#just keep looking at the stars - queen hello future
haechanhour · 1 year
just pure evil emotional manipulation
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shinystarfishmoon · 11 months
Your next boyfriend or girlfriend
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Take 3 deep breaths and choose your plies you can chose more then one ☺
Disclaimer : this reading is just for fun take it with grain of salt 👾
Deck uesd :star spinner tarot
Also this a general reading just for fun perpous take what resonates and leave what doesn't
If you like this reading please like and reblog this post and tell me which plies you picked 🙏
Also take look at my new pac
Plie 1💅
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Cards : five of cups, six of swords, king of cups, page of wands, the fool, 10 of wands, 4 of wands, death
Hello pile 1 💅
I got some messages of past relationships some of you may have been in if not please take what resonate
So in someone of your past relationships you guys may have dealth with frequent arguments and disagreements which in turn resulted in your past relationships not working out. And let you kind of depressed.. Also for those of who may not resonate with what I said earlier you guys may have felt kind of stuck in you past relationships because of the frequent arguments.. And finally made the decision to break the relationship and move on ( with 6 of swords) you might be sad about it. Sweet heart some time we have to leave people behind to move for ward . You are not the bad person,, it's just the way life is 💗 you are brave to leave people those who not bring meaning to your life 💅 slay queen ( king). With the death cards signify they end of a old cycle the old cycle had to end for a new one to begin . The person coming in your life is very emotionally mature, good with communicating their feelings... Communication will be a big part of this relationship. They may really like to listen to you. May find your voice nice and claming. Might be older then you, very reliable, free spirited, they will put lots of afforts to prove that they are worthy of your love my dear 💗. This could also trun into major commitment pretty quickly
Messages :
Don't you stop
You make me loss my mind ( in a loving way 🐥)
Songs :
Plie 2:🦄
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Hello pile 2 welcome to your reading 💗
Cards : 7 of swords, nine of cups, 4 of coins,the world, 4 of swords, temperance , 10 of cups
In pile two we have some messages related to the past keep what resonates leave what doesn't
In your past relationships some one may have been sneaky or you were cheated on by your past lovers ( sorry if it's true) this may not be physical cheating but seems more like emotional one. This lead you to have hard time trusting anyone in matter of love . It may even be your worst nightmare to be cheated on again 🙂. But trust me the person coming in your life is make you believe that you are worthy of love that's it was not your fault . With the world card this relationship will be a new cycle of life you will be staring, your next your next relationship would be a balanced one and you would not feel like your are the only one putting effort into the relationship. It will be both ways. Also this relationship will happen on divine timing be patient dear 💗 your next partner may be working in law or may be interested in it, could be in medical field . May have long hair, every balanced person, perfectionist
I am staying here for a long time
Let me love you please
You are worth it
Listen to me
Songs :
Plie 3 :👾
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Cards : 8 of cups, 8 of wands, moon, page of cups, king of cups, two of cups
Hello pile 3 welcome to your reading :
This is the only plie where I didn't get anything related to past relationships . This is my never have been in a serious relationship plie 😁 . Whatever let's get into your reading shall we... This connection feels like the soulmate kind of relationship, like the one when you know somepeople are just ment
for each other 😭... This relationship will have healthy balance at indiviadual as well as relationship level . You Guys together will be ready to take any obstacle that come your way ( couple goals right here ☺) they will bring out a child like energy in you. You would have to hide your true self in front of them. This person may be rich them self or comes from a rich family, emotionaly mature, may have facial hair if a man., if women may have long hair may have pets like dog or rabbit., especially rabbit 🐰
I didn't get any messages for plie 3 also with moon card I feel like this is how much I am supposed to share 💗
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cheolsfae · 27 days
Hello:) I was wondering if you do a reading for how Stray Kids would be like with a sensitive s/o ( like the one for enhypen)? Thank you!!!🩷
*Disclaimer: Solely for fun. Please do not take this seriously! For entertainment purposes only!*
Minho's and Hyunjin's are so fucking sweet I swear to god! I'm loyal to changbin, loyal to changbin, loyal to chang-
𓆦 Chris (Bangchan)
Past: queen of wands, page of swords
At first, he'd be happy that he managed to pull someone as sweet as them. He could possibly have staked them out first though. Like been watchful of who was after them too. So like making sure he was the only one after them. Like he wants that person to himself. All of them for him and no one else. He might be the type to be absolutely confident in himself that he could pull them even if there was competition. Overly confident too.
Present: 4 of cups, 6 of swords (reversed), the star
I think he would be the type to kind of start walking on egg shells with this person once the honeymoon phase is over. Mainly because he's scared to hurt them. He doesn't want to say something that would cause them to be in pain. He wouldn't want to end things with them, cause they are someone who he is wishing for but it is difficult for him to be his most self with. So it would be hard for him to keep seeing someone like this. I'm not sure how long this would last.
Future: the emperor, 5 of cups
He would see a future with this person but ultimately, I don't think it would last very long. He'd be disappointed in himself for not feeling completely fulfilled in himself if he continued on hiding his true self from this person just to spare their feelings. Like yes, it's a nice thing to do but if you can't be authentic why keep up this facade for the rest of your life? It's extremely tiring to do for even an hour let alone a whole life time. That's just crazy. He would end up having to leave this person.
𓆦 Minho
Past: the hanged man, the magician
So when he came into contact with this person he'd immediately know he'd have to change things. Like the way he spoke about things, he'd know he'd have to say it in a more gentle way than what he is typically used to. He'd be so into this person, he might have been hoping and praying they would come towards him. Like they made the effort for him, doing all the extra-ness for him. But he'd also be giving the same energy. It's not all going to be one sided. He's going to want to change his ways for this person.
Present: 8 of pentacles, 6 of wands
He's going to want to be a better person for this sweet person. It's going to "force" him to really work on himself. He's going to want to be more open with this person, more affectionate. This type of person could really soften his heart (not that he's cold, he's just not flat out affectionate, it's more indirect) and be more willing to show the affection outright. It looks like he could be successful in this change if he was willing to put in the effort.
Future: page of wands, ace of swords
He really would want to keep expanding and seeing where things could go with this person. He would absolutely be more direct about what he sees in the future with this type of person. He'd be more willing to be more public with affection. This is the type of person, I feel would suit him best. This person seems to have lessons for him to learn.
𓆦 Changbin
Past: page of cups, 3 of swords
So, he's gone through this before. He is sensitive, regardless if he wants to admit it or not. He is. So if he was to make any sort of effort to get to know someone who was also sensitive, he'd be fearful of them hurting him more than he himself hurting them. He maybe a big buff guy but he's really soft and needs to be protected too. So, if he were to make this offer to someone more sensitive, he'd be extremely hesitant and they'd have to be willing to protect him like he is for them. Equal ground in that sense.
Present: 3 of cups, 10 of cups
Once he's gotten past the fear of them hurting him, he'd feel emotionally fulfilled. He'd be happy with everything that he's got going for him at that point. He'd feel like he's earned everything he's got with this person. He'd feel like he could actually build something with this person. I think that this person would feel the exact same way as he would. Really cute!!
Future: 6 of wands, the hermit
He'd feel like he's accomplished so much. He's a Leo, so of course he'd be feeling very prideful of what he's got both with this person and what he's got going for him career wise. I don't think this would be boastful energy but something more subtle. Not something like we are used to seeing from him, I feel like he'd be low key about being this happy, feels more genuine from him than his silliness. So like a sense of maturity with it.
𓆦 Hyunjin
Past: queen of pentacles, the world
Very nurturing and sweet towards this person, not a doubt in my mind that he'd be the absolute sweetest towards them. He views this person as his whole world. This could be something he does with every partner but especially if this person is very sensitive. He wants to protect them at all costs. Nothing is going to harm them. He wants to be their safety net. Will do whatever he can to keep them safe!
Present: 10 of pentacles, king of cups
He's emotionally stable enough to take care of them. He wants to be able to provide for them in any which way they need it. He wants to be their solid support system. He's always going to be there for them no matter how small the issue is. They stubbed their toe? He's right there making sure they are icing it, making sure they aren't bleeding, lmao. He's really there for them through thick and thin. Even if he doesn't particularly like them when they are arguing, he'd still bail them out of trouble in a heart beat.
Future: 4 of words, 7 of wands
He wants to get to a secure place with this person where he can be himself and still feel like he's putting a whole lot of effort towards this connection. Not laziness but a comfortable love. He wants to be able to enjoy it with this person no matter how slow moving they are.
𓆦 Jisung
Past: the star, 7 of swords
So he had hoped for someone like that. But I don't think he really would know what to expect from this person. So in the beginning, he'd be a little fake. He wouldn't exactly be showing his true colors right away. He'd be in a state of walking on egg shells. Hiding himself because he doesn't know this person very well.
Present: the high priestess, 7 of wands
He would be very suspicious of this person. He'd feel like they were definitely hiding something. Like they are working on screwing him over. He may have some serious attachment issues. He could have a disorganized attachment style. Like he has to leave before they can leave him or he has to be more clingy thinking that will get them to stay. Depending on what kind of attachment the other person has.
Future: 8 of swords, page of pentacles
He's going to be getting too much in his head if someone like this walked into his life. He'd definitely self sabotage because he doesn't think he deserves someone like that. He would end up bread crumbing them. Not intentionally but because he might have low self esteem when it comes to romantic conncections.
𓆦 Felix
Babylon by 5 Seconds of Summer is coming to mind for this one.
Past: queen of cups, 6 of swords
At first, I think they would both appreciate it. Like yes, I have someone who understands me. We are both on the same level. They would be letting go of old patterns they had prior to this connection. Like they would be able to be vulnerable with one another. No need to hide who they are with one another. Just bare it all and they'd accept each other, no hesitation whatsoever.
Present: queen of wands, 6 of cups
It would kind of start to move quickly. That's because they'd feel like they'd known each other for a life time. It'd be great and good for a while but then something switches and it kind of goes out and now they are constantly bickering at one another. Over silly little things too. Yes, there are growing pains but they shouldn't be all that often and it's going to turn incredibly toxic.
Future: knight of swords, the magician (reversed)
As quickly as this started it would end just as swiftly. No doubt that they care for one another deeply but eventually, I feel that it would end up turning into a game of who's a better manipulator. I don't think it would be intentional at first but it would more towards the end of it. It's like who's more daring to use their emotions to get what they want.
