#just a tad hint of spice?
unabashedfae · 2 years
short, fluffy, levi ackerman oneshot ahoy (mentions of loss, trauma, smut):
He stared at you while you slumbered, the light of the waning moon softly bristling through the windows. Truth be told, he’d been staring at the starry sky, so clear, so beautiful, a reminder that life moved on, that the world moved on, despite the many losses and encumbering moments that had marked him forever. Sometimes, his mind was utter chaos, remembrances of the departed singing their lullabies through the gaps he was currently mending. 
But then you’d snored. Loudly. It wasn’t unusual, mind, but it was always, without fail, such an adorable quirk of yours that he loved to enjoy. No one knew of this, not even yourself. Meant you were in deep sleep, finally relaxed after a tiring few weeks. And, well, after the exhausting night you’d had… He smirked when the delicious thoughts crossed his memory, eclipsing, for the time being, his more somber thoughts. 
Fingers danced across your back in hushed motions, ghosts of traces that were barely there, barely felt. You were such a fragile thing, a most precious human being. He was afraid that one day, perhaps, he would lose you too. Afraid every time he touched you that he would somehow manage to break you. If he recalled correctly, he’d mentioned it to you once. 
You had smiled. Not out of pity, no. But a genuine, heartfelt, smile that seemed to say, try me fool. Silent encouragement if he ever heard something like it. Saw something like it. Logically, he knew you were strong, so strong. Carried a weight the world could never ponder. Know of. And even though your fights had been entirely different, life had been equally unforgiving for you. You’d endured so much. How could he still call you fragile? 
Fear could do that to a man, he supposed. He vowed he would keep working on it, though. 
His hands settled on your hip, visible from the tossing and turning you’d been doing, sheets tangled across your legs. His thumb absentmindedly glided over and around it, his eyes following a different path altogether. Across your back, to your neck, hair tangled in a messy bun. You were life incarnate. A gift, perhaps, he didn’t deserve. But one he’d selfishly welcomed into his fold. It had been quite silent before he met you despite the remnants of people that still lingered around. He supposed he was grateful there even were people to still be there. People that knew of, and shared, his grief. People that understood. 
You, the breath of fresh air he’d sorely been craving. 
He got closer to you, pulled you closer to his warmth, kissed that bed of hair softly, reverently. Held you tight, never wanting to let go. He would love and cherish you for the rest of his life however he could, beyond grateful that he’d even come across such a heavenly existence in this oftentimes dark world. A miracle, some might say. 
His miracle. 
His world. 
Soft wind blew through the open balcony doors, the curtains swaying gently. His lips just as gentle sliding across your shoulder, your neck. He wanted to bask in your taste forever. Your scent just as alluring as the flavors that met his tongue. You groaned softly, a tease of the noises that often came out of you, a byproduct of his touch. His fervent hunger ever the starved beast for you. Of you. 
Always craving you. 
He ought to let you rest. 
But you moaned so sweetly in your sleep, opened up so beautifully to his touch, how could he resist? 
His beautiful gift. His beautiful world. His one reminder that life could be more than the past. More than the present. 
His future.
hi there, call me alice, or fae, whichever you'd like! just wanted to introduce myself to this part of the fandom the right way ahahaaaaa. please consider supporting? like, reblog, comment?
i have an AO3 if you wish to read more? find me here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Masters_Brat/works
have a great day/afternoon/evening friends.
please do not repost. thanks.
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maverickbabes · 1 year
One Kiss
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One Kiss
Aged!up!Neteyam Sully x female!navi!Omatikaya!reader!
Both Neteyam and Reader are 17
Warnings: mentions of jerking off, use of nickname 'ma pretty girl', 'ma y/n' and 'ma pretty mate/ma mate', innocent!reader, teases of wet dreams, kissing, cussing, Neteyam is in denial with his feelings cause he's a good boy, Neteyam's naughty thoughts of his best friend, hints of spice
FLUFFY FLUFF JUST A BUNCH OF CUTENESS FOR THIS ONE WITH A HINT OF SPICE. this is a tad bit long but it's worth it hehe
Summary: Neteyam's been having vivid wet dreams of his best friend y/n and feels guilty about it especially when they go stargazing one night. He avoids her for days as he went through this internal battle of his feelings that he had of y/n and about what he wanted to do. Finally he finds y/n by the lake and takes what he wants.
"Oo ouch ouch!" Neteyam grumbles as y/n gently wipes the damp cloth over the wound on his shoulder. Y/n chuckles as she puts the the cloth back into the bowl full a water before wringing it out.
"Stop moving and it wouldn't hurt as much teyam" Y/n says as she gently wipes the rest of the blood off his shoulder. Neteyam holds his breath as he feels her soft and small hands run along his back and shoulder blades.
She grabs one of the gauze wraps and some herb ointment to help with the healing and began wrapping up the wound. "There all patched up" Y/n whispers as she places her hand on his good shoulder.
Neteyam grabs her hand before turning around to face his best friend. They were sitting so close to each other, just inches away from each other which made his heart race. "Thank you for patching me up as always" He tells her with a chuckle.
Goosebumps cover y/n's body as she feels his breath against her neck. Neteyam notices the goosebumps that were littering all over her soft blue skin so he tilts his head to where he can see her face.
"What is it ma pretty girl?" Neteyam asks, some of his braids falling over his face and y/n instinctively squeeze her thighs together just from hearing him call her his pretty girl. "Nothing ma teyam" She says as she stood up and starts to put the supplies away.
"Let me take you somewhere" Neteyam says as he walks up to her, already knowing where to take her. Y/n turns around and looks at him to see a huge smile on his lips. "It's so late teyam I don't think it's a good idea" Y/n tells him with a worried look on her gentle face.
"Do you trust me?" He asks her grabbing her hands and she looks up at him with such adoration in her eyes. "Of course I trust you" She assures with no hesitation and he gives her hands a squeeze of reassurance before he leads her out the hut and towards his banshee.
Neteyam hops onto his ikran before reaching his hand out or y/n to take. Y/n hesitates before grabbing his hand and hoisting herself up behind him. "Ready?" He asks as she nods her head and mumbles out a soft 'yes' as she scoots up and puts her arms hesitantly around him. Neteyam blushes as he feels her arms wrap around him.
The ikran unfurls its wings and takes flight into the night sky. Y/n lets out a scream as she squeezes her arms around him, feeling Neteyam chuckle while he straightens them out. She lets out a carefree giggle as she closes her eyes enjoying the night air. "Woo-hoo!" Y/n cheers loudly as she feels the breeze gently blows through her braids.
"You smell so good teyam" She compliments without thinking of it or second thoughts. Neteyam's eyes widen from the compliment as he blushes, placing his free hand on hers against his chest. They fly through the air, enjoying the view and each other's company. Soon y/n feels her eyes get heavy so she leans her head on his good shoulder and closes her eyes.
He turns slowly to find the spot where his parents go to escape for their little dates and once he spots it he guides his ikran in that direction. "Ma pretty girl we're here" Neteyam whispers as he lands the banshee while y/n lifts her head and looks at where they were. "Where are we?" She asks as he helps her off and she looks around in amazement then gasping at how they have a perfect view of the stars.
"A secret spot" He says smiling as he pets his banshee as a way of thanks before giving him a little snack. "This is beautiful" She whispers breathlessly and he takes the moment to admire her. Her eyes sparkle from the stars and her smile made his heart jump. "Yea so beautiful" Neteyam said, his eyes drinking in how she looks before clearing his throat.
He lays on his back and opens his arm for her to lay on his chest and she giggles before resting her head on his chest while his hand rested against her hip. A comfortable silence fills the air as they murmur and point at the stars, giggling as they connect the stars in weird ways.
Y/n closes her eyes and falls asleep while listening to his heartbeat. He turns his head and notices that she's asleep so he watches her sleep, admiring how peaceful she looks. Neteyam notices that her top is rolled up and he glances to see her bare breast and nipple.
Suddenly he begins to feel hot and bothered as his head reels while he tries to look away. He takes a deep breath then reaches over to fix her top, touching her nipple in the process. Y/n lets out a moan as she shifts in her sleep, tucking her head into his neck. His mouth suddenly goes dry as he swallows before moving his eyes from her breast to her hips.
"The things you do to me without even trying ma pretty girl" He whispers to himself as he gently squeezes her hip before looking back up to the stars, trying to control himself. He takes this time to get lost in his thoughts which were about the girl sleeping in his arms.
Time seems to fly because soon the stars start to fade as the sun begins to rise slowly. Y/n opens her eyes and looks up at Neteyam to see him sleeping. She looks at him but it wasn't just a simple look, she takes this time to look at his features and admire them.
The way his chest rises and falls slowly with each breath
The way his lips are parted just a little
Some of his braids covering his face
Neteyam's eyes open and his amber eyes flash to her as she gives a shy smile. "Morning ma pretty girl" He mumbles in a sleepy tone, causing her to bite her lip and blush as she starts to get up with him following right behind. She smiles as she sees the sun just peaking through the horizon, turning the sky a mix of different shades of blue.
"Come, let's get us back home" Neteyam says as he places his hands on her hips to lift her up onto the ikran but she stops him. He looks at her with confusion written all over his face and she takes a deep breath. "I want to tell you something" She starts and he nods his head as to tell her to continue and she closes her eyes for a split second before looking back at him.
"I-I want you to uh um kiss me" She stutters out as Neteyam just stands there, not knowing what to say while his heart skipped a beat from that sentence. Silence fell between the two and y/n says the first thing that came to her mind. "For p-practice you know since I haven't had my first kiss" Y/n adds rambling on as she shifts on her heels awkwardly.
Neteyam opens his mouth like he was about to say something but closes it and let's out a sigh. He wants to kiss her so bad but he wants it to be with someone special. "No I think it should be with someone you deeply care about" He explains, feeling terrible as he watched her frown.
"Oh okay" Was all y/n said as she clears her throat before putting on a fake smile. "We should get back home" She tells him before grabbing onto the saddle and lifting herself up. Once she is situated, he climbs up with ease and y/n wraps her arms around him. The ride back was filled with so much tension that it could be cut with a knife.
He guides his banshee in the direction of where the healer hut was and it lands with grace as it shakes his head before letting out a playful noise. Neteyam helps her down and once she steadies her footing she gives him a fake smile and looks down at the ground trying to hide her tears.
"Get some sleep teyam, I'll see you later on today" She says as she gives him a final way before making her way to her hut. He watches her leave to make sure that she makes it safe but to also watch her. He stays there for a few seconds, feeling awful for rejecting her. Once she disappears into her hut, he makes a gesture to his ikran and heads back to his own hut.
Once Neteyam walks into his hut, he closes the front flap and goes towards his hammock, flopping onto it but quickly winces as he is reminded of his hurt shoulder. Too exhausted to do anything, he blows out the candle that gave the main light source for the hut and lets out a sigh as he quickly falls asleep.
"Ma teyam please" Y/n whimpers as she juts her hips up towards him, earning a soft moan. "I know ma pretty mate I know. Can you be patient for me?" Neteyam asks as he gently kisses her neck before making his way to her breast, taking her nipple into his mouth. Y/n moans as she arches her back, practically shoving her breast into his mouth. His fangs graze against her nip-
Neteyam wakes up with a start and sits up in his hammock, letting out a breath. He looks down and sees his erected cock peaking through his loincloth, leaking with precum. He lets out a frustrated noise, for now he was hot and bothered all because of yet another wet dream of y/n.
He lays back down double checking to make sure no one was around and slowly unties his loincloth. Even though he had his own hut he still likes to make sure no one was around before he pleased himself. Thoughts of the first night when y/n and him went stargazing flooded his mind.
Her intoxicating laugh
The way her braids framed her face and covered her eyes
The way her feather top hugged her breast and the way her hips swayed with the way she moved.
Don't even get him started on the way she let out a moan when he accidentally touched her nipple.
Closing his eyes, He begins to pump his cock into his hand as he uses the images that were engraved into his mind of that night. "Fuck y/n" He moans softly as he runs his thumb over his tip, taking some precum and lathering his cock more. Neteyam thinks of how her hips felt when he grabbed her while chasing her.
"Y/n oh fuck" He groans as he starts to jerk off faster, feeling his climax tightening in his abdomen as he moved his other hand towards his balls and began to play with them. Soon Neteyam cums on his abs/chest and lets out a sigh of relief. Once he was able to calm down, he reluctantly gets out of his hammock to go clean himself up.
He grabs a cloth and begins to clean off his chest, getting lost in his thoughts. Neteyam and Y/n have been best friends since childhood. They did everything together and they even had their own cute little tradition where they tell each other their wildest dreams during breakfast.
**memory 1**
"Oh come on teyam tell me" Y/n begs as she playfully shoves him by the shoulder. "Okay Okay but no laughing" Neteyam says, giving in to his best friend as he watches her do a little victory dance. He begins to tell her how he wants to follow his father's footsteps and become the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya tribe. "Now you tell me yours pretty girl" Neteyam says as he takes a sip of his sweet and refreshing drink.
She giggles as she takes a bite of her breakfast, chewing it quickly so she could tell her best friend her dream. "I want to become tsahik and help heal the people" She explains and he nods his head in agreement. "You will be an amazing tsahik, Mo'at would be a wonderful mentor" He says smiling as they continue to eat their breakfast.
That all stopped once He turned 15. He started to have wet dreams of y/n and that absolutely terrified him. He felt it was wrong to have those kinds of dreams of her but every other night, he would have a wet dream of her. He felt terrible for stopping their little ritual so abruptly but he felt embarrassed and didn't know how to tell her that he dreams of her in a way friends shouldn't.
**memory 2**
Silence fell between the two friends as Y/n stares at Neteyam in disbelief. "You don't wanna tell me your dream? But why we always tell each other our dreams and it's our own ritual" She questions as she feels tears prick at her eyes. Neteyam's heart ached from seeing her sad but he couldn't tell her. "I think that we've grown out of it" He says nonchalantly as he continues to eat his food, avoiding eye contact. Y/n grabs her breakfast and gets up, leaving the hut and Neteyam all alone.
For the next few days, Neteyam avoids y/n because of the guilt he feels with what he did and the dreams he has of her. He felt like a perv for touching her nipple while adjusting her top. Every time she tried to reach for him he would just avoid her. It killed him to avoid her but he didn't know what else to do because he didn't want his feelings control him and it didn't help that he felt like they weren't valid, it was like an internal battle with himself.
Y/n noticed how he avoided her. It broke her heart with how distant he was and whenever she tried to reach him he would just avoid her. She wiped her eyes as tears streamed down her face while her thoughts ran wild. "Why did I ask him to kiss me? That was so fucking dumb, so dumb" Y/n criticizes herself as she sits up in her mat and attempt to wipe the tears.
Once she felt like she was calm, she took a deep breath and stood up while running her hands through her braids, smiling at how she felt the hidden beads within her braids. She opens the front flap of her hut and sees Neteyam with his siblings. Taking a deep breath, she makes her way towards them and greets all of them before looking at Neteyam.
"Hey teyam" She says as she reaches out to give him a hug like they do every time they meet but this time is different. He just pats her on the shoulder before walking away with Lo'ak and that crushed her. Kiri notices the change in y/n's face so she reaches out to grab her shoulder before giving her a warm smile.
"You okay?" Kiri asks as y/n looks up and gives her a fake smile. "Yea I'm fine just a little tired is all" She reassures Kiri before looking down in an attempt to hide her tears. "Okay I'm going to go with the boys make sure they don't do something dumb" Kiri says as she gives y/n a quick hug before walking towards her brothers.
"Did I really fuck everything up?" Y/n mumbles to herself as she looks up at the sky, trying to get rid of her tears. "Y/n!" Tuk yells as she runs towards y/n while opening her arms. "Hi Tuk" Y/n says giggling as she lifts her up and squeezes her. Neteyam watches this and it hurts him to see her reactions every time she tries to give him a hug he'd just give her a pat on the shoulder before walking away.
"Bro are you even listening?" Lo'ak asks as he punches his older brother on the arm, snapping Neteyam out of his thoughts. "Yea yea I'm listening" Neteyam mumbles as he glances at Lo'ak before looking back at y/n. She lifts up Tuk and spins her around in the air, earning a happy giggle from the younger na'vi.
Lo'ak shakes his head before grabbing his brother by the shoulder and dragging him into the hut where their parents lived. "Alright everyone here" Jake says as he looks around to make sure is accounted for. "Tuk is with y/n" Neytiri says as she sits down next to her husband. Neteyam doesn't even listen to the conversation, all he could think about was y/n.
Neteyam runs his finger over her folds which earns him a gasp from y/n as it was a whole new sensation to her. "You're so wet for me ma pretty girl. All just from my touch" He hums as he slowly inserts a finger inside her soaking core. He slides his fingers out and tweaks her sensitive bud in between his index finger and thumb. "Mm only you ma teyam" She mewls as she feels him insert another finger in her.
Mo'at walks into the hut and immediately notices how Neteyam is detached from reality and in his own world. "Okay I think that's all" Jake concludes as he gets up and walks over to where the table was and gathered his bow and arrows. Everyone kind of went their own ways except for Mo'at, Kiri and Neteyam who were still in the Sully hut.
Mo'at places her hand onto Neteyam's shoulder which brings him back to reality and he looks up to see his grandmother smirking at him. "I hear Eywa saying that it's hard for you to embrace the dreams she is giving you Neteyam" Mo'at hints at him giving his shoulder a squeeze before sitting down at one of the mats.
Fear ran through his body as he looked up at his grandmother, a terrified look in his eyes. "Oh great mother!" Was all he said as he saw Mo'at laughs while Kiri giggled next to him. "No shame in it Neteyam, but I think you should listen to Eywa" Mo'at tells him as she gives him a wink before looking at Kiri with a knowing look.
"Neteyam get your bow and arrows, we're going hunting with dad" Lo'ak says peaking his head through the entrance for a split second then disappearing. Neteyam stands up and grabs his bow then makes his way out of the hut to follow his dad and younger brother.
