#kaburagi sui
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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i'm somewhat obsessed with doing screenshots rn
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Sui Kaburagi (Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor) » February 15
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ite-its-jellyfish-love · 11 months
(Current) Name List:
オルテガ・アクリス (Ortega, Achlys)
冠城百嘉 (Kaburagi, Momoka)
心泡ポニョ(Shinawa, Ponyo)
火上勝雄 (Hiue, Katsuo)
水月水 (Mizutsuki, Sui)
逆井智明 (Sakasai, Chiaki)
山本卵黄 (Yamamoto, Rankou)
blue = Low Probability of Being Changed red = High Probability of Being Changed
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fenrhi · 3 years
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Love Language - Physical Contact (Fafner TBY ep5)
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incorrectfafner · 6 years
Mimika: I'm just an optimistic person with nerves of steel!
Sui: No, that's called thick-faced and shameless.
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hoshi0518 · 4 years
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蒼穹のファフナー 鏑木彗
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lady-byleth · 7 years
The Beyond Predictions
Sakura and Kenji have a kid named Mamoru
Fumihiko and Chizuru finally hook up
Reo and Mimika have a thing
Rina still ignores Sui but is nicer to him
Reborn!Soushi is a know-it-all because he’s retained his original’s knowledge but not his memories
Kazuki is hyper-protective of his kid and still misses Original!Soushi like crazy
Reborn!Soushi becomes the Tatsumiyajima core and makes Altair not good but neutral
Miaso doesn’t assimilate Miwa because technically there’s no peace but a stalemate
The two Alvis become one big Alvis
Kazuki dies and meets his Soushi again
We cry
The End.
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judette-mathis · 7 years
Series: Soukyuu no Fafner,
Fafner calendar challenge: Febrauary, Rina and Sui
Pairing: Sui/Rina
Characters: Sui, Rina.
Rating: PG
Words:  570
Summary: Sui accidentally summons Rina to his room
Note: I kinda forgot to post this here. thank you uh @snow-partridge for reading over it~ <3 that’s it right... haha i think so... ANYWAY ENJOY
Sui swore he didn't intentionally summon Rina, he really just wanted to see her and was tired, that's all. However when the sound of a thunk on his bed was heard behind him he felt a shiver go down his spine, and he slowly turned around to see Rina wet and unconscious lying on his bed. Honestly if it wasn't for the glare she was giving him, he would have been very flustered.
“Kaburagi…” she snarled as she covered herself with his blankets.
“It...it wasn't intentional!” Sui hastily responded. Putting his hands up and shaking his head. He wasn't in full control of his powers when he was outside of his fafner yet. Most of this stuff still happened on its own.
“If I wasn't so tired I'd hurt you! Now get me something to wear!”
Sui squeaked then quickly jumped out of his chair at his desk. “I'm sorry! I'll get you some clothes!” he said, then ran to his closet in a rush. Why did this type of thing always happen?
Sui returned shortly after and handed her a towel and a T-shirt. Rina looked at him with an expression he couldn't read before she accepted the towel and shirt, then waited for him to turn around as she started to dry herself.
He felt his cheeks redden as he tried to ignore the sound of shuffling behind him. Something about knowing Rina was getting dressed right behind him was very nerve-wracking. He fidgeted as he resisted the urge to turn around and look before eventually deciding he would cover and close his eyes for safe measure.
“If you try to peak I really will hit you!” She yelled, sounding annoyed. He understood why she was being so snappy considering this was the third time this month he had done it.
“I won't I promise!”
Silence continued as the only sounds that could be heard were the soft shuffling of Rina tossing the towel to the side and pulling the shirt over her head. Sui waited until she eventually said, “You can turn around now.” before he looked back at her and blushed.
She was wearing his clothes. If someone were to see her now they may think something could have gone down between them! Sui had to pause his thoughts though as in just a few seconds Rina started to nod off.
“Is it your SDP?” he asked curiously. She furrowed her brows then yawned. The SDPs were annoying, even though his increasing mass stopped as long as he wasn't piloting, his body was so heavy it was hard for him to walk if he didn't consistently train himself.
