#knee pain
k9emote · 26 days
could i request some rib and/or back pain emojis? please and thank you!!
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rib pain
rib pain v2
back/spine pain
neck pain
wrist pain
knuckle pain
hand pain
leg pain
knee pain
ankle pain
I am hypermobile and will use these all. of the time. hhrrgguhh
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50stressballs · 2 months
Really wish all the “low impact” exercise routines I find weren’t hyper focused on like squats and lunges and shit. Like bro, my knees DO NOT WORK. They simply do not function properly. If I do 15 squats today I’m not going to be able to walk properly for literal days.
…….but like I’m so tired and I NEED to work out to help with my fatigue, and I don’t have the attention span for yoga right now. So I do the five bajillion squats anyway.
And I’m stupid so I forget that that’s a bad idea, so when I’m in an incredible amount of pain just walking up and down the stairs for the rest of the week, I’ll be like
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thoughtportal · 4 months
If you want to protect your knees you often need to support the structures around the knees. These are 3 keys to make that happen
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jupitersrising · 3 months
I want someone to write a fic about Yaz with chronic knee pain from running. She toughs it out and doesn't tell anyone until Sammy somehow finds out and is appalled that Yaz never brought it up.
Sammy starts researching knee pain and gets Yaz everything she could possibly need. I'm talking compression sleeves, medical grade braces, weighted blankets, ice packs, extra throw pillows for leg elevation. The next time she visits she brings it all over. She gets up early and makes sure Yaz stretches with her before she goes running. She watches the clock so Yaz doesn't wear the braces for too long and end up fucking her knees up more. She lets Yaz prop her legs up in her lap every time they're sitting together so they're elevated. She keeps the freezer stocked with extra ice packs that don't get taken out of the house.
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thedisablednaturalist · 6 months
Tip my chiropractor told me for helping with knee/back pain when standing. Bend your knees a little bit, not too much to be squatting, just barely bent. It should be barely noticeable. This relieves the pressure on your knee joint and I think also your back? It helps me and I now do it out of habit.
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1451514-emojis · 4 months
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As a brace user, I haven't seen too many emotes like this, so I figured I'd make my own. The compression sleeve I drew is actually roughly based on the the ones I use :D
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anxiousvampireenby · 5 months
Something for all my chronically ill brethren that I’ve been thinking about. It’s okay and normal to have a low pain tolerance. I always hear a ton about ill people having high pain tolerances because were used to it, and that is true for some people, but not all!! I personally have a fairly low pain tolerance, at least from what I can tell (I will admit most of the people in my life are chronically ill in some way so I may be biased).
Now you may not have a low tolerance for everything, for example I have a fairly high tolerance for joint pain and rib pain because it’s what I experience most out of my symptoms. There is one exception, and THATS headaches and migraines, which I’ve had more often and for the longest out of all my symptoms, and I still have a fairly low tolerance for. Now I will admit that it may just feel low because I don’t know how severe other people’s are, but the point still stands.
A low pain tolerance doesn’t make you less than or mean you suffer less than others, it just means your body is built differently, and that’s okay!! We’re all much more similar than we are different, and we’ll get much farther in radical acceptance and change if we recognize that.
Edit: Rereading this and seeing the reblogs (ps thank y’all I’m so glad people are resonating with this sentiment) I wanna make smth more clear. If you have a low pain tolerance for everything, that’s okay!! No matter if you’ve had symptoms for a month or years, you are valid. Pain isn’t something we’re supposed to be used to and a low tolerance is natural (not that high tolerance isn’t). I love you low tolerance peeps.
So tldr: A low pain tolerance is fine, whether for some symptoms or all of them, and I love you and wish you many spoons
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accessimojis · 7 months
um. could you maybe do "knee pain" and "back pain" wordmojis? its alright if not, but thank you so much either way
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He he :D
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foxless · 26 days
i guess i should be using my cane.. i lost my knee brace & i tried my cane just now and it definitely took the pain away
but i guess i feel like im not supposed to use it? when i did people made fun of me, pitied me, threatened me, and i guess i just feel like i dont really need it since its for my knee instead of my hip now.
i dont want my family & peers saying “here we go again!” when i use it. i just want to move on from it.
when i used my cane before everyone was just so adamant on me not using it, my physiotherapist kinda rushed my recovery just to get me away from my cane because she thought it was “embarrassing” and “unnecessary” for someone my age to use one.
