cheeky-kookie · 4 years
Bite Me | Part 1 | P.J.M.
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Jimin/Reader | Angst, Fluff, Smut | Vampire!Jimin
Word Count: 10.7K
 Summary: Growing up, you always learned to look over your shoulder at night, hoping to never run into the catlike gleam of a vampires eyes. Yet, one night on your way home you find yourself staring into the very things you feared most. Dangerously beautiful and undeniably confident, Park Jimin was everything you knew you needed to stay away from, but he had other plans.
Warnings: Language | Prey Stalking | Pain/Blood Kink | Biting | Teasing | Blood (Obviously) | Oral Female Receiving | Penetration | Jimin Actually Being A Sweetheart | Mentions Of Death | Jimin Using The Nickname Sweetheart An Ungodly Amount Of Times |
A/N: It’s been so long since I’ve posted one of my works, yikes! I am so sorry for the wait on this! I have been working on this one for months, fitting it in in-between work and moving to a new house. I really am proud of this one. Also, this is my first attempt at writing smut. Anywho, I won’t keep you any longer!
Read Part Two: Here
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Your head flew back in laughter as you exited, throwing the front door of the pub you had been visiting wide open. A loud bang being heard as the connection the door made to the wall echoed into the night, being mixed with the sound of your laughter and the conversation your friends were having next to you.
You stumbled a little as you lost your balance on the last step. You mentally blamed the heels you’ve been wearing and the uneven ground you had stepped onto. You held both your hands out to the side catching your balance before another wave of laughter came from the group.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Asked Ryder, his eyes finding yours as he scanned your body looking for any signs that you were in fact not okay. His hands wrapped around the woman next to him keeping her close to him.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You reassured, waving your hand dismissively. They had continuously been worried since you had told them that you were going to walk home. Your house being only streets away, you didn’t want to risk being pulled over. You would rather have to track back the next morning. But you understood their concern. It was late and they were more active at night.
“Well,” Nari began, “If something happens, call us.”
You reassured them again and this time they believed you more or less. You waited until you saw both of them get into the car to turn your back and start down the sidewalk in the direction of your destination. The only thing breaking the silence of the night being the clacking of your heels against the pavement below and the few cars passing on distant roads.
You felt the sting of your buzz waring off as the cool night breeze hit your exposed skin. You silently cursed at yourself for not thinking ahead when you picked out the dress you were wearing. A sigh escaped your lips as you wrapped your jacket around you tighter hoping the warmth would travel to your legs though it was highly unlikely.
You passed by buildings, many you knew, but in the shadow of night they all looked strangely the same. Each having its own cast of black on them, leaving the already tan buildings looking even muddier.
It wasn’t long until you saw the small park on the opposite side of the road. It was a good indication on telling you how much longer your walk was going to be. It wasn’t the first time walking this route,  though it was the first time walking it in the dead of night.
You felt a shiver run through your body and you stopped in your tracks. With the sound of your heels silenced, the night grew increasingly quieter. Your hands itched to grab your phone which was laying somewhere within the bag you had slung over your arm, but you had no real reason to grab it. You saw and heard nothing; it was just your gut.
You looked around, eyes trying to find anything that could have caused your movements to cease. You then peered into the park wondering if it had been the cause but there was nothing. You sighed, bringing your gaze back to your cold legs and maneuvered your coat around you again shivering.
“Looking for something?” A voice said, causing your head to shoot up and lock eyes with a man who now found himself standing in front of you. Your heart rate skyrocketed when you heard him laugh, his laugh sounded just too amused at your reaction. He hummed, “Cat got your tongue?”
The man stared at you, a good six feet away. He wore black head to toe. The only color on him was the ash grey of his hair and the pink of his lips. One side of his hair was slicked back accentuating his sharp jaw line and exposing a pierced ear, the other side hung almost too carelessly into his face.
Only a fool would tell you the man standing before you wasn’t attractive. Normally, if a man like this were to seek you out you would be welcoming, but the way his eyes reflected the streetlights in catlike glow and how he watched your every movement like you were prey had you think differently.
You took a hesitant step backwards, “I wasn’t looking for anything.”
He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth in a disapproving way as he shook his head at you, “Wow, we only just met and you’re already lying to me.”
His voice was silky smooth and almost too sickeningly sweet. Every word that dropped from his lips seemed to be produced just to antagonize you. He seemed to be feeding off your uncomfortableness as you watched the corner of his plump lips turn upwards ever so slightly.
“Why do you assume I’m lying?” You ask, you watch as his head turned to the side ever so slightly. His eyes caught the light of the streetlamp once again, causing a haze to go over them as they reflected it back into the night. You swallowed a tad harder than you would have liked at the sight.
“Oh, I’m not assuming anything,” He hummed, his eyes wandering back up your body until he met your eyes again, “When humans lie, their heartrates spike. Yours did.”
Every fiber of your being wanted to run but the logical side of you realized that it would be practically useless. He was much faster and far stronger than you. All you were doing was dragging out the inevitable.
You took another step back trying to form more distance between you and the thing in front of you. Your eyes then gazed to your left, finding a dead-end alleyway. Your eyes were gone for only a second but when you looked back, he was inches from your face.
Your breath hitched. You wanted to scream but no words came out of your mouth. You could hear your own beating heart, which meant he definitely could. As he licked his lips as close to you as he was, you couldn’t help but hate yourself for not driving yourself home.
 “Where are you going sweetheart?” He hummed enjoyment oozing from it, “Because if you’re trying to leave, well, we just can’t have that can we?”
With those words, your whole world dissolved for a split second until your back collided with a brick wall. You groaned out in pain, trying to catch your breath from having all the air knocked out of you. When you opened them again, you realized you were pinned against one of the walls within the alley.
The unknown man in front of you looking down at you. He licked his lips as a smirked pulled at the corner of his mouth. He chuckled at the sight of you gasping for air, “Ah, did I take your breath away? I have that effect on people.”
You took a deep breath, finally able to fill your lungs properly. You took a few more to steady yourself. His taunts echoed in your brain. You knew you were going to die, but you weren’t going to make it fun for him. You locked eyes with his predatory ones somehow finding the ability to smirk back, “Not all people.”
If you didn’t know better, you would have thought you saw his eyes widen at the statement. But, it wasn’t even for a second, so you chalked it up to you imagining things in your final moments. His grip tightened on you and you winced slightly at the increased pressure.
“Hm, didn’t I say lying wasn’t very nice,” He asked his voice much darker than before.
He leaned down and tucked his head in the crook of your neck. You felt the slight graze of his lips against your skin and to your dismay, sending goosebumps down your body. You felt him smirk against your skin as he let out a dark chuckle.
“If you’re going to do it, just do it.” You said, voice oddly steady for someone who was less than an inch from death.
You felt his hot breath against your skin as his whole body stiffened at your statement, hands grasping even tighter around you causing pain to emulate where his hands held you. You knew what you said had irked him in some way and you were waiting for him to just toss this charade and dig in.
“What are you doing?” A deep voice echoed into the alley.
You looked down to the entrance only seeing a silhouette of a man standing there. There was something about the way he held himself that made you uncomfortable even glancing at him. He was too relaxed for someone witnessing what he was.
The pretty boy inches from you groaned in annoyance as he slowly pulled his head from your neck, but his eyes never left where he had been focused, “You really had to show up at the good part didn’t you?”
“Well, if you didn’t play with your food you wouldn’t be having this problem.” The shadow responded, and his eyes left your neck to flick in his direction. The anger now being directed to a new target, but his body was still completely engaged with your own.
“Joonie, you know it’s no fun otherwise,” He whined like a kid who was caught eating candy before dinner, “Plus, they taste better when they’re messed with.”
The figure took a few steps into the alley, but it was enough for you to feel the grip on your arms loosen ever so slightly, “That��s enough Jimin, we don’t have time for you to be doing this. Let her go and let’s go before you get us in trouble. We were supposed to be there minutes ago.”
Jimin stared at the man for a minute, glaring at him with more intensity than he ever laid into you, “Fine, whatever you say. I wasn’t having much fun anyways.”
Then suddenly you felt his hands release you. Not expecting your full weight to hit you, you slid down the wall until you sat on the pavement. You looked up. Jimin broke his eye contact with the other and looked down at your position on the ground. He cocked his head to the side and bent down ever so slightly, eyes level with yours, “Don’t forget about me sweetheart, I will finish what I started.”
With that statement, he was gone and the dark figure with him. It was like he was never there with how fast they had gone but your battered and bruising body told you differently. Groaning, you pulled yourself off the ground slowly and made your way out of the alley. Each step made the ache of your back radiate, but each was a step closer to being home which was were you so desperately needed to be.
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The week had gone on as normal with the fear from that night slowly fading along with the bruises on your body. At first, you were on edge, worried you would turn the corner and meet your untimely demise. Yet the longer you avoided meeting those dark eyes the less you felt like your whole world was going to crumble.
Everything seemed to continue as normal which fed into the decision not to divulge to the two of them what had actually happened that night on your way home. The first night, you were too shaken to even attempt to call them. Besides, it was too late by the time you hobbled home and had gotten into the bath to ease your aching. Then as time went on, it seemed like less of a bright idea to fill them in. It would only stir worry and you didn’t want to be the cause.
In hindsight, if you had confided in them then you may not have been dragged out to the bars yet again.
The bar was busier than normal which for the first time had bought you some comfort. The people mingling and drinking within the walls of the building in some odd, obscure way were a source of protection.
Predators don’t hunt the group; they isolate and then go in for the kill.
You stirred the ice of your empty drink around the glass watching as it danced around the edge until it found home back at the bottom. You debated refilling your drink since you barely felt the prickle of a buzz flow through your veins, but you were weary.
The bartender seemed to be busy wiping the empty section of the bar that finally cleared out. You felt a bit of relief for the poor girl seeing as she had been swamped not too much earlier. Seeing her running around frantically trying to fill each order as people called them to her was sort of pitiful to watch.
“Alone?” An eerily familiar voice sounded from behind you sending shivers down your spine. Surprisingly, you kept your breath steady and your eyes focused on the melting ice in your glass. In the corner of your eye you saw a figure pull the stool next to you out and take a seat but not before calling out to the bartender, “Doll, do me a favor and grab me an Old Fashioned and another of whatever she was drinking.”
You caught the way her gaze held onto his a little longer than it should and the way her ears turned a shade pinker than before. Another wave of pity for her washed over you because if she knew what he truly was, she wouldn’t fawn over him.
Out of curiosity, you glanced over at him. He looked the same as before, just as dangerously beautiful. He was dressed in clothes that seemed to fit him in all the right ways. The white button up he wore had the first few buttons undone but was tucked into a pair of black trousers. His fingers dazzled in a few rings, all silver as far as you could tell. But the most dangerous part was the way his lips held a small smirk as he watched the bartender work, as if she was his next meal.
Moments later, the bartender placed your new drink in front of you as she swapped it out for the empty one. With the now full drink within reach, you decide that having another wasn’t a necessarily bad thing considering the situation you now found yourself in. Plus, you weren’t the one to turn down a free drink.
So, you bring the glass to your lips and as you do you turn to meet the eyes that had haunted your thoughts for the past week. His own were already on you, just waiting for you to acknowledge him.
“I was wondering when I was going to see you again,” You smirk, taking another drink and breaking the intense eye contact. It was unknown where this burst of confidence was coming from, but you were just going to roll with it for the moment being.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Sweetheart,” He voiced, a bit of annoyance laced with his flirtatious words, “Busy life.”
You rolled your eyes wondering exactly how busy the life of a nocturnal being such as himself could possibly have. You didn’t dwell too long on it though and washed the thoughts away with another sip of the alcohol in front of you. The drink washed into your taste buds but didn’t wash away the bad taste of the current situation.
“What brings you here?” You question.
You know the answer already. He wanted you to know he could find you. He wasn’t here for you, but to taunt you. The moment you heard his sweet spine-chilling voice traveling over the music of the bar you knew.
His fingers tapped the glass of his drink as a smirk formed on his face, “Can’t a man go out and mingle with others?”
“There’s no harm in that, as long as that’s all you’re doing,” You hum, watching his lips pull up slightly more at your offhand comment. His eyes seemed to flicker with a light from your words making your stomach feel uneasy.
“For now,” He responded, “I haven’t gotten bored yet. I like playing with my options before I commit to anything else. It makes the rest so much more awarding.”
The hand that had been playing with his drink suddenly tightened around it and he brought it to his lips. If anyone heard the conversation, it might be mistaken for two friends talking about ones future escapades, but between the lines held maliciousness that made your breath falter even if it was only for a second. What scared you the most was how drawn your eyes were to his lips and the way the liquid ran down his throat.
Smirk held the corners of his mouth still as he stood from the stool, taking his drink with him. Just when he moved out of sight you felt a presence linger over your shoulder. Your breath hitched in your throat when you felt his breath against your neck, and much like before, the hairs on your body stood as goosebumps formed.
He chuckled softly but his closeness made it seem so much louder, “It was great to see you again Sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, he pulled away. You didn’t look but you assumed he disappeared back into the crowd of the establishment, with the empty stool next to you being an unsolidified confirmation of that. You let a breath out you didn’t realize you were holding onto.
Finding your phone within the pocket of your jacket that was hanging on your chair, you dialed a cab. Your body was demanding you run and find shelter within the walls of our own home and the shakiness of your hands typing the number in showed it. You absentmindedly told the cab where to find you as you scanned the pub for the few you came with and hoped not to see the one you want to avoid amongst it.
Defeated, you grabbed your things and walked towards the door. Just as you were about to exit your eyes landed on the familiar image of your drunken friend. You veered from path just slightly to fill her in on you leaving.
A frown formed on her face at the news, “Do you have to? I barely have gotten to see you tonight.”
The grasp of her hands found the loose fabric of your jacket and you were unsure if it was a sad attempt to keep you to stay or an attempt to keep her balance. A sad smile found your face as you looked at your friend.
“I do Nari, but we can do lunch sometime this week, okay?” You offered but her pouting persisted.
“Okay,” She mumbled, and her grasp on your jacket let go.
You returned to the door and opened it. You looked down both ways of the walkway making sure that they were empty before taking a step into the outside world. You wrapped your arms around you to keep you warm and to somehow soothe your nerves.
When your eyes landed on the cab you sighed in relief before running up to it and hopping in. You watched him drive a few blocks down and your eyes land on the alleyway from before. The ride might realistically be a waste of money, but with events from the night fresh in your mind and the previous ones nudging close to the surface, the ride might very well be your lifesaver.
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The office was quiet, the only thing filling the silence was the clicking of the keys of your keyboard as you finished the last of your reports that were due by Monday. You had watched everyone disperse as the day went about as they finished their own work, but you had figured it was going to be a late one when your supervisor added more work on your plate.
You sighed, printing the last report out and grabbing it from the printer next to you. You collected the lot of them before opening the filing desk next to you and placing them carefully within to turn in. A glance over your shoulder confirmed that the sun had indeed disappeared to let the moon reign which pulled at your nerves.
Collecting your stuff and throwing on your jacket you proceeded to the elevator and clicked the button to the ground floor. It took a few moments to reach the bottom and the doors to open. Soon you were scanning your card to leave the building so you could head to your car.
You fumbled with your keys trying to find the one to unlock the door to your car when you felt a chill go down your spine. You stopped your movements, “Told you I’d see you soon.”
You hadn’t even had the chance to register whose voice it was before you were spun on the spot at an unrealistic speed and pinned roughly against your car. You opened your eyes to a pair of deep brown eyes less than an inch from your face. You could feel his breath tickle your nose.
“I see you did your research,” You said, not breaking eye contact.
The corners of his plump lips turned upward, “I’m thorough.”
“Why don’t you just do it already?” You asked, and his lips faltered momentarily at your words. His eyes didn’t leave your own as one of his hands moved from the car and moved your hair from your shoulder.
He dipped his head down. You felt his breath against your neck, and you closed your eyes. Not only because this moment had been building up for the past month or so with his random visits but also because it had been a moment since you have had a man even this close to you. When you felt the graze of his teeth against you a shiver ran down your spine knowing this was probably your last moments.
He bit into you causing a fire to emerge where he had bitten. You could literally feel the blood being pulled from your body and into his which by all accounts was a feeling you never wanted to experience. It was inhuman, much like the man in front of you. Despite all the facts and the pain, to your dismay, a moan left your lips.
He paused his movements for a moment, before pulling himself away from your neck. He looked at you with his pupils blown wide open and his bloodstained lips, “Are you actually enjoying this?”
