luvrxbunny · 5 months
okay so let’s think 🤔
i think it’s been a VERY long time since Joel had sex. i’m thinking he probably messed around for a few years after Sarah died just to feel something but after that didn’t work he probably just gave up
so now after over 10yrs of no sex, hes gotten to a point where he thinks he could just live without it. like he barely has the urge anymore.
he doesn’t even get a little inkling until he meets you. but it’s only a twinge in his gut. he doesn’t get hard but he does get turned on, sensitive and the twinge flares more depending on what you do, what you’re wearing, how close to him you’re standing.
but then you guys start dating. because shockingly.. for some reason.. he gives you that same reaction— of course a lot stronger on your end
he explains this all to you, he says it’s his age but you assume it also has to do with everything he’s been through. so you don’t push it! you’d never do that to him, give him that guilt or pressure.
but something about you being his makes that little twinge become a punch to the gut. seeing you in his kitchen, making him breakfast, makes something stir in his crotch that he barely even recognizes.
then he sees you fitting into a motherly role with ellie, maybe closer to a big sister but there is maternity mixed in for sure and that causes something he’s not even equipped to deal with.. he’s starting to get hard.
it’s just a halfie but it’s more than he’s felt in years. and he just has to wait for it to go down. it’s torture.
that goes on for a while. things get exponentially worse when you move in with him. you start acting like his wife. making him coffee to go to work with in the morning, packing him lunch and setting out his clothes. you even wash his boots for him when they get too dirty or on a particularly hot day you’ll have a bath ready for him when he gets home. he’s so hard, he’s leaking.
he eventually has to figure out how to jerk off all over again cus god knows what he likes now. it takes a lot of trial and error but he’s finally able to cum for the first time in way too long.
but that just makes everything worse
because now he knows how to solve the probelm, now that his body knows this is an option, he’s getting hard no matter what you do.
you could come to him with help for a recipe, not able to understand what they’re asking and he’ll get hard. you could walk past him, he’d get a whiff of your perfume and he’s hard. you touch his arm to move past him and he’s hard.
this leads to many trips to the bathroom. he doesn’t last long, not that he tries to anyway, and he’s found that he can cum many times in one day.
you start coddling him because he’s obviously fatigued and god that makes him hard. you cuddle him, letting him be the little spoon as you both take a “much needed and earned nap” and fuck he’s leaking into his boxers.
his entire body is tense and shaking in your sleepy arms. it’s never been this bad before. he can’t think of a time it was even this bad when he was younger.
he sneaks a hand down to his crotch and desperately digs his palm into the tent in his boxers. the relief is immediate, he has to dig into his lip until it bleeds to hold in the groan that wanted out. he can’t believe himself, the depraved man he’s become.
his hand slides down into his boxers and his stomach is trembling at his own touch. something about you being right next to him is turning all his senses up to 11.
his hand wraps around his cock and it’s the most heavenly thing he’s felt. he can’t help the moan of your name that slide up his throat and leaves his mouth as a whisper. you stir beside him and his cock pulses in his hand.
what if you woke up? what would you do if you caught him like this? would you like it?
i got carried away AGAIN
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myckicade · 1 year
I've been reading your Mayans imagines and I love them! Do you do tlou imagines? Joelxreader?
Well, first, thank you very much! I have more to add to that collection. It's just about finishing the danged things.
As for the Joel/Reader, I'm game to give it a whirl. Let me know what you are thinking, and I will put it together. :) .
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conradrasputin · 1 month
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beehop · 1 year
ok i’m done with tlou spam for now thanks for bearing with me lmao
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whinniebee · 1 year
the horny posting is insane yall need to CHILL let grandpa REST
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shortbk · 8 months
Joel/Pedro/Javier Peña Angst Recs
Hey! So this is my first ever post where there’s a lot to say (lol). BUTT I wanted to share this awesome list of angst bc I am and always will be craving it. These are some of my favorite ones that just hit the spot. Also please go give all of these writers a follow and leave a lovely message if you can bc they are great and have worked pretty hard on these fics. Thanks!!
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Joel Miller
Character Development : @just-some-random-blogger
Breaking Up Slowly (series) : @guess-my-next-obsession
Joelxreader : @simoncowellstit
The Great War (series) : @stylesispunk
Joelxreader : @forever-rogue
If the Door Wasn’t Shut (series) : @heartpascal
Keep Your Eyes on Me : @mgparker
What About Me : @pedrosbestie
Same Old, Same Old : @guess-my-next-obsession
Do You Want Me or Do You Not? : @mylostloversbookmarks
All My Faith : @heartpascal
Chasing (series) : @pedropascal-whore
Say Something (series) : @toxic-seduction
Hug Me : @nonexistent-introvert
Joelxreader : @joelslastofus
It’s You, It’s All for You : @delreykenn-punk
Unforgivable Mistake (series) : @lionlena
Selfish : @awxcoffeexno
Break Beneath the Weight : @heartpascal
Call My Name : @toxic-seduction
Meet at Our Spot (series) : @addictedtotlou
You Don’t Look At Me (series) : @sunshineshobi18
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Pedro Pascal
Betrayed (series) : @creedslove
Wildest Dreams (series) : @i-magines
Time to Move On : @malopascal
Caged in Pain : @plussizeappreciationfics
My Guy, My Angel : @avenging-fandoms
The Last Goodbye : @pinchofhoney
Arrangement : @pedge-stuff
We Don’t Love Each Other (series) : @lionlena
Afterglow (series) : @urf1lterr
Shame (series) : @imaginesbymonika
The One Where Pedro Breaks Your Heart : @creedslove
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Javier Peña
Deserve It (series) : @creedslove
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Agent Whiskey
Heartless (series) : @creedslove
And as you can see I have some favorites *cough* *cough* Mari and heart pascal❤️
(But srs thank you to all of the writers in here that break my heart in the best way!! Keep going you’re doing great sweetie!)
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lionlena · 1 year
Strong for both of us (Joelxreader)
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Warnings: angst, age difference, past trauma, rape and death mention but only reference, anxiety, Joel is sweet and comforting
Please don't read this if you feel uncomfortable with it.
