#joanna constantine X reader
thebigsl33p · 2 years
You Are Sick and You're Married, and You Might Be Dying. (Part two)
Part one.
Really I wanted to title this after Andromeda by Weyes Blood, "Treat me right, I'm still a good man's daughter. Let me In If I break and be quiet if I shatter." But it's easier if it has the same title as the one before. Maybe I'll do another one with that title. TW: angst, death, cancer, realistic Chemo (as close as I could get it anyways), Morpheus. No happy ending.
Things had been hard.
Y/N had been given two choices, Chemotherapy or to just…leave it. To let the Cancer exist and spread to her lymph nodes, slowly kill her. She thought about it, she really did. It would be easier, peaceful and on her own terms. Joanna assured her that whatever she chose she would be by her side, and Y/N had no doubt. So when she chose Chemo, Joanna did everything in her power to make sure she was comfortable.
It was the least she could do with the guilt she was carrying. She knew Y/N wasn't going to make it, a demon's curse is a demon's curse. And she felt awful. But she didn't want her girl to hate her, so she didn't bring it up.
The Doctors had told them about what to watch out for. How Y/N would be sensitive to the cold, it could cause pins and needles or make her throat feel like it was closing up so they should always have gloves, a scarf and a bottle of warm water after a Chemo session.
They had also told the couple about how food might taste different for Y/N and may even have a different texture. And how she could be sick or feel nauseous. And should anything feel off at all she was to call 111. They would give her the best advice, tell her whether she should to to the hospital or not.
The Chemo was spread across every other week.
Y/N was sitting in a chair in the Chemo section of the hospital she was in, wearing one of Joanna's shirts and a cardigan. She had a pick in her arm and a bag of chemicals hanging over her head. Her girlfriend was sitting in a chair next to her, and they were chatting about shit TV when her phone went.
Y/N saw her go to decline it, "Joanna, you're allowed to accept phone calls, y'know? I know you don't think of it this way, but you do actually have a job, that you are allowed to attend." She reminded her.
"Fine." Joanna accepted the call and sat there for a while, just humming in agreement before hanging up, "They want me for an exorcism this evening. Someone high class."
"Royal?" Y/N laughed.
"Probably. But I can cancel if you don't want me going. Like seriously, they can pull someone else in. The only reason I took it was because they're paying a lot." She explained.
"Joanna it's fine. I'll probably be tired when I get back home, so I'll just sleep while you're gone sweetheart. Don't fret."
Joanna had been to this church many times.
Outside, was the local crazy, Hettie, who Joanna loved to bits. She always had a bit of mystic or occult gossip. The woman was two hundred and eight after all.
And this time, it was about The Sandman, something that Joanna was sure was nothing more than a fairy story.
"He's back.." Hettie slurred.
Joanna laughed, "Who's back Hettie?" 
"Why Morpheus of course."
"Morpheus?" "The king of nightmares. The sandman."
"The sandman's nothing but a fairytale hettie." Joanna laughed.
"Mark my words girl, The Sandman's back, and he wants his sand." Hettie looked over Joanna's shoulder and started giggling.
Joanna turned around, to see what Hettie was having a look at and there on the steps of the church she was about to go into was a man, who she would describe as goth. He looked a bit like an emo teenage boy…but with more style.
"Who are you?" Joanna's eyebrows raised at the man and he began to speak something about dreams and nightmares and sand, but she stopped him, "Look, that's nice and all but I have an exorcism to do and a girlfriend to get back too." She pushed past him.
Joanna would've been eternally grateful for that night.
The night she partnered up with The Sandman to get his bag of sand from an ex-girlfriend of hers who had destroyed herself with it. He had made sure she died peacefully and happily.
And that was when Joanna had an idea.
As they were leaving her ex's house, Joanna turned to Morpheus, "I'm going to ask you a favour." She said, "I don't care what the price is I just…need this. My girlfriend Y/N has cancer. She doesn't know it yet, but…the chemo's not gonna make a change. She's dying and it's my fault. What you did to Rachel in there, could you do that for her? Or maybe put a word in with Death when the time comes? Make sure she's comfortable?"
"Yes." He answered, his eyes showing pity for her, "One day I'll call on you."
In that moment he was the patron saint of Lovers. Forget valentine.
The Chemo was doing very little. If anything it was making it worse. Months later, Y/N had shaved her hair and had lost weight. She looked pale and tired.
The doctor's didn't see much point in continuing with the sessions. Instead they gave Y/N some meds and sent her home under the care of her girlfriend.
The moment they got home, Joanna put Y/N into bed before going to make some food.
Just as she was about to leave the bedroom, Y/N called her back, "Joanna. Please, sit with me."
"…Okay." Joanna turned around and took her side of the bed, "What's up?"
"I know." She said, "I know I had no chance of living…" She admitted, "The night you called me…worried. I thought if I did the Chemo it might make both of us feel better, might let me live a little longer. When I go-"
"Y/N, no." Joanna took her hand.
"When I go, I don't want you to feel bad. Alright?"
"Alright. I'm sorry."
"I know, it's okay. I know you only tried to do what was best."
Y/N barely lasted the rest of the week. She was fading away, finding it harder and harder to wake up, sleeping more, eating less.
And then, one warm summer evening, she was awake again. Joanna could hear her mumbling to herself from the kitchen, chatting away. And just as she went to check on her, there was a knock at the door.
Joanna sighed and went to open it and there on the other side was The Sandman. And she knew what that meant, and she knew who Y/N was talking too.
Together, the Exorcist and The Endless walked into their bedroom to see Y/N sitting up in bed and a black woman sitting on the end of it, her legs crossed like a child.
"I didn't think there was much point in hiding." She shrugged, "You've already met my brother." She turned to Y/N, "You've got a real amazing one here, I wish I could let you keep her a little longer."
"Joanna, come sit with me." Y/N smiled as Joanna took a seat on her side of the bed, "Are you okay?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Joanna was beginning to sniffle.