“This stupid thing is so annoying…” she grumbled as she fell on her side and her eyes started to drift shut. “But compared to everyone else...I have it easy so...so I can't complain.” She stared at him, her expression more calm now.
“Rina-senpai… you can always always complain to me if you want...” he said softly, smiling at her as he spoke.
A faint smile appeared on her face and she quietly mumbled, “You really are nice…” She chuckled softly then sighed. “Hey… Kaburagi… I'm going to borrow your bed for bit…” she managed before she fell asleep.
“Rina-senpai?” Sui questioned as he realized the girl had just stolen his bed. “Where am I supposed to sleep…” he mumbled, looking around the room feeling lost.
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newsintheshell · 4 years
Great Pretender, la prima parte dell’anime arriva su Netflix
Gli artisti della truffa di WIT Studio arrivano finalmente anche in Italia.
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Approda finalmente anche sul catalogo italiano di Netflix la serie animata “Great Pretender”, nuova produzione originale targata WIT Studio (Rolling Girls, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, L’Attacco dei Giganti) che porta sui nostri schermi i toni dell’heist movie con un’inedita avventura a cavallo fra moralità e criminalità.
Quella che trovate da oggi in streaming, sia doppiata che sottotitolata in italiano, è la prima parte dell’anime, distribuita in anteprima a giugno solo in Giappone e composta dai primi 14 episodi dei 23 totali previsti per la serie, divisi in tre “Casi”. La seconda parte sarà resa disponibile, sempre come esclusiva giapponese, dal 21 settembre e per il momento non sappiamo quando arriverà sulla piattaforma anche in Occidente.
Il cast principale della serie è il seguente:
Masato “Edamame” Edamura: Chiaki Kobayashi / Marco Benedetti
Laurent Thierry: Junichi Suwabe / Mattia Bressan
Abigail “Abby” Jones: Natsumi Fujiwara / Martina Tamburello
Cynthia Moore: Mie Sonozaki / Katia Sorrentino
L’edizione italiana è di VSI Rome, i dialoghi sono a cura di Simona Testa, mentre il doppiaggio è stato diretto da Claudio Beccari.
Makoto Edamura è uno dei migliori truffatori dell’intero Giappone. Un giorno, assieme al suo socio Kudo, cerca di ingannare un turista in visita ad Asakusa, che però si dimostra più furbo di loro, beffandoli a sua volta. Scoprono così che l’uomo che hanno cercato di fregare è un altro esperto truffatore, in contatto con un potente trafficante di droga americano.
Il progetto è diretto da Hiro Kaburagi (91 Days, My Little Monster), mentre la sceneggiatura è curata da Ryouta Kosawa (Gamba). Il character design è ad opera di di Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Punta al Top 2! Diebuster) e la colonna sonora è stata composta da Yutaka Yamada (Tokyo Ghoul, Vinland Saga).
Dell’opera esiste anche versione manga a cura di Daichi Marui, attualmente serializzata su MAGCOMI.
Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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spectralsword · 7 years
Soukyuu no Fafner, Sui & Rina, “Emergency”
Sui ends up helping at the Nishio shop. Late February entry for Fafner Calendar Challenge 2017 Author is Lady Harken
The Nishio shop didn't seem particularly busy, not that anyone appeared to be in either, Sui thought as he stepped in. He was about to learn how wrong he was, though. "Hello?" He called. "Is anyone in? I- Ahhh...!" He got cut off by Rina getting up from where she had been kneeling behind the counter and giving him an annoyed look, like she had been expecting someone else.
"Oh, it's you, Kaburagi," she greeted him, her expression softening. "Sorry for not noticing right away. It's been one of those days," she continued, still seeming somehow distressed. "How can I help you? Really sorry about the mess," she added, gesturing towards the shop, and Sui did now notice that there had probably been a new shipment of items, as there were several boxes around. "Just figures I get stuck figuring this all out."
