#jeremy edwards
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thephotoregistry · 1 year
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Jeremy Edwards
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heartlandians · 1 year
Can Straight Actors Play Gay Characters? | Good Morning Britain
Actor Aidan Moreno believes straight actors should 'step aside and let the gay and trans community represent themselves'. While Actor Jeremy Edwards argues that straight actors can play gay characters.
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musiconspotify · 7 months
#JeremyEdwards Boy
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spooksicl-e · 1 month
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some hardwickes for the soul<333
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elinordash · 1 month
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SHERLOCK HOLMES (1984-1994) ♦︎ 40th Anniversary ♦︎
“To me, the Sherlock Holmes stories are about a great friendship. The two men are interdependent; without Watson, Holmes might well have burnt out on cocaine long ago. And Watson leads a pretty dull life, enlivened only by his adventures with Holmes. I hope the series shows how important friendship is.” – Jeremy Brett
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frombirdsview · 2 years
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ofbakerst · 4 months
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scaring the hell out of his new watson
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jabbage · 7 days
The Secret of Sherlock Holmes bookbinding project!
I've really wanted a hard copy for a while of 'The Secret of Sherlock Holmes' play by Jeremy Paul, which was performed by Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke (and is very high on my list of things to go and see if I get a time machine, because there aren't any video recordings of it.)
ANYWAY it's long out of print and very expensive to buy so I figured... I can just make one myself!
First I bound the text block. It's so slim, at a grand total of 75 pages.
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I bound the cover in honey-coloured book cloth, and then set about creating a cover design.
I wanted to use the official logo of the play and this amazing publicity photo, so I went into my paint package of choice (clip studio) and tweaked the photograph until I was happy I'd got a likeness of the actors only using black and white. I think Jeremy Brett lost a little of his handsomeness, alas.
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A while ago I bought a cutting machine, a Silhouette Portrait, which comes with some great software which can automatically convert an image like this into a path for the cutting machine to follow, although I usually tweak it manually too.
For example, I figured the weave on Hardwicke's tie was too intricate so I removed it.
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Then I set the cutting machine to work!
For a while I tried using self-adhesive vinyl to make covers, but I found that it wasn't very hard-wearing and would start peeling off. These days I use self-adhesive vinyl to make a stencil, and then paint onto the book cloth in acrylic. The fact that the stencil is self-adhesive reduces the chances of any paint sneaking in underneath!
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(The stencil is gold just because I have a lot of spare gold vinyl - it's probably not the best colour to use.)
For this project I did something I've never done before, which is doing two layered stencils, a white layer underneath, and then a black layer on top.
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I kind of regret not painting all of the figures in white because if you squint you can see the line where the white stops on the final piece.
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And now for the really satisfying bit - peeling of the stencil when everything has dried!
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I'm really pleased with the finished book, and it's so fun to possibly have the only hardback version of this play... ever...???
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emmahasadhd · 29 days
Idk who needs to hear it, but in Granada Holmes episode The Illustrious Client, when baron Gruner adds the photo of Violet Merville into his diary, the music playing in the background is an aria from W. A. Mozart's opera Don Giovanni sung by Leporello, who is at that moment showing a book to Donna Elvira, a former mistress of Don Giovanni, basically trying to make her resent him. The book contains a list of all Giovanni's former mistresses. This is such a great reference and I want everyone to appreciate it, since I am still not over it myself. Also there are more Don Giovanni references, but this one is my favorite.
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milquetoast27 · 8 months
The Secret of Sherlock Holmes
GRANADA FANS. If you have not heard of this play, NOW IS THE TIME TO HEAR ABOUT IT. I'd been saving it for a rainy night and it was SOO good 😭😭Please allow me to elaborate.
[heads-up, there are no video recordings of it. I listened to the audio and followed along with the script. Not ideal, but still gave me a vivid image of what was happening on-stage.]
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The nuance between screen and stage allows the actors to achieve different effects that are not possible with an on-screen adaptation. Characters do not turn to the camera and just tell you their innermost thoughts, but they can in a stageplay- and it's here that we really get to hear Brett and Hardwicke's ideas about Holmes and Watson- not much of it was unfamiliar as I'd read most of Brett's views in interviews, but it was really cool to get that confirmed in an official production that he worked on. Honestly, Brett had that feeling of "I can fix him" that I think exists in all of us Holmes fans, and totally went for it. The canon (and the Granada series) is rife with subtleties and 'show, don't tell', but it is honestly refreshing for once, to have such powerful emotion depicted dramatically and audaciously on a stage. It is all too often throughout the stories that Holmes and Watson are awfully reticent about their feelings. This play is an explosion of their private thoughts that leads to finally, thankfully, a wonderful reconciliation. I love it so much as it clearly advocates for open communication being a vital factor for a good friendship. There's a good reason for why that never happened in the canon; I think it has a lot to do with the shyness and reticence of the English, and I would not be surprised most particularly with Victorian men. But Holmes and Watson do still have their moments in the canon (e.g. 3GAR & FINA), and it's what makes them stand out so shockingly much in their time.
