their feelings I can’t wait to hear what you guys make their vows out to be
hi anon, sorry for being the LITERAL worst! you sent this ask back in JUNE (bc i remember being in the whole country of CANADA) but now that megan and i are together. we really have no choice. 
“Piper, you taught me that I was able to be loved unconditionally. You showed me that I didn’t need my title or to showcase my power or prove to you that I was worth loving. I never felt at home where I was, so I always thought I’d find it in some physical place, where forced to accept my legacy. But instead I found that you weren’t just home. You were love, belonging and acceptance. Even though it hurt to be apart for all these years, I’d go through all the heartbreak all over again just to be with you right here, right now.”
“My entire life, I felt like I was never enough. I wanted nothing more than for people to love me but I could never do anything right. I was so used to expecting people to ask me to be someone else that I was so surprised when you asked me to stay the same. That you wanted me to be me. You loved me for who I was, good days, bad days and all of the ones in between. Even when I gave up on us, you never did, and not a day goes by that I don’t think about how lucky I am that someone like you loves me the way that you do.”
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demidorks · 5 years
For you and everyone who loves Jason and ignores Rick’s writing of him have you heard of Jasonsmclean’s and Demlgodly’s Jasiperverse? Its a jason-centered rewrite where he doesn’t die and they change up a bunch of stuff. Im not sure if theyve ended it yet but that canon is gold
heard about @demlgodly and @jasonsmclean? Never, I don’t know who they are(? (i’m kidding). Baby Tiff and Megan are doing the lord’s work and they know it. 
Everyone please be sure to visit their Jasiperverse tag for a clean skin ✨✨
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jasiper · 4 years
Tumblr media
adore you
fine line series 3/12
you don’t have to say you love me
you don’t have to say nothing
you don’t have to say you’re mine
If Piper could go back in time, crash the wedding reception, grab her past self by the nape of her neck and drag herself out of the venue to give herself a good kick in the ass, she would.
Okay, maybe she wouldn’t crash her best friend’s wedding purely for the sake of not having sex, but in retrospect, she was being dumb. Completely and utterly idiotic. When it came to Jason, she seemed to lack the proper amount of brain cells to think Piper, maybe it’s a good idea not to sleep with your best friend again!
But it happened, time travel didn’t exist, so while she’s spending more time with Jason than ever, she’s also unable to fight the inkling that maybe after all this time, she is still in love with him, even after years of being apart.
How can she do this to herself? She spent years alone, maintaining a comfortable (yes, comfortable even though sometimes it was hard) distance between her and Jason. Sometimes there was a lapse of judgment, a night where the tensions got too high and they found themselves beneath the sheets, limbs intertwined and lips pressed to each other’s skin. They always manage to brush it off—an awkward laugh, averted eye contact, the walk of shame. It doesn’t stay awkward for long because by the next day, they’re texting and chatting like usual. It’s fine. It always ends up fine. Piper can still mash down her feelings and pretend it’s all okay.
Ever since Annabeth and Percy’s wedding, it isn’t just a one-time thing. It’s part of her daily routine. Wake up, coffee, work, dinner, she sees Jason, repeat. Maybe deciding on doing her last year of med school in San Francisco wasn’t her brightest idea, given that now she’s less than thirty minutes away from Jason at all times, but it’s too late to backtrack. She’s here now and he’s very obviously apart of her daily life, just as she’s apart of his.
It’s like their souls are intertwined. The Fates were probably having a field day with this. They tangled their strings of yarn together, tied several knots into them just for fun before seeing how well they can thrive. Even with the breakup, the several near-death experiences, Piper is sure their lives are even more connected. If she wanted to leave—which of course she doesn’t—she doesn’t think she’d have the ability to. It’s like there’s a bungee cord attached to them; if one ventures too far, the cord will restrict and pull them back together.
The wedding slip-up is a result of the cord being pulled too far. They spent too much time apart and when they were pulled back together, it lasted longer than it should have.
So now Piper is completely and utterly wrapped around Jason’s finger. She can’t even deny it at this point. So much for being just friends. The years of running away from her feelings finally caught up to her.
How can she not still have feelings for him? He’s her best friend, her shoulder to cry on, the person she trusts the most in the world.
Plus, he’s stupid pretty. Stupid pretty.
She’s never been fooled—it’s not like he was ever unattractive. He’s always been unfairly attractive. He’s just grown into himself now. His hair, which used to be cut short (Roman military style), has grown out, infuriatingly perfect. It’s hard to not run her fingers through it and pull him close and kiss him.
After sneaking away from the wedding reception a few months back, she finds herself doing that often. When they’re alone and they’ve run out of things to talk about, she tangles her fingers in his hair as she puts her lips to his, losing herself in the taste of his mouth.
It’s almost too easy to pretend that he’s hers when her tongue is in his mouth. She can delude herself for the time being—no one else is making him moan and flush and cause his eyelids to flutter. As much as she’s wrapped around his finger, she’s got him wrapped around hers, too. It’s the endless cycle of their relationship. Maybe if they weren’t so broken, they can take the final jump and say fuck it, let’s just try to date again.
But they’ve stared death in the eyes and they’ve figured out years ago that just because they’re broken, their pieces don’t necessarily fit into each other. They’re not a puzzle waiting to be finished. They’re broken glass, just random unfixable shards that have spent years trying to be reassembled.
That doesn’t stop Piper from hoping and praying to any god that is willing to listen to somehow bring them back together.
She’s selfish. She just wants him for herself.
