#Johanna Constantine X reader
notallsandmen · 7 months
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Johanna Constantine — Resident disastersexual
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Lightbringer’s Champion
Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x f!demon!reader , Johanna Constantine x f!demon!reader x Dream of the Endless/Morpheus , Johanna Constantine x reader
Summary: 50 years after fulfilling your contract Lucifer finally learns of your deception. Taking your punishment in stride you have to make sure you don't miss your yearly appointment - a certain occultist's birthday. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, violence, fighting, blood, dom/sub dynamic, bondage, unprotected sex (does dream sex count?), oral, bisexual reader WC: 3.6k
This is the second instalment of works in The Anthology of Asmodeus’ Heir.  Part One: The Devil is in the Details Part Two: Lightbringer’s Champion Part Three: A Demon’s Work Is Never Done Part Four: Rise of the Fallen Part Five: Queen of the Damned
A/N: Reblogs are super appreciated 💜
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You knew it was only a matter of time before Abaddon mustered up the courage to advise Lucifer of his failure. You snickered as you imagined how that conversation went.
“I gave the contract to your Champion.”
“She is my Champion because she is cunning and intelligent, devious through and through.” Lucifer would have sighed, casting a look of annoyance to Mazikeen who would be struggling not to chuckle. “She is not like your bloodthirsty dogs.”
“She’s a demon, like the rest of us.”
“She is Asmodeus’ Heir, do not fool yourself into thinking that makes her a simple demon like the rest of you.”
For nearly 50 years you had been waiting for the summoning. Finally, the wait was over.
A piercing ringing echoed around your head and the taste of brimstone filled your mouth as you strolled through Westminster. Stumbling into the closest holographone box, you slammed the door shut and wiped at the black blood that oozed over your top lip.
“Bitch,” you snarled as you peered through a glass pane and found Lucifer staring back. “You couldn’t have just called?”
The phone in the box rang as she turned away and snapped her fingers. The city scape burned to ash until you found yourself in the war room, high in the mountains that oversaw Hell.
Taking a seat on the edge of the fire pit, you warmed your hands and ignored Mazikeen’s quiet presence in the shadows. “Imagine if the world found out that Lucifer Morningstar had a sense of humour.”
Her glowering Majesty ignored you as she stood at the open balcony, monitoring the movement of demons far below. Unable to resist riling her up, you followed her with a slow sway in your step.
“Then again, God’s favourite falling from the Silver City - that’s the biggest joke of all. Anyone with half a brain would see that you haven’t fallen quite as far as you would have us believe. Isn’t that right, Samae-“
“Enough!” It was barely a whisper but you felt the fire of her breath burning your ears and you smirked at the outburst.
“Relax, Lucy, your secret is safe with me. Oooph, you are tense.” you purred, dragging a fingernail down the ridge between her wings. “You know I could help remedy that.”
A sensuous laugh trickled across your lips as the temperature across the domain flashed hotter but her face remained as passive as always. 
“You will not be laughing soon, I assure you,” Lucifer said as she turned, the hooked claw at the peak of her wings twitching in anticipation. “Your atonement awaits.”
“Will it take long?” you asked with a smile that sent other demons running. “I have a birthday party tomorrow. My favourite necromancer is turning 80, a new record I think.”
“You might have to take a rain check.” Lucifer curled her finger towards you and pointed to the edge of the cliff. Mazikeen snapped her teeth in your ear, her silent footsteps creeping up behind you and forcing you to step up, toes hanging over the lip of the stone. 
“Show them why you are my Champion.”
Lucifer’s wing battered your back and sent you tumbling into a freefall. Your back arch as you twisted around, throwing a vulgar gesture back at her before curling back to brace for the landing that was quickly arriving. 
Red rock dust erupted as you slammed to the ground, your bones rattling from your toes to your teeth. Cracks spiderwebbed across the ground and there was a distinct outline of your fist and knee in the epicentre that you rose from. Hundreds of demons surrounded you as the dust settled, all waiting to take their pound of flesh for your failure. 
“Still think he was worth it?” Lucifer asked as her voice carried across the legion.
“Fuck him and find out.” You craned your head back and grinned up at her. “It might just feel like Heaven.”
Lucifer merely nodded her head to the hordes of demons that encircled you. “Begin.”
The hiss of a blade slicing through the air had you diving to the ground and sweeping out the mottled legs of another demon waiting to attack you. You could scent the putrid aroma of their Sathanas’ bloodline all around, wrath demons - mindless killing beasts who fed on anger. You would use their bloodthirst to your advantage. 
A wave of power released from you in a blast that threw the closest demons to the ground but it was by no means an attack. It was a calling card to the sadists that called this place home. It was a welcome mat laid out for them to join the fray.
Your power surged as they arrived and crashed into the ranks of demons wanting a piece of you. They had no dilemma at killing their own kind and took pleasure in causing pain, pleasure you fed on. 
“Is this the best you have!” You screamed as you ripped your blade from the throat of an unworthy opponent and left the body piled upon the last while you parried a blow destined to remove your head from your shoulders. “Are you sure you want to win the holy war? It doesn’t seem to me like you are even trying if this is anything to show.”
You knew her majesty was listening to every word that came from your mouth, just as she was watching disinterested from her balcony. She may not have been affected by them but the wrath demons around you lost their minds at the taunt, maiming each other as they scrapped to get closer to you. 
“So eager to die,” you said with a small laugh. “Sorry to cut this short, as fun as it has been, but I have somewhere I need to be.”
The reservoir of power you had been filling from the sadists fighting and fucking across the battle was released in a flood as you dropped the walls that contained them. The ground shook at the wave of flame that erupted from you and even Lucifer sat up a little straighter as it turned the demons on the killing field to ash. 
Black blood caked your clothes, some of it from the lucky few whose blades kissed your skin, and you wrinkled your nose at the stench that remained. You knew you looked as disgusting as you felt covered from head to toe with the muck, but you bowed to Lucifer anyway. “Always a pleasure entertaining you, your majesty.” 
“Get out before I gut you myself,” she sneered as she dropped from the sky and looked down her nose at you, pride shining in the depth of those disdainful eyes.
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“Happy Birthday!”
“Speak up, demon-bitch,” Johanna swore with her frail voice.
You placed the cake that said ‘Congrats, your not dead’ on the table and reached for the volume control of her hearing aid, tucking her grey hair out of the way. 
“It’s you’re, not your.” Johanna said as she speared her fork into the cake without waiting for a piece to be cut.
“The baker won’t be making that mistake again,” you smirked, grabbing your own fork and digging in. 
“You killed them over a spelling mistake?” 
“What? No, I enrolled them in English lessons.” You choked on your cake and took a gulp of the whiskey she had poured you. “You think so lowly of me.”
“You are a demon,” she said with a rasp before reaching for the oxygen mask that never left her side.
“Exactly, I could give you a good ten years if you sold me your soul. No more of this coughing and dentures bullshit.”
