astarionbae · 18 days
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Kadari Calrissian is the daughter of former Stormtrooper Freya Calrissian and the late Resistance pilot Wyatt Cloudgust, the maternal granddaughter of Lando Calrissian. The girl was named after the birthname of her mother's that the First Order eventually swiped away from memory before renaming her FY-4201. Taking part in the Resistance, Kadari helps repair ships, droids, and technology such as the bases' central power grid. Her mother Freya taught her how to fight and shoot while her grandfather Lando taught her how to pilot and create gadgets. Skilled as a technician belonging to the small group known as "The Technos", she went under the guise as Dauntless Bela, or just Bela for short. Developing a name for herself, many Resistance fighters recommended stopping by personally to gain her help. Because of this, Kadari was eventually recruited for help by fellow friend Jace Volanardo to help restore his new found vessel he called Honor to its glory days. Doing this favor earned her a place in the Honor Crew alongside Jace, Ender Solo, and Adelpha Nox as the freighter's technician and engineer.
star wars mutuals: @starcrossedjedis, @reyofluke-ocs, @come-along-pond, @margoshansons, @lucys-chen, @mmmayflower2016, @curious-kittens-ocs, @squirrelstone
taglist: @jewishbarbies, @maddyperiez, @aliverse, @reysfinn, @fandomqueenlove, @bravelittleflower, @kiara-carrera, @susiesamurai, @witchofinterest, @heresthefanfiction, @zoyazenik, @dyhlanobrien, @eddiemunscns, @bisexualterror, @waterloou, @claryxjackson, @dreamerwithapen1, @foxesandmagic, @harleyquinnzelz, @anotherunreadblog, @kendelias, @phoebestarks, @anqelwiithhxrns, @the-multifandommess-blog, @bobfloydsbabe, @decennia, @enchanted--roses, @arrthurpendragon, @endless-oc-creations, @faerieroyal, @daughter-of-melpomene, @seize-the-droid, @hiddenqveendom, @reggiepetersstan
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harepare · 1 year
insanlarin hislerim hakkinda bi fikirleri olmadan surekli konusmalari gercekten cok yipratiyor beni
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cyber--grrl · 2 years
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this is my mandalorian oc i keep locked away in the back corners of mind LOL her name is tahn!
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newnil-130868 · 2 years
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mikahorror · 1 year
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jewishbookworld · 2 years
Dirshuni: Contemporary Women’s Midrash by Tamar Biala (Editor)
Dirshuni: Contemporary Women’s Midrash by Tamar Biala (Editor)
HBI Series on Jewish Women Foreword: Tamar Kadari A unique compilation of contemporary women’s midrashim. Dirshuni: Contemporary Women’s Midrash, is the first-ever English edition of a historic collection of midrashim composed by Israeli women, which has been long-anticipated by multiple American audiences, including synagogues, rabbinical seminaries, adult learning programs, Jewish educators,…
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 months
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Name: Zil-e-Qamar
Nickname: Zil, Ya Qamar (only Halim called her so)
Title: The Scorching Mirage
Alias: Aranea Baelfaer
Age: ≅175 Years Old (She never disclosed her real age to anyone)
Birthplace: Menzoberranzan, Underdark Hometown: Huzuz, The City of Delight
Current Residence: She is wandering Faerun without a fixed place. After meeting Gale, they would travel together back to Zakhara and reside for a while in Huzuz.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral but sometimes oversteps in Neutral Evil
Race: Seldarine Drow
Class: Warlock - The Fiend
Profession/job: Before the great tragedy that apprehended her life and forced her to flee to Faerun, she worked as a Scribe for the Grand Vizier Alyana al-Azzazi, a work she was immensely proud of. Visual particular traits: Standing at 183 cm barefoot, Zil is abnormally tall for a drow, and this is an anomaly for which she has no answer to give. Scent: Oud, Rose, Sandalwood, Saffron, Amber.
Colours/symbols associated with: The Colours of the Desert at Night; The White Heron that flew at dusk; The Sphinx whose riddles couldn’t be solved and whose smile couldn’t be understood.
Languages: Midani (mothertongue), Jaanti, Kadari, Infernal Language, Common Language, she is learning Undercommon.
Accent?: Before moving to Huzuz to embark on her studies at the Al-Bidr Sallah University, she spent her childhood and early teen years in Ajayib, the City of Wonders. Therefore, she spoke Midani with the regional accent of the Pearl Cities.