But Jason Grace isn’t one to be owned. He’s the son of the king of the gods, pontifex, warrior through and through. He’s caused armies to fall, kingdoms to crumble. He wants domestic life—marriage, kids, a house with a big backyard. Even then, she can’t imagine her to be the one to be his wife in a suburban area. Their time has passed.
It still doesn’t stop her from wanting him to be hers. She doesn’t like sharing.
Right now, staring at his freckled back as he sleeps, playing connect the dots with the sunspots, she wants to be the only one to ever see him like this. Messy hair, skin pink against the white sheets, his back rising and falling with each breath. Who wouldn’t want this angel of a man to be theirs and only theirs?
For now, she’s the only one to be lucky to be in such a vulnerable position like this with him. That causes an almost painful, empty hollow feeling in her chest. This won’t be forever. This is just a temporary fix, a little fun before he goes off and settles down with a less broken person, someone who hasn’t flirted with death and almost paid the price for it. He’s worthy of someone who won’t scream in her sleep and push him away when things get hard.
Still. She doesn’t need him to love her. She just really wants him to.
The early morning sunlight is creeping through his blinds, turning his hair gold. Usually, he’s the one who wakes up around this time while she sleeps, but he’s had a long week. His breathing is slow, steady, clearly still asleep. She closes her eyes, listening to the sound of his heart against her cheek as she presses herself closer to his back, her arm hanging loosely off his torso. Maybe their broken pieces don’t fit perfectly, but for just a moment, she can pretend.
Several minutes pass and Jason’s breathing picks up, a clear indication that he’s waking up. Piper keeps her eyes closed, not daring to move, feigning sleep. She doesn’t want him to know she’s been awake this entire time.
With a low groan, Jason shifts in her arms, the sheets bunched up around them as he turns over. Her eyes remain shut as she feels his chest where his back once was, almost dropping the façade when she feels his hand cup her cheek. It isn’t until he presses his lips to her forehead is when she decides to ‘wake up’—her eyelids flutter and she forces a yawn as she gives an appropriate stretch.
Pretending to be asleep, she decides, is totally worth it. His cheeks are flushed a delicious shade of pink, a stark contrast to his sky blue eyes. She wants to lean forward and kiss every freckle on his cheekbone, but that feels a little less platonic than she feels comfortable with despite the fact he just kissed her forehead.
“Did I wake you?” Jason asks, voice wonderfully husky and heavy with sleepiness.
“Mhm, it’s okay.” Piper settles her hand on a shoulder, a place she deems as safe. “How’d you sleep?”
“Well,” he admits. “I needed that. Work this week was so tiring.”
There are still dark circles under his eyes. Piper runs her thumb just below his left eye and she says, “You seemed tired. We can go back to sleep if you want.”
Jason shakes his head and leans into her touch. She tries to ignore how her heart is beating in her throat when he murmurs, “No, you’re probably hungry. What host am I if I don’t make you breakfast?”
Piper almost wants to point out they’re hardly ever considered guests in each other’s apartments anymore—this is a routine event that occurs multiple times a week, but the thought of Jason cooking her breakfast makes her cheeks go warm. “Breakfast sounds nice.”
“Mhm.” Jason nods and sits up. Piper has to force herself to look away as the sheets fall and hang loosely around his hips. “Breakfast and maybe a shower after that?”
A shower sounds nicer than she wants to admit. She nods and slowly sits up, holding the sheets to her chest. “Can you make pancakes?” she asks hopefully.
He smiles and nods. “Of course,” he answers. He pushes away the sheets and Piper averts her eyes. She’s acting like she hasn’t seen him naked before because she knows if she looks, she’ll do something stupid, like blurt out her feelings for him, which is the last thing they need on such an uneventful morning. “Okay, I’ll start breakfast after I brush my teeth.” As if it’s the most casual thing in the world, he ruffles her hair before shuffling out of the bedroom in just his boxers.
Maybe there’s a part of her that does need his love, as pathetic as that sounds. A daughter of love who can’t even find the love for herself, someone who needs to love of another. It sounds so selfish; she’s already broken his heart once, he doesn’t need her to do it again.
Although now, she’s sure she wouldn’t break his heart again. She isn’t as hurt as she was when she was sixteen. She’s long accepted the demigod life and she wants to do it with him. 
Not that she’d ever say it. She bites back her feelings, again, settling for being the best friend who occasionally gets sex. It’s more than she deserves out of him, anyway.
It takes another few minutes of self-deprecating for Piper to haul herself out of bed. It’s hard to leave because Jason’s sheets are so soft, but she makes her way to the bathroom, grabs the toothbrush he keeps for her, and brushes her teeth. She tries to forget about the way Jason kissed her last night, how he kissed her forehead just this morning.
Is it so bad to want to be loved? Is it so awful to crave that? Maybe not, but this is her best friend, her first love. She wants to be adored but right now… Piper has to settle for this—the sex and nothing else. She can survive without the I love you and claiming each other as their own.
With a dramatic sigh, Piper forces Jason’s discarded shirt from the previous night on her body, choosing to put on panties and not her leggings as she makes her way to the kitchen, which smells heavenly of pancakes. By the time she slides into the stool at the counter, Jason’s sliding over a plate of pancakes, complimented with the perfect amount of syrup (he knows how much she likes) and strawberries and scrambled eggs. Her mouth waters and she digs right in.
“Hungry?” Jason teases, looking infuriatingly like a domestic husband cooking his wife breakfast after a long week of work.
What I would give to be the wife he’s cooking breakfast for.
