namizu · 6 months
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cipher nine au vi is a rare delight (?)
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So Lyde got to have her reunion with Vector today! And I'd already watched other people's version of the cutscene on youtube, so I kind of knew how that was going to go. Something I'm glad I wasn't spoiled on, however, was The Hole
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Y'know. The giant hole in the wall, directly across from Vector.
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Its positioning in relation to him gives the general impression that, upon hearing his wife was back in town, Vector was seized with such euphoria that it rippled out into the entire nest, and he was borne upon a tidal wave of bugs and burst through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man.
After which he seated himself politely in the nearest chair to await her arrival.
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environmental storytelling
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lanami-legacy · 7 months
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Introducing Biska Girard (Force of Nature // Prequels)
Biska was a human Joiner of Alderaan's Oroboro Killik Nest. She served as the Killik ambassador in matters of the alliance between the Oroboro Nest and the Marazi Sept of Nkua Etana. Because of this, Biska retained a certain level of individuality from the Hivemind in order to keep up relations with beings from outside the nest.
She was considered a good friend by Overseer Melinoe Lanami and her second-in-command Jaks Karaay Snr (despite his phobia regarding bugs). Melinoe's apprentice, Mar Fett, did sometimes find it to be a bit unnerving to be around Biska due to a negative experience with Geonosis hivemind worms, but Fett always tried to be respectful.
Biska was a gentle, friendly and intelligent person. When people spoke of what she was like before becoming a Joiner, they would make vague statements about her being a "troublemaker".
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squirrel-art · 1 year
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bugposting never stops (originals x x)
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rubensmuse · 1 year
im not an entomologist but i think im right about killiks at least
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eorzeashan · 7 months
By divine providence I was given a dream about Killik fighting styles. Obviously it focuses a lot on staffs, but this is because it focuses on blocking, shoving, barricading, and hitting the opponent's arms--of which the Killik has far more, and can change defense and offense positions by holding a different number of staff/sticks/oars in each, or across the body. Killik combat is well-balanced and excels at close-range, and is quite an art form to behold, given the symbolic meaning in holding their weapons in a certain position as a representation of the nest's combined strength and unity, with each staff as part of the whole (weapon and Killik). Killik combat done by near-human Joiners is known to greatly improve upper-body strength, given the focus on the limbs, although some Joiners express regret at being unable to hold the lower staffs with extra appendages. The staffs are often made with sentimental value through carving wood from the roots of trees that extend within the nest, and are shaved through a process similar to creating their instruments--with their mandibles.
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rjalker · 2 years
in summary:
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[ID: The meme of the point flying over someone's head, with the covers of the Star Wars series, The Dark Nest trilogy by Troy Denning on the left, and a smiling grinning werewolf with its eyes happily shut on the right.
The books have a red arrow arcing over the werewolf's head, showing that it is metaphorically flying over its head, with red text that reads, "The author wants you to think the bug people are creepy and gross and wants you to agree that genocide is the only way to stop them from being evil because the author thinks bug people don't deserve to be people and should be forcibly lobotomized as a species".
The smiling werewolf is labeled, "Me as like a 10 year old with 0 reading comprehension, literally just enjoying the bug people's existance".
A black arrow points from the werewolf to the books, and reads, "OMG! Bug people! I love them so much!".
End ID.]
if it's not obvious, I'm very disappointed and annoyed.
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
“I’m not a ‘joiner,’ Blue.”
Thinking about this line of Cara’s, because I have subtitles on when I work on ACCPOV and noticed they chose to emphasize the word “joiner” as above.  Now it could just be a choice to visually show emphasis, BUT I also play Star Wars The Old Republic, so it made me think of Killik Joiners.
On Alderaan there is an insectoid species called Killiks who are capable of “joining” others to their hive mind by using pheromones to alter the corpus callosum.  The victim does not have to be willing for this to occur either.  The Alderaanians had no qualms about fighting against the Killiks when needed to protect themselves.  A quick Wookieepedia check seems to say they were extinct by Cara’s time (about 3000 years after SWTOR), but somehow I doubt that “terrifying giant bugs that will mindwipe you” left the collective Alderaanian consciousness, or only survived via moss paintings like Killik Twilight.  Maybe little Cara was terrorized by an older friend or cousin the way kids do by tales of the scary giant insects that come in the night, snatch up misbehaving children, and force them to join their hive.
That makes me wonder if “joining” has certain connotations for Alderaanians in certain contexts.  In the scene where Cara says she’s “not a joiner” she doesn’t seem to have a very positive view of rejoining New Republic forces.  So maybe it’s not just “I don’t want to join” but “I don’t want to join because I feel I would just be a drone in a hive/a cog in a machine, instead of the real good I’ve been doing here on Nevarro with Greef as an independent thinker/valued teammate.”  Adds an interesting flavor to it and makes me want to know even more what made her change her mind?  Because a few episodes later she has joined the New Republic.  (Even if she drops that immediately as soon as Din asks lol.)
I’m probably putting too much thought into this one line, but ain’t that half the fun?
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plotbunny-bundle · 2 years
Actually the Killiks might think the humans are swarming and attacking each other again like they do. They still want to know what’s going on and who the new people (Sith Empire) are. but they may remember Alderaan doing civil wars before.
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killikhive · 5 months
re: my ideas of weird killik associated species. there is so much to work with from irl ant-associates look at this. imagine something like this but with killiks
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Drew *him* At D&D this week... just a lil Joker bust, Should I color himb?
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reconstructionlegacy · 7 months
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a sketch i'll never finish - sanewso with killik fingerlings.
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what she says: i'm fine
what she means: it's Iesei. it's fucking IESEI, i-e-s-e-i, YAY-say, it isn't LEI-sei, with an L. i know this because all killik hive names are palindromes and they all start and end with vowels, the SAME vowel, this is extremely consistent through the entire game and also supplemental material. except in this ONE instance. and i know it isn't an exception, because the captioning for that cutscene spells it right; but both Vanessa Marshall AND Ifan Meredith get it wrong, so that means they either both read that uppercase "I" as a lowercase "L" or else one or both of them asked and whoever directed them during those recording sessions gave them the wrong answer. it drives me fucking insane because HOW did nobody CATCH this, THE HIVES ARE ALL PALINDROMES, WHO FUCKING PERMITTED TH
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lanami-legacy · 8 months
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"You'll come and visit us again soon?" Biska asked fondly.
Listen, I can't stop thinking about the depressed single dad and the killik joiner! These two live rent-free in my head!
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squirrel-art · 1 year
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pov: you are an underpaid cinema employee on the vaiken spacedock three hours into your first day on the job
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rubensmuse · 1 year
bro going to alderaan on my jedi and having to murder killiks feels so so bad after playing the f!agent storyline. like noooo those are my in-lawwws
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