#kari phone song Lyrics
vklyrics · 1 year
Kari Phone - Inder Chahal | Vk Lyrics
Inder Chahal and Shree Brar's Punjabi song "Kari Phone" was released in 2021. The song has a romantic theme and has received positive feedback from audiences.
The music video stars Inder Chahal and Swaalina as a couple, with the plot centred on their relationship and the difficulties they face. Inder Chahal performs the song with a live band in the video as well.
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The song was written and composed by Rajat Nagpal, with lyrics by Shree Brar. The music is mellow and romantic, with a mix of traditional and modern sounds.
Since its release, "Kari Phone" has received millions of views on YouTube from Punjabi music fans.
Visit for song Lyrics : www.vklyrics.com
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ravensofskyhold · 4 months
Ruoska 2nd verse analysis
Aka why there's a reference to a 20+ year-old sports scandal in this song that on the surface is about BDSM.
(Fuck you Kä for making me write a 1500+ word analysis on a reference in one verse of a song and also for forcing me to learn more about Lahti 2001 than I've ever wanted. /j)
Okay, I was already having thoughts about the second verse of Ruoska, which has lots of references to the doping controversy of FIS Nordic World Ski Championships held in Lahti in 2001 aka the biggest sports doping scandal in Finland. The MV gave new context for that part and made the use of the whole reference make a lot more sense to me, enough to develop those thoughts into a semi-coherent analysis (I'm not kidding about this being semi-coherent, I've spent most of the day writing this. You've been warned.).
This analysis does require me to talk about The Lahti 2001 doping scandal a lot. I’ve decided to focus on what I remember from the aftermath of it, especially the Finnish public opinion and reaction, as it is the most relevant part of it for this analysis. So if you’re not familiar with the topic, I recommend reading a short summary of the facts which can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIS_Nordic_World_Ski_Championships_2001#Doping_controversy
In the MV, there’s this about 20s pause between the first chorus and the second verse, where the song just stops and people looking at their phones form a circle at the edges of the spotlight (where Käärijä and Erika are) and hate comments aimed at both of them are shown on screen.
After the pause, we get the second verse:
“Lunta on tullut tupaan niin paljon et tarvii sukset / Gotten so much snow in the house that I need skis
On luokkaa Kari-Pekka nää ahdistukset / At level with Kari-Pekka with these anxieties
Et taloyhtiössä on kosteudenmittaukset/ That the housing cooperative takes humidity measurements
Kun rappukäytävän portailla on hemon virtaukset/ When there's massive tides* on the stairs in the stairway”
[link/credits to the translation]
*added context to this line that gets lost in translation is that the substance flowing down the stairs in the stairway is called “hemo” in the original lyrics. Now, I’ve interpreted it to be either blood/hemoglobin or Hemohes (which is the brand(?) name of the banned blood plasma expander substance that people were caught using in the Lahti 2001 doping scandal. Either way, this detail is relevant enough for this analysis.
The idiom "tulla lunta tupaan" (to get snow in the house/living room) means to get misfortune, but I think I've seen it also used to mean getting (excessive) adversity/criticism for something (wrong) you've done (from the public, usually).
There certainly is something fucked up and rather telling that from what I’ve seen, many of Finnish fans old enough to remember Lahti 2001 (me included) needed only to hear "skis" and "Kari-Pekka" to get the doping scandal reference. After all, this is a rather subtle (as in, only Kari-Pekka Kyrö’s, one of the head coaches of the ski team, first name is mentioned in the song!) reference to a scandal that happened over 20 years ago. But it also tells you how big of a deal that doping scandal was for Finns, especially since it happened in cross-country skiing aka one of our pride and joy sports, and how much (perceived) shame was involved on national level.
And oh boy, did that sense of national shame get projected back to the public opinion about the people involved in the scandal. The scandal did have massive and long-lasting repercussions on the careers and the reputations of the people involved in Finland, way beyond the official disqualifications and suspensions. These people went from being celebrated athletes and ski team members that everyone was proud of to being mostly, or even only, remembered for being caught using doping. Their past (and future) achievements suddenly didn’t either matter anymore or, thanks to the doping scandal, were regarded with suspicion.
There’s also a layer added to this by the media’s role and involvement in all this that I’m not going to get into here. Only thing from the media side I’m going to point out is that big part of kicking off this incident was the investigation and subsequent article by Helsingin Sanomat crime journalist that revealed damning evidence of the systematic use of doping substances in the Finnish ski team.
The point is, yes they did wrong, and yes they did deserve the (official) consequences to their careers and a hit in their public images, but everything else? The figurative lashing (pun intended) they got from the media and the public? The media and the public refusing to forget and move on from that incident years after the fact and in the process probably not letting them move on from it properly, either? Being remembered only for your mistakes? That was excessive, way out of proportion to what the crime in question was.
Bringing this back to the song, the MV, and the artists:
This reference, especially with the MV context just made me think of the topic of public opinion of celebs and how quickly it can turn against you, even if you’re currently seen as a “hero” of sorts, like Finland’s ski team was in 2001 or Käärijä is now.
It also made me think of how Finns often tend to be jealous of other people's success (the good ol’ belief that there’s a finite amount of luck/happiness in the world and so other people having luck/success is to blame if you don’t have it is still deeply ingrained in us even if we don’t realize it). Like, there are always people who hate someone more successful or famous than them simply because they are successful/famous.
Also, there's often a sense of schadenfreude involved from certain parts of the public when someone famous does something bad/wrong. Something that (in public perception) "justifies" the negative turn in the public opinion on that person, regardless of how bad/wrong the thing actually was and if the reaction is actually proportionate to it. And especially in famous people’s case, there are always people who are just waiting for them to misstep, to fall, just so they can go “see? I knew they were a bad person all along, that’s why I disliked them!”. Or hell, we’ve even seen people who are constantly waiting for the moment a famous person does something that can be twisted into a controversy, or even hounding them to do something or react to something in a way that paints them in a negative light.
Now, I don't think the hate comments seen in the MV are comparable to what happened after the doping scandal (nor that are they meant to be that), and I don’t claim to know what kinds of hate Käärijä and Erika get usually but I doubt that’s comparable either. But there are some noticeable, if much smaller scale, similarities to some controversies they’ve been a part of and the media/public reaction to those. Which does make the doping scandal an effective reference to use to get the point of (often excessive) negative reactions/comments to everything you do across.
So, when the hate comment pause happened in the MV and the second verse started, it felt like the missing puzzle pieces fitting into their places, and being able to see what the second verse is trying to say. Or my interpretation of it, anyway.
The first line is rather straightforward, mentioning getting enough "snow" (aka adversity/criticism/hate, not misfortune like I thought before) into their lives ("house" in the song) that they need equipment/tools ("skis") to help them wade through it, just to keep living their lives.
The line mentioning Kari-Pekka, and anxiety at the same level as his, is interesting. Because on the one hand, he did take the blame for the doping scandal and was, according to his own words, “the most hated man in Finland” at the time. On the other hand, he did get a lot of publicity and was offered a job as a crisis consultant to teach people how to lie believably, because he appeared so calm, collected, and confident in the media during the scandal. So, while on the surface this line is about having a lot of anxiety due to the hate they’re getting, well, the dude whose anxiety levels they’re likening their own to doesn’t seem (to appear) anxious at all despite shouldering most of the blame and hate for such a big scandal, does he? Hell, he got job opportunities thanks to how not-anxious he appeared in that situation.