She rolled her milky eyes and turned her attention back to the cake, pushing the crumbs and icing around her plate. “I thought about it, believe me.”
“Then what do you want for your birthday? If I can’t give you that.”
She took a long drink that emptied her glass and you poured her another when she tapped the rim impatiently. “There is something.”
“This is familiar,” you chuckled as you tested the bonds that tied your wrists to the headboard and spied Dream in the shadows of the room. “Hello Morpheus, come to join in the fun?”
His head cocked to the side a moment before the bedroom door opened and Johanna stepped into the room. With Morpheus conducting the setting, she was poised in her prime. Long dark hair fell over her shoulder, a stark contrast to the white trench coat she had favoured back in the 20’s, and her bright eyes were radiant with her refreshed adulthood. 
“Good, you didn’t start without me.” Ever the blunt necromancer, she was already unbuttoning the coat and revealing what she wore beneath. 
“It is your birthday,” Morpheus said with a small amused smile. “We are at your service, Constantine.”
Morpheus was his own man but he was more than happy to cede control for one night to the femdom, so long as he wasn’t bound. Especially when she dropped the trench coat and stepped out of the material pooling at her feet. The black catsuit covered most of her skin but left little to the imagination as it hugged every curve and contour. Even Morpheus seemed lost for words.
“Doesn’t my pretty demon look so delicious strung up like that?” she purred as she caught Dream’s jaw in her hand and turned his head to look at you. 
“Mouth wateringly so,” he hummed as he drank you in.
Your power rose as the scent of their lust filled the room and your chest rose and fell in greedy gasps as you drew it all in. They both watched you writhe in their ecstasy that you bathed in and the fun hadn’t even started. Moisture pooled at your core and your toes curled, the rope rubbing at your ankles as you tried to close your legs for any friction you could make. But the bonds held tight and they had a front row seat at the foot of the bed to see your arousal glisten in the candle light. 
With a slow tantalising release of her hold on Morpheus, Johanna tip-toed so her lips brushed his ear and whispered, “Bon appetit.”
You could have caught fire with his stare alone, the hunger of a starved man. When had you last sought his bed? Time lost meaning when you had eternity. The only time you measured were Johanna’s mortal days, wondering which would be her last. Destined to watch her turn to dust just like her namesake. 
You shivered at the thought but it was quickly swept from your mind as Morpheus’ tongue lashed through your folds and he growled at the taste he had enjoyed and missed. Your cries filled the room as he imbibed himself on your pussy until you were a wet, whimpering mess, boneless and disjointed with your release. You could do nothing, think of nothing as you lay flaccid amongst the sheets, arms and legs still spread wide, pussy still trembling with aftershocks. 
Johanna beckoned Morpheus with a curl of her manicured finger and he crushed his lips to hers, sharing the taste of your pleasure on his tongue. “Do you want to fuck her? Yeah? I see it when you look at her. I can’t blame you. Her cunt is so fucking tight when she comes.”
A soft mewl escaped your dry lips at the sight of them watching you, Johanna’s fingers working their way down Dream’s body until they disappeared into his dark wash jeans and he groaned at the strokes she gave him. “Have you imagined her lips wrapped around your cock? I have. Fuck, I’ve dreamt of it more than anything else.”
“I know you did,” he rasped as he swallowed deeply. “As did I.”
The rope burned your wrists as you tried to reach for them, the ache between your legs growing with each passing moment. If it were merely ropes from The Waking you could have snapped them with half a thought but this was Dream’s realm and its strength superior to yours. 
Johanna gripped the back of Morpheus’ cloak and tore it off him, her nails shredding through his shirt and tossing it aside next. The candle light cast shadows across the planes of his chest and you licked your lips as you memorised the defined muscles along his stomach that you knew intimately. You had licked your way over them many times in the last five decades, tracing the valleys and dips all the way to the dark curls that teased your skin when you took him in your mouth.
Dream shivered with pleasure as Johanna raked her nails down his chest, five angry red lines rising in its wake. His eyes shone with the light of a thousand stars when she pushed his jeans over his hips and his cock sprang free, your teeth drawing blood as you almost bit through your lip. The rush of power had goosebumps prickling over your skin. 
Leather creaked as Johanna pushed him away from you, his body falling gracefully  into the chaise before she parted his knees and dropped between them. You screamed as you tugged on the ropes, rattling the headboard as her body blocked all view of what she was doing to him. 
You could hear the soft wet sounds, see her hair swaying as she bobbed up and down but him, oh he was in a state of bliss. His eyes were hooded as they held yours, his pale fingers splayed across the back of Johanna’s head and entwined in the dark strands as his guttural moan filled the room. 
“Your demon is enjoying the show,” Morpheus all but purred to Johanna as his hips bucked up to meet her mouth.
Johanna swirled her tongue around the head of his cock one last time before pulling away and smiling at the tortured look on your face. “Want a taste?”
You nodded shamelessly as she crossed the room, climbing between your legs and up your body until she was pressed chest to chest. Her lips were swollen and pink as they danced along your skin, kissing your collarbone, neck, jaw, cheeks, but not your lips that were desperate for the taste she offered. 
“Cruel, beautiful mistress,” you growled as she teased you further, her leather clad breasts gliding over your peaked nipples and her hips rolling over your belly as she straddled you. 
“Morpheus,” she beckoned over her shoulder and you knew the torture was just beginning as the bed dipped and he knelt between your legs, watching your expression over her shoulder. His fingers found the seam between her legs, the weak link in her leather armour, and tore the second skin apart so he could bury himself in her dripping folds. “Fuck, yes.”
Her gasp parted her lips and you stole the taste she had taunted you with, your tongue delving into her mouth and she let you in. Her nails pierced your shoulders as she clung to you, submitting herself to the feel of her body igniting between you and Morpheus. The pain only heightened your pleasure and your breasts tingled with every shift of her body being ridden above you.
Morpheus shifted, pulling Johanna’s hips closer to yours and your pussy clenched as you felt each long stroke tease your clit before he bottomed out in her and drew a whimper at the depth. If you had a soul, you would have sold it at that moment, to feel what she felt. The air was thick with her lust, your lust, his lust, it was everywhere. It both suffocated and gave you life, it drove you wild. 
You rolled your hips, chasing the friction he could provide and your moans echoed Johanna’s, her eyes wide and bright as her orgasm threw her head back with a silent cry. Your teeth grazed her racing pulse and you chuckled in her ear as she collapsed on top of you but the sound caught in your throat as Morpheus spread your folds and pushed his bulbous head through your entrance. 
“Where?” he asked through clenched teeth as he gripped your thighs tight enough to bruise. 
Your walls fluttered in response. “In me.”
A growl rumbled from his chest and the shadows behind him morphed into that of a wolf and your head swam as the high from feeding seemed enough to turn your brain to mush. Dizzy and alight, your head fell back to the mattress as the pressure continued to build low in your abdomen. Close, so close. 
Morpheus’ breaths came loud and uneven and his nails threatened to draw blood as he tightened his hold to starve of his release until you reached yours. One moment, one bite. That was all it took. 
