#jesus i just checked and they're still going??
queenhawke · 1 month
i think the problem with watcher's ghost files is that at this point ryan clearly isn't scared of ghosts anymore, on account of them never finding evidence. and they won't act scared or fake evidence either, which, while objectively a good thing, does mean you're just watching two grown men faffing about in a building for however long the episodes are, messing around with increasingly ridiculous ghost finding equipment.
like at this point i'd rather watch ghost adventures or smth like that, bc while they obviously fake their evidence/reactions, they're at least entertaining in a horror movie sorta way
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isbuckybarnesokay · 2 years
Steve never turns the heater on in his car when he's alone. This is something Eddie picks up on fairly quickly, as summer turns to autumn, as the air cools down. The mornings are icy, now. There's a bite to each and every breath that you can suck in almost like smoke, and it's pleasant for all of two seconds before it chills you to the bone.
The first time he notices it, there's so much noise in the car that Eddie doesn't get a chance to say anything - Dustin is chattering on to Mike about god-knows-what. Instead, he just watches from the passenger seat as Steve clocks Will's chattering teeth in the rearview mirror and immediately reaches forward to crank up the dial.
The second time, it's just Steve and Eddie, and they're driving back from dropping Eddie's van off at the mechanics. Steve meets him outside the shop at a crisp 7am, and it's fucking freezing, honestly. Eddie slides into the passenger seat and winces at the way his breaths come out in a cloud. "Shit, dude," he groans, "aren't you cold?" Steve shrugs, focused on driving. "A bit, I guess. Help yourself." He waves at the AC settings carelessly. How the fuck are you not freezing your balls off? Eddie wonders, but he doesn't voice the thought aloud, though he very much wants to. There's something here, he thinks. There's something I'm not getting.
The third time it happens, Eddie doesn't even need to get in the car to know Steve didn't switch the heating on. He knows this because when Steve saunters into the new trailer, a 6-pack in hand, his lips are almost blue. He's wearing a too-thin jacket, undone over a plain shirt. Eddie frowns. "Jesus Christ, Steve," he murmurs, immediately rushing through to his room to grab a sweater. He throws it at Steve when he gets back out to the main room, chewing at the inside of his cheek. "What's this for?" "Because you're fucking freezing, man. Are you kidding me? You're turning to ice right in front of me, look at you." And it's so wrong that Steve looks so confused. It's so wrong. Because he's so clearly cold as hell. It looks painful, damn it, the way his hands are shaking, the way he can't quite move his fingers properly when he goes to pop the cap off of his beer. I am going to take care of you until you figure out how to take care of yourself, Eddie thinks, fierce and determined. And he does.
When Steve leaves that night, after the movie, Eddie makes him keep the black knit sweater on, makes him take it with him. "You look cute," he grins, aiming for playful, aiming for the misdirect. He likes the way it makes Steve blush, anyway. It's a win-win. Eddie follows close behind Steve down the steps of the trailer, catching the driver's door with a quick hand before it can slam closed. He waits for Steve to start the car before getting to work. "What're you-" Steve begins, falling silent as Eddie leans over him and switches the heating on. "You," he mutters, pulling back, tapping a finger on Steve's forehead. "You keep that on until you get home, you hear me, big boy?" Steve looks bewildered, but nods anyway.
Eddie starts bringing an extra jacket or sweater with him everywhere, after that, and it comes in handy more times than he'd like. He wishes it wasn't the only way to get Steve into his clothes. He buys Steve a hot water bottle with a cover that's the same yellow as that sweater that he loves so much. Eddie gets into the habit of calling Steve each night, and before he hangs up, he tells Steve to fill it up. Tells Steve to use it. He checks Steve's bed one day, pulls back the duvet a bit, and can't help but beam when he sees the hot water bottle tucked there. When he presses a hand to it, it's still warm.
One day, nearing Christmas, now, Eddie slides into the passenger seat of Steve's car, and the heater is already on, car toasty and warm. His cheeks dimple when he sees that Steve is already wearing Eddie's own black knit sweater; His smile only widens further as Steve comments, "Fucking freezing today, man. When did it get so cold?" Eddie just chokes out a laugh and throws the spare jacket he'd brought with him onto the back seat. He has to turn his head to look out the window so Steve can't see the proud tears in his eyes.
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 4 months
The Danger Zone (Part 20) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 3.8k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY.
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Medical Inaccuracies; Crying; Angst; Family Drama; Deployments; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You go into labor.
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“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Penny cooed, grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze. Wiping your tears, she gently touched your shoulder so that you would look at her. “It’s going to be okay. I know it’s scary, but your daughter is coming, and you'll finally get to meet her.”
“But she’s early. She’s not supposed to come yet. She’s still got at least another week,” you whimpered, clutching your bump protectively as more tears streamed down your cheeks. “And Jake’s not here yet.”
“I know, he's not," Penny replied softly, trying to calm you.
"And I can't do it without him!"
"Honey, we need to go to the hospital right now." Penny was still soft with her voice, but there was an edge of force there too. "Your water broke. So, we have to go. Okay?" And though you were still crying, you didn't fight Penny as she led you back to your bedroom. "Come on, let's get you into some clean clothes and then we'll go."
Penny gave Maverick a look before closing the door behind her. He moved to grab a mop and clean up the fluid. Hastily pulling out his phone, Maverick pressed on Bradley's name before balancing his phone between his ear and shoulder.
“Hey, Mav, what’s up?” Rooster asked, picking up on the third ring.
“Has Jake landed at base yet?”
“No, I think he’s still a few hours out. Why?”
“Her water just broke.”
“Are you shitting me?” Rooster questioned quietly. 
“No, I’m not. And she’s already upset and crying. Penny’s getting her ready for the hospital."
"Has she mentioned him?"
"She said that she can't do it without him."
"Jesus Christ."
"Check with Cyclone about Jake.”
“I’ll go now and call you back.”
“Alright, I’m going to be driving them to the hospital.” Maverick glanced at your bedroom before turning back to his conversation with Rooster. “Penny's taking care of her."
"I'll try my best to get him there as soon as possible."
Maverick hung up the call and turned to see Penny leading you out of your bedroom. He jogged over and grabbed the hospital bag before standing on your other side. You were still silently crying but didn’t fight them as they pulled you out to the car. 
“I’ll move the car seat to the back for now," Maverick stated, pulling it out and putting it in the trunk.
Penny got you situated in the backseat before climbing into the back on the other side. Maverick closed the trunk and ran around to start the car. You leaned back in your seat and closed your eyes as tears streamed down your cheeks. Penny rubbed your back as Maverick pulled out of the driveway and headed for the hospital.
"You're going to be okay," Penny assured you, giving your hand a squeeze. "Just focus on your breathing."
“Traffic is horrible,” Maverick cursed, taking a right down a side road. 
“They’re doing all of that construction,” Penny sighed, turning to you as you let out a whimper. Timing your contraction, Penny held your hand. “We’ll get you there soon.”
"Why couldn't she wait?" you whimpered, staring down at your bump. "Why does she have to come now? When he's not here."
"Babies come when they're ready, not when it's convenient," Penny replied softly, rubbing your arm.
Maverick glanced back in the mirror at you and his heart broke at how defeated you looked. All he could do was hope that the baby wasn’t in a rush and that Jake would land soon. 
“I need Jake,” you cried, causing Penny to hug you tighter into her side. "I need him. I can't do it, Penny."
“You can do it, Honey. It's going to be alright. Jake will be home soon, and he'll be right at your side as soon as he can."
“It’s not fair,” you sobbed, causing Maverick’s jaw to lock into place. “It’s not fair.”
Rooster strode through the halls of NAS North Island with a determined look. He shared a short conversation with Cyclone’s secretary before hurriedly knocking on the door. Cyclone called for him to enter and Rooster stepped inside. Giving Cyclone a half-assed greeting, Rooster didn’t pause until he was standing in front of Cyclone’s desk. 
“What’s wrong, Rooster?”
“How far away is Hangman?”
“About two hours as a guess. Why?” Cyclone asked, leaning forward.
“My sister’s water broke. She’s on her way to the hospital right now,” Rooster explained quietly, tension radiating off of him. “And I’m trying to figure out if her husband’s going to be there for her or not.”
Cyclone nodded and turned to his computer. Typing in some quick commands, he turned back to Rooster. 
“His ETA is a little less than three hours.”
“Three hours?” Rooster repeated dejectedly. It was clearly not the answer that he was hoping for. 
“Is she progressing quickly?”
“I don’t know. I’m still waiting for Maverick to call me.”
“Unfortunately, there’s nothing else we can do to get him here earlier. But you have clearance to be there waiting for him. I’ll have him dismissed immediately, given the circumstances.”
“Thank you, sir.”
You were led to a wheelchair and slowly sat down. Maverick quickly pushed you into the hospital. Penny ran alongside the two of you and held the door open. You were immediately admitted, and Maverick and Penny waited out in the hall while you were assessed.
“Rooster says that Jake is three hours out,” Maverick sighed, causing Penny to nod slowly. “Cyclone’s dismissing him as soon as he arrives. Rooster is going to bring him here. I just hope that the traffic isn’t too bad, and this kid isn't in a rush.”
"I'm worried about her, Pete," Penny stated quietly, resting her hand on her chest. "She hasn't been herself for weeks."
