#jolly foul play
deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
*banging hockeysticks pots and pans together* it is JOLLY FOUL PLAY SEASON time to get bitchy with your best friend and also solve a murder that's really a secondary plot in all honesty because you simply canNOT understand why she'd be in contact with a BOY
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julilovesmmu · 4 months
doing hockey again in school pe (finally) but with those plastic sticks because we do pe indoors 😭
was like "that isnt very deepdean hockey of you"
so yk maybe my school needs to step up their game
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mmufanatic · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAISY WELLS! I think you'll be 103. I imagine you'll insist on 103 candles too.
(Here are some closer pictures because some of its hard to see).
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Some of the drawings are from specific books, a couple could be any book and there's a few modern! Daisy's as well :)
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fruity-phrog · 4 months
Something I have always found hilarious about Daisy Wells is that every time one of her suspects is gay, Hazel is all polite shock - whereas Daisy is just like, “Yes we all know girls are better kissers old news did you kill that guy?”
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pearlofyoureye · 4 days
leaving these here because i’m slowly getting back into drawing (art GCSE’s evil spirit is leaving me finally) & i reread JFP. have fun trying to decipher my annotations on the five!
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justarandombrit · 1 month
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redbreastedbird · 10 months
Hi! I love your books SOOOOO MUCH and i have some really random questions for you:
What book do you think is the best you’ve written?
Do you ever re-read your books after they are published or do you just put them on a shelf and forget about them?
Have you ever written a book that you can not bear to read after the publishing?
Hello! Thank you!!
I think the best book I’ve written, in terms of technical skill, is The Body in the Blitz. It’s not my favourite (that’s Death in the Spotlight) but I definitely think I’m still getting better at writing with every book.
I actually reread all of my books over the past few years while I was working on the American editions of them - it was really lovely, because I don’t usually get the chance to look at books after I’ve published them. It reminded me how much I like them all and that they’re all actually pretty good!
There isn’t a book I can’t bear to read, but Jolly Foul Play is the hardest for me to think about because I wrote it at a tough time in my life - I was so overwhelmed and tired and trying to work two full time jobs (this was before I quit to become a full time writer) so I find those memories painful. But the book itself I like!
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antigonesghosts · 5 months
Modern au where everything is the same except when Daisy and Hazel fight they go and listen to Linger by the Cranberries on loop
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garfunklefield · 1 month
if toji asked me what my bra size was. i wouldnt know how to answer. not cause id be weirded out or anything but because i only wear sport bras 😭
Boob Guy (Drabble)
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18+ viewer discretion is advised
fem!reader/Toji Zenin Warnings: this is crack, IM SORRY I HAD TO, foul language, tit job? , breast fetish, nipple play, Toji shall fuck your titties ur weeellllccommeeee Word count: 530 DESC: You bet Toji he can't guess your bra size
I know u didn't request anything ANON but this inspired something super stupid LMAO
Think of this as a PT 2 to Cake! Cake! Cake!
“Zenin,” you announced, smacking your boyfriend upside his head. He blinked a few times and grumbled something, looking over at you with a frown, “Guess my cup size.” You two had been together for a few months now and you came to realize how much Toji truly liked your breasts. He’d always stare when you wore those tight low shirts, exposing your supple cleavage. And it wouldn’t take him long to get that top off and sent flying across the room, giving him time to palm your skin.
Toji tilted his head to the side and sized up your tits, biting on his bottom lip as he thought. “What’s in it for me?” He asked after a moment, meeting your gaze with a sly smirk, “If I guess right … gimmie a tit job.” 
Your stare shifted into a glare, your mouth hanging open, “First the thigh job, now this? Is my pussy not enough to satisfy you, pervert?” You asked, before begrudgingly nodding. Toji liked every part of your body, thighs, tits, and ass. He had his own personal checklist of the kind of “jobs” he wanted from you, boob job just happened to be one of them. He had already gotten his jollies off when you gave him the best thigh job of his life, now he needed to complete the rest on the list.
“Nah, I just wanna cum on your pretty tits,” then he paused, looking over your mounds a few more times. Truth be told, he already knew your cup size from snooping around your bra drawer. Why was he doing that? He didn’t remember, but now it came in handy! “34 B,” he said confidently, watching your face fall further. He let out a gruff laugh and raised his hand, motioning for you to take off your top. 
