otomiyaa · 3 months
do you have any ToT fics?
Mr. Mouse
Lee!Marius & NXX Squad ft. Reader
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[Fic Reupload] - Haha I thought you were crying but then thought oh right I've been sharing Tears of Themis posts lately. Well I've got one, only one, apart from some drabbles scattered around. I'll reupload the fic ^^ It's not lee Luke though, but Marius. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 3.1K
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The mood was dark and heavy. Though it had been your intention to shift the team’s focus off the complex investigation case just for a little, you did not expect it would arise new complications.
All you had done was suggest a funny game for some team bonding, fun, and to have a laugh, since there was just too much tension in this team and definitely not enough laughter. Alas, there was little to no laughter at all as the men glared at each other, even while playing the game. 
"Guys...” you whispered, watching them nervously. 
Even with those stupid cards sticking to their foreheads it didn’t look at all like the lighthearted situation it should be. Marius and Artem were exchanging death stares as if they could fly over the table any second and clash. Vyn appeared to be judging their behavior quietly, a little pile of successfully guessed cards of his own proudly placed before him as he stared at the duo with piercing eyes. And Luke...
“Luke,” Marius suddenly called out, glancing sideways at Luke who was, just like you were, observing the two nervously. “I’ll ask again, Luke. Am I Mr. Artem Wing?” Marius asked. Luke was stuttering, but couldn’t get in between them again with a firm ‘no’ or anything else, given the tense atmosphere.
Marius already continued to speak: “Summarizing all of your answers, I am a male, I am old, I am not big, but I do have big earsー”
“Mr. Wing does not have big ears though,” you whispered, but Marius didn’t hear and continued.
“You are also an animal, Marius. You are forgetting a key part of the interrogation,” Vyn said in all seriousness. You should have known. There was no such thing as playing a fun and simple game of Who Am I? with the NXX gang. 
“Ah, an animal. Right. I stick to my guess. Mr. Wing is also kind of an animal,” Marius said, shrugging. Artem glared.
“Your insults are getting less and less creative. I suggest you proceed with more clever guesses, or you should just give up and admit you cannot guess the character,” he said. Ah, these two really weren’t getting along! Still, it was hard to fight back your giggles as you felt your lips twitch unwillingly. 
On Marius’ forehead was the card that said ‘Mickey Mouse’ and for the past ten minutes it had been him trying to guess the name which was not that difficult. From Elvis to Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Leonardo da Vinci, Darius Morgan, Phoenix Wright and Mark Zuckerberg, everyone else including yourself had already finished some interrogation rounds successfully and guessed the right names. 
It was just Marius who was still Mickey Mouse for such a long while since the start of the game that all of you had decided to focus your attention on him alone until he would guess it right. Though usually enjoying to be in the spotlight, Marius did seem to get annoyed and had been trying to wriggle his way out of it by provoking Artem.
“Ask more about the animal’s nature,” Vyn suggested. 
“Or his career,” Luke said.
Marius rolled his eyes, a confused look on his face that said ‘an animal’s career?’ but he sighed and growled, “Fine. Am I a monkey?” 
“No,” chirped Luke.
“Am I a cat? Or a dog?”
“No and no,” Vyn said. 
“A fish?” You shook your head at him. Marius made a wild gesture with his hands.
“A bear?” 
“Nope,” Artem said. There was definitely something smug about Artem’s attitude, and unfortunately Marius did not miss this. He lunged towards him and sneered, “Ah I see. You thought of a difficult name for me, just to finally have something I am not better at. Hm?” 
“Just keep guessing, Marius,” you tried gently, but Marius was fixated on Artem again and you were kind of relieved that he didn’t catch Luke’s very soft “It’s not that difficult though...” because if he did, Luke would be enjoying all of that attention that was going to Artem now.
“Looks like we’ll still be here tomorrow,” was Artem’s calm remark, sparking Marius’ irritation again. There had been something mischievous about the usual serious Artem all day, something childish yet not more childish than Marius himself, and you were torn between amusement and fear of this all escalating into something bad. 
“Rosa~ Help me out here? They are bullying me,” Marius whined like a child, pouting at you. It was hilarious how he really did seem at loss with this game, and it didn’t even seem to cross his mind that you were the one who came up with the idea to play this in the first place. Or better, that it was your very own hand that wrote the name 'Mickey Mouse' for Marius to guess.
“Just keep on guessing. You are really close,” you encouraged him. He wasn’t close though. You could tell Marius had still no idea.
“Perhaps he will need a hand,” Vyn said. Marius let out a sudden guffaw. 
“Oh you guys are loving this aren’t you? The only way you guys can beat me is with silly games, or maybe even a prank. I’m not gonna be surprised if I take this off and there’s no name on it. It’s getting shady, why am I the only one who’s an animal?” Marius said, grabbing at the card on his forehead, but Luke reached out swiftly and caught his arm.
“Hey, don’t take it off now!” the brunet warned. Marius was sort of right. The guys were enjoying the hilarity of Marius failing at something as simple as a guessing game, but there was no prank going on here. Marius really failed gloriously and you couldn’t blame them - especially Artem - for rubbing salt into the wound.
“See? You don’t want me to see you’re fooling me huh?” Marius said, trying to pull his arm free from Luke who held him with both hands, but Marius reached for the card again with his other hand. This time Vyn got up fast and stood behind Marius, where he grabbed both his arms and moved them behind the seat. 
“You are going to play fairly, Marius. This’ll be a temporary measure to make sure you do,” he said, taking off his own tie and using it to bind his hands behind the chair. Marius laughed out loud again.
“Come on now! As if you guys are playing fairly! This is so childish!” 
“Or you are the childish one. Just because you are finally bad at something doesn’t mean it isn’t fair. You’ll have to accept you can’t be good at everything,” Artem lectured. 
“Oh yeah? Well, it’s not that I don’t want to play a game, I just don’t want to cooperate with your pranks! I’m going home,” Marius said, but Vyn tightened the light bondage on Marius’ hands and said: “Oh but you’re not going anywhere. And it’s not a prank, Marius. It is a fair game.”
“Rosa, help!” Marius made a scene on purpose, still smug and at the same time dramatic about the whole situation, and you shook your head at him.
Vyn sat down again, but Luke leaned towards Marius and poked him teasingly between the ribs.
“I’ll give you a hint. The sort of animal you are tends to get stuck by human traps as well,” he said, but the poke caused a different reaction than everyone expected. Marius literally squeaked. 
Your eyes widened. Marius von Hagen.... Could he be.... Ticklish? Judging from the look on Artem’s face, he seemed to notice too.
“The animal makes a similar sound too,” he said, poking Marius as well from the other side, making him squeak again.
“The animal does, but the character does not make such a sound,” Luke said, watching how Artem’s single finger poked Marius not one, not two, but three more times.
“Haha-hands off, Artem, you don’t want to face the consequences once I get out of this,” Marius argued, dancing uncomfortably. 
“Hm.  That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position,” Artem retorted, and this time he made a claw of his hand, digging his fingers into Marius’ torso and getting him to let out another lovely squeak. Luke snickered.
“Shall we tickle him?  he suggested, wiggling his fingers. 
“We could. Until he guesses it right.” 
It was hard to believe what was happening here. You saw how both Artem and Luke surrounded Marius who sat tied to his chair thanks to Vyn’s bondage skills, and their fingers started to poke and prod his sides. Marius threw his head back, the card sticking to his forehead like magic while he let out the loudest most hysterical giggles.
“GAhaha-guhuhuys! Y-you ahahar the wohohorst!” 
You gaped at them and exchanged looks with Vyn. He was smirking. “Amused aren’t you?” he murmured while in the background, Marius continued to laugh because of Artem and Luke tickling him. Artem was calm and collected, tickling Marius with this concentrated look as if he was some kind of work project. Luke was much more playful and smug about it.
“Heehee, take that! Well, aren’t you gonna guess?” he sang.
You chuckled at Vyn. “Yeah. Amused, and confused. What is even happening?” you giggled, amazed that even Artem would do something of such a childish nature. Perhaps everyone would act a little different if a bratty person like Marius was involved.
“Well, I can tell you what’s happening. They are tickling him. What do you say, shall we help out?” Vyn asked you, leaning close as if the two of you were having an intimate and personal moment in the middle of the tickle fest. 
“Should we?” you asked, smirking. Vyn shrugged.
“I think we should.” And so you two rolled your chairs towards where Marius was laughing for his dear life.
“I refuhuhuse to plahahay your stuhuhupid gahahames!” he laughed, and he shrieked even louder when you joined in, clawing at his tummy while Artem continued to tickle his ribs and sides, and Luke was playfully wriggling his fingers under his arms, tickling his armpits.
“You’ll have to, Marius. Continue playing, I will be the one to answer your questions,” Vyn said, sitting right before him with his hands on his knees. He squeezed, and Marius let out a loud gasp.
“AHAHah!” His eyes widened, and you could see the realization on his face. He was stuck. He struggled with his bound arms, but even if he were to shake the tie off, you were certain these guys would not let him go easily. Heh. Neither would you. This was actually fun. 
“Ahaham I a rahahabit?!” Marius finally laughed, and you couldn’t help but giggle along. He was both cute and hilarious right now, and you continued to dance your fingers all over his belly. Vyn snickered and shook his head.
“No, you are not.”
“S-sehehehe, squirrel! A squirrehehel!”
“No,” Artem said firmly.
“A rahhaahat?!” Marius roared. 
Luke giggled. “Close, but no!” 
“AHAHAH! A MOUSEehehee! A stuhuhupid mouse!” 
Vyn smiled. “Correct.” To help ‘celebrate’, Luke switched to tickling Marius’ neck with scribbly finges as he taunted, “Bingo, finally you guessed something right! You are a mouse!” and meanwhile Artem continued to squeeze and pinch at different spots on Marius’ torso, from his upper sides to lower sides, his hips and back up towards his ribs, causing him to bounce hysterically.
“Thehehen stahahhap!” he laughed. 
“You are not there yet, Marius. You are a mouse, continue guessing.” 
“Like I said, ask about his career!” Luke said, going back to tickling Marius’ underarms. Marius was giggling and snorting adorably, the grin on his face bigger than ever and a huge blush spreading on his cheeks.
“GAahahah-- a cohohop!?” he asked. Vyn shook his head.
“Can you name any mouse cop? You’ll have to do better than that, Marius,” he said, and he spidered his fingers all over Marius knees and thighs, making the poor ticklish heir bark out some more hysterical cackles.
“GAAGAHha! Not thehehere!” he roared. You were still tickling Marius’ tummy, gently and not too harshly, but you couldn’t help but move up his shirt a little and scribbled circles around on his stomach, fluttering all over the soft bare skin. Marius seemed to get even more flustered at this, and he shook his head. The card threatened to fall off, but Artem slapped it firmly back on Marius’ head, making the guy yelp out loud.
“HAHAHA! Artehehem you ahahaass-ahaha!” 
“Marius, remember the questions I asked when I was Harry Potter,” you tried to help him fondly even though you couldn’t stop your fingers from tickling Marius’ sensitive tummy without mercy. 
“HEYAhah!” Marius squealed and shook his head again, but this time the card was glued firmly to his forehead, and he continued his hysterical laughing fit.
“Hahahha! Ahaham I on T-Teehehee-TV?!” Marius laughed, indeed succeeding to copy your questions from earlier.
