#julie joyful x reader headcanons
pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
You can not tell me Wally won’t be a real bro for his friends if he found out reader has a crush on a certain someone.
Like Wally catch reader staring at someone for a long time with a soft smile on their face and Wally like “you like them don’t you”
And right there Wally turning into reader’s and his friend’s wing man
“Hey that friend there , they love home baked goods”
“Oh yeah random fact reader loves this color “
Wally just trying to play matchmaker
Ooooh, anon! This idea!! So very!! I like wingman Wally very much... I hadn't even thought of this!! Just one of the perks of doing these requests, you get so many fan interpretations and headcanons and whatnot... here's your headcanons anon!! Enjoy!!
Welcome Home x Reader + Wingman/Matchmaker Wally Headcanons🏠☀️🛼🦴🍪🐛📨🦋🍎
Wally suggesting you be cast as the lead in her plays
Trying to subconsciously convince her to do a romantic play
Setting you up on a stargazing date
Suggesting you write poetry for her
"Hey Sally I think y/n would love to hear you recite what you've been working on"
One day while you three were all outside a sudden burst of rain came down and Wally kinda ran off (he hates getting wet) but he noticed you and Sally still having fun while he was cowering under a tree or something
Playing games together
Drawing with sidewalk chalk
Wally inviting you both over for a sleepover and rushing off to go do things like make popcorn to leave you alone
Probably brushing each others' hair at said sleepover
"I bet y/n can't beat you in this game"
"Y/n likes x hotdog toppings, don't you, y/n?"
"Y/n's favorite kind of joke is x type. You should tell them some of those!"
Lounging around together
Falling asleep in a nice warm pile
Waking up and wondering where Wally went
Oh well... sleeping with Barnaby is cozy and now you have him all to yourself
Baking together
Wally telling her how brave you are
"Y/n's favorite type of baked good is x, why don't we make them some?"
Making cookies in cute shapes
Poppy getting anxious about something and Wally suggesting she ask you for advice
Hanging out with Wally and he suddenly remembers he's out of something, so he asks to visit the bugdega
Wally asking you to pick something up for him at the bugdega
Howdy mentioning it getting tough to work all day by himself so Wally suggests he ask you for help next time you come in
Wally sending you mail so Eddie has an excuse to go to your house
Eddie eventually recognizing your handwriting and stamps
"Why don't you write a letter to Eddie"
"Oh, you said you've been to x place, haven't you? Y/n has been there too"
Doing crafts together and Wally purposefully holding back his art skills so Eddie will like yours
Wally suggesting the same books to you both
"Y/n's favorite bug is x"
Lowkey trying to be annoying so he'll think you're better to hang out with (this may or may not work)
"Y/n had a question about this... why don't you meet them to discuss it?"
Looking at the buggies together (Wally would probably disappear like the Barnaby hcs)
He'd be the last one to notice you having a crush on him
Thinking you need someone nice to be with and trying out each possibility in his head
Really wondering why no one seems to be a good match (everyone else can see the obvious crush you have)
Eventually you'd tell him or he'd figure it out and be like
"...Oohhhhhhhhh. I like you too y/n!"
Those are the headcanons I came up with! Hope you like them anon, thanks for requesting them!! They were fun to do!! I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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b-o-e · 11 months
Welcome Home love language head canons :)
Giving: words of affirmation
Wally is good with his words when he is sure about something. This comes into effect when it comes to talking about his feelings for you! He is quite poetic when he wants to be. Words flow off his tongue as smoothly as butter, singing sweet songs of praise and lines of love to you. He could woo you with ease. He likes it when you get a little shy, looking to the side. He likes it even more when he gets to see the flustered look on your face when he directs your attention back to him. 
“My, don’t you look stunning tonight,” Wally studied your appearance with nothing less than a look of pure awe. You smiled, cheeks turning pink at the attention.
“I could say the same to you, Mr. Darling,” you joked lightly, looking to the side to hide your embarrassment. Only moments later, his forefinger was under your chin, gently tilting your head to make your gaze meet with his once more.
“Hmm… that colour really brings out your eyes,” he murmured sweetly, his face mere inches from your own. Your cheeks burned as you gaped slightly at the close proximity, frozen in surprise before you ducked your head down to hide in the crook of his neck.
“You’re such a tease and you know it,” you grumbled, well aware he was embarrassing you on purpose.
“Ha ha ha, I can’t resist. You know I mean every word I say to you, my love.”
Receiving: quality time, physical affection
Wally loves spending time with you, no matter what it may be that you are doing. If the two of you are having a picnic, if you keep him company while he is painting, if you go for a walk with him, he loves it. Especially if you talk! He loves to listen, and to make conversation in return, too. Overall, anything and everything. Even though he doesn’t sleep himself, he quite enjoys sleep overs! It brings him comfort and content to know that you’re simply there, spending time with him. He just really finds peace in having your presence around. Something he’s a bit more shy about is physical touch. Although he isn’t super used to it, he loves to be held. He likes your hugs (despite usually having a hard time returning it), your arms around his waist, your head against his chest or stomach, your lips pecking his cheek, your hands gently cradled in his, your thumbs brushing against his face…  he simply loves to feel your touch.
