#kyman ao3
the-ourple-ouppy · 1 year
kyman tiktok: full of hate comments, ppl cant mind their own business and HAVE to hate on ships instead of ignoring, "this is why i hate the south park fandom", "dude anything but kyman", if someone says they like kyman theyre automatically homophobic, racist, etc
kyman ao3: full of comments commending the author, mostly/only kyman shippers commenting bcuz peeps on ao3 mind their own business, "great story!! cant wait for next chapter!!", "dude i love kyman thank you 😭❤️💚", if someone likes kyman then they like kyman who fuckin cares
my point is, go to ao3 for kyman content if you dont feel like walking through a minefield of hate comments waiting to happen
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4awny · 1 year
"Don't walk away from me. Hey, I'm talking to you?" Kenny pulled his shoulder.
Cartman spun around and flinched back. "Will you fuck off already?! Jesus, take a hint." He brushed his shoulder down, sighing dramatically. "And don't touch me." He turned back around to head out.
Getting desperate, Kenny jumped in front of him. Blocking his path, he held his hands out in surrender. "Cartman, please. This is way too deep, even for you. I can't let you do this, I just can't. You need to step away from this."
A huff and an angry grumble, Cartman tried to walk around him. "It's happening. Get over it."
He paced backwards, trying to convince him. "I know you got issues. I know you don't like talking about them, but listen to me. I get it, all right? I really do, I get this feeling in my chest sometimes and I've got this theory-"
"Oh my fucking god, dude." Cartman ran a hand down his face. "I'm warning you, Kenny. Seriously, get out of my way. I need to leave."
Kenny leaned in so he was sure nobody else could hear. Cartman wasn't listening. How could he keep offering to help, when the guy refused to listen? He had no other option. He needed to exploit the root of the problem. "Is this about Kyle?"
"What?" Cartman shot him a look of disgust. "The fuck are you talking about." He grit his teeth and walked through him.
The look itself told Kenny everything. Again, he jumped in front of him. "It is, I know it is. Listen, Eric, I know what you're feeling. I've been through it too. It's hard, but If you just talk to him about it, then-"
"Call me that again and you're gonna get a fucking slap." Cartman interrupted, hating the idea of Kenny calling him by his first name. There was only one person in his life who was special enough to call him Eric, and that was the mother that gave birth to him.
Kenny knew it was all talk. He knew Cartman wouldn't hit him, despite the convincing threats. "You're really gonna throw away your entire life over this?! I understand that you're angry, but I'm telling you, this right here? It's not the way to do things."
Cartman was so bored with the conversation that he turned the other way when being spoken to. He was trying his best to suppress himself and hold back, but his head was getting too hot. It was about to explode.
Trailing behind, Kenny continued to poke and prod. "Do you want me to tell him? Do you want me to tell Kyle? Because I will. If it gets you to stop, I don't care anymore. I'll tell him, Cartman."
"He already knows." Cartman said, assuming he was talking about his plan.
"Oh, he knows? Knows what, that you're completely obsessed with him? That you get a raging hard on whenever he sits next to you?" He grabbed his junk to demonstrate, despite Cartman not even looking at him. "Yeah, like I haven't noticed by the way, or wait a minute. Did you tell him about how you're so deep in the closet that you don't even know you're in there? You tell him that too?" When the words left his mouth, he stopped. Closed his mouth. Swallowed hard.
A cheap shot. It took a moment for Cartman to register what was said and it took him by complete surprise. But then when he turned around, he looked at Kenny like he wanted to kill him. That was it. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Kenny didn't even attempt to stop him when his collar was grabbed. Cartman made him walk backwards before launching him across a nearby lunch table.
Kenny tumbled from one table to another and then hit the floor like a tonne of bricks. Chairs flew back when he tried to grab onto something to prevent the fall, but found himself being completely disorientated. Nearby students scattered from their seats, preparing for a fight to break out.
Cartman's eyes were fierce with tunnel vision. His teeth were spitting venom and his erratic breathing had a quiet growl to it. The anger stayed with him a few seconds more and then it suddenly left him. The room fell quiet. He looked around to see all sorts of people staring at him, as if he had gone completely mad. It was then, when he realized what he had done.
His eyes fell on Kenny, who was on the floor, stunned in position and waiting for something to happen. Cartman didn't say anything to him, he couldn't find the words. He looked at his shaking hands and Kenny could see this dreaded look in his eye. It was the look of fear.
The brunette backed away slowly and rushed to the nearest exit.
"Are you okay, Kenny?" Someone asked. Kenny mumbled out a yeah and he got to his feet.
