#jesse cromeans x chubby!reader
apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
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“Picture Perfect” (Jesse Cromeans x Fem!Reader)
| Jesse photographs and records you.
| NSFW, 18+, minors dni, oral sex (male receiving), boudoir photography, sex tape -chubby!reader(kinda?)
| pic source: Chromeskull: Laid To Rest 2 movie
| 2k+ words
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“Don’t move,” Jesse stresses.
You pause immediately, dutifully holding your position despite the pout on your lips. The bed below you gives with your weight, what’s definitely memory foam cradling your body nicely. It certainly makes all the ways your impromptu photographer has had you twist and turn (and the multiple outfit changes) more comfortable.
In addition to the smooth feel of the clearly newly bought sheets. The first time you’d visited they, much like the rest of Jesse’s proverbial mansion, had been a pristine black. Now they were no less pristine but white sheets because J had wanted the camera to pick you up well.
You had been glancing at where he was standing over you, mouth fixing to question him about when in the hell he’d had the time to accumulate all this lingerie in your size - you were a big girl, finding anything that fit this well should’ve been impossible without you there and probably a custom tailor - when he’d gestured for you to freeze.
The moment Jesse captures is of wide brown eyes staring up at him, your lips naturally pursed, you laid on your stomach with your feet kicked up behind you, and one hand supporting your head while the other rests on the bed beside it.
A solid pose in your opinion.
After meeting online you’ve known Jesse for a little less than a year now, but this was by far the most intense you’ve seen him. Which, in retrospect, was only slightly less intense than his usual. It would seem he took photography more seriously than you’d initially pegged.
You were no connoisseur but the camera in his hands alone (not to mention the rest of Jesse’s place, his car, his other car, and his lateral army of employees) looked like it could pay off all your student loans. There’s a just as expensive looking video camera mounted on his shoulder too, held in place by a harness that has zero business looking that good on him.
It hasn’t been turned on yet, though, so you refrain from directing your attention to it.
Jesse makes you hold the pose for a few more seconds before instructing you to change positions. The smooth fabric of the short black slip dress - the fifth outfit of the night - feels lovely against your skin when you roll onto your back and look at him through your lashes
There’s another series of rapid fire flashes. His camera captures and highlights the deep brown of your skin in bursts.
He doesn’t have you staying still for long though, this time taking only a minute or so before he drops the lens from your form.
“You can relax,” he signs, clicking through the photos of you on the LCD screen.
“Mmm, you gonna tell me where you got all this stuff now?”
Jesse doesn’t answer right away, grinning at the screen before glancing at you with his eyes and a raised brow.
His head follows a beat later, the grin taking on a sharper edge when he sees your tilted head.
Jesse sets the camera aside before propping a leg up so he can kneel on the bed. He starts to feel you up, eager hands sliding over your body, and your breath catches in your throat. He squeezes appreciatively at your soft sides and curves and you can’t not shiver at the touch.
You sigh, body buzzing pleasantly at the attention.
A light pat to your thigh. ‘Just wait,’ it conveys to you.
You nod easily, another sigh falling past your lips, before giving in and mouthing at the shape of his cock in his pants. He grinds into you once, breath catching, before letting up.
He gets back on his feet before cupping a big hand under your chin and forcing you to parse out what he’s telling you upside down.
“You- you want do…?” you trail off as you take the time to translate to spoken English before you nod, a little caught off guard.
“You’ve been wanting to do this since we got serious?”
Jesse nods once before letting go and urging you upwards. It takes you a second to shift to sit crisscross, resting your hands in your lap, during which he moves back onto his feet.
He’d relayed his height when you were texting but seeing him over video call hadn’t done his sheer presence justice. Looking up at him like this has you feeling short of breath.
“J, we only met in person like, a month ago. Not that you don’t have hella money but-” you give him an exaggerated raised brow to cap off your sentence and watch as he scoffs.
“We got serious long before we physically met.”
You shrug, humming decisively. “Alright, I’ll give you that one. Do you usually have photo shoots with the people you like then?”
He shakes his head and moves to grasp your chin once more. Sighing one handed at you.
“No. I don’t like many people.”
You smile at that and he leans down to kiss you.
You’d of course known about his disfigurement before meeting him for dinner the first time. He’d sent you pictures, same as you did, and it’d been Jesse who helped you brush up on your high school ASL in the first place. In person it had looked even more painful though and had firmly cemented in your mind that his ass was rich as fuck if his face looked as good as it did after the accident he’d eventually described to you.
Point was, kissing Jesse was definitely an adjustment compared to the other people you’d kissed. With Jesse it was more of a press of lips than anything, but the man definitely liked to bite. Something you were curiously delighted to find out during your first night together.
Jesse pulls back from you and you can’t help but stare after him, wide eyed and out of breath. He smirks and reaches up to his shoulder.
The camera makes a brief high pitched shriek as it’s activated, followed by a red light blinking to life at the corner of the black box.
“Ready, Gorgeous?”
He holds his hand out for you, beckoning. You make a low noise of confirmation then crawl forward on your knees to rest your chin on his palm.
His fingers curl, squeezing your cheeks for a few beats and angling your head slightly upwards before his grasp relaxes.
“Smile for the camera.”
Jesse winks, thumb brushing over the corner of your mouth. You laugh and do as he directs, smiling straight at the lens.
“That’s right,” he runs the pad of his thumb over your bottom lip and you stick the tip of your tongue out, running it across where his fingerprint print once was. “Just like that. Such a good girl for me.”
At his signs you glance away, stomach flipping and mind going fuzzy.
The grin’s still on his face when he diverts your attention to the zip of his pants; guiding you a little closer. You hum in acknowledgement, starting to mouth at the fabric without hesitation. His hand drops from your chin.
You’d had a conversation about this in advance. Jesse talked you through it, boundaries were set. Naturally, your main concern had been his size. Taking him in you had taken a lot of prep and more than one day and you were still a little sore from his very thorough brand of fucking. What he could manage to do to your throat and jaw was a whole other story.
Jesse has you lick and suck at his suit pants until they’re soaked through and he’s semi erect underneath, hand on your head the whole time. He’s cool about it, barely showing any outward signs of pleasure beyond the upticked speed of his breathing.
