#joshua rosfield x female reader
drabblesandimagines · 9 months
Joshua Rosfield x female reader Big ol' FF16 spoilers (though not endgame)
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“My apologies for disturbing your meal, but would you entertain my company a moment?” You’d been too distracted at picking through today’s soup to hear Clive approach.  
Or at least you thought it was soup, maybe it was stew. Is there a proper difference? You just asked for whatever’s hot. The novelty of warm food in your stomach never seems to wear off.
“Of course – I’m pretty much finished anyway.” You reply, placing the spoon back in the bowl and gesture to the seat opposite. “How can I help?”
The Fire Dominant sits and smiles sheepishly, lacing his fingers together as he places his hands on the table.
“It has been brought to my attention that you are interested in learning your letters.”
“Oh…” You’re embarrassed that, somehow, it’s landed under Clive’s remit. You’d only confided in a handful of your fellow Cursebreakers - it had been necessary when you obviously couldn’t read reports that had come in, or send updates in return, and discussed the possibility of learning with Dorys on a handful of occasions but it had never seemed a good time. You’d arrived at the Hideaway a few months before Clive had, spending a brief period getting accustomed to a free life before you fell in with the Cursebreakers, wanting to assist fellow Bearers in having the same second chance you had been given. Your former master had been a traveling merchant and it had been either you defend him from fiends and bandits on the road, or he’d have no qualms leaving you as bait to gain him passage. After going under Tarja’s steady hand, your Brand had been removed and you’d been sent out with a blade. The past five years had been filled with re-establishing the new Hideaway and Cursebreaker responsibilities.
“I didn’t mean for it to be brought to you, Clive. It was just a passing comment…”
“I wish you had. You’ve toiled with the Cursebreakers for years for those to live on their own terms, and that should include learning letters, if they so wish.” He hesitates a moment, looking a little bashful. “I am afraid I have come with a somewhat selfish notion in my proposition.”
“What do you mean?” If he needed a Cursebreaker who could read, there were plenty on hand…
“I heard from Dorys that you didn’t seem particularly keen on sitting in with the children in Miss Shirleigh’s lessons, and I know that Harpocrates is often kept busy with research on other matters. However, I am aware of someone who is a fine scholar and suddenly finds themselves at a loss of what to do with their time.”
“Who?” You frown, trying to think of who else in the Hideaway would befit a title. One of Mid’s Engineers, perhaps?
“My brother – Joshua. He’s been prescribed a moon’s cycle of rest by Tarja and it is going to be difficult to get him to comply. I thought if he had something to focus on in his period of convalescence, it might at least keep him within the Hideaway, and help you fulfil your goal.”
“But if your brother is meant to be resting, he surely shouldn’t be attempting to tutor me.”
“Resting from anything physical – I assure you his mind remains at full health. Please, at least think about it. He is getting through the contents of our shelves at a fair pace, I think he’d enjoy acting the tutor.”
You hesitate. “Have you broached this idea with him?”
“Not yet. I thought it best to speak with you first.”
“I am not sure. It doesn’t feel the best time. I mean, with the growing number of aetherfloods and akashic…”
“You’ve done so much for the Hideaway over the years – please, allow yourself to be selfish. And, if you still struggle to do so, please do it as a favour to me. I would be in your debt.”
“All right. But see how your brother feels first. If he doesn’t want to, please don’t push it.”
 Clive grins.
You were nervous ahead of your first meeting with Joshua. Clive had offered his chambers as a makeshift classroom – Founder knows he was hardly in it – and he thought the two of you would appreciate the solitude it provided.
You knocked hesitantly on the doors before they were swiftly opened by a smiling Clive.
“Come in.”
The Phoenix is already sat at the solar’s desk – a bit more colour in his cheeks than there had been when you’d seen him limp past the mess, on his way up to the infirmary after their return from Kanver. The map that’s usually found spread across Clive’s desk is carefully folded away and instead blank parchments, ink pots and quills fill their place, and another chair has been sourced, sat the opposite side of the blonde.
Joshua gets to his feet with a charming smile, approaching you. He kneels swiftly, taking your hand and kissing the back of it in greeting. “My lady.”
“Joshua, did you not learn your lesson from Mid?” Clive laughs, noting your shocked expression as the blonde gets back to his feet and lets go of your hand.
“I cannot help it, Clive.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you.” You nod, trying to regain your composure. “And thank you, my lord, for agreeing to help me.”
“Not at all. And, please, call me Joshua.” He gestures for you to take the seat in front of the desk before looking to his brother. “Clive, if you’d be so kind…”
“Of course.” The outlaw nods, heading towards the door. “Enjoy your studies.”
The next few hours were spent with Joshua establishing how much you did know. Some letters were familiar, but your grasp on the full alphabet was patchy. Your penmanship needed attention – non-existent before this morning, truthfully - as he kindly helped position the quill between your fingers after enquiring as to your sword hand.
At noon, when your head had started to swim and your fingers cramped from copying out letters, there had been a hesitant knock at the door before Jote, the Phoenix’s attendant, entered, carrying a tray bearing a vial of medicine and some food.
“Your grace, forgive the interruption but it is time for your medicine,” she nods at the tray in her hands. “I also bid you do not overtire yourself with your tutoring.”
“Thank you, Jote. I assure you I am fine, but…” He pauses, watching you scribble out a poor attempt at the letter Q once more. “..I do believe that is probably enough for us to cover today, my student?”
“If that would be acceptable, m… Joshua.” You correct. “I do not wish to appear work shy.”
“Not at all. We have covered a fair amount this morning. Here,” he slides over some blank pieces of parchment, alongside your list of letters and another one with a single word on it. “Good tutors assign their students exercises. Practice your letters when you can, and try to say them aloud too. We can meet again tomorrow, if you’re available.”
You nod, “I can check in with Dorys and send word. Thank you.” You take up the papers in your hand, before pausing and pointing at the one with the single word upon it. “What’s this one?”
“That,” the Phoenix grins, charmingly, “is your name.”
More lessons pass, a little longer in nature as your hand adjusts, though a little spread out due to your Cursebreaker responsibilities. You’d been away two nights and word had been sent to Joshua for a lesson on your return.
You bid the blonde good morning before sitting down and retrieving a pile of papers from your pack with your other hand. “My apologies, I did complete the exercises whilst away, but we got caught in a storm and the parchment got a bit… soggy.” You slide the pitiful bundle of paper across the desk. It’s dried out now at least, but there’s patches of smudged ink on a few lines.
“I intended to re-do them before our lesson but, well…” You place your writing hand on the desk, revealing it to be bandaged up. “I can’t quite hold the quill. Tarja said it might be a few weeks before I could – sword hilt included, I must add. But I do hope this won’t hamper our lessons too badly.”
Joshua’s eyes widen and he takes your hand in gentle, inquisitive fingers. “What happened?”
“It was foolish of me. We were intercepting some Black Shields in Rosaria. I’d dropped my blade and one of theirs was aiming true for a Bearer. I panicked, I supposed, grabbed his blade with my hand and kicked him back.”
He winces at your tale. “May I take a look?”
“Erm, of course.” You watch as he deftly unwraps the bandage Tarja had re-wrapped this morning. Maybe he thought you were trying to get out of penmanship practice? He reaches your palm – black stitches hold the palm together, the cut thankfully clean rather than jagged.
“It looks painful.”
“I’ve had worse.” You reply, lightly. It’s true.
“I don’t know how much you have heard of the blessings the Phoenix provides.” He conjures a flame in his other hand, playing with it between his fingers. “One is the ability to heal, if you would permit me.”
“Oh, no.” You want to tug your hand back from his but slim fingers keep it firmly in place. “I would never ask that-”
“You haven’t, I have. May I? I would so like my favourite student to keep up her penmanship lessons.”
“Not if it causes you to suffer.”
“It won’t. Here.” He presses the flame into your palm and you brace yourself for a burn. A warm sensation envelopes your palm, like when you’ve warmed a blanket on the hearth in the ale hall, before an odd sort of feeling tickles over your palm. He removes his palm to reveal the line of thread Tarja had painstakingly sewed last night is free and not a mark remains on your palm.
“How does it feel?”
“Fine. But, Joshua, you’re meant to be resting, you shouldn’t have-“
“Do not fuss, please. It is my pleasure. I will, of course, let Tarja know of your miraculous recovery. Now,” he lets go of your hand at last, allowing you to pull it back and flex the fingers tenderly, and turns his attention back to the exercises you’d presented a few moments before. “You took these out with you?”
“Mm.” You nod, placing your hand back down in your lap before a thought crosses your mind. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked before I took them out of the Hideaway-”
“No, not at all.” The blonde chuckles. “They are yours to do with what you see fit. I am just surprised at the dedication to your studies.”
“I do not mean to waste your time. I know it’s not my finest work, but I didn’t want to show up empty-handed. I could re-do them now, I mean…”
“Relax. I can decipher these just fine, which means you can start on these, if your hand feels up to it. Try reading aloud as you copy, hm?” He slides over a new piece of parchment, filled with new words for the day.
You nod, eagerly, and pick up the quill.  
“We are not going to read all of those today, are we?” The pile is nearly up to Joshua’s shoulder on the desk.
“No,” he smiles. “It is my fault – I was in the shelves earlier looking for some practice material and some wanted to share their favourite literature with you. This one is Clive’s suggestion.”
He lifts up a couple and picks up the book in question, placing it down in front of you.
“The Saint And The Sec… Sectary…?”
“Very good.” Joshua’s praise always makes your head feel warm. “It’s a play, so be wary that if Clive sees you reading this, he’ll probably make you run lines with him. He always plays Sir Crandell.”
“Oh, and what role did you perform?”
“I never made the cut, sadly. I could never remember my lines well enough and Clive would not let you keep a script in hand.” He smiles at the memory. “This, however, was my favourite.”
He takes a book off the top of the pile and holds it out in front of him for you to read.
“The Merry Moogle And Other Tales.” You frown, the title ringing a bell. “They read this to the children for bedtime stories.”
“Are you mocking my tastes?”
“No!” You look alarmed. “I-“
“I jest – forgive me. It truly is one of my favourites and is, in fact, the first book I read by myself. It is a selfish pick, really, I am looking forward to going through it again, if you’d be so kind?”
“I can try.” He pushes the book in your direction before getting to his feet and lifting his chair, walking around the desk and placing it besides you.
“I hope you don’t mind – reading upside down is something I have yet to master.”
“Oh, no. It’s fine.” You feel flushed, is it possible the Phoenix just emits heat wherever he goes? He leans in, flipping open the book.
“Excellent. Begin, when you’re ready.”
You nod, swallowing.
“There… once was a very merry… moogle…”
More lessons pass, growing longer in their duration. Dorys appears to have you on duties within the Hideaway rather than out, but you don’t complain. Clive has even had to chase the two out of his chambers twice to hold discussions, though he had immediately clocked the copy of The Saint And The Sectary on the desk the first time, regaling how he made a fine Sir Crandell in his youth. Joshua had rolled his eyes at that point, causing you to laugh and Clive looking a little bemused before he’d waved the two of you out.
Far too soon, though, Joshua’s convalescence is nearly at an end, alongside word that the Enterprise is mostly repaired and ready its return journey to Ash and the Mothercrystal that resides there. You’re nervous for all who will be boarding, but especially your dear tutor.
You’re sat side by side in Clive’s chambers once more, trying to ignore the fact that Joshua’s thigh is pressing up against your own, and you’ve just finished reading a passage from The History of Valisthea. Joshua admitted it was perhaps a little dry, but he wanted you to experience all sorts of genres in his lessons.
“I can’t help but notice that your confidence has increased tenfold in reading aloud and I do not think it is solely down to having me as your captive audience. Care to share your secret?”
You bite your lip in a smile. “I’ve been… I’ve been reading to Torgal.”
“Oh?” Joshua smiles adoringly at you, prompting you to continue.
“I was a little self-conscious of practicing in the bunks, but there’s a bit of decking that overhangs the lake that I’d taken to. He started to join me – I think to nap away from the children. He usually sleeps through it, but I see his ears twitch, sometimes a tail wag… Apologies, that sounds foolish now I’ve actually said it aloud.”
“Not at all. We’ve always thought Torgal a fine hound, and he proves it more every day.”
Joshua then leans over and reaches for a bit of parchment over the other side of the desk.
“Now, the true test is whether you can read my everyday handwriting,” Joshua teases, handing it over to you.
“You have fine penmanship.” The words he notes down for exercises are always clear and easy to read.
“That is just for our exercises together. I’m afraid I fell into bad habits on the road. Scrawls, more than anything.” He nods at the parchment. “Aloud, if you may.”
You wet your lips with your tongue, squinting a little at first at Joshua’s cursive.
“Forgive me for putting you to the test with my hand, but I am confident that you will meet this challenge as you have throughout our studies thus far. I must confess I have enjoyed our time together, and I am disappointed to see it come to an end.”
You look up from the parchment, wondering if this is the last time you’d ever be within each other’s company. “I’ll miss our lessons too, Joshua.”
“There’s a little more, on the back.”
“Oh.” You turn the parchment over and continue. “However, now we are no longer tutor and student, I would like to ask one thing that I will simply regret if I do not. May I… kiss you?”