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When you first entered Jackson with your group, almost everyone looked at you with caution, suspicion, and some even with a little hostility. The most attention was focused on you. You weren't surprised. You were the oldest and you were... the leader? You would never call yourself that, but there was something about it. The six teenagers around you have been relying on you for several years. They listened to you and respected you, except maybe for one... Your sister. Only she had the courage to oppose you, but she did it rarely. Besides, you loved her and you actually fought for her every day. So you forgave her this slight rebellion.
Unlike you, she didn't know the world before the pandemic. You were almost ten years old when it all began . You remembered the old world and you remembered your parents. Another thing your little sister didn't experience was living with yours parents. You were 16 when Hope came into the world (you always thought her name was a mistake because there was no hope left in the world). You were angry with your parents. Not because you were jealous, but because you saw how dangerous the world was. You thought bringing a child into this broken world was a mistake, and you weren't wrong. Unfortunately...
Hope was only two years old when the looters attacked you. Your parents were killed and you... Never mind. The most important thing is that you managed to escape and save your sister.
Over the years, you've gotten stronger, smarter, and learned to kill people. You were independent, free, and you didn't want to live in Jackson at all.
But the kids you took in and your sister deserved it. Maybe especially your sister. You wanted to give her a substitute for the ordinary world. You wanted to show her that the world could be different. That's why you grit your teeth and stepped into Jackson's world, even when you felt no one liked you.
But there was one person who didn't look at you with hostility or suspicion.
At first you didn't even know his name or who he was, but he caught your attention. He was handsome in the hottest way you could describe. Even though you preferred to avoid men most of the time, there was something about Joel that was alluring. Roughness combined with delicacy. And those eyes of his. They reminded you of hot chocolate. Warm and sweet. And it was in those eyes that you saw curiosity. Yes, Joel was looking at you curiously. He looked at you as if he knew more about you than you wanted to show.
Since your sister and Ellie were of a similar age and had a similar personality, they quickly became friends. And that's how you got to know Joel better. You didn't talk much to each other, and yet you had some strange connection. Soon you started going on patrol together, and you couldn't shake the feeling that Joel was considerate of you. He always had his eye on you. Normally this would make you anxious, but with Joel you didn't feel that fear. Maybe it was Joel, or maybe it was living in Jackson.
You had to admit that after a few weeks of living in Jackson, you were calmer. You don't have to be watchful anymore. You allowed yourself to breathe. Of course, you didn't get rid of everything. You still had the need to take care of all the kids you took in. And they still treated you like a leader. Of course, Maria didn't like that, but what were you supposed to do? Old habits cannot be abandoned so easily.
However, being calmer also had its downsides. You became vulnerable again, and the old nightmares began to return.
That's what happened during the movie night.
Hope talked you into going to see a movie with her. You didn't want to, but you could see how much she enjoyed it. You finally agreed. Even though you didn't feel like interacting with other people. So you sat at the far end of the room. Joel was standing next to you. He leaned his shoulder against the wall and watched his surroundings. You smiled up your nose. Eternally vigilant, like you.
You didn't pay much attention to the movie. It was some old comedy. Even older than you. At some point, your attention was caught by the screams of the main character. It was a seemingly innocent scene that was funny. For everyone except you. On top of the woman lay a man who fell over and could not get up. The woman writhed under his body, flailing her arms and legs, screaming, "Let go of me, leave me, get off me."
You felt the blood drain from your face. Your hands went cold, your mouth felt dry and you wanted to vomit. You had to get out of there. You quickly got up and rushed outside. You didn't even take your jacket, but you couldn't go back there.
The cold autumn air helped keep the nausea at bay. You started breathing deeply. You put one hand against the wall of the building and put your head down. Suddenly you felt someone's hand on your shoulder. It was a large hand, definitely male. You jumped back screaming, shoving the man away and reaching for the knife on your belt but forgetting that you stopped carrying it in Jackson. Your mistake.
"Calm down Y/N. It's just me."
As soon as this voice reached your ears, you dared to look at the "attacker". His brown eyes looked at you with concern and you realized it was Joel.
"I'm sorry," you whispered.
Joel shook his head slightly.
"You have no reason to apologize to me. I think I understand what happened..." He swallowed. "I'm sorry I touched you without warning."
You stared at your shoes. You were ashamed.
You shouldn't have been. You subconsciously knew you had done nothing wrong. You couldn't control your reactions.
Joel extended his arm towards you, and then you notice that he was holding your jacket. You looked at him questioningly and he smiled slightly.
"This movie sucks and I thought you didn't want to go back there."
You nodded and put on your jacket. You still felt weak and Joel could see that.
"I will walk you home."
"No... I can't, I need to calm down. I don't want Hope to see me like this."
Joel sighed heavily and you saw the familiar pain in his eyes. He knew what it was like to hide a difficult past from others.
"Uh... If you want, then come to me. You don't have to tell me anything or explain anything. Just drink some whiskey."
For a moment you didn't know what to say. You didn't want to stand where someone might see you. But could you trusted Joel? He was a man. Stronger and older than you. But he's never hurt you, and you've seen how he cares for Ellie. He wasn't the type of man to take advantage of your weakness. Plus, there was something about him that made you feel safer. You finally nodded your head and silently walked towards his house.
As you sat on the couch, Joel added more wood to the fireplace. He noticed you shivering and handed you a blanket. You knew it was the emotion that made you feel cold. When he handed you a glass of alcohol, you thanked him quietly and he sat on the other end of the couch. You sat in silence, his warm brown eyes watching you with concern. He didn't speak or move, but his presence comforted you.
After a few minutes your glass was empty. You set your glass down on the table. One of your legs was bouncing restlessly. You put your hand on your knee, trying to ground yourself.
"It was so long ago. Hope wasn't even three years old." You didn't know where this sudden need to explain everything to Joel came from. "I don't know why that stupid movie had such an effect on me..." You took a deep breath. "It wasn't even... You know, it wasn't ra... He wasn't..."
Joel slowly moved closer to you.
"Hey, I get it. You don't have to explain it to me. Sometimes all it takes is something really small to trigger bad memories in us, and no matter how long ago it was. Bad memories never gone. They always hurt."
You've never heard his voice so gentle and calming before. Suddenly, a wave of memories came flooding back to you.
