#kaminari agere
starrypuppypaws · 1 month
⭐️day 6: a character i headcanon as a regressor!⭐️
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☀️⚡️denki kaminari!⚡️☀️
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lobeliatheflowerr · 2 months
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don't mine me just being obsessed with Denki Kaminari and making a stim board for him i feel like Denki would either be the silliest little or the funnest CG or both little Denki probably eats way too many sweets way later than they should and get hyper from it right before bed little Denki also probably is really gillely and fun i think little Denki probably likes to chew on things CG Denki would sneak you candy to you when your not supposed to having any CG Denki probably makes alot of dad jokes to make you laugh would definantly be willing to take you to the park whenever you want to i think Denki probably like dressing you up in really cute onesies or PJs.
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quinntheautisticwolf · 6 months
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Agere Mha Icons!!
Credit Or Reblog If You Use Them!
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plushiisms · 9 days
Can you do a denki kaminari kidcore stimboard?
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fandomregression · 2 years
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denki with sippy cup edits ahhhh hims such a cutie ;^;
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Momo doesn't understand what age regression is at first...
She hears about it through Denki and Sero, who are very involved with the topic. Sero is Denki's (and Shouto's, but no one else besides Sero really knows that) caregiver.
They play video games together and do finger painting sometimes. It is really fun and is a nice way for the both of them to relax after the stresses of UA's hero course.
Denki decides that he wants to include more people with his regression and be able to go into littlespace where ever in the dorms he feels like. So, they start talking to people about it.
Some get it and some don't. Momo falls in the latter category.
"Why can't you play those games without Dino pajamas and a sippy cup?" she asks genuinely.
Denki just shrugs, grin never falling from his lips, "it's just easier to slip and have a good time overall. to not have to worry about every little stress and only focus on.. well, little things."
She nods, but it is clear to both boys that she doesn't understand.
She declines their invitation to see a play date in action, but not because she isn't curious to learn more but because she must do some research first. She hates when she doesn't know something.
Research is what takes up the rest of her evening time and so it is a few days later before she can find Denki alone to ask him more about it. She asks and he answers.
She doesn't ask to be around him while he's little for a little while still, but when she does she brings supplies. She waited until she was completely comfortable with it because she read that having an unsure atmosphere can sometimes throw a little off. So she brings stuff.
They play with Play-Doh together and make multi-colored sandwiches that she had to stop him from eating more than once. Sero says he's about four years old.
"Tanksies, Momm...oh," he says after the materials are all put away and he is laying his head on her shoulder.
The name sounded weird from his garbled speech. As if the last syllable was a mere after thought than intentional.
"What did you just call me?" she asks gently, nudging his head up so that she can meet his eyes.
He pops his thumb in his mouth and stares back at her.
Sero moves over from the other side of the room (he'd been there the whole time to keep a watchful eye on his little guy for Momo's first time with him). He sits on the other side of Denki and gently pulls the boy's thumb from his mouth.
Denki makes an argumentative sound, but Sero is there to hold his hand a shush him. Momo watches this play out while quietly observing.
"Shh, you know you can't suck on your thumb anymore. Not after you hurt yourself..."
Sero's voice takes on a tone that Momo has never heard before when he talks to Denki while he is little; more of a parental talk than she would have ever given him credit for before this moment.
Sero guides Denki to sit closer to him while he relaxes into his new spot on this couch. Denki sucks his thumb when he is anxious, so Sero had told Momo that the best thing to do is hold his hand and cuddle him.
It doesn't work this time.
"Nhnoo," Denki fights back, drawing out the consonant sounds.
"What, why not? You love cuddles," Sero watches Denki with a certain level of exasperated fondness in his eyes.
Honestly, Momo hadn't realized they were this close.
Denki shakes his head and says, "wanna still sit next to Mama." He cuddles back into Momo's side.
Sero's eyebrows shoot up to his forehead and he let's Denki snuggle close to the woman there.
Momo is speechless.
Had he meant to say her name? Or was it intentional? She didn't know.
So she asked: "am I Mama, Denks?"
Denki's grin is immediately as he rubs his cheek into her arm and shoulder. "mhmm, yesh... Mama, mama, mama..." he murmurs, voice growing heavier with incoming sleep.