"I know," Maverick sighed, rubbing his face. "I don't know what to do. If we tell her that he's coming, she might get better, but if she has to deliver the baby sooner, she's going to fight it. And if we don't tell her, and Jake gets here after the baby's born, I'll feel like I betrayed her."
"Let's not jump to decisions right now," Penny replied, causing Maverick to nod. "Let's just wait and talk to the doctor and see how she's doing."
When the doctor stepped out of the room, Penny and Maverick quickly turned to her. She walked over and greeted them before getting straight to business.
"She's about five centimeters dilated now. Her blood pressure is a little high, but we're monitoring it. The baby is healthy. After talking with her, it sounds like she was in early labor since yesterday evening." Penny and Maverick shared a look before turning back to the doctor. "I'm assuming that she didn't tell you?"
"No, she didn't," Maverick stated, resting his hands on his hips.
"Has she expressed any fear of labor to you or anyone else?"
"Not exactly."
"Her husband is deployed," Penny explained quietly. "She hasn't really been herself since he left and we're worried that she's going to try and fight labor because he's not here."
"I see," the doctor replied, nodding slowly.
"He's coming home today, but we didn't tell her before her water broke. We're worried about telling her now."
"How far away is he?"
"A little more than two hours probably," Maverick stated, causing the doctor to pause for a moment.
"How fast is she progressing?"
"She'll deliver in a few hours, if she keeps going as she is now."
"A few hours?"
"Somewhere between three to five, I would guess."
"Shit," Maverick sighed, rubbing his face again.
"Can I check on her?" Penny asked, causing the doctor to nod and walk off. Turning to Maverick, she squeezed his shoulder, knowing that he was going to run off and try and get Jake here sooner. "Get him here, Pete."
"Just keep her as calm as you can. And if the baby has to come, the baby has to come."
They shared a quick kiss before heading to their separate missions. You were laying on your hospital bed on your side, clutching something to your chest. There were several monitors hooked up to you and Penny walked around the bed.
"How're you doing?" Penny asked softly, brushing her hand down your back.
She paused when she looked down and saw that you were clutching one of Jake's shirts. Your nose was buried in the fabric, and you were clearly trying to soothe yourself with it.
"She's coming," you replied quietly.
"She is," Penny agreed, nodding slowly. "It'll be alright."
You didn't respond and simply closed your eyes and held Jake's shirt to your chest as you tried to regulate your breathing.
Jake stared out at the wide blue sky in front of him. Trying to not get antsy and pull a Hangman, as Rooster would have said, Jake took a breath. Glancing at the photo of the two of you as you held up a picture of your ultrasound, Jake nodded to himself before turning forward once again. 
“I’m coming home, Honey. Just a little longer.”
You stared at the ceiling as the nurse walked off. It seemed that your daughter would be arriving in a few short hours. Resting your hands on your bump, you simply sat there, staring blankly ahead. 
“We haven’t even picked a name yet,” you told Penny softly. “We couldn’t decide on one.”
“What about a middle name?”
“Caroline. For my mom.”
"Of course," Penny stated, watching your expression worriedly. "But don't worry about her name right now. It's a big decision. And there's nothing wrong with thinking carefully about it."
“How did you decide on Amelia?” 
“Amelia Earhart,” Penny stated, causing you to raise an eyebrow. 
“I thought your ex was a sailor?”
“He is, yeah.”
The two of you shared a small smile and laugh. But as the humor faded and you were left with the realization that Jake wouldn't be there to name your daughter with you, you worked yourself up all over again.
“I don’t want to have to name her without him,” you whispered, your voice breaking again. 
Penny got up and pulled you in for a hug, whispering soft words as you let more tears fall. You took in a shaky breath and curled against her chest, already emotionally drained. 
“He should be here. He should get to be here. He wanted to be here.”
Penny rocked you gently and stared out the window, hoping that she would see the Bronco driving down the road towards the hospital. Giving you another squeeze, she held you by your shoulders and offered you a reassuring motherly smile. 
“He loves you. And he loves your baby. And I know that he’s going to come home to you as soon as he can.”
Rooster paced anxiously as Hondo stood behind him, keeping an ear to the radios. Jake’s plane was due soon and Rooster wasn’t able to sit still with the knowledge that your labor was progressing quickly. Holding his hand to his chin, Rooster kept his gaze to the ground and his feet constantly moving to occupy himself. 
“They’re starting the landing sequences now,” Hondo told Rooster. 
He turned and stared at the approaching planes. Holding himself back until he knew that it was safe to approach, Rooster strode forward with the ground crew. And then he started running when he spotted Hangman climbing out of his plane. 
“Hangman!” he yelled, causing Jake to pick his head up sharply. “Let’s go!”
Jake jumped down the ladder, hearing the urgency in Bradley’s voice, and hurried over.
“What’s wrong?” Jake yelled, reaching Bradley quickly.
“Her water broke. She’s in labor,” Rooster told him as they both ran, causing Jake to freeze for a second. 
“She’s not due for another week and half!”
“Take it up with your daughter! And get your ass in gear!”
“Fuck, it hurts,” you sobbed, rocking your hips as you buried your face in your arms. 
You were bent over the hospital bed as your contractions grew more intense. You felt like you could barely stand when your contractions hit now, which only meant that your daughter was even closer to being born. Letting out another whine of pain, your grip tightened on the bed.
“Breathe. You’re doing so well,” Penny coached you, helping you rock your hips. “You're doing amazing."
Penny helped you straighten up as the contraction ended. You took a moment to steady yourself and let the pain subside. Penny pulled out her phone when she felt it buzz and saw Maverick’s text. She read through it quickly before moving to help you again.
She didn’t speak, knowing that you were trying to focus. But Jake was coming. He was on his way. He was coming to be here for the birth of your daughter. 
“This is your definition of a short cut!?” Jake complained loudly.
With the heavy traffic built up in front of them, Jake held his hands to his face and let out a groan of frustration. With the highway a disaster due to construction, they decided to take back roads. But so did everyone else. They had been stuck at this same light for two full rotations and Jake felt like he was going to scream. Actually, he was already screaming.
“I told you that you should have taken a left!”
“It was impossible!” Bradley snapped back, focused forward. 
“Then let me drive!”
“So that you can get us into an accident!? No!”
Jake tugged at his hair, trying to keep calm. But he was rapidly failing. You were only a few miles away, in labor with your daughter, and he came all of this way, and he was still going to miss it. Because of stupid traffic. 
“Move!” Jake and Bradley yelled as soon as the light turned green. 
Closing your eyes, you breathed in and out as you listened to soothing music, trying to prepare yourself for the next part. 
“Everything looks good,” your nurse told Penny, who smiled and nodded in thanks. 
Penny walked around to the side of the bed that you were facing, and her expression softened when she saw that you were cuddling one of Jake’s shirts again, trying to soothe yourself with the lingering scent. Looking out the window, she sighed. 
“Get here quickly, Seresin.”
“Should I just run at this point!?” Jake yelled, sitting up in his seat. 
“It’s five miles!”
“I’ve run further!”
“This is still faster,” Bradley countered, causing Jake to huff and hold his head in his hands. 
“I can’t just sit here like a useless asshole while she has our baby!”
“I’m not asking you to just sit there! Just calm down!"
“Would you be calm if our positions were reversed!?”
“On the outside, yes.”
“It’s not bullshit!”
While Jake and Bradley continued to bicker, a Kawasaki pulled up alongside them. Maverick looked into the Bronco and frowned when he saw Bradley and Jake arguing, completely ignoring him. He revved the engine, but it didn’t seem to get their attention. 
“We should have just stayed on the highway!” Jake argued loudly. 
“I’m trying the best that I can! Why don’t you try navigating for once!?” Bradley yelled back. 
Getting off of his bike, Maverick stalked forward and banged his fist on the glass, causing Jake and Bradley to finally turn to him. Bradley lowered the window down as Maverick shot them both a look. 
“Are you two finished?”
Jake hopped out of the Bronco got onto the back of the Kawasaki without another word. Maverick sped down the street, weaving in and out of traffic, and heading straight for the hospital. 
Penny squeezed your hand when she noticed how terrified you were. Your daughter was coming into the world shortly whether you were ready for her or not. 
“I can't do this,” you whispered shakily. “She can’t be coming now. I’m not ready. I can’t do it.”
“Of course, you can do it.”
“No, I can’t! I can’t do it!” you sobbed, looking absolutely stricken with fear. “I want to go home, Penny! I can’t do this!”
“Yes, you can,” Penny replied more firmly. “Hey, you’ve been preparing for this moment your whole pregnancy. You took the class, read the books, and you made a plan. You’re ready to do this. You can do this. You’re stronger than you think.”
“She can come another day.”
“No, she can’t. She’s coming today. And I know that’s scary. Believe me, I was terrified when I was in your position. But then Amelia was born, and all of that fear and pain disappeared. Because I had my beautiful daughter in my arms. And you’ll get that moment too. And I’ll be here with you for it, okay?”
“She better not have his big fat head," you cried out.
Jake jumped off the Kawasaki and ran into the hospital. Maverick had informed the front desk people about the situation, and they quickly got him checked into the ward.
Rushing down the hall, Jake weaved in between nurses, patients, and family members, searching for your room number. Penny stepped out of your room and waved for him.