Giving: physical affection
Howdy has four arms. You already know that he is the best hugger in the town! He loves to wrap you up in his embrace. An absolute cuddle bug, no doubt about it! No matter what, if you two are near each other, at least one of his hands are probably on you. Resting on your hip, holding your hand, pressing against the small of your back, sat on top of your head… always! He is certainly partial to having you in his arms, though. You’re bound to feel safe and secure within them.
Receiving: physical affection/acts of service
As said before, physical affection! He just loves it! Anything! Hugs! Hand holding! Kisses! CUDDLES! He loves it all, as long as he gets to feel your touch! Along with this, Howdy loves it when you do things for him, completely unprompted. Helping out with stock, sweeping up a mess on the floor, letting someone know where the item they’re looking for is when he’s busy with something else? Even though he feels bad about it when you do (he makes sure to reward you!), it means so much to him that you're so willing to do him a favour. How thoughtful of you!
“Oh, shucks. You didn’t have to do that for me, bug!” Howdy said. His arm hooked around your waist, carefully bringing you closer. “You treat me so well, don’t you?” he hummed with a smile.
“You know that it’s nothing, no big deal at all,” you chuckled, leaning into his chest.
“No matter how big or small the favour, it doesn't mean any less to me. Thank you, bug,”
“You’re very welcome, big guy,” you giggled.
“Now,” one of Howdy’s sets of arms wrapped fully around your waist, his lower hands finding the bends of your knees. He picked you up, holding you against him as he grinned down at you.
“I could go for some cuddle time, snuggle bug! How about that?”
Giving: physical affection
Another snuggler! Barnaby is #2 when it comes to the best hugs in the neighbourhood. His big, fluffy, warm arms are around you every chance he gets! Sometimes, he likes to be a bit of a tease and use your head as an armrest. The moment you’d like him to stop, don’t worry! You don’t need to tell him twice. Barnaby loves scooping you right up into his warm embrace! You are 100% his teddy bear when it’s time for an afternoon nap. Good luck getting out after he falls asleep!
“Ah, would’ja look what we’ve got here?” Barnaby’s voice came from behind you. Big blue arms snaked around your waist, lifting you right off of the ground.
“B!” you tried to push his arms away, to no avail. “I was talking to Sal and Jules,” you whined, said neighbours of yours laughing as you squirmed in the inescapable embrace. Barnaby yawned dramatically, one arm leaving your body to cover his mouth. You were basically being held like a football, now!
“Thanks for findin’ my teddy, you two! Means the world. I’m sure we’ll see ya around, yeah?” he waved at Sally and Julie, who giggled as you accepted your fate. Barnaby chuckled a little as you went limp, headed to his house. “I could use a nice nap out on the hammock, y’know? How’s that sound, bear?”
“You’re a pain in my rear, B.”
“Awe. I love ya too, toots!”
Receiving: words of affirmation
Barnaby is a funny guy who is always trying to make those around him feel happy, but sometimes, he can get pretty self conscious. Was he being too loud? Was he coming off as too lighthearted? Was he being funny enough? Was he being annoying? It brings with great relief when you put these worries of his at ease. When you laugh at his jokes and tell him how funny they were, when you assure him that you know he cares, when you take him seriously while others only see him as a joke? It simply means so very much to the big ol’ dog. When you cheer him up after he’s been feeling down, you can bet you’ll be getting loving snuggles for days!
Giving: words of affirmation
This southern man is full of pure southern charm, whether it be intentional or not! He is a sweet talker, naturally so, always so incredibly kind to you and those around. You will hear constant compliments from the mailman, such high praise, and so much reassurance! He gives you a confidence boost for sure.
“Why, to what do I owe the pleasure of stumblin’ among this pretty little peach on such a fine day?” Eddie leaned against the fence in your front yard.
“Good morning to you too, Eddie,” you chuckled, cheeks pinkening. 
“Good morning, sugar,” he smiled in return. “How goes it today, hun? You’re lookin’ gorgeous this mornin’,”
“Eddie, I literally just rolled out of bed,” you snickered, straightening up his crooked hat for him. He must have taken a stumble. Nonetheless, he leaned over and pecked your forehead.
“I said what I said,” he grinned.
Receiving: acts of service, words of adfirmtatiojn 
Eddie is forgetful, that is no secret at all. He always tends to accidentally leave something behind. His hat, a letter or package meant to be delivered, pens, so many things! When you remind him or bring them to him, he is so thankful! Another thing well known about Eddie is that he is quite the klutz! Although most times he manages to catch himself, he does occasionally trip and get hurt. When you gladly help him out with his injuries, he falls in love with you just a little more. Especially if you kiss it better! Sometimes, he gets pretty bashful about it. When you tell him you don't mind one bit and that you’re willing to go above and beyond for anything he needs, his heart flutters with joy!
Giving: quality time
Frank can be very quiet and reserved, keeping to himself. He enjoys his quiet time, but even more so, he enjoys his quiet time spent with you! He appreciates someone that he can spend time with little to no words shared at all, or a whole lot of them if you’re willing to listen to his rambles, so if you feel the same, he greatly appreciates your company. He often seeks you out for your presence in these cases. When you are doing something together, chances are, he will tell you some of his favourite facts about the butterflies around, the subject of the book you are reading, etcetera! He thinks that you are neat, so will tell you and teach you about this neat stuff to express his feelings toward you.