You stare at the word again a moment, before looking up at him. “Did I read that right?”
“Do not doubt yourself now.” He says, softly, maintaining eye contact.
“Then my answer is yes, you may.”
He places a hand on your scarred cheek as he leans forward, his other arm slipping around your waist to bring you in closer before your lips meet. It’s clumsy, you know it’s clumsy – you’ve never kissed anyone before – but prove yourself a quick learner again, your tongue finding entrance into his mouth and deepening the kiss.
The two of you pull away after a moment and Joshua leans his forehead against yours, keeping you pulled in close.
“I am afraid I have failed as your tutor on this occasion, my darling.”
“How so?” You ask, quietly.
“I am unable to come up with a word to aptly describe the feeling in my heart at finally having you in my arms.”
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
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lenatgold · 11 months
After Darkness, I Hope for Light.
AN: I am new here, I just finished final fantasy 16 and I have to get all these ideas and feelings out and my AO3 invitation hasn’t been sent out yet so you all get it first <3 I probably haven’t written anything in 8 or 9 years so please forgive! ^-^
"I heard you overdid it again" You leaned against the door frame of the physicas ward as streams of light let in from some slates in the wood. Joshua slowly looked over at you with a wry smile.
You weren't certain why you decided to come to see him. Waiting around for Clive to return from the many duties he was being pulled to and from left for large chunks of downtime through some of the weeks. You had started to grow used to Joshua's visits to the tower. Momentary respites where you both talked about everything and nothing. Always edging closer to topics that would eventually turn cold. His healing touch wasn't limited to just his physical abilities from his Eikon. His words also seem to softly touch old scars and wounds that hadn't completely healed.
"My Lady, it is good to see you" Joshua began to make a move to sit up in his bed but Jote began to place a hand on him to coax him to lay back down. "I am fine, Jote. Thank you"
Jote clenched her jaw and gave a look to you a mixture of annoyance and pleading. With a together look that Joshua should not be disturbed. You just shrugged at her and stepped through the doorway.
"I missed our talks, so I thought I might bring them to you this time. Considering the circumstances." You took several steps closer to him as you spoke.
"I would like nothing more, Jote, do you mind bringing the Lady a seat" She moved deftly as he spoke "Was there something in particular you wished to discuss about?"
You gave Jote a nod as she pulled a chair in the corner up next to the bed. Taking a seat, you looked him over. He looked very pale. He held a rag in his hand, stained brown from old blood. He did such a fine job most times not showing much weakness. It was on full display now. You felt a tug inside you that wasn't wholly unfamiliar. You wanted to protect him but knew you couldn't. Not from this, or many other things in the world.
"No, not really" You answered nonchalantly, you noticed the basin of water on the bedside table with fresh rags. "I was wondering if there was anything that might be on the great phoenixes mind."
Joshua looked downward as if digging into his very soul for a subject he desired to discuss. You knew he had many questions about your past. You answered them whenever he had the courage enough to ask. However, you never knew how deep demons were buried and he knew all too well how quickly they would burn you in their fires.
He was pulled away from his thinking however when he felt a tug at his hand. You had risen and taken the rag out of his hand. You set it aside and replaced it with a fresh one. Turning back, you dipped another in the cool water. You sat back on the edge of your seat and leaned in.
He had been in bed for several days and while Tarja was an excellent physica she was being overrun with patients. Jote spent every spare moment with Joshua but still had her own missions to run and you, if you were honest with yourself, had been too much of a coward to see Joshua for the first few days he was back.
He caught your eye as you leaned forward with the damp rag.
"My Lady, I am fine… You don't have to…" You wiped his brow as he spoke, and he stopped suddenly as soon as the coolness seeped into his skin. Days of restless sleep, sweat, fever, and recovery had built up a layer that he didn't know was there until it was being wiped away.
You wiped his forehead following the natural curve of his temple, his cheek, his jawline, then his neck. He began to feel a mixture of both relief and heat as you did the same on the other side of his face. You seemed to pay attention to every curve. His eyes followed your own trying to see, trying to read, trying to know the thoughts going on behind them.
You never looked at him. Your heart did give a flutter once when you glanced back at him, and his eyes were locked on yours. What were you doing? Why were you doing this? You wanted to pay him kindness. The same kindness he showed everyone, that he often showed you but the way you had to force yourself to take each breath. That was not an intended part of the plan.
Joshuas hand reached for yours as you dragged the rag down the other side of his neck. He continued to look at you until your eyes met his.
You didn't want to meet his gaze however, your heart and mind feared what might happen if you did. If he chipped another fragment of your wall away. He had already weakened it more than you had cared to.
You looked at his hand holding onto yours. The back of it had dried blood, you focused on it until you felt his other hand tip your chin upwards to look at him. His eyes saw into your very soul, and for the first time, you felt incredibly weak in front of the frailty of him.
"Is there something you would like to discuss, …My Lady" He spoke barely in a whisper, as if the very words spoken might bring about the end times spoken about in song.
You took his hand in yours and wiped the blood off the back of it with the rag breaking eye contact with him. You spent a few moments longer than was needed examining his hand and placing it gently back onto his lap.
"No, my Lord, Only that I wish for you a speedy recovery" You don't know why you did it, you had succeeded in breaking whatever enchantment had taken over the two of you in that moment. You shouldn't give him hope, not in this. Yet something inside you moved against your very will. Something stronger than will. The connection you both had with one another took over.
You placed your hand gently against his cheek rubbing your thumb across his cheekbone. His eyes closed against them as he leaned into your hand. You could feel his heart aching for the words that were not said.
"Rest well, Dear Prince" You finally said as his fingertips lightly touched the back of your hand. "I will see you on the morrow"
You got up slowly feeling the warmth of his cheek linger on your hand.
"You will come again, tomorrow that is?" You turned as you heard him speak. Surprised to see his cheerful smile.
"I am a woman of my word" You spoke smiling back.
"I will be waiting"
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misselysia · 9 months
Clive x reader (Part 1)
Part 2
pairing: clive rosfield x (female) reader word count: 961
I'm back (yay) I really tried my best with this one, though my english still sucks, but anywayyy. Finished this 'cause 6 hours on a train are horrible. Possibly a part 2 in work✌🏻 And please feel free to correct any grammatical errors!!🙏🏻
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Another batch of rescued bearers arrived.
More work for both Tarja and you.
Having them rescued and now safe at the hideaway is definitely a good thing, but patching them up was exhausting. Every fiber in your body screamed for some rest.
You didn’t know when you had your last break, hours… maybe even days?
Yes, maybe a little bit exaggerated, but it definitely felt like it.
Tarja already left the infirmary, finished for the day. She told you to get some rest too, scolding you for overworking yourself again, but you insisted on checking up once again on the particular bad injured bearers.
The sight of a young girl made your heart ache. Being a bearer at this age must be hard.
You subconsciously touched the brand on your cheek, a reminder that you went through the same hell. One horrible master after another… Forced to work until passing out. But dwelling on the past won’t help moving on, so you push the thought away.
A sigh escaped your lips as you let yourself fall onto the wooden chair next to the bed of the young girl.
You desperately wanted some sleep, but your mind told you to still watch over her.
Just as you feel your eyelids growing heavy, the sound of a door getting slammed open stops you from finally getting some rest.
You immediately jolt up, grabbing the lit candle from the bedside table, cautiously walking to the entrance of the infirmary.
Your eyes widen at the sight before you.
There he stood. Bloodied and bruised. A horrible sight.
Suddenly all of your fatigue washed away, your legs carrying you towards him. You immediately grabbed his hand, manoeuvring him to one of the empty beds behind the curtains that seperated the infirmary.
You command the leader of the Hideaway to sit down, with a harsh "Sit"
Clive could only nod as he sat down, a not so really reassuring smile on his lips.
Grabbing your needed medical equipment, which was still scattered around the infirmary (Tarja would scold you for being so disorganised), you come back to an seemingly tired Clive, his eyelids on the verge of closing.
"Got my needed stuff. Some medicine and bandages and all that… Clive?", you announce and kneel down at the side of the bed.
Clive let out a hum of acknowledgment, getting comfortable on the bed.
The two of you sat there in silence, you doing your work and Clive being Clive.
And you didn’t dare risk waking up the others in the infirmary.
Until the silence got too unbearable.
You stopped dabbing his forehead with the cloth in your hand, letting out a frustrated sigh. "What… happened this time, huh?" Clive took in your words and tried to process them.
"It's alright… Just a morbol that I seemed to run into.", he muttered while his hand wandered onto your cheek, a genuine smile gracing his lips.
You flinched at the contact but soon relaxed into his touch, though your heartrate increased a thousand times. Let's be honest, you've always had a thing for your leader.
Though your stubbornness came through and you gently shrugged his hand off, continuing your work, while scolding him.
"Clive… you're- you're so reckless, you know that? Everyone cares about you. Jill, Joshua, Torgal, hell, even the whole Hideaway… I care about you. Just because you wanna play saviour and revenge Cid, doesn’t mean that you can throw yourself into fights. And don’t even start with recklessly using Ifrit. You remember what happened the last time. I- I can‘t bear the sight of you injured. I-" You let yourself sink onto the floor, sighing.
The next few moments passed by in silence until you felt movement from Clive, who seemed to shift his position on the bed, now looking down at you.
"I… am genuinely sorry, my Lady." The title easily rolled off his tongue and the next move caught you off-guard.
Time seemed to slow down, as you felt his two strong arms around your waist, heaving you up into his lap.
You were at loss for words, your eyes wide at the close proximity between the two of you.
"Joshua told me everything.", he whispered.
The only thing you were able to let out was a "huh?", followed by realisation.
As it turned out, the newest addition was in the Phoenix, Joshua Rosfield, the younger brother of Clive.
A sweet young, chivalrous gentleman.
You remember the nights where Clive told you everything about his past, about his life as young Lord, sworn shield of the sweet young Joshua.
About that fateful night at Phoenix Gate.
The nights where you comforted him, and took care of him. You never thought how vulnerable Clive Rosfield actually was.
The younger Rosfield felt that connection between his brother and you, a plan forming in his mind.
"It seems you have taken a liking to my brother. My Lady, I sincerely apologise if I misjudged the close proximity between the two of you."
It clearly caught you off-guard, but how could you deny Joshua's assumptions. It was true after all.
You clearly remeber the teasing from Tarja, too. How could you not?
But you were afraid. Afraid that everything could go wrong.
From getting rejected to the worst case - getting thrown out of the Hideaway Clearly unrealistic but anyway
So you did the most rational thing your mind came up with - getting out of his grasp and standing up.
"I'm sorry, but I can't- I have to go and you should rest."
You immediately left the infirmary without giving him time to react.
On your way out, you immediately felt bad, but your mind told you to forget about it.
He deserved better than you.
Part 2
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horrorlove14 · 2 years
Arranged Royal Love - Final Fantasy XVI
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Pairing: Clive Rosfield x Female! Reader
Warning(s): Suggestive content (?), teenage pregnancy and childbirth
A/N: The reader is the only daughter of a lord from another kingdom. Her kingdom's tradition is that she is not allowed to expose her face until she meets her future husband face to face by wearing a lace veil.
Clive's father and Y/N's father have been friends and allies for a long time and decided to have their oldest child marry each other once they reached 15 years old.
Once both of their children have reached the age of 15, Lord Y/L/N decides to bring Y/N into Rosfield's kingdom to proceed with the arranged marriage to strengthen the bond for their kingdoms for the many years to come.
Clive is quite nervous to be meeting his future bride on his 15th birthday but he has Joshua, his mother and his friends to reassure him that everything will be fine.
He finally meets her when their families have a formal lunch at the dining hall together where they sit across from each other.
Lord Y/L/N gently asks his daughter to remove her veil which she does and boy, Clive and his family are in for a pleasant surprise because Y/N is quite beautiful as if she is an goddess from another world and she has segmental heterochromia where one eye is grey and the other eye is half light brown.
Clive and Y/N fell in love with each other at first sight and look forward to their wedding which is happening tonight.
After the lunch, Clive and Y/N use the opportunity to get to know each other by going for a stroll in the kingdom gardens together.
He is in awe of his bride's sweet and kind personality as she observes the flowers and the creatures living in the garden and admires the surroundings around them with a sweet smile on her face.
Clive has an urge to protect his new bride from the dangers of the world as her protector and husband and he wouldn't hesitate to see the world burn if it means keeping her safe.
Once night falls, the wedding takes place at the royal chapel where Clive and Y/N would become husband and wife after saying their vows, exchanging rings and saying the I-dos before sealing it with a kiss.
On their wedding night, Clive and his new wife would consummate their marriage despite the awkwardness but they do the deed which is done with their newfound passion and love for each other.
Throughout the marriage, Clive would be away from home to master the blade while Y/N supports him in every way she can as she is proud to call him her husband who loves her in every single way.
One fateful night, Y/N shyly tells Clive that she would like to have a child with him but worries about his reaction at the same time.
Before she could say anything, Clive embraces her in his arms which made her feel quite flustered as a result.