Piper almost chokes on her pancakes at the thought. “Um, yeah. You wore me out,” she reminds him, having to force back a smile as his face turns a wonderful shade of red. “Are you telling me you’re not hungry from last night?”
Jason leaves over the other side of the counter, biting into his own stack of pancakes. “Starving,” he corrects as he chews. “Pancakes were a good idea, Pipes.”
She has to bite back her snarky remark, instead shoving her face full of strawberries. Making fun of him this morning isn’t on her agenda. At least not yet.
Staring is also not on her agenda, but it’s hard to do so when Jason’s hair is golden in the midmorning sun, freckles like constellations on his pale skin, lips so pink she wonders if they taste like bubblegum. (She’s kissed him enough to confirm his lips somehow taste better than bubblegum.) She wonders how sweet the kiss will taste as he eats his own breakfast. Will they taste like the coffee he drinks, or syrup, or the strawberries?
Maybe looking at him and focusing on his physical features will help her get her mind off the fact that her feelings are eating her insides away. So she continues to stare.
It isn’t until after Jason finishes his breakfast that he realizes she’s staring. “What? Is there something on my face?” he asks, instinctively reaching up to touch his cheek.
Piper shakes her head, pushing aside her empty plate as she props her elbows up on the counter. “Nope. I’m just…” She struggles for the right innuendo, hoping he’ll catch on, but knowing he’s too dense to do so. “I’m still hungry.”
“Oh.” Jason blinks. “I could make you more pancakes if you want. Don’t even worry about it.”
“No, Jason.” Piper leans even further over the counter. “I’m not hungry for food.”
It takes Jason a few moments to realize what she’s getting at. He flushes crimson, the color reaching to the tips of his ears. “Oh. Oh.” He laughs breathily and he reaches across the counter to twine his fingers in her hair. “Really? After last night?”
“Especially after last night.” Piper bites down on her bottom lip. She was right—being horny is easier than grappling the feelings that threaten to bubble over the surface. She can’t ruin the friendship purely because she’s still hopelessly head over heels for him years after their breakup. “Are you…”
Jason doesn’t answer. His lips do the talking instead as he closes the distance between them to give her an eager kiss. She’s right, his lips do taste like a sweet mixture of maple syrup and fresh strawberries.
“I said I was starving earlier, didn’t I?” Jason murmurs as he pulls away. He pushes himself away from the counter, holding out a hand to her. “Come on. We can shower after this.”
His hand is extended towards her and she wishes this was a different situation. She wishes he was asking for her love instead, asking her to be his. Asking her to adore him.
But he’s not. He doesn’t have those feelings anymore. All she’s capable of doing is pining and cursing her past mistakes because now she’s stuck in this zone, only able to kiss him but unable to love him the way she wants to.
This is all she can get, so she grabs his hand to at least feel like she’s adored. Even if it’s only for a little bit. Even if it’s only for a moment.
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jasiper · 4 years
Congrats on 900! Could I request headcanons about Jason being a dad
dad!jason is my favorite so yes ofc!!
first and foremost, when piper has tommy, jason emails his friends an extremely detailed google doc of things to do and not to do when they come visit in the hospital. the biggest bullet point in bold font and multiple exclamation points is “WASH YOUR HANDS”
jason not really understanding how small babies were until his first baby is born and tommy’s entire head fits into jason’s hand and the nurse says he only weighs 7 pounds
when he gets back from paternity leave, he puts a bunch of pictures of tommy and piper in his office
his coworkers ask him if he was tired of being a househusband and him being like ??? i mean i prefer my baby to all of you so
every chance he gets, he brings tommy places with him because he’s too cute
because jasiperverse is mine and tiff’s and we’re ceo of the company, ivlivs was never destroyed and one day jason can’t find his coin anywhere. he sees tommy with the coin in his mouth and jason has a heart attack and he’s like “buddy please give it back oh my gods don’t tell your mom about this please”
jason carrying tommy in a baby carrier against his chest when he goes to new rome to oversee more of the temple destruction and everyone asking “is that jason grace? the jason grace? pontifex maximus? with a baby?”
jason not thinking he can love any more until he and piper have lara!!! now he has two babies to love forever
lara’s first word is “dada” and jason cries for probably a week straight
when he’s a dad of two, he loses all patience for gods asking him for help. he’s probably visited by a god every few years or so (honestly apollo bugs him a lot to help on some mundane quest) and up until lara’s born, jason actually hears them out. a god shows up on his porch and he flat-out says, “no, i’ve retired” because he’s a dad first
jason teaching his babies that they can express emotion however they want, be whoever they want, love whoever they want, and no matter what they grow up to do/be is okay because he loves them unconditionally and he just wants them to be happy
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jasiper · 4 years
jasiperverse headcanons for romantic things they do for each other when they're broken up and pining
hi angel this is just for u mwah
when jason is ALMOST but not quite yeeted by caligula piper spends the night in his dorm
he asks if they’ll still be friends even though she moves away and she says they’ll never not be friends again :( she almost lost him once she’s not gambling that again
they talk on the phone every single night while she’s in oklahoma
when she tells him she’s coming back to california for college, they both cry because they’re so happy
they’re each other’s prom dates!!! and even though they insist they’re just friends they both stare at each other because they look so good
they give each other the most thoughtful presents. you can tell their presents are planned months in advance and it’s always something super sentimental
they’re each other’s dates to any formal event they have all throughout college
their respective phone lockscreens are pictures of the two of them!!!
when piper graduates from undergrad and is about to start her doctorate program, jason buys her a necklace that she never takes off
right when jason graduates law school, they make a deal that if by the time they’re 35 and unmarried, they’ll get married to each other and have kids 🥺 jason has piper sign and everything and he insists they don’t have to go through with it but piper says that since a lawyer is present, it’s legally binding so he can’t get out of it
megan’s 900 follower headcanon requests
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jasiper · 4 years
jasiper + 20 for marriage/kids
20. “When’s the last time we went on a date?”
