#jiara oneshot
spitefulwriters · 5 months
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JJ Maybank x Kiara Carrera (2.6K) all the times they could have kissed, but didn’t. (a series, maybe)
JJ slept like the dead, usually.
Normally half dressed, when he could be bothered, stripped down to jeans, sometimes less when it got too hot. Most of the time he didn’t make it under the sheets, bone tired from surfing, from fighting waves or fighting his father, passed out on the mattress at a weird angle to avoid that one broken spring.
Face down on a pillow, salt still in his hair, an old fan aimed at his naked back, a silly amount of lukewarm air blowing onto his sunburnt skin.
He’d sleep through the TV, the angry blare of it, the smash of an empty beer bottle, all too used to the sounds that became a fucked up kind of lullaby. Alarms didn’t budge him, not really, not anymore. He would have never made it to school if it weren’t for his dad’s foot against the door, an offbeat drum, angry and shattering.
So JJ had absolutely no idea how the tiny rocks against his window pane stirred him from sleep.
One hit, two hit, three; the sound almost like the beginning of a rain shower and then it stopped. JJ groaned, nose rubbing at the pillowcase, brow wrinkling.
Something told him to get up.
Fists found the mattress, another groan, a stifled yawn and then he was pushing himself off of the bed, sheets tangled around his knees and he tripped on one abandoned boot before he made it to the window. Eyes half closed, heavy with sleep, he cracked it open, looking out into the dark, the marshes still alive, buzzing under the moon. He couldn’t see anything, not at first, not when the sky bled into the water and the greenery became inky black, shadows on shadows with nothing in between.
Then, from the treeline, a girl appeared. Just ten feet away, too scared to get too close, wary of the glow from the television bleeding from the living room blinds, slants of blue light between broken slats. JJ thought he might’ve been dreaming.
Maybe he was.
Half dressed in pyjama shorts and an old sweatshirt that had some kind of fishing logo on the front. It was too dark to see, but the boy thought it might’ve been his, maybe once.
JJ blinked and dragged a hand through his hair, wincing when his fingers got caught in the ends, salt and sand falling onto his shoulders and he stared at the girl in her unlaced sneakers, no car, no bike, no nothing around her.
“What’re you doing?” He hissed, voice rough with sleep, cracking with anticipation. He could hear the western movie that was playing from the other room, but he couldn’t hear his dad snoring. Not yet. “What the fuck, Kie?”
Kiara edged forward, eyes wary, stare flickering from JJ’s face and back to the front door of the trailer. When nothing moved, when no one appeared, she walked through the grown grass and curled her fingers around the window edge. She was close enough now that JJ could see the heaviness on her face, the tired looking bruises under her lash line, the weight on her shoulders.
Kie’s chin jumped the sill and her fingers were so close to the boy’s, close enough that her pinky almost grazed his thumb and it wasn’t cold outside, not in the slightest, but the boy seemed to hold the sun under his skin and Kiara wanted to run to it.
“I couldn’t sleep,” she whispered, her voice too awake, too alert for two in the morning.
JJ waited, knowing there was more. He could see it in her face, the bitten skin at her bottom lip, the pulled out curl that fell into her eyes, the one that held more frizz than the rest.
“Parents are fighting again,” Kie continued, staring past JJ, into his room, gaze studying the posters and photos on his wall as if she could hide her feelings amongst them all. “It’s stupid. I just— I wanted to get out of the house.”
Maybe before - years ago, maybe only months ago - JJ would’ve teased her. Made some kind of comment, something less than sensitive, something crude about seeking him out in the middle of the night, something destructive about not choosing John B or Pope over him.
But now— now?
JJ pressed his lips together and nodded. His thumb shifted, just once, grazing the back of Kie’s hand before pulling away and searching his floor for a shirt. He yanked one on, buttoned up his jeans, grabbed a cap to cover his bed mussed hair, shoved bare feet into shoes and ushered her backwards without looking at his bedroom door or thinking about what lay behind it. Kie moved, watching as the boy slid open the window a little wider, throwing one leg out before the other and dropping almost silently to the ground, like he’d done it before.
Of course he had. He’d done it plenty of times.
Just not for her.
They didn’t speak as JJ straightened up, boots crunching in the grass. Eyes locked, the boy lifted a finger to his lips and offered Kiara his other hand. She took it like she always did, with no hesitation at all, and JJ led her across the marshes, through the buzz of the insects, away from the man in the living room. They walked until overgrown grass and reeds turned into a dirt path, forged by night time walks just like this.
Neither thought to take JJ’s bike, neither thought about a car, or the Twinkie. They just walked, heading out of the marshes until the fisherman shacks were left behind, until they couldn’t hear the drone of cicadas as loudly, until they were crossing the road that took them out of The Cut and under streetlights.
They walked until tarmac turned to sand and the empty beach lay before them and like it had already been agreed, they both stopped to toe off their shoes, digging the soles of their feet into the sand just to see if it had kept any of the afternoon heat. Kiara walked and JJ followed, not speaking, not yet, not until he knew the time was right.
He’d once been a stupid kid, a teenage boy without much common sense when it came to girls and feelings - and shit, maybe he still was - but JJ Maybank was a grade A student when it came to Kiara Carrera. So he watched and he waited, following the girl in the sand, his footprints covering up her much smaller ones as she led them to the shoreline, where the waves lapped at the beach and created the best kind of white noise. A rush of water, the most pretty kind of itch that scratched at his brain and he thought Kie felt the same, because when she stopped and he chanced a look at her profile, her eyes were closed, the corners of her mouths lifting every time the ocean caught her toes.
“It was too loud,” Kie finally said as a way of explanation. The water rushed, a shell hit a rock and silence fell over them again. “They’d been arguing all night, all through dinner. I couldn’t take it anymore.”
