#jj ff
pariahsparadise · 5 months
Can we get an enemies to lovers with JJ Maybank x gn!reader-
JJ and reader just annoy the hell out of each other, but maybe A gets into a fight and B decides to patch them up. They end up confessing to each other. <3
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a/n: i haven't written in over a year, maybe two. this is completely unedited and also not proofread AT ALL. sorry this is so late and so shitty, anon from april 2023.
pairings: jj maybank x gn!reader
wc: 1.3k
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"What are you doing here?"
JJ starts, and is immediately punished by the pang of pain that rushes through his body. He pretends not to notice how your eyes glance over him, analytical, filing away every sign of weakness. He hates being vulnerable, especially when it's in front of you, but he doesn't exactly have a choice.
"Can I come in?" he asks, instead of answering your question. Wordlessly, you step aside, letting him walk past you before closing the door softly.
"Bedroom," you tell him, your tone gentler now. He wishes that's how you always talked to him. "I'll go get the first-aid kit."
JJ nods and finds his way to your bedroom, passing the framed certificates and shelves that adorn the hallway, filled with stacks of trophies and medals that you amassed over the years. Although he usually makes fun of you for being such a nerd all the time, the gold is a stark reminder of how you're actually extremely intelligent. You're worth something. Unlike him.
Maybe his issue with you has always been jealousy. Jealous that you've managed to achieve so much for a Pogue, despite having had the same opportunities as him. But it's more likely that he hates you because you're so icy, rational in your arguments, your words always so polished as they slice into him, cutting him down. He can see the judgement in your eyes when he smokes weed or drinks in front of you, when he cracks a stupid joke about the brunette he had in his bed the other day. He can feel the contempt in the insults you hiss at him when he goes too far and pisses you off completely.
But despite it all, he hates that he still wants to win your approval. That he wishes you would let him make you laugh like John B does, or sling an easy arm around you the way Kiara can.
He sits on your chair when you gesture for him to, placing the medical kit on the table next to it. JJ finally takes the time to focus his eyes on you, glancing over your white night shirt and impossibly short shorts. He feels a pang in his chest. There are dark circles under your eyes, and your hair is all messy. He obviously woke you up from some much-needed sleep. If he plans to win you over, which would already be extremely hard at this point, this would definitely be another set-back. Based on his past experiences, you're not particularly kind when you're sleep-deprived.
Which is why he's surprised when you begin cleaning his bleeding knuckles with the kindest touch in the world. The warm cloth is not nearly as comforting as the feel of your palm on his skin is, and he represses the urge to sigh.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" you ask him, moving on to apply some antiseptic to his cuts.
"Why should I tell you anything?" JJ asks, attacking you unthinkingly, reverting to his natural state of being in conflict with you. You stay uncharacteristically quiet, not responding to his taunt, and after standing still for a second, you go back to cleaning his knuckles.
Fuck. JJ's eyes fall shut, and he groans inwardly. Here you are, having let him into your home and bedroom, cleaning his injuries, and he's still being a dick to you.
"I'm sorry, I-" he suddenly gets cut off by your hands cradling his jaw, lifting his face up. JJ nearly gasps, and flushes out of his embarrassment when he sees your raised eyebrow, knowing you caught his reaction.
"Well, I was just going to apply some cream to the bruises forming here," you say, and you trail your fingers along his jaw, "but if it's such a problem, maybe I-"
"It's not a problem," JJ says, too quickly.
Without another word, and only the sliver of a self-satisfied smile, you treat his jaw and face.
JJ has always known he loves being the center of your attention. He revels in it, the way you glare at him after he provokes you, the way you yell when he steals your book. He loves being the only thing on your mind. But sitting here now, feeling your thumbs smooth along his cheekbones and your soft gaze, he knows there's most definitely a better way to receive it.
"What happened?" you ask again, and this time he tells you. Some tourists had been disrespectful to Kiara's parents at their restaurant, and it escalated to a fist fight between Kiara's dad and JJ and four other guys. The tourists must have had some level of common sense, because they more or less went easier on Kiara's dad, laying harder into JJ to make up for it.
"Assholes," you say when he's finished, barely concealed rage in your eyes as you appraise JJ and the injuries on his body with new context.
"It's fine, really," JJ reassures you, standing up. "Thanks for cleaning me up, but I should be on my way now-"
"Sit the fuck down." you spit at him, and he drops back into the chair with astonishing speed. "Take off your shirt. That fight was practically four-on-one, I'm not going to believe that you walked away with just grazed knuckles and a few bruises to your face."
Hesitantly, JJ removes his shirt. To your credit, you don't audibly react to the massive craters in his skin, colouring him in shades of ugly red and purple. Your eyes widen slightly, and after a few long seconds, you're back to normal and treating him with the same gentleness as before.
"Thank you for this," he says, more earnestly this time. You let out a hum in response, too busy doing your best to alleviate his pain. He goes on, "I mean it. You didn't have to do this, and I appreciate it."
You let out a sigh, raising your eyes to his face, "Of course I had to do this, JJ, it's the decent thing to do. I wasn't going to turn you away in the middle of the night, not in the condition you're in."
"Even if you think I'm some heartless bitch," you add, a moment later.
"I don't think that," JJ says, earning a scoff from you.
"Right," you mutter, straightening up and away from him. You pack the materials back into the kit and shut it with a loud snap, which is when JJ realises that you're done treating him. He puts his shirt back on and gets ready to make his exit when you stop him, again.
"Just sleep here tonight," you tell him, gesturing at your bed.
"What-no. Where will you sleep?"
"The couch." You don't even let him say two words of protest before immediately cutting him off, "Don't be obstinate. It's too uncomfortable there for you, especially considering the state of your torso, it's too late for you to walk back home or call someone to pick you up, so you'll stay here. I'll text John B to pick you up in the morning."
JJ listens to all this, taken aback by the amount of thought you've put into taking care of him. He scans your face, noting with surprise that your cheeks pink slightly when you make eye contact with him.
"What?" you say, a little flustered. He just laughs quietly, "Nothing. Just didn't realise you cared about me so much, 's all."
"Again, not a heartless bitch. Of course I care about you."
And just like that, there's a tectonic shift. The two of you are relatively unchanged, but there's this unspoken understanding that passes between you. It's the reason why you're able to press a soft kiss to an unblemished part of JJ's cheek before you slip out of the room, and why he's able to put his arm around you late one night when the whole group is hanging out at the Chateau.
He can't help but feel that the beating was worth it, really.
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erule · 1 year
Do I look like I care? | jj maybank
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!Kook!reader
Summary: you ask JJ to dance with you at the Midsummer, but things don’t go as planned.
Warnings: jealous!JJ, established relationship, fluff
Word count: 1.1K
A/N: hi! I loved 1x05, so here’s something about it. Hope you like it. Enjoy! x
JJ’s Masterlist
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It’s a hot Sunday afternoon, you’re on your boat with JJ, who’s smoking with his sunglasses on. You were talking about the Midsummer dance, since you’re a Kook and your family wants you to go there. Topper offered to be your partner and you agreed, since your boyfriend, a Pogue, can’t participate. Still, you hoped that JJ would have said something about it, moved by jealousy perhaps or the desire to make you happy, but he just seemed unconcerned.
“So, you’re telling me that you’re not even a little bit jealous of Topper?”
He shrugs, breathing out some smoke.
“Do I look like I would be jealous of somebody like Topper?”
“You certainly look like somebody who wouldn’t come to the dance with me,” you reply, testily.
“Babe, you just have to tell me. One word and I do whatever you like. If you want me to be there, I’ll be there,” he says with a smile.
You’re suddenly suspicious: it’s true, JJ would always agree to do something with you, especially dangerous things, but this time it feels like a trap. You’re now sure he’s trying to hide his protectiveness towards you, so you try to push him over the edge.
“Are you sure, J? I mean, you should wear a suit, maybe even pretend to be a waiter to be there and dance with me, something that you don’t even like to do, in front of my parents and the other Kooks. It’s not really your cup of tea,” you say, observing every muscle of your boyfriend. He still seems really calm, but you see a jolt in his hand, while he’s putting out his cigarette. Oh, he’s so jealous. You got him!
