#kpop x gender neautral
avewritesmr · 3 years
Stray kids reaction to y/k having tattoo sleeves? 🙏🏻 I’ve seen reactions where they specified a couple tattoos but I wanna know what their reaction would be with someone that has sleeves. Or wants to get more tattoos (; also could some of the settings be like on a date? Like during the stage where they’re getting to know y/k?) thnx 💓
Reaction to boyfriend who has a tattoo sleeve
A/N: So I only did three members (picked at random) to avoid this getting repetitive, I think I strayed a little off topic, not sure, but please let me know what you think of it anonie, I loved writing it, and I am so sorry it has taken me so long to write it, all the love and in hopes of having more time to write now that college application and decision time is coming to a wrap 💖
Seo Changbin (Implied NSFW Content)
y/n and Changbin meet on the coldest day of winter, it’s literally freezing and the entire city is basically iced over.
y/n is the new producer at JYP and it just so happens that Changbin is asked to work with y/n on a project.
At first Changbin is really skeptical, y/n is this quiet, kind of scary looking person and he communicates through glaring and frowning instead of words.
Then Changbin starts to slowly get to know him and things change, he finds out that y/n isn’t rude or scary and they get pretty close throughout the time they are working on the project.
When they are no longer work colleagues and the project is complete, Changbin works up the courage to ask y/n out on a date.
They don’t officially date or anything for a while, they go out together on a couple dates and hang out, they spend lots of time together and it is very obvious they are both basically in love with each other.
y/n doesn’t try to hide his tattoos or anything, Changbin’s seen a few of them, the one on the side of his neck and the ones on his wrists and knuckles but he’s never seen the whole thing.
Then one day they’re sitting in Changbin’s studio and somehow y/n spills an entire thing of iced coffee on himself and he’s only wearing a long sleeved shirt.
Changbin has a spare shirt from dance practice so he goes to grab it and in the meantime y/n pulls his dirty shirt off.
Changbin finds the shirt in a drawer and turns around to give it to y/n and he just freezes.
y/n doesn’t even notice him staring, he takes the shirt offered to him and slips it on going back to whatever he was doing before while poor Changbin stares on in shocked silence. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“You have so many tattoos.” Changbin mutters quietly.
y/n smiles slightly, “You don’t like them?”Changbin shakes his head quickly, he loves them, if he had wanted to kiss y/n before now he wants to jump the other man’s bones, he thinks they are hot and such a turn on.
y/n seems to understand as much and he goes out of his way after that to put them on display even though it’s still freezing outside.
Changbin isn’t complaining (at first), after a while he just finds himself staring at y/n’s tattoos, they aren’t even officially dating so he can’t just grab y/n’s arms and trace over the tattoos or ask the older to do anything to him.The whole thing leads to a lot of frustration on Changbin’s end and a lot of amusement on y/n’s.
“You know you can look at my tattoos if you want, you don’t need to look away every time I look in your general direction.”Changbin’s cheeks flare read but he hesitantly moves to sit closer to y/n and runs the tips of his fingers across one of the many tattoos.
“They’re so hot.” Changbin slaps a hand over his mouth as soon as the words leave it, y/n on the other hand finds this hilarious.
“Are they?” He is so close to Changbins face and his arm has moved to wrap around Changbin’s waist.Changbin remembers every thought he’s ever had about y/n’s hands and the tattoos and what he wants the older to do to him and he can see all the tattoos so close that it makes everything so much worse.
y/n’s smirk is enough to convince him to move towards the older and pull the other’s arm around his waist, he has no idea where the confidence comes from but at this point he has nothing to lose and he’s been fantasizing for way too long anyways.
Things end up so much better than he had every dreamed of and he has to concede that tattoos are the hottest thing ever, especially when they’re y/n’s and they stand out on white knuckles that hold Changbin’s hips down.
Hwang Hyunjin
Hyunjin loves tattoos, he thinks they're cool and the moment JYP lets him get a tattoo (I am not sure if he already has a tattoo tbh) he is getting a tattoo because tattoos are just so cool.
So why doesn't Hyunjin know that his boyfriend (of like 4 months) has enough tattoos to cover 90% of the skin on his right arm? Simple, answer.
y/n is an idol, he isn't aloud to show his tattoos on national television, and since a lot of his initial interactions with
Hyunjin had been backstage at music shows...
music shows = no tattoos being shown.