𓆦 Seungmin
Past: 9 of pentacles, judgement
So, at first he'd be hesitant to take this kind of risk. Because he does like his independence. He like's being on his own. No shame in that. He'd be going back and forth about what he wants from such a person but ultimately I think he'd take that risk. He's more scared of the harm he could end up doing to this person because he isn't completely healed but I think in this case, he would heal more if he got with this person. They'd do him no harm, they would help him learn and be better.
Present: 4 of wands, king of wands
He'd end up caving for this person. He'd end up taking the gamble. He'd start off really passionate but once he learned that that's not the type of person this person is, he'd tone it down a lot and be more true to the type of partner he is rather than putting up this front that he's all passion and nothing more. He'd be more down to earth.
Future: 4 of swords, 10 of pentacles
He'd definitely tone it down a lot. But don't get it mixed up, he's still deeply and utterly in love with this person just a more realistic version of love than what Hollywood makes it to be. It's more calming. This person is his peace and he wants to keep it that way forever if he can.
𓆦 Jeongin (I.N.)
Past: 5 of pentacles (reversed), 9 of pentacles
I think if/when he meets this type of person he's going to have released an old energy of holding grudges. He's going to be happy and living his best life. I think he would be more than willing to give this whole thing a shot. It would be something good for him, he'd be willing to give this whole thing a go. Even without knowing the risks that are involved with it.
Present: 8 of pentacles, 10 of wands (reversed)
He's also be the type to work on himself to better himself for this person. He doesn't want to be a burden to this person. Like having an emotionally stunted partner is not something anyone should have to deal with and he's hoping he isn't that way to that person, he wants to be someone reliable. A "man's man" if that makes any sense.
Future: ace of wands, 4 of swords
He's going to be very forward with this person. Just flat out direct mainly because he doesn't want them to over think. He wants them to know how much he cares for them. He doesn't want them to feel like they are being left in the dark. That's something that he wouldn't like being done to him so why do it to another person?
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xcrust · 9 months
Meeting Stolas
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This is part of my new fic that i’m starting. Here is one of the Chapters! I hope you enjoy it!! I’m god awful at spelling and grammar so bear with me. Please tell me if there is anything I can improve on in the comments!
(WARNING: Im making Andrealphus a pompous spoiled brat. This chapter does make him very creepy)
The carriage was quite a smooth ride. Though it made you stuck with your thoughts a little bit longer than you anticipated. It didn’t help that coming here was a part of some of that royalty. Being the youngest of the Magne family meant getting the short end of the stick. All. The. Time. 
The beautiful night sky shone above the bustling party full of the elitists of the elite. It was a party dedicated to the birth of new life. Since Paimon had long passed away, the new Leader supposedly named Stolas had now gotten married with a beautiful baby on the way. A precautionary heir but even with that case it is tradition for all the royal to have a party. In times of celebration it was always you that was sent instead of the family. Well instead of Charlie in this case. To keep good ties. Not that it was needed though, Your family could take out the entirety of hell in a heartbeat.
Approaching the castle was such a beautiful sight to behold. So lavish it was incriminating. You may be royal but It was so extremely lavish that it was almost incriminating. Stars were dancing on the ground where people walked. It is almost a sight that would make you cry. Cant get too excited, you haven't even entered the building. With how many carriages that were out front you could only assume that the party has already started. These haughty nobles are so going to get a rise out of this.
The doors automatically opening when you walked in seemed a little over the top. But what else can you expect from this place. 
"Announcing your Majesty, (Y/n) youngest of the Magne household" 
Well that's a little bit more over the top. That is so 1820s? Going down the stairs enjoying the building even more every passing second. As annoying as these nobles were, they sure knew how to decorate a place. As expected, at the base of the stairs everyone flew over. 
"hello your highness" "looking ravishing tonight" "Such a queen of the night" And many many more comment were being thrown at you. 
"Ladies and Gentleman, this isn't the way to welcome our most esteemed guests." A tall goetia entered the scene. One would think it was the host of the party if it weren't for the distaste of the other people that are attending. His aura definitely contradicted the purples of the room. 
"My name is Andrealphus, I would gladly give you a tour around the place." Oh this man reeked of slimy gold digging waste. Though he intrigued you enough to venture around.
"You know my name. Please take care of me" and so you locked arms deeper into the ballroom. 
Meanwhile at the back of the room stood a man looking hopeless onto the scene in front of him. Seeing a proper royalty of hell made it all feel a little too real for comfort. When the real deal shows up it really just cements what was hoped to not be a reality. He had a wife and child on the way. With a woman he's known for merely a few months. Before that he had only seen photos of her being a literal savage. 
"Stolas, you're boring up the room" the witch herself appeared. "Why dont you be pitiful anywhere else; you're ruining my party"
Well as unpleasant as it was, that's the cue he was waiting for. 
"What's your connection to the host" So far the conversation has been flowing very well and he seemed genuinely sweet
"Im actually the brother of Stella, she's about the give birth to that cocksuckers child" 
You froze not knowing what to say. definitely spoke too soon. "ahhh well i'm sure that your niece will be a very elegant character in the future." 
"Well if she takes after her mother then im sure she'll be amazing" a very clear bias here. abort mission. abort mission. This guy only makes you think of Charlie's current boyfriend. Big jerk Chad. Otherwise known as Sevianthan von Eldritch. probably the most ignorant guy in all of hell. Actually you wondered if he was here at this party. 
"well as much as I enjoyed our time together, I think im going to take a look around by myself" You'd think that could be the end of it but when has it ever been easy for you? Immediately long arms wrapped around your waist pulling you close.
"I've had such excitable time with you today" was that a growl? "I would adore for us to continue this more intimately" but this point he was so close you in all shapes and form that it felt violating.
What was going on? yes this place is full of freaks but this is a little extreme for the standards of nobles. They were birds in the end. Probably as territorial as most birds as well.
"Ill think about it" aggressively patting him on the chest while escaping his hold should've given you a reward.
Walking away never felt to fulfilling in your life.
"playing hard to get? I do like the tricky ones"
The thought of laughing at the nobles was such a fun thought at first. However, after spending an hour with Andrealphus. You've had your share of nobles for the next century. the feeling of all the royals being so fake was so incredibly suffocating.
As much as you wanted to bask in the glory of the designs around you. it was for sure time to head home. however, you knew better than to leave early from a nobles party. We may have the power but as someone without any actual power in hell its better to wait for their egos to be fed first. Going down the halls there were so many places to go in but seemed way too close to the party. The music was still booming no matter how far you went. For a high class party, it showed the evident trashy mess of the Goetia.
Further down, the craft was mesmerizing until there was this archway with beautiful purple curtains at the entrance. Going in it was just like standing on the moon. As beautiful as the room was there was a sound of hyperventilating to your left. To you it only looked like pile feathers. That's kinda mean in this current building but alas.
"Hello? Are you alright?" That probably wasn't the best thing to say at the time because clearly he was not but what else is a person supposed to ask in instances like this.
Immediately standing up he looks at you with panic. All of his feathers were fluffed out with his eyes holding so much sorrow.
"Your Highness, I apologize, would you like the room?" Dragging his cape to his front so he could bow but being stopped by holding his chin. Considering he towers over you it was a shock for him.
"No need for sorry. It's your home and your party. It seems like you need the space a little more than me"  as you were letting go he stumbled in front of you. 
"By all means, you came this far so you must have had a reason to be here as well" His accent was so full it took you a second to process what he said.
"Well yes, but it was more me exploring what this place has to offer" Really just to find a place of refreshment away from mister creep back in the big room.
"By all means of respect I dont believe you in that sense" He's so elegant. It would make anyone fumble onto themselves
"Sorry um, no you're right. I needed a little escape from the party, no offense to you though! It's a beautiful party. Some of the nobles seemed to be a bit much and i've been to tons of these in my life." The way you delivered that could be compared to a socially awkward introvert speaking for the first time. Stolas had more of a comfortable aura after seeing you are equally as nervous as he was.
"I'm sure my wife isn't helping with that" he silently scoffed out distastefully. "Let's sit down, this room is big enough for the both of us" As he went to sat down you became a little more curious about him.
Maybe it was the way that this man was a clear open book. No need to read the back of it because it’s all open and torn out.
So you decided to sit closer to him in hope to spark up a bit of conversation. The seats were pure clouds which was very on theme. As much as the Ars Goetia were trashy royals, their job was the most beautiful of it all. Got to learn and observe the star for all of eternity. That is the probably the luckiest job in all of Heaven, Hell and Earth.
"So Sir Stolas, why are you holding such a long face?" He tensed up again, looking anywhere but at you at that moment. Maybe a little bit of teasing could bring a more welcoming aura. Being a higher rank can be so annoying when making friends. Breaking the ice might be the way to go here. Though with the lack of experience on both parts, it’s really no telling how it will play out.
"You can be honest with me, I don't bite. Unless you want me too"  Practically giving himself whiplash looking at you, this time fluffing up in response. It seems you've gotten a slightly bigger reaction than anticipated. Time to tone it done a bit.
"It would be inappropriate to discuss with someone of your status but I appreciate the worry" The Goetia looked at you to find an innocent look. 
"Ok… fine, the reality of my entire reality is slowly sinking in, my life will be like this for all of eternity." Assuming he's referring to the lady Stella. Considering you haven't seen her the whole night and if she's anything like her brother you're definitely sure you can understand where he's coming from.
At that you had a look of pity because you know that feeling all too well. He was so young in the grand scheme of things. With Paimon gone he had the rest of hell's time to exist. The only people he had would be his wife and future daughter.
Immortality isn't what its all chalked up to be. Take Vampires for example, everyone wants to be you but being immortal just means you're trapped with yourselves and those around you simply wither away. Unfortunately, for people like him its like losing the lottery of life for the most part.
So you did the best thing you could think about something you wished that you could've gotten while you were growing up; you squished further towards him and laid on his arm for now. The height difference was severe due to him being so tall so it was a little awkward. Unlike your parents you  were not blessed with being above six foot.
It was definitely strange since this has been the first time you have talked to each other. You weren't really sure if it was the right thing to do until you felt a weight on your head. For the rest of that night you guys had each other and that was all that mattered.
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xxheartspadexx · 1 year
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𝐒𝗼𝗺𝐞𝐭𝐢𝗺𝐞𝐬, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝗼𝐭 𝗺𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝗼 𝐛𝐞.
Hello! This is my first ever fanfic so it may not be that good shjdsk. Hope you enjoy!
Notes: @briarvalleyarchives ‘Anthems of Old’ event. Chosen song: Dos Oruguitas
Content: Malleus x gn!reader, light angst, childhood friends to ???