“OHOhoh! Ahaham I Jeheherry?!” Marius really appeared like he thought he finally guessed correct, but Vyn’s answer was a teasy “No~” and he punished the wrong guess with fierce squeezes right above Marius’ knees, making him howl for his ticklish life.
“AHhahahah! Nohhoho thihis ihiihisn’t fahahahair!” he laughed. You smiled, wonderstruck by how attractive the young heir looked laughing his head off like this.
“It’s a little fair, Marius. Continue guessing, you’re so close,” you encouraged.
“Come on man, can’t you really think of any other famous mouse on TV?” Luke asked - his tickles were the most energetic, switching from rapid pokes and finger wiggles and switching spots even when it would cause his hands to bump against yours or Artem's.
“PIHIHIKACHU!” Marius roared. Luke frowned.
“That’s a mouse?” he asked, to which you nodded.
“Actually it is. But wrong guess, Marius!” 
By now Marius was really turning beet red as he continued to laugh and struggle. Artem had been quiet for a while, tickling Marius with concentration and focus of a typical lawyer, and he smirked as he drilled his fingers between Marius’ ribs.
“I think it is a talent in itself that you give so many wrong guesses, Von Hagen,” he said, triggering Marius but all the graduate student could do was laugh and giggle more as he was attacked from all sides. You only noticed now that his arms were already free again after so much struggling, but both Artem and Luke were holding an arm each, and Marius could do very little with the strength he had left. 
Using their free hands, both men continued to tickle him, making him giggle and squeal even when he was nearly out of breath.
“Guess it right, or give up,” Artem said. Vyn made a face at that.
“Mr. Wing is right,” he said teasingly. “If you would like, you can give up. It means you lose the game.” 
Marius made a face that expressed his surprise and confusion that giving up was still a possibility. But then he shouted “Nahaha-neheheever!” while continuing to squirm in between them.
“Then have it your way~!” Luke said, getting up from where he was sitting so he could tickle his armpits more comfortably. 
“Heeehehehehe! Nahahaha!” You were getting the impression that stubborn Marius was going to laugh himself to death here if he couldn’t still guess the character that wasn’t even so hard. 
Maybe you were enjoying yourself a little too much by bullying your ticklish partner like this, and not just for evil reasons. But when you looked at Artem, Luke and Vyn, you recognized expressions that matched your mood as well. They all looked fond to have the usually arrogant heir laughing like this and refusing to give in.
“Ahahaahahlright I gihihive! Guhuhhuys, enahahaa-enough! I gihiive uuhup!” he finally wheezed. Surprised he still didn’t guess it, you were the first to stop tickling his stomach, and you sat back. Luke also stopped tickling, so did Artem, and finally Vyn stopped the squeezing and digging movements his hands were making on Marius’ legs.  
Leaning forward and bending his head, Marius panted and wheezed, catching his breath tiredly. And as he did, the card finally let go of his sweaty forehead and twirled down onto his lap. It fell with the text upwards, and you could see the realization on Marius’ face as he read it:
Mickey Mouse.
“N-no way,” he panted.
“Not so hard, huh? Can’t believe you didn’t think of the most famous mouse in the world,” Luke said smugly, patting Marius’ shoulder.
“Like I said, you can’t be good at everything,” Artem said, patting his other shoulder. 
“Unbelievable... Mi-Mickey Mouseー” Marius panted, and he raised his head suddenly and glared at everyone.
“You wrote my card, didn’t you-- R-Rosa?” he panted, smirking at you despite his exhausted state. You blinked your eyes.
“King,” you said, using his codename like he kept using yours, and you smiled nervously. 
“She did,” Vyn said, standing behind you with both hands on your shoulders.
“Anything you want to tell her, Mr. Mouse?” he asked. You giggled at the new nickname for Marius, but noticed this certain teasy remark wasn’t necessarily directed at Marius. Gulp. You looked up at Vyn. Why was this situation suddenly getting suspicious? 
“It was also not our idea to play this game. You can’t blame us,” Luke suddenly said. You gasped, turning your head towards him. Wha--?! Yes, it was your idea, so...? You finally looked at Artem, your eyes begging for his help, but you blushed to see the smirk on his face.
“Clever. You perhaps knew that such classic pop culture is Marius’ weakness? Are you the mastermind behind all this?” he said. You started to stutter, blushing like crazy. They were placing the blame for their stupid quarrels and the tickle incident ー which you joined but that wasn’t the point ー on you! 
“N-no of course nohot! Marius I thought it wahahasn’t difficult, ahaahah M-Mariuhuuus!” you whined when Marius lunged at you and started to avenge whatever was left of his dignity by tickling you, the one most responsible for his predicament just now.
“Guys, I might just forgive you for what you did to me if you help me out right now,” Marius purred, smirking at the others. It was no surprise after what all of them said, but still to suddenly have the tables turned with you ending up in Marius’ position of the one tickled by all of the NXX squad, well, that was something you could never ever be properly prepared for.
“HAHahaha- guuuuys!” you howled, but these four had the time of their lives wrecking you, and you were surprised at their well-played teamwork. 
Well all in all, you had achieved your goal though: team bonding, check. Having fun, check. Having a laugh? Thanks to Mr. Mouse, double check! 
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strawbbfluff · 11 months
tears of themis boys find out you’re ticklish!
(implied fem!reader)
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artem wing . . .
you were currently immersed in work. you had just taken on a new case, and as a themis attorney, you had a reputation to uphold. however, it was already past 11pm. you were working way past your time, as most of the employees at themis law firm had already left hours ago. regardless, you were truly stumped on this one. finding evidence for your defendant was going to be near impossible at this rate!
you jumped, startled out of your slight trance. you hadn’t even heard the knock at your office door, or the slow creak as it opened. you turned around in your chair to see none other than artem wing.
“mr. wing! i… w-what are you doing here?” you stammered, organizing your thoughts and nervously stacking your papers. well, this was embarrassing! he had probably called your name multiple times already! way to go, y/n, ignoring your boss like that! you internally kicked yourself.
“i could ask you the same. everyone else left hours ago,” artem replied, walking over to your desk. he glanced at your papers and sighed. “you’re overworking yourself.”
“oh- i’m fine, really! i just really don’t want to mess this one up. i’m not used to doing criminal cases,” you explained sheepishly, fidgeting with your thumbs. double embarrassing!
artem smiled a little. “don’t be so nervous, y/n. we’ve been colleagues for how long now?”
you were about to formulate an apologetic response before you felt a hand on your shoulder. out of all the things you could’ve done, you squeaked.
“erm- did i hurt you? i was simply trying to be comforting,” the lawyer asked, raising an eyebrow.
“no! nothing like that! i’m just… um… pretty sensitive. sorry!” you babbled, cheeks glowing as bright as a tomato at this point. you very much wanted to fall into a hole and never come out.
“…what did i say about the nervousness?” artem mused, smirking a little as a finger discreetly found its way under your arm. “hm?”
you didn’t particularly like the look in his eyes.
vyn richter . . .
“y/n, i can guarantee you this is a game i’ll win,” vyn said, looking at your face with a slightly amused smirk.
“so cocky! we haven’t even started yet!” you whined, rolling your eyes. you and vyn were hanging out at your place, and after chatting about psychology things for a bit, you grew quite bored. an idea had suddenly popped into your head that had you practically bubbling with excitement. how fun would it be to see the calm, composed dr. vyn richter engage with you in a tickle fight? this idea was pure gold!
“no, but a childish game like that is partly a mind game, and i think we both know who always wins those,” vyn answered smoothly, closing his eyes in satisfaction. you pouted.
“oh yeah? then take this!”
suddenly, you were on him, legs wrapped around him as you sat in his lap and dug your fingers into his ribcage. he spluttered, not expecting the game to start so soon and for you to be in such a… position on him.
“y/n, w-wahahait! you never said we were starting, brahahat!” he laughed, trying to pry hands off of him. you smirked.
“all’s fair in love and war~,” you mused, moving your fingers down to his sides. you relished in his unrestrained giggles; you never got to see this side of him!
“a-ahahalright- that’s it for you-!” the psychiatrist announced, and in an instant he had grabbed your wrists, holding them above your head as he caught his breath.
you blinked, not having thought this far ahead. shit, he never knew you were tick-
“you know i am going to make you regret that, correct?” vyn inquired, his composure regained just as quickly as it left as he stared you right in the eyes. you gulped, starting to squirm desperately in his lap as he formed his other hand into a claw.
“i-i’m not ticklish! it won’t work!” you exclaimed, squealing already as he slowly, carefully brought his hand closer to your tummy.
“you think i don’t know when you’re lying to me~?”
marius von hagen . . .
you loved cuddling with marius. he was so warm, so gentle, so perfect. especially after a long day at work, you adored nothing more than allowing him to wrap his arms around you, engulfing you in his comfort.
“i love you…” you mumbled, too sleepy to filter your thoughts right now.
“you… what?”
you hummed, before realization hit you and you snapped awake. why the hell did you just say that?!
“i-i didn’t…! oh my gosh, i am so sorry!” you stuttered, quickly moving to get yourself out of his embrace. however, marius’s grip only tightened around your waist as you tried to run away.
“no, no, what did you say? go on, i don’t think i heard you right the first time,” marius spoke, and you could just tell by the tone of his voice he had that annoying, shit-eating grin on his face. the nerve!
“nothing! it’s nothing! h-hehehey, watch your hahahahands!” you giggled.
without realizing it, his fingers had started to squeeze your waist gently. nevertheless, upon realizing this, his grin only widened, his violet eyes searing into yours.
“oho! don’t tell me… my pretty little attorney is ticklish?” marius sang, his fingers deliberately moving now as you squawked and wriggled in his grasp.
somehow, you knew this was going to be a long night.
luke pearce . . .
“luke! come on, get up and help me cook dinner!” you exclaimed, starting to dice some peppers on the cutting board. it was saturday night, which meant you finally had some time to hang out with luke.
“yes ma’am~!” luke responded, getting up from his spot on the couch and walking over to the kitchen. his tall figure soon loomed over you.
“there’s no way i’m making dinner in your own apartment,” you joked, sticking your tongue out at him as you poured the diced vegetables into a bowl and started to wash your hands. you really didn’t mind; you were just grateful to spend time with him. it was surreal to see your childhood best friend again after all these years.
“cmon now, i just said i’d help! you should’ve told me you were going to start cooking,” he pouted, jabbing your side playfully. you almost fell over.
“y/n, there’s no way! still? after so long?!” luke chirped excitedly, reaching for you with grabby hands as you quickly dried yours off and started backing away.
“d-don’t! i’m not ticklish anymore, i swehehear!” you snickered, squeaking as your back suddenly bumped into a wall. damn it, his kitchen is so tiny!
“y’know, for an attorney, you sure don’t make a good case for yourself~,” luke teased, grinning as he brought his fingers to your hips and started scribbling.
“NAHAHA! but whahahat about dihihihihinner?!”
“i think dinner can wait a while~”
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readerleedigest · 1 year
Camping in Naboo Pt.1
I finally had some inspiration. There’s not a lot of tickling in this one because I’m trying to set that up for the next part, which I don’t have time to write right now. Hope you like it!
You knew that Luke had told Leia about his... revelation after your lightsaber instruction. How?