So let's go back to the beginning to get a clear picture
Hyunjin and y/n first meet at a music show backstage, Hyunjin has heard of y/n but he hasn't really seen pictures of the other that often and now he is face to face with probably the most attractive person he has met in a long time.
y/n is leaning against a wall in the hallway outside the bathroom in a beautifully tailored suit and Hyunjin, who is walking out of the bathroom, is completely enamored by this man that he might know the name of but can't be sure.
person walks past Hyunjin and y/n shoves his phone into his pocket talking happily to said person before they disappear down the hallway.
Detective Hyunjin mode = activated.
His detective work involves a quick google search to identify what group y/n is in and confirm his name, turns out he was right about the name and so he spends the next 2 hours of waiting before he has to preform just scrolling through pictures and tweets about y/n.
He resolves that day that he needs to talk to the other no matter what it takes, he just needs y/n's number.
His first plan is to recruit Jisung and Jeongin's help because they tend to find talking to new people easier and maybe he won't be as awkward if he talks to y/n with other people present.
This plan falls through very quickly because instead of helping all Jeongin and Jisung do is laugh at him.
He turns to his second (and last) plan.
Lee Minho is 2 months older than y/n, so maybe by some stroke of luck Minho knows y/n, or someone in his group, and Hyunjin can maybe convince Minho to help him start a conversation with the other.
Hyunjin is in luck, not only is Minho more empathetic about his hardships than Jisung and Jeongin but he just so happens to know y/n well enough to be able to walk up to him and strike up conversation.
Hyunjin follows Minho with gradually decreasing confidence. Sure he is going to get the chance to talk to y/n, which is what he wanted, but what the hell is he going to say?
Should he just ask for the others number?
Just introduce himself and maybe y/n will ask for his number? Maybe he can just turn around now and run away before this gets particularly embarrassing for him?
Maybe the floor underneath him will open up and swallow him whole because good lord y/n just smiled in his general direction and why are there so many people in this area at this specific time?
Turns out y/n wasn't smiling specifically at him, he was smiling more at Minho.
"This is Hyunjin, he wanted to tag along."
"Hey, I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you." Maybe his smile will kill Hyunjin before he remembers how to talk.
"uhh-hh, yes I know, I- uh, Hyunjin." God why was that so awkward someone save him, where did Minho walk off to? who is that? why did he take Minho away from him?
"Are you okay?"
"yeah, yeah, I am good." god he needed salvation right now.Basically, Hyunjin is awkward and nervous and he feels like the first meeting is a complete disaster and y/n will never talk to him again.
Somehow though y/n decided he isn't pitiful enough to ignore and walk away from, it takes a bit of prodding and joking on y/n's part for Hyunjin to relax a little and they hold a decent conversation. When Minho informs Hyunjin they have to head back y/n is typing his number into Hyunjin's phone and urging him to send a text whenever.
y/n and Hyunjin talk often after that, they meet again just a little over a week later backstage at a music show again and decided that they should take the risk and start dating.
They're moving a little quickly true, but, they can learn more about each other as time goes on.
Neither one of them is necessarily free at any one point in time, they see each other at a few events but their dating is limited to talking over the phone and basically texting all the time.
And then the day comes.
Hyunjin has the day off and y/n has wrapped up a photo shoot, the timing is perfect, the managers are okay with it and Hyunjin is buzzing with excitement because it's been almost 4 months and he is going to go to his boyfriend now.
They decide to meet at y/n's empty dorm just to be in each others presence.
So Hyunjin is standing outside the dorm door waiting for y/n to let him in and he is just shaking with happiness.
So when y/n opens the door with his hair a little messy and no make up on, Hyunjin's first instinct is to launch himself at the other and hug him as tightly as he can.
They might not have been able to see each other these last four months but that doesn't mean Hyunjin hasn't learned enough about the other to love him.
y/n only laughs and pulls him into the dorm hugging back with a soft smile on his face.
Hyunjin is so busy hugging y/n that he doesn't see the tattoos covering y/n's right arm.
He doesn't see them in fact until after he's been ushered into y/n's room and is about to head towards the cat laying under the window.
He turns around to ask y/n about the cat's name and then freezes because holy mother of all beings is that a tattoo sleeve?
"Yeah, is it a problem?"
"A problem? god no!" Hyunjin moves closer to war his fingers around y/n's arm and raise it so he can inspect the intricate designs.
"They look so cool, this just makes me want a tattoo even more." y/n laughs, "I can take you to get one." Hyunjin looks up with starry eyes.
"Management would kill, but I don't really care anymore."
"Maybe you should get it okayed before you do anything?"
"If they try to kill me you'll come riding in on a motorbike and wearing a leather jacket and save me." Hyunjin replies with a serious face.
y/n laughs, "That is just a stereotype, my mom would kill me if I got on a motorbike."So what did Hyunjin learn today?