Jake hurried the rest of the way down the hall. You sat up on your head, confused at why Penny rushed to the door. But when your husband appeared out of seemingly nowhere, still in his flight suit, you couldn't help but burst into tears.
He rushed to your side and pulled you in for a hug. You latched onto your husband, sobbing tears of relief and joy as he pressed a series of kisses to your head. Turning his head, Jake gave you a soft and loving kiss before pulling back and resting his head against your own.
"You're here," you breathed out, cupping his cheeks with your hands. Like you weren't convinced that he was real.
"I'm here," he assured you. "I thought that I would surprise you. But it looks like Baby Girl surprised us first."
"She is your daughter, after all."
Penny smiled at the interaction and looked down the hall to see Maverick walking over with a bag for Jake. He stood beside Penny as you and Jake talked softly, sharing a kiss every few seconds.
"I think I'll just leave this on the chair," Maverick joked, causing Penny to smack him lightly on the chest.
"He made it?" the nurse asked, looking into your room.
"He made it."
Jake reluctantly left your side for a moment to change out of his flight suit and take a quick shower to get the smell of jet fuel and sweat off of him before returning to your side. Maverick and Penny said their goodbyes before you and Jake were left alone.
Your contractions were growing more intense and closer together and not even fifteen minutes after Jake arrived, your nurse assessed you one last time.
"I'm going to get the doctor. You're fully dilated."
Jake squeezed your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it as the nurse hurried off. More people started to walk into the room to get you prepped for delivery, but your eyes never left Jake. He leaned over a pressed a kiss to your forehead.  
"She's coming," you breathed out, holding tightly to your husband.
"She is," Jake agreed, trying to keep his voice level. "And I'm here for you through the whole thing, alright? You let me know what you need me to do and I'll be there."
"I know, Jake," you replied, smiling nervously. "I love you."
"I love you too," Jake stated, pressing a kiss to your wedding band. "Let's meet our daughter."
In the waiting area, your family sat around anxiously for news about you and the baby. They were all lounging around, guessing about your status, when the nursery tune played overhead. 
“You think that was them?” Maverick asked Penny.
“It could be. We'll have to wait a little longer to find out.”
"She's here!"
You let out a choked sob, leaning back against the hospital bed as the doctor lifted your daughter up so that you could see her. Jake stood, frozen, as the doctor placed your daughter down on your chest for some skin to skin.
Cuddling your daughter, who was still screaming at the top of her lungs, you laughed incredulously, tears blurring your vision. You held her little head to your cheek, turning to Jake with the most lovestruck expression he had ever seen.
Jake, breaking out of his frozen state, slowly straightened up and pressed a kiss to your lips. You smiled up at him before turning back to your daughter.
“She’s here,” you croaked out, laughing incredulously. “Holy shit, she’s actually here.”
“You did amazing,” Jake praised you, staring down at your daughter with a sense of awe. “She’s . . . she’s so beautiful.” Pressing another shaky kiss to your head, he added, "She’s perfect.”
The next few minutes was a bit of a haze, but soon enough, you were cuddling your daughter to your chest again. Resting your hand on her back and keeping her secure, you smiled to yourself and took in the moment. You looked up at Jake, and smiled, almost feeling like you were on cloud nine.
"Do you want to hold her?" you asked softly.
"Of course, I want to hold her. But did you want more time with her?"
"Just hold your daughter, Jake."
Jake sat down in a chair and a nurse brought your daughter over to him. He took off his shirt and accepted your daughter into his arms. The nurse gave him some quick instructions before stepping back to give the two of them their first moment together. You smiled as you watched them from your bed.
"Hi, sweetheart," he breathed out softly, not wanting to startle her. Gently running his finger through her short hair, Jake sniffled as he felt her move against him. "I can't believe you're finally here." Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he held his head there for a moment. "I love you so much, sweetheart. And I promise you that I'll tell you that every day that I have."
Your daughter stuck her tongue out at him, causing Jake to smile to himself, before turning back to you. 
“I guess it’s not just the two of us anymore,” he stated softly.
“No,” you agreed, looking down at your daughter. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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rogueddie · 9 months
Eddie slams his pile of books down on the counter, grinning at how hard Steve startles.
"Jesus, fuck," Steve holds a hand to his chest, glaring. "Man, come on, I'm too young to die of a heart attack."
"Are you sure about that?" Eddie reaches over, to tug at his hair- Steve bats his hand away before he can get near. "What are you now, seventy?"
"I'll have you know that the silver only adds to my charm."
"Sure, keep telling yourself that." He pats the pile of books. "I need to check all of these out."
"You know the limit."
"Please? Pretty please? I'll never insult you for going grey early ever again! Promise!"
"You've made that promise before," Steve grumbles, but starts to check the books out anyway. "What's all of this for anyway? New campaign or something?"
"Nah. Robin mentioned something about the cold war and nuclear shit. Got me curious."
Steve pointedly looks at the books, snorting. "Curious."
"What, you've never wanted to learn some new thing or something?"
"Not this much."
"What about all those sports you played?"
"That was more to do with my parents than me actually wanting to do it."
Eddies eyes narrow because... yeah. Outside of his old King Steve days, Eddie doesn't think Steve has ever wanted something. Not even for his birthday, or Christmas.
All he asks is for them to come to his and Robins flat. All he seems to want is confirmation that they're ok and alive.
"You always say you want kids though, right?"
"I mean, kind of. Though, I'm starting to think the brats we babysat might be more than enough for me."
"Oh no..."
"You're planning something, aren't you?"
"No! No, no, no... but there has to be something, right?"
"That you really want."
"There's nothing I need."
"That's not what I'm asking."
"That's all the answer you're getting." Steve shoves the pile of books towards him. "Get lost, I'm supposed to be working."
"Ugh, fine, you're no fun."
But he can't stop thinking about it. He ends up returning the pile of books, despite the fact that he barely read one page. When he tries to use it to question Steve, he dodges the question again.
He very quickly gives up, deciding to pester Robin until she tells him. That takes three weeks of constant, daily efforts. And, in the end, the answer is obvious.
Steve just wants to spend more time with people he cares about.
It's not easy to gather anyone in the party, given that there's no holiday or significant occasion- he manages it, though. All the kids, now young adults, organize transportation. Nancy and Jonathan, over the phone, help Eddie and Robin plan out where everyone will sleep with their small apartments.
The effort, and pain of organizing it all, is worth it for the look on Steves face when he comes home to find them all waiting for him.
When Dustin almost knocks him over with how harm he hugs him, for a second, Eddie is worried that he's going to start crying. But he holds it together, greets them all with so much enthusiasm...
"I forgot that he used to be like this," Robin comments, late into the night. They're sat a little away from the group, watching them argue over their games. "The kids mean a lot to him."
"He means a lot to them."
"I know. I think he forgets though, so... thank you."
Steve doesn't corner him until they've got the kids asleep- half of them going with Nancy, Jonathan and Argyle to Eddies appartment, the rest of them fighting over the little space in Steve and Robins.
"You could've got me chocolate," Steve says, nudging him.
"This is what you really wanted though, isn't it? That was the whole point, big boy."
"Right. Sorry, it... I wanted to say thank you. I know this must have taken a lot to organize and-"
"Steve. You don't need to thank me. Besides, I could never have done this on my own."
"Still... thank you." Steve is quiet for a moment, looking out to the busy city street. "What do you want?"
"No, what do you really want?"
"Yeah, this. Everyones together, having so much fun. We're gonna do a one-shot when you go to work tomorrow. And, uh... you're happy. I don't need anything more than that."
"Right," Steve clears his throat. He shuffles a little closer, so their sides are almost flush together, tentatively reaching out to hold Eddies hand. "You don't need anything else. What about what you want?"
"You know what I want."
"I want you to say it."
Steve leans over, bumping their shoulders together when he hesitates. He smiles, reassuring, and gives Eddies hand a squeeze.
"What do you want, Eddie?"
"You. I- I want you."
It's terrifying to admit, a horrifying leap... but the smile Steve gives him, so soft and happy, is more than worth it.
"As you wish."
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sexilene · 2 months
husband!rafe and your kids attempt to prepare you a mother's day surprise! 💐
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rafe sets down your daughter so she's sitting on the table after helping her put up some pastel ribbons, hearts and banners for decoration so he can walk over and check on the pancakes your son was in charge of.
"hey bud, those pancakes are lookin' a little...come on dude" he looms over the boy and put his hand on top of the little backwards baseball cap over your sons head. 
"it's supposed to be mickey mouse!"
"well it looks like a sad bear...think mom will think they're cute?" rafe makes a face and turns his head to see more of the "sad bears" already on a plate.
"what do i know!?" your son shrugs and drops a few more chocolate chips onto the cooking pancake.
"ehh s'alright we'll just cover'em in syrup, whipped cream or something" rafe reasons with himself when your son arm swings back after trying to flip like a chef, ironically the most decent looking pancake flies to the opposite wall and splat! its ruined. 
"aw man!" your son whines and rafe gasps dramatically. "careful!! jesus!!" he rushes over to clean the mess on the wall when your daughter screams and points to the oven. both rafe and your son's heads turn quickly to where she's pointing. "what? what's wrong baby?" rafe asks all panicked.