The nonreactions make your heart pump faster, skin buzzing. You lap at his dick so hard you can taste the remnants of the detergent they were cleaned in, till you can just about feel the veins of his cock straining against your tongue, but when you glance up at him he only raises his eyebrows back.
It’s an easy look for you to read.
“That’s all?” is conveyed perfectly in the arches. You grunt unhappily. On impulse you move back in, snap onto his zipper, then rip it down with your teeth.
You grin when you look back up, teeth still barred, and feel his cock jump.
After that Jesse lets you get as far as sliding your tongue around the pant buckle and getting it free. Then the hand at your head becomes more demanding. From one blink to the next your neck’s at an incline, head thrown back as you’re forced to look up at him.
“Did I tell you to do that?”
His hand is steady but you’ve clearly gotten to him. The rise and fall of his shoulders is rough, his pupils dilated.
Your response is equally as ragged. The words blow out of you in between gasps for air as your eyes light up.
“No Sir.”
“You know what happens when you don’t wait.”
The hand in your hair tugs twice making your breaths stutter out of you. When you respond your voice jumps.
“Yeah I do, Sir.”
He smiles, teeth white as the sheets you’re resting on. They’re a stark contrast to the bruise blooming at the corner of his chin. Apparently he’d gotten into a scuffle during his last business trip. You’re not sure which fits with your view of him more, the sign of violence or the almost startling pure gleam of his teeth.
Another tug has those thoughts tumbling from your head, instead filling with Jesse. The scent of his expensive cologne, the metallic undertone he always carries with him, his hand trapped in your hair, and the way it all makes the air taste electric. How he makes you woozy.
Jesse doesn’t let go, only telling you to open your mouth before he uses his free hand to slowly shove down his pants enough to get his cock over the band of his boxers.
He briefly releases your head to pop you in your mouth and you gasp.
“I know you can open wider than that for me.”
Your mouth drops open till your lips ache and Jesse’s staring down your uvula. He nods his appreciation, hand burrowing once again into your thick curls. The width of it spans across the back of your head and you lean into it gratefully to take the strain off your neck.
From your peripherals you watch the impressive length of his cock bob in the air. Not even fully hard but even at this thickness you know it’d wreck your throat. You catch the glint of the platinum bar through his lorum and your mouth starts to fucking water thinking about him getting deep enough for it to press into the soft inside of your bottom lip.
Something shifts on Jesse’s face and his hand squeezes more demanding on you before he signs for you to poke your tongue out. The pink muscle lolls out of your mouth prior to him even finishing the entire sentence and he cuts himself off with an audible grunt. Not bothering to continue signing he smirks and then the tip of his cock bumps against the plush of your cheek.
You moan and sputter a little on the spit that’s gathered at the back of your throat. Jesse laughs then uses his thumb and forefinger to pull your mouth even wider and straightens your head so he can slide his dick past your lips.
It’s heavy on your tongue and when he takes away his fingers your lips barely move as you close them around his shaft. The push of his cock is unrelenting and the tip hitting the back of your throat has you gagging.
Jesse keeps you in place as you body spasms around the intrusion, fighting for a reprieve he won’t give you as he pushes even further down. He does you the favor of changing the angle of his cock, it doesn’t allow you much in terms of air but it does take the barrage of force off the more sensitive areas of your throat while you do your best to relax.
His head rolls back, grip getting tighter, and he trembles. You groan around his intrusion, watery eyes locking with his own when he looks back down and shoves deeper. Your bottom lip meets warm metal.
You know this is one of the only mercies he’s going to give you tonight and one look at his eyes, already dark and clouded over with lust, tells you to savor it.
NOTES: I leave another smut here, once again, for judgment. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
Also, I simply like penial piercings and I think if a man has the sheer amount of tattoos Jesse has it wouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination to think he’d have some neat ass piercings too. That’s all I’m saying. So this Jesse has his lorum pierced. Thank you.
Edit: I rewrote this so…yeah. I just felt like I could do a little better, yk?
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nuggiebugge · 2 years
The slashers with a chubby s/o!
Michael myers
michael doesn’t care what you look like to be honest
It doesn’t matter, skinny, thick, curvy, tall, short
He just wants someone to wet his Willy (jk)
He will grip those love handles like they’re the only thing keeping him on the ground
Jason voorhees
like with michael, it doesn’t really matter
He loves you for you, and the fact you love him back is a wonder in its own
He loves how soft you are, and it just adds to how much he loves to cuddle when hes not chasing off those horny fucks.
You are so warm ohmygosh
If youre insecure about your pudge, he will kiss you all over to make you see yourself the way he does
He will kiss your cute little tummy, your soft thighs, your full lips
Brahms heelshire
he thinks you look like a teddy bear
If he wasn’t clingy before, he is now
He will try to be subtle when he gropes you, but its obvious hes squishing your love handles
You’re perfect for cuddling, so he will never let you get up from the bed, couch, floor
If he sees you poking at your stomach, or looking at yourself with anything but adoration, he will jump on you and not let go until you say you’re perfect. BECAUSE YOU ARE WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!
He will demand in his little voice “say it y/n! Say you're perfect or you're carrying me all day!”
Vincent Sinclair
you look like a sculpture of a Greek goddess
No, y/n look *shows you sketches and painting of Greek goddesses*
If he comes up from the basement while youre cooking, he’ll come up behind you and just hug you shyly.
You know what he wants, and turn around. you smoosh him in your form, smothering him in warmth and softness.
Cuddle sessions are at least an hour long. It’s mandatory, what do you mean?
He will learn to cook your favorite food, and if it turns out good he will perfect it just to see you smile.
Chucky/Charles lee ray
He doesn’t really care to be honest
He just thinks you're pretty/handsome in general(shut up he’s a bicon and you know it)
He might not show you special affection because of it, but he loves the way your curves fit into clothes.
Bubba sawyer
oh my goodness you have a belly like he does!