"You know that's not how we work." She laughed before wiping her Love's eyes, "Don't cry Sweetheart. It's not worth it." Her eyes flicked up, "I take it you're Dream? Your sister told me you'd be coming."
"Yes. I'm here to make sure your happy when you go. It's the least I could do for Joanna." he sighed.
"Well, I think I'm ready." She smiled at her girlfriend, "In the end, was it a Royal?"
"Yeah." Joanna smiled through the overflow of tears.
"I love you." She kissed her cheek.
"I love you too."
And then Morpheus was gone, Death was gone and so was Y/N. And with all three of them they took Joanna's will to live.
The world would never shine as bright again as it did when she was besides Y/N.
Her wonderful, beautiful Y/N.
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notallsandmen · 7 months
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Johanna Constantine — Resident disastersexual
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darkened-writer · 2 years
Suspirium Into Stupor─| 01
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summary || ❝He watched you go, blinking in realization and revelation. He watched you with a look of yearning. But he couldn’t stay here, he had a journey ahead, one you couldn’t join him on.❞
pairing || Morpheus x Fem!Reader
word count || 2,756
warnings || SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3??? 
notes || This fic has been the main one I have been planning since the first episode, and it will follow the events of each episode! So, I hope you enjoy!
P.S. I made a Pinterest board and Spotify Playlist for this fic, just for the visuals and overall vibe of the series! Enjoy that as well!
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“My first question… I had a leather pouch, filled with sand. Where is it?”
“It was sold, In London, last purchased by a magic user called “Johanna Constantine”.”
“Constantine? I knew a Constantine. But that was three-hundred years ago. You said last purchased; does she still have the sand?”
“Dream… You know better than that. You get one question, one answer.”
“My apologies…”
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Dreaded rain pelted down upon the windowsill, the refractions of the light from the streetlamps created an odd, orangey ambiance inside of the two-bedroom apartment; the TV in the front room was still buzzing with life, playing a late night gameshow on a low volume. Two pizza boxes adorned the coffee table, a couple of empty beer cans crushed and thrown next to the boxes. 
Johanna Constantine was draped upon the couch with her legs intertwined with her best-friends, mouth hung slightly open in her slumber until awoken by the alarm on her phone playing a jingle, bright notes making the woman groan with annoyance. She never was a morning person, but she had to get to work. She sat up, grabbing her shoes from under the coffee table and seemingly slipping them onto her feet, lacing them with a satisfied grumble.
“You have work this early, Jo…?”
“Y/N, you could’ve kept sleepin’.”
Johanna looked decent for having woken up early in the morning, however Y/N looked a bit worse for wear, hair poking in all manner of direction, and the hem of her shirt riding up her stomach.
“You wake up, I wake up, it’s a fair deal.”
While Y/N spoke, Johanna grabbed her pure white coat, slipping it over her black turtleneck, and buttoning it up. 
“My sleep schedule is dog shit as of now anyways… so getting up with you won’t hurt a bit.”
This aroused a chuckle from the Constantine, her boots clicking on the wooden floor as she made her way over to her well-exhausted friend and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, noting the warmth of her face from shoving it into the couch.
“I’ll be back later—I’ll get you a latte and a pastry from the shop if I have the time.”
“Little Nina’s shop on ninth?”
“You bet.”
“God bless you, my angel Constantine!”
“Love you too!”
And, with a shut of the door, Johanna was gone, and Y/N was left to her devices. The feeling of needing to sleep creeping up on her. But a feeling in her gut told her that she should stay up, that Joanna may need her, so she kept her eyes open and on the TV.
When Johanna finally arrived back to your shared apartment, she seemed a tad stressed but still had her hands full, holding a cupholder that had two lattes and two pastries. She spoke of how she expelled a demon from the man the Princess was going to marry, neglecting to mention the tall and mysterious fellow with a voice that imprinted into her eardrums. Dream of the Endless, whom she’d have to track down his sand to appease him in his desperation for his tools. Helm, Sand, and his precious ruby, all on his mind as he had lost track of Johanna, being conveniently distracted by the Raven, “Matthew”. But Johanna just wanted to sleep, and knowing that Johanna was safe, you chose to sleep along with her, cuddling like two bear cubs in a shallow cave after finishing your lattes and delicious pastries. 
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You dreamt of green, the long grass caressing your calves, the sun beating down on your head and rolling down your shoulders. And, most of all, you dreamt of the trees, that stretching taller, and taller, hugging your frame with the branches and leaves. You truly felt the peace and euphoria that comes with being one with the Earth, with no limits and no expectations. The sound of a waterfall graced your ears, subtle but noticeable as you eventually crossed enough foliage to see it. It sparkled along with the sun beams, rushing down and crashing into the rocks beneath it, brutal beauty.
“Y/N, wake up-...!”
The darkness of the living room greeted your eyes that were just starting to get used to the oasis within your dream, Johanna’s hands grasping your shoulders softly but resolute. But your eyes weren’t on her dark brown ones, but the star-crossed ones of the man behind her. He loomed, trench coat almost as dark as his aura, and yet his skin complimented it all. Pale and chalky looking from the distance between you both. His hair was sparse and wild, framing his face perfectly, the man was sublime.
“Help me look in my office, would you? For a pouch of sand…— you remember it?”
“Erm…” His eyes were still on you.
“Yes, I remember…”
Rising to your feet, you stretched, bringing your arms above your head and letting out a groan of satisfaction as you followed Johanna to her office, the papers scattered everywhere giving you an odd feeling of comfort as she made a beeline for her desk, fiddling with her many trinkets and papers. The mysterious man trailed behind, standing and watching as you and Johanna both looked in different corners of the office.
“Why do humans love objects so much…?”
His voice came out, airless and stifling, his pronunciation giving him a sense of “wiseness” over just about anyone with “normal” dialect.
“You seem pretty attached to your sand—”
“It’s not just an object, it’s a part of me.”
