#just like. poof. no more Lu for a bit
I feel like I'm gonna fucking die
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
Day 15: Doomsday
What happened next was, as Bowser would put it, a big clusterfuck.
Luigi never expected to see a Paper Person again -never mind a psychopath whose fashion sense should have stayed in the 16th Century.
Ironically, that was the least of his worries when the whole world literally flipped on its axis.
His stomach turned when he realized that was BOWSER, and he wants to reassure him, but-
He’s alone now.
“Now then.”
That figlio di puttana-!
“Let’s get this show started!”
Mario hadn’t expected to see the Paper version of himself again, or even Paper Peach and Bowser.
He just wishes it was under better circumstances…
Paper Peach nods, “He’s a magician we’ve met before. We thought we’d ended his game, but…”
“The idiot seems to think HE could just waltz in and 'destroy all worlds'!” Paper Bowser seems to be angrier than usual, and it gives Mario near whiplash whenever he thinks about his calmer (nowadays, anyway), fleshy counterpart. “So we're here to finish the job!”
“But why is he here?”
Mario feels something in his stomach sink when they all share a look.
“...We think he's trying to get your Luigi.”
And just like that, Mario felt like the world was ending.
"I would like to hear the answer as well."
It's a near miss when Mario lashes out, feeling too overwhelmed- where's Luigi, he needs to get to Luigi- but not enough to not recognize the familiar sight of Kamek.
To his credit, the Magikoopa barely flinches as he floats on his broom.
“Kamek?!” At least everyone else was just as surprised.
"You weren't at the throne room, but I figured I could follow the sound of your shouting." His gaze seemed to sharpen, even if his eyes were hidden by his glasses. "Why is he here? And if so-"
Wait, why is he here-
"Are his abilities great enough to overpower transportation wards?"
Mario felt sick- surely he misunderstands--
The tense atmosphere says otherwise.
oH fu- "Can you take us to the castle?!"
He barely registers the confusion and surprise of the Paper versions before there was a poof-
And find themselves in the midst of mayhem.
Bowser wasn't thinking straight, but screw anyone who faults him for it!
He didn't register the newcomers as anything other than possible threats, and Mario and Peach were pushing it as they approached HIS NEST AND KIDS-
And then a wave of calm washed over him, a blue haze rolling over his scales with familiarity-
The world is less overwhelming, but the 'talk' that came after threatened to have his temper override the magic.
It felt like the world was ending for Bowser. Hell, their world's doomsday is technically on a countdown, if Paper Peach was to be believed.
Dimentio… a stupid, regretful name if you ask him.
And the fact that this guy kidnapped Luigi?
That the shitty jester plans to use him- have Luigi kill millions against his will? The same Luigi who Bowser watched as he cried over a smushed butterfly?
That Luigi might be somewhere alone, scared, maybe even hurt? Especially after...?
That Luigi's scared face might be the last thing he sees-?
When he finds the damned smiley fuck-
T H E R E W O N ' T B E A N Y T H I N G L E F T T O R E G R E T.
Luigi couldn’t remember- what did he do whatdidhedo-
The- jester- Dimentio- he had this heart- it won't stop beating stopbeatingSTOPBEATING-
It hurts to think about how he BrOkE hIm is breakinghim- he can't concentrate with that DaNnAtO lAuGhTeR- hAhaHaha-
"It seems you are a bit more... resilient in this dimension." He hates-DESPISES that sMiLe- "Here, let me help you~."
And then, it went dark.
And Luigi couldn't help but be glad.
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pepperycar · 2 months
Set after the movie. Inspired by chapter 7 of “hurt by fire, heal by fire” by @vulpixfairy1985
“The best Power-up?” Part 1.
“Where are we going again?” Luigi asked as Mario guided him through the tall grass, his hands covering his eyes “I told you, it’s a surprise!” Mario teased. After a bit more walking Mario stopped, Luigi stumbled slightly before pulling himself back up “sorry.” Mario snorted “okay... open em!” Mario pulled his hands from Luigi’s eyes, a few seconds later Luigi opened them, he gawked at the sight before him. The sun was setting, leaving a warm pink colour in the sky, just above it the stars started to appear, twinkling as they came, below it a beautiful field with Fire Flowers going as far as the I can see, a big tree with no leaves in the center “Wowie zowie!” Luigi breathed with a open mouth smile “quite a sight, eh Lu?” Mario smiled, taking in his brothers expression. Mario gently but excitedly grabbed his wrist, breaking him out of his thoughts “come on!” Mario smiled, pulling him along “your gonna love this!” “I already do!” Luigi chuckled as they approached the tree. Luigi stopped to see that there was a long, thin table in front of the tree, going from one end to the other, on the table were a bunch of objects put into neat piles all next to each other, all the piles different from one another “what... is all-“ Luigi started, Mario smiled “you felt the power of the Super-Star..” Mario explained “but you never got a chance to see the many other Power-Ups this world has to offer!” “And this ain’t even all of em!” A high, scratchy voice suddenly said. From behind the table, Toad climbed onto it before coming other to the Bros side “I did as you asked Mario! All the ones you were sure he’d like!” “Thanks Toad.” Mario nodded before Looking at Luigi “you wanna try one?” Luigi just glanced at all the Power-Ups, fidgeting his hands nervously “it’s okay bro.” Mario reassured “I can just show you if you want..” “I- O-Okay..” Luigi stammered. Mario smiled and patted Luigi’s back reassuringly before picking up a Fire Flower “let me know.” Toad said to Luigi “which Power-Up suits Mario best!” Luigi watched as Mario activated the fire flower. A swirl of flames engulfed him before parting to reveal his top and hat was now a bright white, the M painted red, his overalls also a dark red and from his open palm, appeared a fireball “Woah!” Luigi whispered in awe “does- does that hurt you?” Luigi asked with a bit of concern in his voice “not at all!” Mario grinned “and it won’t hurt you either! It’ll only hurt who I want it to hurt -cough-cough- Bowser..” Luigi smiled and hesitantly reached for it. Mario plopped it on his hand and Luigi carefully held it “so.. warm.. but like a nice warm like, not too hot and burning in any way!” Luigi smiled “maybe it’s because you’ve got a strong fire in your heart, you’re more immune.” Mario winked. Luigi blushed a little at the complement and the fire in his hands fizzled out. “Can- can I pick the next one?” Luigi asked looking at the spread across the table “of course!” Mario smiled holding his hand outward to the vast array of Power-Ups. Luigi looked down the table, Toad watching eagerly. Luigi stopped at a pile of little bells, they looked like ones a cat would have on its collar, gold with saffron stripes, with two beady little eyes on them “ah, you’ll like this one.” Toad chuckled, Mario rolled his eyes before grabbing one. With a poof, he was now a bright yellow Tabby Cat with white paws in place of gloves and shoes, his face remained unchanged. A small, shy smile appeared on Luigi’s face, Toad could see were this was going “DON’T.” Mario warned, too late- Luigi scooped him up from under his arms, squealing with delight “yeah should’ve seen that coming..” Mario sighed as Luigi squeezedhim, joyfully spinning him around “you were right Toad, I DO love this one!” Luigi squeaked, hugging Mario tighter “you’re lucky I love you cause I would’ve clawed your face by now..” Mario grumbled but relaxed when he felt Luigi patting his head then scratching behind his ear *Purrrr-Purrrr-* “Oh. My. God. Mario are you.. purring?!” Luigi asked trying to sound calm, his big grin and wide eyes saying otherwise.
-To be continued.
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jazz-bazz · 5 months
@jesusbutbetterrr‘s Ghoulettes Weeks 2024! Week 2 : Stealing clothes & Period stuff
i think this ended up more borrowing than stealing? im basing this on my sister and i arguing about clothes
also im kinda reducing my time on tumblr bcs reports and exams 😭 so imma sometimes go poof a bit, but i’ll try my best to finish ghoulettes weeks!
i tried writing but my brain has been mush this past week 😭 plus ive been sick since wednesday so im sleeping a lot (or maybe thats because of the mush brain… who knows)
The ghoul dens that afternoon were a chaos, the ghoulettes were going on a girls only trip the next day, and they were packing. And if you're like me when packing, there's gonna be clothes every-fucking-where. Not helped that the ghoulettes were going to a concert too, and need a rawkin' outfit, of course.
"Has anyone seen my scarf? I need it for the trip," Mist shouted from her room.
"Scarf? You mean this thin scarf? Is this yours?" Cumulus replied, going out of her room into the hallway, a scarf dangling from her fingers.
"Yes! Thank you Lu!" Mist took the scarf with a kiss to Cumulus' cheek.
"Aw... I was planning to wear it, how did it end up in my room anyway?"
"I think it's from last time we piled there after going to the bar? Maybe it fell or something, I don't know, I was pretty tipsy then. Anyway, you have your outfit and makeup planned for the concert?"
"Mostly yeah, but I still want to rummage in Rora's room for some accessories, how about you?"
"I'm gonna ask Cirrus for a cute top and then borrow those boots from Rain that I've been eyeing, but otherwise I'm done packing."
"Whoa, I just finished picking outfit and still need to pack everything," Cumulus said with a laugh.
"I'll leave you to it then, gonna bother Rainy for the boots, bye Lu!"
"Bye Mist!"
On her way to Rain's room, Mist met Aurora, apparently also headed to Rain's room. But instead of Rain, Dewdrop was the one opening the door when they knocked on Rain's door, "Hello ladies, what can I help you with?"
"Hey, Dew. Is Rain here?" Aurora asked.
"They're in the shower now, but probably only for a couple more minutes, they've been in there since half an hour ago. Would you beautifuls like to come in?" He said while opening the door wider.
Rain's room was beautiful, light blue walls with a darker blue ceiling painted with sea lives, and when it's dark, some of the fishes would light up, and also the corals along the bottom edge of the walls, very relaxing. Mist and Aurora sat on the couch while Dewdrop got on the bed to wait for Rain.
"I thought you guys are packing for your trip?" Dew asked.
"Yeah, but you know we're going to that concert while on the trip? So we need clothes, and you know those pretty boots Rain has? I want to ask them if I can borrow that for the trip, but I'm almost done packing," Mist answered him.
"I'm almost done too, just wanna see if I can borrow one of Rain's dresses, if not then maybe I'll ask Cirrus."
"I'm sure they'll let you borrow them if they're not planning to wear it while you guys are gone."
Just then the door to the bathroom was opened and Rain stepped out with their hair wrapped in a towel, "Hi girls, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Hey Rainy, Mist and I were wondering if we could borrow some of your things for the concert, Mist said she wants your boots, and I want one of your dresses."
"Oh sure! The boots are over there, Mist, you can take them. And Rora, which dress do you want?"
"Thanks Rain! I'll return them back squeaky clean after we get back. Rora, I'm gonna finish packing and bother Cirrus, alright? Oh and Cumulus said she wants to ask you for some accessories later."
"Bye Mist! Thanks for the info," Aurora waved.
"Cirrus was just here before I showered asking me for a skirt, and now you two. What am I, a clothing store?" Rain said with a laugh, "Anyway you can take a look in my closet and pick the dress you want, Rora."
"Not their fault your closet basically is a store, babe," Dew replied.
"Well you also keep buying me new ones, Dew. And not my fault those clothes look good and I need them," Rain said with a little pout.
"Because you look good in them! And I like seeing you look good."
"Okay lovebirds, cut it out," apparently Aurora was done picking out her dress and showed it to Rain, who approved, "I'm gonna finish packing, you guys. And thanks again Rainy!"
On her way back to her room, Aurora met Sunshine, who asked her for permission to pillage in her closet for some clothes, "I've asked everyone else but I still lack some kind of pants or skirt or whatever, so you're my next target!"
"No problem, come on in, Sunny," Aurora said upon reaching her room, "What do you need?"
"I've got this crop top from Cirrus, this bandana for my hair from Lus, and this cardigan if it's windy from Mist, and I have a pair of cute socks to wear with this, so I just need pants, any ideas?"
"I have just the thing!" Aurora rushed to her drawers and dug around for who knows what. Then someone knocked on the door, "Hey Rora, can Cirrus and I come in?" They heard Cumulus say.
"Sure! Just give me a minute to look for my shorts somewhere around here, I just washed it a couple days ago."
"Oh hey Sunny! Still pillaging around for your outfit?" Cirrus asked.
"Yep, this is the last one I need then I can start packing my things!"
“Nice! You guys excited for the trip?”
“Hell yeah I am!” Aurora shouted while still looking for her shorts, with the other ghoulettes echoing her enthusiasm.
“Finally! Here Sunny, you can have these,” Aurora handed Sunny the thing she was looking for, “Oh yeah, Lus, Mist said you wanna borrow some accessories?”