“For such a tiny person, Tommy can make such a mess.” Jason continues his trek around the living room, basket in his hand, picking up the trail of toys his son left after breakfast. “And we thought having another one would be a good idea.”
Piper laughs as she enters the living room, hair still damp from her shower. She gently squeezes his shoulder, murmuring, “We can clean up later. My dad is going to bring them back in a few hours so we should use our time wisely.”
Jason puts down the toy basket and stands up straight, putting his hands on her hips as he arches an eyebrow. “Wisely?” he asks as he pulls her closer to him. “Are you insinuating we should have sex?”
“What? No,” Piper answers and rolls her eyes. “I’m too tired. I still smell the spit-up in my hair even though I showered, so I don’t think I can get in the mood.” She hesitates and studies his face, finally saying, “Should we... I don’t know. Go out for an early dinner?”
“Like a date?” When Piper nods, he says, “Maybe we should. When’s the last time we went on a date?”
“Gods. It was for our anniversary before we had Lara,” Piper mumbles. “That’s like... five months ago.”
“Well—” Jason pulls her in and kisses her forehead— “I think we need to go out, then. This is our first free night in months. We can go out to eat, come home, make out. You know, keep things young and fresh.”
Laughing, Piper pulls away and starts making her way to the stairs. “Don’t try anything, mister, all you’re getting is dinner tonight,” she warns him, swatting his ass as she passes by. “The only ones getting a kiss from me are our babies when my dad drops them off. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jason grins, mock saluting her. “Give me an hour. I’ll change your mind.”
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jasiper · 4 years
Hey Megan! Can you please do 47 for Jasiper? That last work was amazing, by the way. (I live for domestic Jasiper)
47. “I’m only important when you need something from me.”
“So you weren’t going to tell me you got a new girlfriend?”
Jason should have seen this conversation coming. The second he posted the picture of him at the alumni dinner with Kate, he should have anticipated the questioning, the scrutiny, the anger.
With a sigh, he nervously drums his fingers against the table. “We’re not dating, Pipes,” he says wearily. “She’s just a friend.”
Piper’s quiet reply is, “Bobby said you guys are dating. It’s just really insulting and hurtful and honestly rude for me to find out through Bobby.”
Fuck. “Bobby is wrong. I definitely would know if I was dating Kate.” Usually, Jason would shut his mouth, plead for forgiveness, but why should he ask for forgiveness? Why is he sorry? He has nothing to hide; Kate isn’t his girlfriend. Sure, they’ve gone on dates, but he doesn’t owe Piper an explanation. She broke up with him long ago. So instead of staying silent, he asks, “Why does it matter to you, anyway? I’m genuinely curious. We agreed that we should be friends and I assumed you would be happy for me if I got into a relationship, which I’m not in one.”
The silence on the other line is deafening. After several moments, Piper says weakly, “I just thought we were close enough that you’d tell me. I thought we were friends.”
Her voice is like poison, but Jason’s drank poison before. He can swallow this, too. “We are friends, but you can’t keep stringing me along.”
“Stringing you along?” Piper repeats. “What are you talking about?”
“Gods, Pipes.” Jason runs a hand through his hair and he can feel his throat burning as he takes every punch of hers, like always. “Yes, we’re friends because you decided to be. We have sex when you decide to. I can’t keep waiting around for you. I need to try and find my own happiness.”
The hurt is clear in Piper’s voice when she asks, “What exactly are you insinuating, Jason?”
He decides to swallow the poison. “I’m only important when you need something from me.”
Jason only feels the burn when he hears a quiet click and the line goes dead.
Prompt List
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jasiper · 4 years
Tumblr media
watermelon sugar
fine line series 2/12
breathe me in, breathe me out
i don’t know if i could ever go without 
i’m just thinking out loud
i don’t know if i could ever go without
watermelon sugar high
Jason wakes up to the sound of waves crashing against the sand, the smell of cinnamon, and hair tickling his nose. Not his usual wakeup calls. Groaning, he opens his eyes and blinks, sunlight burning his eyes. He extends his arm to grab his glasses on the nightstand beside him, putting them on and then looking at his surroundings.
He is in a room that’s not his, a bed that’s not his, next to someone he definitely should not be in bed with.
His heart is beating in his throat as memories from last night come flooding back. He remembers the graduation party, not his, and the strangers and the food and the feeling of relief that his undergraduate years were finally behind him and the—
Oh, fuck.
He remembers how he got here now. It’s not like he’d been drunk last night, not at all, but last night had been… strenuous, may he say, so the memories take some time to come back. He remembers fidgeting in the guest room, the tiny present in his pocket. He remembers mustering up the courage to walk down the hallway, knock on the door, and enter.
She didn’t ask for a present, he knows that. She had said that just him being there was enough. His graduation had been the weekend before hers and she’d gone, of course. He’d never miss her graduation, or her party, for the world.
So, of course, Jason got her a present. How could he not? He’d ordered it months ago, hoping that it was enough for her. Nothing really was enough, given who she was, but there were only certain things money could buy.