His words left you pondering who or what he was, keeper of sand and speaking as if humans are foolish. Perhaps a god? Johanna had taught you quite a bit of supernatural knowledge that you wouldn’t doubt if he was an omnipotent being.
“If that's true, how’d you happen to lose it?”
“It was stolen by another magic user called Burgess.”
Johanna perked up, your own head turning towards the two speaking.
“Wait, not Roderick Burgess? The old Demon King himself, eh? Everyone used to say he was a fake. Said he had the Devil locked up in his basement. How the fuck did you…”
A pregnant pause, before it dawned on her, yourself still being left clueless. Johanna and the man both stared at each other as it finally clicked for her.
“Shit. Wasn’t the Devil he had locked up in his basement, was it?” Just his gaze confirmed that he was the one locked up, and you felt sympathy pulling at your heart.
“Were you down there? All this time?”
His gaze shifted to the side, towards photobooth pictures you knew Johanna never wanted to throw out, of her and her ex-girlfriend. His hand grabbed the picture, pulling it up and out of its “spot”.
“Is this you?”
“Why? Do I look that different? Or younger?”
He paused, considering, “No… Happy”.
Johanna sighed, “Shit. I know where your sand is.”
She turned to you, now grasping the picture and you felt your heart sink immediately.
“You really left this “Sand Pouch” with her? Johanna…”
“I know, I know—… Just, get ready to leave, we’re going to her flat.” She left the office, to likely put on her boots and jacket once again, leaving you in the room with the alluring stranger, his eyes landing on you.
“How do you know Constantine?”
“Best friends, for about six years… question is, how do YOU know her?”
The corner of his lips twitched up a bit, “She had my sand, and now I want it back.”
“Are you some sort of sand god or something…?”
His brows furrowed, “You really weren’t informed? I’m Morpheus, Dream of the Endless.”
A book that Johanna had kept in her office came to mind, the memory of opening up the book and blowing the dust off of the pages, reading the fine print about the various “Endless” and their power. The man in front of you was the Sandman, creator of dreams and nightmares, the “King” of the Dreaming. 
“The tomes of the Endless really didn’t capture your essence well, Dreamlord.”
You brush past him, suddenly remembering that you were going to go with the two, but while your thoughts were centered on leaving, Morpheus was puzzled. Did you really read a history book about him AND his family? Perhaps you were gifted in magic as Constantine was? You did have an aura around you, of someone who could do damage given the circumstances. And, to say that piqued his interest in you and your origins, would be an understatement. 
“Who is she? The woman in the picture.”
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The moon was shining upon the three of you, as you were walking in tandem towards the apartment of Rachel Moodie, Johanna’s ex whom she was still hung over on. Having kept many pictures of each other together, it was clear that Johanna missed her.
“Her name’s Rachel, Rachel Moodie.”
“Does she deal in magic as well?” Johanna scoffs.
“God, no. No, she’s actually a decent person. Proper job… nice family. Fuckin’ hated all the magic stuff.”
“And, yet you left the sand with her.”
“No, I did not leave it with her. Sort of left it. And her.”
His expression showed a minimal amount of empathy toward her, yet he seemed to know the feeling of heartbreak. Plenty of past lovers, you’d assume due to being “immortal”.
“I was staying at her place. She interpreted that as us living together, which we weren’t, so, one night, I just went on a job and… never went back.”
“Because it never ends well, does it?”
“What? Love?” Her statement struck a chord for him.
“No. I suppose it doesn’t.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but people around me tend to get ripped in half or cast down to hell, except Y/N of course…— But it was safer for her if I left.”
“Did you tell her that?”
“No.” She stops walking, stopping in front of Rachel’s apartment door.
“I suppose I’ll have to now… This is her, or it used to be. It’s been six months. Maybe she might’ve moved house. Please, have moved house-”
Staying stood next to Morpheus, you watched Johanna go to press the buzzer for Rachel’s apartment, pressing it to get clearance to go inside.
“Oh, bollocks.”
There was awkward silence for a bit before she spoke again, “Maybe we’ll get lucky, and she won’t be-”
“That’s weird. She didn’t even ask who it is. Maybe she’s expecting someone. This could get awkward. More… awkward. You two wait here-”
“I’m coming with you.” You both said it in unison, peering at each other from peripheral vision, and Johanna let a smirk paint on her lips.
“No, neither of you are coming in with me. Do you have any idea how much she probably hates me? Do you have any ex-girlfriends?” 
This caused him to pause, looking down as if remembering something.
“We will not wait long.”
“You won’t have to. She’s gonna slam the door in my face, like I’m about to do to you two… right now.” As quickly as she was stood there talking, she vanished behind the door. Your own shoulders slacking as you walked over to a wall to lean against it. And eventually, rain started to pour from the oily black skies, giving the air an earthy smell similar to wet, freshly cut grass. A raven swooped down from the raining showers and settled in front of Morpheus, before squawking like it was talking. And Morpheus seemed to be listening intently.
“Matthew, I-”
Matthew? The raven had a name?
He peered up after a bit, focused on something other than the present moment as you marveled at the Raven. 
“Matthew? Psttt.. hello…!”
The raven turned to look at you then back at Morpheus, speaking to him as if he could understand, and apparently, he could, a slight smirk twitching at his lips.
“What did that raven tell you?”
“Nothing flattering…”
Matthew flew away back into the rain and Morpheus went to open the door, your own hand stopping his with a grip on his wrist. He was oddly cold, like the air circulating around you two, almost sending a shiver up your arm.
“We must help Constantine and her ex-lover, follow me, Y/N.”
His tone was neutral and yet you knew to follow him as he guided you to Rachel’s apartment, like he had been here once before. And when he opened the door, sand falling to the floor in the figure of a woman, you knew. Johanna’s heartbroken expression, you knew. 
“Constantine. Wake up.”
Her trance was broken immediately after he spoke that statement, Morpheus stepping up towards her, gentle and forgiving. 
“What did you do to me?”