"Oh, darling, I would love to have a child with you because I am curious to see if they would have your unique eyes." Clive says as he is leaving kisses on her exposed neck and shoulder before kissing her on the lips before they make love.
A couple of months later, Y/N has collapsed suddenly while doing her chores and Clive being away during one of his blade training sessions. He returns home immediately after hearing that Y/N has collapsed, fearing that something bad has happened to her.
Once he has returned home, he is greeted by the Royal doctor who informs him that she is pregnant and needs to rest up for the unborn child in her womb.
Needless to say, he is stoked on becoming a father to his unborn child and visits Y/N on her bedside to thank her for gifting him a wonderful blessing and kisses her forehead before letting her rest.
During the whole pregnancy, Clive would be such a doting husband towards Y/N by escorting her everywhere she goes, having her being looked after while he is away for training and mostly, he would embrace her baby bump with such loving care during bed time or whenever he's feeling affectionate after a long day of training.
When it was time for Y/N to give birth, panic ensured as poor Clive is very worried for her and praying that she will make it through the whole birth.
After a long time of waiting, a baby's cry is finally heard, making Clive do a sigh of relief before visiting Y/N and the baby. Once he enters the room, the sight of Y/N holding their newborn child in her arms brought him to tears as he walks towards them and embraces them from the side
"Clive, we have a son together now." she said while holding him in her arms with an exhausted look on her face.
"Oh, darling, looks like he has inherited your unique eyes expect that one eye is blue and the other one is half grey," he said as he gently picks his son up from her arms into his own ones.
"You need to rest now, darling and I'll look after our son." he said as he placed a tender kiss on her temple as she lets out a yawn before falling asleep. Clive is gently rocking his newborn son in his arms as his family come into the room to see the baby.
Joshua is in awe after finally meeting his nephew and is surprised to see his eyes as he thought that they were beautiful and his parents were in agreement with him.
Clive has achieved his true happiness by being married to a beautiful and kind-hearted woman and becoming a father to his own son.
He might want to have another child in the future, hoping for a daughter because he would like to have a mini Y/N running around but he'll have to wait and see.
End of story. Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
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gloomyswritings · 10 months
the ties that bind | joshua rosfield x fem!reader
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chapter viii - second chances
warnings : ptsd kind of implied?
notes : totally was going to post this yesterday but i fell asleep early after i got home from work and didn’t finish it. also this isn’t the end of reader and joshua more moments are coming even next chapter !!!!!
     How long had it been since you had fallen into your coma? Joshua had lost count on purpose. He sat in a chair next to your sleeping form, you looked so peaceful. The bruising and injuries you had endured during your fight with Odin now were faint though Joshua knows that you’d be scarred physically and mentally. He ran his slender calloused fingers through your hair brushing your hair out of your face, his fingers caressed your cheek then jaw. The sound a door creaking open made him look up, it was Jote standing there with a tray of warm food.
     “Your highness you must take care of yourself also.” The brunette spoke softly setting to tray beside him. Joshua sighed he gaze returning to your sleeping body. He had been by your side for almost every second since you came to the Undying hideaway. He was so scared that if he took his eyes off of you, you’d disappear again. This time he wouldn’t let you go like he did last time. “Jote will she ever awaken…or was I too late?” He asked his voice was raspy no doubt from the countless silent tears he shedded for you when he thought no one was looking. “Your highness please don’t blame yourself. The nurses have said she’ll make a full recovery we must just give her time to heal both her mind and body. Barnabas did not hold back on her but his intention also was not to kill her.” She tried to reassure him. Joshua swore if ever saw Barnabas he’d kill the King himself for what he did to you, he knew not why Odin didn’t kill you but regardless he was somewhat thankful that wasn’t his intention. 
     “I’ll eat later Jote thank you.” Joshua said dismissing Jote. She quickly bowed her head and left the room leaving you two alone. The quiet ticking from a mechanical clock, a flame from lantern flickering, and your labored breaths was all he heard it was sound he came accustomed to though he only wished your strained breaths were replaced by your laughter instead. 
     Another week has passed when you had finally awoken in the late hours of the night. Joshua’s head laid asleep in his arms on the corner of your bedside, a pen and journal sprawled beside him. You stirred awake eyes fluttering open and close as your mind tried process what was happening then suddenly you jerked awake panic beginning to set in as you scrambled off the bed falling down onto the wooden floorboards with a loud thud a panicked scream left your mouth as you begun to crawl backwards into a corner after only realizing you had no strength to get to your legs. “_______! _______! It’s okay!” A voice shouted but your eyes were squeezed shut arms placed defensively in front of you as you huddled in the corner. The door to the room slammed open multiple people rushing in just as Joshua rushed to your side. he was terrified to touch you not wanting to frighten any more. 
     Your mind raced you were captured by Barnabas and you were going to face no doubt endless torture by him. You curled into a ball tucking your head into your knees arms placed on top of you. “Your highness!” A female’s voice shouted. Joshua was on his knees beside you he wanted to hold you but the moment his hand touched your shoulder you flinched letting out a cry. He had never seen you in such a state before not even when you were children. You were always so brave…bold and to see you cowering in a corner sobbing uncontrollably it broke him. He snapped his head in the direction of the Undying members, “Out! You all are scaring her even more.” He shouted uncharacteristically. The Undying quickly bowed leaving the room to only you two. 
     “_______, look at me please. I’m not Barnabas. You’re safe here.” He tried to soothe you but to no avail. “It’s me Joshua, ______. I’m here.” He spoke softly this time you looked up hesitantly. Your grey bloodshot eyes meeting his comforting ocean blue gaze. Then you saw the tufts of blond hair that sat messily on his head, his lips were formed into a gentle small, brows furrowed ever so slightly in concern. I’m dead. It was the first thought that came to your mind, this person in front of you was no doubt Joshua albeit much older then when you had last seen him but it was him. He was greeting you in death. No, you knew you weren’t dead you were just trying to process who you were seeing in front of you so with hesitant shakey hands you reached out to caress his face. Joshua leaned instinctively in your palm before he couldn’t hold back anymore and he brought you into his warm embrace. Your neck was wet from he buried his face and you realized he was crying—no sobbing his body shook with every sob. You then wrapped your arms around him sobbing into his shoulder. Your nails dug into the fabric of his shirt holding so tightly as if he would disappear and you’d wake up from this dream. 
     “Joshua…please tell me this is real life. That I’m not dreaming..that I’m not dead.” You said in between cries. He pulled away from neck and his hands cupped your face, “It’s not _______. This is real I finally found you.” a laugh mixed with a sob left his swollen lips he was smiling. You joined his laughter and nodded, “I’ve dreamt of this moment for so long Joshua. I…always knew deep down you were not dead.” You confessed pulling him in for another hug. 
     You have no idea how long had passed as you two held one another letting the years build up of tears fall until finally no more could. Slowly you two pulled away Joshua standing up and holding his hands out to you as helped pull you up. Your legs wobbled as you tried to stand on your own and you fell but quickly Joshua caught you in his arms guiding you back to your bed. “Please tell me how you found me. I truly believed I was to die in that forest. Tell me your story Joshua.” You said never letting go his hand. He nodded sitting beside you on your bed and he laced his fingers with yours before he began to speak, “It’s a long story…” 
     So it seems that members of the Undying had connections in all of Valisthea and that they were also keeping a close eye on your per Joshua’s request. You had also found out Clive was still alive though branded and a solider but Joshua said he was getting closer to finding out his brother’s whereabouts. He had been found at Phoenix gate by the Undying who helped nurse him back to health as they did for you. Speaking of which, Joshua had followed the rumors that Barnabas was planning a sneak attack on you for what actual reasons you were still unsure about but it seemed as if he wanted to test you for one reason or another so he aided the Dhalmekians with soldiers as they went to attack Dion’s side of the boarder. You had also found out that no one but you survived the attack, Odin had killed them all. In the month you had been in a coma Garuda was also slain by what Joshua believes is to be Clive. 
     You had grown accustomed to living amongst the secretive people of the Undying. Your body was still weak and you weren’t allowed to go out in case you were recognized so you stayed indoors most days healing slowly. The nightmares of your near death experience with Odin plagued your sleep so Joshua continued to stay by your side often holding you as slept. But you two confessed your love for one another nor brought up the marriage pact you two had made as children; it was as if you and Joshua were scared to possibly get rejected by the other so instead you stayed silent. Today was no different than any other day you awoke in the early morning from a nightmare of Joshua disappearing and he was there at your bedside to comfort you. When you both realized you weren’t going to be able to fall back asleep Joshua stood up to help you get ready for the day. He unbraided your long (h/c) hair beginning to run a brush through it as you looked at him from the mirror. Something was off about him though today. “Joshua what’s wrong?” You asked yawning.
     He stayed silent as he continued brushing your hair before finally speaking. “I’ve been wondering _______….about your marriage to Prince Dion. How has it been? Does he treat you well?” He asked pausing for a moment to see your reaction. You met his gaze in the mirror and shrugged, “It’s a purely political marriage. We care for one another but aren’t in love. When I awoke as Leviathan my parents realized I had to leave the Dominion. So my choices were be married off or made a slave to older men or accept Emperor Sylvester’s proposal for me to marry Dion and serve the Holy Empire. I think my father thought marrying me to Dion would give me a chance that we would fall in love and I’d live happily ever after. But he’s in love with a man and I’m a Dominant for Greagor’s sake! I’ll never live happily ever after if war doesn’t kill the bloody curse will.” You groaned in frustration. You lifted up your finger pointing at the tip, “See it’s already claimed my damn finger tips.” You sighed. The last battle had forced you to use a lot of aether which began the curse. Joshua frowned taking a seat beside you, “It’s not too bad it’s only one hand and your finger tips. You’ll just have to be careful.” He traced his slender fingers over the hardened grey finger tips and then reached up placing a kiss on each finger. Your face heated up and you quickly pulled your hand away from him, your heart was beating wildly.
     Before any more could be said between you the door slammed open Jote hurrying in, “Milord..milady.” She bowed her head before turning to Joshua, “It is time. They are making a move, we just hurry to Oriflamme.” She said. Oriflamme? What for? You thought. Joshua stood up nodding, “Right begin preparations Jote I’ll be ready soon.” He ordered Jote nodded rushing out. “______, it is time I return you back home.” He said hesitantly. You got to your feet shaking your head, “N-no I can’t go home not now. You won’t come with me will you?! I’ll be alone again.” You began to panic. Joshua pulled you in his embrace, “______, it will only be for a short time. Clive and Cid are making their way there. He’s to destroy the mother crystal. I have to protect him from…someone who wishes to harm him. I trust you understand?” He explained pulling back his hands resting on your shoulders. 
     Of course you couldn’t stay here forever…you were Princess and a Dominant. The whole Empire was probably searching for you. 
<- previous chapter next chapter ->
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emmanuellececchi · 2 months
📜 , 🖋️ aaaand 📖 for the ask game! 🤗❤️
I had to choose a WIP because I am one of those crazy multi-wip person (and thank you for the question!!!). So I'm going to speak about the one that has the most progress: "Two Idiots in Love" FF16 fanfic (Joshua Rosfield x female reader).
I'll begunwith this one : 🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?"
I wanted to write a short, one-shot, smut... As a challenge to myself mostly and because I had a very funny story with smut in it and was wondering if I would be able to do it.
📜"how did you get started on your WIPs?"
I begun writing the smut scene... Never really get that far though in the smut. Which lead to the last question.
📖"what has surprised you about your WIPs?"
Although I describe a bit about what is going on I am just unable to write heavy description. AT ALL. No one is watching over my shoudler and I am just not comfortable. ALSO... Realized I couldn't write something short. I got overboard, added feelings, emotion, fun (at least I think), and also a bit of geology, plant things... All in al. I get carried away and now it has transformed in 24 k words story (not that long).
Thanks again for the question, I really like speaking about my story. (I have two other wip in writing but they're a bit less develop... and my novel XD).
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ffxvficrec · 2 months
by Chibi_saurr2 /əˈsen.dən.si/ a position of power, strength, or success You can't control the voices. You can't control “their” or “her” voice, And as a “crystal?” nun, and hidden dominant of the Dhalmakian empire, you have noticed your duty is always more important. But now You just want to control him. “They” make you do it. Will you, remain in your search of control while feeling the urge to control Clive? or will you fall in love with him when you are everything he hates? what will he do once he discovers you two are just the same? Words: 5176, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV , Final Fantasy , Final fantasy x reader - Fandom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Reader , Y/n - Character , Clive Rosfield , Joshua Rosfield , Jill Warrick , Cidolfus Telamon , Bahamut (Final Fantasy XV) , Benedikta Harman , Barnabas Tharmr , Torgal , Hugo Kupka , Anabella Rosfield , Gav , Ifrit , Manat , Dominants - Character , Garuda Relationships: Reader x Clive Rosefield Additional Tags: ff16 - Freeform , reader - Freeform , XReader , Clive Rosfield Needs a Hug , Clive Rosfield Lives , Top Clive Rosfield , Joshua Rosfield Lives , Joshua Rosfield Needs A Hug , Minor Clive Rosfield/Jill Warrick , Cidolfus Telamon Lives , Past Benedikta Harman/Cidolfus Telamon , Hugo kupka is really bad , Reader was abused , Dominant , Ifrit - Freeform , Reader is powerful but at what cost? , Death , Fighting , kidnaping , Possesiveness , Reader is like itadori yuuji (jjk) , Introvert x Introvert trope , Friends to Lovers , Reader x clive , Dominant Reader , All Time Favorites , Female Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV) , Final Fantasy - Freeform , Final fantasy 16 boys , Love Triangle , joshua rosfield x reader , Joshua rosfield x reader x Clive rosfield
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drabblesandimagines · 7 months
[400 requests] congrats btw!! i adore how you write for joshua so may i ask for a joshua rosfield x reader.. extremely tooth rooting fluff.. kinda domestic fluff as well.. just a soft morning with joshua.. literally can be anything! from in bed or a nice stroll around the hideway.. a picnic breakfast somewhere.. anything!
