#josephine barry
Wishing my favourite lesbians a happy international lesbian day
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clarkgriffon · 1 year
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ANNE WITH AN E 1x06 | “Remorse Is the Poison of Life”  
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weeohh · 6 months
Aziraphale and Crowley absolutely attended Aunt Josephine's parties.
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banquisefond · 2 years
Why do I think Diana Barry is a lesbian ?
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First of all, I'd like to note that I totally understand if anyone disagrees. What will follow is solely my very personal interpretation of Diana's character arc. Also, this only applies to the "Anne with an E" version of the character, I have never seen any other adaptation so I can't speak for it.
Diana is a young girl who's been raised in a rural and conservative environment. Even though her family is rich and gave her an education, the very fact of her living in the countryside has forbidden her have an open perspective on the world. Until Anne arrives in her life, she knows no better than what her family, church and conservative neighbors taught her. Throughout the seasons, her character is developed around the journey she takes to break from that pattern. Step by step, she lifts the veil that was tied before her eyes, proving that despite her "perfect daughter to become perfect spouse" appearance, she is, in fact, different. She's different from what was planned for her, but she's also different from the people of Avonlea. Her perspective and dreams are.
Her difference is already implied at the core of her character. Have you ever noticed how she is the only character (or almost) with a non-christian name ? Now, I know, this is reaching, I promise that I have more solid arguments for later, but hear me out on this one. I could list an enormous enumeration of names from that show that have christian roots (Anne, Matthew, Mary, Sebastian etc.). While this difference is never addressed in AWAE, it is in the first book, by Matthew. I won't have the quote right because I own the books in french so let me resume it. Matthew tells Anne about Diana when she first arrives in Avonlea. Anne gasps because she thinks Diana has a beautiful name. Matthew later on complains on it non being christian and that her parents better have named her Jane or something. She was named that way because the Barrys hosted a professor by the time of her birth. Eventually, they let him name their newborn for some reason. So, he choose "Diana", which is inspired by the roman goddess "Diane". Firstly, I think this can be interpreted as a sign her path isn't traditional education, intended by her parents who wants to send her to Paris but rather an actual education, which she'll choose by attending college. Moreover, we can go further by acknowledging that a named inspired by Diane says a lot too. Diane is the goddess of hunt, and protector of young women (in other words virginity). Diane's entourage was strictly feminine, men weren't allowed. Now, some people assume that Diane and her companions were in fact sapphics. Anyway, Diane is the symbol of independents women who don't require men to live to the fullest.
After some subtext, we now can lean on the actual events of the show.
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As we previously established, Diana is, at the beginning of the show, still oblivious of the outside world and as Anne would say, the possibilities. Her very first breakthrough is the first encounter between she and Anne.
Anne is a free-thinker. Her only education she ever had is from the books she read and her own imagination. That makes her this very unique character full of open-mindedness and creativity. This is the first time Diana met someone so different from what she knows.
I'd like to focus on that one scene in the 03x01 episode when Anne makes Diana swear solemnly on their friendship. When Anne first come up with the idea, Diana is firmly closed because she's been taught by her religious background that swearing is a sin. Anne, who has always known the term "swearing" trough literature, proceeds to explain Diana what it means to her, and how beautiful that is.
"Shall we swear we’ll be best friends, for ever and ever ? (...) - Let’s imagine that it’s night time and that this path is a stream. Hold this. Twist your finger around mine (...) I solemnly swear to be faithful to my bosom friend Diana Barry for as long as the sun and the moon shine”
This quote speaks for itself on how magnificent that scene was. Anyway. This moment is immensely important for Diana. It is also for Anne, but from her perspective, she sees it more as an occasion to live in her fantasy world full of poetry. For Diana, it represents the beginning of her change and growth. She opened her mind about something she thought was immoral, only to find out it's actually beautiful. At this moment, we can see in her eyes that she's falling in love. Not necessarily with Anne but with her freedom. This is the realization that she could be way more.
“I could never love anyone as I love you Anne - Wait, you love me ? - Off course I do (...) - I thought you liked me of course, but I’ve never hoped you loved me - I love you devotedly Anne” - (1x5)
Diana directly confess her love for Anne. Of course, it is displayed as a platonic love, and it probably is for Anne, but I just want to slid it in there.
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Now, let's dive in, as I call it, the "Party at aunt Joséphine/homophobia" arc. Again, there is this display of the duality between what she's intended to be and what she could be at the beginning, when she meets this famous pianist who recommend her to start a career as a musician. Diana seems almost offended because playing piano other than for recreational purposes was never a possibility for her. Then, she founds herself surrounded by a diversity of people (queer people, independent woman etc.) before learning that her aunt was, in fact, a lesbian. Then the internalized homophobia knocks in and Diana is very upset. She feels kind of betrayed by the truth, to find out that the world is wider than she knew it to be.