“Yes, that’s actually while I’m here. Cirrus was done so she comes with to help me pick.”
“Go wild then, I’ve already picked mine so you can take whatever catches your eyes.”
this is actually more peaceful than when i was packing for a 10 days trip with my family, not helped by the fact that my sister, my mom, and i all wear the same size (except for jeans though) and the fact that i didnt bring much clothes home so i gotta borrow their things a lot, and that my sister and i kinda have similar styles so we argued a lot 😂
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bobcatmoran · 1 year
Just got back from seeing Les Mis for the…4th? Yeah, 4th time. Twice the last time the national tour rolled through the Midwest (once in Madison, once in Minneapolis), and once when it was in previews the last time it was on Broadway.
Quite different this time, since I was not up in the balcony, but instead waaaaaay up front, waaaaaay to the side. I could've thrown something onto the percussionist in the pit easily (though, of course, I would never, because that would be an incredibly jerk thing to do)
More under the cut to spare everyone's dashes.
First of all, Nick Cartell as Valjean was freaking amazing. What a voice. Like, he did definitely hold out the last two notes of "Bring Him Home" almost uncomfortably long, but it was a flex he could absolutely pull off. His Valjean was actually someone you could buy as a "dangerous man" pre-Bishop (though during the scene where he helped out with the harvest, one of the women gave him a very appraising up-and-down look and then ran over to her friends, where they were clearly checking him out). Probably one of the more violent stage Valjeans I've seen overall, though he also very clearly cared for Cosette (both in tiny and grown-up editions) and when he told Éponine to take care after she'd delivered Marius' letter, it was with a fatherly-type air.
Second of all, kudos for whoever came up with the, "In 1832, very few people had cameras or cell phones. Therefore, we ask that you put them away for this performance," announcement.
Haley Dortch was the first Black Fantine I've seen since watching Les Mis Dallas, and she was also really good. Just an absolutely heartwrenching "I Dreamed a Dream." Unfortunately, my below-stage seating angle meant that the foot of her bed perfectly blocked her face for most of "Come to Me," but vocally it was amazing. I did notice how her post-haircut wig(?) still had the hair along the temples pulled back, which might be because otherwise, that hair type with a shoulder-length bob would just be a chaotic poof, possibly getting in the actress' face.
Bamatabois was played by Ben Cherington, the understudy, for this performance, and I credit that with him being the least weirdly swishy Bamatabois I've ever seen live. This guy was a rich asshole, but his threat came from his willingness to use violence (he raised his cane threateningly multiple times) and the fact that he knew the police would be on his side. He wasn't, like, foppish, and that helped give his character a weight that he doesn't usually have in recent productions.
I noticed that overall, this production did less of what I've noticed with a lot of more recent performances, where you'll get people ACTING to the point where the rhythm of the songs is lost. This cast generally didn't do that, except for chunks of "Lovely Ladies" and "Master of the House," which incidentally are the two songs that have been drifting towards becoming "comedic" over the years. (I have Opinions about that trend)
Little Cosette (Olivia I. Lu) for this performance was an understudy, and unfortunately, it was kind of obvious that she was. Just. Not a great singer. Very cute, though. Did a great bit where she just ragdolled when Thenardier picked her up.
Little Éponine (Cora Jane Messer) got in some good bits during her 15 seconds of stage time, pulling faces at Cosette and then snapping to being a sweet, innocent darling while her mom sang about what a delightful girl she was…and then sticking her tongue out at Cosette again.
I was kind of surprised at how Mme Thénardier was the biggest ham in "Master of the House," but then I figured out during intermission that M Thénardier was played by an understudy, which might explain why he was relatively subdued. But only relatively. Still played the character completely for laughs, zero menace.
Honestly, I spent most of "Master of the House" tracking a couple of guys — who I'm pretty sure were played by Joly and Lesgles' actors (Les Amis were surprisingly multicultural, which helped a lot in telling them apart) — who came into the inn together and were doing a bit about, "Why did we come here, this place is sketchy," on the corner of the stage nearest to where I was sitting.
Hayden Tee was Javert for this performance — apparently a recent cast addition since his bio was a loose page in the program despite being listed as Javert for December 6–11…and also today, I guess. Vocally, I loved his performance. Unfortunately, his body language struck me as weirdly fruity for the character, and I think it might've been because he would very precisely walk putting one foot directly in front of the other, which does things to your hips while you walk that definitely read a certain way. He also did this amazing snappy little twirl with his police baton before tucking it under his arm. Like, he had the very stiff, stick-up-your-butt, razor-sharp precision that works for a certain Javert interpretation, but it was undermined by a lot of other body language elements.
I also, thanks to my seating position, could see the robot(?) (that's what some folks who were sitting next to me called it) that stealthily comes up behind Javert during his final scene on the bridge and hooks onto him for the "jump." If you were watching it, you could catch the moment it actually hooked onto him, because he had a little hiccup in his singing.
Devin Archer was Enjolras, and he had this intensity to his performance where you could absolutely buy that this guy was suffused with revolutionary fervor. It was almost enough to distract from the truly terrible blond wig he was wearing. At least, I'm hoping that's a wig, otherwise he has done a great injustice to his actual hair.
Grantaire was also an understudy for this performance, played by Daniel Gerard Bittner, who's usually Feuilly and is also the understudy for Enjolras, Bamatabois, and Grantaire, which is quite the range. I wouldn't have had any idea he was an understudy. The fact that Grantaire was the last to die on the barricade, after climbing up, weaponless, to the top of it was a big oof.
Feuilly, for the record, was played by Christopher Robin Sapp, a swing, and again, I'd have had no idea if I hadn't taken a photo of the standee in the lobby with tonight's cast and cross-referenced it with my program. He nailed that one shining moment that Feuilly gets, where he's like, "THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS WILL WATER THE MEADOWS OF FRANCE!"
I kind of loved how David Young, who played Prouvaire, and is Black, had a hairstyle that looked almost exactly like some contemporary illustrations I've seen of young Alexandre Dumas. Very vertical in its poofiness.
Harrison Fox, who played Gavroche for this performance, was the tiniest Gavroche I've ever seen. Even when he climbed up on a table to announce, "General Lamarque is dead," he was barely taller than the members of Les Amis. Nothing to write home about, acting-wise, but. so tiny.
Gregory Lee Rodriguez and Addie Morales as Marius and Cosette, respectively, were perfectly adorkable. There was some great body language in "A Heart Full of Love" where Cosette was the one taking initiative, which I really liked. Their body language while reading Valjean's final message at the start of the "Do You Hear the People Sing" reprise was also just so good. Cosette, absolutely heartbrokena and overwhelmed, and Marius supporting her, which was a perfect mirror of how Cosette had supported a grieving Marius during "Every Day." Also, yay for Black!Marius and Brunette!Cosette!
Grownup!Éponine was played by Christine Heesun Hwang, who's actually from the local area. She was very solid, definitely played up the musical character's very sassy, independent nature, and had a few bits with Montparnasse threatening her and her being like, "a knife? Is that the best you got?"
I definitely noticed, especially during the "Waltz of Treachery" that the Thenardiers seemed like they were coming from a completely different play than Valjean and Little Cosette. The "comedy" drift of those characters has been that bad, which I feel does a disservice to the story. For Cosette's situation to really hit home, it needs to feel like she's in an actually terrible situation, not a slapstick comedy.
Other people have noted this recent lyrics change, but the "Beggars at the Feast" lyric switch from "This one's a queer/but what can you do" to "This one's a queer/I might try it too" both undermines Thenardier being an asshole (the line directly before it, "This one's a Jew" has stayed intact, and works better in terms of "oh hey, this guy's just a prejudiced jerk") and, especially with the choreography I saw, where Thenardier pulls the "queer" from his (female) dance partner to twirl and dip him, actually makes it look like being "queer" is something Thenardier is on the side of. And he's a TERRIBLE character. No one is supposed to want to be like Thenardier, but here they are, saying Queers are something he enjoys and supports. Ick ick ick. Last time I saw the musical, they didn't have this lyrics change, and I don't like it.
Overall, a really solid performance. I'm sure there's some folks out there who disagree with "race-blind" casting going, "How did a Black woman give birth to an Asian kid who grew up into a white lady?" And honestly, I'd love to see a cast someday with a POC Cosette and a white Éponine, since it's always the other way around.
But on average, this was probably one of the strongest casts I've seen, and they absolutely deserved that standing ovation that they got.
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science-lings · 2 years
HELLO IM LATE but could you share your thoughts about the Heroes blood?? How is it similar/different from the goddess blood and stuff like that. It’s intriguing to me bc and I want to know more pls pls pls pls pls
Let's start with Goddess blood, it's purely hereditary and only affects the women who inherit it. It lays dormant until the goddess's descendants' light power awakens. I also like to think that it has a physical marker. When a descendant of the goddess bleeds, if she has unlocked her power, you can immediately tell who she is. While the reincarnation of Hylia herself has purely golden blood, her descendants have a noticeable golden shimmer to their blood. This also opens up some angsty ideas about how princesses prove that they're true descendants of the goddess and how a princess who struggles to unlock her sealing powers could perhaps be... tested or their identity doubted...
Heroes' blood is much more complex and mysterious. Reincarnations of Link just pop out of nowhere, though that doesn't mean that it can't be passed down through the generations. There are non-heroes with a bit of heroes blood in them, which could lie dormant or grand them extremely minor quirks that the hero tends to just come with. Things like natural ability with a sword, a slight propensity towards magic, strength that's just a little more than natural ability, getting along with animals (usually horses or birds for some reason), general inherent musical talent, etc. Heroes' blood is also less picky compared to Goddess blood, it can be activated in anyone despite gender.
Though Heroes blood doesn't have a physical indicator like goddess blood does, it can still be traced. Monsters can smell the blood of the hero, they fight differently if they're against a hero versus any other hyrulean. The Yiga clan always has members that poof in front of the hero out of nowhere and I'm almost certain that some non-Ganon villains are able to watch the hero from a distance and it wouldn't be a shocker to me if they had to use his blood to do so.
Another important use for the heroes' blood, resurrecting demon kings! This is partially what inspired my thoughts about the blood of the hero, there has to be something up with these guys' blood if it can literally raise the king of evil. (which is my theory about the creation of the Calamity but that's a little off-topic), It's not just the fact that the first reincarnation of the hero defeated the literal god of evil, making it poetic that the current holder of the hero's spirit has to die to revive the evil king, it can also be just how eternal the heroes spirit really is. During the dozens of thousands of years, gods have been reduced to skeletons and even the strongest deities are whispers of what they once were. But one of the oldest ones, older than Hyrule, older than the royal family, older than the master sword, the hero's spirit is still going strong, reincarnation after reincarnation. I think being so ancient and still so powerful makes the blood of the hero very potent for magic.
The thing is, there is a canonical line of heroes, even if the only heroes involved are the hero of Time and the hero of Twilight. I've touched on the idea several times in my LU fics but I am of the headcanon that heroes' blood can carry the magic from several thousand years in the past if the hero used it a lot. I'm also of the opinion that the hero of the Wild is also in the heroes bloodline (there are similarities but that is again a little too off-topic for this current rant), and I like to think that the hero of the wild gets his unique grasp over time from his ancestor who definitely played with time magic to an excessive amount. Perhaps his natural way in the wilderness and ability to see very well in the dark comes from an ancestor who was cursed with shadow magic. The idea that magic used thousands of years ago still persists in their descendants is just intriguing to me.
okay those are all my thoughts for now lol
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spideogbeag · 3 years
How Rick Handled The Celts
In TON Apollo says that most of the Celtic Pantheon and stuff has faded (he implied that it was totally gone actually) after we meet Lu, this always pissed me off though, and I know me and Nyan came up with a fun answer to why he might think that, but still the way Rick did that was dumb.
While nowadays we may not go around worshipping our old gods, they haven't faded from our memory, we still get taught their stories and stuff in school.