You’re so cute, just like a little panda
He will scoop you up just to hear you squeak (caught off guard by his strength, he stronk)
He will snuggle you all day if you let him
He will babble in your ear trying to tell you how cute you are, but it just comes out as a marbled mess
He’s so soft for you like omg
Thomas Hewitt
you're just like aunty Mae
He thinks youre adorable
Your pudge just adds to his attraction to you
He will ask Luda Mae to help him make your favorite food to impress you
He is a very serious man, but you melt all of that away
He will learn how to bake just to make you smile
Pyramid head
at first he thinks you're weak
He slowly starts to like you though, he doesn’t think you're cute, he thinks you're beautiful
You’re exactly like a goddess he once served
He will kiss the ground you walk on
He will carry you around all day while he kills creatures that dared to bother you with their incessant bloodlust
He will never get tired of feeling your soft pudge on his shoulder
He will pet you like you’re a cat
Asa Emory/ the collector
he treats you like he would treat one of his most prized collection
You’re just a perfect specimen
Your extra pudge adds protection to your internal organs, which means he doesn’t have to worry much about internal damage
You’re very sturdy, you can handle a lot of physical abuse. Therefore, he can be a tad more rough with you
he likes it when you sit on his lap while he works
When you're sleeping together, he likes to be little to be able to squish you a little bit, he loves feeling how soft you are
Like in his collector persona, he loves that he can be rough with you, but in a different sense of course wink wonk
Jesse cromeans/ Chromeskull:
you're his perfect princess
He will spoil you so much, he will take you out to dinner or he will cook you meals from scratch
The clothes you need are too expensive because the plus size market is bullshit? He will buy you an entire new wardrobe
You want a corset, but the cheapest one in your size is 60 dollars? He will buy you a better one than that shitty waist trainer.
It almost feels like you're his sugar baby, but its not like that. He might expect extra cuddles, but that’s only because you're so warm and soft
He has cameras, so if he catches you self-deprecating in any way he will come home immediately. It doesn’t matter where he is, he's coming back to smother you in kisses.
Tiffany valentine ray
oh my gods lets go shopping
You said you needed a new bra right? Let’s go babe! Mamas got you!
She is a PDA queen, she will snuggle you in public, commenting the whole time about how soft you are
If she hears one comment about your body coming out of anyone’s mouth, she’s taking a nail file to their throat.
No one insults her baby
Nancy Downs
she would think youre the cutest thing ever
She will take you out to eat every weekend, and then have picnics every Friday after school :)
She would compare you to goddesses(not as to anger any of them, because some are quite vain)
She would believe that Monol put every ounce of love into your body, and believe you were his gift to Nancy.
She that there’s only more of you to love
If anyone makes you feel bad about your body, they are going to be on the news the next morning
Stu Macher
He is a Florida man on crack.
He will come running up out of nowhere, throw you over his shoulder, and run away leaving your friends confused as you scream in the distance.
He might look like a little twink, but it takes some real muscle strength to gut someone
He will make sure to leave you flustered every time you talk, gently rubbing your sides as you talk, hugging you from behind to squish your tummy
Billy Loomis
He LOVES thicc queens
He is a chubby chaser for sure
He would loved it if you laid on top of him while you two cuddled, he loves the comfort of your weight pressing on him
You’re like a heated, weighted blanket.
He thinks you’re so sexy, the way that dress/suit hugs your figure
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dustylava · 2 years
Plump Y/n is doing the usual shopping in a regular store.
Some ramdom guy on the left, points his finger at Y/n and says to his girlfriend, with a figure like a Victoria's Secret model: "if you don't stop eating your fucking cinnamon buns, you'll be like her!"
The girl, first looks at her boyfriend with incomprehension, then looks at Y/n: "ugh, how disgusting... Okay, yes, you're right, need to stop with this. Let's go. What if fat is contagious..." Both laugh and leave.
This guy, having already moved away to a decent distance, loudly announces: "no normal man will have a boner for such squalor! Never!" Both, he and his girlfriend laugh out loud.
Y/n, who is already used to it: "oh, fuck, how original... Is there some kind of factory for stamping banal and identical insults?" Actually upset, but won't tell her husband.
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Jesse, who installed all kinds of tracking and wiretapping devices in your jewelry, which he himself gave you, - well-well-well, everyone has different tastes. It happens, yes. Yes... - Already knows where this couple lives and what their dog's name is, - everything happens in life.
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
Slashers of your choice seeing their s/o in nothing except fishnets , panties , n their bfs shirt ? ^*^
recently got these fishnets n they’re really giving me a confidence boost!!
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[ also, if you include any body descriptions could you make the reader curvy/chubby , would really appreciate it :3 ]
[ GN reader ]
Slashers x GenderNeutral!Reader | (Mild N/SFW 18+) Headcanons
Hey there! Yesss, thank you for the request, I hope you like these HC's! :'D <3
notes; Chubby!Gender Neutral!Reader; Fishnets; Panties; Clothes Sharing; Fluff; Mostly Implicit Sexual Activities. Minors DNI.
Characters: Asa Emory/The Collector; The Sinclair Brothers; Charles Lee Ray/Chucky (Human); Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull.
Asa Emory/The Collector:
It's actually one of those outfits he loves to put you in, so when he sees you wearing it on your own, he's in awe. The way you're wearing one of his turtleneck sweaters and then only some of the fancy lace panties he's bought you and the fishnets he deemed his favourite, revealing all of that skin, drives him crazy.
He immediately goes over to the bed and kneels on it, caging you beneath him with his arms and legs. His eyes are filled with lust and desire for you.
Then he uses one of his hands to keep supporting him, while he caresses you with his other one, starting with your face and especially your lips, before moving on to your chest, your stomach, which he squeezes lovingly, and then your thighs, which spill over the edge of the fishnets just a little. He's mesmerised to say the least.
Bo Sinclair:
He's caught off-guard when he comes home to see you in this little outfit, wearing one of his button-up shirts. You only closed a few buttons, too, leaving your chest and stomach mostly exposed.
Even if he wanted to, he couldn't deny the way his breath stutters and his cock stirs in his pants, coming to life pretty instantaneously. He thinks you're absolutely gorgeous, just lying in bed, waiting for him like this.
It takes him a moment to actually jump on the bed and kiss you breathless, while he's roaming his hands over your entire body, squeezing and caressing whatever he can reach.
Lester Sinclair:
He doesn't even notice it at first and just goes over to you, greeting you with a lovely kiss and all the happiness and excitement of a puppy dog.
When he does take a good look at you, his mouth falls open and he simply stares at you for a good minute, raking his eyes over you and stammering out a compliment, which makes you chuckle, as you thank him for it with a kiss.