“At first, this butterfly may appear to be a monarch. Although, if you take a closer look, you can notice this line on the hind wing, which means that it is not actually a monarch, but a viceroy butterfly instead,”
You and Frank sat side by side, a book open between you. You two were in the garden, backs against a tree, watching for any cool insects that came to check out the plants.
“Is there a reason why they look so much alike?”
“Well, monarchs are poisonous to eat because of a toxin in milkweed they consume when young. Their appearance allows predators to know they’re not for eating. Viceroy’s copy this appearance to keep safe from predators as well,”
“Is there anything you don’t know about butterflies?” You chuckled, peeking at him.
“There’s always more to learn,” He smiled. You smiled back, shaking your head in amusement. 
“I like it when you teach me. you describe things better than any book ever could,” you told him. His cheeks reddened, and he shifted his position slightly. 
“I like teaching you. It makes me happy that you’re so willing to listen. I know I’m quite ‘nerdy’, Julie tends to make a point of reminding me, so it’s nice to have someone who shares the same appreciation towards things like this as myself,” Frank admitted, plucking at some grass. “Basically, what I’m trying to say… thank you. I appreciate it, a lot,”
“You’re more than welcome, Frank,”
Receiving: gift giving, quality time
A new book? For him? About his favourite subject at the moment? You bet he is jumping with joy, cheeks flushed and a smile on his face! He’s so happy! A new butterfly net, after his last one broke? (darn it, Julie!) Wow! You just always know how to make his day. Along with this, Frank enjoys spending time alone to unravel sometimes. With you, though, he enjoys it a lot as well. When you come over, a book in hand, sitting down next to him and quietly reading with him? He loves moments like those.
Giving: physical affection, acts of service
Julie loves, loves, loves, hugs! Any moment they get, their arms are wrapped around you! If you two are walking together, you can bet that her hand is in yours or your arms are interlocked. She likes to run errands both for you or with you, as well! Oh, you want a snack from Howdy’s? She’ll come along with you to keep you company! You’re not feeling well? Don’t worry! They’ll go fetch you some soup from Poppy! You are their favourite person, they’re more than willing to do whatever you need.
Receiving: physical affection
Julie likes receiving hugs and such as much as giving them! Sometimes, they’re a little nervous that they’re being a little too clingy, too touchy. When you return her acts of affection though, she is reassured that you aren’t feeling this way! Either way, if you simply told her, she would understand and tone it down a notch. Anything to make sure you’re comfortable! Another thing that they like is if you play with their hair! Run your hands through it, put it up for them, braid it, whatever you feel like! It’s one of their most favourite feelings in the world.
“Can you play with my hair, please?” Julie leaned towards you, flashing you the classic puppy eyes. “I need some help with brushing it!” She claimed, holding a brush out towards you. With a light hearted sigh of amusement, you took the brush from her, sitting down with a smile.
“C’mere,” you patted the space between your legs. She gladly plopped right down, getting comfy as you started on her hair, beginning at the ends.
“Thank you!” She said, chipper and happy that you complied. You slowly dragged the brush through her hair, fingers following behind, carefully untangling any little knots.
“You’re very welcome,” you smiled, noticing how much her body relaxed into yours. She basically melted under your touch, sinking back against you. “You really do like this, don’t you?” you snickered softly.
“I really do,” she admitted shamelessly, grinning. “I can’t help it! It feels so nice and calming. Plus it gives me an excuse to spend more time with you!" she added. "Reminds me of when I was a kid as well,” she released a soft sigh, seeming to think back to when her siblings used to help with her hair.
“Yeah, I get that,” you smiled, knowing she missed them sometimes. “I don’t mind at all. I enjoy it,”
Giving: gift giving/acts of service
Poppy is a gift giver and a favour doing. She loves it! Baking your favourite treats for you, quilting a cute new blanket for your couch, crocheting a comfy sweater for you, everything of that sort! Definitely her favourite thing to do. She loves those activities on their own, even more so with the intent of gifting them to her fellow neighbours, and even more so with the intent of gifting them to you!
“Oh, good mornin’, hun!” Poppy exclaimed, pleased to see you at her barn. “I didn’t expect you to stop by today. I’m glad, though. I was actually just finishing up some baked goods for you,” she ushered you in with a smile.
“Poppy! You didn’t need to,” you returned the smile with ease. Everything she did tended to put one on your face, afterall. 
“You know I love to, though. It keeps me busy, gives me something to do! A break from all the chaos the others always seem to get up to. Goodness, some days I feel they’ll give me a heart attack!” She held her feathered arm over her chest for emphasis.
“I certainly understand that,” you agreed with a chuckle. “Thank you, Poppy.”
Receiving: acts of service
Now, despite enjoying doing things for you all the time and seeing it as no big deal, the moment you do something for her, she's so flustered! You didn’t need to do that for her! It’s strange having the roles switched, but she does find the feeling very pleasant. She knows that the things she does are done out of love, so having things done for her in a similar way just warms her heart.
Giving: words of affirmation
Sally loves to give you compliments! How nice you look, how good your performance was, how much it means to her for you to help her with her plays, so many things! Sweet words are always spilling from her mouth! She likes to see how flustered she can make you, sometimes. You look so cute!
