creature-wizard · 5 months
For whoever needs to hear it, The Kybalion isn't some ancient Hermetic text or anything; it's an early 20th century text written by somebody (probably William Walker Atkinson) who basically believes in the history of the world as proclaimed by Helena Blavatsky. It's got a bunch of that proto-New Age conspirituality and metaphysics in it. So like, read it if you will, but be aware of who and when it actually comes from, and take it with a grain of salt.
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void-thegod · 4 months
Casually thinking about how ascending to godhood is an actual thing.
Yes there are people born as gods or demi gods
But then there are people who just are so kickass, wise, and/or connected to nature that they just
Become otherworldly beings? With god-like powers?
Some of them even just... cease to exist/ascend???
Okay imma be honest this isn't a casual thought for me. This is a special interest in the occult that has evolved into a semi-obsession (Ikr what's the difference)
The issue being with this is that there is some data out there to suggest this is possible.
I will not be leading anyone into this rabbit hole. You're on your own as intended
Ergo: fuck around and find out
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atinymexicanbird · 2 years
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Magtober 2022 on instagram
Prompt 15. Mirror
The Principle of Correspondence
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ohmconsciousness · 1 year
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I can recommend this book "The Kybalion" on the 7 laws of the universe, opened my eyes a lot.
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somos-amor-luz · 6 months
"Los labios de la Sabiduría permanecen cerrados, excepto para el oído capaz de comprender"
–El Kybalion
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artemisintheory · 11 months
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polyphanes · 10 months
PSA/FAQ: The Kybalion is Not a Hermetic Text
Whether you love me or hate me for my routine reminders that The Kybalion isn’t a Hermetic text (as I’ve said abundantly both on my blog, witter, Reddit, and elsewhere), I beg your patience for my making yet another post about it.  Hopefully, this will be the post-to-end-all-posts about the subject for me, since not only do I want to supersede my other post I made about it some time ago (which I…
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✨You must truly lose self and observe when you open your ears to truly hear the wise words spoken….
✨To be worthy and to be chosen allows you to create so much space within yourself to grow….
✨“The ALL is MIND; The universe is mental”
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cryptikmovement · 1 year
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“The ALL is Mind; The Universe is Mental.” ~ The Kybalion #workinprogress #kybalion #worksonpaper #cryptik https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDn1osJp0v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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castilestateofmind · 1 year
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“The arms rotate, but the Center does not, remaining as still as the Polar axis, the unmoving mover of terrestrial movement. The unspoiled self. The number five thus symbolizes the inner man, also the total man, divine, perfect”.
- Miguel Serrano.
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epilepticsaints · 10 months
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ariesinwitchcraft · 2 years
I. Principle of Mentalism 
“THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental.” 
Gives a working explanation for the existence of the universe and rests on the premise that substance cannot create itself. Also suggests that the Big Bang was the result of mental creation, which may sound hypothetical but actually has some basis in quantum mechanics. And if the universe is mental in nature, you have the power to alter reality (bring things into manifestation) by being in full control of your thoughts through a process of mental transmutation. 
2. Principle of Correspondence 
“As above, so below; as below, so above.” 
This principle tells us that everything in the universe acts in accordance with the same laws. This is easy enough to visualize when you know that geometric formulas obtained from the measurement of earthly objects can also be used to calculate the distance of stars and planets in space. The principle of correspondence states similarly, all the Hermetic principles (universal laws) operate on all planes of being - physical, mental, and spiritual. Basically, activity on the mental plane (your thoughts) has the ability to effect changes on the physical and spiritual planes. Thoughts mirror reality; by controlling what you think on the mental plane, you can control what you manifest on the physical plane. 
 3. Principle of Vibration 
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” 
This principle is the basis for string theory in quantum physics, which states that that reality is made up of infinitesimal vibrating strings which are smaller than atoms, electrons or quarks. It tells us that everything in the universe is in constant motion, and that just as all particles of matter manifest varying rates of thermal energy, all mental phenomena (thoughts, emotions, etc) manifest at varying rates of vibration on the mental plane. 