Thank you, anon! I hope you enjoy this one. I feel I can't help but write Joshua so suave. Please, please drop me an inbox to let me know what you think x
Lazy Mornings Joshua Rosfield x reader, fluff
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You cannot pinpoint exactly when it had started – hazy memories of your eyes meeting his blue ones across the sanctum, followed by deliberated brushing touches, chance meetings in the library at late hours turning into deliberate meetings in the Phoenix's bed chambers. Joshua had been away for a few weeks, conducting research, and you’d been worried in his absence. As he and Jote had returned the previous evening, his eyes had only met yours for a moment but you didn’t need words to know what he was after, and so you had snuck into his chambers later that night with all intentions of slipping out before the morning had come…
You wake up, slowly at first. You’re warm, relaxed and content, but the feeling is swiftly lost when you clock that the sun is a little too high in the sky for your liking and you need to get moving. Preparing to roll out the bed, you find two arms determined to keep you held snugly in place. You tut, taking hold of one and tug in an attempt to move it, but the limb holds stubbornly firm, though you cannot miss the flicker of a smile on your captor’s face.
Silence – his blonde hair mussed up around him as he lays on the pillow, almost angelic.
Nothing – obviously determined to keep up his pretense.
“I know you are awake, Joshua.”
He nuzzles his head into your neck then, making you squirm a little as it tickles. “No, I am not.”
“You have never been one to talk in your sleep, so I disagree.” You tug again, but his arm remains heavy in place. “I need to go.”
“Mm. You do not.” His eyes remain closed, determinedly so.
“I do, though”, you stress again, trying to sit up to see if that will help you gain some leverage. “I’ve stayed too late.”
“Not late enough. Go back to sleep – you’re still tired too, sweet one.”
You’re glad his eyes are still closed as you feel the heat rise in your cheeks from his term of endearment and sigh – dramatically so - before dropping back against the many pillows that adorn the Phoenix’s bed. “You are being a little childish.”
Joshua opens his eyes then, looks up at you with a coy smile. “Mayhaps I would admit a little bit of selfishness, but why are you in such a rush to leave me?”
“That’s not fair,” you protest at his wording. “You know I wish to stay, but if Master Cyril were to catch me in here, he’d…” You trail off. You can’t comprehend what he might do, to be honest, but it wouldn’t be anything good. Of course, Cyril isn’t blind to the looks that you and Joshua share across chambers, but it was only mere speculation on his part – nothing that he could note down in his work of the Phoenix’s life and duties.
“Cyril would not dare to enter my private chambers without permission.” He sits up, though keeping his hold firm on you as he does – afraid you might vanish from his sight if he does not.
“But he will surely visit them to check on your hea-”
Warm lips cut you off mid-word. Your eyes meet Joshua’s blue ones, yours wide with surprise as he closes his, places a palm on your cheek to coax you to reciprocate his kiss. You close your eyes then, careful to exhale through your nose, and kiss back, matching his pace. Moments pass as you settle into a steady rhythm, but something pushes you forward, placing a hand on his thigh, swiping your tongue across his bottom lip and-
Three knocks at the door in a familiar pattern.
You jerk out of the kiss in alarm, almost toppling off the bed itself were it not for Joshua’s quick reflexes pulling you back towards him.
“Who is it?” He calls, smiling at you all the while.
“It is I, Cyril, Your Grace.”
“One moment.”
You look around the chambers in alarm – the window is too small to crawl through, the door is the only exit you have, but that’s right through the thoroughfare of the sanctum at this hour, not to mention the man standing at the other side of it. “Joshua, what do we do?”
“I will deal with it. You, however, should lie back, relax…” he whispers, pushing you down gently, kissing your forehead, “..and stay quiet.” He gets to his feet then, throwing the soft red knitted blanket over you, before you hear his soft footsteps head over to the door, the oak creaking as he opens it enough for him to pop his head out to greet the Bearer of the Burning Quill.
“I am sorry to disturb you, Your Grace, but as I had not seen you this morn I wanted to check everything was all right.”
“Fine, Cyril. I am just a little weary after the last few days of travel – I think I will take today to rest if matters can wait.”
“Very well, Your Grace.” Cyril nods, though steps to the side a little, trying to see behind the Phoenix. “Would you like me to send for Lady Jote to assist you?”
“No, no - that is quite unnecessary,” Joshua waves off, “I know she is tired from our travels also. If you could arrange for some sustenance to be sent up so I can break my fast, that would be appreciated.”
“At once, Your Grace. Will that be all?”
“Yes. Thank you, Cyril.”
Cyril bows, takes a step back and the door is swiftly shut behind him.
You feel the mattress dip besides you before the blanket is pulled down from over your face – a boyish grin on Joshua’s face. “See? The day is ours.”
You stare up at him, your heart pounding from your nerves – realizing what had scared you so. It wasn’t so much being caught by Cyril, but the idea of being caught and forbidden from seeing Joshua again.
“Have I lost you, sweet one?” The Phoenix questions, laying down besides you, tilting your chin to meet your gaze.
“I love you.”
The smile on Joshua’s face is as bright as the sun in the sky.
“I love you more.”
Comments, likes and reblogs make my whole day x
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
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drabblesandimagines · 8 months
400 requests! joshuaxreader when reader suddenly kisses him. please ❤️
Thanks for taking part in my 400 Followers Event, anon! Hope you enjoy x Distraction Joshua Rosfield x fem reader, just good ol' fluff 658 words
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Joshua thinks better when he thinks aloud, and even more so when he has an audience.
You’re sat together on a bench at the top of the Hideaway at sunset – you’ve positioned yourself with crossed legs, facing inwards. He’s mulling away, skipping back and forth between his own journal of writings and the annals of Moss the Chronicler that lie on the bench between the two of you, finding links and identifying areas where he wishes to explore more.
You’re mesmerized by his voice, how adorable you find it when his tone inflects in excitement when he pieces another part of the puzzle together. You wish you could take in what he was saying - Founder forbid if he asked you to repeat anything back! His face, usually pale of late, is full of colour this evening, the setting sun basking him in a golden glow and you are absolutely smitten.
“Mayhaps on Ash I’ll be able to see the mural in full at last – the Circle of Malius still is prominent over there after all, and just like Phoenix Gate I’m hoping an Apodytery will still stand…”
The mention of Ash makes your stomach squirm as Joshua continues his chain of thought aloud. Ash is Odin’s territory, where the last Mothercrystal resides too. They plan to set sail as soon as the Enterprise is restored and that day grows ever closer – Mid regularly sending reports. Worry gnaws at your chest, too close to your heart – both Joshua and Clive had not come out well against Barnabas Tharmr in the past.
“..I was thinking, instead of waiting for repairs to finish, I could prime and just fly over to Ash.”
“Joshua!” You gasp, looking at him in alarm. “You can’t-“
He’s grinning, boyishly. “I do jest, my lady. I could see I’d lost you to your own thoughts.” The Phoenix leans forward. “Forgive me. After all, you are kind to entertain me so as I muse, especially when I’m sure you have other matters to attend to.”
“Not at all.” You reply, softly. “I could listen to you for hours.”
“You shouldn’t tell me that – there is many a topic I can prove to be quite passionate about that others may find too dry. In fact, Moss the Chronicler commented that-”
He is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, and you want him to be yours.
You lean forward then – you’re not sure why, a combination of the fear of what is to come, the way his eyes sparkle in the fading sunlight, the handsome smile on his face as he talks – and you cup his face in your hands. Without any further thought, you press your lips onto his.
There’s a horrible second when he doesn’t reciprocate and you know you’ve now crossed a line that you will never be able to come back from. You go to pull back, thinking already of how fast you might be able to descend the stairs, retreat to your bunk, but then his arms are wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer and he is kissing you back - hungrily.
You move your hands then, resting one at the back of his head, fingers entangling in his blonde locks and the other runs up and down in his spine. He nibbles at your bottom lip before his tongue slips in, trying to explore every corner of your mouth and you don’t think it is possible, but you melt even more into his arms.
Eventually, inevitably, the two of you break for air, leaning your forehead upon his as you both try and catch your breath, sweet smiles on your faces.
“That is quite an effective way of silencing me.” He compliments in a teasing tone.
“Forgive me for ruining your train of thought.”
 He captures your chin then, tilting your face up to meet his eyes. “Actually, I would bid you to do that far more often, sweet one.”
Comments, likes and reblogs make my whole day x
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drabblesandimagines · 9 months
Joshua Rosfield x fem reader Minor spoilers, I guess? Fluffy fluff. Inspired by this request.
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An exaggerated sigh comes from behind you, intent to draw your attention. You smile but continue to read, turning the page with minimal fuss.
You’ve been reading at the desk for a little while now, in the chambers the two of you have been assigned in the Hideaway. You’d be happy enough in the bunks, but Clive truly doted on his younger brother and he had organised a room formerly being used for storage to be repurposed – a bed, desk and chair quickly sourced and put in place.
Joshua is on strict bedrest under Tarja’s and Jote’s instructions. You hadn’t escaped orders either, been given a stern warning to leave Joshua in solitude– as if you’d want to delay him regaining his strength. You’d easily preoccupied yourself, having arrived at the Hideaway a few days prior with Jote and helping with various jobs. You were midway through bringing supplies in off the skiff when Clive had called your name on the pier, asking you to please go and keep Joshua company. It turns out Ifrit had found the Phoenix bent over on the staircase, coughing, a weary hand on the wall, determined to seek you out after being separated for so long.
It had been nerve-wracking to meet Clive in Tabor, Joshua’s sworn First Shield, especially with the unique courtship you and Joshua had. You weren’t betrothed or wed for that matter, but you lived as if you were, and you were sure the brothers would have so much to catch up on that Joshua might not have even had time to mention you. You’d heard so many tales of Clive over the years, knew how special the brothers were to one another and so desperately hoped to make his approval.
You shouldn’t have worried. As soon as Joshua stepped foot in the building, he’d strode directly over to you, pulling you into a deep, brief kiss, before taking you by the hand over to Clive and Jill.
Though a little surprised, Clive had been nothing but kind, considerate and welcoming in the time you’d spent with him after their return from Kanver and bout with Odin – the reason as to why Joshua was confined to his bed. 
“Darling, come here.” Joshua demands, softly. “Please.”
“You, my love, are meant to be sleeping.” You chide, eyes not leaving the page.
“Resting.” He corrects. “Which I would do far better at if you were by my side. Nay, in my arms, actually.”
You look over your shoulder to roll your eyes – he’s propped himself up against the pillows, his black shirt unlaced, hair a little mussed and looking so beautiful. You realize as soon as you meet his soft blue eyes that engaging with him had been a mistake. You can never resist that face. He could tell you to walk straight into the mouth of a Morbol in his loving cadence and, by Founder, you’d do it.
You must steel your resolve. He needs to rest. The colour’s only started to return to his complexion in the last day or so and you do not wish to hamper any semblance of recovery.
You try and regain your composure. “I do not wish to be at the wrong end of Tarja or Jote’s wrath when-”
“My sweet one, I beg you.”
Mothers, you can’t resist that – even if you’d downed many a tonic. You pick up your book and get to your feet, before toeing off your boots, and make the short walk over to the bed to climb in besides him. He instantly takes your free hand, pressing his lips softly against the back of it.
“Thank you.”
“Mm-hm.” You hold your tongue, not wishing to encourage him further, though you know when it comes to Joshua and his affections he needs no influence to shower you in loving words and sweet gestures. You go to return to your book, assuming he’ll rest now as you read besides him. That, however, turns out not to be his intention as he plucks the tome out of your hand with nimble fingers and places it down alongside him, just out of reach.
“It has been so long since we could just enjoy each other’s company, although I know that was at my behest. And now we are here… Well, I admire and respect Jote greatly, but to be truly alone in your company has become all too rare an occurrence.”
The Phoenix’s attendant was nothing but loyal, but sometimes her presence grew a little… suffocating, through no fault of her own. She was tasked with Joshua’s protection – his healer, his blade, his warden – and you were nowhere near skilled as her in those areas of expertise. You greatly admire her for her patience with him too – it was certainly hard to rein Joshua in at times.
“No, you are right. It has been a while.”