When Jason put the necklace on her and watched as she touched it, he could forget all about their troubles and the stress and the looming threat of graduate school for them. He could stare into her eyes and the world would melt away around him.
That’s what happened last night. Between her lips and the hands gripping her hips and her fingers threading into his hair and the sloppy kisses and the soft moans, the world melted away.
As Jason reflects on the previous night, he doesn’t notice her stirring until he hears a soft, “You’re up early.”
“I’m always up early, you should know that,” Jason answers, turning his head.
Piper’s hair is disheveled, previously been curled elegantly down her back now cascading in messy waves across her shoulders. Her lips are swollen and Jason swears he can still taste her watermelon lipgloss from last night. She’s holding the sheets against her chest, the white fabric a huge contrast to her brown skin, the skin he kissed countless times just hours before. When she tilts her head, he sees the trail of hickeys down her neck if he concentrates enough. Not too noticeable considering how many he left.
“I’m not surprised,” Piper murmurs, reaching out to him. He instantly reaches forward and intertwines their fingers, something they haven’t done so naturally in years. The necklace he’d given her last night settles against the crook of her neck. “Cuddle me. Our flight doesn’t leave for a few more hours.”
Jason should say no. He should get out of bed, grab his discarded clothes, and go back to the guest bedroom where he belongs. He doesn’t have a right to be lying in the sheets with her, naked and vulnerable. This is going to complicate things. This is going to complicate everything given that they’re about to go on vacation for a week to celebrate their college graduations. One slip up now could lead to the most uncomfortable week of their lives and the last thing he wants to do is inflict his relationship—or lack of a relationship, rather—problems on their mutual friends.
But the sun hits her skin just right and Jason would be a damn fool to resist. He moves closer and he hates how perfectly Piper settles against his chest, the curve of her spine fitting like a puzzle piece against his chest. Their fingers are still intertwined and Piper kisses his knuckles as they hold each other silently.
It’s been, what, four years since he made this mistake last? They were doing so well; they didn’t mess up once during undergraduate. The last time he was pressed against her naked was the night of senior prom and that was a whole other mess he wants to avoid.
But lying here, tracing his fingertips against her hip… This doesn’t feel like a mistake. He hasn’t felt this at peace in years. He wonders if she feels the same.
“Jason?” Piper’s voice is soft, smooth, like silk or honey.
“Yeah, Pipes?” He’s so close that his lips brush against her shoulder.
She turns around to face him, her nose just centimeters from his. When she breathes, he could feel the hot air on his lips. He can feel every inch of her body pressed against his own, her hand already sliding down his chest.
“Kiss me,” she whispers.
You shouldn’t, the voice inside of him whispers. You really, really shouldn’t. This isn’t your girlfriend. She’s not your girlfriend. She’s not—
Jason leans in and captures Piper’s lips, so soft, against his own in a hungry kiss. The delicious moan she makes is worth the fact that this decision might ruin this friendship. He rolls over, pressing her against the mattress, tangling his fingers in her hair as she murmurs his name over and over against his lips. One of her legs wraps around his hips, keeping his body close.
Somewhere between the kissing and him tearing the condom wrapper open with his teeth, the voice inside of him grows quiet until it’s barely a whisper, making him forget that he really, really, really should not be doing this.
“Okay.” Bobby smacks his lips after he takes a long sip of his drink. It’s obnoxiously bright blue with a little umbrella on top and Jason can smell the alcohol from even five feet away. “Spill. When were you going to tell me you got back together with Piper?”
Jason lifts his sunglasses and squints at his friend. “What?”
“Dude, you two are sharing the master bedroom. Sex like, what, three times a day at least? When did it happen? After the graduation party?”
“We’re not back together.” Jason hates how bitter he sounds. “It’s… casual.”
Bobby blinks heavily and sits up. “Casual? You and Piper? The girl you’ve been in love with for seven years? You’re calling this casual?”
“It is casual,” Jason says defensively. But as he says that, he can’t help but look out at the ocean, his eyes instantly landing on Piper. She’s wearing a yellow bikini today, her hair tied back in a high ponytail. She must sense some eyes on her because she turns around and waves before one of her friends from UCLA pushes her back into the water. “Completely casual.”
“Uh huh.” Bobby finishes off his drink. “People in a casual relationship don’t stare longingly at each other. It’s kind of gross.”
“Shut up.” Jason puts his sunglasses back on and soaks up the sun. “We’re on vacation. If we want to make consensual adult choices, why can’t we?”
“Our Airbnb is only so big, if I hear any sex noises, I will come in and make you guys stop,” Bobby threatens. “I was supposed to claim the master bedroom. All the hot girls come to Hawaii for vacation, how am I supposed to hook up with one now in a shared room?”
Jason chooses to ignore Bobby’s whining. He almost wants to say that he’s endured the sex noises for years (as they’ve been roommates for three years now), but he knows how dramatic Bobby is. Nothing Jason says will make Bobby stop whining about how he won’t be able to hook up with anyone.
Plus, Bobby might be right. Whatever is going on between Jason and Piper probably isn’t casual.
Yeah, no shit? Jason’s inner voice asks sarcastically. How do you think anything can be casual between you two?
The sun is setting when Piper approaches Jason. She has a towel wrapped under her arms, wet hair plastered against her neck. She ignores Bobby—which is the right call, he’s annoying—and leans down to murmur in Jason’s ear, “I’m going to go shower. Want me meet me back in the room?”
Heat flashes up to the tips of Jason’s ears. He nods, afraid of speaking because he’s sure what will come out of him will be nothing more than a squeak.
