#just fundy
bumfuzzled-bee · 1 year
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He’s rolling .
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delicehm · 1 year
I just realized one thing
Tallulah saw Binary Monster in her dream long before it's introduction
Tallulah had a prophetic dream
You know, who also had prophetic dreams?
Wilbur had some serious beef with Apollo, I see
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the concept of the dream smp is completely mad like are we sure that wasn't a two year collective fever dream. a bunch of the biggest streamers in the m'necraft sphere on a server where it took one afternoon of breaking bad references to kick-start a two year sprawling in-game roleplay involving geo-political tensions, nations, one of the most accurate depictions of abuse in anything, necromancy, possession, a giant red egg, ghosts, a live suicide attempt and coming to terms with how sh't your dad was. all streamed on youtube and twitch. peak viewership on a single day was like 1.4 million people, involving some of the biggest names in the online gaming sphere, mr beast would log on every now and again and stop everyone role-playing to hunt for a bunch of gift cards that never got used, they were all gay all of the time for some reason, lil nas x logged on one time and built a tree house?? are we sure that was real like sure there were plenty of news articles on it for some reason but are we all totally sure that happened
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accursed-worm · 2 years
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agnesandhilda · 10 days
as far as christian-themed art goes I'm of the opinion that you cannot meaningfully appropriate mainline western catholicism (it's a massively powerful branch of a religion that has been spread by imperialism and that actively seeks out converts as a core tenet. how could you appropriate it?) but that it is possible to engage with it shallowly and that that's fair game to make fun of. I will not be taking questions at this time
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ardent-apostasy · 7 months
people in the comments of posts about religious trauma will be like "what trauma?? from sitting in a pew once a week??" and i'm like, first of all, many of us did a helluva lot more than just sitting in a pew once a week, m-kay? and second of all, sitting in a pew once a week gave me PLENTY to work through as an adult so kindly shut it.
like i'm sorry that you can't understand that sitting in a pew breaking out in hives but not allowed to leave because "I SEE YOU WALKING OUT!! THE TRUTH IS UNCOMFORTABLE!! THE WEAK WILL LEAVE BECAUSE THEY WON'T LET JESUS INTO THEIR HEARTS!!" and other such bullshit, or being told that you are INHERENTLY sinful and going to HELL to be BURNED for all eternity, or being told that NOTHING you do will ever be good enough, or being told that "YOU ARE LIKE THE LUKEWARM CHURCH THAT JESUS WILL VOMIT OUT" because of something like not volunteering often enough (or, of course, for not donating enough to the church), or hearing sermons about how JUSTIFIED genocide is as long as the people you're killing don't believe in the One True God (but then again don't worry about those True Believers because they shall survive with the Power of The Holy Spirit anyways), or being often reminded that you MUST be willing to BURN IN A FURNACE or be EATEN ALIVE BY LIONS over not being EXTREMELY PUBLIC about your faith, or...
you get my drift. you put a child through all that and i think they're allowed to have some fucking trauma.
so yeah. kindly shove your "it's just church once a week!" up your ass.
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minecraftdog · 5 months
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you know what would be really funny :/
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blufox234isadumbname · 6 months
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fundo doobles
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posseblr · 3 months
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What does HE know? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
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transgenbur · 5 months
in the au wilbur doesn't understand why fundy's school wants to get the kid an autism screening. because when presented with the symptoms fundy's showing he's just like . Well no i do that and so does my little brother its just how we are its perfectly normal.The school psychologist just kinda looks at him like Sir
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embers-archive · 1 year
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My little insomniac <3
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blorbobingus · 3 months
totally random
but im currently thinking about how painfully UNFINISHED c!fundy’s whole dream arch was because that shit could’ve been SO GOOD but it all happened around that time the server was on a decline, therefore being left unfinished, right where it started
the fucking agony
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one of the most dsmp things ever is Fundy marching off at the start of a pet war to cause some chaos and the floor of the community house is just inexplicably missing
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accursed-worm · 2 years
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mothmothwoth · 5 months
ummmm yeah not to be like this in new year of our lord 2024 but I just remembered how much I loved the dsmp so
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While I was warming up these guys just appeared! Because they were my favs,,
Aughhhhhh all I do is be embarrassing on the internet
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com-i-cal · 6 months
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hey sorry for not posting
here are some fundy and philza in return
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