"They killed our parents, and then one of them... Raped me by my parents' bodies." Your voice trembled, but you didn't allow yourself to cry. "They wanted to sell me and Hope with to some brutes... But I managed to escape..."
Joel looked at you with sad eyes and you bit your lip. He gently grabbed your hand.
"I'm so sorry, honey. I hope those bastards died a terrible death."
You nodded and sniffed, but still not a single tear left your eyes. Joel saw your eyes glistening with tears and frowned.
"I know it's going to sound weird, but I'm here for you. You can hug me as hard as you want. You can scream and cry..."
"No," you whined. "They can't see me cry... Hope and the rest of the kids."
"They're not here. It's just you and me. You don't have to be strong anymore. I will be strong for both of us."
You didn't know what made you finally give up. Was it his voice? Or his brown eyes? Or his big, rough hands that stroked your skin so gently?
You threw yourself into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and started crying. You couldn't remember the last time you let yourself cry like that. When was the last time you were so vulnerable?
Joel rocked you gently and whispered comforting words. His hands made soothing circles on your back.
You knew he had dark secrets too. People whispered behind his back, and maybe, if you were someone else, you'd be afraid of him. But you've too also killed people. You too would give anything to protect those you love. And that was what connected you two. That's why you knew you could trust him implicitly. You let yourself be weak because in that moment Joel was strong for the two of you.
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cliickermiller · 1 year
Could I request a Joelxreader where the reader moves to Jackson and is super sweet and loves to bake things for everyone in town as a thank you for allowing her in and at first Joel rejects their offerings because they’re suspicious of them which makes the reader continue to try and bake things for him, finally he accepts and starts opening up to them and offering to help reader with any labor they need done which leads to them sharing a kiss and maybe starting a relationship
mean spirits and bread cakes - Joel Miller x Reader
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A/n: Woohoo first request, I was a little hesitant at first because I want to make sure my requests are written like my stories, with feeling and detail and I hope I accomplished that by the end of this story so just let me know how i did :)
Whenever you were brought into Jackson you were met with guns in your face, mainly by two men but one of them was a lot more lenient with you staying there, You believed that his name was Tommy, he welcomed you after the initial questions and tests and set you up with you own little room, it wasn't big or much but he said it was temporary until another unit opened up. For now you made due, using your time mainly in the kitchen helping the others prep meals for the town and other things, once Tommy helped move you into your new home, which just needed repaired, you quickly made to work making a little farming area outside.
It had been a couple weeks since you finally got your own home, you hadn't really baked since you moved in, trying to help the others out as much as you could, while still maintaining your food source in your backyard. Over the weeks you had met somebody named Joel, who you learned was the other man holding the gun in your face. He was closed off, at least to you, you always say him talking with Tommy and laughing with a teenage girl who you assumed was his daughter. You learned later that her name was Ellie, she was sweet and always came over first thing in the morning to help you bake for the other residents of Jackson, props she didn't really help baking but she watched you and learned how to do it while keeping you company and being a taste tester for you different treats.
"Y/nnnn! What're we bakin today?" Ellie cheered walking into your kitchen smiling brightly "We are making a strawberry bread cake with freshly grown ingredients and I finally made the perfect flour substitute so now maybe your grump of a father will accept them" You proudly stated smiling at the girl, watching as she giggled loudly "Joel is-.." She stopped, what was Joel to her? A father? A father figure? or just some guy who takes care of her? "Yea..yea Joel is a tough cookie to crack" She smiled using your phrasing from the other day "Alright, now, let's get started on mixing dry ingredients, I wanna make sure all these cakes are done by the time the patrols get back" You smiled watching as she took her usual seat on the counter next to your sink to watch you bake. You house was nice, you could tell whoever built it and the other houses knew what they were doing, you never thought you'd live with water or electric again but whenever you found Jackson that was the first thing you noticed.
After almost six hours of baking you were done, you liked doing it though, it gave you time to talk with Ellie, the first child you spoke with since the fall, and considering you were a middle school teacher it pained you seeing all the kids that turned infected; plus it helped feed the community, you weren't taking out of their found resources either, you grew it all and happily contributed it throughout the town, it was the only real way you knew how to pay them back for letting you stay, there weren't many kids, you weren't physically capable of going and fighting clickers like the others, so you stuck with helping them build/setup new cabins and cook little treats for everybody. Ellie filled the time with telling you the story of how she met Joel and how she wishes he was actually her father, how she always longed to have an adult go out their way to protect her, so she didn't have to learn at such a young age. You felt bad for her, Ellie was a sweet but stubborn girl, she reminded you of your younger sister. "Well....I'm happy you've made to here, Ellie, And I'm glad through your journey you found somebody like Joel..He sounds like an amazing man" You smiled placing the small cakes into separate containers, Deep down you know Joel had to of had someone before Ellie that he cared about that much, considering this was the first group of men you found that weren't ravaging assholes and that fact he went across the country and only kept Ellie's best interest in mind really showed his true colors.