This is probably due to Rick not knowing Irish culture but still pisses me off Irish people are very supersticious, always have been, and a lot of things we do are due to old Pagan pratices that we never stopped, and based off of that the Celtic Pnatheon would still be alive and thriving
Even in an academic setting they are talked about, there are courses in college and everything for this type of study, plus history and archeology and everything cause anything you'd find that is religious has a 50/50 chance of being Pagan so you gotta know your Celtic gods for that
Plus there are still Pagans in Ireland, they didn't suddenly go poof and disappear
Idk this is just something that always annoyed me about when Rick brought up the Celts
(plus our Gods never had temples or anything, just wasn't a thing, they'd be worshipped outside at specific locations, these locations are well known (you can literally go to Macha's cave) and so even they're places of worship are still around (plus we still leave little bits and pieces in this area, as good luck, so you'd find little keepsake, coins, ribbons, all sorts of things as little offerings)
most places that exist in the pantheon are well known, a lot of them are places that exist so that helps, plus the place they reside is just a magical island called Tir na Nog (sorry donn't have the right keys on my laptop there are accents on some of those letters) which is an island to the west that you can get to via magical means (or in some myths dying, depends on the myth) thats is most of them up there, just the fact about how he implied they all faded even though there are multiple reasins why they wouldn't've via the modern Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Manx people we do have our own myth about what happened to the gods that he could've used as well like it's a well known myth considering it's connected to the myth about the Gianrs Causeway up North Basically as worship of them died down, they just made themselves smaller, turned themselves into more modern Fairies really (the good people or the little people here (they have A LOT of names)) and the worship or the heroes basically rose which made them taller and bigger (Giants) and yeah... There was a whole story Rick you could've used but nooo and he recently took a course on Irish myth with a university in Cork so he should know more now but still (made with the help of @asunnydreamer and @nyaningthroughlife thnx guys (they helped propmt me basically))
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jackoneillistheman · 3 years
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I have no clue how I’ve made it to Chapter 50?
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Chapter 44 is up!
9 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 04:51:21 GMT
Drunk and inspired
Just listened to the newest Jake Scott song on YouTube (Meet My Shadow), and this happened....
Luke sat alone in the studio, Alex and Reggie were off doing other things. He thought Alex had mumbled something about meeting Willie, and Reggie had said he was going to go hang out with Ray.
Luke didn’t mind at all though. He thrived on chunks of quiet time when he could just write whatever was in his head. Music gave him an emotional outlet that even his boys, his brothers, didn’t and couldn’t quite understand.
The left door of the studio creaked open, and he looked up in anticipation, only to mentally sigh in slight disappointment at the sight of Flynn. Luke loved Julie’s bestie, but he wanted to see Julie.
“Yo, Sleeveless? You here?” Flynn glanced around the studio with slightly judgmental eyes, “Julie had a hard day and she’s up in her room. I really don’t know if I approve of this crap, you’re dead and that’s not a healthy relationship, but she does want to see you. I actually think I hate this, except heartbreak could be inevitable with a living dude, and you seem to care more than I can argue with after those last performances.”
Luke played a sad, but questioning, riff on his guitar.
“Yeah, whatever. I’m assuming that’s you, so get your cute ghost butt up to her room and comfort her. The freaking Universe knows how this will ever work out, but, if you’re what she wants and needs I won’t stand in the way. Give me a sign you got this, please?”
He strummed an affirmative and determined chord, and she huffed a breath and left. Barely a second later he was poofing up to Julie’s bedroom.
“Jules?” Luke’s voice was soft, and it cracked a tiny bit at the end as he caught sight of her on her bed. Her face was buried in a pillow, knees drawn to her chest, and intermittent shudders wracked her body.
“Lu-ke?” his name was broken by a ragged breath, her tears only suppressed by the tiny sliver of control she was desperately holding onto.
He was there almost before she finished speaking, laying next to her and wrapping her close into his soothing embrace. It may have only been a few days since the Orpheum and her magical hug that saved him and the boys from Caleb’s stamp, but he couldn’t help but send thanks to any and all deities and higher powers that he could touch (feel) her now.
Julie burrowed into his chest like she was yearning deeply for the physical contact. Luke almost sobbed at how much he wished he could take on her pain so she wouldn’t have to feel it. He knew she kept her true grief close and behind walls, though. As much as he had managed to coax her into sharing, it wasn’t all of it.
“Jules? Can I sing my newest song to you so you can give me notes?” He had been thinking about it ever since Julie had brought ‘Unsaid Emily’ to his parents. He wasn’t mad about it, but there was more that the song didn’t capture that he felt she should know.
Julie nodded into the space of his chest near his collar bone, and he nervously gulped air in before softly singing.
“Midnight moon
Caught in a rush
Now there's you
And there's us
Toe the line
Hope it's enough
To stay alive
'Cause we just
Keep on swimming in the shallows
Running round in circles
Before we dive right in
I know we've been
Dancing in the light
But there's a darker side
Thinking that before we get too close
Baby you should meet my shadow
Voices in my head
Words I've never said
There's some things about me
You should know
Baby you should meet my shadow…”
She just listened with slowly steadier breaths, and when he finished she brokenly whispered, “Tell me.”
The bubble created around the two of them in the aftermath of stripping their walls down to let the other in was impenetrable through the night. Thankfully, Julie had made it through dinner, and Flynn had covered and convinced Ray she was going to bed early.
Neither could claim to know how long they would have each other, or where this road of feelings between them would lead. Just, in this one, single moment, this solitary night, they could open themselves up… and no one could take that away from them.
9 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 06:04:10 GMT
Six-sentence Saturday (Sunday) from the WIP that has pretty much taken over my brain and caused all focus on AMOQC to flee - just so everyone knows I’m still working on *something*:
[Luke] The thought that he should have made the time hit him like a ton of bricks as the kitchen door behind the counter swung open, and one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen in his life walked out. She had gorgeous full curly dark hair, tied back in a loose ponytail, and glowing bronze skin, but it was her eyes that really caught him.
They were deep brown, warm and welcoming, he couldn’t help but wish he could sink into them forever. He was so busy gaping at her he tripped a little on the rug inside the door and she let out a tiny giggle and her lips stretched into an amused smile, showing a gap between her two front teeth. It only made her prettier.
“Hi. Can I help you?” 
Loosely inspired by the Hallmark trope of city meets country. Julie owns a cafe in a small town. Alex has a dance studio there, Reggie works the business side. Willie is very much Alex’s boyfriend. Luke has been busy playing professional hockey but still visiting the boys when he can. An injury has ended his career, but he’s not mad- now he can focus on music. Kinda Juke love at first sight, but possibly oblivious pining for awhile? Not sure, still working on it rather slowly. I don’t want to post this one until it’s basically done. 
10 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 03:28:04 GMT
So, hot take. (Is that a thing anymore? Or am I old? And drunk, I am a little drunk.) But Ryan Tedder is who Luke could have been- would have wanted to be? Writing so many ridiculously good songs with other artists, and being completely happy with being barely recognizable on the street? His band taking off, but still flying under the radar with a hat and sunglasses when in public living his life?
12 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 04:36:16 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Ranked S
Tigre stood in the doorway to the dining hall of Cassell College in awe of the massive chandelier. It was gold, in the shape of a great tree under a high domed ceiling and every leaf was a light. It was the most magnificent thing he had seen in all of the College so far and it was accessible because he knew what a tree was and what a lamp was and he could see that this work of art was the two put together. What great innovation!
After spending a few hours last night with Chu Zihang’s friends, he felt too excited to sleep. He kept fiddling with the tablet computer all night, surfing the internet and googling all manner of things until the machine ran out of batteries. They had explained how to charge it, but Tigre felt a moment of great panic when the low battery warning came up. What if he tried to charge it and it didn’t work? He’d be up a creek on his first day of school.
The freshman students in green uniforms all sat at very long heavy wooden tables. He recognized the Smith sisters and waved, trotting up to them and sitting down. “Hi! I hope you feel better now!”
The Smith sisters all looked at him in silence and uncomfortable smiles. Except for Ruby. She gave a little laugh and said. “Yeah, we do… thanks.”
They all wore the same hairstyle with their hair tied up and back and the mass of curls poofed out like a bouquet of flowers. They still had the insect motif. Ruby with her butterfly earrings, Porsche with her dragonfly earrings, and Ladybug Celeste.
“Oh. What’s that on the wall? Is that dragon language too?” Tigre asked in wonder.
“That’s Latin…” Porsche drawled. “You should be able to tell if you speak Spanish.” She rested her cheek in her hand and pointed at him, doubt filling her voice.
“He said he only spoke a little!” Ruby was quick to defend him. “It’s just saying ‘Welcome new students.”
“Oh… Latin…” Now that he stared at it he could tell it was a bit like Spanish. 
Suddenly a silver platter was settled in front of him and the lid opened to reveal a plate of hardboiled eggs, bread, cheese and ham. He yelped in surprise. “Woah!”
Ruby laughed again. Even Celeste cracked a smile. “You must have grown up in the boonies. You act like you’re in Disney World.” She said, chuckling.
Tigre was already stuffing his face with the bread and eggs and mumbled. “No, I’m from Mexico.”
Celeste shook her head, covering her smile. “I know! What I meant was… you know what? Never mind. It’s nice to meet someone who’s not a sourpuss.”
A sudden hush fell over the dining room and a few students stood up as Lu Mingfei entered accompanied by the members of the Student Union Elite and a beautiful woman walking behind him. “That’s Lu Mingfei, S ranked President of the Student Union. I hear he’s back from killing a real dragon.” Ruby explained in a hush whisper. “I hear he’s the strongest student the College has ever had.”
“Really he did?” Tigre watched in awe. This guy was so quiet and normal and humble, he never imagined that he could have killed a dragon. “I heard he was President of the Student Union. What does that mean?”
“There are many clubs here but two main ones. The Student Union and Lionheart. The Student Union was run by Caesar Gattuso who killed the King of Bronze and Fire two years ago. He passed his club to Lu Mingfei. Lionheart was run by Chu Zihang who killed the King of Earth and Mountains year before last. They had a great rivalry but Lu Mingfei doesn’t seem to be interested in continuing that and Lionheart leadership has been hollowed out. Chu Zihang, Susie, and Lancelot all graduated. They were all the Lionheart elite.”
“Was run? Chu Zihang doesn’t run it any more?” 
“No, he graduated recently and was sent on missions. In fact, they’re all graduated now. Caesar is in Rome in the Italy branch.”
Tigre’s chewing slowed and he swallowed. “Graduated… so Chu Zihang doesn’t go here any more…”
“No, he was just here recovering from his last mission. He’ll probably go back to work now that he’s fully recovered.” Porsche shrugged.
He sighed and lowered his eyes. “Oh… he… he didn’t tell me that.”
Celeste’s elegant eyebrow raised. “Why would he tell you that? Do you know him?”
For the first time, Tigre seemed genuinely sad to the sisters. He stopped eating and hung his head. “Yeah. He saved my life.”
“Get out!” Porsche’s eyes were wide in her head. “How did that happen?”
Tigre looked on the verge of tears. “It’s kinda sad but I was not let out of a prison all my life. Chu Zihang broke me out of that prison and that’s how I came here. He gave me a computer tablet. He didn’t say he was leaving.”
The sisters all fixed him with sad serious gazes.
“No wonder you don’t know anything…” Ruby sighed.
“I… I’ll send him a farewell message later I guess.” He mumbled. He understood that Chu Zihang had to leave, but did he have to leave without saying anything? The tablet computer must have been a goodbye gift as well as a welcome gift.
The Smith sister’s eyes all went wide at the same time, like a row of kittens. They were looking behind him and when Tigre turned around, Lu Mingfei was standing behind him. 
“All settled in?”
“Yes… sir?” He asked.
“Oh no, not you too with the sir stuff.” Mingfei lamented, one hand on his head. 
“I’m sorry I just heard you were the strongest student in Cassell!” Tigre explained quickly.
Lu Mingfei winced slowly and sighed. “Anyway. I wanted to ask you if you’ve settled in alright.”
Tigre nodded. He noticed that all the students in the dining hall were staring at him. Some of them whispered to each other, their eyes fixed on him as they did so.
“I heard Chu Zihang was leaving. Do you know when?” Tigre asked quietly sad.
“Oh… yeah he left last night. He didn’t tell you?” Mingfei’s eyes widened slightly.
Crestfallen, Tigre shook his head. 
“Ah… Senior Brother is always like this. He comes and goes without a word and doesn’t understand how that might affect people. He thought a lot of you. Anyway, We can talk later, don’t take it so hard, okay?” He gave Tigre an awkward pat on the shoulder.
The sisters were rendered speechless. Lu Mingfei walked away to the Senior Student’s table where he sat down, surrounded by men in suits as he was served by three separate waiters. It seemed like he was in the lap of luxury, the King of Cassell. Yet, looking at him, Tigre couldn’t help but think that Lu Mingfei was very lonely. He didn’t really talk to the people next to him, just lowered his head and ate like a horse in a stable.
A hand suddenly slammed into his view. “Hey, I’m talking here.”
“Charles Xavier!” Tigre exclaimed.
The boy with dark hair and eyes who challenged him before apparently had been trying to get his attention when he was looking at Lu Mingfei.
“My name’s not ‘Charles Xavier’ I was messing with you!” He wrinkled his nose and glared his eyes down at him. “You know Lu Mingfei? How the hell?”
“I… I met him yesterday after the test. There was a little party at Chu Zihang’s house.” Tigre answered honestly with an owlish expression.