"I, er. The newest Goubain volume!" Sui quickly composed himself. "It's out today, isn't it? Or," he glanced at the boxes. "Is it not available yet?"
Rina rolled her eyes. "You want the good news or the bad news?" Before Sui actually had time to answer, she shook her head and continued. "The good news is that it's out, alright. And popular enough that the first shipment we got already sold out, which would be the bad news. I think there should be more somewhere over here, but..." She waved her hand at the boxes. "Unfortunately, I'm the only one here, so sorting this out is going to take a while. If you don't mind waiting a bit, I'll look through these for you?"
"That's okay, I'm not in a hurry. Or well. I could help you with these," Sui offered. "It's not fair that you have to do it alone, after all."
"Oh, that'd be great," Rina replied. "But I really shouldn't be getting you to help," she added. "You're a customer, and that makes things a bit complicated. Argh, why the heck did Akira have to run off...!"
Sui stepped closer and started sorting through the closest box - assorted snacks, which were usually lined up near the counter - so he took out some of them and placed them next to the old ones already there. "I really don't mind!" He replied. "I mean, we can just consider this a student council duty or something. Besides, if you get stuck sorting through all this stuff alone, you won't have time for the student council meeting in the afternoon and we kind of..."
"Council meeting?" Rina repeated then slapped her forehead. "Oh damn it, I completely forgot about it! I won't be making it today at this rate, not with all this..." She trailed off and circled back behind the counter, returning to sorting through what she had there and moving on to put a few things onto the shelves. "Well, Kaburagi, I... Guess I'll just have to let you help. But grandma doesn't hear about it, okay? Else I'm going to get told off."
"I won't be telling anyone a thing," Sui swore as he continued to sort the snack packages.
There was a hint of a smirk on Rina's face. "But! If we get all this done before the student council meeting, all the better. I can totally use this against Akira. Perfect! Thanks a lot, Kaburagi."
That sounded like Akira was going to suffer somehow, Sui idly thought as he emptied box he was working on and moved on to set up the snacks in neat lines. On the other hand, if Akira had left his sister in the shop alone with all this to short out, he deserved it. "No problem, seriously. I have nothing to do until the meeting, and I was thinking of just reading the new book, but since I can't exactly get a copy right now..."
"I'll get you your copy, I promise," Rina replied, sorting through another box and setting up the merchandise. "And it'll be on the house as thanks for helping out," she added. "Mind going through that pile over there? It's mostly stuff going to the shelves on the side, aside from the ones that go there and..."
Sui nodded. "Don't worry about it! I know where everything is around the store," he said as he went for the boxes Rina had pointed out. It was true, anyway. Considering how good he was with details, remembering where to find certain items around the small store which he had visited countless times really wasn't an issue.
All things considered, it turned out to be quite the fine way of spending a bit of time, Sui had to admit. He never really got a chance to hang out with Rina alone, and even if all they did was emptying the boxes full of merchandise and organizing it on the shelves, and all they talked were related to the task, he found it enjoyable.
They got to mostly work in peace, save for a few times when someone showed up to buy something. For those few occasions, Sui simply pretended to be looking for something on the shelves, just so Rina wouldn't get caught using outside help. He found himself feeling thankful that no classmates or such stopped by, at least.
With everything more or less done, Sui felt rather victorious. "All sorted! And we've still got a bit of time before the meeting. Success?"
"Great success! Akira will so suffer for this. Oh, and I have even better news," Rina declared. "Here," she continued as she handed over a brand-new copy of the latest Goubain comic. "Found them. This one's all yours."
Sui took the comic and gave Rina a smile. "Well, ahh... Thanks!" He held up the book for a moment; he really wanted to read it, but Rina wasn't busy anymore now, he realized. This was the perfect chance to ask her if she wanted to head to Rakuen before the meeting. Perhaps they could have drinks and maybe some snacks before the rest of the student council showed up. "Actually, now that we're done..." He started to say, not exactly sure how this was done. "About the student council meeting, would you..."