I appreciate that this play gives us viginettes of Holmes and Watson's life together all the way up to The Final Problem. It not only sets us up for the climax later, but also shows us specifically Brett's Holmes and Hardwicke's Watson. There were changes made from the original stories, and yet felt so wonderfully in-character and flowed really well through the actors. The play exclusively stars Brett and Hardwicke, and the purpose of redoing scenes from the canon, such as STUD, NAVA, or CHAS was to highlight the status in their relationship, for example Holmes's displeasure at Watson's marriage and subsequent loneliness- important scenes that communicate Holmes's dependence on Watson. These small glimpses also give us the much-needed humour for any balanced Holmes production! It not only communicates the warm and light moments that they shared, but also helps us get more invested in this particular pair on the stage, which is still vital, even if we're already attached to the characters.
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The implications that arise from Brett's portrayal of Holmes is fascinating. He admits that he'd have been dead within two years without Watson, without the indispensible role he played in controlling his addiction and mental state. He admits of the lonely and awful childhood he shared with his brother. The fact that Holmes comes forward and tells us this himself suggests he is very psychologically aware of himself and how his mind works. He understands why he has addictions, the reasons for his barriers and difficulty with emotional vulnerability. Assuming Holmes is very interested in the criminal psyche, but also his own due to his eccentricities, it makes so much sense that he would psychoanalyse himself to this degree, but also be frustrated with how little he is able to move from his rigid mindset. This interpretation works so wonderfully for Brett's Holmes, and I am so glad for this portrayal he has given us. When it comes to canon Holmes, however, I feel that this is more likely to be unconscious. I can never shake how much of Brett is actually within his Holmes. While his comes close to the original, I still see them as separate people. Granada's adaptation tends to play up Holmes's melancholy/depression a little too far for me, like a far-away, mythical creature that can never be understood, because we never get much of an opportunity to see what he really feels (perhaps Eligible Bachelor or Master Blackmailer might come close). But I feel that almost defeats the character. To me, Holmes is flawed and troubled, but he is simply human. The Secret of Sherlock Holmes portrays this fact wonderfully, because all of those feelings are rising to the surface.
We move further into speculation, but I think Brett's Holmes has also a fairly healthy understanding of the difference between social constructs and necessities, which take more importance in a queer/neurodivergent reading of him. He understands that his upbringing was due to an "accepted convention", and we see time and again how Holmes disregards social conventions or constructs and does his own thing. It's why he gets frustrated at others for not understanding him, but also accepts that it will never come easily to people. That's why he's very lucky for Watson (and Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade!) :)
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Holmes's darker emotions, and Watson's fierce devotion are displayed most prominently throughout. When Watson comments on Holmes's childhood, Holmes lies about it, woeing internally over how much he conceals, to even someone as close to him as Watson. He privately shares his desire to be "found out", because sharing his feelings to Watson is too difficult. His friend takes his word for it, appreciative of the times Holmes is able to speak frankly about himself. Holmes wants to be open, and Watson wants to listen, but it's Holmes's barriers preventing it. This feeling and experience is so raw and human, and something I would imagine would resonate with many people.
The latter half of the play focuses primarily on Holmes's cocaine addiction. Pastiche writers really like that sore spot, huh. Watson's perceptiveness and powers of observation are on full force in this play. Watson can tell when Holmes is high (as a medical man, most likely), and even deduced that Holmes may still be living by Mycroft's body language. But when it came to Holmes's return from the Great Hiatus...
Something that canon Watson seems to completely forget is his anger towards Holmes. In the story, he is so star-struck and relieved that he barely considers any other feeling. Hardwicke does briefly touch on this in the Granada episode with "I thought I would be as trustworthy as your brother," but it really doesn't go further than that. In The Secret of Sherlock Holmes, Hardwicke goes FULL FORCE. This is what we needed!!! It was a powerful, hair-raising performance. When Holmes has clearly not understood the harm he has done, Watson leaves. Actually slams the door. And when he returns, he makes it very clear to Holmes why he is hurt. And yet, his devotion remains, for when Holmes starts explaining his creation of Moriarty, it takes a while before Watson is fully convinced. Watson is extremely compassionate and empathetic, yes, but he's also very grounded and level-headed, and he must draw the line somewhere. It doesn't take him long to forgive Holmes, but he knows his anger has a place in that room, and allows it to be. I appreciate that it's taken just as seriously as Holmes's troubles.