Johanna regained enough control of her body as she felt your back arch beneath her and she bit down on the soft flesh above your collar. The bolt of lightning that electrified your entire body sent a wave of pleasure erupting in an all consuming body orgasm. Her mouth stole your screams, inhaling them as your body trembled and flames licked every surface of the room. 
Morpheus shuddered as he felt your pussy tighten around him and he could hold out no longer, your quivering core milking him for all he had. Aftershocks pulsed through you as he remained buried as deep as possible, filling you with his seed until he was completely spent and fell back on his heels panting. 
The ropes on your limbs disappeared and you wrapped your arms around Johanna while Morpheus caught his breath. “What next? The night is still young.”
Johanna laughed and shook her head, her dark hair shimmering in the light of those harmless flames that danced around the room. “The night may be but I’m not. Thank you.”
“It was our pleasure,” Morpheus smiled as you hid your face from her. 
“What a send off,” she said with a wink, “just like the good old days.”
She disappeared and you missed the reassuring weight of her body on yours the second it was gone. 
“Wasn’t it just,” you murmured to yourself.
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You woke up as you felt a presence in the room where you slept, your back clicking as rose from the chair beside her bed. The youthful skin was lost to The Dreaming but the wrinkles that webbed Johanna’s face were almost erased as she slept peacefully. 
“It’s time,” Death said softly as she walked past you. “She had far more than she was supposed to.”
“I won’t apologise for that.” You would never apologise for protecting the occultist, there were too few people you had ever cared about so when you did, you were limitless in what you would do for them. “Will you walk with her to the Sunless Lands, please?”
Death nodded as she took Johanna’s hand and woke her up. “Come on, love, we have a long road ahead of us.”
“It’s about damn time,” Johanna grumbled and looked back at her body still tucked up in bed. “I thought you were never going to come for me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh until your throat constricted and they turned and disappeared onto the road you couldn’t follow. Defiant to the end, fearless even in death. “Farewell, my Lady.”
“I’m sorry for your loss, again,” Morpheus said as he swept into the room. “Did she ever suspect?”
“Johanna was nothing but stubborn.” You cast your hand over the bed and let your flames cleanse her body from The Waking so that no being, mortal or immortal, could disturb her eternal rest again. “If she suspected, she never mentioned it.”
“Why didn’t you burn her bones last time? You knew what she was.”
The practitioners of the dark arts had known she was a necromancer and used her bones for rebirth centuries after her death. Lady Johanna, your first love, wasn’t a namesake - they were the same soul reborn from her stolen bones and purposed to hunt demons once again. Even you couldn’t ignore the irony in that. 
“The last we spoke she said she never wanted me to speak to her, see her or touch her again.” You walked away from the room that was nothing more than ash and cinders, Morpheus silently following. “It was the one promise I kept.”
“What are your plans now? Dare I ask.”
You threw a smirk over your shoulder and felt the earth burning at your feet, the ground tearing a gaping hole that led straight into the heart of Hell. “The war horn has been blown, it seems we are enemies once more.”
His lips curled up in a tight lipped smile as he bowed his head. “I thoroughly enjoyed our last dance, I look forward to this next song.”
You took a step down into the chasm before pausing. “I often have to sleep with one eye open, given the company I keep.”
“Naturally,” he chuckled.
“But if I find myself in The Dreaming I wouldn’t oppose the company of his Majesty.”
He took your hand and raised it to his lips, kissing your knuckles before nodding and reaching into the pouch at his side. The sand swirled around his feet ready to take him home. 
Unable to resist, you called out through the small eddying sand storm, “By company, I mean your cock.”
His deep laugh echoed around the quiet street as he disappeared and you grinned as you tipped back, free falling through into the fires that welcomed you home.
Click here for the third instalment of The Anthology of Asmodeus’ Heir: A Demon’s Work Is Never Done
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roguelov · 10 months
reader x hob x johanna x morpheus could you imagine the chaos morpheus and hob being such romantics and johanna making fun of them but secretly she loves it and reader is like yes they are all idiots but they are mine and i love them this is my exorcist girlfriend, 600 year old immortal human boyfriend and our anthropomorphic personification of dreams and nightmares partner
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Like you, Johanna, and Hob doing ridiculous stuff while Dream just sighs ‘mortals’
Lazy days of reading and doing domestic stuff
Drinking games with them!
You being the ‘normal one’ and in awe of your partners and them just being like ‘this one we must protect’
Self defense lessons with Hob and Johanna
Dream ensuring you all get sleep and will/has sprinkled sand into Johanna’s and Hob’s face
Sleep pile with them!
Cooking with Hob (Dream doesn’t eat, and Johanna is more of a takeout person anyway)
Dream taking you all on trips in the Dreaming and showing you all a wonderful time
Pranks with Johanna
Stealing each others clothes
God I could go on for hours I fucking love all of this 🥰🥰🥰
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paradiseinaverno · 2 years
mary on a cross
johanna constantine x fem!reader, coffee shop scenario ; where johanna constantine grows quite fond of a coffee shop owner with some magic of her own.
a/n; i would so be lying if i said this wasn’t very loosely inspired by fleabag. i’m rewatching rn as i rewatch the sandman and all i can think about is jenna coleman as the hot priest i’m being so real.
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It is a truth universally known, that the bond between humanity and coffee knows no bounds. Johanna Constantine can back this up. Long days of exorcisms, and general supernatural activities, have only one remedy; sleep.
Of course, her line of work does not afford her this generosity, what with the high demand of exorcists, and so she finds herself outside of a slightly minuscule coffee shop underneath pouring rain; the only coffee shop, it seems, that’s open till three in the morning. The sigh of relief she breathes out materialises as white smoke in the cold November air.
There’s music coming from inside the shop, she realises. Some type of cool jazz, or at least she thinks it’s jazz. Johanna pushes the door open, sick of the rain, and it swings with a clink of the bell fixed to the wall above. The first thing she notices, as she enters into the warmth of the coffee shop, is you.
Johanna’s made it a habit, no, a rule, to not get overtly attached to people anymore. It’s somewhat difficult to really maintain any type of bond beyond shallow familiarity with people nowadays, and besides, she hasn’t exactly had the best luck with romance in the past. Still, she can’t tell what it is that draws her to you. In fact, Johanna only realises what she’s doing once she’s walked up to the counter and introduced herself with a grin.
“Hi. I’m Johanna.”
You look over the book you’re reading, pleasantly surprised. Raising an eyebrow, you smile back.
“Hi, Johanna. I’m Y/N. Is there any reason you’re at a coffee shop at three,” you check the time, “Sorry, ten past three in the morning?”
Ah. So this was how it would play out.
She gestures to the door. “Well you’re open. And I have an early shift.”
You blink in confusion. “We’re not open.”
Johanna frowns for a moment, wondering if the lack of sleep has finally seeped into her brain. Then, she walks over to the door, opening it briefly to point at the sign, and walking back over to you with a satisfied smile.