Jake puts a finger to his lips as a way to say 'be quiet' and points to the creature that they were going to hunt. Lo'ak nods and gets into his position while Neteyam does the same. Thoughts filled Neteyam's head and he starts to think about his feelings for y/n, distracting him from the task at hand.
Y/n bewitched him since day one. From the way she talks to the way her innocence and sweetness radiates off of her. He doesn't just love her, He wants to consume her. He wants to consume her body and her soul along with just ruining her. "Neteyam" Jake says as his older son looks at him with a daze look. "You're not focused son, go clear your head" Jake tells him in which Neteyam shakes his head.
"Sorry sir I-" He begins to say but Jake raises his hand before looking at his son. "Go get some rest" Jake dismisses and Neteyam nods his head before getting up from his spot. "Hey that's not fair what about me dad" Lo'ak complains and Jake rolled his eyes. "Shut it son, you still need to help me hunt" Jake says and it was Lo'ak's turn to roll his eyes as they both began walking deeper in the forest.
Instead of going back to his hut and getting some rest, He decides he's going to walk around the forest to collect his thoughts. He makes the decision that he wants to kiss y/n even if it's only one time, He needs to feel her lips against his. "Fuck it" He mumbles as he starts walking towards the direction of Mo'at's hut, determined to find y/n.
"Y/n?" He calls out as he opens the front flap to be greeted with his grandma already looking at him. "Y/n went to the lake to collect some plants" Mo'at says as she gives him a warm smile. "Thank you grandma" He says as he leaves the hut and towards the lake. As he walks to the lake, he can feel his heart thumping against his chest as he thought of how she would react.
Neteyam finally makes it to the lake and stops in his tracks as he watches y/n gathers some plants by the lake. "Now or Never" He says to himself as he sets his bow down before making his way to y/n. The sound of leaves crushing catches y/n's attention as she turns around to see Neteyam standing there.
He closes the distance between them and grabs her face, crashing his lips against hers. Y/n stands there shocked as she places her hands on his chest pushing him away. "What are you doing teyam?" She asks with a hint of innocence in her voice that drove him wild. "I changed my mind" He says as his hands rest against her waist and she looks at him.
"What are you talking about" She says and he smiles before pulling her closer. "I'll teach you ma y/n. I'll teach you how to kiss" He tells her with full honesty and he leans down to kiss her again but y/n stops him and pushes him away. "Are you sure?" She questions with the look of unsure in her eyes.
"I've never been so sure in my life ma pretty girl. I want this but I need to know if you want it too" He said with no hesitation as he places one of his hands on her cheek. Y/n lets out a sigh as she looks away from him, biting her lip. "Oh teyam, do you do this often?" She asks him and he raises an eyebrow in response.
Y/n rolls her eyes before shaking her head "You know, kissing girls in the forest late at night" She explains and Neteyam shakes his head. "No, you'll be my first" He admits and blushes at his confession in which y/n grabs his face, crashing her lips against his and he immediately kisses her back.
Neteyam pulls her closer to him while she wraps her arms around his neck. He bites her bottom lip causing her to gasp and he takes this as the opportunity to stick his tongue in her mouth and swipes it along hers before removing it. "You want me to teach you something else ma girl?" He asks as he teasingly moves the strap of her top off her shoulder and she rolls her eyes before shoving him in the lake.
Y/n lets out a laugh as she sees him come up to the surface, shaking his head as he looks at her with the look of disbelief. "Really ma y/n" He says raising his arms up causing some splashes and y/n continues to laugh then looses her footing on wet moss, also falling into the water.
Now it was his turn to laugh as she comes up to the surface and starts to laugh with him. He swims over to her and gently grabs her face before leaning down and kissing her passionately. She smiles into the kiss before placing her hands on his hair, playing with his braids. He breaks the kiss then puts his forehead against hers and just held y/n in his arms.
"You're wearing the armband" Y/n says surprise as she runs her hand over the armband she made him. "Of course ma pretty y/n, I wouldn't trade it for the world" He says as he holds her face in his hands, admiring how beautiful and innocent she looked. "I want to be your first in everything ma y/n" He begins while giving her a forehead kiss that makes her blush even more.
"But I also want to be your last" Neteyam finishes leans down to give her a passionate kiss that was a way to seal what he said to her because he meant it with all his heart.
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seikkoi · 5 months
ꜱᴜɢᴀʀ | dom!tony stark x sugarbaby!reader ( ᴄʀɪᴍᴇ!ᴀᴜ )
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ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ [1, 2] | ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴏɴ ᴀᴏ3
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There was nothing that could keep Tony from having exactly what he wanted—and he deserved a little sweetness in his life. All he had to do was keep from ruining you in the process.
content/warnings: 18+ minors do not interact. non-canon, non-superhero au, sub/dom undertones, slight emotional/verbal manipulation, obsessive + possessive behavior, age gap (reader described as mid-twenties, t.s as mid-forties), mildly dubious consensual situations, explicit mentions of alcohol and drug use, generally not for the light of heart, rough sexual content, reader described as petite word count: 12k a/n: new year, new format. sorry for the delay! wrestled w this for a bit.
You believed him, obviously. 
You drank in every malefic word. It’s only the easiest thing in the world to do. Any voice that suggests your wanton attachment was becoming self-destructive died without a fight. You tell yourself that’s impossible–that you couldn’t see your life without him anymore because it was obviously better with him. 
Sure, maybe you had some suspicions about his work, and maybe he could be a tad austere demanding, but that was child’s play compared to anything in the past. 
You let your body curl beside his, savoring every ounce of his cologne in the air. It’s unfamiliar, feeling his bare skin against yours, but you’re thankful for it. The sandman visits quickly this time, sending you sleep as a calloused hand strokes your cheek. 
There’s a beautiful sight awaiting Tony when he wakes the next morning–you, all tangled in silk sheets, warm arms wrapped tight around his midriff. 
Almost every hour it feels like he finds a new beauty in you, another reason you’ll stay on his mind every moment of the day. This time, he’s noticing how breath-taking you look asleep, peaceful and holding him like you’re scared he’ll disappear.
Your form is casked in a shy early morning light as he trails his fingers across exposed skin gently, watching the slow rise and fall of your breathing. Tony would pay just about anything for you to see what he saw (which was absolute, unwavering perfection, in case you were still unsure). 
Eventually, the sun rises high enough to illuminate the faint, pale marks on your hip–and only part of him wishes he showed more restraint.
No matter how much he wanted to take things slow with you, bring you in little by little, he needed your trust–your loyalty–so much more. He’d never cared much for delicacy when it came to love or attraction, especially not after Pepper. After all the bullshit with her, he wanted every living thing to feel the same desolate anger that fused in his bones. Scorched earth seemed too gentle of a policy. 
It’s easy to say the end of their relationship came the second he found out, that all his feelings faded into nothingness and no further harm was done. It’s easy to pretend like he’s always been this way–this sharp-edged, arrogant man who commands loyalty and respect. It’s infinitely more difficult to acknowledge that his love for Pepper went away more like a kidney stone than a dying light. 
That hot-headed arrogance, the one that soared at your proclivity for mistrust, or hints of leaving, that had been around for ages. The arrogance and fear of losing what he valued most burrowed together, growing slowly over the years into an obsessive need for control. It had laid dormant, waiting for that strawberry blonde catalyst. 
The faint patches on your skin gave him a sense of satisfaction–you were his, and he tried to know that that would never change now. He realizes all his calculated moves probably weren’t needed, that he could’ve been more of himself with you sooner. Tony’s anger let him run clean over any worries that you’d leave at the first signs of his true colors. He really wanted to be the kind of man that was all sugar and no spice, but someone ruined that for you a long time ago.
Certainly, it at least wasn’t what you needed. Tony knew what you didn’t, that you could have any man you wanted. You could have chosen some run-of-the-mill, 9-to-5 guy. One who buys you flowers once a month while you live your own boring life with a dead end job, but you chose him for a reason.
You didn’t need coddling, just a bit of control–direction. All the worry he had about the ink in his life staining you could go away. Sleeping beside him, you looked just as pure and innocent as ever, dreaming peacefully. Hiding his life from you is exactly what led to last night’s events anyway. He made a mental declaration to be less conservative with himself, to give you exactly what you claimed to want (him–entirely and unconditionally). 
He feels bad for past-him, who had to wait all those months to hear you cry out his name, to feel how easily your body submitted to him. Truthfully, you weren’t resisting him enough to justify the tight hold he kept, but every movement of your body needed to be his doing. 
Maybe he should have just ripped off the bandaid sooner. You didn’t need things as fickle as slowness and patience, you needed to know where you belong–right here beside him, blissful and wearing the marks of his obsession. 
Every fiber in his being hated doing it, but Tony pulls out of your sleepened embrace. The sudden loss of your warmth is almost physically painful, but he manages to rise from the bed. Your face scrunches slightly, sheets dragging to accommodate your shifting frame. 
He contemplates waking you, if anything just to make sure your thoughts aren’t still set on leaving him. Tony’s not a betting man, but he takes the look on your face after coming to his room as a positive sign. Besides, he doesn't like the idea of waking you this early when you need rest more than anything. 
There’s money waiting to be made, but he won’t deprive himself of this phenomenal view to do it. A rosewood table identical to the one in your room is moved closer to the bedside, right where he can keep you in his line of sight. 
That’s exactly where you find him when you wake, hours later–already dressed in a black polo and dark pants, peering over his laptop. It’s a heavy knock on the door that stirs you, causing Tony to swear when he sees your eyes open. 
The papers scattered about the table are shoved into a folder as he checks his watch and swears again. You’re almost too groggy to process voices at the door, turning just in time to see a wooden box transferred into Tony’s hands before the door shuts as quickly as it opened.
An apology is already spewing when he turns to you. 
“You’re fine, it’s fine,” you waved your hand, starting to sit up. 
You swing your legs over the edge, yawning and trying to think the last bit of sleep away. You might’ve forgotten about last night for a tiny longer had you stayed down. You feel the tenderness of your body before seeing it. Tony notices the subtle twitch of your brow, waiting for your reaction to worsen as he tucks the box into a leather duffel on the floor.
“We should leave in a few hours.”
There’s a flatness in his tone that pulls a puzzled look from you. He puts more papers away, now not even sparing a glance your way. It’s not out of contempt, just the last remnants of fear about you leaving. He had nothing but confidence when you were asleep–obviously feeling safe and enamored enough to lie beside him.
Now though, Tony’s forced to think ahead in time, trying to plan responses to questions and arguments you haven’t even made. 
Maybe all Pepper did was make him insecure. (He’d never admit such a thing, though)
“What was that about?” you asked gently, even though you were genuinely trying not to wonder.
“Just work.” He strides back around the bed, planting a kiss to your forehead. 
You manage not to pry, or give much of a reaction at all, simply smiling and still trying to stretch the weariness from your body. Your quiet demeanor comes from your own internal battle about his mood, nothing more. Tony though, for all his talents, sadly isn’t a mind reader. What he is however, is sure it’s his own fault.
Tony lets out a huff when he remembers he decided to be less withholding. You’re confused until the wooden box is brought back out. The bed makes a depressing noise under Tony’s weight as he sits across from you.
He can’t stand the apprehensive look in your eye, and figures there’s no time like the present.
“You wanna ask what’s in the box, don’t you, doll?” He says smugly, tapping the container against your knee lightly. 
Trick questions aren’t really his style, but you don’t think there’s a right answer. 
Tony’s expectations seemed to grow more complex the longer you were with him, and right now, you’re not certain what’s expected of you. The last ten hours in your mind was a feature film, full of depressing internal monologue about how little you really knew about him. 
You know you should trust Tony’s words over the whispers of others, but they’re hard to separate when both sources are drenched in ambiguity. 
“Look, I,” he pauses to sigh heavily, looking away from you for a moment. “I was completely open with Pepper–full transparency, no secrets, the whole nine yards.”
Vulnerability in any form was without a doubt his least favorite thing, especially with this. It almost petrifies him that you’ll see him differently. Mostly because he doesn’t know what he’d do if you really did leave. Somewhere, swimming in back of his brain is the idea that you’ll pull the same stunt she did. That train of thought always leads him down dark roads he’d prefer to ignore. 
“I guess I was a little too open because I woke up one day and suddenly everything’s gone to shit.” 
Tony’s phone rings, and for the first time ever, you see it declined without a second glance
“I cannot have that happen with you. You can ask me anything, if you can promise me you won’t leave if you don’t like the answer. If you can’t do that, you should go.” he ends coldly, and it sends a shiver through your frame.
You wouldn’t–whether he told you the truth or not. So, naturally, you nod in agreement.
A visible wave of relief rushes through him with a sigh.
“Okay, go ahead, shoot.” 
What Tony’s expecting is questions about his work, about Pepper, maybe about Steve. The preparation for those questions is immaculate, answer trees with presumed added points of inquiry. Instead, you ask something he feels moronic for not planning for sooner. 
“What are we doing here? With us? And don’t say it’s up to me.” You don’t ask how you normally do, with a hint of snide or taste of anger. It just comes like a whisper. 
Stark sucks at very, very few things, but this is certainly one of them. Words never seem to do him justice. How he feels, what he wants to say, and what he ends up saying, never quite align. Hence why he much prefers action to rhetoric (hence why last night didn’t end in the screaming matches you might be used to from others). 
Tragically for Tony, you’ve got that damned candied look on your face again that he absolutely cannot stand disappointing, even if you don’t know it. 
Still, he takes a beat too long to formulate a response, so you continue. 
“I mean, what are you telling all these other people who think you’re still married?”
“I don’t owe anyone an explanation about my life, doll.” he says a touch too sternly, without meaning to. 
He continues before your face can turn too sour, placing an apologetic hand atop yours and sighing.
“Truthfully? No one asks, it's–I think everyone’s able to put two and two together with Pepper gone. If they did, I’d say you were my girlfriend, maybe partner. But honestly, that feels a little inaccurate.” 
“Inaccurate how?” you ask tentatively, hoping it wasn’t somehow less than that.
“Underwhelming.” Tony smiles and laughs a bit, making your face warm. 
“Promise me that you won’t change your mind about me.” he continues exasperatedly, half joking. 
For once, you can read the emotions on his face clearly–it’s obviously not a world of fun for him to say any of this, and you know it’s the closest you’re getting to an apology (and a direct answer). 
“I won’t, I promise.”
You don’t fully comprehend the metaphorical contract you’ve just signed, more permanent than any marriage certificate in his eyes. 
For your sake, Tony hopes you aren’t the type to break promises.
It’s early in the day once you return to New York, and while you managed to stay awake on the flight, your eyelids shut the moment Tony closes the car door. 
You realize you must have nodded off when you open your eyes to the familiar cluttered horizon. As the buildings come into sharper focus, you also realize that the car is completely stationary right outside your apartment. 
You shift in the leather seat, turning to see Tony tapping at his phone screen. A wide grin spreads as he catches your eye. 
“How long have we been here?” you yawn.
“About an hour.” Tony mutters absently, brow furrowed at whatever his phone displayed. 
“You could’ve woke me, you know.” You felt a teeny bit guilty for keeping him when he definitely had better things to do. You shake the soreness from your body, slipping your shoes back on your feet and gathering the items you had spread throughout the car.
“You looked tired,” he says dismissively, pocketing his phone and turning the car back on. “and I don’t mind.” 
The apology you want to give is interrupted with the painful reminder that you still have a shift at the bar tonight. Tony watches the realization wash over you, laughing as you dramatically groan and toss your head back. 
“What’s the matter?”
“Wish I could go back in time and tell Alicia hell no on closing tonight–” 
“Uh-uh, nope, you’re not allowed to complain.” he interjects, shaking his head comically. 
“Why not?” you laugh hesitantly, already guessing what the answer would be.
“Honey, it’s almost physically painful watching you waste your time there knowing I can take care of everything for you.”
Was this the first time Tony indirectly suggested you quit working? Not in the slightest. Lately, a week could hardly pass without even a small mention. In theory, it sounded lovely to you ( as someone who never planned on staying a bartender this long but had no other goals to stand on). Reality bore different fruit that told you independence was probably better.
So, as you’ve done before, that’s exactly what you tell him. You liked making your own money. It causes the billionaire to chuckle as if you’ve told the funniest story ever, making you feel like a paranoid freak.
“No one said anything about taking away your independence.” he chuckles, turning the key. “If making cocktails makes you happy, go for it, but I would at least make sure it’s a nicer location–with bottles worth drinking.”
“I don’t recall you having any issue drinking all those cheap cocktails.”
“I’d drink anything if you were the one serving them.”
You have to try hard not to swoon at his words, watching him leave the car and pop the trunk before you can say anything else. You follow before long, standing to the side as he moves your bags from the car to the sidewalk. 
“It’s just hard–what I want to do isn’t really a money maker. People don’t get into art for the paycheck.”
He laughs again, and you’re starting to find it very infectious. 
“Maybe I’ll single-handedly revive the field of patronage. Pay you to build whatever kind of gallery you want, if you let me keep a few.”
With a wink, the bags are carried by Tony to the front door, where he gives you a long, slow kiss that leaves your head spinning. Something leaves his lips about taking you to breakfast in a few days, but you’re too charmed to hear it. 
All in all, you do end up working a lot less. Mostly because you don’t need to. Over the next month or two, Tony manages to persuade you to get what he wants. Okay, so it was less persuasion and more necessity. 
Two weeks after your trip, your roommate gets a job offer out-of-state and moves out faster than you can make up the difference in tips. Originally, you weren’t going to mention it in the slightest. Plan A was to beg your landlord for more time, and plan B was to write a bad check and hope you had enough by the time he tried to cash it. 
For weeks straight you worked non-stop doubles to try and close the gap. You were making progress, but steadily wearing yourself down to a dull nub. By the end of it, you were beyond burnt out and completely forgot that Tony knew nothing about it. You fucked up by inviting him over one night, not realizing that the sudden absence of half of everything inside would tip him off (that and the deep bags under your eyes).
Immediately, he asked how on earth you were still paying rent this month, and absolutely despised your answer. Tony had never been shy in telling you how wasted your talents were, and this night was no exception. Especially considering you hadn’t still made enough and planned on working another double tomorrow.
You had little energy or reason to argue with him about it. 