Warnings: none
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❝ Dos oruguitas enamoradas
Pasan sus noches y madrugadas ❞
There they were, two close friends laying down. It was nighttime at Briar Valley, the moon was full but hidden by the passing clouds. The night sky was coated with stars, constellations and galaxies. If you were lucky, you could catch a glimpse of a shooting star.
Malleus and Y/N were laying on the grass of the royal garden, watching the stars. They should’ve been sleeping by now, but the two enjoyed stargazing together and exploring the castle grounds in their free time. Malleus liked talking about the secrets of the castle and the various gargoyles that watched over them. Y/N liked talking about the stars, they enjoyed fantasizing about other worlds and universes.
“Hey Malleus?”  “Yes?”  “Do you think… we’ll be able to travel the world together someday?” Asked Y/N with uncertainty in their voice.
“I don’t see why not..” Replied Malleus with a small smile. He looked over at Y/N and saw them fiddling with their fingers. “But… you’ll be king someday… what if we can’t because of your duties?” Said Y/N in a sad tone.
“Even when I become king, I’ll always make time to be with you. I will always be by your side. You are very dear to me, you will always be my priority. If you want to see the world then I’ll show it to you.” 
❝ Dos oruguitas paran el viento
Mientras se abrazan con sentimiento ❞
“You’re leaving?” Whispered Y/N with a crestfallen face. Their voice wavered slightly and unshed tears pricked their eyes. 
“Yes… I’ll be leaving for Night Raven College in the upcoming week. I’m- I’m sorry I can’t stay with you.” Said Malleus regretfully. 
“It’s- It’s okay… you’re just going to school. I’ll… I’ll wait for you till you come back.” Replied Y/N attempting a reassuring smile. 
This would be the first time they would spend such a long time away from each other. They both grew up together on the castle grounds. Y/N was the child of one of the Queen’s closest servants and they were allowed to roam around the castle. Malleus, the crown Prince, was also allowed to roam the castle after he finished his daily duties. They both managed to find each other and have been inseparable ever since, that is, till now.
“I-I… I’m going to miss you, so much... You have to promise me that you’ll write every month- no, every week!” Exclaimed Y/N in slight demand. Tears welling up in their eyes as the urge to hug him won over them.
“Oh!” Uttered Malleus in surprise. He slowly put his arms around them and held them close to his chest. His right hand caressing their head and the other holding them securely in comfort. 
“I’ll also miss you greatly… I promise I will write every week, you will always be my top priority. I will always be by your side. We will travel the world together once I come back, you have my word.” Declared Malleus with a soft smile. He laid his chin on Y/N’s head and hugged them tighter, not wanting the moment to end.
❝ Ay oruguitas, no se aguanten más 
Hay que crecer aparte y volver
Hacia adelante seguirás ❞
It’s been three years. Three years since Malleus left for school. Two years since Y/N last saw him. One year since he wrote a letter. 
The last time they had seen each other, he was distant. He was always focused on his school work or his duties as Prince. This was to be expected obviously, he was the future king, he had to do those things. This didn’t bother Y/N, they understood his obligations, but all they asked for was a few minutes of his time, that’s all. 
In the end, Malleus left for school. He didn’t write any letters to keep in touch with Y/N after that last visit. Y/N would send him letters asking how he was doing, asking why he wasn’t writing to them anymore, asking what happened to the promises he made. He never answered those letters. 
Maybe this was for the better. Y/N knew that they shouldn’t have gotten attached to the Prince. They knew he was bound to leave them behind because of his duties. Malleus had promised that wouldn’t happen and that he would one day show them the world; Y/N held onto that promise. They waited for Malleus, they waited for his letter, they waited for him to show up at the garden to watch the stars again…
Sometimes… things are just not meant to be. 
❝ Ay, mariposas, no se aguanten más 
Hay que crecer aparte y volver
Hacia adelante seguirás ❞
During the time Malleus was away, Y/N left the castle. They left a letter and a single lively red rose in Malleus’s room. By the time Malleus came back to the castle, the rose was withered, the petals dry and faded. It was a sad sight. 
Malleus had strolled around the castle looking for Y/N, but found no signs of them. Once he arrived at his room, he saw the letter and the wilted rose. Curious, he picked up the letter. 
Dear Malleus,
I’m sorry… I tried my best but I couldn’t wait for you any longer. I waited countless days and nights for you. I held on to your promise… but I couldn’t keep waiting. 
Once I started seeing you less and less, once you stopped writing me letters… I knew that I wasn’t your priority any longer. 
I’m not mad, I understand that you have your duties and you should take care of them. You are a crown Prince, you should focus on being a good future king. 
I’ll have left the castle by the time you read this. I want to follow my own dreams. I would’ve loved to share them with you, but it seems that destiny had other plans. I’ll be off exploring the world, maybe one day we’ll meet again. 
Until then, I bid you farewell. 
                                                                                                 Your dear friend, Y/N.
After reading the letter, Malleus felt the world crashing down on him. He had let them down. He had broken his promise. He didn’t respond to their letters. They had left him. 
Malleus picked up the wilted rose, tears welling up in his eyes. He let out a sigh and brought the flower back to life with his magic. He placed it on his windowsill and then sat down on his bed. 
His hands held his head as he wept. He should’ve done more. He should’ve been there for Y/N. He shouldn’t have broken his promise. Now, they were out in the world without him. He could only wish for their safety and that all their dreams would become true. 
Two butterflies arrived on the windowsill, they both landed on the newly fixed rose. The two butterflies seemed close with each other. They drank from the rose’s nectar and fluttered their wings happily. 
After a while, one of the butterflies left and the other stayed behind on the rose…
❝ Ya son milagros, rompiendo crisálidas 
Hay que volar, hay que encontrar
Su propio futuro…❞
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sweet-honey-tears · 14 days
I Can’t Bare It
Greek god Au Shouji x GN!Mortal!Reader
Hello bees, I’m back. This was a request tho I kinda went wild and didn’t really follow the request. I’m sorry: I promise in the future I’ll make one that actually follows what you asked tho I hope this one suffices till then. I did this in one day, so yeah… I’m currently distracting myself- everything’s fine don’t worry.
Note: I bring up Shinso and his S/O I wrote about in previously. I’ve written other stuff following the Greek god Au, which is in my master list! And no, none of this is Greek Mythology accurate.
Warning: Mention of death, fluffy ending with a small bit of angst mixed in the middle.
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You were a sun, a star that made his world all the easier to live in. How he ever lived so long without you hell never know. Or how he'll live without you, he can't imagine.
“Please, I can't bare to lose them.”
His voice was low. He was the god of mental strength. Warriors and mothers prayed to him in hours of need. To not become fearful or to remain strong through birth or challenging days with little ones. He enjoyed those prayers and wishes. Spying down as the young mothers, arms full of young ones, cried and clinging begging for more attention. There were myths of him coming down, helping a young mother left with 6 children, family gone. How he provided her strength by proving she was not alone, holding each child in his many arms and rocking them to sleep.
And then there was you. You prayed for the strength to continue your task, working in the small village as an unpaid “mother” of the many children with no family. There was nothing called an orphanage. Just the lonely person who took handouts and children lost from the many wars around the land. Never having the chance to marry and settle.
“Please, just more time. Please I don't wish to yell or scream, I want to give them the life they should have.” you prayed to Shinso and him, hoping for their wisdom and favor. Shinso, with his darling partner, watched you, both smiling sadly at your pleas.
“Shouji” the young woman addressed, “you should go.” it shocked him, to be told to descend to your world- to help. He wasn’t against it, yet the interference of gods where rare, incredibly rare. Yet one look at the god of the mind, and he left to your small home.
The other gods could see the signs of Shouji's smitten actions. How he'd come down daily, help you with the many children, guide you, and provide the mental strength to continue with their cries
“Shouji, you are the god of strength. Losing them and continuing will prove it.”
Word spread quickly, as one onlooker witnessed the multi-arm god descend. And soon, the village seemed to honor you as nearly a queen. Even the leader coming down from his life of luxury to give thanks for your sacrifice to watch the many lost children. Whether the sudden warmth was out of the goodness of their hearts or to get on the god's good side, Shouji found himself caring less. The children were eating well, and you seemed to be aging backward as the stress of providing for them all alone slowly melted away as you received help. And yet, you still prayed to Shouji and Shinso, thanking them and praising them. Burning food, your portion, and always providing worship.
“I don't wish that to be!”
You were older, your body becoming slow and brittle. No longer able to keep up with many movements of children, and so your home becomes silent as your role was passed on. Your shaking hands latched to him, your body resting on his side and his many arms blanketed you. “I'm scared to leave. I don't wish to.”
“Neither do I.”
Silent tears rolled down your lined cheeks, the many bright smiles leaving permanent marks in their happy wake. “Thank you, Shouji. For looking after me and the children, for giving me the strength.”
“You were always a worthy cause.” his arms tightened as he watched your soul slowly slip from you, pulling downwards to the area of judgment. He whimpered, watching it slowly be dragged away..
“D-don't cry love.” your shaking hand went to his cheek, brushing over the scars that stayed there. “You will always be with me, no matter my fate.”
Tears fell onto your cheeks, as Shouji grasped your hand watching your souls get pulled away, the bright glow seeping past the floor and far beneath any worldly place to where your life would be judged, your body going limp.
“Shouji! Stop listening to the storyteller!” you scolded, your youthful face angled down to a frown. “You always get sad and I hate seeing it!” he flushed, looking away from the storytellers he watched from above. Hearing their endings to the story as swiveled to face you.
“Yet they rose from their slumber in the land of happiness! Taking their place near their beloved!”
“I'm sorry, love,” he whispered, walking towards you to hold your smaller frame. You tsked at him, as a mother to a child, before smiling, your eyes so full of life he could drown.
“And that my children, is the protector of the lost youth came to be.”
The sage burned at your statue, your smiling face looking down as you held a beautifully carved child.
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starksbabie · 8 months
You Belong With Me
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Eddie’s got what he always dreamed of, he is passing his classes, Hellfire is going great, Corroded Coffin is sounding better than ever, Chrissy Cunningham is his girlfriend, and his best friend Y/N is right by his side.
A/N: A fic inspired by Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me where Eddie overlooks his best friend who is completely in love with him... or does he? Hurt/Comfort. One of my fics with a happy ending.
Wordcount: 1.4k
Eddie laughs keeping his arms tight around Chrissy’s waist as she groans and stomps her foot in response to a joke he made.