“Do I look like I care?” He asks you with effrontery.
You shake your head.
“I think that you’re gonna handle it perfectly,” you answer, giving him a peck on the lips.
Tonight’s the night. You’re wearing your best dress, JJ sent you a text telling you that the plan is still in motion with John B. You’re a little bit nervous: you don’t like pushing JJ’s buttons, but this is important to you and you don’t want to be there with somebody who’s not your boyfriend. This is also the only way to have him there, since your parents don’t approve your relationship with him for obvious reasons. You just hope that they won’t see him or, at least, that they’ll just let him be. Speaking of your parents, they’re calling out your name right now.
Ten minutes later, you’re there with Topper, but you don’t see JJ nearby. You’re turning around too often, so Topper starts getting suspicious about it.
“Is everything okay? Is somebody following you or something?” He jokes.
His voice is so irritating, you can’t believe that your parents would love to have him as your boyfriend instead of JJ.
“You’re acting weird, please stop,” he whispers to your ear, while smiling to the people in the room.
“And you’re acting like my father,” you say, then you leave his embrace and go away.
This is not going as planned: JJ is nowhere to be seen and your parents already look lost, because you just left Topper’s side. You breathe out, hoping that Sarah or Kie will appear soon next to you.
“Hey, I’m sorry about earlier,” you hear Topper’s voice behind you. You sigh.
“Topper, you’re a good guy, but…”
“I also forgot to mention that you look really beautiful, tonight,” he adds.
“And this is my time to interfere. Hi Topper, please leave my girl alone, she already has a boyfriend,” JJ says and when you turn around, you see him with some empty glasses on a tray.
“Who made you work here?” Topper asks, surprised.
“Do you work for the police?” JJ replies, shaking his head. “Come on, go away, she saved all of her dances just for me, so you can bore someone else”.
You burst out laughing and Topper mustn't like it, because he runs away livid with rage, probably to call Rafe and his other friends to kick JJ out, but you don't care: he's finally here. JJ leaves the silver plate so he can dance with you.
“You were jealous,” you say, while he’s holding your waist.
“No, I told you: I don’t care”.
“You’re such a liar,” you reply, a smirk on your face.
“Whatever,” he says.
Then he leans down to mutter these words in your ear: "But if you thought I wanted to be the only one to lay a hand on you, you were completely right."
Shivers get down your spine, when you hear his hoarse voice. You didn't even realize you closed your eyes. Now you just feel the heat of JJ's body against yours as you slow dance, the cool air rushing up your ankles. This could be the best moment of your life.
If it weren't for JJ who’s now pulling you away, because Rafe and Topper are chasing you. You run off to the beach, your parents yelling after you, while you laugh and feel free, taking off your heels for more comfort. He takes off his bow tie, throwing it behind him. Luckily your boat is nearby, so you two get on that and hide in the cabin, hoping that the others have not seen you, because you are protected by the darkness of the night. JJ’s still trying to catch his breath, while you’re chuckling.
“I’m just thinking about Topper’s face when you appeared,” you answer and he laughs.
“He’s so irritating”.
“He never had a chance with you anyway,” JJ says.
You give him a sly look.
“Why? ‘Cause it’s always been you?”
“No, ‘cause you’re obviously better than him. You’re way out of my league too, honestly. Sometimes I even wonder why you’re with me. You’re better than everybody,” he answers and your heart melts.
You cup his face, your hands caressing his warm skin. His eyes are so blue, they seem the ocean and you’d like to swim into them. He’s holding his breath, as if he’s waiting for you to break up with him right here, right now. But you’re not gonna do that.
“You underestimate yourself, babe. I’m lucky to have you by my side, my knight in shining armor,” you say. “Also, you should put on these elegant clothes more often”.
“Oh, is it?” He asks, his lips on yours.
“Yeah,” you answer with a smile, before he kisses you. “Admit that you were jealous!”
“I was jealous, okay?” JJ squeals, exasperated. “Now let me kiss you!”
You knew it.
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cargopantsprentiss · 1 year
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Anyway imagine if JJ and Emily just finally got together :)
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kalliyen · 1 year
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Date Night
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Pairing: Justin Jay Takagi (JJ) x GN!Reader
Featuring: JJ, Lee Sangwon, Zhao Yufan (James), Han Jihoon
Genre: Tooth-rotting Fluff
Reader’s Pronouns: Not specified
Warning: careful you might get a toothache
A/N: HI!!! Thank you so much for requesting @amymyli ! I appreciate it very much, and don’t worry! you’re english is just fine. I hope you enjoy this ! (i’m sorry if it not what you expected 😭😭) <33
Disclaimer: ⚠️ ONLY A WORK OF FICTION!
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Lately, The members of Trainee A have been noticing their outgoing and loud member, JJ, had been quite reserved lately.
“Hey JJ, got something on mind?” James asks, “Oh, hey Hyung, no no, I’m fine don’t worry about me” The younger responds.
But the members knew better, they knew something was going on, and they were going to find out what.
“Alright guys, that’s enough practice for today” Their trainer announces. All the members sigh in relief, “Finally it’s over! Hyungs can we go to the arcade later?” The youngest pleads, with his signature cute face.
The older members, gave in, they couldn’t say no to their maknae. “Sure Hoon, why not” “Horray!!!”
“Sorry guys. I’m gonna have to pass on this one.” JJ suddenly says, while looking down at his phone trying to not act suspicious while hiding his smile.
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The other members look at JJ, then at each other, suspiciously. Sangwon speaks up with “But you never say no to going to the arcade? is something going on JJ??” “Yeah Hyung, you got a date or something?” Jihoon says while wiggling his eyebrows.
JJ shoots his head up in surprise, “No! no. no I don’t…it’s just one of my friends…want to hang out later.” “Okay JJ…whatever you say” James says in a teasing tone.
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Turns out, they did not go to the arcade. Much to Jihoon’s dismay. Instead, they followed JJ to find out where he was going, per request of James.
“Do you guys see anything? I can barely see anything in these ridiculous glasses.” “I see..a missed opportunity to play games at the arcade.” “Oh shush Hoon! You already play video games at home!” “There! I see JJ with someone!” “Do you think that’s his date?” “No I think that’s his cousin. Who else could it be dipshit?! Obviously it’s his date!” “Oh shit their holding hands!! Our JJ is growing up so fast.”
To any by passers, this situation must’ve looked utterly stupid. 5 boys huddled into a small corner table, looking at one kid across the hall. Probably not a good impression, but they could’ve cared less at this point. All they wanted to know was, who was their little JJ with?
They all went back to their dorm, waiting for the arrival of their little lover boy.
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Even though you and Jj have been on multiple dates, your heart still beats uncontrollably when you see him all fancied up for a date, which makes you question if your fashion choice was appropriate for the occasion.
“Hey Justy! I hope I’m not too underdressed for our date tonight. Where are we going anyway?”
Jj looks up from his phone, double checking his surprise for your for the nth time. Even in your simple outfit, he was looking at you like the most delicate flower in a field.
“Hi my Love, Remember that movie you wanted to see from your favorite franchise?” “Yeah?” you say excitement bubbling in your stomach. “Well, surprise! I got tickets for it! And the exclusive kind~” “Really Justy?? Oh my god thank you so much!” You exclaim, immediately hugging him.
After the movie, he offers to take you home to your dorms, while you were both walking home, you talked about anything and everything you could, how practice was going for both of your groups, what’s been going on in your lives and stuff like that.
When you got to your front door, you both faced each other while holding hands. “Well, this is me, I’ll see you soon Justy, thank you for this amazing date.” You say while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s no problem my love. Anything to make you happy.” Before he lets you walk away from him, he gives you a tender kiss on the lips, and another one on your forehead.
“I love you Jj” “I love you to Y/N, goodnight”
A/N: Sorry if this ending was shit 😭😭 I’ll do another fic if you want me too :)
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Outer Banks Masterlist
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❃Never Leave You
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Summary: Four years ago Callie was forced to move away from where she grew up, on the poor side of Outer Banks, The Cut. When she finally moves back she didn't expect what was coming just because of a silly treasure hunt with friends.