Now, you assumed it was a one time thing, just to help you get re-stabilized, maybe find another roommate. Neither really panned out. Every hit on Craigslist gave serial murderer vibes, and tips were starting to trickle as summer ended. The following month, you walked down to the leasing office, last month’s check in hand, only to be told it was taken care of. 
Do you think the bitchy lady at the front desk answered you when you asked how that was possible, or do you think she ignored you and called out next in line? 
It’s the latter, leaving you forced to call Tony and find out from him. You wouldn’t let yourself trust him, so it’s only right he does it for you. Tony always gets what he wants one way or another after all, causing the same story to be told next month, and the following, and every month after for the foreseeable.
You can’t say he isn’t right, though. Less shifts just means more free time to do all the things you’ve put off for the last five years. And so, your life changes once more. All the paintings, books, and movies that sat abandoned finally get some well-deserved attention. You fall into a mellow routine: spending your mornings ahead of a new blank canvas and afternoons buried inside forgotten novels.
An odd shift is picked up here and there, the appropriate amount to stay on staff and keep some semblance of a normal routine, but not consume your life. You adapt surprisingly well, skipping that awkward stage of persistent guilt for having someone else handle your bills. It’s especially effortless when your now empty evenings are filled by Tony. It becomes easier to relax around him, oddly enough. You never thought that time would come, anticipating a lifetime of tiptoeing or a fiery end.
Funny, it feels like only yesterday when you were reeling at him buying a simple dress.
Between spending more time with Tony and less time working, you see more of what the city has to offer. The heightened level of status that dating Tony Stark brings unlocks a plethora of galleries, restaurants, and events you’d only dreamed of attending. Co-existing with the brazen personalities of the 1% could still be a pain, but now you know how to smile and pretend when it counts.
You even have the temerity to attend some alone. It’s much more fun with Tony, though. Your evenings almost always end inside your apartment, staying up and keeping Tony far later than you should. He rarely minds, often halfheartedly leaving to handle some issue or another. If your luck is high enough, no one needs Tony Stark, leaving him to occupy his time with his favorite person. 
If you’re even luckier (or simply brave enough to ask) he’ll slide a taunting finger behind whatever teasing skirt or shorts you’ve chosen (specially to incite this reaction), whisper in your ear how perfect you taste and make your eyes roll. You’ve tried to reciprocate–an embarrassing number of times. Short of actually ripping his clothes off, you don’t know how else to get the message across. 
Tony only takes your attempts as a sign that he’s succeeding at keeping your mind elsewhere. 
During one of these late-nights, he’s working on doing just that when he notices you’re distracted for other reasons. He’s standing behind you in your dim bedroom, slowly working the zipper of your dress down as he trails the soft revealed skin with heavy kisses. Normally, you’d be panting, pressing against him trying for any bit of friction. Instead, he can see your tightly wound brows, the glossy flesh of your bottom lip jutting between two front teeth, thinking far too hard for how good this felt. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” he hums lightly, turning you by your waist as the dark fabric pools at the floor. 
Tony doesn’t still his lips at all, leaving tender marks down your neck and chest. The good news is it gets your breath choked and heavy just how he likes it. Unfortunately, your half-presence remains. He stops right before the airy lace of your bra begins, causing you to catch his eye. 
“How come you’ve only taken me to the tower once?” 
You don’t have a set event that prompted this question. The realization only dawned on you today. You’ve been dating one of the richest men on the planet for the better end of a year, and he’s taken you to his home a grand total of one time. Your brain is good at forgetting that night most days, but today you can’t shake it. It feels almost karmic to bring up bad memories, as if just speaking about it will bring it back into existence. 
He laughs a bit when your issue proves so elementary. 
“Seriously,” you stress, even though your voice wavers with the arousal he’s building. “We’ve been together all this time and I’ve never really seen where you live.”
“Promise you aren’t missing much.” Tony smiles, capturing your lips and guiding you backwards until your legs hit the edge of the bed.
“It’s only one of the largest companies in the world. Guess seeing the inside once is pretty lucky.” you sigh, feigning a dramatically sad tone. 
You’re really trying to guilt him, making a purposeful effort not to soak into the heat of his touch. Hot hands snake up your thighs, thumbs brushing small circles into the inner skin. He dips below you as you sit, still humming his way up your legs with butterfly kisses. 
“Might have been followed, couldn’t risk taking you home.” he mutters, preoccupied. 
It’s not his fault you look too good to argue with right now (which you knew and were definitely using to your advantage). The dress you wore tonight might as well have been see-through– it hugged you like cellophane, and he made a mental note to buy you more in the same material. 
While Tony’s busy leaving more hickeys on your thighs, a shiver runs through you. What would have happened had someone followed Tony’s car? 
Your mind goes to work crafting all types of theories, and Tony recognizes the look plain as day. He stops with a stout sigh, leaning back on his heels. It pulls your attention back to him, looking down at him with uneasy eyes.
“You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
“I know.” 
Even if you’re not entirely sure what you need protecting from.
“Good, now do me a favor and lie back.”
You do as you're told, of course, more than enthusiastically. 
Balance is important after all, though. So, while Tony gets what he wants now (as he usually does), he indulges you as well.
You made an off-hand comment about never actually seeing a broadway show in person, despite living in New York for literal years. Tony finds any missed luxury in your life unacceptable and naturally drops a small fortune to orchestrate a private show. While buying out the theater was partially for the romance, it would have also been too much exposure for him otherwise. 
Afterwards, he makes a very notable detour from your usual route home, pulling you away from your long ramble about how awe-striking the show was. Asking just gets you a cheeky smile and turns your attention towards the tower. 
You get the full tour that you weren’t afforded the first time (given the circumstances). The lobby you recall, with its marble floors and high ceiling. It’s well in the evening, leaving the tower empty minus a few guards and late-night staff. 
You regret never paying attention in science when Tony guides you through the labs and workshops. 
As you pass through room after room, each unnerves you. Most things of the scientific nature are lost on you, but you’re certain the high amount vials and chemicals you see would floor even Einstein. 
You can’t place why they unsettle you, looking so out of place and painfully high-tech in stereotypical white walls. It also doesn’t help that Tony spiels about the building and not what lies on the tables three feet away.
You swallow your questions, fearing that the answer to be even remotely similar to the one that drove Pepper away. 
Tony mentions having dinner upstairs, to which you smile and follow him into an adjacent elevator before you can stress yourself out further.
The doors open to a penthouse apartment that you don’t remember walking through before (definitely too caught up in thinking you were about to be dumped over a drunken mistake). You obviously expected Tony to live in the same luxury he exudes, but the decor and imported wood reminded you just how wealthy he was. He leads you to his office, tucked behind a frosted glass door that you do remember from last time. 
“This,” he starts, swiping a small card against the door’s thin black reader with a quiet beep, “is where the magic happens, but it is off-limits without my permission.”
You give an understanding nod when he turns back, although you wanted to laugh at how quickly he switched from sounding like a complete nerd to stony-faced. Tony leaves the door open once you enter, tucking the card back into the pockets of his slacks. 
You are naturally more curious than most (for better or for worse), and make quick work walking around the vast space, eyeing each shelf, table, and weird gadget. A pair of soft couches mirror one another in the center of the room, surrounding a cluttered coffee table of notes and books. A whiteboard stands nearby, covered in what’s probably math but could pass for ancient Greek. Every inch of the walls is lined with something–be it awards and diplomas or more books with words you’re convinced are made up. It strikes you then that the office lacks any windows, and you wonder if that’s by design or sheer chance. 
At the back wall shines various lights and screens, below it a thin, large clear desk where Tony sits. The desk holds more of the odd, transparent screens, which Tony closes with the swipe of his hand as you approach. A compliment of some capacity about the decor is brewing when you notice the picture frame sitting nearby. Two figures pose in front of a row of trees, one clearly Tony, and the other a young man, with dusty brown hair and pristine in dark blue graduation robes. Tony’s arm wraps around the younger, smiling bigger than you’ve ever seen. The young man holds a slender booklet and a matching smile.
Predicting this, he answers the question before you figure out how to ask it. 
“That’s Harley–don’t start getting any ideas, he’s not Pepper’s.” he says, pulling you by the waist into his lap. 
“Is he your nephew or something?” you question, resting your head against the velvety fabric of his shirt.
“Howard Stark was a man of one child, to his disappointment, so no. Harley’s a family friend.” 
“You just run around befriending random college kids?” you joke, dangling your legs over the edge of the chair.
“If I’m feeling generous enough.” 
In the corner of your eye, you see a figure appear across the room in the empty door frame. A tall, older man waits–hands clasped behind his back in black pants and pressed white button up.
“Mr. Stark, there’s a visitor for you.” 
He speaks as quickly as he appears, with an unexpectedly posh accent. Tony taps your knee, and you leave his lap very begrudgingly and watch with even more unnecessary sorrow as he exits the room. A promise is given about returning soon, but you know better than to believe that.
A word is exchanged between the two that you can’t hear across the large office. When Tony’s figure leaves, the other man enters. You notice his blue eyes as he comes closer, deciding to take a seat on one of the couches.
“Mr. Stark has requested I quote–keep you from dying of boredom–in his absence.” he says, standing at the head of the couch across from you. 
“Has he now?” you laugh lightly. 
The thing they don’t tell you about rich boyfriends? It takes time to make all that money, keeping them busy and away from their easily bored girlfriends. So, you nod when the man smiles, making a permissive motion towards the seat. 
“My name is Jarvis, I work for Mr. Stark.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m [y/n]”
“You need very little introduction, ma’am. Mr. Stark has talked a great deal about you over these last several months.” he laughs, crossing his legs.
“Really?” you ask. It’s not extremely surprising, you just assumed Tony was perpetually occupied talking about other things. He did make a good move though, Jarvis is much more pleasant company than he usually keeps. 
“Indeed, he’s quite fond of you.”
You aren’t used to hearing this–from anyone really. Everyone you know has no idea Tony exists (for better or for worse) and everyone he knows seemingly despises you. It’s a breath of fresh air that does wonders for your insecurities about this whole relationship. Not a complete cure, but the start to some form of remedy..
“And what do you do for Tony?” you ask, not wanting to be rude and keep the conversation entirely on yourself. 
He ponders this for a moment, giving you the impression he’s never had to explain this before. 
“I assist Mr. Stark in his day-to-day activities, so that he may devote more energy towards the company.” 
What was with this calculated nature everyone around him seemed to take on? Still, Jarvis appeared to be a beacon of kindness (the accent might be biasing you). It’s bright enough to tempt you to ask Jarvis what you were too hesitant to ask Tony, mostly out of trepidation over the answer. 
“I have to admit I’m a pretty terrible girlfriend–I don’t even know what Tony does.” you sigh and pout slightly. 
Naivete was an old trick you didn’t mind pulling out of the bag now and again. 
Jarvis chuckles, an optimistic sign that your tactics are working.
“Stark Industries is a manufacturing and research company that specializes in pharmaceuticals and biotech.” 
Now that line sounds more rehearsed. More accurately, it’s strikingly similar to the first line that pops up when anyone searches up Stark Industries. 
“Doesn’t sound much to me like a merchant of death.” 
You might have been better off forgetting Steve’s words, but it’s all you can think of when you picture what lives in the labs just below you. As much as you wanted to play out the rest of your life with Tony in blissful ignorance, you were constantly exposed to things that made you question if it really was bliss. 
You expected maybe a twitch of the brow from Jarvis, the face trying to compensate for what the mind already knows. Instead, Jarvis’ mouth turns downward, cocking his head in confusion at the moniker.
“Where did you hear that?” 
Before you can answer, Tony’s voice bounces down the hallway. In the next second, he’s back in the office, and Jarvis is standing. You’re disappointed (and shocked) that Tony didn’t take as long as usual, having to cut the conversation short. 
The older man shoots you a curious glance as he leaves—an unspoken reassurance that he does indeed expect an answer at a later point. 
“Everything okay, doll?”
Tony asks, because you're too busy thinking to mind your face, and it looks troubled. You shake it off though, smiling and taking the hand he holds out. 
The two of you have that dinner, though the entire evening you catch weathered blue eyes watching you from afar. 
Remember that thing about rich boyfriends and their busy jobs? Yeah, that becomes a pain quickly. You could handle the phone calls on dates or distracted answers while an email is answered no problem. But once Tony brought you to the tower, he didn’t see a reason to keep you away anymore. You happily started spending most of your nights there. You just didn’t fully process the implications of Tony living where you work. Most days he manages to spare an hour here and there, interrupted by phone calls and meetings. So, often you roam around, trying to not wonder just what your boyfriend has to do to earn all that money. 
You pick up on a lot of little things about his life from pure close-hand observation. The Tony you know is sweet and passionate. Tony working is almost an entirely different breed. You thank god that you’re just dating him and not working for him. The sternness  he tended to use with you wasn’t exclusive, but dialed to an eleven when he came to his work.
The most jarring, however, is the constant presence of armed guards at the Tower, even in Tony’s penthouse. You think back to every date so far, scanning memories for shady figures waiting by exposed exits. A few potentials stand out, but you can’t be certain your memories aren’t being falsified by present events. 
One morning, you pass one of the men on your way to the kitchen. It’s an early morning, at least for you, coming down the stairs as he pours a cup of coffee. It strikes you, since they normally keep near the elevator and you’ve never seen them do anything except stand around. 
The bald man nods towards you, and out of nothing more than courtesy and habit, you nod back. He retreats to his post without another word soon after. 
Despite the early hour, Tony’s already risen before you and is likely tucked away somewhere working. Peace is a valued comfort, of course, but the tower gave you an overwhelming sense of emptiness without Tony around.
Any mess you leave is miraculously cleaned (you learn this is Jarvis’ doing), and most of the tower is off-limits for you. Still, you enjoy being relatively closer to Tony than you were most days, so hanging around isn’t too much of a burden. 
That morning proves fruitful as well, as you get to speak to Jarvis again. That’s not to say you haven’t seen him. In fact, he’s almost always somewhere nearby. The issue being that it’s normally coupled by Tony or other parties. This time, he’s alone. 
You’d entered the kitchen that morning in a determined search for caffeine, planning to spend your day shopping for something new to wear for a gala that’s a ways away. It’s a much calmer experience without crowds, so you got an early start.
Jarvis enters soon after the guard leaves, setting fresh kitchen towels onto the island. 
“Morning, ma’am.” he says, opening a cabinet across from you. 
You laugh lightly, finding it odd that a man old enough to be your father would waste such honorifics on you. You inform Jarvis of such, to which he gives a chuckle of his own.
“It’s simply out of respect and the nature of my work, nothing more.” he explains, delicately laying each towel in the small space. 
“You don’t find it weird calling people younger than you sir and ma’am?” 
It’s a pretty genuine question, having never been in such a role yourself. The cabinet is shut with a soft thud as Jarvis turns towards you. 
“I do not.” 
He goes for the recently emptied coffee cup beside you, refilling it before you can tell him that’s not necessary. 
“Might I inquire to you about something?” he questions, handing you the warm mug.
You were expecting a continuation of your earlier conversation. You had prepared questions of your own, of course. Mostly about Steve, and definitely a few about Pepper. A nod of agreement leaves you as the warm liquid slides down your throat.
“Do you not find it–strange, romantically involving yourself with someone so much older than you?” 
The raise of his brow tells you he is similarly being genuine. This floors you though. Ironically, that was one of your main reasons for rejecting Tony all those months ago. But lately? You barely even thought about it. You’d stopped paying attention to the odd snide comments and the occasional bizarre look. Really, the fact only comes back to you when Jarvis mentions it. Come to think of it, you can’t recall Tony ever bringing attention to it either. 
“I don’t really notice the little jokes and weird looks anymore, so no, not at all.” you shrug, taking another sip.
“I mean no disrespect, simply curious.” he laments.
“None taken, don’t worry.”
“Might I also ask then,” he pauses, testing out the words in his mouth first and waiting for your approval. “–how your family’s temperament is towards Mr. Stark?”
“My parents died when I was really young, and they were both only childs, so I’m gonna say it’s pretty neutral.” 
Jarvis goes a tinge red at this, immediately apologizing as if it was somehow his fault. You can’t help but laugh at the contrite attitude. He stops once he sees the grin on your face, breathing a sigh of relief that he hadn’t seriously offended you.
“You’re fine, really, I’m surprised Tony never mentioned it to you.”
“Mr. Stark is typically a private man, and I doubt he would share such information with anyone without your permission.” 
“Yeah, that can be– annoying.” you sigh.
“I understand, naturally is,” Jarvis nods towards you, walking past you to exit before halting. “Employ a bit of patience, if you can. Mr. Stark’s stress is greatly alleviated with your continued presence.” 
If his behavior now was relaxed, you didn’t want to imagine how he was prior. 
That afternoon, you returned to the tower, spoils in tow (and paid for with Tony’s matte black card). Despite the time, there wasn’t a sign of Tony anywhere. Most of the lights were off when you entered, causing you to pull out your phone flashlight like some kind of horror movie. You made your way through the penthouse, flipping switches and checking rooms. 
Kitchen, empty. Office, empty. Gym, empty.
Your voice bounced through the hall as you climbed the stairs, calling out Tony’s name. Disappointedly, you were only met by silence. Out of the last forty-eight hours, a grand sum of eight of them you shared with him. One out every six hours (and most of those you were asleep). The recurrent solitude made an evening in your own home suddenly sound much more favorable. 
You traipse into the bedroom, tossing the gown that you were very excited to show Tony into one of the massive closets. The random handful of items you had scattered around the room are thrown into your bag. Some you leave in their place–you knew you wouldn’t be away long. A bright light shines in your face when you fumble with your phone, reminding you to turn it off. It also gives you the literal lightbulb idea to text Tony.
[ heading home for the night, call me when ur free ]
In the still quiet of the penthouse, a beep reverberates behind you. Puzzled, you turn, noticing the golden light trickling from under the bathroom door. 
“Tony?” you call out again, crossing the room towards the door. 
On the other side, water runs for a moment, followed by the click of the lock as the door opens. 
“Hey, honey.” he drawls, walking out with a sniffle. 