“It hurts, why would I enjoy it?” You mumbled, surprised and embarrassed by him suddenly stopping his preying on you.
“No,” He breathed, “I know how the body reacts to fear and adrenaline. I thrive off the taste of it. This is different. You’re turned on by this aren’t you?”
You felt your face become hotter at his humorous tone and the idea of being called out so bluntly. Annoyed you let out a breath, “You talk a lot for someone who is in the middle of trying to kill me.”
“I’ve been alive for many years sweetheart,” He said, eyes scanning the area before landing back on you, “This is the first time anyone has reacted the way you just did. If it makes you feel better, I enjoyed it too and I probably hate the idea more than you do.”
You laughed, “Yeah, sure, you hate it.”
“Do you think I like that I found a way to make the taste of blood taste better than adrenaline does? Because your reaction isn’t very normal, hate to break it to you.” ,
You looked at him. His eyes were blown with desire to continue and how they continued to flick to where he had just had his teeth sunk into you. You hadn’t tried to escape because with his heightened abilities, it was useless. With this newfound knowledge, an opportunity had offered itself up to you.
“Then don’t kill me,” You respond as if it was the easiest answer to come up with, “Keep me alive and feed off me. I’m sure I’m the only person insane enough to like being bit into by your kind. Who knew I had a pain kink?”
“My own personal blood bank, huh?” He let out a chuckle, it being mixed with amusement and disbelief. He could say no and move on, but there was no fun in that. He licked hisis lips, tasting the remains of your blood that was left on them, “I didn’t know you were that desperate to get me in bed.”
“Bite me,” You seethed at him, regretting your choice of words after they escaped your lips.
He smirked, “I planned on it.”
He then leaned down and sunk his canines back within your neck, and you gasped at the feeling beginning to burn and spread from the point of puncture to the rest of your body. You began to feel lightheaded and you reached for something to keep you on your feet. With the awkward position the two of you were in, the only place you were able to grab was his head that was tucked within the crook of your neck. You grasped onto the base of his neck and the hairs that resided there. He hummed deeply at the contact. Despite being barely able to hold yourself up, you wondered how long it had been since he had interaction with another being that wasn’t clawing to get away.
It seemed like an eternity before he unclasped himself from you, and even that was a surprise since he never verbally agreed to your deal. Your weight shifted and you lost hold of him, falling against the car a little roughly. You were barely able to stand with how much blood you had drained from you.
“I’d take a taxi home if I were you,” He hummed, looking down on your weak figure. He was right, you couldn’t drive. Honestly, you could sleep right where you stood. Just when you were about to respond, he was gone.
You sighed as you found your phone and called a taxi. Then when it arrived and the man saw your car, you lied and told him your car had refused to start and you were just worked to death. It worked hauntingly well. Then when you finally got home, you barely had the energy to open your apartment door and climb into bed, ignoring the fact you were still in your work clothes.
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The night you had dragged yourself home you ended up sleeping for hours and were glad that you didn’t have to show your face at the office the next morning. After doing the math, you had been unconscious for fifteen hours, waking late afternoon the next day. It didn’t surprise you that you slept too much. He took a lot from you, more than he probably should have.
Nari had been the one to stir you from your slumber that afternoon with her frantic knocking on your apartment door. You somehow had found the energy within your weakened body to trudge your way to the door and answer just to be met with her asking many questions. You grudgingly answered every single one, twisting the truth here and there, reassuring her you just had gotten in late.
And time continued to pass.
Jimin would randomly show up when his hunger spiked and needed to be filled. He would just appear next to you or show up at the same place you were at and you would just know. At some point, you had to make up another white lie about him being a friend to sooth your friend’s thoughts of you two being something more than that. They didn’t need to know that you were less than that, not more than a walking juice box for the man in question.
He had grown to know when to stop his feeding, to know when enough is enough. You appreciated not being sent into a deep sleep for hours to recover from rapid blood loss. It was small, but it made you realize that he might actually appreciate the deal the two of you made.
Even more so, your fear of the night and of him diminished the more he sunk his teeth into your skin. He seemed to crave the rush you felt when he pierced your skin, feeling off whatever chemical changes your body made within itself. The way he responded, you assumed the spike in blood pressure and the physical closeness had something to do with it as well though you would never ask him.
Your mind was plagued with the thoughts of him and recent events, you couldn’t even focus on the book you had in front of you or the taste of coffee sitting on the café table next to you. Shaking your head, you dove back into the novel until you heard someone slid into the opposite side of the booth.
You looked up, meeting the brown eyes of Jimin. He was dressed in a white shirt, tie hung around his neck obviously loosened by his own hands. His silver hair pushed back out of his face on both sides, almost prince-like, a new look for someone who wore the disheveled hair quite well. His hands still adorned with rings, though less extensive than his usual. They tapped along the cup of coffee within his grasp. You couldn’t see what he wore on his lower half, but you assumed it would be a nice pair of slacks and shoes to match his upper half.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, tearing your eyes away from him and back on the book you had in your grasp, finding it even harder to concentrate now that your mental distraction was now sitting in front of you. You hadn’t seen him outside the safety of the shadows, surprised to see him look so human amongst the light of day.
“Lunch break,” He hummed, taking his coffee within his lips taking a sip, “Usually I use it to do important things since I don’t eat, but Joonie is gone on a trip with the others and I’m bored.”
A smile tugged at the edge of your lips at his tone, reminding you of the first night you met him and how he whined like he had just lost his chance at the ice cream truck. The tone now, similar, like a spoiled child bored with life.
“I was meaning out in the daylight,” You responded, giving up on reading your book and closing it, “But thanks for letting me know there’s more of you nearby. Remind me to watch my back again.”
“Oh honey, there’s more than just us that lurk the night,” A laugh escaped his lips at your widened eyes and paled expression, “And the answer to your question, sweetheart, I’m on my lunch break as I said before. We don’t burn in the sun, it’s just easier to find easy prey when its dark.”
You always had an idea that it was possible that they could walk amongst others. You lived life before this that the nocturnal predators known as vampires roamed, though you never truly felt the fear you should have never having seen one in person. Once you did, you reevaluated what they were because he was so human looking. If he didn’t try to kill you and you didn’t see the predatory cat-like look in his eyes that night, you wouldn’t have batted an eye. He would have just been a handsome man walking home at night much like you had been.
“Make you think whether people are who they say they are, doesn’t it?” He chimed in bringing you out of your thoughts. He was right. Anyone could be one, and you never would have questioned it until now.
You took a drink of your coffee and nodded your head, “I’m just reevaluating my whole life. It’s fine.”
The corners of his mouth turned upward as he shook his head, sliding out from the booth. He checked the watch on his wrist before quickly downing the last of his caffeine, “I have to head back. I’ll be seeing you later.”
You met his eyes, shivering at how they darkened the longer he looked at you. You pressed your legs together under his watch, hating yourself for letting yourself get pavloved into excitement at the sight of his hungered stare. He wet his lips before tearing his gaze away from you.
“See you,” You responded quietly, knowing he could hear your response and your raised heart rate even as he walked away from you tightening his tie. The door of the café dinged signaling his departure, and you attempted to read once again.
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It had been over two weeks since you had seen Jimin. Naturally, you thought you would have been relieved that you didn’t have to lend yourself to his never-ending hunger, but instead you found yourself worrying. He had gone days without needing you, which aided your ability to heal, but he never had gone weeks. You wondered if he found someone else to feed off of or even had gotten himself killed.
You cursed under your breath at yourself as you peered out your apartment window into the night. The streets below lit with streetlights that seem so minuscule compared to the height of the building. You wrapped your arms around yourself and withdrew from the large window before walking back to the couch. You pulled your legs to your chest in comfort.
That’s when you heard the knocking.
You glanced at the clock on the wall noting that it was late, around two in the morning. Confused, you stood and walked closer to the door. The knocking continued, becoming more and more frantic. You peered out the peephole, jaw dropping before unlocking the door quickly.
Jimin stood there, hand raised in a fist again to knock.
He looked terrible, which was never the word you would ever use to describe him. Adorned in all black, he shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. His hair disheveled, far from his styled hair that was purposely messy. He looked pale, but not the pale you were used to. He lacked color and was more of a grey tone. His eyes sunken in and irises dark, no hint of the brown within them. It was like death was close to snatching him up despite his immortality.
“Where have you been?” You asked, “And how do you know where I live?”
He shifted on his feet, pulling his arms around him as if he were trying to keep whatever warmth he had left within him. It reminded you of an addict looking for a fix, withdrawals in overdrive. He was hungry, and dangerously so.
“It doesn’t matter, let me in.” He demanded, eyes meeting yours and for the first time he looked weak. You opened the door feeling bad for him. He just stood there, staring at the open pathway into the apartment but never moving, “You have to invite me in, you idiot.”
Surprised by the lack of your usual nickname you raised your hands in defense before responding, “Come in.”
With those words, he sprang into action and entered into your living space. He hands grasped your waist as he kicked your door closed behind him. Then in a matter of seconds you watched the world dissolve around you in a mix of blurs and then you were in your bedroom being thrown onto your own bed roughly. He then was on top of you and pushing your hair to the side before sinking his teeth into his favorite place to feed; your neck.
A gasp escaped your mouth at the now familiar burn that sped through your body paired with the rough nature he had been treating you with ignited a fire within yourself, both coinciding with each other. You heard him groan into your neck before detaching himself. His pigment still an ashy grey but his sunken eyes looking more alive.
“I want more,” He said, eyes still black with hunger, “I want to feel you squirm under me in pleasure while I feed on you.”
You felt the fire continue to burn through you, finding yourself pressing your thighs together at his words. He licked his lips as he watched your reaction to him. You tried your hardest to keep yourself together, but you questioned why you tried when he could hear how fast your heart was beating and see how flushed your face had become.
Only a fool wouldn’t see how dangerously attractive he was and you yourself weren’t immune to his good looks, so much so that you were now risking your life for his touch.
His dark eyes broke from yours as he moved to remove your clothes. He tugged your shirt over your head, tossing it aside with inhuman speed. He was still so undeniably hungry, but he was determined to make this feed the best he had ever had, so he took his time trailing his lips down your body until he found himself right above your breast. He bit down causing another gasp to escape your mouth, hands instinctively finding their way within his hair.
You hated how vulnerable you were to his touch. You weren’t talking about how he could easily snap your neck or be thrown across the room with a simple push, no, it was how hands gliding down your body as they pulled your pants off causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin or how the warmth of his breath kept drawing closer to your center after he detached from you yet again.
Once between your legs he paused and looked at the mess that you were as a smirk pulled onto his face, “You look a little desperate sweetheart. It doesn’t suit you.”
“Says the one who begged to be let into my house,” You breathed out, bucking your hips upward unconsciously as his grip tightened around your thighs, “Should I test what will happen if I rescind the invite?”
He let out a dry laugh, “You wouldn’t because you couldn’t make yourself feel as good as I could.”
“Then eat me,” You demanded, feeling his breath so close making you impatient and irritable.
His eyes widen at your words, pupils dilating more than they already had from the hunger residing within his body, mouth falling slightly agasp from your confidence. A smirk replaced his face as he stared at you,
“If you insist,” He replied, digging his fangs into the flesh of your thigh.
It wasn’t what you were referring but it wasn’t the first time he took your words into a different direction than you initially intended. You hummed at the familiar feeling, hands finding home with clutching the cotton sheets instead of his hair. He laughed as he disconnected yet again, taking the fabric of your panties within his two index fingers, and pulling them off expertly only to have them join the rest of your clothing on the floor.
 Exposed you were, causing your pulse to quicken. His hands gripped your thighs and kept them apart despite your attempts to hide, though you knew his strength outweighed yours tenfold. He grinned before dipping his head between your legs and licking a stripe up from your entrance to your clit causing a moan to escape your lips.
He went to work, and you could tell that he had been alive longer than he looked like he had. You could tell by the way his tongue knew exactly where and how fast it needed to go to cause your back to arch and your toes to curl. The build up to your own demise growing with each passing second he stayed attached to you.
He added his fingers making you sigh in relief at the new feeling before you ultimately groaned at the presence of his mouth disappearing, “There you are sounding desperate again.”
Before you could respond his teeth sunk into your other thigh as he continued his rapid movements of his fingers. The feelings of him taking his fill from you and your building orgasm mixed together, sending you over the edge, grasping onto his hair for something solid to ground you amidst your ride. His name fumbling out of your mouth as a mantra.
Once back to earth, your vision focused on the man still between your legs. He had detached himself from your leg and was just staring at you with his bloodstained lips, which normally you would have found uncomfortable, but the feeling never came.
“What are you still doing dressed?” You asked, eyeing him still in his black attire.
He rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the bed. He took the back of the collar of his shirt within his grasps, pulling it over his head to expose his toned back to you. You licked your lips to the sight of it. He turned around; the front being just as pleasing to look at.
Your eyes then followed his hands as they undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants, letting them fall down around his ankles. You gulped when you saw the pristine outline of his member within his boxers. And soon, those were gone too exposing him to you completely. He then proceeded to climb back on top of you.
You noticed that he had started to look like himself again, his pale complexion gaining back just that twinge of pink he had been missing before and his face gaining life back to it as well. His movements had become less urgent and more thought through which rested easy with your subconscious.
“That was probably the best thing I’ve experienced in a long time,” He hummed, dipping his head by your ear, “How about we do it again?”
A shiver ran down your body at his words causing a dark chuckle to be released into the otherwise silent room. You felt him adjust himself in between you and a sigh escaped your lips when you felt him enter you, filling you up.
He groaned in response to being surrounded by your inner walls, which was music to your ears. He had been well in control of himself the whole time, not once letting it slip that he had been enjoying himself. Yet that small sound confirmed that this was just as good for him as for you.
His movements quickened, both the slapping of skin against skin and the moans of the two of you filling the room. His lips kissed down your neck as he held both of your arms above you, slamming into you with thrusts you’venly imagined in your dirtiest dreams.
Just when you thought the build up of your first orgasm took you by surprise, this one came faster and much harder. Just as your high was about to hit, Jimin clamped onto your neck and rode your high with you as he continued to plow into you. You felt bad for your neighbors knowing full well they could hear your moans through the walls.
His head unburied when you grounded, planting a soft kiss where he had just bit. His movements sloppier than before. After a few more unorganized thrusts, he moaned into your neck. His weight followed not much far behind finding the ability to hold himself up much harder after his own release.
Despite him being much heavier, you couldn’t muster the strength to push him off you after experiencing two of your own releases and a good amount of blood loss. He pushed himself off instead, only enough to roll over onto the unoccupied space next to you.
Jimin knew you would pass out in mere minutes with the amount he had taken from you and the amount of energy you had spent and normally he would have left. Yet he found it hard to leave when your sleeping figure wrapped itself around one of his arms and you still allowed him to stay within your home despite what he had just done. You were another breed of human. One that started to make him wonder.
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The next morning came and the sun poking through the window had woken you. You rolled out of your empty bed remembering what had happened the night before by your naked body and the bruises and healing wounds from his feast. You hummed, a small smile entering your features as you moved to find a large shirt the throw over to go make yourself some coffee before showering away last night’s endeavors.
What you didn’t expect was Jimin to be standing by your window, looking down at the streets below. He turned his head to the side signaling he did hear your silent entrance into the living area. Instead of engaging with him, you walked to the coffee pot and put on some coffee. Once done, you poured yourself a cup.
“Do you want some?” You asked him, already pouring him a cup despite what answer he gave you.
“Sure,” He responded barely audible from the other side of the complex. You bought the already filled coffee cup to him, handing it off before walking to the couch. You proceeded to pull your legs to your chest and take a sip of the brew.
“So,” You voiced after a moment, “Where were you?”
You watched as his back tensed at the question, but he didn’t turn around, “Didn’t know I had to explain myself to you now.”
“You don’t, it’s just-“ You paused, trying to find the right words without coming off too real, too close to the truth, but you sighed knowing you couldn’t sugar coat it, “You disappeared for weeks and when you show up at my door you look inches from death. Did you even eat while you were away?”
“No,” He grumbled, eyes still focused out the window, “I didn’t have time nor the patience to chase someone down.”
It astounded you that you could have this conversation about his hunting out loud leaving you completely unbothered. You wondered if it was because you had grown numb to the way he spoke about humans or if you were just subconsciously relieved that it wasn’t you being chased down a dark alleyway moments from death.
Silence fell between the both of you after he answered. To distract yourself, you pulled the mug to your lips with shaky hands to take another drink before tearing your eyes away from his back.  You wondered why he was still here after the night before. He wasn’t the kind of person to stay and not once had he done it before, though the two of you never went that far until then. You doubted the added act had him switching his whole personality. He despised humans and how weak and helpless they truly were.