“Seriously? It’s not even late and you guys are already starting for the night?” Bobby demands. “I’m going to need to be drunk to handle this.”
Piper flips Bobby off as she stands upright. “Hope you’re enjoying your shared room,” she says sweetly. “I’m loving the master.” She flashes a smug smile as she turns to walk into their Airbnb.
Bobby looks incredulously at Jason. “Well, must be good sex if she’s in a good enough mood to taunt me,” he huffs. “I deserve the master.”
“I don’t see any girls lined up to hook up with you,” Jason points out as he stands up. “Have fun complaining, I’ll see you later.”
“When did I turn into the boring, sexless one in this friendship?” Bobby calls after him. “I don’t want to be like you!”
Jason shuts the glass door behind him so he doesn’t hear Bobby complaining. Judging by the silence—except for the running water coming from the bathroom connected to the master bedroom—he assumes no one else is inside. He’s thankful for that, though; although the group of people are all mutual friends from both Stanford and UCLA, he rather them not be around right now. He really doesn’t need the teasing at this time.
Before heading back to the bedroom, Jason goes into the kitchen and fills up a glass of water. He heads back to the bedroom the same time he hears the shower water cut off. Only a matter of time now, he thinks to himself as he sits on the edge of the bed.
Within minutes, the bathroom door opens. Piper’s hair falls in damp waves down her back and she wears a fuzzy pink robe. She smiles when she sees Jason, asking him playfully, “Waiting for me?”
“You’re impatient. I knew you’d want me to be ready,” he replies.
“You know me too well.” Piper closes the distance between them and stands between his legs. He automatically grabs her hips as her hands rest on his bare shoulders. “And you got us water? You’re too sweet.”
“The water was for me,” he murmurs, leaning up to kiss her jaw. “But we can share. You always steal from me.”
Piper hums contently, her fingers running down his arms. “Do I?” she asks softly as his lips trail down her neck. “Figures. It started in my BMW days. Then I stole the master bedroom from Bobby, which, by the way, I haven’t even seen him try to flirt with anyone, so it would’ve gone to waste.”
Jason moves his hands up to open her robe as he kisses the crook of her neck. “We would’ve figured something out if he kicked us out,” he assures her.
Her smile makes the worry of complications seem like a minuscule problem. She pulls away and then dips her head down, pressing her lips to his. Her breath is warm against the inside of his mouth and she tastes like a mixture of her watermelon lipgloss and strawberries. As he goes to push her robe off her shoulders, her fingers hook around the waistband of his swim trunks. By the time she pins him onto the mattress, their discarded clothes are in a heap on the floor.
Jason’s earlier conversation with Bobby comes back to him as Piper straddles him. The fact that this is casual. The fact that this shouldn’t mean anything because they’re friends.
But they are friends, painfully so, and this is the girl Jason’s been in love with since he was fifteen, so it isn’t as casual to him as it is to her.
Kissing her makes this moment feel like it could last forever. An endless summer with the smell of ocean water and the taste of watermelon lipgloss. Her soft skin is warm, comforting, inviting, nostalgic like a summer evening. He doesn’t know how he went so many years without feeling her naked body pressed against his, hearing her heavy breathing as he kisses down her body.
Once he flips them over and he pins her against the mattress, he has an opportunity—he can stop, risk further complication. Pull away now and minimize the hurt later. Tell her that he can’t be casual.
Piper’s eyelids are heavy as she blinks up at him, the setting sun hitting her naked body just right. “Kiss me,” she murmurs.
Fuck it. Jason got a taste and he can’t go without it anymore. He leans back in to taste that watermelon lipgloss again and to chase the endless feeling of summer.
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jasiper · 4 years
49&50 for jasper please? :)
49. “Don’t look at me! I’m a mess!” + 50. “I love it when you’re a mess!”
In Hollywood, the first year of marriage is portrayed as light, breezy, and sexy. A fairytale romance. That coupled with a hot spouse should entail nothing but perfection, right?
Wrong. Nothing in Piper’s life is light, breezy, and sexy. She’s either on the verge of death or thinking about the verge of death.
Or in this case, she has a newborn and she’s half-dead because she hasn’t slept or showered for what feels like a million years.
Piper was named for her lungs and her ability to scream as a newborn. When Tristan came to visit his grandson in the hospital, he looked up at the new parents with a sympathetic, pained look on his face as Tommy started to cry and said, “Oh, he’s definitely got Piper’s lungs.”
If Piper had a choice, she would wade through the pits of Tartarus instead of waking up every hour to rock her crying baby back to sleep. This is her version of Hollywood’s first year of marriage and she wants a refund. (Or to go back in time to throw a box of condoms at Jason’s head before he knocked her up.)
After finally laying Tommy down to sleep, Piper decides it’s her turn to shower (seriously, there’s baby vomit in her hair) when Jason asks tiredly, “Can that wait? I haven’t held you in ages.”
Cuddling her husband is almost too tempting right now—he hasn’t had the energy to shave, resulting in stubble on his jaw that she wants to kiss, and his sweatpants lay low on his hips. She just wants to run her hand down his chest and—
Stop it. He is dangerous. These thoughts are how you get pregnant again. Do you want two children under the age of one?!
“No, I haven’t showered in two days and I have vomit in my hair.” Jason raises his eyebrows as if what she just said isn’t an issue. “I will cuddle you after my shower. Don’t look at me! I’m a mess!”