“Doesn’t sound fun,” JJ agreed. He kept his eyes on the water, searching the horizon like he was trying to find something to focus on other than the warmth of the girl standing beside him. “What’re they yellin’ ‘bout now?”
Kiara’s sneakers hit the sand with a wet smack. She sighed before sitting, knees tucked to her chest and JJ wondered once more if the sweater was his before it had become hers, maybe John B’s for a week or two, maybe Pope’s. He joined her, feet planted half in the sea and his arms on his knees, waiting for her reply, even if he knew what was coming.
“Everything,” Kiara stated flatly. She let out a huff of laughter, no humour to the sound. “Me, mostly.”
JJ smiled at her bluntness and touched the brim of his hat, for lack of something to do. He was itching to reach out, to brush away the grains of wet sand that stuck to her shins. “Doesn’t sound like anythin’ new.”
Kiara shrugged. “Not really, s’all a broken record now though. Sick of the same shit every day. All they do is act like I’m some sort of broken kid, like they have to fix me.”
JJ wanted to nod and say he understood, that he knew the feeling. He’d been treated like a problem his whole life, like he’d been born less than perfect, like he was the root cause of all his fathers shortcomings. But he didn’t know what it was like to have someone care enough to wanna try and solve it. To maybe try and put his broken pieces back together. So he just pressed his lips together and stared at the sand, waiting for the moment the ocean would brush back over his bare feet again, soaking at the hem of his jeans.
“Ever wanna do something stupid? Just ‘cause?”
JJ snorted at the question, chin turning up and eyes searching for Kiara’s. She was already looking at him, more start curls escaping her hair tie, a smile on her face that JJ thought could maybe fix some of his problems, at least.
“You realise who you’re talkin’ to, right?” He replied, grinning right back. The sun that was left of his cheeks stung when he did it, nose wrinkled and a little too red because he never listened when Kiara and Pope told him he needed more sunblock. “What kinda stupid are we talkin’ about?”
Kie shrugged, stretched out her legs and let the sand coat the back of them, wet, golden grains against dark bronzed skin and JJ wondered if she’d take them to bed with her, if she’d manage to wash them off and hide the evidence of their night from her parents before she got back home. The boy wondered if she cared.
“I don’t know,” kie let her head tilt to the side, pondering. She held up one hand and started counting on each finger. “We’ve already covered running away, robbery—”
JJ snorted. “Don’t forget grand theft auto.”
“—does grand larceny count?” Kie smiled.
The boy smirked. “Gold was always ours, Kie, don’t forget it.”
Silence fell over them again, smiles never fading. If they waited long enough, they’d see the stars turn to sunlight and the sky change to cotton candy pink, creeping over the edge of the ocean.
Kie didn’t want to wait that long.
She let her head fall back, her neck on its hinge, staring up above, lights winking down at her, telling her she should be asleep.
“Maybe we’ve been going too big.” She blew out a breath, let her eyes close. “Maybe we need to start from the beginning, throw a rager, get drunk. Like kids are supposed to. That kind of stupid.”
JJ hummed, nodding even though Kiara could see. Her hands were in the sand, fingertips buried in the grains. If he moved a little closer, their pinkies could touch.
“Sounds lame in comparison,” the boy teased lightly. “Where’s the fun if we don’t got no guns?”
Kie didn’t laugh but JJ watched her smile, head shaking, eyes opening so she could flick her gaze over to him, mirth dancing in them. She looked like she was unsure of what to say next, if she should say anything at all but then she sat up a little straighter, turning so her body was facing him.
“What about something stupid like—” Kiara picked at a broken shell, a barely there piece of pearl. “—like kissing someone you’re not supposed to.”
It was like the air had been sucked off of the island, like it had up and left, leaving them with only the sound of the sea. Whilst everyone else on Kildare slept, JJ felt like his heart had exploded. Surely the sonic boom could be heard across the beach, reaching Charleston and further, surely Kiara heard it too.
But the girl was just watching him, waiting, wary and quiet.
JJ felt like he’d swallowed his tongue, but still he moved, shifted in the sand until his knee knocked Kiara’s bare one and he felt the entire night swallow him whole. He didn’t know where to look, didn’t know how to act. ‘Causal’ wasn’t in JJ Maybank’s vocabulary. He stared at the shell in the girls hand, watched the pink and green oil slick shine glint in the moonlight.
“Like— like Gary at the restaurant? Or—?”
Kie wrinkled her nose at the mention of the older boy who worked for her parents. Twenty-something and harbouring a habit from cheap whisky and younger girls, he wasn’t Kiara’s favourite person.
“What?” Kie pulled a face. “Ew, no. No— like a friend.” She swallowed a little too harshly, her fingers suddenly clumsy and dropping her shell. “Someone who people would get mad about.”
A friend a friend a friend.
JJ felt his cheeks flush, a rosy warmth across his nose that he could only hope the darkness would hide. It felt like the middle of the day, a heatwave creeping in, a tropical storm with the name of a girl, making the air too hot, ready to sweep him up and rattle him from the inside out.
He licked his lips, tried to stay neutral, hoped his voice wouldn’t crack, prayed he didn’t act a fool. “Who’d get mad at you for something like that?”
When JJ finally looked up, waiting for the girl’s answer with a breath held in his chest, he realised Kiara was already looking at him. Her lashes lowered, gaze trained in his lips, watching the way his mouth parted ever so slightly when he sucked in a burning breath.
“Everyone,” Kie whispered.
The world would have fell into the ocean then, houses and cliffs crumbling, JJ wouldn’t have noticed. Not at all.
“Because it would be a mistake?” His voice cracked, too husky. He didn’t care, not one bit. “Or ‘cause you’d regret it…?”