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The only reason either Holmes or Watson are able to communicate so finely with each other- even through shouting and crying- is because of their emotional awareness. It's what makes their relationship work, because they are both aware of how much they mean to each other. When they move past the difficulty of sharing such feelings, their bond grows stronger.
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"I see them in my dreams or when I'm alone, they all just. Stare at me. I think they know I did something to them, but they can't figure out what... They're waiting for me to tell them what I did, but I won't."
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huggybearhughes43 · 2 months
Inexperienced reader threesome with Ethan Edwards and Jack Hughes?
- reader and Jack are best friends
- everyone’s at the lake house
- Ethan has a school boy crush
- Jack thinks it’s funny that Ethan thinks he has a chance with you
- possessive Jack who claims it’s just because you’re his best friend
- Ethan is sweet and gentle (treats you like a gentleman)
- Jack is rougher and tries to show Ethan how the “grown ups” please a girl
- almost like a competition between the two to see how many times they can make her cum/who pleases her better
- lots of dirty talk, thigh riding, sex in front of a mirror
(Sorry if this was too detailed 🥲)
My Turn.
Jack Hughes x Fem! Reader x Ethan Edwards
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Warnings- smut, threesome, dirty talk, pet names (slut, whore, pretty girl, baby, good girl), Mean! Dom! Jack + Soft! Dom! Ethan + Sub! Reader, creampie, squirting, I think that’s it
Summary- In the ask <3
Word count- 2.2k
No one bats an eye as Ethan stares at me from across the pool. I’m laid out alongside Jack, bathing in the sun. Almost everyone knew about Ethan’s crush but I was oblivious. I grew up with the Hughes brothers, being only a year older than Luke, I went to Michigan with him. That’s how I knew Ethan. Jack and Quinn invited some of their buddies from their teams and past teams, while Luke invited his friends from Michigan.
The Dukes were stationed at their usual spot, the grill, cooking everyone dinner after a long day. Most of the day was spent on the boat. There were times that Jack would catch Ethan mindlessly checking me out but he’d just smirk and roll his eyes. Jack was confident that Ethan would never have a chance with me.
I sigh and stand up, wrapping myself in the towel I was laying on. “I’m going inside to change.” I notify Jack and he nods, eyes still focused on his phone from before. I make my way inside, walking up to mine and Jacks shared room. My towel was long discarded in the hamper as I stood next to the bed, rummaging through my bag to find an outfit to wear. I pull out a soft white sundress with red flowers scattered over it.
Confident that everyone was outside still, I stripped of my bathing suit in the room. Granted, the only one who would walk in with no warning would be Jack. Who, hard to admit, had walked in on me changing plenty of times in the years of our friendship. I slip the dress on and a pretty thong that matched the flowers on the dress. One thing about me, I dress for myself. I don’t care one bit if anyone sees it just gives a piece of mind knowing I match.
The straps of the dress were in an awkward spot, just barely being able to reach high enough, definitely not being able to tie it by myself. My back was turned towards the door when it barged open. “Jack I-“ I turn around and furrow my brows then smile softly, “Hey Ethan, can you help me tie this?” He scratches his neck and nods, walking over to me. I hold my hair out of the way as he ties it. “I should’ve knocked, I’m sorry” he chuckles nervously. “Jack was too busy on his ass to come up here at get you. Foods ready, by the way.” He softly pats my shoulder to signal he’s done.
“Thank you, Ethan” His face heats up with a goofy smile on his face. “You’re welcome, this dress looks good on you- I mean every dress does- everything does- shit.” He sighs frustratedly causing me to giggle. “Come on, the foods gonna get cold.” I grab ahold of his arm and lead him back to the poolside. Jack walks over to the two of us once we get outside, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “Nice of you to go and get my girl for me.” I scoff, “your girl?” I look over to see Ethan’s annoyed face. “I’m not his girl!” Ethan’s face was still unconvinced and jacks with a smirk plastered over it. I scoff and swat Jacks hand away, splitting away from them and deciding to eat my dinner with Luke.
The sun was far gone by the time everyone finished up their food. The cold air nipped at my nose as Luke and Mark threw some sticks into a fire pit to warm us up. I twist my hangs together to keep them warm. A soft hand wrapped itself around my waist from my right side. I look over to see the Michigan boy smiling down at me, “You looked cold.” He says with a shrug. “Thanks Ethan” I smile and snuggle closer to his side. Jack glared from the other side of the now lit fire pit. He sipped on a cup of a mysterious alcoholic mixture. He crumbled the cup in his hand before throwing it on a random table, making his way over to us.