“I love it when you’re a mess!” is Jason’s whispered reply as she heads towards their bathroom, only blowing her a kiss when she flips him off.
Some fairytale marriage this is, Piper thinks to herself, but she wouldn’t want it any other way.
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jasiper · 4 years
congrats on your followers !!! Can I ask for Jasiper as new parents headcanons? I love how you write them all domestic🥰
thank you anon 🥺 and !!! domestic jasiper is my favorite let’s go
tommy is such a loud baby. the first time tristan hears him cry he grimaces and warns jason that he has piper’s lungs
jason has prepared for this! he’s read every what to expect when you’re expecting book out there! he knows babies wake up every few hours and they’re fussy! he can handle it! he and piper have dodged death numerous times! tommy’s just a baby! what can go wrong?
it feels like they just laid down to go to sleep when tommy starts wailing in his bassinet next to their bed. piper almost bursts into tears and jason prays to any god listening to end his suffering. please. he hasn’t slept in days
for the first week, they try to take turns soothing the baby but piper had a gnarly time giving birth so even when she tries to get out of bed, jason beats her to it
tommy hates taking naps if he’s not being held. he refuses to sleep. so he’s either being held by his parents or tristan (who stays with them right after he’s born to help out)
jason has never been so caffeinated in his life. he’s pretty sure his blood has turned into coffee because he’s always drinking it
piper learned fast that she needs to keep her hair up in a bun at all times or she will have baby vomit in her hair
you know how parents stereotypically look when they have a newborn? sweatpants and messy hair and constant yawning? that’s how jason and piper look. piper’s wardrobe consists of baggy sweatpants and a rotation of all of jason’s stanford shirts. jason’s wardrobe consists of sweatpants and his glasses (when he doesn’t misplace them). he also is too tired to shave so it’s the first time anyone’s seen him without a baby face since he has stubble growing
jason: i literally killed krios with my own hands but this baby is the monster who will defeat me
krios, from tartarus: am i a joke to you?
honestly newborns are The Worst and being new parents is a sleep-deprived shitshow but they’re disgustingly happy despite being so tired that they’re hallucinating!!
megan’s 900 follower headcanon requests
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jasiper · 4 years
Hey! Congratulations on your 900 followers You deserve each and every one! Your headcanons on pregnant piper made me remember that you said Tommy and Nic were born pretty close to each other, which means Annabeth and piper were preggers together! Do you have any headcanons on how this played out???
requests are closed! i’ll be answering a few more but please no more :))
okay first off, at annabeth’s wedding as piper’s pouting over how cute jason looks, annabeth claims that one day this will be her wedding and they’re going to have a bunch of kids who will all be friends and at least at some point, they’ll be pregnant together
annabeth was convinced she was right but neither of them thought it would be less than a year later
when piper finally tells annabeth, she’s about 12-13 weeks along and she’s been dying to tell annabeth for weeks but she wanted to wait until her second trimester. when she finally says it, annabeth blinks, says slowly, “piper, i’m pregnant” and piper responds with, “no, i said i was pregnant?” and annabeth has to spell it out for her that they’re both pregnant
cue jason and percy calling each other that night like “so how’s the morning sickness?” “not as bad as the crying, i’ll tell you that much”
their due dates are literally only 3 weeks apart!!! their babies are going to be best friends!!!
piper not meaning to find out the sex of her baby until he’s born while annabeth finds out right away and when piper finally finds out she’s having a boy too, they get super excited that they’re both having boys
them talking on the phone at least once a week and coming up with ridiculous satirical names for their babies to scare their husbands
not knowing that jason and percy are talking to each other just as much, if not more, than them
annabeth claiming that if piper wasn’t in california, she’d go visit piper in the hospital while she’s in labor to induce her own labor while percy says “babe, no”
percy asking a few days after tommy’s born how bad labor is and how having a newborn is and jason saying “think about the scariest monster you’ve been up against. a newborn is scarier than that. but it’s so worth it”
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jasiper · 4 years
Omg congratulations on your 900 followers! I’ll take any jasiperverse headcanons you’re in the mood for :)
thank you so much!! hmm let’s do the Very Short Time period where they’re married before piper finds out she’s knocked up
the monday following their elopement is the most painful morning because they’ve been in their little bubble for several days now and they have to face the music of what they’ve done in their professional lives
jason is going over what he’s going to say during the weekly meeting in the mirror as piper brushes her teeth and he thinks he has it down until his boss asks him what’s on his finger and he suddenly freezes before blurting out that he got married (which leads to his coworkers thinking it was a shotgun wedding)
jason’s coworkers kind of give him a hard time for eloping because they think he’s just being young and reckless while piper’s classmates are super excited for her and tell her they understand why she eloped when they see jason (he’s hot okay)
the two of them!! adjusting how to live together!! they each have little habits to get used to
for example, jason eats dinner at a normal time. piper, however, doesn’t see a problem in waking up at 3am to go through the fridge. it wakes jason up every time but he doesn’t complain because she’s super cute
jason’s in the middle of a trial and piper is working on her dissertation all in the middle of planning for their second ceremony so they’re lowkey a wreck. a happy wreck, but a wreck
they try to get each other lunch at least once a week just to see each other
constantly calling each other “my wife” and “my husband” because the thrill of the marriage hasn’t died down yet
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jasiper · 4 years
How does Piper act when pregnant??