“You okay?” you ask tentatively. “It was like, pitch dark in here.”
He pulls you into a welcomed embrace, wrapping large arms around your body tightly.
“I’m fine, they’re just timed. Gotta be eco-friendly, right?” 
Tony punctuates his sentence with a kiss on your forehead. You stay in his embrace as long as possible, resting your head against his chest. His heart thumps heavily, beating like a rabbit through the soft cotton of his shirt. 
Eventually, the embrace has to end, mostly so that Tony can plead to you to stay another night. He promises that he’s yours for the evening, and given that this was what you preferred anyway, you oblige. 
First though, Tony has a surprise. One that he swears will make the tower feel more comfortable for you. His surprises are typically rather ornate or sickeningly expensive. This one, however, is moderately less materialistic than usual.
Down the hall from the frosted door of Tony’s office is a room that you were initially told was off-limits. As you reach the end of the hall, Tony explains he needed just a little more time for some ‘finishing touches’. 
Another keycard is produced from his pocket, swiping on a reader much similar to the one in his office. When it beeps in response, the card is planted firmly in your hands. 
“Go ahead, check it out.” he grins, motioning towards the door. 
Tentatively, you enter the previously inaccessible space. Once inside, your jaw nearly drops. It’s not a large space, but it takes a while for you to process everything within. 
Shelves stand tall with various jars and tubes of paint, elegant brushes and canvases of every size. Tables sit near pristine walls, freshly painted and holding any medium you could possibly want. The walls are bare, save for the antique painting hanging by the window. You recognize it instantly, not believing your eyes at first. Tony doesn’t need to say it for you to know–this was all for you. 
What Tony does feel the need to say is that if everything isn’t to your liking, he can have it changed in a day. He worries as you stand silent, not reacting in explosive joyful glee like he hoped. 
“No, no, it’s perfect.” you swiftly add, turning to him beaming. 
You’re still in awe as relief passes through him as your arms wrapped around him. Somehow, Tony always manages to redefine what you thought you deserved. There’s a painting worth half a million dollars sitting less than 10 feet away, and it was purchased just for you. 
An impressive length, all for a simple smile. How the hell could you ever settle for anything less from anyone else? 
Sure, you don’t realize this is a purposeful gift to encourage you to stay around the tower more, and the knowledge wouldn’t change anything anyway. 
After you thank him excessively for the next ten minutes (to which Tony’s response can mostly be summed up as ‘has literally no one done anything nice for you? ever?’), the dress you bought earlier comes to mind. Tony thought you learned by now that he’d buy you the world if it was for sale, but indulges in your feverish gratitude for the time being.
You do the leading this time, back into the bedroom where he waits on the black duvet for you to change. It’s a magical feat that you manage to get it zipped up alone. Stubbornness also plays its own role. 
When you reemerge, it’s Tony’s turn to be rendered speechless. A sleeveless auburn number wraps your body, cinching at your waist and following to the floor. Cut-outs show off your midriff, letting the cool air cover your skin. The high level of regality is new to you, but you weren’t risking the embarrassment of being underdressed a second time. It’s also Tony’s favorite color to see you in (which you totally didn’t know and totally weren’t exploiting for this very purpose). 
“Well?” you start, give a small twirl. “What do you think?”
There was a worry that he might find it too much. Another thing you picked up on over the last few weeks was Tony’s subtle disdain for clothing he found tacky or too revealing. You hadn’t managed to hit that threshold so far, and knew it better to avoid.
“As amazing as you look, I think you need to take that off before I end up ripping it to pieces.” he responds, voice low and hungry. 
Solace finds you, pleased that you didn’t make a wrong choice. It’s brief though, because a second glance at Tony reveals that while he liked the choice, (almost too much, really) he also wasn’t joking in the slightest. 
A raise of an eyebrow says it all–don’t make me repeat myself. 
So, under his fervent commands, you wind up pinned below him, dress long discarded on the plush carpeted floors as his fingers curl inside of you. A hand keeps your wrists pinned tightly above your head, keeping you at his mercy. If you could call his unrelenting fingers mercy.
You quickly grow more frustrated than ever at the barrier of clothing on his body. It’s always goddamned there, holding back the warmth you can feel radiating through. His restraint prevents you from taking the friction you need. You’re further burdened by the teeth grazing your neck, sucking slow and teasingly on your pulse point. All the man had to do most days to turn you into a needy mess was kiss you, but after so many busy days, this was sweet torture. 
Tony knew it too. The increasing pitch in your whine was music to his ears. It’s not before it’s broken and whimpery, your excitement coating his fingers. Every movement was overwhelming, and yet still managed to leave you desperate for more. 
“Please, Tony, fuck-” you plead, interrupted by your own moan when he curves his fingers again. 
“Aw, do you need something, darling?” he whispers, moving away from your neck. “I know I taught you better than that–use your words, pretty girl.”
This isn't an uncommon taunt of his, loving the embarrassed shy look that crawls over your face each time. He’s pleasantly surprised tonight, however, as you just about had it enough to give in. The award for longest time to make someone wait under they verbally beg for you to fuck them goes to Anthony Edward Stark, with an impressive record of eight months.
Your brows furrow, trying to find your center again to speak with clarity and not falter under his gaze.
“Would you stop being an asshole and just fuck me, please?” you sighed exasperatedly. 
Manners would be something to correct later. For now, Tony’s happy to focus on rewarding your needy pleas. 
Your wrists are granted all too short reprieve, as he takes little time undressing, climbing back on top of you and attacking your neck with hard, bruising kisses. The hard member you’re used to having constrained by high-end slacks feels larger pressed bare against your folds–hot and heavy as he returns a hand to your wrists.
His free hand aligns him at your entrance, stopping when he notices your tightly shut eyes. Now that simply won’t do.
“Open those pretty eyes.”
It’s a short and breathy order, the tone earning your instant compliance. Tony’s eyes are dark above you, catching them only for a moment before he swiftly sinks into you (he’ll allow it this time).
 There’s little resistance, as you were already a mess from earlier, but his thick member still stretches your walls. You cry out when he reaches the hilt, snapping his hips into you only to withdraw and fully sink back into you with the same speed. 
Tony gains a new found appreciation for the philosophy behind a reward being sweeter the longer you wait. There’s nothing more delectable in the whole world right now than the fractured moans escaping you, despite your visible attempts to bite them back. As much as he wants to commit this coy little expression of yours to memory, he’s clearly not doing his job if you’re able to hold anything back.
The hands above you let go, gripping your hips instead to thrust deeper into you. It does just what he needs to do, listening to the sweet sounds of your whines as his cock reaches right where you needed to. All this time without h, combined with his fast and hard thrusts has moan after moan falling from your lips. 
Tony can hardly contain himself either, high off the sticky mess you're making. Your neck is perfectly dotted with tender marks from his mouth, only driving his ecstasy further. 
He knows he’s being more than rough, pounding into you relentlessly–you’re just taking him so well, your nails leaving tiny red crescents on his thighs. It drives him wild, possession does go both ways after all. Every erratic breath and tremble of your legs came from him. You were his–who begged for him and moaned his name. 
The fast, rough pace pushes you to your peak not long after, and Tony recognizes the stuttery pitch of your voice. 
“Go ahead, darling.” he whispers into your ear, voice soft and gentle despite how deep he was inside you. 
Your legs wrap around his waist as your core swells with pressure, desperate for him to be impossibly closer than he was. It’s not long after your voice breaks altogether, falling into a slight plea as your walls tighten around him.
The feeling of you losing yourself around him sets off something entirely new in Tony. He’d never miss another chance to make you his like this. A deep groan echoes in the bedroom walls, unsteady hands holding your hips tighter. 
He was absolutely nowhere near done with you. 
Before you can catch your breath, it’s taken as he slams into you with renewed energy. A string of curses leave him when your back arches into him, straining against his hold. 
Your body feels white-hot with pleasure. You were used to Tony pushing you into orgasm after orgasm, alternating between his mouth and fingers until you’re a pile of jelly below him. This was entirely different, hit that spongy spot inside of you over and over as your walls shutter. It leaves your whole form trembling, mind blanking each time he bottoms out.
“Shit, Tony, I can’t,” you whimper.
It’s a broken plea, already feeling your body go taunt a second time. Still, you hope for a bit of reprieve, just enough to bring your mind back to earth. 
“You will for me, darling.” he groaned, voice heavy and breathless, bringing a hand to your hair and exposing your neck to his teeth for another assault. “I know you can take it.”
A shiver runs through you as his latches onto your neck, deciding you could stand to have more marks across your skin. You’re completely lost in the throbbing member splitting you apart, aimlessly grabbing at the soft sheets below you. He leans back, pulling your hips up to keep slamming to you, letting a hand wrap around your throat and press against the fresh mark left there. 
“All mine, aren’t you?” Tony moans above you, close to his own peak. He just needs to feel your body to submit to him one more time.
The tender pain in your throat mixes deliciously next to the sweeping euphoria. You want to answer (mostly because you know he’s expecting one), but all your mind can zone into is how electrified your skin is.
“Aw, is my girl too fucked out to answer me already?” he taunts, even if the sight of you this blinded by pleasure nearly sends him over. 
No one else could ever have you like this, he’d make sure of it. You were past shame over how his words left you, cruel or praiseful. Any utterances that made it known you were his turning your body into melting sugar. 
Tony’s own hips stutter, bucking into you as your peak hits you again, your moan silenced by the tight hand around your throat. He’s close behind you, keeping his rhythm until the shake in your legs lessens. 
He sinks into you, caressing your face and burying himself back into your neck. A long moan floods your ears, feeling him still inside of you and paints every inch of your walls white. Hot, heavy breaths cover your ear as he fills you, not withdrawing until he’s certain you’ve taken every drop. 
You’re an exhausted pile of bones below him, leaving him feeling quite prideful. Stark on the other hand is oddly energetic. He disappears for a moment, returning after putting his boxers back on and grabbing a towel.
He lies beside you, watching the rise and fall of your chest. Soft praises and peppered kisses follow, trailing along your face and shoulders. He tells you over and over how perfect you did, though you're still barely present. 
You’re focused on calming your breathing, so Tony’s praises fall onto distracted ears. You aren’t that distracted, though, as his next words ring through clear as day.
“I love you, doll, you know that?” It’s barely above a whisper, spoken between into the delicate skin of your collarbone.
You turn your head almost instantly, blinking rapidly because surely you didn’t hear that right. The words left him before he knew what he was saying, caught up in the swirl of post-coital bliss. In an unusually empathetic act of vulnerability, he stands by it. The declaration is repeated louder to your stunned face. 
He’s not that vain that he expects an immediate reciprocation–though you eagerly give one anyway. That's all good and well, except he senses concern in your voice.
“That’s just how every guy wants to hear that, thank you.” Tony jokes, propping himself onto his elbow with a grin. 
“That came out wrong, I just,” you chuckle softly, trailing off. “You are being genuine, right?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asks matter-of-factly.
“I guess–be honest, you really don’t mind being with someone like twenty years younger than you?” 
He throws his head back in laughter, and you use the little energy you have to swat at his shoulder. 
“You’ve been talking to Jarvis, haven’t you?
“How the-what do you mean?” you fully turn on your side to face him, more puzzled than before. You also worried you somehow crossed a line discussing Tony with someone else in private.
“Don’t sweat it–Jarvis is more of an old friend than an employee, regardless of whatever the old bat says. He’s just overprotective.” 
“And he was worried about us?”
“More about you, specifically, that you were some covert gold-digger playing the long game for a chance at the Stark inheritance. He didn’t believe that I had to damn near beg on my hands and knees for a simple dinner.” he says indignantly, and you have to roll your eyes.
“What if I was? You don’t know.” 
“Please, no one trying to woo me for my money would start as many arguments with me as you do.” 
“I do not start arguments, if anything you’re the one-” you start to defend yourself, then Stark raises an eyebrow and the sentence dies on your tongue. “Okay, point taken.”
Tony pulls your naked form towards him, your head resting on his chest as your body curls beside his. You’re more than spent, the sound of his heart still racing after all this time doesn’t process under the lure of sleep.
For now, you’re too in love to care. 
When you wake, Tony’s absent from your side. This is not unusual in the slightest for any night you spend here, but it's barely four in the morning. 
You scan the dark room momentarily before switching the bedside light on. Groggily (and on sore legs), you rise, tying a short robe around yourself. Thinking of yesterday, you actually check the bathroom this time to find it empty. You ventured out of the bedroom to an empty and pitch black hallway. Deja vu feels like an understatement. 
You start to call out his name just like before, stopping once you see the light flowing from the kitchen downstairs. As you descend, Tony’s voice grows louder. His back comes into view once the final step is crossed, with another figure in front of him. 
Tony swivels slowly when you enter, and you notice the person he’s speaking to is the same young man from the photo. You cross your arms over your body as best you can when you enter the space, suddenly feeling very underdressed for meeting a stranger.
“Sorry, did we wake you?” Tony asks apologetically, to which you shake your head and yawn. 
“Harley, this is [y/n], [y/n], Harley.” he continues.
Harley holds a blue duffel in his right hand, giving you a curt wave with the other. Under the bright kitchen lights, however, he gets a better look at you. You don’t understand why in the moment, still half-asleep, but he makes an unsettled face at you before darting his sharp eyes back to Tony. After which Tony tells you he’ll be up in a moment and you return back to the warmth of the sheets without protest.
It’s not until you step into the bathroom later in the day that you figured out why he looked at you that way. A few tender marks still spotted the left side of your neck and the top of your chest. While not the best first impression, it sends a wave of excitement through you at the sight. A bit of concealer goes a long way after you shower. 
Tony explains that Harley is just stopping by briefly, and that he’ll be leaving after dinner tonight as you get dressed. You obviously spend the entire day worried about it, convinced any further interaction with Harley will be painfully awkward and uncomfortable for you both. 
Unfortunately, you end up wishing things were just awkward. 
Jarvis prepares an excellent meal, and you make it through the first two courses with Harley’s eyes piercing you across the large dining table. It’s not constant, as he manages to dart away each time Tony speaks to him as if he never looked your way. Engaging in conversation becomes troublesome under his gaze (though it’s mostly just Tony asking Harley about some trip he took). You almost start to think you’re imagining it, wondering what the hell his issue could possibly be.
Thankfully, Tony has to excuse himself for a phone call, leaving the two of you alone.
The moment Tony’s out of earshot, Harley leans in, placing his elbows on the table and clasping his hands. 
“Are you even old enough to drink?” he questions dramatically.
“Are you?” 
“Funny.” he snorts, taking a bite of roast potatoes.
He stays quiet for a second as Jarvis clears away empty dishes from the table. 
 “That’s not a yes, though.” he hums in a high pitch.
“If it would get you to stop staring, I’m twenty-six.”
Harley hums in approval, sitting back in his chair. 
“Was that really your problem? You know you could’ve just asked at literally any point in the last hour, or hell, asked Tony.”
“Oh, I did.” he scoffs, shrugging his shoulders. 
Tony returns, taking his seat in the same breath that Harley wipes his mouth and stands. 
“Well, I’ll leave you and your child bride to it.” he declares sarcastically, turning for the exit.
“Excuse me?” 
Tony’s voice stops Harley in his tracks, rising and closing the distance to the young man. You heard worse, but based on the tightness in his jaw you can assume Tony hasn’t.
“Oh, come on. She’s not even four years older than me. What else would you like to call it?” Harley jests, laughing.
“You have a flight to catch, don’t you?” The edge in his tone shocks you, and cuts Harley’s laughter straight away. 
He takes his leave without another comment, but he does give you another overdramatic wave on the way out. You tell Tony what passed between you two in his absence and ask what all that was about, but Tony just shakes his head and apologizes. 
You’re not sure why–it hardly bothered you as much as it did him. 
Later that night you overhear Tony on the phone. You presume it’s with Harley, hearing Tony mention something about ‘showing more respect’ and ‘minding your own business’. You hope it isn’t Harley–even though the kid was an ass, Tony speaks with a ferocity that unnerves you just as the eavesdropper. 
Fall passes by without more pop-up visits from impolite guests. 
While painting will always be one of your first true loves, even the strongest of loves can grow tiring. The technical term is typically referred to as a lack of inspiration. You can’t get a single image out of your brain and onto a canvas. It’s a well deserved burnout though, the rest of the studio space lined with finished paintings. A consistent month and half of work proved quite the endeavor. Most are simple plays with color, though there are a few you came to be very proud of.
Yeah, a break would probably do you some good. 
There’s more than one traditional seat for you to choose from, all extremely lush and definitely better for your back. The floor works a lot better though, so you stand and stretch the soreness from your body. Would you learn your lesson and sit in the chair next time? Nope. 
The evening was growing near, evident by the lemony sky. Your hyperfixation meant a lot more nights indoors, even on the sparse evenings Tony was free. All signs pointed towards taking advantage of what was likely one the last warm nights of the season. 
You wasted little time changing out of your paint covered sweats, throwing on a simple blue skirt and white sweater. 
On your way downstairs to his office, you spot Jarvis in the kitchen preparing a drink you presume is for Tony. 
“Oh, I can take that to him.” you intercept him at the bottom, taking the cold glass in your hands. 
“Very well.” he nods to you, taking in your dressed up state as you walk away, not expecting either of you to leave the tower that night. “Shall I have the car ready for you and Mr. Stark?”
“For me, definitely. Can’t promise anything about him.” you call back to him, increasing your volume as you head further into the hall.
You knock once you reach the glass door, waiting idly until you hear his voice call out come in. Tony doesn’t lift his head when you enter, scrawling away at something atop his desk. You hear him muttering to himself softly, shirt disheveled and unbuttoned. 
You’re certainly not silent as you cross the space. Your heavy boots made a mild thud on the hardwood floor, surely loud enough to get the average person’s attention, you thought. 
Nope, wrong. 
He does know you’re there, however– the screens in front of him are switched off as you approach the desk, head never lifting from the papers.
You wait patiently beside his desk, setting the drink down the corner. His attention doesn’t yield for no less than five minutes after. When he does finally address you, it’s with tired eyes and gleams. 