{ As a welcome back | Getting In Trouble | Redfield | Macking Each | Other | Deny Deny Deny | Gold Bars | Bruises | That's a Lot | Won't Tell a Soul | Not Forgiving | Alive | Homecoming | Need You | Trust | The Angel | Kidnapped | For Saving a Life | Teamwork | Need Time | A Fake | Life Sucks | Stubborn | Making it Harder | Kitty Hawk | 500-year-old mystery }
❃ At Home
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC Cameron Twin!)
Summary: The Cameron twins were so opposite yet so alike at the same time. For starters, they caught Pogues eyes.
{ Kooks | Pogues |
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hepaidattention · 1 year
Kie said they lived in a cave together, and i took it as very specifically just them, so I had to write this.
sleeping in caves was never something Kie thought she'd ever find herself doing. It was especially not something she thought she'd find herself getting used to, let alone finding it comforting in a weird way.
the sound of the waves clashing against the rocks and shore was her white noise, and the sound of her best friend's steady breathing was her peace of mind. sure, they were all trapped on an deserted island with little chance of ever finding a way back home, but they were alive. they all breathed the same air, they all ate the same food, they all laughed at the same jokes, and they all lived as one. they were a family. and the sound of air leaving and entering their lungs brought her so much peace, knowing they were here, always here, even when hope felt lost sometimes.
sleeping was hard for her, no matter how much comfort she found in hearing them breathe. don't get her wrong, the sight of the wide open, starlit sky was never a view she could get tired of. yet, it wasn't something she likes to see when trying to fall asleep. she normally loved looking out into the never ending ocean, or gazing up into the abyss of a sky. however, when she was trying to sleep, it only reminded her of how small they were, and how little and insignificant things are often forgotten. Kie didn't want to be forgotten. she wanted to be found, she wanted to be saved, she wanted to make a difference.
yet, sometimes being stuck here forever wasn't so bad. at least she had her friends by her side.
"fuck off, you jackass of a…" JJ muttered in his sleeve. he was sound asleep, right at Kie's side. he didn't seem to leave her side much now and days and she wouldn't deny that she loved every second of it. sometimes she thought to herself, "if I have to be stuck here forever, at least I have JJ." sometimes she even thinks about leaving this island, and knowing if they ever go home, everything will change again. then she decides this island forever sounds like paradise - because she doesn't want things to change between them again.
every night, when everyone huddles by the fire and falls asleep to the glow of the night sky, Kie stays awake wondering about her parents, her school, her old life. she needs solitude to find peace of mind. so one night after everyone fell asleep, she got up and walked to the cave everyone retreated to in the hottest days or the stormiest ones. she laid down on the cool, sandy ground and closed her eyes. however, her eyes shot open moments later to see JJ walking up into the cave beside her.
"hey," he whispered, concern written over his features.
"hey," she said back, a small smile in return.
"couldn't sleep either, huh?"
her smile grew a little bigger and she shook her head no. he sat down beside her, arms propping up his upper half as his legs laid out in front of him. she sat up beside him, holding her legs to her chest as she said, "sometimes everything's just too … big, you know? freaks me out. gets me thinking so much I start spiraling."
"I get that. can't say I blame ya."
"what about you?" she nudged his shoulder with her own, "what's keeping you awake?"
he shrugged, and the way his shoulders moved and his gaze drifted off, she realized there was something significant bothering him. but this was JJ, he would never admit that. so, he said, "Pope's snorings got me thinking I'm being chased by some kind of rabid bear just about every time I enter any kinda dream state." He added a little smirk to his lips, giving her the quickest of grins when he met her gaze. God it made her want to kiss him. but how do you tell your best friend you want to kiss them? she's been asking herself that for ages now. being friends with a bunch of boys who all had crushes on her was always fine with her because she never had any interest in liking them back. yet, JJ just kind of snuck up on her. he hit on her time and time again when they were younger and Kie always blew him off - but then one day he just kinda stopped, and suddenly she realized just how much she hated not having it. and when his attention went to other girls, she found herself often getting more and more upset about him flirting with them. it wasn't before long that she realized she liked him, she was just too stubborn to notice it when he was right in front of her offering himself up.
God, then she just decided it was just her. she just liked all the guys. it wasnt just a JJ thing, she just loved them all so much that sometimes lines got blurred. she could kiss any of these boys and it would all make sense in some kind of way. John B kissed her and she thought fuck, I hated that. then Pope confessed his feelings and she thought fuck, I really hated that. and all of those reasons for hating it was because it wasn't JJ kissing her or confessing his undying love for her and that really made her angry. so, she went for it. Pope liked her, she loved Pope, and love was love right? only, it wasn't, and after her biggest mistake, she could think of only one person despite trying everything not to. it didn't matter who she kissed, she always just wished it was JJ and she hated herself for it even more because JJ was an idiot. he did stupid shit all the time and got himself into stupid shit all the freaking time and god he drove her absolutely insane and yet she didn't want to spend another day without him beside her ever again.
so here he was, watching the waves beat across the shore and the moon cast a light on the beach in a special way, and she silently prayed to herself that he didn't leave her. she scooted to his side and she noticed the look he was making. it was the one that usually said shit I wish I had some weed right now. one he always made when he wanted to punch something or do something reckless because he was just so tired and he felt so broken and all she could ever do was share a joint with him and give him a hug. but now, now he was just forced to live in silence with his thoughts.
she thought about asking him what was wrong, but she knew he'd just lie and say he was hunky dory or some shit. so she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers together tight. he looked down at their hands like the sight was something of a dream, and then he met her eyes and his expression said everything. no matter how far away JJ ran, he could never escape his ghosts. Kie said nothing, she just laid her head onto his shoulder, and together they looked out into the moonlit waters.
they fell asleep in that cave that night, Kie lying on his chest, his arms tightly wound around her like she was his safety blanket. they woke up the next morning and said nothing about it, yet every night after that they found themselves back in that cave, sleeping beside each other, needing each other's presence to feel safe and secure.
and that brought her back to the present, JJ jumping in his sleep, and Kie staring up at the ceiling of the cave thinking about him the same way she hasn't been able to stop thinking about him since they got on this beach.
JJ flinched and Kiara jumped a little, his spasming a little more lively than most nights. the only nights JJ ever slept soundly was when she slept close to him - holding his hand, hugging him, his head resting on her stomach. but she couldn't allow that to be a regular thing, she only did that when he was visibly upset or when his nightmares woke him up. if she allowed them to cuddle every night, well Kie would start to lose her composure every time he took off his shirt to go for a swim right in front of her. she already struggled, good God he was beautiful.
"Stop," JJ shrieked in his sleep. "Please, please stop," he whimpered. Her heart pounded hard in her chest and she looked over to see tears running down his sleeping face. Kie thought about waking him up, but he had nightmares almost every night - sometimes she thought he deserved sleep over escape from his dreams. she never knew which was better for him, but she usually still caved and woke him anyway. "No mom, please," he cried. Kie couldn't do it anymore. She reached for his arm but before she even made contact, JJ lunged forward in a bellowing cry. Kie quickly followed behind him and she saw his eyes open now, his cry turning into a sob, his face falling into his hands, his hands falling into his knees.
"shh, shhh," Kiara wrapped her arm around him, her chin resting on his shoulder as she massaged his back in soft circular motions. "it's okay, Jayj, it was just a dream," she said soothingly. "it's okay, I'm here. you're safe." He blindly grabbed her hand then, his grip tight. she placed a gentle, butterfly kiss on his shoulder blade. "you’re safe."
after a moment of JJ pulling himself back together, he wiped the tears from his face and gave her that soft little grin he assigned just for her. "You okay?" She asked.
"you don't gotta worry about ol' JJ. just haven't got the whole sleepin' peacefully thing down yet. work in progress."
"wanna talk about it?" She knew the answer, but she always asked.
"nah, just dreaming about that damn rabid bear again, nothing too severe." He wiped his eyes and sat up straight, breaking Kie from her hold on him.
"Jayj," she said softly, "it didn't sound like you were dreaming about bears."