It felt like you’d been trekking across the continent non-stop the past while, poking around Fallen ruins, researching where you could, before he’d, reluctantly, sent you to Tabor to reside under Cyril’s watchful eye as set out to infiltrate Prince Dion’s camp to seek his aid. Your reunion in Tabor had been all too brief – he’d then sent you to the Hideaway alongside Jote to offer assistance there whilst his new party set forth to Kanver.
And Odin.
You don’t like to dwell on that – that Barnabas had split the sea with a swipe of his sword.
How easily could he have split Joshua in two?
“We should savour these moments.” He says, softly.
He draws shapes on your palm – it’s a nervous habit, you’d noted. He used to dance flames between his fingertips before he discovered this settled him just as well.
“You are thinking too much.”
Often, you would catch him standing or sitting in place, an arm across his chest, his other arm balanced upon it whilst he cups his chin, deep in contemplation. Sometimes so deep in thought, you’d resorted to peppering his face in kisses to get him to return to you.
You’re too used to this particular look, the responsibilities of the Phoenix resting too heavily on his shoulders.
“I disagree.” You place a tentative hand on his chest, hovering over that burden encased within. “Are you in pain?”
“No.” You stare at him for a moment, gauging whether it was a white lie across his tongue. His eyes seem sincere as he meets yours – he could never truly lie to you.
You scoot forward and swivel, carefully placing yourself across his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck loosely and in returns he brings you in closer.
After all this time, his cheeks still flush a little to have you pressed against him.
“And to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“You need to rest and, to do so, you must take a respite from thinking of Ultima.”
He opens his mouth to protest, but you press your forehead against his before he can utter a word, and you move a hand to caress his cheek.
“And rather than exhaust yourself further chasing answers you cannot currently seek, mayhaps for now you can think of my touch and of how much I love you.” You whisper, tenderly.  
“Sweet one, that thought has never once strayed from my mind - this is all because I love you. I want you to have the world.”
“I already do. You are it.” You tilt his chin up, pressing a soft, tender kiss to his lips. There’s a phantom taste of iron – too many times had you kissed your Phoenix’s bloody mouth in relief. “So, please, rest.”
He buries his head into your neck then, pressing a kiss or two to your throat, making your heartbeat quicken. “Can we stay like this?”
“Of course, love. Just close your eyes, mm?”
He nods, nuzzling in softly, the tip of his nose tickling your skin. You smile, closing your eyes, being close to him, being held like this is always so relaxing, your worries evaporating. It isn’t long before your breathing synchronizes and the two of you are slowly lulled to sleep, feeling content, safe and loved.
Clive doesn’t knock, forgetting himself, forgetting he’d sent you to sit with Joshua earlier too, and opens the door in a hurry. He has a vial of freshly brewed medicine from Tarja to deliver, but the scene before him stops him before he can voice his intentions.
Joshua is asleep, for one. He hadn’t even stirred at the sound of door opening. The Phoenix is propped up against the pillows and you are still wrapped in his arms, one hand spread flat over his heart. Joshua’s head is against the crook of your neck whilst yours lays upon his, both deep in slumber. The two of you look so peaceful.
“It’s rude to stare.” Jill jokes softly, wrapping an arm around Clive’s waist. He smiles down at her lovingly before he presses a kiss to the side of her head. How sweet it was that he and his brother had been blessed with you and Jill.
“Yes. I forgot they’d be together – I was tasked with delivering Joshua’s medicine, but…” He trails off, it goes without saying he does not wish to disturb such a tranquil scene.
“It can wait.” Jill smiles at the two of you. “Joshua has all the medicine he needs.”
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drabblesandimagines · 6 months
400 requests~ AAAAAAAH CONGRATULATIONS ON 400 I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU OMG (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ May that following increase and the journey ahead be an enjoyable and rewarding one!
May I request a Joshua x Reader? Where reader gives as good as she gets and they banter/tease one another? Developing relationship with secret smiles and whispers (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Ty so much my dear, please take careeeeeee! And congratulations once again ❤️ 🎉
Thank you so, so much! <3 Sorry this took me an age - I hope you enjoy it. I had fun writing it in all its fluffy nonsense. Banter Joshua Rosfield x fem reader
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You smile at the sight of Joshua breaking his fast in the Ale Hall. Jote is by his side, as usual, eyes watching him like a hawk as he picks idly at his plate. You stride over, a bounce in your step and sit down to his left, nimbly stealing a piece of Maeve’s famous sweet bread off his plate.
“Morning.” You grin, before taking a bite. If Jote could kill with looks alone, you’d be long gone.
“Good morning.” Joshua nods in acknowledgement, suppressing a grin.
“There is still food being served, my lady.” Jote states, politely.
You finish your mouthful and smile, sweetly, in the Phoenix attendant’s direction. “I know. I didn’t think Joshua would mind sharing, though.” “Oh, I certainly do mind.” He replies, though his tone is teasing. “Only because my lady is surely sweet enough.”
“Careful – if you make me faint, Tarja will be most displeased.”
“Then I will be sure to be swift enough to catch you.”
“Hm,” you muse, looking him up and down. “I’ll believe that when you finally best me in the pit, for how many times is it now that I have sent His Grace down upon his backside?”
Jote’s nostrils flair in annoyance.
“Very true,” Joshua chuckles. “I will mind my words to avoid an unnecessary trip to the infirmary. Speaking of,” he turns to the woman besides him, “Jote, I know Tarja would appreciate your help again there this morning, if you’d be so kind.”
“If you are sure, Your Grace. I do not mind… watching over your training session.”
Jote had been vehemently against your tutelage of Joshua in the pit, even though it had been at Clive’s request. Your weapon was similar to that of the delicate blade Joshua wields and knowing the repercussions of what the use of aether did to the body, Clive was keen for him to start utilizing it properly in battles. Though the Undying had tutored the Phoenix to the best of their ability, Clive had noted areas of improvement whilst fighting alongside Joshua and you had immediately come to mind… much to Jote’s chagrin at the constant, somewhat flirtatious banter you and the blonde had relaxed into throughout your training sessions together. “I’ll be fine, Jote. Thank you.” Joshua smiles, warmly, and you see her relax a little at his words.
“I do not wish to face Tarja’s wrath if I were to send Joshua back to his sickbed, so I promise to be most careful.” You try and reassure too, but the way Jote’s lips fall into a tight line as she gets to her feet, bows her head and heads off towards the infirmary tells that you hadn’t quite hit the mark you intended.
Joshua waits a moment to be sure Jote is clear of the Ale Hall before he drops a hand under the table, subtly reaching for your hand and interlacing his fingers with yours. “Sweet one,” he leans into you to whisper the nickname he’s bestowed upon you for moments such as this, “Once again, I must insist you stop tormenting poor Jote.”
“She makes it so eas-“
A firm squeeze of your hand cuts you off.
“My apologies.” You concede. “In my defence, I was being sincere about the last bit though – I do not wish to send you back to your bed with too much exertion.”
“You will not.” He lets go of your hand, somewhat reluctantly, and stands. “Shall we?”
A little while later, the two of you are catching your breath after a round of sparring in the pit.
“That was much better.” You wipe the back of your hand over your brow. “I only knocked you down three times.”
“Twice,” Joshua corrects.
“No, it was definitely three.”
“No, it was definitely twice.” He retorts. “The third time you are referring to does not count.”
You tilt your head, curious. “And why is that, Your Grace?”
Joshua scoffs. “You know exactly why, sweet one.”
“No, I don’t.” You cross your arms. “Enlighten me.”
He sighs. “I will reiterate that kissing me on my cheek is not an acceptable move in combat.”
“Says who? It’s an excellent distraction technique, as you have experienced.” You grin, thinking back of how flustered Joshua had got when you’d pecked him on the cheek… before thwacking the hilt of your blade across the back of his knees to send him toppling down into the sand of the fighting pit.
“Oh, really? Pray tell, who engages with this technique?”
“Me, for a start.”
“Anyone else I might know?”
“Why, Barnabas Tharmr. How do you think he conquered Ash all those years ago?”
Joshua can’t help but laugh at that, taking a step closer. “Of course, pecked his way up to the throne. No-one else?”
You hum in thought. “Clive of course. His foes are always commenting on how handsome he is in battle, so he gives them a quick kiss and down they go. In fact, I heard he kissed a Morbal once-”
“Oh, hello, Clive.” Joshua interrupts, looking behind you. Your heart skips a beat as you spin on your heels, ready to utter a thousand apologies… ..only to find the dock behind you is empty. You turn back, Joshua’s name on your tongue to admonish him, only to find his lips meet yours instead and he kisses you, a hand cupping your cheek and causing your mind to become utterly blank.
It only lasts a moment when he sideswipes at your ankles and sends you toppling down to your backside with a boyish grin.
“You’re right,” he crouches down and offers you his hand, “it is a good distraction technique.”
-- PS: I love Jote, really! Just had to tease her a little bit too.
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drabblesandimagines · 6 months
I hope I'm not too late for the 400 follower requests.
Isabelle flirts with Joshua and makes reader jealous. please with a happy ending.
Hi, anon! You certainly weren't, but I apologise for being super late with writing this one. Please do drop me an ask and lemme know what you think. Bit longer than 1,000 words cos I got carried away... Envy Joshua Rosfield x female reader
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You step forward, about to rap your knuckles against the large wooden door of the Veil when you hesitate. You always thought you’d do anything for Joshua, but this is testing your resolve.
“Are you sure?”
“You are soaked through.” He admonishes, stepping around you and knocking on the door with his own gloved hand before you could protest.
He wasn’t wrong, the wet clothing sticking to your skin had left you feeling frozen to the bone. The rain had been relentless on your trip and as you’d reached the outskirts of Northreach, it became clear that your own cloak wasn’t holding up against the elements nearly as well as Joshua’s. With the rain set to continue and the ground too wet to set up camp, it was at his insistence that you found yourselves at the Dame’s door, her name noted down on a list of Clive’s allies.
It doesn’t take long for the door to be opened – a beautiful woman, dressed in pinks and purples, brunette hair swept to the side in an elaborate bun appears, giving you and Joshua a curious look.
“Oh, my, a couple?” She chuckles, stepping back to open the door wider and beckoning the two of you in from the rain. “Well, you aren’t the first to darken my doorstep.”
“Er, no. No, my lady,” You correct, thankful your face feels too frozen from the wet to have any sort of blush heat it up red. “I believe we have a mutual acquaintance. Clive said that if we were nearby, we could seek shelter from the hospitality of the Dame an-“
“You are both friends of Clive?” She shuts the door behind her and walks over to Joshua, who pulls the hood of his cloak down to greet her with a charming smile.
“Actually, I am his brother.” He offers his hand. “Joshua. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lady.”
“Well, any friend of Clive is a friend of mine, and my friends call me Isabelle.”
You watch as Isabelle then takes his hand and he raises it to his lips, pressing a kiss across her knuckles, staring into each other’s eyes all the while. The act makes you feel irrationally hot in the moment, a lump of jealousy in your throat. What you’d give for that to be your hand, your eyes that held his focus… You’re drawn out of your fantasy by Joshua introducing you as his companion and your mind spirals – what does that even mean? Is he doing that deliberately to show he’s… available?  
Isabelle smiles coyly, before turning to the group of female and male courtesans who have gathered by the doorway, curious about their visitors. “Girls, please prepare rooms for our guests and a hot bath, then see if we have any dry clothes that would fit this one as well.” She gestures to you. “Poor thing’s frozen from the rain.”
“You are far too gracious, Isabelle. We are in your debt.”
“And you are absolutely darling.” Isabelle lays her hands on Joshua’s chest, right over his heart and your breath catches in your throat at the intimacy. Joshua is not one to be fussed, often shying away when your hands had brushed accidentally, or you’d tried to tend to a wound.
But under Isabelle’s touch, he doesn’t show any such protest, and you feel yourself bristle, wishing that was you, so assured and confident that the object of your desires wouldn’t shy away from your touch, if you could ever find yourself to be so bold.
“Afterwards, you must join me for supper.”
“We’d be honored,” Joshua answers with a smile. “Wouldn’t we?”
“Of course. Honored.” Your voice is tight, fists clenched and nails digging into your palm, trying to control your tone as her hand still rests upon his chest. Joshua’s smile drops in confusion. He steps away from Isabelle’s touch, looking as if he will approach you, when one of the courtesans catches his eye.
“Follow me, sir.” A pretty blonde beckons to him, gesturing him forward, whilst a brunette takes hold of your sleeve and tugs you in the opposite direction.
“This way, my lady.”
-- You stare at the dress that has been laid out for you on the bed – it offers no protection in a fight, leaving such vulnerable areas uncovered. It’s a similar style of design to Isabelle’s dress with off the shoulder sleeves, a tight light blue bodice and a flouncy, white lace-trimmed skirt. You pull it on, tug it down into place – whoever had guessed your size had at least managed it spot-on – but you wish you could tug a little more modesty for your taste into it too. However, you can hardly sit around in nothing and wait for your own clothing to dry out. Despite it being near the fire, you know it will take until at least dawn to do so. It’s only for the night, you reassure yourself, this is all only for tonight.
You leave your room and along the corridor - hearing a feminine giggle behind one of the other doors - and quickly head down the stairs, following the directions the courtesan had given you to where supper would be taking place. The door is slightly ajar and you look in as you go to push it open when you can hear Joshua’s voice.
