homerent · 2 years
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musispoedarsiv · 7 months
15 Kasım 2023 Nilüfer Belediyespor Marina Kastela Maçı
*Cengiz Göllü Voleybol Salonu'nda saat 18:00'de başlayacak olan CEV Kadınlar Challenge Kupası 16'lı Finaller rövanş maçı. Hırvatistan'dan 3-0'la rahat dönmüştük. Burada 2 set bize yetse de çifte zafer hedefimiz. Başarı dileklerimizi iletiyoruz Nilüfer'e.
*İlk set 25-16 ile bizim oldu ve 1-0 öne geçtik. Geçen haftadan kaldığımız gibi rahat oyunu sürdürüyoruz. Çok iyi girmenin avantajıyla hiç geri düşmeden hallettik bu bölümü.
*İkinci seti 25-15 kazandık ve durumu 2-0 yaparak turu garantiledik. 8-0'la girdik sete. Yine sona kadar hep önde oynayarak işi bitirdik. Tebriklerimizi sunuyoruz.
*Üçüncü sette yine 25-15'lik üstünlük kurduk ve mücadeleyi 3-0 galip bitirdik. Bu kez Marina Kastela ilk sayılarda daha uzun direndi ama temsilcimiz 8-8'den sonra ipleri eline aldı ve uzatmadı. İki net zaferle bu virajı da geçtik. Tebriklerimizi sunuyoruz.
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bluezzies · 2 years
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Kastela, Croatia 2022
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lamilanomagazine · 2 months
Ravenna, Green deal e protezione ambientale: l'Ue finanzia due progetti della città nell'ambito del bando di cooperazione Italia-Croazia
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Ravenna, Green deal e protezione ambientale: l'Ue finanzia due progetti della città nell'ambito del bando di cooperazione Italia-Croazia.  Riguardano il green deal e la protezione ambientale due dei tre progetti del Comune di Ravenna recentemente finanziati dall'Unione europea nell'ambito del primo bando Cooperazione Territoriale Europea Italia-Croazia; del terzo, il progetto Value Plus per la creazione di un meta distretto culturale e turistico con la Croazia, è stata data notizia qualche giorno fa. I due nuovi progetti si chiamano "Action - Increasing coastal ecosystem resilience to climate change", che ha un budget di 2.402.734 euro, 490.885 dei quali sono stati assegnati al Comune di Ravenna, ente capofila; e "Strenght- Strategies for assessing climate change and natural hazards' impact on urban ecosystems, increasing resilience to environmental hazards and promoting territorial growth", il cui budget è di 1.877.043,60 euro; in questo caso il Comune di Ravenna è partner del progetto, guidato dall'Università di Ferrara, e gli sono stati assegnati 254.660 euro. I due progetti vedono a diverso titolo il coinvolgimento degli assessorati alle Politiche europee, Urbanistica, Subsidenza e servizi geologici, Protezione civile e Aree naturali, che individuano in tali risultati la conferma della capacità del Comune di Ravenna di attrarre contributi europei e finanziamenti da enti esterni, grazie ai quali sarà possibile dare corpo ad azioni di grande importanza, sul tema del regime idraulico del territorio, sulla presenza e il controllo delle acque. In particolare il progetto Action ha l'obiettivo di creare un piano di adattamento per quattro ecosistemi costieri, che risponda ai problemi ambientali comuni quali l'ingressione del cuneo salino, l'innalzamento del livello del mare e la siccità: in Croazia il lago costiero del parco regionale di Vrana e il Delta del fiume Neretva, in Italia le dune costiere da Torre Canne a Torre San Leonardo in Puglia e il sistema formato dal fiume Lamone, dalle aree umide contigue e dalla zona retrodunale costiera a Ravenna. Il piano di adattamento suggerirà delle soluzioni basate sulla natura, utili a limitare i danni provocati dal cambiamento climatico. Il progetto pilota proposto sull'area di Ravenna promuove la progettazione di un modello idraulico in grado di deviare le acque del fiume Lamone verso il sistema delle zone umide contigue e così rallentare il dilavamento dell'acqua dolce al mare; garantire un maggior afflusso di acqua nelle zone umide, favorendo il ripristino della qualità ambientale delle stesse; creare zone di laminazione e accumulo di acqua dolce da utilizzare in caso di necessità e contemporaneamente contrastare, favorendo l'occupazione delle falde, l'avanzata del cuneo salino. Il Comune di Ravenna, come detto è capofila del progetto che raccoglie altri sette partner, quattro italiani e tre croati. Obiettivo del progetto Strenght è invece promuovere l'adattamento degli ecosistemi costieri e urbani delle città di Ferrara, Kastela e Ravenna rispetto a siccità, allagamenti e terremoti. Il Comune di Ravenna si concentrerà sul rischio allagamento dovuto all'innalzamento del livello del mare e al fenomeno delle bombe d'acqua. Verrà dunque promosso un rilievo dell'area urbana e costiera ravennate per individuare le aree sensibili all'allagamento, con il quale realizzare un piano del rischio specifico. Oltre al monitoraggio verranno attivati percorsi di sensibilizzazione della cittadinanza, in particolare della popolazione scolastica, sul piano di protezione civile e sui risultati del progetto. Verranno anche ulteriormente potenziati i sistemi di allerta alla cittadinanza.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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korem152 · 6 months
Pangdam XVI/Pattimura Sambut Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut di Bandara Sultan Baabullah Ternate
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Ternate - Pangdam XVI/Pattimura, Mayjen TNI Syafrial, PSC., M.Tr. (Han) bersama Forkopimda Maluku Utara menyambut kedatangan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali saat kunjungan kerja di Wilayah Provinsi Maluku Utara di Bandara Sultan Babullah Ternate Malut. Selasa (12/12/23).