Honestly, you could see how that opinion could be formed.  You knew a few people who you pitied for their lack of one thing or another. His opinion was one of someone who had been where you were at one point and then been introduced to all this power.
You hummed quietly as you thought about the question on the tip of your tongue, “What were you like as a human?”
You watched as his whole body tensed at your inquiry. You wondered if maybe the question dug too deep. You would have been terrified a few months ago to pry but the fear faded. The worst he could do was kill you and you already accepted your fate with that from the beginning even if you gained more time.
He sighed, turning, and leaning against the giant glass window he had been looking through, “I was stupid and ignorant, like most men in their twenties.”
“I guess that wouldn’t change,” You mused, a small smile finding your face, “Past or present, youth brings stupidity. The blame doesn’t just fall on men.”
He pushed himself off the window and walked forward towards you on the couch. He gently set his empty coffee cup onto the table in front of the couch. He then proceeded to lean down until you could feel his breath by your ear, “You would know, wouldn’t you?”
He then stood up and walked towards the front door, opening it and disappearing once the door closed behind him. You fanned your face with your hand trying to wave away the remains of the image of him so close to you and the feeling of his breath on your skin.
He was right, you would know.
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You sighed, coming down from the high you had just ridden out. Jimin crawled his way back up the pillows from between your legs, plopping himself next to you. His lips stained with your blood from him drinking from your thighs yet again, an act you barely even took notice to anymore. He licked them, taking up whatever was left on them.
When you let him in the first night you didn’t expect the sex to continue, but it did. You peered over at him from your side of the bed, making eye contact with him and his smug look.
“Enjoying yourself?” You prodded, sending him one of your own smirks.
“You have no idea,” He responded, his lips turned up slightly but not in his usual arrogant smirk. It contrasted with the blood still on his face.
“Enlighten me,” You said, turning on your side and looking at him. He wore a look on his face, one that seemed conflicted. His brows were furrowed together in thought, “I mean, if it bothers you to do so you don’t have to.”
He sighed and turned his body to the side, propping his weight up on his arm so he could also look at you in return, “I never allow myself to enjoy things.”
There was a tone in his voice that asked you not to pry more and you listened to it. Instead, you nodded your head and relaxed down in your pillow. After a moment, you began laughing. He turned to your eyes searching for the reason behind the outburst.
“Yeah, you probably really needed to get properly laid. You had a stick up your ass when I first met you.” You said between laughs.
For the first time since you had met him, Jimin truly laughed. It wasn’t like his usual condescending chuckles or soft snickers; it was a true belly laugh. It caused his eyes to crinkle and a real smile to spread across his lips.
He was a beautiful creature; you were aware of that the first time you met him in the dark that night by the alleyway. It was like he had been sculpted by gods and it could have everything to do with him being what he was. Yet, him sitting next to you smiling was possibly one of the most beautiful sights you could have ever seen.
He sighed, coming down from his laughing, “Yeah, you’re right. Probably what I needed.”
Honestly, it was probably what you needed too. You had been in this routine of going to work and going home, sometimes throwing a night out in here and there. You were stuck and unhappy but were too comfortable to switch it up in any way.
Then he came out of nowhere and disrupted your life without any regard. He put you in constant fear before you openly invited that fear further into it. Despite all of that, you actually thanked him for the disruption because you were so much happier now.
As time went by, him staying with you had become more frequent. He had begun to feed more often on you but less had been taken in turn making you feel much better and easier to heal from. That could have been the reason for his visits, but you began to wonder if the meal was all he was getting out of it. You couldn’t help but second guess the nights stayed or the gentle touches that didn’t have to come with the sex or the feedings. The soft looks he sometimes had gotten caught giving you also giving you reasons to ponder.
But you had no reason to think that he would think of you as anything other than an asset he could tap into whenever he needed. Everything he did could have been done to benefit him, and that’s what you told yourself.
Even when he laid next to you with tired eyes and a genuine smile on his face, you told yourself that, because if you told yourself anything different you would just end up hurting yourself. You two were from two different worlds and it had to stay like that.
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The moon had risen over the sky, the only disturbance being the distant noise of traffic from the main area of the city. Two figures flew through the night. If seen by mortal eyes the two figures would have been chalked up to thinking they had seen something, but what, unsure because the speed at which they moved was far too fast.
A couple people were chosen to go out and scout the surrounding areas to make sure there were no other clans invading their territory and once again Jimin had been chosen along side another one of his companions. They had finished their check and were heading back to where the head of the clan lived and operated from.
Jimin had gone days without feeding yet again. Although he had opportunities to feed thrown at him multiple times on the trip, whether it be women who found his appearance too attractive to resist or a drunk girl walking home from a bar. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to do it when he knew he had you waiting back there for him.
The thoughts of you invading his mind more the closer they traveled to your home. Though he wouldn’t admit it out loud he didn’t just like feeding on you, though it was a plus, but he enjoyed your company. He had grown to like the way you tried to make light of situations that otherwise would be too awkward to handle, and he liked the way you never once openly showed you were scared of him. Even when he knew you were, your heartbeat always gave you away, you wouldn’t act like it.
Now? He could barely tell if he scared you at all anymore.
Human interaction had been lost on him for decades now. He swore his humanity away when he was found bloody and inches from death on the streets from a robbery gone wrong. He sworn it away when he was turned and showed how much power he had been missing out on. When he realized how weak humans were. Not all vampires become what he had, granted most try to stay as human as they can, but he had refused.
Then there was you. The epitome of humanity. You were fragile and the loss of blood could kill you. You had all these dreams and goals. You had friends you went out of your way to see because you felt like it. You had a moral sense of what is right and wrong. All of those things become lost when you live for eternity.
You made him yearn to feel the human side of himself again. It was a thing that excited him and scared him all the same. But the feeling made him seek you out and spend as much time as he could with you even though he shouldn’t.
Oddly, you made his cold undead heart want to feel again. He felt for you.
Suddenly, he stopped his running at a smell that hit his senses. His eyes widened because he knew that smell. He had been soaking in the smell of it for months, feeding off it.
His companion on the trip stopped as well, noticing his disappearance from behind him. His eyes narrowed at the sight of his friend standing there wide eyed and confused. The other man wasn’t oblivious to the smell of blood within the air.
“Joon, I have to go.” Jimin said, “You go and update them. Tell them I’ll be with you guys soon, but I have to go.”
Namjoon nodded his head curtly at Jimin’s request before taking off toward the manor. Jimin’s eyes narrowed letting his petitory instincts take over. He hissed, fangs on display before following the stench of blood in the air.
With his speed you would think he would find the source within minutes, and maybe he did, but it felt like an eternity. It engulfed his senses and it was all he could think about. He couldn’t let himself think of anything else. So, when he turned down an alleyway and the smell was overbearing, his heart dropped.
He found you laying limp in the middle of the alley. He hissed at the sight, too angry to even fathom a human like response. You were laying in a puddle of your own blood from what appeared to be multiple stab wounds. Your heartbeat slowed and breathing so shallow it was even hard for himself to see.
Gasping for air, you turned your head toward him. Fear etched into your face as you had come to realize that you were going to die. Even more so, Jimin knew you were going to die. He had seen death by his hands too many times, but yours was one he had grown to hate the thought of.
He bent down willing his instincts to get back under control. If it were up to his instincts, he would be hunting whatever human did this to you. That was a prime example on why the human race was vile. Vampires may kill for food, but humans did it just for fun.
He then looked you in the eyes, “Sweetheart, I’m going to help you. Hold on, alright?”
After he said what he said, you lost consciousness. He cursed under his breath knowing damn well how close to death that meant you were. He lifted you up off the dirty ground and used his speed to take you to the only place he knew to go to.
It took a few minutes to reach the manor, a few minutes you couldn’t have spared anywhere else. He then barged through the door. The others looked up from what they were doing to see the intruder. Jimin gave no care to the hissing of few as he rushed to the long dining table they did their meetings and set your unconscious body down on the table.
“Jimin what the fu-“ He heard the familiar voice of Namjoon appear beside him, “Oh no.”
“Did you bring us a treat Minnie?” The voice of one of the younger of them, Taehyung, chimed in.
Jimin whirled around and bared his fangs at him, hissing as a warning. His eyes not leaving contact, afraid if he did the man would go around and feast on what was left of you, and there wasn’t much left to take. The other’s hands flew up in surrender frightened by the way his superior was acting.
“Taehyung go take Jungkook away from here. I’m afraid he’ll lose his control,” Namjoon told him, eyeing the newest addition to the clan, “While you’re at it inform the other three of the situation we are in.”
Taehyung backed away and grabbed Jungkook, who was now staring at you bleeding out on the table, eyes glazed over. Taehyung rolled his eyes and pulled him away from the situation by his arm.  Jimin waited until the other two were gone before lowering his defenses and turning back to you and your dying pulse.
“Namjoon,” Jimin said, dropping all nicknames, his voice serious, “I can’t loose her.”
“She’s practically already dead Jimin.” He sighed.
“Yeah, I’m aware.” He growled back, eyes not leaving your face. His jaw dropped at the realization before switching his focus on Namjoon, “I-I can still save her.”
The other’s eyes widened, “Jimin, you aren’t thinking rationally right now. You hated yourself for years. If you do this, it would be the most selfish thing you’ve ever done.”
Jimin let his words bounce off him as if they weren’t even spoken. He then brought his wrist to his mouth, sinking his teeth into his own flesh. When he pulled away, his blood began to seep out of the wound he had inflicted. He then bought it up to your mouth making sure every last drop made it within it.
It might have been selfish. He couldn’t even deny that it wasn’t. Yet as you were sitting there on that table inches from death he couldn’t bear the thought of not having you there with him, even if he couldn’t feed off you anymore. You had made it into his twisted mind and heart, and he wasn’t about to lose that.
“Jimin, you are a fucking idiot.” A deeper, lazier voice echoed in the room. Jimin’s head turned at the sound of it though he refused to look at him.
“Those aren’t very nice words Yoon,” A more cheerful voice scolded, and again Jimin chose to ignore the new voice.
“Now, now,” Another said causing a chill to run down his spine at the power his voice held, but his eyes were still glued on you, waiting, and hoping, “Explain to me why there is a dead girl laying on my dining table bleeding all over the finished wood and why the hell you think it’s okay to be calling the shots in my home.”
“Seokjin, Hoseok, Yoongi,” Jimin said, tearing his eyes away finally from your still body, “You guys do know why I can’t let you near her right?”
When he turned, he was met by the three highest ranked there were within the walls. Each were up there for their own reasons whether it be age or what they have done for the clan. Each staring at Jimin and you, evaluating the situation.
“You’d die if you tried to take us on,” Hoseok responded, eyeing the back of his nails ion disinterest.
“I’d die trying though,” Jimin growled.
The tense air was broken by the laugh of the eldest, “There’s no need for that.”
“Jin,” Yoongi attempted to interrupt but shut his own mouth once Jin glared in his direction.
“What I say goes,” Jin warned, before turning back to Jimin, “And what’s done is done. Besides, she’s stirring.”
Jimin’s eyes widened at his words and turned back around. You laid there, face contorted in pain as the blood flowed through you, changing you. Your wounds seemed to start to close in front of his eyes, though the paleness of your skin stuck with you.
He had never personally seen a change with his own eyes, new members popping up here and there but never once done in front of him. He could see now how he too was able to be saved from death many years prior by the man who still stood next to him, who did his job by warning the others but also kept them safe by removing the ones who were a threat.
Jimin’s patience was wearing thin as he hoped you would wake, so he could explain his selfish actions. He hoped you would forgive him for them, but, he knew there would be a good chance you wouldn’t. When you first met him, you were terrified and knew he was what most consider a monster. He did the same thing to you.
 He went to reach out and touch you, to comfort, but just as he attempted you sprung upward into the sitting position with an uncomfortable scream, fangs drawn out as you had no control over yourself yet. Your eyes were an all too familiar dark color that came with an undeniable hunger yet to be quenched.
Once the screaming ceased, your eyes found his; confusion written on your face. He let go of the breath he didn’t know he was holding on to as your eyes met his.
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tag list (thank you babes for wanting to be notified): @jiminisnotavirgin​, @ephemeralkookie​, @bansheehunteremissary​
412 notes · View notes
cheeky-kookie · 4 years
Off Key | M.Y.G.
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Yoongi/Reader | Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life | Pianist!Yoongi x Harpist!Reader
Word Count: 12.7K
Summary: Dedicated to your own work, you thought the idea of interacting with anyone was a waste of valuable time and, even more so, a distraction. Yet, after an unfortunate run in with a classmate you find yourself offering up your own time in hopes that his talent doesn’t go wasted.
A/N: I didn’t expect this one to be so long but here I am. It took me forever to write this one in-between working and fighting a major dip in my creativity but here it is. I’m very happy with it and I hope you all like it!
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His fingers lingered against the keys as he tried to bring himself to touch down onto them. His heart rate was through the roof, causing him to sweat more than he would have liked to in front of so many people. He has been working up to this moment for months now, but it was much easier said than done.
He liked to say he was a confident man, at least confident in himself, but with all eyes on him he felt himself shrink into a nervous wreck. A lot was riding on this and it wasn’t just his pride, but his future. That idea in itself felt suffocating. He let out a shaky breath.
Well, it was too late to run. 
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The arts, you find, tend to be a very competitive field of work. The farther you went to further your education the less and less friendly your classmates became as they slowly focused more on themselves and less on how to be a genuine human being. Granted, there were exceptions to the theory you formed in your mind, but you stand by it for the most part.
When the people you thought were your friends heard you got accepted into the school you’d been driving to get into since your decision to pursue music, they suddenly decided that you, in fact, were not their friend. It didn’t matter though because where the school was, you had to completely relocate your life. Losing some of the weight of back home actually helped the move feel less detrimental.
The jealousy and competitiveness didn’t seem to disappear even in a whole new city and school. You had told yourself not to care and to not get attached to people. You’ve become accustomed to the cold shoulders and snobby looks of the industry that you weren’t even officially in it yet.
It wasn’t like you didn’t try to make friends. You made a few good acquaintances since you had been there, but they only were part of your life when you or they wanted to go out and do something in the city. It was not safe to venture alone in such a largely populated space, so having those select few you could rely on was comforting. Though, you didn’t see much of them otherwise.
But what good was there to truly get close to someone? The idea of others brought into account a whole list of distractions to take you away from your classes and everything you worked hard on achieving. You gave up a lot to be here; you weren’t about to give this up too.
You clicked your pen, causing the tip to retract back into its home. The class you were currently in was just one of the many different music theory classes this particular school had to offer and one of the many you had to take for your studies. You had finished the notes and all you had left to do was wait until the professor to dismiss the class.
Everyone seemed fixated on the board still except for one. The man who sat across from you in the semi-circle had never really paid attention to the class since you had started taking it a few months prior. He always sat slouched back, pencil in hand. His attention entirely focused on whatever paper he was noting on. Even when called upon by the professor, he would mumble some kind of half-assed answer before running his hand through his almost white blonde hair and staring back at the paper in front of him. He interested you, only because you were unsure why he even chose the class if he didn’t have any intention of participating.
Soon enough, the professor released the class. You, like many others in the room, closed your notebook and started shoving it into your bag. When you looked up, the man you had your thoughts on briefly before was gone. Your mind had started to drift into other thoughts when your shoulder got lightly bumped into. You looked up and stared at the source.
“What are your plans for this afternoon?” Kira, the source of the bump, spoke. She wore a mischievous grin on her face like she was up to no good, which was a likely case. She was one of the few girls you had come to know over time, though you never really felt comfortable around her.
“I was going to see if I could fit in some practice before I headed home.” You answer, knowing she wanted you to join her somewhere tonight in the many bars that graced the streets of the city. You weren’t feeling quite up for it, at least not at the moment.
“Bummer,” She pouted, “If you decide you want to do something, you have my number.”
With that, she disappeared somewhere in the mass of people maneuvering through the halls. Some people made a beeline for the on-campus cafeteria. Some found a couch and literally started taking a nap to pass the time. You on the other hand, had no other classes to wait for and none of that was where you were aiming to go.
You wandered the halls until you found the section of the school where things always seemed to be quieter. If you listened closely, you could hear the sounds of different instruments and voices echoing out. Each door holding a unique sound within. The practice rooms were everyone’s safe havens. It’s where one could be alone with themselves and their music.
