#just undercurrents of …. disrespect? idk
harmonicaorange · 4 months
currently reading kings of the wyld and it’s very funny but every 3 pages i’m reminded why i don’t typically read male fiction authors cause nicholas eames does not know how to write women or about women either
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f0point5 · 4 months
The disrespect and lack of acknowledgment towards for Max is plain to see. First the whole DTS episodes and none for him and now this photo shoot. Max should be front and centre
Tbf I think DTS have given up on him. Because it’s well known that he agreed to come back for season 5 on the proviso that they don’t manipulate what he says to create storylines. Once they can’t do that, their whole gimmick is kind of shot to hell. Last year they were saved by the cost cap drama and a lot of footage of Christian’s house, and even then the RB episodes weren’t the strongest of the series. So because RB (aka Christian) will feature so heavily in the AT episode because of the Daniel/Nyck drama, I can see why they’d rather just have RB as an undercurrent in the other episodes.
Their options were that, or a full episode where they just bash Checo. Except they can’t use Max as The Big Bad Wolf like they did in Season 2 when they were trashing Gasly. And Max would probably have refused to comment on Checo’s performance in case the producer’s tried it. So what was the episode going to be about?
Idk for me it was clear from last year that they had to handle Max with kid gloves (as they should), so I can see them being like “we have no story”.
That photoshoot is a whole different story. I’m not even saying it just about Max, like Carlos is nowhere and he was the only other winner last year. Lando as well, big factor in the season. I think they wanted to make a point about it not being championship order or whatever but they went too far. The whole thing is not satisfying to look at.
I do think Max is not Liberty Media’s chosen champion though 😂
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omg congratulations on 300!!! you totally deserve it, i mean honestly your blog is amazing 🎉🎉💘
could i request both star and crystal match ups since i love the both ideas. you don't have to do both, and if you do i think it would be too much if you made one post for both...anywho...
for my crystal match up: i honesty think you know a lot about my personality from my requests at this point but we not gon talk abt that so i am a BIG empath like sometimes i even act like people around me, idk i just observe others and maybe take in what they do. also i love making people happy, like giving them random gifts and them getting surprised and happy abt it and I'm like 🥰🥰🥰💓💓 unfortunately i tend to stress a lot about school and stuff that probably don't even matter, and it might be a problem...and bottling up my emotions is probably not the best coping mechanism...also I'm an ENFP if that helps
for my star match up: I'm a pisces and my self ship would definitely have to be kuroo or atsumu
that's all ly!
𝔸/ℕ- 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕓𝕠𝕥𝕙! 𝔹𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥 😅 𝕤𝕠 𝕀’𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕣𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕡 𝕠𝕟 𝕒 𝕕𝕚𝕗𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥 👀
𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕡 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕦
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𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑠 🪐
Libra is ruled by Venus (Love) and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (Luck) and Neptune (Illusions).
These Signs are quite compatible due to the feminine energies of Venus and Neptune working in tandem.
Under Jupiter and Neptune’s rule, Pisces is intensely meditative, philosophical and internal.
Under Venus’s influence, Libra is in love with love. Libra is the Sign of Partnership and always is more comfortable when in an intimate love affair.
𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 🔥💧🍃🌬
Libra is an Air Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign.
These two Signs together combine their heads and their hearts to solve all problems — a winning combination.
The best decisions are made with both the emotions and the intellect; this relationship tends to be extremely flexible and progressive.
When problems occur, however, the communication breaks down between Libra and Pisces. Libra, who can at times be mentally manipulative, may give Pisces ‘the silent treatment.’ In this partnership there’s always an undercurrent of friction but neither partner will ever truly be the leader.
Although they may disagree often, their differences of opinion don’t last long.
Their only real trouble may result from their tendency to slow down to the point of stopping when they get together.
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡 🤞
They will not understand each other well enough to share much trust.
The need Libra has to be accepted and liked by other people will be wrongly interpreted by Pisces, for they don’t understand how can someone’s self-confidence be that low.
That sparkly, always in love, childish, flirty nature of Pisces will be a huge turn off for Libra, who will not be able to trust someone who openly shows their interest in other people.
The only way for these partners to remain in a trusting relationship is to approach it casually and build their understanding and trust from zero, as if they have never had any relationships prior to this one.
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 🤝
In many cases, Libra will cherish the optimism and the childish naïve nature of their Pisces partner.
Unfortunately, they will often want to help them grow and change who they are so they could be “happier”.
The problem here is in the fact that Libra doesn’t know or try to understand what would make Pisces truly happy.
This is some basic disrespect and it could ruin the foundation of their entire relationship.
The main challenge here is to remain in a respectful bond, however crazy Pisces might seem to their Libra partner, or however stiff and boring Libra might seem to Pisces.