"dad! the oven!" your son backs away from the pancakes as the oven pours out black smoke, the french toast on fire. "what is that!?" your son furrows his eyebrows and runs to open a window. "its the french toast- or it was." rafe's face hardens in concentration, hoping the fire alarm wouldn't go off and wake you up, he grabs a towel to start to "put out the fire" or "cool it down" but that just makes the fire worse causing the alarm to ring. your daughters hands fly to cover her ears as she sits there watching, your son grabs the water in the glass jar on the table and hands it to rafe who splashes it on the flaming french toast. 
"what's going on!?" you walk into the kitchen in you nightgown, picking up your daughter and holding her on your hip. the alarm still ringing, you turn your head to see your son stood on a chair trying to get the smoke away from the alarm to get it to stop. "go back to bed mama! everything's fine!" rafe shouts over the ringing and closes the oven quickly, he takes your daughter into his arms so he can shoo you away. 
"kay guys, what do'we got?" rafe sighs after sorta cleaning up the mess and sits on the table with his kids. "we've still got the pancakes." your son points to the now broken plate with ruined pancakes due to the commotion earlier. 
"uh nah bud, we've gotta scrap that." 
"i have bubblegum grampa gave me for easter!" you daughter lights up as she offers. "no princess, you keep your bubblegum, we'll think of something else." rafe smile and smooths his hand over her messy baby hairs.
"well there's vanilla ice cream in the freezer and at least a few chip's ahoys in the pink jar." you son's eyebrows shoot up at the realization. "and strawberry wafers above the fridge." the boy points to where the wafers where supposed to be hidden. 
"right, that works..." rafe smiles and picks up your baby girl to place on his hip and give a bunch of kisses to. 
"oh my goodness! whats this!" you smile brightly sitting in your bed, pausing the movie you were watching as you see your little family come through the door, your daughter runs up to your side and hands you a card she made with glitter and lace. "thank you baby this is very sweet." you place the card against your heart momentarily, rafe walks up and places a silver tray on your lap with little scoops of ice cream, wafers and cookies. "happy mothers day mama" rafe smiles, quite proud of the little breakfast they managed to come up with last minute. 
"thank you baby" you continue to smile, reaching your hand out to place on rafe's cheek as he bends down to give you a kiss. "there's more ice cream if you want s'more after, happy mother's day!" your son says smiling showing all his teeth and handing you a bouquet of casablanca lilies and a few of his baseball cards that he considers presents, you giggle and reach over to embrace him as well.
"s'very nice of you guys, so many beautiful mother's day presents!" you tell your kids.
"its not over yet, i've got s'more gifts for you in the living room." rafe grins and hands you a spoon for the ice cream. "i love you do you know that?" he asks and you nod.
"i do, and i love you, all of you guys very much. what happened in the kitchen earlier? everything okay?" 
"i just wanna say again, i love you so very much." rafe smiles innocently ❤️
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i wanna marry himmm
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kadwrites · 10 months
different yet the same | T.S
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previous part | next part
or check out the series masterlist
summary ; nothing stays the same, but how can you explain that to the people you love?
warnings ; arranged marriage!trope, soft!tommy, reader has a voice kink? idk, typos probably, reader likes starting shit, REALLY slow burn.
a/n ; let me know what you think<3, also keep in mind that my first language is not english <3
you felt like you were overheating, his hand was barely even touching your lower back but you could definitely feel it. he led you back to the office, to grab his coat , where he finally stepped away from you.
"ya didn't 'ave to do that" you needed to cut the tension
"do what?" he was putting on his coat
"fire 'er."
he stopped in his place , looking back at you with a raised brow "you'd rather i keep 'er ?"
you really wouldn't "i mean...." you trail off, trying to find the right words
he steps closer, until he's right before you. a little too close maybe "what do ya mean?" his voice is soft and deep.
it really didn't help you , that his voice had that much of an affect on you. "would ya've fired 'er if she spoke this way to anyone else ?"
"like who?"
"i don't know, anyone else." you repeat your words
"but she didn't say that to anyone else" his gaze was so intense, it felt like you couldn't take your own eyes off his "she said it to you"
he then took a step past you before you spoke again "did ya do it because she offended me or was it because it might've hurt your reputation?"
he stops again and sighs when he closes his eyes , he turns "why are ya fightin' me on this?"
"i'm not!" you chuckle "i'm just wonderin'..."
"well stop wonderin' , we got shit to do. let's go" he motions with his hand and heads for the door, you huff and follow him.
but your questions don't stop there. once you're in the car , you're back at it and with more resilience.
"why 'aven't i met your family yet?" you're in the passenger seat, your arms crossed as he drives
"jesus fucking christ" he mumbles, a cigarette hanging from his mouth "what's gotten into ya today , eh?" he glances at you
"what? i'm just trying to make conversation" you try to sound as innocent as you can.
"ya've met polly, 'ave't ya?" he takes a drag of his cigarette, smoke blowing in the air "there ya go, she's family."
"polly doesn't count , i knew 'er as a child. before i knew ya."
"she's my aunt , how does she not count?" his brows furrow and he laughs
"ya've brothers, and a sister, and sisters in law." you're not giving up, "ya've met my family already , why don't ya want me to meet yours?"
"i barely did" he looks at you , then back at the road "they don't exactly like my company now , do they?"
"they're shy!"
he looks at you with a half smile, as if asking you if you're serious "really?"
"come on tommy, i'm serious. how am i going to marry into a family that i don't know?"
"you're not marrying my family are ya? you're marrying me"
"tommy" you click your tongue
"why do ya want to meet them so badly?"
"i just..... i've always wanted to be close to my husband's family when i'd get married."
he sighs , looking back at the road "it'll take time for them to warm up to ya and they're hardly as polite as your lovely family is" he mumbles with a sarcastic tone
"probably" you nod "but i do want to meet them"
"fine, don't say i 'aven't warned ya." he sighs again, "i'll see what i can do"
"mum says that thomas shelby proposed to ya" sarah and amy are in your room, they're celest's daughters.
"mhm" you're still in bed and they're beside you. your sister's children are rascals, just like their mom they, don't knock when they come in, they lay in your bed with you and wake you up whenever they're bored. you're eyes are still closed when you mumble, not that it would stop them from pestering you. you try to hang on to any crumb of sleep you can get.
"can we see the ring?" amy asks , you can hear the smile in her voice.
you raise your hand, wiggling your ring finger. at her.
you tried to keep this whole thing from them, to not let them know what really happened. they're smarter than you think though. after all , sarah is already 14 and amy is 13. they already have an idea, they just never wanted to bring it up.
"oh my god..." amy's voice is filled with excitement and a little bit of disbelief "is this a real diamond?"
"of course it fucking is." you grumble. you turn, so you're laying on your side but facing them now
"are ya happy?" sarah pulls the covers, getting under them next to you
"why wouldn't i be ?" you chuckle sleepily "i'm gonna be fucking rich" you wiggle your brows
they both chuckle with you, but they are still looking at you with a type of look, and you know what it meant.
"mum says that his house is far , that we wouldn't see ya as often." amy mumbles
"your mum is dramatic. of course ya will." you reassured them, but the thing is you didn't even know how life would be after your wedding. "ya're not getting rid of me that easy."
"are ya nervous?"
"a little bit yeah" you shrugs "but it's normal, your mum was nervous too ya know? she'd cry every time she saw me." you say with a snort "and look at 'er, she still comes over every other day."
"but that's different isn't it?" amy dares to ask
"what is different?" you ask softly
"everything is going to be different" she mutters and you can feel your heart crack at that "this wedding is different, you're marrying ... 'im, and moving away, and it'll be different." her voice cracks, and she looks away
"nothing is going to be different amy..." you get up, and scoot next to them "but even if things change i'll still be me, ya'll still 'ave me"
sarah leans her head on your shoulder "i'll miss ya"
you look at her then at amy, "aww , hey now" you hug her, laughing as you kiss her head "i'm not going anywhere," you speak into her hair
taglist ; @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator, @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz , @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 , @warrior-of-justice , @mgdixon , @babayaga67 , @goblinjnr , @justaproudslytherpuff , @budugu , @twlegit , @amberpanda99 , @aesthetic0cherryblossom , @capswife , @lets-turn-and-burn , @affabletimelady , @edencherries , @globetrotter28 , @eg-dr3amer3 , @sadroses98 , @aliceindrugland
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lizardsfromspace · 7 months
So I guess Film Twitter is apoplectic with rage over some people suggesting they have intermissions in long movies. Not over theaters adding one without the director's consent, but like, at the concept of them
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...by which I mean, getting mad at disabled people daring to have complaints. There's a lot of "HAHA are you so STUPID you can't go beforehand? You can't HOLD it for three hours?" and implying you don't deserve to experience art if you can't
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And, of course, because Film Twitter is a bunch of insular discourse-addled dipshits, they're tying this...to Marvel. Yes, people are only saying they have health conditions that make sitting still for a three hour movie is because...they're Marvel fans mad at Scorsese, or something?