“It’s cute you think you have a chance.” Is what Jack doesn’t know I hear he whispers to Ethan as he passes. Ethan gets an obvious face of distaste as Jack approaches. I gently rub my fingers along his back in a stupid attempt to soothe him. “Jack, you’re drunk.” I simply say and he just smiles. “Just had one drink for confidence.” Luke and Marks stares caught my eye and I huff. I grab ahold of both of the hockey players arms and drag them inside the house and up into mine and Jacks shared room.
“What the fuck is your problem, Jack?” I burst out which surprises both of them. “What’re you talking about? You’re my best friend, you deserve way more than a little college boy with a school crush.” He says matter of factly and crosses his arms. “I’m what? A year younger than you? Get over yourself.” I’m surprised at Ethan’s words. They almost make me laugh because of how right they were. I sit myself on the edge of the shared bed in the awkwardness of the silence in which Jack breaks. “Fine, you decide. Which one of us would you rather have?” I don’t answer, instead subconsciously squeezing my legs together. “Oh-“ Jack laughs, “I get it now, you want both of us, don’t you?”
I go to speak up but Jack cuts me off, turning his head to look at Ethan. “What do you think, Edwards? Wanna share her?” Ethan looks from Jack to me. “If it’s okay with you?” Ethan asks. I think for a moment, looking between them before I nod. Jack smirks and walks over to me, “That’s what I thought.” Ethan’s close behind, making his way to me to lift me to stand. “What a dirty slut.” I gasp and Jacks words as he attacks my neck with kisses and bites. Ethan presses a soft kiss to my forehead before reaching around to untie my dress, letting it puddle to the floor around my feet. Leaving me only in the skimpy thong I put on earlier. “So pretty” Ethan whispers in my ear before running soft kisses over my shoulder.
Jack drops to his knees, pulling the last piece of clothing down my legs. Ethan pulls me gently back onto the bed and onto his lap. I turn my head and press my lips deeply into Ethan’s, causing him to smile onto my lips. “So wet” Jack teases from between my legs, “Fuck, you like this that much? Fucking whore.” His lips connecting to my wet cunt pulls me away from Ethan’s lips. My head thrown back in pleasure and my hand it Jacks soft hair. I moan out and buck my hips into his face while he eats me like a starved man. His tongue strategically moving from my clit to dip deep into my wet cunt. My back arching causing Ethan to groan, accidentally grinding back into his bulge.
With one last swipe of jacks tongue over my clit, my juices explode over his mouth. He smirks as he raises off of me, licking his lips to get as much of the taste as he could. “Come on pretty girl.” Ethan hoists me up and places me down on his thigh. My sensitive cunt already close just from the fabric of his jeans rubbing against my clit. “That feels good, hm?” Ethan smiles at me, “then ride it.” I bite my lip and whine, already overstimulated. Ethan softly laughs and holds my hips. “I’ll help you, pretty.” He softly and slowly moves my hips back and forth, my cunt leaving a warm sticky spot on his jeans. It would be embarrassing if I wasn’t holding onto his shoulders for dear life, moaning out his name. “See how wet that dirty little cunt is for us? Such a slut for us isn’t she?”
Jacks words were blocked out of my ears as I focus on my second orgasm on Ethan’s leg. “Our pretty little slut, so perfect.” Ethan praises as he guides me over his thigh. “Ethan- mm, fuck! I’m cumming!” I warn him as my legs shake. He continues his paste at moving my hips. I stutter and cream all over thigh. I lean my head into his shoulder as I steady my breathing. “My turn.” Jack pulls me back to him. He had discarded his clothes off and was now completely naked. “Gonna let me fuck this pussy?” He asks shakily in my ear as he sits he on his lap, facing away from him. Jacks hand holds my jaw “open your eyes for me.” I open them to see he had me sat in front of the mirror in the corner of the room. “Want you to see how perfect you look when I stuff you full.”
I groggily nod as he lines himself up from below me. He forces my hips down in one motion, filling me to the full with his thick cock. Ethan sits next to us. My hand finds its way into his pants, not wanting to leave him untouched. Jack fucks up into me as I jerk Ethan off under his pants. “Look it the mirror. Look how much of a whore you are.” Jack demands and I force myself to look into the mirror. My jaw is dropped, moaning out jacks name now as he fucks up into my g spot. “Hear this, Edwards? That’s how men are supposed to make a woman sound.” I was too fucked out to hiss at Jack for being an asshole. My hand is covered in Ethan’s warm cum in no time, his shaky moans keeping me going. Ethan has to force my hand away from him, accidentally overstimulating him.