Well, it had maybe been a day since Luke had absolutely tickled you into oblivion. You’d been relaxed in the lounge of the Milennium Falcon again, laying across the padded bench with your eyes closed, when you’d felt a weight settle on your waist. 
The mischevious glint in Leia’s eyes and the indignant scowl told you her purpose before she’d even said it.
“How have I never known you were ticklish?!”
Leia made up for it with the kind of dedication you knew was typical of her. By the time she was done with you, she knew every ticklish bone in your body and promised to never let you forget it. 
The next few weeks weren’t as fun, preparing for the trip to Naboo to deal with the unrest following the disbanding of the Empire. You, Han, Chewie, Luke and Leia were choosing to deal with it yourselves, rather than send another squad of Republic fighters. The first had been greatly unprepared for the numbers they’d faced, and your group was used to the odds being against them.
The perk to this trip? Camping in Naboo. The nature there was gorgeous, and it brought you back to fond memories of climbing trees with Leia on Alderaan, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ships coming in to port. 
“So were you just hoping to hide and get out of helping set up the tents?” Luke called up to you and Leia, who’d climbed a tree just minutes after your arriving at the campsite. Chewie let out what you’d come to recognize as a Wookie grunt of complaint, and you watched as he and Han struggled to get the tents upright.
“Kinda?” You shrugged back at Luke, Leia already swinging her legs around to descend back down the tree. 
“We know you boys are incapable of anything without us, but really Han? Defeated by a tent?” Leia teased, lowering herself back onto the grass.
“Yeah, you can make the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, but a tent-”
You felt your stomach drop before you did, the branch you were using to lower yourself snapping and giving way before you could grab another. 
“Y/N!” you heard Luke exclaim as Leia knelt beside you. You’d missed her in your fall and landed flat on your back, knocking the wind out of your lungs.
“Breathe,” Leia coaxed, bringing your arms up above your head to help you get in some air. 
“I’ll be... fine.. in a second,” you whispered.
Luke offered you a hand after a moment, pulling you into a sitting position as Leia worked on pulling a few stray leaves out of your hair. 
“Did you take the whole tree with you?” she joked, moving on to plucking some out of the knitted top you wore for warmth. She plucked one off your side, and you jolted away from the touch, a slight smile on your face.
Leia hummed, a knowing look gracing her features as she looked at the faint blush on your cheeks.
“Stop it,” you whined, hiding your face in your hands.
“Here, let me help you Leia,” Luke chuckled. You swatted at him as he moved his hands quickly to evade yours, sneaking in pokes and pinches to your sides as Leia removed other leaves from your top. 
“You’re bohohoth the worst,” you giggled as they helped you up, looking over to where Han and Chewie were unabashedly watching.
“So you both knew about Y/N’s only apparent weakness, and didn’t want to share with Chewie and me?” Han quipped, letting go of the tent, only for the fabric to fall the other way and engulf Chewie.
“Ooo, you’re in for it now,” Luke pretended to whisper. “Wookies are practically tickle monsters, Y/N.”
Chewie grumbled something from under the tent.
“What’d he say, Han?” you asked. 
Han smiled. “He just agreed with Luke.”
You were in for a long trip. 
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august-anon · 1 year
Jitters No More
Sequel to Showtime
i finished this. almost a year ago lol. i need to stop hoarding my finished fics lol
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Ship(s): Gen (hints of Juke)
Characters (lee/ler): Switch!Julie, Luke, Reggie, Alex
Word Count: 1488 words
Summary: Another gig is coming up soon, and Julie finds herself nervous once more. She forgot to account for the fact that the boys could actually touch her, this time.
[ao3 link]
They’d done it dozens of times before, all sat in the studio in near silence as they did their own things, but this time it felt different. 
Maybe it was Reggie sitting on the ground, leaning up against her legs as he restrung his bass. Maybe it was Luke, draped inelegantly over the couch next to her, taking up so much room that his head rested in her lap. Maybe it was Alex, who had squeezed the back of her neck on the way to the chair he was currently sprawled in, practicing keeping rhythms on his thighs.
Julie, for her part, sucked all the warmth in— and that was odd, too. You’d think ghosts would be cold, even if they suddenly got the ability to touch humans (or, at least, Julies) again, but no. They were just as warm as any living person— as she tipped her head back against the couch and hummed under her breath, testing harmonies for tomorrow in her head. She closed her eyes and let her fingers dance in the air as if she were playing her piano, trying to work the muscle memory into her fingers.
Luke’s head shifted on her thigh, and that warning was the only reason she didn’t jump when his voice rang out into the quiet room. “Ready for the gig, Julie?”
Julie snorted, dropping her hands and opening her eyes. “Yeah, ask me again tomorrow.”
Alex made a sympathetic sound, stilling his own hands as well. “Nervous?”
Reggie glanced up at her, still slowly and carefully tightening the new string on his bass.
“I guess, yeah. I don’t think I ever won’t be. But like you guys said, right? You learn to use it.”
“And you also learn ways to calm down.” Luke said.
Julie glanced down at him, mouth open to reply, but the words quickly died in her throat as she watched that slow, sly grin spread across his face. Very pointedly in her direction. All of Julie’s breath left her in a woosh, and she felt a nervous smile try to rise up on her face.
“Now— wait just a second!”
Alex grinned, scooting forward to the edge of his seat. “Are we tickling the jitters out of Julie?”
Reggie plucked his new string, a perfectly tuned A ringing out in the room, and then carefully  placed his bass aside. “I think we are.”
“I think we are not!” Julie called out, trying to shift out from under Luke so she could crawl up from the couch and make a dash for the door.
Luke rose slowly, turning his body with it so he could face her. He reminded her a bit of a tiger about to pounce, every movement slow and smooth and deliberate. And that stupid sly grin wasn’t doing anything to make her feel less like prey.
Unfortunately, watching Luke like a cornered animal gave the others more than enough time to get into position. The first squeeze at Julie’s knee, bare through the giant rips in her baggy jeans, made her yelp and jump. The second made her squeak and break into giggles while she tried to jostle her leg to dislodge Reggie’s hand. Reggie’s fingers on her leg were swiftly joined by a set of fingertips at her neck and ears, Alex having snuck behind the couch for his own attack while she wasn’t looking.
“Guys— come on!” She said, her voice embarrassingly shrill and peppered with involuntary giggles.
Luke tsked at her. “Julie, Julie, Julie. Did you really think we would have forgotten?”
She shook her head against Alex’s fingers, which Luke must’ve taken for an answer, because he laughed.
“Good, cuz we didn’t. I mean, come on, it was only a matter of time.”
She squealed and kicked out as Reggie started squeezing up the exposed portions of her thighs. She really regretted wearing those jeans today. She was never gonna wear them around the guys again, her legs wouldn’t be able to take it. Reggie just laughed, which only made her laugh more, because his laughter was so contagious.
“That’s my name!”
“Cut it out!”
Reggie hummed, like he was actually considering it. “Mm, no. Maybe later.”
She let out an even more shrill noise when Luke’s fingers finally joined in, callused fingertips sneaking along the sliver of stomach exposed by her crop top. Never again, she swore, just like the jeans. She’d never wear anything even remotely exposing ticklish spots in front of the boys again. It was all long-sleeved turtlenecks and snowpants from here on out.
“This so isn’t fair!” She laughed out, shoving at Luke’s hands.
Alex laughed, his breath ruffling her hair. “Who ever said anything about fair? You saw that last tickle fight.”
Tickle fight. That was right. 
Julie lunged forward, flopping off the couch onto the rug below. Luke hissed out a startled curse, jumping back on the couch a little bit almost like a startled cat. Reggie yelped as she tripped over him, and she made a note to apologize to him later. Alex himself looked about ready to launch over the back of the couch himself.
“Julie,” he said, eyes wide and concerned. “Are you okay? Did we go too far?”
Julie huffed out a heavy breath, a grin still tugging at her mouth. “No. I just figured it’s easier to get revenge from down here.”
Reggie seemed to realize very quickly that he was the only person on the ground, yelling as he tried to scramble up onto the couch. Julie laughed and pulled him back down, scribbling under one of his arms so he couldn’t pull himself up again. With her free hand, Julie reached up to scrabble at Luke’s knee through his jeans. Even with the fabric in the way, it seemed as though her nails were killer, based on the way he laughed and tried to flinch away. 
Alex shrugged, seeming to be fine with this new direction, and hopped over the back of the couch so he could wrap Luke in a bear hug and pluck at his ribs, just like last time. Luke’s laughter pitched up, and Julie grinned when she realized his now-trapped position meant he couldn’t successfully squirm his way away from her hands.
���Who’s laughing now, Luke?” She said.
Alex laughed. “I think it’s him.”
Then Julie shrieked and crumpled as Reggie managed to slip his hand up under the arm she had raised to tickle Luke. She slammed her arm down to her side and fell back into laughter, literally, as she collapsed on Reggie’s chest.
“Oops, never mind,” Alex said. “It’s you, again.”
“Shut up!”
Julie gathered her strength and managed to get control over her hands once more, sending one to skitter up Reggie’s ribs and the other to scribble into his stomach. Reggie squealed and gave up his own tickling, instead trying to curl into a ball around Julie’s hands.
“I’ll save you, Reg!” Luke called, and it was all the warning Julie got before Luke broke free of Alex’s grip, landing on the ground just behind her and digging his hands into her ribs.
Julie squealed, arching her back, but only let her fingers falter on Reggie for a moment. Alex laughed and slipped off the couch, lightly scribbling one hand against Reggie’s nape and the other against Luke’s stomach. Julie pulled one hand away from Reggie to squeeze at Alex’s side, just because he wasn’t getting tickled enough. Luke seemed to like that idea, because he did the same, laughing even harder as Alex pulled away from both of them to curl up just like Reggie.
After that, the tickle fight tapered off bit by bit, until they all laid in a tangled pile on the old rug. Julie’s head rested on Alex’s stomach, his fingers absent-mindedly stroking through her hair. Luke’s head rested on her stomach, and Reggie was sprawled across his torso in a way that looked rather uncomfortable for the both of them, but neither seemed inclined to move.
“You probably need to tune again,” Julie murmured, staring at the ceiling with no desire to move. “The strings will have relaxed some by now.”
Reggie groaned, fumbling around until he found her hand to hold, the other grasping onto one of Alex’s. “I’ll do it later.”
Luke huffed. “Shut up, I’m trying to sleep.”
“You shut up,” Julie said.
“All of you shut up,” Alex said.
“Ready for the gig tomorrow?” Luke asked, as if he had not just told everyone to stop.
“Might need another round tomorrow,” Julie felt relaxed enough to admit. “I’ll let you know.”
Reggie laughed, squeezing her hand. Luke reached up and tweaked her leg, making her yip. Alex groaned, but she could hear the smile in his voice.
“Well, at least we can finally deal with your jitters ourselves, now.” Luke said.
“Watch it,” she said. “I can deal with yours, too.”
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simplee-dreaming · 2 years
We've Got To Make You Happy!
A/N: So sorry this took forever to write. But thank you to the anon who requested it ages ago!
Word count: 781
Summary: Julie is sad so the Phantoms tickle her.
“Yo Julie! Where are you?” Reggie yelled. 
“Stop yelling man, she’s not here,” Luke responded, coming down the ladder. 
“She could be hiding!” 
“Where? In the drum kit?” Alex replied, walking into the garage. 