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Why is this complaint new? Well, bc runtimes are ballooning to the levels of the old epic filmmaking days of the 50s-70s. And those movies...had intermissions. Multi-act plays have intermissions. Bollywood films have intermissions. Intermissions were literally just abandoned so studios could cram in more screenings, not out of an artistic ideal. But anyone saying "this would make it easy for me to access this film I want to see" needs to be viciously shouted down and called a moronic, lazy child hating on Scorsese bc of "discourse"
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I've seen that meme multiple times and Jesus, look at the bizarre disdain for your fellow human beings embedded in it. You dare still bodily exist during a Martin Scorsese movie? You have a disability I don't? Well, I have no problem just peeing beforehand and not buying popcorn or a soda (you should really just sit their quietly until it's done, when you can pull out your phone to log it on Letterboxd), so what's your problem?
Calling people who are into non-blockbuster films "film bros" is mostly untrue, but man, the hardcore Film Twitter types unambiguously check every box. They're certainly dismissive of anyone outside their little box; extremely insulting, in fact, of how anyone who disagrees with them even slightly must be a Marvel-addled hysterical artless moron. Because nothing says "artistic appreciation" like preemptively calling analysis of a movie's choices "discourse" ("Ugh, I can't believe the DISCOURSE about how a movie portraying a morbidly obese man portrays obese people" - what should they talk about, then, if the movie's subject is instantly off the table?) They think the idea that someone out there may have a disability that prevents them from sitting in one place for three and a half hours is a laughable thing made up by the internet; or when people pointed out that a movie only getting one or two screenings a city may be inaccessible to working people, and these bloggers and podcast hosts dunked on the idea that working class people may like art as a hilarious, made-up thing.
I don't know, maaaaaaybe classing the life experiences and complaints of anyone who isn't you as "discourse" and presuming it's made-up kvetching about nothing as a matter of course is bad, cruel nonsense, actually?
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unbidden-yidden · 7 months
Okay so in the same vein as this post, I want to reality check the people who keep asking (yes I've been this person too, don't @ me) why oh why are Jews the only group leftists are willing to categorically deny self-determination to, and the reason is that most of them are tits deep in Christian supercessionism and don't even know it and have absolutely no desire to change that.
The reason they deny self-determination to Jews is the same reason that they would deny any claim to self-determination of, say, Mormons. If the Mormon church tried to claim Utah because it's the epicenter and birthplace of Mormonism [Edit: apparently the birthplace of Mormonism is western New York and not Utah whoops, but the point stands] and therefore they may as well have an indigenous claim to it, people with brains would rightfully lose their shit.
"But it's a culture too, not just a religion!"
So? Have you met any Mormons and spent time with them? They have their own culture.
"Okay but Jews are an ancient people!"
Please look at the batshit Mormon theological view of the Twelve Tribes and their attitudes towards Native Americans.
"Okay but our history is real!" Yep! These people don't know the first thing about Judaism and Jewish history and don't care.
The reality is that most westerners are hellbent on ignoring Jewish history and ethnoreligious identity because literally all of western civilization is built on Christian supercessionism. Even the people who leave Christianity and hate it (and "all religions") with a violent passion still refuse to engage in learning about Jewish cultural and ethnic history because you cannot do it without engaging the history and texts that they blame as the roots of Christianity and therefore they discredit all of it out of hand.
Obviously they're super fucking wrong about this. You, my fellow yid, and I, both know that. But unraveling the supercessionism means understanding their culpability in Jewish suffering and how they benefit from institutionalized antisemitism.
They are extremely unlikely to do that.
Why? Because if they unlearn Judaism as "just a religion" &/or "Christianity without Jesus" and begin to understand it as an indigenous Levantine group, they then have to reckon with the reality of how much Christianity has stolen from Jews and how much of their hatred for Jews is baked into their western goyische psyche by intentional Christian misunderstandings of Judaism.
Am Yisrael cannot to them be a real people with deep tribal roots and a strong culture, because then they would have to separate Judaism from Christianity and question their assumptions about us and our history.
"But Judaism accepts converts!"
Okay, as someone who "converted," I'm going to say no, not really, actually. Conversion is a convenient shorthand, but it's not accurate. Converting to Judaism means a mutually consensual adoption into the Tribe, after thorough vetting, at least a year of study and perseverance but probably more, and the main, primary promise that you make is about choosing to share the collective fate of the Jewish people. Yes, this adoption and naturalization is through the medium of the spiritual/religious aspect of Jewish identity, but it's way more than that. To be a Jew is to know that I might get stabbed on my walk to shul for being visibly Jewish, and to accept that possibility because the idea of not living as a Jew is worse. Gerim have to be ride or die because a serious chunk of Jewish history is on the "die" side of that equation. You have to be just a little bit nuts voluntarily take on that risk (reminder that I say this as a ger who is happily Jewish) and it must come from a place of profound love for and identification with the Jewish people. And once you join the family, that's it. You don't get to ever stop being a member of the family, even if you become estranged from it.
It's a people, with a deep history and culture, and anyone who joins it takes on both. Obviously your genetic makeup and ancestry don't change, but everything else does.
Understanding that major difference in Judaism in a serious way means that they would have to let go of their world view that their religion and culture are separate, that Christianity intentionally divorced faith from culture in order to acquire as many converts as possible, and then begin to understand how Christianity has shaped their understanding of culture, tradition, what religion is, ethics, and values. And they would have to then make an effort to separate their understanding of Judaism and what they think they know about us from Christianity, however they do or don't relate to it.
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anothermansjeans · 22 days
How would youtuber reader react to Spencer getting seriously hurt at work? I'm talking hospital hurt
cw: mentions of hospitals, spencer gets shot :(, reader is SO worried
wc: 617
youtuber!reader masterlist
“Where is he?”
Your hair was a mess, you were in sweats with two different shoes on, and you're pretty sure you collected a traffic ticket or two. You didn't care though. Spencer was hurt.
You rushed towards Penelope, and any other time you would have minded your tone, but that was the last thing on your mind. “Where is he?” You were panicked– rightfully so.
“He’s still in surgery.”
“Do they know anything?” You didn't mean to raise your voice, especially to Penelope, but you couldn't help yourself.
“He was shot in the abdomen, I’m not sure where exactly, but they're working really hard to make sure everything is okay.”
You pulled at your hair as you fell into the closet seat near you. The team was lingering around, everyone wanting to comfort you, but knew better than to talk to someone in this state of distress.
It was a long wait. Five hours. Spencer would've been able to tell you the exact amount of time. When the doctor finally came out, they had a hopeful look. You didn't want to assume anything, you didn't want to be hurt. They told you he would make a full recovery and that he was lucky, very lucky. One inch to the left and it would've… you don't know, some medical term that scared the shit out of you that you can't seem to remember as you now sit next to his sleeping figure.
You've been there all night, refusing to leave his side. You fell asleep sitting in the crappy hospital chair pulled up by his bed, and it was around 6 a.m the next morning when he finally woke up, letting out a groan that caused you to jump up awake.
“Jesus Christ, Spence.” You got up immediately, and moved around the room to grab the cup of water a nurse left.
“Sorry,” his voice was hoarse, and he was still in the process of opening his eyes.
“Here, drink this.” You gently held the cup for him, allowing him to sip through the straw, “and don't apologize, you got shot, you're in pain. I just need you to heal.” Once he had enough water, you placed it down on the table beside him. “I need to call the nurse.”
“Don't go, please.”
You reached down and squeezed one of his hands, “I will be right back. They need to check your vitals, you know this, Spencer.”
And so you got the nurse, she checked his vitals, and got the doctor in to go over what happened with Spencer. He winced quite a bit at the words they were speaking, and when they finally left, you couldn't help the sob that erupted from your lips.
“Hey, what's wrong?” He turned his head towards you, eyebrows furrowed with worry.
You continued to cry, only able to speak in small intervals. “You–” another sob, “Spencer, you could've–”
You don't even have to finish your thought because Spencer already knew, “I know, I know.” He reached for your hand, and pulled you to sit back down beside him. You slumped over so that your forehead was lightly resting on his shoulder. “I’m right here. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.”
You were trying to catch your breath between the sniffles and hiccups, “I just can't imagine– imagine you not here. I love you so much, Spencer.”
He hummed and brought a hand to your head, brushing your hair back. He wanted to say it was a hazard of the job, but he knew better. So, the two of you sat there, listening to the beeping of the machines, feeling lucky enough to be in each other's company.
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl @charismatic-writer @navs-bhat @itsleilabxtch @strabarrybat
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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shiki-jin · 1 month
(part 0 here)
was listening to TruE on loop while writing the last part of this, it's genuinely such a good song ugwvdya
also can you spot the contradiction ;D it's plot relevant i promise
not proofread, dont bully me ill write a thesis on why youre a meanie
you had long deleted genshin, since you had other things to do. you had wanted to go back to the game for a while now, now that you were less busy, but there was just one little problem.
it was now taking up nearly triple the amount of space that it was when you uninstalled it. around 300 whole gigabytes.
jesus christ, what phone can even handle this???
your phone, apparently. because as you opened the game to see if maybe a miracle would happen and that if maybe they would just, like, remove half of the things in the game, it just… kinda loaded?
no installing new files, no checking for anything, no nothing…. just an immediate pan to the gates of celestia.
you decided to check if it was the right genshin since this was just way too weird, but countering your judgement, every link you found led you to the same game, leading you to believe it not to be a bootleg or an illegal version.
guess i’ll trust it then.
you clicked on the gates which opened smoothly, and your screen turned white. then, the symbols of the seven elements appeared in gray.
and then the game just… opened. no loading time, once again. no getting stuck on the geo symbol, nothing. nada. just a smooth entrance into what you had to assume to be teyvat — but your surroundings didn't really support that claim.
the grass was brown and just looked off, the sky was gray. a darker shade than, say, mond’s walls, but it was like one of those game crashes.
well, except you could still move around.
you moved your current character around (the traveller? since when were they the only one in your team?) and decided to open the map after not figuring out where you could possibly be.
hold on, this is springvale? since when?
eveything looked dead, like it had been rotting for a century. you tried to ignore it though, and teleported to the inside of mondstadt. surely this was just some glitch, right? one that would fix itself if you teleported?
maybe the world loaded incorrectly, maybe the fact that nothing took time to load meant that it couldn't load, maybe this or that, maybe…
maybe this really was how the game looked normally. you hadn't done any quests though, so you wondered if it could be restored.
you took a screenshot of the your surroundings — the stone, worn down and dirty. the houses which looked to be in a horrible state, and… the npcs, all sickly and pale, like they were starving.
you went to reddit (yes, reddit), and posted the screenshot, asking if it was normal.
you closed the game and decided to take a nap, too tired to really deal with this shit any further.
while you slumbered, people replied to your post.