“It was the sand.”
“Where’s Rachel?”
All of our expressions darkened, Johanna taking off towards Rachel’s room.
“Rachel? Rach?”
A weak voice spoke out from the silence, the tone was like Rachel was choking on quicksand, throat clogged with each and every grain. 
“Jo? Jo? Is that you?”
Rachel’s face that was once wide, full of life, now looked sucked dry of all that made her shine as a person. Her arms skinny and molded to her bones, shallow chest rising up and down, up and down. And the grey and blue bedding cradled her form like a newborn babe. This visual created a pit in your own stomach, having to see someone you knew suddenly devoid of livelihood.
“That’s such a wonderful dream.” Rachel was groaning in pain, and you knew in your heart that she was probably going to pass, sooner rather than later as Johanna walked carefully and meticulously up to her. Morpheus’s gaze dropped to the lone pouch of sand in Rachel’s loose grasp, and his eyes shone with a brief bit of sadness. 
“What’s happened to her?”
“It was not meant for humans.” He reached for the pouch, grasping it but Rachel began to whine as if the sand was keeping her alive, and tethered to living.
“No, no! No, give it back. Please. It hurts.”
Ripping it from her clutches, he made his way back to the door of the room, without looking at her dying form.
“We can go—”
You and Johanna were both unmoving, “What?”
“What? We can’t go. We can’t leave her like this.”
She was writhing in pain, and the sight made you wince.
“We can’t help her. The sand was the only thing keeping her alive.”
Johanna walked up to Morpheus, obviously confrontational, but you kept your attention on your dying friend, laying a hand onto her frail one in meaningless support. 
“Y/N? You’re here too?”
“Yeah, Rach, of course I am…”
This put a smile on her pale lips.
“Wait outside.”
Morpheus moved past you towards Rachel, and you gave him a small nod in acknowledgement, the two of you watching Johanna kiss Rachel’s head.
“I’m sorry, Jo. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s my fault. All of it. Should never have left it with you. Should never have left.”
“Well, you came back, though. Didn’t you?”
A kiss on the forehead and Johanna was gone.
“Thank you, Morpheus.”
He stayed silent, his eyes on your back as you left the same way Johanna did. 
Thank you. 
You said thank you.
You could hear him approaching, your arms busy being wrapped around Johanna in comfort, for both her and you. Her gaze was on the rain and yours immediately gravitated to Dream.
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“She died in peace. In her sleep.”
“We’ll let her dad know… You know, she was actually a good person. There are a few of them out there, you know. They’re not all like me and Roderick Burgess.”
“You are not Roderick Burgess.”
This gave her a fleeting smile, before she unraveled from your arms to walk towards him. Yourself staying leaning against the ceramic wall, watching the two speak.
“And what’s your friend’s name?”
Matthew way down the corridor and you smiled at the raven.
“His name is Matthew, but he is not my-”
“Look after him, Matthew. He needs it.”
Tossing you an umbrella, she turned and opened hers up to the sky and walked out into the rain.
She turned.
“That nightmare won’t trouble you anymore.”
A smile before mouthing, ‘come on’ to you and you yourself turned your gaze to Dream. His eyes boring into you, like planes of stars, a galaxy of stars.
“Your help means plenty, Morpheus. I hope you find all of your tools…”
“Thank you, Y/N… Safe travels.”
“Likewise, Dream lord…”
Similar to Johanna, you opened your umbrella and speed walked to catch up to her, feeling the rain hit your jacket and eyes on your figure. He watched you go, blinking in realization and revelation. He watched you with a look of yearning. But he couldn’t stay here, he had a journey ahead, one you couldn’t join him on.
Thank you, Morpheus.
Thank you, Y/N… Safe travels.
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bi-bard · 1 year
But I'm Flying Like a Bird to You Now - Joanna Constantine Imagine [The Sandman]
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Title: But I'm Flying Like a Bird to You Now
Pairing: Johanna Constantine X Reader
Based On: Shrike
Word Count: 929 words
Warning(s): presence of a drunk character, mention of break up
Summary: Johanna and (Y/n)'s relationship crumbled because of Johanna's obsession with work and issues with trust. The realization of her mistakes causes Johanna to show up on (Y/n)'s doorstep out of the blue.
Author's Note: I know that it has been far too long since I wrote for this challenge. I'm sorry.
After Johanna and I broke up, I had expected her to simply leave me alone.
She had more important things to worry about. Her practice, research, saving people, stopping demons. She made it clear to me that I didn't fall very high on her list of priorities.
I had no reason to suspect that she would ever find her way back into my life.
And then, she showed up on my doorstep. Drunk.
I pulled the door open to find her leaning against the doorframe with a lazy smile on her face.
"Hi," she grinned at me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I... I was working and I got... I got bored," she explained. "Wanted to see you."
I almost rolled my eyes at the idea of being the solution to boredom. I knew that she didn't mean anything bad by it, but I had put too much work into accepting that I was worth so much more than that. It was hard to hear the person who I had spent so much time with say that I was something that was meant to be some... activity.
"You look so pretty."
I sighed.
I couldn't close the door on her. If I did, I would be constantly worried about her. I would be scared that she got hurt somehow. I couldn't have that idea on my conscience.
I stepped to the side, waving her in.
Johanna smiled, wrapping her arms around me as she walked in.
I closed the door before shoving her arms off of me. I locked the door.
"I wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt if I left you to wander around in this state," I muttered. "I'll get you a blanket. You can sleep on the couch."
She plopped onto the cushion as I walked over to my closet.
I dropped the blanket onto the couch. I was going to grab a glass of water and some pain medicine for the next morning.
I didn't very far before Johanna grabbed my hand. She pulled me over to stand in front of her.
"I love you," she said. "I... I never said it enough... I can say it more. I can say it every day if you want. I love you."
I yanked my hands from hers, my eyes snapping shut. "Go to sleep."
"Stop it," I snapped. "Go to bed."