This series of events leads to this very emotional scene between Cole and Diana. While Diana stands firmly that same sex relationships are wrong, Cole gives her the most adorable speech. I'll let his words speaks for me :
“If your aunt lived her life feeling something was wrong with her, that she was...broken, defective, or unnatural...then one day, she met someone that made her realize that wasn’t true, there was nothing wrong with her and she was fine. Shouldn’t we be happy for her ? - I think it’s spectacular”
Does that rings any bells ? I'm not gonna over-explaining this. Diana basically discovers that omg gay people exists !!! And that it's not inherently a bad thing.
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It is time to dismantle the Jerry allegations.
This "romance" takes place at the very fateful moment of Diana character arc, when she have to choose between 2 futures. The one her parents decided, and the one she truly wants, alongside with aunt Jo and Anne.
First thing about teenagers who plans to go against their parents for the first time, is that they'll try to experience rebellious acts in a smaller scale, to know how it feels. This is exactly what Diana did with Jerry. He is the closest boy she knows while being the only one her parents don't know about. She wants to feel forbidden love, but, she soon finds out that she doesn't feel anything for Jerry. There is no passion, she is not intellectually triggered with him neither. After realizing that, she ditch him pretty rudely. She knows she was wrong from the beginning and that all this just wasn't for her.
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Finally, Diana reaches the acceptation of who she is by the end of the third season. She knows what she wants and got to finally attend to Queen's college after secretly taking the exams.
This represents her embracing being different. She choose to go against traditional ways. She choose to get an education, despite the remonstrances from her family. This is the end of her journey to find herself and the beginning of a new one where she can fully be herself.
I see this development as a really accurate parallel with the lesbian experience. Of course, you're free to see it as it is stated in the show. I just want to share :)
I doubt anyone read this until the end but, if any of you have a good fanfic about Diana finding a girl in college, I'm open lol.
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round 3 (Bracket 6)
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avonlea71 · 8 months
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Anne and Aunt Josephine.
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itadori-yujiii · 9 months
I told my friend that my favorite characters from awae are cole and aunt josephine and she looked like a combo of the 🤨😏 emojis and she was like "oh? should i...(insert agressive hand gestures) know something?????"
her reaction was priceless
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arte-with-an-e · 4 months
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Dyke with an e
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ideasbaker · 2 years
“it’s the 80s they aren’t gay” cole mackenzie and josephine barry in the 19th century: 🕴
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starkidsupremacy · 1 year
Absolutely iconic of aunt Josephine to throw a party in the middle of winter with all her gay friends
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lillipad72 · 1 month
Hi! First of all - thank you for following my side blog "the-moral-of-the-rose" - I can't follow anyone from there; this option is available only on the main blogs, so that's why I follow from "alwayschasingrainbows".
But thank you so much and welcome!
I would like to ask you a question: what is your favourite friendship between the characters from LMM's books (the ones you've read so far, of course) and why? Thank you for your answer! I hope you'll have a lovely day/evening.
hi! thank you so much for your warm welcome. everyone here has been so nice so far, and I can not wait to share more of my lmm thoughts with you all! <3
i have only read the anne of green gables books, but after seeing posts about her other books i now really want to read them too!
it is so hard to try and choose a favorite friendship but today i guess i will go with josephine barry and anne!
it is obviously a more unusual friendship but i love every scene with the two of them together in aogg and love how later she leaves anne money that she uses to pay for college! An underrated friendship in my opinion. I also love it because I have been called an 'old soul' my whole life and have always gotten along very well with older women so i see myself in anne here too!
(also thanks for the tumblr lesson because, honestly, this is all very new to me and i am trying to figure out how to work it so if i do something wrong please tell me)
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Happy international lesbian day to them specifically
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mzannthropy · 10 months
Anne of Green Gables - imagination leading to empathy?
So, in the chapter A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession in AOGG, when Anne and Diana get home from the concert (a new, joyful experience for Anne), they are permitted to sleep the spare room, and Anne suggests they race to the bed. But, of course, the bed is already occupied by Aunt Josephine who came for an unexpected visit. The poor lady is frightened to death and is so angry the next day, she insist on leaving immediately. Anne feels bad and goes over to Orchard Slope to apologise. Aunt Josephine is not having it at first, telling Anne: do you know what it's like to be awakened from a sleep, after a long journey, by two kids jumping on you? To which Anne responds: "I don't know but I can imagine!"
Imagination is Anne's most distinct feature. She is misunderstood because of it and sometimes she gets in trouble because of it, but here we see how her imagination serves her with trying to empathise with a person she otherwise has nothing in common with. Anne suggests Aunt Josephine should use her imagination too, to understand how she'd feel is she was a poor orphan given a chance to sleep in a spare room. Aunt Josephine laughs and the two become friends.
"I dare say your claim to sympathy is just as strong as mine. It all depends on the way we look at it."
This also shows that Aunt Josephine is not one of those ignorant, narrow minded people that often appear in LMM's books. I love me some happy single rich lady relative!
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hitchell-mope · 10 months
A very good ending to what was at times an extremely depressing show.
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round 2 (Bracket 6)
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homosandhomies · 2 years
anne comparing her and diana's relationship to josephine and gertrude's... wanting to live with diana forever... wlw behavior
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