“Any luck?” Luke asked.
“She’s not in the house. I don’t know where she is.” 
“I’ll check the school, she could be in the music room,” Luke replied. 
“No need,” Reggie said, nodding at the door. Julie was walking towards the garage. Her eyes were bloodshot and tired, like she had just been crying. 
“Julie! Where were you?” Luke asked.
“I went out on a walk. Needed some alone time.” 
“Are you okay?” Alex asked. 
“Today is…was…my mum’s birthday.” Julie whispered, sitting on the coach. 
“Oh. Oh Julie, I’m so sorry,” Alex said, sitting next to her. 
“I just miss her, you know? She meant everything to me. She was the one who got me into music in the first place,” Julie wiped a tear from her eye. Alex sniffed and put his arm around Julie as she sank into him.
“Is there anything we can do?” Reggie asked.
“Me, Dad, Carlos, and my Aunt are having a birthday meal as a family later. But could we play something now? I could do with the distraction.” 
“Absolutely! We’ve got a few to practise,” Alex said, pulling Julie in for a tighter hug. She squealed when he accidentally squeezed her side in the process. 
“Sorry! Sorry!” Alex retracted his hand. 
“It’s okay, honestly,” Julie laughed, getting up from the seat.
“Whoa, whoa, hey, not so fast,” Luke said, gently pushing her back down. 
“I think, before we practise, we may have another way of cheering you up,” Luke said. Julie narrowed her eyes at him.
“Again, what?” 
Luke tasered her side and she squealed again. 
“L-luke..what are you doing?” 
“Making you laugh, silly!” He squeezed her side more rapidly and she fell backwards into Alex. Luke brought his other hand up to squeeze her other side and she shrieked.
“See, this is a great way to cheer you up!” He teased, skittering his fingers across her tummy as she flopped about like a fish. 
“Come on Alex, give me a hand.” 
Alex laughed and fought with her flailing hands before pinning them above her head. Luke took this opportunity to wiggle his fingers in her armpits. Julie screamed louder than before and frantically kicked her legs. 
“I want a go!” Reggie shouted. He lunged at Julie and scrabbled at her tummy whilst Luke attacked her armpits. 
“GUHUHUYS PLEASE!” Julie cried.
“If anyone walks in now, they’ll think she’s being possessed,” Alex commented. 
“Good thing the door is shut then,” Luke responded.
“Yeah but they can probably still hear the screaming,” Alex said. 
“I highly doubt it. Now come on, we’ve got a Julie to cheer up!” 
Alex let go of her hands so he could gently tickle her neck and ears. Julie slammed her arms down, trapping Luke’s hands in the process. Her laugh got louder as Reggie moved down to tickle her hips and sides. 
“Julie, we’ve got to make you happy!” Reggie said.
“Coochie coochie coo….” Luke teased, bending down to blow a raspberry on her tummy whilst continuing his attack on her armpits. 
“Aww look at her, she’s so adorable,” Alex cooed, reaching down to tickle her ribs. Julie could hardly move under their attacks but, to be fair, it made her a lot happier than previously. 
Reggie continued to squeeze her sides whilst Alex spider tickled the sides of her ribs. Luke sped up his ticklish attack on her armpits which sent Julie into a silent laughter. Her body fell limp as she gave in to the attack. The boys shared a look and slowly stopped the tickles.
“You okay?” Alex asked. Julie had slid so far down that her head was resting in Alex’s lap so he decided to play with her hair. 
“Y-yeah….” she breathed. 
“Feeling better?” Reggie asked. He stood up but tripped on a wire in the process and fell backwards into the drum kit. Julie barked out a laugh as he instantly shot back up.
“Now that made a great sound,” she giggled. 
“It’s good to hear you laughing again,” Luke said.
“What, like you didn’t just torture me for the past 5 minutes?” She asked. 
“Well we can keep going…” his hands began squeezing her sides and she convulsed into loud laughter again.
“We’ve got all day…” Alex teased, going back to tasering her ribs. Her laughter shot up an octave as Reggie went for her feet. 
And that’s where she stayed on and off for the next few hours before dinner.
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constanteyeburn · 2 years
Bro. My brain has been exploding with this thought but it’s badly written so i am terribly sorry in advance. Idk how the force works + I don’t watch much Star Wars 🥲
After a long days work of repairing his ship Din drags a rag over his face, wiping away the sweat. He stands and decides that he’s done enough work for the day. He walks through the threshold of his shared room and sees Grogu already asleep in his crib. A smile creeps onto his face as he watches with soft eyes underneath the tough exterior of his helmet.
Din enters their bathroom and removes his helmet. He grabs his toothbrush that sat next to Luke’s. Quickly brushing his teeth he wonders if Luke had fallen asleep yet. He spits out the toothpaste and wipes his face off. He grabbed his helmet exited the bathroom with it resting between his arm and his side.
Din walks over to the next connected room and sees Luke sat hovering over their bed, eyes closed. He tilts his head as he watches him meditate.
“I’m glad you’re back. The sun had set a while ago,” Luke says without showing any indication that he was ever disturbed from his meditative state.
Din blinks ever shocked by the Jedi’s abilities. “Had to do some rewiring. Didn’t expect it to take as long as it did..I’m sorry,” He lowers his head as he realizes how long he was working on his ship.
Luke opens his eyes with a soft smile on his face. He floats himself down onto the bed and pats the space next to him.
Din removes his armor piece by piece and places it in a corner. He carries his helmet with him as he approaches the bed and places it on a table next to his side of the bed.
Din settles himself next to Luke and lifts his arms up to stretch. His shirt rides up slightly and Luke’s eyes flick down to the exposed piece of skin. A mischievous smile creeps onto his face.
Wrapping an arm around Din’s waist Luke asks as nonchalant as possible, “Y’know after all this time we’ve spend together I don’t know if you are ticklish..”
Din hums and after a moment of silence he asks, “Ticklish?”
”Yeah, are you ticklish?” Luke asks once more.
Din stays silent for longer this time and Luke assumes he’s trying to find a way to dance around the question however din replies sheepishly, “ThT”
Luke pauses in shock.
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 2 - chase
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Luke and Lucifer and Simeon
- L-Lucifer, I can handle this on my own! - Luke writhed in the hands of the Avatar of Pride, who lifted him up so that angel would get a book from the top shelf
- Hmm, I don't think so, you're too short. - Luci spoke in a calm and uninterrupted voice.
- What?! Get me down to the ground right now!! I'm not short! - angel was furious at the words of the dark-haired.
- Oh, Chihuahua doesn't like being picked up? - Lucifer chuckled and his hands began to move slightly in Luke's armpits to find a more comfortable position.
At this time, the little angel began to squirm even more and try to suppress the laughter breaking out. He realized that if he didn't agree to the "help" of demon now, he would continue to hang on his hands like that and try not to laugh from being tickled.
Luke sighed and turned to the Avatar of Pride.
- A little to the left. - angel heard a triumphant chuckle and puffed out his cheeks.
Once he grabbed the right book, Luci lowered him to the floor and crossed his arms.
- T-thank you. - blonde blushed and looked away.
- You're welcome, Chihuahua. - he chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair.
- Lucifeeeer!
- Hehe, are you thinking this is worse than tickling?
- Wait what? - Luke looked questioningly at demon.
- You think I didn't hear your giggles?
- Um, you missunderstood it! - angel put the book in front of him, trying to hide behind it.
- Oh, am I really missunderstood? Hmm, maybe I should check again?~ Avatar of Pride began to slowly walk towards the boy.
- Wh-what?! No, don't you dare!
- Already dared. - Lucifer wanted to grab angel, but he was more agile and quickly ran away from the library.
Luke didn't turn around because he was afraid to see that nasty smirk. He quickly ran into a random class and saw Simeon.
- Simeon! - little angel hid behind him.
- Luke? - brown-haired was very surprised. - What happened? Oh, I see you found the book you were looking for.
- Yes, but Lucifer haunts me.
- Lucifer?
- Exactly~ it was so unexpected that both angels twitched.
- Oh, hi Lucifer. - Simeon smiled charmingly.
- Hi. - demon entered the class and closed the door.
- Luke told me that you haunt him, is that true?
- Yes. Because he lied.
- He what? - Simeon was surprised.
- I what?! - Luke frowned.
- He said that I thought I heard him giggle when I held his armpits. But this is not true and he should be punished.
- Simeon, save me. - little angel grabbed onto brown-hair's weave capes.
- Hmm, lying is really bad, especially for an angel - older angel began.
- I didn't lie!
- He's lying again. - Luci chuckled.
- I'm sorry Luke, but Lucifer is right, you need to be punished. - angel quickly grabbed him and lifted him into his arms.
- No! Simeon, you're a traitor!! - he began to wriggle out of his friend's grasp.
- It's for your own good. - Simeon tried not to laugh, and then look at the Avatar of Pride. - Will you help?
- With pleasure. - dark-haired chuckled and stepped closer. His fingers began to wiggle in the air, causing boy to squeak.
- Nohoho, pleahahase, nohoHOHOHOHOT THIHIHIHIHIS - he started laughing hysterically.
- Wow, I just started and this is a very weak tickle. - Lucifer giggled and tickled angel's tummy.
- Oh, Luke, very ticklish and even a small touch causes such a reaction in him. - Simeon laughed along with the little angel.
- Hmm, I need to remember this.
- Nohohoho, dohohon't yohohou dahaHAHAHARE REHEHEMEHEHEMBER IHIHIIHIHIT! - boy's legs tried to hit the demon, but nothing came of it.
- Oh, you need to come by somehow when there's a tickle fight between Luke and Solomon, it's a lot of fun. - brown-haired giggled.
- I'll definitely come, but first, we need to finish here with our little liar~ fingers ran to the sides.
- BoHOHOHohohoth of yohohohou ahahahare terrihihiHIHIHIHIBLE! - Luke threw his head back.
- Hehe, that's actually kind of fun. - brown-haired blew a raspberry on boy's neck, from which he screamed and began to laugh even louder. - I know you love it. - from these words, little angel's cheeks blushed even more.
- It's really very funny, Simeon. - Lucifer winked at him.
Angel and denon tickled Luke for a while, and then they took care that he could restore his strength.
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smilingangel582 · 7 months
I love your laugh
Hii, I wanted to write for tears of themis and I love my two boys Luke and Marius... Rosa is soooo luckyyyy but I love her too. I'm writing this I'm second pov
Anyway, enjoy this!
Spoilers for tears of themis game
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Y/N hasn't been able to express her gratitude over having Luke call her to spend the night.
Of course, you love Luke... everything about his smile... his strength... his teasing and also his shyness, too. They are all beautiful things.
You also like another aspect of him... but it's a rare chance for you to catch him in that state.
The time you used the toy cuffs failed... well at least in the end... but he has been playing around with you too.
If there's a way Y/N can get him once... genuinely making him seem cute and helpless. It's a mission you have been intending to accomplish.
"Hey Y/N" a soft tone from a luke makes you tilt you head back at him where he sits next to you on the couch now gently lowering his head on your lap. "You gotten so beautiful"
Blushing, somehow he's gentle but even he's blushing from what he said, but it's a happy one. You grin "I think you are cute, Luke"
And there is that blush. He eyes away from you, burning red but smiling with endearment "Don't you mean yourself? You know its because of you"
You began to touch his face, smooth cheeks, light lips, he's perfect. That's when you get an idea... something about his past makes you want to try it once more.