Kie was still watching him, eyes flicking from his mouth as he spoke, to the slant of his cheek bones, the blue of his eyes. He felt so exposed under her gaze, laid bare, even in the middle of the night, sitting on the beach in the dark. JJ marvelled over the realisation that he didn’t really mind. He’d sit like this for days on end for Kiara, if it meant getting her attention in this way.
Kie shrugged, gave a sad sort of smile and found her broken shell again, tapping her nail against the side. “Not necessarily,” was all she said.
He could’ve kissed her then, JJ was almost sure of it. He could’ve leant in, tested the waters, watched to see if her eyes followed his mouth even when it moved to her own, if she’d let him put his hand on her knee, if she’d let him pull her in by the back of her neck like he was used to doing with the girls he met at parties.
But JJ didn’t have that kind of confidence, not then. Not with Kiara Carrera. He thought about what she’d said, about the people who’d be mad at her— at them. He wondered if Kie was even talking about him in the first place.
She couldn’t be. Of course not, right?
So JJ waited until the surf was dragged back out and Kie brushed the sand off her calves. He stood, tugged off his cap to drag a hand through his hair before shoving it back on, pulling the brim down to hide his eyes, the disappointment in them. Then, the boy held a hand out to the girl and he tried to keep his heart inside his chest when she took it.
Dragging Kie up from the sand, he smiled at her, just like he normally would. “Lemme walk you home,” was all he had to say.
-Bellamy (SW#1)
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hepaidattention · 4 months
“You know, Kie, I get the feelin’ you don't really like me too much.”
She scoffed, “What gave it away?”
JJ laughed at that, seeming completely unaffected. It ticked her off, she wanted to see him with a bruised ego, not an elevated one. “So what is it then?”
“What is what?” she asked annoyed as she sipped her drink.
“What did I do to make you hate me so much? Ya know, I can't fix it if I don't know what I did wrong.”
She rolled her eyes, “Maybe I just can't stand your personality.”
“I doubt that, I got a great personality,” he winked at her and it made her even angrier, feeling her hands bawl into fists out of reflex.
in a world where Kiara never became a pogue, stayed at the Kook academy, stayed friends with Sarah, and really, really hated that pogue, JJ Maybank (except she really didn't hate him at all).
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multifandumbmeg · 2 months
And I OOP-
Yes, yes, my long fics are both still on hiatus. Life has been busy and also fucking awful.
However...I'm obsessed with JJ Maybank and Kiara Carrera now so um. Here's a oneshot about the moment JJ realized he was in love with her oop!
I will be following this up soon with the moment Kiara realized she was in love with JJ as well. You know I love a missing scene oneshot.
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
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alphinias · 3 months
I was up to 13.000 words on a chapter of my Jiara fic and I thought “ok, it’s almost done I’ll keep the closure brief”
Nah but for real, all joke aside I know you’re probably thinking “gurl, why should I care?” but I wanted to ask your opinion which I dearly trust, do you think 15.000+ words are too much on a chapter? (Considering other chapters are all under/around 10.000) 🙈
REAL SO REAL. Nothing is ever shorter than I estimate. I go longer almost every time!
Everyone’s different, but personally, I don’t think it’s necessarily too much. However, unless it’s at a point that wouldn’t make sense to divide, I’d consider breaking it roughly in half. 7-8k is still a very healthy chapter length and it doesn’t take so much time for people to read that they’ll delay reading it as much. I love longer chapters personally but I have to preserve time to read them if that makes sense. I encountered a similar issue with my m&w chapter lengths and ended up changing the fic format to make the chapters a slightly shorter length (so I’m trying to keep them all under 12k) and I’m happy with my decision if that helps any more.
Really I’d go with whatever feels right though! Not a huge deal either way and everyone is going to have a different opinion on this. It took me a few days to answer this so sorry if you’ve already posted 😂 but readers will literally just be happy to get content always!
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lis4ux · 4 months
hey i read your snippet of Together and I love the way you've written john b and jj's friendship. Could I ask if there are any chapters in your fic where we see moments of their friendship and oh my god could you write like a oneshot of John B taking care of an emotionally distraught JJ i would love you for that oh my god please.
By the way my name's Zara and im 16 but i love OBX. Just telling you this in case i ask you something again. Good luck with writing your fics and don't feel pressured to write my stupid request.
Hello Zara!!! (Side note I went to high school with a Zara and she was awesome too🤩)
Thank you so much for talking to me 😆 I am so glad that you loved the snippet. There are a few moments in Together where John B is there for JJ, but they are more towards the beginning/middle. I do my best to add those scenes in when I can though, but I primarily focus on Jiara because they're my favorite ❤️
Definitely can see where to add more John B and JJ in the future🥰
That's a lovely one shot idea and I am always game for requests! Just give me time, I got a lot on my plate right now lol.
In the meantime, since you like John B and JJ bromance I suggest you check out @jjxkiaraxpopexcleoxjohnbxsarah works because she's a die hard for them too! We're also writing a story together called Home is You and the relationship between JJ and John B is talked about quite a bit if you're interested 🥰
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"We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say "Hello"
Little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said
"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince, and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while, oh, oh
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
But you were everything to me
I was begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince, and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh, oh-oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
"Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think"
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you, and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
Oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh, oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you"
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@jiaraisinthegoodplace @jiara-fiction @jiara4ever @jiaraslover @jiarasource @blueicequeen19 @thecameronchronicles @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection @obxjatp @obx-paradise-on-earth @obxsummer @outerbankspov @outerbankies @maybankiara @maybankslover @maybank-archives @jjskiaras @jjbabyouterbanks @jjtaylorsversion @jjandkiex
Sorry I tagged everyone I could think of lol
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bobsfic · 2 years
find my way back
a jiara oneshot
Summary: JJ and Kiara reunite after she's separated from the group. A oneshot based on the S3 sneak peek.