“Nope. Definitely says ‘open’. Do you have an espresso?”
Under any other circumstance, you would have told her to go away and come back at real opening time. You could have done that now. It’s not that you hate your job; you adore the little shop you run. But, on a principle of working less and enjoying life more, you decided to have the earliest hours of morning to yourself. However, the woman in front of you is very, very, attractive. You can’t really say no. What kind of carpe diem would that be?
And, if you’re being honest to yourself, you think she might be slightly attracted to you, too, or maybe you’re mistaking her wondering where her espresso is, for attraction. Damn espresso. Typical of a coffee blend to capture her heart, instead of you. Anyway, it’s impolite to keep a lady waiting, or so you’ve heard, and so here you are, at three twenty in the morning, brewing an espresso. Johanna sits in front of you, tapping her nails on the table. She’s reading something that looks a lot like the Bible, actually.
“Something to atone for?” You quip, setting down her coffee in front of her. She looks up at you for a brief moment, and then lets out a slow chuckle.
“Lots. Not right now though. Just catching up.” She takes a sip of her coffee, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t happy with the way her face lights up.
“Ah. Just some light reading before work?”
You’re intrigued. What kind of woman reads a Bible, at a coffee shop, at three? The kind that isn’t giving you a sure answer, at least. Curiosity burns through your body, eating away at you.
“Are you some sort of priest?”
That does it. Finally, finally, her eyes meet yours. You’ve been perched on the side of counter for at least five minutes, silently begging her to look away from her reading. Thank you God, you think.
She shakes her head to the side, draining the last of her coffee.
“Nice cup, by the way. And, not quite a priest. Part time, maybe.”
“Nice cup as in nice mug, or nice coffee? Also how can a priest be part time? Are you…is that allowed?”
She laughs this time, and you’re almost grateful for the sound. It softly pierces whatever tension you might have had trying to talk to this woman in front of you.
“Both. You’re sort of magic, you know. Whatever was in that espresso, wow. Starbucks should worry.”
You grin. “Starbucks haven’t got a thing on me. Costa’s next.”
“Oh, I’m sure they’re terrified,” she replies, her eyes glinting ever so slightly.
You tilt your head to the side, and she sighs. One look at your face, and Johanna feels like she could rip her heart from her chest and set all her secrets bare in front of you. It’s taking every bone in her body to keep some semblance of restraint. But you’re looking at her with those beautiful eyes, and she finds herself once again under your spell. Beckoning you closer, she whispers into your ear.
“I’m going to perform an exorcism and send a demon back to Hell.”
She can’t tell if you’re frozen because of how outlandish that sounds, or because you’re slightly terrified. But she can tell that she is almost utterly intoxicated by your scent. Rich, brewed coffee, and lavender, she thinks, fill the tiny gap between you two. Johanna doesn’t breathe for a moment; she thinks if she does, her breath might betray her and reveal just how fond she is of you already. It’s been maybe twenty five minutes, and Constantine is already willing to lay down the world at your feet; as if you’re some type of religion yourself.
But then you turn your head to face her, and she thinks she might just collapse on the round wood table in front of her.
“So you’re doing some homework? I can respect that. Always good to be prepared,” you laugh as you say the words. Then you pull back, and Johanna realises just how long she’s been holding her breath. So you don’t think she’s insane, as a normal individual would if someone walked in at three and said those words. But stranger things have happened in the early hours of morning.
You continue. “So what time are you supposed to be there?”
“Three thirty…oh shit,” Johanna scrambles to her feet as she realises the time. She’s been so enraptured by you that she forgot just why she came in the first place. She’s almost out the door until she hears your voice.
“Yeah?” She turns around, breathlessly.
“Can I…Do you think I could get your number? Just, you know. In case I ever get possessed or something,” you say, internally cursing as you pass your phone to her. She doesn’t even need to think about it, pressing numbers in and giving the phone back to you. Then, she’s out the door, a small Bye! leaving her lips as she sprints.
It’s eight in the morning, and Johanna finally finds the time to lie in her own bed. Something gnaws away at her, and despite her weariness, she picks up her phone, grinning widely as a text illuminates the screen;
unknown number, 03:44
good luck on that exorcism. we serve cappuccinos from 08AM. heard they’re pretty decent for demon hunting :)
Screw it. She could spare another hour of waking. After all, it would be nice to have some reprieve from nightmares.
Johanna Constantine leaves with a white coat, and a silent thanks to God for coffee. And very pretty baristas.
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swanimagines · 7 months
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Morpheus/Dream of the Endless
Desire of the Endless (coming)
Johanna Constantine (coming)
The Corinthian (coming)
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for The Sandman or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not post any of my fics on Tumblr anymore, at least for now. I do not do taglists as AO3 has an inbuilt taglist.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list. For this fandom, I'm going to give a special reminder because this rule has been broken in 80% of Morpheus requests I've ever gotten: I STILL DO NOT WRITE SMUT. Something SLIGHTLY suggestive MIGHT be okay, but please don't count on it.
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why-what-no · 2 years
Being Johanna Constantine’s Sister Would Include
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Pairing: Johanna Constantine x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Demons, Death
Notes: None
Requested by: @hedone26
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Johanna is both a very good sister, and a VERY bad sister
She’s very protective of you, not much of a bully (although she does like to tease you). Your happiness is very important to her
However, she isn’t around a whole lot. The fact that she is worried about getting the people she loves killed means she keeps her distance.
It’s all for love, really. And she does call fairly often. Always interested about how your life is going.
When she stops calling for a while, you have a habit of dropping by her apartment and staying a few days
And despite her protests, she’s glad of the company. Johanna won’t admit she misses you, but she does a lot.
Trying to keep you away from the exorcist business doesn’t always work, and you always know how to protect yourself from demons
You try to help her with her issues with letting people in, but you also know that she does have a point
In fact, you’re really the only person she completely trusts. The two of you are close, even if you don’t see each other as much as you would like too.
Whenever Johanna had left a partner, she aslways stays with you for a couple of days.
The two of you eating ice cream in front of the tv or going out for drinks
Sometimes she’ll consider asking you do join her during work stuff, and sometimes you do
You’re a great team, both very clever and talented. The death toll stays pretty low whenever you guys are together
But she’ll always try and push you towards a normal life. Knowing that you will be happier and safer
You’ll joke and tell her it’s only because she wants to live vicariously through you.
But you know it’s because she loves you.
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mossyfloss · 1 year
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The Night Life of Johanna Constantine
A NSFW Johanna x Reader Imagine (Gender neutral pronouns, afab anatomy)
Summary: You know how much Jo’s work means to her. How much she’s lost, yet she wonders everyday what she did to deserve you. You are more than happy to show her just how much she means to you, but first she wants to show you how thankful she is.