Receiving: quality time/gifts
Sally loves it when you spend time with her, especially when she is rehearsing for one of her plays! Say the lines with her, she appreciates it an extra bit! She always puts on her best performance when you are around. You bring her confidence and energy. When you come and watch her neighbourhood plays, she’s so happy seeing you in the crowd! If you volunteer to play a role in it? OH MY GOSH!!! Gives an extra good excuse to spend more time with you, too!
“Sally!” You called out after a show, catching the (literal) stars' attention. Her face (literally ;) ) lit up at the sight of you, rushing over to talk. 
“Hi! Did you like the show? How did I look? I made a mistake in that first scene, but I think I covered it up alright!”
“You did amazing,” you smiled, “so amazing, that I brought you these!” You removed your hands from behind your back, presenting a small bouquet of flowers to her. Her eyes widened in surprise, cheeks going red.
“Goodness, aren’t those pretty! You are just the sweetest to me,” she gave you a bright grin, examining the flowers. 
“You deserve it,” you replied.
this took forever, but in honour of the update, i decided to finally finish it to post! hi! it's been awhile, haha! if you saw my absolutely butchered spelling in eddie's, yes, i know it's bad. i don't know what was wrong with my spelling that day but i just noticed it again while getting this ready and had a little laugh! maybe you did too! now! i will probably disappear for another period of time, haha! i hope you enjoyed this different post of mine, and i will see you soon! i am also going to go through some old inbox messages! feel free to leave one at any time, i always love to hear your thoughts and talk to you, and i always check them! here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) a howdy fic, as well! these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
likes and reblogs are extremely appreciated! farewell, for now!
Posted Monday, July 25, 2023 at 2:45 PM
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Romantic hcs for Howdy or Julie x short reader? 🤔
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(I'm sorry i couldn't resist putting this meme)
Howdy pillar & Julie joyful (separate) with a short s/o (hcs)
Julie joyful
She loves how short you are!
Even if its just a few inches
If your short/small enough, she will happily give you a piggyback ride :)
(Even if you're taller or bigger then her, she will still give you piggyback rides because she is STRONG-)
She reaches things for you
She is pretty short herself but if your shorter then it was probably quite nice surprise when she first met you!
She sometimes scales the both of you on a wall with crayons to see if either of you have grown
Bothers Frank about how cute you are
Regular interaction between Frank and Julie:
"look at my cute and short partner!" *she points at you* "yes Julie...you've told me 27 times this week alone." "Well. Still! Look at them!"
Howdy pillar
He carries you everywhere, no questions asked.
He moves furniture on the daily like its nothing, what makes you think you wouldn't be carried everywhere??
He holds you like a cat.
He's one of the tallest so you being short isn't really a big deal to him
He can reach everything and everywhere
Need something?? He's already holding it out for you
He has multiple arms so he can basically carry you EVERYWHERE
He measures your height every few months to see if you've grown
Except he actually uses a scale
Hugs are the best with him
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Hi. I saw your requests were open and wanted to see if i could ask for one so here goes nothing.
I have an idea thats been bouncing around in my brain for the past three days. I was wondering if you could write a story with the whole cast of welcome home. Basically reader is the neighbourhood doctor and is the one everyone goes to when they rip or tear. The reader has special sheets of felt and fabric that match the felt colour of every neighbour.
One day, Wally needs a patch after an accident, and the reader realises that they don't have any yellow felt left, and starts to panic thinking wally is going to be upset. Wally comforts them and they decide to make a nice colourful patch using some scraps they had.
Next thing they know, all the nieghbours want to replace their old patches for pretty coloured ones. What colours do you think they would want?
Thank you for at least reading this dumb idea.
Headcanons - What Colour Patches They Would Want
Hi! Cute idea! I'll just be making quick headcanons for this since I'm not quite in the mood to write a whole thing. Thanks for your patience in me getting this done!
Also, I don't remember if I already did but I'll be removing word counts from headcanon posts because they're just gonna be short. It's too much of a hassle.
Type: Headcanons, platonic
Tw: Injury, stitches/stitching/puppet repairing(?), food
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Wally takes whatever scraps there are. He doesn't really care what it looks like, so long as it's colourful. Maybe he'd just go with the same sort of fabric as his pants to keep it in style with his wardrobe.
Julie wants flowers, of course! Daisies, tulips, sunflowers, roses...The possibilities are endless! Maybe with a green background so it looks like grass. That, or she'd like something with rainbows.
Sally wants something simple, yet elegant. A simple repeating pattern would be lovely. Maybe it's cut in the shape of a star? Or, if you're up for it, a star shape using one fabric with other fabrics for the trail! Red would be her colour of choice.
Frank would like something bug themed. Surely you have something of that, right? Maybe some beetles or butterflies--or both! He probably gt the injury from bug hunting, too!
Eddie would like a classic pattern like hearts or clouds. A bit symbolic of him, really; he's a lover, not a fighter, and he's always got his head up in the clouds. He'd also like his fabric cut in a heart shape, too. Or one of those people-shaped chains!
Howdy wants anything except a plain colour. Stripes to match his uniform? How fitting for his store aesthetic! Some of his products? He's a walking advertisement! Just don't make it boring.
Barnaby Complete opposite to Howdy. He just wants a nice plain colour--unless you have polka-dots. Then maybe (definitely) he'd settle for that. But otherwise, he doesn't care for fancy patterns. Just give him a nice shade of blue.