He looks up with his burning brown passionate eyes, "Hmm?"
Your finger tips trail down his abdomen, towards the lift of them hem of his shirt. Gently grazing his waist making him jolt a bit, eyes slightly wide "Y/N?!"
"Hm?" Now you hum, your finger tips stalling your purpose to tickle him, as you pretend to slide your long fingers over the shirt but 'accidentally' tracing his skin.
Slowly, you see him trying to keep a straight face, but your finger would often circle around his belly as well and that makes him slightly anxious with giggles.
"Are you OK, Luke?" Hiding her mischievous tone "you so jumpy"
He clears his throat. "I... hehe, I mean, yeah, I'm ok"
You hide a giggle yourself when your fingers make way around his belly button circling the rim and he groans "Ahh... wahait Y/n"
"Don't tell me this is tickling you"
He shakes his head, though the crooked smile tells otherwise. Then you persistently messed with his belly button beneath the abs... circling there and making his chest shaky.
Eventually, you pinch his ribs, and that makes his squeak and grab your wrist. Eyes suddenly burning bright, you state the obvious, "So you are still ticklish"
Luke stares at you now, slightly red, a look which you see often, but this opportunity to get him back for his strength is a first.
And you finally began.
Luke suddenly curls away from your skittering nimble fingers. You always knew his weakness to tickles. It's strange how he's so ticklish that it can be easily used against him. Never matter, you admire this cute quirk of his. His airy bright laughter is childish and sweet.
"Ahahaha Y/n keeehehee aahah! Nohohot thehehere!"
"I'm sorry, dear detective..." Y/n tease now slowing the tickles as you see he's panting a bit "But you can't be begging so easily to a little tickling"
"Ahaha yohohou ahahare mehehean." From that reply, you make him squeal when you decide to squeeze his ribs a perfect spot to make him subservient. Right now, he's genuinely being cornered by tickling... he's not fighting back much, because he's already weakneed from the tickling.
You love to tease him, "Lukie... did you know humans have thirty ribs?" Purposefully getting them wrong, she baits him to say this with giggly laughter.
"Nahaha ihihihi hahaahave twehehenty fohohour" shaking his head, he holds his arms tightly to his sides to evade your small hands.
"You Sure?" You snicker and now pinches his lower ribs, emphasising how he sealed his fate."Let's count and see who's right... there's oooone pair"
"NOHOOO!" Luke's laugh leaps an octave, and now he's tired out enough to be weaker to your tickling.
He shrieks a sound so uncharacteristic bjt adorable that even you can compose yourself "Eek! Ahaha y/n mehehercy mercy! Hahahaa"
"Threee.... " You mercilessly scratched the lower ribs perfectly, getting him to shriek. However, you did see he's got good stamina to bear you counting all his twenty-four ribs.
He breathes now, clutching his sides. "Yohou are so hehe mischievous"
Giggling, you lean to his side, stroking his chin. "I love it when you laugh like that... It's cute"
He winces with a giggle, "Ahh, it's so uncool, tho"
"I think you are cool and cute," you playfully say, now cuddling closer, feeling the afternoon draw a lovely crimson, hiding both your blushes from the flushing sun.
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kaerichan-yatta · 2 years
Headcanon/Scenario Time - Obey Me! (2)
headcanon processing...
luke is ticklish on his face, and also on his ears and his neck. like, his cheeks, his chin, his nose, everywhere on his face, and on his ears and neck too of course.
oh, he would always squeak and giggle adorably when you play the "what's behind your ear?" trick on him.
"luke, come on, it's time to wake up~" you chanted as you wiggled the feather over his face, making the angel scrunch up his nose, the corners of his mouth slowly curving upwards.
"mhhhehehe...stohop..." he swatted at the feather, only for you to circle his ear with it.
a sudden rush of tingles and chills rushed all over luke's body. "GYAH!"
there we go, he immediately woke up.
"aw, that was so cute" you picked him up in your arms and rapidly kissed his cheek.
"dohon't sahay thahat! and stohohop tickling my fahahace!" he gently pushed your shoulders, and in response you blew a raspberry on the side of his neck.
he threw his head back, as bright, adorable giggles escaped from his mouth, his hands giving up on stopping you.
"that's the point, silly!~"
and both of you knew you could tickle him like this all day. and luke would never get tired of it.
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carrie-tate · 3 months
hey, if you're comfortable, could you draw ler! luke and lee! annabeth? like pre-tlt because the show is bringing back my obsession 😭
You should know how much I admire the period when Luke, Annabeth and Thalia were three street kids
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So I was happy to draw these two (I'm still sad that everything happened to Luke in the end... well, the guy was just fooled, and then it was too late)
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moonlezn · 3 months
já que você disse que eu poderia pedir mais uma fic, eu queria algo como jaemin sendo vizinho e um dos gatos dele sempre vai no apartamento da principal pela varanda, ela acha isso a coisa mais fofa e começa a reparar mais no vizinho, que tem um crush secreto por ela
já era noite quando, no meio da sua leitura, um barulho vindo da varanda do apartamento te assustou. com cautela você se aproxima da porta, um pouco de medo te aflige.
o vento gélido incomoda tuas bochechas quentes, a chuva ainda cai, mas sua varanda não parecia ter sido invadida por um estranho, como havia pensado. que esquisito.
estava quase fechando a porta quando um miado chamou tua atenção. encolhidinha na poltrona, havia uma gatinha enfeitada com lacinho e uma coleira rosa com alguns frufrus.
você vai até ela cheia de amor para dar. quietinha, ela te mira com atenção.
"quem é você, hein, gatinha?" ao primeiro toque, a bichinha se esparrama com a barriguinha para cima, então você aproveita para ler a plaquinha pendurada no pescoço. Luna. "oi, Luninha, quem é sua mamãe?"
não resiste trazer a neném ao colo, investigando de onde ela poderia ter vindo. procura alguém lá embaixo, mas constata que vir do chão para o terceiro andar seria muito difícil. observa o entorno com mais atenção, encontrando a resposta bem mais perto do que o esperado.
na varanda vizinha a rede de proteção estava rasgada, e outros dois gatos perambulavam pelo chão à procura da irmã perdida.
"você fugiu, meu amor?" o olhar sereno da gatinha chega a ser engraçado, ainda mais ronronando alto desse jeito. "vamo' te levar de volta pra casa?"
você fecha a porta da varanda, passa uma das mãos pelos cabelos desajeitados e vai até o apartamento ao lado. aperta a campainha com um pouco de nervoso na barriga, tomara que a dona não entenda errado.
"oi, a sua gati..." dispara ao ver a porta se abrir, porém se embola nas próprias palavras ao ver a figura musculosa, de olhos inchados de sono e fios bagunçados te olhando confusa. "s-sua gatinha fugiu pro meu apartamento."
jaemin já havia te visto várias vezes, já quase puxou assunto várias vezes, já quase bateu na sua porta várias vezes. o cérebro do garoto havia parado uns instantes ao te ver ali, será que ainda estava sonhando durante sua soneca da tarde de domingo? ele demora a processar suas palavras, até que ele vê a própria filha super confortável no seu colo.
"LUNA! meu Deus, minha filha, como assim?" ele se desespera um momento, e você o entrega a gatinha, já com saudades dela.
"a rede tá rasgada, mas os outros gatinhos não pularam até a hora que eu a encontrei." você explica a situação com calma, tentando reafirmar o vizinho.
"nossa! me desculpa? eu juro que sou um bom pai, eu tava descansando e..."
"tá tudo bem, sério! que bom que ela tá em segurança, né?"
ele suspira aliviado, o coração ainda acelerado com o medo do que poderia ter acontecido. mas jaemin pensa rápido sob pressão.
"muito obrigado por ter cuidado dela. posso te agradecer passando um café? um bolo da tarde? qual seu nome? eu sou o jaemin." tá. talvez pense rápido demais e se atrapalhe, mas ainda assim é rápido.
"não precisa, que isso! eu- tô- tava lendo, e- não quero dar trabalho."
"eu insisto, é só um cafézinho."
sem querer fazer desfeita, você aceita o convite. tranca a porta do próprio apartamento para aproveitar a companhia de jaemin.
o que era para ser apenas um café, virou uma conversa de horas a fio. também acabou ajudando-o a consertar a rede para que os gatinhos não ficassem desprotegidos. conhecer luna já tinha sido um acalento no seu coração, mas quando conheceu luke e lucy, quase transbordou de tanto amor e fofura.
naquele entardecer, a alegria de ganhar um amigo ─ ou mais do que isso ─ preencheu o seu dia de uma forma diferente.
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strawbbfluff · 9 months
nxx meeting gone wrong!
a/n; this is very self-indulgent but rosa is a cutie and i just wanted to wreck her ahhh
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rosa yawned groggily, finally shutting off her alarm as she grabbed her phone. as if she wasn’t already tired enough from office work as an attorney, now she sometimes also has to wake up extra early for NXX meetings with luke, vyn, artem, and marius. she unlocked her phone to see two messages from luke.
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wait… he sent that 15 minutes ago!!
rosa panicked, swiftly rolling out of bed and throwing on a sundress before quickly throwing her hair into a claw clip. she ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, and she stumbled out the door the second luke’s car pulled up. she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
“hop in! i have your coffee!” luke exclaimed.
rosa nodded and got in the passenger seat, wiping a bead of sweat off her brow. luke noticed her slightly disheveled state, and he let out a chuckle.
“rough morning?”
“like you wouldn’t believe. i somehow slept past my alarm, and i didn’t see your text until 6:55. i don’t think i’ve ever gotten ready so fast,” rosa explained, rubbing her temples. luke smiled warmly at her.
“y’know, you look kinda cute all flustered like that,” he flirted, winking at her before glancing back towards the road. rosa felt her cheeks turn warm.
when they pulled up to NXX headquarters, the sun had risen high in the sky, and the weather was beautiful. rosa took the last sip of her coffee before throwing out the cup, waiting at the door for luke.
they walked into the NXX building to see everyone else already waiting. rosa smiled sheepishly.
“hi, everyone! sorry we’re a little late. i had a rough start to my morning,” she explained, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly as she made her way to her seat.
“no worries,” vyn replied, gazing fondly at rosa. “i am just happy you are here.”
marius scoffed, rolling his eyes at vyn before smirking at rosa and luke playfully. “are you sure that’s why you’re late, miss?”
“that’s enough, marius,” artem stated, waving him off. “welcome, luke and rosa.”
they shot artem a grateful look as they sat down, waiting for today’s agenda. artem shuffled some papers and cleared his throat.
“we actually don’t have much on the agenda today. everything i have here has already been handled or is being handled next week. i was thinking today we could have a well-earned break,” artem announced, showing a rare, soft grin. even vyn was slightly taken aback.
“who would’ve thunk mr. wing could be so laid-back for once?” luke inquired playfully, nudging rosa in the ribs as he did so. she spluttered, much louder than she had meant to.
suddenly, all eyes were on her.
“huh? did i hurt you, rosa?” luke asked, glancing over at her in a confused matter. he really didn’t think he had hit her that hard.
on the other hand, vyn had a trace of a smile on his lips. being a psychiatrist, he was easily able to pick up on micro expressions.
