#this is not D$MP btw
bumfuzzled-bee · 1 year
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He’s rolling .
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riverevanss · 8 months
Finally (and accidentally) found that D/ream clip someone was talking about here like a year ago 😭
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cinderellahoneymoon · 6 months
btw if you like shit like d/s/mp or q/s/mp im blocking you those hoes racist af
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
(SPOILER: I shall just be tagging everyone on tumblr, as picking out people from a group makes me anxious - what if I pick someone who doesn't want picked, or don't pick someone who does? D: )
I was tagged by @mareebird - woot!
Three ships: Doctor/TARDIS, Twissy (or Dr/Mr generally but Missy is my problematic fave ❤❤), and... oh no, I have so many. Probably sylki ATM but in a weird off-brand Lokicest way that other people may find off-putting? This list could change from moment to moment, btw.
1st ever ship: I don't know! It'll be something old though. Who did teenage me think should marry? Erm... pass?
Last song: I don't know exactly I got a Lana Del Ray CD and have it on shuffle and IDK which song is which yet, they all seem quite similar?
Last movie: I don't really watch many films. Erm... it might be that half of Thor: Ragnarok that I rewatched for fic research ages ago. I'm more a TV person than a movies person generally.
Currently reading: Rival Sisters: Mary & Elizabeth Tudor by Sylvia Barbara Soberton on the Kindle. For this period I usually only read books by women, it's not like I know who any of the authors are anyway. Last time I made an exception I found out I was reading a book by a Tory MP *yikes emoji*
Currently watching: I am in the first season of Luke Cage, some of which I have seen before except I can't remember much. It is good because he has HUGE ARMS and is working-class and smashing. The ex-Netflix Marvel shows are a bit bloody though, aren't they?
Currently consuming: I have water. That's very boring :( It's tapwater but I put it into bottles and put the bottles in the fridge because I only like my tapwater cold. Also I am vaping, if that counts? Not in an edgelord way in an "I gave up cigarettes in 2020 but given my overall mental health I am letting myself stay on the harm reduction nicotine for the foreseeable" way. (3mg, I tried going to zero but I got cigs cravings so I went back to 3. Tobacco flavour because the sweet stuff was nice but the coils lasted about 2 days.)
Currently craving: Nothing, really. I've just had some Prawn Cocktail Skips. I am on a diet but I don't talk about it on tumblr (cos it doesn't have a nice cut-tag function and some people have EDs) but one of my 'rules' is that I haven't banned any food because I absolutely would go mad with cravings if I did.
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auro-cyanide · 2 years
Hey Auro, I was wondering if you were maybe going to release your mp game when it's complete? The gifs you've shared look fantastic, and it got me interested in the story. Sorry if this was asked already btw, I can't locate your ask tag ^^;
Hello Anon!
I must very regretfully inform you that I haven't made the game, though I have been sorely tempted
In my head it was going to be about Mezato trying to explore the seven mysteries of their school to write a cutting edge report, but everything not quite going to plan
I unfortunately know how much work a game is and I'm not sure I could keep the motivation up for that long by myself. I was better at it when I had a partner to work with :'D
Anyway, I hope you are not too disappointed. The GIFs for the moment are just that.
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daisy-dooodles · 1 year
About me :D
hi, hello! to start this blog off I think it would be nice to introduce myself a little, so here go a couple of basic questions about me...
What's your name? I go by Daisy in English (cause it's way cuter and easier than my original name in Polish lol and I really like flowers). But let's say my initials are MP, that's why I sign my artwork with it :D
What are your pronouns? She/Her
How old are you? I'm 22 years old, living that early 20s crisis lol
Do you have a degree in art? Nope, I went to uni for Romance Philology, cause I really enjoy languages, literature and different cultures too. But I've always liked art too as a side project!
So why this blog? Well, I don't really know what I want to do in life, so I decided to make this to start taking it more seriously as a possible actual job or just a way of having a place less chaotic than my insta to show the art I'm proud of sort of like a portfolio (and maybe even some behind the scenes I never shared...)
And what would you like to work in? I feel like a creative space would be cool. Maybe like editorial work, maybe designing stuff for books... idk, but I like the idea of being able to work on many different things instead of doing the same for years on end...
Do you do original art or fanart? Both. I have many ideas, sometimes I get obsessed with a show or something and want to try making fanart for it, but I have many original ideas too!