Momo maybe finally understands.
Being called that name makes her feel special. Like, his simple mind chose her to look after him. She was deemed special enough by someone in such a vulnerable position to be called that?
Sero grins at her while watching this all play out on her face while Denki snoozes against her.
Later, once Denki is big again, they ask her if the name is okay and if she'd like to be more involved in the future and she agrees immediately.
I just love, love, LOVE Momo being her littles' Mama. She'd be such a good one, too! She'd make them all kinds of custom little gear and make sure they had plenty of snackies and didn't burn themselves on their tea. Ugh, I just love her!!
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sodapopkins · 6 months
Wha about Kaminari/Jirou paci edit/icons?
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I did kaminari ones for you! I hope you like them! ♡
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Regressor Kaminari Moodboard!
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Images found from Pinterest💛
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moths-wonderland · 1 year
Denki Kaminari agere headcanons
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Denki is a super playful little getting him down for a nap is impossible without fully Tiring him out
Denki usually regresses around 4-6 but when he’s really stressed 2-3
He once hula hooped for 15 minutes straight and loves bragging about it
Denki love finger painting he does it all the time with Mina and Kirishima
He almost never talks in full sentences when little even in his older space
The Bakusquad are his caregivers ever sense he told them what age regression is one weekend when he was half regressed
He gets way better at just dance when small and no one can figure out why but he loves playing so they accept he’ll always win
Mina loves Taking photos and denki loves posing and dressing up the whole bakusquad is made to participate
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midnighmoonligh · 6 months
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BNHA/MHA / My Hero Academia
Denki Kaminari ;; 16 ;; They/He ;; Little
Kyoka Jiro ;; 16 ;; She/They ;; Middle
Plot Summary
Two regressors and a thunderstorm. Jiro is scared of storms and Kaminari finds her being scared. He tries his best to comfort and care for her.
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The sky rumbled above as Denki happily watched from the balcony of his dorm. The storm would be pretty bad, so classes had been cancelled for the day. It was early in the morning, since classes had been cancelled quite last minute unfortunately. The electric blonde didn't really have anything to do today. Actually, he probably could do homework but we all know he can't sit still long enough to do anything or the sort.
He happily bounced around his dorm room before getting bored and leaving. It was probably about noon when he left his dorm. Upon arriving at the common area, it seemed quite busy. Some people hadn't been in the dorm since they decided to head home to the parents. Denki rather stay there, since his bros were there. He flopped onto the couch, listening to the rain pound down on the building.
" Oh hey Kaminari! " he was greeted soon after by a familiar spiky red head.
" Hi Bro! " he responded happily, which only made Kirishima beam in response. Calling the dude bro just made his day fully.
Before Denki could do much more, he was tugged over a bit to the side by Yaoyorozu. He gave a puzzled expression, remaining tilted just enough so he didn't fall over.
" Have you seen Jiro? " she asked, clearly stressing about the case.
All Denki could do was shake his head. They seemed like such an odd friendship pair. His eyes flickered over to Sero as he fully fell off the other side of the couch. Honestly, he couldn't help but cackle at the scene.
" Could you check on her? You guys seemed really close lately, " Yaoyorozu spoke up again as she pulled on his sweater.
The pulling brought his focus back to her. With a heavy sigh, he nodded. She is right, to be fair. They had started dating but she didn't really want to tell anyone- not yet anyways. It didn't help that they both tended to be busy with their own individual friend groups more than anything else. Slowly, the blonde peeled himself off the couch and made his way to Jiro's dorm room. It only took a few minutes, thankfully. When arriving, he was a good boyfriend and knocked. It wasn't like Denki could open the door anyways since it was locked.
" Jiro, it's Kaminari, " he called out after the few minutes of long silence. He couldn't help but fidget with his hands while listening to the sky angrily rumble again. It shook the building a bit from how deep toned it had been.
Soon enough, the door slid open. The smaller girl wore a band t-shirt that was a bit big on her and some shorts. She looked very tired, which never failed to upset him. Denki frowned, but before he could ask what was wrong he was tugged into the room. He shut the door behind himself and watched her hide under the sheets of her bed as thunder striked once more. The sound was very loud, but didn't really other the electric blonde. The girl under the sheets on the other hand, she was shakin like a leaf under the pile of blankets.