You found yourself, breasts out, pushing them together around Toji’s meaty length. He leaned his head back and watched with half-lidded eyes as you whined, thrusting your tits up and down to satiate his burning desire to cum. “You better be happy, Zenin,” you mumbled, letting a bit of saliva dribble from your bottom lip onto his tip, before taking one of your soft hands and massaging it around his slit. 
Toji groaned, “F-fuck princess, you’re gonna make me cum…” He used one of his hands and brushed your messy hair out of your face, so he could watch your concentrated expression as you bobbed up and down, getting him closer to finishing on you. It was electric how he felt. Your skin was so soft and warm, giving him a new sensation he had never felt before. Not to mention, your fingers focussing on his swollen tip were sending shivers up his cock. It took a few more seconds and he tensed, thrusting his hips a few times as cum splattered out of his cock. It coated your breasts in his sticky, hot, fluid. You let out a small noise, a mixture of a moan and an annoyed groan, although a smile painted your lips. You’d do anything to please him, even if it meant completing the other weird “jobs” he had on his list.
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cowpokeomens · 4 months
Y’all ever think about
Jolly setting you on his lap and playing with your clit until your legs are quivering ever so slightly before stuffing two fingers inside you :-// just to see you squirm :-// just to boost his own ego, knowing that only he can make you wriggle around like that :-/// absolutely foul the way this man gets off on the arrogance of knowing just how to make you come :-/
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ne-nene-ne · 1 year
i just saw the rin as ur older bro hc and now im gonna need a sae one. i wonder how different they’d be or would they be similar? 🤔
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I haven't done a Sae one yet since I don't know his character too well (I haven't read too far into the manga) but I was thinking about writing one for him so here we goooo
Might be incredibly ooc but let's roll with it
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-> Being Sae's younger sister hcs and how he'd react to you having a crush on one of his teammates
itoshi sae x itoshi! fem!reader (platonic)
rin's version!
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Okay, first and foremost, his reaction to you liking someone would depend on your own relationship with him. 
If you don't really talk to him or keep in contact with him, he's not going to care who you like or dislike. 
But if you've always been sending him good luck/congratulations texts, asking about how things have been going with him and how it's like over there (in the country he's currently playing in), he's going to have a soft spot for you and things are going to be different. 
He'd probably send you postcards and souvenirs (of things you had mentioned that you wanted to see in your texts). If you've also mentioned that you wanted to see one of his games, you'd find a plane ticket and front row seat tickets to his game in your mailbox the next day.
He'd have someone pick you up from the airport, bring you to your hotel, and bring you to the stadium. There, you'd finally be able to see your dear brother in person and watch him flaunt his skills. 
After the game is over, you run up to him with a big hug, congratulating him for their win and that you're happy to finally see him after so long. He'll be happy to see you too, though it won't clearly show on his face and he'd probably reply with a simple "Thanks…" 
Everything was fine and jolly until he noticed that you've been eyeing one of his teammates. His eye twitched a bit. Who the fuck was this guy who was catching your eye? He looked over to where your gaze was at and saw the unfortunate soul who caught his younger sister's eye running over to them.
Now he was forced to introduce the two of you. And what was this? You were blushing? What the fuck?
Not to worry, as you and your crush began to talk, Sae would then proceed to nonchalantly bring up his teammate's flaws as a seemingly "light-hearted joke".
"Y/N, did you know that he [insert embarrassing trait]?"
"Oi Itoshi…that's foul" your crush would mumble.
That did nothing much to sway you though. If anything, it might have increased your endearment towards them. 
Sae's face might be like -_- the whole time, but he's gonna be hella irritated on the inside. 
Especially when you two walk a little further ahead of him as you were exiting the field. Your crush would feel Sae's eyes glaring daggers into his back.
Eventually Sae and your crush would need to go to the locker room, so he'd tell you to head to your ride and that he'll see you back at the hotel. So you go on ahead, waving bye to both of them.
In the locker room tho, Sae is going to be absolutely pissed if he hears your crush say anything about you. And of course, they proceed to do so.
"Hey Itoshi… I think that your sister is really nice… do you think I've got a chance with her?" 
Sae was about to strangle this dude.
"Don't think so far into it, she was just being polite."
"No no, I really think that she might really be interested in-"
"No. You're just imagining things. Don't be delusional"
Your crush stops nagging, but then mutters to himself, "I'll just text her later…"
And Sae nearly shat himself, widening his eyes slightly.
You gave this idiot your number?!