‘Charles Xavier’ massaged the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut like he suddenly had a massive headache. “You were at… Chu Zihang’s party?”
Tigre flinched. “Uh… Yeah… Sorry, if I knew you wanted to go I would have invited you…”
Celeste and her two sisters all lifted their coffee cups in unison and sipped, watching this scene with great pleasure.
‘Charles’ cleared his throat. “Well then… allow me to reintroduce myself. I’m Robert Musonda, of the Musonda copper mining company in Zambia. Nice to meet you.”
“Oh… nice to meet you too.” Tigre accepted the offered hand.
“Have you decided which club you were going to join? I personally have not. I was waiting to see how things were. With all the elites gone, things could go either way. The Student Union could fall, or Lionheart could resurge.”
“I haven’t… really thought of clubs. I…” Tigre looked to Ruby for help. She’d been very helpful so far.
“Lionheart and Student Union were huge rivals before. I think people are expecting that to continue but it doesn’t have to. It depends on leadership. I think Lionheart will really push hard to regain some ground after losing so much to Student Union.” She nodded to him.
Robert Musonda clasped his hands behind his back. “In fact, leadership itself is up for grabs at Lionheart. A lot of freshmen are thinking of going to see if they can snatch the spot. With you being good friends with Mingfei and Chu Zihang, you’d be a shoe in!”
“I wouldn’t call myself good friends… We just met yesterday…”
Robert Musonda leaned forward. “He came over here and greeted you and only you… I call that good friends.” He patted Tigre on the shoulder the same way Lu Mingfei had and dropped his card next to him. “Let’s chat after class.”
Robert sauntered away. His card had a small floral scent but was simple and white with black block lettering of his family business and name along with a phone number and email.
As they were leaving the breakfast hall, Tigre’s tablet computer chimed. When he looked at it, he had a new message in his inbox. “Oh. I got my exam results.”
“Quick check your email!” Celeste exclaimed.
Apparently all the results were posted publicly and at the same time.  Students all stopped what they were doing and were looking at their results, heads bowed over their phones. Some students cheered and pumped their fists. Others gave each other high fives. Some students huddled together, giving consoling pats on the back. They were listed in order by last name and, since Tigre didn’t have a last name, the null entry in the last name field put his name right at the top.
Name: Tigre
Resonance Test result: S
Attached to his email was several pages of materials. Based on his ranking, he was afforded a stipend of money. $100,000! He also had a lot of privileges like first pick of meals and he could call the train to take him to Chicago whenever he wanted.
“Congratulations on your high level of Ranking.” It said. “With these privileges also come responsibilities. You are expected to perform at high level in the college in both class attendance and performance. If you fail to perform, you will be downgraded and your privileges will be revoked.”
He looked up at Ruby, relying on her once again for guidance. “What classes do I have?”
“You have to pick your own classes.” She said, with a trembling voice. “I can’t believe you’re S ranked. That’s insane. Are you half dragon?”
“I don’t know. Maybe?” Tigre shrugged.
Celeste stepped in, pushing Tigre forward. “There’s a link to register for classes. But let’s not do this in the hallway where everyone stares at us.”
She leaned over to him, smiling gently. “So, do you have a roommate yet?”
“Uh… I don’t have a dorm.” He said quietly.
“Then you should stay with us. We’ll help you.” Celeste smiled at him.
“Yeah!” Porsche said, glancing at her Celeste and holding his hand. “We’ll start by registering you for classes and stuff. Do you have anything you need to move?”
“Not… really? Just a few things.” Tigre said nervously as he was herded out of the Dining Hall by the three women.
Ruby clung to his other arm. “Then I’ll help you move!”
“Move? Move where?” 
The triplets turned and looked at him with shining brown eyes. They beamed at him, speaking in unison. “To our dorm silly!”
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Since this is becoming a series Stan and Eda’s daughter meeting her younger cousins Dipper and Mabel as well as Soos and Wendy? Reader would be around the age of Dipper and Mabel’s parents?
The saga continues!
Meeting the Gravity Falls gang (Owl House/ Gravity Falls crossover)
Visits to her father’s house were kinda planned as a kid, but with time Stanley has just learned to always have an extra bed ready and be down to roll with whatever punches the day brings. Sometimes the punches are some supernatural anomaly he has to save his family from, sometimes it’s a surprise visit from his daughter, you never know.
What he does know is that when the twins scream that loudly he should grab some knuckle bracers. In case.
Appearing in a poof of smoke in the middle of the shop may have not been the best call for poor ol’ kiddo. She did choose a without customers granted but she still has to fend off a/an:
Axe-wielding employee in flannel
A large teddy-bear man wielding her squirrel/duck hybrid she sewed with her dad when she was ten
A tiny boy screaming loudly and throwing things
A tiny girl screaming with a bedazzling gun.
Thanks to magic she’s alive but that just means Stan has to shout over the even louder screams to get everyone to shut up and listen.
A very, very fast explanation later (”YOU’RE MARRIED?!”) Stan finally introduces his daughter to his employees/kids and their reactions are...varied. Certainly not the best but not entirely bad either. It’s a lot to take in.
Mabel is strangely a little warier than Dipper about this new person. She has good reason to be. Having survived her own trauma of being in another dimension plus the only other person she knows from another dimension being a murderous triangle makes her a little frazzled about this new inter-dimensional being.
Seeing her interact positively with Dipper and the other helps, but it’s not really until they get to talk one-on-one that things really improve. Once they’ve talked she gets more of a chance to see that this new stranger is actually pretty down to Earth, like what would happen if Grunkle Stan had magic, like real magic, not that card stuff he does sometimes.
The sparkly magic does help a bit. A lot. 
Dipper has had his unfortunate experiences with inter-dimensional beings true. Unlike his sister and Stanford though Dipper has never been in another dimension. There;s a lot of curiosity about what other dimensions are like, what stories they have, what the science is like back there (”Magic is science? That doesn’t make any sense tell me more.”) so he has a lot of questions.
Is wary of the magic at first. Some magical antics later and some basic principles of magic explained within the hour and Dipper is kind of here for this. He’s very curious about the physics part of magic and how it works, setting up experiments to see what the limits of her powers are.
She would feel a little used, but this kid is paying her 5 chocolate bars to lift a pig with magic. Hard to pass up a good deal.
Soos is a gift to humanity. Never change Soos. He’s friendly once the explanation has been given, greeting her as if nothing had really happened. Soos is actually over the moon to greet the creator of some of the shop’s wackier sewn creations since he had thought Stan was behind most of them.
Soos is like Dipper in that he has magic-related questions. Soos is like Mabel in that they are not usual questions she gets.
Strange question, wanting to know if magic can make the question mark on his shirt backwards but to be fair she doesn’t know either.
Wendy is a simple girl with simple needs. Decent pay, flexible hours, someone who can keep up with her adventures, she doesn’t ask for much. Meeting Stan and Edda’s daughter is like when a flock of young lesbians seeing an older (40-50s) woman like Cate Blanchett or Lucy Lu in a suit for the first time. Only that instead of a suit it’s a leather jacket and instead of someone famous it’s a con artist who has sick magic.
She doesn’t get a crush per-say but she does have an admiration for the older woman. Kind of like a celebrity crush. She doesn’t want it to go anywhere but learning her ways so that she can end up like that is a fair and admirable goal for Wendy to acquire.
Soos had a tired, wanted, rude con artist as a mentor, Wendy has a badass, magical, kickass con artist as a mentor, it’s only fair.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 53 - SBT
Here it is!
"Where are you taking me, Mundy?" 
"Told ya, it's a surprise." 
Mundy was driving through the busy streets of town while Lucien was leaning back on his seat. Perle was asleep on his lap. But the Aussie felt the piercing eyes on him. He looked to his side and indeed, Lucien was staring, his head tilted back on the seat. 
"I just like to watch you." 
And as simply as that, the blush was back on Mundy's cheeks.
"Why? Something's wrong?" 
The road emptied and Mundy drove forward for a few meters.
"Non. You are just handsome, and I am appreciating my time with you."
"Well, nothing is happenin' really. Here we are, caught in traffic, the van's stopping every few yards… I don't know."
"Where else do you want me to look, then? You just said it yourself, the streets are boring, and even if they were not, I would still rather contemplate you." 
"Ok… It's uh… ok, it's a bit weird, but ok."
The caterpillar of cars on the road progressed by a few metres again before stopping.
"I don't know, you make me feel very self-conscious now. It's like I know someone's watching me or filming me." 
Lucien smiled and put his gloved hand on Mundy's, on the gearbox.
"Relax, Mundy. It is only me."
"Only you… Pff, yeah… D'you have any other nonsense like that you'd like to share?" 
"Nah, really, I mean, yeah it's only you, eh? Only a bloke who receives fan mail like there's no tomorrow, all the rich sheilas of the city are after him at least, eh? No big deal!"
"It's true!"
"Oui but that is not the point!"
"And what is the point, yer majesty, eh?" Mundy was obviously pulling his dear friend's leg and Lucien revelled in it all. 
"Well, pray let me explain. You see, under this hat of yours…" Lucien snatched the hat off of Mundy's head. 
"Oi! My hat!" 
"And under these glasses…" Lucien snatched them off as well. "There is a more than interesting man."
"Give'em back!" Mundy tried to take them back but Lucien put the glasses on his nose and the hat on his head. 
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Let me finish my explanation!" He raised an index finger.
"Ugh… You're insufferable."
"And you love me for it." Lucien smirked.
"Mh." Mundy grumbled.
"Oh don't make me believe you dislike this, Bushman, I can see your smile."
"Oui, I can. But let me come back to the point. Under that hat, which now lies on my beautiful head, and behind those glasses, that now rest on my nose, you look stunning."
"Uh-?!" Mundy's head swung to Lucien and on top of the heat of what Lucien had just said, the sight of him with the yellow glasses and brown hat made him stop whatever he was going to say. 
Richard, the tailor, was more than right. Anything that Lucien put on suited him beautifully. Mundy even thought that the Frenchman managed to give the old glasses and hat a very different aspect on him. If they looked out of fashion and worn out on himself, once Lucien wore them, Mundy saw them very differently. 
"You have long, beautiful hair. Your skin is caramel tinted under the heavy amount of sun it receives, and look at your eyes… Lagoon blue."
Mundy's stomach back flipped in his insides. 
"And I am trying to keep my description light, to not make you burst out of blush, Mundy."
"Y-yeah.. Thanks… But please, uh… The glasses and the hat, uh…"
"Oh, of course, my apologies." Lucien put them back on Mundy. "I did not mean to make you feel naked."
"Y-yeah, thanks. And sorry… It just weirds me out a bit when I'm not wearin' them. And uh… They used to belong to my Dad."
"Oh, so the day we fought at Maurice's and I told you that given the style they belonged to your parents, I was right?"
"Hm." Lucien's eyebrows jumped. 
"It's about the only things I have left of him." 
"I see. My apologies, Mundy, I did not mean to offend you."
"I know, I know. And uh, to be honest, uhm…"
Mundy scratched his cheek.
"You looked kind of nice with them." He said, looking the other way and mumbling to himself. Lucien smiled. 
"You look beautiful with them too, mon loup."
[My wolf.]
"Pff, they're old things now."
Traffic went better on the streets and the van drove much better. 
"They might be old, but it doesn't lessen their charm." Lucien answered. 
"Bit like you." Mundy furtively glanced to Lucien whose smile widened.
"If you weren't driving, I would have kissed you." 
"Oh… Uh, I can stop if you want. Actually, we're almost there. Hold on to that…" 
The van found a parking slot easily and soon, Mundy pulled the handbrake. The seatbelts clicked open and Mundy was about to exit when he cast a glance over Lucien. He was still staring at him with half-lidded eyes. 
"Mate… Uhm…" Mundy lowered his head to hide the pink on his cheeks. 
"Please don't hide."
"It's… It's a bit much, see?"
"I am merely making it fair." Lucien answered and Mundy raised his head to him with a curious eyebrow. "When you come to the shows, you stare at me with such a beautiful expression on your face. You look so absorbed in my performance…!"
"Wait, you can see me?!" 
"Oh oui, I can. I am used to being under the spotlight as much as I am used to working in the dark. But your gaze on me, Mundy, that proved to be, as you phrase it, 'a bit much', to the point where I had to ask the light technicians to turn the power of the spotlight up on me, for some shows."
"I asked them to blind me so that I don't see you slouched over the table and looking up at me with half-closed eyes…"
"W-why? I mean, it's not just me, everyone there watches you like that, eh."
"I couldn't care less about them." Lucien answered. "And at some point, I just wanted to not see you at all, maybe I could make my heart stop aching for you, make it forget you. But non. Any attempt I did for that just made my longing for you grow."
Mundy sighed and smiled. 
"Come closer, please." 