“Aw, come on babe it’s just a joke!” Eddie laughs, pressing a loud wet kiss to Chrissy’s cheek, making the strawberry blonde girl gasp.
“Eddie!” She squeals.
You just roll your eyes at their antics and look back at your lunch, you still can’t really believe that they’re dating. Of course, you had known about Eddie’s crush on Chrissy forever, but never in a million years did you think the head cheerleader, queen of Hawkins High, would return his affections.
You look up when Eddie snaps his fingers in front of your face.
“Hello? You in there?” He asks, giving you an odd, slightly concerned look, you notice the cafeteria is mostly emptied out now.
“Yeah, sorry just thinking about that quiz in Ms. O'Donnell's.” You look at him and smile packing up your stuff.
“…we have a quiz in O’Donnell’s today?”
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You lay back on your bed listening to your new Van Halen album, when your window slides open and Eddie comes tumbling in.
“You know one of these times you’re going to get caught in here.” You laugh, as he rights himself and settles himself back onto your bed next to you. “Is this your new album?” He smiles, ignoring your statement, putting his hand behind his head as he relaxes next to you, looking up at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to your ceiling.
“Yeah, it’s really good, I think I like Sammy Hagar.” You say, looking at him, taking in his side profile, admiring the slope of his nose and the fizz of his curls as his listens to the music filling your room.
He turns to look at you, and you think you’ve been caught but Eddie doesn’t seem to notice that you were staring.
“Really? Better than David Lee?”
“Yeah. Here, Listen to this.” You get up and put on a song that you had listened to earlier for him, before laying back down. The two of you lay there side-by-side, and finish the entire album before arguing over which lead singer is better.
After a while Eddie puts on another album and breaks out a joint that he brought with him. The two of you lay next to each other smoking, enjoying the music and each other’s company without feeling the need to fill the air between you with endless conversation. Once the joint is reduced to nothing but ash and the album has been flipped to the ‘B’ side Eddie starts telling you his plans for after graduation.
“I’m gonna do it. I swear it, I’m getting out of this town one way or another. I know my uncle wants me to come work at the plant with him, but I just can’t imagine that as my future. I want to play stages. I’m going to get me a warlock and I’m going to LA and I will find someone, anyone who will take me seriously.”
You smile at him as he talks, you know if anyone deserves to get out of this hick town it’s him. His imagination, his dreams, his personality. They’ve always been too big for Hawkins.
“And it doesn’t hurt that Chrissy is going to UCLA next year either.” He adds.
There it is, the one thing that could dampen the amazing evening you’d been having, you’d almost forgotten about her.
“Oh… She is?”
“Yeah, she got the letter this afternoon. I’m going with her. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N. I’m so lucky.” He smiles and sits up, pulling his shoes back on, “I should get going, but I’ll see you tomorrow for Hellfire.”
You watch as he climbs out the window, before closing it behind him. You sit back on the bed and put your head in your hands and wishing, and hoping and wanting more than anything for Eddie to see you as more than his best friend.
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You don’t know why you’re here. You sit next to Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire boys in the bleachers watching Lucas play basketball, at least that’s what you’re telling yourself. You know Eddie is here for one reason, who’s wearing a short skirt and currently standing on the sidelines of the game. You try your best to focus on the game but it’s hard to not notice how Eddie whistles at her after she does a cartwheel, or how he claps loudly each time she does something.
After the game everyone decides to go to Benny’s for milkshakes, but you excuse yourself saying that you have a headache. You walk home and lock yourself in your bedroom laying in your bed feeling so lonely over the fact that the man you are head over heels for, doesn’t see you in the same light at all. You don’t register the tears at first, it’s not until they are dripping down your cheeks that you realize the sound you’re hearing is your own sobs. You lay there and allow the sadness to overwhelm, and envelop you until the peaceful darkness of sleep pulls you in.
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You do your best over the next few weeks to avoid Eddie, especially if he’s with Chrissy, which seems to be all the time. The school year is coming to a close and there are more and more parties and celebrations, which makes it harder to avoid him while still enjoying time with your other friends. You decide to skip Jason Carver’s party though because you know Chrissy will absolutely drag Eddie there. Instead, you have a movie night with some of your other friends and find for the first time in a while you don’t feel so lonely.
After everyone goes home, you work on cleaning things up. You know it’s late but you’d rather get it done now than have to do it in the morning, who cares if it’s the middle of the night. You make your way up to your room and get ready for bed, and are startled by the knock on your window, opening it there he is, hair disheveled.
“Hey…” He smiles, “can I come in?”
You nod and step back giving him space to crawl on in, he tumbles through the window with as much as grace as usual and he sprawls on the floor looking up at you.
“What are you doing here, Eddie?”
“Why are you avoiding me, Y/N?” He sits up and leans against the wall under the windowsill.
You pause and look at him, before sitting next to him with your back against the wall too.
“Why aren’t you at Carver’s party with Chrissy?” you answer his question with another, two can play at that game.
He sighs and looks at you.
“Her friends are so fake. There’s not one real, genuine thing about any of them. It’s exhausting to be around them. I’d rather be here. Around you. So… Why are you avoiding me?”
You take a deep breath and look at your hands in your lap, “can’t you see, Eddie. She’s just like them. I’m the one who understands you. I’ve been here all along, so why can’t you see? You don’t belong with her Eddie. You belong with me.”
The room is silent for a long moment after your confession, before Eddie lets out a long breath and hooks his finger under your chin to lift your face so you’re looking at him.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yes, I really mean it.”
He leans in and seals his lips over yours in a warm, loving kiss. Nothing is perfect but he knows, no one knows him better than you. You have always fit together like two puzzle pieces and if he’d realized just how much you’d loved him from the start he never would have asked Chrissy out. Together you two can make it through anything, and this, this kiss feels like perfection.
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cosmousee · 27 days
I am back with another one ahahaha, this one is New Moon in Taurus messages for you based on your signs!
(I forgot to clarify to my deck about the sun/moon/rising so take whatever resonates with whatever sign!)
You can follow me on Insta at @cosmousee itself. I usually post the same readings, but if you guys have anything specific in mind, let me know!
Okay onto the reading now!
Earth Signs🌍
Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Show the world the real you, Aquarius full moon
Queen of wands and The Star🌟
New moon is a time of setting intentions and defining your goals. Cards are saying it's time, take the step and show the world what you're made of! Queens are wise! You might be taking steps backstage for your self or your dreams. If you want to put yourself out there, this is the time! You're the star baby! Take that step and watch how the limelight finds you in seconds🥰 Queen is the 13th card, which equals 4 and Star is the 17th card which equals 8, it's literally doubling up!!
Fire Signs🔥
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your commitment is being tested (first quarter moon) and its time to take action (new moon in Aries) sigh i asked for one more card and then my deck went boom! So yeah here you are with 6 cards!
Judgement, 9 of pentacles, The Hierophant, The Hanged man, The Chariot, King of pentacles
Pheww, the judgement might be coming from your own inner dialogue. You may realise that you can do much more in the things you're pursuing. You're testing yourself of how far you can go. You might change your perspective and change your belief system and IMMEDIATELY see yourself propel towards abundance which you already knew you could achieve. You just needed a new angle to look at things, some things to add or release from your belief system. It's not that you weren't abundant before, but this change has sent you straight to the King of pentacles from the 9 of pentacles. So take your time love, and don't be so hard on yourself, you're doing everything just perfectly🥰🌻
Water Signs🌊
Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
dont let your past hold you back (south node) Ofcourse, let me just start by saying, you guys are WATER!!! It flows forwards~ learn everything from the past and move forward love~
4 of cups, 6 of wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Hermit, 10 of pentacles and King of pentacles
You're looking at the things of your past when spirit is desperately trying to make you look towards the future! They're giving you a cup and you might be missing that! You've done your hermiting and its time to get up and get moving. Wheel of fortune is on your side but it won't move until you do! You gotta give it the energy to provide you with luck and abundance! Try to look forwards towards the future where you're celebrated, where you are healthy (mind, body, spirit everything) you're full of energy and financially as well. You're at the top of the world, just gotta let go of your past, whether it was good or bad. Its not to say you should just dump it and move on. Be gentle, take your time with your goodbyes and move at a pace which works for you🔆 Also got October from this, might be important!
Air Signs💨
Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Believe in the impossible (blue moon) and Emotions are running high supermoon 7 of wands, 8 of swords, Ace of swords and 3 of wands
Are you guys having a difficult time with yourself and other people as well?😶Or maybe people are spewing unsolicited advice or throwing jibs at you which is then seeping into your own inner dialogue. You gotta believe in the impossible right now, honey. Yes it might feel impossible to get out of this rut, especially if the people fighting with you are close and dear to you. But keep holding on and keep doing you. A breakthrough is RIGHT THERE, you might get some sort of an epiphany💡 or an idea and you'll go BAM! I DIDN'T THINK THIS COULD BE DONE! But there you are, with an idea in your head and hell lot of potential to pursue that idea. This might be an idea of how to handle the conflicts or a way to avoid it all together, or show them that their claims make no sense because now you have proof! Keep going love, don't let this deter you from what you want to do, keep your spirits high⬆ and everything will fall into place~
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archivalofsins · 5 months
Hello!! I know it might be too early to talk about this but i wanted to know: what are your cover song predictions for the prisoners in trial 3?
It's never too early! I say as I answer this late so it really can't be too early now.
I was actually thinking about how cool it would be for the Milgram characters to cover the Musicians songs from Caligula Effect 2 because I'm in too deep now. So, this is the perfect chance. Too bad there are only eight musicians but right now my thoughts on that are-
Apologies for the late answer by the way.
Yuno: Alter Garden
"It all comes crashing down without a single sound. Vanishing in cold blood leaving nothing behind and when I think back on it. I just feel like a total fool for ever giving my love to you."/ "The day will come when these words of mine will no longer reach you either."/ "If you're not able to show me the light then don't give me anything at all. If the things I come to trust in can start to crumble so easily. Then I won't let anyone in anymore."
"“UNDER” My cord’s being pulled but nothing’s ever enough Contractual desires, oh what to do, FUTURE."/ "“UNDER” I feel the emptiness inside me. We agreed to seek each other, I wish we could do something about it, Future."
"Just the two of us, I feel a little tingle inside. Our love links us together. Just me alone, the warmth starts fading away. Let’s reload the warmth." - "Let’s just do it, please smile? Hooked up till the morning to this sweet “Umbilical Cable”. Let’s just do it, please smile?"