“i can guarantee you did not hurt her, luke,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“eh?! how do you know that? miss rosa, did that jerk injure you?” marius demanded, looking at luke with a hint of malice. artem coughed.
“i’m sure this situation is not that serious. rosa, are you alright?” he questioned.
rosa could feel her ears becoming hot as all this ruckus started from one simple overreaction. she stuttered over her words, looking down at her hands to avoid their intense gazes.
“g-guys, i’m okay, really! luke just… startled me, is all.”
“hm. are you sure that was it?” vyn asked, a hint of a tease in his voice. what was he playing at??
“i- well, i’m just a little sensitive, that’s all! dr. richter…” she whined, growing more embarrassed by the minute. vyn wouldn’t… right?
“ah. so ‘sensitive’ is the word you’re using for it. i see,” he muttered, not being able to hold back his grin now as he got up and made his way over. wait-! waitwaitwait!!
rosa was about to get up and back away before she felt two strong arms wrap her in an embrace. she looked behind her, startled, only to see… luke??
“i think i understand what dr. richter was trying to say now,” he giggled, holding rosa tightly in place as he relished in her apparent embarrassment. vyn chuckled.
“you see, i think we found something we can do with our day,” vyn declared, remaining as composed as ever while he gently held rosa’s wrist. “may i?”
“she’s definitely too flustered to speak right now, so i say go for it~” luke sang, blowing in rosa’s ear mischievously.
“l-luke, you traitor!” she stammered, squirming in his grip as she felt an arm be pulled above her head. she stiffened.
“i think our little rose was lying when she said she was merely startled. the truth of the matter is…” he smirked as he scratched a single fingernail in rosa’s underarm, and she squeaked.
“she’s ticklish.”
marius’s eyes lit up at this discovery, and his gaze quickly became troublesome as he quickly made his way over, holding eye contact with rosa as he set his hands on her knees. she could’ve exploded on the spot.
“hmm… why hasn’t little miss rosa told me about this before? i thought we were closer than that~,” he teased, squeezing her kneecaps a couple times experimentally. his grin only grew when she started giggling nervously.
“t-this is reheheally unnecessary! d-dr. richter… why would yohohohou-!” she snickered, unable to hold back the soft laughter bubbling in her throat anymore.
“i think it would be good for you to unwind a bit. you have been stressed all week,” he replied, all five fingers wriggling in her exposed armpit now as his smirk grew wider. “it is not my fault you gave me the perfect opportunity.”
rosa whined, using her free hand to try and cover her red face. that plan was quickly demolished, though, when luke grabbed that hand and pulled it to her side.
“nuh uh! no way you’re hiding your pretty smile from everyone!” he exclaimed, giggling still as he held her wriggling form in his lap firmly.
marius had taken to squeezing her thighs, vyn was digging his fingers into both underarms now, and luke was absolutely not letting go. rosa was convinced she was in her own personal slice of tickle hell.
“wahahahait- plehehehease! wha- EHE!!”
a loud squeal escaped her lips when she felt soft tracing around her neck. a soft chuckle was heard from behind. artem??
“my apologies. i simply… could not help myself,” artem muttered, a trace of a tease in his voice that did not get past rosa’s ears (which were currently sporting a dark shade of crimson.)
the boys did not stop until she was almost teary-eyed and begging for mercy.
“…so, feeling less stressed?” luke asked, fanning rosa as she laid on the headquarters’ sofa, completely exhausted. she shot him a death glare.
“wha- hey! don’t blame me for this! it was dr. richter’s idea!”
“i cannot take all the credit. i was simply proving a point. you’re the one that held her in place for us.”
“i can’t believe we didn’t know how ticklish she was! we could’ve used this information whenever she was feeling down on herself,” marius pouted, ruffling rosa’s hair.
“yes. i admit this was quite fun,” artem added, giving rosa an admiring look. “you are… adorable when you laugh.”
rosa huffed. she was completely embarrassed by this ordeal, but she was thankful to have friends(?) who cared about her so much.
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readerleedigest · 2 years
Perks and Drawbacks
This is my first Star Wars tickle fic. Saw some stuff yesterday about ler! Luke Skywalker and just couldn’t get it out of my head. The reader is friends with Luke and he finds out their ticklish. 
Working as a pilot for the resistance had its perks and drawbacks. For example, you got to fight the Empire with your childhood best friend Leia Organa, which was a definite perk. But you also were constantly at risk of being blown up by enemy ships, which was a drawback. You hadn't decided which Luke Skywalker qualified as yet. When he, Han, and Chewie had brought Leia back from her captivity, you'd been hesitant to trust them still. But you'd seen the bond that Leia shared with them, and she'd convinced you to give the three a chance, especially since it seemed like they'd be hanging around. After the Battle of Endor, you'd been sitting by the campfire by yourself, watching the Ewoks' celebration, when Luke came and settled himself beside you. "Well I don't know about you, but I think Han is truly sticking around this time," Luke chuckled, pointing to where Leia and Han were sitting together, her head leaned up against his chest. "And what about you?" You'd asked, genuinely curious. "Flying off to Dagobah again?" "No. I've got family here now," he smiled wistfully, still looking at Leia. And then his gaze shifted to you, and he shrugged. "Plus, it seems like I've got some other people I ought to get to know." You nodded, then set your chin in your hand and considered him a moment. "What do you want to know?" You'd asked. Since then, you'd become such an integral part of Luke, Han and Leia's group, you'd think you'd been on that mission to save her from Darth Vader. That's why you were currently sitting in the lounge area of the Millennium Falcon, watching as Luke practiced with his lightsaber. "It's a lightsaber, so it isn't heavy, right?" You asked, watching as he flipped the weapon around behind his back with precision. "I wouldn't say it's heavy, but I've been using it for a while now, so maybe I've just gotten used to it." "Hmm. What makes them different? You told me that Darth Vader had a red lightsaber, right?" "The Sith manipulate the Kyber Crystal in the lightsaber to make it that color," Luke responded, still focused on his technique. "And what about - " "If you quit asking me questions I'll let you hold it," Luke stated with a smile, turning the lightsaber off and extending it toward you. "But I'm not a Jedi, isn't that, like, against the rules?" You asked, standing up hesitantly. "Do you see the Jedi Council here? I think it'll be fine," Luke joked, pulling you by the arm to stand in front of him. "Now, stand with your feet apart, so you're ready to move and pivot, but also steady while you're standing." You awkwardly shifted your feet into place. "Like this?" "Great." He handed you the lightsaber, and you marveled at the feel of it. It really wasn't that heavy. "Now, you want to bring your arms in close to your body, but keep them loose. And hold the lightsaber with both hands." You did as he said, but you felt stiff and unnatural, afraid any wrong move would end with the lightsaber igniting and hurting someone. "Relax, Y/N." "Okay, okay. But maybe it'd help if you stood behind me? I don't want to accidentally ignite it and... you know?" You trailed off, not wanting to voice the danger.
"Chop off my other hand?" Luke laughed. "Okay, I'll move behind you, just try to breathe okay?" "Yeah." Luke gently placed his hands on your shoulders, pushing them down so they were relaxed. He guided your arms so they were bent at the elbows and lifted slightly away from your body. "And then you want to angle your body - " Luke had put his hands on your sides to angle you, but the feeling had been so unexpected, and you'd already been so nervous, you jumped away from him with a nervous laugh. "Hey, you were the one who wanted me to stand behind you. There's no way that I scared you," Luke said, tilting his head and evaluating the blush you felt rising to your cheeks. "No, sorry, I guess I'm just a little sensitive, is all." "Sensitive?" Luke asked, squinting at you. You shrugged, crossing your arms around your middle. And then it dawned on him, his eyes growing wide and a smirk gracing his mouth. "You're ticklish!" "I am not-" "I can't believe Leia didn't tell me. I mean, she does know doesn't she?" "Umm, no, not really." You grimaced. You'd gone your whole childhood without the Princess finding out. And now Luke had to come along and ruin everything. "Well, noted." Luke tapped his head, as if filing away that fact for later. "Now come on, let me finish showing you." You struggled to relax the rest of the mini-lesson, but it was well worth it to hold an ignited lightsaber.
However, Luke's newfound knowledge had you on edge for the rest of the week. Sitting in a debriefing, Luke had gotten a seat directly across from you. Leia had been speaking of the stray band of stormtroopers causing trouble on Naboo, and Luke kept coughing loudly. "Now that we have the location, I believe that -" Luke interrupted Leia and coughed again. "Can I help you, Luke?" "Sorry," Luke apologized, looking over at you. He grinned as he continued. "I just have a tickle in my throat." "Then drink some water." Leia continued her debriefing, but you barely heard a word. Your mind was racing, already anticipating Luke making a move to trap you after the meeting. To your surprise, however, Luke simply shot you a wink after the meeting and was off to help Han with some repairs to the Falcon. Later that week, you and Chewie had been playing holochess. In a miraculous stroke of luck, you found yourself beating the Wookie, something Han was greatly enjoying. "Sorry, pal, I don't think they’re cheating. They’ve just got you beat this time." Chewie let out a groan, making his next move, which you countered with ease. "I don't know," Luke commented from over your shoulder, catching you off guard. "I've never seen anyone beat Chewie before. Maybe they are cheating." "I'm not cheating," you protested. "I'm not gonna risk Chewie dislocating my arms." "Nah, Chewie likes you too much. He wouldn't do that," Han laughed. "That's a privilege even I don't have." "I'm sure I could help Chewie come up with another way to get back at you," Luke smirked, poking you in the side. You jolted, glaring at him over your shoulder. He just laughed, and took a seat by Han. You were getting fed up with this whole thing. If Luke was going to tickle you, he might as well just get it over with instead of torturing you with it. You had enough stress with simply being a part of the Resistance-Now-Turned-Republic. Sitting in your room on the base, you contemplated finding Luke and just asking him to get it over with. As long as there was no one else around, it'd be fine. "Y/N?" The call of your name was followed by a cautious knock on the door. "Can I talk to you?" Perfect. Luke had come to you.