Mundy bent on his side and their lips met as they closed their eyes to enjoy nothing more but the feeling of the lips they longed for on their own. When they parted, they only pulled off by a few millimetres and stared at each other for a while. 
"Gosh, you got some eyes…" Mundy said.
"So do you." 
"Meow!" Perle looked up at her Papa, as she woke up on his lap.
"Give us a moment, kitty cat, we won't be too long."
Lucien carried her to his mouth and kissed her. 
"Meow…" She reached her paws out to Mundy. 
"Here, she wants you." Lucien answered as he passed the kitten over to him. 
"Oh, what is it, fancy lady?" 
"Meow…!" She kneaded her paws on him.
"Oh, wait." He removed his glasses and gave her a slow blink of his eyes. She purred and rubbed her head on him while he scratched her cheeks and her jaw. She purred louder and lay on her back. "Yeah, little baby, just relax and wait here for your Dad and I to come back, alright?"
"You be a good girl?" 
"Nah, you can't come with us, but we won't be long."
She purred and raised her head to him. 
"She clearly expects a kiss, Mundy, a human kiss, do you remember how us humans do it or do I need to show you again?" 
Mundy grinned and raised her to his lips where he left a silent kiss. Perle put her paws on his cheeks, left and right, and brushed her head on him while purring.
"M'afraid you'll need to show me." Mundy answered. 
And Lucien stole a kiss from Mundy with such simplicity, such ease! He just bent on his side, gently put his fingers on Mundy's chin and under his jaw to pull him on, and poof! The Aussie could do nothing but melt on his seat, with Perle on his lap. When they broke the kiss, Lucien turned away and slipped out of the van. Mundy took a second to calm his racing heart and followed. 
"So, where are we going?" Lucien asked. 
"Here, follow me." 
The Aussie pushed the door to a shop. Lucien looked through the front window. Fishing rods, sleeveless jackets with lots of pockets, long bullets and rifles… Was that a hunting shop?
"Hey, M!" 
"Eddy, g'day, mate." 
Mundy went straight to the counter, followed by Lucien.
"Oh, I see you got a friend." 
"Uh, y-yeah, sort of. Eddy, please meet L. L, this is Eddy."
The two gentlemen shook hands over the countertop.
"Nice to meet you, pal!"
"Eddy's a mate of mine. He's got everythin' I use and might need for my rifles, see?" Mundy explained to Lucien. 
"Oui, I understand." The Frenchman looked around him.
"And M here knows what's good! He doesn't buy much, but he knows what he wants!" Eddy answered. "But uh, who's your pal here, M? I've never seen him before."
"He… Uh… He helps me… Quite a lot actually. I mean, especially for this last job. We… We're uh…"
"Partners." Lucien finished for him, with a proud smile.
"Oh, I thought you only worked solo?" Eddy asked. 
"Well, I used to be like that too, but M is quite extraordinary." Lucien answered and looked up, straight in Mundy's eyes.
Mundy would have evaporated out of the sheer heat of what Lucien was saying - or what he wasn't saying and Mundy could read the subtext in Lucien's eyes.
"Yeah, he's the only one of his kind, aren't you Mundy?" 
"Quite so, he is." Lucien agreed.
"Uh, Eddy, you still have your collection back there?"
"My collection? Oh you mean-? Yeah, I do. Quite bigger than last time you saw it too."
"My friend L here likes that stuff, can we take a look?" 
"Sure, follow me."
Eddy went at the back of the shop, followed by Mundy and Lucien. 
"My father started this ages ago but he didn't really have any money or anything, so he only had a few that he had collected over the years, as he'd been deployed here and there." 
Eddy unlocked a door and opened it. He flipped a switch on the wall and-
"Mon Dieu!" 
[My God!]
There wasn't much in that room apart from a large display case with short blades in it. 
"They look magnificent!" Lucien took a step forward and admired them. "Quite old too, some could really do with a bit of work."
"Yeah, but I don't know who could do that for me. Some of those are gettin' pretty old and I don't want just anyone to touch them, see?" 
"Of course, of course… Hm, exotic models too…" Lucien frowned as he looked down intensely.
"You seem to know your stuff, eh?" Eddy said, putting his fists on his hips. 
"I am a connaisseur indeed." Lucien answered, his eyes still going from one blade to the next. 
"Thanks, Eddy." Mundy said, as his eyes were on the Frenchman more than the knives. 
"No worries. Y'know what? I'll give you a moment to look at them. Take your time, they're not goin' anywhere." 
"Merci." Lucien nodded to him. 
"No problem." 
Eddy left the room and shut the door, leaving Mundy with Lucien. The Aussie slithered closer and he put his hands on the Frenchman's sides from behind, resting his chin on Lucien's shoulder. There was something intoxicating in it all. The fact that Lucien was gladly… his, the fact that he could hold him whenever he wanted, touch him, smell his perfume, feel his expensive suit… 
"They are remarkable, Mundy." 
"Just like you." Mundy kissed his cheek from behind and Lucien melted in the embrace. 
He loved the way that Mundy was holding him lovingly from behind, hugging his entire body. The Frenchman slid his hands on top of Mundy's. 
"Do you know anything about blades, mon loup?"
[My wolf]
"Nah, nothin' really."
"Would you like to learn?"
"Good. Then listen carefully. You see, what makes a blade unique is not only…" 
And Lucien was gone through a lecture on knives and blades. It lasted for long minutes and Mundy learnt a lot. He also learnt that Lucien's patience knew no bounds. He was explaining and pointing his gloved finger at some of Eddy's blades here or there, to accompany his words with a picture. He also punctuated his lecture with questions for Mundy to answer. And each time the Aussie got it right, he would not only receive one of those gazes that made his heart jump out of his chest, but also a kiss on his cheek. 
"I see you are following." Lucien praised.
"I… I'd follow you anywhere really, uh…"
"So would I, mon loup, so would I."
[My wolf]
"No, you don't get it."
"What do you mean?"
"I've never… What I feel for you is weird. It was never like that before. I never… hugged people or wanted to touch them or anything."
"I am honoured you should feel this way with me then."
Lucien turned to Mundy. He heard some uneasiness, maybe even sadness?
"What is it, mon amour?" 
[My love]
Mundy blushed. He understood that from the songs.
"It's ok, it's fine. Let's go, Eddy will wonder what we're up to."
"Wait." Lucien held Mundy back.
The spy raised his eyes to the sharpshooter as his hand reached for the switch. He flipped it and pushed himself on the tip of his toes to kiss Mundy while they were both in the dark. The Aussie's eyes nearly popped out of his head in surprise. Eddy wasn't far! He could see them!
A few seconds later, they were back at the front of the short man's shop. 
"So, what d'you say?" Eddy smiled.
"Remarkable collection. Your father must have travelled quite a lot." Lucien said. "Some models I could not exactly situate." 
"Yeah, he's been a bit everywhere."
"By the way, I might know someone who could work on some of your oldest models, to restore them. I shall ask him first and will let you know."
"Oh, that'd be great, mate, thanks! M, you really got yourself one hell of a friend, where did you find him?" Eddy's eyes rose to Mundy. "M? You listenin or you're dreamin' again? I hate when he does that! Last time he was even droolin' on my counter!"
"What?! No, I wasn't! I told you, I was sleepin'!" Mundy answered, with a crimson face.
"With eyes open, eh?" 
"Oh, piss off, Eddy!" 
"Alright, alright, did you need anything else from me, pal?"
"Nah, I just wanted to show L your blades, I know he likes that stuff." 
"And I thank you both." Lucien answered.
"No problem, M's friends are my friends, eh, even though there aren't many of 'em. Right, if that's all you need, I need to clean a few bits." Eddy said. 
"But of course, many thanks, Eddy."
"Thanks, mate, and see you later." 
Hands were shaken and both Lucien and Mundy were back in the van. 
"Sorry, kitty cat, your dad got absorbed by tiny knives, that's why we stayed longer than expected."
"Come here, mon bébé, oui, the blades were beautiful if a bit rusty for some. But we need to talk about something else."
Mundy started the van and drove off.
"What?" He asked.
"You drooled on his counter?" Lucien asked, petting Perle who was on his lap. 
"Y-well, can we just… talk about something else?" Mundy asked. 
"Please, I am intrigued. You said you were sleeping but Eddy didn't seem to believe you. And if I may, I know you well enough now to know that indeed you lied to him. You were not sleeping."
Mundy sighed. 
"I don't know. It felt like I was sleepin' and dreaming. I just… Eddy was talking endlessly and my mind went someplace else."
"Care to share where?" 
Mundy blushed and looked the other way. 
"I was… I was thinkin' about… you." He mumbled and Lucien smiled. 
"Oh. I do that too. I often find myself dreaming away and my thoughts inevitably come to you."
"Oui. It happens especially when I rehearse the songs I will play, at home." Lucien explained. "Music really has a way with me that few other things do."
"Oh I know what you mean. I remember when I used to play the sax. There was always a moment where if I play for sufficiently long, I'd just forget where I am and what time it is." 
"Exactly." Lucien answered. "And then all I think about, or rather all I obsess about, is you, mon loup."
[My wolf.]
"Oh… Uh, well, heh… I mean."
"That is how I choose my songs, apart maybe from the first one, La Solitude."
"Oh, you mean, this one?" Mundy pressed a button on the campervan's radio and the music rose in the air.
Lucien recognised it instantly and started humming the tune until the music dragged him along and he found himself singing, while scratching Perle on his lap. Mundy drove all the way back to the Frenchman's hotel. He parked the van but the song was still playing, so he left the radio on and leaned back on his seat. He turned to stare at Lucien, at his lips, forming foreign sounds with baffling ease, his voice mellow and wrapping Mundy with a sweet kind of warmth. 
If he had any doubt about it at all, Mundy now couldn't but face it: Lulu and Lucien were one and the same, and beyond that, the Frenchman was singing to him, for him. Mundy didn't realise it but he was leaning on his side, on his seat, he slid his hands between his thighs and crossed his legs. He revelled in it as much as Lucien was. 
When the song finally ended. Lucien offered a sweet smile and Mundy reciprocated it, with dilated pupils. 
"Thank you." Lucien said. 
"For what?" 
"Leaving the song on even after you parked, and listening to me." 
"Luv', I… It's beautiful when you sing. I feel a bit… ridiculous, like a sheila, you know, it just gets to me." 
"Likewise for me, mon amour."
Neither knew which one reached for the other's hand but they were now lacing their fingers together. 
"Anyway, uh, you're back home so…" 
"Please, do come in with me." Lucien asked. 
"I-I don't want to impose myself or anything, Lu'." 
"You impose nothing and your presence is a gift. Please, let me have the pleasure of your company for a bit longer, in the comfort of an actual sedentary dwelling…?"
Mundy heard the slight mockery. 
"Yeah, in your 'sedentary dwelling' that's a hotel room, eh?" He answered with sarcasm. 
"Oui, a hotel room that is actually a suite, Bushman." Lucien put Perle on his shoulder and exited the van. Mundy followed him. 
"Yeah, you can mock my van all you like but I wasn't the one hanging on to it on the ladder for hours through the desert, Spook."
Both made their way inside the hotel and in the lift.
"I did not hang onto the van for the sake of it. Bonjour Bastien, cinquième étage, s'il te plaît."
[Hello Bastien, fifth floor please.]
"Sure, L, and hello M."
"Hey Bastian. And why did you hang on then, eh? For a breathtaking view of the desert at night? Or maybe to get your suit as far away as possible from the dust?"
The lift stopped and with the jingle of a bell, the doors opened. 
"Non, you imbécile, you know very well why I hung on to it." 
Bastien smiled and shook his head as he heard the two men bicker like an old married couple through the sliding doors of the lift. Mundy looked behind him and when the doors of the lift shut completely, he went to hold Lucien's hand. 
"Do I? Why did you do it then, tell me."
Lucien unlocked the door and both entered. He waited to have the door shut to answer. 
"Because I happen to be madly in love with you, Monsieur. Now, give me your jacket, here, make yourself at home."
"In that case…" Mundy put his hands on Lucien's hips and pulled him close while walking to the living room. "C'mere, I want to feel you in my arms again, it's been too long since last time." 
"Mundy, you laced your arms around me at Eddy's, not more than half an hour ago…" Lucien wrapped his arms lazily around his lover's neck. 
"Don't care. I've missed you." 
Mundy pushed his lover to sit on the sofa and he sat next to him.
"We spent the day together, you can't have missed me."
"I did, luv', now…" Mundy removed his hat and glasses and put them on the coffee table. "C'mere, I can't get enough of you…" He bent on his side to kiss Lucien but the Frenchman moved. "Oh?" 
Mundy watched as Lucien straddled his long legs and removed his jacket before lacing his arms around Mundy's neck and pushing him to lean his back against the sofa's. 