He definitely wants a tattoo and wouldn't mind getting yelled at by management for getting one behind their back. He wants y/n to go with him because this man is an expert and if anyone (y/n included) disagrees then Hyunjin will be inclined to fight them.
y/n is 100% a mama's boy and Hyunjin is living for it (Another one of his life sources at this point in time is y/n's tattooed arm wrapped around his waist but he doesn't want to discuss those emotions just yet).
Yang Jeongin (I.N)
So y/n’s a barista at a cafe and that is how Jeongin meets him first, it is late summer, the uniform for the cafe workers is a button down white shirt so even though it is 35 degrees (Celsius) out Jeongin never sees y/n in anything but his work uniform which is a long sleeve button down white shirt.
After 2 months of (not really) subtle crushing Jeongin asks y/n for his phone number, they chat for a few days and then go on their first date in early October.
The date is a sweet, cliche outing, Jeongin is a blushing mess 90% of the time and y/n treats him with so much care. Dates aren’t that frequent after the first one but just before winter Jeongin and y/n make it official.
At this point it is so cold that there is never a moment for Jeongin to see y/n without a coat, hoodie or long sleeved shirt, so he lives a life of blissful ignorance for almost a month.
And then one day he is sitting at the counter in the cafe, y/n is just finishing his shift and Jeongin is waiting for him.
The manager walks by and tells y/n to clean up before he hands over to the next person and so y/n moves to the sink and rolls up his sleeves.
Jeongin isn’t really paying attention, he’s a little focused on his phone, but then he looks up.
😯 = Yang Jeongin when he saw y/n’s tattoos.
“Your face literally just derailed.”
“I didn’t know you had tattoos.”
“Well you didn’t really ever get a chance to see them.” Silence.
“I am sorry I probably should have told you before this.”Jeongin doesn’t respond to that, he doesn’t know how to, so he sits in silence contemplating the situation, while y/n finishes up. When they walk out of the cafe it is in strained silence, Jeongin doesn’t like it at all.
“Can I see them?”
“Sure, let’s go sit somewhere.”They end up on a park bench, y/n with his sleeves rolled up and Jeongin carefully tracing the ink covering y/n’s arm his eyes widened in awe.
“What’s the meaning behind thisone?”
“Nothing really, I got it because I thought it looked nice.”Jeongin laughs lightly and goes back to studying the tattoos on y/n’s arm, now that he is over the initial shock of discovering the tattoos he is enraptured by them.
He’ll probably stare at them whenever y/n wears something short sleeved, or rolls up his sleeves.
He genuinely thinks they are really cool and thinks his boyfriend is like a million times cooler with them.
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b000mbayah · 2 years
Aespa as Yanderes
Requested: yes
Word count: 472
Warnings: Stalking, obsessive behaviour
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Karina- Overprotective 
•Karina is usually close to her love interest, having a heavy impact on their life.
•She might not necessarily realise it herself but she is indeed a Yandere.
•Karina may just see her actions as being more protective than overprotective.
•She's blind to the fact that she's a yandere.
•It could take a long time for her to realise, if she ever does realise.
•Loves to have you depend on her at all times, in all situations.
•Lives for the fact that this is her undercover excuse to protect you.
•This makes you only a phone call away, easing her mind at night.
•She's okay with just being the person for your emotions, the aim for your affection.
•But if she feels like her love interest is being hurt in any way, shape or form, she'd switch. 
•Her overprotective side will be on display for all to witness with delicate eyes at the scene.
•This overprotective state is just a part of her nature.
•She was born with a jealous trait.
•That's what leads her to becoming an overprotective Yandere with overbearing intentions.
"You! Yes you! You stay away from MY y/n or suffer the consequences!"
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Giselle- Restraint type
•Giselle can't help the intense urge to just be by your side for all eternity.
•She wants to be the only one in YOUR life.
•She wants YOU to be the only one in her life.
•She could go about this in multiple ways.
•The main two plans being:
•You either comply and stay by her side at all times.
•Or She'll kidnap you and lock you up in her house forever...with her of course!
•That's your decision though, your fate rests in your own hands.
•You either comply and stay or get taken away.
•What she wants is what she gets.
•She's extremely stubborn too...
•You can't take that from her mind as you two will be inseparable.
"Hey y/n, can you come over… I really need your support right now.."
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Winter- A violent Final type
•Can't stand the thought of you being dead.
•Even though she brings you near the edge of death every week.
•As much as she drives herself into a deep lake of thoughts, she hurts you.
•Winter will break her love interest in every way possible.
•However, everytime she takes a step back to reflect on her doings, she ends up broken herself.