Across the room, Craig already had his eye on the two. He knew some kind of argument was happening, judging by their body language. To him, it looked as though Kenny was trying to stop Cartman from leaving. Either that, or Kenny was just being annoying. He did consider that.
But then he saw Kenny go flying and he immediately jumped out of his seat.
Chapter 28. <<<<<< to see the rest :-) ty to everyone!! cant believe its been that long already lol
gonna shout out my bestie @mesamstas for the cat idea and being a gr8 artist x
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 7 months
if u saw a girl reading kyman in various disney lines today. mind ur business.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 6 months
It’s time for another Fic Rec List fellow humans!!!
And boy howdy do I have a LOT this time lmao. A good chunk of them are Kyle-centric, bc I, like my son Stan Marsh, have been fixated on that guy. Also there are multiple from the same authors bc I find something I like and read EVERYTHING by them.
There’s a range of pairings on this list too bc I’ll read pretty much anything (still mostly style they do be my favorite) so hopefully if u see ur favorite ship or an intriguing concept this’ll steer you to somethin u like!
Here ya go!
* (rem)ember by boxwinebaddie. Ok we all knew I was gonna start the list w this one bc I am OBSESSED!!! Style holy shit! Crimson Dawn! Mentally unstable law student Kyle! RAVEN!!! The friendships and group dynamics! Rm lives rent free in my head dude plsplspls check it out!
* Painted In Shrouds by courtanie. Y’all want some Kysterion? This is one of my favorites! And NOBODY does Kenny like this author seriously. We got espionage! We got organized crime! We got overworked cfo Kyle! We got working together to take down the bad guys! We got blood and injuries and falling in love!
* Swansong by OrcaTimes. Fair warning this made me ugly cry. No one writes Craig like OrcaTimes YALL the Cryle destroyed me and doctor Craig always slays!!! It’s a beautiful story about love and grief, just GORGEOUS!!!
* Collector by cement_shoes. WHOLESOME STYLE ONESHOT!!! Them over the years, taking care of each other, Kyle handling bugs for Stan when he’s scared of them, growing up together and the trials of being human, but with someone always on your side. This one is SO sweet and gorgeously written, and a quick read too.
* A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies. Dude we all know I’m feral about SOT Style and THIS RIGHT HERE EATS!!!!! The history, the betrayal, the FANTASY VIOLENCE AND THERES THIS FIGHT SO FAR THAT SLAYS SO HARD! Being falsely accused of treason and subsequently exiled, tasked with escorting your prince to safety, GOD you just FEEL for the boys in this (plus we got them taking care of each other like yes yes gimme that fantasy whump) the world building is AWESOME I love sot AU’s and how different authors come up w the lore!
* Behind The Wall by Jwink85. Alright this one STARTS OUT nice, and is such an accurate representation of manipulative abusive relationships. Damien man holy shit. There’s so much going on in this, and the STAN PLOT OMG (yes style I love them) Kyle and Stan reconciling, Ike is my DISTRUSTING KING, high school angst, Tweek and Kyle friendship, Kenny being an icon, and I’ve said before but I love when Kyle’s written as generally wanting to see the good in people but still fiery in his own right, this is (a lot of jwinks stuff really that’s why I like their works so much) a great example of that!
* Simply Expandable by Kivea. YO WHO ORDERED THE MOB AU!!! Dude we got private investigator Craig, rival gangs, supernatural elements and mystery, conspiracy, fucking MOB BOSS KYLE?!?!? Kyle’s a bamf in this holy shit and bodyguard Stan, (this is Cryle btw and it’s fantastic) former k2, twenny, underground fighting rings, some KICKASS gang fights and the true antagonists bro the reveal was SICK! And when I say it’s a The Gangs All Here fic, I mean EVERYONE it’s wild and such a fun read it had me on the edge of my seat!
* And The Lightning Cracks The Sky by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Yeah yeah it’s cringe to rec your own shit sue me. But like Druid prince Kyle, Smokejumper Stan, forest fires, little mermaid but in the northern rockies ass plot, OVERLY PERCEPTIVE KENNY, mutual pining, magic, my beloved injury recovery (I gotta fuck Stan up ok) (I’m the worst)(giving Kyle chronic pain who me never) falling in love and saving each other’s lives, EVIL Cartman, I LOVED WRITING THIS ONE SO FUCKING MUCH it’s truly my baby.
* A quiet place (where I can scream how I love you) by sleep2thefr33zing. Coming of age style!!! So much emotional tension dude the pining is so fucking good, the first chapter is Stan’s perspective and the second one is Kyle and it’s BEAUTIFULLY PAINFUL WHEN THEYRE BOTH DOWN BAD BUT THINK THE OTHER ISNT!!! I love them being there for each other through all the bullshit of growing up, how resonant their falling outs are, it’s just so incredibly gorgeous and you really feel their emotions along with them.