You stop, leaning your head against a door that seemed quiet. Even though you heard no sound you wanted to make sure that there was no one in there playing. Not hearing a thing, you opened the door and wandered in. This was one of the only practice rooms that had enough room to hold the bigger instruments. You were afraid you had left your own at your place, so you were hoping to borrow one of the school’s.
You rounded the corner of the room to find the room to be occupied and your eyes widened at the sight. It always felt like an invasion of privacy to walk in on someone practicing, but there was no sound being played. His back was turned enough that the man sitting at the piano couldn’t see you, but you could tell exactly who it was. The mess of blond hair on his head and the grey hoodie gave him all away.
You watched as his hands hovered over the keys like they had his whole life. It was obvious he knew how to play even without him pressing a note down. You watched as he licked his lips and started to play. It was a simple start, but it sounded beautiful. You knew you should have started to leave but the sound had you frozen in place, completely enthralled with what he was playing.
Then suddenly, the room echoed with a note that was like nails on the chalkboard. You felt even worse for staying as you watched him bang both of his hands on the keys, causing an array of noises to follow the misplayed key. He then grabbed the paper that was sitting in front of him, frustration oozing out of him. He pushed himself off the seat cursing and headed right toward his bag, shoving the folders and papers he had sitting out inside.
That’s when he looked up and his eyes found yours. Your breath hitched because you knew you had somehow found yourself midst a very personal moment. His eyes held such a fiery rage in them you were afraid to do anything so the only thing you found yourself doing was running out of the room. You decided that you didn’t need to practice today and that drinks might sound at lot better than they did a half hour ago. 
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A week had passed since you had accidently walked in on that personal moment you tried so hard to forget. It was hard because you couldn’t help but replaying the melody he had played in your head. It was so simple but captivating. So, you were dreading heading into your music theory class hoping you wouldn’t be met with an icy glare.
The class went by antagonizing slow and for the first time since you started coming to this school you found yourself distracted in class. It was just hard to focus when you knew that the man across from you wasn’t paying attention to the sheet of paper he was writing on, but on you. It wasn’t a friendly gaze either, it was more of a dark glare. The kind of look that made you want to sink down into your seat and pretend you didn’t exist. You tried to busy yourself, but your eyes always wandered back in his direction.
For a minute, you let yourself wonder how such a beautiful, melodic sound came from a man with such an intimidating exterior but you had to remind yourself that just because someone doesn’t look or feel like the part doesn’t mean they aren’t it.
The hour and a half ticked by until there was around ten minutes left. The professor had left the projector on, letting the class finish taking notes. You had somehow focused yourself enough to be able to write everything down, considering. Just as you closed your notebook, the sound of your professor clearing his voice to get the classes attention filled the room. You looked up in his direction.
“I’ve been told to remind you all of the upcoming event that the school will be holding in the next few months,” His voice echoed through the room, “If you decide to do it, the concert will be an excellent way to get your name out into the field. Big names will be here. If I were you all, I’d attempt to try it out.”
As the professor dove into the little details of the concert event your eyes wandered away and landed on the man across from you. His whole attention had shifted from you, to the professor giving his speech. The contempt he had aimed in your direction washed away by what you could only describe as longing.
You weren’t sure why he wouldn’t take the opportunity. From what you remember of his piece he played in the practice room; it was beautiful. Longing shouldn’t be the look he should be giving the professor. Excitement should be coursing through his veins and electricity should be present in his eyes. But lo and behold the sadness that had set into his body. It confused you. It wasn’t necessarily your place to butt in and it would be against your nature to do so.
But even after the professor quit talking and class was dismissed, you found yourself preoccupied with your newfound curiosity. You looked up from shoving your notebooks back in your bag to see that he was still across from you doing the same thing. His icy demeanor changed into something more defeated.
You didn’t know why you were doing this to yourself but somehow, you found yourself out of your seat and standing in front of his. If he was aware of your presence, he didn’t make it known. He continued to shove his belongings into his bag. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. Your inner self was hating you at the moment.
“You should do it.” You said, breaking the silence.
He paused what he was doing briefly. You almost shied away at the wall you felt literally pushing you off, but you stood your ground. He sighed and mumbled something you couldn’t understand under his breath before continuing to zip his bag. Once his task was complete, he turned and looked up at you. The icy persona had covered him again like a mask. He raised an eyebrow.
“Should I?” He asked, not breaking eye contact with you. Sarcasm oozed from his voice and he obviously wasn’t asking it genuinely. Humor hung at the edge of his voice, like the idea you suggested it to him was hilarious. His glare not as intimidating as the other day now that you seen that he was in fact human.
“I know it’s not my place, but I know when someone is good at what they do. You are talented. It would be a pity to waste it.” You said, not breaking eye contact. You watched his eyes open slightly in shock, but it was quick. He didn’t let him slip for too long because a second later, his glare was back on his face.
You broke eye contact and adjusted your bag on your shoulder as you beelined towards the door to exit the lecture hall. You needed to wind down from whatever confrontation you had just experienced. You stormed into the direction of the practice rooms, determined to be able to get in one and borrow one of the school’s instruments.
Your eyes landed on the instrument of your choice. It was much larger than the one you owned. This was the iconic version everyone thinks of when they think of a harp; gigantic and golden. The instrument was graced with 46 strings which was a few more than the one you owned at home, but it was the same angelic sound you fell in love with when you first decided to pick up the instrument.
Sitting, you prepared yourself to play one of the few songs you knew from memory. You let your hands find the correct cords to pluck. You let yourself go, letting your hands move in the familiar pattern of the song. Just as you were about to play the part you loved; you heard the practice room door slam open.
Your attention was now focused on the direction of the door waiting for whoever entered to come into view. When the person who interrupted your practice came into view you really thought you would have been surprised, but you weren’t. If anything, more annoyed you were interrupted than anything else.
There standing in front of you, bag on shoulder and wearing a not too pleasant expression on his face was the messy haired blond from class.
“You do realize this room is taken right?” You asked, hands still about to pluck the strings in front of you.
“How about we just call it even for the last week.” He responded, dropping the bag that hung on his shoulder at his feet, kicking it toward one of the seats in the room.
Irritated, you slowly pushed the harp off of you, so it sat on the ground firmly once more. You then cocked your head to the side and eyed him down. You weren’t sure what he was doing here, and you weren’t sure if he was going to let you in on why he was. He did meet your stare though with his own. You weren’t sure what was lingering in his eyes, but it was different than any other time you locked eyes with one another.
“Look, I didn’t mean to walk in on you. I was going to leave but the song you were playing was so beautiful I kind of got distracted.” You admitted, coming to terms that your practice was fully interrupted, “Did you compose it?”
You seen him break eye contact before returning it, as if he was uncomfortable with the line of questioning. You didn’t blame him. It was a personal thing to ask but after seeing the meltdown he had after he played the wrong notes the other day, you decided that asking him personal questions didn’t necessarily bother you.
“Yeah,” He responded, his eyes breaking away from yours once again. At this point, it was hard to believe this was the same man who wouldn’t quit glaring at you in the classroom.
“For what its worth, I think it was a wonderful composition, well what I heard of it. For all I know, the ending could be bad or even worse, that note was actually in the piece.” You joked, hoping to ease whatever tension had formed around him.
You watched his reaction carefully knowing it was a risk to joke about someone’s work and, let alone, their failures. His eyes narrowed at you, and for a second you thought you had severely angered him. But a second look over you noticed the corner of his mouth had turned up ever so slightly into a tiny smirk.
“You’ll just have to keep wondering,” He replied, leaning down to pick up the bag he tossed on the floor moments earlier, “I just realized, I have somewhere to be.”
You raised an eyebrow at him as he began walking toward the door to exit the room. You weren’t expecting him to leave. You thought he had full intentions of driving you out of the room as revenge for the other day, but there he was leaving you there.
“Oh, and by the way,” He called back to you as he rounded the corner to the door, not once turning around to look back at you, “I respect talent and you have it.”
At that moment, you appreciated that he didn’t look before he left because you felt your face burn up at the complement. Shaking your head, you repositioned yourself with the harp and proceeded to go back to practicing in the quiet left behind.
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The next week had kept you busy. For starters, your harp had a string that decided to break. It wasn’t like it was a hard thing to find. It was just an inconvenience to you. Honestly, playing your harp was sort of your escape from life. When you played you were able to just get lost in the music and think about nothing else.
Then you had about three essays due for a few of your classes. Again, not much of a hassle but time consuming. On top of that you also had Kira and the others begging you to come out every other night. You didn’t blame them because you hadn’t been out with them in a couple weeks, so you made time to go out with them once as well.
Sighing, you placed the paper due for your music theory class onto the professor’s desk. You hoped you did well enough. It wasn’t like you were failing the class, actually you had a high grade, but you didn’t want it to tank.
You felt another presence beside you and watched as another hand placed a stapled stack of papers on top of the ones you just set down. You looked up and met the eyes of the now sort of familiar man. The corner of his mouth pulled into a smirk at the sight of your widened eyes before heading to his usual spot. You peered down at his paper and found his name typed right where it should be.
Min Yoongi
You were closed off to the majority of people here and you only really concerned yourself with those who mattered. So, knowing the names of your classmates was not on the top of your to-do list but the circumstances of the past two weeks had you curious of him. Part of you cringed at the fact you went out of the way to learn his name, but what’s done was done.
You made your way back to your seat to await the arrival of your professor. He didn’t come in late often but today was one of those days. Just as your mind began to wander from what it should be focused on; the professor walked in and started the class.
Time seemed to tick by a bit longer than usual, which you chalked up to the already long week you had already. You found your eyes wondering to the man across from you. He had the weight of his head resting on his hand while he focused on whatever he was working on. Now that you knew he composed his own music, it made sense to you why he was always so absorbed with what was in front of him. He peered up meeting your eyes for a brief second before he looked back down at his work.
After a wait, class had ended, and you were packing up your things once again. You picked your bag off the ground and started shoving your notebook into it. Suddenly, you saw a piece of paper land on the table in front of you. On it was a music staff with notes scattered about it. You read it, noticing it was the piece you heard Min Yoongi play on the day when you walked in on him. You looked up, meeting his eyes.
“If you want me to do this, you’re playing the song for me.” He said.
You stood up, throwing your bag on one of your shoulders. Then you grabbed the music sheets from the table making sure to hold them lightly in your hands. You gave him a soft smile. His seemed completely composed but you could tell this was a lot for him to do.
“This is composed for a piano,” You said, starting to walk towards the door. He followed alongside you.
“I can tweak it,” He responded, like changing the whole entire thing wasn’t a lot of work.
You didn’t want to talk about this in front of everyone roaming the corridors. He seemed determined that he wanted you to perform his piece for everyone to see but you couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to perform his own. From what you could gather about his playing, he was a professional. Everything he did while he was at the piano screamed that he had done it for years. But when he messed up, his reaction afterwards wasn’t just frustration but pent up anger.
“I’m getting something to eat. Do you want to come?” You asked.
He agreed, so both of you went to the on-campus cafeteria. It was a large room filled with tables and people trying to buy some time before they needed to go to their next class or felt a surge of hunger within the day. You ordered a few things from the menu and he opted for a bag of chips and a bottle of water. You walked to a table tucked away from the main ruckus of the cafeteria so you knew the two of you wouldn’t be bothered.
He sat across from you, waiting for you to say something. You still had his composition in your hands, but you were in no way going to take it off his. This was his work and he should show it off. You took the sheets and placed them gently in front of him.
“This was made for a piano, as in, you need to play it.” You said, locking eyes with him.
“As I said, I can change it to be played by a harp.” He shrugged, ignoring the papers that were slid back in front of him. He opened the bottle of water he had sitting next to him and took a sip from it. He ignored the second attempt at your denial to play his work.
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to do this yourself. I barely know you. You barely know me. Hell, you don’t even know my name.” You said, popping a french fry into your mouth.
“I know your name,” He shrugged like knowing your name wasn’t a huge deal when neither of you had actually introduced yourselves to each other. He leaned back in his chair, “It’s Y/N, and do you really think I’d ask someone I don’t know at least the name of?”
You shook your head at him, “I’m not doing it. I’m sorry. You need to play your own work. I don’t feel right taking the performance credit on a song I didn’t write when the composer is talented enough to do it himself.”
His eyes searched yours and you wondered what he was looking for in them. You were being sincere. He was probably one of the most talented pianists you’ve met and that was saying a lot since you’ve been surrounded by musically proficient people since you decided this was where you wanted to go with your future.
“Min Yoongi,” His eyes widened at the mention of his name, “Why are you even here, in this school, if you aren’t going to do something with what you’re learning and accomplishing here? I’m only assuming you’re here because you like music and you’re good at it. To me it feels like you’re throwing your future away if you don’t do it yourself.”
You watched as he opened his mouth and closed it again. He didn’t look at you, but he focused his gaze on a wall somewhere to his right. Even with him avoiding your glance you could see he was going through something in his head because his eyes were muddied with emotion that his face wouldn’t register.
“You’re right,” He said, finally registering you again after a minute or two had passed by, “I just can’t seem to be able to play and I figured if you did it, it will still get out there.”
“You can play. I have seen you play,” you said, “I could help if you wanted but I’d understand if you don’t want my help.”
He sighed, “I feel like I’m beyond help at this point.”
“No one is beyond help, Yoongi.”
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, readjusting his crossed arms. He finally adverted his gaze away from the wall he was focused on and met your eyes. Emotion still hidden somewhere within them but you could tell he pushed it father back trying to lock it away.
He finally acknowledged the sheets in front of him. He recovered a folder from within his bag. You noticed that he had papers just shoved wherever they seemed to fit. Half of them crumpled and half of them bent where they shouldn’t be, but the music sheets went into the folder where he then shoved it back in his bag crumpling the stray papers even more. You found it endearing that they were the one thing he cared about within a bag full of disaster, but you weren’t going to say that.
“Meet me in the practice room tomorrow after classes are out. If we’re doing this, we have to get started as soon as possible because I’m going to be a lot of work.”
With that he was gone, leaving you to finish eating by yourself.
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The next day seemed to drag on. The day wasn’t necessarily filled with classes you enjoyed, and you would gladly blame the boring classes rather than admit that you might have been slightly nervous to meet Min Yoongi after it was all done.
When your final class got dismissed, you packed your things up and left the room with slightly more haste than usual. When he had talked to you the day before he had never stated a time and you wondered whether his classes ran as late as yours or if he got out some time earlier and thought you might have ditched him.
It occurred to you though, once in the practice hall, he might not even show up. You slowed your pace at the realization that you rushing there might have been completely useless and a waste of time. You still proceeded to the room that you two seemed to keep running into each other which also was one of the only rooms that held a piano within its confines. You leaned against the door to listen in, to see if there was someone in there, but you heard nothing. Taking a deep breath, you entered the room.
Once around the corner of the practice room, you expected to see no one, but you were wrong. You were met with the back side of the man you were going to meet. He was positioned at the piano but in no way properly positioned. When he heard footsteps, he turned around on the stool. He gave a half assed smile and waved at you.
“How long have you been here?” You asked him. He shrugged before lifting his wrist and checking the watch that resided there.
“Maybe a half hour. I got let out of my class earlier than expected.”
You noted that he had no music sheets sitting in front of him and you wondered why exactly he had been sitting at the piano, but it wasn’t your business to ask. You moseyed your way over to the chairs positioned on the wall and set your bag down on it. You felt eyes on you, but you ignored it until you were done setting your things down. When you turned back around you met his eyes.
“I guess we should probably start with a song you’re comfortable with. Do you have one?” You asked, cocking your head to the side along with your question.
He leaned forward, placing his arms on his legs and interlocking his hands. He seemed to be deep in thought. You waited patiently for a response. When you did, it wasn’t vocalized. It was just a mere shrug of his shoulders and a distant stare focused somewhere other than you.
A sigh escaped your lips, “If you don’t work with me, you won’t get anywhere.”
Still you were met by a silence. When you offered your help, you weren’t aware that he was going to be this difficult. He hadn’t even touched the piano since you made your appearance into the room. Maybe you pushed him into something he didn’t want to do. You had to remind yourself he sought you out. You gave your opinion, but he did not need to reach out. He wanted this.
With another deep breath, you walked toward him and shoved his shoulder a bit causing his attention to return to you, “Will you move over? I’m trying to sit down.”
His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, but he moved over like you asked. When you settled into a spot next to him, he maneuvered his way back to facing the keys of the piano. He only did out of curiosity of what you were doing. You settled your hands against the keys.
“Do you know Heart and Soul?” You ask, starting to feel like you were talking to yourself. To your surprise, he answered you.
“Yeah,” He paused, “But it’s a duet. I used to play it when I was a child.”