At some point, when your crush wasn't looking or had left the room, Sae would've taken their phone and would have deleted your number.
Needless to say, you never received that text from your crush later that day :(
Like, you and Sae would be having dinner and he'd notice you constantly checking your phone with a slight pout on your face. He'd be a menace and ask if you were expecting someone to message you, and you'd probably be like "I guess not... :("
Overall, I think Sae would totally Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss you if you ever liked one of his teammates
He'd be less ourtright in his homewrecking/protectiveness than Rin, as Rin would straight up drag you away from your crush and would be more clearly irritated if he couldn't do anything to separate you two (though he'd try everything in his power to do so)
Sae would be doing most of his homewrecking behind the scenes (when you weren't there).
Honestly neither Rin or Sae would care much about who your crush was (as long as they treated you right ofc) but if your crush was a fellow soccer/football player? Then they better be worthy of dating an Itoshi. (Therefore they'd have to be ay the same skill level as them or better, nothing less)
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deepdeanvsweston · 6 days
Elizabeth Hurst headcanons?
Also I'm really sorry this turned out more lore than headcannons???
So I have thought about this a LOT, not Elizabeth Hurst in particular, but all of the Five and her. Imo noone, especially especially especially children, act out for no reason so WHY was Elizabeth like that? The Five, having been caught up with Elizabeth, and of course the reasons explained in JFP, have plausible explanations for why they were essentially spiteful hags (that doesn't make it ok mind you!!!)
But Elizabeth??? There's nothing!!! The motive is explained ofc (her Burn Book like. 70 years before Mean Girls) but why does she like to collect secrets? I know it says it was a way of keeping people close to her but why does Elizabeth feel the need to do this to have friends? And now someone has ASKED me about this!!!
- she's an only child. She has to be. If she had grown up with a sibling, she would not have turned out the way she did and I absolutely stand by this
- if Elizabeth Hurst had had a sibling whether brother or sister, older or younger, she would have known about being bonded to someone, to care about someone so much you hate them, and to hate them so much you're filled with only care for them
- idk man, sibling relationships make me really feral ok!!! And it's so crucial to me for Elizabeth not to have one
- she is an only child, and has all the worst side effects from this!!!
- and her parents are SO weird about this. As a child they are always saying to her 'if you had a sister she wouldn't do that/she'd've done this/she would have done it better'
- and ofc there's noone there to be resentful at because she Does Not have a sister!
- and obviously the resentment needs to go somewhere and so Elizabeth learns to hate herself age 7. Which is obviously detrimental to a child!!! So she's already a little fucked up, essentially
- she has a governess until quite late in her teens as her father doesn't approve of the 'nonsense' they teach at girls schools, but he relents as he has been informed a girls with her wits about her is now a desirable match
- age 16 she starts at Deepdean School For Girls
- she's not the cleverest in her class (due to her father's views on girls and being clever) but she is the politest, and the most presentable, thanks to her governess and so very swiftly earns the teachers notice, and approval
- there is one shining first term at boarding school where Elizabeth is happy, she has friends, she was Good Enough for them! She didn't know how good it felt to have friends
- And then her parents arrive, for the half term or the exeat, or a hockey match (whatever holiday makes most sense)
- and she introduces them excitedly to her friends
- "this is Florrie, Florence I mean, we're on the hockey team, and that's Mags- Margaret and Una, we've just started a book club together! Enid's only a dayboarder, worst luck, but Lettice should be around here somewhere..."
- her parents take her out to dinner, and they start telling her how wonderful it would be to have the Five as daughters instead of her.
- her father says "you know, I've always respected scholarship earners. They worked twice as hard to get in! I'd be proud to have Enid as a daughter. Elizabeth, you should be more like her, none of these truly absymal B+ grades you've been producing."
- and her mother says "that Lettice Prestwich was such a beautiful thing, she's going to be SUCH a heartbreaker. I could only dream of such a perfect daughter. Elizabeth, maybe try to be a bit more like Lettice, darling..."
- and all the resentment she's been feeling, and aiming at herself, is now targeting the Five. They become her sisters in her head, the ones her parents think are better.
- she has never been good enough for her parents, so Elizabeth desperately wants to find out why everyone else IS.
- she tears their room apart in anger and frustration, and the secrets come crawling out.