Kedatangan Kasal, Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali ke Maluku Utara dalam rangka mengikuti rangkaian kegiatan Puncak Hari Nusantara yang di mulai tanggal 10 sd 13 Desember 2023 di Pantai Tugulufa Kota Tidore Kepulauan Maluku Utara.
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Pangdam XVI/Pattimura, Mayjen TNI Safrial, PSC.,M.Tr.(Han), didampingi oleh Danrem 152/Baabullah, Brigjen TNI Elkines Villando Dewangga K., S.AP., sebelum ke bandara Sultan Babullah menyambut kedatangan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal), Pangdam XVI/Pattimura melakukan peninjauan ke Koramil 1501-02/Pulau Hiri Kodim 1501/Ternate dalam rangka pengembangan ketahanan pangan yang dilaksanakan oleh anggota Koramil 1501-02/Pulau Hiri yang berada di Kelurahan Kastela, Kec. Pulau Ternate, Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara.
Kegiatan ini diinisiasi untuk menghidupkan lahan tidur di sekitar Kantor Koramil, dengan tujuan memberikan manfaat bagi anggota militer dan masyarakat sekitar. Turut serta dalam kegiatan tersebut adalah Para Pejabat Utama (PJU) Kodam XVI/Pattimura, PJU Korem 152/Baabullah, dan Dandim 1501/Ternate.
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Salah satu hasil nyata dari kegiatan tersebut adalah lahan seluas 30 x 40 meter yang berhasil digarap oleh anggota Koramil. Lahan ini kini digunakan untuk menanam berbagai jenis sayuran, seperti bayam, sawi, kangkung, dan pare. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga mencakup pelihara 18 ekor kambing, terdiri dari 7 ekor kambing etawa dan 11 ekor kambing lokal.
Pangdam XVI/Pattimura di dampingi Danrem 152/BBL dan para PJU Kodam XVI/Pattimura menyempatkan diri meninjau Posko Terpadu Korem 152/BBL yang berlokasi di Aula Makorem. Posko Terpadu ini terdiri dari 5 Posko yang menampilkan data Statis maupun Data Dinamis. Kelima Posko ini, yaitu Posko Penggulangan Bencana Alam, Posko Ketahanan Pangan, Posko Lingkungan Hidup, Posko Pengamanan VVIP dan Posko Pengamanan Pemilu.
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Dalam kesempatan yang sama saat menjawab pertanyaan awak media, Pangdam menyampaikan " seperti kita lihat, saat ini kita berada di Aula Baabullah Korem 152/Baabullah, dimana Korem menyiapkan Posko Terpadu guna memantau situasi perkembangan di wilayah dan terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet yang berada di layar TV sehingga memudahkan dalam pemantauan situasi.
Saat di tanya tentang Netralitas, Pangdam menyampaikan bahwa TNI akan menjungjung Netralitas dalam Pemilu seperti yang perintahkan Panglima TNI dan Kasad, tidak ada anggota TNI yang bermain-main dengan Netralitas dan ini sudah kita sosialisasikan mulai tingkat komandan satuan sampai dengan Babinsa yang ada di lapangan. Dan kita juga saat ini sedang menggalakan ketahanan pangan seperti yang rekan - rekan aqak media lihat tadi di Koramil pulo, dimana lahan yang ada di sekitar koramil dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi lahan yang ditanami sayuran - sayuran dan ternak kambing, dan hasilnya lumayan juga tiap sekali panen sayuran anggota mendapat keuntungan dua juta rupiah lebih, "ucap Pangdam'. (Penrem152)
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mirandaisshi · 8 months
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Nis Valezolea, la provincia mas al norte del reino de Kastela. Historicamente habitada por cazadores de ballenas, es hoy un gran puerto comercial debido a su estratégica posición, con el continente al norte y el resto del reino de Kastela al sur.