* Knives by SparrowGrim. Ok so kyman isn’t my cup of tea but I’m putting it on the list bc some people do like it and this is an OBJECTIVELY FANTASTIC STORY!!! Tbh I only clicked bc I saw that it was Kyle centric (and that injury tag what can I say I eat that shit up) but I was HOOKED! Dark urbania, gangs running the streets, THE CODE NAMES SLAY SO HARD, we also got creek bunny stendy dip, the character relations are all so cool and the plot is WILD! Also Butters Kenny Stan and Craig are so badass jesus. Not even a ship I like but I loved the story.
* Peering Through Windows by Jwink85. C’mon I gotta have another jwink on the list and this one is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. K2 has been one of my favorites lately and THIS!!! We got dark cryle (my beloved) but when I say dark I mean CRAIG IS SO DEPRAVED!!! Like dude. But the story is THRILLING and artist Kenny is so kickass, Stan is a dad I literally cried over that small detail lmfao and I love jwinks Kyles and their idealistic nature (also I’m a sucker for any artist character) this story broke my heart and mended it again it’s incredible.
* Hunger Pains by Bellweather. Ain’t nobody doin Stan like bellweather MY SWEET PRECIOUS BOY UGH!!! The style is so great omg. The main four dynamic in this is wonderful, them trying to help Kyle through his ED (damn I really do read a lot of shit where Kyle’s suffering huh) all the characters are so well fleshed out and IKE I LOVE IKE IN THIS! The chapters have individual content warnings which is a great touch. Craig having prophetic dreams! Kenny dying multiple times! Chaos! Teenage camaraderie! There’s plenty of humor to make up for the dark shit but it DOES get dark. The mystery element in the beginning is really cool too I definitely have read this one multiple times.
* Find Somebody by hypercatt. STYLE!!! Stan-centric and so so so good, I love a platonic stendy team up too. some of the senior class goes “missing” and WHEN I TELL YALL I WAS so nervous that I read it out of order to make sure everything turned out okay lmao seriously this one had me WRITHING! There’s a gorgeous analogy throughout of physical hurts as a metaphor for mental illness and healing that just SPOKE TO MY SOUL!!! And there are so many beautiful moments, especially near the end, and the message of opening up and not running from your problems is beautifully written. Another one that occupies my brain lmao.
* To Have And To Hold by courtanie. Yes this is another one where Craig is SERIOUSLY DEPRAVED but hear me out!!! The plot, like I would DIE to adapt this to the screen, you feel like you’re watching a dark kidnapping race against time when reading this. And THE K2 IN THIS HOLY FUCK!!! Another one of my favorite Kennys ever and it’s so frustrating for the reader and the characters because WE ALL KNOW WHO TOOK KYLE BUT THE COPS ARENT DOING SHIT! The ending is unbelievably satisfying and the rest of the gang teaming up is so awesome STAN AND KENNY GOING FERAL OVERPROTECTIVE I live for that. But god the shit Kyle is subjected to, but he doesn’t lose that fire (Kyle ily sry)
* When The World Shakes, Hold Me by Bellweather & Blinkxs. The world building in this is PHENOMENAL!!! Post apocalyptic stuff, survival, STYLE!!! Some serious dark themes tho this is a heartbreaking read like damn check the tags frfr but the writing is MAGNETIC!
* -South Park- Style Sickfic/ Injury Fic Requests by AlwaysInSTYLE. Alright alright we all know I love my style hurt comfort and this is a request book/ oneshot series that’s JUST Stan and Kyle taking care of each other and I LOVE IT. you’d think it would get old but it DOES NOT. they’re not repetitive at all, and really fun reads! If you check it out, tell her PCE sent you we’re homies.
* Rookie Mistakes by espyonz. I love me some stenny and BRUH STANSTERION!!! Long oneshot that had me hooked. We got gentle hearted detective Stan who truly wants to protect and serve and is out of place in a corrupt police department. KENNY AS MYSTERION we know I love that shit, and he’s so awesome in this!!! The team up of Kenny Stan and Wendy to find missing people and uncover the truth behind their disappearances is AMAZING. We got Wendy as the tech girl which is SO slay (plus she and Heidi are together asjdhdks) and Kenny is hilarious in this, like he’s such a little shit and I adore this adaptation of his superhero persona. This one dropped LAST NIGHT and I’m so glad I didn’t make a red list post until now bc THIS NEEDED TO BE ON IT!!!