╰┈➤ lol me too anon, me too
╰┈➤ isn't the game closed or wtv? how'd you get this wtf
╰┈➤ they're trolling
╰┈➤ o makes sense oops
╰┈➤ So we’re all still mourning huh
╰┈➤ jokes aside that's a super impressive edit ngl
you remained unaware of the truth, but you'd find out soon enough.
actually, you'd find out now, apparently…
what the fuck?? why is my bed so hard now?
you groaned and forced your eyes open, seeing a dark, nearly black sky.
the only light was a single star, lingering right above you.
“since when was i outside...?"
a voice spoke to you, answering your question.
“you always have been, have you not? but would you like to head inside, my lord?”
... huh? i recognize that voice...
p.s. place your bets on who it is, i’m thinking of one specific character but if there's a fan fav i'll make it them instead since i haven't written anything beyond this point (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
p.s.s. don't expect updates to this series too quickly, i wish i could write as quick as i think of ideas but sadly that's not the case orz
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withleeknow · 3 months
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note (1): inspired by this ask. i literally do not know what this is !! i just know that i'm in a bit of a writing slump and i just wanted to post smth, so this is just word vomit lol. yes, i am aware that it is god awful ok bye
note (2): implied dancer!minho but not necessarily idol!minho bc i rarely ever write with them as idols in mind
you're used to late nights at the dance studio.
you often stop by after work and wait for minho to wrap up a session so you could go home together. sometimes, if it's a tougher choreo that he needs more time to really nail down, you'd bring him dinner and observe as he takes the extra hours to really study the movements.
you're sat in your usual corner tonight, watching your boyfriend with mesmerized eyes.
you've been watching him dance for years and yet, you're still blown away every time you see him in his element.
it's a little mind-boggling, a little incomprehensible just how graceful minho is, how he moves like water, how he makes every move look so effortless and poised.
he pauses the music suddenly, stands in the middle of the room for a few seconds to catch his breath, then calls out to you.
"are you done?"
"no. just come here. wanna show you something."
you go to him out of curiosity. when you're within reach, he turns you to the face the giant mirror. "dance with me."
"what? nuh uh. nope. you know i physically cannot do the things you can."
"this one is easy!" he tries to reason. "it's slower. c'mon, just for a little bit."
of course you're hesitant, even though there's no one else around but the two of you. he's a miracle of movement and you basically have two left feet, zero sense of rhythm and sometimes trip over air.
he pouts a little, presses his lips against your cheek. "i'll show you how."
you bite the inside of your cheek. he takes you into his arms and kisses your face again.
"fifteen minutes tops, yeah?"
minho is cute about it though. he's always cute about it when he wants something.
"ugh, fine. but you can't laugh at me!"
the music starts from the beginning. you watch carefully by his side as he tries to slow down his movements to make it easier for you to follow but jesus it's hard.
"5... 6... 7... 8..."
you look like a cat on cocaine trying to walk like a human.
again, two left feet and absolutely no sense of rhythm at all.
he ends up laughing a little, when you fail to copy the way he skillfully maneuvers his legs and step on your own foot. you wobble for a few seconds trying not to fall on your ass.
"i told you not to laugh!"
"i’m sorry," he apologizes in between giggles. "you're cute. come here."
minho comes stand behind you then, taking your arms and moving them how they're supposed to move, kissing your cheek and the side of your neck whenever you slightly turn your head to follow your movements in the mirror. you blush every time.
it's easier than before, but that's probably just because he's literally operating your limbs like a puppeteer.
"look, you're nailing this."
you roll your eyes. "thanks."
the music dips, the melody flatlines. the song ends. he starts twirling you around a couple of times like you're ballroom dancing, which takes you by surprise a bit, makes you gasp when you finally land against his chest.
he's got his arms around you and a soft smile on his face, even as you look up at him with narrowed eyes, almost a squint.
"that was embarrassing."
"no, it wasn't. you're adorable."
"i was not. i looked like dori on catnip."
"and dori on catnip is adorable."
"that's not the point. when hyunjin misses the beat for half a second, you look like you could murder him on the spot but you call me adorable. check your double standards."
minho just laughs before he ducks down to kiss you sweetly, despite how you try to squirm away from him, complaining that you're starting to get hot even after just 15 minutes of moving around.
"of course i have double standards when it comes to you," he says after breaking the kiss, "you're literally the love of my life."
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz-skz @jazziwritesthings @poutypoutybin @bookyeom @jisuperboard @wyzminho @amarecerasus @channection @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @judeduartewannabe @chanshyunjin @firelordtsuki @astronomicallyyy @alm334 (italicized = can’t tag)
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newnitz · 2 months
I don't really see people talking about how cultural Christianity is applied to Jews.
In Christianity, Jews are the people who rejected and betrayed Jesus and are punished with statelessness and destitution, whose only redemption is accepting the Messiah and the Son of God. This is the basis of several antisemitic tropes, most prominently deception, religious supercessionism and the Wandering Jew.
In cultural Christianity, these tropes are considered tenants of Judaism rather than Christianity, as Judaism is considered Christianity without Jesus.
Christians see themselves as tortured saints, persecuted for spreading the truth of Jesus and God across the globe. Missionaries who go to non-Christian lands to try and get the people to convert by fearmongering with damnation to Hell see themselves as victims when they're rebuffed and asked to stop.
Cultural Christian non-Christians are usually atheists and adherents of folk religion revivalist movements who have suffered religious abuse, as many sects of Christianity normalize emotional abuse by instilling inherent guilt in the Original Sin and even physical abuse in "Spare the rod; spoil the child". These cultural Christians see the millennia of antisemitism and roll their eyes, to them we're just another sect of delusional religious people with a persecution complex.
To become a Christian all you need to do is accept the Father Son and Holy Spirit, to affirm your beliefs and confess your sins. To become a Jew you are either born a Jew, or you learn the Jewish culture and religion for months on end and must live half a year under the strictest restrictions of the Jewish lifestyle to show commitment. That is the difference between a universal religion and an ethnoreligion.
In a Culturally Christian world there is no room for ethnoreligions, and they do not exist. All religions are about your faith and which God(s) you believe in. So in a Cultural Christian's eyes, a country of Jews is a country that holds one faith supreme above all others and conditions rights with conversion, as that's how Christian countries have historically been.
Christianity's common ground with Jews comes from the Roman Empire appropriating the religion from the Cult of Jesus, and making it more appealing to the masses by introducing Greco-Roman and Germanic folk religion aspects into it. Xmas is Yule but with Jesus, Easter is a fertility holiday but with Jesus and so on. In the eyes of the Cultural Christian, Christianity and Judaism are two once-antagonistic sects of the same religion, no different than Catholics and Protestants.
Cultural Christianity erases and appropriates Judaism and is as inherently hateful of Jews as religious Christianity.
Now, when it comes to the elephant in the room: Islam.
Islam, like Christianity, is a universal religion. You must believe in Allah and accept the prophets, which include both Jesus and Muhammad. It is no more inherently violent than Christianity, though it's no less. In the Christian's eyes, Islam is the competitor, the enemy. The Muslims conquered Christian lands and converted them, and they've fought holy wars against one another throughout the Middle Ages.
To become a Muslim the Cultural Christian doesn't need to unlearn any of the core tenets of their culture. They can simply apply it to Islam.
Which is why many Cultural Christians, damaged by Christianity, are sympathetic to Islam. And since Muslims and Jews are no longer on good terms, they use this sympathy to give themselves a free pass to be antisemitic. Whether Muslims check their converts for bigotry, allow it or are powerless to stop them, that's another issue.
Jews are not diet Christians. We have less in common with you than you have with Muslims. Unlearn Christian cultural appropriation.
And no, I don't care that it's "offensive" to associate you with Christianity due to the religious abuse you endured. You still see the world through a Christian lens.
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luvyeni · 2 months
SEX FASHION AND GUITARS — chapter 9. five minutes until show time !