"Oh, yeah, that!" Rina replied. "I better call grandma and tell her than I need to head out, so someone else gets to come take over the shop." Sui managed to feel succesfull for all of two seconds as Rina went for the phone - if not for Akira showing up right then. "...Wait a minute, no, look at that, a volunteer has appeared," Rina corrected herself. "See you at the meeting, Kaburagi. A-KI-RA! You...!"
With the unsuspecting Akira getting lectured for not being there for the earlier work, Sui sighed and slipped out of the shop. Guess he did have some time to go read the manga, after all. End. ——————- Author’s notes: February had these two so here we go. Idea from @judette-mathis because I needed a prompt. Poor Sui, almost got a date. Almost.
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ebbilin · 8 years
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Last week’s fafner 60 minutes drawings. Top: “Acerola Day” Bottom : “Checkmate”
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kyrienne-blog · 9 years
Halloween Feast
Summary: When it comes to Halloween, trick-o-treating and Halloween costumes are something that comes to mind. Even more so for Mimika, who is a Muggle-born witch.
Soukazu Omake at the end
Additional background: the students don’t enter Hogwarts until they are around thirteen years old. Currently, Mimika and the other two are first years at Hogwarts, Kazuki’s generation are teachers, Hiroto’s generation are the seniors. I’m not following the HP plot, I’m just making use of the castle and some other things.
“I miss trick-or-treating.” Mimika sighed as she watched Professor Kaname and Professor Hazama prepare to hang up the jack-o-lanterns in the Great Hall.
 “I miss trick-or-treating.” Mimika sighed as she watched Professor Kaname and Professor Hazama prepare to hang up the jack-o-lanterns in the Great Hall.
The black haired boy beside her glanced up, a confused frown marring his forehead. “Huh? Trick-o-treating?”
Mimika turned him to with wide eyes, exclaiming, “Don’t you know what that is, Reo? Trick-o-treating—it’s when you get to go around getting sweets! It’s the best part of Halloween! No, wait, actually the Halloween costumes are the best part to Halloween! I wanted to try dressing up as Gobain for this year’s Halloween, so I owled my parents to send over my costume. I wonder if it’ll reach in time…” She tilted her head in a thinking posture.
Meanwhile, Mikado Reo listened to her rant with a perplexed expression. Finding that it was hopeless to ask her for a proper explanation, he turned to the other person in their group who had some knowledge on Muggle traditions. Kaburagi Sui smiled sheepishly, then said, “Muggles had a tradition of dressing up as supernatural creatures such as werewolves, vampires and zombies during Halloween. They go out dressed in these outfits and visit their neighbour’s house to request candies from them. This is called ‘trick-o-treat’.”
Reo nodded in understanding, wisely deciding not to ask about whether Gobain costume was counted as a supernatural creature. “But, if you want candies, there are plenty of desserts laid out during the Halloween feast.” He pointed out.
Mimika whipped her head around, eyes glittering. “Really?” She got very close to Reo. “What kind of desserts?”
“Eh?” Reo was taken aback by her sudden movement, moving back slightly, away from the girl with the fanatic eyes. “Er, that’s what I heard from Akira-senpai. I don’t know what they’ll be serving.”
“Do they have candy corn? I love candy corn! Oh, and caramel apples!” She looked very excited. Then she turned her attention to Sui and Reo. “So what will the two of you be wearing?”
“Wearing?” Reo parroted.
Sui frowned a little, “You mean for our Halloween costumes?”
Mimika nodded her head eagerly, her eyes sparkling with interest. Then she said, “If you don’t know what to dress up as, then why not you try dressing as Goubain’s enemy? I have some costumes, I’m sure you could fit in them!”
“Erm… Mimika, I don’t think they have any Halloween parties here during Halloween…” Sui ventured after he saw the frown on Reo’s face. Halloween costumes were something a pureblood like Reo had no knowledge of.
“Whaaaaat?” Mimika drew out, slumping in disappointment. “How can that be? I was looking forward to it so much…” She slouched, plopping her face on the table surface.
