laufire · 1 month
if you're willing, would you mind sharing more of your thoughts on mia/jason? B/c i personally can't see mia wanting anything to do with him (based on the green arrow arc), but i am open to having my mind changed if you have a case for it
I'll preface this by saying that although I ship them, I don't have A Plot for them yet, the way I do for other of my jason rareships, and thus I have yet to ~envision how I'd personally have it go down. but these are my thoughts on them at the moment.
first of all... the green arrow arc isn't this HORRIBLE, TEERRIBLE, AWFUL thing that happened to mia, or this irredeemable evil jason did, and I'm always baffled whenever I see it talked about that way. like. mia is not a normie kid living her normie life in a slice-of-life teen story. she's a freaking SUPERHERO that risks her freaking LIFE on the regular. jason is this dude one, maybe two years older than her that didn't even want to seriously harm her.
she obviously wouldn't walk out of that encounter with kind thoughts about him. he was an asshole! he wanted to scare her! (and he had a GOAL re: sidekicks and the danger they're exposed to and a point to prove about it, which I always feel is handwaved). but like, jason is not a static character, or not doomed to be at least. he'd have to sincerely apologise, saying that yeah, he was a shit, that was a shitty thing to do, he was projecting some stuff on hers and ollie's relationship that wasn't even true and he's ready to compensate her for it. and again, these are... not normal people. like sorry but I just don't think what jason did in that arc garrants an eternity of hate and enmity to them.
and obviously not hating him forever/seeing his actions for what they were and not more/being able to forgive them in the face of a sincere apology and amendments isn't the same as actually seeing jason as a romantic prospect! but it's a first step into a less than hostile dynamic.
and within that context, I could see mia thinking back on some of the things jason said in their confrontation, about them being alike (also, winick wasn't been subtle in his parallels here, but I've seen people being VERY obtuse about this part of the scene añsldkf). I haven't read mia in a team context/with lots of peers her age yet, but even if she's more likely to find people with commonalities/messed up childhoods among child heroes, common ground is still something to be curious about, to bond over. and such very specific common ground would be something I think she'd value.
I haven't reached that arc yet, but I know mia has also killed, once, in circumstances where she thought she had no other choice. and she doesn't want to do that anymore, she wants to be a hero and stay on the path and raise above. those are things that I find interesting in conjunction to a dynamic with jason, in particular. the way it would lead both to conflict and to a different level of understanding.
also, there's always this sense in posts against these ships where I feel like... mia doesn't have to be perfect. she can be messy and make questionable romantic choices and maybe they pan out or maybe they don't, but it could be something actually fun to explore with her character, to see her in a context like that. less in the "bad boy attraction" sense because really, past aesthetics jason does not fit that role in a romantic sense, but as in getting to explore other sides of her character through a romantic relationship, especially as a character with both a history of sexual abuse and with HIV. and I'm sure there are other candidates for that, both canon and fanon, but it just happens that the first thing I read with her was the Jason Being A Menace arc and that I looooove a meet ugly, especially if it comes with a "recognition through the other (derogatory)" bonus.
anyway. I'm not trying to convince anyone because I'm perfectly happy in my rowboat-sized ships and it's nothing to me if other people disagree or judge me for them lol, but thanks for the chance to talk about them a bit!
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cleromancy · 11 days
hey if you like Jason/mia theres a brand new jaymia discord:) theres literally 3 people in it rn pls join 🙏
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dove00 · 2 months
I am so late to this but I just saw people talking about J*son (not putting full name so it doesn’t end up in tag) x Mia.
I’m not gonna tell what to do and who to ship. I’m just 😂. This is the guy that blew up her high school gym. The guy that did all he did in that Green Arrow arc.
Also, literally what does Mia get from this? j*son gets a girlfriend who will probably be ignored for J*yroy but Mia literally gets nothing from this relationship. You know how WallyLinda actually helped each other grow? Mia gets nothing!
Anyway, I will still be on team Mia is a lesbian!
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lesbianspeedy · 2 months
Help I think I know the jaymia poster on twitter 😭 Everybody whacked them for it a few months ago but they were not dissuaded
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graffiti-bi · 7 years
Okay but like why haven't I seen any MiaJay ships/friendships? Like I get that yeah Mia hasnt been seen since pre-52 but also they would have been an A+ duo you physically can't tell me they wouldn't. Both street kids taken in by Billionaires who turned them into sidekicks (kinda, my knowledge of Mia is mostly prior to Ollie taking her in). Like they could have been a great duo honestly, maybe even better than JayRoy.