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𐙚 pairings. rockstar!jaemin x stylist!reader
synopsis. l/n y/n fashion major and photographer on the side who says what she wants, na jaemin music major and lead guitar player for underground band DREAM. After yn forgets her to change her account and says something that catches the eye of jaemin she tries to ignore him — expect thanks to chenle she now works for them.
word count. 1005 words
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"im here." you dragged the suitcases containing the outfits into the dressing , winter and sieun behind you holding all your extra tools. "yn they're naked." sieun said disgustingly , her face turned up. "because you have their clothes , and you're also late." chenle said. "i said get here early." he scolded.
"i know , i know , but i had a extra class i forgot about and then winter had a shift , im here now , plus its only 8:30 , the show doesn't start until 9:15." you said , pulling out all the freshly steamed outfits. "i steamed them during class." you smiled proudly. "hi guys." you finally acknowledged the half naked boys. "now let's get you boys dressed."
"okay , jeno you're good , jisoo and sieun will help you with hair and makeup." you said , he smiled. "thank you , it looks good yn , you're a beast." you laughed. "um thank you , i guess." you took a second break , waiting for the next member. "ynie." you cringed hearing the nickname. "im ready for my touch ups." haechan did a little pose. "im sure i already gave you one." you said, standing up. "im starting to think you just like when i'm touching you." you teased. "i do." he wiggled his eye brows. "can you both do that later , we're late and jaemin is missing." chenle rushed in.
"he always is , did you check a storage closet?" jisung said , handing out the microphones. "go a head , i'll make sure he get on stage in time." you said. "please hurry and find him , we have ten minutes." chenle said. "i will now go." you said , pushing them all out the door. "you all look good , i'll see you out there." you cheered. "don't worry."
it's not like you wanted to find the boy tucked away in a storage closet — doing god knows what , with god knows who , but you didn't want chenle and jisung to be anymore upset , so here you were , knocking and opening every closet in the small venue for the man. "jaemin." you shouted , his microphone in your hand. "where the hell are you?"
"you looking for me." you damn near jumped out of your pants. "jesus jaemin." you sighed. "where the hell were you." you said , looking at his disheveled look. "where does it look like princess?" he smirked. "disgusting." you muttered. "just come , chenle isn't gonna yell at me , cause you can't keep you dick in your pants." you tugged at his belt loop. "you jealous?" you scoffed. "why would i?"
"that's right, you do have haechan , right?" he said. "you seem obsessed with him." you bit back , he dryly laughed. "if you say so princess." you reached up , putting his mic on — he grabbed your wrist. "you two aren't exclusive right?" he was closer now , your noses almost touching. "that means i can do what I want to you." he whispered. "right?" you realized how secluded the place you were was.
he smirked realizing how flustered you were. "cat got your tongue princess." you pushed your hand in front of you preventing his chest from touching yours. "we still have 5 minutes left." his hands left your wrist , grabbing your belt loop. "i could still do some much in those five minutes."
you finally came to , realizing what you were here for. "yo-you have to go on stage." you said. "so will i see you after the show then? or are you leaving with him?" you were silent , he took that as your answer , smirking. "i guess next time." he said. "let's go before they think we're doing something." he finally stepped back , giving you room to finally breathe.
"fucking finally , i thought i would have to send a search party for both of you." chenle said. "where the hell were you?" you struggled to find words. "i was having trouble with my pants and she was helping , don't worry , im here now." jaemin said. "yeah two minutes late, the guys are already on stage , go." he pushed the boy. "and you." he turned to you. "winter and sieun are over there with jisung , let's go." you nodded , about to walk away , when he grabbed your hand stopping you. "yes?" he scoffed , smiling. "you think im stupid , something wrong with his belt."
"we didn't do anything , i promise." you said. "i didn't say you did , im just saying if you do , find a better lie , than his belt." he said. "and not 10 minutes before i show when i send you to look for him."
the show was amazing and the guys did well , the five of you clapping for them as they said their goodbyes , exiting the stage to the back where you guys greeted them. "you guys did great!"
"did you see me?" haechan came straight to you. "yes i did , you did good." you praised , his arms coming around your waist. "let's get out of here and go back to mines." he said. "jesus , you still have energy?" he sheepishly smiled. "jesus , just go , no one wants to see that." renjun said. "or at least go to a bathroom."
"let's go." you waved to everyone. "i'll leave the door unlocked." sieun said. "okay." you nodded. "bye everyone, good show." you took haechan by the hand, walking towards the front. "leaving?" jaemin stopped both of you. "yeah." you noticed the girl standing next to him. "have fun." he wrapped his arm around the girls shoulder. "jaemin let's go." she whined. "come hyuck." he nodded following behind you. "have fun." you looked at him , he smirked watching you walk away.
"what was that all about?" haechan said. "you and jaemin?" you turned to him. "nothing , why you jealous?" you teased , he scoffed. "no you're free to do who and whatever you want , just let me know if you do do some with him."
"why you gonna stop this with me?"
"i don't share , especially with jaemin , but i will say i will miss fucking you into the mattress."
"good thing i haven't done anything with him yet , you still can do that."
"oh trust me i am."
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TAGLIST (CLOSED). @nominsgirl @haechansbbg @axo-l0tl @darlingz99 @hollxe1 @lostinneocity @lovebuglissas @stars4yulia @syzavxy @kgyam4 @trashx678 @jarrofkookie @fae-renjun @thisisnotjancita@irinayobitch@cloudmrk @chenlesfeetpic@iheartjayke @foxy-kitsune @kriizztin @bugcattie
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pineappleciders · 1 year
helloooo!! was wondering if you could do headcanons on what it would be like to be friends with the goths from south park. :) if you could that would be awesome thanksss! 💗☺️
INCLUDES: pete thelman, michael, henrietta biggle, and firkle smith
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they probably just saw you as another asshole conformist at first and just ignored you
as you start to get closer and bond with all of them more it's a bit confusing,,, you dress like a normie and look like one so why are you hanging out with them???
henrietta tells you that you have to dress goth if you wanna hang around them. she doesn't want to be seen with a conformist 🙄🙄
you hang out at henrietta's and she gives u a goth makeover while listening to goth music. she's converting you
when you show up at the bus stop the next day looking like edgar allen poe they just kinda check u out for a moment before giving an approving nod
despite your makeover, you still haven't really gotten into the whole death & despair thing and pete reminds u all the time to stop being such a 'goody-two-shoes', as he calls it.
"can i get an orange juice?"
"no, asshole, you have to get black coffee! god, do you know anything about goth culture??"
i can see u being firkle's babysitter and he like. threatens you to not tell ANY of the goth kids about it unless u want to die. ez blackmail
lots of nights where u all just sit on a hill and look out over stark's pond and smoke... if u won't smoke firkle and pete call you a pussy
when you hang out with any of the popular kids they get like. borderline upset and sigh and flip their hair and shit
"ugh, you're still hanging out with those guys? y'know, goths don't hang around popular greasy jocks. goths stick to their own. you wouldn't know."
they r jealous u have other friends but they're taking that to the grave
always dragging you into shit, especially if you're preppy or a straight-A student.
"i can't skip class! i have no absences, i can't stop now!"
"jesus fucking christ.."
they r kinda mean sometimes but it's tough love!!! the only one i could see really admitting he cares for u as a friend is pete, and that would be when you two are alone. if you told anyone he'd never talk to u again
u like to annoy michael as he's walking around or to class. like just follow him chatting about literally anything or poke him and watch him over his shoulder and he's going NUTS. it's so fun though
you, henrietta, and firkle dye your hair together in your teen years, like your favorite colors . michael thinks it's stupid and pete calls it gay (but secretly wants to too)
they'll never say it but it honestly makes them all really happy if they turn on gothic music and you start bobbing your head or say you like it. you might catch one of them smiling at you while you rock out but it quickly disappears
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rogueddie · 4 months
Warmth and Safety T | 808 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is the heartbeat I can feel when I hug him
Steve knows he should be in his own hospital room. Not only so other people can visit too, but because of how his head spins as he struggles to walk down the corridor.
The white walls are too clinical, too metalic. They look nothing like the Russians underground lair, but mixed with the sharp stench of bleach and medicine? It's mixing into a cruel cocktail that has his instincts screaming for Robin.
He pushes forward, gritting his teeth and- trying- to ignore the memories trying to haunt him.
"Steve," Eddie greets, when he finally makes it through the door into his room, sounding exhausted. "What the hell, man?"
"I'm fine," Steve lies, hating how breathless he sounds. He sags into the chair next to Eddies bed, grimacing. "Just need a minute... catch my breath. There's, like, so many stairs."
Eddie is silent for a long moment, but Steve can feel his eyes boring into his head.
"Wh- you shouldn't be here, man!" Eddie says. He sounds too exhausted for the stern tone to have any effect. "The nurses have told you already. You need to heal. You can't do that if you're dragging yourself around to... I don't know, check on us?"
"I need to make sure you're ok."
"We're in a hospital. We're as ok as we can get."
"I get that, but..."
The clock chimes, the earth rumbling as the town reads apart, Dustin's screams...
"Yeah, I know," Eddie sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I understand, alright? But you need to cut this shit out."
"I can't."
"I need to know that you're alive. I need to know. It's not enough to hear that you're ok, I need to see it. I need to, Eds."
"Jesus Christ," he throws his head back, sighing heavy and dramatically.
But then he lifts his head, smirking a little as he opens an arm out towards him, beckoning him closer.
"Come here, big boy, let me give you a hug."
Steve rolls his eyes, but he does as he told, standing up so he was shuffle to the bed.