And the following lines, I've interpreted to be about other people having to acknowledge the damage from those hate comments seeping into their own lives as well because, depending on what "hemo" is interpreted as, either the cause of that hate (hemohes) or a rather visible representation of the pain caused by the hate (blood) is flooding the stairway now. The pain or the cause of the hate others have let into their living spaces/lives is out in the public space now. And going by the next line “Ja mä tahdon jäädä siitä kiipeliin (kiipeliin)/ And I want to get in trouble for it (in trouble)” it’s happening they intentionally let it out into the public in the first place, because they want to get in trouble for it?
There’s something fascinating about that. About acknowledging that they’re getting hate anyway, so they might as well intentionally and publicly do things that people are going to send them hate for. But also acknowledging the hate they’re getting and making other people acknowledge it as well, refusing to keep it hidden and letting it rot only their own lives.
And then continuing that yeah, we’re getting whipped/hated on for everything we do, but
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lyrics2world · 2 years
Kari Phone Lyrics - Inder Chahal | Shree Brar
Kari Phone Lyrics – Inder Chahal | Shree Brar
Kari Phone Lyrics by Inder Chahal, Shree Brar is the latest Punjabi song with music also given by Sharry Nexus.Kari Phone song lyrics written by Shree Brar. Kari Phone Song Details Song: Kari Phone Singer: Inder Chahal, Shree Brar Lyrics: Shree Brar Music: Sharry Nexus Kari Phone Lyrics Ni khad ke hazaara Na takkeya sheeshe muhre Ni jinna tere naal si jachda Hor naal jacheya hi nai Har…
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a song to you [song shot]
A/N: Okay, I happened upon this song and I’m like “Yes, Hikari would definitely write, compose, and play a song like this bc of her feelings for our favorite boy” and so I am gonna write the thing.
This is set a l’il bit after DSOD, when the gang graduates.
The song lyrics you’re going to see further is Last Night On Earth by Delta Goodrem. I dun own them but damn if I say Hikari wouldn’t write a love song for the Pharaoh
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“Can you believe it? Kari’s making herself known as a musician!” Jounouchi’s tone was one who was definitely proud of his friend’s accomplishment and Yugi couldn’t help but share in it.
Hikari was always musically-inclined during their adventures and school days and she had focused much more heavily in music ever since graduation. She dreamed of being able to play her songs for everyone around the world and now she was making her way there. Yugi couldn’t even contain his pride in his friend; she seemed in much more motivated spirits more than ever now.
“Knowing Hikari, she’ll be inviting us as her special guests, won’t she?” Bakura asked, but his friends knew it was a rhetorical question. With Hikari touring around, it was a blessing for her to always have one in Domino where her remaining friends reside.
That was not to say she didn’t invite them as her special guests during her tours outside of Domino. It was just far easier than the ravenette using her expenses to fly her friends to where she was touring.
“I actually got a text from her last night about it,” replied Yugi, fishing in his pocket for his cellphone, unlocking it to open the text message Hikari had sent. Re-reading it, the renown King of Games continued, “She just needs to know how many of us can make it. We can try seeing if Honda can break away from work to come with us if we three are going.”
“’Course we’re going!” Jounouchi exclaimed, as though scandalized, pounding his fist against his chest. “I can pay Honda a visit and see if he’s game to go!”
“Wouldn’t miss you for the world,” agreed Bakura.
Beaming a smile at his friends, Yugi began to tap against the keyboard to reply to Hikari. It wasn’t long before his phone buzzed with the latter’s near-immediate reply.
[ From: Hikari
I’ll see you there :) ]
The deep blue notebook against the night table was something Hikari carried with her for years. It was where she wrote and composed her most secret songs, never before heard by anyone. In comparison, the much more lighter blue notebook were songs she’s written and released as tracks throughout her budding musical career.
But one of those songs in her most secret book was one she was going to play at her upcoming concert in Domino, with her most precious friends who have sweetly and lovingly supported her in tow.
With every concert overseas, everyone would video call her to wish her luck and give her encouragements. Hikari’s heart would always warm seeing Yugi, Bakura, Jounouchi, Honda, and Anzu on her phone screen, cheering her on. It made every step toward her dream of being a musician worth it.
Of course, there was one more person she wished was physically present. However, he had departed this present world a long while ago. The Pharaoh Atem, who had long shared an identity with Yugi, held her heart to this very day. Seto Kaiba had invented a machine that propelled them into another dimension--to the Afterlife. She was able to see him again for that moment before Atem and Kaiba dueled as a show of their own unique bond as rivals.
And Atem had kept her close throughout that entire match and even in the few moments where Kaiba gave them privacy before she and the KaibaCorp owner had to depart. The words he whispered to her, before bidding her farewell with a kiss and a single item, were still engraved in her heart and carried her this far as well.
“I will always be at your side. Go and accomplish your dreams, my light.”
Hikari hadn’t gone back to KaibaCorp in that interim. She wanted to accomplish her dreams, just as Atem wished for her, before she requested to use the Duel Dimension System again. It was only right that when she goes to see the one she loved so was after she fulfilled her dreams.
A familiar chime from her phone broke Hikari from her thoughts and the ravenette hopped onto her bed, grabbing her phone. It was a video call and the name on the ID was familiar. Smiling, she pressed “accept”.
“Anzu! How’s New York?”
Anzu beamed back, waving at Hikari. “It’s fantastic. I miss you, though! It’s been only a month and I miss you!” she giggled. “I just wanted to wish you luck before your concert!”
“You know we’d be lost without you, Anzu,” Hikari laughed. “You kept us grounded. Your studies going well, I hope?”
“Absolutely. We might put on a showcase soon. You’ll come once I have details, right?”
“Absolutely. I’ll even fly the guys out if I have to!”
“I can’t wait to see everyone again. Gosh, look at the time. You should get rest for your concert!”
“I will, Anzu. I will.”
“Talk to you soon!” Anzu’s smile was bright as she and Hikari bid one another farewell to end the video call. Setting her phone down, the ravenette curled into her bed, closing her eyes as she snuggled against her pillow. She did need rest from the flight. And I’ll be seeing the guys soon...  
The crowd in front of the concert hall was buzzing excitedly for Hikari’s concert. With the boys dressed in their much more Sunday finest--shirt and ties, slacks and dress shoes--it was easy for Hikari’s manager, Kimi, to find them.
“Hey, everyone!” The bubbly redhead bounced over, waving. “Let me guess, Kari already gave you the backstage star treatment?”
“Don’t she always?” Jounouchi grinned, jabbing his thumb toward his chest. Honda elbowed the blonde in the ribs while Bakura laughed nervously. Yugi gave a shrug at the antics of his friends before looking at Kimi. “She’s letting us see her before her show, right?” he asked.
“Only the best for her friends! Her words, of course,” Kimi winked, beckoning the boys to follow. “Come on, she goes on soon and I know she’ll wanna see you all!”
“Then let’s not keep her,” Bakura said, the others nodding in agreement as Kimi lead the way toward the backstage area where Hikari was undoubtedly pacing before her performance. It was a habit she had, every time they saw her before her show.
And sure enough, the ravenette was doing so, dressed in an elegant, navy dress, the long skirt swishing with her movements and her heels clacking against the hardwood floor as Kimi called out, “Hikari! Your friends are here!”
Hikari paused in her pacing, tourmaline eyes widening at the sight of her friends before her expression melted into pure joy. “Yugi! Bakura! Jounouchi and Honda too!” she exclaimed, gathering a bit of her skirt to run toward them. She jumped for a hug at Yugi, with him being the nearest.