"Much better…" He whispered as his lips got closer to the Aussie's. 
"Pearl, that's not for kids, luv'. Go wait for us in the kitchen, alright?" 
Lucien was about to laugh, thinking that the kitten wouldn't leave their side. But his jaw dropped when the white ball of fluff trotted happily to the kitchen indeed. 
"Mon Dieu, how do you do that?"
"Want me to teach you?" 
"Oui, please." 
"Gotta tell you though, my teachin' fees are high, eh?" Mundy snickered.
Lucien smirked. 
"How high are we talking?" He asked.
"You don't pay me in dollars, darl'..." Mundy blushed at his own boldness. 
"Good for you, for money is the cheapest thing I can offer." Lucien answered. 
"Alright, maybe we can agree on somethin' then?"
"What about you teach me how to speak in meows, and I cook dinner for us?" Lucien asked. 
"Not enough, mate, not enough." Mundy pushed his luck. 
"Fine, fine, what if you teach me meow language in exchange for which not only will I cook dinner but…" Lucien threw his gloves away and brushed Mundy's chest on his polo shirt. "...I purr for you?"
"Does that mean I get a bit of… uh… your lips, maybe?" Mundy asked. 
"Oui, we will start with that." 
Mundy's heart jumped in his ribcage. 
"Right, we might have gotten ourselves a deal, eh. But you have to pay part of it in advance, luv'." 
"Ooh, Monsieur is demanding, but so be it…" 
Lucien bent forward to the sofa, still straddling the Aussie's thighs and his lips latched on Mundy's as his fingers clawed between the Aussie's. Mundy let himself go and Lucien led the dance on his lips. 
Gosh, he even started to like those menthol cigs.
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phoneboxfairy · 4 years
Love in Quarantine ch 2
(Oh boy there’s a lot of sexytimes in this one.) Ao3 link to chapter 1 -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/23417971/chapters/56125711
That first night in isolation, Lucy had a dream. She was in bed with a certain man, and that man was proving to be more adept than she could have ever imagined. Warm hands relieved her of her clothes then worked over her breasts, tweaking aching nipples and kneading the supple skin. She tangled her hands through scruffy pink hair. Moaned. “Natsu...more...please…”
“More? You got it…”
Dark chuckle as he moved downward. His mouth found a nipple while his hands claimed her ass. One rather adventurous hand slipped between her thighs and explored the center of her growing arousal. She whimpered feeling a warm finger plunge into her core.
Gods, she needed him. Needed him to pin her down and ease that sweet ache in her pussy.
Then she woke up. Opened her eyes. Saw him dozing with his arms still curled around her, felt one hand stroking her thigh even as he slept. Definitely felt his hungry cock nestled against her leg.
Maybe being single for such a long time made her brave. Maybe she was just horny.
She slipped off her pajamas, then moved on top of him and started kissing him.
"Oh Natsuuu~..."
"Hmnh. Mornin, Lushy. What’s up?"
"I have a surprise for you..."
He opened his eyes slowly, glanced at her bare body. Then his eyes widened.
"Wow. That’s a nice surprise."
"Thanks." Deep kiss. "I think I know a fun way to get through this week…” “Okay...what’s that?” “Let's get to know each other, Natsu."
Instant comprehension.
"Yes. Please."
"I’m glad you agree. Now..." She rubbed against him, felt him stiffen, heard the low growl he let out. "Lay me down."
Nod. He set her down gently on the bed. She spread her legs, exposed herself with a gentle finger, tracing over her soft pink folds.
Natsu was drooling.
"You make me so horny. I..I hope you realize no one else has this effect on me...Do you like what you see, Natsu?"
"Hell yeah, Lucy. I love it ‘bout as much as I love you." His voice was little more than a dark, sexy growl.
"Then get over here."
He didn't waste any time. In a flash he was practically on top of her. He positioned himself so that her long legs were over his shoulders and his face was mere inches away from where she wanted...no...needed him the most.
She almost protested. Almost demanded that he got to the point and fucked her until she couldn't walk. But...Something stopped her. Something very specific.
You see, Lucy had never been orally pleasured before, and frankly she wanted to experience it firsthand. Why not now, especially when her partner was so willing?
“Lucy? Do you want this? We can do somethin’ else if you don’t…”
“I would’ve stopped you if I didn’t want it. Go on, please.” To emphasize, she leaned back on the bed, gazed down at the boy, no, the man who meant so very much to her.
He started out slow. He kissed her inner thigh, let his hands stroke and squeeze her butt. One hand shifted and ventured forward. Lucy felt Natsu’s warm fingers brush over the skin below her navel, right where the waistband of her panties usually rested. The touch made her tremble. “Nah...Natsu?” “Yeah?” “Kiss me there. Wh..where your hand is.” “Alright.” He chuckled, then did what she asked. At the same time he moved his hand again, opting to stroke her outer lips. “How’s this?”
“Amazing…” Amazing was right. She sounded and felt like she was in heaven, and he had only barely started touching her. “A...a little lower, please?”
No verbal response. He shifted downward, slowly tracing his tongue over and around her hood.
She mewled, seeing stars with each touch.
So THAT’S what all the fuss is about…
"Holy shit...mmmm..."
"Mmmm is right. You taste incredible. And you’re so wet. I should start callin’ ya Juicy.”
Even in such an intimate situation his words made her giggle. She reached over and ruffled a hand through his hair.
“Thanks, dork. Now keep going. That feels….mnnnh.” Squirm, mewl. He kept going, kept savoring her in ways she never imagined.
That was when she felt a surge of warmth from his tongue. And that was when she realized that hooking up with a fire dragon slayer definitely had its perks.
She shuddered, arched her back. He got the hint and kept teasing slick folds with warm tongue. At the same time he stroked over her skin, which only added to the incredible sensations she was feeling.
Honestly, Lucy would have been quite content with laying there and enjoying Natsu’s very talented mouth for hours. But, again, she hadn’t been with a man in far too long, and had never known pleasure quite like this.
She knew she was close, knew she couldn’t last much longer this round. Shudder. He noticed. Paused long enough to take her hand, then went back to teasing. She could hear him growling with each motion, felt the vibrations against her skin.
And that was all it took for passion to claim her. She tangled her fingers through his hair, gripped their clasped hands, trembled as she whispered his name.
As her body calmed down and her trembling subsided, Lucy heard Natsu chuckling again.
“Always wanted to try that.” “You mean you’d never tasted a girl before…?” She glanced down and saw him shake his head, this rather proud grin on his face. “Huh...well, that’s surprising. You’re pretty good, amateur or not.” “Thanks. We should do it again sometime.” “Definitely. Mnnn…” He stroked over her folds, sending a surge of warmth through the sensitive skin. “Now what’re you doing?”
“Helpin’ ya feel good and cleanin’ ya up a little bit.” To emphasize that last bit he flicked his tongue over her. “You taste delicious by the way.”
Lucy had no complaints.
She was sated, she should have been exhausted.
But she wanted more.
“Hey Natsu?” “Yeah?” “Get up here. Now.”
“Yes ma’am.”
In no time they were face to face. Lucy pulled Natsu into a kiss, tasted her own essence on his lips. That only fueled her fire. She pulled him closer. Nibbled his lip.
“I need you.” “You can have me.” He nuzzled his nose against hers. “Spread your legs.”
“Okay…” She did as she was told, feeling a little exposed and more than a little turned on by the whole situation. “W...wait, Natsu. Your pants?”
“Oh shit. Hold on.” He unzipped and shucked them off then kissed her. “Better, Luce?” “Mmm, much. Not quite perfect though…”
Natsu might have been a bit dense but he knew what she meant, knew just what would make this situation perfect. He rubbed against her, letting her feel his throbbing length against her still tender core.
“Natsuuuu…” She mewled.
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop teasin’ ya.” True to his word he stopped. He gripped his cock, brushed against her opening, pushed into her sloooowly. Sharp inhale. “...holy shit, Lucy…”
It felt so good, so incredible, Lucy couldn’t even verbalize aside from letting out little moans and sighs. He shifted his head and started kissing and nibbling her neck. Feeling his teeth scrape against her skin only made the whole thing hotter. She ran both hands through his hair.
“Talk to me.”
“Talk…?” “Yeah...let me know if you like it or not.” His voice was little more than a growl.
“Natsu I am not gonna talk the whole time. If you want to know, watch. Feel. Listen.” She lowered her voice. “...Move.”
“Oh..oops. Knew I was forgettin’ somethin’…” His first movements were slow bordering on cautious.
“You’re not gonna hurt me, Natsu…” She stroked his hair. He took the hint then went faster. “Mnnn, so good…” “Want more…?” “Ye...yesss...ohhhh.” Faster still. She arched her back, closed her eyes. He’s incredible…
That was an understatement. He was aggressive yet gentle, acknowledging her needs while sating his own impressive appetite. Even as he fucked her he caressed her breasts, kissed her neck, jaw, and mouth.
“You’re so warm and wet, Lucy… I never wanna stop.” “Then don’t.” She pulled him into a kiss. At the same time she reached down and began pleasuring herself, each stroke creating more of that wet warmth they both craved.
He growled, let out a dark chuckle against her mouth.
“Keep rubbin’. I want you to come first.”  
Lucy had no arguments or complaints about that. She rubbed sweet circles around and over her clit while he ravished her starving pussy with his cock.
They moved together, sharing the delicious friction as passion began to overtake them. Lucy cried out, whimpered his name, then collapsed, trembling, into the pillow. Seconds later Natsu shuddered. She felt his dick twitch as he filled her with his seed.
"Lu...Lucy..." Just above a whisper. Then he crashed, burying his head in her shoulder.
For a while they lay together in silence aside from breaths that went from ragged to relaxed. Lucy stroked over Natsu's back, a combination of comfort and affection.
He peeked up at her.
"You okay? I didn't overdo it, did I?"
"You didn't. I'm fine. Wonderful, in fact. You're pretty incredible, you know?"
His expression softened, complete with a little blush. He shifted and pulled her into a warm embrace, then kissed her forehead.
"You're pretty damn incredible too, Lucy."
"Thanks..." She snuggled closer. "So. What do you want to do today?"
"Right now I wanna be lazy and hold ya. I bet we can find something fun to do later on, though."
"Mmm, true. Love you, Natsu."
"Love ya too, weirdo." Gentle kiss. They cuddled together, and eventually dozed off in one another's arms.
Neither minded. They had a whole week of time. Mid morning naps were definitely welcome.
Natsu and Lucy woke up around noon, a messy tangle of sheets and limbs. He had a snack while she went to the bathroom to freshen up.
She also had an ulterior motive.
"Open, gate of the maiden! Virgo!"
"Yes, princess? Are you punishing me?"
"Not now, not ever. I want you to find me some celestial clothes, something cute and sexy to work out in."
"I have the perfect outfit." She poofed to the spirit realm and back in less than a minute, then handed Lucy a small pile of clothes.
"Thanks, Virgo. I owe you one."
"Any time, princess." Virgo bowed then disappeared, leaving Lucy to get dressed. Tiny shorts barely covered her panties but accented her ass and legs. The cropped tank top offered comfort, support...and a nice view of side boob. The outfit was paired with fingerless workout gloves, low rise socks, and a pair of running shoes. Her hair was tied back in a long, messy ponytail.
Lucy glanced at her reflection, wiggled her hips, and smiled as she left the bathroom.
Natsu took one look at her and damn near dropped his drink.
"Wow. You look great."
"Thanks." Coy giggle. "I thought you might want to spar with me again."
She took advantage of his gaze and did a slow, deliberately sensual stretch.
"I definitely wanna do more than just spar with ya." The way he growled sent a delicious tingle down Lucy's spine straight to her clit.
"You're going to have to earn that, hothead." She sauntered to the sink, poured a glass of water, took a drink, then deliberately poured it over her cleavage. "Oops."
"Oops is right. You're really playin' with fire now, Lucy."
"Good thing I love getting burned, huh?" Naughty giggle. She stepped in to a fighting stance then gave a "come here" finger wiggle.
They got right to sparring. Natsu rushed. Lucy sidestepped. They exchanged kicks and parries that got more creative as the battle continued. At one point Lucy distracted Natsu with a well timed flash of boob, then pinned him to the wall just like she had the night before.
She hadn't counted on his ability to distract her...until a certain warm hand stroked up the bare skin of her inner thigh.
She moaned. He grinned then took advantage of her distraction and pinned her against that wall.
“I barely touched you and you’re already fired up.” That brave hand wandered, cupped her ass, grazed against her bare midriff. “You’re putty in my hands, Lucy. I love that.”
“What’cha waiting for, Natsu?” She gazed up at him, eyes dark, lips pouty. “You want me, you can have me.”