Only when you invite him to lay with you and touch you, does he actually do just that. He lies partially on top of you, cuddling you, as he keeps making out with you sloppily and just touches you all over. You're so soft and gorgeous and the fact that you're wearing one of his shirts in combination with those gorgeous fishnets makes his heart beat so much faster.
Vincent Sinclair:
Due to his mask, his face is unreadable when he sees you, but the way his entire posture changes isn't. He looks surprised, but then it changes just slightly and you know it all too well - he's in love.
He silently asks for permission to touch you, which you grant all too enthusiastically. He's mapping out your body with his hands, looking you over as he does. He's so gentle and touching you like you're something sacred.
When he notices that you're wearing his sweatshirt, he leans in to ask for you to kiss him, which you do - you love feeling his mask against your lips. Then he just lies down beside you and caresses your thighs, sometimes playfully pulling on the fishnets, gently snapping them against your skin.
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky:
Absolutely loves that little outfit you put together there. He smirks at you as he practically saunters over to the bed before straddling you.
He looks you over with lust-filled eyes, chuckling when he realises you're wearing his shirt and comments on how desperate you must be for him.
And then he's all over you, kissing you, touching and groping you, sucking bruises into your skin and following a trail with his lips and tongue down to your thighs, which he bites into, while feeling the fishnets under his hands.
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull:
He's bought you those fishnets a little while ago and you haven't worn them yet. So when he comes home and sees you in little to nothing but those and his turtleneck sweater, such as your fanciest panties, which he's also bought you, he's absolutely stunned.
He knew you'd look amazing in those, but the way they hug your legs and squeeze your flesh makes his heart race. You're a sight to behold and he loves the fact that this is all for him and no one else.
He starts out by gently roaming his hands over your body, but the more heated your kisses get, the more desperate he becomes and his touches soon turn filthy. It's a miracle that he doesn't accidentally rip the fabric of your fishnets.
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hard-to-be-the-bard · 2 years
Horror/Slasher Masterlist
All the horror peeps in one place
Asexual Male Reader
Avoidant Attachment Disorder
Snow Day
Collapsing reader
Spicy Food
Deadpool S/O
Body Swap!
Meme Gremlin S/O
Hannibal x Reader x Will:
Being hit on Hannibal x Reader x Will
Affections Hannibal x Reader x Will
Will x Reader x Hannibal
Margot Verger:
Meme Gremlin S/O
Will Graham:
Asexual Male Reader
Reader who owns dogs
Stray Dogs
Will Graham x s/o
Short s/o
Dating Will Graham
Sub!Will SMUT
Baking Reader
Body Swap!
Meme Gremlin S/O
Non Binary Reader
Bo Sinclair:
Asexual Male Reader
Jealous Slashers
Mommy Kink NSFW
S/O who bursts out crying
Soulmate Scar AU
Bo with calm s/o
S/O who wears his clothes and pretends to be him
S/o with djungelskog
Chubby Reader
Heat Exhaustion
Soulmate Name AU
British Reader
Shaved Legs
Bubble Baths
Flat S/O
Snow day
Lester SInclair:
Animal Lover S/O
Mommy Kink NSFW
12 Days of Lester: Part 1  Part 2   Part 3    Part 4   Part 5   Part 6    Part 7    Part 8 Part 9  Part 10  Part 11   Part 12
Chubby Reader
Soulmate Name AU
S/O who bursts out crying
Shaved Legs
Nerdy reader
Reader who talks down about themselves 
Long Fic: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Vincent Sinclair:
Mommy Kink NSFW
You’re my favourite piece of art
S/O defends him in front of Bo
Reader who talks down about themself
Soulmate Scar AU
Chubby Reader
Clingy s/o
Heat Exhaustion
Body Swap AU
Soulmate Name AU
S/O who bursts out crying
Bubble Baths
First meeting
Reader on her period
Patrick Bateman:
Asexual Male Reader
His clothes
Halloween Songs
Body Swap!
Michael Myers:
Jealous Slashers
Snow Day
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Reaction to Clingy/Touch starved S/O
Half Sister
First Words Soulmate AU
Chubby Reader
Heat Exhaustion
Body Swap AU
Trans!Male Reader
Stretch Marks
Flat S/O
Snow day
Jason Voorhees:
Snow Day
Mommy Kink NSFW
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Reaction to Clingy/Touch starved S/O
Jason X Reader Part 1:The killer at camp crystal lake
Chubby Reader
Body Swap AU
Shaved Legs
Reader on her period
Trans!Male Reader
Stretch Marks
Flat S/O
Bubba Sawyer:
Animal Lover S/O
Flat S/O
Brahms Heelshire:
Mommy Kink NSFW
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Reaction to Clingy/Touch starved S/O
Half Sister
Shaved Legs
Chop Top:
General relationship HC
Thomas Hewitt:
Jealous Slashers
Animal Lover S/O
Chubby s/o
First Words Soulmate AU
S/o with djungelskog
Clingy s/o
Tackle Hug
Heat Exhaustion
Body Swap AU
Soulmate Name AU
British Reader
Bubble Baths
Reader on her period
Trans!Male Reader
Flat S/O
Jesse Cromeans:
Animal Lover S/O
Short Reader
Body Swap!
Otis Driftwood:
Heat Exhaustion
Nerd Reader
Bubble Baths
Evan McMillan (The Trapper):
The entity
Picnic by the train tracks
Asa Emory:
s/o who helps him
Deaf!Mute reader
Short Reader
Soulmate Name AU
Bubble Baths
Body Swap!