A/N: Whew! This is the quickest I've ever spewed any sort of fic out. It's safe to say that I am feeling inspired by that sneak peek!
Special thanks to @jojameswinter for betaing and to @cowboylikebrii for reading this over for me - appreciate you both with my whole heart.
Word Count: 3,224
She crashes into him with a force he’ll feel for the rest of his life, her body colliding with his. She’s warm and solid and whole and he’s never fucking letting her go, not ever. His arms close around her tightly, one around her lower back and the other reaching to cup to her shoulder. She throws her arms around his shoulders and buries her face in his neck. He can feel her shaking under his hands, and she’s talking, whispering something that he can’t quite make out, her breath hot against his skin. It doesn’t even fucking matter because all his brain can seem to comprehend is KiaraKiaraKiara.
Read now on ao3!
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notbadweird · 1 year
One of you guys pointed out that a majority of JJ’s shirts are from places he has worked and I have not mentally recovered from that heartbreak. I really would like a Christmas episode where JJ gets spoiled the way he deserves…actually I’m gonna write about it!
Also if y’all want any quick Jiara oneshots, my inbox is open!
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spitefulwriters · 5 months
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JJ Maybank x Kiara Carrera (1.4K) JJ and Kiara living their next life (or, snapshots after El Dorado, a series)
They hadn’t talked about anything that happened at Kitty Hawk. It wasn’t like him and Kiara to say the things anyway. But then again, it was.
Apologies through glassy eyes and shiny smiles. Hands sliding to faces and shoulders, whispered words of wanting. Words he was finally ready to hear, words he could finally say back. 
They hadn’t said it again though, not in the light of day. JJ thinks he could right now, gazing at sunset streaking through curls of bronze and gold. Kiara’s knees drawn up, palms dug in the sand as she leans back and stares at the ocean with a smile, despite the crashing tides they both know are ahead.
She edges closer like she heard it in the silence, sand dusting over their hands as she covers his with hers. She’s always beat for beat with him, often a beat ahead of him. Even when they were just gangly limbs and unruly hair racing on the playground, when they were the last two left to burn down a joint. When he’d hurled beer cans and insults and she said, I love you. 
She floats a grin his way, lays her head on his shoulder. And it’s something, he thinks. Something to tell him it was all real. That she’d pressed her lips to his, that he’d sighed into her hair. That those words were whispered in the woods.
But then, everything else was real too. It all happened – all of it – and nothing’s quite the same now. Tattered loose ends and darkened corners. Lurking ghosts and faceless fathers, bruised arms and locked cabins. No matter the glittering gold that followed them from El Dorado. 
It’s only been a couple weeks, deep wounds and open cuts. Some that festered, that had been there all along. And some torn open, brand new. Some in a good way. 
“You gettin’ in?”
JJ shrugs, rests his head on top of hers. “Only if you are.”
They might as well still be on the far edge of that playground, wordlessly finding a space in the sand as the rest of the Pogues bob up and down in white capped waves. It feels the same for a moment, John B’s wild laughter lifting through the breeze, Sarah’s shriek as she falls off his shoulders. Cleo with arms outstretched, challenging the massive wave rolling through, Pope right by her side with a grin. It’s hard to feel like they’ve lost when it feels like this too.  
They’d found stolen moments like these, legs pressed together on the plane back to the Banks, hands tangled under the table, lips brushing in the hallway. 
It isn’t as if the other Pogues don’t know something’s going on, probably had known for a while now. But JJ doesn’t mind it, having something just for them. He so rarely has anything for himself. 
“John B seems a little better. Sarah too,” Kiara says absently to the wind, like she’s seeing what he’s seeing. The light scattering across the water, even with the dark depths below.
Her eyes flit to the sand, watching the bubbly water edge at their feet. She stares at their reflection and he sees it. The one who’s not really any better. 
It cracks him open in places he thought he’d gone numb, parents deceiving, disappointing, disappearing. But this isn’t him now, this is Kiara. He can’t afford to fall apart – never could, did it anyway – and he slips his hand from hers only to pull her closer with an arm around her shoulders.  
“It’ll all work out.” He couldn’t believe it the last time he heard those words, abandoned and fatherless on a dock – no it’s not…but maybe in the next life. Well, the next life’s here now, and he has to believe it for them.
It’s how she looks at him that terrifies him. Like she believes him too. 
He kisses her, just ‘cause he can, ‘cause he’s spent half his life wanting to. Because he wants to get better at this whole in the daylight thing. Even if kissing it better isn’t the answer. Or maybe it’s exactly the answer they need. 
The Pogues are all but blurs in the distance, but someone focuses in on them anyhow, a wolf whistle echoing across the water. 
Kiara chuckles against his lips, whispers, “I think the jig is up.”
“Whaddya mean,” he murmurs between kisses. “They totally buy we’re friends.”
“Sure.” She laughs, rifling a hand through his hair. “Friends kiss sometimes.”
“Friends totally kiss,” he quips, “just ask JB or Pope.”
“Hey, now–” She shoves at his shoulder, but he catches her arm, drawing her to his chest with a laugh.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he breathes out, whispers in her hair as he tightens his arms around her, “C’mere. 
She sighs, saltwater hair tickling his cheek as she buries her face in his neck. “You’re not my friend, y’know.”
“Damn, Kie. Only known ya since grade school and all.” 
She pulls back to meet his eyes, a smile quirking on her lips. “I mean you are, of course. But you’re just…” Running a thumb over his cheekbone, she tucks a lock of blond behind his ear. “Y’know?
He hums. Nods. Thinks about how it’s been that way for a long time now, at least for him. “Yeah. You too.”
Kiara wasn’t really one to mess with ghosts. Spirits were meant to stay where they belonged. Invisible, hidden. 
Kiara. I need to know you’re okay.