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20220101 · 9 months
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Kastela butterfly dans mon cœur, 2023
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radiogornjigrad · 9 months
Boris Jovanović Kastel, Pokloniću ti Ružu vjetrova, Shura Publikacije, Opatija, 2023. O poetici Borisa Kastela pisao je svako ko je neko u regionu, među ostalima, Nedžad Ibrahimović, Vanja Kovačević, Šura Dumanić, Miraš Martinović i mnogi, mnogi drugi. Njegov opus postavljen je u isti red sa djelom Konstantina Kavafija (Jasna Šamić, 2017), pjesnik sam nazvan je stvaraocem jedinstvenog…
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prijedor24 · 2 years
Skupštinska većina protiv Stanivukovićevih milionskih zaduženja
Administracija gradonačelnika Draška Stanivukovića ostala je bez kredita od 32 miliona KM, čime su planovi prvog čovjeka Banjaluke za rekonstrukciju “Kastela”, postavljanje kaldrme u centru grada i rekonstrukciju toplovodne mreže stavljeni na čekanje.  FOTO: Aleksandar Čavić/Grad Banjaluka Naime, gradska administracija je u skupštinsku proceduru uputila dvije odluke o kreditnom zaduženju, ali…
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fancyarcaderebel · 2 years
Realty, Residences To Buy, Home Values, Agents And Advice
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Traditional Turkish Homes As Well As Their Building Designs 12 Aug 2022
Heading east from Marbella we additionally have home up for sale in Rio Real, Los Monteros, Hacienda Las Chapas, Cabopino, Riviera del Sol, Calahonda, La Cala de Mijas, Fuengirola, Benalmadena, and also Torremolinos, and certainly whatever in between. As holds true with several Spanish communities, Benahavís is well known for its food. Right here you will certainly locate the highest concentration of elite restaurants in the area. This goes part method to describing why site visitors pertain to the village by the thousand, year after year.
There is still, nonetheless, a huge and tight-knit area of locals.
( Celebrations may not always require to be present for the official closing-- DocuSign, as well as brand-new remote registration legislations that are acquiring appeal because of the pandemic, have increasingly digitized the procedure).
For Lease listings can just be added on Point2 by means of the residential or commercial property management suites from the Yardi Network or a Point2 Agent subscription.
Naturally, whether you wind up with essentially than your asking price will likely depend not simply on your pricing method yet likewise on whether you remain in a purchaser's market or a vendor's market and how well you have staged and also updated your home.
You can find out more regarding the requirements we comply with in generating accurate, impartial web content in oureditorial policy.
You invested a lot of time and also initiative to find the right one, conserved up for your deposit and furnishings, and also created many memories. People usually have difficulty maintaining their emotions in check when it comes time to say goodbye. Marketing your home can be surprisingly taxing and also psychologically difficult, especially if you've never ever done it before.
Vendors that do unclean as well as phase their homes throw money away. Falling short to do these points can decrease your prices and might also stop you from getting a sale at all. If you haven't attended to small concerns, such as a broken doorknob or leaking tap, a potential customer might http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=immobiliare ask yourself whether your house has bigger, costlier concerns that have not been dealt with either.
Negotiating entails lots of exchange, and this can get challenging if your representative is likewise representing the seller. It does not matter if you are searching for a beachfront villa or an old finca on the campo to bring back; we have all types of building for sale in our database. Front line beach, 2nd line coastline or miles from the beach? We have the residential property you are trying to find as well as we will be pleased to reveal it to you as well as to aid you to get it. Mijas Pueblo is a little regular Andalusian village, with conventional white houses located on a hill.
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These include white papers, federal government data, original coverage, as well as meetings with industry experts. We likewise reference original research study from other credible publishers where ideal. You can discover more regarding the standards we adhere to in producing accurate, objective material in oureditorial policy. Organizing a residence can bring about quicker sales and higher house prices. Plan for the sale, do not skimp on the visuals in your listing, as well as reveal any problems with the residential or commercial property.
Croatia Building Sales are experts in coastal properties in the areas around Split, Trogir, Kastela, Sibenik, Omis, Makarska, the islands consisting of Brac, Hvar, Solta, Vis as well as Korcula, and also the entire Dalmatian coast from Dubrovnik to Zadar. Unlike various other Realty companies in Croatia we are happy to be preserved to manage residential property in Croatia and in many means this is your insurance of our expertise. An open listing is a building sale that allows numerous realty agents to contend for possible buyers.