"Yeah?" He was poking his finger in the sand now, drawing squares with his index finger and ovals with his thumb. "what'd it sound like then?"
"Well, you said mom at one point."
"gotta admit, that's a pretty weird name for a bear."
"Kie," he looked at her like nothing ever happened, his shoulder shrugging his concerns away. "I'm fine now, alright? I don't even remember dreamin' at this point - that's how dreams go, ain't it? go in one ear and out the next, or somethin' like that."
"okay," She accepted defeat. JJ hardly ever even opened up to John B, and they've been friends much longer than she can even imagine. she had go let JJ come to her, she couldn't push or he would just run away.
Kie laid back down then, lying on her back to look up at nothing but cave and dirt. JJ laid back down too, but he went back down on his side and he faced away from her. he really thought she couldn't hear him as he sniffled to himself in the silence. Kie didn't even let him say anything as she wrapped her arm around his torso, her face pressed up against his shoulder again. JJ held her hand in his. they fell asleep like that, their bodies intertwined together until the sun broke the horizon, waking them up before everyone else wondered where they'd gone.
waking up was nothing new, finding JJs head lying on her stomach and her hand laced in his hair was a regular position nowadays. she combed through his hair without thought of her actions, sometimes twirling some of his strands around her index finger, her thumb brushing against his neck.
"How do you feel about a mornin' swim?" JJ voiced, awake on Kie's stomach unbeknownst to her. she never knew he could be that still. he lifted himself up and hovered over her, a grin on his face as big as the ocean itself. "c'mon, I'll beat you to it," JJ bounded up, peeling off his shirt and looking at her with wild hair. "well? you comin' or what?" He teased, racing to the beach before she could even fully stand.
"hey, cheater! you didn't even say go!" she called out after him, uncontrollably smiling from ear to ear as she watched him shout out his normal cheers before crashing into the waves.
Kie realized on this island, she wasn't sure when, but she realized at one point that she loved every single one of these idiots, and there was no doubt about it. but her love for JJ was different. there was more to it. she wanted more. she felt more and it was overwhelming sometimes, but it was also exhilarating. she loved JJ, but not like she loved John B or Pope or Sara, she loved him with parts of her heart she didn't even know could love. and she didn't know how to tell him she loved him more than she's ever loved anything before, without scaring him away. love, commitment, those were things JJ often refused to accept. he didn't think he deserved them. she guessed it was up to her to change his mind.
Kie took off her shorts, wearing just her bathing suit, and ran out into the ocean. she jumped onto JJ's back in the water and brought them both down to crash into the waves, laughing the entire way down.
the end
(yes I know they all had a sort of cave in s3 but I like to imagine jiara had their own shhhh)
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starchymcgee · 1 year
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Some Mac stuff I’ve drawn recently.
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How do you feel about lobotomies, Dirk? -Me as Dirk gets his eye drilled out by Teddy
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kiekiecarrera · 1 year
I don’t want to think about this until the time comes but if we do not get jiara photoshoot/couple promo pics for season 4 then there’s a clearly an issue. Maybe season 3 wasn’t the right time but now they’re canon and obviously the most loved couple in the show they have to provide this for the next season. It just would not make any sense if not (although I think most of us would know why) https://twitter.com/iship2ship/status/1638533609630969857?s=46&t=_D7fZV0T1iOtwwqM0INzQA
I think Netflix has seen the real power of the ship, so I'd be surprised if they don't fix the "issue" next season. We still got some good stuff this season though, so I'm taking what we managed to get out of it as a win.
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myreygn · 1 year
yall know that vine thats like "can i get a waffle? can i PLEASE get a waffle??"
thats me watching jiara and mayward shippers bashing each others heads in right now like. guys :(
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erule · 1 year
Ghost from your past | jj maybank
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Summary: you were in a relationship with JJ before something very huge happened, but you don’t remember anything. When you come back after a while, you fall in love with him again.
Warnings: memory loss trope, mention of a car accident and injuries, mention of people being half naked but they’re not ever really naked, fluff, angst, sexual tension (no smut/implied smut)
Word count: 4.5K
A/N: hi! I just finished s3 and I needed to write something about JJ. And let me tell you, that after a lot of months of being away, it felt good! Hope you like it. Enjoy! x
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It's the longing. It's the constant thinking about her that hurts you. It's that feeling of envy you get when you watch John B kiss Sarah and feel ashamed, because you should be happy for your best friend. It's the desire to go back to when it was just you, her and John B lying on your sofa, the one on the porch, on summer evenings when your father was at the pub and they kept you company. You pointed to a star and said it had a certain name, then Y/N asked if it was true and John B laughed because he knew you were lying, even if with conviction. Then, in that little space between John B falling asleep and your father staggering up the street from the pub, you could play a bit of a jerk with her. Now you regret it: you could have kissed her, instead of always talking. What's the point of telling yourself that you have certain feelings, if you don't even have the time to show them? Many things had happened in one year and now you seem to have forgotten them all, one by one. They were clouded by your head, so you don't have to go over them, always one by one.
It's the longing. It's in the stare you give to some random girls on the street, the ones that look like her. But they're never her. Not because they're different people, just because they can't be her. Her parents made her leave. You don't blame them, they took the right decision for her. Getting her away from this place was probably the best thing to do after what happened. Snatching it right out of your hands, somehow causing you to bleed out, that was the worst part, but again, you're adamant that they did it right. If you had enough money, you probably would have left too. Indeed, for sure. You would have brought John B with you to look for her. Sure, maybe the others too, since after all they had known her. Sarah would have liked her too, especially since she too had abandoned the comfortable Kook life to be with you. She had tried to get you into hers, but you just couldn't live with her, with her parents, to wear those clean and elegant clothes. She was part of you, but those clothes didn't belong to your personality. So she shook her head that day, gave you a curled-lip smile and said, "You're such an idiot, JJ Maybank, to give up this rich life just for your stupid morals". Then you shrugged your shoulders, took her in your arms and answered her: "What can I say? I'm a romantic, I love danger too much to be able to live without it". And she had laughed. Nothing had made sense since that laugh. You realized that living without her wasn't an option anymore, so you gave in, after years of you and her hanging around, after she made her feelings for you clear, after you yelled at her that you weren't a someone you could build something with because you only knew how to destroy everything you touched. You kissed her. You fell into her web or maybe you just gave in to your own feelings.
And then, well, sure, you're not wrong, are you, JJ? You had destroyed the only beautiful thing that life had wanted to give you.
You pass in front of her house as always. Usually her parents have dinner in the kitchen and you see the lights on, but tonight it's all off. You don't pay too much attention to it, because it has happened on other days for some special occasion, like her mother's birthday or their anniversary. You wonder if she still hears from them, wherever she is. Wherever you would like to be too.
You walk down the street with your hands buried in your pockets, staring at your dusty, time-worn shoes. Since today would be her birthday, you've decided to wear the good clothes, the ones her family gave you. Your family who, incidentally, have always subtly hated you, but you only came to know about it at the end. “Last Day” isn't the last day you saw her, as you spied her getting on the plane as she left, but it's the one you spoke to her parents about the last time. Instinctively, your fingers touch the ring you wear around your neck, hanging from a silver chain that she gave you. Sometimes you wish you could afford to buy that plane ticket just so you could see her, even if it would hurt your heart.
When you arrive at the beach bonfire, you immediately notice John B and Pope chatting with a couple of red glasses in their hands. Sarah and Kiara are probably refilling their glasses somewhere, but you can't see them around. You raise a hand in greeting, then approach them. A little further are Rafe and Topper with their other Kook friends staying laughing and joking amiably, but to you they just look despicable as usual.
“JJ!” A voice behind you calls you. You turn around and see Kiara greeting you, Sarah next to her and another girl next to her who threatens to run into you.
"Damn, sorry!" She says to you, risking to slip, but you hold her by offering her your arms to hold on, while the content that was just before her in her glass soils your shirt.
You think her voice sounded strangely familiar, while in a room of your mind you're screaming because she ruined your new clothes. You're about to tell her, just to be polite, that you don't mind, especially since she's friends with Kiara and Sarah, but your voice dies in your throat when you look up. She's still staring at your chest, you don't know why, but you're looking at her.