I walked away before she could speak up again. After placing some ibuprofen on the end table, I went to my room and curled up under my covers.
I didn't sleep well that night. I barely slept at all.
My mind was racing. I was just thinking about everything that had happened in the past with Johanna. Good moments, bad moments, everything in between. It was all just rushing back. It played on my eyelids every time I tried to fall asleep.
I relented at about five. I finally dragged myself out of bed and accept that I wouldn't get any rest that night.
I walked into the kitchen, starting some coffee.
It was maybe an hour later that Johanna finally pushed herself off of my couch. She looked over at me.
"There's some Ibuprofen on the end table," I said, nodding over at it.
"Thanks," she grumbled.
She walked over to the small island in the kitchen.
We stood there for a few moments. It was an awful silence. One that crept under my skin and buried itself in my bones. I didn't know what to do other than shift my weight on my feet while sipping at my coffee.
I would have given her a cup, but I honestly didn't want her to stay. I just wanted peace.
"I meant what I said last night," she finally mumbled.
"Johanna, please don't," I begged.
"No, we need to talk about this-"
"I tried! That's how we ended up here. I have nothing more to say to you. There's nothing to talk about."
It went silent again.
I was about to tell her to leave before she spoke up again, "I love you-"
"Stop saying that," I muttered, closing my eyes and looking down.
"No," she replied. "I'm not going to stop saying it until you believe me."
"I don't want to believe you!"
That seemed to stun her into silence. For once, she was listening.
"It's too late, Johanna," I explained. "I... I wanted this to work so much. I wanted to love you, but you couldn't love me back. And that hurts. God, it hurts. And listening to you try to make up for it doesn't help. You didn't truly love me until I walked away. I... I can't go back to that life."
"So what? You just want to leave me behind completely? You're the one that promised to never give up."
"Effort goes two ways," I replied. "It's not giving up if the other person was never trying in the first place."
"I get no chance to prove myself?"
"You had over a year to prove yourself," I shrugged. "I'd like you to go now. Please."
Johanna stayed quiet as she finally relented and walked toward the door. I took a deep breath as I watched her.
She stopped in the doorway, looking back at me. "I know you don't want to hear it. But I want you to know that I do love you."
I didn't reply.
"Maybe in another life, I'll do a better job showing it."
As the door closed, I let one more thought about Johanna cross my mind with no fight.
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What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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Hello, Tumblr! This is Red Batty speaking.
I'm all done with school now so, hey! I thought I'd open my ask box for fic requests. 
Smut is A-Okay! NSFW, Angst, the works. I'll just have to make the final call, but I can do the same prompt but milder if I'm not comfortable with the ask. No Yandere either, there's too many impressionable teens on this hell site that might think that's true love and I'm not risking it. I also don't do sad endings or major character death, because. I don't want to <3
Below are the characters I'm willing to write for! 
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Justice League Dark
John Constantine
Etrigan/Jason Blood
Zatanna Zatara
Deadman/Boston Brand
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Robert Pattinson/Batman 2022 version
Comics version
Christian Bale/Dark Knight version
Arkham games version
Anything more niche than that literally just ask I'm probably down, like if he's voiced by Kevin Conroy, I'll probably write for him
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Red Hood/Jason Todd
I haven't played Arkham Knight yet so Arkham!Jason isn't available yet
Red Robin/Tim Drake
Batgirl/Cassandra Kain
Oracle/Barbara Gordon (I can do Batgirl!Babs also)
Spoiler/Stephanie Brown
I'm also open to do Spotlight/Duke Thomas but I know f$%king nothing about him so if its an ask generic enough to apply to any Robin I'm down.
Rogues Gallery
Comics, Arkham games and animated series versions only right now. Well, that and Nolan!Rogues. Just not Bane, don't make me write fic for Rises.
I could do Gotham but it'd have to be plot nonspecific or you'd have to be specific about the ask (not against that) but still,,, yeah ahem anyways
Harley Quinn
Arkham games version
Comics version
Animated series version
Still haven't seen BoP or Suicide Squad so not those versions yet,,, sorry gang
Poison Ivy
I WILL do Harlivy if requested, and Harlivy x reader, and Harlivy x Selina x reader… Basically just send me your ideal fictional polycule and I'll do it. Love wins.
Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
WOOF Cillian Murphy too fine, if not specified that's the version I'm writing
Riddler/Edward Nygma
NOT PAUL DANO VERSION. I'm sorry but the 2022 la version is a little creep and I won't write fic for him
If I get a Joker ask It better be the f$%king Lego Joker ONLY. 
Catwoman/Selina Kyle
Zoe Kravitz Selina my beloved, so hmu for 2022!Selina if you like also
Uhhhh I'm tired and ran out of ideas, If I missed one literally just ask
Justice League
just animated series and comics. No, I haven't seen Snyderverse. Yes, I'll be a little bitchy about it. Shazam and Aquaman and Wonder Woman can stay though. I'll write for live action Aquaman and WW, but not Shazam bc he's. Literally a child. Mkay.
Superman/Clark Kent
Batman (see above)
Green Lantern
John Stewart
Hal Jordan
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Wally West
Barry Allen
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Arcane (League of Legends)
Haven't seen Arrow in years so bear with me if you want arrowverse!Ollie
Sandman/Neil Gaiman!DC
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless
Death of the Endless
The Corinthian
Hob/Rob Gadling
Rob x Morpheus x Reader
Constantine (Joanna or John, see above)
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Vi x Caitlin x Reader or any other polycule for that matter
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Fallout 4
Nick Valentine
John Hancock
Paladin Danse
Preston Garvey
Fallout (TV Show)
The Ghoul/Cooper Howard
Mercer Frey
Adrianne and Ulfberth War-Bear (at Shieldmaiden's) 
this one is niche as hell they're not even companions or marriable but I'm putting it on the list
Mortal Kombat
If there's anyone missing just talk to me about it, thanks guys love u
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I'll do the game or the movie I'm just a bit rustier on game lore, pls bear with me.
Scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi
Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Sonya Blade
Johnny x Sonya or Johnny x Sonya x reader
Kotal Khan
Cassie Cage
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I'm having a bit of a love/hate relationship with the MCU right now so these are the few I'm writing for, if there's someone you want me to write for from comics lore, just hmu and we'll see what I can do for you
Moon Knight
Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, all together or individually
Doctor Stephen Strange
**or any of his variants. 
Also AUs. I'm down for AUs like "in this universe of DS he's like [blank]" so when mcu!DS comes through its like [blank]... you get the idea.
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximo
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
I'll do Peter Maximoff also but X-men get their own special section, see below
Disneyland Loki
Its not that I think I'm better than people because I prefer writing comics/animated series it's just. I know that better. And the movies make my head hurt sometimes but a few of them are cool it's literally random so just. Ask.
Cyclops/Scott Summers 
(This one for my bestie mwah)
Emma Frost
Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
Deadpool (does he count? Fuck it, he was a trainee)
Colossus/Piotr Rasputin
Mystique/Raven Darkhölme
Magneto/Erik (Magnus) Lensherr
This is one I will write straight from the movies because good lord is his character hot as fuck compelling and a dilf well written
Shadowcat/Kitty Pride
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Gambit x Rogue x reader, and any other polycule basically
Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
Storm/Ororo Munroe
There's so many at this point I can't remember them all just ask
Daredevil/Matt Murdock
Jessica Jones
Foggy Nelson
Karen Page
Punisher/Frank Castle
I ask that you keep my punisher reqs spoiler free as I'm catching up on the show right now
Peter Parker
Peter B. (ITSV)
Tom Holland
Andrew Garfield
Tobey Maguire
(I'm rustier on the live action babies so give me grace here)
Spiderman 2099/Miguel O'hara 
Spiderman Noir
Spider!Gwen x Andrew Garfield!Spiderman
Spiderman/Miles Morales 
He WILL be aged up or shipped with a teen reader, anything else will get doused in gasoline and set on fire.
Eddie Brock/Venom
Note: I'm more willing to do spiderverse x ocs bc I know the spidersona brainrot is real. Hell, at this point, I might do oc x oc content for spiderverse because I've been there (and I've got a bestie with two spider ocs in a ship, love u cas)
Doc Ock/Otto Octavius
Doc Ock/Liv Octavius
Lmao I might do liv x aunt may if its funny or wholesome enough
Mysterio/Quentin Beck
It'll only be mcu!beck if explicitly stated that's what you want. 
Green Goblin/Norman Osborne
Electro/Max Dillon
Sandman/Flint Marko
Lizard/Dr. Curtis Connors
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If you think I'm missing someone just ask
Umbrella Academy
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
Fka Vanya for anyone not up to speed, he's going by Viktor now that Elliot Page has come out
I will not use she/her pronouns or the name Vanya, if I get a req for Vanya it will be written for Viktor.
Star Wars
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Prequels/Clone Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Captain Rex
Commander Cody
Padme Amidala
Original Trilogy
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa Skywalker
Han Solo
Lando Calrissian
Mandalorian/Post War Era
Mando/Din Djarin
Bo Katan-Kryze
Cobb Vanth
I know I'm missing some I know it just ask and I'll let yall know
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
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Ghost/Lt. Simon Riley
Soap/Sgt. Johnny MacTavish
Gaz/Sgt. Kyle Garrick
Captain John Price
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
Rudy/Sgt. Rodolfo Parra
Commander Philip Graves
Monster AU
AU is NOT MINE: it belongs to @/bluegiragi I just think it's sexy
Ghost/Lt. Simon Riley: Wraith
Soap/Sgt. Johnny MacTavish: Werewolf
Gaz/Kyle Garrick: Harpy
Captain John Price: Dragon
Colonel Alejandro Vargas: Nagual
Rudy/Sgt. Rodolfo Parra:
Commander Philip Graves: Vampire
For my König gays and girlies, I love him, and I will write for him, but I don't know a lot about him so bear with me here, I'm trying.
I'll write Monster!AU König as well just ask <3 and the ask doesn't have to be within the confines of the AU "canon," or any canon for that matter
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aion-rsa · 5 years
The Horrific Return of John Constantine to the Sandman Universe
John Constantine returns in the appropriately titled Sandman Universe: Hellblazer. Si Spurrier tells us all about it.
John Constantine is on his way back to the Sandman Universe. Simon Spurrier (The Dreaming, X-Men: Legacy) will be writing a John Constantine book for DC’s Black Label imprint with art by Marcio Takara called The Sandman Universe Presents: Hellblazer, which arrives on Oct. 30. Neil Gaiman kicked off his curated Sandman Universe label last year, and since then The Dreaming, Books of Magic, House of Whispers, and Lucifer have been continuing the tradition that Gaiman and his bevvy of dream-come-true-artists started decades ago in the pages of Vertigo's Sandman. And now everyone's favorite con man, chain smoking wizard is going back to the dark realms of a DC mature label imprint. Writer Si Spurrier told us about what dark dreams await John Constantine... 
Den of Geek: So what drew you to Hellblazer? It kind of feels like you should have already written the book. And it’s going to be very difficult not to say the word "Vertigo" during this interview. 
Si Spurrier: People will understand what we’re talking about if we accidently Vert. Hellblazer, it’s the character I fell in love with when I first started reading comics. There was a time when I was a teenager that any sufficiently ambitious British writer of comics would sort of expect to get a go there. But I never got my chance, and I felt cheated for many years. I never expected to get my opportunity. 
read more: 13 Essential Horror Comics
But John is a character I’ve accidently written in other places. What I love about John Constantine, and this will sound strange, is that he’s extremely honest. I don’t mean that in the sense that he’s an honest person when he deals with other people, because he’s not; he’s a liar and a cheat and a con man and a nasty piece of work. But he’s honest with himself. He’s self-aware. He knows who and what he is and doesn’t pretend to be a hero. He doesn’t pretend to be good as gold. He’s utterly guilt ridden because he knows he’s done all the wrong things for all the right reasons and he will continue to do so because he can’t stop. So he’s a bastard with a conscience, and I feel like that describes me (laughs). So, that’s what has always drawn to the character.