It wasn’t the first message, and it wouldn’t be the last. No hiding from this one. Proof of life, it’s what her mom wants. Probably wants much more but knows better than to ask. 
Sunlight muddles through the kitchen at Sarah’s condo, the condo that they’d said was temporary. Haunted by those ghosts that should remain invisible, stay buried in South America instead of living in vaulted ceilings and subway tile. She knows she and JJ feel the same way, but she doesn’t know if that means they’ll be on their own. They haven’t gotten that far, and yet, she’s gone a lot further with him than anyone else. Thinks, maybe he has too with her, in a way. 
You too, he’d said. And it’s all she needs. JJ, when he’s all tangled bed head, dragging into the kitchen. When he’s gnawing the crust off his toast, crumbles speckling beneath him. When he swoops to the fridge to get a drink, presses his hand to the small of her back. Brushes his face against her hair, if just for a moment. 
It’s the way her back warms from his touch, the way her hair flutters from his sigh. How she wants to hold him and touch him and kiss him, how she knows this hollow feeling won’t be there forever. Proof of life.
She’s known this feeling before, this loneliness. And JJ was there, even when he wasn’t. Maybe it was the same thing that year at the Kook academy that it is now, just the thought of him that sparks her to life. 
It happens sometimes, maybe because she’s seen him unconscious more times than she’d like. An uncontrollable urge to watch him breathe or hold a palm to the thrumming in his chest. Feel his warmth and his life. Sometimes in odd hours of the night, sometimes in the middle of breakfast. She thought she’d made it so she didn’t need anyone. 
“God, I love the burned pieces,” he mumbles through a mouthful of toast, pouring his juice. He’s barely put the drained glass down when she’s got her hand on his cheek, crowding his space. He’s caught off guard, but he’s quick. Snakes an arm across her back, fists her curls in his hand. When his lips find hers, she reminds herself that whatever they have, whatever they are, it’s hers. She chose it, when her world had been nothing but pre-made plans.
He looks at her like he does, and she thinks about that lonely year again, when she thought she’d never get this look back. Thought they’d had their last night in the hammock together, buzzed and flushed and clumsily pressed together. How he never left her, even when they weren’t talking, when she was sure he hated her. 
She doesn’t owe her parents. She doesn’t hate them either, hate isn’t the word. Later, her thumbs hover over her phone’s keyboard, mentally listing off her lasts with them. 
I’m okay, is what she types, finally. It’s partially true. 
-Reese (SW#2)
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hepaidattention · 1 year
Nothing to Lose?
"Hey, it's what we've always said, right? Nothing to lose," JJ gave Kie a wink and revved the engine on his bike.
Kie placed a hand on the handles of the bike and stood right in front of the vehicle. She shook her head, her eyes meeting his with a teary glaze. "Not this time, Jayj. All those other times were because you weren't an option to lose. But I'm not losing you, okay? So yeah, there is something to lose, its you and I'm not about to watch that happen."
"Kie, I'm gonna be fine," JJ said with a little laugh and a smile, trying his hardest to minimize the seriousness of what he's about to do. He sat up straight and fixed his hat on his head, squinting up at the sky as he considered his next words. "Look, I'm not gonna go do some dumb shit or somethin', alright? I swear, it'll be a quick mission, in and out - no tom foolerly necessary."
Kie crossed her arms and quirked up a brow on her forehead, "Okay, then take me with you."
"What-? No, no way," he was shaking his head and putting his hands back on the handles. If it weren't for blocking his exit (because Kie knew him too well not to) he would have driven off the moment she mentioned her coming along.
"Yes," Kie argued, daring him.
"No way, Kie, there ain't no way. It's too dangerous."
"I thought you said it was gonna be a quick in-and-out type of mission?" her mouth quirked up at the corners, making it clear her plan was to get him here the whole time.
JJ sighed and ran a hand over his face in frustration, "Now you're not bein' fair."
"I'm not? You're about to go get yourself killed and you're acting like I shouldn't care, like you don't care," they've had this argument too many times to rehash right now. "I care, if you like it or not, so either I come, or you don't."
JJ was watching her, their eyes having another argument all on their own. His foot was bouncing up and down, his anxiety getting the better of him. Finally he said, "Dammit - fine, Kiara, but I swear to god if you get hurt," he didn't know what he would do, he couldn't handle it that's much for sure. He chose to leave it hanging, let Kie figure out the rest of the threat on her own.
"You'll what? Blame me?" Kie smirked and rolled her eyes. She sat on the bike behind him, wrapping her hands around his torso with ease. She gave him a peck on the cheek and said, "We'll keep each other safe, deal?"
He eased under her touch a little, nodding a reply. "Your folks are gonna hate me even more than they already do,"
"Well, then I guess they just don't need to know. We’re adults now, what can they do that they haven't already tried?"
He looked at her over his shoulder and she could see the evident concern in his eyes. She remembered the time when JJ really did have nothing to lose, it was him against the world. Now, sitting on the bike, getting ready to risk their lives for their friends once again, JJ had someone now that he couldn't bare the thought of losing, and that was her. It made her smile a little, knowing that they both had something to lose now: each other.
"Are we gonna get a move on?" she propped her chin on his shoulder and fluttered her eyelashes at him.
JJ held back a smile and wagged his head, his hands now revving the engine again. She gave him a little squeeze around his ribcage to let him know she was ready and they set off, out to be the safest either of them have ever been before, both too afraid to lose the other ever again.
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multifandumbmeg · 2 months
Jiara Oneshot #2: How Kie Fell for JJ
“Not very safe. Out here by yourself.” “For you either.” “I’ve got a bike. And a mean left hook. What about you?” “I’m a biter. You know that.” JJ grinned. “That’s true, I suppose. Need a ride back home?” Kiara shivered and looked back in that direction. She hadn’t made a choice yet. She shook her head. JJ’s criminal smirk faltered. “Hop on.” “I don’t-“ “We’ll go somewhere else then. Come on. I missed you, Kie."