Poppy is far too indecisive to choose a pattern for herself. It becomes up to the rest of the neighbourhood to pick one for her! Eventually, she probably settles on a pattern of some eggs or some baked goods.
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experimentfae · 1 year
Welcome home x GN Human! Reader Headcanons
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Wally Darling
Wally seemed to be calm seeing you but in Reality surprised when he first saw you.
Very curious about you, you’re clothes, anything to do with where you came from and just about you in general.
Likes showing you his painting and don’t be surprised if he ask you about artist from you’re world.
If you know other types of apples Wally would be confused but curious even though he would prefer to stick to his classic red apples.
Would introduce you to home, it was awkward at the beginning but was thankful that you eventually warmed up to home.
Julie Joyful
She’s super excited about you she wanted to get to know you right away.
She would definitely love styling you’re hair, especially if it’s on the curly side she would love to touch, only when you allow her to of course.
She would definitely show you the games she invented and in return you could show her games you like to play. Julie would love to learn new ways to play.
She would make you part of her imaginary business no ifs or buts she hired you without you’re knowledge.
Frank frankly:
Definitely tried to study you no doubt about that.
Would constantly ask questions about human autonomy, you’re world and you’re culture basically is fascinated by you.
When you do give frank the knowledge that you are a human, they would probably looking for books about humans if they are lucky enough to find one and if they are not then they would write one themselves.
They would share there love for butterflies and maybe others bugs and ask you if bugs in you’re world look similar to the bugs in the neighborhood.
They would right down anything you told them about humans.
Eddie dear
He was actually the one to find you he got scared thinking you where dead but when you slowly woke up he was relieved, When he saw you at first he assumed you where just a big puppet.
But you informed Eddie that you are infact a human he begin wanting to know more about humans and you especially.
After you being at welcome home for a while he has the tendency to forget that you are not from here and that you are a human.
Eddie showed you his arts and craft hobby and would be happy if you enjoy it as much as he does, he even taught how how to make a paper chain.
Barnaby B.Beagle
Would be very shocked but definitely welcome you with open arms.
He calls you kid like everyone one in the neighborhood despite the fact everyone including you are around his age.
If you are homesick then Barnaby would tell you jokes to make you feel better.
Weirdly he wasn’t that interested in learning about humans he did ask questions but was rare for him to do so.
Sally Starlet
She was amazed by you she has never seen anything like you and wanted to learn about you.
Would ask questions about plays in your world and would also ask about the stars.
Sally would want you in one or more of her plays for sure she wants to make a play about what you told everyone about humans.
If you have a love for theater expect for her to involve you in her plays way more than before.
Howdy Pillar
When he first saw you he was bewildered and curious so he definitely asked a lot of questions.
He have asked about small businesses work in you’re world, you told him about currency and how business works he definitely shocked it’s the same but so different at the same time.
You often come and you found that in exchange for his stuff it was facts about world or other humans which you happily appreciated that form a currency.
Was confused on what some items you where talking about such as bandaids, or frozen foods.
Poppy Partridge
Which was confused by you’re appearance but soon learned what you are, she’s no longer surprised but now just confused.
Just like Barnaby she isn’t that curious about humans and there lives she’s more curious about you personally.
If you have a knowledge about baking she would ask what do humans make, of course you answer her questions which made her right it down immediately to remember for another time.
Poppy would be shocked to find that you need to eat to survive usually she just baked or cooked just cause she likes how the food looks, just like the other puppets so she would be very motherly and check on you daily to see if you ate enough today.
<- Back to MasterList or back to welcome home
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Neighborhood interactions~
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From my Wattpad book~
Hint; you’re taller than poppy.
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msadmiral · 1 year
Hi I have a request!
Could you write about Julie befriending a reader that comes of as scary by accident?
(If you don’t do readers could you write about Julie befriending frank who comes of as scary when he first arrived?)
Oh no problem! Here’s some content for our favorite girl!
Julie Joyful x Unintentionally scary! Reader headcanons!
By yours truly, MsAdmiral💖🖤
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{💕🌸} When you first moved into Home, you had high doubts about the neighbors accepting you into the neighborhood.
{💕🌸} You had moved from your old home in hopes of starting anew in a place more accepting of your outward looks (and to get away from the constant judgment). You had been greatly persecuted in the past for your natural ominous aura and appearance. So once you saw how bright and colorful your new neighbors were, you thought you were in for some HUGE trouble...
{💕🌸} In your first few days in the neighborhood, you did everything you could to avoid social interaction. You stayed inside, you ignored the knocks on your front door, you only accepted gifts from your neighbors if they left them on your porch, you watched the neighbors play outside from your window... Basically ostracizing yourself out of fear and general anti-social purposes. You wanted to talk to your neighbors so badly. But then again, you were scared of what they’d think of you. Would they be like everyone else and push you away...? Would they discriminate against you for your appearance...? You didn't know. And you weren't sure if you were ready to...
{💕🌸} After a while of not being able to interact with you, most of the neighbors began to give up on trying to talk to you. But not Julie... She befriended an introvert once (Frank lol-) and she can do it again!!
{💕🌸} It took a bit of ‘mindful observation’ from afar for Julie to figure out your schedule (stalker who-), and she was finally able to figure out when you left your house for the store!