You’re not going to pick my pocket or turn me into anything, are you?
Maybe. No. (laughs).
So talk about how you got the Constantine gig. He was on the DC side of things, now he’s on the, well, not Vertigo side of things. Were you involved in pulling him over to the Sandman Universe?
So the Sandman Universe is four titles based on ideas that Neil had when he decided that there were more Sandman stories to be told. So he handpicked four writers, myself included, to come up with the directions. A new editor came in to what was at the time still Vertigo, and part of the demand, this was Chris Conroy, amazing guy, his dream was to bring back Hellblazer. That was part of the deal. In doing so, they asked Neil if he had any thoughts on that. And Neil, quite rightly, identified that as a result of the character and the continuity he went through, like Hellblazer #300 which ended many years ago on an ambiguous note, the character shows up in many different versions and different forms in the DCU and in many series that might or might not be in the DCU. And it’s very difficult to, if your stated goal is to launch a Hellblazer series that returns to traditional Hellblazer continuity, which is mature, horror-centric, character led, nuanced fiction…
Yes, British with all the swear words and grimy as fuck. If you want that, than you have to start accepting that there’s a whole lot of hurdles to jump over first. There’s a real tangle of continuity. So Neil’s idea was: he recalled that over 20 years ago Neil did a book called Books of Magic. In one of those issues, a young character named Timothy Hunter, a young wizard, is taken on a tour of the future. In one of the visions, Tim encounters a magical war to end all wars. Tim found out it’s sort of his fault. It’s a future version of himself causing all this. In the midst of that, he finds an older, angrier, more exasperated version of John Constantine who is dying. He’s sitting in a puddle of his own blood, blaming this little kid for causing all this chaos. Neil realized that what this particular potential version of John Constantine represents is the same John Constantine that was in all those amazing Hellblazer issues. A little bit older and going through some stuff which sidesteps all continuity, if we just take that character, pick him up, and pop him back into our world. So that’s what the special does. It’s my attempt to acknowledge and untangle some of the tangley continuity of Constantine’s life, and then move, in quite a neat way, into the ongoing tone of the book, as we said, back in London, with a nuanced horror theme.
How does this new title fit into the Sandman of it all? It seems that Hellblazer was Hellblazer, Neil used John in one memorable issue of Sandman, and Joanna Constantine was kind of a recurring character in Sandman.
They’re all quite incestuous and interrelated, all those titles. There’s not a really overt Sandman to the new Constantine series inasmuch it spins out of the Books of Magic which is very part of Neil’s world. It’s very much a mechanism to get John back to where he was. I have ideas about how Hellblazer might end up in some of the stuff we’ve been doing on The Dreaming and other Sandman Universe books, but it won’t be straight away. I feel like we need to focus on what John does best which is short, self-contained arcs of John investigating strange goings on in London while a bigger picture grows in the background. 
Can you talk about the artists on the series?
The special is drawn by Marcio Takara, who is art royalty. He’s got this amazing job of reconciling the Constantine that many readers have been reading lately, the DCU version, with our grimy and dirtier version. The nature of this 48 page special is to take him from one extreme to another which Marcio handles beautifully.
read more: The 13 Scariest Moments in Afterlife With Archie
The ongoing series is drawn by Aaron Campbell who was just born to draw this stuff. He did a book called Infidel which won a bunch of awards; it’s a really good book. He just typifies the buttoned down, something not quite right sinisterness of Hellblazer. He draws London like I imagine London. Living there for years and years, you can’t go out in the drizzle without suspecting things are hidden just out of your sight. That’s what you feel when you see an Aaron page, you’re seeing just the surface there, something haunted for eons of horror and agony. 
Are there any other writers or projects that inspired your Hellblazer?
Not directly. Obviously I’ve done a deep dive on all the previous Hellblazer. There’s some great stuff in there. The Ennis run and the Delano run that gets me every time. Mike Carey did a great run.
How has Neil contributed to the project other than the lead in from Books of Magic?
In the first Sandman Universe Presents, the first four titles, he was quite hands on with inciting events from which are books spun out. With this, Hellblazer, he’s provided the idea that we can have our cake and eat it. We can steal the future version of John from a hero quest 20 years ago. Other than that, he has left me to it. I was extremely honored. Having this conversation with Chris, I had no idea what was going on. Chris went to Neil and said he wanted to relaunch Hellblazer. He asked Neil if he had any ideas, and Neil said, “Funny you should ask; I do.” They both immediately asked for me to write it. 
That must feel good. Are there any other Vertigo characters you would like to get your hands on?
Oh, endless. DCU, Vertigo, my problem is that I have more ideas than I’ll ever be able to do. I can bore you. Things like Unknown Soldier. Haunted Tank. A daft title, but I can do so much extraordinary stuff with that. Name a DCU character.
This isn’t the question you asked me, but years ago I wrote a book for Marvel called X-Men: Legacy with David Haller, Legion. And as a result of the nature of that character, it became a story of mental illness, and, in my view, it became a sensitive and clever story about mental illness, and I’m hugely proud of that. By the way, I’ve never been to one of these shows like New York where someone hasn’t come up to me and thanked me for changing their life. The answer to that is, I didn’t change your life, you changed your life. It’s a story. it’s about empowerment.
read more: 14 Times Dracula Fought Marvel Superheroes
As a result of doing that story, I think I sort of became the cerebral weirdo guy who wrote thoughtful stories rather than heroes punching each other. So I’ve never really been given a chance and I love that stuff and can do that stuff. So that’s sort of the next journey. I’ve got my hands on John Constantine; that’s all my Christmases at once and I’ll write it as long as they let me. But I’ve also got the need to go to a place with the more hopeful and heroic stories. 