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ghostiewriter · 10 months
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•SWEET TOOTH - Tables are turned when it’s JJ’s turn to take care of Kie after she gets her wisdom teeth removed. But it looks like doped up Kie has a lot more confidence than sober Kie ever did...and JJ is definitely not complaining at the outcome.
•PAINKILLER - When Kie gets a very unexpected call, she’s first on the scene to help out. However, she can’t help wonder what has gotten in to JJ’s head to get him acting like this. But at least drunk JJ isn’t as good at keeping secrets as sober JJ...and sometimes you just need someone to help fight those demons...
•BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE BUT AT LEAST WE ARE STUCK IN HERE - After eight years of travelling and work, Kiara Carrera finally returns to Outer Banks. But in desperate need for Christmas presents, she heads to the mainland. Unfortunately, the universe has other plans for Kiara and she soon finds herself trapped in a supermarket with a certain blonde who she hasn’t spoken to in years.
•SILENT TREATMENT - When JJ makes a drunken mistake at a kegger, he believes his friendship with Kie is ruined. Determined to fix his drunk emotional mishaps, JJ takes the advice of the other pogues in hopes that Kie will talk to him and they can work past it all. But he is met with the silent treatment. But JJ is resilient and he is hell-bent on getting Kie to talk him—though things may be more difficult than he assumed.
•WE’LL BE ALRIGHT - Sometimes it’s hard to explain all the feelings whirling in your head. Sometimes it’s hard to word your thoughts. Sometimes it hard to do anything whenever everyone treats you like fragile glass. After everything they’ve been through, Kiara has found it difficult to cope. But it just so happens that a certain blond is there to be the rock she needs.
•***BEG FOR IT - With war on the horizon and little time left, the group are having to pull every last string to get together enough allies to have a fighting chance in saving the world they live in. However, Kiara’s job is a little different. With a bounty on her head after the destruction of the city, the Crowned Princess needs to keep a low profile, thus giving her the job of convincing their prisoner to switch sides. It just so happens their prisoner and Kiara have quite a history...and it just so happens that neither one can ignore the tension between each other any longer. (Throne of Glass AU)
•***GOOD BOYS LISTEN - After acting up at a dinner with her parents, Kie decides to take JJ home and teach him a lesson for not following the rules like a good boy.
•***GOOD GIRLS OBEY - After a little surprise from JJ gets Kiara all riled up and mouthy, he decides to take her home and show her just who’s in charge.
•CRASH INTO MY LIFE - On the lookout for a job in fear of having to move back home, Kiara finds herself being hired to be a nanny by a cold-hearted CEO who she’s convinced has no emotions. Except this also happens to be the cold-hearted CEO she has a very…unpleasant first meeting with.
•WHO YOU ARE IS NOT WHERE YOU’VE BEEN - Kiara arrives at the Chateau expecting it to be empty, but instead finds a very skittish and distant JJ. This isn’t her JJ, and Kie is determined to find out why.
•***JJ, WHERE’S YER TROOSERS? - From dreams to reality, JJ and Kiara are taking on their world in their surf trip, one country at a time. However on their visit to Scotland, JJ seems to have taken on some of the local culture and Kiara can barely keep her sinful thoughts under control.
•***WATERMELON SUGAR - Kiara and JJ are living the dream whilst they visit South Africa on their notorious surf trip around the world. However, one wee blunt gets Kiara a little handsy on the beach.
•MY GIRLFRIEND IS A WHAT? - An insight into the five times JJ questioned his girlfriend’s behaviour and the one time he realised the truth.
•WHAT ARE THE CHANCES - In which a very unfortunate trip to the hospital on Christmas Eve leads to Kiara meeting a very interesting person.
•***FORGET WHAT YOU THOUGHT - When the town’s sweetheart and local greaser are found in a promiscuous position, questions about how they came to be arise. (50s/Greaser AU)
•I’D GIVE YOU THE SUN IF YOU ASKED ME - In which JJ Maybank finds the film worthy love he’s always dreamed of.
•***BROWN SKIN AND LEMON OVER ICE - When her parents tell her they are getting the house done up during summer, Kiara doesn’t even blink an eye. Until a certain worker catches her eyes and suddenly she needs a taste of him. She just wants to get it out of her system, give in to the tension and move on. Because it’s just a one time thing, right?
•THE UNSOLVABLE MYSTERY OF CLASS ‘21 - After being given the opportunity to return to the island for a story close to home, Matilda finds herself digging for answers about a old mystery—how the fuck did the pogues graduate high school?
•***ONE LOVE, TWO MOUTHS - JJ Maybank had a reputation. Everyone on the island knew the rumours. It was a well-known fact that he was a womaniser, a player and a goddamn good time in bed. So what happens when one stoned confession lets Kiara learn the truth…that her best friend is actually a virgin. 
•THROUGH THE PANE - Heated fights and bitter words don’t mean much when JJ realises the Carrera’s plan to go through with their Blue Ridge plan. And windows panes can’t stop him from reaching his girl.
•***WHEN I KISSED THE TEACHER - Kiara never thought her parents would actually move on with their threats. Kiara never thought she would be sent away and separated from the pogues. Kiara never thought she would be alone. But four weeks into her new life, she is starting to lose hope until a familiar face shows up to save the day, and he is pretending to be her teacher. Surely there is no harm in messing around whilst they bide their time for their escape?
•BRING ME BACK OR TAKE ME WITH HER - Maybe Kiara never left the reflection cabin. Maybe she didn't have a choice. And maybe, just maybe, JJ wasn't ready to do the impulsive JJ option, risks and stupid decisions be damned.