When I think back on it I just feel like a total fool for ever giving my love to you- And yet despite it all, somewhere deep inside my head, somewhere deep inside my heart I keep on crying out. But see though these feelings show only through tears. They aren't out of sorrow I just want you take these words to heart.
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Though if we're talking about trial three I hope Yuno kind of gets a sad song- But at the same time.
Rabbit Hole or Poison Apple would be really good to hear her sing.
Though if Mahiru isn't lost it'd be interesting to see her get Rabbit Hole instead. Though it'd be interesting for Mahiru to get Status Effect Girlfriend. Basically, most songs I can think of for Yuno would be good for Mahiru too. Oh but no one has gotten Dilemma so that could be a good one for Yuno as well.
Yeah, thinking about it now Dilemma may actually fit best. For her given what I think is going on plus I'd just enjoy hearing her sing it. Speaking of Mahiru-
Mahiru: Q-Ai Senorita
"Say you love me! Say you love me! C'mon! Give me even more! Get stained! Get stained. Sate this greedy heart of mine. The words "I love you" alone can't tie me down. Embrace me tight with your- Embrace me tight with your- Embrace me tight with your genuine love."/ "Outside my head, true love, love. Inside my head, through with grief, grief. Outside my head, true love, love. Inside my head, through with grief, grief. Ravenous swelling emotions- Desperately seeking love, love. Dismay and disgust for birthdays. Impatient awareness of my self-styled "Prime"."/ "Tidy, conservative, humble? Oh, please! I nearly trashed it all. See, look! I'll chase after my bliss now. Oh, the pain. The pain. My stomach pangs."/ "This, right here, is how I truly am!"
"”UNDER” I don’t just want to give. Both giving and receiving are good things."" “UNDER” I don’t wanna just give. Giving and taking, this is how to be in love."
"I’m going to start relying on you if you’re kind to me, so please forgive me, thanks!"
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(Fun fact in this interaction I chose are you alright not that's enough Kobato. Apparently, I am an outlier in this since literally every fucking let's player on earth apparently including the video, I got these screenshots from chose the that's enough response. Star jokingly made fun of me because if you do that you turn away from Kobato and just look at QP immediately to check on her. So, Star just said "You- 'Is this dude bothering you queen'." And the phrase and framing of my actions by them has lived in my head rent free since.)
Mostly using this because it gives a bit of context to Mahiru's statement about relying on people who have been nice to her or have shown her even a bit of human decency. Through using QP's response to the protagonist doing this. Like intervening was simply the right course of action in this scenario but QP falls in love with you because of this. Like let this sink in-
She falls in love with and views you rescuing her as doing what she said in her song embracing her with genuine love. The fuck is your reality like ma'am where your first response to being ran up on was to cower beneath your own arms and brace yourself and upon one person going hey now, we don't do this part here. We don't jump people after we've beaten them in combat and have never done that calm down. "Oh my gosh you rescued me from being assaulted directly after I said that guys anger was a red flag to me and indicative of a domestic violence case waiting to happen. I think I love you."
QP you shouldn't that is like the bare minimum of human decency what type of fucking people have you been around. If I didn't intervene, I would not only be a shit person but a bad friend who let's their friend do shit like that. That's not okay. Like this is the minimum to me what do you mean you're in love with me? What have your relationships been like before this? This is concerning but also fuck it we ball I guess... Are we gonna talk about this again because this is concerning. No hospital- Oh, okay.
Hopefully I don't learn anything about her songs lyrics that calls into question this sequence of events more-
See, look! I'll keep pursuing my paradise now. Oh, the pain. Pain! Damage: High! Say you love me! Say you love me! C'mon! Give me every bit you can! Touch me! Touch me! Fill the void in this heart of mine! The words "I love you" alone can't satisfy me- Embrace me tight with your genuine love.
"Do you really think you know what love is? If you do, let’s just overheat together!" "If you don’t hug me, even our hearts will start drifting apart. I pretended to be a good girl, but really, I don't want to say "I'm ok"." "I pretended to be a good girl, I don’t want to be “ok”." "The things that I only want to say to you, and the things that I want from you is love."
"It’s ok for everyone else but not for me. Unfair and stuck between in love and love." "This adorable, earnest, sincere ♥ Is bleeding, wailing, this is the end- What you trampled is my, “This is how to be in love with you”." "This can’t go on, something’s got to give, I even love saying the words, “I love you”. My emotions are out of control, that’s inconvenient? I don’t care!"
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This, right here, is how I truly am!/ Tell me, oh tell me why, won’t you just accept me?
When it comes to her trial three cover song it's more than likely going to be Zombies considering the imagery in "I love you" and how the lyrics of Zombies would complement and add onto what we were given from her second trial song. Specifically-
I Love You: "This adorable, earnest, sincere ♥." "Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love. Mon-mon-monstrous, cuz I love you so much!"
Zombies: I'm transforming~ ♡♡♡ I luv you half-decomposed isn't bad. Why don't you too? I luv you, a secret between you and me. If we both just transform~♡♡♡♡
This Is How To Be In Love With You: "Let’s just overheat together!"
"I don’t need anyone else, as long as I have you I could do anything as long as you smiled, I actually believed that."
Zombies: If we just love each other- I luv you, you're the only one.
I Love You: "My love, it scored an own goal, destroyed my love and me with its weight- Tell me, oh tell me why, can’t I just do it right?!"
Zombies: I can't hear the thump, thump anymore. Our bodies are cold even when we hug. Oh well! If we transform, we transform!
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"That’s inconvenient? I don’t care!"
Still would be interesting if she got Status Effect Girlfriend.
Back to Caligula Effect though- The next prisoner I've thrown into the musician microwave is Kazui.
Kazui: Swap Out
"Borrowed Satisfaction! Set it free, let your charms out. Everything you touch is filled with aspiration. Grant this clever TRICK-STAR the hope of rebirth. I wanna tell my past self, "Hey, dear boy I know you can reach the stars, real boy I know you're someone special.". Snatch up a pinch of envy as a substitute for self-love my signature ingredient from here on out."/ "Most things are no problem at all! That's right so let's keep dancing as we are."/ "I'll draw you in and guide you to them. So, c'mon take a look."
I know nothing's changed one bit. We're unshakeable professionals at deflection. The fraud on the otherside keeps growing rich in wit. Even if we went back it's all the same. So c'mon, take a look. Borrowed Satisfaction! What an ingenious world- Bet it comes from being so superficial. In the end we all get the short end of the stick. So, I've added to the epilogue- "Hey, dear boy you could've reached the stars, real boy I want to believe you're special."
"“UNDER” I keep on seeing dreams I am always indecisive, I can’t be saved."- "“UNDER” I just keep on dreaming half in, half out, I’m doomed."
"Where did I go wrong, probably from the beginning."- "All this time till now has hurt me, the scales of my heart has decided to sway If continuing to hide is called unhappiness, Not even one word will get to you." "Feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear."
"Since when have I ignored my feelings? It’s better to be a let down, than to be let down yourself." "INNOCENT, isn’t that right? Maybe, perhaps... or... could it come true... like It’s for the sake of true love, who wouldn’t lie for that?" "Love, it’s tacky, this two-way deceit." "Lie, until it gets better, follow the king of the masquerade."
Time and time again we lose sight of ourselves until we've circled right back around. Maybe our promises were too shakey. There's just no way to find out.
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Lie, until it gets better.
Nope no singular way to find out what's up with that. Not a fucking one moving on. So, this is going to sound weird because early last year I said this was more than likely going to be a Shidou cover but that was before cat released showcasing very similar imagery to that in this recently released Deco song.
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Really upping the chance of Kazui's third trial cover song being Poison Apple in my opinion. The lyrics of the song would accompany Cat well and would add more depth to Kazui. While keeping the energy of his previous cover songs.
Sadly, I'm getting fatigued. So, I'm not going to go into much depth these next parts. There are some prisoners that I want the trial three songs to be a surprise for. So I haven't put too much thought into it.
Mikoto (briefly)
I like to try to guess Mikoto's for fun but selfishly I still really want him to get Pseudo Hope Syndrome because i really like that song. Though Not A Devil may fit him on a surface level reading but I want to try to dive deeper there. Especially since his second mv didn't focus as much on his work as I expected it to. We still haven't even seen where he works at but apparently his job is what incited him to do the things he did. Kind of weird it's like he's just shifting blame where it's easiest and it's not just his job that was an issue but his entire life as his first glitched voiceline implies.
Just saying we see Amane's abuse but we haven't even seen this man at work yet that's a tad odd. Other than that. I personally think Pseudo Hope would add more depth to his character as well as wrap everything together neatly. Though I'll have to look it over again later with Double and see if my opinion on it has changed.
For Mu this may be obvious but Cinderella both her songs literally show her being in a coocon and starting over again from scratch only oming out when she feels safe enough too.
Her second song displays this more overtly while After Pain does it in a more subjective way. It would also fit with her last cover being MKDR.
"So irritating! Hello to the unfortunate me. I'm confused, hate it, hate it." "Getting angry, annoying, annoying- No, no, no! I want to say "I love you" when I'm cuter! AHH- No, no, no- It's not ok! I'll go back to a cocoon and try again!"
After Pain: "Postmortem makeup to hide my heart, how to solve it is a secret~ The stabbing of the little devil’s voice, counterattack being a suicide note “I love YOU”."
"Hey, um... Nevermind, forget about it. I've never been able to say what I want to say. I can't stop my eyes from diverting self-hatred again."
After Pain: "Maybe I’m done. Just one more time before saying goodbye. I’m just kidding, please forget I said that." "If I was gone, if I had just disappeared- I overheard, I found out How much I’m not needed."
Hello to the unfortunate me!/ I am always the drama queen.
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So irritating! These shoes don't fit me! Getting angry, annoying, annoying- The bell is ringing, I'm covered in ash I don't want to go home yet. To the XX course. I want to try to dive into it.
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The first time for Cinderela! So scared and dizzying, dizzying-
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Ahhh- No, no, no I'm really not ok./ Hey, what if- If I am a bad girl?
Don't hate me.
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The rest I want to kind of be pleassant surprises. So I haven't really been thinking about like I said before. Though I might think about some of the others at later dates. I really enjoy going in with as little guesses as possible for certain characters. Like Futa, Haruka, and Shidou. I still want to investigate Amane more later when I'm feeling well enough to and I do have a lot of Kotoko thoughts but I don't know if I have enough interest to interrogate what she'll cover next yet or not.
With the other three I just really like getting carried away for the ride and not thinking to much about what they'll get beforehand.