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theunusualchameleon · 6 months
Knees hurt so bad I'm almost tempted to become Catholic just so I can message the knee problems saint and ask him wtf
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crippleprophet · 7 months
hi i was wondering if you or any of your followers had tips for dealing with chronic muscle pain (specifically hip and knee).
nothing i’ve tried has seemed to help (pt, otc pain meds, ice, heat, rest, acupuncture, cbd lotion, epson salt baths, stretching). and i’ve peen told that the only pain meds that would help would be narcotics (which i can’t take due to family).
also everybody has seemed to circle back to “it’s because of your mental health that everything is shit”. and doctors refuse to do any tests past moving my legs around and poking at them.
so i will try almost anything. thank you
i’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, i have chronic muscle pain & i know it can easily be so debilitating. regardless of whether there’s a relationship with stress or whatever, your physical symptoms should still be fucking treated! the abject cruelty of not managing your pain aside, it’s almost like it’s harder to handle mental experiences when you’re in pain all the time… you don’t deserve this bullshit & i’m really sorry 🖤
i am suspicious of your being told that only narcotics would help tbh — i don’t doubt that many folks need narcotics to effectively treat their pain, & opioids have definitely been the most effective treatment for me when i have access to them (although more for nerve stuff than muscle) but there are definitely medications you haven’t been offered yet that might be helpful.
idk if you suspect that your muscle pain may be related to chronic illness but my muscle pain (including what was dismissed as untreatable fibromyalgia symptoms) improved dramatically when i got on an immunosuppressant (hydroxychloroquine in my case). if you haven’t gotten a basic rheumatology blood panel done by your GP it could be worth a shot as my elevated inflammatory markers led to that prescription even though i’m definitely underdiagnosed.
i’m also like, really pissed nobody’s given you a muscle relaxer jesus christ. i’m on 4mg tizanidine from my PCP & it’s been immensely helpful for my muscle pain, i choose to take it probably once a week because it’s more effective at knocking me out all night that way lol but i also use it as a rescue medication when i’m having severe cramps. really helpful to just get a fucking break & some decent sleep every so often. in that thread i’m planning to ask about starting prazosin at my next appointment, it’s prescribed for nightmares (which i def have lol) but can prompt a certain level of muscle relaxation which is part of how it helps with sleep
idk if this is an option for you due to family etc but delta8 (weed equivalent that’s technically legal in the US) has been vital for managing my own pain. expensive as shit but so it goes.
idk if you already use a mobility aid or if that’s an option for you but it could be worth looking into! redirecting some of the force applied to your muscles might make things like walking easier or could help with balance if you experience sudden weakness / cramps.
super depends on your situation but it could be worth paying attention to your feet as well, getting plantar fasciitis house shoes vastly improved my knee-hip-back pain, knees in particular. mine was more joint related than muscular but from studying biomechanics it’s all interrelated & from my perspective anything that helps may make it a bit easier to keep going until you find a better long-term solution. so even if it doesn’t seem related to your pain if there’s anything that might make your life easier right now i encourage you to consider it!
other folks feel free to respond with things that have been effective for you! i really hope you find some solutions that make things more bearable for you 💓💓
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eliias-bouchard · 1 year
can we just get rid of knees. get new ones perhaps. can they put door hinges there instead
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wishful-seeker · 3 months
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Finally found some platforms that are really lightweight so they don't hurt my knees :))
I can't really read this but this is the brand:
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cubesbloodsucks · 4 months
I’m so excited that I’m getting knee braces on Friday!
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normalpeoplethiings · 5 months
i can’t be the only one with really bad knee problems, like every time i stand up or sit down my knee becomes closer and closer to dislocating. it is getting so bad that i’m having to wear compression sleeves on my knees to stop them from being incredibly painful whilst i’m sleeping and when i wake up 😭😭
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