Yugi thanked his reflexes being a lot better now, managing to catch Hikari in a hug with a laugh before releasing her for her to hug Bakura, Honda, and Jounouchi. “I’m so glad you guys are here. Not that you never are, but I am still happy!” Hikari giggled, her expression overwhelming in her joy.
“We sure would be here, Kari!” Honda replied, planting a hand on her head. “We gotta be, to show our support.”
“We are so proud of you, Hikari,” Bakura added, equal pride in his voice, grasping the ravenette by the hand to squeeze it. “Your show will be phenomenal as always.”
“Yeah, what Bakura said!” Jounouchi interjected with a playful bump of his shoulder to Hikari’s. “Can’t wait to hear the songs you got!”
“Thanks, you guys,” Hikari managed to laugh out. “You’ll have front row seats, like usual. And I think you’ll enjoy tonight especially!”
“Go on, Kari,” Yugi encouraged, amethyst eyes shining in his pride. “Do us proud tonight. It’s about time!”
“Yeah, it is.” With another laugh, Hikari reached to flick Yugi’s forehead. “You also owe me a preview of your new game, Mr. Inventor,” she added before stepping away from the boys. “Go to your seats, guys. We’ll chat more after!”
With intermingled shouts of encouragements, Hikari watched her precious friends leave to go for their front row seats. The spotlights were already focusing on her piano, the crowd’s murmuring starting to hushed as the spotlight began to aim for her entrance.
Once the light stilled, Hikari exhaled a breath and with her head held high, she walked onto the stage to the applause of the full seats. Her brown eyes flickered to the front rows, where she could see her friends, their gazes fixated on her.
She could do anything with them at her side and the one she loved in her heart. It was only right that she began the concert with the song from her heart.
Hikari arrived to the grand piano, taking a sit on the chair and adjusting the microphone to be leveled with her mouth. “Good evening, everyone. I’m so glad you came out here tonight,” she said, her voice magnified through the hall. “I’m starting with an unreleased song this time. It’s a song I wrote and rewrote a hundred times for someone I still love to this day.”
She could hear the excited murmuring of the crowd and can see the curiosity in her friends’ expressions. She couldn’t help but smile, lifting her hand to touch at the necklace that hung from a delicate chain against her chest before both hands rest to the ivory keys, her fingers dancing along them to bring the song to life. The air was pulsing with the excitement of the crowd and it was reaching the time for Hikari to begin singing.  
It's the last night on earth before the great divide My hands are shaking time was never on our side And there's no such thing as a beautiful goodbye As an ordinary day I prayed for you a thousand times It's never enough No matter how many times I tried to tell to tell you this is love
In the crowd, within the front row, Yugi understood implicitly who this song was for. How could he not, knowing how close the two had become, knowing that the last time they saw each other was the only time they spoke their feelings.
Hey, Atem...are you seeing her right now?
If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I I'm gonna love you until the day I die If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth Like it's the last night on earth
A penny for your thoughts A picture so it lasts Let's knock down the walls of immortality Your fingers on my skin only you can hear my fear Only you can help me heal I see forever with you here
It's never enough no matter how many miles stand between us this is love
The emotion in Hikari’s voice only rose and Yugi couldn’t help but feel his heart move with every word. This was a love song to Atem, one that it was clear Hikari wrote it while trying to figure out her emotions for the Pharaoh. Amethyst eyes flickering to his friends, Yugi could see Jounouchi and Honda--softies as they are inside--on the verge of tears and Bakura’s hand over his own heart as though he too were feeling just as moved.
If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I I'm gonna love you until the day I die If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth
It's never enough No it's never enough (it's never enough) Ooh
The afterglow The horizon line The shadows fall Will you still be mine Will you still be mine Will you still be mine I ask
If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I I'm gonna love you until the day I die If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first  I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth 
Even with the lyrics finished, the last notes continued while Hikari shut her eyes. Warmth was beginning to form behind her lids. It was a confession and a promise, one that she wished she could have done when they still had time.
Once the last note faded did the crowd erupt into applause and Hikari’s eyes opened. Her friends were on their feet, clapping for her as if their lives depended on it and she couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips. Her heart was pounding as her secret song was so well received, as though everyone in the room could relate.
“I am very proud of you,” the familiar, gentle voice murmured in her ear, one she would know no matter how many years pass. She gasped at the sensation of a warm embrace enveloping her from behind--only to melt and to continue to feel the assuring, comforting presence that filled her. Pushed her to continue her concert.
And so she did.
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Van Halen's initial 11-year association with Sammy Hagar ended slowly, and then all at once.
Sessions for “Humans Being,” a single released in April 1996 from the soundtrack to the big-budget disaster movie Twister, had devolved into he said/he said quibbling before everything exploded into a huge argument during a June phone call with Eddie Van Halen.
The band was coming off a lengthy tour in support of their fourth chart-topping studio album, 1995’s Balance, but the mood was hardly celebratory. This trek was so injury-plagued that it was nicknamed “The Ambulance Tour”: Growing pain in Eddie's hip, three ruptured vertebrae in Alex Van Halen's neck, and Hagar’s throat issues had led to a handful of rescheduled dates.
"We needed time off from each other after our last tour, because there was a lot of personal stuff we had to take care of,” Hagar told Guitar World in 1997, adding that there were a variety of reasons for slowing down over the first half of the new year. “Eddie needed hip replacement surgery. Al needed his back worked on. And I was going to have a baby. … We needed to regroup and retool ourselves before we hooked up again for a new album.”
New-ish manager Ray Danniels had other ideas, and brought the Twister opportunity to Alex and Eddie, who reached out to Hagar in early 1996 about doing a song or two for the soundtrack. They said they were expecting him to turn it down since he was newly married to his second wife Kari, and the couple had just moved to Hawaii in anticipation of having their first child together.
“To my surprise, Sam committed, while he was in Hawaii with a pregnant wife and soaking up the sun,” Eddie told the Album Network. “We had the tracks – done – six weeks before we could get him out here to sing. I kept saying, ‘Sam, why did you commit to this if you don’t want to do it?’ And he said to me, ‘Why is this so damn important to you?’ And I just went, ‘What?’”
Alex added: “Because we make music – that’s why,” laughing. “Yeah, it’s my life,” Eddie said. “All you had to say was, ‘Hey, I’m not into it.’”
“I was not down with it,” Hagar said in Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock. “All they wanted was to get me off the island. Ray Danniels would be on the phone saying things like, ‘If you’re not back tomorrow, we’re assuming that you’ve quit the band.’”
There were more bumps in the road ahead. For instance, Twister director Jan de Bont apparently told the Van Halen brothers that he didn’t want any songs about tornados.
“And so what does Sammy come back with? ‘Sky is turning black, knuckles turning white, headed for the hot zone,’” Eddie told Guitar World in 1996. “It was total tornado stuff! Not only did Alex tell him not to do that, but the director of the fucking movie told him, ‘Do not write about tornadoes.’”
The opposite was true, according to Hagar. He said de Bont loved a demo cut remotely in Hawaii called “Drop Down,” and even provided “300 pages of technical weather terms that tornado chasers use.” Still, Hagar said the Van Halens “freaked out,” were overly critical of his lyrics and subject matter, and demanded he leave the island – as well as his pregnant wife – to come to 5150 Studios to work on the tracks in person.
They ended up recording a heavy, dark and moody number, “The Silent Extreme” which was rechristened “Humans Being,” a title Alex had kicking around during the Balance tour. The lyrics were written by Hagar and producer Bruce Fairbairn while a second song, the ballad “Between Us Two,” was completed.