i’m doing so bad at churning out these headcanons but let’s go
3 words: hormonal and hungry
she has so many cravings for food. mac and cheese, grilled veggie sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly (not the sandwich, just eating peanut butter and jelly straight from the jar at the same time), pickles, avocados. she even says sometimes she wants meat
that being said, jason starts cooking A LOT and he’s a great cook by the time she gives birth
jason also calls her a bunny because he’ll come home and she’ll be eating an entire bell pepper whole
her hormones are also super out of whack. jason will call her pretty and she’ll burst into tears
they have to avoid all sad movies during her pregnancy or piper will sob against jason’s chest. he used to have to worry about legionnaires getting dehydrated while training and now he has to worry about his pregnant wife crying so hard she dehydrates herself
piper, poking her bump every 5 minutes: are you alive in there
she pees every other minute, too. jason’s a super light sleeper and has to get used to her wriggling out of his arms during the night to pee because “he was sitting on my bladder again”
piper, promptly bursting into tears when jason holds up baby socks: he’s going to be so small
she becomes an expert at balancing plates and bowls on her bump
when her due date passes and she starts complaining how she’s a clock and clocks are never late, jason points out that she was late once and that was for her period. she almost cries at the reminder
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jasiper · 4 years
87 and u know the ones
87. “I just thought that since you weren’t feeling too good, maybe this would help.”
Okay, so maybe Jason lied when he said he was going to the store. Not completely. He did go to the store like he said, but he went to a few places on top of that.
“She is going to kill me,” he mutters under his breath as he unlocks the front door and goes inside. “Murder me, in fact.”
The sound of the door shutting alerts his wife, a call of “Jason?” coming from the living room.
“It’s me.” Jason carefully secures the items in his arms as he walks towards the living room. “They were out of mint chocolate chip, so I got you cookie dough because I know you like that.” Piper hums contently, evidently pleased with the alternative ice cream flavor. She doesn’t even turn around as he enters the living room—she’s wrapped in a blanket on the couch, a half-finished bowl of soup on the table beside her. The mug of tea is empty, which means her nausea isn’t quite as bad as the past few mornings. The morning sickness leaves her unable to keep any food down, only going away in time for dinner and ice cream, of course.
Figures. His wife is the biggest ice cream fiend he knows, of course their unborn baby likes it, too.
“So. I, uh, picked up something not on the grocery list.” Jason can hardly hide his excitement. “Don’t be mad at me.”
Piper only moves to point the remote at the television, pausing whatever horrible reality show she’s binging now. “What did you do?”
Without answering, Jason carefully sets the two things he had been carrying in his arms in his wife’s lap, telling her innocently, “I just thought that since you weren’t feeling too good, maybe this would help.” For a few horrible moments, she’s silent, eyes widening as she stares at what he’s brought home.
“I sent you to the store to get ice cream and you come back with two puppies?” Piper is trying to sound stern but Jason knows she isn’t angry based on the twitch of her lips. She begins to pet the dogs, using her baby voice on them as she says something along the lines of oh my gods you two are adorable I love you so much already and as Jason sits on the couch by her feet, he can see how her eyes are shining with unshed tears, something she’ll blame on pregnancy hormones.
“My coworkers said dogs are good around babies,” Jason says defensively. “I went to the pound, not to a breeder, which I know is very important to you, and I checked with the workers and they’re both sweet and good for all ages and I know we’re expecting—”
Piper leans forward as she holds the girl puppy in her arms, kissing Jason to shut him up. He assumes a kiss can’t be out of anger. “They can be our trial babies.  By the time our human baby comes, we’ll be parenting experts. You’re a genius.”
“Uh.” Jason holds out his arms as the boy puppy crawls into them, a ball of golden fur and a wagging tail. “Yep. That was definitely my intention. They’re practice for the real thing. You read my mind.”
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jasiper · 4 years
Great chapter of Musicians au girl! I wanted to ask a drabble of: “How is my wife more badass than me?” for jasiper! Thanks in advance
8. “How is my wife more badass than me?”
“On your left.” In the dark, Jason hears feather-light footsteps on the carpeted floor.
Jason, knuckles white on the hilt of his sword, dares not to shift his eyes away from the darkened stairwell. He strains his ears, desperately trying to hear any noise. After the noise of claws against the bedroom door woke him up, he knew he had to go after whatever was in the house. “I told you to stay in the room,” he hisses. “Go back. I’m serious.”
“So am I,” is Piper’s whispered reply. “We’re a team, remember? You don’t get to face a monster alone.”
“We’re a team, but you are pregnant.” Jason finally looks away from the stairwell to glare at his wife, who’s gripping her dagger like it’s a lifeline. “Go to the room. I can handle this.”
“Relax. This could happen at any time, I’m not going to bench myself,” Piper murmurs. Jason helplessly looks down at her tiny bump, wondering if he could get away with locking her in the bedroom while he deals with this issue. “I’ll be fine.”
“Pipes, I’m serious, I just don’t feel comfortable—” Jason can’t even finish his sentence before Piper lunges at him. He flinches, thinking the pregnancy hormones are really getting to her, but she digs her knife into something over Jason’s shoulder. He barely turns his head to see the monster dissipate into dust.
Breathing heavily, Piper wipes her knife on her sweatpants and arches an eyebrow at Jason. “You were saying?”
“For the love of Venus,” Jason huffs, dropping his sword and pulling Piper into his arms. He doesn’t realize he’s trembling until she pulls away to hold his hands in hers. “Okay, maybe I was being unreasonable. I... How is my wife more badass than me?”
Piper manages a smile and pulls his hand up to kiss his knuckles. “Breathe. We’re okay. All three of us. Let’s go back to bed before I have to do more monster killing.”
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