You watched him tense up and look away focusing on the keys of the piano, but you chose to ignore it and continue with what you were talking about, “Okay, then let’s play it.”
“What did you say? You play piano?”
“I’ve dabbled in piano but in no way am I good at it,” You answered him and then turned your attention to him specifically, “Why did you think I made you move over?”
His response was a shrug, which you weren’t entirely surprised about. You only recently found out he communicates with words other than shrugging, glares and mumbles. So, him shutting down and not answering you didn’t necessarily bother you as much as you thought it might have.
In all honesty, you were amazed by him. When he prepared himself to play, it was like watching a whole different person take over. He straightened his back and placed his hands so delicately against the keys. His feet found the correct pedal he needed. You were so absorbed with his change in presentation you were thrown off guard when he turned his head and peered at you through his bangs that seemed to rest perfectly against his face.
“You ready?” He asked, you could hear the nerves in his voice.
“If I mess up, you can’t judge me.” You say to him.
He scoffed, “As long as you don’t judge me when I do.”
With that, the two of you began to play. He started with the lower end since he was seated on that side of the piano. You followed along, listening to how elegantly the notes seemed to flow from his end. Obviously, he knew a more advanced version than you ever dabbled in, but you figured the higher part would be pretty much the same. Just when you were about to play, a note was played that almost hurt to hear.
Yoongi slowly pulled his hands from the keys and you watched as he balled one of his own hands into a fist. He closed his eyes. You could tell he was calming himself down as well as beating himself up for the mistake. You wondered if he was restraining himself from a fit of rage, like the one you seen a few weeks ago.
“This is useless,” He said under his breath, letting his hand fall from a fit and his eyes open. You watched him shield away whatever vulnerability that was just shown.
“I’m sure you made mistake before, don’t beat yourself up over it. You said you learned it as a child, right? I’m sure you made mistakes then too. What would your mom had said to you?”
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes again, tension settling back in his body, “Breathe, try again.”
“So, that’s what we do. We try again.”
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A few weeks had gone by since you started trying to help Yoongi out of whatever funk he was in. The longer you spent time with him the more you realized that his inability to play wasn’t due to lack of practice or commitment, but something deeper. You still didn’t consider it your place to ask him, so you didn’t. Instead, you dealt with his mess ups and bullheadedness.
Whenever you tried to pry just a little bit, you got shut out. His attention would switch to anything else in the room besides you. So, you just decided not to try to dig into it anymore. There was progress made, for sure, but he still couldn’t get through a song. He seemed to get progressively more fed up with himself as he kept messing up songs he used to consider easy.
When he would get too mad at himself, sometimes you’d just leave him to cool off. He was good at controlling his anger for the most part. You would go find the harp and play until he was ready to play again. Part of you felt like listening to you play helped clear his head, or maybe you were imagining it. Either way, meeting up became a routine you both kept to.
Your interactions though barely existed outside the inside of the practice room. You two only shared one class and running into each other on the campus was rare to say the least. Even then, the two of you would just quietly acknowledge each other then continue on your way, not wanting to disrupt whatever the other was doing.
You were absorbed in your own thoughts while you waited in line at the cafeteria when a hand landed on your shoulder. You jumped, only to hear the familiar giggle of Kira next to you. You placed your hand on your beating heart and stared at her wide-eyed.
“You scared the crap out of me.” You told her, she continued to giggle.
“I didn’t mean to, swear,” She said, holding her hand up, “If you paid more attention to your surroundings you might have seen me coming. I waved to you like twice before I came over here.”
“Oh,” You said. You didn’t realize you were that into your own thoughts. You did have a ton going on in your life though, so you weren’t surprised.
“You haven’t been out with us in a while. What have you been up to?” She asked, stepping with you in line as you moved up slowly towards the counter.
You really couldn’t tell her that you had been avoiding her and the others because you were tucked away in the practice room with Min Yoongi. From what you gathered; he was a loner. You didn’t have many friends, but you weren’t even positive if he had any. He always seemed to be alone and you were positive that’s just how he liked things, which you understood. If you told Kira you were with him almost daily within the walls of the practice room, she would just assume the two of you were messing around. That was most definitely not what was happening, and you just knew he would hate it if that was spread around.
“Sorry, I’ve just been busy practicing per usual. I didn’t even realize it has been that long since we all went out together.” You lied, which stung, not because you lied to her but because you realized you hadn’t been practicing like you should have been.
“You deserve a night out. You have to come out the next time we decide to. I understand practicing as much as the next person, but you cannot let it consume you.” She said, reminding you that she too had an instrument she was dedicated to.
You nodded before turning to the lady working the counter and asking for your food. Then you proceeded to turn back around and look at Kira who had within that time ordered herself a drink and was sipping it through the straw.
“You’ll just have to let me know,” You said, sending her a small smile. She gave one back before deciding to disappear back within the crowd of the lunchroom.
Once you paid for your food, you proceeded to make your way away from the mass of people and to the other end of the building where the practice rooms were held. You found the usual room and for the first time in a few weeks, you heard the piano playing before opening the door. A smile graced your face as you rounded the corner.
Upon hearing the door swing open, Yoongi quit playing notes on the instrument in front of him and turned on the stool to see you walk in. He wondered why you held a smile on your face but he wasn’t going to ask. He did note that it was a nice change to see a smile than your usual focused expression.
“Took you long enough,” He joked, watching you walk to one of the chairs and set your bag down. You unzipped your bag and grabbed a bag of chips and a bottle of water and tossed it to blond positioned by the piano.
“Think fast,” You said as he indeed caught both the bag of chips and water in his hands, “And the line in the cafeteria was longer than I thought it would have been. Plus, Kira stopped me in line to talk to me.”
“Who?” He asked, a confused expression crossing his face.
You giggled, “I guess you wouldn’t know who she is. She’s someone I sometimes go out to the bars with.”
“So, some may call that a friend?” He said, a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth. He opened the bag of chips and ate one waiting for a response.
“I guess,” You shrugged, “But we barely ever talk outside of going out. Maybe an acquaintance is a better word for our relationship.”
“Maybe you should make some friends outside of me.” He said. His smirk didn’t weaver from his face as he watched your eyes widen and your mouth drop slightly at the sentence.
“Who even said I consider you a friend?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He shrugged, “I consider you one.”
You stopped and just looked at him. His smirk had dropped, and his eyes were focused on the lid of his water bottle that he kept unscrewing and screwing back. You felt guilt from cracking the joke you did at him and shook your head at yourself.
“I consider you one too,” You said, his eyes breaking away from his hands and looking at you. The corners of your mouth turned up as you decided to change the subject away from the current conversation, “Let’s get to practicing.”
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Another week had passed and without much luck. The two of you had been spending about everyday after class trying to get him to play the song that he wrote without him messing it up.
With the competition closing in within the next couple months, you hoped to see some progress. And that you did. You were hearing parts of the song you never dreamed of hearing at the beginning, but something always seems to make him stumble. You could tell every time he did, he lost a little faith in being able to get the piece down.
You found yourself daydreaming in the middle of Music Theory, which wasn’t necessarily you. Being distracted wasn’t what you were known for being and you found yourself blaming the lack of sleep you had been getting from staying up late to play your own instrument. That was, all in all, your choice to do it and you couldn’t blame anyone else for your choice.
The professor, having somehow rushed through the class a lot quicker than usual, decided to dismiss everyone early. You began shoving your notebook into your bag when you felt a presence next to you. You finished your task at hand before looking up and meeting the eyes of Yoongi, who for the first time waited for you before jetting to the practice rooms. He seemed to be in a decent mood today which you thought would possibly play in both of your favors for practicing.
The two of you wandered into the lunch area and grabbed some snacks before making your way to the other side of the school. Well, not before Kira made a surprise appearance scaring both of you in the process. She had a knack for scaring you. She didn’t even seem to bat an eye that Yoongi was with you, as if it was an everyday occurrence. Well it was, but she wouldn’t have known that.
“I just don’t see why you deal with her to be honest.” Yoongi said, throwing his bag down on the ground by the piano. A hint of humor played on his words, but you knew it was partially a true statement by him. You have come to find that Min Yoongi doesn’t tolerate people who aren’t worth it and in his eyes, Kira wasn’t worth your time and effort.
“She isn’t all too horrible,” You say following his actions and tossing your bag on the chair, “Besides, who am I supposed to go out drinking with then? I don’t suppose you would want to?”
He shrugged sheepishly as he sat down on the stool in front of the piano, “I wouldn’t mind it.”
“I’ll take that into account the next time I want to go out. It’ll be nice to actually have a friend with me. Plus, it’ll keep the thirsty guys away.” You scrunched your nose in disgust only to hear him chuckle in response.
“I’ve heard those are the worst.” He said sarcastically, a smirk playing on his face as he looked in the other direction as if you were making a big deal out of nothing.
“Oh, they are,” You responded, throwing the bag of unopened chips you bought at him. He raised his arms in defense to block the incoming attack. The bag deflected and fell to his feet leaving him chuckling.
“Fine, I believe you.” He said waving his hands in front of him when he saw you had another bag aimed for him. You lowered your second bag, “But the real question is, when did you get all these bags of chips?”
“I have a stockpile. I like to snack.” You said, shrugging. He just shook his head at you before you sighed, “I guess we should get on practicing,”
Defeated, you watched the joy fade slightly from his face. Part of you wondered if the reason he hasn’t improved is because the practice time seemed to be getting shorter and shorter because the two of you kept finding things to talk about before actually beginning to practice. You weren’t mad, to be honest. You liked spending time with him. It just wasn’t the reason the two of you were cooped up in a practice room almost every day for the past month.
He did as you instructed and grabbed his sheet music that he wrote himself out of the folder he kept in his bag. He placed it on the piano and sat there staring at it. He had been playing his piece for a while now. After a few times of you butchering Heart and Soul, you decided it was best you stepped away from the piano and let him do his thing. If you were being honest with yourself, you were embarrassed to be so bad at an instrument he was phenomenal at. You were so bad in comparison; not like he would ever see that.
Per usual, he sounded like he had done it a hundred times over. The sound came out so relaxed and out together. Then, there it was, the stumble. An hour ticked by and you watched him progressively get more and more angry. You wished there was something you could do to help him, but you were at a loss. Only he could help himself. All you could ever really do, since the beginning, was support him through the process.
You heard the wrong key hit once again and you flinched at the ugly sound that was a complete contrast to the beautiful melody that was flowing from his fingertip’s seconds before. You watched his hands ball up and he got off the stool he was sitting in and walked off to the other side of the room. His breathing was ragged, and he ran his hand through his hair messing it up more than it already had been. When you seen his eyes, they were glossy. You wondered if they were that way from the anger or sadness. You knew for sure that he was trying not to lose his temper.
“Yoongi,” You said, he locked eyes with you and turned away as quickly as he looked, “Just come sit down and take a breath.”
“This is useless Y/N. I should just give up and quit making you sit through these shitty practices.” He said, still pacing and ignoring everything you tried to get him to do.
“First off, I chose to be here. I offered my help. You aren’t ‘making’ me do anything.” You said, standing up and making your point clear, “Second, this isn’t useless. You have gotten farther in your song than before. I just don’t understand why you keep having hiccups. You can do it. I can tell. Why are you so in your head about this? If you would just tell me why you-“
“It’s none of your business.”
His tone was cold and dry. It hurt but your stubbornness refused to acknowledge that you were actually hurt by his tone. His eyes served as daggers as they peered over in your direction. It was a complete contrast to how he was when you first arrived. Part of you wondered how he could hit the switch so easily and turn off his emotions. He had been so smiley but now; it just burned.
“Fine.” You said letting your irritation show. You went to grab your bag from where it laid. You walked towards the door and stopped in front of him, motioning between the two of you,  “You’re right. I didn’t sign up for this. Let me know when you calm down and want to talk to me.”
With that, you left the practice room leaving him to mull over what you said.
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A week passed and you found yourself out on the two with Kira and a few other girls. All of you first went to get some food at some restaurant that had become huge talk around town, though you didn’t really care about the hype. It did live up to its reputation at least. After that, they decided that everyone was to hit the bars, including you, but you didn’t mind. It was nice to get out after being so deep in your thoughts the whole week.
After the disagreement both you and Min Yoongi had, he hadn’t contacted you since. You were too stubborn to give in and message him. He asked you to help him. He wanted your help. But he wouldn’t give you the reason he truly couldn’t play. He was just as closed off as he was sitting with his head deep in sheet music in Music Theory. You refused to admit it bothered you.
But it did. You found that evident when you went to play the harp and it couldn’t even keep your mind off the tiff you both had. Practicing was hard when all you wanted was to help him play again. That in turn made you angry because this was the exact reason you had made no intentional friends when you moved to the city. You didn’t want to be distracted from your music and your goals. Look at where you were.
And yet, even having fun at a bar had you feeling down.
Kira had wandered off somewhere with a guy to go dance and you weren’t too sure where the other two girls had disappeared to. You sat at the bar, sipping your drink and listening to the music bump in the background.
“And what’s a girl like you doing sitting at a bar alone?” You heard a voice ask. You turned to look at the voice coming from your right.
It was a man, about mid-thirties or early forties. He looked well dressed and put together but the way he spoke gave away how long he had been truly drinking. Not only did he come off cocky, but he couldn’t say the sentence without slurring at least half the words. You wondered how any rational person would find that attractive, but you deduced that he probably wasn’t looking for someone with rational thinking.
Raising an eyebrow, you responded, “What’s a guy like you doing hitting on a girl who obviously hasn’t had enough drinks to even consider going home with a drunken man like you?”
The guy, not taking the insult well, scoffed and got out of the seat. You brought your drink back to your mouth and sipped the rest of it down, still feeling painfully sober. Then you slid it back to the other side of the bar, tipping the bartender.
You started walking towards the door. You met the eyes of Kira who was chatting up some guy by the jukebox. You motioned you were going outside. All you got was an understanding nod of her head as she dove back into whatever they were talking about.
The night air was crisp now that the season was getting colder, but the fresh air was what you really wanted. You closed your eyes and cursed to yourself quietly. As much as you should have been having fun, you just weren’t. The girls weren’t truly your friends, you knew, but the one person who was your friend hadn’t even tried talking to you. Sadly, it was the one person you wish you could be with.
You were scared. He hadn’t talked to you in a week and you were afraid that he had decided that you weren’t worth his time and his effort. You were afraid maybe he really didn’t value whatever friendship you two had created as much as you did. You were afraid he was done. And maybe you weren’t as sober as you initially thought because you wouldn’t be admitting this to yourself otherwise.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and searched through your contacts. Once the name you wanted was on your screen and dialing, you held it up to your ear.
It rang once. 
It was late and he might not pick up. 
You didn’t even know if he would want to answer anyways. 
“Y/N?” A voice answered, groggy by what you assumed to be sleep, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to call and say I’m sorry,” You said, finding a place against the wall and leaning against it, “I didn’t think you’d answer.”
It was silent for a second with only the sound of rustling coming from the other end then he responded, “Why did you think I wouldn’t answer?”
“I don’t know. It’s late. You were mad. A number of reasons.” You answered. He hummed.
“Well I did. Why are you up?” He asked, concern in his voice. You felt your chest tighten but you blamed the little alcohol you had in your system for it.
“Kira dragged me out. I’m not really feeling it but she drove. I’m kind of hiding outside.”
He laughed, “And calling me?”
“Yeah that too.” You sighed, looking up at the night sky. It was different than back home. There were no stars to be seen. All consumed by city lights.
“Where are you at? I’ll come get you.” He said, bringing your thoughts back down to your conversation.
“Not necessary, I can wait until she’s ready.” You denied. You heard him sigh on the other end.
“You shouldn’t have to wait until she’s ready, and anyways, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. So where are you at?” He asked but it felt more so like a demand. You didn’t mind though because the more he offered the more you wanted to take him up on his offer to take you away from the bar.
“You know that bar on the corner of Main and Second?” You said, “I’m there.”
“Be there in a few.” Was the only response you got before the phone went dead on his end.
You put your phone away and hugged your jacket to your body. The cool air was starting to get to you. After about ten minutes you saw a grey car pull up in one of the free parking spots in front of the bar. The drivers side door opened and out popped Yoongi. He walked around the front of the car, leaving it on, and stood in front of you.
You could tell he had definitely just rolled out of bed and threw a hoodie on top of whatever he had on underneath. His hair a little messier than usual but you could tell he tried his best to smooth it out before leaving his house. His eyes looked tired, but there he was to pick you up in the middle of the night without complaint.