•MAYBE I JUST WANNA BE YOURS - Kitty Hawk and Kildare are long behind them, the road ahead of them is uncertain, and maybe--just maybe--JJ is sick of hiding away from his true feelings for his best friend.
•I’M READY WHEN YOU ARE - Marriage was never something they discussed. But with one idolising it and the other despising it, maybe a sunrise on the beach was the perfect time to get those feelings out.
•***OUT IN THE OPEN - Keeping their relationship a secret had it's difficulties. But the hardest one for JJ Maybank was watching his girlfriend walk around in a little dress and pretending like he wasn't losing his goddamn mind.
•HOLD ME TONIGHT - The nightmares and memories of the horrors they have experienced will forever come and go, but they always had each other and that was more than enough.
•UNSUSPECTING MATCHMAKER - Kiara and JJ had their fair share of fights, but never one like this. On their first night in Spain on their surf trip, it takes an unexpected turn to resolve their argument.
•WHAT IF I TOLD YOU NONE OF IT WAS ACCIDENTAL? - Sarah Cameron had more than enough that her two best friends beating around the bush with their feelings. So, she encourages JJ to mastermind the change from friends to something more, even if he isn't very subtle.
•I’VE GOT YOUR BACK - JJ Maybank never thought he would have to see his father ever again after the day at the pier. And he especially didn't think he would hurt the girl he loves.
•***BEHIND ENEMY LINES - It was all part of the plan for Kiara to be used to bait Rafe Cameron. But that didn't mean JJ liked it, and it didn't mean he wouldn't give the eldest Cameron a reminder who gets the girl at the end of the day.
•DON’T SAY YES, RUN AWAY NOW - It was a crazy idea. It was crazy because she wasn't even invited to the wedding. But a part of Kiara knew she had to stop the love of her life from marrying the wrong woman.
•WRITE OUR NAMES IN THE STARS - JJ Maybank refused to work with every songwriter that was sent his way. But when Kiara Carrera crosses his path, JJ finds himself completely obsessed with her style, and soon enough her as well.
•THE WRONG PATH TO MR RIGHT - After Hurricane Agatha wrecks havoc across the island, a group of teenagers from The Cut start a fundraiser in the form of a reality tv show. The catch? It's a love contest. The worst part? Kiara Carrera is forced to compete in it with the bachelor being none other than her ex-best friend.
•***THERE’S A FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING - You never forget your first. Or, the five times they were each other's first and the one time they experienced a first together.
•YOU’RE A GOOD KID, SON - All a parent wanted was for their child to find the happiness they deserved. Or, the five times the Carrera parents thought JJ was good for their daughter and the one time they told him.
•YOU AIN’T LEAVING THE OUTER BANKS, KID - Between the funerals and lawyer meetings and countless other responsibilities, JJ Maybank didn't have the heart to drop the CPS-level threat on his friends. But with the risk of being sent away from everything he has ever known, JJ finds an ally in an unlikely person.
•TALE OF A SLIGHTLY UNSTABLE TEEN HERO - JJ didn’t expect his life to turn out this way. It’s funny how one small bite has managed to flip his life upside down. But just like everything else in his life—the good ol’ Maybank luck didn’t stop there. Oh no! Life decided that crazy new powers wasn’t enough. Throw in high school, a crazed maniac that wants him dead, annoying nosey journalists and one drop-dead gorgeous girl that hates his guts but he can’t get out of his mind. Sounds like the perfect equation for a really interesting junior year, right? Right. (Spider-Man AU)
•ENTANGLED - This is story that follows the journey of two young souls throughout history. They face challenges, obstacles and much more. But no matter what, they always find each other. And yet, they can never seem to hold onto each other. Join the story in how Jiara found each other in nine different lives before they could finally stay.
•`TIS THE SEASON TO GET YOUR BEST FRIENDS TOGETHER - A two parter in which the pogues—and honorary member Wheezus Christ—take it upon themselves to play Cupid this festive season and hope that with Kie’s return, JJ will finally get the guts to admit his feelings. The pogues are wishing on a Christmas miracle and a lot of scheming to make their ship happen this year.
•***FAÇADES & FABRICATED FEELINGS - When Kiara Carrera is hit with an unexpected visit from her parents, she’s forced to take dramatic measures to repel them from her college life. Her amazing solution happens to lie in a fake boyfriend. And that fake boyfriend happens to be no other than JJ Maybank, the British scholarship student who she just so happens to be mortal enemies with. What’s the worst that can happen?
•I WANT YOU TO WANT ME - When John B moves to a new school and falls head over heels for Sarah Cameron, he’s disheartened to find out that she is unable to date because of her overprotective brother. Determined to win her over, John B encounters the help of his new friend Pope to help make a plan to get JJ off his back so he can date Sarah. It just so happens that Kiara Carrera is the solution to that problem. (AKA a 10 Things I Hate About You AU)
•CHILL THE PUCK OUT - All Kiara wanted was the internship into one of the biggest sports journalism companies on the east coast so she could kickstart her career. Somehow, she’s found her career in the hands of someone she hates with every fibre of her body...and it just so happens he’s the captain of the rival hockey team her dad and friends absolutely hate. What could go wrong, right?
•KISS ME UNTIL I AM SICK OF IT - Taken from the mortal world as a child, Kiara navigates life in Elfhame despite all the odds against her. With a deep-rooted hatred for the royal prince, she finds herself doing whatever she can to avoid him and get on with her life. However, things take a turn when his sister comes begging for her help and Kiara is forced to spend more time with Prince JJ Maybank than she expected. (aka The Cruel Prince AU)
•WE’LL TAKE ON THE WORLD - Kiara’s life changed when she found out she was a half-blood. Finding out her father was a god was disorienting enough, but the universe seems to be throwing more at her than she can handle. Throw in a certain blond to confuse things even more, and she has one hell of a prophecy set up for her. (PJO AU)
•LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! - After a very public and humiliating breakup, Kiara is struggling to move on from the heartbreak and avoid the media whilst doing so. But when the opportunity arises after rumours are spread, her manager and publicists jump at the chance to get some good light shone on Kiara. However, said opportunity arises when she’s mistakenly rumoured to be dating heartthrob actor JJ Maybank…who just so happens to also be her new coworker.