Their communication can be inspiring for as long as they don’t try to change each other, explain to each other how they should think or feel in certain situations, or even worse, teach each other how to behave.
Pisces partner can be quite direct and spontaneous and this might endanger the image Libra is trying to maintain in the eyes of others.
If they find each other’s actions inspiring in any possible way, they might reach a point in which they will truly communicate without judgment.
𝐸𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 😠😔😊
Their emotional connection is mostly presented through the adoration of Venus in the sign of Pisces.
This is an everlasting love waiting to happen, and the kind that could be born between these partners in case they both overcome their ego.
It will be a rare occurrence and their rationalities will weigh them down, for Libra does exalt Saturn, and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter.
Their minds will probably be filled with all sorts of irrelevant information until they decide that it is simply too hard for them to be together.
If they pass the point of disrespect and set strong boundaries, nurturing each other’s individuality and self-sufficiency, they might reach the point of emotional interaction.
As if they didn’t have enough challenges, this will usually happen at a different time.
Libra will rush into an emotional showoff, realizing that they have found love, but Pisces will not feel any love until all the dust settles and they have the time to close their eyes and feel.
If their timing is off, they will probably end their relationship on good terms, not expecting much from each other in the future.
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑠 🤲
They will both value love and this is something that will connect them over everything else.
With Venus at focus, they will both need to be loved and cherish those who know how to show it, hot to enjoy life, food ,and how to make their loved ones satisfied.
This could give them a strong foundation for a relationship if they are attracted to each other in the first place.
The rest of their characters will differ greatly and while Libra will value consistency and stability
Pisces will value spontaneity and one’s ability to follow their heart. If they both believe that they have a mission here on Earth, and it happens that their missions cross paths, they could inspire each other to fight for what they value most – their names in the stars.
𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑠 💪
Indecisive Libra is exactly what their Pisces partner doesn’t need in order not to feel completely lost in life and all of their chosen activities.
The problem here is that by the time Libra decides if they want to do something or not
Pisces will change their minds five times, not sure if this is the best thing for them, for their relationship, for their life’s purpose and mission, etc.
The questioning of Libra will raise suspicions in Pisces with painful ease.
They will manage to find activities they will both like, and if nothing else works they can always turn to any sort of art.
The real question is – will they want to do anything while they are together?
They could drain so much strength and confidence out of each other just trying to make a plan for the night.
𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦 💕
Libra and Pisces have a meeting point in the beauty of Venus.
Still, they perceive it in two different ways and they will often not respect each other enough to find the beauty of Venus in one another.
They could have real trouble adjusting to their partner’s speed, and the mutable quality of Pisces often won’t help them open up any faster to build a relationship in the pace that would fit their Libra partner.
Both Libra and Pisces can selflessly be interested in the satisfaction of their partner, and this should help them stay on the good side of their relationship whatever happens between them.
If they move past the disrespect and the unrealistic expectations from each other’s personalities, they might find that they share real love.
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5secondsofdrama · 4 years
Just gotta say it's nice to find fans who are OG and also a similar age to the boys cos fr I feel like the majority of the fam are like 14-16 (18 tops) and I'm out here the same age as the boys like ... Ahaha. And I do think it gives a different pov of their music to be their same age. Like, SGFG is my favourite, but ofc it is "immature". Nonetheless, a good half of the SGFG songs they could still perform today and it wouldn't sound weird for a mid 20s to perform (eg SOAU, V, OS, C22) 1/?
Like, dgmw, I adore JBH, but it's whole vibe is so teenage that I would have thought they would have dropped playing her by now (likewise with SKH...) Heck, even their early stuff they could still play and it not be weird (the exception of the obvious being like 18, KMKM, LB) but fan faves like WAYF or IYDK I don't think would be weird for them to play. They could also change the songs up a bit, too to make them sound more mature. Idk, it seems a waste if they plan to shift fully away. 2/?
They have a catalogue of what, over 100 songs? And seem to want to move away from all their early stuff when so much could still be played today. Yb is a great album, it's matured and you still have alot of SGFG (and even their 2014 EPs) vibes in there. So I'd say it's objectively my fave as I can understand the direction they took to mature to get there. CALM however I can't stand. It feels so try hard. I'm all forcreative expression but honestly can't stand the tinny RnB mix acoustic style 3/?
The mainstream complaint of the boys back in the day was that they were a boy band who were try hards to not be and to be punk rock when they aren't punks cos they don't have that edge to their attitude that punks do. But now they're very obviously trying sooo hard to be mainstream people don't seem to pick up on that. The whole RnB vibe when let's be real, it doesn't suit who they are at all. 4/?