He didn’t say anything as he walked over to where you had leaned your weight against the wall and did the same, occupying the space next to you on the wall. You slowly turned your head to the right and met his brown ones. Now that he was closer, you could tell you had for sure interrupted whatever sleep he had been getting because his eyes were still puffy and glossy.
“You really didn’t need to come.” You mentioned out loud, your eyes wandering back to the headlights of his car and the air freshener hanging from his review mirror.
“Too late to try to talk me out of it,” He said, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets, “I’m already here and out of bed.”
Rolling your eyes, you bought your attention back to him. He held a small smirk on his lips, and you knew he was only trying to get under your skin. It was almost like the whole outburst a week prior didn’t happen and it was back to witty remarks and jokes. You were thankful it wasn’t tense.
“You know what I meant,” You said, and he chuckled lightly.
“I wanted to talk to you anyways. I just didn’t know how to reach out after I made such a fool of myself.” He announced, all signs of his lightheartedness disappeared. He cleared his throat and continued, “I just have been struggling with this problem for so long now its hard to think positive.”
“The problem isn’t with your skill Yoongi. You and I both know you can play with the best of them. It’s deeper. I know you don’t want to talk about it. I never wanted to push you into it. Honestly, at this point it just makes me worry for you. It’s eating you up.” You said even surprising yourself.
A silence fell between the two of you leaving the sounds of the city and the music coming from within the pub to fill in the absence of words. If you had come to know Yoongi, which you would like to think you had over the past month or so, he wasn’t leaving you in silence because he wanted to. He was probably pulled into whatever was tearing him apart. So instead of breaking it, you just pulled your arms closer to your chest in hopes of keeping the chill breeze from freezing you out.
“You’re right, at least, I think you are?” He questioned himself shaking his head, “I’ve been sitting on what you said for a week and it wasn’t like I didn’t want to get a hold of you. I did. I just knew when I did, I needed to give you the reason why and that’s just something I needed to work up to and to come to terms with myself. “
“You don’t have to Yoongi.” You protested, shaking your head at him. He ignored you.
“It’s fine. I’ll be fine. You deserve to know.” He sighed, “When I was younger, my mother put me into piano lessons. I picked it up pretty fast, or at least that’s what she likes to say and brag about. I don’t really remember. I was too young. What I do remember is meeting this little girl at one of my concerts. She also loved piano. I don’t know what exactly caused us to be friends. Honestly, most of the early memories are fuzzy and run together. But we were friends for years. Best friends. She had this treehouse her dad built for her and we used to hide up there for hours playing board games and talking. Even as we got older and it got harder for both of us to fit up there, we still climbed up that tree.
“A few years into high school, she had gotten early acceptance into the school she wanted to go to. She was thriving. I wasn’t too far behind. My neighbor worked at the school here and said I had a talent for piano, so I wasn’t doing bad myself. Everything was going great until I just wasn’t.
“I got a call one day on my way home from a practice session from my mother. She was hysterical. I had never heard my mom sound so broken before. I somehow made out what she was saying between sobs. My friend’s mom had gotten into a crash with her in the car as well. Both in critical condition.”
You felt sick to your stomach because you had a horrible feeling you knew where this was going. You peered over at him. You would have thought he was fine if it weren’t for the streetlights highlighting the wet streaks going down his cheeks and his inability to look in your direction.
“When I got to the hospital with my mom, her dad was sitting in the waiting room. I guess the both of them got rushed to surgery and he was waiting for them to come out of it. We waited and waited. Her mom, she was critical, but she made it out of the operation room, as for her, she just was too unstable. She coded while on the table and they couldn’t revive her.”
“Yoongi, I am so sorry.” You whispered, afraid that anything you might have said would break him. He sniffled and wiped his eyes but made no other action to hide he had been crying.
“After that, I couldn’t seem to play correctly anymore. Every time I tried to play, it ended with a note being played wrong and me getting mad. I just feel like a giant embarrassment.” He sighed, finally looking at you for the first time since he had begun his story. For the first time, you could make a connection to the hidden emotion in his eyes because it was right in front of you now.
“Look, you aren’t an embarrassment. Just because you are struggling doesn’t make you any less of a person or an artist. It’s just something you have to work through.” You said softly, leaning your head to the right slightly so it landed on his shoulder, which normally you would have overthought. Maybe you were just tired from the long night, or possibly it was from the cold, or maybe you just really felt horrible for him and what he had been through, but you didn’t care what his reaction was going to be from you resting your head on his shoulder.
What you didn’t expect though was him wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer to him, “You should have bought something warmer to wear.”
You thanked him silently as his body heat warmed your own. You thought back to whether you made any indication that you were in fact cold, but coming up with nothing, you just decided that he had been overly observant. You weren’t sure why neither of you were smart enough to head to the running car that was most definitely warmer than the night air. You also weren’t sure why you felt your heart rate increase the moment he pulled you to him. What you were sure of was the fact Min Yoongi opened himself up to you at one-thirty-eight in the morning on the corner of Main and Second right outside a bar, which you find that you may never forget.
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The realization that you almost lost Yoongi as a friend had really opened your eyes to your closed off ways. You decided that you weren’t going to let yourself get in your own way anymore. So, for the next few weeks you did just that.
The first thing you really tried to expand on was whatever you considered you and Kira’s friendship. You realized she might have valued the friendship way more than you did when she made her way out of the bar the two of you were at to find you. What she found was both you and Yoongi huddled next to each other on the wall just talking. You noticed how worried her expression was and then relief wash over it realizing you were fine.
So, you tried to spend time with her outside of the bars which she seemed inclined to do as well.
Another change you made was spending time with Yoongi outside the practice room, like normal humans might do. It led to not just countless hours in the practice room, which you saw major improvements in, but also many outside.
You hated the fact that the more time you spent with him, the more you wanted to be around him. Normally, you would have gotten annoyed with his nonchalant disregard for the movies you watched but then after, he would discuss the plot with you for hours. He had so much knowledge of random restaurants that were scattered in the city, and he always seemed excited to show you a new one. It sort of became a new routine for the both of you. You’d force him to see a movie, whether he liked the idea of it or not, then he would drag you to a restaurant and the both of you would talk about the movie and eat.
It was just easy to talk to him, even if it wasn’t about movies and food.
“Fancy running into you here,” The voice of Yoongi echoed in the still somewhat empty class. The class itself didn’t start for another ten or so minutes. The rest of the people tended to trickle in slowly as the time ticked by. Seeing him here early was not the norm either.
“Wow, what are the odds I’d see you in the one class we share together?” You said, fake shock dripping from your voice.
“You could sound more excited to see me, you know.” He said, a smirk playing at the edges of his lips.
“Forgive me for not waving my Min Yoongi flag and jumping up and down,” You said. You saw him throw his bag down on the ground. He slid into the desk next to you instead of his usual seat across the room. You cracked a smile, “I’m saving that for when you perform on stage.”
“Oh man, please don’t do that.” He chuckled, shaking his head at you.
“Too late, you talked me into it.” You joked back.
The professor walked in at that moment and that’s when you realized more than enough people had trickled into the room for the lecture. Both of you quieted down when he clicked his presentation screen and started to speak to the crowd. Both you and Yoongi locked eyes and you watched as he stifled a laugh by biting his cheek and looking away. You couldn’t shake the thought that in this moment, he looked undeniably cute.
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The lunch area was more crowded than normal which meant the longer it took to grab some snacks after your last class. You knew Yoongi would beat you to the practice room and give you crap for being late yet again to one of your sessions. But you were starving. You hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast.
After grabbing both of you something to eat, you rushed through the mass of people in the area as quickly as you could without running directly into someone. It took you a few moments to make your way around to the other side of the building. Once in the practice hall, you slowed your pace and listened to the mixture of music coming from the many rooms. You stopped outside the room Yoongi mentioned, and you heard music coming from within. You felt your heart swell with pride knowing he was doing so much better than when you guys started.
You opened the door as quietly as you could, and you walked around the corner. You saw him at the piano playing some song you never heard him play before, but it was just as beautiful as any other time he played. You felt just as mesmerized by him as the first time you saw him play, maybe even more now that you knew him.
He stopped playing and slowly turned in his seat to look at you, “I could feel you staring at me.”
“It’s hard not to. When you play you throw your whole self into it.” You said, walking into the room the rest of the way and finding your usual spot. You opened your bag and handed him the few thing you grabbed from the lunchroom for him.
“Yeah, if you say so.” He shrugged, grabbing the food from you. He busied himself with opening the bag of chips you gave him and just for a moment you thought you saw his cheeks turn a twinge pink.
After the two of you ate and caught up on your day you decided he should at least get some practicing done. The concert was a little more than a week away now and you still haven’t heard his composition played through completely. You weren’t sure why neither of you had actually pushed to play the piece. Maybe part of you was scared that once he did, your whole world would change again and just when you were getting used to this one.
He pulled out his work and placed it in front of him. He prepped himself the way he always did and began to play. The first part was like you remembered, you heard it many times over. This time, he played past where he continuously messed up. You closed your eyes, listening to every note you had been waiting to hear for months now. Before you knew it, he played the last note.
You opened your eyes and looked at him. He was staring at the keys of the piano, eyes wide. Your mouth dropped and eyes widened as it slowly sunk in. He preformed the whole piece with nothing being off key.
“Holy shit,” You said, standing up in excitement, “Yoongi, you did it.”
His shocked expression faded when your words hit him. You had seen him smile many times, but you can say you’ve never seen him in complete and utter happiness. This, was that. His smile lit up his whole face.
You knew this was something he had been wanting since the beginning. He wanted his music shared and he was more than willing to give you the shot to play it just so someone could hear it. It wouldn’t have felt right though, because this moment right here, you would have been denying him if you took his offer. This was more than worth it.
You watched as he stood up and walked over to you, pulling you into an unexpected hug. He stood there for a minute just holding you to him, you obviously hugging him back. Pulling away he said, “Thank you, I owe you.”
His hands still on you, you locked eyes with him. You weren’t sure what you felt but you knew your heart was racing having him so close that you could smell his cologne radiating off his shirt. He wet his lips and that’s when you realized you hadn’t been breathing.
“You don’t owe me anything,” You said, breaking the heavy silence that had fallen between the two of you. You smiled at him and looked at the clock on the wall. “We have to celebrate though! We have time to catch a movie and get some food?”
He cleared his throat, and for a split second you thought you saw hurt pass through his eyes. He let go of you and gave you a half smile and rolling his eyes, “Are you really going to make me sit through another one of those movies?”
“You can pick this time since you accomplished something you thought you never would.” You said sending a cheesy smile his way.
“Oh, what an honor.” He said sarcastically. You both chuckled and grabbed your things, heading out of the practice room and to the theater to watch something.
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It was the one thought you kept repeating in your head, hoping it would somehow transfer into his.
He sat there at the piano, though this time it was in front of everyone. You felt your heart beating fast and you could only imagine how fast his was. You were waiting, waiting for the beginning you knew by heart.
He was dressed to the nines, wearing a black suit and tie. His blonde hair had somehow been tamed and laid nicely instead of tousled like he usually wore it. It almost didn’t look like Yoongi, but it was hard to mistake the way he sat at the piano and the focus in his eyes.
You saw the shaky breath he let out, but then, music happened.
It was just like in the practice room, but even better with the concert hall acoustics. The music seemed to slowly seep through all the isles and layers until the whole hall was filled with Yoongi. You watched the way he demanded the stage just by sitting there and playing his arrangement. Even if you didn’t notice him somehow, you would have known it was him by the way he played.
Just as soon as he started, it came to an end. The audience clapped, along with yourself. He stood and bowed to everyone before making his way off stage.
A few more people had to go before intermission, where you escaped to find him. You maneuvered your way through other acts once you made it backstage. You found him, leaning against the wall in the far corner. You weren’t surprised. He wasn’t a one for people.
Seeing him, made your heart melt. The past week, you hadn’t been able to shake that moment the two of you had in the practice room. Something had shifted and at the time, you didn’t like it. You still weren’t a fan of it, but you realized it was fear.
“Fancy seeing you here,” You said, cracking his lame joke from before. He looked away from his phone and met your eyes. He smiled.
“At the concert we both knew I was attending? No way.” He responded, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He did pocket his phone though as you walked towards him.
“Did you see my Min Yoongi flag? I even tried jumping but the old couple next to me frowned upon it so I stopped,” You said, knowing damn well you didn’t do either of those things. He knew too.
“I must have missed it. I mean, if you want to show me now, I wouldn’t stop you.” He said, grinning. You shook your head.
“I actually already threw it away. Too late, you’ll just have to see if I make another for next time.” You announced, “But on a real note, you did amazing.”
He shrugged as if it was no big deal, “Thanks to you. If I hadn’t met you, I’d still be messing up Heart and Soul.”
“Probably,” You said, “I can’t take all the credit though, you were the one who played it. I just supported you from the sidelines.”
“But you were so good at doing that.” He chuckled.
You looked in his eyes, and you just felt comfort. It wouldn’t have been something you would have said a few months ago when he was sending daggers at you from across the room. But, he was soft and genuine behind whatever façade he liked to show to everyone else. He had proved that he was there for you, even when you thought he wasn’t.
You would be lying to yourself if you told yourself you hadn’t been imagining what would have happened if you hadn’t interrupted the silence between the two of you before. You were tired of lying to yourself, because being honest, you had been doing it for a while. You weren’t sure where it started, but it had been a lot longer than need be.
Just do it, you thought.
Not giving it a second to process what you were about to do, you closed the space between the two of you. Wrapping an arm around his neck and the other in his hair, you pulled his lips down onto your own. At first, he didn’t do anything but once he realized what had happened, he grabbed your waist and fed into the kiss. It wasn’t hungry, though if it continued you could see it going that way.
You pulled away, letting your hands fall to rest on his shoulders. He still held your waist as he looked at you in awe. You could tell he wasn’t expecting that, not that he seemed to care. His hair, slightly sticking up now that you had grabbed it. In an odd way making it seem more like him than before.
“Maybe I should have musical breakthroughs more often,” He joked, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you. He let his own arms drop from your waist as you took a step back.
You rolled your eyes, “Maybe I should go back to my seat. Intermission should be done soon and it’s not like you could leave yet. May as well enjoy the rest of the show.”
“Do something with me after?” He asked, an odd amount of vulnerability in his voice you weren’t used to hearing.
“Of course,” You said to him, “I don’t see why I would want to do anything else.”
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cheeky-kookie · 4 years
Muse | K.T.H
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Taehyung/Reader | Fluff, Slice of Life | Photographer!Taehyung x Artist!Reader
Word count: 3.7K
Summery: Run dry from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you find yourself without inspiration and a blank page of your sketchbook in front of you. That is until your eyes fall on a handsome stranger who sees through a lens of a camera.
A/N: It’s been a while since I’ve written but I’ve felt so inspired by writers on here that I began to write again. So if you are reading this one, thank you for the support!
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It was a sunny day, one of those days where all you want to do is in some way spend it outside. You had decided when you had woken up that it was exactly what you were going to do; spend it outside. It wasn’t out of your element to spend every nice day you encounter outside, since nature seemed to be constantly changing. It gave you new things to be inspired by. Yet, with work and school, finding the time to go out and enjoy yourself and create some art had became almost absent. It had started to drain you, being in a cycle of classes, work, then sleep. All you needed was a little kick to get back into the thing you loved.
You had decided on going to this park located somewhere in the middle of town. It was a few blocks down from this coffee shop you really liked that served the best muffins. It was a guilty pleasure of yours to stop by there on the way home and snag one of those pastries, whether it be coming home from classes or spending the day sketching in your pad. There was just something about how moist and fluffy those muffins were that made you want to keep going back for more.
Searching the park, you looked for a spot to sit and pull out your sketch pad. You were waiting for something to catch your eye and trigger inspiration. You didn’t necessarily need to draw what was sitting in front of your face. Honestly, you were looking for a certain feeling to pull you to where you needed to be.
Defeated, you went and sat by this giant oak tree located in a clearing, farther away from the chatter of the park. It was off the main path of the park, so no one seemed to be around it. The closer you got the more it seemed to feel like a good decision. It was quiet and had a great view of the rest of the park. You let your bag drop down your arm and land in the soft grass by the roots of the giant. You followed suit, plopping down next to your bag and tucking yourself comfortably into the trunk of the tree.
You rummaged through your bag before pulling out a black spiraled book you purchased a few months back when your other one had become so full with sketches you hadn’t had room to continue to use that one. The old one was safely tucked away at home on your desk, waiting to be picked up and examined someday in the future. The current one you had in your hands held nothing on the pages because there had been no time or inspiration to do anything with it. Flipping to the first page, you stared at the blank paper in front of you.