•SWORN TO PROTECT - After pushing her father too many times, Mike Carrera assigns Kiara a personal bodyguard who is hovering over her shoulder twenty-four/seven. Irritable and arrogant, JJ Maybank is the one person who knows just how to get under her skin. It’s a shame he’s drop dead gorgeous and she wants nothing more than to jump his bones.
•***BAPTISE IN YOUR THIGHS TIL IT HURTS - Every night JJ Maybank logged on to watch the girl that consumed his thoughts do some of the most sinful things he had ever witnessed. This girl started to overwhelm his thoughts, be on his mind even when she shouldn’t and have a hold on him that no girl has ever had before. So what happens when this girl just so happens to be his brand new neighbour?
•***STOLEN KISSES AND PRETTY LIES - Kiara Carrera and JJ Maybank did not get along. They fought, they argued, they bickered, they clashed. Any combination of the two just ended badly—until you bring alcohol into the equation. It’s easier to hide how you feel behind shared secrets and late-night meet-ups. It was easy to pretend they hate each other.
•***PIT STOPS AND PROMISES - Fresh out of university and unsure what to do with her life, Kiara takes the opportunity to find herself whilst travelling the world with her ‘rising Formula 1 star driver’ brother, Nate Carrera, on his first year signing with one of the biggest teams on the grid. She has a bucket list and she is determined to complete it by the end of the season. What she doesn’t expect is for a hot-headed, arrogant, drop-dead-gorgeous blond to be helping her along the way. And for said blond to be her brother’s rival...and new teammate.
•THE ODDS ARE AGAINST US - She had done it. She had competed in the Hunger Games and she was trying to live life like everything was normal again. Except now, Kiara finds herself thrown from one war to another, and the only person at her side is JJ Maybank: the boy she hated, the boy who understands her pain, the boy she has to pretend to love.
•WE’RE YOUR FAMILY NOW (teaser) - A snippet of JJ Maybank and Wheezie Cameron in "Sinners and Bandits", where in an alternative universe the pogues are a band of criminals and thieves that rob the rich.
•BOYS WILL BE BUGS - JJ Maybank thought he understood life, until he realised sometimes blood isn't the only thing that makes family and John B Routledge was destined to be his brother.
•MEMORIES FROM THE KITCHEN TABLE - A series of one shots exploring the Pogues venture into a journey they could never prepare themselves for—parenthood. They have their ups and downs, their surprises and surprises. But no matter what, they have each other.
•***FUCK UP THE FRIENDSHIP - The tension was always there, no matter how much both of them tried to deny it. And during one fateful sleepover, all those feelings will be confronted as Sarah realises that she trusts Kie in a way she trusts no other. She trusts Kie so much that she is willing to give a part of herself that she can’t take back. And it seems Kie is willing to do the same.
•***I COULD BE A BETTER BOYFRIEND THAN HIM - Sarah did everything that was expected of her. She became the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect little kook. But one taste of freedom and she craves more, and her freedom comes in the shape of Kiara Carrera.
•THE REDEMPTION OF BEAU IVERS - Fourteen years old and full of hate for the world around him, Beau Ivers was sent to Outer Banks to humble himself after he’s pushed his parents too far. Now living with his uncle, Beau is determined to do what he can to get off the island. But plans change when Wheezie Cameron walks into his life and Beau realises that change isn’t always a bad thing.
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alphinias · 7 months
I’d gladly write that fic for you… if only I wasn’t still writing chapter two of a Jiara week fic and my delirious brain hadn’t told me “yes go on, start a new one as well”
This is actually a message for help, take Ao3 away from me. Lock me up.
Ahaha. Starting new fics is truly an addiction. Can’t say the same for finishing them!!
After monkshood and wolfsbane I’m not currently allowing myself to post anything that’s unfinished or at least majorly prewritten. Of course I normally stick to oneshots anyway because it’s just easier.
Good luck anon 🫡 I hope you and ao3 have a fantastic time!
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smileymikey · 1 year
The fact your gonna post a jiara one shot soon and then the band au last chapter has me so gassed😆 can we get a hint what the oneshot is about 🐐
of course!!! i just finished it and sent it off to annie to beta so it should hopefully be out today/tomorrow eeeek. its like an apocalypse au? and its kinda weird and sad and a bit different from anything ive written so. #staytuned
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bobsfic · 2 years
can't get you off my mind
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a jiara oneshot
Summary: Kiara and JJ spend their nights after they return from the island on the phone, talking about everything and nothing, until Kiara lets something slip that changes everything.
Jiara bingo prompt - Early Morning
A/N: This fic wouldn't be here without the help of @jojameswinter , who fixed all my run on sentences, listened to me agonizing over how hard words are, and didn't complain that this was accidentally 11k words. You are the best - THANK YOU!!
And a giant shout out to all the amazing writers in the GC for the many sprints that led to this fic even existing and the encouragement to make the ending a bit spicier 💕
Word Count: 11, 491
Fuck it, she thinks, picking up the phone and pushing the call button before she can talk herself out of it again. It’s JJ. He won't mind. She just needs to hear his voice and then maybe she’ll be able to get some fucking sleep, stop obsessing over the trauma in her life, and move on from it instead.
He answers on the second ring, his voice hoarse but sounding surprisingly alert for the middle of the night. “Kie?”
“Hey,” she whispers, as the sound of his voice sends a pleasurable rush through her body. “Did I wake you?”
Read now on ao3!
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