Tropes they embody: “Determinator”,” Implacable Woman”, “Deadpan Snarker”, “The Juggernaut”, “Broken Bird”, “Heartbroken Badass”, “Be Careful What You Wish For”, “Lady of Black Magic”, “Addicted to Magic”, “Dark Action Girl”, “Revenge Before Reason”, “The Dreaded”, ”Noble Demon”, ”Troubled Past”, “The Unfettered”, “Excessive Mourning”, “Long-Range Fighter”, “Love Makes you Evil,” “Roaring Rampage of Revenge”, “Squishy Wizard”, “Tragic Heroine”, “Tranquil Fury”, “Trauma Button”, “Violently Protective Girlfriend”, “Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds", "Cry for the Devil". Personality: Determinate, Curious, Mischievous, Resilient, Resourceful, Intuitive, Loyal toward those she loves, Secretive, Mysterious, Empathetic, Charming, Charismatic, Seductive, Ambitious, Prideful, Focused to the point of Obsession, Stubborn, Manipulative, Vengeful, Can become ruthless is pushed, Emotionally Withdrawn, Short-Tempered. Detailed Backstory: Zil-e-Qamar was the adopted daughter of Valakos and Breessa, a couple of Faerûnian tiefling merchants who permanently resided in Ajayib, the City of Wonders in the Land of Fate Zakhara. Zil had a childhood of relative comfort and ease, not wanting for anything. Ever a curious child, sometimes too nosy for her own good, she spent her childhood between school, helping her parents with trading and inventorying the goods they received from Faerûn, and exploring the caves upon which the city had been built. She was a brilliant young woman, with an incandescent personality and a silver tongue and cheeky personality that could easily charm the people around her. She wouldn't take “no” for an answer, especially when embarking on a quest to discover and learn about all manner of topics, though her interest always dwelled on Magic and all its different aspects and how they intertwined and connect.
Ajayib, despite being the cradle that sweetly protected her throughout her most tender years, had very little to offer to her ever-growing thirst for knowledge. Soon enough, she made preparations to move to the Capital of the Land of Fate, Golden Huzuz. After being admitted to the Home of the Seekers of Knowledge, the Great University of Al-Bidir Sallah in the City of Delight, she enrolled in the College of Magic to expand upon her knowledge and understanding of how magic worked. She was a hardworking student, with her nose always buried in any book she could put her hands on. It was around this time that she became a devotee of Zann the Learned, the God that oversaw Learning and Intelligence.
Eventually, under the advice of Imam Renn min Zann, her mentor at the University, she sought to learn more about who she was and where she stood in the world. She enrolled for a period in the College of Fine Arts, taking classes about non-Zakharan history and costumes in the hope of discovering more about her origins. After graduating and deciding to continue her studies as a scholar, she took up the position of Scribe for the Imam, and it was during that time that she met Halim Ibn Tariq, a well-renowned Sha'ir and Vizier of Huzuz, advisor to Grand Vizier Alyana al-Azzazi, in a diplomatic visit to the University to report of its state to the Grand Vizier.
Having been assigned to be the Vizier’s guide, Zil found herself intrigued by this physically imposing yet apparently kind and soft-spoken man, who had all the authority that was expected of a man of his station and background, yet possessed none of the arrogance, a man of exceptional moral strength and vivacious intelligence, known for his even temper and warm laughter.
On his side, Halim also found himself fascinated by the young drow, the first he ever had the chance to speak with in his life, with her pale eyes always twinkling with curiosity, her insatiable need for knowledge, and her mischievous way of flirting with him. He found her company pleasant and when away for his duties, he found himself unable to stop thinking about her and her beguiling, infectious smile. Despite their mutual interest, they both believed that, due to the Vizier’s busy life and Zil’s own duties, the few meetings they had at the University were destined to remain as such. Yet, Halim extended an invitation to her to seek him out if she ever needed anything, either a favour or even just his company. Little did Halim know about Zil’s own resilience and way of making things happen the way she wanted. Zil applied to become a Scribe in the service of Grand Vizier Al-Azzazi, to be closer to the man who had completely captivated her. She obtained the position, thanks to her own merits and partially thanks to the good recommendation of the Imam. In time, Zil and Halim became friends and started to spend more and more time together, their mutual attraction growing and blossoming like the beautiful lilies that bloomed in the pans surrounding Hazuz when the rains blessed the city. It grew until being far away from each other felt more torturous than standing underneath the ruthless Zakharan Sun at noon without shade.
With the blessing of the Grand Caliph himself, they married and spent more than 10 years of blissful happiness. But the Court of Enlightenment was not devoid of intrigue, and Halim, with his progressive philosophies and advocacy to abolish the common practice of trading slaves, had drawn upon itself the malcontent of the slave owners in the Caravan District. He had fallen victim to a ploy that resulted in an incrimination for corruption and bribery.