With pencil in hand, you let the tip rest on the paper without movement. You waited for something to strike you but again, nothing did. Sighing, you leaned your head against the trunk of the tree and closed your eyes. You heard a distant scream of some kid playing on the playground on the other side of the park causing you to reopen your eyes.
 That’s when you saw him.
He stood out, but not in the obvious way. It wasn’t like he was trying to stand out. But even from the distance, you could tell he had a face that made people want to keep looking at him. His caramel skin was complemented by his dark curly hair and brown coat. In his hands he held a large camera, strap slug around his neck. You watched as his eyes scanned the surroundings and he slowly brought the camera up to his face, finding just the right image he wanted to capture.
 Part of you was jealous he was able to find inspiration while you sat by yourself at the base of a tree wallowing in your own self-pity. Shaking your head, you looked down at the blank page in front of you and started sketching him. You had spent a good while at the park, and he seemed to be the only thing to truly catch your attention. You weren’t about to let that go to waste.
This was how your sketchbook started to become filled with nothing but a few pages of this handsome stranger who seemed to love to take pictures of nature.
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Another day free from the stress of adulthood and you had found yourself back at the park; your eyes catching a yellow flower and finding yourself wandering over to it in wonderment. You sat down on your knees, taking your bag off your shoulder and pulling your sketchbook out. You started sketching the flower out on the blank page, a small smile creeping on your face as you found inspiration far easier than the other day.
Even with the inspiration flowing, your mind wandered back to the handsome man you had sketched the other day. For some reason something about him intrigued you. Maybe it was because he carried himself in such a way that he exuded confidence but didn’t come off as cocky. Or maybe it was because you felt like your drawings were incomplete knowing you couldn’t get the tiny details from the distance you sat at. You could only really imagine the small features his face might have held.
When you arrived home that day from the park, you confided in your roommate about the handsome man you came across and sketched. Of course, she had gotten all excited, telling you to make contact with him if you ran into him again. If you remembered correctly, her choice of words were ‘If he was as handsome as you sketched him, I would take the chance’  though you realized that in reality things don’t necessarily line up how they do in stories. She reminded you that sometimes things do indeed line up.
 You did owe him for sparking the creative flow that had taken over your body. You weren’t sure if there would ever be a time to thank him in person so you were left appreciating him in your own head and thanking him mentally every time you drew something new within the pages of the spiral book in your hands now.
The flower was on the page after a few minutes. Nodding in approval of your art, you closed the sketchbook and held it to your chest. You then proceeded to throw your bag back over your shoulder before making your way in the direction of the tree you had found solitude at a few days prior.
You felt a buzz in your back pocket. Grabbing the source of the buzzing, you peered at the reminder going off on your phone. Rolling your eyes, you swiped away the reminder your roommate had snuck onto your phone before you had left to the park. It was a reminder to introduce yourself to the guy if you saw him. Sighing, you put your phone back into your back pocket to be forgotten about.
Once back at the tree, your bag was back on the ground and you sunk back into the spot you found comfortable the other day. You pulled the sketchbook from your chest and opened it back up, looking at the new addition to the book. You lightly shaded part of the flower you deemed not shaded well enough.
 When you peered up from the page, your heart sipped a beat. He was back. Again, he was sporting the brown coat which you were sure was protecting him from the cool air of spring. He seemed preoccupied with one of the trees of the park, finding it interesting enough to capture in picture.
You thought briefly about setting your sketchpad down and walking over there to introduce yourself but the idea was soon discarded as you determined that you may have all the confidence int he world of your art and were comfortable and confident with yourself, but there was just not enough to convince you to speak to him without rhyme or reason. Yet you couldn’t keep your mind off him. There was just something about him you couldn’t shake, and it didn’t help that he kept showing up. You hummed to yourself and shook your head, bringing your pencil back down to shade the flower.
What you didn’t notice while your head was buried deep in your sketches was the curly haired man’s attention had landed on you.
He had been capturing a picture that had pleased him when he turned around and saw you sitting against the tree, pencil in hand, and attention focused in some kind of book. He couldn’t determine what kind of book, though you seemed very invested in what you were doing. He could see your passion from the distance and he himself was kind of envious of you. Your hair had fallen in your face and he watched you tuck it behind your ear, still completely focused at your task in hand.
Though you had a majority of his attention, his artistic mind had also noticed how perfect the image was in general. He noticed how you fit perfectly leaned against the trunk and how the tree was placed in the perfect spot where no bystanders could get in the way of the image. The tree itself was magnificent. It was quite old, he had determined by size, and the branches framed it well.
He slowly brought his camera up to his face and snapped a picture of the tree, and you. He looked down at the image he took and nodded in approval. It was the first picture he truly felt confident about in a while and he had gotten it first try, which he deemed a success on top of it.
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It had been a week or so since you had found time to do art. Though you had somehow found time to escape your apartment and your responsibilities for a bit today. You had wandered the park for a little bit adding a few pages to your sketchbook before you had made your way to the coffee shop you were so fond of.
You smiled, peeling the wrapper of the muffin back so you could take a bite. It was just as great as you remembered it; Moist and fluffy. It was exactly what you were craving after a long day of sketching, along with the cup of coca placed on the right side of you. Setting the muffin down onto the plate they provided for you, you flipped your sketchbook to an empty page. You sighed to yourself as you bent down to your feet to access your bag, wondering where you had put your pencil. Finding it, you resurfaced to the table and started to put your imagination down on paper.
You heard the bell of the front door of the café echo throughout the business and out of curiosity, you looked up to see who had entered.
It was like time had stopped. The murmur of the other customers had been drowned out by the own sound of your heart pounding in your ears. You didn’t even notice your mouth dropping slightly at the person who had entered.
He looked like he always had, perfect. His dark hair falling in curls around his face, almost blinding him because of the length. He hadn’t worn his jacket today which you could only assume was because it was a warmer day, but he still opted for an oversized grey sweater. He also didn’t have his camera, but you were more than willing to bet your life savings that the bag he was carrying around his arm held the camera in question.
You were too preoccupied with him being there; you didn’t notice that he too was shocked to see you. You didn’t notice the way he paused when you two met eyes, or how his own lips parted at the sight of you. And you for sure didn’t notice how his eyes grew huge and he had to quickly look away to hide his own reaction. Instead, you just saw him turn his attention towards the barista and proceeded to move in that direction.
You shook your own head, staring at the almost blank piece of paper in front of your face unable to focus anymore. You could still hear your own heartbeat in your ears as the adrenaline slowly ran its course through your body. You took a deep breath to calm you down, before trying to go back to working on what was in front of you. Well, until you heard the chair on the other side of the table slide out and the sound of a bag being set on the floor.
You didn’t want to look up because you knew. You knew that the mysterious and oh so handsome man you had been thinking about for weeks was sitting across from you. You could feel his stare bare into you as you focused on the page at hand. You could also smell his cologne which was musky but not at all overwhelming. It was almost a comforting smell.
“Who comes to a coffee shop for hot coca?” A voice said, sending shivers down your spine at how deep and smooth it sounded. You took a deep breath and looked up at him for the first time since he had sat down moments before.
 Up close, you realized your assumptions about him being attractive were very right. You realized that when he walked in the shop, but now that he was only a mere tables width away you really knew. He sat with confidence, leaned back with his legs parted covering as much space as possible. He seemed to make that chair his own and it really was a show of confidence. His plump lips held a small smirk, the corner tilted only slightly upward. His eyes were a deep brown that you felt you could melt into. And on his perfectly shaped nose, was a faint beauty mark which seemed to actually make him seem less god like and more human. Though in your professional opinion, you still found it attractive.
The worst part wasn’t that you were suddenly confronted with this inhumanly attractive male you’ve been mulling over but the fact that you were totally right before. The smaller details mattered, and your sketches were rightfully incomplete.
“I’m not a huge coffee drinker but these muffins are to die for.” You respond, setting the pencil down. You watched as he nodded, taking a sip of his coffee before setting his cup back on the table.
“I don’t like coffee either,” He said. He watched one of your eyebrows raise and your eyes zoned in on the cup at the table. A laugh escaped his lips, “It’s tea. But now I might have to go back up there and get myself one of those muffins since you’ve talked so highly of them.”
“I recommend,” You said, a small smile playing on your lips.
“You know,” He said, pausing for a second, “I’ve been wanted to talk to you for a while, but I just haven’t had the opportunity to do so.”
You felt your heart start pounding again, and just when you thought you had gotten it back under control. How long had he known you existed? You had gone to the park for a few weeks now and you seemed to always find him there as well.
“I’ve been wanting to since I saw you sitting underneath that huge oak tree at the park down the street. You seemed so engrossed by whatever you were doing that the world didn’t seem to matter to you. It’s sort of driven me to start getting absorbed by photography again. I had quit for a while and I had been going to that park for some time before and I just couldn’t get past the judgement I put on myself. But I saw your passion and I wanted that back.”
He reached down in his bag and pulled out his camera. He seemed to be looking for something specific, skipping through picture after pictures until his eyes grew wide when he found what he was looking for, “I sort of ended up taking a picture of you under the tree that day. It just reminded me to be as passionate as the girl under the tree. I will delete it of course, if you don’t want me to have it.”
You looked at the picture he had pulled up on his camera. It was just like he said, you were perched in your usual spot under the old oak at the park. The way the shot was framed was exquisite to say the least. The branches of the tree framed the picture perfectly and the way the sun peaked through them had added a really nice contrast to the very green picture. Overall, your artistic brain could see why he couldn’t pass up the picture. Your average human brain was on fire with the idea that you had sparked passion within such a talented person without even speaking to him. You also couldn’t shake the similarities.
 “I love it,” You said to him, watching his tanned skin be graced with a twinge of pink. He smiled and shut his camera off. You sighed as he did, “I have to admit something to you too.”
 You flipped to the front of your sketchbook and opened the first page before turning it around, so it faced him. You watched as he slowly grabbed it, his face becoming slightly pinker at the realization that his own features were sketched onto the first few pages of the sketchbook.
 “I had this huge creative drought. I was staring that the first page of this sketchpad for weeks hoping something would catch my attention or my mind would drum up so cool idea to put down, but nothing came to me. I had gone to the park and sat down at this huge oak tree and stared at the page some more. I saw you. You seemed to be so sure of what you were picturing. I guess distance could be misleading, but you still were the first thing that truly caught my attention that day and I just had to draw you. I’ve been able to sketch since so, I guess, thank you.” You spoke softly, watching him slowly leaf through the pages.
 “You are talented,” He hummed, still absorbed within the pages.
 “I sure would hope so, I’m an art major. If I wasn’t my teachers have been lying to me for years,” You joked, “Though I probably could have done better.”
“You’re your own biggest critic, or so the saying goes,” He closed the book and slid it back over to you. He then leaned forward, looking you in the eyes, “So, girl under the tree, do you have a name?”
 “Y/N.” You told him, ripping a piece of the almost forgotten muffin off and popping it in your mouth, “Do I get the pleasure of knowing yours?”
 “Taehyung,” He introduced, “I’m happy to finally get to meet you.”
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You were back under the oak tree, this time the leaves were finally turning shades of red and yellow and the cool breeze was knocking them loose causing them to fall to the ground. The ground had become cooler, but you had reminded yourself to bring a blanket to sit on instead of the dirt.
Your pencil danced on the page before you, sketching an individual who you could probably draw from memory now. You could remember exactly how his hair falls into his face and how the corners of his mouth turn upwards when he spots something he likes. You knew just how his eyes sparked in wonderment and where exactly that faint mole sat on his nose.
You could sketch him from memory but why would you give up the chance to keep looking at him any chance you got.
 You heard a click of a camera and you looked up at him slowly from the page you were focusing on, a huge smile gracing his face making him seem almost childlike. You raised an eyebrow at him, and he plopped down on the blanket next to you, peering at the paper in front of you.
 “Don’t you ever get tired of drawing me?” Taehyung asked, meeting your eyes. You could feel your pulse quicken. You had known this man for seven months now and you still couldn’t get over how your body reacts to the way he looked at you.
  “Don’t you have a billion pictures of me on that camera of yours?” You asked. He licked his lips and looked away knowing damn well he did have many pictures of you on his camera and you had proven your point.
 He then looked back into your eyes, “So, girl under the tree, is there any way I could talk you into kissing me on the lips right now or is it too much to ask?”
  You rolled your eyes at him and pushed his chest away from you. He chuckled and turned back towards you, eyes finding yours again. He slowly closed in the gap between the two of you and placed a soft kiss on your own. Even the smallest thing could make your heart soar. If there was any problem, it would be that you were absolutely and utterly engulfed in everything that Taehyung was. He was genuine and passionate, and it fueled your own drive. You both fed off each other’s energy and to be honest, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
  “Just go take pictures of something,” You mumbled, his face still inches away from your own. He cracked a lopsided smile and backed away, pushing himself back off the ground and putting his camera back around his neck.
 “Don’t miss me too much,” He teased, and you were just happy that he had turned around quick enough he couldn’t see the red in your face because the last thing you needed was another reason for him to keep flustering you.
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cheeky-kookie · 4 years
The Process of Grief | J.H.S.
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Hoseok/Reader | Angst, Fluff | Hoseok x Reader
Word Count: 4.7K
Summary: When you lose someone, some say you go through five stages of grief. Though the stages don’t always go in order, everyone hopes to someday reach the final one, acceptance. 
Warnings: | Major Character Death | Mention of Suicide | Destructive Thinking |
A/N: Honestly, I apologize in advance for the tears you might shed in this fic. I just wanted to write something that touched on a heavy subject of losing a loved one. There is a ton of things I thought about while writing this and if you had any questions about why I chose to do things or my artistic choices, please feel free to send me an ask!
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The car’s engine roared to life breaking the silence of the early morning. The sun had just begun to rise, casting a glow on the horizon waking the birds. Normally, this would have been a beautiful experience, but your heart was racing and tears stung your eyes.
You drove absentmindedly and in complete silence, the hum of the running car being the only sound. Everything passed in blurs around you as your mind kept replaying the words of the phone call. Your grip on the steering wheel almost too tight as you fought back the urge to sob.
It only took maybe fifteen minutes to drive to his house, but you sped there making it within ten. Your eyes landed on the vehicles scattered vicariously through the street, light flashing and casting a reddish hue upon the houses.
Opening your door, you got out of your car. You didn’t care that you still wore your pajamas or that your hair probably was sticking up every which way. You were concerned with what was in front of you; your worst fears playing out not in your head but in front of you.
You wandered closer, everything so silent. Neighbors stood out on their porches, curious, but not enough to venture further. You saw uniforms securing the area, entering and exiting the familiar house at the center of the action. That’s when your eyes found familiar faces and your feet steered you there.
Upon seeing you approach, they welcomed you with a comforting hug. Their eyes stained with tears that you seemed not to be able to produce quite yet. They looked as broken as you felt. His mom held you close to her as if clinging for some sort of support to hold her up. His dad held his sister who was hiding her face in his chest.
All of this seemed to be like some bad dream. You felt like you would wake up any second and everything would be just fine. That if you called him when your eyes opened, he would answer with his usual cheery voice, and you would hear his recognizable laugh. You closed your eyes, willing it to be that way; hoping maybe it would just be a nightmare.
When you heard the sob of the women next to you, you opened your eyes. They fell on a stretcher being wheeled out of the house by two men. On it, was a black bag zipped completely closed.
You felt your world shift. It felt like the stretcher moved in slow motion down the walkway as your eyes watched it. The cries of the woman next to you being drowned out as your mind tried to shield you from the raw emotion that bubbled at the surface.
You shook your head, shaking tears free. You refused to believe that it was him. He wouldn’t have thought of doing something like that. He wouldn’t have done that to himself. It wasn’t him being dragged out on the stretcher. It was some random person. You just talked to him yesterday. There was no way.
You told yourself that and you would have believed it, but the way his family was falling apart next to you and the way the two men hoisted the stretcher into the vehicle with less care than usual told you everything you needed to know. He was gone.
Your eyes watched him, the way he smiled and laughed. It was the kind of smile that reached into his eyes and a laugh that infected his whole body. It wasn’t much you assumed, but he found whatever it was hilarious.
He had been that way since the two of you were nothing but children running the streets. He had always been so carefree, filling even the most boring situations with light. It was the way he could see the best in any situation and how he was always able to find the best words to say.
Even know amongst the roaring party, he had the obscure talent of having all eyes on him. It wasn’t that he asked for it, people were just drawn to him and the warmth he emitted. You weren’t surprised to find that a group had formed around him on the couch he had been sitting on, all obviously enthralled with whatever story he had been telling them.