“My, my, my,” he whistles, guiding you over to straddle his lap. “What a fantastic surprise.”
Tony’s hands can never be idle more than a moment, already snaking them under your skirt to the supple skin of your backside.  He’s much more interested in that than anything you say about leaving the tower. Who could blame him, really. Any red-blooded man would after hours of phone calls and calculations. 
You twitch when he squeezes hungrily, sensitive from the same hands the night prior. He’d nearly forgotten, and the remainder is a good amusement. 
“You know, I could get so much more work done with you just like this.” he hums, lifting your sweater to graze your stomach. 
“You’re welcome to join me.” you point out, linking your arms around his neck. 
“There’s nothing more I want, but I have a few more things to take care of here.”
You figured as much, of course. Knowing that answer was coming doesn’t make it any less disappointing. Conversely, seeing your smile falter for any reason is akin to a tragedy for Tony. 
“How about this, it’s still early– you go out, have fun, I’ll pick you up for dinner later.” he concedes.
That fixes the problem, earning Tony a very satisfied kiss from you. It’s long and heavy, nearly enough to make him consider sending you out on shaky legs, but he resolves to bring that fantasy to life another time.
An hour or so drifts away as you take in the fresh autumn air, window-shopping from store to store. Close to when you're due to meet Tony, you stumble across something you can’t be sure is a really bright bar or a super dark restaurant. As you go for a better look through the towering windows, the doors beside you swing open. 
You spot Steve first, getting a clear view of a reddened cut above his eye. You fail at turning away from the door in time. It was worth a shot, even if he was just five feet away.
“Oh, would you knock it off–I’m not gonna bother you.” he exclaims exasperatedly, a deep slur in his words (so that solves that mystery).
You give a half-hearted surrender with your arms, watching him head for the street corner. Mid-way, he stops, turning back unsteadily.
“You still with Stark?” he questions.
“What’s it to you?”” you scoff, rolling your eyes. This was what you wanted to avoid–annoying people and their annoying judgements.
“Just don’t tell him you saw me, okay. I don’t need more shit with him right now.” 
Remarkably, Steve sounds genuine. Well, as genuine as a drunk man can sound. A grand opportunity presents itself. Someone with a lot more information than you needs something of you. 
“Sure, okay.” you agree, watching a breath leave Steve. “If you can tell me what you meant at the party.”
Steve, having drunk every drop of Kentucky Bourbon on the block, happily obliged your question for the small price of not dealing with Stark. 
If asked to make a list of all the things you guessed Tony was involved in, your brain would assume the best of the worst to ease its conscience. Steve’s answer is, tragically, nowhere on that list. 
You wander around for a bit playing moral adjudicator in your mind. It’s a consuming task, and in your concentration you space completely on the fact that you were expected somewhere. In your bag, your phone buzzes to no answer, muffled in the city’s noisy ambience. 
You have to see for yourself, which makes the tower your destination after you’ve calmed your nerves enough. It’s been ages since you’ve taken the subway anywhere, though you somehow manage to work through the busy platforms. You remember you live in the age of technology, deciding to rely on your phone for navigation. 
Two missed calls and around five unanswered texts from the past half hour await you, all from Tony. You swear to yourself as the train car rocks, hurriedly typing a response. 
[ where are you? ]
[ on the way back now. didn’t feel well. ]
Lying feels like swallowing a bitter seed. You know that ‘s not an answer. You know you’ll have to find some way to explain the missed calls later. Honestly, that might be the harder task than covering a lie. All you hoped was that New York traffic would play in your favor and you could make it back before him. 
The luscious bells of victory are right in your sight as elevator dings! open. Your genius plan to check his office is foiled quickly, the black card reader blinking back at you tauntingly. 
A moment passes where you question your own motivations. Why were you even bothering to let someone else get into your head again? You could ask him anything, so why lie to him when you chose to stay in the dark–
You all but fly up the stairs, striding through Tony’s bedroom and into the bathroom. It takes a while for you to find it, having to scour the numerous cabinets one by one. Your hands touch a rough leather pouch, right under the sink.
You open it tentatively, praying for Steve to be wrong, but your fingers find the small plastic baggie within, and your stomach flips when you know he was telling the truth. 
You don’t have long to process it. The elevator sounds again from below
You thought you had more time to craft a better excuse.
“What happened? Everything okay?” 
His voice is stern even if his words are sweet, turning his body towards yours as you enter the kitchen. Your hands reach for a glass to fill with water, needing a distraction to ward off his gaze. 
“Got a little dizzy, took the subway back.” 
“You took the subway alone? This late?” 
You can’t tell if he’s wrestling between concern and suspicion, or just pissed. Although, here would be where a normal person would remember that under a year ago you took the subway later than this five nights a week. 
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’m just going to get some rest.” you smile weakly, swallowing the rest of your water and heading to walk past him. 
Tony makes a quick step to the side to keep you there, looking down at you with pointed eyes. Despite the small heat in his eyes, a hand caresses your jaw, thumb stroking your cheek. 
“Who were you with?” he asks slowly.
“No one.” you replied, keeping your voice light and confident.
Or so you thought. Tony’s fingers wrap the base of your nape, tilting your head slightly to see if you have the gall to lie to his face.
“Is there a reason you’re lying to me?” 
“How long?
“How long what?” he scoffs, unyielding. 
The tiny plastic you’ve been white-knuckling for the past few minutes is dangled inches from his face. That hardened jaw falters, shortly returning with a dry chuckle and sly smirk.
“How long have you been meeting Steve behind my back?”
part four coming soon
tag request: @those-late-night-feels
188 notes · View notes
goldsainz · 2 years
a/n: this was going to be longer, but i just couldn’t get myself to do such a long piece. honestly, there’s not a lot of harry mentioning, but it’s still a fun piece, i’m just giving you crumbs. this isn’t the peak of my writing, especially since this is my first time doing second person POV, tumblr is making me try things id never thought i’d do!!
word count: 3,4k
Y/N Y/LN Keeps A Straight Face While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones 
The interview begins with you sat across Sean Evans, the line up of sauces making your heart beat a little faster, not sure how much spice you were actually able to bear.
“Hey everybody! Today we are joined by Y/N Y/L/N, who you may recognise from too many movies and shows to name! She is an Oscar nominated actress, Emmy Award Winner, and an overall talented person. Her most recent project, Don’t Worry Darling which comes out this September 23rd, is coming in no time, so don’t forget to buy your tickets.” Sean introduces you, a stifled laugh leaving your lips. “Y/N welcome to the show!”
“Thank you very much! I’m quite nervous right now, my manager said this could get spicy really quick, but I’m not sure what she meant by that.” You grinned, that signature, award winning smile plastered on your face.
“That depends on how good you are with spicy food, do you have a high tolerance?”
“I think so? It’s not something that scares me while ordering food, but I’m not actively seeking it. But seeing all of these hot sauces is making me sweat just a tad bit much right now.”
“I’ve actually watched a couple of the Hot Ones interviews.” You confess, making Sean look impressed that you watched that sort of content.
“Now I have to know more, this is one of the best compliments I’ll get in a lifetime.” He then mutters something you didn’t quite get, but it seemed like a praise towards you.
“Well yeah, I sometimes scroll through Youtube, see it pop up, and someone I like is on the cover and I just click it. I used to go ‘Wow, thank god my manager would never make me go on that, don’t think my spice tolerance is that good’, but now I’m here so it seems like the tables have turned for me!” 
“I guess I don’t have to tell you how this works, or which sauces go first then.”
“I’ve taken some work off your hands!” You say with a laugh. 
“Let’s take a bite then, shall we?” Sean asks, while you nod your head and grab the first wing.
You take a bite, realising it wasn’t all that bad. In fact, it wasn’t bad at all, there was a hint of spice but nothing you couldn’t handle.
“Okay so how are we feeling with wing number one?”
“Pretty good, my confidence level is on a solid 8 for now.” You just knew you would take your words back a couple of wings later, but maybe if you lied to yourself a little it wouldn’t be that hard.
“You said in an interview a while back that you enjoyed cooking, especially spicy food because it was funny seeing how some people crumbled when eating certain dishes. Who would you say had the funniest reaction?” 
“I once cooked for Taylor Swift, she’s a good friend of mine who I’ve learnt doesn’t take spice as well as she says she does.” You admit, and if anyone wasn’t watching the interview and just hearing it, they’d almost be able to hear your smile. “I made a dish, I might’ve messed up the amount of chillies I put on it, and I didn’t realise it was that bad until she had tears in her eyes, I felt horrible about it!”
“Did she tell you it was too spicy?”
“She was trying to be nice about it, she was full on coughing, and her words were of comfort because she didn’t want me to feel bad!” Everyone in the room lets out a laugh at your words, nobody was really surprised to know that Taylor was just that sweet.
“Would you say Taylor is one of your closest friends in the industry?” It was a tough question, because being a close friend was such a different question for someone like you, someone who did what you did.
“She’s been through a lot with me, I’ve been through a lot with her. Sometimes we don’t talk as often as we would like, but when we do it’s like we had talked everyday.” 
“You met all the way back in 2014, right?” 
“At the Met Gala, it was my first one, it wasn’t hers though. We sat at the same table, we talked all throughout it, and the rest is history.”
The second wing had proven to still be bearable. You weren’t quite sure when you would get hit with all the heat, but you were enjoying your time so far.
“Don’t Worry Darling was a process that took a while to make because of Covid. In fact, filming had to stop because a crew member tested positive, making you have to go through a quarantining process. What was it like filming with such heavy health regulations?” 
“It was hard, nothing was really like it used to be. Filming was still fun, but there were many things I hadn’t actually taken notice of until Covid started.” Your brows furrowed, a crease on your forehead present. “Kissing scenes were different, probably the ones we had to be the most precise while filming. They had us take a disinfectant mouthwash, which was very minty, at least it ensured your partner wouldn’t have bad breath!” You joked, lightening the mood of a heavy question.
“Was there a limit for the amount of times you could film such scenes?”
“For sure, we tried to make them work each time, there really wasn’t a lot of goofing around because it was a health risk just to film them. You couldn’t just improvise a kiss, you would have to consult with your partner if they were comfortable with the possibility of you doing that. Harry was always very respectful of boundaries, he never tried to do anything that crossed a line or could just be awkward in general.”
“Would you say that there had to be a lot of trust involved, more than the usual amount?” 
“Of course! Before Covid if you didn’t really like your partner you’d just film the scenes, talk with your intimacy coordinator about what crossed a boundary, what didn’t, and then you would just go on with your day. Now, you need to build a certain trust, like the one you’d have with a friend just to make the experience of filming a good one, and not have to shoot a million times because you can’t get the right look of love, or whatever you’re supposed to convey.” 
“That seems like a very exhausting process.” Sean says, and you just nod at his words, knowing that it was exhausting but also made you get to know the love of your life a lot sooner in the process. 
“I’m eyeing the third wing very hard right now, I didn’t eat a lot today so this is kind of my lunch.” 
“Let’s dig in then!” And that you do.
“Oh! This one hits you instantly, I wasn't really expecting it.” He laughs at your comment, but mostly at the straight face you had while eating your wing.
“It just keeps on hitting from now on!” You just throw your head back with a laugh, a groan slipping from your lips.
“I’m gonna ask you a question, is that okay?” Many interviewers didn’t take it very well when you asked them questions, they felt as though you were taking up their job. So you had learnt it was better to ask and be turned down, than asking right away and having someone be mad backstage.
“Go for it!”
“If at some point I drink some milk, is that a sign of me starting to give up?” 
“No, definitely not. Most people drink milk to cleanse their palate, we are not gonna shame you on how well you are doing based on if you drink something or not.”
“Alright, I’m not gonna drink anything yet, but good to know.”
“If you don’t drink anything, then I won’t either.” He decided, making you laugh in response, you probably hadn’t laughed so much in an interview in a very long time.
“You are a very private person, do you find it difficult to manage your public life, your work life, from the private one?”
“I’ve gotten better over the years, when I didn’t have the exposure I had now, I didn’t worry about paparazzi catching moments I wanted to keep for myself.”
“Are relationships the hardest part?” There it was, the relationship question, at least it wasn’t a speculation over who it was. That much was appreciated.
“Maybe? If your partner is famous then it probably is, you don’t only have to balance the image you give for yourself but theirs too. If they’re not famous, then people will start spreading rumours over who they are, what they are doing with someone famous, it can become overwhelming very quickly.”
“But you don’t hide your relationships like some do, you just keep them private, is that correct?”
“Yeah, being someone’s secret isn’t nice. I keep the first months private just because you’re still getting to know each other, and having those moments ruined by the public is not what I want.” 
“I’m sure that what you do want is this fourth wing!” You were grateful for Sean’s ability to make his guests comfortable, to make the awkwardness not so overbearing. 
“I sure do, Sean!”
You both take a bite, the flavours are good and you remain with a straight face, even when the heat does creep up.
“I’m loving the composure you’re maintaining.” You giggle at his words, making him laugh along with you.
“I’ve done years of acting, some things I’ve taken with me.”
“Are your eyes glossy?” Sean asks, his voice holding a shocked tone.
“What? No!” You respond, your hand over your mouth as you still had food in it.
“Just wondering if the heat is catching up to you, that’s all.”
“I promise, the fifth wing has not gotten to me.” 
“You are known to never take things personally, even when asked rude questions you are never rude in return. Does it get tiring to maintain your composure at times?”
“There definitely have been times in which I want to snap at someone, mainly because they’re being rude, but I feel that if you don’t give them the attention they seek they won’t continue their behavior. I mean, most of them catch the hint, some of them are persistent though.”
“That’s a very interesting thought process, is there someone who taught you to do that?”
“Nope! That’s just been me learning over the years, the industry will make you learn things you never thought you’d need to know.” You say with a sigh, looking at the backstage of the set, not at anyone in particular.
“Talking of the industry, what has been the best piece of advice a celebrity has given you?”
“Do not search your name on social media unless your manager says so.” You confess, the tightness in your voice evident.
“Wow, that’s powerful, can you tell us why?” 
“Because people are mean, and I know that they say with fame comes hate, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. I sometimes have the urge to go on twitter, see what people are saying about me at the moment, yet you never know what you might see.”
“I can understand that. I can definitely say I’ve looked up my own name, not much has come up as I’d imagine it would for someone with your influence.” Sean praises, your cheeks heating up at the compliment.
“You never know what to expect from the internet. After I did the reading thirst tweets interview, I for sure won’t look up my name.” An uncomfortable laugh is let out, and he just joins in.
You were just two wings away from finishing the interview. Your cheeks were definitely a redder than they were at the start, sweat was evident on the top of your brows, but you were still taking the challenge like a champ. Or as best as you could, the heat definitely wasn’t really helping with your perception of things.
“You said your confidence level was 8 at the start, what are you at now?”
“Maybe five, five’s good, I feel like sipping some milk but I can still do this.” You say with slight raspiness to your voice.
“You always say fashion is your passion, and with your collaborations over the years with different brands, what was your overall favourite outfit in ‘Don’t Worry Darling’?” 
“Tough question, there are many answers, but I’d have to say the fuchsia dress was one of my favourites. It was so beautiful I wanted to take it home with me, but I couldn’t!”
“They wouldn’t let Y/N Y/L/N take a dress?”
“No, they didn’t! Genuinely can’t be mad though, they take time to make, so I completely understand not wanting to ruin a piece someone could’ve spent weeks working on.”
“Did you ever take anything from the set at any point?”
“You’re trying to get me in trouble, aren’t you?” You tease him, which just makes him laugh while shaking his head, “I did take something, yes. Can’t really confess what, but there is one person who knows what it was, and it’s just because they were my partner in crime.”
“So that secret is going right to the grave of two people?”
“That it will!”
“You only have two wings left, so let’s make it one!”
“This sounds so rude, but I cannot wait for this to be over. I’m loving everything about this, but the spice? Fuck no.”
You grab your wing and make a cheering motion, and just take a bite out of it. Maybe you should’ve gone a bit softer on the bite, because the heat kicks you instantly. It feels like a volcano eruption, which makes you feel uneasy about how the last wing will truly be.
“It’s kicking in, isn’t it?” Sean asks 
“It is! I don’t know why you’re eating this so willingly, you do this every other day, mate! You don’t have to prove anything to me, I promise.” 
“I know I don’t, this is just my job at this point, eating hot wings for a living!”
“You could not pay me enough to do that. Mad respect, truly, if anyone needs a pat in the back, it’s you!” Your voice is nasally, and you’re sure you have a somewhat runny nose by now.
“You seem like a very sweet person, being respectful to those around you is something not all celebrities engage in. Is that something that can become hard to leave behind when filming scenes for characters which aren’t nice at all?”
“It can get hard sometimes. I don’t particularly engage with the whole ‘Method Acting’ thing many people seem to do, I find it to be unnecessary, and it doesn’t look like a fun experience.” You were trying your hardest to not start any drama with your words, but you could just see the headlines twisting your words.
“So you’d say that filming should be fun?”
“Maybe not so much the filming, but the portraying a character. I’ve seen it firsthand when an actor loses who they are because they went too far with the creative process of being a character. We’re all free to do what we please, but if it harms you or others? I draw the line there.” 
“Has there ever been a moment where being a character took a toll on you?”
“There have been quite a few, it’s not the nicest experience to be honest. I couldn’t go to work because I just couldn’t bear being called my character’s name. I obviously got over it fairly quickly because there’s not much time for tears when you’re more than halfway into a project.” You gulp, your eyes become glossy all of a sudden, evidently not because of any wing. “This got very emotional quickly, don’t know how that happened.”
This time when you looked backstage, there was a certain someone with his thumbs up looking right at you. A small smile, a fond one, formed right on your lips. 
“It’s okay, heavy questions have heavy answers.”
“Something that’s looking quite heavy is this last wing.” Sean laughs at your comment, making the small smile overtake your face in a split second.
“Now you don’t have to do this, but I sometimes add more sauce on the last wing to end it with a bang. Are you willing to join in?”
“I’m gonna regret saying yes, but why not, can’t let you do it alone now.”