" Jiro? " he asked as he made his way over to the bed. He watched her before gently shaking her shoulder. " Jirrrooo, " he called with a soft huff. After, she peeked her head out from the sheets.
" Scary, " she mumbled in a childush tone.
The pair had discovered their regression only a few days before. It was quite funny to them both, though they quickly began to learn it wasn't easy when both of them were regressors and weren't really good at being caregivers. Even so, they tried their hardest to support each other. Denki felt the familiar anxiety of not knowing what to do boiling in his stomach. He was really not good at this sort of thing. He took a deep breath before opening his arms.
" It's okay, the storm can't get you inside, " he reassured with a smile while Jiro shuffled over to be hugged by him. He was glad to ingulf her in his embrace.
" Loud, " she complained while nuzzling into him.
" Yeah, it is. Maybe we could do something? " he offered before the sky rumbled angrily for the hundredth time that day. Jiro cried and hid into him. She didn't usually regress younger than five, classifying her as a little but today she seemed to be so scared she went younger.
" It's alright, I'm here to protect you, remember? Now let's see, what should we watch, " he asked as he slid into the bed.
Denki wrapped the little up into the blankets like a burrito then got up to spin her around playfully. This seemed to cheer her up, mostly because she smiled and giggled. He sat back down after grabbing her laptop and getting comfortable. The storm was quite loud each time she flinched and hid into him while he looked for something they could watch. Soon enough, he put on a movie that he knew they'd both enjoy. Then he cuddled her close. Each time the storm angrily rumbled and hugged her tighter and pointed out things in the movie. Every time it never failed to distract Jiro and get her to talk away about it.
By the time the storm had cleared Jiro was playing happily around the room. She even dragged Denki into playing dress up with her. While it was fun for her, it made him embarrassed. Even so he kept smiling. Seeing her happy made her happy. The sun began to fall, and she seemed to have settled down to quietly watch the rain out the windows. He gently ruffled her hair before planting a kiss on her head.
" I think it's time for bed my little Rock Star, " he informed her happily. Though, she pouted and shook her head.
" I want to play! " she announced as she got up to try and play again. However, she was scooped up by Denki and placed into bed.
" I don't know, I think you look pretty sleepy to me, " he teased as he watched her yawn. She pouted and crossed her arms.
" No fair! " she claimed, but he only laughed and sat down with a brush.
" Okay okay, how about we watch cartoons and I'll brush your hair? " he offered.
After some, clear, debating she nodded and settled into his lap after. Denki put on a random kids show before brush through her hair gently. This is probably one of the few things he has learned to cox her into falling asleep. As usual, she was asleep by the time the first episode had ended. He waited until it did end, then tucked her into bed. Denki picked up the dorm room the best he could before turning the lights on and laying with her. Of course, he'd be an awful boyfriend if he left her alone like this. Especially since the storm was getting a bit loud again. This didn't seem to bother Jiro though. The little was so in asleep through it all.
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confusedpan-da · 1 year
Writing Request! Denki accidentally regressing in front of either the whole squad or just Mina and Sero
I got way too happy over this request lol :3
Warnings(?): distant threat of Bakugou blowing the rest of the Bakusquad up. (But he’s only mentioned here)
Also mentions of his birthday that I missed but hey, I’m here now :))
iPhone baby Kaminari entered the chat. ^^ (not a lot of talk about regression etc but idk how to label this soo)
Words: ~900
starts after the cut!
School wasn’t easy. Everyone knew this.
However this particular school day just seemed like an absolute overkill. 
Denki sighed when he finally was able to fall into his soft bed. His head was more than empty and his limbs were screaming at him to never be moved ever again. 
“Hey there!”
Oh shit.
Denki shot back up. 
“Hey Mina.”
“Come on dude, we still gotta ‘talk’”, Sero shuffled in right after Mina while doing some finger guns. 
Denki’s response could only be described as the perfect embodiment of a question mark.
“Don’t tell me you forgot?! Hello??”, Mina gasped. 