Hagar said he was preparing to leave the studio to catch a plane, after having gone back and forth to Hawaii multiple times, when the band informed him that the producers of Twister no longer wanted to use the ballad. Instead, they now were asking for an additional minute and a half of music tacked onto “Humans Being.” Needing to be at the airport in a couple hours, a frustrated Hagar finally acquiesced – but continued pleading with Eddie to come up with enough to round things out.
“He wanted me to chant something like, ‘Bah, bah, bah. I hate this, I hate that, you dirty rat.' I looked at Eddie and told him that sucked. He just said, ‘Well, do something. All they need is a minute and a half; otherwise, we'll just make an instrumental out of it. Bruce told me that all we needed was 16 words, two verses, and the song would be complete,’ I said okay and came up with this line: ‘There is just enough Christ in me to make me feel almost guilty. Is that why God made us bleed, to make us see we're humans being?’ I wrote those verses in about 10-15 minutes on the hood of a car with Bruce. It was so cheeseball, the way it was done. We wrote the lyrics, I sang the song in three parts in about an hour and a half and split.”
Their haste in extending “Humans Being” was revealed in double-tracked vocals done exclusively by Eddie, without Michael Anthony providing the usual harmony. Still, none of it took away from the success of “Humans Being,” which went to No. 1 on the Rock/Mainstream Rock chart – the band’s 11th in a row. The track also helped propel the Twister soundtrack to a respectable debut at No. 37 on the Billboard 200, where it ultimately topped out at No. 28.
Van Halen's accompanying video tied into the movie directly, with footage of the group performing on a soundstage intercut with scenes from Twister. In retrospect, it wasn’t a stretch to speculate that very little acting was taking place when Hagar and Eddie are seen yelling the lyrics at one another with their faces just inches apart.
Van Halen and their wives – along with Hagar’s new baby Kama – were all smiles on May 8, 1996 at the film's premiere. Some six weeks later, however, Hagar was out. It was soon revealed that David Lee Roth would be returning to the fold, but that became a twisted mess in its own right.
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corpsefaking-moved · 3 years
🎵! and i hope you're doing well.
hii! i hope youre doing well too :-)
song is colour theory by kari faux! and my favourite lyric is either “Did you get the telepathic text message that I sent to your phone?” or “ The deepest shade of red / Sometimes the coolest blue / Or a mix of the two / Your aura match mine / So I had to choose you / My love kaleidoscope”
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Michi Headcanons
1. Mimi loves having her hair played with, so she gets Tai to braid it for her. He’s become quite good at French braids.
2. When Tai wants to apologise for something, he buys or makes her a bowl of popcorn (depending on how deep the apology needs to be, it will sometimes require lots of caramel). He also gets her popcorn if she’s feeling down.
3. They both love having the last word, which results in intense, but ridiculous fights sometimes.
4. Mimi is an early riser, whereas Tai loves a good lie in. He’d start work at noon if he could, while Mimi loves getting up at the crack of dawn to have a head start on her tasks for the day.
5. Sora is very close to both of them, so whenever they fight, she will hear two different versions of the same argument. Tai and Mimi often make up on their own, but when they don’t, they both try to win her over, and Sora tries hard to stay neutral each time.
6. Mimi once told Tai that she’d never felt like she was missing out on anything by not having siblings until she saw how close he and Kari are.
7. Although Tai’s fluent in English (having even spent a year studying in New York), he sometimes asks Mimi to proofread a text or e-mail for work.
8. Mimi often gets so distracted that she forgets to drink enough water, which is why Tai reminds her to do so (by placing a glass on her desk or putting a water bottle into her handbag before she heads out).
9. Out of their group of friends, they’re probably the couple showing the most PDA. This doesn’t mean that they make out all the time or get handsy. They just like holding hands, wrapping their arm around the other’s waist or shoulder and stealing the occassional, innocent peck (it’s not much different from when they were friends; they’re both just physical people).
10. When they first started dating, Mimi was shocked to find out that Tai was immune to her puppy eyes (just hers specifically, as he told her to her chagrin, “worked great when my ex did it…” She refused to sleep in his bed for a week after he said this). Having known her for half of his life, he’d learned (albeit with great effort) to resist her big innocent eyes and pouty lips. So, Mimi had to resort to other methods if she wants something, such as kissing the back of his neck, telling him to choose a movie or baking one of his favourite treats.
11. Mimi listens to a lot of music and frequently incorporates lyrics into their daily conversations. When Tai tells her to put two sugars into his coffee, she sings “Actually, I meant three.” He regularly complains about how none of his favourite films are ever on Netflix, to which she will chant, “Ohhh, tell me something I don’t already know.”
12. When Tai’s had a bad day, he’s quiet and broody for a while. When he opens up about it, he’s looking for advice. Mimi, on the other hand, likes to vent and complain and wants him to get angry with her.
13. Once they’ve said “I love you” for the first time (Mimi claims it was her; Tai obviously says it was him), they’re not shy to repeat it frequently.
14. Tai has four nicknames for her: “Mi” for when they’re with friends and family; “Mimi Choo” when she returns from an extensive shopping trip; “Your Majesty” for when she’s telling him to do something; and “sweetness” when he wants to turn her on.
15. He gives obscure compliments. He’ll tell her that “these pancakes taste delicious” often enough, but every now and then he’ll say stuff like “these pancakes taste like the only cloud in a blue sky on a summer’s day” and move on like nothing happened. “What?!” he’ll ask when Mimi can’t decide whether she wants to melt or laugh at him. “You’re a five-star-cook. You’ve heard every kind of praise there is. I’m breathing new life into this.”
16. Mimi’s a natural at video games. A few weeks into their relationship, Tai asked her if she wanted to join him, Matt and Izzy for a round of Mario Kart, and she agreed. She ended up winning against all of them, shrugged, said “Well, this was fun,” nonchalantly and left the three guys starring at the screen in disbelief.
17. When they can’t sleep, they’ll make up elaborate, over the top travel plans (such as riding an elephant to the Taj Mahal or taking a private jet to New Zealand).
18. Some nights when they get ready for bed, Tai will come into the bathroom as Mimi’s brushing her teeth, wrap his arms around her waist seductively and whisper the worst, corniest pick-up lines into her ear (Mimi’s favourite to date is “Are you an Instagram post? Because I want to double tap you all night”).
19. It’s not often that Mimi is sad, but when something upsets her, she’ll have an even harder time dealing with it. Tai will find her on the bed, arms wrapped around her knees and tears streaming down her face. He’ll come closer to test the waters, and she’ll usually let him comfort her. She’ll tell him what’s wrong  (she might miss her parents a lot, what with them living across the Pacific, or maybe she got told off at work or, even if it’s rare, she’s doubting herself). He’ll bring her popcorn or chocolate and a glass of water and then hug her, massaging soothing circles into her back. “It’s okay, Mi, I got you,” he’ll say, and that’s usually the thing to cheer her right up.
20. Just to rile him up, Mimi sits on his lap and starts seductively kissing his neck at the most inconvenient of times: when he’s watching an important football match; when he’s on the phone with someone from work; when he’s already running late for football practice; when they’re meeting their friends at their favourite bar. “Mimi,” he’ll warn. “Please, not now. We can’t be late again…” - “We can be quick though,” she’ll try to convince him.