The moment you say that he opens the bottle in front of him, and pours some sauce on it. You eye your bottle skeptically, the overwhelming smell of it hitting your nostrils in a split second. You don’t drench your wing like he does, just place a drop of it.
You are more cautious with your bite this time, you don't jump in for such a big bite. You're sure it looks like a bird is biting the wing, but you're not about to risk your tongue being burnt off. 
Your face is still stoic, and honestly, youre just doing it so your pride is not as hurt when your friends and family watch the interview. You’re sure Harry will be the first one to tease you about something, yet you can’t wait to hear everything he says, especially since he’s getting every single bit of it.
“Your face is not saying much, so how are you?” You can only respond with a cough, which makes Sean laugh.
“Not good over here! I think I’m gonna have to cave in, and drink some milk.” You’re not quite sure why your voice is so hoarse, but it’s a little funny to hear.
“Go for it!”
You gulp the glass of coconut milk, grateful that it’s not cow milk. You never liked the taste of cow milk by itself.
“Fuck’s sake, that’s lovely, best feeling ever!” You breathe out through a quiet laugh, the slightest drops of milk dripping down your face. Someone off-camera gives you a couple of tissues, and you thank them.
“Everything better now?”
“I’m not sure!”
“The good thing is this is over!”
“No more wings?” 
“No more wings.”
“I genuinely can’t believe I made it through this, especially after the 8th wing.” You say with a shudder, remembering how it burnt 
“We are finally done!” Sean says, making you know that there’s practically only the credits left.
“Woo!” You cheer, pumping your fists in their air.
“Y/N Y/L/N you’ve conquered this challenge! Anything left you have to say?”
“But your tickets for ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ because it’s a great movie, and I’m so excited for all of you to see it!”
“That’s it for today, thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for having me.” You say, blowing some kisses to the cameras around you. 
The interview ends with a couple of claps, and one of the biggest smiles on your face as you try to hide your face to dissolve the attention from you.
Comments 31K
username1: she’s my fave celebrity, if anyone asks why, i’m sending them this video 
👍 76K
username2: she kept looking at someone behind the scenes, i have the biggest feeling it’s harry
👍 24K
username3: SAME
username2: especially since they’ve both been spotted a lot together recently…
username4: props to her for being able to conceal her emotions so well, i could never tbh 
👍 19K
username5: the way sean didn’t even have to introduce her as much because she’s such a big household name
👍 59K
username6: Her outfit looks so good, Rebecca is definitely one of the best stylist’s she’s ever had 
👍 16K
username7: literally so true 
username8: top 3 hot ones interviews for sure
👍 9K
username9: whoever she was looking at, is lucky fr, she looked at them like they were holding the entire world in their hands
👍 12K
username10: her and taylor’s friendship is everything to me rn
👍 5K
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rainiishowers · 6 months
Scenario: The brothers and MC are at a ball at the castle, and this is how I imagine each of the brothers would ask MC to a dance
A/N: Sooo… Had this idea super late at night, and wrote it while sleep deprived (although edited it). The tone may be wayyy different from my usual headcanon sets. I was finding bullet points… a bit boring, so I thought I’d spice it up a little bit, hope you enjoy!!
@mammoneythegreat @crazyyanderefangirlfan
Of course will be all gentlemanly and proper, whether he catches MC in the corner of the room or talking to someone else, he will get their attention with a little clear of his throat or a tap on their shoulder before holding out his hand with a small bow, asking if they would have the pleasure of having this dance with him. If they agree/go along with it, he’ll be extremely happy, which would be crystal clear on his face. He’s a very good dancer and will make up for the mistakes MC makes if any. He ends up being on cloud nine for the rest of the night, even after the dance ends.
This man will probably do it in one of the shyest ways possible, and get flustered just at the idea of asking them to dance. He will stick close by and subtly hint at the idea and if MC were to ever propose dancing with him, he’ll try to play it cool and be all like “Of course the Great Mammon will dance with ya!” But when they actually get to dancing, he will look at MC with the most lovestruck eyes. Surprisingly, good at dancing, a few missteps here and there, and they will hear him humming the rhythm to himself. Not very graceful at the beginning, but it’ll become a pattern Mammon learns quick.
He will probably do everything asides from asking MC if they wanna dance. Levi will sulk in the corner, eyes following MC around the room, will almost get the confidence but chicken out at the last minute. If MC were to ever walk by him or check on him (why would they do that, Levi has no idea), he’d be a flustered tomato. It may be the alcohol served at the party or just his little confidence, but whatever may be the reason, he stutters out a question about if they want to dance with him, awkwardly holding out his hand. When MC agrees, he is ecstatic, and glad he had the confidence to ask them. As he is less familiar with ballroom dancing and more familiar with dancing along to anime openings/songs, he isn’t the most graceful. Levi apologizes every time he steps on their toes or makes them stumble. However, he has enough familiarity with footwork to be able to scrape by.
Much like Lucifer, will be a gentleman about it. However, will be a lot quicker to offer MC his hand and ask them for a dance. He is determined to be the first person MC dances with. He isn’t boasty about it, but definitely enjoys seeing either his own brothers or other partygoers look at them as they dance. He is graceful about it, and definitely throws in a few dips and spins in there for the dramatics. He’s gonna whisper some praise for MC being able to pull off certain moves well, or if they are less familiar with dancing, he’ll walk them through it and warn them of possibly harder moves to pull off. His graceful dancing makes up for the mistakes MC may make. Graceful but a tad dramatic, will obviously give their hand a kiss afterwards.
Ah the king himself. Of course he is fully expecting all eyes to be on him and MC when they start dancing. While that nice image plays in his head, he walks over to MC with a pep in his step and not so subtly asks them for a dance, or if MC asks him first, he will swoon and happily accept the offer. Either way, it’s different with these two dancing. Both of them are doing graceful spins and dips, and if you thought Satan was up for dramatics, you should see Asmo. He shares the spotlight with MC, and looks amazing doing it. Graceful and more much more dramatic than Satan.
Ah Beel, bless his soul. MC might have to be the one to initiate it. He is at the snack table, no surprise there, and sees MC. In the case that he initiates it, he’ll finish his snacks and walk over, seeing their gaze follow the people already dancing. Beel will put two and two together and ask if they want to dance together. In the case they initiate it, they will have to walk over to Beel and ask in a straightforward manner, MC probably shouldn’t be cryptic here because he will not pick up on it. Either way, they end up dancing. He isn’t… the most graceful, he’s still decent, don’t get me wrong, but since he hasn’t done this a lot and probably hasn’t had a lot of practice, he isn’t on the supreme level of grace. He might apologize and say that he wasn’t really used to it and he wasn’t really the greatest dance partner. Maybe someone should sign him up to dance classes…
This lazy mf will not dance unless MC somehow coerces him to. Granted, it surprisingly doesn’t take a lot to get him to agree to something when it’s MC. They will have to give him something in return if they want him to dance with them, though. Let’s say for this, they do manage to coerce him, he will probably do the asking to dance in a more joking/mocking way, with a smirk on his face. While he isn’t too passionate about dancing, he’ll go along with it so MC is happy, because if they are happy, he is happy, or at least content. He barely remembers the lessons in dance that he took with Lilith and Beel, but at least that is something. Surprise surprise, not all that graceful, and will probably quit a quarter of the way through, or a half if he’s especially tired (which is very likely). Why am I not surprised that the twins aren’t the best dancing partners?
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callsign-phoenix · 8 months
I wrote this as a part of my falltober fics, I hope you like it!
It is a Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x gn!reader imagine.
Thank you @famfan-1034 for proofreading!
Day 13: Friday the 13th
Warnings: cursing
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The day you had met Bradley had been both the worst and the best day of your life.
The best because you had met the love of your life, the worst because everything seemed to be going horribly wrong.
It was Friday the 13th and you had woken up on the wrong side of the bed.
After a cold shower, the heater had died apparently, no matching socks in sight and a way to work that had ended with your right foot in a puddle, your day at work was long and tedious.
The only sliver of hope you had was the pumpkin spice hot chocolate you were undoubtedly going to get afterwards, along with the book you had in your bag.
There wasn’t much time for reading so you cherished every second; which you would spend outside the coffee shop if the weather allowed.
Your boss was a menace and gave you more work than necessary and your coworkers seemed purposely out to get you.
All you could do was think of your chosen drink, its warmth already filling you with at least a bit of joy.
When you had ordered it you finally allowed yourself to relax, your shoulders sinking as you let out a much needed breath.
The ghost of a smile appeared on your face once you held your savior in your hands and made your way outside the shop, only to run face first into a very broad and strong chest.
It sent your drink flying and the hot contents poured out over the two of you.
Taking a step back you frowned heavily before it turned into a displeased grimace, your hands wandering over your ruined jacket.
“What the fuck,” you cursed, just as you felt the tears well up in your eyes.
The stranger mumbled an apology and reached out towards you, only to stop short and pull his hands back.
“Fuck,” he echoed what you had said before he looked around for anything that could save the situation.
He only took a second until he zeroed in on napkins, which he promptly retrieved and brought to you.
You couldn’t do much but stand there and you felt a tear slip down your cheek, making you as angry at yourself as you were upset.
When you finally let yourself look up at your stranger it only made you want to cry more, because he was one of the most attractive men you had ever seen.
He handed you the napkins quickly and you tried your best to dab at the stains, but to no avail.
“Shit, I think that’s ruined,” he said, which really didn’t turn your frown upside down.
Your frustration turned stronger until you had to close your eyes and take a breath not to start sobbing.
The stranger in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and a cord jacket looked a tad bit overwhelmed but mostly just compassionate as he reached out to take your sleeve.
“I’m sorry, let’s go and sit down for a second,” he tried to calm you with a low and much more comforting voice, and you readily followed his lead.
He sat you down on the table you had been eyeing before your accident and lowered himself to be able to talk to you properly.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I’ll just be a second,” he said, before returning with another one of your favorite hot chocolates.
He handed it to you quickly before sitting down in front of you, leaning over the table to be able to talk to you.
“I’m Bradley. And I’m sorry for running into you,” he said, one of the corners of his lips raised in the hint of an apologetic smile.
Your hands clasped the new drink in front of you and pulled it further towards you, your eyes raising back to find him already watching you.
You returned that smile and answered with your own name.
When you looked back at that day it brought back mixed feelings, but mostly that heat that creeped into your cheeks when you realized you liked him.
Now, five years later, there wasn’t a single thing you’d change about that day.
He had been so sweet to you and you had explained your frustration to him, earning a supportive smile and a dinner invitation in the process.
“Hey baby, happy anniversary,” Bradley said as he stepped behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You had just gotten up and made yourself a cup of coffee, clad in one of Bradley’s shirts.
Bradley’s voice was raspy from sleep, which you always loved to hear.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked, and you chuckled softly.
After a sip of coffee you told him about your reminiscence, and Bradley laid gentle kisses to the back of your neck.
“You know, Friday the 13th is actually my lucky day. And that’s only because I met you,” he said, earning a kiss in the process.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @jewels98 @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @tipsykeen @bespinnn @airedale17 @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @kmsryles343 @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @abaker74 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus @roosterforme @oliviah-25 @natasharomanoffisbaebby
(please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist, or use this link)
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david-powers-simp · 1 year
What I think the lost boys smell like.
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Hi peeps, Im just getting more and more chaotic with the headcancons I write but oh well. I hope you guys like this dumpster fire.
So to start off i do not think the boys smell as bad as the frog bothers made it seem, the frog bros are just a tad dramatic. Of course the boys are technically the "undead" but I don't think they smell like a sack of rotting flesh, how on earth would they ever manage to go out to the boardwalk if they smelt that bad? They wouldn't be able to, that being said they definitely don't smell like a rose bush, but they don't smell dead either so let's get into what they do actually smell like.
This man has a lot of different scents going on here. First and foremost its important to know paul almost always has snacks in his pockets, like he has oreos, chips, honeybuns, fortune cookies. The whole 9 yards, Paul keeps a good stash of snacks on him at all times. That being said he probably has a bit of a sweet undertone smell, not over powering or strong but very subtle. I think he smells like hair spray as well, like getting his hair that fluffy he 100% uses hair spray. There also was the one scene in tlb that paul was smoking, what im assuming is just a regular cigarette but it could might be w33d so there is that smell also, because you just never know with paul. I do think he would smell of cologne too. Maybe a little motorcycle feums as well.
Marko my sweet lil gremlin, he has this pine, woodsy smell to him. I don't make the rules I just inforce them and this man smells like a pine forest. But here me out marko has a slight smell of pennies to him too, he smells like this mainly because he has like a ton of change on him at all times honestly. Like my mans has his pockets full of change because you never know when you might need it. Oh but hold your horses there's more. Marko has a guilty pleasure of drinking energy drinks every though he may be a vampire and the energy drink does absolutely nothing he just likes the taste of it. His favorite is jolt cola, which is essentially a Coca-Cola energy drink. We also all know marko is a lil clumsy boi because he's energetic ( which i am too so no judging from me) so in turn he spills his drink a lot, getting it on him. That means he acquires the smell of carmel, and a hint of vanilla. Now this is very specific but it just sits right with me, Marko wears the cologne cool water by davidoff,the top notes are mint, sea water and rosemary. To me that just screams marko.
This man lord have mercy ok, dwayne predominantly smells like lavender and here is why. Dwayne likes to pick the lavender thats right outside the cave, i like to think he'd have this natural good earthy smell to him and he seems like he'd smell so calming.  dwyane also likes to put the lavender in a little vase since he finds them pretty and they smell really good too. He sometimes carrys some lavender in his pockets. Dwayne just loves plants and flowers because he like the idea of life and living things, so naturally he likes to carry them with him. ~ and sometimes he gives the lavender flowers out to girls he finds pretty~ . He also very much enjoys himself a cup of tea, he has a tea stash he keeps in an old cigar box tucked away in his room. his favorites are earl grey, gunpowder and chai he can appreciate the different flavors of each tea. Dwayne really likes to add cinnamon to his tea to add a little flavor and spice. I truly feel in my bones he would smell like cedar too like just a nice comforting and calming scent would engulf you when ever you were near him.
Oh the loml, there is a lot too unpack here. Ofc davie boy smokes so your gonna smell that on him, im thinking specifically marlboro reds just because that was a very popular cigarette back in the 80s and I 100% believe david would steal cigarettes off surf nazis. Just the facts, david would also smell like mint. This maybe because whenever david isn't smoking he is chewing gum or maybe its because david has a cologne that has a mint undertone. Hes never gonna let you know which is the reason. Another scent you'll smell on him is leather this man wears at least one piece of leather at all times. Whether its his leather pants or his jacket, he has something leather on.naturally that scent rubs off on him. Oh and whiskey or bourbon david smells like whiskey or bourbon.I think the best way to describe the way david smells is at first he has a bold almost chilling smell but then there's a slightly warmer dare I say comforting scent. With oaky, smoky notes. Oh and he'd smell like hair gel we all know a fine mullet like David's doesn't look that good on its own oh no a good amount of hair gel goes into that bad boy.
Well I hope you enjoyed that peeps i will be back soon to whip out another lil fic for you guys so stay tooned
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chilledninjahangout · 2 years
Ninjago Headcanons
What I think each ninjago character smells like
Kai: Smells like smoke and ash, but also like undertones of hair gel or hair product and cologne. But like, a very decent amount of it.
Cole: Earthy musk and leather with sweet undertones, plus sweat because I think he would be that person that just sweats alot. I feel like if he did wear deodorant, it would be one of those sweet but fresh kind of smelling types.
Jay: The distinct smell of electricity, kind of like when you smell an old TV screen and you can smell the static. Also, lowkey kind of bad because homeboy doesn't brush his teeth and I can imagine he thinks deodorant is a shower because he lacks social skills from growing up isolated. And oil and other substances related to machines.
Zane: Either smells like nothing or smells like motor oil OR smells like cooking and lavender because I think he enjoys burning a lot of incense. And also metallic.
Echo Zane: Heavily of oil, rust, metal and water damage
Pixal: Motor oil and metal OR like nothing. I don't think she would care really what she smelled like.
Nya: Smells like the Sea, kinda salty, and also like motor oil. Also with her deodorant would be the more musky or "masculine " type scents, not the sweet or flowery ones.
Lloyd: He would smell like mint, leather, and spice. Like, he just smells warm and it's like very subtle, unlike everyone else (especially Jay). Also feel like his skin tho would smell like that distinct reptile smell, like earthy but tangy. It's not very strong but I think he would be self conscious about it.
Sensei Wu: That old man smell, but bad, and like dried tea leaves and that old library smell. And again, like Lloyd, his skin smells like a reptile expect a bit more sour.
Sensei Garmadon: Also that old man smell, but one that actually smells really nice and nostalgic, very warm. Also smells of incense, and probably fresh laundry kind of vibes. He is hard to pin point but think warmth and comfort kind of smells. Just really good. Also shaving cream.
Evil Garmadon: Foul, stinky boi. Smells like tar and molasses, with like hints of burning rubber.
Dareth: Like Jay, I think he really stinks of sweat and BO because he doesn't shower and thinks strong, overpowering deodorant will hide it. It doesn't, it just makes it worse.
Ronin: Homeboy would smell like metal, old spice, kind of bad because he doesn't get much opportunity to shower much. Maybe a tad salty from being out at sea.
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just-mysme · 1 month
Hello~! I was wondering if you’d like to do a mystic messenger and stardew valley matchup trade with you? Romantic matchup please :3
My name is Casey and I’ll be 25 in June. My pronouns are she/her.
I’m 5’4 and my body type would be a little chubby, but also curvy. I guess I have an hourglass figure too? I have big green eyes and I wear glasses. I also have many piercings (nose and few ear piercings) and my hair is shoulder length wavy hair and it’s dyed a burgundy color.