Ray of sunshine S/O
Pyramid Head:
Day at the zoo with S/O head canons
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Reaction to Clingy/Touch starved S/O
Reader on her period
Stretch Marks
Snow day
Billy Loomis:
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Watching Scary Movies with S/O
Stu Macher:
Watching Scary Movies with S/O
S/o with djungelskog
British Reader
Flat S/O
Stu Macher:
Watching Scary Movies with S/O
S/o with djungelskog
British Reader
Flat S/O
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Carrie going to prom with S/O who finds out about the blood prank
Trans!Male Reader
Chubby Reader
Stretch Marks
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sp00kworm · 4 years
Sp00kworm’s Masterlist
A Den Of Iniquity (Dracula x Female Reader) NSFW: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5
Codex (Dracula x Female Reader): PART 1, PART 2
A Fayre (Rakuh [Male Orc] x Reader): PART 1, PART 2
A Cave in The Emerald Mountains (Nazzog [Male Dragon] x Reader)
Black Oak (Alcott Glyn/Headless Horseman x Reader)
Eggs for Dinner (Briskar [Male Lizardfolk] x Reader)
Kinetic Siphon (Ollmoch [Male Demon] x Reader)
Bite me, asshole! (Ollmoch [Male Demon] x Reader) NSFW
Horn Maintenance (Ollmoch [Male Demon] x Reader)
The Doorway (Ollmoch [Male Demon] x Reader)
Only Yours, Only Mine (Ken [Male Werewolf] x Reader)
Claw Tracks (Berold [Male Werebear] x Reader)
Iron Lake (Qene [Male Bird God] x Reader)
The Primordial Starship - A Chief Scientists Log - (Alien Observation of Earth)
Clutch (Daichi [Male Naga] x Reader)
Evo-23 (Ji-woon [Male Zombie/Infected] x Reader) - PART 1, PART 2
Old Hearts (Frisk [Gender Neutral Shadow Monster] x Reader)
Three Swords (Niquesh [Beast God] x Reader) - PART 1 
SIREN (A Monster Metal Band)  (Various Monsters x Reader)
Duncan’s Ending (Male Minotaur x Reader) NSFW
Zadok’s Ending (Male Merman x Reader) NSFW
Senoz’s Ending (Male Demon x Reader) NSFW
The Black Dahlia Series:
Who needs lights? (Durzub [Goth Male Orc] x Reader)
Clove Cigarettes (Clarence Marston [Goth Male Vampire] X Reader) - PART 1 , PART 2
Blackened Call (Sulphur [Male Demon] x Reader)
Commission Piece: Thorny Beginnings (Kurora x Gethrow / Female Human x Male Orc)
Under the Old Oak (The Lord of Darkness x Reader) NSFW
Parasite (Venom x Reader)
A Creature in the Woods (Chopper [Male Yautja] x Female Reader) NSFW: PART 1, PART 2
Chopper Domestic Headcanons
Chopper vs Food Headcanons
Flower Crowns (Chopper [Male Yautja] x Reader)
Too Loud for the Hunt (Chopper [Male Yautja] x Reader)
Beaches (Chopper [Male Yautja] x Chubby Reader)
Bliss (Chopper [Male Yautja] x Reader)
Too Short (Wolf [ AvP, Male Yautja] x Reader)
Respect, Pup (Wolf [AvP, Male Yaujta x Reader)
Oddities (Wolf [AvP, Male Yautja] x Reader)
Human Being Mistreated by other Yautja - Wolf/Elder
Jet General Headcanons
Respect Your Elders (Jet [Female Yautja] x Reader)
Trinkets (Jet [Female Yautja] x Reader)
Sniffed Out and Discovered (Jet [Female Yautja] x Reader)
Yautja Cuddling Headcanons (Jet, Chopper and Wolf)
The Red Patio ( Billy Loomis x Reader / Ghostface x Reader)
The Devil’s Eyes (Older Billy Loomis/ Ghostface x Reader)
The Shape of Evil (Michael Myers x Female Reader) NSFW : PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
The Breathing (Michael Myers x Reader)
Closed Fingers (Michael Myers x Reader)
An Itch (Michael Myers x Reader)
Wayward (RZ Michael Myers x Reader)
Hawk Eyes (Asa Emory/The Collector x Reader)
The Collector/Asa Emory x Reader - New Favourite/Soft Headcanons
Collected (Asa Emory/The Collector x Female Reader)
The Game (Asa Emory/The Collector x Killer Reader)
White Lillies (Asa Emory/The Collector x Reader)
Quiet Night (Asa Emory/The Collector x Reader) NSFW
A New Life (Asa Emory/The Collector x Reader)
Vermillion (Bo Sinclair x Reader)
She Isn’t Real (Bo Sinclair x Reader)
Vincent Tending to Bo’s Injuries
Muse (Vincent Sinclair x Reader)
The Gateway to the Soul (Vincent Sinclair x Reader)
The Phone Call (Billy Lenz x Female Reader) NSFW
Hold Me? (Brahms Heelshire x Reader)
Freshly Picked (Bubba Sawyers x Male Reader)
Too Much and Too Far (Jason Voorhees x Reader)
A Figure by the Lake (Jason Voorhees x Female Reader) ART EXCHANGE PIECE
Butterfly (Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull x Female Reader)
Just Fine (Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull x Insecure Gender Neutral Reader)
Task Management (Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull x Reader)
One Last Kiss (Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull x Female Reader)
Headcanons - Stressed Out Uni Student S/O (Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull x Reader & Asa Emory/The Collector x Reader)
Honey Wine (Candyman x OC/Reader)
Silence (Revenant x Reader & Bloodhound x Reader) : PART 1 , PART 2 - Revenant’s Ending ,  PART 3 - Bloodhound’s Ending - COMPLETED
Red Lines (Revenant x Reader) NSFW
Starlight (Bloodhound x Reader) NSFW
Cherries (Bloodhound x Reader)
Everything (Bloodhound x Reader)
Cursed and A Curse (Gojo Satoru x Female Reader) NSFW
Spider Lily, Spider Rose (Choso x Reader) (Manga/Anime Spoilers)
The Bliss of Ignorance (Nanami Kento x Reader) NSFW
Shamisen Mornings (Ryomen Sukuna x Reader) NSFW
Tatooine Nights (Cad Bane x Female Reader) NSFW
Blue Kyber (Kit Fisto x Reader) NSFW
Lost and Found (Garou x Female Reader) : PART 1, PART 2, PART 3(NSFW)
The Oppai Sweater (Saitama x Reader)
Drunk Garou x Reader Headcanons
The Best Medicine (Saitama x Doctor Female Reader)
What’s a Centrifuge? (Atomic Samurai x Scientist Reader)
I’m Not Old! (Garou x Reader, Babysitting)
Faster than a Bullet (Iaian x Female Reader)
Saitama Wooing Headcanons
Hot Pot (Saitama x Reader, Genos x Reader)
The Deep Dark (Gang Orca/Kuugo Sakamata x Reader)
Lacerations (Gang Orca/Kuugo Sakamata x Reader)
Fatgum Date Headcanons 
Toshinori and Tokoyami Relationship Headcanons
Cupid’s Bow Lips (Amajiki Tamaki/Suneater x Reader)
Pink Lillies (Amajiki Tamaki/Suneater x Reader)
One of the Million (Mirio Togata/Lemillion x Reader)
Flowers or Chocolates (Yagi Toshinori/All Might x Reader)
A Personal Trainer is Here! (Yagi Toshinori/All Might x Reader)
April Rain (Yagi Toshinori/All Might x Female Reader) Young, SFW: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7 - COMPLETE