{💕🌸} Just imagine you were coming back from the store with a bag of your favorite snacks (specifically for one of your lonely depression binge snacking what-) when all of a sudden you hear “NEIGHBOR!! Neighbor, neighbor!! Wait up!! Neighbor!!!” screamed out from behind you. Think of an excited golden retriever at the dog park.
{💕🌸} Now, you could have two logical reactions in this scenario. One, you freeze in confusion and let Julie catch up to you. Or two, you make a freaking USAIN BOLT dash to your house. Regardless, Julie still catches up to you. She’s pretty fast for a little lady! “Hello there neighbor~!!! I've been wanting to meet you for so long, I just haven't been able to catch you until now!”
{💕🌸} You were horrified at first when Julie first caught you. But after a while, you got a bit confused. Flustered confused... She seemed so happy being able to talk to you and she didn't even seem slightly spooked by your appearance at all! You didn't know what to think...
{💕🌸} After a few minutes of excited chatter, Julie decided to drag you around the neighborhood to properly introduce you to all the neighbors- especially Frank since he’s her best friend (safe to say that you and Frank definitely bonded over your similar introductions). You were extremely mortified throughout all of it. But with Julie’s optimistic and encouraging attitude, you could say that you ‘warmed up’ a little…
{💕🌸} From then on out, you and Julie would hang out constantly- occasionally with Frank as well- and do everything together. Sleep overs, tea parties, picnic dates. Even just going out to get the mail!
{💕🌸} Julie would eventually help you open up to the other neighbors. It would take a lot of time, but she was patient! And after a while, you yourself became your own social butterfly- regardless of how your appearance made you stand out! But even as you got close to the other neighbors, nothing would overpower your friendship with Julie.
“Best friends forever, neighbor~!”
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Once again, so sorry for the wait! I’m multitasking a lot of things on my plate right now. Thank you for your patience! And thank you very much for your ask!
Have a good day/night, anon~!
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*̾ HEY IM NOT SURE IF ITS OK BUT,,, could i get a julie joyful + avian/winged!reader/yn with small wings? like platonically if thats ok!!
Yes yes yes!
Julie joyful x winged/avian reader
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★Since everyone at home has a neat backstory I'm going to give you one too! You where flying over the little town and got tangled up in a kites string. The owner of the kite? You can guess who it belonged to.
★ After falling down to the ground Julie apologized about a hundred times. She cut you loose with a pair of safety scissors, it took awhile...
★ She brought you to the only real bird in town in hopes that you could recover from the kite incident on her barn. Poppy truly is a mother hen. One thing led to another and eventually you became the newest neighbor in town.
★ Julie tries to dye your wings and feathers with various things. Berry juice, petals and charcoal are all thing she will try, it ends up looking pretty nice but took up a lot of time.
★ Just think of all the games you can play! She can play fetch with you but instead of running you cet to fly. Because she is a puppet she's fairly light, if you want you can definitely fly her places.
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ten-shi-fandoms · 1 year
Welcome Home
☆ When were off together dancing cheek to cheek
Wally Darling, Julie Joyful, Barnaby B. Beagle
Perfect to Wally
I love you too
♡Wally Darling
"What can I say,your a great muse."
Painting buddies
"Everything will be fine"
"Don't worry safe now, I promise."
Just give me one more chance, one more glance
♡Julie Joyful
♡Barnaby B. Beagle
♡Frank Frankly
♡Eddie Dear
♡Howdy Pillar
Treated injuries
♡Poppy Partridge
♡Sally Starlet
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djljpanda · 11 months
Do you have any headcannons about dating Julie joyful?
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You call her jewels or JJ
She loves all the nicknames you give her
I honestly see you guys as the sunshine and sunshine protector
Always trying new hair styles with you
She is there for you when you are feeling down
I feel like she would always try to dress you up as if you were her own doll
Late night calls every night
You both def have a hair routine or more like a night and morning routine
She does bake for you every chance she gets
I feel like Julie has a diary and in that diary your whole relationship is documented
Julie remembers and knows everything about you from you favorite color all the way to what you dream about at night
Morning walks together is a thing between you after making a delicious breakfast together
She does arrive to dates with different hair styles
She does appreciate when you help her with her hair
You did get to meet all of her siblings and yes they did give you the TALK
Sometimes you do go with her to visit her family at the beginning of you guys relationship but soon her family just wants to see you
She confessed to you on Valentine's day with some chocolates
She is a great listener and is always the shoulder you have when you need to cry and she is happy to be that for you
She would defend you if anyone would upset you in any way
I feel like your guys relationship is really a fairytale kind and one of the healthiest I know
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡!
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Pairing: Julie Joyful x GN!Reader (platonic)
Genre: Fluff, Heacanons.