* Seven Candles by courtanie. Yep another one I’m tellin u, one of the best Kenny writers out there. So uhh Kyle in a Very Bad Situation again, like some of it was really tough to read. BUT!!! We got a war between heaven and hell!!! KENNY AS A FUCKING ARCHANGEL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? (I live for courtanie’s overprotective kenny holy shit) this is legitimately my favorite Kenny interpretation IVE EVER READ HES SO FUCKING AWESOME!!! Plus we got satan being Done with Damien’s shit lmao and Kyle making friends with a hellhound which is fun. THE FINAL BATTLE WAS SO COOL TOO I LOST MY MIND!
* Why Remind Me by Kasen. One of the best style oneshots BRUH it’s so good with such a wholesome ending and the FEELINGS CONFESSIONS!!! The boys playing superhero, then later we got high school style and an accident that leads to a reminder of a kiss and UGH ITS SO CUTE!! Just- just read this one I love it sm.
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
The concept of Cartman breaking up with Kyle has always finds it way to make me crack a smile, the fact that Kyle has some awful luck in love/partners that even the sociopath kid in town breaks up with him after a couple of weeks in is some low blow there, hilarious I love it
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drownedinlavender · 10 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: South Park Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kyle Broflovski/Eric Cartman
“I said, that’s enough!” PC principal bangs on his desk once more, causing the boys to unwillingly quiet down. He clears his throat before continuing, “As I was saying, Cartman, the next time you pull another one of your little stunts where someone almost dies or the school gets destroyed, you’re getting admitted into a mental health facility where you'll be thoroughly evaluated and treated for whatever the fuck is your problem. You got that, bro?”
The Park County School District has finally had enough of Eric T. Cartman's antics. After a series of unforeseen events, Cartman gets admitted into a mental health institute where he can finally get some long over due treatment. However, nobody expected him to be gone for so long and to come back somewhat changed.
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11x13kyle · 11 months
if you’re jewish and you wanna ship kyman go right on ahead i’m not a cop but i DO think you should describe kyman to your parents just once and show them your posts
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everlasting-luv · 5 months
If you don't like a story, you don't need to comment on it. Just leave 🙃
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anthareblog · 1 year
Thinking of making a fem!Kyman bodyswap fic… how we feeling?
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malu897 · 9 months
Wrote my first Kyman
Really wanted to reach at least 1k words but im just a brief person i guess 😅
Already working on the next chapter
Dont know How this will end tho '3'
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artbycharles · 11 months
With AO3 currently being down or slow because of the DDOS attack, I haven't been posting new chapters of any of my fics. I'm still working on New Best Friend and Breaking Walls. New chapters will be posted eventually.
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4awny · 11 months
Kyman Week Day 2 - First Fight
As Eric Cartman.
Last day of elementary school, I don't even have to think about it. It wasn't over anything important, but it happened when he confronted me in the school yard. 
We had a scrap and just by pure luck, I socked him square in the jaw and it stunned him. I remember being surprised too, because I had my eyes shut when it happened. It should have stopped it there, but I had tunnel vision. Mixture of adrenaline, anger and straight up paranoia.
I thought he was going to beat the living shit out of me if I stopped, so I jumped him and continued to punch and slap him on the floor until a teacher pulled me off him.
I didn't win many fights with Kyle back then, but this one was an interesting one, because something changed that day. Can't put my finger on it, but it sure humbled him for the summer. We barely spoke.
Nobody else was around to see the fight, so it stayed between us. I tried to brag about this victorious win to the guys, but they didn't believe me.
The aftermath of that fight was strange, because we started to get along a lot better. We still had fights and we still argued, but at the same time, and he'll never admit this, but it definitely brought us closer.
Highschool was a hormonal time for me. That's when things started to get really weird with him.
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You'll be fine - updated on ao3 :-)
gosh writing this way makes me nervous
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
(for the otp prompt thingy) 2, 8, or 19 👀
did no. 2. I wrote a whole damn thing.
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the-ourple-ouppy · 1 year
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fandom1213 · 1 year
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I’m super excited!! I have a few fic ideas for my favorite red head and would love to post them, posting for here has not been easy… but I promise to link when I get the ao3 account
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thebad---catholic · 1 year
Your fan fic is absolutely fire, it's the best fan fiction I've ever red, on God. It's so spicy and interesting, the tea is hot. Can I ask when you update? I'm literally on the edge of my seat.
This is so sweet of you to say, thank you!!!
I’ve been updating pretty much every day so far, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to keep that pace with school and stuff. I pretty much know what the plot is and what needs to happen when, but I write one chapter at a time and post whenever it’s done.
But thank you so much! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it
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