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redjaybathood · 2 years
Jason x Mia Dearden, Steph x Kara, Talia x Selina, Kate x Renee
1) Jason x Mia
Aging Jason down or aging Mia up, yes, sure. I mean. If necessary. I am not actually sure how old Mia is? Given that Tim is only two years younger than Jason, but seems like it's way more, I tend to view his contemporaries as being way younger than Jason which. I am not sure it's true.
And if they're both over 18, I'm fine with whichever.
Okay, so. Any Jaymia for me can happen only if his stint in GA does not happen as it happens. I mean, if I would have been in her shoes, I would not go out with him after that.
But say, he's going to Star city with vague plans in regards to Mia but ends up getting derailed with rescuing kids from them being trafficked. And Mia is there too, doing the same thing.
Instant bond. And he doesn't have to do that thing he does when he plans every aspect of interaction because he wants new friends but isn't making himself vulnerable enough to actually be open to any new connections. It's fun to read, and I understand where is he coming from, don't get me wrong, but, again. I wouldn't want to be the guy he wants to make friends with.
So, yeah, if it's a "meet-cute" where by cute I mean they're busting heads together? That's another thing entirely.
Would read but only if summary looks good.
2) Steph x Kara
Eh. They're alright, I guess? Not particularly interesting for me. I guess potentially there could be "yearning for your best friend" vibes but idk.
3) Talia x Selina
Superior pairing to batcat and brutalia, I said what I said.
But lately I am less into it, not the least because I read some spoilers to Catwoman animated movie and I'm like. Ugh. No.
My ideal shadow cat is probably the Gotham High AU (yes that cursed graphic novel). Whereas they both find out pretty early in life that Bruce is a waste of their time and end up going out together.
4) Kate x Renee
Canon lesbian ship which, kudos to them! I'm not really into Batwoman though so I know about them... right about nothing.
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librastrai · 3 years
Just curious, what DC comics ships do you like? I'm personally a big fan of jayroy but that's just me uvu
ohmygod there’s so many FSDJKFSJF
jayroy, jaderoy (yj only), wallylinda, dickwally, brutalia, damianlian, lianirey, connormia, brucesilver, jayrose, jaymia, dickori, dickbabs are the main ones that i like Actively ship ♥
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angry-ace · 5 years
Who was the first character that wasn’t your own that you wrote about?What is your favorite lie that your characters have told?
Probably Lance from Voltron, I have endless shame over my Voltron fandom days and have subsequently tried to erase all the evidence. Here is my signed confession I guess; lock me up boys. 🔒
My characters don’t lie much lol, I don’t think there are any favorites. Though in DnD my character Jaymia Arum told a goblin that she’d kill his boss for him, but then killed the goblin and left after convincing him to heal her and her party.
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laufire · 9 days
Jaymia for the ask game
Have a nice day!! ❤
What made you ship it?
Their canon interactions! I love a meet ugly. I love a "we're alike, you and I" antagonistic dynamic. I love them both, and I do think pairing them together would be immensely interesting for both characters.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
Exactly that! I love that such a first meeting results in a ship that would be, inevitably, incredibly intense. I love thinking about how to make that initial antagonism evolve. And as I said, I think it'd actually result in a dynamic that would move forward both of their narratives in quite fun ways.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Shipping it is immensely unpopular lmao. It seems we're like. Less than a dozen people lmao. Within the group we seem to agree on how we see them, so :P
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
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dove00 · 12 days
Hey! So. I want to start by saying do not send hate to the anon that sent the ask I will be discussing. I don’t want people to be harassed.
I made a post asking for wlw and nblw dc ships to write a story for. The first ask was someone asking for DonnaKory or Fem!Jason/Mia. I wrote for DonnaKory and ignored the other part of the question, but that wasn’t fair to the anon.
Note: this isn’t me being a Jason hater. I would not write fem! Wally or fem! Roy even though I love those characters because I didn’t ask for male characters. This wasn’t even mlm ships that both would be women (though I don’t want to write those ships either for future reference).
Ships that do not involve a man are less popular than ships that do—especially if one or both the women are women of color.
Think of it in this way: if I was scrolling on tumblr and a blog said, “send me mlm dc ships and I’ll write a story for them” and I thought I ship BarryIris but this doesn’t fit, so I’ll make Iris a man, so it fits, that wouldn’t be fair.
I’m not saying the anon has any hate/misogyny. They just had a ship, but I specifically asked for a ship not involving a man.
At the end of the day, this isn’t a big deal but it still stuck with me.
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lesbianspeedy · 2 months
hey guys time to reveal my otp. im a sucker for jaymia actually i love straight people
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cleromancy · 1 month
jaymia thoughts? jaymia tonight queen?
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