Zil knew that her husband was innocent, having worked closely with him for all those years, and tried with all the means she had available to find who was behind all that scheming and bring them to justice to clear her husband’s name. But before she could do anything of substance, she was apprehended and charged with the accusation of being complicit and accessory to all of Halim’s crimes. Despite all her efforts, despite all her begging, she couldn’t find the resources she needed fast enough, and the accusations against her husband transmuted from corruption to treason that warranted a death sentence without appeal.
All Zil could do was witness the execution from her cell, not leaving her husband’s eyes for one moment, not even when the blade of the executioner came down and shattered her entire heart in the process.
Alone in her damp cell, shell-shocked and broken, Zil waited all night for her own sentence to pass, wishing with all her might that the moment would come soon enough so that she could be reunited with her husband once more. But, much to her dismay, during the darkest hour that preceded the arrival of dawn, the Grand Vizier herself showed up in her cell, maintaining complete secrecy.
All she carried with her was a note, carved in her husband’s handwriting, and the promise that, as a last favor to Halim, she would see Zil out of Huzuz safely. Zil escaped her own death, thanks to her husband’s foresight and protection, and fled away from the Golden City and beyond Zakhara, finally reaching distant Faerûn.
After Halim’s death, Zil assumed a new name, Aranea Baelfaer, and turned to every god and goddess in the pantheon, begging, imploring, and beseeching all of them to grant her the power to vindicate her husband and to see him one last time. But all her prayers and supplications fell into a deafening silence that reeked of contempt. Enraged with the gods for letting something like this befall a man as virtuous, kind, and compassionate as her husband, she didn’t give up and persistently sought the means to gain the power she needed, her mind and resolve sharpened by grief and rage.
Her obsession and focus would reach such heights that they resonated all across the Weave until they attracted the Patron who would finally answer her call and grant her the power she desired: Mephistopheles. Most treasured possession: Her husband’s jambiya dagger and a lock of his dark hair that she wore braided in her own; the last letter that he wrote her, that she re-read every single night before going to sleep.
Sexual and/or romantic situation: After Halim’s death, she decided to forgo any kind of romantic relationship, absolutely refusing to run the risk of facing the same type of pain she went through when her husband was killed. In her grief, she asked Mephistopheles to actually freeze her heart, putting it in a stasis. As a wager between the two of them, Mephistopheles added a small clause that declared if someone were ever able to thaw her frozen heart, she would lose her powers, her soul would be his and the contract would be considered fulfilled regardless of whether she had reached her vengeance or not. Zil humored him, secure in her belief that no one on Toril would ever be able to ever ignite the flame in her dead heart again. Last famous words indeed. Favourite place in Faerûn: She doesn’t truly have one. She finds Faerun excessively cold and humid. But if she were to choose one, it would be the Great Harbor of Waterdeep, from where she can see the City. What makes them happiest: She likes to create small illusions of her memories of her years in Zakhara and stare at them, wishing with all her might that they were more than just echoes from a distant time.   What makes them angriest: Any uncalled mentioning of her late husband was enough to provoke at best a death glare and at worst an outburst of pure ire. She didn’t appreciate talking about her past or about him with anyone, for her memories of him are hers and hers alone. What makes them laugh: She rarely laughed from the heart. But something that did make her laugh and gave her comfort was hearing children’s laughter. It reminded her of simpler times. Biggest secret: Who her Patron is and the terms and conditions of her pact with him. Obsession: Revenge. She sold her soul to Mephistopheles in order to gain the power she needed to grow as powerful as she needed to be and hunt down and kill whoever was involved in Halim’s betrayal and death. If the Gods didn’t want to help her in the path of vengeance, then the might of the Archdevils would.
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While on vacation, I had sometime to properly sit down and finally write Aranea's (or should I say Zil's?) proper bio, alongside working on her infographic (and I am SO HAPPY with how it turned out. I love doing this kind of things, I have done so many that I haven't shared lol).
I still need to add a few things as I keep playing the game, which is the reason why I haven't written anything about her current relationship with Gale, the other companions, or the Dream Guardian. But as I proceed, I will update this (or make another post, we shall see) and fill in what is missing.
In the meantime, thank you for reading her profile and I hope you will love this brainchild of mine just as much as I love her <3
template by @arcandoria; abridged profile template by @lairofsentinel)
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weezeryuri · 3 months
i highly recommend reading more into cases of fatal neglect and remembering those who died for the crime of simply existing. there were parents who looked upon these faces and decided they were too much of a burden to be allowed to have the bare minimum to survive
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Braelyn’ Hines, aged 3, succumbed to neglected cystic fibrosis. she loved pizza and cocomelon and her two kittens, yoda and lucy
King Dewey, aged 3, a boy with autism and suspected Down syndrome who was left to starve in a closet. there is unfortunately no further information about his interests or personal life.
Jaxson Morrow, aged 8, an autistic boy who spent his life locked away in a room. no further info.