I smile lick the stickiness off of my fingers. Jack wraps his arms around my waist, steadying me as he fucked up into me. His repeated hits on my G spot had me closer and closer to my release. “Jack I-“ “I know, cum, baby. Cum all over my dick for me.” I moan out as I cum around him. “I- fuck- I’m on the pill.” Jack smirks and nods, holding my waist tightly down on him as he fills me up. I clutch onto the side of the bed tightly as I feel his warm ropes coat my walls. Jack lifts me up and lays me down on the bed.
Jacks warm cum dripping out of me. “Think you can do one more, pretty girl?” Ethan asks, rubbing my thighs gently. My cunt was sensitive and aching but the way Ethan was looking at me I just couldn’t deny him. I nod softly and Ethan smiles. Ethan pulls off his t shirt along with his pants and boxers, leaving himself bare. He was thicker than Jack but about the same in length. He pumps himself a few times before lining himself up. “Ready?” He asks to double check. I smile and nod. He pushes in slowly, my back arching and my mouth moaning out at the sting of the stretch. He stays still for a moment, letting me get used to him. My hands rub up and down on his abs to tell him I’m ready. He pulls out all the way before harshly slamming back in. Jacks cum from before being used as lube.
Loud moans fall from my tongue, chanting Ethan’s name as he fucks in and out of me. Ethan laughs breathlessly and looks over at Jack. “What were you saying about how a woman should sound, again?” “Shut up, Edwards.” Jack stands next to us pumping his cock between his hands. I turn my head and open my mouth for Jack. He smirks and slaps his dick onto my tongue before pushing it into my mouth. Ethan pounding into my cunt and Jack fucking my throat almost sends me right into my fourth orgasm of the night. I moan around Jacks dick, causing him to cum down my throat. I pull off, sticking out my tongue to show him I’ve swallowed it all. He whispers a quiet “good girl.” I turn to look back at Ethan. His fucked out face making me closer and closer to cumming. Jack snakes his hand down to my clit. The action making me arch my back into Ethan and squirt around him. I shakily fall back onto the bed as Ethan fucks into me a few more times before cumming in me, his cum mixing with Jacks.
Ethan pulls out slowly and lays next to me, Jack doing the same. After a moment Ethan gets up and leaves for a while, coming back with his sweatpants back on, two cloths in his hands, and two water bottles. He tosses a cloth and a water bottle to Jack. Shaking his head with a groan, “thanks”. Ethan nods and takes the other cloth the clean me up, opening the water bottle for me. “Thank you, Ethan.” I smile and drink the water. Ethan lays back down next to me. I snuggle up to Ethan, Jack laying behind me and wrapping his arms around me. “I guess…” Jack presses soft kisses to my shoulder “we can share since she liked it so much.”
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girlwithhat · 1 month
In my mind, David Burke Watson is Boyfriend!Watson while Edward Hardwicke is Husband!Watson. I (and Holmes) love him very much.
David Burke, to me, matched the energy and theatricality of Jeremy Brett in those early episodes with his equally soothing voice and facial expressions. His Watson feels like a great friend and companion to have on adventures.
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Their easy banter, collaborative deductions (that feel like a fun game between them), and Watson's awe of Holmes' abilities work well for establishing the type of partnership and relationship they have at the start of the show. It's a very fun dynamic that caught my attention years ago and brought me back recently during a bout of nostalgia and need for a good mood booster. I admit I watch clips and compilations of these two a lot for this reason.
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And then Edward Hardwicke really impressed me throughout his run because he seems like a natural progression of Watson post-hiatus: more seasoned, subdued, and calm but also aware of being perpetually put upon by Holmes' habits. He's overjoyed the man is back so he can resume his place by his side but he also has his practice and routines that his friend disrupts at any given moment.
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Hardwicke seems like a more natural actor, he just so believably embodies Watson as the loyal chronicler, dependable companion, and caring doctor he is, especially in his chemistry with Brett.
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They feel so comfortable and settled down with each other, and as domestic as can be for two Victorian men who solve mysteries. This time around in my rewatch, I'm finding his portayal a source of comfort.
I'm just so in my feelings when it comes to Holmes and Watson lately. *dreamily sighs*
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musiconspotify · 7 months
Jeremy Edwards Ghosts (2023) … a Wollongong boy …
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spooksicl-e · 2 months
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he was a man of habits, narrow and concentrated habits, and i had become one of them… i was a whetstone for his mind. i stimulated him.
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