“Oh! Oh oh oh! No! I would never forget…that! The…mh.”
“Theeeee?”, Mina had now flopped herself down next to Denki onto his bed. 
“Yeah! Theeeee…. You know.”
“God just say you forgot about the surprise we are planning for Bakugou.”
“Oh That! … I knew that.”
“Yeah yeah.”, Sero rolled his eyes playfully. 
“Hey! I did! I just thought we still needed to wait for Kirishima!”
“He’s coming a bit later. S still trying to get some kind of idea out of blasty what he could possibly want.”
“Are you okay?”, Sero also let himself fall onto the bed. 
“Yeah just erm eh.”
Sero squinted but didn’t push any further. 
Luckily because Denki really wasn’t in the mood for thinking right now. 
“Okayyyy! Sadly we”, Mina fake coughed to hide a little ‘you’ behind it “decided against a grand party with the whole class! Sooo what do we do? Just like ‘surprise! Here is our gift! That’s it.’ or what?!”
“Maybe? I mean that would probably be the safest option, wouldn’t it?”, Sero chuckled. 
Denki perked up. 
“We could do a… erm thingy. You know!”, he gestured wildly with his hands, trying to replicate the way his hands moved when he was playing with his Nintendo. 
Sadly the others didn’t get it.
He sighed deeply. 
“You know! The the thing! The play thing! We could do one like the whole… erm you know! Come on!”
“…You mean a gaming night or something?”
“Yesss!!!”, he bounced a little on his mattress. 
Mina only laughed.
“We can do that for your birthday but I don’t think blasty would appreciate that.”
“…because I don’t want to risk losing my head.”
They all fell silent for a little bit while thinking. 
“Tha- the, you know! We, so like him and yeah could go to and-“
“Denki! Breathe! We can’t understand you!”, Sero placed a soft hand on Denki’s shoulder while laughing and Mina was smiling at him sympathetically. 
“Ah… I mean, we we could go to the thing there to…”, words sure are a…thing that exist. He again tried to just ‘sign’ what he was trying to say. 
“Uhhh I love charade! Wait wait! Speak? Type???”
Denki shook his head. 
“Erm eat! Eat! It’s eat!”
Yessss!! He nodded. 
“Ohhhh you mean going out to a restaurant or something?”
“Yes! God!”, Denki let himself fall fully into Sero and said guy just ruffled Denki’s hair and put his arms around him. 
“Poor Pikachu.”, Mina lovingly flicked his forehead. 
“Hey!”, he pouted but didn’t actually get to ponder about it too much when his eyes caught a glimpse of Sero’s handy. 
Almost automatically he stretched out his hand towards it until he got brutally ripped out of it by Mina’s voice.
“I’m just trying to get into his mindset. Okayyyy.”, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Don’t you think that would end in a kind of Gordon Ramsey episode?”
“Uh ouch, you are right.”, Sero winced playfully. 
Damn the phone slipped out of sight. 
Denki sighed dramatically. 
“Sorry sorry but all your ideas can be stuff for play dates or something.”
“Huh?”, Denki shrieked a little at the word play. 
Actually he really wanted to play something right now. Just anything. Preferably games on Sero’s phone. 
He cuddled deeper into Sero’s side, loving the body contact and clear view on the phoneee. 
“Hey, you are going to make me jealous guys!”
“Kiriii!”, Denki shrieked before schooling his whole everything again. 
His cheeks going bright red. 
“…hey Denks.”, Kirishima just huffed out before pressing himself onto the mattress as well with a loud sigh. 
“I think I messed up guys.”
Denki’s brain didn’t have the mental capacity to really make sense of anything right now anymore, so he just finally grabbed over Sero’s lab and reached the long desired phone. 
He squeaked silently and tried to open it. 
Locked screen.
He shoved his elbow into Sero’s side. 
“Hey! What Are you doing with my phone mh?”, Sero ruffled through Denki’s hair again. 
“The thinggggg!”, he whined. 
How did they just expect him to know all these big words?! 
“You wanna play?”
The others laughed.
“You know what, good choice dude. The day was hard.”, Kirishima giggled. 