“Should we not wait fo-?”
“I am sure she is on her way.” Isabelle is holding a spoon aloft, poised at his lips. “Please, before it gets cold. I insist.”
Joshua leans forward and you can’t bear to keep watching, feeling your heart break at such an intimate moment. You spin on your heels and hurry quietly back up the stairs and to your room – thank the Mothers you remembered which one it was – throwing yourself down on the bed and muffling a sob within the confines of the pillow.
You sniff, miserably, having finally got yourself together when there’s a knock on the door. You rub your face on your way over to the door, trying to make yourself presentable. Instead of the courtesan you expected to see, sent to check on you after your absence at supper, you find Joshua, a metal plate of food in his hand and wide-eyed as he takes in your ensemble, momentarily speechless.
You feel embarrassed under his gaze. “It is all they had and my own clothes are still soaked. I know I look foolish.”
“You look beautiful.”
Joshua smiles at your reaction. “May I come in a moment?”
You nod, still trying to comprehend if he said what you think he said and he walks inside, pulling the door closed behind.
“You did not come to supper – I was concerned.”
“I did, but you and Isabelle… Well, you looked quite cosy and I did not wish to interrupt.”
“Cosy?” He placed the plate down on the dresser.
“She was feeding you.”
“Ah,” he looks down at his boots for a moment before meeting your gaze. “She is quite… hands-on, isn’t she?”
“You were not pushing her away.”
“I did not wish to be rude to our host.”
You bite your lip, as if that will hold in the next question, but to no success. “Is that the only reason?”
Joshua quirks his head, curiously, before he smiles and gives a firm nod. “Ah, so that’s it.”
“That’s what?”
“You were jealous.”
“Jealous? I… I wasn’t.” You protest, feeling flustered at the accusation. “I just have good manners and know when I am not wanted.”
“Not wanted?”
“I… Forget it. Please.” You stress, heading towards the door to open it. Thank you for bringing me some supper. I’ll see yo-”
Swiftly, an arm is wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest. His fingers grasp your chin, gently tilting your face to look up at him.
“You are very much wanted, my lady.”
You stare at him, almost dumbfounded, wondering if maybe being in the rain so long earlier had given you a fever, maybe you’re hallucinating.
“Permit me to demonstrate?”
You nod, and he presses his lips to yours.
I'm the real tease ending it like that.
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drabblesandimagines · 8 months
400 requests. Joshuaxf!reader where reader is seriously injured because she wanted to protect Joshua and with her last breath she confesses her love for him. Go full angst.
Thank you, anon! I hope this is full angst enough... 400 Followers Event details. Exhale Joshua Rosfield x fem reader Angst, blood, more angst, spoilers btw 696 words
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For something you’ve done so easily from birth, breathing really shouldn’t be so difficult, should it? Every inhale is sharp, pins prickling at your throat, yet it doesn’t seem to reach the bottom of your lungs. Every exhale is accompanied by another dribble of blood that definitely should not be there.
You shouldn’t be here, laying on the streets of Kanver, dying.
It had all gone horribly, terribly wrong.
“I…” Joshua grunts, tears burning at his eyes, as he tries to summon the Phoenix’s blessing forth, to heal your wounds but the flame will not come. He knew he was still weary after the battle with Bahamut at Twinside, ignoring Tarja’s warning that he needed further rest before travelling but time had been of the essence, especially when word had come that Kanver was under attack.
It had taken nearly all of his strength to heal Clive’s wounds after his bout with Odin, his flame depleted. Clive had returned to the Hideaway on a quest from Mid and you and Joshua had stayed behind to assist her with final preparations to the Enterprise, scouting out the city for additional supplies.
The city was meant to be clear of Akashic, but somehow one straggler remained. It had lunged at Joshua from behind, emerging from the shadows, and you’d acted without much thought, shoving him aside and taking a blade to the stomach. Joshua fumbled with his sheathed blade, withdrawing it just in time to slice down the foe and dropped to his knees by your side, eyes widening at the sight of you.
“Come on!” Joshua almost screams at his palm, his voice raw, but there is barely a flicker of flame before it extinguishes again. All he is rewarded with is a deep cough for his efforts, blood staining his own lips.
“Stop. It’s… all right.” You gasp out, the words feeling all too heavy on your tongue.
“No, it’s not.” His fist clenches in fury. “I can do this.” His voice breaks.  “I will do this, I must do this."
Joshua grits his teeth, seething, digging deep to try and rouse the Phoenix from its slumber but it won’t come, won’t heed his desperate pleads. There’s only sharp pain in his chest from where the skin hardens around Ultima’s prison.
“Joshua…” It’s more a whisper than a word, but he halts in his actions.
“Darling, I…” The tears spill down his cheeks. “Please, I beg you to stay with me. I just need a little more time and then I can-”
You shake your head, lifting your hand to caress the side of his face with limp fingers. He presses his palm against it, keeping it there when your strength begins to falter.
You inhale once more and it comes deceptively easier this time, a brief respite, or a sign that this is your moment.
On the exhale, you say the three words you wished you’d said many more times before now. “I love you.”
“No, stay with me, please.” He whispers, frantically. “I love you, I love you, I-“
Joshua’s heart stops as your hand drops limp against his face, but he presses it back against his cheek, whimpering out your name in denial.
He doesn’t know how long he kneels besides you – minutes, hours – but it’s enough time for your fingers to begin to stiffen against his cheek. He presses a kiss to your forehead then, wiping away a smear of blood from your lips with his thumb.
Joshua won’t leave you here, he could never. He takes your hands and places them over your chest, in preparation for bundling you up in his arms. He’ll take you back to the Enterprise, you deserve to rest as somewhere as pretty as you are.
Were, he corrects, swallowing down the lump in his throat.
Evening has fallen upon the city and he waves a hand, casting a fireball to light his way out of habit. His eyes widen in realization and he drops down to his knees once more, summoning the Phoenix’s blessing. The flames burn over your skin, the wound healing at once.
But it’s too late, of course.
He sobs.
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drabblesandimagines · 7 months
for the 400 request.
Congratulations on reaching 400 followers! I hope more people will follow you because you deserve so much more! ❤️ qwq
The scene where Jill and Clive almost kissed and were interrupted by Gav. Can we get something similar for Joshua and Reader? 💕 ;v; please with a lot of fluff because the boy deserve the world.
Thank you, anon! That's so sweet. I love each and every one of you for clicking follow on my little piece of the internet! Sorry this took me a little while, I hope you enjoy x
Interruptions Joshua Rosfield x female reader Just fluff
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Serving with the Undying required stealth and patience – two skills you had honed to perfection over the years. You had to perform your duties without attracting attention, so it was with ease that you positioned yourself by the bunks, leaning against the wall and keeping watch on the infirmary doors below for your opportunity.  
You don’t keep track of how long you’re waiting, it’ll take as long as it takes after all, but when the doors finally do open and the red-headed healer emerges, heading down the stairs towards the mess, you don’t waste a moment and begin your silent descent down the stairs and into the infirmary all before Tarja makes it to the final step.
The first four beds you see are empty, thankfully, but you know there is an occupant in the next section, so you hurry along until you find your target, bowing your head immediately in greeting.
“Hello there,” Joshua smiles, sat upright in the bed. His face is a little pale but by no means the worst you’ve seen it. His black shirt a little looser than usual, revealing some sort of salve spread across his chest, the light of Ultima’s prison within his chest subdued under the viscose substance. “This is a most welcome surprise.”
“Please forgive the intrusion, your Grace-”
“Joshua.” He corrects, a charmingly boyish grin lighting up his features. It had been a point of contention between the two of you over time. You had made a vow to serve and respect the Phoenix, and that included using proper titles, much to Joshua’s chagrin. He’d got you – somehow – to agree to at least use his name in a private audience.
You sigh, though it’s through a smile. “Forgive me, Joshua. Lady Tarja and Lady Jote said you were not to be disturbed, but…” You trail off. You’d had your mind so set on sneaking into the infirmary to see him that you hadn’t considered how to explain your presence once you were there. “I wanted to see… if I could be assistance to you.”
“Ah.” He nods, playing along with your poor ruse. “Well, I’ve been threatened to rest, so no assistance required there.” Joshua sits up a little more before he moves his legs along the bed a little, patting the space besides him. “I would appreciate the pleasure of my lady’s company, however.”
You can’t hide the hitch in your voice. “That cannot be proper.”
Joshua looks almost amused. “I never thought you concerned with such things.”
“Master Cyril-”
“Is not here.” He pats the bed again. “Do not make me command it. Can’t we sit as equals?”
You take a hesitant step forward. “It wouldn’t be proper as equals, either.”
“My previous point still stands, then.”
You take another step towards the bed, your stomach swirling. This is wrong, a trap, out of bounds… but you sit on the edge of the bed all the same, gripping the fabric of your dress in your lap. You’d sweet-talked your way out of some tight spots, but sitting this close to Joshua has you feeling tongue-tied. Why had you come?
“You should not worry about me, my lady.” Yes, that’s why. Worry.
“I haven’t been.” You keep your voice steady, placing a hand down on the bed, gripping the sheets instead.
His hand gently takes hold of your chin, tilting your face until you meet his eyes. “Your eyes tell a different story.”
“They say Odin cut the sea in two.” It feels ridiculous to say it out loud. He releases your chin and places his own hand down, fingers dangerously close to yours.
“He did, but he did not split me in two.” He keeps his gaze locked on yours.
“Not yet,” you whisper.
“Not ever,” he corrects. “I still have much I wish to experience.” He shifts again, slightly and his hand now rests atop of yours. Not deliberately, you’re sure, but he doesn’t seem to move it.  
“I know you must stop Ultima, but-” You cut yourself off as he laces his fingers between your own.
He leans towards you, replying in a hushed tone. “That is what I must do, not what I wish for.”
“And what do you wish for?”
He licks his lips, caresses your cheek with his other hand. “This.”
It’s as if it happens in slow motion, your mind experiencing too many thoughts at once to properly function as Joshua continues to lean in, eyes closed. Is he…?
The door to the infirmary swings open and you jump apart, holding in a curse. Heavy footsteps approach and you slide off the bed without thought. You have to get out of sight but the options are limited, so you roll beneath the bed in a moment of desperation.
“Your grace,” You can hear Lady Jote’s voice before her boots appear in your vision. “Lady Tarja said you were resting, though you look a little feverish. Should you be up?”
“I haven’t been awake long,” he fibs. You swear your heart is pounding so loud it echoes around the infirmary.
“I am sorry to disturb, but the loresman has unearthed some more information about the Circle of Malus that I think would prove most useful, if you wish to hear it now, that is.”
“Of course. I…” Joshua coughs, then, but it’s not like his usual cough. It’s forced but he plays it up, putting on a wheeze. “Jote, please could you fetch some more of that suppressant?”
“Yes, of course. I have some nearly ready to go – just one ingredient to grind if you’ll give me a moment.” You follow her boots over to the other side of the room where the work bench is, hearing her set to work on her pestle and mortar and you take your chance, crawling out from under Joshua’s bed and up to your feet once past the partition without a glance back – though you desperately wish to.
You open the door to the infirmary, slowly, cautiously and emerge without time to check the coast is clear. You close the door behind you and let out the breath it feels you’ve been holding for hours.
“Oh, my.” An amused voice comes to your left. Tarja is stood on the steps, hands on her hips. “You must’ve been looking for me. Come, let’s get you inside. You’re looking a little flushed.” --
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drabblesandimagines · 3 months
Joshua Rosfield x (painter) female reader Commissioned piece, 4,600 words (minor end game spoilers) Thank you so much for the commissioner for commissioning me in the first place and for letting me share here with you all! x
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“No, no, no.” You’d swear the woman before you should be stomping her foot along to her words, her mannerisms being similar to those of a petulant child not getting their way.
The Empress of Sanbreque is usually a picture of decorum – carefully composed expression, hands clasped, never a hair out of place nor a wrinkle in her gown – but her façade appears to have cracked for she is scowling at you with clenched fists by her side. “Did you not understand my directions?”
You open your mouth, and quickly shut it again. Your mind is blank on an answer, probably looking foolish as you do so. You look at the portrait you’d unveiled moments ago for her private viewing, trying to see what she’s taken umbrage with, though you’re sure you followed her instructions to the letter.
“Your Grace, I-”
She raises her hand, stopping you before you can even begin a defense.
“It is quite clear that you did not.” Olivier, her three-year-old son and the subject of the portrait, sits at her feet, disturbingly well-behaved for his age, even for one of noble blood and upbringing. His eyes almost seemed lifeless at times – unnervingly so – with a cruel smile that was beyond his years. You’d tried to soften it out, is that what had upset her so?
“His Grace has been most pleased with my previous works.” You’d been brought in under the Empreror’s service first – endless commissions of he and the crown prince to celebrate every momentous occasion over the last few years.   
“His Grace has, yes, but only of Prince Dion.” The way she pronounces Bahamut’s name is as if it leaves a foul taste on her tongue. “But these won’t do at all for my darling Olivier.” She pinches the bridge of her nose in exasperation as she casts her eyes over your work once more. You swallow your pride. After all, it is far better to keep in the Empress’ good books than make an enemy of. “I will start anew-” “No – I’ve seen enough. You are dismissed, without pay. Come, Olivier.”