CW: None
Requested by anon: Can you do julie friend headcanons please 🌈:)
being around her is. is chaotic.
everyday she'll come to your house the moment you woke up and almost immediately she wanted to hang out
she very forgetful and sometimes she wanted to bring something to play and hang with you but she forgot too, and she'll spent hours to think of what she wanted and what she need, you'll probably have to help her a lot
she sometimes randomly have random burst of energy and started running around like a child and being all hyper and she can't stay still. ya gotta help her with that too
she LOVES rambling to you, she'll rambles about her other friends and about her day and a lot of stuff!! she's a very hyper girl who get lost in her own world so easily but please listen to her rambles she would appreciate it!!
she can be hyper and all but sometimes she can lack a lot of energy and be pretty tired and gloomy, ya just need ta' help her through it
overall she's a good friend to have! she can be loud and yell but not in a mad angry way she just hyper! so please appreciate her!! she loves you as her friend a tons and she wish you'll never leave her side never and ever :))
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
can i get a uhhhhhhhhhhh head canons for wally and/or julie with a emotional reader?(really sad, really happy, really mad, frustrated, etc? just rollercoaster emotions)
if not, its okay, i love your works<3
Of course, anon! Would you like pickles with that?
I get really emotional too, so these should be fun to do! I haven't gotten any requests for anything with Julie yet, either, so this'll help me with writing her! Thanks so much for saying you love my stuff, also!! It really makes it all worthwhile to know my writing makes people smile!! Enjoy!!
Wally and Julie x emotional!reader Headcanons🍎🛼
It's hard not to get caught up in Julie's cheery mood!!
(Sometimes you wonder how she's such good friends with Frank...)
When you're feeling down Julie's strategy is to distract you and make you perky again!! "Hey, why don't we play a game!?"
When you're feeling down Wally's strategy is to talk through your feelings and to let you know he's there for you. "Tell me what's got you feeling gray. I'm here to listen."
Both methods are good, but sometimes you need one thing more than the other
Or both! You go to both of them with your problems sometimes
Crying on Wally's shoulder (literally)
Laughing till you cry with Julie
If you scrape your knees on the sidewalk, you'll get frustrated and try not to cry
Julie will pretend not to notice and suggest you go get ice cream together
Wally will give you a hug and let you cry as much as you need
When you get mad Wally is patient and willing to talk it out
When you need to vent Julie will sit and listen to your story (she'll gasp really dramatically and be totally 100% with you)
Doing hopscotch and chalk games with Julie- lots of active fun
Making chalk art with Wally- relaxing and theraputic
Either way you end up with chalk on your clothes
When you get really worked up Wally is good for being there until you're calm again
His voice is really soothing
Feeling so happy you start to cry, and Wally getting concerned thinking you're upset
Sometimes you get angry enough to get in an argument with Julie
You always make up when you're cooled off
If it takes you a while to calm down about something Wally will help you do relaxing activities
He's your rock, and Julie is your squishy fun marshmallow
This was sort of written like Wally and the reader are dating, and Julie and the reader are best friends!! Hope that's what you were thinking of, heh. Hope you liked these!! They were fun to write! Thanks for requesting them, I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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Platonic girl’s night with Julie? (i.e. painting nails, talking about crushes, pillow fights, hair rollers, spa face masks with cucumber slices on the eyelids, the works!)
OMG- I've been waiting my entire life for this! :DDD This is the best day everrrrr :]]]
(Sorry if this isn't what you expected or wanted, I've never had a girls night :( )
Julie joyful doing a girls night with a fem!reader (Platonic) [small hcs]
Okay let's start with nails,
Even if your nails are super short or bitten, she will find a way to stylize them.
She for some reason, has all colors of nail polish!
She'll talk about literally anything while doing your nails
Or if you want, you can do her nails!
She'll mostly talk about wally and whatever happened during her day
She'll say "omg- don't tell anybody about this buuuut" whenever she's gonna spill the tea🍵
She doesn't say anybodys secrets ofc, but will talk about gossip and drama going on
She is amazing with her hands, she can probably do any design and style
"TIME FOR HAIIIRRRRR!" Quote by Julie after your nails FINALLY DRYED.
She has a bunch of different hair products for every different type of hair, wavy,curly,straight,tangled,etc
If you have straight hair, she's more then happy to pull out her curling iron :)
Or braid your hair!
(Not to mention hair rollers..)
If you have curly hair or wavy hair, she can straighten it if you want
Very soft hands
You won't even feel her brushing your hair!
Probably watches all studio ghibli movies together.
Alot of face masks. I mean alot.
You'll probably have like 20 on your face and stuff, she'll still insist that you need more XD
No I will not elaborate.
After all the faces masks, your skin will look more flawless then it already is :)
She will talk about anything. I mean it.
(Random hc of mine) she has 2 Nintendo switches, she'll give you the cuter one so you can both play animal crossing together, she already bought it for you :D
You two probably do play animal crossing or call of duty. There is no in between.
Most likely while waiting for the faces masks to work. (Most take 15-20 mins)
She got the best snacks and food.
Ramen. Chips. Fries. Pizza. McDona-
Has a very large water bottle for drinking because staying hydrated is healthy.
Like it has times and how much to drink on it.
Like 2pm, 5pm, etc.
She loves giving you random accessories!
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Julie Joyful- Giant reader headcanons
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🪀 First thing she does is ask to be picked up and spun around by you.
🪀 you're essentially a jungle gym to her; she's always climbing you and swinging on one of your arms.
🪀when she's not full of too much energy, she'll just cling to your calf as you walked to enjoy the ride.
🪀 often tries to convince Frank to play with you both or at least give climbing you a try. [never succeeds.]
🪀 since you can't play games like hopscotch or jump rope, she settles for having you be a score keeper.