"Yeah, come in." Luke entered, looking bashful, scratching the back if his neck. "Listen, I wanted to apologize. I know I've been teasing you about being ticklish, and I realize I may have been making you uncomfortable, and I wasn't trying to. You aren't mad at me are you? I just noticed you've been avoiding me and..." "No no no, Luke, you're totally fine." You crossed your legs in your lap, facing him from where you sat on your bed. "I'm not mad, you just flustered me is all." "Oh, good. I'll leave you alone about it now, sorry." Luke walked over, looking at you for permission to sit next to you. You nodded. "Honestly, I didn't... really... well, I didn't mind it that much. I just was so on edge I couldn't focus on anything else." You laughed awkwardly. "I was about to come ask you to just get it over with so I could relax again." Luke visibly paused, turning to look at you with an unreadable expression. "Well, if it'll help you relax," he shrugged, a smile growing on his face. "It could certainly be arranged." Luke wasn't even trying to hide his intent as he pushed himself up onto his knees next to you, inching closer. "Hehehey wait. Luke, really I'm fihihine. I'm so relaxed right now, see?" Luke wiggled his fingers in front of you as you began to back up into the wall. "You said yourself you didn't mind, didn't you?" His fingers crept closer, and closer, inching toward your knees which you had pulled up in front of you as protection. You couldn't help but giggle, the nervousness making you feel shaky. "I didn't mean EEP!" Luke grabbed your knees suddenly, pulling them down and away from you do you were pulled down flat against the bed. Before you could even react he'd settled himself on your thighs and grabbed your arms, pinning your hands under his knees. "Any last words, Y/N?" Well, there was no getting out of this now. "Umm. I'm a better pilot than YOU NAHAHA LUHUHUKE." No sooner had the words left your mouth than Luke shot his hands to your hips, squeezing them rapidly. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been tickled, but there was no way it had always been this bad. It was a silly sort of panic that ran through you. And you really didn't mind it, especially with Luke, but the feeling was so intense you couldn't help but thrash. "Wow, I think you might be even worse than Leia," Luke remarked, chuckling at the way your nose scrunched up in laughter. "PLEHEHEASE MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE," you cackled, the feeling becoming unbearable. Luke paused, looking you over as you sucked in air, your face bright red from a mixture of blushing and laughter. "How about... here?" Luke began squeezing up and down your sides, which was SO. MUCH. WORSE. "NohoHohoHoHOHOHO, that's SO MUCH WORSE," you squealed. "Well, you asked me to move, and I did. Too bad you weren't more specific." Luke shrugged, switching from squeezing your sides to sporadic pokes to either side. "Besides, seems to me like you wanted this." "WhahaHat?" "I mean, you haven't been able to think about anything else, and you practically asked me too, and then you insulted me? I think I'm doing you a favor here." "Youhou are NAHAHAT, stuhuhupid." He was. Not that you would admit it, but you were enjoying this silliness. You loved your friends, but it was hard sometimes not to feel like a 5th wheel. "Stupid? Me? Oh, you're definitely asking for it now." Luke switched tactics, hovering both hands over your stomach like claws. He lowered them slowly, slowly, and then jerked them down, stopping them right before they reached you. "Wanna apologize yet?" "For whahahat?" You knew exactly what. "That's what I thought." Luke pulled the claws back up, just a little, and let them hover there for a few moments before leaning closer to you, so you had no choice but to look at him. "Here's a fun fact for you. Did you know that the force can tickle you too?" "Nohoho it cahahan't!" "Then why are you laughing? I'm not even touching you?" "Behehehcause I'm nerhervous you jerk!" "You know," he lilted, "I know you're just trying to provoke me into tickling you. And lucky for you, it works." You screeched as he began to vibrate one of his hands into the center of your stomach, the other beginning to spider at your neck. "Oo these are bad aren't they? Good thing you haven't been captured for information. First sign of a tickle interrogation and you'd be done for," Luke mocked with concern. "Quihihit TEHEHEASING!" "Aw, is it too much? Ready to admit I'm the better pilot? And that you wanted this?" "YOU'RE THE BETTER PILOT!" Luke stopped, staring down at you with a fond look. "And?" "Please don't make me say it," you mumbled, using your newly released hands to cover your face. "Alright, fine. But don't think I won't tell Leia. Or Han. Or even Chewie for that matter... Especially since I know you liked it." Luke stood, pulling you into a sitting position. "And you gotta watch out for Chewie. He's big, strong, and he is ruthless with the tickles. I saw him get Han once." He winked at you, adding, "Of course, I doubt you'd mind that." You rolled your eyes, thinking once more to yourself. Luke Skywalker, one of your best friends? Definitely a perk.
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august-anon · 2 years
I finished this (and a SEQUEL) months ago but couldn’t post it because i was working on the OFMD TFB AU and i wanted it to list as my 200th fic on ao3 lol. But now, I’m free to post whatever I want whenever I want! So here is a fic lol
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Ship(s): Gen (hints of Juke)
Characters (lee/ler): Julie, Switch!Luke, Alex, Reggie
Word Count: 1216 words
Summary: Julie is nervous before a gig. The guys show her what they used to do when they would get nervous.
[ao3 link]
Julie shook out her hands, pacing back and forth in the empty space near the front of the studio. She could feel the guys’ eyes trailing after her but paid them no mind, trying to focus on controlling her breathing and slowing her heart.
“Is anyone else getting dizzy?” Reggie asked. Then, after a moment of silence where Julie assumed Alex and Luke gave him a look, he continued with a confused, “What?”
“Julie,” Alex called, his voice gentle. “Maybe you wanna sit down?”
Julie whirled to glare at him. “No, I don’t wanna sit down! How are you guys not nervous, right now?”
Luke scoffed. “Of course we’re nervous.”
Julie rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defensively in front of her chest. “Yeah, I’m really feeling the frantic energy, right now.”
Reggie raised his hand. “I’m nervous!”
Alex shifted forward on the couch, sitting on the very edge of it. “Honestly, I’m still terrified before every gig, no matter how many times we’ve gotten up on that stage.”
Luke walked toward her, his expression softening. Julie wished he was alive, that he wasn’t just air, so she could reach out and soak in the comfort of his touch.
“Everyone gets nervous before a gig, Julie,” he said, his voice low. “That part never goes away. But you learn how to deal with it, how to use it, even.” He smiled at her. “You’ll get there in no time.”
“Too bad we can’t touch you,” Reggie called out from where he’d sprawled himself on a chair. “We could show you how we always got Alex to relax, when he used to get like this.”
Julie furrowed her brow, dropping her defensive pose. “What?”
Alex gave an awkward laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think Julie needs to hear about that.”
A sly grin made its way onto Luke’s lips, and he winked at her before turning around to face Reggie and Alex. “Come on, man,” he said. “You said you were terrified, maybe it’ll help you out!”
Alex’s eyes went wide and Julie watched as his entire body went tense, like he was preparing to run. Reggie perked up with interest, sitting up and swinging his legs off the arm of the chair to settle on the ground.
“I was just trying to make Julie feel better!” Alex insisted, but the protest sounded weak even to Julie’s ears. “I feel fine, I promise!”
Reggie leaned forward. “Are you sure? Maybe if we show her, she can ask for Flynn’s help next time.”
“Yeah, come on, Alex,” Luke said, his voice light and teasing. “Don’t you wanna help Julie?”
Alex whined. “Why does it have to be me?”
Luke shrugged. “Cuz you’re an easy target.”
Julie flinched back as Luke shot towards Alex, who yelped and practically flew off the couch. Reggie laughed and jumped up from his chair, but was quickly barrelled over by the chase. Julie took a step back as the guys started wrestling on the ground. They may not be able to touch, but it was still weird when she passed through them, for all parties.
“Come on, Alex!” Luke said, laughing. “We all know you don’t actually care.”
Reggie laughed, too, shooting Julie a glance. “Well, not all of us.”
“Be quiet,” Alex grunted out, trying to fight the two of them off. “Don’t you dare—Ah!!”
Julie buried a grin as she watched Luke tackle Alex to the ground, draping his torso across Alex’s chest while he wrestled for Alex’s hands. Reggie tossed himself over Alex’s thighs, doing his best to help with… whatever this was.
“Reggie!” Luke called. “Get him!”
“Reggie, wait!”
Alex burst out in laughter, kicking and scrabbling his feet against the floor. Julie frowned, stepping closer to try and see what was going on between the tangle of writhing bodies and flying limbs. Julie couldn’t help but giggle herself when she saw what was making Alex shriek and sputter.
Reggie’s fingers were dancing across Alex’s sides and stomach, wiggling and kneading and scratching in ways that made Julie’s own tickle spots tingle in sympathy. It was clear that this was something that used to happen often, with the way Reggie never hesitated or paused. He seemed to know instinctively just how to send Alex cackling, and it was clearly working.
Luke’s yelp cut through Alex’s laughter, and even Reggie paused at the sound. Julie laughed a little louder when she saw Alex’s arms wrapped tightly around Luke, digging into his ribs while Luke futilely tried to scramble off of Alex to save himself.
Reggie gasped. “Are we having a tickle fight, now?”
Julie laughed again. “Are all of you this ticklish?”
Reggie grinned up at her, even as his fingers dove in towards Luke’s knees. “Pretty much. I’m the worst, though.”
Luke and Alex paused in their fighting, Luke shaking Reggie’s fingers off his legs.
“That’s right,” Alex said.
Another slow, sly grin spread over Luke’s face, and even Julie felt the butterflies in her stomach at the expression. She didn’t know what she’d do if it was turned on her.
“You are the most ticklish,” Luke muttered. “Aren’t you?”
Reggie let out a laugh. “Yeah, that’s what I just said.” Then his face dropped when he realized they were slowly advancing on him. “Wait, guys? Guys?!”
He scrambled backwards, and Julie jumped out of the way again, laughing all the while. Alex and Luke were laughing too, lunging after Reggie, who seemed to be fighting off a smile as he tried to escape. He wasn’t very successful, the two of them snatching Reggie by the ankles and reeling him in, their fingers attacking every spot they could reach. Julie wrapped her own arms around her stomach, unsure if she was glad or disappointed that they couldn’t do the same to her. Their wiggling fingers looked absolutely wicked.
Julie jumped and the boys froze, all of them glancing over at the door. It was pulled open just enough for Flynn’s head to be peering through the gap. She raised an eyebrow at Julie.
“Oh! I, uh— it’s just, the guys.” She gestured to what was probably empty air for Flynn. “Goofing off.”
Flynn grinned, rolling her eyes. “Well, get ready! It’s time!”
As Flynn ducked back out of the studio, Luke, Alex, and Reggie scrambled to their feet, fumbling for their instruments. Julie shook her nerves out one last time, grinning as the guys walked up to her.
“You know what?” She said. “I do feel better”
Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes, Reggie laughed, and Alex rubbed at the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.
“Maybe we’ll have to find a way to tip Flynn off, next time,” Luke said. “After all, we can’t have our frontrunner succumbing to stage fright.”
Julie thinks of the boys’ devious fingers, their teasing smiles, their playful taunts. She thinks of them directed at her, all while Flynn manipulated her as easily as she manipulated her mixer. Julie let out a nervous chuckle.
“No, I’m good.”
Luke grinned at her, that grin that never failed to make her tummy swoop and her face heat up, but Julie didn’t get a chance to respond before the loft doors were being pulled open again. Julie faced front, taking a deep breath.
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giggle-bee · 5 months
Triple Threat (Squealing Santa 2023!)
Hi, @hakurei-k, I'm your Santa for this year! Sorry this is a little late, but I hope you still enjoy it! It was a challenging prompt since I don't typically write intense stuff with multiple lers, but it was a fun fic to do, and I'm so happy I got you!! I also want to thank @squealing-santa, Hypah, for being such an amazing host!! Couldn't have done it without you, thank you for keeping the tradition alive!
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(Ler!Barbatos, Ler!Solomon, Ler!Simeon, Lee!MC)
Warnings: pranks, suprise tickles
Summary: Barbatos has a day off but doesn't know how to spend it. How better to than with you? Mediating a prank war wasn't in the plans, though.
Word Count: 1.8k
When Diavolo had first approached Barbatos about taking the day off, he was against the idea. “My Lord, the New Year’s celebration is not far away. The castle must be prepared for guests, there is much work to be done-” “Exactly my thoughts! You’ve been working tirelessly, my friend, you deserve some time to yourself. It’s my castle, I want to have part in the decorating! Besides, I know you’ve been keeping an eye on that new tea house. Take the day and relax, Barbatos.”