- Nobody is perfect. Nobody is good enough. None of them will ever be perfect, and so she wants them, makes them, stick by her side
- they can pretend they're perfect all they like but Elizabeth knows the truth about them
- they're a fucked up little ecosystem of a family being held hostage by Elizabeth Hurst. But she still thinks they're family.
Also just quickly I think given even the smallest change of circumstances Daisy could have Very Easily turned out like Elizabeth Hurst.
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julilovesmmu · 7 months
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what an opportune time for a murder!
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mmufanatic · 3 months
Can't stop laughing at the letter from Alexander at the start of Jolly Foul Play:
In a half term the Detective Society has a missing person and murder case.
The Junior Pinkertons have the Case of the Missing Ferret
They need at least one murder case.
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fruity-phrog · 4 months
Thinking about how whenever Daisy loses her cool, it’s for a personal reason (eg Hazel telling her to face her father as a suspect). The only time that she can’t control herself for an (apparently) non-personal reason is when she declares “How dare someone be letting out secrets like this! It’s dreadful! Secrets are … precious, they mustn’t be abused like this! It simply isn’t right! It’s not!” After Elizabeth’s secrets start being released in Jolly Foul Play.
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l0vem00nlight · 6 months
♥︎ Miles Fairchild With an S/O Who Loves Christmas Music ♥︎
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Oh lord…when I say you OWN his radio and his guitar you OWN it.
He loves you to death but man it gets him annoyed when you constantly ask him to play a christmas song instrumental or switch the music into some Christmas jam.
It’s a bonus for when you start singing along with the jolly music, whether his playing the instrumental or not he best believed that your gonna sing your heart out. It doesn’t matter if you can or cant sing he’s gonna hear those vocals.
Kate is so done with this. But do you care? No not really.
Miles just sits on his bed and watches you do whatever as the awfully loud christmas music plays in the background of your singing. He tries to hide that smile of his but he just can’t.
Sometimes you would start dancing and you would pull him to come join you on your excitement. He doesn’t really dance but he just kinda lets you take some control even though all he’s really doing is just swaying around and not putting effort into his moves.
He finds it a tad bit annoying when you tower control over his personal music items but yet you don’t care. You will do a jolly breakdance in his face whether he likes it or not.
Flora joins in on the fun and starts to dance with you IN HIS ROOM. He couldn’t even take yall anymore nor did he even bother to stop you two for the sake of his little sister’s happiness and your joy.
Miles now understands how Kate feels when he has his damn music up way too loud for her liking. He can’t blame her—it’s so annoying having that christmas music blazing in his eardrums.
Even after you are done with your christmas spirit unraveling he can still hear Mariah Carey echoing in his eardrums.
Once you even compared his and yours relationship to the song named Sleigh Ride in the few parts of the song much to his dismay.
Miles loves you, okay? But when you’re just spamming those songs every single day it just cuts it for him. The thought and the memory of having to hear so many christmas songs in one setting is ridiculous to him and also having to watch you breakdance to the songs is already too much. When you finally settle down he is glad. He is glad that you finally calmed yourself and now he gets to listen to whatever he wants to listen to. He loves you a lot to the moon and back but maybe calm down on the songs and not spam them over and over and over again and start hitting the whip and nae nae in his room…? But haters gonna hate anyway and he’s sadly one of them.
Again, he loves you so much but…come on. Just please lower it to a minimum.
I’m gonna add more than just some music because this is way too short-
During when you weren’t spamming christmas music you two are out building a snowman. It is really funny due to the fact that Miles was struggling to make the balls for the snowman. You did two and he did the smallest one which was the head because it wasn’t going too well for him and it was too cold for all that.
You two made Kate drive into town to get a carrot.
Snowball fights are like war. But Miles could’ve sworn that you at least put some rocks in your snowballs cause those should not hurt like that-
Miles could tell that you are competitive over snowball. Absolutely no reason as to why you ripped the snowman’s head off and threw it at him, carrot nose and pebbles and even the hat all came his direction. It was so foul…cause like damn..
You two have hot chocolate together and relax. This is probably his favorite time. Despite the christmas music playing quietly in the background it’s fine.
Other than that, he enjoys the holidays with you. As much as he dislikes the fact that you spam christmas music he enjoys seeing you all happy and dancing and it brings a smile to his face. When he sees you smiling all big like that he just can’t seem to stop the smile forming on his face as much as he tries to show his displeasure. To spend the Holidays with someone as happy and jolly as you can be tiring but also very nice as well and he hopes to encounter this every year during christmas…not the music though.
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