21. Their go to karaoke song is “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”
22. Mimi claims the best thing Tai’s ever said to her was when he came home drunk from a night out. He nuzzled into her neck and slurred, “You know I said One Direction’s fifth album wasn‘t that good? I lied, like, Love Me Goodbye is, uh, one of the saddest songs I‘ve ever heard and I made Matt listen to it so I’d have someone to, to talk to about it. Feels good to come clean. Night Mi!”
23. Mimi tries (and fails) to get ready for bed before Tai does, because he likes to lay in the middle of the bed with all four of his limbs outstretched so there is no space for her. “Will you fucking move!” she’ll say every other night, and he most likely will answer with a fake snore.
24. Since they’re both a bit full of themselves, they sometimes bet who can withhold from touching the other the longest. They keep score on a small blackboard in the kitchen.
25. They love travelling together, though they’re mostly low-budget trips because Mimi tries to go to New York at least once a year (Tai accompanies her sometimes). They go to New Zealand once (although not in a private jet) to go hiking, where they climb Ben Lomond and all Mimi’s doing is complain, ask how much further and when can they stop for food. Finally, Tai turns around and tells her hat she’s lucky he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, otherwise he’d leave her behind in the wilderness. She stops complaining after this.
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lyricspublisher · 3 years
PRAHUNE lyrics - Amrit Maan | Sara Gurpal | SanB | TejiSandhu
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Introduction :
Prahune Lyrics by Prem Dhillon ft. Amrit Maan is Latest Punjabi song sung by Prem Dhillon, Amrit Maan and music of this brand new song is given by San-B. Parahuna song lyrics are penned down by Prem Dhillon, Amrit Maan while video is directed by Teji Sandhu. Song Detials : - Singer/Lyrics - Prem Dhillon & Amrit Maan - Music - San B - Mix & Master - Arron - Video - Teji Sandhu - Label - Sidhu Moose Wala - Promotions - Gold Media Entertainment
PRAHUNE lyrics
Prem Naam Hai Mera Prem Oh Methon Wadh Meri Kude Shavi Nu Ae Chaah Aaja Aaja Naal Behke Gehde Mere Laa Kutte Bille Rakha Main Vi Gun Point Te Chill Maar Tu Ni Kudey Chadd Parvaah Ho Banu Main Hi Aa Parahuna Nahio Hath Kisey Pauna Banu Main Prahuna Nahio Hath Kise Pauna Gall Ho Chuki Aa Haan Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Panji Dukki Aa San B Play This Beat! Oh Photovan Ch Velly Bande Nawabi Ni Pudiyan Naal Behke Khed’de Aa Bhabi Ni Mere Kolo Chalu Kyun Main Dawan Thull Ni Tera Yaar Baazi Pauna Te Kudey Gole Ni Oh Soora Niviyan Ch Gaunde Peche Mitran Naal Paunde Niviyan Ch Gaunde Peche Mitran Naal Paunde Saale Mutti Aa Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Oh Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Oh Majhe Nu Belong Taan Hi Kamm Wrong Ni Mithe Mithe Nahio Saare Gang Song Ni Daara Vich Bajiga Na Kitta Knock Ni Meri Vailiyan Diwali Teri Catwalk Ni Oh Seh Ji Karaunde Aiven Insta Te Chaunde Seh Ji Karaunde Aiven Insta Te Chaunde Nang Tutti Aa Haan Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Oh Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Oh Jehde Karde Aa Daave Shera Aali Chal De Phone Band Kar Jaande Ikko Call Te Oh Drivery Licence Halle Kal Bane Ae Te Phirde Prahune Naal Vair Bhalde Saale Jhakde Si Puthe Ni Club Vich Kutte Jhakde Si Puthe Ni Club Vich Kutte Pheeri Mukki Aa Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Oh Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa San B Play This Beat! Sadde Pyar Di Gawaahi Jag Bharu Har Thaan Noori Bhabhi Da Jo Pyar Sardul Bhai Naal Ho Kardi Cover America Waliye Tera Same Oh Main Likh Doon Safedya Te Naa Majhe Malwe De Saandh Billo Dhillon Naale Maan Majhe Malwe De Saandh Billo Dhillon Naale Maan Paunde Khutti Aa Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Oh Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Ho Darde Lagaod Kathi Kari Phirde Ni Main Jaanda Jinna Naal Gaddi Bhari Phirde Oh Ajj Jaande Fire Ni Drawing Room’an Ch Oh Yaar Adhe Aa Toronto Adhe Surry Phirde Oh Teeje Din Padvaunde Jehda Gharon Paake Aunde Din Padvaunde Jehda Gharon Paake Aunde Magma Gucci Aa Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Oh Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Oh Kal De Katoore Khud Patt Bande Baadal Ke Gauta Aiven Jatt Bande Jehde Saaleya Nu Ghare Kuttiya Na Puchan Oho Suneya Gija Ch Datt Patt Bande Ho Galli Baati Jo Star Saale Taafeya De Yaar Galli Jo Star Saale Taafeya De Yaar Phirni Jutti Aa Haan Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Oh Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa Oh Mukki Aa Mukki Aa Gall Mukki Aa Ni Tainu Yaar Ne Viahuna Gall Mukki Aa Ho Dukki Aa Dukki Aa Bande Dukki Aa Ni Jehde Naal Mere Khainde Bande Dukki Aa Subscribe youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvehHszgN-HEmn9VHRLwXbw?view_as=subscriber https://youtu.be/TxPtDhRiROI Read the full article
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lyrics2world · 2 years
Parwaah Lyrics - Gurlal Brar
Parwaah Lyrics – Gurlal Brar
Parwaah Lyrics by Gurlal Brar is the latest Punjabi song with music also given by Black Virus.Parwaah song lyrics written by Vicky Dhaliwal. Parwaah Song Details Song: Parwaah Singer: Gurlal Brar Lyrics: Vicky Dhaliwal Music: Black Virus Parwaah Lyrics Black Virus! Pehlyan ch yaarian pugaiyan jatt ne Kade adhi raati uthne nu call ni kari Chakeya ni phone jinne maade tyme te Kade mudke…
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manawhaat · 7 years
Title: Imagine
Characters: Chris Evans x Reader
Prompt: Imagine- John Lennon
Warnings: Wicked fluff, slight anxiety (for Chris), Chris playing the piano and singing to you. 
Word Count: 1k
A/n: For Kari’s RPF Song Challenge. 
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Warm covers caressed your skin, the cold only revealing itself when you rolled over, nuzzling closer to Chris. He’d been there with you, all night, just as he had been nearly every night for the past two years, those arms holding you tight and lips mumbling in their sleep against yours. But he was gone. His broad chest and the smell that filled your nose when you breathed him in were left only in your mind.
Fluttering your eyes open, you found yourself with only Dodger laying at the foot of the bed. It was early, the sun not even up yet, the pre-sunrise glow barely coloring the closed curtains a lighter shade of blue than night. Chris’ phone was still sitting on his nightstand, so you knew he hadn’t gone anywhere, and you let out a small groan as you pushed the blankets off your body and swung your feet off the bed. Dodger’s tail wagged against the comforter as you stood and made your way past him to find his dad.
Every step further from the warmth of your bed had you regretting your decision to leave it. You wore only a t-shirt and your underwear, and the cold had you contemplating turning back. That was until you found Chris in his sweats and t-shirt sitting at the baby grand piano that resided in the spacious living room of the home you lived in with him.
You stood for a moment, watching as Chris did nothing but stare at the keys, eventually shaking his head and muttering to himself loud enough for you to hear.
“C’mon, Chris. Get it together, man,” he sighed, almost disappointed with himself before his fingers pressed down on the ivory keys, a familiar tune filling the air.
“Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today,” he sang quietly to himself as he played. There was sheet music sitting on the piano and he stopped short of the next verse, finding a pencil and writing something on the pages in front of him. He nodded, a sleepy smile on his face as he picked up again and mumbled the words to himself.
Dodger had since come to join you, the two of you making your way toward the piano. The sound of Dodger’s collar had Chris’ blue eyes flicking up to greet the two of you.
“Couldn’t sleep?” you asked, a yawn falling from your lips as you scrubbed a hand over your eyes, Chris taking his sheet music and putting it face down while you were unable to see.
“Something like that.”
Chris’ fingers scratched through Dodger’s fur before you made it to the piano, sitting on the stool beside your boyfriend and leaning into his side. Head resting on his shoulder, his lips dropped a kiss to your hair as he started playing again. He was the warmth you were missing,  in your heart and on your skin, so you cuddled closer to him and breathed him in. You smiled knowingly as he sang to you, standing and watching his eyes follow you as you made your way through the room to the windows, pushing open the curtains to let the glow of sunrise stream in.
He chuckled as you made your way around the room, just like Yono in the music video. When you were done and the morning light cascaded over the hardwood floors, you made your way back to his side, sitting sideways on the piano stool to face him, humming along until he stopped and turned to you.
“Did I wake you up?” he asked quietly, hand finding your thigh and squeezing gently.
You shook your head and smoothed a hand up his back, rubbing soft circles as he fiddled with your other hand. “No. It just happened then you weren’t in bed. Just wanted to check on you.”
Chris nodded and leaned into you, letting you wrap your arms around his shoulders and cradle him into your chest as you shared a tender moment of unspoken love. Your lips found his temple and you pushed your fingers through his hair, heart fluttering when he pulled back enough to press his lips to yours. Though you’d been dating for over two years, every little kiss still took your breath away.
When he broke the kiss, his eyes held something you knew well.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you asked, head tilted slightly, hand laying on his chest. He shook his head in response. “It’s not nothing, Chris. You’re nervous. Is everything okay?” you pressed, knowing that there was something on his mind that he wasn’t telling you.
“I-I’m okay,” he nodded. “I just-” he stopped, letting out a breath before meeting your eyes once more. “Can I play something for you?” he asked, his anxiety not lessening when you said yes.
Chris cleared his throat and began playing, Imagine floating through the room once more as you watched him pause to flip over his sheet music and start over.
“Imagine there’s a heaven. It’s easy if you try.” You immediately picked up on the small change in lyric, but waited quietly as he continued. “Nobody around us. Only you and I. Imagine all the gleeful, moments everyday. Imagine there’s no worries. It isn’t hard to do. We can be always happy. My religion is you. Imagine all the days full, of living life in peace, you- You may say I’m a dreamer, but this is the only one. I hope today you’ll join me, and forever feel my love.”
When he held the last chord and turned to you with hopeful eyes, your heart stopped.
“I-I guess I’m not cut out to be a lyricist,” he chuckled at himself, digging into the pocket of his sweats and pulling out a velvet box.
“Y/n?” You gaped down at the diamond ring in the box he was holding, tears glassing his and your eyes when his hand took yours. “Will you marry me?”
@sebbytrash @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @wheresthekillswitch @evansrogerskitten @wayward-mirage
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cocalyrics · 5 years
Tera Mera Viah Lyrics – Jass Manak
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Tera Mera Viah Lyrics by Jass Manak is Latest Punjabi song written by Jass Manak and The music is composed by MixSingh. Tera Mera Viah song is released by GeetMp3. Tera Mera Viah Song Details: Song Name: Tera Mera Viah Singer: Jass Manak Lyricist: Jass Manak Music Composer: MixSingh Label: GeetMp3  
Tera Mera Viah Lyrics
Ve Main Taan Tere Utte Senti Hoi Bhali Firdi Kade Kisse Nu Na Ditta Siga Bhaa Chan Ve Kisse Nu Na Ditta Siga Bhaa Chan Ve Kisse Nu Na Ditta Siga Bhaa Chan Ve Ve Main Taan Tere Utte Senti Hoyi Bhaali Firdi Kade Kisse Nu Na Ditta Siga Bhaa Chan Ve Ve Main Hawaa Vich Pariyaan De Waang Udd Di Meinu Jis Din Karti Tu Haan Chan Ve Calgary Aaju Chhad Ke Calgary Aaju Chhad Ke Ho Gaddi Airport Wal Nu Taan Paa Sohneya Airport Wal Nu Taan Paa Sohneya Airport Wal Nu Taan Paa Sohneya Saara Pind Dekhu Khad Ke Hona Jis Din Tera Mera Viah Sohneya Saara Pind Dekhu Khad Ke Hona Jis Din Tera Mera Viyah Sohneya Saara Pind Dekhu Khad Ke Hona Jis Din Tera Mera Viyah Sohneya Haan Kado Teri Aougi Baraat Jatta Ve Meri Dil Vich Rehni Aehi Baat Jatta Ve Dil Vich Rehni Ehi Baat Jatta Ve Dil Vich Rehni Ehi Baat Jatta Ve Haan Kado Teri Aongi Barat Jatta Ve Meri Dil Vich Rehni Aehi Baat Jatta Ve Shaheliyan Nu Godde Godde Chaah Chadhna Kehndi Nachna Assi Taan Saari Saari Raat Jatta Ve Kari Na Kanjoosi Mundeya Kari Na Kanjoosi Mundeya Mainu Bhari Jahi Ring Deyi Tu Paa Sohneya Mainu Bhari Jahi Ring Deyi Tu Paa Sohneya Saara Pind Dekhu Khad Ke Hona Jis Din Tera Mera Viah Sohneya Saara Pind Dekhu Khad Ke Hona Jis Din Tera Mera Viah Sohneya Ve Main Taan Bebe Bapu Kado De Manayi Firdi Munda Manka Da Baanh Pe Likhayi Firdi Manka Da Baanh Pe Likhayi Firdi Manka Da Baanh Pe Likhayi Firdi Ve Main Taan Bebe Bapu Kado De Manayi Firdi Munda Manka Da Baanh Pe Likhayi Firdi Mainu Wait Bas Tere Ik Phone Call Di Main Taan India Di Ticket Karayi Phirdi Dad Khulla Paisa Launge Dad Khulla Paisa Launge Ho Dekhi Dollar’an Di Kar Deni Chaah Sohneya Ho Dekhi Dollar’an Di Kar Deni Chaah Sohneya Saara Pind Dekhu Khad Ke Hona Jis Din Tera Mera Viah Sohneya Saara Pind Dekhu Khad Ke Hona Jis Din Tera Mera Viah Sohneya Read the full article
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thenitinjoshi543 · 5 years
SORRY SONG LYRICS – Neha Kakkar | Maninder Buttar
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Sorry Song Lyrics
Oh mere makhna Tainu ae dassn Gussa jadon karna ae Hor sohna lagna ae Hor sohna lagna ae Hunn ni tainu kujh ve kehna Reh li jiddan marji rehna x (2) Tere liye ho mang laina Tere liye ho mang laina Baba kad’di kala kare Jyondi reh muteyaar ni rabb tera Ni rabb tera bhala kare haaye Jyondi reh muteyaar Ni rabb tera bhala kare ho Jyondi reh muteyaar ni rabb tera Ni rabb tera Ni rabb tera bhala kare ho Aivein chakk leyi gall sohneya Gussa kar gaya kal sohneya x (2) Mann ja na hunn chal sohneya Mann ja na hunn chal sohneya Te main aakad sehni aan Phone te chakk lai mera Main sorry.. Phone te chakk lai mera Main sorry kehni aan haaye Phone te chakk lai mera Main sorry kehni aan haaye Phone te chakk lai mera Main sorry.. MixSingh in the house! Jihna tainu main chaundi Koyi chaahve na Ik vaari jihnu chhadta Yaar bulaave na Ruk ja video call tu chakk lai Aakhir vaari mainu takk lai Jacket’an meriyan tu hi rakh lai Jacket’an meriyan tu hi rakh lai Dil na ohda gila kare Jyondi reh muteyaar ni rabb tera Ni rabb tera bhala kare haaye Jyondi reh muteyaar Ni rabb tera bhala kare ho Jyondi reh muteyaar ni rabb tera Ni rabb tera Ni rabb tera bhala kare ho Na tu kari na main karna Hunn phone tainu Gussa na kar baby Hunn hi mil mainu Gharon baahar aa auni aan main Mann ja phull le auni aan main Babbu tainu chauni aan main Babbu tainu chauni aan main Aa lai sonh kha laini aan Sunn phone te chakk lai mera Main sorry.. Phone te chakk lai mera Main sorry kehni aan haaye Jyondi reh muteyaar Ni rabb tera bhala kare ho Phone te chakk lai mera Main sorry.. Jyondi reh muteyaar Ni rabb tera.. x (2) Phone te chakk lai mera Main sorry kehni aan haaye Read the full article
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maimagazineblog · 5 years
The debut single of German born, Copenhagen-based musician and composer Greta feels like your dreamy high school synth-pop scrapbook full of love and all that follows...