Ellie shrugged a bit shoving some containers into her bookbag ready to help you pass them out, "I guess I kinda owe it to him? He helped me get this far I probably would've died by now" She mumbled, you offered her a kind smile wrapping an arm around hers to lead her outside to start your rounds. It probably took another hour to hand them out and you and Ellie still have 4 more containers together to pass out, splitting down the main road you stopped at the house you knew would be a problem, you didn't know why you still tried giving things to Joel, he always declined and acted like you were carrying the next world ruining virus and were ready to kill all. Looking up on the porch you saw him sitting in a rocking chair with his guitar propped on his lap "Hi.." You mumbled slowly stepping up on the porch "What're you doing here, y/n?" He grumbled, you frowned "I uh..-um.." You were stuttering, after hearing Ellie's stories about him you felt nervous under his watch, flustered. "Spit it out. I gotta start lookin for Ellie soon" He huffed sitting up straighter "Oh! E-Ellie she helped out today again..I wanted to drop off a strawberry- uh- bread cake" You stuttered watching him furrow his eyebrows "Don't you know flower started this entire damn mess?" He snapped standing up "N-No! I uh, I've been finding other things, not containing wheat t-to make a substitute for the flour.." You rambled, a little worried by the tone and body language, He looked around, catching eye of Ellie talking to Tommy stealing a piece from his food container and walking towards the cabin. "I don't want it" He huffed before going back inside, leaving you on the porch alone, you huffed, not letting his mean spirit get you down to happily pranced to Ellie "I'll see you later alright, hun? You need anything you know where to find me"
You woke up the next morning to Ellie pounding on your bedroom door, what the fuck? Getting up in a rush you swung the door open looking at her "You weren't awake whenever I knocked on the door and I got worried you left in the night a-and when the door was locked I-I thought you got infected or died" She rambled before hugging you tightly, you hugged her back tired and confused, the moment that really woke you up was Joel standing in your hallway peeking through the doorway "S-Sorry..Whenever you didn't answer I got Joel..." she whispered "N-no hun that's okay, no reason to be sorry, you were worried" You said rubbing her back before pulling away wrapping the blanket you had around your body before leading them both back out to your living room. "Ellie...you gotta help Maria today..better get on that" Joel said lowly, motioning her out of the cabin before closing your door sighing. "She cares about you" He said finally, turning around to look at you, you still had horriendous bed head and you looked like you just climbed out from under a rock (In your defense it was the best sleep you've ever had)
"I care about her..She's a sweet girl..one of the only people left her age that actually care about what's left in humanity" You whispered calmly going to the kitchen to get a bottle of water "She's cared about a lot of people..most em have died..so..whenever she cares about...un-infected she cares alot" Joel said, you nodded understanding what he was saying "I've noticed..I've seen kids deal with loss and grief...most grow resentment towards others..-" Joel cut you off "-But she's different" You agreed with him picking at your covers "Tried that..damn..strawberry? what the fuck did you call it?" He asked running a hand over his facial scruff "Strawberry bread cake" You whispered trying not to crack a smile, he sat down on the edge of your coffee table sighing "it was good..real good..Was kickin myself most of the night for not trying it sooner" He chuckled embarrassed rubbing the back of his neck "Ellie made you try it didn't she?" You chuckled watching him huff "Damnit she's right you can read people like a damn book" He grumbled before readjusting his sitting position "If..If you keep bringin them little cakes and other things over..I'll be happy to take em..." He smiled softly, You smiled back at him, maybe all Joel needed was an okay from Ellie to be friendly "Mmm..I dunno..I might need compensation now" You teased playfully, Joel laughed shaking his head a bit "How bout this..whenever I'm not on patrols..any hard labor you need done..I'm there" He offered, you smiled nodding "Sounds like a pretty good deal to me" you smiled softly, he smiled looking at you "Ellie..told me about how you guys met..and how you saved her..gotta admit Joel..You are one hell of a man" You smiled softly, he coughed a bit looking down now flustered, you giggled a bit resting a hand on his knee "I'm serious..alot of other men...sadly probably wouldn't of ever left your old QZ with her..you a good man" You whispered, nudging his knee a bit with your hand.
That night would start a landfill of good nights with Joel and Ellie, leading you to one night imparticular. You were standing on Joel's porch, waiting for him to answer the door "Hellooo?" You called sighing softly, almost then the door opened and there stood Joel in a towel with wet hair, panting like he rushed to the door "S-Sorry I can come back another time" You whispered nervously, he ran a hand through his hair "N-No just got a bit worried thinking something bad happened" He said smiling at you in relief "N-No I was gonna see if you were still coming over?...That broken window is bringing in a cold chill" You whispered nervously "oh! oh yea of course, let me...get dressed, come in" He said pulling you inside of his cabin gently before disappearing into his bedroom. You wandered, peeking into his kitchen "Mr. Miller! are you getting a second helping from me after Ellie gives you one?" You called seeing the extra containers in his sink "Totally not! I'm a good man remember?" He asked as he walked out, now dressed with his hair now maintained and under control. "Mmm You can be a good man and still be taking extras" You giggled as he walked closer to you standing by the sink, You didn't realize till now how close the two of you actually were until then, you could feel his breath on your face, not that you were complaining, somehow the man still had minty smelling breath in the end of mankind. "You gonna charge me extra for it?" He asked raising an eyebrow, you looked at him tightening your lips into a pursed line before resting a hand on his shoulder "Maybe...or maybe we could work out a deal?" You teased, trying to keep an upset face, Joel gasped playfully before chuckling "Gonna charge me extra? My little girl is the one who helps pass em out" He laughed leaning closer to you "Oh! So you're taking Ellie's serving" You teased giggling louder, he placed his hands on your waist, causing both of your giggles and chuckles subdue leaving you looking at each other. Joel couldn't help it, After losing Sara's mom, he was convinced he'd never meet anybody as amazing as her, as sweet or kind and yet here you were, and you were breathtaking.
"Joel.." Your voice pulled him out of his thoughts, he cleared his throat placing a hand on your cheek before kissing you, if it were anybody else you would've pulled away, knocked the dude the hell out for kissing you, but instead you kissed him back, running your hands through his damp hair, he moved his hands back down to your waist picking you up and putting you up on the counter. "How bout..you..start usin my kitchen..give me a chance to see ya everyday" He panted looking at you "Then we don't gotta do the walkin to each others houses and knockin" He continued as you pecked his lips gently "Are you asking me to move in with you sir?" you teased smiling resting your hands on his shoulder "Maybe I am.." He whispered, both of you jumped as the door slammed and Ellie cheered loudly "FUCKING FINALLY!" She yelled jumping up and down in excitement towards her bedroom.
soooo how'd i do?
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ashandsweets · 1 year
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Drabble inspired by Florence, Bill, and Frank. Joel meets a survivor not too far into the outbreak and takes pity on her.
Warning: Major character death, substance abuse
“Look, I ain’t calling you a liar-“
“Just for one night. Please! I promise to be gone by morning.” You pleaded with the man, hands clasped together while you fell to your knees. How long was it since you had a safe place to rest your head? Two days maybe? Didn’t sound long now that you think about it…
He cocked his gun and pulled it back, letting out an agitated sigh. You looked like Sarah’s former school teacher. His heart ached, still reeling from the traumatic loss of his daughter just 6 months earlier. He distracted himself from the pang in his chest by assessing your appearance. Joel could tell those eyes ain’t seen a lick of violence. Those soft hands probably hadn’t either. He motioned upwards from the ground, letting you know it was safe to get up.