•She may damage you like an old, unwanted, toy, but she'll also assist you through the pain.
•She'll attend to whatever damage she's inflicted upon her love interest.
•She's caring but violent.
•A deadly mix.
•she takes her frustration out on you.
•But you're the cause of her frustration.
•You can never win with this girl.
•Either way you'll end up trapped in a loop of never ending torture.
"Does that hurt? That's your fault, stop making me think of all of these.. THINGS!"
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Ningning- Self-sacrifice type.
•Would make any sacrifice no matter the cost.
•As long as it leads to you loving her back.
•The sacrifices could be as small as losing her job or as large as dying for you.
•Ningning would gladly take a blood bath any day, for you.
•Ningning would gladly fight any bloody battle for you. 
•The love sick girl would kill many for you.
•Somewhat of a ride or die situation with her.
•Being a self-sacrifice type means that Ningning wants to help support and protect you.
•Unlike a self-harm type who does it for the wanted attention.
•She wouldn't care if you hadn't noticed all of her ambitious rescues.
•As long as you're happy.
"Y/n.. I'd die for you any day.."
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avewritesmr · 3 years
How about a 500 word small story based on Prompt #24 on Prompt list 1 starring Park Jaehyung of Day6 or Mark Tuan of GOT7.
Prompt: “You forgot your wallet? Again?”
Word Count: 640 words (a lil over the original wc but that is okay cause fluff)
Pairing: Mark Tuan x Male!Reader
Group: GOT7
Genre: Fluff
A/N: This turned out super cute, loved writing it 💖. I picked Mark cause I am just missing GOT7 a lil right now and Mark felt like the kind of person to fumble around when their crush talked to them
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2 days ago, tired university senior, Mark Tuan had desperately clung onto, equally tired but much more snarky university senior, Park Jinyoung begging with every last ounce of energy he had so that Jinyoung would buy him a cup of coffee to get him through his first lecture because he just so happened to be running late that morning and forgot his wallet.
The were in the middle of a relatively empty cafe a mere 5 minute walk away from their lecture and Jinyoung seemed to be taking pleasure in making a very tired Mark beg him for the drug that would get him through the next hour and a half.
Eventually Jinyoung conceded and puled out enough money for both their drinks placing the money in Mark's hand and shoving him unceremoniously towards the counter to order for them both.
Mark who would have normally put up a fight in this situation decided to take what mercy was given him and dragged himself towards the cashier who he know noticed had been silently watching him and Jinyoung fight.
Mark knew cute when he saw cute and right now he was being confronted with enough cute to substitute for the large triple shot iced americano he was about to order.
"Hey, what can I get for you?" Mark was pulled out of his open mouthed admiration for the man in front of him, he felt a blush creeping up his face as he quickly gathered his thoughts in order to form coherent sentences.
"Just two large iced americano's please." Mark muttered, when the barista looked down he quickly looked towards the name tag to read the name of the person he definitely had a crush on at this point.
"y/n' Mark read quietly, a hum pulled him out of another stupor and he found y/n giving him a mischievous smile. Mark blushed again and quickly averted his gaze.
He was silent for the rest of the transaction as y/n handed him his change and told him to wait five minutes while he prepared the drinks. If their hands brushed when Mark was taking the drinks and Mark almost dropped them then no one needed to know that.
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This is why Mark found himself standing outside the same cafe two days later debating whether he should go in or not.
"Oh, it's you again, why aren't you going in?" Mark was sure that if he had turned around just a little faster he would have gotten a whiplash, but there standing beside him was y/n, the whole reason he had come here on a morning when he didn't have lecture.
"Uhhhhh...." Mark wanted to run before he embarrased himself anymore, why couldn't he just talk?
"Oh don't tell me," y/n paused his smile amused, "Your forgot your wallet? again?"
Mark felt the blood rushing to his cheeks and he qiuckly shook his head no.
"I-I didn't forget my wallet, I-oh god, I wanted to ask if you wanted to like..." Mark trailed off again trying to form the rest of his question.
"Grab a drink together? Meet up sometime? Maybe you wanted my number?" y/n supplied after a moment of staring at Mark's silent figure.
"ummm....whichever one you like?" y/n laughed at that his hand digging into his pocket to pull out a pen.
He stepped closer to Mark and took his left hand in his, if Mark's was blushing before he was sure he'd burst a few arteries in his cheeks now.
"send me a message, tell me when you want to meet." y/n pulled away smiling at Mark one last time before disappearing into the cafe.
Mark stared down at the number written on his hand with a small smiley face and couldn't help the smile that came onto his face.
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