Is it traditional or digital art? Well, I enjoy both immensely. Because I sort of moved to Poland from Spain I don't have many of my supplies, so I'm resorting to digital more. I use the XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 tablet to draw. The program I use is Medibang Paint (and I am thinking of buying Clip Studio in the future when I have more resources at hand, cause I heard it's really good!) Unfortunately, my laptop is not great at colours, so I really like Medibang for letting me upload to the cloud and letting me deal with the colours on my phone :D (none of this is sponsored btw, I'm just sharing my experience)
How would you describe your art style? "I'm just trying" lol. I don't have one, I just try new and different things and supplies and programs as I feel like it. Many times it depends on what feeling I want the piece to have, so that makes me try and learn new techniques and I really enjoy doing that :D
Do you do commissions? Maybe a store? No, I don't. I'm not ready for something like that yet. Maybe down the line uploading stuff to pages like redbubble could be an option, I don't know much about how any of this works, I'll be figuring it out slowly
Can I message you? Please do, for anything! You wanna be mutuals and share with me silly posts or about a fandom we share? Go ahead! Do you need advice or vent to someone? DMs are open :D
What fandoms are you in? Well, I was in Sanders Sides for a long time, but I don't really go there anymore, maybe when we get more content I might just jump back in, though I still follow Thomas and check his content when I can cause I still enjoy it! I do enjoy figure skating and follow a bit on Yuzuru Hanyu, mostly Then we have my most recent fandoms I am kinda obsessed with: MDZS and BTS. Yeah, wild stuff. Have I drawn anything about them? Not yet really, I do have one MDZS sketch I'm working on, and a couple based on BTS songs, so maybe soon I'll share those here cause I feel quite proud of them so far :D I do enjoy many other series and films, but I don't think I'd be able to just list them cause it's so random. You can always ask if you need a friend to whom you get to be weird to, no judgement, we all be like that! I ranted about BTS to my bestie who knows basically nothing about them for almost a year now and they still love me nonetheless hahahah
(...yeah, so let's leave it at that for now, will update when new things pop in my head)
see you around 💜
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elrios-trash · 2 years
Testing Twins Picaro!
Aighty. I've just finished doing Master Class on my Twins Picaro. I'm going to share my thoughts and a lil bit review of this path.
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Levelling to 99
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Levelling with her is fun and faster because skills can go clear horizontal. When I am on level 1-99 I do it all solo without anyone interrupt my queue on dungeon, even my transcendence quest--is that an irony or what lol. Btw my ERP mainly for attack (ASD, Polarize, Damage to Boss) and 80/100 (160%) Item Drop Rate (so I can get extra drop when MC).
Things getting a bit complicated when you meet her passives that includes badges and black/dark aura thingy. This black/dark aura can be obtained from spamming certain skills that have tags--I forget which. While you're still a 2nd Job Punky Poppet, the number on badges can be piled up to 1000. Crazy right?
But after you done transcendence quest and straight to level 99, those points for badges can be decreased (read: the points get consumed) when you spawn Cour de Monde [Level 95] or Long Stockings [Level 80] or any skills that launched rockets :'D
Also she is mana chug even though on her [Unique Badge] passive it gave self MP recovery as Code: Antithese and Diangelion did. The difference is, how much MP recovery she gain per seconds. Since it won't shows up like CA/DiaN MP self recovery.
3rd job and Master Class
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Your pots from Prof. Pho quest will be used up lol. Really chugs. Also her skills need positioning for bossing which I find is hard too. Her minus while I am doing Sea of Ruin is she can't entirely clear small mobs (the box/cubes mobs) there with big skills. I can say like Mad Paradox's weakness, but she's pro at mid boss and bossing.
I admit she's kinda hard to control on mini bosses like Master Road lol. Gaia always annoy me with his long jumps and that time I alr press my skill to another way D:<
Pros : + Have so much clearing skills (mostly horizontal, big, and long-ranged). Fast skill casting too. + Many cooldown decreased/ignore defense option on skill traits, have Super Armor and can be invisible to approach enemies, + DPS besides Eternity Winner and Nisha Labyrinth. + Good at big boss and mid boss. Literally you can solo any dungeon with her. + Movement is faster (because of her passive) than other Laby, can dash in mid air 5x
Cons : - Mana chug (if you pick ignore defense/heavy skill traits) - Bad at small mobs and small boss/humanoid, sometimes the skill only hit a half bar - Need positioning at bossing, especially if the boss aren't stay still - Some people complain about how big are her skills after use "Long Stocking", that make them lag - If you find her voice/skill voice is too loud and noisy, then yes it is a cons XD
Alright, maybe that's all from me! ^^)/ If you find this review helps, don't forget to like or reblog this!