“Oh, thank you, sir!” You practically leapt up from the ground and futilely attempted to brush off the dirt staining your skirt.
It was at that moment Joel realized you’d die out here on your own. His nostrils flared in annoyance as he continued to study you. A looker, no weapons, too trusting…your misfortune could be worse than death. Thoughts of Sarah and his innate desire to keep her safe flooded his brain.
You tried to break the thick silence. “I”ll be gone by morning. Is there anything I can do?”
“Just don’t lie to me.” Joel spat, putting his gun back in the holster.
You didn’t lie on purpose. How were you supposed to know this stranger’s pity would override his conscious? A widow, safely cocooned in the outer city limits, until other survivors began looting and shooting your town. You made it out by the skin of your teeth with only the promise of a “safe zone” the next state over from your neighbor who stayed to fight. You’d never make it alone.
“I ain’t calling you a thief,” he tossed the stale bread your way. “Just don’t steal from me.”
You greedily gobbled it down, still trailing behind the gruff stranger by second nightfall. Stars shined bright, illuminating your path. Such good fortune seldom came those days. You thought better than to question it.
“You know, we still don’t know each other's names.”
“Names make ‘em real.” Was his harsh response. You decided you’d had enough of this whiplash. Picking up your pace, you got ahead and planted yourself inches away from him. He furrowed his brows in annoyance.
Instead, you took his free hand in yours. Truth is it warmed him up. Been a long time since he was touched by another.
“I am real…” he started to recoil at your words, withdrawing his hand when you gripped it further, placing a timid kiss on his knuckles. An almost inaudible moan escaped past his lips. You raised your head, shaking a little.
“My name is (Y/N)…thank you for keeping me.”
Keep you? Like a stray? Joel couldn’t help but groan in amusement. Well, what the hell? He wouldn’t be meeting up with Tommy for a few more weeks. Having another set of eyes could come in handy till then. Not to mention, you were easy on the eyes…and kind.
“Joel Miller.” He looked down and shuffled a bit. You had the nerve to smile.
“Nice to meet you, Joel Miller.”
“I’m not calling you a ghost, just stop haunting me…”
20 years in the post-outbreak world took a heavy toll on Joel. He crushed up the tiny plastic bag of pills and poured himself another glass of fire. It was the only way he could conjure sleep, the type that made him forget his dreams. Joel was tired of seeing faces, so many he lost count.
“And I love you so much, I'm going to let you kill me.”
Joel tilted his head back, letting the music soothe his senses as darkness took over. His final thoughts before giving into slumber were of you.
A liar that said she’d only spend the night. Instead she spent fifteen years.
A thief that stole his heart, a second chance at love.
A ghost Joel failed to protect, shot down in his arms just like his own flesh and blood twenty years earlier.
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luvrxbunny · 8 months
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Prompt: Car Sex
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, f!oral sex, piv, unprotected sex (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 2.7k
A/N: pretty sure the truck was Tommy’s but we’ll pretend it was Joel’s
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You and Joel were on a supply run, nothing you haven’t done a million times before. You guys were wandering around, looking for anything you could find when you heard him let out a sharp gasp. You grip your gun reflexively and start looking around for whatever he saw, but you find nothing. 
“Aww look at this!” He’s admiring a bloody, muddy, beat-down truck. He’s crouching, groaning at his knees when he stands back up to circle the truck. “Wow…” He actually sounds in awe… you don't get it.
“Joel, that truck is in horrible condition.” You deadpan. He turns to you with a childlike glee in his eyes. “No! Don’t say that! She’s jus’ a fixer upper that’s all.” He pats her hood with a smile. “Looks just like my old truck, from before… Of course, mine was cleaner… yeah.”
He runs his finger through the coat of dirt with a sad sigh. “I kept her so nice, so clean.” He glances over at you with a shy smile. “I woulda taken you to a real nice place in her, make it a long drive jus’ to show off for ya’.” It warms your heart, the softness of his fantasy, the domesticity of it.  
“Yeah? I’d be so impressed too.” You make your way over to him, admiring the truck a bit. “I used to love a guy with a truck, especially those ones that need a step to get in.”
You see excitement fly over his face as he holds a finger up to you and rushes to the side of the car, opens the passenger side door, and showcases the step at the bottom of the doorway. “See! You woulda been so impressed.” He sounds a bit deflated at the lost opportunity, you try and indulge him. 
“Where would you take me?” The light returns to his eyes when he turns to you. “Where’d ya’ wanna go?” He stands quickly and rushes to stand in front of you, to watch you answer as though he really needed to know. “Uh- I think I’d love to go to a drive-in theater… especially with a truck!” His smile is wider than you’ve seen in a while.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’d get some blankets, and make the back all nice and comfortable for ya’. You’d be so impressed with me, baby, I swear.” This felt like it was bordering on self depreciation talk and you wouldn’t have it. “Joel. I’m already impressed with how well our date nights go. We’re living on a commune in the apocalypse yet I still feel like the most important thing when I’m with you. That’s the most important thing to me.”
His eyes meet yours sadly. “I have more charm with the truck though.” He has a shy smile on his face as he says it, embarrassed at how true he believes it is. You laugh at his claim. “Sure, Joel. The only appeal this truck has to me… is that there are more places to fuck you in. Other than that, it doesn't serve much purpose.” You watch his face contort in shock for a moment before turning slightly pink. You giggle at his reaction and tell him you guys have to get a move on. 
You’ve taken a few steps when you realize you don’t hear him behind you. You look around and don’t see him at first, then you notice he’s gotten in the truck. 
His obsession is gonna get us stuck out here after sundown. 
You shake your head and make your way back to the truck, his jacket is off, and his back is turned to you. “Joel, what are you doing? You can’t fix the truck” He turns to you and his face is still red, his chest is lightly heaving and there’s a bulge in his pants. “No, but I can still fuck you in it.” 
You look down at the seat to see he’s laid his jacket out for you, so sure that you’re going to let him fuck you in this fake copy of his old truck. He’s right. 