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sanchoi21 · 1 year
Forever Longings
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Ash Ketchum x Y/N both are above 18yrs
WARNING: Mentions of alcohol and sex. Mostly fluff.
This is my first post so please bare with it.
Ash and y/n were good friends from Pallet town but soon lost touch as their careers took them on different paths. After many years they met in Kalos at a nightclub. Where Ash and his friends (Clemont, Bonnie and Serena) were at a table.
Y/N Pov
"Is that Ash? He looks so handsome." While I was blankly staring at him our eyes met.
Ash Pov
That's Y/N! It's been so long since I last saw her. Now she has grown into such a beautiful women. I missed her so much.
Third Person Pov
Ash got up from his place after seeing y/n and went passing through the crowd making his way towards her.
Ash: How have you been y/n? I have missed you so much!
Y/N: I missed you too Ash! What are you doing here in Kalos?
Ash: I came here for Kalos league, and you?
Y/N: I came for Kalos Queen.
After the short conversation ended, an awkward silence soon followed. As they both were filled with numerous emotions at that moment after meeting each other in so long. With the romantic music playing behind giving enough nostalgia to both. As the alcohol was kicking in both of their systems they both just stared at each other blankly and fondly. The feelings which they both had suppressed all these years came to the surface, resulting in Ash blankly staring at Y/n's lips and she returned the same gesture. Soon they both leaned in kissing each other passionately. It was their both's first kiss. It was hot and passionate. They soon pulled apart to catch their breaths and a deep blush covered their cheeks. Ash's friends just stood there stunned with the scenario unfolding in front of them. None of them knew about Ash having a past with anyone. He never talked about it to his friends as he found it unnecessary to let others know about his past with Y/n who he missed so much with every passing day. Serena who liked Ash was now jealous and hissing. She soon interrupted their moment.
Serena: Hello! Who are you?
Both of them snapped out of it and Y/n answered.
Y/n: Hello! I am Y/n. Ash's childhood friend.
Ash introduced all his friends and said,
Ash: Excuse us guys! We have a lot to catch up, can you all please excuse us.
Y/n Pov
Wow Ash has gotten so bold, first he kissed me and now this. I am blushing really hard now and my stomach is feeling funny.
Saying this Ash took my hand and took me to one of the private club rooms. He silenced me when I asked what's going on?
Ash: Let's not talk or think about anyone and just feel each other, ok? I have missed you so much.
I just nodded and said," I have missed you a lot too Ash, so let's make up for all the time we weren't together." I don't know from where I got such courage but I simply pulled him into a kiss and he kissed back pulling me closer.
Ash: I want to keep you very close to me so you can never leave me.
I blushed hard at this and followed his lead as we both immensed ourselves in the desire which we had suppressed for so long.
That was my first and best night of my life. As we both soon drifted to sleep in each others arms.
Next Morning
Ash Pov
Wow that was my first and best night of my life and as always Y/n is very beautiful. I hope her body is ok after our passionate last night. I never said it but I have loved her for so long. I am glad we met again. As I was unable to find her since we lost touch.
Y/N Pov
I woke up with my legs hurting from last night but still I was happy to be with Ash. I opened my eyes and saw my handsome Ash starring at me. After he saw me waking up he cuddled me.
Ash: I love you Y/n. I always have. Now I'll never let you go.
Saying this he smiled fondly at me.
Y/n: I love you too Ash since the first time I met you.
Hearing my confession he blushed deeply and we both laughed. As the rising sun hit our faces. We promised each other to spend the rest of our life together as the morning sun rays showed us a new hope of our future life together.
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celticcrossanon · 4 months
About Harry's losing prince title reading
Hello CC! Thanks for the reading!
From what you read, is the losing of the Prince title being a consequence of an action he does (like attacking again the royal family) done in the public arena that forces Charles to act or is sth that has been planned but they are just waiting for the right moment? If the latter I can understand why as there was a major shift in the monarchy and the consolidation of Charles as monarch is more of a priority than dealing with Harry.
My next question  would be: will the stripping of the princely titles affect the Sussex children as well? It would be weird letting them have the titles while their dad, who they got the title from, is stripped + they don’t live in the UK and don’t know nothing about the British culture
I’ve been thinking about what else can be taken from Harry and there are different options to reduce his status to Duke, but I don’t know if actually possible as I’m not well versed into heraldic rules etc. The King could also remove the Victorian order from H (it’s the medal he usually wears around the neck and the star badge) + forbidding him to use symbols that depicts his status as son of the monarch like the crown on his monogram (he would then be forced to use the duke crown like the aristocratic ones) and change his coat of arms to mirror his duke status. For this latter option I don’t know if it’s possible or not as his current coat of arms derives from his dad’s and mirrors his status as son of the king (not officially updated yet)
Another thing Charles could do is officially removing Meghan’s coat of arms. After what she did she really doesn’t deserve to keep that present from the late Queen + the use of the royal monogram
What’s your thoughts?
Thank you in advance 😘 
Hi Nonny,
I think it is a bit of both. I think the BRF have planned for removing Harry’s titles, but it is a last resort action, and the question then becomes does Harry’s actions call for that last resort to be implemented? So far the answer has been No, but you never know what he will do in the future that may change that No to a Yes. I didn’t get a ‘done deal’ feeling from the energy of the reading, so I think this is something that they are still discussing, not something that they are ready to announce.
Stripping Harry of his Prince title will mean that he is Harry, The Duke of Sussex, not HRH The Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex. Meghan takes her titles from him so she would keep The Duchess of Sussex title and lose the Princess Henry title. The children received their titles from being the male line grandchildren of the King so AFAIK they would keep their titles in this situation, unless their parents refused the titles on behalf of the children (like Lady Louise, who is technically HRH Princess Louise, but Edward and Sophie decided that she would be styled as the daughter of an Earl (now the daughter of a Duke) rather than as a Princess).  
Anyone who knows any differently, feel free to let me know. :)
I don’t think Orders of Chivalry can be removed for anything less than confirmed treason, so Harry has his Victorian Order for life. I could be wrong about this.
If Harry is entitled to a certain crown above his monogram etc then the only thing the BRF can do is say that he is not allowed to use it, and we have seen how well he follows that order with his HRH.
A coat of arms, once given, can not be taken away except for cases of treason AFAIK, and in that case the coat of arms is usually marked with a sign of dishonour (again, AFAIK).
Taking away the monograms etc would look like petty behaviour on behalf of the BRF and feed into Meghan’s victim narrative. 
What I am hoping is that both Harry and his children are legally removed from the Line of Succession, and I am hoping that this is the hinted-at bombshell that is coming in the Northern Hemisphere Spring. Once that happens, they can be stripped of the HRH Prince/Princess titles as they are no longer in the Line of Succession, and revert to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their children, the Earl of Dumbarton and Lady Lili - or Archie and Lili Mountbatten Windsor if the parents do not want to use the courtesy titles for their children.
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screampied · 1 month
its 10am. i JUST woke up. YOU PULL OUT ANOTHA FIC??? kiss me. AND ITS BREEDING??? marry me.
no but like the dialogue 😻😻 “keep moanin like that n ima really get you pregnant girl” IM IN LABOUR MFFFGGDHHHH the daddy part always catches me so off gaurd..
SPEAKING OF DADDY LFMAOAOO ME AND MY BFF MARY WERE WALKING OUT OF CAMPUS AND THIS PE TEACHER WE FIND FINE WAS DRIVING OUTSIDE THE SCHOOLS VAN AND WE WERE SHOUTING “DADDYY” AND IM 99% SURE HE HEARD US 😭😭 our other friend alieh was like “EWWWW im gonna leave you guys yall are nasty” but he was soso fine,,,,,,,,,, id do some star jumps on that d anyday 😞 ANYWAYS !!
i honestly js read the toji parts on these multi fics bc im also tn1dr anon (toji’s no.1 dick rider) but hey lets see what SUKUNAAAA got 😛 love that man.
what a lovely way to start my morning and i ian even eaten breakfast 🙏🏾‼️ (its gonna be porridge, very fitting for this fic :3)
— pearl anon <3
AAAAAA THANKYEWWWWSW 😞😞😞😞💟 this was so sweet to wake up to i literally luv u pearly bae <3
IMCRUINNNNGGG bc i just knew it would fit his broke ass so well like 💔💔💔💔💔
no way HEPPP i’d be so embarrassed omg
ur so real im a secretive toji cawk rider myself so i understand 🤚🏽 like jus look at the guy. and LMAO ENJOY UR PORRIDGE BB
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mariacallous · 1 year
Meduza's The Beet: Heels for freedom
Hello, and welcome back to The Beet!
Eilish Hart here, the editor of this weekly dispatch from Meduza that brings you original reporting from across Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. If someone forwarded you this email, sign up here to receive future issues of The Beet. Want to sample some more of our work first? Check out last week’s story about how independent journalism persists in Turkmenistan. And don’t miss my full interview with Access Now tech-legal counsel Natalia Krapiva, who kindly joined Meduza’s The Naked Pravda podcast to discuss recent revelations about the use of Pegasus spyware in Armenia during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war and its aftermath.
Hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in Warsaw last Sunday for an anti-government march timed to coincide with the 34th anniversary of the partially-free elections that ushered in the fall of Poland’s Communist regime. With a parliamentary vote coming up in Poland later this year, and President Andrzej Duda now moving to water down a controversial piece of legislation that critics fear will be used to target the opposition, this is something to keep an eye on. But it’s not the topic of this week’s feature. Instead, we’re turning to Warsaw to celebrate the start of Pride Month with a story that takes us inside the Polish capital’s drag scene and introduces us to its late queen, Kim Lee. Journalist Joanna Kozlowska reports for The Beet.
Heels for freedom: Kim Lee and the history of Polish drag
By Joanna Kozlowska
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Kim Lee in her Warsaw studio before a performance. 2019.
Just over a century ago, looking into the future after emerging from a world war and 120 years of foreign occupation, Poland abolished all aristocratic titles. Later, decades of Communism rendered all thoughts of royalty remote. Yet this year, the Polish capital has crowned a queen, and the choice may surprise some.
A short walk west from Warsaw’s main train station, stepping into the whitewashed mansion that houses a branch of the municipal museum, visitors are greeted by a riot of pastel colors. A black-haired figure in a sumptuous golden dress smiles from a poster near the entrance that reads, Kim Lee. The Queen of Warsaw. The museum’s latest blockbuster offering, the temporary exhibition celebrates an artist lovingly dubbed “Poland’s best and only Vietnamese drag queen,” whose life story is as stunning as the costumes assembled inside. 