“I love that too. Now hold still.” He reached down and tugged on her shorts and panties and let them fall to the ground. “Step out of them.” “Okay…” So he has a dominant side...I like that...She did what he asked, then reached to take her shoes off too.
He stopped her.
“Keep those on.”
Weird request, but okay…  She shrugged, made sure he was watching her, and took her top off. Right away Natsu followed suit by dropping his pants. Then he scooped Lucy into his arms, one strong hand holding and squeezing her ass.  She wrapped her legs around him, nuzzled his cheek, whispered his name.
He responded with a kiss as their bodies united. At first they started out slow, the same cautious lovemaking they had enjoyed that morning.
But Lucy wanted something new, different. She had a hunch Natsu wouldn’t object. After all, he was the one who had decided to try having sex against the wall…                                                                                            
So she whispered something into his ear and draped her arms around his neck, stroked her hands over his bare shoulders and back.
“Take me, Natsu. Go wild. I’m all yours.”
“Wild, huh…” His voice was dark, low, sexy as hell. “I’ll give ya wild…” His grip on her strengthened. His mouth wandered, lavishing kisses and attention on her mouth, jaw, neck, and boobs. At the same time he moved faster, thrusting inside her at nearly full strength.
Lucy was loving every sweet moment of it. Getting laid wasn’t a new experience. Actually enjoying it, being savored and satisfied all at once, however, was.
Their romp up against the wall didn’t last long but that didn’t make it any less incredible. Natsu sank to his knees, cradling a trembling Lucy in his arms the whole time.
The right guy makes all the difference… although I never would have guessed Natsu would be the right guy… She wasn’t about to complain. Sure, he was a hothead and could be a bit of a dunce, but she wasn’t exactly perfect either. Perfect didn’t matter.
What mattered was the fact that she was completely in love with her best friend.
She glanced up at him and whispered something, three little words that were barely audible.
“You say somethin’, Luce?”
“Yeah. I, uh, said I love you.” Their eyes locked. Lucy slipped her hand over Natsu’s neck, felt his pulse under her fingers. He smiled.
“Is that so…” He leaned a bit closer and that smile morphed into a sneaky grin. “That’s good, cuz I’m pretty sure I love ya too.” “Just ‘pretty sure’, huh?” She was teasing, knowing full well he would tease right back.
“Yeah.” She waited for him to go on, to elaborate, to say anything else at all, but he just kept grinning. Right when Lucy was starting to feel more than a little impatient, Natsu kissed her.
All of her frustration and impatience flittered away in a heartbeat, replaced with the warm, sweet feeling of love. She sighed against his mouth. He chuckled.
“Now I’m positive I love ya.”
“Natsu you are such a dork…” “So? You’re a weirdo and I still think you’re hot!”
"Mm, thanks." Lucy giggled and leaned into another sweet kiss. The pair snuggled and smooched for a while, at least until the sound of Lucy's tummy rumbling got Natsu's attention.
"You haven't eaten anything today."
"No, but I wasn't hungry until now." Shrug. She didn't skip meals, not normally. Today had been a rare exception. "I was a bit busy quenching certain other appetites."
"Alright, that's fair." He grinned then got up, pulled her to her feet, and put his pants back on. "Get dressed, weirdo. I'll make some grub."
"Okay, dork." Nose nuzzle. Finally, reluctantly, she slipped out of his arms and went to the bathroom to put some comfy clothes on.
She had just finished getting dressed when her communication lacrima chirped. She glanced at the notification, saw that it was a message from Levy, and went to open it, glad for some contact with life outside of the little dorm.
'You two having fun? ;)'
The words made her blush, heart racing. Still, she tried to play it cool. Tried.
'Yeah. We've been relaxing, playing games, and getting to know each other.'
'Oh I bet you have.'
Play cool, calm down...
'You know, Mira's room is next to yours..."
Instant comprehension. Mira had exceptional hearing. Not quite dragon slayer levels, but pretty good regardless.
'Is it true, Lu-Lu? You and Natsu?'
Leave it to Levy to ask such a question and manage to be tactful about it. They were best friends, and Lucy figured she deserved to know the truth.
'Yeah, it's true. Don't tell anyone else yet, okay?
'K, fair. I want details! What's he like...?'
Truth. Lucy couldn't help smiling at all that had happened since last night. The two friends chatted for a while longer, finally bidding temporary farewells when Levy had to get dinner.
Lucy was blushing a pretty deep red when Natsu sat next to her and handed her a plate.
"What's up?"
"Oh, uh... Apparently Mirajane could hear us earlier. She told Levy and...I guess word travels fast..." She nibbled her spinach wrapped chicken, trying to act chill.
Natsu shrugged.
"That's cool."
"What do you mean, that's cool? I...I'm not sure how comfortable I am with people knowing about my sex life..."
Tears brimmed her eyes. She was about to burst into tears when she felt the warmth of his hand on her shoulder.
"This ain't a fling for me, Lucy. I meant it when I said I love ya." Gentle squeeze. "You can't honestly tell me that you wanna go back to just being friends."
"...No." A single tear slipped down her cheek. He leaned in and kissed it away.
That did it. Lucy set her plate down and pounced, threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.
He stroked her hair.
"You okay?"
"Y...yeah." Sniffle. "I...Natsu, I love you as so much more than a friend."
"Duh. I kinda figured that out already, Luce. And guess what."
"The feeling's definitely mutual."
A tender kiss proved just how mutual it was. He kissed her nose then handed her back her plate. "Still hungry?"
"Yes. Thanks." She made herself comfortable, snuggled up next to him, and ate.
He's a pretty decent cook... No surprise. He had lived alone for years, so he had to have some sort of culinary skill for the sake of survival.
Speaking of skill... out of the corner of her eye she noticed him tinkering with something, got a whiff of smoke.
"Whatcha doing?"
She expected him to show her, but instead he hid it. Flashed a sneaky smirk.
"It's a surprise. You'll see soon enough."
"Okay, fair." She put her now empty plate on the coffee table, then cuddled back up next to him. "You can go back to fiddling if you want. I promise I won't peek."
"Nah. I'll work on it later. I've got a different kind of fiddling to do."
As he spoke he shifted, pulled her into his arms.
"Oh, really? What did you have in mi-iiiiii..." One warm hand had slipped under the skirt of her sundress. Talented fingers explored the curves of her ass then shifted, daring to venture between her thighs.
"No panties, huh. Naughty naughty, Lucy."
Any reasonable response evaporated when his fingers found her pussy, stroked over sensitive skin that was certainly warm and wet thanks to her loverboy's boldness.
"I bet you can be just as naughty, Natsu..."
"Damn right." Growl.
Lucy took her dress off then unzipped his pants. She stroked his cock, impressed by how hard he was and quite proud that she had that effect on him.
Then she took his hand, lifted it to her mouth, and flicked her tongue to taste her own wetness. His cock twitched. He couldn't, or wouldn't, take his eyes off her.
She let go of his hand, let him lick her juices off his fingers. Then she shifted, moved to his lap.
Guess I'm taking the lead this time. Not that she minded. The idea of riding him, of dominating the mighty fire dragon slayer, was delicious. Irresistible.
She rubbed against him, felt the heat of his cock against her hungry little slit.
She exhaled. He growled her name, obviously ready for more.
For that matter so was she...
Much later, after passion had run its course, the pair shared a bath then fell asleep snuggling. The same bed that had caused so much stress the night before was now a welcome comfort.
This was going to be an interesting week...but at least they were spending it together...
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Youth With You” with Me!
Episode 3 Part 3
Ok, welcome to part 3!  hopefully my wifi will work better this time and there wont be so many pauses hhh
i have my apple, i have my water, my phone is plugged in
ooh we’ve never had a part three before idk if it feels right to quote mark on this
oooh ok
as the lil nct dreamies would say go, go go!
hehe get it ?  from their song go?
n e ways aslkdfjsl;kdjf
red rose and white rose time
i liked this song a lot
aww f6 flower six that’s so ute
huangyi saying he chose people that looked like princes afjasldk
wowowowow the other team (i think it’s team b) has a long fucking name like and their intros are long also
hongxuan and yang gen have nice voices
lu junjie has a good voice
oooh with them high notes we love it
their falsettos are better than mine falksdjf;s
oooooohhhh with the mf confetti falling from the sky im in love
i do not remember who gets the stage tho based off of the comments right now i think team a
ok long name group does
im gonna be real i have no idea which team is which
i like their outfits
the black and white flowers are super cool
great it’s pausing
ook lu junjie’s visouals are good
tang shuya’s voice reminds me a bit of yixing’s with how light it is
gao xiaosong’s hair said i am going to poof and you cant stop me
zhou xiangheng god he’s good
i like their performance
i like how they sound when they’re singing as a whole unit tho
isn’t saranghe (my spelling is probs off it’s fine) korean?
i thought and i am probs wrong but i thought that the chinese was wo ai ni?
anyway this is the confetti group and the visuals with that are incredible i like it a lot
i really appreciate the trainees who try to look more positively at the practice room situation as like just a stage without an audience
i just remembered today is thursday and that means i have a qcyn2 ep to watch after this hhh
huang hongxuan has really long fingers holy snipes
so does anthony
li huangyi looks like fuckign snow white omg
ou tianrui really looks like he about to cry omg
i wish that they were able to actually have performed
i know no one cares but my apple is crunchy
fuck that line about the moon is sad
meng en’s hair ???  a good and fun color
is it green?  is it blue??  is it silver???  who knows certainly not i
ues the united singing ugh i get a shiver every time
this song really does slap doesnt it?
ok fight time
the name of the song not actual fighting tho that wouldve been funny
ok wow these outfits are interesting
oooh it’s the maybe its mountaineering maybe its love song
i like the traditional elements of the song a lot tbh
but ok like i know its towards the end of the episode but like we literally saw 40 seconds and like at least 10 of those werent even on them they cut to the mentors or to the other trainees
like forgive me if im wrong but we spent more time with flower boys and like namanamanamana than we did with fight
like yeah theyre like class f but still they deserve more screentime than that
smh iqiyi s m h
awww daniel!!!  i love himmmmm
puppy boy
i think black outfits are going to have stage performance
i was right
they called themselves big dipper and then dabbed i hate to see it
ok lets gooo
oooh that was a cool opening move ngl
i also just realized we didnt see their training stuff that’s annoying
awww danieeellllll
mc jin is having a good time alkdjfa;s
hou chuanjun’s longer held notes arent bad im proud of hte boys
mc jin is literally haivng the time of his life dancing to the song im dying
hmm that note was interesting
ooooooh with the fire at the end we love pyrotechnics
awww there are people cheering for daniel!!!
ok praccy room performance time
this song reminds me a lot of ambush on all sides
there are some really tall guys on this team
li lian has a very fierce look we support it
yang ning’s hair is cool
ok thats all the performances
i like that i can spot weiwei so easily bc the boyo is so tall adkfjsd
guan yue is so smalll and hes in the back aldkfjs;dljf
al;sdkfjasdk junjie deadass said that they want to see yixing to perform and here he is omg
sir how scandy to have your knees out 
he keeps catching the woah i hate him
wowowowowow that was so cool
yixing literally just said if both the yp and the trainees want to see him perform every episode he would i hope he does tbh
i love to see it
ok here’s the preview fo rhte next epispode
i don’t know what’s happening but it’s the votes being revealed
wenhan got 89 votes owowwow
yixing looks really good with that hairstyle
he’s worried/confused over whether this will keep the trainees to keep working hard
oh wait this is still part of the episode??
i am confusion but it’s fine
sm gave yixing a c in audience appeal and that drove him to work harder
awww yxing talking about his getting c and how he didn’t want to talk about it bc there were girls there im crying
i love him what a dork
this is lay zhang right now not yixing pd ajdfaklsd
only 60 can make it to the next level which we know
tug of warak;lsdfjaslkdf
previews for next episode and huaiwei is so cuteeeee
al;sdkfjal;sdf someo of them are being dragged on the floor i die
daniel talking about himself i love himmm
i will cry at these announcements on god i will
ok and that’s the end of the episode!
i’ll see you guys next time with episode 5!!!
stay safe and stay healthy!
have a good rest of your day <33333
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honeybee-babe · 5 years
Spacey (Sick!Luther and Caring!Five Twin Fluff!!!!)
@laimerrylin Hey babe, here’s “I’m kinda lonely” from the dialogue prompts. I guess I’m not physically capable of writing short fics.