It's not possible. You tell yourself it's not possible at all, because it's a small island and there are at least three people having a birthday today, not just her, but the party must be for her. So why didn't the others tell you? Why did John B arrange for you to meet her, unprepared? You repeat to yourself that it's not possible, because she was studying elsewhere, she was no longer part of this place, this place that stole everything from her: you, her memory, almost her life. Oh no, it hurts too much to look into her eyes right now, as she smiles at you and says something you don't understand, while she doesn't even recognize you. Maybe this hurts you more than anything else.
"What is your name? Come by my house later, I'll wash your clothes. I'm so sorry, really! I'm Y/N, the birthday girl,” she says, her words bursting out of her mouth and confusing you even more.
John B comes up beside you quickly, he puts a hand on your shoulder and tells Y/N your name is JJ. Your name is JJ and you're still in love with her: these are the only certainties you have.
“Are you sure you haven't met before? Did you fight? JJ looks like he just saw a ghost!” Sarah jokes, but Kiara's shocked expression supports her thesis. "Y/N, you told me you didn't even know who it was".
"But it is so! I don't know any of you guys, sorry. I went to school with Topper and Rafe. And then I would remember a guy like that,” Y/N lets slip.
"As well as?" John B asks, grinning.
Y/N swallows, embarrassed.
"Well, cute".
At that point, something inside you awakens and you wear the careless mask on your face again. You kiss the back of her hand, then wink.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. You've already risked falling at my feet, I'd say you've been clear about your feelings for me,” you joke, but those words are like a stab in the center of your chest.
She raises an eyebrow, but she's smiling.
“Cheeky and likable – a great combination, I would say”.
“Y/N, there you are! Stop wasting time with these Pogues and come talk to us again,” Rafe says, putting his arm around your shoulders and you begin to feel a flame leap from within.
“Isn't it among the duties of a birthday girl to talk to all the guests? It would be rude to leave now,” you say and Rafe glares at you.
“He's right,” Kiara snaps in quickly and Pope, who has just arrived, nods, even though he probably doesn't even know what you're talking about.
“See you later, Rafe,” you say then, walking with the others.
You stay behind with Kiara and Sarah to ask them how they met her, but John B yanks you through another door.
“JJ, I didn't know she was back, I swear!” He whispers and you sigh.
"Yeah, well, me neither! I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her".
“I noticed,” John B. chuckles. “What are you going to do now?”
“I won't tell her anything, John B. Hopefully, she'll be alone for the summer and then she'll be back where she came from. Trust me, it's better for her to know nothing".
“JJ, you're my best friend and I'm tired of watching you suffer. I think she would like to know that you were her boyfriend."
“I screwed her up with one of my usual stupid plans. I don't think she would want to know that, instead,” you retort. John B sighs.
"As you like".
You all gather near a rock, a few meters from the sea, managing to hear the roar of the waves loud and clear in your ears. You used to love hearing Y/N's voice, but then you forgot it and now you can't even remember what timbre it had.
“What is that thing she has around his neck?” You hear her ask Kiara and she laughs.
“That necklace? It's a gift from his ex, an older girl he was with a while ago."
"Really? JJ, you never told me about this!” Sarah exclaims. "I wish I'd known her."
You give her a perfunctory smile as you pretend to accidentally slip your elbow in the ribs of John B, who is laughing.
“John B always says he looks like a widower because of that ring around his neck,” adds Pope.
“John B is not nice at all, I don't even know why I'm friends with him,” you say, narrowing your eyes. "Anyway, we were together for a year, then it ended badly and now I've been single for a year."
“Would you like to apply?” John B asks and you glare at him.
“I don't think I've started off on the right foot,” Y/N says, nodding at your clothes.
“Oh, these? Forget it, I don't need it anyway,” you say and start undoing the buttons of your shirt.
“JJ, what are you doing?” Kiara asks, surprised.
“I'm going to take a bath,” you answer simply. You take off your shoes, then your pants and finally your shirt. The necklace stays with you, though: you never leave that one. It would be like leaving her.
You throw yourself into the sea and you finally feel free. The others follow suit, even Y/N. Once upon a time you would have hugged her and said: "Don't worry, I'll protect you from sea urchins" and she would have laughed, so you could have filled your ears with her laughter, but now you're not allowed to.
You still remember the escalators, when you went down them in reverse as you watched her approach the airport gate. You stopped on a step and climbed it until you were out of sight of her, hoping you never hit the ground. But then you got there on land and you had to let her go. John B told you you shouldn't have made that sacrifice, but you thought you'd do anything for her.
“Come to my house, later,” you hear her voice in your ear and shivers run up your back, even run down your spine. You turn around, a little intrigued and a little confused. “It's not a date, I just want to wash your clothes that I soiled you. My parents are still at the restaurant where we celebrated my birthday. I'll clean it up for you and then you go home, I promise,” she smiles at you and for a moment her gaze is so genuine you think she recognizes you, but a moment after you say yes, she's already walking up to Sarah.
You would have liked a different ending, it's true, but even just seeing her again makes you recover some oxygen and you're too selfish to be able to give up on her again.
“What did she tell you?” John B asks you.
“You know John B, curiosity killed the cat,” you say, before jokingly shoving him head underwater, ears muffled and a lump in his throat. If he knew you felt like this all the time since she's been gone, maybe he'd help but tease you so much, even though you know he does it because he loves you.
You enter Y/N's house barefoot, your shirt undone around your waist and your sand-stained shoes in your hands. You are fearful, because Y/N's parents weren't very kind to you last time, indeed not at all, and it scares you to enter here, as if you could see them jumping on you from the walls at any moment. You look around warily, noting that this house has remained the same since you left, giving up everything. A part he still curses himself for it, but it was for the best given what happened next. What probably would have happened anyway.
You get to the bathroom, start undressing again, but seeing Y/N turn around to give you your space makes you laugh heartily.
“You just saw me half naked, there's nothing you haven't seen by now,” you say and Y/N shakes a hand, still turned, as if to say no, he won't turn.
“It's not the same: before it was like you were in a swimsuit, now you would be in underwear. I don't want to be inappropriate."
“Y/N, only your integrity is inappropriate here. You can also look at me,” you say.
Look at me, always look at me.
“There are some of my father's clothes on the washing machine, put them on; then when you're done you tell me and I start the washing machine. I'm going to go change for a while too,” Y/N replies, heading into her room.
She changes you quickly, always afraid that her parents will come and find you half naked with their daughter, then put your clothes in the washing machine. You leave the bathroom, walk down the corridor and stop in front of her half-closed door. You start to knock, just to let her know you've changed, but you stop when you see her trying to undo the dress by herself through the looking glass. You would like to help her, but you freeze on the spot: you didn't know how much you missed being able to touch her until now, as if it were a primordial need you forgot about and which has only now surfaced. You swallow a ton of saliva while you see her undo the zipper, then you turn abruptly: it would be inappropriate to look at her now and you giggle thinking about the words she used just now.
Y/N comes out of the room in pajamas a minute later and smiles to see her father's clothes fit loose on you. She then throws her clothes into the washing machine and starts it off.
“Are you sure we have enough time before your parents get back?”
“No, but just in case you'll hide in the closet,” she replies.
"You're joking, aren't you?"
She bites her lip, a gleam of amusement in her eyes.
"Maybe not".
But you don't have to lock yourself in the closet at the end, because the two hours pass quietly and smoothly. You chatted with her like in the old days, savoring every word, every minute together, every time you could touch her hand or shoulder without apologizing.
You change quickly, again, then greet her at the back door, lest her parents might see you through the front door. You look at her thinking that you still have at least three months to be next to her, which is still more than you ever thought you could, but it seems to have wasted too much time already.
“Hey, JJ,” she says and you turn to face her.
“Your face has looked familiar to me all evening. Are you sure we've never seen each other before?"
You swallow slowly, pondering whether it might not be better to confess the whole truth at this point, but then you pull back again.
"No. Trust me, I would remember you".
She smiles at you, head cocked to one side.