Last one I swear sorry but I was just thinking about all this before I went to sleep aha. They claimed CALM was genre bending when it just doesn't work to be (while Yb was more so and actually worked) and also as tho that's unique to them when you have artists like Post Malone, YUNGBLUD and MGK out here executing genre bending incredibly well but that blatantly isn't their aim, they just make music they enjoy. Wish 5SOS could just reflect and do the same instead of being try hards.
Ok so, I think this last one goes with this grouping but I’m not sure? It’s not numbered and I technically already answered it but I’m throwing it in here anyways.
There are a lot of younger fans, I try not to judge them too much bc I was pretty young when I started listening to the guys, even tho I’m closer to their age. This being said there are definitely 15 year old fans out there being super problematic and immature on twt and everywhere else. The fandom was toxic way back when too tho, and there are people in their 30s, and mid twenties out here acting like immature disrespectful brats. You can find 16 y/os who are respectful of others, they may still have some growing up to do but I don’t think it’s fair to group alll younger fans into one category and all older fans into another. As I mentioned there are some pretty poorly behaved older fans out there, who flaunt their behaviour, as immature as it is. I think overall maturity is majorly lacking across all facets of the fandom. You’re lucky when you can find small pockets of it.
When we were on ST people liked to call us all sorts of names and sent us hate. And would turn around and say that we were so immature and hateful to Sierra. Reality is that we’ve never stooped that low, and we never will. We don’t post hate, we don’t send it and we don’t promote it.
As for age changing how people experience music, I tend to agree with you. There are certain songs that are attached to young experiences of mine. I think self-titled is the most immature, Amnesia makes me think about my high school heartbreak. I can’t relate it to my current life at all. I don’t really think SGFG is that immature, a part from the name. I think they just had a lot of other influences. I disagree that JBH has a teenage vibe to it. I would say for songs like Money, SKH, and Hey Everybody, or Gotta Get Out, Social Casualty, Reject etc. But JBH has more of an undercurrent of mental health than a need to break free of social constraints put in place by school and parents.
I fully agree that they should play more of their old stuff they have some amazing lock ass songs. Ones that didn’t become massive hits, but the majority of people that buy their records and come to their shows are fans that have been around awhile. They have it in their head they need to appeal to a bigger audience. Whether that’s a then thing or that’s soemthing management is imposing we can’t be sure. I feel like overtime they’ve grown less appreciative of the fans.
People have said if they didn’t evolve their sound they wouldn’t have survived, and I think some evolution is important but I don’t know that an outright complete genre switch is necessary for them to remain successful. Youngblood was a change from their punk pop roots, which we embraced and it was good but it was different. Why they felt the need to entirely shift from that seems so strange to me, and almost unnecessary? Maybe they are having an identity crisis. Even if they had stayed pop punk forever I think they would have been fine. As you mentioned the fanbase was always so strong behind them and a lot of the fans will blindly buy whatever they put out. I’m glad we got YB, I don’t understand why they could have just evolved form their rather than doing whatever the hell they did. Overall, I agree with a lot of what you had to say. And if also like to add I miss the punk vibe and the damn lip ring, grumble.
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judesstfrancis · 4 years
❤️ i love a good ego boost but also im gonna bend the rules here and compliment U as well, im a libra i die without balance, and it's only true that you're extremely funny and i always marvel at how much you seem to be doing like writing and college and just LIving and always exude such positive energy, like u don't have to do that but you do and making that choice is not always easy so yeah! also. well-spoken, eloquent, Deep Thoughts and also Funny like we love 2 see complexity k bye
ylva u are NOT allowed to do this to me rn! I'm supposed to be showering YOU with compliments. the amount of disrespect to the integrity of ask games rn is truly awful smh (this is all to say of course that I love u and thank u but now I have to try and one up u bc that's just how I Am with these things)
u, to me, are like.......listen my metaphors aren't great so excuse me for cliches but truly your presence is like sunshine to me u are always so sweet and every time I see u on my dash there's a subtle sweet glow to all of your posts
you've never been anything but kind, even in situations where it might have been easier for u to be otherwise, and that's amazing to me. your energy is so genuine and like unabashedly excited when u talk about things u enjoy, love to see that. people enjoying themselves! in a fun way! without having to be like "yeah well theres this and this and it's kinda cringe haha but idk I like it ig" is so!!!! I love that. more loving things without giving yourself qualifiers 2020
oh also your writing slaps. like the YEARNING u put into everything. but also the fact that everything u write has this like......undercurrent of Family, like you've found this place where u belong and u like it and u feel safe and like you're finally where you're supposed to be...THAT is content
mutuals send me a ❤ and I'll compliment u!
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