Five wasn’t surprised when Luther  rejected Allison’s offer to go out  for drinks with the family on this fine Saturday night. As much as Luther had been opening up to  his siblings lately, it was clear to Five that his twin was just an introvert at heart. It wasn’t abnormal for him to spend whole days alone in his room. He claimed he was doing important research (“The moon isn’t going to come up with a new method of dating craters itself!”). Whether or not that was true, Five understood the need to be alone. Aside from Dolores, he also preferred to be alone a lot of the time. Maybe it was the apocalypse, but he needed to be alone to recharge sometimes, especially dealing with a family as crazy as theirs.
Five had actually wanted to go out with his siblings tonight, though, and not just because they were drinking. He too was getting more used to being around them. Unfortunately, there was no way he was getting into a bar for another six years.
So he settled on making margaritas for himself and Dolores instead. And when Luther rejected his offer to join them, too, he thought nothing of it. Walked right on by his door and into his room and didn’t bother him again for another two hours.
By then, it was 9pm, and Five was seriously craving some nachos. Blame drunk cravings, blame puberty 2.0, blame Dolores screaming at him to eat something. He hadn’t eaten dinner, and he knew for a fact that Luther hadn’t either; he hadn’t come out of his room in 8 hours, his “research” must be pretty time-consuming. And blame his bitterness at not being able to go out tonight, but he kinda wanted some company. Animate company, that could help cook and eat his nachos with him.
So Five poofed himself right in front of Luther’s door. But he stopped himself before he could knock when he heard a muffled, squeaky sound from inside. He thought nothing of it. Until it happened again. And again, and again, and again.
When he poofed inside the room, he wasn’t surprised to see Luther hunched over his desk, with one of Reginald’s old handkerchiefs held up to his face. He had what had to be hundreds of pages full of notes scattered in front of him. So he wasn’t bluffing about the research.
It was all starting to click for Five now. Come to think of it, even for an introvert, staying inside to do research instead of going out on a Saturday was a bit extreme. And eight hours alone in your room is a lot. Five knew by now that his newly illness-prone brother holed himself up in his room when he was sick. Shit, he should have realized.
“Gesundheit,” he finally spoke up after a few moments. He tried not to roll his eyes at the way Luther startled, nearly jumping out of his seat, and turned to look at him over his handkerchief.
“Five!” Luther shot him an annoyed look, which looked ridiculous beneath his thick-rimmed reading glasses, and hastily put the handkerchief in his lap as he turned back around to his research. “What are you doing in here? Go back to your room.” Congested and hoarse, unsurprisingly.
“You’re sick.” Five teleported over to his side. “Have you taken anything?”
Luther shrugged, picking up a piece of paper and focusing his eyes on it. “It’s just a cold.”
“What are your symptoms?”
Luther rolled his eyes, still avoiding Five’s. “It’s just a bit of sneezing, okay? I’m fine.”
“You sound -and look- like you got hit by a bus. How long have you been feeling shitty?”
“I’m fine!” Luther snapped. “Really, it’s just the -heh- sneezing.” He immediately brought the handkerchief back up to his face and pinched it over his nose, jolting forward with a powerful, stifled double. “See?” He chuckled.
Five was not similarly amused. “And how long has the sneezing been going on?” Luther didn’t answer, just rubbed the handkerchief along the underside of his nose. “How long, Luther?” Five repeated in a more commanding tone.
“Since this morning,” Luther grumbled.
“You’ve been sick all day and you didn’t think to tell anyone?”
“It’s just a cold!” Luther defended, punctuating the sentence with a string of coughs.
“We’ll see about that.”
Luther went to protest, but then and then instead he lifted the handkerchief back up to his face with a hitching breath.
In the time it took him to stifle three doubles into the cloth, Five poofed out of the room, and then back again, thermometer in hand.
“Open up.” Luther kept the handkerchief pressed to his face.
“Five, it’s just a little cold, I’m fine--”
“When is it ever just a little cold with you? Now open up.”
“I don’t want you to get sick-”
“Open. Your damn. Mouth.”
Luther sighed in defeat, reluctantly opening his mouth. Five wasted no time in inserting the thermometer. And when it beeped, he grabbed it out of Luther’s mouth before his brother could raise a gloved hand halfway up to his face to remove it himself.
When Five saw the reading on the screen, he immediately clenched his jaw tight.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He snapped, tone way harsher than he intended. “Look at this!” He held the device, which read 102.3 degrees, up to Luther’s face. Luther just turned his head away. “This is why we can’t trust you to take care of yourself, Luther!”
Five shook the thermometer as he spoke, but Luther still didn’t read it. Instead, he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it,” he muttered, lips quivering. “I’m sorry, okay?” Five bit down on his lip, instantly realizing his mistake. Luther always got more sensitive when he was sick.
“No, don’t be sorry.” Five set the thermometer down on the desk. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. But you really need to tell us when you’re not feeling well, you know how bad you can get. You don’t want another repeat of last time, do you?”
Luther just shrugged in response. Five reached out a hand to touch his shoulder, but Luther flinched away, swivelling his desk chair in the opposite direction. Five watched from behind as Luther’s big shoulders hunched forward, accompanied by the sound of his sniffling. Then he took his his glasses off and put his hands over his face.
“Shit.” Five’s face fell, losing any of its remaining edge. Despite his worry, he put on an air of calm gentleness. He knew that was what Luther needed right now. “Don’t cry, Spacey,” he soothed, finally putting his hand on his brother’s shoulder. He used the tone of voice and gentle touch he reserved for when his twin was in need. “I’m not mad at you, okay? Just worried.”
Luther shrugged again and continued to sniffle behind his hands. Five moved his hand down to gently rub at his back, which seemed to soothe him a bit. The sniffling died down after a few moments of this. Five couldn’t see, but he could tell it had been just a few stray tears, never reaching the point of full-on crying.
When Luther was finally done crying, Five wordlessly handed him some tissues from the desk. By now, he was unfazed by the crying. He knew that typically happened when Luther’s fever passed 102. It wasn’t the crying that concerned Five. It was the fever itself.
He waited until Luther had wiped his eyes, jolted forward into the tissues with six squeaky stifles, and blown his nose to oblivion before he spoke up again.
“You really only started feeling bad this morning?” he asked softly, brows furrowing when Luther just nodded in response.
Five sighed. “That’s really not good. It came on way too suddenly.” He poofed his brother to get a look at his face, which was flushed and tear-stained. “Jesus, Lu, why didn’t you tell anyone?”
Luther shrugged and rubbed at his nose with the tissues, which were shot. “Didn’t want to ruin everyone’s night,” he mumbled. “Looks like I ruined your night anyway.”
Five handed him some new tissues and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, you really ruined my night. Cause I was having so much fun with Delores.”
Luther actually chuckled a bit at that. And even though it was at his expense, and even though Luher winced and grabbed his throat afer, Five was happy to see him finally in a good mood.
“How ya really feeling, bud?” he asked, figuring the tension had dissipated. “I know you weren’t telling the truth, earlier.”
Luther sniffled and sighed in defeat. “Shitty.”
“I can see that.... I’ll be back in a few, okay?”
“Wait, Five, don’t--”
Five poofed away, anyway. Ane when he came back five minutes later with tea and medicine, Luther was sitting up in bed with a blanket on his shoulders and a clean handkerchief pressed to his face, muffling a series of powerful sneezes into the unoffending fabric. It wasn’t going to be clean for long. He was so caught up in the fit, he again didn’t even notice Five’s entrance.
When it was finally over, he dropped the handkerchief lamely onto his lap and just sat there sniffling congestedly for a few moments, blinking wearily at nothing. Fits like these always took a lot out of him, and the fever definitely wasn’t helping.
“Hey, Spacey.” Luther barely even reacted to Five startling him this time, just held up his hand in a lazy wave as his brother set everything down on his nightstand. He put the mug of tea in his brother’s gloved hands. “Here, take this.”
“Thanks, Five,” Luther rasped, and took a grateful sip.
He put up no argument when Five gave him all of the medicine, only breaking away from him occasionally to sneeze.
“Okay,” Five said once he’d pulled the blankets up to his brother’s chin. Luther immediately brought the blankets up to cover his face. “Is there anything else you need?” Luther mumbled something incoherent under the blankets. “What was that?”
Luther finally resurfaced, hair messy and eyes half-closed. “I’m kinda lonely,” he mumbled, then immediately put his head back under the blankets.
Five rolled his eyes. “Well no wonder, you’ve been alone all day.” Luther poked his head out from under the blankets again.
“But now I feel lonely.” As pathetic as Luther looked, Five knew it was a good sign that his brother was comfortable enough around him to say that. Months ago, he would have never admitted that.
“Me, too,” Five admitted himself after a moment. “Stupid legal drinking age.” Luther chuckled. Five looked around the room, eyes settling on the desk, which was still littered with pages of research. “Tell you what, why don’t I stay here until you fall asleep? Then you won’t be lonely.”
Luther looked up at him with hopeful eyes. “You’re gonna stay?”
Five grinned and ruffled Luther’s hair, which didn’t do much since it was so short. “Yeah, big guy. Besides, this room is disgusting. Someone needs to clean it.”
“Okay -- keep my research in order, please!”
Five rolled his eyes and set about organizing Luther’s desk. He wasn’t surprised when he heard Luther snoring before he was even halfway done.
When he finally finished and turned back around to look at him, Luther was conked out, curled into a little (big) ball and shivering underneath his blankets.
Five laid another blanket over his sleeping brother before he teleported over to the door one last time. He shut it slowly, taking care not to make any noise.
“G’night, Spacey.”
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mahalzevran · 5 years
Bolin & Kaia: ⚠ Lu & Alden: ⍤, Neneng & Rhian: ⌚ =DDDD
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
Bolin plans things out. They didn’t assign him to lead his own crew in the Carta for nothing.
Kaia makes things up as she goes and hopes for the best.
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep?
Alden has the default hawke voice and Lu has the american inquisitor voice because I’m boring lol.
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
Neneng is pretty much on time if it’s really important. As time went on, and especially after the whole reapers thing, she does tend to come later if punctuality isn’t a big deal. She basically saved the galaxy so they can’t really get mad. Plus she’s just tired by then.
Rhian’s anxiety makes her show up to things at least 10 minutes early. It does get a little difficult after she turns into a spirit because time works differently in the fade, but once she gets the hang of things, she’s even more punctual since she can just poof up anywhere.
Random headcanon meme
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spideogbeag · 3 years
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I have acquired three new moots today somehow Hello new people welcome
14 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 21:17:39 GMT
aww dark choco cookie
14 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 20:09:28 GMT
15 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 15:56:25 GMT
How Rick Handled The Celts
In TON Apollo says that most of the Celtic Pantheon and stuff has faded (he implied that it was totally gone actually) after we meet Lu, this always pissed me off though, and I know me and Nyan came up with a fun answer to why he might think that, but still the way Rick did that was dumb.
While nowadays we may not go around worshipping our old gods, they haven't faded from our memory, we still get taught their stories and stuff in school.
This is probably due to Rick not knowing Irish culture but still pisses me off Irish people are very supersticious, always have been, and a lot of things we do are due to old Pagan pratices that we never stopped, and based off of that the Celtic Pnatheon would still be alive and thriving
Even in an academic setting they are talked about, there are courses in college and everything for this type of study, plus history and archeology and everything cause anything you'd find that is religious has a 50/50 chance of being Pagan so you gotta know your Celtic gods for that
Plus there are still Pagans in Ireland, they didn't suddenly go poof and disappear
Idk this is just something that always annoyed me about when Rick brought up the Celts
(plus our Gods never had temples or anything, just wasn't a thing, they'd be worshipped outside at specific locations, these locations are well known (you can literally go to Macha's cave) and so even they're places of worship are still around (plus we still leave little bits and pieces in this area, as good luck, so you'd find little keepsake, coins, ribbons, all sorts of things as little offerings)
most places that exist in the pantheon are well known, a lot of them are places that exist so that helps, plus the place they reside is just a magical island called Tir na Nog (sorry donn't have the right keys on my laptop there are accents on some of those letters) which is an island to the west that you can get to via magical means (or in some myths dying, depends on the myth) thats is most of them up there, just the fact about how he implied they all faded even though there are multiple reasins why they wouldn't've via the modern Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Manx people we do have our own myth about what happened to the gods that he could've used as well like it's a well known myth considering it's connected to the myth about the Gianrs Causeway up North Basically as worship of them died down, they just made themselves smaller, turned themselves into more modern Fairies really (the good people or the little people here (they have A LOT of names)) and the worship or the heroes basically rose which made them taller and bigger (Giants) and yeah... There was a whole story Rick you could've used but nooo and he recently took a course on Irish myth with a university in Cork so he should know more now but still (made with the help of @asunnydreamer and @nyaningthroughlife thnx guys (they helped propmt me basically))
19 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 14:10:13 GMT
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Umm... I like screamed HOLY SHIT. ahhhhhhh. Thank you cookie run kingdom gods lmfao
42 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 09:57:37 GMT
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