NSFW may have multiple parts, idk how i feel about it yet, but I hope you enjoy :)
Johanna sighed as she set her coffee down. Rubbing circles around her temples, “Fuckin hell.” The need for exorcists has risen over the last year and going through the piles of paperwork have pierced right through her brain. Most of them were false claims like most things, but the real ones. Those get worse and worse by the day. Whatever is out there, whatever’s lurking in the shadows, is getting stronger. She could feel it.
A knock pulled her from her ominous train of thought, “I’m heading out for the night, it’s half past two.” Ric the Vic leaned against the door frame. Jo looked at the clock and her brows shot up.
“You’re right. Fuck, I’m gonna be late again.”
Ric laughed, “I’m sure they’ll understand. After all, they've got to know who it is they invite inside every night.”
“Oi, I’m not a bloody vampire.”
“Nope, just an exorcist that says out till sunrise,” The Vic shook her head and turned to leave, “Make sure you turn off all the lights before you lock up.” She left with a wave. “See you tomorrow.”
Johanna huffed and sat back against her seat, pulling at the tight collar around her neck. “Yeah, will do, if I ever make it out.” She muttered to herself.
A chime came from her mobile. Fishing it out of her pocket she read, ‘Hey babe, you planning on coming home tonight?’ It was you, checking up on her. She felt bad making you worry like this, keeping you up this late for no good reason. Staring at the piles of paper in front of her, the priest made up her mind.
Quickly, Jo shot back a text, ‘Yeah, sorry about that. Time got away from me, but I’ll be out of here in 5.’ Gathering her coat, she slid half the pile of forms into her bag. Not a day goes by where she doesn’t end up working from home.
Flicking the lights off one by one, Jo neared the front door, “Finally.” She pulled her keys out and locked up the office before heading to her car and heading home.
It started to rain as she drove through the streets, her wipers squeaking at every few seconds. The roads were eerily empty, even for it being so close to the witching hour.
Her brain overthinking and her muscle memory leading the way, she found herself pulling into her driveway. Feeling the sting of sleep deprivation as she put it in park and cut the engine. Jo blinked her eyes a few times to push it back.
Thinking about what was waiting for her behind the door; you, bed, maybe a shower. “Home sweet home,” She grabbed her bag and made her way inside.
Seeing as all of the lights were off, she unlocked the door as quietly as she could. Her heels clicked against the wooden floor of the foyer and through the living room. You had left the remains of a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. Johanna smiled and shook her head, walking over to pick it up. You also left a stack of your sketchbooks, she tidied those up as well. You’ve definitely kept yourself busy, she mused.
After tossing the kernels into the bin and setting the bowl in the sink, the priest hung her bag on a chair and walked back to your shared bedroom. There was a soft glow coming from the room, letting her know you were still up. Or at least, attempted to stay awake.
“Knock, knock.” Johanna spoke softly, sleep laced in her voice as she pushed the door open gently.
You looked up from your book with a sleepy smile, “Johanna,” leaning back and stretching, you asked, “How was work?”
“Oh you know,” She came around to her side of the bed and sat down, “Sometimes it feels like it never ends. I almost feel numb to it.”
You set your book down on the nightstand and scooted closer to her. “Now that’s the sleep talking. I know for a fact you wouldn’t be able to do your job half as good if you truly felt numb to it all. You’re too passionate about it.” You kissed her shoulder.
Turning around she pulled you in by your jaw, and gave you a proper kiss. “Mmh says who?” She raked her eyes over your face.
You smiled against her mouth, “Says me,” you gave her a peck, “The great y/n, king of rules.” She rolled her eyes and smirked.
“King, aye?” Jo challenged.
“Mhmm,” Your eyes full of mischief.
“I know a few people who would call that blasphemous.” Johanna stood up and unbuttoned her uniform.
“Please,” You sat back and watched her push the dress down her shoulders and off her body, “Have they seen you?” Catching her hand you brought it to your mouth and kissed it.
“Oi, watch it.” She gave you a warning look, letting you pull her closer. “I know where that mouth’s been and I’m authorized to hold confession.”
“See, you say that as a threat.”
“I mean that as a threat.” Johanna knelt forward on the bed and pulled you into a kiss. “Mmh, I’ve missed you.” She teased her tongue against your upper lip feeling a shiver run through your body.
“I’ve missed you too,” Granting her access she teased your mouth with her tongue. “Mmh, Both of you grasping at each others bodies. The priest pulled your shirt up, exposing your stomach. Her fingers teasing lightly over the skin then using her nails to dig in harder. Red lines marking you.
“Wait wait,” You pulled away gasping for air. “I thought you were tired?”
Jo laughed and looked you up and down, “Never too tired for you y/n/n.” She kissed her cool soft lips against the angry red marks she made. “Especially since you stay up,” a kiss, “as sleepy as you are,” you felt her tongue this time, “and wait every night.” She met your gaze, “Are you too tired for me?”
“Never,” You whispered, running your fingers through her soft hair. “I need to know that you're safe.”
She kissed your belly pointedly and moved to sit on your hips, “I’m always safe.”
Scoffing, you laughed, “Yeah Johanna Constantine playing it safe?” You brought your hands up to her sides, “That’s not her style.” You gave her a look.
“Shut up. You know it’s more fun when it’s dangerous.”
“Is that so?” You squeezed her hips.
“Mhmm,” Caressing your lips with her own she kissed you deeper. “It sends fire through my blood, the power to condemn.” Tugging your shirt off your body, revealing your bare chest, bringing her lips to your neck, “It’s addictive, sometimes.”
“I’ll say,” You gasped. Feeling your body react to her ministrations and deep voice. “Talk about blasphemy.”
Johanna laughed against your skin, “Nah, this is nothin.” She nipped and sucked along your jaw, feeling your hands find her hair once again, she whispered against your ear, “I’ll show you blasphemy.”
Feeling her take your hands she pinned them next to your head, grinding her knee into your center as she wound her hips against your thigh. Both your hips now moving on their own. She lowered herself close enough to whisper, “Oh y/n/n,” The look in her eyes sent something right to your center. “Have you ever wanted to feel closer to God?”
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bi-bard · 1 year
But I'm Flying Like a Bird to You Now - Joanna Constantine Imagine [The Sandman]
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Title: But I'm Flying Like a Bird to You Now
Pairing: Johanna Constantine X Reader
Based On: Shrike
Word Count: 929 words
Warning(s): presence of a drunk character, mention of break up
Summary: Johanna and (Y/n)'s relationship crumbled because of Johanna's obsession with work and issues with trust. The realization of her mistakes causes Johanna to show up on (Y/n)'s doorstep out of the blue.
Author's Note: I know that it has been far too long since I wrote for this challenge. I'm sorry.
After Johanna and I broke up, I had expected her to simply leave me alone.
She had more important things to worry about. Her practice, research, saving people, stopping demons. She made it clear to me that I didn't fall very high on her list of priorities.
I had no reason to suspect that she would ever find her way back into my life.
And then, she showed up on my doorstep. Drunk.
I pulled the door open to find her leaning against the doorframe with a lazy smile on her face.
"Hi," she grinned at me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I... I was working and I got... I got bored," she explained. "Wanted to see you."