Pier’s General Headcanons
Pier’s x Fairy Type Trainer/Reader
Raihan and Pier’s Bestie Headcanons
Morpeko has an Odd Ability (Young Piers gives Marnie her first pokemon)
Feel the Music (Piers x HOH/Deaf Female Reader)
Salt or Vinegar (Raihan x Reader)
Home in Your Heart NSFW (Saint-14 x Female Reader)
Crimson Bond (Shaxx x Reader)
Beginnings, Middles and Ends (Shaxx x Reader)
The Snitch NSFW (The Drifter x Female Reader)
Ancient Flirting (Corvosider)
The Blood of The Outsider (Corvosider, Vampire AU)
Whale Song (Corvosider)
Scars (Dimitri x Female Byleth)
Is Dad A Pirate? (Dimitri x Female Byleth)
Back and Forth (Dimitri x Male Byleth)
Baby Steps (Dimitri x Female Byleth)
Ice (Dimitri x Female Byleth)
State and Church (Dimitri x Female Byleth)
Light in the Dark (Dimitri x Female Byleth)
Voices (Dimitri x Female Byleth)
Comet (Claude x Byleth)
Sylvain x Female Byleth Post Time-Skip Headcanons
Felix x Female Byleth Post Time-Skip Headcanons
A Monastery Kiss (Seteth x Byleth)
Fish for Dinner (Seteth x Pregnant Female Byleth)
Homage (Seteth x Byleth)
Stormy Evenings (Seteth x Female Byleth)
Anu (Seteth x Female Byleth, Dragon Child)
Bound NSFW (Seteth x Female Byleth)
Confessional NSFW (Seteth x Female Byleth)
Ancients (Implied Seteth x Female Byleth)
Mind Over Matter NSFW (Seteth x Female Byleth)
A Heatwave (Seteth x Female Byleth) LEWD
Hatched (Seteth x Female Byleth)
Grace (Lorez x Female Reader)
Assal (Seteth x Female Byleth) NSFW: All can be found on AO3
Mr Reyes (Reaper76): PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7 - COMPLETE
Hips Don’t Lie (Reaper Focused)
Only a Shimada can Win! (Implied McHanzo)
A New Man (Genyatta)
Darkened Shadows (Reaper76) NEVER FINISHED: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5
Lend Me a Hand (Genyatta)
Repent (Reaper76)
Infirmary (Reaper 76)
Abashed the Devil Stood (Reaper76 Angel AU)
Morphine (Talon Family Bonding)
Go, go Over-Rangers! (Genyatta, Sentai AU)
The Red Baron (Reaper76, Red Death/Phantom AU)
Immortals (Reaper76, Vampire AU)
Old Flames and Toughened Scars (Reaper76)
Hauntings (McHanzo)
Pyramid God (Genyatta, Egyptian God AU)
The Light of the Iris (BOB x Zenyatta)
A Gastly Leader (Reaper76, Pokemon AU)
The Dragon of the North Wind (McHanzo, Dragon Hanzo)
McHanzo x Artistic Reader Headcanons
Dressed to Kill (Reaper x Female Reader, NSFW)
Au Contraire (Maximilien x Reader)
Sombra, Pharah X Reader Living together headcanons
Sombra x Reader Fluff Headcanons
A Change in the Wind (Reaper x GN Reader)
Cyanide and Mustard Gas (Reaper x Cyber Goth Reader)
A Heist (Junkrat x Reader)
A Matter of Urgency (Niles x Female Corrin/My Unit)
Withered Leather (Vergil Sparda x Reader)
Trouble (Eric Northman x Reader)
Suprise Kisses (Ezio Auditore, Connor Kenway, Jacob Frye x Reader)
A Birthday for a King (Rin x Sousuke)
Ginger and Lemon Tea (Howl Pendragon x Reader)
Rogue Feelings (Hellboy x Male Reader) NSFW
Algid (Bi-Han/Sub Zero x Female Reader) NSFW
Sensei, Sensei (Kirishima Tooru x Female Reader) NSFW
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the-gory-gardner · 3 years
Poly asa with a s/o who has chubby cheeks?
Asa Emory x Jesse Cromeans x Reader With Chubby Cheeks. 
- Get ready to get your cheeks pinched a lot - mainly from Jesse.  
- They think your adorable and they cup your face as often as possible. 
- They both kiss your cheeks every chance they get. 
- Jesse says you look like a chipmunk when your eating. 
- Asa makes sure you to kiss your cheek when he leaves the house and when he returns. 
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans List
Chromeskull x Reader- Hitchhiker gone wrong
Poly!Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector NSFW Headcanons
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector - Cat got your tongue?
Poly! Chromeskull and Collector Headcanons with pregnant s/o
Chromeskull (Jesse Cromeans) x Reader- Harder, Daddy!~
Chromeskull x Reader- I wish we could stay like this forever
Frisky February Day 7 (Cock-warming) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 9 (Consensual Non-Con) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 10 (Double penetration) with Chromeskull and The Collector
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector Headcanons Aftercare
Frisky February Day 18 (Threesome) with Chromeskull and The Collector
Frisky February Day 20 (Video Taping) With Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 22 (Collar/Leash) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 23 (Oral) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 25 (Daddy/Mommy) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 26 (Electricity) with Chromeskull and The Collector
Frisky February Day 28 (Exhibiton) with Chromeskull
Slashers allowing snuggles
Poly!Chromeskull and Collector Headcanons Pregnancy Ending
Chromeskull x Reader - Sulfuric Acidic Face
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Heavy Duty Stress
Headcanons Chromeskull with his daughter s/o
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector Headcanons with a blind singer s/o
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Fantasy on a white sheet
Chromeskull x The Collector- Mutual Destruction
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Take me out in style
Headcanons Poly! Chromeskull and The Collector with a serial killer s/o
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector - Little Mornings
Headcanons Chromeskull with breeding kink
Slashers with their s/o giving them a lap dance part 2
Chromeskull x Killer!Reader- Let’s talk business
Poly! Chromeskull and The Collector with an obedient s/o with an abusive childhood
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with an eccentric serial killer s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- Another side of the coin
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with their future s/o digging up a grave
Chromeskull with a Pet Play Kink
Headcanons Sharing one bed with the Slashers
Chromeskull Headcanons with a naive and telekinetic s/o
Slashers with a s/o whose a squirter
Yandere Slashers with their s/o trying to escape
Slasher Headcanons with a diamond skin s/o
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with a blind s/o
Cock warming with Slashers
Chromeskull x Reader- Home sweet home, wife!