"You don't have to say it all creepy, man, you'll give me ideas."
"Promise?" Eddie wiggles his eyebrows. But his playfulness quickly morphs into exasperation again when he huffs out, "just sit down, Steve, come on, come here."
It takes a lot of gesturing and, eventually, slight man handling, but eventually Eddie gets Steve to lay down next to him. He tugs Steve's head down so his ear is resting on his chest and, with some hesitation, he curls an arm around Eddie's waist.
He can feel his heartbeat, thumping against his ear, matching the beeping of the monitor.
"There," Eddie mumbles, brushing his fingers down Steve's spine. "Better, right?"
"... yeah."
His heart is pounding, almost as much as Eddie's is. It's only a little reassuring that Eddie is just as nervous as him- he can only hope it's for the same reason.
"You need to take care of yourself too," Eddie continues. "Who's gonna run around after those brats of you don't heal right? Me? I'm a bad influence, Stevie, you know I'll make 'em worse."
"You'd do great, they love you."
"Noooo," he squeezes Steve a little tighter, whining as high as he can get his voice to go. "Please, I'm begging, I'll go insane if I have to deal with them alone!"
"Now you know how I feel."
"God, I wish I didn't," Eddie sighs, turning serious again so fast that Steve feels like he's getting whiplash. "This whole thing is fucked. Those kids are only, like, fifteen."
Steve hesitates for a moment, before whispering, "I was sixteen, when this all started. Back in 83.x
"Yeah, it's... I don't know. Like, I know it's horrible, but I like it when it's like this. Everyone in one place, knowing that there's doctors and shit nearby."
"That's not horrible. You know they're being cared for."
"Yeah, but it's worse this time. Like... I keep thinking that one day I'll wake up and we won't have made it. This will be some stupid dream and you and Max..."
"We're still here," Eddie brings a hand up to his head, brushing his hair back. "You can feel it, right? I'm right here. We're not going anywhere."
Steve nods, closing his eyes so he can focus on Eddie's heartbeat.
"You know I love seeing you, right? Just... at least get a wheelchair or something. Please?"
Something is his chest cracks at how Eddie's voice breaks, how pained and desperate he sounds.
"Ok. I can do a wheelchair."
"Good. You start taking care of yourself and we can do this everyday."
"Yeah," Eddie whispers, hand finally coming to a stop, cupping his cheek. "Yeah, I promise. Whenever and for however long you need. I'll be right here."
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willsimpforanyone · 2 months
nico x nb or female reader smut... please :(( i can't find any anywhere and i love your connor stuff i've read them like a 100 times :(((
i'm so glad u like my connor stuff! he's a lot more popular than i realised he was lmao
this is nico with a nonbinary reader, obviously both of them are adults because they have their own flat and i'm literally jealous
Nico's hair has grown longer, I think to myself. Black and very slightly curly, spreading out over the pillow and easily within reach.
Far, far too tempting.
Cautiously, I reach my hand over the pillow and slip my fingers through his strands. They're silky-soft, and I twist some of it round my finger, smiling softly.
I keep going, combing through more and more of his hair until I'm gently scraping my nails over his scalp and untangling knots as carefully as I can. I'm so absorbed in my task that I don't notice a pair of dark eyes sleepily blinking open, black eyelashes fluttering at the feeling of his hair being played with.
"What're you doing?"
I have a small heart attack, instinctively smacking Nico on the shoulder in surprise. "Jesus- Nico! What the fuck?"
He laughs quietly, rubbing his shoulder where I hit him. "I literally just woke up, what is your problem?"
"You scared me!" I hiss, low and slightly raspy. "I didn't know you were awake."
He laughs again, reaching out and pawing at my hips, pulling me closer under the bedsheets. Nose to nose now, he blinks at me sleepily. "You didn't answer my question," he murmurs. "What were you doing?"
Slightly shy, I flush pink and reach one hand up to move some hair out his eyes. "I may," I whisper. "Have been playing with your hair."
"You don't sound very certain," Nico smirks, thumb absently rubbing circles up and down my ribs. I roll my eyes but grin, continuing to stroke his hair.
"It was just so pretty," I mumble, half hiding my face in the pillow. "You're a pretty guy with pretty hair, sue me."
He laughs quietly, leaning over and kissing my quickly. "I'm pretty, huh?"
"Oh, shut up." I hide my face in his neck this time, playfully tugging at the hair at the base of his head in retaliation. I freeze as I feel his breath hitch, and a wicked smile spreads over my lips.
I repeat the action, a little harder this time, and from Nico's throat crawls a moan that he clearly tried to stifle.
"Oh, that's interesting..." Three times the charm, just to check...
Pulling my head back from the crook of his neck, I look into his eyes, tugging his hair again and seeing his pale skin flare pink as he bites his lip, eyes darting anywhere but mine. Gently, I ease one of my legs between his, my hands running down his body to bring his hips closer to mine.
"Baby?" I whisper, smile playing at my lips. "Is this what you want?"
He flushes brighter, grumbling out his words. "...well I didn't know it was until about four seconds ago."
God, his voice is still sleepy and low, defenses down in this bubble of morning light and sheets and skin.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes." I dip my head back into his neck, this time deliberately to press my lips along his skin. One hand sneaks back up into his hair, tangling my fingers into his long black locks.
I lightly suck at the point just below his ear, pulling gently at his hair, and Nico jerks his hips forward, a soft gasp breathed into my ear.
"That's it," I hum against his neck, tongue darting out and over his earlobe. "Keep going, sweetheart."
With the little encouragement, Nico's hands curl around my hips, slowly starting to grind himself against my thigh. His movements are slightly unsure, but I can feel his heartbeat pounding under my lips and I smile.
My fingers thread through his hair, sending shivers down his spine. I can hear him panting slightly in my ear and I feel heat simmering deliciously under my skin. I murmur soft encouragements into his ear, rocking my hips against him and feeling his cock twitch to life in his pyjama pants.
Mouth watering, I suck the faintest marks into the side of his throat. I manipulate his head, using his hair to pull his head back so I can lave over more of his skin. He gasps loudly as his head is forced back, hips sputtering against me and fingers digging into the flesh at my waist.
"Good?" I ask softly, words breathed into his ear.
Nodding, Nico stammers out a 'y-y-es-' in the softest, sweetest voice I've ever heard from him. Evidently, sleepy Nico is okay with showing some vulnerability. It's painfully adorable and I coo softly in his ear.
"Use my thigh, baby, you look so pretty like this." I scrape my nails over his scalp, loving the low moan that spills from his lips.
His hips get steadily faster, rutting firmly against my leg as he pants, squeezing his eyes shut. My hand grips at his hair, pulling his head further back so my lips can trail under his chin and over the other side of his neck, whispering praise and endearments into his skin.
His breath hitches as I roll us slightly so I'm on top of him, kneeling with one leg still between his, pushing firmly against his cock as he keeps grinding against me.
He looks like a vision, pale cheeks blushing red, soft lips parted and brow slightly furrowed with his eyes firmly closed, so focused on the feeling of pleasure building up low in his stomach. I press my lips against his, capturing him in a firm kiss just because he looks so gorgeous.
"Look at you, so needy," I tease, ghosting the words over his lips. Nico whines, digging his nails into my waist in protest. I laugh lightly. "Okay, okay, not at all needy, this is a perfectly reasonable reaction to having your hair pulled."
He opens his eyes to scowl up at me, and for a split second I remember that this is the son of Hades I have underneath me.
"Got it, I'll shut up."
One hand still firmly in his hair, I use my other hand to hold his hips, helping him ride my thigh. I glance down to see a damp patch on Nico's pyjama pants, precum staining the fabric and I have to swallow down the sudden flood of saliva that fills my mouth. Later, definitely later.
His hips start rocking faster and harder, stomach muscles tensing and I curl my fingers in his hair, experimentally yanking harder than i have before.
"F-fuck-!" Nico swears loudly, head flying back with his back arching slightly, rutting his cock hard against my leg, the material of his pants providing delicious friction. "Mm- I'm gonna... gods above, yes..."
It takes a well-timed yank and a few more thrusts to my leg to have him coming in his pants, warmth and wetness spreading through the material and soaking my leg. He gasps, one hand slapping over his mouth to muffle his noises, the other wrapping around my arm and gripping tightly.
I let him keep using me, grinding against my leg until he's finished. I duck my head to litter soft, warm kisses over his face, smiling and incredibly pleased with myself.
"You okay, Neeks?" I murmur, brushing my lips over his nose.
It takes a moment for his muscles to stop spasming and his breathing to even out, but eventually Nico moves his hand away from his mouth to reveal a small smile.
"Uh huh," he sighs, blinking up at me in a post-orgasm haze. "'m good, very good."
Releasing his hair from my grip, I stroke over his cheek and kiss him sweetly. "Good. Might want to get changed."
Looking down, he groans at the rapidly cooling, cum-stained pyjamas he's now wearing. "Ugh, gross." He looks up at me, grinning sleepily. "You're getting me new pyjamas, by the way. Off you go, the closet is there. You turn me on, you get me off, you deal with the consequences."
I roll my eyes but grin in return, reluctantly leaving the warm bed for the closet. "You're so lucky I love you."
was this good? did i write a good smut? i haven't written in so long i don't know if this is good. anyway, thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoyed!
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