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maryflowerw · 2 years
Where can I see the item about the DD & MP sighting the day before the DM post? I haven’t seen anything else. Also the David & Gillian supporters have come out in the comments of the DM article.
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Anyway, too much of a coincidence if you ask me. Btw, do you have a copy of he DM posts about D and G?
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woolieshubris · 3 years
Mcyt tumblr b like “AAA wingfeather was so good last brook. cannot wait for the next episode when wingding finally becomes canon~ here’s my cute fanart :) *gorgeous image* either way what r their boundaries?!!!” and ill b like “ogh… this makes literally No sense“ *looks at tags* “oh nevermind”
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corvidkiid · 2 years
am i the only person who thinks it's weird dream stans will draw gay ship fanart of characters who are just straight boys roleplaying
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jrwiyuri · 3 years
Kind of want to block someone but uGhhH idk it feels uncomfortable too since I’ve talked to them and like I want to respect peoples opinions. It aHhHh
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beepboopgalaxies · 2 years
God the MCU (markiplier cinematic universe) fandom is so much better than the dsmp fandom
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t4tcecilos · 3 years
just told my friend to watch lastlife lets see how this goes
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What do you think the chances are of the greased piglet losing tonight's vote? I kind of think he's going to win it because the Tories don't have a replacement in mind yet
Ah, but they do. They definitely do. The problem they have is that they don't agree with each other on it, so TORY CIVIL WAR :D :D :D
But real talk tho: him getting booed was the final straw that snapped the camel in half like a twiglet. They were already FURIOUS with him after the council elections, because the Tories backslid at speed into a sewage-infested river with those, and oddly, none of them were braced for it. Multiple Tory MPs wandered about twittering and whining that it only happened because "People voted about national issues when this is a local level!", which is funny, because
a) Yes, few people in this country actually understand how our political system works anymore, you're right. Except that's explicitly because the Tories got rid of Civics as a subject in schools and refuse any and all education programmes about it, because the more educated people are on politics, the less they vote Tory; and
b) Yes, well, there's your barometer for How It's Going on a national level, look.
They were shooketh. And then, at the Jubilee of all places, Big Dog and Carrie Antoinette got booed by, quite literally, their own home audience. So now it's undeniable. For any chance at a Tory party that will actually pass a general election - which will be, at the latest, in 2024 - they need to get rid of him yesterday, to have a long enough timeline to get someone else in and settled and make everyone forget. To that end, there's no way they didn't spend the entirety of Sunday getting their ducks in a line. The major players are about to make a major play, as it were, and I think it's likely that almost every party member - or at least, a significant number of them - knows already which camp they're going to be in.
However, yes. There is still a chance he'll stay.
It's a secret vote, so people will vote honestly; or as honestly as a politician can. Currently, he's lost the new young exciting ones. He's lost the moderates. He's now lost a huge chunk of the Old Guard (Jeremy Hunt!!!! my god) who actually agree with him, but are ambitious before loyal and want him gone to save their own careers.
Which means he's left with the ideologists, like Nadine Dorries (who, btw, is 100% losing her job if he goes). People who are acolytes at his altar, who have bought into the cult of personality until bankrupted, who could stand on the barren soil of a nuclear disaster of Johnson's own making and still would declare he was "right on the big decisions".
What we will really find out with this vote is: how many of those are left?
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w00fies · 6 years
oh god im watching little rascals and i fucking forgot shitty mcshitface himself  Donut Tutu made a fucking cameo uUGH
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queengurako · 2 years
Hakuouki New OVA Episode 3 download in RAW
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I screen-record the last episode if you want to see the episode please ask me in private the link and I will share it with you :) 
You know that all the news episodes are on Crunchyroll so if you want to support the licence there is an another way. That’s why I dont make the link public and ask you to not reupload or share the file to streaming sites ^^
I hope you will enjoy it :3
Three versions are on my mega : 
If you want I can find a way to share sub version (fansub or crunchyroll ones) for people who cant have a crunchyroll account but I will share it only in MP so ask me if you want :D
One in “low quality” but without any lag.
One in HD quality but there are some lags :/ I tried many times to screen-record but it seems my internet with U-Next is not cooperative.
One in HD “high quality” FINALLY !!
Btw I advice you to check crunchyroll even if not everyone could afford a premium account. 
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