Weaving your way through the crowd, you made your way toward him. Once closer, you saw his attention leave from whoever had his attention as the fell on you. Your heart race as his eyes lit up even more, which seemed impossible, as he waved you over to the open spot he had next to him.
“Ah, there you are!” He announced when you made it into earshot.
Sitting down next to him, he instinctively brought his arms around you pulling you closer to him. Even when he was engrossed with others, he always made you feel slightly more important than the conversation at hand. Whether it be how he always had to have a hand on you or the soft glances he showed you; it was the little things.
He leaned closer to talk into your ear, “I was starting to worry.”
“Hobi, I was only a few minutes. There was a line for the bathroom.” You said back, his head turned so the sound could reach his ears over the loudness of the party.
“Doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to worry,” He mumbled back, barely audible over the music and the yells of beer pong.
Within minutes of your return, he was able to dive back into the conversation. And you continued to watch as his whole body lifted up and down when he got excited and the way he slapped his leg when he found something just too amusing. And you smiled, because this was just how you loved seeing him; happy.
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It wasn’t fair.
You were told that life wasn’t fair ever since you were a small child. You knew that to be a fact and you understood it. You understood that when kids would make fun of you in grade school or when you lost that hula hoop competition to that shady girl you didn’t like when you were six. You understood when you lost your first job because of a complaint from a rude customer or when you got denied from 3 of the 5 major colleges you wanted to attend after community college.
Nothing in life was fair, but as you were hanging up pictures of him on the poster boards at the funeral home you had decided that this was beyond not fair.
Every picture, he was smiling that contagious smile that made anyone with him want to do the same. Photos of him with friends, family, and you scattered around. His life spread out on paper for everyone to see. Looking at them, no one would have guessed he would have done what he had.
You never guessed.
Frustrated, you ran your hand through your hair and set the photos you had in your hand down. Tears brimming your eyes as you stormed out of the room and through the double doors that led outside. You paced, trying to calm yourself down but the more you did, the more upset you got.
The doors opened again, and you stopped only briefly to see who it was. Not caring to give him more than a seconds glance, you started to walk again to try to calm yourself. Jimin had followed you out. He was one of the many friends you both share and one of the few who had offered to help set up the services.
He perched himself against the wall, eyes following you as you paced in front of the building. You were distraught and he knew better than to try and talk to you before you calmed yourself down.  
You whirled around looking at him, “This is so stupid.”
“Care to explain?” Jimin responded head cocking to the side in curiosity. Part of you felt like you shouldn’t have to explain. He knew the same man you did.
“It’s just,” You pause as you tried to find the right words and a way to keep your voice stable, “He had everything to live for. He had the job of his dreams. He finally bought a house. He had all the friends he could ask for. Yet, here we are.”
“Just because you have everything doesn’t mean you’re happy.” He said locking eyes, voice somber and detached. You knew he wanted you to absorb the words, words you already knew but were too selfish to listen to.
Blaming him was selfish.
Your tears welled in your eyes, “I’m just so mad at myself. I didn’t see it coming. I should have. He spoke to me the day before and I couldn’t even tell something was wrong. How did I not see this coming Minie?”
The tears fell from your eyes as you stood there. Your composure gone in the matter of seconds. Jimin sighed, holding in his own set of tears as he watched you break in front of him. He walked over to you and pulled you into his arms. You were glad because it felt like your legs would give up on you at any moment.
“It just hurts. It hurts so damn much.”
Jimin hummed, his head buried in your hair as you sobbed into his chest, “I know.”
You sat on your couch, hands typing away on your laptop as you hurried to complete your assignment before the due time the next morning. So engrossed in your work, you barely heard the door to your apartment open. It was more of background noise to the words that were flowing onto the paper.
It explained why you were surprised when a figured jumped over the back of the couch and landed onto the unoccupied end of the couch. Placing your hand on your chest to soothe your beating heart, you looked up from your computer to see Hoseok laughing at your demise.
“That wasn’t funny,” You groaned, kicking him with one of your feet. Despite your protests, he continued to laugh. You weren’t too mad. It was a sound you liked to hear.
After he calmed his laughter, he pulled both of your legs toward him and placed them over his, causing you to slide down slightly in your spot. Readjusting to the new situation, you fixed the position of your laptop as he placed his arms across your legs. One hand found comfort in tailing the bottom half of your leg absentmindedly as you clicked away at your computer.
“So, I got a call today,” He brought up, trailing off just long enough for you to look up from your work and listen to what he had to say, “They offered me the job.”
Your eyes widened as a huge smile crossed your face, “Are you serious? Hobi, you’ve been pining after that job for months. This is big.”
“Well yeah, so naturally, you had to be the first person I told.” He remarked, which made you smile even wider. You closed your laptop and put it on the table before swinging your legs off of him, “What could you possibly be doing?”
“I’m obviously getting dressed so we can go celebrate,” You announced.
He laughed, but it wasn’t one of his loud ones everyone got to see. This one was more of a fond chuckle you’ve only really heard when he was with you. He pulled himself off the couch and closed in the open space between you two. Arms weaved their way around your waist, pulling you even closer to him as his lips pulled into a small smile. His eyes locked on yours.
“I think I’d prefer to celebrate here with you,” He hummed, looking you over.
“That sounds nice,” You replied, following the sway he had begun.
He chuckled yet again as he took a step back, “Then finish your assignment. I’d feel guilty if I was the reason you failed your class.”
Groaning, knowing he was right, you threw yourself down on the couch to finish your paper.
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The maybes plagued your thoughts more than you would had liked. You knew dwelling on what could have been was not good for your mental state as it already was fragile. Everything you did reminded you of him and the fact he was missing from your life.
So, you reached out hoping someone would be willing to listen to your thoughts and your feelings. You felt like you bothered Jimin enough with the late phone calls, but there were others who were blessed to know him and to feel his loss.
There you sat waiting at the coffee shop, sipping on a brew you found you didn’t like but you spent the money. So, you decided you were finishing it. You heard the chair pull out opposite of you and you looked up from your hands to see a dimpled smile.
“Late per usual, huh Joonie?” You said, sending him a small smile.
“Can never give me a break, can you?” He joked, and you laughed. It probably didn’t seem sincere, but you were sure he wouldn’t blame you for your lack of enthusiasm.
“Never,” You responded.
You two talked for a bit and you even enjoyed the casual conversation despite where your head had been. Catching up on things you had been missing out of because of the whole ordeal. It was still hard to bring up what happened because your mind would funnel through endless outcomes that could have happened that didn’t involve the one that did.
Namjoon looked out the café window and sighed, “How have you been?”
You knew the question held more meaning that what it sounded like, and honestly, you weren’t sure how to respond. He had been such a prominent person in your life, you were lost trying to find your way without him.
“It’s hard, you know? It’s like, the what if’s keep me up at night. Like if I had spent more time with him, or maybe if I saw the signs beforehand he would still be here. Maybe if I had decided to stay with him that night instead of staying home and working on my applications he wouldn’t have felt alone, and he wouldn’t have…” You trail off, holding back the now forming tears, “I feel like I’m drowning in what could have been.”
“No amount of maybes can change what has happened. Trust me, I think that all the time. Hell, I feel like I could have done more for him,” He paused just a moment to take a sip of his coffee, “But filling your mind with could-have-beens is destructive.”
“I know,” You sighed.
The night was peaceful as you and him sat out on his balcony that hung off the second story of his newly purchased home. He had been so excited about his new big adult buy; one he had been talking about since the two of you could think about the future.
He had always had big dreams. He had dreams that you always knew he could reach even if others didn’t believe he could. It was the undoubtably confident way he just knew whatever he dreamed could and would come true. It was admirable. You thought everyone should dream with no limits.
He stood, walking toward the bars of the balcony. He leaned on it as he looked out onto his backyard. Curious, you followed mirroring the way he leaned forward against the cold metal. You peered up at him and studied his face and the way he seemed distracted.
“Do you remember when we used to go to that restaurant after school?” He asked, eyes finding yours.
“Yeah, of course,” You hummed, feeling fond memories wash over you.
“We used to scrape together all we could throughout the week just to go order that sundae. The waitress probably shouldn’t have served us, but she always did. We would sit and share it and talk about what we would be when we were older.” He said, a small smile on his face.
“You used to talk about buying a house and that really fancy car I could never remember the name of,” You laughed a little at how his talks became a reality, “I mean you don’t have the car but you’re halfway there.”
“I think I specifically telling you that I would buy a house for both of us to live in so we would never lose each other,” He chuckled, the light not seeming to meet his eyes as he thought back on their younger selves, “Obviously, younger me never expected us to be where we are now.”
“Well, we were only eleven.” You pointed out. Laughter flooded the silence of the night as the two of you laughed at the circumstances of where life had led the two of you. It died down moments later as the crickets took control of the sound of the night.
“The offer still stands,” He pointed out, turning sideways to look at you, “Once your lease is up, come live with me.”
Your heart swelled at his words and you felt the sting of tears in your eyes. He had always felt like home no matter where you were. You looked for him in a crowded room when you felt anxious and his voice calmed you when you weren’t of sound mind. The fact he wanted you within arms reach day in and day out was overwhelming in a good way.
“Ah man, don’t cry. I’m aware that I’m annoying and hard to stand but I thought it was kind of sweet.” He said, reaching his arm forward and placing a palm on your cheek. He wiped the one stray tear that had fallen out of your eye away. A soft smile on his face in the process. You leaned into his hand feeling the comfort he always brought to you.
“I can’t let you back out on your word, now can I?” You said, feeling his thumb caress your cheek soothing you even further.
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Even amongst the people you loved, you didn’t feel like you should be there. Usually, you would love these get togethers Jimin threw. He had a knack of drawing out people who always just seemed a tad bit too busy to show up normally. He seemed to have pulled the trick off again, bringing all the close friends together.
You noticed Jungkook in the corner, who you hadn’t seen since the funeral, chatting to Namjoon obviously trying to catch up. He had picked up the habit of traveling, taking him away for days on end. You assumed this was how he was coping.
Jimin sat next to you on the couch in an in-depth conversation with Taehyung and his girlfriend who you’ve met only a few times prior to this. You were always surprised he found time to date with how taxing his editing job had become.
Your attention driven away from the extremely intoxicated man next to you when the front door opened, exposing two new guests. Jin and your female best friend entered. Their faces lighting up when they seen all the familiar faces around the room. You gave a weak smile at the couple. They shot you one back before joining Yoongi in the corner where the open chairs laid.
You sat there watching everyone interact and enjoy themselves, but you, you felt empty and out of place. You loved every single person in the room but in no way did it feel complete. It panged at your heart and willed your eyes to well up.
You got up from your seat, excusing yourself to the bathroom. Once there, you locked the door and stared at yourself in the mirror. You were a mess and you looked the part. Your eyes always puffy from the late-night cries and the lack of sleep. The person you saw in the mirror wasn’t you. The person in the mirror was a broken, off brand form of yourself.
Tears fell from your eyes as you sobbed to your reflection. You knew you weren’t yourself. You were closed off and emotionless, yet, so undeniably full of emotion at the same time. All you wanted was someone to comfort you and hold you but the idea of anyone trying to do that repulsed you all the same.
You had given up on blaming yourself and the what if’s. None of that changed what had happened. None of that changed what you were feeling. It just fed into the delusion. Now you were stuck with the cold hard truth; he was gone.
A knock on the door signaled another presence.
You sniffled, “Yeah?”
“Are you okay?” The voice echoed in, you deciphered as Jungkook’s.
You closed your eyes letting the rest of the tears come out. Wiping your cheeks, you tied to hide all evidence that you were indeed crying in the bathroom in the middle of a party. Especially a party where everyone was supposed to have a good time.
“Listen, if you don’t-“ You heard him began but you hurriedly opened the door which cut him off mid-sentence. You saw his eyes soften from worry to understanding as he looked in your eyes, “I didn’t mean to interrupt like that. I was just worried.”
“I’m okay,” You answered softly, avoiding eye contact.
He scratched the back of his head looking away from you as well, “Ever since what happened, I just- you didn’t answer when I- I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know I haven’t been around, but I care.”
A lump in your throat formed as you forced yourself to stay strong. The look in his eyes not only filled with concern, but fear.
“I would never-“ You struggled to find your voice, “I know you care. Thanks for worrying Kook.”
He gave a soft smile before following you back to join the party.
It was late and the smell of the fire hugged the air, engulfing your clothes and your senses in it’s smell. The idea to camp had been Namjoon’s, but he had been backed up by Jungkook and Taehyung pretty quickly after it had been suggested.
It took a good amount of the day to set up tents and supplies. Some had more issues than others. Jimin, being klutz, had tripped over the rods causing the whole tent to fall and Taehyung to be unhappy he had to help him rebuild it again. Jin and Jungkook had teamed up, dominating the tent and being the first to mess with starting a fire. It left Namjoon with Yoongi who seemed to be the one who least wanted to be on the outing. He ended up leaving the set up all up to Joon who somehow had broke the zipper to one of the doors of his tent.
Obviously with the overwhelming amount of testosterone, anyone would have noticed this was supposed to be a men’s outing. Yet, Hobi didn’t want to go without you. He claimed it was because it wouldn’t be the same without you there, but you knew that was his way of saying he would miss you.
So, there you sat with everyone in the middle of the campsite with a roaring fire warming your body as the bond you all shared warmed your hearts.
“Did anyone want smores?” Taehyung asked, grabbing a bag of marshmallows from behind him with a slight toss, catching them in his hand with a cheeky smile.
Yoongi, who had been leaned back against one of the fallen logs you all had dragged around the fire, reached out one of his hands lazily, “Stick me.”
His demand being of his usual nature but the phrase being very out of it. Everyone found it hilarious as Jimin found one of the pokers handing it to him so he could cook over the fire. Yoongi mocked the laughs as he proceeded to do what he intended; cook a smore.
You looked over at Hoseok. His laugh echoed through the trees and it sounded just as bright as always but for the first time since you met him, it didn’t seem to reach his eyes. You wondered if he was just tired and it was taking a toll. His new job being taxing, it was the rational conclusion.
You leaned your head against his arm, cuddling close to him. You had the warmth of the fire to keep you warm, but he warmed you in ways the fire couldn’t. Noticing, he peered down at you before readjusting his arm to wrap around you pulling you even closer to him.
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You rushed, pushing the pedal down a little more hoping the extra gas given to your own car would will the others into moving faster. You had woken up late for work and hurried getting ready. Somehow you managed to leave your place around the same time you normally did, but traffic was not on your side.
Sighing as a slower moving car merged in front of you, you slowed your cars speed. You glanced at the clock. You weren’t behind but if you kept getting cut off like that, you would be.
Frustrated, you started flipping through the channels of the radio trying to find something to fill the silence of the car and to distract you from your thoughts and worries. You were about to flip the channel again when the song registered into your still sleepy brain.
You felt the familiar sting in your eyes. The song you had stumbled upon on the radio taking you back to a fond memory.
He had insisted on coming over to your place to cook dinner even though his new house had a kitchen much more spacious than yours. He declared it was his gift to you because you had finally submitted that ten-page essay you had been working on for weeks. He had forbidden you from stepping foot in kitchen as he cooked for you.
After the dinner, you found yourself in his arms swaying as the music slowly did its own dance around the two of you. It was slow and you didn’t really know how to dance but he led you which drained all worry from your mind.
He stared into your eyes, but it was a different look than he normally gave you. This one was filled with unspoken emotion, full of intensity.
“What?” You asked, genuinely curious of the look he had been giving you.
“It’s nothing, just admiring you.” He responded, voice low as he refused to be louder than the soft playing music.
“That can’t just be it,” You replied as you kept his eyes with yours.
He took a steady breath, “I just wanted you to know you are one of the only reasons I smile.”
“You smile all the time.” You told him, eyes watching his as he took in your words. The way his eyes kept with yours and the softness they held in them made you realize there might have been truth in the words he had just told you.
“It’s different with you,” He said, the corners of his mouth pulling upwards, “I just really love you, you know that?”
His words come off deeper than usual as you could tell he was holding back whatever emotions he had been overcome with. You leaned your head down to rest on his chest as the two of you swayed to the same slow song.
“I know,” You said, you felt his lips press a gentle kiss on your head, “I love you too.”
You listened to the lyrics at the low volume you had the radio on, taking in that it was really the song. You took a deep breath, the stinging in your eyes disappearing as you slowly turned up the music. You smiled fondly, the song bringing comfort to you.
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