I almost rolled my eyes at the idea of being the solution to boredom. I knew that she didn't mean anything bad by it, but I had put too much work into accepting that I was worth so much more than that. It was hard to hear the person who I had spent so much time with say that I was something that was meant to be some... activity.
"You look so pretty."
I sighed.
I couldn't close the door on her. If I did, I would be constantly worried about her. I would be scared that she got hurt somehow. I couldn't have that idea on my conscience.
I stepped to the side, waving her in.
Johanna smiled, wrapping her arms around me as she walked in.
I closed the door before shoving her arms off of me. I locked the door.
"I wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt if I left you to wander around in this state," I muttered. "I'll get you a blanket. You can sleep on the couch."
She plopped onto the cushion as I walked over to my closet.
I dropped the blanket onto the couch. I was going to grab a glass of water and some pain medicine for the next morning.
I didn't very far before Johanna grabbed my hand. She pulled me over to stand in front of her.
"I love you," she said. "I... I never said it enough... I can say it more. I can say it every day if you want. I love you."
I yanked my hands from hers, my eyes snapping shut. "Go to sleep."
"Stop it," I snapped. "Go to bed."
I walked away before she could speak up again. After placing some ibuprofen on the end table, I went to my room and curled up under my covers.
I didn't sleep well that night. I barely slept at all.
My mind was racing. I was just thinking about everything that had happened in the past with Johanna. Good moments, bad moments, everything in between. It was all just rushing back. It played on my eyelids every time I tried to fall asleep.
I relented at about five. I finally dragged myself out of bed and accept that I wouldn't get any rest that night.
I walked into the kitchen, starting some coffee.
It was maybe an hour later that Johanna finally pushed herself off of my couch. She looked over at me.
"There's some Ibuprofen on the end table," I said, nodding over at it.
"Thanks," she grumbled.
She walked over to the small island in the kitchen.
We stood there for a few moments. It was an awful silence. One that crept under my skin and buried itself in my bones. I didn't know what to do other than shift my weight on my feet while sipping at my coffee.
I would have given her a cup, but I honestly didn't want her to stay. I just wanted peace.
"I meant what I said last night," she finally mumbled.
"Johanna, please don't," I begged.
"No, we need to talk about this-"
"I tried! That's how we ended up here. I have nothing more to say to you. There's nothing to talk about."
It went silent again.
I was about to tell her to leave before she spoke up again, "I love you-"
"Stop saying that," I muttered, closing my eyes and looking down.
"No," she replied. "I'm not going to stop saying it until you believe me."
"I don't want to believe you!"
That seemed to stun her into silence. For once, she was listening.
"It's too late, Johanna," I explained. "I... I wanted this to work so much. I wanted to love you, but you couldn't love me back. And that hurts. God, it hurts. And listening to you try to make up for it doesn't help. You didn't truly love me until I walked away. I... I can't go back to that life."
"So what? You just want to leave me behind completely? You're the one that promised to never give up."
"Effort goes two ways," I replied. "It's not giving up if the other person was never trying in the first place."
"I get no chance to prove myself?"
"You had over a year to prove yourself," I shrugged. "I'd like you to go now. Please."
Johanna stayed quiet as she finally relented and walked toward the door. I took a deep breath as I watched her.
She stopped in the doorway, looking back at me. "I know you don't want to hear it. But I want you to know that I do love you."
I didn't reply.
"Maybe in another life, I'll do a better job showing it."
As the door closed, I let one more thought about Johanna cross my mind with no fight.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
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Tag list: @mess-in-side @mar-de-seentimientos
Johanna has come to terms that her existence was the textbook definition of a curse of the highest degree; seeing as how everyone she ever gave a rats arse about ended up either dead or dragged to hell. Rachel and Astra were unfortunate examples of such that one shouldn’t be surprised when being held at arms length when within the exorcists presence.
This naturally lead to her becoming guarded and isolated from ever aspect of human companionship in favour of overworking herself into a routine where the only availability she had was when the towns were dead asleep and the street lamps were the only thing to keep one company. It’s not that it was any fault of her own, no, she didn’t ask for this for Christmas as a kid…well as clear as she could remember asking anything for Christmas as a kid anyways. Not when plagued with failure after failure of trying to keep those out of harms way that haunted her waking life as much as her sleeping one.
Johanna had to train herself into the mindset that she was better off alone, that the mess of her room was all the company she would ever need in life even as her heart yearned for something more then what she gives herself. The yearning of another human. It was a silent wish she’d unknowingly make every night with a desperation for it to one day come true. Johanna knew she needed someone but always gaslight herself into believing that wasn’t the case at all and that all she needed was a one night stand to compose her needs to a comprisable level.
So when you came into the picture, Johanna immediately was on the defensive, acting her most snippiest and bitchiest self in hopes that it would scare you away from her and untether your fate from hers for the sake of your safety. Yet you never did and it annoyed her sometimes because she was trying to keep you away from an indescribable death and here you stayed by her side even when she’d curse you out, slam doors in your face and worse.
She felt like shit for how she’s treated you. She knew you mean well and you were a wish came true for her that she was half tempted to call upon Morpheus and ask if you were his doing but doubted it as the lord or dreams didn’t seem that willingly giving unless it was a transactional exchange. A ‘I scratch your back and you scratch mine’ type of ordeal. So he was out of the lineup of suspects and sadly for Johanna he was her only suspect thanks to her bristle attitude.
Afterwards she assumed that you’ve somehow bewitched her into growing accommodated by your presence but would later scold herself for even indulging such fairytale bollocks in the first place. Sure you were enchanting enough to have some magical power over her but it still wouldn’t have made any sense to assume otherwise.
Sooner or later she would slowly become more appealed by the aspect of having someone within her life that was as stubborn as a stain upon a linen. She grew warm within your company and the playful banter would immediately kick in as though it was second nature for Johanna. Stupid conversations would also be a tradition between the two of you because there’s never been a moment where you’ve haven’t taken the time in taking the piss out of one another for something stupid either of you did whether it’d be before you met or sometime after you’ve broken down her walls.
Johanna would soon grow protective of you as a form of a silent thanks for not giving up on her even during her worst moments as it has made you privy to some side of her that even Johanna had thought were long dead and buried. She really didn’t know what life would’ve been like had you did give up on her like so many others from her past. She never meant to abandon them but it was for their protection even as her heart pleaded for more time with those she loved before disappearing like a ghost for long periods of time.
However with you she felt the safest she’s ever been in her life, even if it was temporary. She’d savour every last moment she had with you until her memories were no longer haunting of the past and were now cleansed with visions of a potential future with you where the skies never looked clearer. Yet she wished she was given enough time to tell you that as she looked as your unconscious and bloodied body.
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knowbodytoldmethat · 2 years
The Sandman Masterlist
Child of The Dreaming 2
What You Want (Coming Soon)
Johanna Constantine
Come Home (Coming Soon)
Rose Walker
Lucifer Morningstar
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thebigsl33p · 2 years
You Are Sick and You're Married and You Might Be Dying.