When asked about how the music video came to be she says, “I edited “Bad Lovers” myself as it’s a combination of a lot of visual footage that I had collected on my phone over time with some footage that we took during my first press shoot with Dennis Morton. He had this old handheld camera and we just played around for one whole day filming as I did things that I felt were very ‘Greta’” she laughs endearingly before going on to explain - “Initially, I hadn’t planned to make a full video for this song but when I went through all the footage I felt like it was just a perfect fit. I have a huge interest in and need for expressing myself visually and I think this video is an introduction and invitation into my visual and musical universe.
Before this “Bad Lovers” was a track that was kind of a sound collage without vocals or lyrics. I started on the song in 2016 and I couldn’t really figure out how to finish it. But then after getting into the studio with Kari (musician & producer Farao) for the first time, I became so filled up with inspiration from working with her, our recording process and also the city of Berlin itself that it was from then on that the whole song became what it is now.
I’m based in Copenhagen and I have been to Berlin so many times before because a part of my family lives here. However, it wasn’t until working with Farao on “Bad Lovers” that I started to see the city with new eyes. I really started to feel like a part of me belongs or fits in here and I have had a very strong connection ever since and longing for Berlin that I can’t really put into words.
The song itself is about losing yourself in a relationship and about asking the question of whether true love really exists. A description of a feeling or question, I guess, which everyone can relate to based on their own experience of course.”
For more Greta follow her on:
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lyrics2world · 4 years
Math Lyrics - Karan Aujla
Math Lyrics Song Sung By Daljeet Chahal, Karan Aujla & music Given By Desi Crew.Lyrics written By Karan Aujla.This video song published By Rehaan Records.
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Song Name Math Singer(s) Daljeet Chahal, Karan Aujla Lyricist(s) Karan Aujla Music(s) Desi Crew Music Label Rehaan Records
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Math Lyrics
Desi Crew, Desi Crew.. Oh Uth Ke Sawere Body Pump Karda Khoon Jump Karda Main Naara Dump Karda Blood Wangu Ankhan Vekh Laal Goriye Jaave Naal Goriye Ni Kaala Maal Goriye Utha Tadke Jatt Badke Nasha Hunda Kude Mere Kole Khad Ke Chest Te Takk Vailpune Di Gawahi Maut De Saroor Naal Tight Ni Oh Surry To Punjab, Punjab To Vilayat Ni Kinne Kinne Yaar Aape Karli Tu Math Ni Surry To Punjab, Punjab To Vilayat Ni Kinne Kinne Yaar Aape Karli Tu Math Ni Oh Yaarian Pagaun De Ne Shaunk Mithiye Hathi Lage Kutte Rahe Bhaunk Mithiye Jithe Jithe Jayida Ni Kath Ho Jave Bhar Jaande Chandigarh Chowk Mithiye Landran To Chuni To Sarandh Goriye Shutter Karaunde Jatt Band Goriye Jehda Mere Kol Och 10 Pain Diyan 18 Lakh Laya Nava Sandh Goriye Ho Mere Baare Dawan Sara Dass Goriye Hass Hass Goriye Na Jayi Fass Goriye Uth Ke Khavan Main Khas Khas Goriye Kinne Case Kar Minus Plus Goriye Jaane Mere Jail Tere Raat Karvahi Khabran Sawere Jaane Mere Jail Tere Raat Karvahi Khabran Sawere Oh Kayi Mere Yaar Kaal Kothdi Ch Band Jithe Saal Tak Dikhdi Na Light Ni Oh Surry To Punjab, Punjab To Vilayat Ni Kinne Kinne Yaar Aape Karli Tu Math Ni Surry To Punjab, Punjab To Vilayat Ni Kinne Kinne Yaar Aape Karli Tu Math Ni Oh Paaye Mameya Ne Number Trace De Utte Phone Kari Na Ni Gall Kar Face De Utte Kithe Link Ni Banaye Dass Kehdi Country Politics Ton Hate Gundeya De Mantri Look Folk Ae Anti-Lock Ae Oh Billo Jatt Naal Vair Kehda Joke Ae Look Folk Ae Anti-Lock Ae Oh Billo Jatt Naal Vair Kehda Joke Ae Oh Jithe Kithe Kam Tainu Duniya Ch Peya Bas Hath Dhardi Tu Laike Map Ni Oh Surry To Punjab, Punjab To Vilayat Ni Kinne Kinne Yaar Aape Karli Tu Math Ni Surry To Punjab, Punjab To Vilayat Ni Kinne Kinne Yaar Aape Karli Tu Math Ni
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Math Lyrics Video
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Kari’s Favorite Things Challenge
 So get this! Y’all cause I am a weirdo I have been thinking about doing this for months. I did a celebration thingy for 666 so off course I wanted one for 6666 aswell :D
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This one is gonna be a challenge and since the number 6666 is wicked cool and sorta a fav thing of mine the prompts are gonna reflect that. There are gonna be 66 prompts (and 66 spots for people to sign up for). There are gonna be 6 different categories amongst those prompts and there will be 6 different characters you can chose from to write for.
Sign ups end when I run out of prompts. No more will be added. Only one person for each prompt but no limit on characters. 
1. You have to send me an ask telling me your pairing (and if the pairing is two of the characters on the list please let me know which one you wanna focus on). The ask also has to say which prompt you choose (state the NUMBER not just the prompt. Send a backup prompt in case the one you want is taken. IMs, reblogs and replies will be ignore
2. I am fine with most pairings but please no dealistar, wincest (of any kind) or samifer. I wanna read all these fics and I can’t stomach those pairings. No hate if you ship it I just don’t. No male readers or OMCs are allowed either. Again no offense I just don’t read them.
3. You can write fluff, angst smut -  if you write smut please no non-con, A/B/O or daddy/mommy kinks. Again no shaming. I just can’t bring myself to read those.
4. Word min: 500 and word max: 6000 words.
5. It can be the start of a series or a one shot. Please don’t make it the middle part of a series - I don’t have time to catch up on 66 series for this one.