You smile and he reaches his hand out for you to take as you climb in. He watches you press yourself up from the step and almost fall into him. He catches you with a chuckle and your lips are already pressing into his. He groans against your lips at your desperation, at the way you’re already trying to lick into his mouth, repositioning yourself so you can try and wiggle your way onto his lap. 
He smiles into the kiss, pulls your hips away from him, and starts sliding them down, letting you lean back against the seat cushions. He pulls your pants and underwear down to your knees before just diving in. His head buries itself between your legs before you can gasp at the cold air hitting your sensitive skin. 
His tongue is licking across anything he can reach, trying to taste every part of you. One of his hands pulls away from its painful grip on your thighs to unzip his pants. His cock is pressing painfully into the denim as you mewl above him, whining for more, for him to stop and just fuck you, you don’t even know what you want. Joel brings that hand up to lay across your waistline, pressing your hips down against the fabric of his jacket. 
You feel bad because you know you’re making a mess on it. You’re soaked by the way Joel was trying to drink you up, at the groans and grunts he’s letting out between your legs and the way his hips have started to slowly grind his aching cock against the seats. 
Your hips slowly begin to rock into his face, your hands come down to hold his head in place as you do. He groans your name into your pussy as you use him, riding his nose as his tongue tries to wiggle its way inside you. His eyes are shut in concentration but they shoot open to look at you when you start moaning his name. “Joel. C- Joel I’m close- so close, Joel. Joel-“ 
Your hushed voice comes out as a whimper as you try and warn him. Joel is lost in the way you say his name. The way you feel the need to have it on repeat as you cum, like it’s the only thought in your head. 
His hand comes down to palm his raging bulge, relieving some of the tension that’s been building as he fucks into the dirty seats. He’s pulsing for you, to get inside you, to fuck you in his this truck. 
His eyes close at the thought. In an alternate universe, Joel thinks you’d be softer. You’re already so sweet and sensitive for him but without the added sense of danger, Joel thinks you’d be a mess for him. Just melting all over whenever he touched you. 
He’d be more affectionate too, get you into that headspace that makes everything fuzzy. Keep caressing you until all you can do is cling to him and ramble deliriously about how good he makes you feel. He’d love to have the opportunity to take his time with you, bring you so high that you feel like you’ll never come down, and then throw you over the edge. 
“JOEL-“ His name comes out as a shouted gasp before you’re creaming all on his tongue. His eyes roll back behind his shut lids as he desperately tries to drink up all your juices. He’s relishing your taste, moaning praises to you from buried between your legs. He knows you can’t hear them but he means them so truthfully he doesn’t even need you to, he just can’t stop them from tumbling out of his mouth. 
You have to tug his hair to get him out, to stop him from. overstimulating you to the point of immobility. “Joel. S- You s-said you’d fuck me.” 
You’re whining for him, already begging for more and he is more than willing to give it to you. He’s already pushing himself off the ground, pulling his jeans down, and climbing over you with a smirk. You’re wearing a pout that’s reluctantly turning into a shy smile under his gaze. He helps you pull your pants completely off your legs before spreading you open. 
He has one leg over his shoulder and the other resting on his hip, his hands are clutching each ankle as he smiles down at you. “Wanna put me in, baby?” His accent makes the words slide out of his throat like honey, spilling from his lips like they’re the sweetest syrup. 
Your pussy is already squeezing down on nothing, begging him to stretch you. He chuckles at the whimper you let out before grabbing his thick cock and lining him with your entrance. You can feel his tip resting so far outside where your hole sits naturally and your heart begins to race. You can tell Joel is having the same thoughts by the way his gaze is focused on where you two are touching, where his tip is just leaking into your hole. His breaths are coming out in small pants and he’s trying to stop his hips from thrusting his cock inside you, pushing his way through. 
You wiggle your hips slowly, trying to ease him in. His tip slides in quicker than you expected, you flinch and moan at the sensation, winning a rare whine from Joel as his tip catches on your ever-constricting pussy. His hand has to leave one of your legs to push your hips down onto the seats, ensuring that you don’t take any more of him in. 
If you did, Joel thinks he’d blow his load instantly. 
Now you’re whining on his tip, begging him for more as he squeezes the base of his dick, trying to will his load to stay at bay. Your whines start to get a bit weaker, more watery and you start to sniff. Joel’s eyes snap to yours and see your face turned away from him with little steaks of water from wiped tears on your cheeks. He reaches for you immediately. 
“What? What’s wrong, honey? Does it hurt? Wan’ me t’take it out, baby? C’mon, talk to me.”
You turn to Joel and shake your head with a sad smile before trying to kiss him but he turns away to whisper in your ear. “Gotta tell me what’s wrong first, darlin’.”
He lets you cling to him, a hand still on your hip as you try to coax more of his cock into you, wiggling your hips and clenching rhythmically to try and convince him to push into you as you let it little sobs into his neck. “J- Just need you s- so bad J- Joel. I need it, need you.”
He swears his vision blurs for a moment. He’s heard you say this to him countless times and it turns him on, sure. But he’s always known you say it for that specific reason. 
This time, however, it feels like you really mean it. The way your body is crying- the way you’re literally crying for him. It’s all too much, it doesn’t feel real. He can’t believe the way he makes you feel so good, it’s all he wants; to make you feel good. His cock won’t stop pulsing inside you, he’s trying to calm down but your whines for him are almost too much. 
He starts thrusting into you, he doesn’t work his way up to the brutal pace he’s currently at. He started that way, fueled by the shout of his name from your lips. He hides himself in your neck and your hands come up to cradle his head against you, your hands digging into his soft hair as he ruts into you. “I’m not gonna last.” 
The words rush out of his mouth and you moan his name in response. Your pussy suffocates him, pulling him- forcing him closer to the edge. “I w- want it, Joel. Please cum inside me-” You gasp at your own words and Joel can feel his balls tightening at them. “Joel-” Your tone becomes frantic and you’re clawing at his shoulders, his neck and gripping his hair to pull his head from your neck. You’re staring at his face now, hands on either side, but his eyes are still closed. He’s still too close, he doesn’t want- he can’t risk cumming before you. He needs you to cum on him first, for you to moan his name in the way you only do when he’s got you shaking on his cock… but you’re whining at him to open his eyes, to look at you. You’re begging him. 