I feel like it's too early on for angst, but I can't help myself. Phoebe Bridgers + Joanna Constantine. yeah thought so. this is so OOC i couldn't help myself.
Aerico: a disease demon from Greek Folklore.
TW: Sickness/Illness, Ovarian Cancer, emetophobia (sick/vomit), demons? Sandman as deserves his own warning.
Part Two
Joanna Constantine worked. It was what she did best. When she put in the time and effort she got money. And that worked for her, especially if she could find a way to increase her fair.
Sure, her job wasn't exactly conventional. Being an actual exorcist wasn't exactly a normal career choice, but it turns out there's more demand for it than expected. Who knew? But things got really complicated when you introduced love into the mix. Demons + Joanna + Love = nothing good. Or so she thought.
But then Y/N L/N walked into her life, completely different from anything she had ever known, soft and kind. And for once Joanna Constantine found herself falling head over heels.
She looked forward to going home everyday, to falling into the arms of her lovely, beautiful girlfriend. She looked forward to cooking for her, sitting and watching shit TV with her, bathing with her, washing her hair and back, reading her to sleep and just...well...her. Joanna Constantine looked forward to Y/N as a whole.
She was her everything. She was sure she would be careful when doing her job, guard her mind well and make sure no entity could figure out that for once she had a weak spot.
But all it took was one off night, a few weeks before The Sandman's return.
Joanna had been called in to work late under an emergency.
"Babe, I'm so sorry, just- It's an emergency and-" Joanna was rushing out the door, coat being thrown over her shoulders.
"I know, don't worry." Y/N genuinely assured her, tying her coat up for her and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Be safe."
"I will. And I'll make it up to you when I get home, I promise." Joanna's hands came up on either side of Y/N's head, pulling her in for a kiss before she was gone with a quick "I love you".
The job was easy. Actually getting the demon out of the host was light work, they tend to reveal themselves pretty quickly, as if the burning smell of sulphur wasn't already a dead giveaway.
She continued to speak, The Bible in her hand for show as if she didn't have it down to a fine art by now. And while the demon writhed and screamed and offered her immortality and riches for letting him live she ignored it. She identified it as an Aerico, a demon of the Greek, and if it wasn't for her then everyone around him would've ended up diseased and infected.
Just before she was finished with the demon, it whispered something, "You...Joanna Constantine, will pay...best keep an eye on that Y/N of yours." It giggled and then it was gone, leaving behind the smell of rotten flesh and sulphur.
Joanna winced at the scent before panic hit her. Had her mind slipped? It must've while she was chanting and now...now?
Joanna met her employer outside. The money was transferred fast in a little brown envelope and then she was gone, rushing home to make sure that her girlfriend was okay.
Joanna fumbled with her key in the lock, panic setting into her bones as her mind raced about what could've happened to Y/N. The moment the door opened she slammed it behind her before rushing inside and calling her lover's name.
"I'm in here!" Y/N called out from their bedroom.
She walked in to find her girlfriend spread across the bed, a glass of water by her side and a packet of pills on the bedside table, "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, I guess I'm fine. I just suddenly felt really tired and I had this pain in my stomach. It's probably just early period cramps, I'll sleep it off. Come join me." She folded the covers back and Joanna kicked off her shoes, took off her coat shirt and trousers and got into bed.
"What's with the concern?" Y/N asked, beginning to play with her hair.
"Just work..." Joanna answered, turning to face her girl, "Something happened. It made me anxious. Seriously, sweetheart, if something happens or you feel wrong you have to tell me."
"Alright, I will."
The next morning Joanna insisted that Y/N go to the doctor's, just for a general check-up.
And then, two weeks later, Y/N's diagnosis came through.
The couple were sitting in the Doctor's office, hand in hand in the chairs as the Doctor said she had some bad news, and that she was sorry. Y/N had Ovarian Cancer.
Instantly, Joanna felt overwhelmed with guilt and the first words to fall from her mouth were "Shit...Y/N, I-"
"Thank You, Doctor." Y/N said, standing from her chair, taking Joanna with her as they were still holding her hands, and simply, walked out.
There will be a part two I didn't want to put this all in one thing.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Goddess in Your Sheets ~Johanna Constantine xFem Reader
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Johanna waking reader up creatively…
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, consensual morning sex, scissoring/grinding, pet names, etc.
Enjoy (;
Johanna awoke as the sun crept into the room through the windows. She never was a deep sleeper… She turned around to find your still sleeping frame. The woman gazed upon your innocent, relaxed state, taking in all your features.
A thought then struck her. A conversation that the two of you had had recently… About how you were curious at the idea of waking up to being pleasured…
A smirk came upon the Johanna’s face as she carefully began to remove the blanket which was covering you. You were sleeping on your back, which only made this so much easier… The brunette then swiftly removed all of her clothing, and then carefully crawled on top of your sleeping frame.
Fuck, she could already feel her own arousal growing…
As she slowly began to interlock her legs with yours, you twitched lightly. Her eyes quickly fluttered back up to your frames face, but luckily, your breathing was still evenly asleep. The brunette then successfully interlocked your legs to hers, and then the fun began…
Johanna began slowly grinding into you, paying close attention to your breathing and facial features. She found what angle affected your breathing, making it shallow and bated. With that angle, she lazily thrusted into you, causing your hips to instinctually and sleepily buck up to meet her grindings. The brunette ground her core against yours in a particular way, hitting your clit, causing you to breathily moan out in pleasure.
Your eyes fluttered open slightly as Johanna continued her lazy thrusts, her gaze intently on you. You gasped and you jerked your hips with more intent, incoherently whining and screwing your eyes shut in pleasure, as the brunette continued to gently fuck you.
When you were awake enough, more whines and moans fell from your lips. This only made Johanna grin even more.
“OHhhhHhH Yessssss…” you breathily moaned out, as your grindings with the other woman got more heated.
“Morning, love…” the brunette purred.
“I— Oh God…!!” You leudly moaned.
You were both panting heavily now, both holding on to each other tightly, both driving closer and closer to your highs.
“Fuck…” Johanna panted, “I’m gonna cum, love…”
“Me too GOD Jo—!!”
Her thrusts sent you over the edge, and you clung to her tightly as you cried out in pleasure. Johanna helped you ride out your high, as she then crashed into her own.
You both rode out each others orgasms, your bodies going limp afterwards, causing the brunette to collapse on top of you. You smirked lightly.
“Well shit…” you chuckled, “Good morning to you too...”