My preferred age range is 22-27
Personality: My friends would best describe me as cute and sweet with a hint of spice lmao. I’m shy and awkward around new people and it can take a while for me to warm up to someone. But once that happens, I’m much more talkative, playful, giggly and bubbly. I also have a sarcastic, mischievous side and a tad bit moody. I suffer from anxiety, ptsd and depression, so I need someone who can be patient and understanding. I like to cause some mischief here and there, but watch the chaos unfold after lmao. On the contrary, I do dislike confrontation…so I try to avoid it if possible. My humor is a bit dry, awkward and dark. So, most of the time I’m the only one laughing at my joke 🫡. My personality type is INFP and I’m also a Gemini. It’s hard for me to make friends and maintain friendships, but I’m super loyal and loving to my loved ones! I’m also super sensitive and often times to show my emotions I cry lol. I love hard as fast which can be a double-end sword in relationships. I can be social when I want to, but I’d rather be reserved and observant of my surroundings in social settings. I also curse a lot 😅.
Likes/dislikes and hobbies: I love kids and animals! I have two cats of my own named Jasper and Mochi 😍. And I’d like to have kids in the future. I have an unhealthy obsession with anything cute and fluffy. Such as pillows, blankets and stuffed animals. I enjoy traveling, anime, Kpop, nature, watching trashy shows lol, gaming and napping! I’d literally nap all day long if I’m allowed to 😅. Anything spooky and creepy intrigues me! Especially tarot cards and ghost hunts! Even though I love to travel I’m also a homebody and would rather stay home. I absolutely HATE spiders (arachnophobia), crowds and loud abrupt noises and changes. Also can’t stand rude people!
Aesthetic/style: I’d best describe my style as whimsical goth. I LOVE cottage core and wearing long flowy skirts and tops. But I also love to style with a hint of gothic here and there. I prefer darker colors and reds, purples and black. I also wear a lot of boots and corsets.
Ideal type: I do prefer someone older than me and taller than me. But I’m more than ok to date someone a couple of years younger than me. I’d like someone who I can be playful with, someone who I can banter and tease without getting upset. I have two cats, so I definitely need someone who loves cats just as much! I’m not much of a physical person as physical touch can give me anxiety. But if it’s coming from my s/o, I become so clingy and cuddly! I’m also a little possessive with my s/o 😅. My love languages are words of affirmations and gifts. I love giving gifts to loved ones, especially the little simple gifts that makes me think of my love for them.
Thank you so much and I’m excited to do this trade with you! I hope you have a good day/night~ 🥰
Your MysMe matchup is…
Saeyoung Choi✨
it was quite tricky picking a mysme matchup for you, but ultimately i went with saeyoung because i felt as though you two would get along VERY well
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HC’s for your relationship…
The more he learned about you, the more intrigued he became, you two would balance each other out, the conversation would never end with you guys!
Playful bantering? Hello?? You guys would absolutely start playing jokes on the other RFA members. He’d start it and you’d take it and run… Think about all the jokes he’s played on poor Yoosung, he’d never catch a break when you and Seven are both online!
Cats. Do I need to say more? The fact you have two cats of your own, Jumin would probably thank you for finally getting him away from Elizabeth 3rd. He’d come over to your place, saying he was there just for the cats (even though you being there was a big factor as well😅)
He’d be the type to be like “what are you watching?” and then watch all 27 seasons of it with you, no matter how “trashy” the show is! He’d even start gossiping with you about it!
The “hint of spice” in your personality reflects his own, so when you two are together, it brings it out on both ends !!
About your relationship…
We both know it takes time for him to accept you, that’s because of his secrecy. You two help each other open up, and become comfortable around one another. He appreciates you, and dedicates everything he has to you. He would walk to the ends of the Earth for you! He’d be very cuddly with you, so long as you’re alright with it! He’d always triple check, just to be safe!
✨Your SDV Matchup✨
I had SO much fun with this trade, thank you for trading with me!! I hope you enjoyed!
(Note: I saw your post last night and laughed that we both gave each other Seven😅)
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rosethorn-248 · 1 year
✦ :: A few FE3H characters and their scents
@supershiny-raven and I decided to come up with some ideas on how a handful of characters would potentially smell/wear as perfume or cologne.
These are only fun little thoughts we made. Whether you disagree or agree is up to you. If you want to share more, feel free reblog.
✧ :: Sylvain Jose Gautier
I feel like he’d definitely have a musky yet lavishing aroma. Like it’s masculine but very inviting, at the same time. In my head, I figured something such as orange blossoms and cedarwood (with maybe a hint of coconut) I like to hc that he’s got fluffy and loose locks, so most products would be coconut scented (modern-wise, at least) He’s obviously an erotic/flirtatious character. The more bitter/citrus part of his scent would complement that, and the sweeter bits would feel like a trance almost. It fits his character well, I think. He pleasantly draws people in with a lovingly, overwhelming aroma.
✧ :: Felix Hugo Fraldarius
I was a bit stuck on this because of the fact that he’d mostly smell like the training grounds, whetstones, or even weaponry; however, aside from those aspects, he might give off a spicy aroma. There’s probably a nature/airy base or something, but for the most part, he’d smell like a rosy bonfire. Like scandalwood, birchwood, amber, and moss. Perhaps cedarwood like Sylvain. I’d probably say scandalwood and birchwood though. Felix just feels like he’d have a bitter/spicy scent. Something that immediately grabs your attention, but not in an odd way. Its simply striking and sharp smelling. Exactly how he likes to keep his blades, along with his outer attitude too.
✧ :: Claude Von Riegan
I’m not sure why, but he was pretty hard to think of a scent for. I figured he’d smell spicy yet musky/mossy. Not legitimately spicy like Felix, but something with a kick to it, at least. My guess for this was apple spice, bergamot, and amber. I was also trying to take into consideration Almyra for his scent, but apple spice seemed to match the particular spiciness I was looking for. I wouldn’t doubt that there’s definitely a better substitute for him; however, I think this combination fits well. Its complex just like him.
✧ :: Byleth Eisner (Female)
Ray came up with this scent for Byleth. They felt like something clean/fresh yet sweet (such as fruity/floral) would fit her best. Perhaps a zen garden with a bit of a berry aroma (and even peonies) She seems like she’d smell like the monastery, honestly. Like her dorm is basically how she smells 24/7. With all of her students always gifting her lovely flowers, it makes complete sense for Byleth to give off a floral freshness or berry bliss.
✧ :: Edelgard Von Hresvelg
This was another one that was a tad difficult because of her pairings. I immediately wanted to give her a perfume that she might wear while out with a girlfriend or partner, in general, but I mostly considered her, for the most part. Because of that, I feel like she’d have a citrus scent with a bubbly sweetness to it. I was thinking something with lemon and lavender (maybe a few berries) Edelgard seems like she’d have a crisp yet bitter citrus smell to her, blended together with a floral/berry sweetness. She’s fierce yet cute all in one.
✧ :: Ferdinand Von Aegir
Okay, listen, here me out…but Ferdinand is definitely someone who’s ordering a pumpkin spice latte during the fall. I’m not sure what else to say aside from that about him because he’d absolutely smell like pumpkin spice with a nice bergamot and cedarwood accent. He’d have a sweet spicy smell to him. Like a peaceful tea time or something. He’d just smell very noblest/elegant. Because he’s Ferdinand Von Aegir, of course.
✧ :: Dorothea Arnault
I made her scent similar to Sylvain’s with the whole flirty/lovely aromas, but unlike Sylvain, Dorothea doesn’t need to entice people with her beauty. The people come to her initially. Like a love spell or entrancement. She’d smell downright luxurious and sweet (with floral hints for sure) Dorothea gives off blossoms and orchids aromas. She smells like an entire bouquet, basically, and everyone is just drawn to the flowery scent. She is the pique definition of beauty.
✧ :: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Ray made this one too. They were mostly thinking of his post-war designs/life as the King of Faerghus. It was concluded that Dimitri would probably smell more mature perhaps. Similar to Byleth, he’d just smell like his palace mostly, which seems welcoming yet classy. Like warm leather, vanilla, and blackberry. I can picture him wearing colors such as the ones in his post-timeskip designs with a pleasant warm aroma. It’s refreshing into a new beginning for Faerghus.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 46 - Lost in thoughts again. Episode 4. Congo: I woke up early that morning by some noises in the garden, sounded like…. Daniel and Robert? I moaned softly and stretched quietly looking to my side, getting quite surprised as I found Evan already looking at me.
Evan: He blushed softly Oh…
Congo: I chuckled softly What?
Evan: He chuckled shyly Nothing…
Congo: Judging by his blushing he got shy I had caught him starring at me, so I chuckled again and planted a tiny kiss on his forehead Good morning. I stretched my neck a bit to look behind him Andy's still asleep?
Evan: Yeah he nodded he's sleeping like a stone!
Congo: I chuckled softly As always. How long time has that been going on? I pointed towards the big window in front of us, clearly gesturing towards the noise in the garden
Evan: Hm… about 15 minutes, at least… it woke me up.
Congo: What are they doing anyway?…. it's only I looked at my watch 8.12? I frowned softly Why on earth are they up so early roaming around the garden?
Evan: It's Daniel…. who really knows what's going on in Daniels head?
Congo: I nodded You might be right there I smiled at him softly Alright, I guess I'm gonna go down and see what the fuzz is about I made a move as to get up, but Evan quickly wrapped an arm over my chest, gently pressing me to stay down Or not? I smiled softly
Evan: Please stay here a bit… just a couple more minutes…. it's so cozy.
Congo: I tried my best to hold back a giant smile, which resulted in a shy chuckle instead Okay… I can do that.
Evan: Mmmh… he snuggled his face at my chest and breathe me in I like your smell…
Congo: I smiled softly And what do I smell of?
Evan: Mmh.. I don't know… wood? There's always this mild scent of wood on you, even after you shower. There's always a tad of coffee… Whiskey… he sniffed again mmmh… some spices, and some sort of perfume I can't quite make out. And warmth… just warmth and comfort.
Congo: Mmh I kissed his hair, sniffing him in as I closed my eyes, smiling happily I like your smell too.
Evan: He smiled bright And what's my smell?
Congo: I chuckled warmly Musk… always musk and sometimes a dash or myrrh… other times there's a hint of Amber… but always just a lot of Evan…. and that's my favorite one.
Evan: Mmmh… kiss me He smiled at me warmly, how could I say no to that face?
Congo: I bend my head down to him, planting a few loving kisses on his lips, smiling at him warmly as I stopped Did you sleep good?
Evan: I slept better than I have in a long time…. I was so relaxed…
Congo: That's nice… that's really good my voice was warm and deep
Evan: Yeah… how about you?
Congo: I slept like a dream… having you in my arm all night, is always a great pleasure… knowing you're safe…
Evan: Yeah… I really love hiding by your side…
Daniel: YAWN!!! He walked into the room fast, heading towards the kitchen there's only so much soap opera mumbo jumbo I can listen to before my ears falls off! He chuckled hoarse and opened the fridge, searching for something
Congo: I sighed deep and shook my head Maybe you shouldn't listen in on other peoples conversations then?
Daniel: Maybe so… but it was either that, or walking in on you two kissing, and I assumed Evan might just turn into a tiny mouse and run and hide in a hole in the wall if I were to see forbidden deeds like that, although I have seen you two kiss in the kitchen already, but hey details like that seems to be forgotten, and we all know I always remember who kissed who, and most importantly who fucked who! He grinned with a chicken leg in his mouth as he for a second peeked at us from behind the kitchen door Anyway… he mumbled due to the chicken leg I jusssht came up heeer to tell you two Akn isshhere to talk with you about the resssultsch ofthe testreshulsts.
Congo: No one understands half of what you say with that chicken leg in your mouth.
Daniel: Pardon me he slammed the kitchen door and grinned us again, then took the chicken leg out of his mouth, munching it a bit. Akin, test results of your blood, sick boys, he has words for you… go go… you find big man in garden! Big man make fire! Big man has news!
Congo: I chuckled deeply and shook my head Alright alright…. I shook my head again and grabbed Evan's boxers, quickly handing them to him, then managed to locate my own, and grabbed those as well, getting them on under the blanket. I'll quickly put some coffee on and go get dressed… let's take it to the balcony so we don't wake up Andy, hm? I assume you want to be a part of it, as I expect him to have news about you know what as well?
Evan: He nodded at me and sighed softly Yeah… I'll go get dressed… meet you in the balcony 5 minutes from now? I'll pick up Akin on the way.
Congo: 5 minutes later, Evan, Akin, Robert, Daniel and I were gathered on the big balcony where also the hot tub and the big barbecue grill plus outside dining table were located. We all had something to drink. Most of us coffee, while Daniel had settled for a beer.
Akin: So, the news are good. You are both cleared now… no more to find in your blood samples. It seemed to be a minor virus infection you got, due to the bonds. I guess both your bodies needed to adjust a bit, that's all. I have no answer as to why Andy didn't get affected, once again I guess it's just the magical mystery of Andy? He chuckled warmly You should both be okay, and no need to worry about affecting others any longer either. You might still experience some tiredness, but beside that everything should be normal. As for the mate bonds and getting married. We have after much searching been able to find one other case like yours, back in the early 1700… where a young woman got married to two male mates. Neither bonds broke. Actually the quite opposite happened. The bonds got re-enforced and seemed stronger than any mate bonds ever made. Creating some very unusual strong connections between the people involved. Nothing bad, so please don't worry. It was more like a certain awareness of the people in the bond, such as detecting their mood better than you would normally detect a partners mood. A deeper understanding of each other. A deeper connection so to speak. It's hard to explain really, as it didn't explain in details. But I would expect it to be something in the same direction of what you and Andy used to feel back when Andy still had a bit of supernatural blood and you two exchanged blood. He nodded at me Back when Andy could feel your feelings… But nothing quite as intense as that, so you should be able to breath freely and not feel buried under supernatural things again, as I know you wish to have as little to do with that as possible. He smiled softly Let's take it easy, and if something becomes too overwhelming, we will work it out somehow, okay? We can do lots of things, you will not be left alone in it. But the clan and I have agreed, it should be perfectly safe for you guys to get married he smiled warmly at Evan So all that's left, is to pick a date for you and Andy… or all 3 of you, if that's where you're heading? He winked at both of us and smiled cheekily
Evan: Coughed in his coffee and blushed bright red Ehh…
Robert: Who already had happy tears in his eyes from the news of the marriage, looked at us with a small squeak-like sound Is there something going on between you two?
Congo: I looked at Evan a bit hesitating, chuckling nervously Akinnnn I chuckled nervously again that was not supposed to be public….
Akin: I apologize… I thought everyone knew? It's quite obvious anyway.
Congo: I smiled a bit forced Perhaps. But we both prefer some privacy around this, so things wont be too overwhelming. Besides, there's no reason to steal the spot light from the upcoming wedding, right? So can we just keep it around this table and not let it reach more ears? Please?
Akin: He nodded agreeing Absolutely. And I apologize. I just thought everyone knew.
Robert: So… that means…??
Evan: Yes dad! He sighed deep and grabbed my hand, sliding his fingers between mine… a bit irritated, but he did it, And that was a great start Can we just… he blushed softly and sighed deep I don't want Andy to know about anything…
Robert: Andy doesn't know about you two?
Evan: I give up on you he shook his head lightly and sipped his coffee
Robert: I'm sorry, I'm trying to keep up with all of this… it's hard son.
Congo: I chuckled softly I apologize Robert, it's not your fault. Evan didn't get quite right out of bed today. I smiled softly at Evan and stroke his hand with my thumb Yes Robert, Evan and I have… found each other, and I guess we are sorta
Evan: We're a couple yes! His voice was still irritated and he only blushed more by the words, seemingly trying to focus on something on the ground, not to have to keep eye contact with anyone
Congo: I smiled softly I hope everyone is okay with that, cause that's how it will be from now on. We are all 3 a couple. And let's keep it like that for a while before talking about marriages and such I glared a bit at Akin and chuckled softly But, Robert, I assure you I love your son very much, and I will do my very best to be as good to him as possible.
Robert: Sniffled his nose as few tears fell from his eyes I know you will..
Daniel: Robbie! OI!!! He threw a pack with paper towels to Robert you're leaking!
Robert: Chuckled softly and grabbed the pack of towels Thank you.
Akin: He observed Daniel with an amused smirk on his face What happened to you anyway?
Daniel: Sighed softly Feisty Sparkle.
Akin: So what did you do?
Daniel: Why do you assume I did something wrong?
Akin: Looked at him with poker face
Daniel: Yeah, okay, you're right. I messed up. She told me she would like to take this guy, Danny, to the wedding… I had assumed she was gonna go with me. So… I guess I said a few things I shouldn't have…. and…. punched Danny? He frowned and sipped the beer And then I made fun of him for not fighting back… And then… the little one got pissed he pointed at his face and sipped his beer again
Congo: Yesterday you sai…
Daniel: Frowned softly I didn't want you to worry… you were relaxing with the long haired one he gestured towards Evan you both looked so cute… just because I'm a social fuck up who can't make a relationship work, doesn't mean I have to ruin others as well, right? He pulled his shoulders and searching his pocket for his joint tin It's fine… let her take Danny, if that's what she
Evan: No one is going to that wedding, except our family and closest friends. He looked at Daniel with an intense gaze, that somehow said 'she wont bring him as long as it's my wedding, I got your back'
Daniel: Smiled softly and lit his joint Well, that was an unnecessary pile of bullcrap drama we didn't need…. will everyone please light the fuck up? There's a wedding to be planned!
Congo: We all laughed, and for the next hour we all planned together, how, when, and where the union should take place.
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lacteawhy · 1 year
what do the boys smell like?
We got lots of clean good boys and one smelly bitch on our hands.
Sherman's a stinky fucking rat. I doubt he showers often, unless his last kill ended up covering him in blood and, possibly, dirt aaaand his clothes smells like cigarettes. Does he wash his clothes? That's a good question.
Hector tries to either keep it neutral, he's a clean boy, or if he's feeling extra fancy today, he might put on some expensive perfume. Of course by the end of the murderous day there's metallic and sweat stench mixed in there, can't escape that. But he'll take a shower and wash his clothes, he takes extra care of his body. Fucking him is a pleasure in that sense.
Dar doesn't use cologne nor perfume. He showers regularly too. So maybe just a faint smell of a man.
Travis, wearing the uniform all day, does smell a tad sweaty. Gets a chance to shower at work but it doesn't help to clean the clothes.