“Kim Lee had to be real, because nobody could have made her up,” a column in Poland’s largest left-wing daily recently proclaimed. “If she were a character from a TV show, conservative reviewers would tear it apart. More progressive ones, too, might doubt the scriptwriters’ sanity.”
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A display from the exhibition “Kim Lee. The Queen of Warsaw.” 2023.
Of the half dozen people The Beet’s correspondent interviewed who knew Kim Lee’s creator Andy Nguyen before COVID-19 cut his life short in 2020, all would agree. Nguyen’s story is indeed almost too unusual to be true. 
A star student in his native Vietnam, Nguyen came to Poland on a scholarship just as Communism was being dismantled. He got a research job at one of the country’s top physics institutes, only to see his pay fall to a pittance during the economic turmoil of the 1990s. He then worked odd jobs to support himself and his young family. For a time, the former scientist ran a market stall selling East Asian goods that a close friend compared to those at Warsaw’s now-demolished 10th-Anniversary Stadium. (Once the site of Communist Party galas, the stadium was later reduced to a sprawling outdoor bazaar where vendors from all over the former Eastern Bloc hawked pirated software, flouncy underwear, and dubious health remedies).  
Nguyen’s drag persona, Kim Lee, was born at the turn of the millennium and soon shot to stardom beyond the wildest dreams of anyone in Poland’s fledgling drag scene. “She whizzed into the mainstream like a meteor,” says Teo Łagowska, a performer with Warsaw’s Drag King Szarm Trio collective. 
Nguyen’s long-time partner, Remigiusz Szeląg, concurs. “Kim performed everywhere,” he recalls. “Non-stop, all over Poland, he was a fixture at ‘straight’ parties and club nights, at burlesque shows. He appeared on TV, on discussion panels. He twice gave lectures at the University of Warsaw — needless to say, in full drag.”
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Andy Nguyen (Kim Lee) getting ready for a performance in his studio. Warsaw, 2019.
Pleasant surprises
Magdalena Staroszczyk, who curated the exhibition in Warsaw, has no doubt that it belongs in a public museum. She is visibly proud of bringing the project to fruition, not least given the Polish government’s enduring anti-LGBTQ stance. “Queer history should be just as present in various institutions as any other [history],” she underscores.
For almost a decade, Poland has made headlines for its ruling party’s dogged defense of “traditional values” that critics say amounts to little more than anti-LGBTQ policies. Successive electoral campaigns have seen the Law and Justice Party intimidate voters with the “rainbow menace,” while top officials — including Poland’s current president and education minister — have suggested that LGBTQ people don’t deserve equal rights. By October 2019, more than 60 local and regional councils had adopted anti-LGBTQ declarations, with right-leaning councilors decrying the spread of an “LGBT ideology” they claim threatens families. Local authorities and Polish courts have since scrapped some of these resolutions (in many cases for fear of losing E.U. funding), but a sense of deep unease remains. 
Both Szeląg and Krzysztof Tomasik, Nguyen’s friend of many years and the author of multiple books on Polish LGBTQ history, describe the Warsaw exhibition as a turning point for queer visibility. The show, Tomasik stresses, is housed in a state institution — a clear victory for those calling for greater inclusion, even if the museum’s financing comes from Warsaw’s relatively liberal city hall, rather than Poland’s Culture Ministry. 
Staroszczyk, the curator, sees Nguyen’s’s life and work as an integral part of Warsaw’s history. She also notes the artist’s close links to the city’s Wola district in particular, where the museum is located. Nguyen, a long-time resident of the neighborhood, kept more than 1,000 hand-sewn costumes in a space in Wola that became known as “Kim Lee’s Dressing Room.” He also performed in many local clubs, some of which popped up in the district’s shuttered factories. 
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Nguyen choosing an outfit for a performance. 2019.
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Nguyen sewing a costume in his studio. 2019.
Today, Wola retains a post-industrial feel, with the high-rises that used to house its workers towering over the museum’s Neoclassical pile. Staroszczyk says that neighbors have been venturing in to get what for many is their first taste of drag. 
“We have one neighbor in particular, an older lady who I’m told has seen the show several times already. She’s been delighted and has been bringing friends along. That was one of the pleasant surprises,” the curator says. 
Groups of retirees — most but not all of them women — regularly book guided tours of the exhibition, Staroszczyk adds.
Local councilors from the Law and Justice Party, meanwhile, questioned the rationale behind the exhibition, while some right-wing and Catholic publications accused the museum of promoting a “deviant lifestyle.” However, as of early June, there has been no sustained political or media campaign against the show, nor protests trying to disrupt it.
On an overcast Saturday in May, the exhibition was well-attended. Groups of visitors admired Kim Lee’s hand-crafted creations — from silk kimonos to voluminous gowns that wouldn’t look out of place in Bourbon-era Versailles — and attempted their own drag transformations, trying on frilly boas and curly blond wigs. Two middle-aged women giggled with delight as they posed before a mirror garlanded with flowers. One 19-year-old visitor named Maciek admitted he’d been surprised to discover that Kim Lee had sold out clubs years before RuPaul’s Drag Race — the U.S. reality competition series that brought drag to a wide audience — premiered on Polish Netflix in the early 2010s. 
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The opening of the exhibition “Kim Lee. The Queen of Warsaw.” 2023.
Polish divas and a whiff of the West
Researcher Jakub Wojtaszczyk, whose book of interviews with Polish drag performers was published last June, says that self-described drag queens began appearing in the early to mid-1990s, not long after Communism’s collapse. Their acts often harked back to Polish “divas” from Communist times: cabaret star Violetta Villas with her layered, feathered gowns, 1960s sex symbol Kalina Jędrusik, who scandalized crowds with her backless outfits, and patrician mezzo-soprano Irena Santor were all clear favorites. 
One of the drag scene’s stalwarts, Lady Brigitte, recalls impersonating both Villas and Santor during her performances in the 1990s. She says that many queer men at the time embraced Villas as an icon. “She was a colorful flower, a bright light that seemed to have arrived [in Communist Poland] from America, she was bold and courageous, and above all, different,” the drag queen says. 
“Of course, we’d also tackle foreign figures like Cher and Tina Turner — you wanted to have that whiff of the West. But most of each show would revolve around Polish artists,” she explains. 
According to Ludmiła Janion, a cultural studies scholar at the University of Warsaw, the history of Polish “queer icons” goes much deeper. As she speaks, Janion pulls out photos of cross-dressing Polish actors from the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s, one of them the spitting image of U.S. dance pioneer Isadora Duncan. One of the extraordinary performances of that time, she says, comes from the 1937 comedy Neighbors (Piętro wyżej, in Polish). A glittering romp about a feud between two music-loving residents of a Warsaw townhouse, it shows cabaret heartthrob Eugeniusz Bodo wow an audience with his impersonation of the American actress Mae West. “Sex appeal is our womanly weapon,” Bodo sings as he whirls around the stage in a blond wig and a sparkling black dress. 
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Eugeniusz Bodo (center) impersonating Mae West in the 1937 film “Neighbors”
Some Polish film critics view the scene as a nod to LGBTQ audiences, pointing to the blossoming of queer culture in interwar Warsaw. “Bodo never got married. He wasn’t the type to chase after women,” Janion explains. “Of course, we can’t be sure that he was gay, but he was an ambiguous figure,” she adds, noting the actor’s string of cross-dressing characters during the brief but intense flourishing of Warsaw’s cabaret scene in the early 20th century. 
With the advent of Communism, this artistic freedom came to an end. Cross-dressing performances did not disappear, Janion says, but like much else, they retreated to the private sphere; to the semi-safety of high-rise apartments and tipsy evenings with friends. As a result, records of these “clothes-flipping parties” are sparse and hard to find. 
The parties themselves might have slipped into obscurity if Kim Lee hadn’t stopped to chat with an older gentleman who’d come to see her show one day in 2008. She soon found out that Andrzej Szwan, 69 at the time, had decades of “clothes-flipping” performances under his belt, even if his ornate costumes had scarcely left his building. With Nguyen’s help, Szwan transformed into one of Poland’s most eye-catching drag queens: Lulla la Polaca. Now 84, Szwan is still performing and much-loved by the media, including Vogue’s Polish edition and the country’s most august opinion magazines. 
However, researchers Janion and Wojtaszczyk disagree about whether the “clothes-flipping parties” of Communist times and earlier film and cabaret performances can be classed as drag. Wojtaszczyk would rather reserve the term for modern-day performers who choose to use it themselves, while Janion is happy to speak about “a continuum of drag performances” that involve cross-dressing, an audience, and a note of homoerotic tension.  
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Andrzej Szwan (Lulla la Polaca) in the 2022 documentary film “Boylesque”
‘Sister, you’re the activist type’
Lulla la Polaca, for one, was quick to call herself a drag queen once she started performing publicly. She also proudly describes herself as an LGBTQ activist. Most people I speak to agree that the term could also apply to Kim Lee, though not all Polish drag performers embrace it. 
“I’d always say to her: sister, you’re the activist type,” recalls Polish drag queen Lady Brigitte, referencing a double act she and Kim put on in the 2000s. Lady Brigitte herself has a more ambivalent attitude towards activism (“I performed at fund-raisers, but they were mostly for homeless animals”), though she expresses admiration for Nguyen’s engagement with Polish LGBTQ groups at the time. 
“There must have been more than twenty,” Szeląg replies when asked how many queer rights organizations Nguyen was involved in during his lifetime. He adds that Nguyen was also active in Poland’s Vietnamese community — “although he liked to keep that part of his life separate,” initially for fear of negative reactions to his same-sex relationship and stage persona. 
These concerns ultimately proved unfounded, Szeląg maintains. “Poland’s Vietnamese community has undergone a great transformation,” he explains, describing various relatives and friends of Nguyen’s he’s met over the years. “A while ago, a journalist from London came to interview its members for a story. Asked about famous Polish-Vietnamese people, every single one mentioned Kim Lee.” 
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In Kim Lee’s Dressing Room
Szeląg and Tomasik say that Nguyen didn’t like to dwell on the racist taunts he sometimes faced. Be that as it may, he publicly weighed in on what Polishness could and should mean by starring in a music video that parodied Poland’s infamous 2014 Eurovision entry. “We are Slavic” by Polish singer Cleo and record producer Donatan, with its busty, butter-churning milkmaids and appeals for foreigners to “try Polish women,” prompted a collective groan from the country’s feminists and liberals. Donatan’s comments denigrating that year’s winner — Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst — only added fuel to the fire. 