Johanna Constantine Masterlist
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roguelov · 10 months
johanna & morpheus: love sucks it never works out what's the point
hob & reader: on god bro are we gonna make sure we love you so much you're not gonna know what to do with all the love we have for you
Yes!!!!!! Dream and Johanna being the grumpy people to you and Hob’s sunshine personalities
Dream and Johanna: Life sucks and I’m miserable
You and Hob smiling: Hi guys! We cooked you guys dinner and maybe after we can have a relaxing movie night
Dream and Johanna trying not to show too much emotion: Life sucks a little less now
Ok but this also bring up the funny and disastrous scenario of Dream and Johanna wanting to repay all the love and kindness you and Hob give them only for it to end horribly
I’m talking burnt dinner, I’m talking miscommunication, I’m talking anything and everything just goes wrong and they are just so upset and disappointed until you and Hob just smile and go ‘guys it’s so sweet you tried and we love you dearly … but from now on we’ll do all the fun romantic plans’
Dream and Johanna just sigh in relief and instead might just show you both their love in a way they know they can’t fuck up 😏
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Had A Bad Day - Johanna Constantine x GN! Reader
First fic of Fictober! I’m not used to writing for Johanna quite yet, but i hope y’all like it! Today’s prompt was Magic. Reader is a magic user.
TW: Swearing, mentions of cultists. Use of (Y/N)
Johanna Constantine was no stranger to magic. Her job depended on it. Or, rather, it depended on something going horribly wrong involving magic. Her expertise made it seem like she was the only one who could fix it. She was constantly getting called to deal with the problems others had caused. Recently, most of the trouble seemed to involve a large number of demons. Johanna sighed as she remembered the call that she had received earlier that week. With the damage, the time it took to track them all down, and the sheer number of demons that she had to deal with, Johanna’s normal fee had been been much higher than normal. But, that didn’t begin to make up for how tired Johanna was.
The overworked magician knew of one person who could give her the space to vent and still understand. (Y/n). (Y/n), her partner, was the only person that Johanna ever fully confided in. It helped that they were also a magic user, so they were well aware of the dangers and annoyances that Johanna had to face. Johanna also suspected that she was one of the few other magic users that (Y/N) could tolerate, not that she would ever voice that thought aloud. However, there was one prime difference between them. While Johanna spent her time tracking down dangerous entities and dispelling them, (Y/N) liked to summon and make deals with them.
That was actually how they had met. Johanna had just finished another job when she felt the tale-tell signs of a summoning ritual. Thinking that she had somehow missed something, she went to shut it down. When she arrived, Johanna was astounded to find someone who actually knew what they were doing. All of the proper protections had been placed, and it looked like not a single thing had been overlooked. In fact, in Johanna’s opinion, it might have been a tad overkill. She watched as the summoner speak with the demon, and.....
Wait, were they... haggling with it? Johanna could scarcely believe what she was hearing. What made it even more interesting was that they seemed to be taking it for all it was worth. It was like watching a professional conman at work. Johanna had to admit, she was impressed. She continued to watch as the deal concluded, and the summoner sent the demon back to hell, and removed the protections and wards. Johanna made her way to leave, but the summoner spoke before she could.
“Johanna Constantine. I take it you were here to stop my summoning?”, they asked.
Johanna wondered how they knew her name, and the confusion must have been written on her face, as they continued.
“Those who reside in hell speak of a great exorcist, who goes by the name of Constantine. The name sounded familiar, so I did some digging.” They smiled.
And that was how it began. Johanna learned that their name was (Y/n), and that they were a professional deal maker, making deals with demons on the behalf of those who would have trouble doing it themselves. Though, fewer people seemed to know about them than they did Johanna. (Y/N) ended up asking her out, and one date lead to, well, now.
With the night Johanna had had, she knew that (Y/N) was just the person she needed to see. She made sure to text them before coming over, just in case they were working with a client, or preforming a ritual. The almost instant reply told her that neither were the case, and that she was free to come over. A short drive later, and Johanna was at (Y/N)’s place. They must have seen or heard her approach, because before Johanna could knock, the door swung open.
“Rough night?”, (Y/N) asked as they moved to the side to allow their girlfriend in.
“You wouldn’t believe the bloody mess the church had me clean up tonight,” Johanna replied, flopping down on the couch. (Y/N) could only smile, and went to fix the exhausted exorcist a drink. A few minutes later, they sat down in the chair next to Johanna. She sighed, a sound both tired and grateful, as she took the glass from her partner.
“It was a fucking nightmare,” Johanna continued. “Worst night ever.”
“More royals, I take it?,” (Y/N) questioned as they moved their hand to card their fingers through Johanna’s hair.
(Y/N) briefly pondered how it could possibly worse. They knew Johanna hated dealing with royals when it came to exorcisms. Too much risk, not enough reward. One wrong move and..... (Y/N) dismissed the thought, before remembering that their were even worse things in their girlfriend’s line of work. They took a deep breath to calm themselves before responding.
“How so?”
Johanna sighed, her whole body slumping further into the couch. She brought her hand to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose in an effort to keep calm.
“Fucking idiots. Bit off way more than they should have tried. Bunch of bloody cultists tried summoning Lucifer.”
It was (Y/N)’s turn to sigh. “Let me guess, they pulled the wrong entity?”
Johanna let out a strained laugh. “A whole bloody hoard, actually. What’s worse, they managed to summon some heavy hitters. Took forever to get them all sent back.”
“Lack of wards?”
“How the hell did they even manage to get some of the higher ups? They’d have to be insanely powerful to do so, and if they were, then they would have known to take the necessary precautions.”
“Fuck if I know,” Johanna said, adjusting her body so that she could be more comfortable. “Amateurs, the lot of them. They managed to get lucky. Or, well, unlucky in this case, I suppose.”
At this point, (Y/N) noticed that Johanna was having trouble keeping her eyes open.
“Alright, you’re more than exhausted, and I’m not letting you sleep on my couch. Let’s get you to bed.”
Johanna let out a groan of protest as her partner gently took her glass and helped her up. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to be led down the hallway, leaning against (Y/N) all the while. (Y/N) gingerly helped Johanna onto the bed, and the exorcist sleepily kicked off her shoes. Once she was under the covers, (Y/N) made their way to the other side and climbed in, wrapping their arms around their girlfriend, and pulling her close.
(Y/N) held Johanna safe in their arms, gently stroking her hair to help her calm down. Johanna opened her mouth to launch into a sleepy rant, but (Y/N) was faster. With a small flick of their fingers, they sent their beloved of to sleep. Although they knew that Johanna would be grumpy about that in the morning, (Y/N) didn’t mind. It was well worth whatever consequences would come later, just so that they could see the small smile that crept across her sleeping face.
‘Besides’, (Y/N) reasoned to themselves, ‘Johanna needs all the rest she can get.’
Smiling, they felt contentment fill them. They placed a gentle kiss on Johanna’s forehead. The gentle sound of her breathing further soothed them, and they found themselves growing tired. Relishing in the warmth, they closed their eyes, and joined their girlfriend in blissful sleep.
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littledollll · 8 months
Y/n and Constantine observing Lucifer from afar
Y/n: “that’s them. That’s the person I have a crush on. Thoughts?”
Johanna: “and prayers babe. What the fuck?”
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marvelsgirl616 · 2 months
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Johanna Constantine Icons | The Sandman Season 1
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