"Careful, your girlfriend might be jealous".
You slowly approach her, who remains motionless staring at you, almost frightened, so you raise your palms in surrender. You see her shoulders relax, then you leave a kiss on her cheek, her lips lingering on her skin that still tastes like salt.
"Then we might as well give her something to really be jealous about, don't you think?" You tell her with a grin, then say goodbye for real and walk away.
It's been two months. You've laughed with her, joked with her, talked to her, but she still doesn't seem to remember anything about you. Doctors said it could happen, but her memory has not returned. At this point, according to John B, it is better to create new memories and you agree. It would be so much better if she didn't come back to her house in a month and even better if you weren't aware that her parents hate you, but that's okay, she's here, so everything looks better anyway. Her parents know she's seeing you again, you saw their contemptuous looks at the door when you picked her up the other night, but they haven't said anything. But you know it, oh if you know it! You know they would like to see you disappear from her life forever. If only you weren't so in love with her, you already would have.
“JJ, hey, what are you thinking about?” She asks you and you come back to reality.
“The fact that the Big Dipper is clearly visible in the sky tonight,” you lie and she immediately looks at the place your finger is pointing.
"But you are sure? I do not see it!" She exclaims and you laugh. "You're a liar!"
She jostles you playfully, so you hug her and keep laughing until you notice her father looking at you from the window. You immediately move away from her, your hands in your pockets and your eyes fixed on your shoes. She notices your sudden change right away and turns to see her father staring at you.
"No, don't tell him anything, it's fine."
“No, that's not good! We weren't doing anything wrong,” you retort. "Besides, I don't understand why you always defend them."
You can't tell her. You can't tell her about how they threatened you during "The Last Day", you can't tell her about the flowers you had to throw away running down the stairs, you can't tell her that when you think about it, your left cheekbone still hurts, what it was hurt against the window of the Twinkie when you braked hard. You can't do this to her.
“If you feed me one more of your lies, JJ, I swear I…”
“Y/N, come home,” your father says, at the doorway.
She looks at you as if she's begging you to fight, to tell her she has to stay with you, but you remain silent. And yet, a part of you is happy, because she finally recognizes that look in your eyes, the look of longing, as if it were a mirror of yours.
Maybe there is still hope and you think about this as you walk away.
You're mentally going over your shopping list as you fill the inflatable pool with water when Y/N arrives. She's carrying a blanket, a couple of bags and she’s wearing a bathing suit.
"What are you doing here?" you ask her. "Did we have a date, by any chance?"
“First you flirt with me,” she begins, leaving the blanket on the floor, “then you defend my parents,” she continues, leaving everything else too, “and in the end you think you can get away with disappearing for a whole day? No, now we're going to settle this once and for all".
You raise an eyebrow as you reach over to open the envelopes: a few beers, some water, plenty of food, and a couple of shirts his father's size. She practically did the shopping for you!
“Did you rob a supermarket, by any chance?”
“No, just my house. I want to help you, JJ. I know things are bad for you and you live alone, Sarah told me. It's not true that your father works abroad: he's gone,” you say. You look at her with sadness mixed with anger, because you know that now he will start feeling pity for you, new ones and it was the last thing you wanted. “I'm really sorry and I don't want you to feel embarrassed about me, but I can't help but help you if I can. I would do it with anyone, you know."
“What did you want to talk to me about?” You ask, changing the subject. She notices it, but she doesn't flinch.
Grab a beer, then enter the small pool and she does the same shortly after. She stares intently into your eyes, as if she’s deciding how to introduce the topic.
“You're burning my retinas, Y/N. What is happening?"
Y/N blows the air out, then puts the beer on the grass.
“I never asked you anything, JJ, because it didn't feel right. Before we weren't even friends, then the line got thinner and thinner and my mind got clouded, because my feelings for you have changed. I would like to understand what we are, but I don't want to scare you, although maybe now I have, because I'm a person who talks too much,” she says, ruffling her hair. "Sorry, I just wanted to ask what happened with that girl, because every time I lean in to kiss you, it seems to me that you're thinking about her".
For a moment, her words catch you off guard, then you compose yourself. If she noticed it in two months, maybe everyone else noticed it in a year too. Maybe even her parents.
"When did you try to kiss me?" You ask, throat dry and voice hoarse.
"You really never noticed?" She asks, chuckling. “Every time I've gotten this close to you,” she replies, walking the short distance to you in the pool where she's practically on her knees due to how small it is. Her lips seem to exhale the last breath that chokes in the middle of her throat, while her nose brushes yours. Your heart is beating like a pneumatic hammer in your chest, it seems to you that your ribcage could burst at any moment, while her hand goes up your arm, up to your neck, up to your jaw, cheek, chin. Every fiber of your body cries out for just one kiss to die in from her, but she doesn't touch you, not where you want to.
“What are we doing?” You ask, but your voice begs her to cancel that distance, to surrender to you, so you can avoid saying that it's all your fault, for once.
“You tell me,” she replies. “I do what you want”.
You swallow, tense.
“Oh, to Hell with it!” You exclaim and drag her with you to Hell.
You kiss her passionately, your hands all over her body, but then stop on the back of her neck, as you deepen your knowledge of her, as if you didn't know who she was, as if you didn't know that seeing her leave broke your heart and that it he'll do it again, even if he doesn't want to, as if I don't know every inch of his body or soul. It's a fire that's finally burning inside you now, after keeping it at bay for far too long.
And then you hug her. You hold her close to you, her lips pressed into the crook of her neck and you feel her trembling in your arms. You only realize you're strangely wet on her shoulder when she lets out a sob.
“What happened to me?” She asks you and it's like taking a cold shower in the middle of winter.
“So you know,” you say, but yours seems more like a question.
“You have a scar on your cheekbone. Sarah told me you got it while falling and I would have believed it, except I have one too, on her forearm, but I don't remember how I got it,” she confesses. You shake your head, as if begging her not to ask you to do this, not to ask you to hurt her on purpose. But she continues: “I'm the older girl, aren't I JJ? I have the ring in the jewelry box in my room. My parents won't tell me the truth, but I need to know: why did we break up? Did we have an accident? What happened?"
You sigh, then stroke her arm. You don't want to tell her the truth, but you have to: now it's time to know.
“We had an accident. I was driving the Twinkie and you were sitting next to me. We ended up in the hospital, you woke up after me. I was bringing you flowers for your awakening, but your parents intercepted me before I could enter your room, before you even actually opened your eyes. Your mother told me to get out of your life,” you say and see her contrite expression on her face. “So when the doctors said you didn't remember anything from senior year, I jumped at the chance and ran. But they were right, Y/N, I had to leave you alone. I wanted to do it now too, but I was selfish. But I promise you that when you get back there, I won't..."
“I'm not going back there,” she cuts you off abruptly, with pride in her eyes. "JJ, I remember you."
You shake your head, confused.
“Memories came back a while ago, but I needed to know about my parents, so I didn't tell you anything. I’m sorry. I remembered everything when you said you saw the Big Dipper,” he says, smiling.
You run a hand over his face, not even knowing what to feel. You should be relieved, yet you feel scared.
“What will happen now?” You ask.
She takes your necklace in her hands, playing with the ring.
“You're no longer a widower, JJ,” she says and you smile at her, feeling her throat choke with her tears.
"And your parents?"
“They'll get over it. Besides, what can I do if I fell at your feet?”
You burst out laughing, then you kissed her again.
“Do you remember what you told me the day of the accident?” She asks you.
“That I loved you,” you reply and she nods.
“This memory I can see as clearly as I see you now. It's not over until it's over."
You stroke her cheek, then hug her again, happy in the knowledge that it's not the last time this time.
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wordspin-shares · 2 years
Heads Up Seven Up
Thank you so much for the tag, @darthnell! <3
Post the last 7 lines of your current WIP.
It’s more of a current hyperfixation than a WIP, this one. Here are the last lines (bit more than seven) of my Top Gun: Maverick plot-bunny, working title Lessons in Motion.
JJ directed an exaggerated grimace at Dean. “Busted, Dino.”
Dean laughed and got up. “Dance with me after?”