Can you talk about how Hellblazer starts off, what’s next for The Dreaming, and the future of the Sandman titles?
So, the Hellblazer ongoing opens, what’s different about it, is that where previously, one of John’s main characteristics is that he has this endless supply of old friends, allies, and lovers whom he can call to get help or seek favors. He usually ends up betraying them or throwing them under the bus. When our story starts he doesn’t have that. He’s almost a stranger in a strange land who doesn’t know anybody. We have to watch him start from scratch, to start collecting people, and he’s not very keen on doing it.
At the same time, there is a mysterious something happening. In the best traditions of Hellblazer and the "American Gothic" arc, the way it works is small doses of horror, three issues, two issues at a time, all of which contribute to the macro arc. The first three issues is a story called “A Green and Pleasant Land.” It centers on a gang of drug dealers whose home turf in London is haunted by what seems to be a group of angels who skin people. The gang calls in John who doesn’t want anything to do with it, but he’s compelled to investigate and do something about it.
In The Dreaming, there’s a big beat coming where all the stuff that I pitched when I get that gig is sort of coming together and congealing, all the dominos are being flipped. I can’t say much more than that without spoiling a lot of stuff. 
For the future of the Sandman Universe, it’s just sort of ticking away. There are more ideas than we’ll ever get a chance to use. Neil is a benevolent overseer who drops in and says, “You should dial that bit up, or dial that back down,” but absolutely trusts us to just get it done and run with our ideas. It’s the best sort of curating you could ask for. 
The Sandman Universe Presents: Hellblazer arrives on Oct. 30.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Interview Marc Buxton
Oct 25, 2019
DC Entertainment
John Constantine
The Sandman
NYCC 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/368J6GD
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thebigsl33p · 2 years
You Are Sick and You're Married and You Might Be Dying.
I feel like it's too early on for angst, but I can't help myself. Phoebe Bridgers + Joanna Constantine. yeah thought so. this is so OOC i couldn't help myself.
Aerico: a disease demon from Greek Folklore.
TW: Sickness/Illness, Ovarian Cancer, emetophobia (sick/vomit), demons? Sandman as deserves his own warning.
Part Two
Joanna Constantine worked. It was what she did best. When she put in the time and effort she got money. And that worked for her, especially if she could find a way to increase her fair.
Sure, her job wasn't exactly conventional. Being an actual exorcist wasn't exactly a normal career choice, but it turns out there's more demand for it than expected. Who knew? But things got really complicated when you introduced love into the mix. Demons + Joanna + Love = nothing good. Or so she thought.
But then Y/N L/N walked into her life, completely different from anything she had ever known, soft and kind. And for once Joanna Constantine found herself falling head over heels.
She looked forward to going home everyday, to falling into the arms of her lovely, beautiful girlfriend. She looked forward to cooking for her, sitting and watching shit TV with her, bathing with her, washing her hair and back, reading her to sleep and just...well...her. Joanna Constantine looked forward to Y/N as a whole.
She was her everything. She was sure she would be careful when doing her job, guard her mind well and make sure no entity could figure out that for once she had a weak spot.
But all it took was one off night, a few weeks before The Sandman's return.
Joanna had been called in to work late under an emergency.
"Babe, I'm so sorry, just- It's an emergency and-" Joanna was rushing out the door, coat being thrown over her shoulders.
"I know, don't worry." Y/N genuinely assured her, tying her coat up for her and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Be safe."
"I will. And I'll make it up to you when I get home, I promise." Joanna's hands came up on either side of Y/N's head, pulling her in for a kiss before she was gone with a quick "I love you".
The job was easy. Actually getting the demon out of the host was light work, they tend to reveal themselves pretty quickly, as if the burning smell of sulphur wasn't already a dead giveaway.
She continued to speak, The Bible in her hand for show as if she didn't have it down to a fine art by now. And while the demon writhed and screamed and offered her immortality and riches for letting him live she ignored it. She identified it as an Aerico, a demon of the Greek, and if it wasn't for her then everyone around him would've ended up diseased and infected.
Just before she was finished with the demon, it whispered something, "You...Joanna Constantine, will pay...best keep an eye on that Y/N of yours." It giggled and then it was gone, leaving behind the smell of rotten flesh and sulphur.
Joanna winced at the scent before panic hit her. Had her mind slipped? It must've while she was chanting and now...now?
Joanna met her employer outside. The money was transferred fast in a little brown envelope and then she was gone, rushing home to make sure that her girlfriend was okay.
Joanna fumbled with her key in the lock, panic setting into her bones as her mind raced about what could've happened to Y/N. The moment the door opened she slammed it behind her before rushing inside and calling her lover's name.
"I'm in here!" Y/N called out from their bedroom.
She walked in to find her girlfriend spread across the bed, a glass of water by her side and a packet of pills on the bedside table, "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, I guess I'm fine. I just suddenly felt really tired and I had this pain in my stomach. It's probably just early period cramps, I'll sleep it off. Come join me." She folded the covers back and Joanna kicked off her shoes, took off her coat shirt and trousers and got into bed.
"What's with the concern?" Y/N asked, beginning to play with her hair.
"Just work..." Joanna answered, turning to face her girl, "Something happened. It made me anxious. Seriously, sweetheart, if something happens or you feel wrong you have to tell me."
"Alright, I will."
The next morning Joanna insisted that Y/N go to the doctor's, just for a general check-up.
And then, two weeks later, Y/N's diagnosis came through.
The couple were sitting in the Doctor's office, hand in hand in the chairs as the Doctor said she had some bad news, and that she was sorry. Y/N had Ovarian Cancer.
Instantly, Joanna felt overwhelmed with guilt and the first words to fall from her mouth were "Shit...Y/N, I-"
"Thank You, Doctor." Y/N said, standing from her chair, taking Joanna with her as they were still holding her hands, and simply, walked out.
There will be a part two I didn't want to put this all in one thing.
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