Reo looked noticeably panicked. “D-don’t be sad, Mimika…” He floundered around, unsure of how to cheer her up. Then he cast a pleading look at Sui, wordlessly begging him to help out.
Sui sighed, wondering to himself how on earth Reo had manged to develop a crush on Mimika. “Well, we could always check with the seniors if they had any costume parties during the previous years.”
“Oh yeah!” Mimika perked up immediately. “I’ll go ask Hiroto-senpai!” She quickly got up from her seat, speaking to Reo and Sui, “I’ll see you two later at Defense against Dark Arts!”
“Ah…” Reo parted his lips to say something, but Mimika had already dashed off. There was a moment of silence between the remaining two. Then Sui sighed.
“Guess what?” Mimika said excitedly as she sat down beside Reo and Sui in the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom. “Hiroto-senpai said that they’ll try organising one this year! He thinks the prefects and teachers will approve the idea and he’ll probably be able to get them to prepare some Goubain costumes as well!”
“I don’t think there’s a need to prepare Goubain costumes for the rest of us… It is only you and Hiroto-senpai who are into that…” Sui muttered to himself, turning his face away from Mimika as he said that. Fortunately, the girl didn’t hear it, instead she turned to Reo.
“Reo, why don’t you dress up as a samurai? I think it’d suit you a lot!” Mimika suggested, “You mentioned that your family works with swords, right?”
“U-uhm.” Reo looked noticeably nervous. “Yeah…”
In the meantime, Sui raised an eyebrow. A samurai? If he remembered correctly, when Muggles held Halloween parties, they did dress up as supernatural creatures. A samurai certainly didn’t fall into the category of supernatural creatures… Then again, in their world where the supernatural was their reality, who was he to say that dressing up as a samurai went against conventional costumes? And dressing up as Dementors or Festums didn’t really seem like a feasible idea. Perhaps it was better for them to dress as figures from their own culture or the Muggles’ culture.
As if hearing what Sui was thinking, Mimika turned to him next. “Sui, I’ve got the perfect outfit for you!”
Sui paused for a moment.
Sui was speechless.
When Mimika told him that she had the perfect outfit for him, he definitely wasn’t expecting this.
She had told him that it would remain a surprise until the day of the Halloween Feast, so he had agreed to wear the costume even though he didn’t know what it was. (Actually, part of the reason he had agreed was due to Reo glaring at him so hard that he felt that if he had rejected Mimika’s offer, Reo would whip out his katana and slice him into pieces.)
And so, he was here, in the Great Hall, wearing the costume of Goubain’s sworn enemy. It was an exact replica of Goubain’s outfit—only that the colour scheme was different from Goubain.
He felt ridiculous and embarrassed just by wearing this.
The other students were laughing and pointing at him discretely. Sui felt his face flame up slightly.
“I kind of envy you, Sui.” Reo spoke as they waited for Mimika to meet them. “I wouldn’t have minded wearing that…”
Sui gave Reo a nasty look. “And I would have died to be in your place.”
Reo was dressed as a samurai from the olden times in Japan. He was dressed in a light blue hakama with sandals on his feet and a katana at his side. Sui had to admit that he looked good in that. His current appearance was also attracting the attention of many female students around them. They whispered and giggled among each other as they watched Reo with excited faces. Sui could only imagine that most of them wanted Reo to come up to them to ask for a dance for the Halloween dance later during the night.
How unfortunate for them, Sui thought, that Reo had already asked Mimika to be his dance partner. He could only imagine the faces of horror that would appear on their faces when the samurai started dancing with Goubain—a perfectly odd picture they would make.
“Hey, Sui.” A familiar voice called out to them as groups of students streamed past them into the Great Hall. “What are you doing there?”
Sui froze. This voice… this was…
“Rina-senpai.” Reo greeted politely. “We’re waiting for Mimika. Have you seen her? She’s supposed to meet us here.”
The brown haired senior shook her head. “No, I guess she’s still in the dormitory.” Her gaze landed on Sui, who was trying futilely to hide behind Reo.