“Always, sweetheart.” She watched him join his father and turned back to the piano, her fingers pressing the keys slowly.
“That was a nice rendition before.”
It was the man who had been watching them. He had moved closer.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Toy Story theme in half-tempo,” he continued. There was a definite twitch to his mouth under his mustache.
JJ felt herself mirroring his expression. “Well, it had to sound fitting for a wedding,” she repeated what she had told her godson. Then it struck her. “You play?”
“A little,” the man answered. There was a small pause. “I’m Bradley.”
Tagging: @thecharmedburrowspn-files @darknightfrombeyond @sunlitscribe @heirsoflilith @foxesandmagic @connietheecunning @illegalcerebral @hiddenqveendom @bobfloydsbabe @stachedocs @asirensrage @heresthefanfiction @starcrossedjedis @noratilney @residentdormouse, and everyone else who sees this, consider yourselves tagged!
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00prototype · 1 year
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Can you hear my voice? 私の声が聞こえますか? . . #canyouhearme #untold #cat #fashion #fashiondesign #shopping #kitty #gallerieslafayette #lafayette #paris #galerieslafayette #gatto #dummy #jj #ff #ダミー #私の声が聞こえますか #ファッション #言わない #猫 #ファッションデザイナー #買い物 #パリ #ラファイエット #soul #魂 (presso Galeries Lafayette) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYVLgqI0kq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Won't Tell a Soul(Pt.9)
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 2161
Warnings: mention of abuse/rape, smut, light angst, comforting,
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At the beginning of August, Joey moved out finally having enough of the Outer Banks and shit that goes on since Callie still stays out late with JJ and Tess didn't seem to care.
JJ also started to be distant with Callie at times. She knew he was missing his best friend but why was he doing it with just her. He didn't do it with Kie or Pope.
"Callie, you have a letter." Tess has a certain look on her face as she holds out the letter to her.
Callie takes it to read and she knew the handwriting right away reading it to herself, "My dad is out of prison." She looks up at her aunt, "He's living in Figure Eight and wants to see me."
"Are you going?" Tess asks worried.
Callie headed to the rich side of the island going to the address in the letter. Arriving at the house she looks at the door before ringing the doorbell. When the door opens she was confused to see Rose.
"Callie? What are you doing here?" Rose asks confused too.
"What are you doing here? My father told me to come here."
"Your father is Will? William, it's for you." She calls out and he comes around the corner smiling at his daughter.
"Look at you. I didn't think you could get more beautiful." He walks up to the door.
"You know Rose?" Callie looks at her.
"Yeah, my brother, your uncle, used to date her before Ward and we stayed good friends." He explains, "Come on in, honey." He motions for her so she does and Rose leaves the room so they could be alone. "How have you been?" Will asks his daughter.
"Not great… two friends of mine died."
"John B and Sarah Cameron." He says their names.
"Yes, but he didn't kill the sheriff. Rafe did." She says since he apparently knew the Camerons because of Rose.
"I figured that out by the way Rose acts when I asked her questions. Especially Ward." He looks where Rose walked off to. "I'm glad you decided to swing by. I know I'm not the best father. The way I treated you and your mother. Especially when I was high on drugs… trying to kill your mother because I was out. How is she?" He asks.
"You don't know?" She looks at him.
"Don't know what?"
"She left me four years ago after you got put away. Aunt Tess has been my caregiver. We just moved back in recently with her ex." Callie explains to her father.
"You're mother just up and left you? Wow, what a bitch. You were her world…" He sighs as Rafe walks into view.
"Callie?" He looks at her out from the deck.
She looks over at him before walking outside slapping him across the face hard. He just stands there with his head turned nodding, "I deserved that."
"You deserve a lot me. You deserve to rot in a prison cell for kil-," Rafe covers her mouth with his hand as her father walks away inside.
"Don't say it." He growls.
"Why did you kill her? All she was doing was her job arresting your father for John B's father's death." She shoves his hand off her mouth.
"You wanna know why I did it?" Rafe starts to tear up, "You wanna know the truth?" A tear falls making Callie feel bad deep down seeing him like this. "He was in trouble and I was protecting him. I did it. Not Sarah, the only child he fucking cares about. I did it. I wanted him to like me more for once." He cries to her.
She goes to open her mouth but he talks again, "When I told him why I did… he stepped forward and I stepped back. He hugged me and I was confused but then happy he didn't hit me." He says and the last few words hit her right in her soft spot.
"God damn it… none of that will ever make me forgive you… but Rafe, your father's love isn't worth all that." She steps closer to him. "I know you want it and for him to be proud of you but you aren't going to get it that way." She pulls him into a hug as he still cries a little. "I fucking hate doing this." She sighs in the hug.
Once they finally stop hugging he asks her what she was doing there, "Will is my father I told you about." She looks down, "I don't even know why I'm here." She starts to tear up, "I'll never forgive him because it's his fault my mom left me." A tear rolls down her face, "It's his fault I had to move in with my aunt and Joey. It's his fault I got abused and raped." She spills making Rafe's eyes widen.
"Joey raped you?" He asks making her realize what she said. She's never told anyone that. Not Tess or even JJ.
"No." She quickly tells him.
"Callie." He says making her cry.
"Don't tell anyone please, Rafe." She cries harder making him pull her into a hug now. "I was only fourteen." She whispers.
Rafe held her tightly against his chest as his soft spot for her grew bigger in his chest, "I promise not to tell a soul, princess." He rubs her back.
"Princess?" Callie looks up at him with their faces inches away from each other.
"Sorry… I mean bitch." He gets a chuckle out of her before he leans down to place a kiss on her lips. When he felt her lips part, he used it to his advantage and deepened the kiss, pulling her even closer to him even though there was no more room.
As Callie felt her hands moving up his chest she steps back sick of herself for actually kissing him back, "I gotta go. Tell Will I'll see him another time." Callie backs away before running to the car to go home.
"How did it go?" Tess asks as Callie rushes into the house.
"Didn't talk long. He knows the Camerons though." She rushes up to her room.
"I have a job dinner party to go to tonight so I'll leave you some money to go get something!" Tess shouts out to her.
While Callie hung out in her room at home alone, Kiara decided to swing by to see how she was doing so Callie told her about her dad being out free and knowing Rose.
"Wasn't he supposed to be in prison for at least twenty years? It was only four…" Kie gives her a look.
"I know… How's JJ?"
"Why are you asking?" Kiara says confused not knowing that he ignores Callie.
"He's been distant with me since they disappeared. I don't know why just me because he still talks to you and Pope."
"I'll ask him what the hell next time I see him. That fucking idiot. I'll see you tomorrow." Kie leaves Callie alone.
Bored Callie went downstairs to drink some alcohol and get high to relax from the news of her dad being back.
Somethin' 'bout you Makes me feel like a dangerous woman Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout Somethin' 'bout you Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
Callie sang the lyrics moving to the music, which was turned up loud, as she drank walking around the house high as hell with a buzz. Since the music was so loud she didn't hear the knocking at the front door.
"Hello!" Rafe walks into the house since the door was unlocked. "Callie!" He calls out her name and as the song ends she hears him.
"What are you doing here?" She downs her bottle.
"I wanted to talk to you about earlier." He tells her but she doesn't listen as she sings the lyrics to the next song.
You don't own me I'm not just one of your many toys You don't own me Don't say I can't go with other boys
"Callie, listen to me damn it." He takes the bottle from her so she blows smoke in his face, "Where's Tess?"
"Dinner party with people from work so I'm relaxing." She smiles, "You know, if you weren't such a dick…I'd like you."
"Nice to know." He huffs.
"Kiss me." She says surprising him.
"What? No. You're drunk and high." He tells her as she steps closer to him.
"I'm not drunk, just high." She corrects him.
"I'm still not kissing you."
"That's funny. You don't want to kiss me when I want you to, but in the past, you kept kissing me when I didn't want you to." She laughs at him.
"Because you aren't thinking straight right now, Callie. You're stressed out with Will being back and you kissing back me earlier." He says making her huff.