“Uh uh uh! I know something! Since you messed up miserably and Sparky will be here any minute now to blow our heads off, how about we just make a surprise cake tomorrow?”
“Hey! I didn’t mess up ‘miserably’, Bakubro is just way too smart!”
“No no no. You are just horrible at keeping secrets.”
“Sorry sorry.”
Finally the phone got unlocked and Denki fully locked out of anything going on around him. 
He’ll now play candy crush, thank you!
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soulless-strangers · 2 years
Little pikachu
Little mute enby Kaminari And caregiver Kirishima
Requested my @xavslittlenothings
Denki sat on the floor near their bed, fidgeting with the paci in their mouth.
“Hi Denki, hi baby how old are you right now?” Kiri cooed as he slipped into the room, Shinsou having retrieved him from the common room.
Denki blinked at him for a second before holding up two fingers, quickly making grabby hands at their caregiver.
“You’re two? Oh what a clever little muffin we have here huh?” The red head gasped as he stepped closer. “You want uppies? Ok honey bunny but I need to put your mittens on first, ok? Other wise you might zap uncle Kiri by accident.”
Denki just continued to demand being picked up, only ceasing their grabby hands when Kirishima carefully slipped on their pair of pikachu mittens.
“Ok sweetheart, up we get!” Kiri picked up his little with ease, Denkis shorter stature aiding greatly.
Not that that would have stopped Kirishima, it just meant he would have had to up his work out routine.
“What does my little bunny bub wanna do? Do they want a story time? Or a bottle?” Kiri swung his little from side to side gently, the blond slumping against his shoulder. “Or does bubba just wanna be held for a bit?”
A sleepy nod rubbed against the red heads shoulder, Kiri chuckling softly.
“My little pikachu.” He hummed. “I’ve got you little one.”
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prince-honeypaw · 2 years
i really like your cg!momo post!!! do you think you could do cg!momo and little!hitoshi with helpful big brother little!denki? (if you don’t wanna do momo again maybe just denki and hitoshi?)
♡ I will always do a Momo post if given the opportunity. I will admit that this post got away from me at the end, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! ♡ A big thank you to my dearest @paper--moons for once again helping me out! You can thank them too for the angsty idea! >:3c
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♡ With Hitoshi being an infant regressor, he requires a significant amount of attention lest he resort to shenanigans, such as toy chewing and woeful mewling cries. But his sibling set mate, Denki, is a toddler! From two to three, sometimes four or five depending on how he started the day.
♡ But, no matter the case, their regression sessions tend to get pretty messy, what with Denki being the one in charge of most things. Yes he can mix a bottle of formula, but the fridge will still be open and milk will be splattered all the way from it to the microwave. They would also be missing half a loaf of bread because Denki was trying to figure out how to make sandwiches without a knife. They both ended up just eating the bread and jelly with their hands.
♡ Safe to say, they needed a caregiver to mediate their regression time, and Momo is all too happy to offer her services! She has plenty of experience with watching Tsuyu, Kyouka, and Shoto, so she wouldn't be flying blind.
♡ Hitoshi is hesitant, as he usually is, but Denki quickly soothes his main man's worries by asking the question on the taller boy's mind. "That's really kind, Yaomomo! Though, one of us regresses preeetty low, is that okay with you? Totally no pressure to say yes!"
♡ Of course, Momo doesn't see an issue with this at all! She eagerly says that she'll get everything ready for a whole weekend at her manor, considering her parents are in Sicily! Denki doesn't get a chance to explain further before she's off to compare notebooks with Izuku, talking about how she needs to get his help in organizing her notes- Oh! And she'd have to get a bed rail for the guest room! So much to do and so little time!
♡ Seeing Shinsou still looking hesitant, Kaminari would take his hand and brush a thumb over his knuckles with a comforting smile. "Look, we can use this weekend as a test run, kay? If it doesn't work for you then we can try someone else–and if no one works we can just keep doing what we do! So no more pouting, alright?"
♡ To which Shinsou would pout more and say, "I was not pouting." Still... He seems more comfortable knowing that Kaminari wouldn't hold this against him if it didn't work out.