Standard Turkish Houses As Well As Their Architectural Styles 12 Aug 2022
Through its New York City brokerage and also invitation-only Associate network extending 48 countries, Christie's International Realty offers unparalleled services to a worldwide clientele at the high-end end of the house market. Possibilities are that also prior to you've formally begun your residence search, you'll have spent a little time browsing sites like nytimes.com/realestate, Realtor.com and also Zillow to see the homes available because location. Eliminate sections of your selected community that do not have the style or dimension house you desire at the price you can manage.
Properties With Views
Winter months, specifically around the holidays, is generally a sluggish time of year for residence sales. Individuals are busy with social involvements, as well as the cold weather across much of the country makes it much more appealing simply to stay home. Since less customers are most likely to be looking, it may https://www.nextcasa.it/agenzia/nextcasa-real-estate-capo-dorlando/ take longer to sell your residence, and also you might not get as much cash. Nonetheless, you can take some alleviation in recognizing that while there may not be as many active customers, there also won't be as many competing sellers, which can sometimes work to your advantage. Likewise, try to keep in mind just how you felt when you were shopping for that home. If you can bear in mind that you are offering an item of residential or commercial property along with a photo and a way of life, you'll be more probable to put in the additional initiative of staging and also doing some minor remodeling to get leading dollar for your residence.
These changes in appearance will certainly not just assist the prices; they'll additionally assist you develop psychological distance because your residence will look less acquainted. Look for comparable houses of a comparable size that have recently sold neighboring to assist establish a fair offer. A good realty agent will certainly pull such "compensations" for you, chat with prices as well as market characteristics, and collaborate with you ahead up with an offer strategy with room for negotiation. Open up homes can also be an excellent way to fulfill realty representatives with whom you could consider working.
Ask regional friends, family as well as your real estate representative for referrals, after that ask those inspectors for referrals from previous consumers. You can likewise search for the assessor with your regional Bbb. Understand that making an offer on a home is often the begin of an emotional video game.
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years
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Dvorac u Nikšiću, jeste li znali? stara kula u Nikšićkom polju Volitica je jedna od kula koje su opasavale Dvorac ! A ovo je tlocrt tog Dvorca - Kastela! Ima tu još dobri podataka ali biće ko oni Orka što bio u Nas pa napisao knjigu od kud je šta "uzeo" pa ko lešinari nagrnuli osvakle dok nijesu sve ispraznili očistili!
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homerent · 2 years
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musispoedarsiv · 7 months
8 Kasım 2023 Marina Kastela Nilüfer Belediyespor Maçı
*Kastel Stari Şehir Salonu'nda saat 20:00'de başlayacak olan CEV Kadınlar Challenge Kupası 16'lı Finaller ilk maçı. Hırvatistan deplasmanından güzel sonuçla dönüp avantajı kapmak dileğiyle. Başarılar diliyoruz temsilcimize.
*İlk set sonunda 25-15'lik üstünlüğümüz var. 1-0 öne geçiyoruz. Baştan sona önde götürdük ve arayı net biçimde açık tuttuk.
*İkinci seti 25-18 aldık ve skoru 2-0 yaptık. Bu kez Kastela daha iyi girmişti ama 7-7'den sonra rüzgarı yeniden arkamıza aldık. Çok iyi serilerle çift hanelere de girerek dev adımı attık.
*Üçüncü sette 25-11'lik üstünlük kurduk ve maçı 3-0 kazanarak rövanş öncesi rahatladık. Son bölümde ev sahibi iyice düştü ve net bir oyunla çizgiye ulaştık. Tebrikler takımımıza.
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bluezzies · 2 years
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hajduksplit-ultras · 4 years
Najluđi narod na svitu!
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Last night, a theatre play known as Kastela was held at Indah Hall, Peak Performance Sdn Bhd, Royal Brunei Recreational Club, Berakas Officially opening theatre play are Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Ali bin Apong, Minister of Primary Resource and Tourism Bring back the nostalgia and historical event in this country, Kastela known as Castilian War are military conflict between Brunei and Spain in 16th centuries ago. More stories on IG Story! Let's support the theatre play, Kastela by getting your ticket today (last day of theatre play) at Sutera Memento booth at entrance hall of Royal Brunei Recreational Club or by online through Progresif Event website: progresifevents.com Theatre show, Kastela was brought by Sutera Memento @suteramemento #kastela #bruneitheatre #suteramemento #getyourticketnow #discoverbrunei #MyBrunei #BruneiKu #bruneidarussalam #bandarbrunei #bandarseribegawan #travelogue #travelshow #showbiz #StoryOnTravel #SOTVlog #shazytraveloguetv #shazytraveldocu #shazymedia 🇧🇳📸🎥🗺️🌏📺 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3i0ZWvhR02/?igshid=1euzixujccejo
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