"You forgot to add my best friend, I have feelings for, is ignoring me at all costs but not Kie or Pope. Also, my other best friend and your sister are dead." She takes her drink back taking a sip, "Now, you can shut up and kiss me or get out of my house." She tells him putting her empty bottle down.
Rafe quickly grabs her by the waist pulling her closer leaning down to kiss her. One of her hands go to the back of his head for support, while both of his hands now moved to grip at her ass, eliciting a small whimper from her lips as he squeezed it.
"Jump." He broke off the kiss for a moment, jumping up to him, his hands grabbing her thighs and her legs placed around his waist, as he walked upstairs towards her.
He laid her down in her bed, pressing heated kisses at her neck and her collarbones, the softness of his lips on her skin make her release a small whimper. Slowly, he came back up to face her, gazing into her eyes hazelly, as all the rational thoughts left from her body.
This was wrong, this was so wrong and she knew it but she needed to relax in some way. Even if it was with a psychotic, drug abuser, douche bag, and murderer.
The kiss she gave him as she pulled his face closer to her was nothing but primal, his tongue sloppily licking at her, and her teeth nipping at his lips.
Rafe's grip tightened on her tight, she was sure she would find his fingerprints on her the next day. Callie whimpered at the feeling, her hips involuntarily bucking into his groin, making him groan.
Rafe grinds down against her as her lips traveled down his neck, licking at his skin while her hands traveled down his back, playing with the hem of his t-shirt, raising it higher and higher until he finally got the hint and undressed himself of it.
Since Callie was wearing a dress it wasn't that hard for Rafe to take off her underwear, leaving her bottom half bare. There was no time to waste, so he unbuttoned his pants, leaving them to pool down at his feet, and got rid of his underwear. While he struggled to open a condom, that he must've gotten from his back pocket, she was busy admiring his toned body.
"Fuck." She moaned out as he groaned into her neck as he slowly started to penetrate her, little by little, but enough to have her desire more. Once he was fully inside of her, he started to thrust slowly in and out of her, letting her adjust to him, "This is so wrong."
"Just like enjoy it, princess." He started to pound her faster, but still not enough for her liking.
"I'm not exactly enjoying it yet." She tells him so his hands came to her hips, gripping them tight as he started plunging into her. Callie gasped at the harsh movements as her nails started tracing patterns on his back.
One of his hands traced to pull the top of her dress on her waist, her boobs spilling out of it. He seemed almost hypnotized by the way they jiggled as he plunged into her, taking one of them into his hands.
Callie's hands move back up into his hair, pulling his face down to hers to meet with sloppy, messy kisses.
Both moaning into each other's mouths, Callie felt her climax approaching, as did Rafe, when he felt her tightening around his cock. His right hand came to rub at her clit, making her arch her back at the sensation, several mentions, loud sounds, of his name falling off her lips.
Rafe wanted to go on for much longer, but he couldn't last any longer when he heard the loud noises that left Callie's mouth and filled the room. He groaned loudly as he found his release, sloppy thrusting into her as he helped her ride her high. Once her breathing calmed down, he fell down next to her, taking the condom off of him and pushing the hair that gathered on his forehead away with his hand.
"If you tell anyone… I will fucking kill you, Rafe. No hesitation like you did with Peterkin. I swear by it." Callie stares at her ceiling as the reality of the situation sunk in.
"I won't tell a soul. I swear by it as well because I believe you." He spoke through harsh breaths.
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mattywritesff · 2 years
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POV: You and Rudy Pankow ONESHOT
School has started. Today I wore a white tank top and black shorts. I left my hair loose for a change. In the middle of class, someone knocked on the door. "Next" exclaimed Professor Young. Rudy Pankow entered the classroom wearing a tight black tank top and black jeans. "Hello, I'm here to report that Miss Smith is to appear in the headmaster's office," he said calmly towards the professor. "Good. Pack your things miss" said the surprised teacher. I nodded my head. My stomach was in knots. I have no idea what I did, but it must be serious. I packed my things, all my classmates stared at me, I left the classroom without a single word. "Did I do something?" I looked scared at Rudy. "What do I know" he laughed. "The director didn't call you, I just wanted to talk to you" he said amused. That's kicking ass. "And that couldn't wait?" I said angrily. "No" he bit his lower lip. "You are really incredible" I scolded him. He approached me with a strange expression. I was slightly alarmed and started to back up. "I feel so close to you now" He pushed me against the lockers by the wall. He reached his hand next to me and rested it on the lockers so I couldn't leave. "What you want?" I spluttered frantically. He leaned in so that our faces were barely a few inches apart and said, “Look, all I know is that right now I really want you. I want to kiss you on every part of your body, even where you would never think of it." All I could do was swallow loudly. He was looking at my lips. I flicked my eyes between his eyes and pink lips. “I want to lick every bit of your body. I know you want me too but you keep denying it. Something draws us together and you know it very well" he sighed to me. I saw lust in his eyes. And I knew he was right. I want him badly, but I can't admit it. I licked my lower lip. Without a word he turned on his heel and left. He left me there alone to my thoughts. I heard the bell ring that morning. But it didn't stop… I woke up. It was just a dream. I had to take a deep breath. "Damn it," I sighed. None of that happened. I rubbed my eyes and went to take an ice shower to forget the dream.
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wxniesrxse · 2 years
HIIII! how are you??? you’re blog is so so pretty and I love your writing!! I wanted to request for so long but I’ve always been so shy BUT HERE I AM so what about trainee A when they come into your room while you’re changing by total accident?? Nothing weird ofc I just want to laugh abt their reactions THAT’S IT ILY BYEEE 💕💕
I’m doing good! How are you?☺️ Thank you for liking my blogs and my writing! I try my best! Also DO NOT BE SHY if you want to request something! Just ask! I love receiving requests from y’all! Okay hopefully you like this one! 💕✨🫶🏻
Pairing: you x TA member
Genre: fluff
Warning: none
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Synopsis: you are changing your clothes in your room. You didn’t lock the door either.
• He is a gentleman for sure! So that means he always knocks on your door!
• But today for some reason he was in rush to tell you something and he just walks into your room while you were changing clothes.
• "ahhhhh Yorch!!" You screamed.
• He'll freeze and starts stuttering. "I-I-I...I'M SORRY!!" Immediately he leaves.
• Once he does he feels so embarrassed and his face is red but still, he has a playful grin lingering on his face.
• You just got out of the shower and you were alone so you didn't lock the door.
• Suddenly the door opens and there was Sangwon.
• His eyes widen big and he showed a quick forceful smirk.
• "sorry." He says and leaves.
• He starts to laugh quietly to himself. "I should have knocked!" He said trying to erase you from his mind.
• "YN I was-IM SORRY!!" He runs away but forgets to close the door.
• So he has to come back to close the door.
• He walks towards your room with closed eyes. "I'm not looking okay!" He assures you before closing the door fully.
• "wait is she wearing my shirt?"....he wonders.
• You were taking your shirt off mid-part when suddenly James open the door.
• you got scared.
• "Are you going to eat lunch?" He asked looking at you.
• "uh-yeah I'll be there in a minute," you said feeling embarrassed.
• "okay cool!" He throws up a thumbs up and a smile. Then he left.
• once he is out his face is red. "How did I stay calmed?!" He asked himself.
• He rushes INSIDE to your room. "Hey I'm going to " he freezes.
• "I'm sorry I didn't know you were changing I'm so so sorry!" His face was red and he was all giggling. Even so, he didn't leave.
• "it's fine JJ, just leave!" You say.
• "oh right! I'm sorry once again!" He runs off.
• He leans on the wall and slides down while laughing hard because he feels embarrassed.
• "oh-oh, I'm sorry," he says once he enters your room.
• he has a shy smile and his cheeks turn pink.
• he covers his mouth out of embarrassment.
• so he leaves.
• he is so embarrassed that he thinks he won't be able to look into your eyes again. " I hope she does not think I'm a pervert!" He prays.
• He opens the door and you screamed.
• "pfff don't exaggerate, I brought you food, it's on the table," he said with an uninterested look on his face.
• Once he is out of your room he coughs. "I should knock! I'm so dumb" he hits his forehead while laughing quietly to himself.
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