He grabs her hand obediently, but not without throwing you one last cruel smile.
Although you knew it would be difficult to remain in the city, you hadn’t expected a group of soldiers to appear at your door that very evening – armed with swords and spears, one holding a scroll of decree and beginning to read to you the moment after your name was confirmed.
“By decree of Empress Anabella Lesage, you are hereby commanded to leave Orinflamme at once.”
“Leave?” You’d planned to move – you knew her handmaidens would make quick work of spreading the gossip of your dismissal, whispering in certain noble ears to make sure the word spread far and wide – but to be banished altogether?
“Leave.” The captain of the guard confirmed, no sign of emotion on his face. “Refusal to comply will be seen as treason, of which the punishment is execution. You are to be gone by sunrise.”
You look around your small abode, trying to work out what you could possibly pack up and take in such a small timeframe – could you scrape enough gil together to rent a chocobo for the travel?
“Furthermore, all of your possessions are now the property of Empire. You may, however, retain the clothes upon your person.” The way in which he says it makes you think that he believes that is being far too generous.
“Excuse me,” a familiar voice calls and the crowd of guards splits. Prince Dion Lesage, regaled in the armour of the Dragoons and spear at his side, walks forward with purpose.
“My prince, there is no need to trouble yourself with such matters as these.”
“The Emperor himself requested my presence to make sure the Empress’ wishes are fulfilled. If you will excuse us, I assure you I have it handled from here and you may return to your other duties.” He casts a scathing eye over the seven men. “I doubt this task required this many of you either.”
“Yes, my prince.” The captain replies, tersely, with only a slight bow of his head, but none of the men make to move quite yet.
Dion’s hand tightens around the hilt of his spear and you are rendered speechless as he grabs you by the crook of your elbow and pulls you forward, out of your home – not even a chance to glance around and bid it goodbye - past the assembled guards and starts to lead you towards the city gates in long strides.
“I am sorry, my lady,” Dion says, softly, trying to avoid prying ears. You have always been fond of the crown prince – he had always treated you kindly in your interactions during portrait sitting sessions over the last few years. “I tried to speak to the Emperor to overturn the Empress’ command as soon as word reached me, but he would not be swayed.”
Your eyes widen at the idea. “Prince Dion, you shouldn’t have. That is far more kindness than I deserve.”
“Nonsense,” he chides. “I just wish I could do more. I saw the portrait before the Empress commanded it destroyed. I cannot think what has offended her so – it was the spitting image of Olivier.” He drops your elbow at last and retrieves a pouch off his belt, holding it out to you. “It isn’t much – shamefully, I am not adept of carrying gil around on my person – but hopefully it will be enough to see you through your travel.”
“No, your highness,” you shake your head. “I couldn’t possibly accept.”
“You must,” he presses the pouch firmly in your hand. “Do not make me order it so. It will be a long journey ahead - my concern is Northflame is too close to be out of the Empress’ influence.”
“I’ll head to Port Isodole – enough nobles reside there for me to gain employment once more, I’m sure of it.”
It was tricky upon your arrival to Port Isodole. You wanted to remain positive that you’d be commissioned on reputation alone by some of the Imperial nobles who resided there. Unfortunately, it soon became clear that the word had already wormed its way into eager ears, and those who sought the Empress Anabella’s favour wouldn’t dare to associate with someone she’d dismissed so blatantly and banished from the city itself.
You’d made do with work as a barmaid, part of your wages taking up with your food and board. Slowly, you’d built up your art supplies over the years and remained positive. Afterall, you could have had much worse luck in life than what you’d faced.
Finally, you decided to take a few of landscape pieces to market, hoping that surely enough time had passed - the Mothercrystal had been felled, Orinflamme abandoned in consequence, so why would the people of Port Isodole still hold such regard for the word of an Empress now stationed so far away?
“My dear, these are truly wonderful.” His voice is boomingly loud, surely drawing the attention of everyone in the vicinity. A tall, stocky, bearded man, dressed in finery looked in awe at your display and you so hoped pockets heavy with gil might be in store. “I feel as if I’m actually there, casting my eyes across the horizon once more.”
“Thank you, sir. Is there anything you’re looking for in particular?” “Mayhaps - do you dabble in portraiture?” “I do… or I did. It’s been a little while.”
“And who is your patron?”
“My… patron?” You hesitate, wary now that this is where Anabella’s tarnishing of your name would lead to your undoing.
“With a talent such as this, you must have one.”
“Well, I-“
“Lord Byron”, a man interrupts, looking scornfully at you and keeping his distance. A beautiful woman is hanging off his arm and looking mortified by the whole thing. “I’d be wary of her. Empress Anabella dismissed her from her services.”
“Oh… Oh, my.” He sets his face in a solemn expression and your heart sinks. “Thank you, my good man.” Byron nods his head, giving the man a hearty pat on the back and begins to walk away with the couple. You feel as if you may cry. Maybe coming here was a mistake, but it was as far as you could’ve gone with the gil Dion had kindly given you. Is Anabella’s scorn going to follow you round forever?
You try and steel your resolve for other potential customers – who would want to purchase anything from a tearful merchant? - though many pass without giving your wares so much as a second glance. A cloaked man strides past, hand scuffing your table as he does. At first you think he meant to swipe something from it, but there is only an addition in the form of a letter.
You lean over the table and pick it up, breaking the wax seal.
My sincerest apologies for how we parted. If you would be so kind, please attend the manor this evening and dine with me. I wish to discuss your talent further and, if I may, commission you, the Empress Anabella be damned. – Lord Byron Rosfield.
Lord Byron had heard tale of your portraits, it had turned out, but he still wished to see your work first hand before he would tell you what he truly wanted. A workroom was set up for your disposal, a plethora of supplies that made your eyes water at the potential cost, but he had waved it off, declaring himself a lover of the arts. He’d marveled at your portrait of him and bid you come the next day to see the project in full he wished to discuss. As you entered the workroom, the large table had been covered in rolls of what you thought were parchment, but instead turned out to be precious segments of his dear brother’s portrait – the former Archduke of Rosaria, Elwin.
“I fear it is far beyond repair – I was lucky to salvage enough as I did - but I wondered if you would be up for the challenge of a recreation.”
“I can certainly try. There’s definitely enough of his face to base from. And I have your likeness, my lord, to assist.”
“Oh, Uncle,” Clive has tears in his eyes as he beholds the new addition to Byron’s parlor. “It is just as I remembered – he is just as I remembered. How did you even get hold of this? I thought everything destroyed after the siege.”
“The original was beyond saving, torn and burnt in places, yes. This, my dear boy, I had it commissioned, using parts of the original as a guide. You see, I have taken into my patronage a very talented artist – allow me to fetch her.”
Joshua’s breath had been stolen when he saw the painting of his father. He could swear if he stared long enough, the eyes would blink in return, that he would see his father’s chest rise with breath once more. He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be proud of the man he’d grown to be, if he had done the Phoenix proud before the Eikons were stripped from the world.
A warm palm rests on his shoulder. “It is like he is the room once more, isn’t it?”
“Indeed, brother. Quite remarkable. I… I worried I had forgotten his face, after all this time, but this…”
Clive squeezes his shoulder then, no more words needed.
The silence is soon interrupted by the heavy footsteps of their uncle as the door is thrown open.
“Lord Bryon,” you protest, trying to step back but his hand on your back remains firm, “My apologies, but I really am in no state to-”
“Nonsense, my girl!” It is too late for you are pushed in front of two of the most handsome men you think you have seen.
You curtsy, clumsily, and Joshua can’t help but grin. He said you were to meet his nephews and, as he was a lord, they deserved the same respect, however Bryon hadn’t even given you chance to wash your hands, nor check your face in the mirror for errant paint streaks before he’d ushered you to the parlor.
“My dearest nephews, allow me to introduce the talented painter behind this masterpiece.”  
Your cheeks feel hot, a little flustered in the way which Byron had pulled you in front of his nephews with no preparation. Joshua thanks the Founder that he was stood where he was, meaning that he gets to make your acquaintance first. Byron introduces you by name and turns to the blonde first, beaming.
“This is my youngest nephew – Joshua.” You offer out your hand but also curtsy again, forgetting yourself in the fluster. The Empress Anabella would not have stood for it. Before you can retreat your hand with an apology, Joshua takes it in his hand and drops to his knee, pressing a kiss across the back of it.
“It is a pleasure to meet the talented woman behind the masterpiece.”
“Oh,” your eyes light up and Joshua delights in it, already thinking of how he can achieve the same rush. “Thank you – that’s very kind. I admired Archduke Elwin very much – it was an honour to pay tribute to his memory.” Joshua slowly gets to his feet and relinquishes your hand.
“I… I served under your mother – the Empress Anabella - for a time.”
“Yes, before she was exiled for a portrait of Oliver Lesage not meeting her standards.”
“Ah. I pray you do not hold that against us.” Clive interrupts.
“Of course she doesn’t, my boy!” Byron booms once more. “This is my eldest nephew, Clive. Quite the rogue.”
“Uncle,” Clive gently admonishes. “I cannot see why our mother would be displeased with your work. This is… I feel like I can reach out and touch him. You’ve captured him remarkably well.”
You duck your head down in embarrassment, not used to receiving such amounts of praise. The Emperor would nod his approval, make no comment on style or substance, so to have the three sing your praises is a little overwhelming.
“Thank you.” You nod at Clive, a small smile across your lips and Joshua feels a twang in his chest at the sight of it – odd.
“And now this one is complete, I dare say we mu-“
The parlor door is swung open with a bang. Gav stands there, panting, hands on his knees to try and catch his breath. “Sorry, like, but we gotta scram. Imperial soldiers heading this way – caught wind of Cid the Outlaw sniffing about.”
Joshua did not see you for another year.
Regrettably, other matters had taken precedence. Ultima at first, a period of recovery for both him and Clive – Dion lost in the fight, and then focus had turned to helping nations adapt to a crystal-free life and the rebuilding of Grand Duchy of Rosaria. Parts of the castle were still under construction, but the capital itself had been rebuilt and ready to usher in the new Archduke.
“Your grace,” a servant called, diverting his attention from the latest pile of missives left at his desk, “Lord Byron Rosfield has arrived.”
“Uncle!” Joshua beamed, descending the stairs from the castle into the courtyard where Byron was emerging from a carriage. “We were not expecting you quite yet.”
“My dear boy,” he pulled his nephew into a firm hug. “I’m afraid I was far too keen to give you your gift to wait any longer.”
“A gift, Uncle? You shouldn’t have.”
His eyes widen as you emerge from the carriage, a hesitant smile on your face as you nod your head in greeting.
“Nonsense! The Archduke needs a portrait to mark this historical day.”
“Your grace.” You begin, cautiously. “I’m not sure you remember me, but-“
“My lady,” he begins, slyly taking your hand and pressing a kiss against your knuckles in greeting. “Of course I do. I assure you I could not forget one of such talent, nor of such beautiful visage.”
“You are too kind, your grace.”
“Joshua – I insist.”
“Joshua.” The word feels precious on your tongue. “Lord Byron is quite keen for me to paint a portrait of you and your brother, though I’m aware that this is probably quite a busy time for you to have long sittings.”
“Nonsense. You are welcome to my time whenever you wish, my lady.”
Joshua would never openly admit to it, but he had been somewhat jealous of Clive in their childhood. Not of the distain his mother had shown towards her first-born son, no, but of the freedom that maternal neglect had permitted him. Though Clive had taken the burden of being the First Shield upon his shoulders without a word of complaint, it was not as if Joshua had asked to be the Dominant of the Phoenix, nor that he had a choice in the matter at all. So many people were relying on him, championing him on, but when he was laid up in bed, downing elixirs and tonics made by the castle healers, he didn’t feel as strong as he needed to be.
Clive could go out wherever he wanted, do whatever he wanted without the watchful eye of Anabella or the gaggle of her handmaidens. He could wear whatever he pleased too, practical things, even. Joshua instead had been draped in the finest fabrics, shipped in from Dhalkmekia that he would be scolded over for dirtying even slightly.
He thought he was old enough to no longer experience such a childish notion as jealousy – he could wear what he wanted, go where he wanted, no longer burdened by Ultima in his chest or the Phoenix in his being… But the foul feeling is getting harder to ignore when he is forced to sit there as you grip Clive’s bicep, moving his arm a fraction of an inch to the left, or the way in which you shyly adjust his shirt, claiming it’s important to have the outfit the exact same in order for the shading, but you never show him the same courtesy. He had hoped for more private sittings, to have your company to himself – perhaps sitting shoulder to shoulder with Clive’s muscular form was doing him no favours - but Byron had requested the two men together in a portrait, so the sessions had been arranged for when they were both free so you could at least get the outlines down, as well as some initial colouring.
You tug Clive’s shirt down a little to try and get it to lay flat – face burning with how your hand ghosted across his muscular chest - it had ridden a little and bunched when he sat. Clive stared straight ahead, hands clasped, ever the gentleman, and Joshua found himself shuffling in position, hoping his shirt might misbehave.