Kim was not one to sling back insults. Instead, she twirled around a meadow in Polish folk dress, lip-syncing to lines about “hot Slavic blood” and Polish women “ruddy as fresh bread.” 
Wojtaszczyk and the drag performers The Beet’s correspondent interviewed also recalled Kim’s role in integrating Poland’s drag scene and raising its profile, whether through hosting “Miss Drag” pageants or judging competitions. Teo Łagowska and Agnieszka Małgowska of the Drag King Szarm Trio — the aforementioned Warsaw collective of female and gender-queer performers who embody mostly masculine characters — stressed that Kim advocated inclusivity within a scene that they say still sidelines groups like theirs.  
Nguyen’s untimely death from the coronavirus in 2020 was “a shock for Poland’s rainbow community,” Małgowska says. “We always thought that Kim would become a senior drag queen, like Lulla [la Polaca], that she would dance until the end of time,” she laments. 
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In Kim Lee’s Dressing Room
Szeląg, Tomasik, and Staroszczyk all spoke of the Museum of Warsaw exhibition as a means of mourning the artist and honoring his memory. Tomasik, the author and Kim’s long-time friend, says that a “terrible sadness” remains, but he also notes his satisfaction that Polish drag is finally beginning to get official recognition. “It’s an art with a decades-long history and its own icons,” he says. “These are just the first attempts to commemorate, remember, and honor them.”
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emerella72 · 2 years
Advice from the Moon Goddess Selene PAC
Hi guys so this is my first PAC. Since on the 14 was the Full Moon in Sagittarius; I thought it would be a cute idea to do a PAC on advice Selene would give you. Selene is one of the many gods/goddess's that I work with. This really was fun thing to make and I'm looking forward to making more. PS this is an intuitive reading if it doesn't resonate; Leave it.
Anyway here are the piles:
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Pile 1: 
Seven of Wands, The Star, Knight of Wands, Queen of Swords, Five of Pentacles and King of Wands 
The message for you pile 1 is don’t be too stubborn, open your heart and let people in.  
Okay Pile 1 this is my spirited group.  Some of you love to argue.  I’m sensing that some of you are either debate leaders, future politicians and/or activists.  Damn I'm so in awe of you guys.  Y’all are badasses lol.  
But I also sense this fear; fear of loneliness to be exact (I’m guessing some of you were abandoned, maybe by family).  Selene is telling you to not be scared.  You are not alone.  Pile 1 you have a wonderful support system.  I’m talking about friends, colleges, maybe teachers or bosses.  You guys have people that would go to the end of the earth for you.  That is amazing; I’m actually tearing up.  I keep hearing the quote “friends are the family you choose”. That quote fits perfectly with this pile. 
Selene is telling you to be open with these people.  Some of you are closed off due to fear of being hurt again.  These people aren’t going to hurt you.  They love and respect you and they want to be there for you.  They aren’t going to judge you.  They genuinely want to help you.  So Pile 1 let these people in and open yourself to them.  Dammit Pile 1 just let them HUG YOU ALREADY LOL.
Pile 2:
Seven of Cups, The World, Eight of Cups, Ace of Swords, The Moon and Three of Wands.
So the message I’m getting for you is the possibilities are endless but be cautious; Things are not as they seem.
Pile 2 the opportunities are coming in fast for y’all. Someone has been busy manifesting. Omg wait the Full Moon was in Sagittarius and Sags are all about travel and expansion. Just made that connection 😂😂
So pile 2 I’m getting that for the most of you that either you’re moving or going on a long vacation. For a small amount of you; you’re getting a new job. This is something that you guys have been working towards for a long time. (Some of y'all have been working at this for 2 to 3 years it seems).
Even though this is something that you guys definitely want, Selene is telling you to not be too hasty. She knows that you’re excited; but she’s warning you that there are going to be some bumps in the road. She wants you to be vigilant. Remember to read all major documents especially if you are one of the people moving. READ your rental agreements people. For the people traveling; Make sure you have your passports and visas in date.
This might be a very specific message for someone but I NEED to share. If you are one of the people getting a new job, reread your contract. Just double check if those are the terms you agreed upon with your new employer.
Pile 2, Selene is seeing happiness for all of you. She just wants you to be a little cautious and to protect yourself from being lied to.
Pile 3:
Strength, the sun, Page of wands, knight of swords, king of cups and the hierophant
The message for you is: A new relationship is coming, be excited.
Well hello to my romance pile. Pile 3 I don’t know if you guys are planning on having a romantic relationship this year but what I can say is that it’s a BIG possibility. For the people who aren’t looking for a romantic relationship this might be a new friend coming or a new mentor.
Pile 3 the person who is coming into your life is the sweetest human being. Their energy is off the charts. They’re a literal ray of sunshine. It feels like they might be the complete opposite of you. Like they’re the Sun and you’re the Moon. I’m getting great vibes from this pile.
These people are gonna be such a great influence on you pile 3. Like they’re gonna make sure you're eating, sleeping and drinking your water. They’re the type of people to scold you while hugging or cuddling you. These people are also active. They’re very much one with nature. They might be into hiking or rafting?!?. (Idk man whatever is outdoorsy). The one thing I know is they wanna drag you along with them. They wanna go EVERYWHERE with you. They’re giving me Golden Retriever vibes.
Basically Selene is telling you to be with this person. She approves 100%. I don’t feel comfortable saying this is your soulmate. This is someone with an impact on your life. Definitely a good impact. I’m not really seeing any negative energy surrounding this relationship. But I’m seeing some anxiety. I am saying that this is you pile 3. Selene wants you to know that it's okay to be nervous but know that you are gonna grow so much with this person by your side. You are going to go through an evolution of some sort. This person is going to teach you how to let go and be free. To smell the roses. Basically to heal your inner child.
Pile 3 this person is pure light. There is nothing to be afraid of. Selene wants you to enjoy this person and the new experiences that they’re gonna take you on.
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
Since people r busy talking about the green legging drama or cigs, can I ask tarot things though😂
Not sure if you have done a reading for similar question, but: does Pedro ever has preferences of taking roles? Or he's just ... accepting whatever project he's been offered / what he tried auditioning for? I've just finished watching Equalizer 2 and Bloodsucking Bastards, and just thinking he truly suits villain roles as well and I personally wanna see him in it more lol
-the 😂 anon
Hello! I first asked the cards if he’s selective on accepting roles, in a more direct question. The Major Arcana were The Empress, Death reversed and The Star.
Well, The Empress is a great omen for any project. She’s the one that “makes things happen”, she is a woman of action and she makes plans become a reality. So Pedro has a lot of energy to “execute” projects, and Death reversed could be pointing to him not being ready to close any doors. It’s like he can’t totally leave something behind and move on, he’s gonna be there and he’s going to keep the doors open. The Star means he might be very optimistic when it comes to work. He’s always excited and hopeful about every character and about every project and he believes in them. From these cards, I would say Pedro seems to be very open to anything and not really limiting his possibilities.
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The Minor Arcana were the 3 of Wands reversed, 5 of Wands and 2 of Wands. Look at how many Wands cards with their fire energy! 3 of Wands reversed with The Empress is interesting because the 3 of Wands reversed is kind of like the opposite of The Empress. Given the other cards, I would say this man fears not having opportunities or plans or anything lined up for his future. He fears being blocked and stagnant. 5 of Wands with Death reversed made it clearer for me because 5 of Wands is a card of conflict, of insecurity, of facing challenges. Pedro might not be willing to close any doors because he doesn’t feel so confident about himself. He’s scared of not knowing what to do and he questions his self-worth to others, so he needs to have all the doors open because he doesn’t want to have to fight for his career again. 2 of Wands with The Star represents SO MUCH potential. He is always ready to start over, to start something new, he LOVES having new projects and he’s always optimistic about them.
So honestly, I think this man doesn’t have many preferences when choosing characters. I even asked my Alice in Wonderland deck more loosely about it, what they could tell me on the way he chooses projects, and the cards were the 2 of Teacups, Queen of Teacups and 7 of Teacups. Pure water energy, flowing freely…
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2 of Teacups shows us he LOVES his job, he feels happy and fulfilled and his emotions flow in a harmonious way when it comes to acting. Queen of Teacups is full of love too, and she’s always willing to please others, so he might be constantly thinking of his characters as a way to please an audience. He has so much love to offer through his work and he will do it in his character choices. The 7 of Teacups is the clearest card ever, because it represents ALL possibilities, a world of opportunities and Pedro being open to all of them.
So, again, this man doesn’t want to limit himself, not even when choosing a role. It obviously doesn’t mean he will accept just about anything, but he will not be closed off to any role before learning about it and seeing where it’s going. He will not restrict his choices without getting to know them.
AND when I was doing this reading I remembered he recently said EXACTLY that in an interview to Insider. Tarot nailed it again.
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encrucijada · 2 years
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ENCRUCIJADA (n). translation: crossroad. • a point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences.
we are doing this again. i’ve made personal changes to how i want to approach my writing, mainly me having a pen name now! you can still refer to me as pía, yes, hello. my pronouns are they/she (mostly they) and if you’re into labels i identify as aromantic and asexual. now, however, when it comes to posting (and hopefully publishing in the future) my writing i go by the name: ESTER CUERVOS. if you're new i am a latina from costa rica and i'm a getting my degree in classical philology with well over 300+ books on my tbr. this is all you need to know to understand me as a person.
the writer. literary fiction, low fantasy, magical realism, lowkey elements of horror. plantser. in the look for my niche (which means i’m collecting one too many wip ideas). anything can be a verb or an adjective if you don’t care enough. descriptions descriptions descriptions.
the aesthetic. foggy forests. flower imagery. the moon and stars. bones and blood. water (in any form). just before dawn, just before dusk. overgrown nature. not entirely human. the subtle horror of the unknown. religious imagery. the softness of a quiet morning.
the favourites (& insp). nothing but thieves. the oh hellos. over the garden wall. hollow knight. wolfwalkers. the lion, the witch and the wardrobe (movie). studio ghibli. the magnus archives. his dark materials. mabel podcast. shadow of the colossus. noah kahan. the queen's gambit (show).
what you don’t know. is that i’m actually a forest naiad and i am typing all of this from the bottom of the creek i live in.
MY WIPS. you can check the official list here, that i update whenever the winds change. but i have plenty of ideas floating around in my brain, so don't worry if you can't keep up... i can't either.
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