♡ The plan is to stay over at Momo's for the weekend to give this match-up a proper try, the boys bringing any regression gear or resources they feel comfortable sharing with her and talking about their respective regressions. Hitoshi was nervous, standing in front of the sprawling manor that was probably worth more than his old neighborhood while clinging tightly to his Build-a-Bear black cat, Miss Spooky. Meanwhile, Denki had already seen the Yaoyorozu Estate during study sessions, and was quick to sling an arm around his companion with that award winning smile, "No pressure, 'kay? If something feels wrong just tug on my shirt and I'll... Uh, we'll figure out what I'll do then!"
♡ Shinsou's shoulders slump and he fixes Kaminari with the flattest expression, and an even flatter tone, "Wow. My hero." And before his anxiety can rise again, Shinsou presses the call button to let Yaoyorozu know they're there! Not before grabbing Kaminari's hand, however. "Just a moment! I'll come get you," Momo's voice chirps from the speaker and the gates unlock, prompting Hitoshi to hold Denki's hand just a bit tighter.
♡ Momo is quick to come get the boys, eagerly detailing everything she's done to prepare for this weekend while leading them up to her home, but Hitoshi can't seem to focus on a word she says.
He's scared. There are so many things that could go wrong this weekend from him not liking Momo's caregiving style to the world flooding over... To Momo maybe not liking him. Hitoshi got so in his head about not liking this that he didn't even consider the possibility that maybe Momo would think he's too needy, or too whiny, or- Or—
♡ A gentle squeeze on his fingers is enough to bring him back down. Denki is smiling at him, rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand.
♡ Standing in front of the arching double doors to Momo's home, Hitoshi swallows his fear and tunes back into what Momo is saying. "When I looked up what colors appealed to younger age groups for you two, I found that there was a lot of overlap! So I chose some shades of reds and pinks for Kaminari since infants typically find red more stimulating—" Hitoshi and Denki stopped walking in tandem. Something didn't add up there.
♡ Hitoshi's clammy hand is all the push Denki needs to muster up a gentle smile for Momo and say, "Whoa whoa whoa! I think there's been a misunderstanding here, Yaomomo," He starts quickly, "See, my space is more uh.. Twoish-threeish-fourish, depending on the planet's alignment or something- Whatever, see, Hitoshi is the infant regressor, not me."
Momo looks puzzled, looking from Denki and up to Hitoshi. Then clapping her hands over her mouth in shock! "Oh! Oh my goodness, I got all ahead of myself and didn't even think to ask, I am so sorry, Shinsou-"
"It's fine," Hitoshi quickly states, "It's... An easy mistake to make." Drawing his hand from Denki's to rub the back of his neck, wearing a flimsy sort of half grin. "A mistake plenty of people make..."
♡ After clearing that little mistake up, things go according to the agreed-upon plan! ... For the most part. When talking about their regressions, Shinsou takes a back seat on the talking part and lets Kaminari take over and occupies himself with Miss Spooky. Yaoyorozu takes this as him being shy, what with her brazenly assuming he was the older regressor between the two, but Kaminari knows better. He decides very quickly that he will help Miss Momo make it up to Hitoshi, no matter what!
♡ Despite the mix-up, Momo proves to be a very competent caregiver! The selection of toddler toys is vast enough that it would have satisfied Denki's ever-changing desires... If he weren't on a mission to be the absolute BEST big brother/little helper combo in the whole dang world!
When Hitoshi struggles to slide into his headspace, Denki takes up one of the soft furred puppy rattles Momo had made and shimmies it right across the table to him. "Beep beep beep, this puppy's got a super strong sad-dar and a mission to eliminate all frowny faces in the world - Better watch out, 'Toshi! Beep beep beeeeeeep-" A few puppy kisses later and Hitoshi is significantly less pouty, and significantly more sitting on top of Denki and beep-beep-beeping him with an innocent rattle puppy.
♡ For the first part of the day, things go the way they usually do with Kaminari and Shinsou. They play around for a few hours until the latter resorts to munching on Kaminari's Pompompurin hoodie. Usually, they'd have to raid the kitchen at this point, but Yaoyorozu is on the case!