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- It’s called punishment for a reason
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with twin children
Chromeskull with an easily sick stubborn s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- Have a lighter?
Chromeskull x Pregnant!Reader- Another chance to start off
Chromeskull with his virgin s/o
Chromeskull with an anemic s/o
Yandere Slashers Headcanons
Chromeskull x Reader- Show me how to see
Chromeskull x Reader- Ink me up, baby!
Chromeskull with an independent/innocent girl
Slashers with a s/o who outsmarts them
Slashers with a vampire s/o
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans with a Cop!Reader
Slashers with a s/o who help them kill
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans with a laid-back, affectionate s/o
Slashers with their s/o sending a provocative picture
Slashers reaction to a clumsy s/o
Slashers seeing the outline of their dick while they fuck their s/o
Chromeskull as a single father of a girl
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans x Reader- Charming ways
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans x Reader-  Try it, doesn’t hurt
Slashers playing cat&mouse chase with their s/o as foreplay
Slasher Headcanons with a s/o who likes torture
Slashers with a s/o who has anger issues
Chromeskull x Blind!Reader- Not all heroes have capes
Chromeskull x Mute!Reader- ‘Not on the first date’
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans Fic. The Job of a Daddy is never done
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector kidnapping a quiet albino Reader
Chromeskull x Reader- There she comes breaking bones
Chromeskull x Reader- Silky Black Moments
Chromeskull x Reader- You leave me all hanging
Chromeskull x Reader- A diamond couldn’t do justice
Chromeskull x Reader - XOXO
Chromeskull x Reader- Home sweet home, wife! Part 2
Chromeskull x Reader- Single almost 40s killer again
Slashers with a s/o who shouts out in Japanese when she’s angry
Chromeskull x Reader- Gucci, Gucci! Spoil me
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with a s/o who’s has a twin
Yandere!Chromeskull x Reader- Stockholm Reject
Chromeskull with a 4′11 s/o Headcanons
Slashers Asking Questions
Chromeskull x Child!Reader- Daddy Figure? Hell No!
Chromeskull x Reader- “My heart will go on”
Slashers knocked out by their s/o with a pillow
Slashers with a s/o who wears lolita fashion
Slashers with a Goddess s/o
Chromeskull x Pregnant!Reader- Another chance to start off Part 2
Chromeskull x Reader- I’m not a kid!
Chromeskull x Chubby!Reader- ‘I know I am mute, but are you blind?’
Slashers with a sweet/angelic s/o with PTSD
Chromeskull x Pregnant!Wife!Reader- Gentle my ass
Slashers with a s/o with a major in psychology
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector comforting their s/o
Slashers making up to their s/o
Chromeskull x Reader-Toy cars and Little fella
Chromeskull Headcanons with a Fragile S/O
Chromeskull x Reader- Another chance to start off Part 3
Chromeskull Fic: Princess
Slashers with a s/o who has angel wings
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans with a neko s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- ‘You will be the death of me’
Chromeskull x Reader- ‘It’s not professional!’
How is Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans so rich?
Chromeskull x Albino!Reader- As beautiful as a rose
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with a demigod daughter of Persephone
Chromeskull x Reader- ‘Women are disposable’
Slashers finding their s/o singing
Slashers with a confident s/o
Slashers with a very brave s/o
Slashers with a s/o who can read minds
Slasher meeting their shapeshifter s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- I’m not a kid! Part 2
Chromeskull x Reader- Sweet Blackmail
Chromeskull x Reader- “Curse these shoes!“
Slashers with a Hitman Woman
Chromeskull with a male s/o Headcanons
Chromeskull x Reader- Single Ballerina
Slashers with a kinky s/o
A Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans x Preston Fanfiction
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Don’t boss around killers
Chromeskull x Single!Mother!Reader- ‘Jackpot’
Slashers with a s/o who call them ‘Mr. Psychopath’
Slashers with an aggressive vampire s/o
Slashers with a killer s/o
Yandere Slashers with a male s/o that managed to always escape them
Slasher with a s/o who likes to wear their clothes
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with a s/o who loves big dogs
Slashers finding out their s/o is pregnant
Slashers with a magical creature s/o
Genderbend Slashers Headcanons
Chromeskull x Reader-’Leave your hat on’
Slashers with a s/o with a major in business
Slashers with a s/o who cannot feel physical pain
Chromeskull with a s/o who has back pains
Slasher developing an obsession for someone (You)
Chromeskull x Reader- Kill a sweat
NSFW Alphabet Chromeskull
Female!Chromeskull x Male!Reader- Reborn
Chromeskull x Ghostface!Reader- “Playing with the bad boys“ PART 1
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 1
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 2
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 3
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 4
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 5
Chromeskull x Ghostface!Reader- “Playing with the bad boys“ PART 2
Chromeskull x Reader- Insecurities at their best
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 6
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 7
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 8
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 9
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 10
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector (+Spann)
Chromeskull x Reader- Vulnerability
Chromeskull x Reader- Playing Therapy
Slashers with a sarcastic s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- Farewell Job
Chromeskull x Reader- Don Julio and Childish Flaws
Jealousy and Stealing Cars- A Chromeskull x The Collector Fic.