🪀 often goes to you if a toy is stuck in a high place.
🧸 she secretly likes it when you idly tap at her horns.
🧸 if you're laying on your belly, she'll lay on your back, and sometimes falls asleep while sunning.
🧸 wishes that Frank would trust you.
🧸 sometimes just plays with your face, making you pull silly faces.
🧸 frequently has many tea parties with you and is known to talk your ear off.
🧸 really wants to see what your home looks like for a sleepover.
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Headcanons about being in a mutually exclusive throuple with Wally Darling and Julie Joyful (Fem! Bi! Reader in mind, but you can apply it to your gender if you want.)
Julie was the first to fall in love with you. Wally took a little more time. He was always flirty with you, but one fine day, he realised it was more than mere amusing flirting. He truly admired you and loved you. It was helped by the fact that his darling Julie had practically adopted you. More love means more happiness.
Julie was more than happy to show you around in the Neighbourhood. You two became very sisterly friends at first. You both bonded on your love of crafts and giving back to community.
Wally, ever the flirt, always liked to tickle your hand or just scratch your head as he went away, just to see you blush.
You fell hard for Wally and his gallant, old school ways of going about his life (you are a vintage aficionado). He never fails to put you in a happy little trance when he sings to you or does his doe eyes.
They always insist that you sleep in the middle of the queen bed. But you sometimes do cajole Wally into taking place in the middle, some nights. He's an expert at cuddling with two harms, almost like a player (though the concept of players would disgust him). You love to smell Julie's candy-perfumed hair when you spoon her. And you are soothed by Wally's heartbeat and low voice when he hums as you spoon. When it's Julie in the middle, both Wally and you loves to tickle her.
Your neighbours at first found it peculiar, but they all embraced you three when they saw how happy you were.
Eddie married you three: ''By the power invested in me and Home's permission, I now pronounce you husband, wife and wife. You may now kiss each other (cue you three kissing, using both of Wally's cheeks and then Wally french-kissing Julie and you.).''
One fine day, Julie was now pregnant. You were more than happy to be that child's second mother. You named the child Julina.
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May I request something for Julie,Poppy and Sally(separate) with a dragon reader who hid that they were a dragon because they grew up reading the stories about dragons and are worried about being feared or attacked?
Recently I've been trying to write longer and more detailed posts, this being one of those attempts. Hope you enjoy the headcannons! (⁠^⁠-^⁠)
Julie, Poppy and Sally x dragon Reader
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★ Julie met you while visiting her family, she got lost and stumbled upon you. You don't like to live near people so the forest is where you call home. Being under the same umbrella as you (rainbow monster) you warmed up to her quickly.
★ Not realizing you where hiding from people, she immediately introduced you her family. Bringing the joyful family into the dense forest you call home. It went surprisingly well, and now you're a friend to the little family.
★ Imagine all the new games she can play with someone who has wings! During a game of hide and seek you could hide on top of a the post office and win every time. In capture the flag you could hide the flag where nobody can reach! The possibilities are endless...
★ She doesn't understand why you hide yourself. After all, she's a Rainbow Monster and never has she needed to hide her identity. Everyone in home is so friendly, she can't imagine a place where people are mean.
★ You meet the rest of the town through her. It's a classic case of a extrovert adopting a introvert. She goes around Home knocking on people's doors and introducing you to them.
★ If that's too much for you, she does the same thing but over the phone so you don't need to leave your house. Introducing you to Frank first because he is her best friend and she's definitely told him about you beforehand.
★ This mother hen is deeply concerned, if you live in the deep forest where do you get your food? What if you get lost in the forest?? Do you even have running water there??? These are the things that come to mind when she learns about you.
★ Do you like pastries? If you do she puts together a basket full of various cookies, puff pastries and cream puffs then gives it to Eddie for delivery. It took Eddie an hour to find your house because he kept getting lost.
★ Like you Poppy has wings. Except hers are used for baking, not flying. Technically she could fly if she really wanted to but she's too scared to try. By proxy, she's scared that you will hurt yourself while flying.
★ She covers her eyes when you take off from a high place because she can't bring herself to watch you jump into the air. What if you fall?!?
★ To quell your fear of being in public places she knits you a cape-like poncho that covers most of your body. Poppy can assure you that nobody in home would ever hurt you, but if this makes you more comfortable then so be it.
★ Being the towns theater kid, she's well-versed in story's about dragons. Congratulations, you got this star to be enamored with you. Never in her life has she seen a dragon! She asks you so. Many. Questions.
★ Sally likes to cast you in her plays as the hero character, despite the situational irony. Only casting you as the "bad guy" when you audition for the role. She refuses to promote any mean/harmful stereotypes in her plays!
★ When you tell her that the way dragons are portraid in old plays is inaccurate and problematic, she feels really really bad. She gives you some written copies of her performances (specifically the ones with dragons in them) for some constructive criticism.
★ Stories focusing on dragons are now among her favorite genres. Darker stories about dragons being hunted and driven out of towns are a bit too dark for her. More lighthearted stories about dragons collecting gold, jewels and knowledge are what she finds riveting.
★ The change in perspective inspires her to write manuscripts for stories about dragons. With your help, of course. What if she re-wrote old stories but instead of being "evil" the dragon is the hero?
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