Amora Lou Milbourne, aged 3, a young girl with born with chromosome depletion and developmental disorders, left alone in a car to die from heatstroke. no further info.
Morgan Moore, aged 17, a young transgender man suffering from multiple sclerosis, diabetes and long covid. he was unable to walk and forced to live in a disgusting home with no medical treatment and was found dead weighing 79 lbs. he was an artist, self-taught guitarist, cook and keyboard player. he had plans to travel to Japan with his siblings.
Kadaris Maddox, aged 13, a young boy with cerebral palsy left to starve by his mother. His grandmother describes him as having had eyes like rays of sunshine and that he loved everything.
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ikraa123 · 6 months
Bu hiç bir şeyi bilmeyen boş beleş insanların cehaleti insani deli ediyor amaçları da bu zaten deli etmek . Bilgileri olmayan şeyde de konusmaktan cekinseler susmasini bilseler .Keşke açıp azıcık bir tarihimizi öğrenmeye niyet etseler nerden geldiklerini bilseler . Bomboş konuşup kendilerini haklı bulmakta bunlar kadari yok kendi kurduklari hayal aleminde sozde dogrulariyla yaşıyorlar. Hele bazıları var bunlar kadar vasıfsız cahil görmedim .
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cicekbozugu · 3 months
tamam yani artık bisi kalmadı eh üzüldün agladin da bu kadari biraz abartı artik kapat cesmeleri
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astarionbae · 24 days
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Jace Volanardo is a human male that’s Force-sensitive. He's the son born of a Force-sensitive mother named Arden Cordova and a non-Force-sensitive father named Hadd Volanardo. He's the great grand nephew of Eno Cordova, a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars who had served the Jedi Order as a scholar and an archeologist with a deep interest in the ancient civilizations of the galaxy.
Training to be a part of the new Jedi Order, Jace has faced quite the brutality by his classmates calling him a "Young Padawan" due to his hard time learning lightsaber techniques and connecting to the Force. The ridicule caught the eye of Finn, who personally took Jace under his wing to help him improve on what he excels at: blasters, fashioning plans and constructing melee weapons, and utilizing his love for history to not repeat mistakes of the past.
Finding an old VCX-100 light freighter, Jace modified and brought the vessel back to life calling it Honor. His friends Phee, Kadari, and Ender became the official crew; he piloted while Kadari was the engineer, Phee manned the gunner, and Ender acted as co-pilot. Hiding away in the old freighter was a streling that took a liking to Jace and never leaves his side, proving useful in battle.
Due to his long time crush on Ender, he always tried to do his best and impress her even though they were already good friends. From his Jedi Master Finn, he learned how her parents Ben and Nova were a Dyad in the Force. Learning this placed a shadow of doubt on the young boy, realizing and coming to the conclusion that one day she'd find someone that was her other half in the Force-- the person she's truly meant to be with. Because of the sentiment, Jace tries to shove his feelings way deep down but he can't help but admire her as if she's the first rainfall on a desert planet.
taglist; @aliverse, @jewishbarbies, @maddyperiez, @asirensrage, @oneirataxia-girl, @squirrelstone, @lucys-chen, @reysfinn, @fandomqueenlove, @mmmayflower2016, @bravelittleflower, @kiara-carrera, @susiesamurai, @witchofinterest, @heresthefanfiction, @margoshansons, @zoyazenik, @dyhlanobrien, @eddiemunscns, @bisexualterror, @waterloou, @claryxjackson, @dreamerwithapen1, @foxesandmagic, @harleyquinnzelz, @anotherunreadblog, @kendelias, @phoebestarks, @anqelwiithhxrns, @the-multifandommess-blog, @bobfloydsbabe, @decennia, @enchanted--roses, @arrthurpendragon, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @curious-kittens-ocs, @faerieroyal, @daughter-of-melpomene, @starcrossedjedis, @seize-the-droid, @hiddenqveendom, @reggiepetersstan
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mikahorror · 1 year
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piksel · 4 months
nazif’e gelirken acaba yolda film mi acsam dedim, yine izlemek istedigim bi film vardi, o kadari da abarti olur ya neyse dedim. evden cikarken acsaydim su an film bitmis olurdu. FILM? BITMIS? OLURDU??
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ya biliyorum ben de guzelim, manit begeniyor felan ama bazi kizlar harbi cok guzel aq. valla bu kadari zararli degil mi. aynaya bakamiyorum. uzuldum gene
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Yaptiginin ne kadari sigiyor sevgiye?
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cucela · 6 days
ya tamam yaz ayi sıcak olur civil civil olur ama BU KADARİ DA ABARTİ DEGİL Mİ AZ KALDİ SUBLİMLESİCEM İMDAT YA
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