Chromeskull x Reader- Dating tips from Chromeskull
Chromeskull x Reader- Caring Gentleness
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusively Deal Part 1
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 2
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 3
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 4
Chromeskull x Reader- You don’t dip the pen in the company ink
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 5
Chromeskull x Singer!Reader- Show me how you burlesque
Chromeskull x Tattoo Artist!Reader- Guilty Pleasures
Slashers Angst Scenarios with their s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- Sin with me
The Collector x Reader x Chromeskull- Hazardous Toxicity
Random Headcanons
Chromeskull x Succubus!Reader- Profesional Encounters
Chromeskull x Tattoo Artist!Reader- Guilty Pleasures Part 2
Chromeskull x Reader- A first Halloween
Chromeskull x Reader- Another chance to start off Part 4
Chromeskull x Reader X The Collector- Happy Marriage and Succesful Parenthood
Chromeskull x Reader- Freakish Proposition
Chromeskull x Reader- Fantasy to Reality
Chromeskull x Reader- Future Parents?
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans General Headcanons
Slashers with a witchy s/o
Chromeskull x Teenage!Reader (Platonic)
Chromeskull x Reader- The scars that reunited
Chromeskull x Reader- Half of me
The Collector x Reader x Chromeskull- The Female Anatomy
Kinky December Day 4: Fireplace Sex with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 9: Strapon with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 13: Creampie with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 15: Strip-tease with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 20: Role Revesal with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 22: Lap Dance with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 23: Tattoo and Teasing with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 28: Red Lipstick with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 30: Begging with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 31: New Year Sex with Chromeskull
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 6
Chromeskull x Reader- Hotel Room Service NSFW
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 7
Slashers with Knife and Blood Play
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
Slashers/Horror Characters Masterlist
Kisses with GN!Reader x Sawyer Brothers
Kisses with GN!Reader
GN!Reader, who has Dermatitis/Eczema
GN!Reader, who likes tight-fitting, short clothes (Poly!Asa and Jesse)
GN!Reader, who has BPD
GN!Reader, who sings (Bubba and Vincent only)
Male!Reader, who is a librarian (Asa and Bo only)
GN!Reader, who has a lot of piercings and tattoos
GN!Reader, who owns a Pet Bunny (Sinclair Brothers only)
GN!Reader, who is a Cheshire Cat
GN!Reader, who goes back to School (Sawyer Brothers only)
GN!Reader, who knits
Black Eye (GN!Reader)
GN!Reader, who refuses to wear their glasses (Chromeskull and Lester Sinclair only)
GN!Reader, who kills with them
GN!Reader, who wears oversized clothes (Poly!Asa & Jesse)
GN!Reader, who asks to start a Family
GN!Reader, who is Injured by a Victim
GN!Reader, who wants to wait with Sex (Sinclair Brothers)
Trans!Male!Reader w/ a Disorganized Attachment Style (The Collector)
GN!Reader, who picks at their Skin (The Collector)
GN!Reader w/ a Broken Foot (Poly!Asa & Jesse)
GN!Reader, who gets Blind Rage (Asa)
Trans!Masc!Reader w/ a Stomach Bug (Bubba Sawyer)
GN!Reader w/ Panic Disorder (Asa)
Hugs (GN!Reader)
GN!Reader, who calls them Daddy or Sir (Poly!Asa & Jesse) | (mildly) NSFT
GN!Reader, who is trouble seeking (Poly!Asa & Jesse)
GN!Reader, who calls them Daddy/Sir, Part 2 (Mark Hoffman & William Easton)
Trans!Male!Reader, who has ADHD (Asa / The Collector)
Dark Headcanons - GN!Reader, who is a Serial Killer (Jesse/Chromeskull)
Dating Headcanons (GN!Reader; Nubbins Sawyer)
DIY Clothing Headcanons (GN!Reader; Chop Top Sawyer)
No One Can Hurt You When You’re With Me (GN!Reader; Asa Emory)
Soulmates (GN!Reader; Asa Emory)
Mistake (GN!Reader; Jesse Cromeans)
Too Far (GN!Reader; Jesse Cromeans) 
Rest (GN!Reader; Poly!Asa/Jesse)
Missing Piece (Male!Reader; Poly!Asa/Jesse)
Secretly Yearning (Male!Reader; Poly!Asa/Jesse)
Pay Attention (Male!Reader; N/SFW; Poly!Asa/Jesse)
24/7 BDSM relationship (mild N/SFW HCs; Poly!Asa/Jesse)
Vampire!Male!Reader (HC; Poly!Asa/Jesse)
Fvcked Up (GN!Reader; Chucky)
Trans!Male!Reader (Headcanons; Chucky)
Inside Your Walls (GN!Reader; Platonic; Brahms Heelshire)
Male!Reader, who killed his Abusive Mother (Headcanons; Billy Loomis)
Snapping (GN!Reader; Billy Lenz)
Trans!Male!Reader, who was raised by Two Dads (Headcanons; Pavi Largo)
N/SFW HCs (TransMasc!Reader; Asa/The Collector)
GN!Reader, who pretends to be asleep, so they get carried inside (Asa, Sinclair Brothers, Jesse)
Chubby!GN!Reader in fishnets (Mild N/SFW; Asa; Sinclair Brothers; Chucky; Jesse)
Fluff Headcanons (Pavi Largo; GN!Reader)
GN!Reader, who owns a plushie of them (Asa; Billy Lenz; Sinclair Brothers; Jesse)
Don’t Leave (GN!Reader; Asa Emory; Mild Dark Fic)
Disobedience (GN!Reader; Asa Emory; Dark Fic)
Thunder (Vincent Sinclair)
GN!Reader, who leaves Lipstick Stains on their necks (Mild N/SFW; Asa, Billy Loomis; Stu Macher; Sinclair Brothers; Chucky; Jesse)
GN!Reader who hugs them for the first time (Billy Lenz; Leatherface; Nubbins; Chucky; Jesse)
Trust Me (Stu Macher x Male!Reader)
Stu Macher x Short!Male!Reader HC’s
It’s a Date (Stu Macher x Male!Reader)
Black Coffee, Please (William Easton x Male!Reader)
Angst w/ Hopeful Ending Relationship HC’s (Luigi Largo)
GN!Reader, who doesn’t handle Fireworks well (Sinclair Brothers)
N/SFW HC’s with Trans!Male!Reader (Billy Lenz, Billy Loomis and Herbert West)
Not Without You (Billy Lenz x Female!Reader [can be read as GN])
Why Are You Here? (Mark Hoffman & Male!Reader [can be read as GN])
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