Diavolo patted him on the back and left Barbatos standing in his office, lost for words and with a blank mind for the first time in a while. For anyone else, the opportunity would be a blessing, to leave your duties behind and pay attention to the parts of your life neglected. All Barbatos could think about was the castle in a state of disarray, clashing colors, decorations strewn haphazardly about the place, anything less than perfect was not acceptable.
However, Diavolo’s pout if he figured out Barbatos was still working during his break was too heartbreaking to think about. Barbatos sighed, pulling out his DDD and pulling up his messages with you.
Barbatos MC, would you like to join me at Witch’s Brew this afternoon? My schedule has been cleared. 
MC Oh? Is that the new tea place across from Majolish? I would love to!
Barbatos Alright. See you at noon. 
Witch’s Brew was a quaint shop that sold both loose leaf teas, tea sets, and delicious desserts. To a demon like Barbatos, it was heaven. The aroma of dried flowers and warmth tickled his nose as he opened the door, sitting down at a small table with a candle in the middle. It was peaceful here, soft music playing over the speakers and setting a light ambience to the space. Ordering some tea for the both of you would be his first order of business. The fragrant notes of hibiscus and lemon called to him from behind the counter, he would bring it back to the table piping hot and waiting. 
A smile came across his lips as he imagined you taking the first sip, your eyes lighting up at the sweet flavor- rich and floral with a hint of tart to balance it. The thought was almost as sweet as you were. The tinkling of the doorbell made Barbatos glance up hopefully from his cup, eyes alight when he saw you. But you weren’t carefree and jubilant as usual. He picked up on the nervous glances you were sending around the room, your hesitant steps towards the table, and most of all, you hadn’t greeted him with so much as a smile yet. Quite unusual. 
“Ah, hello Barbatos! Sorry I’m late,” you whispered, smoothing your clothes and sitting in the chair he pulled out for you. The demon cocked an eyebrow at your behavior, instantly analyzing your expression. He knew something was up.
“Would you like to tell me what is obviously bothering you? You look like someone is out to get you.”
“Ahaha… well…” You scratched your arm, averting your gaze and peering down into the teacup. “You could say that.” You chose to elaborate on the prank war currently going on in Purgatory Hall, the one you had started a week ago. Luke had voted on staying out of things, which meant you, Solomon, and Simeon would have to prank amongst yourselves.
Pulling out all the stops this morning, you had set up several pillows to fall onto Simeon’s head, covering him in feathers. You had swiped one of Solomon’s singing potions earlier in the week and mixed it into a batch of cookies, which had him singing curses for the next hour. You had found these harmless pranks extremely funny, but both Solomon and Simeon were sure to get you back. 
“So that’s why I have to stay vigilant! They could be anywhere, Barbatos, I have to keep a lookout,” you explained, taking a sip of your tea. The flavor was complex and delicate, a nice reprieve from the chaos going on with your friends. You melted into the warm drink, nodding at the teapot, “This was a good pick, thank you for letting me try it!”
Barbatos shook his head with a fond smile. He knew you were “I believe tea is better when shared in good company, so it’s my pleasure.” Pouring you two another cup, he thought on your predicament. If Solomon and Simeon were working together, it could spell disaster for everyone in Purgatory Hall.
Humming in thought, Barbatos finished his tea and set the cup down gently onto a saucer. “Can I escort you back? Like I said, my schedule is clear for the day, so it would be no trouble. That way, you won’t have to worry about anything on your way,” he offered. Barbatos knew they would never do anything to harm you, but if it would make you feel better, it was worth it.
You perked up, relief washing over your face. “I would appreciate it, those two like to scare me as much as it is.”
Taking a dessert to go, you and Barbatos left the teahouse and started the journey back to the House of Lamentation. On the way, you talked about everything from next year’s classes to Satan’s newest cat adoption antics. Barbatos felt at ease talking to you, as he always did. His worries for the celebration faded with every step as he let you take the wheel of the conversation. Before you knew it, you two were on the doorstep. 
“Thank you for walking me here, Barbs. We need to do this again sometime!” You opened the door and were about to wave goodbye when two arms pulled you into the foyer. Barbatos quickly moved inside, surprised by the sight that greeted him. 
Solomon and Simeon had trapped you in their arms, encircling you like twin felines playing a game of cat and mouse. Solomon’s deadly smirk was something you knew all too well, paired with Simeon’s laughing eyes, they had been out to get you from the start. “You fell right into our trap, MC~” Simeon purred in your ear, watching your eyes flit between the trio of people in the room. Well, one human, one angel, and one demon. The mischievous fire in Solomon’s eyes appeared anything *but* human to you in this moment. 
Solomon looked to the demon at the door, “What do you think is a fitting punishment for our friend here, Barbatos?” 
Barbatos slowly stepped forward until he was in front of you three, assessing the situation. “Seeing as they’ve confessed their transgressions to me already, I believe something… like this will suffice,” Barbatos reasoned, grinning at your shocked face.
“Barbatos! You’re supposed to be on my side- HEY!” Barbatos wormed his hand between you and Simeon to give your side a squeeze, making you curl into Solomon. Simeon started to snicker at the idea, using his free hand to scribble around your neck while Solomon’s smile grew wolfish. “I think that’s a great idea, don’t you think so, MC?” 
You were trying not to react to Simeon’s gentle scribbles, your cheeks puffing out and your lips pouting to hide your smile. “N-no! Not a great idea! Barbatos- help me!”
Raising an eyebrow, the demon tilted his head to the side, “You want me to help? Alright, I can manage that. After all, I have no obligations today, I can spend as much time as I want here.”
Barbatos latched onto your sides, kneading into them with sudden speed and vigor that you weren’t prepared for. Your straight faced facade went flying out the window as you tried to wiggle away from the tickles to no avail. Solomon and Simeon seemed to have the same idea, the angel’s fingers finding a home in your armpits and Solomon’s squeezing at your hipbones. “WHAHAHAIT! NOhOHoO!” 
You had endured tickle attacks from all three of them separately, but together, the trio was insufferably good at reducing you to a laughing fit. They continued to scribble and poke all over your worst spots, Simeon finding a good spot on your lower tummy that almost sent you backwards. Every time you got used to something, one of them would move, sending you into giggles all over again. 
“I almost forgot how ticklish they are! Solomon, keep that up,” Simeon laughed with delight at how you squirmed away from Solomon’s evil hands that were currently chasing your ribs. “If I were you, I would stay still- it would be done a looooot faster!” Solomon chirped from your left, tazing your ribs and making you fall into Barbatos’s waiting arms.
“Your laugh is almost as sweet as the tea, you know,” Barbatos whispered quietly, kneading into your lower back and sides, chuckling when you tried to pull away with a blush. Simeon gasped and excitedly pulled you away, hugging you tight against his chest. 
“Theres this thing I used to do to Luci when he would misbehave, let me show you!” He closed his eyes and you felt invisible feathers gliding across your ears and neck, making you scrunch up. The feathers seemed to reach all of your worst spots, soft but they tickled like hell. When you felt one graze the bottom of your foot, you squeaked in surprise, how was this even possible? Simeon’s laugh sounded like bells, contrasting with your loud and squealy one. “I cAhAHaAHaN’t! PlEHehAHeaSe!” 
He slowed down the feathers of his wings to softly stroke up and down your arms, letting you collapse into him. Solomon ruffled your hair, “You all tired out? I think it’s payback for making me sing through all of breakfast. Simeon looked like a fancy chicken this morning,” he laughed. Simeon rolled his eyes, “Did you learn your lesson, MC? Never mess with Purgatory Hall, or you’ll awaken the tickle monsters that live there!” He tapped your nose, taking note of your lingering smile and flushed cheeks. He grinned and gave you a hug, releasing you. 
Barbatos had his hands behind his back, almost like he hadn’t contributed to your ticklish demise. “The cake is still outside, would you like me to bring it in?” His sly smirk didn’t go unnoticed, you nodded, rolling your eyes. “You were supposed to help me!”
“I never said I would help you. Besides, I think you deserved a little prank back for the ones you performed,” he noted, bringing the slice of matcha cake inside. 
With a sigh, you took the bag, holding out the delectable sweet. “How about a truce? Do you guys wanna split this?” All three of them nodded, causing you to smile. As you made your way towards the den, Barbatos concluded that his day off was a day well spent.
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otomiyaa · 1 month
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Requests Closed!
Thank you guys, for the support and requests! I'm glad to know you're interested in them*w* I put all requests I intend to write in a list. These will be written in random order, progress will be updated in this post, I'll add a link to my pinned post later :)
Note: If you didn't state platonic/romantic/erotic then I put them under platonic. If that's incorrect feel free to leave me a message!
Also if there were double requests with the same lee/ler/dynamic I combined them! Last but not least, these are a lot so I'll try my best to write them but cannot promise anything, and it'll probably take me ages hehe.
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Ler!Tsukishima & Reader: 50. “So why don’t we see who’s more ticklish?”
Lee!Xiao & Reader: 41. “No, I’m not ticklish there.”
Lee!Muichiro & Reader: 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!”
Lee!Akaashi & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + “I really can’t believe how ticklish you are.”
Lee!Boothill & Reader: 03. “I thought you weren’t ticklish.”
Lee!Luke Pearce & Reader: 43. “Don’t tell me you actually forgot how ticklish you are?”
Lee!Freminet & Reader: 49. “Please don’t tell me you heard that?“
Lee!Blade & Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Lee!Zayne x Reader: 22. “Don’t laugh, I’m trying to talk to you!”
Ler!Aventurine x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + 09. "You and I remember this game very differently."
Ler!Kuroo x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Ler!Scaramouche x Male!Reader: 16. “I was trying to sleep!”
Lee!Xiao x Reader: 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!”
Ler!Sugawara x Reader: 06. "Could you… do that to me?"
Ler!Gojo x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Luigi x Fem!Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Loid Forger x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Hawks x Reader: 35. “Maybe next time when I can actually move?”
Ler!Wriothesley x Reader: 32. “It’s been a while since you laughed.”
Ler!Hatori Sohma x Reader: 01. “I promise I won’t tickle you.” + 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Lee!Blade x Reader: 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Lers!Kate & Yelena x Reader: 05. “I didn’t steal anything!”
Ler!Loki x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Vyn Richter x Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Ler!Diluc x Male!Reader: 11. “So, what will be your next excuse to tickle me?” 
Lee!Caelus x Reader: 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.” - anon I received your message while I was finishing this post so exactly the right timing!
Ler!Chigiri x Reader: 17. “You have three seconds to run.” - this came like 1 minute after I closed requests so still accepted dear anon!
Lers!Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” / 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Lyney x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
Ler!Diavolo x Fem!Reader: 08. “I know other ways to make you laugh.”
Ler!Aventurine, Blade or Ratio x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” / 18. “Wait… That tickled?” 
Ler!Rosa x Fem!Reader: 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.”
Lee!Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae x Reader: 49. Please don't tell me you heard that.
Lee!Albedo x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
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Not accepted / Pending:
All requested non reader pairings, sorry guys but it's specifically a x reader writing event, no ships this time 😭
Alastor x Reader - idk who that is ^^;
Ler!Jiraiya x Reader - sorry anon I barely know/remember Jiraiya's character, if you want feel free to send another one (check my list for guidance).
Ler!Toji x Reader - he looks hot but I still haven't seen JJK S2 hehe oops, I'm afraid I can't write it but might change my mind if I end up watching it later on.
Ler!Mirko x Reader - I kinda totally forgot about her character, sorry!
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