“Sui? What are you doing?” Her gaze sharpened as she took in Sui’s appearance. “What on earth are you wearing?”
Sui wished that the earth would open up and just swallow him. This was not how he wanted to meet Rina-senpai.
Nishio Rina was their senior in Gryffindor house. She had treated Sui kindly when he had gotten lost in the train station when he tried to find Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. After she helped him, she invited him to sit in the same compartment with her and her friends. It had been love at first sight for Sui.
He had tried confessing to her a few months ago, but she seemed to have misunderstood him and had clapped him on the shoulder, and called him a good junior and that was it.
“He’s dressed as Goubain’s nemesis.” Reo answered obediently, then added. “What are you dressed as, Rina-senpai?”
“Can’t you tell? I’m dressed as a witch.” Rina answered him. She was wearing a black dress and a black cape with a red lining on her shoulders. To top off her outfit, she wore a pointed hat and held a broomstick in her other hand. “It’s a bit weird, but this was what I wore during Halloween costume parties and I don’t have anything else to wear…”
“It’s fine! You look good in that, Rina-senpai.” Sui interrupted hastily, stepping away from Reo.
Rina blinked, then said in bemusement, “Thanks, Sui. So, Reo’s dressed as a samurai, Sui is Goubain’s nemsis… What about Mimika-chan?”
“Mimika’s dressing as Goubain.” Reo replied, his eyes inadvertently going to Sui who was dressed as Goubain’s enemy.
“Oh?” Rina raised an eyebrow, a slight smirk appearing on her face. “A couple outfit?”
“No! That’s not it!” Sui burst out, his loud voice resounding through the Great Hall. Then he noticed his mistake and bowed his head, feeling his face flush hotly.
Rina peered at his face and asked concernedly, “Are you alright, Sui? Your face looks a little red. Are you falling sick?” She almost reached a hand out to touch Sui’s forehead.
Sui jumped, “N-no! I’m fine.” He looked around frantically. “Uh, are your friends waiting for you, Rina-senpai? I don’t want to hold you back if you’re supposed to meet them.”
Rina gave him a weird look. “Yeah, they are. Then I’ll go on first.” She said when she saw that Sui nodding hard at her reply.
Sui sighed after Rina entered the Great Hall. He turned back, only to see Reo looking at him with a teasing look.
“What?” He muttered defensively, still feeling a hot flush on his face.
“Nothing.” Reo hummed. “So, Rina-senpai, huh?”
“Like there’s nothing between you and Mimika.” Sui shot back, feeling smug when he saw Reo’s face turn as red as a tomato.
Their banter was interrupted by a loud shout of their names as Mimika came barrelling into the hall with her Goubain costume. “Reo! Sui! Hurry up, let’s go! The Feast is about to start!”
“Soushi?” Kazuki blinked in surprise at seeing Soushi standing in the hallway outside his room. “What are you doing here?”
Soushi turned an impassive look on him, replying “Kenji told me to wait here for you. What are you dressed up as?”
“Huh?” Kazuki looked down at his outfit, his face reddening slightly. “Oh, um…”
Kazuki wasn’t too familiar with Muggle customs, but he wondered if cross-dressing was part of their culture. The other female teachers had grabbed a hold of Kazuki after lessons had ended and dragged him back to his room for a three hour long dressing session. They spent a long time choosing an outfit for him, then applied some cosmetics on his face before putting his hair up into a bun at the back of his head with some tendrils hanging loose.
Finally, they were satisfied with their handiwork and pushed a bemused Kazuki out into the hallway, telling him that Soushi was waiting for him.
“Maya and the others said that they wanted to try dressing me up as my mother…” Kazuki replied hesitantly. “You remember that time I showed them Mother’s photo?”
“Yes.” Soushi nodded. “As I recall, Sakura commented that you resemble your mother very much.”