♡ Momo sets the duo up in the den closest to the kitchen so she can keep an eye on them while she makes snacks, but a hand tugging at her shirt catches her attention. Denki is there, dragging a Long Furby that Mina had personally crafted for him, and seems insistent on telling her a secret. She gladly leans in to listen.
♡ "Hey, hey, I'm gonna tell yous a secret, 'kay? You can't tell on me for it, promise?" Denki whispers to her, quiet enough to not alert Hitoshi during his coloring session, and holds out his outstretched pinky finger. He sounds so sincere that she knows it couldn't be a bad secret. So, of course, she locks her pinkie with his.
"Oh, certainly. Cross my heart and everything," And oh if smiles could shine, he'd match the sun.
"See, Hitoshi is a baby," He starts slowly, making sure that Momo is following along, "Babies need naps- But, not me, because I'm not a baby."
"Of course."
"So, I try to get him all sleepy, but it never works, okay?" A spark of frustration literally skitters through his hair. Momo thinks she understands what's going on now.
"You would like for me to try, is that it?" She asks, earning a nod.
♡ Well, how can she refuse? With Shinsou occupied in the other room, the two co-conspirators get to work!
♡ Denki graciously tells Momo how to make Hitoshi's bottle just right and Momo tells him to find a story on her tablet. He chooses Mog the Forgetful Cat, knowing it's his and Hitoshi's favorite, and asks if he can go get something from his weekend bag.
He does not wait for an answer.
♡ Momo makes jam and toast while Denki is off looking for who knows what, when she is interrupted once more. This time with a much more timid tug at her sleeve.
♡ When she turns, Hitoshi is standing uncertainly near her, hugging Miss Spooky tightly and nursing the pacifier he'd brought from home. Coloring had gotten boring without Denki, but the blonde had ran up the stairs on all fours just five minutes earlier so there was no one to play with.
He'd gotten lonely.
♡ This is very surprising for Momo! All day the poor dear had been so unsure of how to interact with her, so he tried not to interact with her much at all. So she considered this a big step forward for the rest of the weekend, smiling gently at the little one.
"Hello there. Did you get curious?"
Of course he did, bobbing his head without a second thought. "I see, I see! Well, thank you for joining me then. Would you like to help pick out a sippy cup for Denki's juice?"
That gets a more lively response, upgraded from head bobbing to eager nodding.
♡ With the orange sippy cup chosen, a snack made, a story chosen, and the lights comfortably dimmed, all that was missing was a certain little tyke! Momo is pleasantly surprised that Denki comes scrambling back to the den with his prize; a fuzzy, dark blue blanket that was decorated with golden stars. The two boys often shared it when watching movies together, so he considered it a perfect candidate to be a designated napping blanket.
He sets up next to Momo, and that prompts Hitoshi to crawl up against her other side. The blanket is thrown over all of their laps as they begin their snack time-story time combo.
♡ By the time the story is finished, Momo finds herself being used as a living pillow for the sleepiest little boys in the entire prefecture.
♡ She couldn't be happier with the results and looks forward to the rest of the weekend.
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dragon-queen21 · 2 years
Puppy regressor Denki
Puppy energy paired with ADHD is a nightmare for everyone but Denki.
The embodiment of "God has let me live another day and I'm about to make it all y'all's problem."
Whenever word that Denki is in puppy space Aizawa is conveniently not at the UA dorms. He's left in the vain attempts to save some of his sanity and not gain any more grey hairs.
Denki spends most of his time running around outside playing catch or tag with his classmates.
Loves having his hair ruffled. Not only for the affection, but also for static electricity that makes his fur hair stand up.
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little-dreamz · 2 years
ok so due to recent events (my friend asking for these posts <3) i am gonna be making some mha regression headcanon posts! and we are gonna start out with...
Denki Kaminari!!!
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⚡︎ Denki is an age regressor but he does sometimes babysit the other littles if he's up for it!