The Founder does not bless him so, as you return back behind the canvas.
Joshua arrives for his sitting in a good mood for two reasons – one, it is just to be him as Clive is away in Eastpool for a day or so, and two, he had a plan.
He did have a morning and early afternoon of meetings and reports to get through, but he had promised the late afternoon and as much as the evening for his sitting to take place, and that is certainly enough time to put said plan into action.
“Hello,” You smile brightly as he enters, taking his usual position on the chair.  Joshua has his pose down to a fine art, whereas Clive needed more co-ercing to settle. “Are you sure you have time for this today? It might be a rather long one, I’m afraid I have a lot to get through as Lord Byron is keen for it to be ready for the day.”
“As I said, I am all yours for as long as you can stand me, my lady.”
You nod, stepping behind the canvas and pick up from where you left off. He doesn’t make his move for a good while, watching carefully as your eyes flick between the canvas and him and you begin to mix up paints once more, trial and error as usual as you worked diligently to find the right shade.
He makes his move when you turn back to the table to grab a clean brush, tugging the knot on the laces of his shirt clear and then shrugging his shoulder, revealing a little more of his chest than was previously on display.
You turn back round and your gaze flick between Joshua and the canvas once more… only for you to doubletake. He bites back a grin in celebration. It must be the candlelight playing tricks on your eyes because you could’ve sworn Joshua’s shirt laces were most definitely tied a moment ago. Mayhaps you should open a door – are the paint fumes going a little too much to your head after being sequestered in here all day long?
“Is everything all right?”
“Your, erm…” You put down the paint brush. “Your shirt laces have come undone.”
“Oh, have they?” He shrugs again, his top slipping down his shoulder a little more. “Oh, the shading, of course. My apologies.”
“That’s all right.” You wipe your hands clean on a rag, wondering how it had come quite so undone, before walking over to your subject. “May I?”
“By all means.”
You pull his shirt up his shoulder, lining it up with his ear -  a good reference point - and pull the laces taught to tie off once more. You step back, cock your head this way and that, and then forward again to adjust it once more.
You return back to the canvas and begin to paint, brow furrowed in concentration, whilst Joshua feels absolutely giddy that his plan had been somewhat successful in achieving your touch.
So much so, that he cannot resist a tug at the laces once more the very next time he sees you turn your back – this time to take a deep drink of water - shrugging his shoulder once more, so it reveals more of his collarbone. He composes his features, he can’t give the game away by grinning like a child.
You turn back after a few moments and this time notice immediately, opening your mouth to say something but not quite knowing what to say. You’re sure you tied the knot firmly enough to stay put.
“What is it, my lady?” He tilts his head in intrigue.
“Your… Your shirt, it’s come undone. Again.”
“No,” he feigns disbelief, looking down at his chest in surprise. “I only stretched, I assure you.”
“Of course – mayhaps I didn’t tie it tight enough.” You wipe your hands clean again on the rag and stride over, a little less cautious this time as you tug his shirt back up, now standing between his spread legs – when did that happen? - lining it up with his ear once again and tighten the laces before securing it in a knot. You nod, more to yourself, as you check over your handiwork and go to step back.
“Thank you.” Joshua catches your hand as you do so, stilling your retreat. “It is very admirable how dedicated you are to your work.”
“I think it is how I get them to seem as realistic as you say they are – the shading is everything.” Your heart is pounding in your chest by how close you are, stood between his thighs. “I should…”
“Of course,” he releases your hand and by the time you’re back behind the canvas, his legs are crossed once more.
You work in silence for a while, getting fully into the flow now that Joshua’s shirt appears to be behaving. He enjoys watching you work – the way sometimes you stick your tongue out when you are concentrating particularly hard on a certain element, how your brow furrows, how tiny smatters of paint begin to decorate your cheeks and your hair as you dab the brush onto the canvas.
As the time passes, he cannot refuse to chase the thrill of your touch one more time this evening. Clive returns tomorrow and maybe this will be his last chance for a while – he couldn’t so boldly unlace his shirt with his brother sat by his side. He waits for another opportune moment for your back to be turned, and tugs at the knot.
It holds firm.
Your back is still turned, so he tugs again.
He raises his other hand to try and help undo the knot, before leaning up in his chair slightly to see if he can see what you’re doing, how much longer you may be as he continues fighting the knot. He thinks you’re having another drink of water, so he risks looking down, finally pulling the knot free and frantically shrugs his shoulders – a little more vigorously than before as he feels his shirt slip down on both.
He looks up in relief, only to see you have turned back whilst he was looking down, your head tilted as you stare at him in confusion.
Joshua feels his face burn as red as his old cowl at being caught in the act.
You walk over to him again, trying to hold in a smile that is rapidly creeping across your face and feeling as bold as brass. “Although I would like to paint you sans shirt, Joshua, I don’t think your uncle would be best pleased.”
“You would?” His voice lilts before he shakes his head, embarrassment and shame overcoming him. “No, I beg your forgiveness, my lady.” He mumbles, tugging his shirt back up on his shoulders. “I have let feelings of jealousy drive my actions and it is most unbecoming of a future Archduke.”
“I… desired your touch, but I understand that Clive is…”
“A finer specimen.” He feels entirely foolish and somewhat pathetic for even saying it aloud – his brother’s body had come from years of enforced labor, for Founder’s sake! “Please, my lady, I beg you for-“
You press your lips against his in a chaste kiss, before pulling back with a shy smile, heart pounding, hoping you’ve read the signs and heard him correctly.
“I assure you, Clive is not the one I desire.”
He lifts a hand to caress your cheek for a moment before pulling you back in between his thighs, a steadying hand on your back as your lips meet again once more – a succession of frantic kisses, as if you are both trying to squeeze in as many as you can before the moment is over.
The two of you begin to slow your rhythm as you nestle yourself upon his thigh, feel his tongue swipe across your lips, seeking entrance. You part them slightly and he is quick to divulge with a moan that makes you tingle.
You have to retreat to catch your breath at one point – never in your wildest dreams had you pictured the session ending with you sat on the future Archduke’s lap, his shirt now hanging open around his shoulders again.
“Please do not say you have to get back to the portrait, darling one.” He murmurs into your throat before pressing kisses across your jaw.
“No. Your complexion is too flush for me to continue,” you tease.
“Good. For I have something else in mind for the evening.”
“A private showing, if you will.” He takes your hand and places it flat against the exposed part of his chest – you can feel his heart pounding through your fingertips.  
“Where would that be?”
“My bed chambers.”
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drabblesandimagines · 5 months
Request for Joshua getting married?
I got a bit carried away from a drabble with this one. Anon, please lemme know what you think! x
-- Joshua Rosfield x female reader, fluff, tiny smidge of suggestive spice at the very end
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It was foolish to think the two of you would’ve ever got away with a quiet affair, not when the Bearer of the Burning Quill was around. When Joshua had announced his intention to marry you, Cyril had appeared laden with parchment denoting the wedding rites of the Phoenix over years upon years.
The Undying had been so loyal to Phoenix that he had found them quite impossible to refuse, especially when some had expressed their joy at the prospect of being allowed to see such a ceremony, unsure if it would be held in their lifetime.
“A small, short ceremony at Phoenix Gate,” Joshua had proposed as a compromise. “Then whatever else you want, wherever you want, my love.”
How could you refuse?
The gown is prepared for you, a vibrant red, off the shoulder sleeves, gold threads embroidered throughout in the pattern of feathers by hands far more skilled than your own – the same hands that now help you dress, murmuring words of how much it is an honour to prepare the Phoenix’s bride. The finishing touch is to be a circlet of pure gold, studded with rubies, fetched from the vault below the sanctum.
“Every partner of the Phoenix has worn this as long as the records have been kept,” Cyril had said in his usual soft manner as he placed it upon your crown, before stepping back with a bow. “Long may the tradition continue after today.”
You barely have time to look at yourself in the mirror when you are ushered out of your chambers and towards a waiting carriage.
“You look beautiful, my lady,” Clive offers you his hand as you emerge from the sanctum at dusk. As the First Shield, sworn to protect the Phoenix, it is only right he is charged with escorting the bride to him. “I will go as far to say that you will render my brother speechless and I know we would both admit that will be quite the feat.”
You smile, thankful to have him there. “Thank you.”
You accept his hand, squeezing it a little too firmly as you step up into the carriage, wary of the adoring eyes of the acolytes on you, those not granted an invitation but wishing to catch a glimpse all the same. You let go of Clive’s hand as you situate yourself on the bench within and he soon joins you, sitting opposite. A lantern burns brightly from the ceiling and the windows are shuttered – not that it matters as the sun continues to set.
“Are you going to be okay?” You ask as the carriage sets off on its journey. He looks perplexed at your question, so you continue. “With the ceremony being at Phoenix Gate, I mean.”
“Indeed - I made my peace there a few years ago. It will be nice to make a happier memory there of gaining a sister, though.”
“Mm.” You smile at his sentiments. “I am afraid I am a little nervous.”
“Allow me to assure you that Joshua will be even more so.”
The ruined stone walls of Phoenix Gate have been ladened with candles – the flickering flames greeting you as Clive once again offers his hand to escort you down from the carriage. The ceremony itself is going to take place within the chamber – right in front of the door Joshua was due to enter all those years ago.
A single Undying acolyte waits by the entrance, head bowed low, heavy brown cloak in hand. They hand it to Clive, wordlessly, before retreating into the chamber, not once raising their eyes from the ground.
The First Shield shakes out the cloak from its folds and pauses. “Ready?”
He drapes it over your shoulders, fastening the clasp underneath your chin before gently pulling the hood down low over your face. He guides your arm through his and steps forward, kicking at the door once with his foot before they are opened before you.
It is hard to see beneath the hood, but from the shadows on the floor you know the chamber is littered with even more candles. Dozens of Undying are lined up along the sides and the whole room is silent, besides the occasional spit of flame and scuff of yours and Clive’s footsteps on the stone.
He leads you up to the makeshift altar and you so desperately wish to lift your head, to see Joshua’s eyes but the scorn of Master Cyril prevents you from doing so. If you can just be patient for a few more moments, you can stare into his eyes as long as you like.
“We are here this night,” Cyril’s voice booms around the chambers – much louder than you’ve ever heard him speak before, “to witness the union of the Phoenix and his beloved. First Shield, do you confirm the one you have escorted here is the one the Phoenix wishes to wed?”
“I do confirm.” Clive’s hand then takes your own and he holds it out in offering. Butterflies erupt in your stomach as you feel Joshua lace his fingers with your own – though it had only been a day, you had missed his touch something awful in the lead-up.
“Phoenix, do you confirm this is the one you wish to bind your heart with?”
Joshua’s other hand grips your chin, tilting your head up so you can finally meet his eyes. Tears brim his own as he smiles – not being able to see you has been akin to torture. He is dressed more or less the same as usual, though his somewhat frayed red cowl has been replaced with a new one, embroidered with the same gold thread pattern as on your gown.
His hand moves from your chin to grip the hood of the cloak – a flame dancing between his fingers as he does so. In a blink of an eye, the cloak disintegrates in a flash of fire, revealing your gown to an audible gasp from the acolytes watching. Joshua’s face slackens, rendered speechless as Clive foretold, wide-eyes… Cyril gently nudges his foot with his own, a reminder he does need to answer.
“I… I do… I do confirm.” He’s almost breathless, before the boyish grin creeps back into place. “Absolutely, completely confirm.”
“And, my lady,” Cyril turns to you, your fingers still entwined with Joshua’s, “do you confirm that the Phoenix is the one you wish to bind your heart with?”
“I do confirm.”
“Then may the binding of your hearts here on this night shield the firebird’s flame forevermore.”
Joshua wastes not a second before he has wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you forward into a deep kiss – as if he needs you to breathe. For once, you are unaware of the eyes of the Undying upon you, feeling that you and your husband are the only ones in the chamber before the silence is broken by applause over your shoulder – Clive trying to bring a little joviality into the crowd. Slowly, the acolytes join in and Joshua pulls back from the kiss to murmur in your ear.
“Thank you, sweet one.”
He tucks his arm through yours and leads the two of you back through the chamber, the Undying bowing their heads as you pass, back to the carriage you and Clive left only minutes ago – Joshua had promised the ceremony would be short, after all.
Aided by Joshua’s hand, you climb back up into the carriage and he follows to nestle in at your side, shutting the door before peppering your face and neck with kisses.
“Joshua,” you giggle, the carriage once again lurching forward. You were heading back to the sanctum where more Undying will be waiting to see the Phoenix and his wife and at this rate you’re going to be as red as your gown by the time you arrive.
“I can’t help it,” he withdraws. “It’s this dress – you look… I mean…”
You laugh again, cupping his face with your palm. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He moves your hand from his face, kissing your knuckles. “So much.”
You stare into each other’s eyes, soaking in your first private moment with your husband -  the word makes your stomach flip – before he lets go of your hand and plucks at the fabric of your skirt.
“What are you thinking?”
He bites his lip before he responds, the boyish grin returning. “I am wondering if, when we enter our bedchambers, this gown will burn as quickly as the cloak did.”
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