“I can’t appear before other people dressed like this…” Kazuki sighed, looking down at the short-sleeved white blouse and long black skirt that they had dressed him in. It was almost the exact same outfit that his mother had been wearing in the photograph. Somehow, he didn’t think that it would be a good idea to wear this to the Halloween Feast. For one, he would probably never be able to maintain his position as a figure of respect in the students’ hearts if they saw him dressed as his mother. And, somehow, he could imagine that things would be rather awkward between him and his father if he saw him now.
Upon seeing the reluctant expression on Kazuki’s face, Soushi spoke up, “Would you want to have dinner with me in my room?”
Kazuki frowned slightly. “Wouldn’t you miss the feast if we have dinner together?”
“It’s fine.” Soushi answered, turning around and started walking back to his own quarters.
“But—” Kazuki started. Soushi stopped abruptly, causing Kazuki, who was following behind him to crash into his back.
“It’s fine.” Soushi repeated again, turning back to face Kazuki, staring at him straight in the eye. “I want to have dinner with you.” He reached a hand out to stroke a tendril of hair away from Kazuki’s face. “And I wanted to spend more time with you. We haven’t been able to get much time alone together, have we?” He smiled softly.
Kazuki froze. Then his face steadily progressed from a pale pink to a dark cherry red. For a moment, it seemed like puffs of steam were coming off his face and out of his ears. Soushi’s smile held a hint of a smirk before he moved his hand to grab Kazuki’s.
He continued down the corridor. This time, Kazuki followed without making a single noise, his face still the same cherry red colour.
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fenrhi · 2 years
ok so ranting start. Mizoguchi says “we told nothing to Kaburagi, we’ll have him draw in the enemy”, which doesn’t make sense because 1) why wouldn’t he tell Sui about Malespero? He has the right to know how that blonde little manchild has been tracking Wadatsumijima and 2) Sui KNOWS what Fumihiko’s plan of attack is, which consists in using Malespero’s tracking method against him
Why Sui wasn’t even present at that meeting is another thing that doesn’t make sense
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incorrectfafner · 7 years
Mimika: Hey, do you guys like ""fudge"" brownies?
Sui: What's up with the double double air quotes?
Mimika: Well...
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incorrectfafner · 7 years
Reo: I'm not saying I feel offended or betrayed, but I am a baker.
Mimika: ?
Sui: He's telling you to stop buying birthday cakes from another bakery for our birthdays.
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fenrhi · 3 years
Translation of TBY’s newest PV:
(I can’t believe I have to say this now, but DO NOT use this translation in a video or edit or whatever without my permission)
Kosoushi: I have a request. Let me fight together with Miwa
Kazuki: All power will one day go back to nothingness. It’s fine if you don’t forgive me. Once my duty is finished, I will give my life to you
Koyo: Do you trust him?
Maya: Everyone trusted you, Kasugai-kun
Fumihiko: Kondo Kenji, Toumi Maya, Kaburagi Sui, Hino Miwa, Minashiro Soushi, Makabe Kazuki, Kasugai Koyo, Kurusu Misao, I entrust to you (???) (I didn’t understand this word)
Maris: we will survive, and we will live in a peaceful world again
Malespero: I won’t let you get away, Alvis
Legato: This time, I will copy your power!
Kazuki: you… are me…
Kosoushi: Show me how you’re going to bless the world!
Miwa: Miwa is not scared anymore
Malespero: You touched a pure Mir
Fumihiko: The Sixth Azure Operation will now start
Alvis Lady with buns: there is a lot of enemies near the top of the ship!
Fumihiko: Prepare to strike!
Kosoushi: I get it! You are the worst idiot among idiots! I can’t forgive you after all!
Miwa: Soushi, don’t get in my way!
Kosoushi: I won’t see anymore fake/illusionary dreams. Your homeland is right next to you!
Selenoa: Malespero, please, don’t erase me
Maris: Altair belongs to you!
Chaos: don’t come closer! (???) (not sure)
Kosoushi: I will send this guy to nothingness!
Miwa: you are me, I am you. Miwa is right here
Kazuki: we have finally reached the future…
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