⚡︎ He regresses from ages 6-8 usually but occasionally it can be 5-9
⚡︎ He isn't ashamed of his regression at all so he talks about it openly. He also slips very easily so he often regresses openly, especially around friends
⚡︎ He is a very energetic boy! This is a mix of ADHD + his personality (and also i like to imagine having electricity course through you can make you pretty energetic), but he loves to run around with people and play things like tag, catch, duck duck goose, and anything that involves moving
⚡︎ Speaking of other people, he loves playdates with the other littles and has them quite often. He loves hanging out with everybody but one of his best little buddies is Uraraka (i will not stand for uraraka slander on this page XP)
⚡︎ Something else i hold near and dear to my heart is the relationship between little Todoroki and little Denki. Without spoiling too much of the Todoroki post im gonna make, Todo regresses very young, like 0-4, and due to this Kami is very curious and is constantly talking about Todo the same way a child talks about a baby
-> an example: *little Kami sees little Todoroki* "gasp! Look is a baby!!!! Hi baby!!!! Can I hug him? Hi baby!! Can I play with him please??"
⚡︎ Kami also likes playing a game where he trys to guess what Todoroki wants (todo goes non-verbal when regressed) and Todoroki likes to see Denki run around grab random things so its a win-win!
⚡︎ Denki being regressed openly so often actually causes a lot of the other littles to regress with him, causing a lot of "daycare situations" (i believe that age[d]re and pet[d]re is actually very common within the hero world due to lots of childhood trauma and/or trauma/stress from hero work so most heros are regressors and/or caregivers)
⚡︎ I imagine Denki rarely vent regresses and when he sees somebody else vent regressing or just being a sad little in general he immediately attempts to cheer them up and make them laugh
⚡︎ This is from somebody elses headcanon list (i dont rmb who im sorry!!) but Bakugou calling Denki pichu instead of pikachu when he's small plagues my mind /pos
⚡︎ Kaminari likes to go out during lightning storms (something he did as a child) and it's perfect because Shinsou (his caregiver) actually really enjoys rain and storms, although he does have to stop Denki from trying to use his quirk in these storms for obvious reasons. Also, Kaminari definitely wears the stereotypical yellow raincoat and matching rainboots.
⚡︎ Ok i hate to say it, but Denki is a leash kid. There's no other way to make sure he doesnt get distracted and run away because he's so curious and easily excitable. BUT he doesnt have the normal child harness thing, he has this one:
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⚡︎ Shinsou, while obviously having no issues with the bakusquad hanging out with little Kaminari, is always hesitant to let them all babysit together because usually when he comes back Kami is wearing a change of clothes (that are too big for him), has a few new band-aids, is playing video games way past his bedtime, and is going through an extreme sugar rush
⚡︎ While they may not be the best babysitters together, the bakusquad is good at babysitting Denki one-on-one.
⚡︎ Mina likes to take Denki to different clothing shops and resturants (even if it does completely drain her wallet). She also likes to have fashion shows and makeovers with Denki while listening to all his very super extremely important problems (like how he was only allowed to have one donut instead of two, or how he spilled juice all over his favorite shirt, etc etc)
⚡︎ Bakugou, actually being very responsible, is usually the 'tough love' kinda guy. He makes Kaminari meals and makes sure he eats all of it (including the vegetables), but lets him watch movies while he eats and gives him desert afterwards. He makes Denki take showers/baths, but gives him bath toys and shower crayons and cute towels. He forces Denki into bed at bedtime, but leaves the night light on and sits with him (possibly reading stories) until Denki falls asleep.
⚡︎ Kirishima and Sero are both older brother types, but Kiri is the older brother who takes Kami out to the park and plays pretend with him and does the exaggerated responses and basically just babies Kami, where as Sero is the one who plays video games with Kami and shows him cool comic books and sometimes sneaks him sweets and is over all more lenient and chill
...and that's all i can think of right now! i hope this didn't end up too long (_ _;)
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fandomregression · 2 years
Could you do some bakusquad (not jirou pls /g) paci edit and/or agere headcanons?
it stinks that you can't find many pics of all 5 of them together hmph
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Bakusquad Regressor Headcanons!
denki introduces them all to the concept and its immediately just a Thing with them all
kirishima and denki tend to regress a lot together, as do mina and denki
kiri, mina, and bakugo are all 3 flips (tho bakugo mainly on acts as a cg for denki)
sero usually regresses the oldest, usually around 8-10, and bakugo regresses the youngest at around 2-4
cuddle puddles!!! lots and lots of cuddle puddles!!
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