 4. Principle of Polarity 
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."
There are two sides to every coin; this principle tells us that all extremes are the same in nature but different in degree. For example, there is no such thing as absolute heat or absolute cold. There are only varying degrees of temperature. "Hot" and "cold" are the same thing, only different in degrees. Similarly, this principle can be applied to the mental plane - what is "absolute hate" or "absolute "love"? Are these not two emotions not essentially the same in nature? Knowing that two extremes are in fact the same thing will allow you to shift your mood from one end of the polarity to another; from hate to love, fear to courage, etc. This is what the Hermeticists call mental alchemy. 
5. Principle of Rhythm 
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
This principle about the mathematical patterns in the universe, that everything is cyclical and phasic in nature. Stars are born and die, galaxies expand and collapse, empires rise and fall, cities are built and destroyed. Day follows night, sleep follows wakefulness. Everything is in rhythm, following the motion of a pendulum swing that goes one way then the next. Our own emotional states follow the same rhythm, shifting from positive to negative and then back again. 
 6. Principle of Causation 
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."
This tells us that everything is connected through cause and effect in a great chain of events. Think of phenomena such as butterfly effect, or even what we think of as 'karma'. Nothing is ever manifested in an effect that isn't present in the cause - every thought we think, every action we perform, has both direct and indirect effects on the cosmic chain of events that we observe as reality. 
7. Principle of Gender 
“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes."
Bear in mind the important difference between "sex" and "gender". The former refers to one manifestation of gender on the physical plane, while the latter relates only to the process of creation and genesis. From Newton's first law, we know that an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an external force. We can think of the object at rest as the Feminine principle, which operates in terms of creative energy, generating the ideas and objects that form our world. The Masculine principle is the force, which "wills" the Feminine principle to begin its process of creation. Gender exists in everything; and in our minds both the Masculine and Feminine principles must be duly engaged in order to make the best use of it.
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“The alchemist realizes that he himself is the Philosopher’s Stone, and that this stone is made diamond-like when the salt and the sulphur, or the spirit and the body, are united through mercury, the link of mind. Man is the incarnated principle of mind as the animal is of emotion. He stands with one foot on the heavens and the other on earth. His higher being is lifted to the celestial spheres, but the lower man ties him to matter. Now the philosopher, building his sacred stone, is doing so by harmonizing his spirit and his body. The result is the Philosopher’s Stone. The hard knocks of life chip it away and facet it until it reflects lights from a million different angles.” - Manly P. Hall
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khaosritual · 2 months
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somos-amor-luz · 2 months
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©Magnus Opus 🕉️
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
O CAIBALION e os Sete Princípios que nortearam a ciência e o pensamento modernos
Por Cláudio Suenaga
A ciência moderna, ao contrário do que pensa a maioria, não foi o rompimento com a alquimia, a astrologia, a magia e o ocultismo medievais, muito pelo contrário, e sim a sua continuação.
O quintessencial Caibalion (Kybalion), que conteria a essência dos ensinamentos de Hermes Trismegisto, tal como ensinado nas escolas herméticas do Antigo Egito e da Antiga Grécia, revolucionou o pensamento filosófico-científico do século XX e se tornou o pilar do conhecimento que não só daria início às físicas relativística, atômica e quântica, como também ao esoterismo New Age e a vertente de autoajuda. A Lei da Atração, por exemplo, tão em voga neste início de século XXI, está contida nos Sete Princípios Herméticos ou Axiomas do Caibalion.
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Adquira aqui meu livro "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?" https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
Adquira aqui meu livro Encuentros cercanos de todo tipo. El caso Villas Boas y otras abducciones íntimas: https://coliseosentosa.blogspot.com/2023/03/encuentros-cercanos-de-todo-tipo-el.html
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