“Look at me when I cum, Joey. P-please. Joel-” You gasp out a moan and your fingers tighten in his hair, pulling him in for a blind kiss. He can’t help but open for you, letting you lick into his mouth, trying to ignore the way his stomach burns at the taste of your tongue. He takes a shaky breath to calm himself and you’re moaning against his lips again. “I need it.” You’re breathless as you try not to cum, letting out breathy keens and high-pitched sighs of his name. He can feel you twitching on his cock, squeezing him for a moment before whining and trying your hardest not to. He can’t deny you any longer. His eyes open and meet your instantly. 
You pull his head to yours, desperately trying to fall into his eyes as your orgasm crashes over you, only waiting for Joel’s gaze to unleash it. Your mouth opens wider the tighter your pussy chokes his cock, you’re gazing right into his eyes as you cream all over his cock. 
He can’t. His breathing picks up as you stare into him, so lovingly. He starts panting, his breath fanning over your face until little whines and curses work their way out of his throat. His chest is heaving and his hips are slowly losing their rhythm. “I-inside, Joel. Wan’ it.” Your words slur together as your eyes roll back at the pulsing of his cock inside you. 
Your name is falling from his lips like a plea before he brings his body flush against yours. His hand comes behind your head to pull you up into a sitting position as he leans back onto his heels, still thrusting into you slowly. “‘M gonna gi-give it to you, baby. Gonna fill you-” Pleasure runs up his spine with a shudder and his eyes fall shut. 
“ ‘M cummin’, sweetheart.” The words are more whiny than you’ve ever heard him and he starts spilling into you. He’s grunting out sounds that vaguely resemble your name, working himself up into a whine as he continues to thrust into you. His brows furrow and his hips stutter to a stop but he’s still filling you, so you start to grind on him. His eyes shoot open with a ragged moan. “Can’t- It-” He struggles to get the words out as you swivel your hips on him, enticing his cock to let another round of cum spit into you. His eyebrows pull inward as you smile at him deliriously, letting an innocent giggle fall from your mouth. 
He moans your name against your lips, his hands on your lower back to hold you up as he finishes filling you. His entire body shudders with the last rope of cum that shoots into you, earning a pretty moan from your lips. “Fuck, Joel.”
He grunts into your neck, placing soft kisses there while he tries to calm down. You’re humming at each one and stroking the back of his head softly, resting your head on top of his. He’s letting shuddering sighs out against your skin as his cock softens inside you. He slowly pulls his head out from your neck, you leave your hand on the back of his head and give him a crooked, lazy smile that warms his heart. “Tha’ was so much, Joey.”
He groans at the pet name and smiles at you fondly. You’re whispering fucked out praises in his ear as he cleans you up and you cling to him the whole way home. 
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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Can't wait for the plethora of The Last of Us JoelxReader fanfiction that's about to come out.
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3pirouette · 5 months
My JoelxReader TLOU story is now 115K, 75% of it takes place over about 4 months, and the entire story is supposed to span a YEAR.
It’ll get posted. I just need to decide when I’m going to start that… when I have a good enough head start or once the whole thing is finished.
This story might kill me, but I love it.
God, I hope other people love it, too.
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elliesdin0saur · 5 months
please please, If you take other tlou characters requests, especially joel<<< cook up a little scenario where joel's being the raddest dad to his daughters, with reader being the baby sis/or whatever you prefer? like imagine him being all protective and shit, maybe helping with stupid homework, cracking those dad jokes we secretly love but won't admit it...
yk those moments that make you go.. damn joel, adopt me too. oh and bonus if he drops some wise life advice or pulls off a killer dad hug. i need that warm and fuzzy shit, you feel me?
family dynamics make me want to cry but I fucking adore them. if you'd consider making one/or more, please do (no pressure hun I'm sure you get bombarded w/requests)
thank uuuuu
no I am so feeling this, i recently started working on a Drabble regarding joelxdaughter!reader, since most of tumblr is jus' slutty old joel (no offense, i too am guilty) but damn... i miss some wholesome stuff. also adding in his other two baby girls, being readers older sisters x
also questioning to start a elliexdaughter!reader but yk... her being a loser lesbian and the child not being her "own", i'd probably just use JJ as the son.. or make her adopt cargo on the way like Joel did... like mother, like daughter ig? lol
lmk if more people are interested in seeing this type of stuff, would consider turning it into a series! if yes, drop some reqs regarding daddy Joelxreader (reader is underage and OBVS joels daughter so no weird shit please thx), or leave some general reqs w/Ellie etc. (theyre open and im doing my best to get to all of them please be patient x). I will be dropping the first little part very soon loves!
x lola
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brighttears · 15 days
…heeeyyy… :3 it’s been so, so long since I’ve been on here!!! Life was just smacking me around for a while, I barely wrote anything like, since the last time I was on here… still kinda busy and that’s not gonna let up, I created this blog when I had a ton of time on my hands but u know how it goes… anyways, at least have logged back into this blog!!! Also, have the one thing I’ve been adding bits and pieces to that I recently decided to attack again so that is coming up as my first story back!!! It’s a cowboy au Joelxreader, teehee…
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hender-ka · 10 months
Is there any good story where Tess is still alive, makes her way into Jackson with Joel and Ellie, maybe will try some moves on Joel again, but then reader makes her appearance? (like Joelxreader)
Pls tell me! ❤️
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lionlena · 1 year
You need a better place (Joelxreader)
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So I got a request from @rm4sblog
Could you write something about Joel loving a girl with epilepsy, taking care of her, helping her, comforting her, and dealing with the memory loss and other side effects of seizures?
I agreed because the topic of epilepsy is not completely foreign to me. My cat suffers from epilepsy and unfortunately, I have seen his seizures. Of course, it's not the same as human epilepsy, but there are some similarities. Even the medications are so similar that my cat can take human medications.
I hope you will like it.
Warnings: chronic illness, epilepsy, epileptic seizure, anxiety, mention of death risk, hurt/comfort, little angst, little smut (bc you wanted, I guess)
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Having epilepsy would suck in the ordinary world. In a pandemic world, that was fucking bad. It was hard to predict when you'd have an attack. Sometimes all it took was someone to shine a flashlight in your eyes. Other times, a stressful situation was enough.