John is anxious quite a lot and also gives a faint sweat smell but it's not bothering. A hint of some cologne, he wants to smell nice for youuuu
Curator - he just..smells so nice? You can't tell what is it really.. every time his scent is slightly different and it's always barely noticeable, but also..recognizable..? Every time you're in his arms it makes you dreamy. Spices, old books, wood.. it's always something comfortable for you but never strong enough to be annoying or distracting.
Charlie doesn't smell like cigarettes, surprising, right? CAUSE UNLIKE SHERMAN HE TAKES SHOWERS AND CHANGES HIS CLOTHES. Uses a cologne for sure. Sometimes maybe TOO much powder in his laundry...cause you just can tell, oh, Charlie's got fresh clothes on!
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rubctosis · 7 months
"I may not be the doctor here, but I know soup cures everything." he slides a steaming bowl towards Law, a stupid grin pressed into his cheeks.
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 Law sat in the dimly lit room of the submarine, his gloomy gaze fixed on the medical supplies scattered across the table. The air felt heavy with tension, a stark contrast to the warmth emanating from the bowl of soup that Corazón had just slid in front of him. Law glanced up to meet his gaze, the latter wearing an almost foolish grin that seemed to defy own questioning gaze. Law's own stern expression softened just a tad bit as he eyed the steaming bowl before him. The aroma wafting from the concoction filled the air, a comforting scent that briefly distracted him. He couldn't deny the appeal of the warmth radiating from the soup, a stark contrast to reality. Corazón was no doctor, but in this moment, he wore the guise of one, offering a cure of a different kind. 
The Surgeon sighed, a barely audible exhale that betrayed the exhaustion he carried beneath his exterior. He took the bowl  reluctantly, the metal clinking  of the utensil against the ceramic as he dipped it into the broth. The warmth radiating from the liquid seeped through his fingertips, in contrast to the cold touch of his surgical tools. The first taste was unexpected. The flavors danced on his palate, a symphony of herbs and spices. Despite himself, Law found a small, involuntary hum of satisfaction escaping his lips. before catching himself, giving the latter  a sidelong glance.
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  ❝ it tastes like crap-  ❞   he muttered, a hint of a playful smirk taking up his features, As Law continued to sip the soup, he couldn't help but appreciate the genuine concern that Cora had for him, even if it was expressed through something as seemingly absurd as a bowl of soup. In the end, maybe there was some truth to Corazón's philosophy.
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How about that random Valentines Day thing? Sounds like fun.
Oh! This is a fun one! :D
You got 28! You got Brute or Swapfell Spice Papyrus!
You were excited to do this blind dating thing! You see, there was this thing going on where two people were randomly paired together through numbers and you found out that you were paired with someone! Of course you had no idea who that person was, and honestly, you were feeling a little nervous.
What if the person was some crazy guy and they tried to kill you? With that thought in mind, you shook your head. No no, you couldn't let yourself get nervous; it wasn't gonna go bad! You were gonna have a lot of fun… and it would just be one date, it'll be fine.
Now you were waiting for the other person to get there. You were told that they were a monster named Brute, and that was fun. Monsters only came out of the underground a little while ago, the king was this cute little skeleton! You saw him and his brother on tv, and uhh… the taller one looked a little scary. Mostly the thing that was always around his mouth, it looked like a muzzle. Why would he have to wear one of those?
You got knocked out of your train of thought when you heard a voice and felt a tap against your back, "You are Y/n?" the voice sounded a little scratchy but had a hint of excitement.
With a soft yelp, you turned quickly, then laughed, nodding, "Oh- yeah, that's… that's me." You tilt your head to look at the person and it was the brother that you were just… talking about. Shit. He turned his head to the side then smiles pointing at himself, "Brute."
Brute was a very tall skeleton, hard to tell the exact height and he was wearing a big fur coat. His tail was long, swaying back and forth slowly. There were a few scars and cracks on his skull one large one going over one of his sockets. He wasn't wearing the muzzle this time, though showing his crazy sharp-looking teeth. A few of them seemed to be knocked out.
"You're the one that I got the blind date with?" You sounded shocked, as well as a few other emotions maybe. You saw the way that his smile dropped and he rubs at his skull, nodding while turning his head away a tad.
Oh geez, you didn't mean to hurt his feelings. "Well…" You reach out slowly, smiling at him, "Ready to get the date started?" His eyeshines shoot back to look at you and got his grin back, nodding. He takes your hand and starts to walk.
The two of you decided to go to a carnival! People got out of Brute's way, which made it so you guys could get food first or even get to the head of line, even though Brute tried to act like he didn't mind waiting. "Perks of your brother being the king of monsters, eh?"
He would gently bump his arm against yours, amused.
He even won you a few plushies! Now you two were on the wheel, and it stopped near the top. Brute looks over at you and chuckles, "Did I overdo it with the plushes?" He noticed you had a bit of a hard time carrying them.
"Never enough plushies," You told him, with a chuckle of your own and you put them down looking out at all the lights then look over at him. You saw the way his teeth went up in a smile, his tail starting to wagging. "Hey… thanks, I had a lot of fun today."
Brute nods, gently wrapping his tail around your waist then looks out as well. The glow of the lights made him look pretty… how funny you used to think that he was scary looking.
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
That's fine--- it's a typical FuuKam✨✨ Then why don't we spice thing up?😎 FuuKam with kiss46----😎😎😎 (i think... It is suitable to TRC?? Huh??😂😂)
Ah, you sort of gave me idea for this one 😂 it's fluff and humor for once 😌 TRC setting, some time after acid Tokyo. Kamui displays how he's a proud owner of 0 braincells
46 - Kiss out of jealousy/envy
Just what in the world was he doing?
Kamui kept asking himself same question over and over again as he crouched down and hid behind garbage can. Strench was awful, offending really; but Kamui tried to endure it; he had other priorities on hand.
Like spying on his twin talking to his boyfr -
That hunter he spent night with from time to time.
Really, what possessed him to do that, he had no clue. Ever since figuring out three of them were in same world, Fuuma started dropping by their place on regular basis. Every day, not to beat around the bush. Of course it was inevitable Subaru and Fuuma would strike a conversion from time to time. Kamui was a tad bit distrustful initially about Subaru's safety given who precisely Fuuma was related to. But those doubts faded over past few weeks.
Observing them chichating and getting along so well, Kamui returned to mistrust for complete different reasons.
Heaven help you Fuuma if you're doing things behind my back.
Kamui noticed Subaru murmuring something and Fuuma chuckling slightly in response. Damn he was too far away to hear what they were saying; without any deliberation Kamui crawled behind dumpster at closer proximity to objects of his undivided attention. Unfortunately that undivided attention resulted in him bumping head over container's edge. Something hissed, something bolted up. Cat flew from dumpster right above him; some of thrash followed. He slipped onto discarded can and stumbled down.
Universe you don't need to tell me I'm an idiot. I know that myself.
Kamui got up and dusted himself. Really, if something stood as axiom, then it was how head over heels Fuuma was for him. No way that was all pretense, he was absolutely whipped. No way he'd have interest in his more than adorable and docile twin who had no outbursts and not a hint of difficult personality and was basically adored by absolutely everyone and was totally a better choice and -
Great. Now he felt problem child.
What am I? A teenage girl? Damn you to hell Fuuma, this is all your fault!
In heat of a moment Kamui kicked container. Another thrasbag fell out and spilled over his feet. Damn it all to hell. This has to be Fuuma's fault too.
"Good thing you stepped in, that man kept on bothering me for days now...", Subaru murmured and broke Kamui out of whatever sorry state he fell into.
Wait, what man? Briefly Kamui felt miffed that someone was bother Subaru; extra miffed that Subaru apparently kept that from him. Kamui hoped that was only thing Subaru omitted to inform him about.
"Hm, one from bakery beside your apartment?", Fuuma hummed and scratched back of own head. He looked ridiculously attractive in casual attire and carefree like that, Kamui noted. He hoped Subaru didn't note the same.
Subaru didn't appear to be affected, simply hummed affirmatively. Good, no signs of flirting. But that didn't stop Kamui from feeling jea - curious.
Yes, he was just curious. Nothing more.
So it was that shady looking guy who gave him and Subaru funny looks; pieces started falling together, explaining why Subaru was avoiding being alone in past few days. Although, Subaru was as powerful as he was, he couldn't have easily told that guy off or simply showed him claws; dude would have ran away like he saw the devil. Still, Subaru being Subaru, of course he'd rather suffering himself than risk being rude.
If it were Kamui he would have plunged that guy's eyes out long ago.
Or maybe he would have orchestrated a chain of events that would result in Fuuma having to step in.
Momentarily Kamui imagined Fuuma politely telling that guy off. Couldn't help fantasizing how hot he would have looked with stone cold anger if Kamui ended up being one hit on. Would he glare? Oh sure he would, maybe even approach the guy and put size difference to good use. Hmm, would that be hot to watch; not that Kamui would ever admit. Maybe he could put that to test someday, when some other creep started ogling him. Yes, maybe he could dress in bit tighter clothing, walk around town and -
"You could have dealt with it yourself Subaru-san", Fuuma explained and addressed Subaru with gentle smile.
If it was a teenager girl in question, she would have been melting by attractive older guy paying attention to her. To hell, anyone would get even little bit warm and fuzzy inside. Not Subaru however, he didn't seem affected at all; even appeared to be frowning at topic of his three day stalker.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but for first time in my life I'm grateful you're obsessed with that bastard hunter of yours, Subaru.
"True, but I didn't know how to politely tell him to leave me alone. I didn't want Kamui to find out, he would have blown his top"
At mention of his name Kamui become more engrossed in conversation. He frowned once implication settled in. Really, Kamui was aware he had a bit of... outbursts and overreaction issues when their safety was in question, but that didn't mean he was delighted to hear himself being compared to unrestrained animals.
Still, Subaru's lack of response wasn't adequate really. Kamui would have clawed his eyes out! That would have been far more adequate.
"Guy would get his eyes clawed out", Fuuma commented lightly, as if reading his thoughts.
If you're reading my thoughts then step away from Subaru and start looking for me. Or at least talk about me!
Kamui pouted further; kicked thrash can once more. Bystanders gave him funny looks but he didn't give a single damn. Was he really that predictable? That much of an open book? Maybe Fuuma knew him way too well from all the sleepless nights they've spent together.
"Well, you're cute", Fuuma responded matter-of-factly. "Of course potential suitors would flock to you"
But what about me? Kamui felt himself pouting even further, like a child. Never mind that Fuuma showered him in compliments nonstop, nevermind that he's been called way more than simply cute, never mind how many times he saw Fuuma being physically affected by his appearance- suddenly Kamui couldn't recall any of that. All that matters is that his boyfr- enemy with benefits called his clearly adorable twin adorable.
Damn it all to hell. Kamui knew he was behaving irrationally, playing stories in his head that deep down he knew weren't real but couldn't tame tiny corners of mind casting shadows of doubt. For all he knew Fuuma would dump him this evening and the start hanging more and more with his twin and then they'd magically be missing during night all until one time Kamui would unlock the door and see them -
Kamui extended his nails and plunged five holes into metal container; then scraped nails down the surface. No, he wasn't miffed, he wasn't pouting and dreading - no, he didn't care at all! Not a bit. It's just... how did he sink so low to think Subaru would do that to him?
Okay maybe Subaru would, he was too kind and gentle for something like that. But that still left possibility of Fuuma losing interest in him once he saw he can do much better. Really, Kamui knew he was considered attractive by most, but his personality was anything but easy to put up with.
Fuuma put hand under chin and gazed up to sky. Then added in amused tone - "My brother wouldn't be delighted at all to hear other men are looking at you in that way"
Well, neither am I! For the first time (and hopefully last time) in his life, Kamui wished Seishirou was in this universe because he surely would have stepped in long ago. Possessive bastard would surely have thought Fuuma was flirting with Subaru or even if not, surely would have acted as prevention measure; surely wouldn't be spying from afar and playing out disastrous scenarios in head while being passive and dying inside. Kamui flinched once he realized just who he was comparing himself with, god forbid he had anything in common with that bastard hunter.
Kamui hissed once more. There's no other, all of this was Fuuma's fault one way or another! No, not Subaru's, he was polite and empathetic with everyone, even three day stalkers. Then it had to be Seishirou's fault by extension somehow. Yes, something would always be that bastard's fault. Butterfly effect probably.
Alright, maybe there was nothing going on. Maybe he was observing world with envy-green glasses. Maybe -
Subaru shifted gaze to ground, expression sheepish and abashed. Then blush spread across his face. He appeared so endearing even bystanders stared his way. Kamui frowned once more. Again, for the first time in his life Kamui hoped Subaru was blushing because of what Fuuma said about Seishirou, not because of Fuuma himself.
But Fuuma was looking at him too. And Kamui couldn't know what precisely Fuuma thought about Subaru's abashed and docile behavior. Then he opened mouth as to say something and -
Enough was enough.
Without a second though Kamui got out of his hiding spot and strolled right where Subaru and Fuuma stood. Perhaps there was something in the way he moved that ozzed of 'piss me off a tiny bit and it'll be last thing you do in your life' as all bystanders moved out of his way. Good, let world know he's annoyed.
Of course Fuuma and his twin noticed him immediately; both turned his way and took step away from one another. So you're putting distance just because I'm here now? That only strengthened Kamui's resolve to do that he never thought he'd be bold enough to do in public.
Fuuma put hands in pockets and beamed at him. Subaru also gave a meek relieved smile, but none if that dampened down Kamui's apprehension.
"Oh Kamui, I'm happy to see y-"
Kamui silenced Fuuma by pulling him down by jacket lapels into a kiss.
Silence befell. Remotely he discerned Subaru gasping a bit; perhaps wasn't expecting Kamui to act so bold in public. Neither was Kamui expecting that of himself, but he had to make a point. I'm just marking what's mine.
Kiss was more urgent and forceful than romantic; message had to be passed after all. After second or two Fuuma snapped out of utter shock and started kissing back just as ardently; got hands out of pockets and wrapped them around his waist. In that moment reality kicked in, Kamui realized just what exactly alleged jealousy made him do.
He broke the kiss momentary but damage was already done. Fuuma had cheeky grin in his face, like he just won the lottery. Kamui managed to break free of Fuuma's hold and step by his side; right between Subaru and him. Subaru was slightly flushed, probably from witnessing such unexpected display of affection, but his blush was far cry from how hard Kamui himself blushed.
Earth please open up and swallow me whole. Fuuma won't ever let me live with this.
Before either of them could comment, Kamui blunted out first thing that came to mind - "I'm here now. Let's go"
Pointless attempt to distract, he knew it won't work. Subaru simply nodded and agreed; three of them fell into step and headed towards planned location. Nonetheless Fuuma was basically oozing with merriment beside him, like a kid that just opened a candy jar. Cheeky bastard, Kamui couldn't help wondering if Fuuma somehow planned the whole thing knowing Kamui was observing from afar; just to embarrass him.
Second later arm ended up wrapped around his shoulders and frame. Kamui realized he was being pulled towards Fuuma's side. No, he didn't mind a little bit, even allowed himself to nuzzle closer to Fuuma; right in the middle of street; right in front of his twin. Fuuma ruffled his hair and leaned in to kiss cheek. Blush intensified, but Kamui allowed the affections; warm and fuzzy feeling emerged in chest, little to say he was relishing inside.
Pecks ended but Fuuma still didn't pull away; instead leaned closer and whispered into his ear - "That was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life"
For once Kamui didn't shove him away for being handsy on public; he'd be a hypocrite after all. Instead he allowed Fuuma to caress and cuddle him in public; even went as far to wrap arm of his own around Fuuma's waist. Subaru observed them from few meter distance, content smile on his face; clearly glad to see them together. Beside the obvious embarrassment and ego crying from inside, Kamui couldn't help little smirk reaching up his face; he concealed it into Fuuma's shirt.
Goal fulfilled.
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thefanciestborrower · 2 years
SO! I have, taste headcannons for the fellowship that require sharing and since you lot are a captive audience I’m gonna be showing them to you like a cool rock I found 
Fun fact I had a few irl friends at school help me come up with these under the guise of just wanting to assign foods to the characters. They all saw through that instantly and laughed at me a bit of course but eh what can you do 🤷🏻
F/rodo is strawberries and cream because let’s face it, something sweet and summery is exactly the sort of thing he deserves. Maybe the sweetness gets a little muted after carrying the ring for so long, but he never looses that fresh berry tang 
Sam is a hearty Irish stew no question. Those sorts of stews are always loaded with potatoes, meat, and cabbage, and to me there’s practically nothing more homey and down to earth 
Mmmm I think I decided a while ago that M/erry is an apple pie. Sweet and heavy, with that extra kick of cinnamon spice and maybe just a hint of ice cream
P/ippin was a bit tricky but I’m pretty sure he’d be sweet Irish soda bread with a bit of butter or jam spread on top. I can’t decide which would be better, but there’s definitely some raisins in there because contrary to the general population I love raisin bread and will take any chance I can to eat it 
B/oromir is just a straight up slice of mutton and I don’t think I need to elaborate on why other than I love mutton and he definitely has that gamey flavor 
A/ragorn....I genuinely don’t remember quite what I picked out for him before but I’m leaning towards maybe an elk stew? My grandpa hunts and he used to bring home loads of elk for us to make soup with, and I feel like that’s just got the right vibe. It’s lighter than a proper stew for sure, with more vegetables like peas and carrots and loads of herbs
L/egolas is by far the lightest, tasting mostly of sun sweetened blackberries fresh off the vine, with little herbal undertones. Something like mint maybe, or perhaps even lemongrass. There might even be an almost wine-like quality to the fruitiness if you look for it 
Okay G/imli gave me a bit of trouble, but I think I’d say he’d be fairly close to a pork pie coupled with a good slice of cheese. Heavy and rich and very salty, but an overall simple flavor (either that or a scotch egg because those are also delicious and I might be craving them just a tad right now)
Last but not least is G/andalf, a strong herbal tea, probably green, steeped to the point of almost being bitter. But there’s a few notes of honey in there as well. Overall very strong and earthy, with a subtle hint of sweetness under everything 
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