6. The fic is due June 15th. If you have to drop out or need an extension that is cool - just let me know a week ahead of time. People signing up and not completing the challenge without getting back to me that they need to drop out will be banned from my future challenges.
7. All are allowed to sign up, the tags are only for signal boost, but one person can only sign up once.
8. Tag me @thing-you-do-with-that-thing in the A/N and use the # Kari’s favorite things challenge within the first five tags. 
9. Have FUN :D
Characters you can write for:
It is TFW and J2M - I know but they are the ones I read the most and this is my challenge.
You can however pair them with any other character you like (again not any form of wincest, samifer or dealistar), you can pair them with a female reader or a OFC (no male readers or OMCs please), or you can write a general fic. You just have to let me know which and which guy you will focus on.
1. Dean
2. Jensen
3. Sam
4. Jared
5. Cas
6. Misha
Examples of an Ask:
Hey I would like to join your challenge and write for Destiel (with focus on Cas). I would like prompt 66 with prompt 5 as back up
Hey can I join your challenge and write for Jared x reader with prompt 10 and 9 as back up please?
Prompts are under the cut
Kari’s favorite Tv shows (you can do crossover, rewrite an ep, do a french mistake sorta thing, or have the characters watch it):
1. Supernatural @benjerry707 (???)
2. Game of Thrones @fragments-of-stardust Destiel (Dean)
3. Once Upon a Time @the-devils-prophet (Jensen x reader)
4. Big Bang Theory @winchesters-imagine (platonic Sam x Reader)
5. Battlestar Galactica @blacktithe7 Winchester!sister reader
6. X-files @webcricket Cas x Reader
7. Criminal Minds @warward-marvel-sommer1196 Dean x Reader
8. Friends @wayward-oneshots Jensen x Reader
9. Firefly @katymacsupernatural Jensen x Reader
10. True Detective (season 1!) @kayteonline Dean x Reader
11. Justified
Kari’s favorite Movies (you can do crossover, rewrite the movie, do a french mistake sorta thing, or have the characters watch it):
12. Indiana Jones (any or all of them) @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog Deonna
13. The Hurt Locker @rachelladytietjens Dean x OFC
14. Captain America - Civil War @blackgirloneshots Dean x Reader
15. A Walk in the Clouds
16. Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves
17. Hunger Games (any of them) @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms Dean x Reader
18. Willow
19.  Silver Linings Playbook @aiaranradnay Dean x Reader
20. The Purge (any of them really - I just like the concept) @abbirae99 Sam x Reader
21. Inception @winchester-family-business  Dean x Reader
22. While You Were Sleeping @casownsmyass Destiel
Kari’s favorite activities (just be creative - use it how you want):
23. Writing @emilyevanston Stucky (made an exeption and let my fav marvel blog participate!)
24. Singing (badly - but you don’t have to use that lol) @chaos-and-the-calm67 Dean x Reader
25. Dog Walking (bonus points if it is a german shepherd) @lean-mean-sam-and-dean Dean x Reader)
26. Painting @td122609 Jared x Reader
27. Camping @sammy-moo Sam x Reader
28. Sailing @amanda-teaches Dean x Reader
29. Baking @atari-writes Dean x Reader
30. Talking on phone or skype (with friends) @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son Jensen x Reader
31. Taking long baths or showers @roxy-davenport Dean x Reader
32. Snuggle up on the couch watching tv @winchester-writes Jensen x Reader
33. Going to the movies @emilywritesaboutdean Dean x Reader
Kari’s favorite things/words (make them the center of the fic, theme or just fit them in somehow):
34. Strawberries @percywinchester27 Sam x Reader
35. Serendipity @winchesters-flannels Dean x Reader
36. My mobile (Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 - the one Dean breaks I am pretty sure, dumbass! ;)) @wonderange Dean x Reader
37. Spring 
38. Emerald @megansescape Dean x Reader
39. Leather Jacket @winchesterswoonathon Dean x Reader
40. Banana Milkshakes @captainemwinchester Dean x Reader
41. Christmas Lights @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester Dean x Reader
42. Apple or strawberry Pie (it’s a tie) @xfanqirlinq Dean x Reader
43. Flannel (I am scandinavian not a Winchester I swear :P) @luci-in-trenchcoats Dean x Reader
44. My cucumber Rimmel Mascara (don’t judge me!)
Kari’s favorite Tropes/AUs (self explanatory really):
45. Coffee Shop AU @deanfuckingwinchesterrr Dean x Reader
46. Musician AU @ellen-reincarnated1967 (Jared x Reader)
47. Firefighter AU @jayankles Dean x Reader
48. Friends to Lovers @roxyspearing Dean x Reader
49. Hurt/Comfort @wideawakeandwriting Sam x Reader
50. Forbidden Love @waywardimpalawriter Sam x Reader
51. Neighbor AU @iwantthedean - Jensen x Reader
52. Social Worker AU 
53. Cop/FBI AU @flufy07 Dean x Reader
54. Fake Dating @docharleythegeekqueen Dean x Reader
55. Enemies to Lovers - @mysupernaturalfics Dean x Reader
Kari’s favorite Songs (let the song inspire you, let someone sing it, use the lyrics, above playing in the back preferably):
56. Bruce Springsteen - Dancing in The Dark @wayward-mirage Misha x Reader
57. Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud @not-that-rude-but-very-ginger Jensen x Reader
58. Imagine Dragons - Demons @effie-w Dean x Reader
59. Billy Joel - Just the Way You Are @homeschooledonmyhands (Jared and reader no pairing)
60. INXS - Afterglow @pimentogirl Meg x Cas x Dean (focus Cas)
61. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now @dont-trust-humanity Jared x Reader
62. Passenger - Anywhere @adriellej Misha x Reader
63. Sara Bareilles - Breath Again @mrsbatesmotel53 Dean x Reader
64. Kansas - Dust in The Wind @abbessolute Sam x Reader
65. James Arthur - Say You Won’t Let Go @fangirlingfanatic2442 Dean x Reader
66. The Script - The Man Who Won’t Be Moved @bringmesomepie56 Dean x Reader
Tags for signal boost
@chaos-and-the-calm67 @bringmesomepie56 @blacktithe7 @percywinchester27 @mysupernaturalfics @angelkurenai @torn-and-frayed @nichelle-my-belle @blushingsamgirl @splendidcas @bkwrm523 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @mamapeterson @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @winchesterswoonathon @adriellej @d-s-winchester @iwantthedean @iwriteaboutdean @emilywritesaboutdean @kittenofdoomage @waywardlullabies @impala-dreamer @imagining-supernatural @dancingalone21 @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @teamfreewill-imagine @latinenglishfandomblog @purgatoan @jalove-wecallhimdean @quiddy-writes 
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Game Mankirat Aulkh Leak New Punjabi Song Lyrics 2021 Dj Punjab
Song – Game Singer – Mankirat Aulkh Lyrics – Shree Brar Music – Mxrci Label – djpunjabnew.com Game Lyrics Line Read – Mankirat Aulakh Mxrci Hao Shah Kaali Raat Vich Kithe Geya Si Tu Ni Mere Naal Tera Pillo Peya Si Tu Maar Te Ni Aaya Sonh Kha Ke Ve Dassi Phone Utte Kal Jihde Naal Kheya Si Jatta Ve Jatta Ve Tu Taan Had Kar De Aye Kari Phire Ahnu Kahto Agg Warge Aye Kithe Fook Aiyya Vich Si Ge Ahde…
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