So... As if everything was stressful during the pandemic. And you had a hard time finding a job. Your options were really limited. Even if you were a great shooter, this encounter with the clicker would probably end in your defeat. You would have an epilepsy attack and no weapon would help you.
Of course, there were drugs that helped you. They reduced the frequency and length of attacks, but they weren't easy to get. You'd never get them yourself. You probably would have died long ago if it wasn't Joel who help you.
Ever since you met this surly, rough, soft-hearted guy, your life has changed for the better. Sometimes you didn't know what made Joel Miller love you so much. How did you deserve such a man? He was tough and brutal on the outside with other people, but in the privacy of your apartment, he treated you like a princess. And he hated it when you said you were "broken." Then he would immediately silence you with a kiss, cup your cheeks and look at you with those brown eyes: "Shhh, sweetheart. You're perfect. If any one of us is broken, it's me and only me."
Nothing in the world would make him leave you. Though sometimes you would that he to leave you.
You loved him like no one else in the world, but when you saw how he risked it to get you medicine, your heart broke. Every time you wiped the blood from his face, when you massaged his tense back when you waited for him to come home, when he left the quarantine zone.
Sometimes you've wondered if, for his sake, you shouldn't rejected him. Tell him he's too old for you, that you don't love him. You would hurt him for his own good.
But the selfish part of you couldn't do that. Because you've never been as happy with anyone as you have been with Joel. There were good days, weeks, and even months when you didn't have a seizure.
And there were days when Joel would throw you on the bed and cover your naked body with kisses. And you let him whisper in your ear all the dirty things he could think of. You screamed his name as his head was between your legs and his tongue worked wonders on your clit.
You tugged at his hair and kissed him deeply, letting him know that he was the sexiest man in the whole fucked up world. You praised his cock and laughed at the soft pink that covered his cheeks. Your man was so insecure at times, and you always made sure he knew how wonderful he was.
Maybe that's why he loved you?                                                         
But why did he also love you during the attacks? That was definitely the shitty part of your relationship. There was absolutely nothing romantic about the attacks. It was awful and embarrassing. And yet, Joel always made sure he gave you as much comfort and love as possible after the attack.
So it was also this time.
You had such a good day. Somehow Joel managed to get some chocolate and you decided to make chocolate chip cookies. The whole apartment smelled wonderful, soft music played on the radio. Joel was sitting on the couch impatiently waiting for his sweets. And then it happened.
You just felt your whole body tense up. Anxiety gripped you. You started to be afraid, even though there was no reason to be afraid. A slight numbness in the hand was the final signal. You only managed to moan, "Jo..."
You couldn't remember the rest.
Joel jumped off the couch but didn't catch you in time. Your limp body hit the floor with a thud. You had convulsions that shook your body. Joel knelt behind your head, holding it gently. Just so you don't hit yourself too hard. He made sure you didn't choke on your tongue during the attack and spoke to you calmly, "It'll pass soon, baby. I'm here. I won't leave you. Everything will be fine." He knew you couldn't hear him. You once explained to him that you were simply not there during the attack. You felt no pain and heard nothing. Yet he always spoke to you. Maybe because it calmed him down.
After about two minutes, your seizure subsided and Joel couldn't be happier.
The first thing you saw was warm brown eyes. You blinked your eyes and looked around. You didn't remember anything and wanted to cry, but then you felt his warm hand on your cheek and heard his soothing voice.
"Y/N, it's me, Joel. Everything's fine now. You're home, you had a seizure."
He gave you a moment to process his words, then asked:
"Can I lift you up?"
You nodded and he carefully took you in his arms and carried you to the bed. He sat you down, making sure you had the right amount of pillows behind your back. He stroked your leg and whispered, "I'll bring you water. I'll be right back."
You slowly came back to yourself. When Joel came back to you, you smiled weakly at him. You were still dazed, but you also wanted to calm him down. No matter how many times Joel told you he was fine. You saw that every attack reflected on him as well.
"Thank you," you whispered as he brought the glass to your lips. "For all."
Joel shook his head and kissed your forehead.
"I always will care for you. You are my love"
You opened your mouth to say something but chose not to. There was no point in explaining to him again that he had no obligation to help you. Joel wouldn't agree with that anyway.
You sat in silence for a few more minutes before Joel said,
"You should take your meds."
You tensed up and grabbed his hand.
"I'll take them later. Sit with me."
Joel rolled his eyes and pecked your nose: "I'll be right back and lay down next to you."
And you already knew you were in trouble. When Joel came back, he had this look on his face that made it clear he wasn't happy. He crossed his arms over his chest and asked.
"Y/N, why are there still so many pills? Last time I checked there were about the same amount of pills." Seeing how sad he made you, he sat next to you and grabbed your hands. "Honey?" His tone of voice was soft again.
You bit your lip and groaned.
"I wanted to save them for later so you don't have to go so fast to get another."
Joel sighed heavily and shook his head.
"But why?"
You could see that he was angry with you, but he tried to hide it.
"Because after the last time, you came back covered in bruises. One day, because of me, you're going to die, Joel!"
Tears started streaming down your face and he pulled you against his strong chest. One of his large hands cupped the back of your head. He kissed your temple and started rocking you gently.
"Shh, it's okay. Calm down. Don't get upset honey. I know you're worried about me, but I'm more worried about you." You felt him squeeze your body tighter, his voice a barely audible whisper. "What if one of the attacks ends in your death? You know it can be. I can't take your loss. I can't go on living without you."
You sighed heavily and started rubbing his back.
"I'm sorry, Joel, but... Sometimes it's so hard for me to accept that you sacrifice so much for me."
Joel pulled back slightly and cupped your face in his large hands.
"Hey, what if I told you I have a plan." You gave him a surprised look. "I'm looking for a better place for us. A place where life is calmer. A place where there's no fucking FEDRA and no fucking Fireflies. A place where you'd have less stress, so fewer attacks." He smiled at you. "How does it sound?"
"Like a fairy tale," you replied.
Joel shifted on the bed so that you could lie down with your head resting on his chest. He started stroking your hair. You were slowly falling asleep. Before you closed your eyes you heard Joel say:
"I will make this fairy tale come true, princess."
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