#ler tolkien
dannystheone · 1 year
I love your South Park fics!! Can you give me some headcanons about Craig and those guys (including Jimmy of course)? Which of them are lees/lers, who’s the most ticklish, most ticklish spots, etc?
Hi anon thanks for asking! So I've actually already HC'd a few things for Craig's gang, but that was before I was able to HC for all of the boys a part of it. If you want to read my HC's for Butters, Tweek and Craig you can find it here
But now since I'm on season 20 I feel pretty good to do Clyde, Jimmy and Tolkien :)
-So Clyde thinks he's hot shit and he's super suave and good with the ladies right
-uh that all crumbles really quickly when he gets tickled lmao
-the most embarrassing reactions to tickling you can think of
-squeaking, squealing, kicking, snorting, high-pitched laughs, hiccuping, he goes into overdrive
-And the thing is, there are more ticklish people than him in the group, he's just dramatic LOL
-baby talk works wonders on him poor boy
-really any teasing works on him but super childish and stupid teases get him flustered (like equating the tickles to spiders or something)
-also well-taken care of nails sends him over the edge (bebe is his weakness)
-when he gets tickled long enough his ears blush and they get extra tickly
-he definitely gets tickled to tears quicker than you think
-also he was called the second chubbiest kid behind Cartman so fluffing your fingers around his pudge makes him squeal
-he lers if the other guys ler or he lers to just be a douche but he quickly recoils if you want to get him back
-his tickle spots are his armpits, his neck and his tummy :)
-fucking love tolkien when he was laughing at madea when she came to their school he was so cute ;-;
-I see him as more of a ler though cause I think he would be too smart to get caught in an obvious tickling situation
-but if he does get caught in one his laugh is really light and melodic
-one time he was getting tickled and his laugh was especially cute and his ler stopped out of nowhere, and tolkien opened his eyes to see his ler with this face 🥺
-he's not much of a defensive lee only because the touches are light so he just kinda twitches and curls around the ler's hand if it gets bad enough
-his tickle spots are behind his knees (killer) his thighs and one side is more ticklish than the other
-as a ler though he's pretty chill he doesn't use it for revenge or an advantage or anything
-I see him as pretty neutral either as a lee or a ler
-but as a ler he keeps it light, he's got more method and he pays attention to people's tickle spots
-he definitely laughs along with his lee their laugh is too infectious for him
-him and clyde get into tickle fights often, sometimes roping craig into the whole mess
-it's a good day in the group when tolkien has a smile on his face (which is like every day he's a happy guy :)
-love the comic himself jimmy
-so when the gang gets into tickle fights jimmy is the narrator
-"wow what a great audience, it seems clyde stole craig's milk so clyde is totally gonna get the s-sn-sn-snot tickled out of him :D"
-of course he also throws hands himself lmao
-as someone who's in crutches he's a surprisingly agile ler
-he can target people's tickle spots really easily
-you remember the episode where he could spot the difference between the news and an ad with crazy speed
-think that but with people's tickle spots he's got infra-red in his eyes
-when it's his turn to lee though he gets nervous aw
-he starts backing up and saying that they can work this out with words no matter the context lol but he always gets got
-his crutches have to be taken away cause he will SWING with them
-but his laugh is goofy he's a silly guy
-I feel like he 'hic's between every laugh like *hic* haha *hic* hahaha *hic*
-his sides and his collarbones are REALLY bad for him
-he can't use his legs to defend himself so he's not afraid to punch people LMAO
I hope you like this!
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matchacowbee · 3 months
lee!nicole and ler!tolkien? >//<
(i love ur blogs sm!!💕)
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thank u so much !! <333
idk if I have drawn Nichole yet! well here she is with Tolkien :3
they r both so cute ahhghhhh 💗💗💗 i hope you enjoy :)
on paper again wooo ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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trechos-delivros · 4 months
Começou a ficar assustado, e isso é ruim para o pensamento.
- O Hobbit (J. R. R. Tolkien)
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alechans-cutetickles · 6 months
🇮🇹:Ho dimenticato che QUESTA scena di south park esiste😭💕 🇺🇸:i forgoto that THIS south park scene exsist 😭💕
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gigglingsoftly · 8 months
Hi!! Do you have any headcanons for Craig’s gang?
I dooooo! They were literally going to be next like I had it unfinished in the notes app but this made me finish it so quick 😭
Craig’s Gang
I think it’s almost universally agreed in the community he pretends to not be ticklish 😭
He obviously is. He’s just good at hiding it.
Tweek finds out by accident and Craig swears him to secrecy.
When he teases he’s just very matter of fact and sarcastic. It’s very effective.
He’s one of those ppl that guesses where someone’s most ticklish based off of where they try to tickle him first.
And he gets it right like 97% of the time. Everyone finds it so annoying lol
Omg that stereotypical thing has happened where Stripe has gone down his shirt and he can’t catch and he’s trying not to hurt him so he’s like dying
He seems a lot more ticklish than he is. It’s really just nerves.
Oh my god, he sounds like he’s being murdered.
When he says he “I’m going to die!!!” it’s not like a silly thing he’s saying because he’s being tickled like stop. Because shit is about to real real fucking quick
He’s a fighter and a biter (courtesy of @yiplee I loved that hc so much 😭) so yeah… there’s that… like this is different than when Kyle does it by accident. This kid is trying to fight you to the fucking death
Like yeah he can be a good ler but he’s panicking to make sure you can still breath and that he isn’t hurting you. He doesn’t want to go to jail for murder.
Him and Craig have tickle fights sometimes but they pretty much both hate being tickled so it’s rare lol
Has a love hate relationship with tickling.
Like when it’s happening in the moment he “hates” it but after the fact he kinda thinks it’s fun.
He won’t say that tho. If you even imply that he might have had fun he’ll deny deny deny.
He’s too tough and cool for that obviously.
He literally refuses to believe he’s the most ticklish of the group so he’s constantly starting tickle fights and then has the surprised Pikachu face when it obviously backfires.
Bebe tickles him a lot bc she thinks it’s cute that he’s so ticklish lol
He has a really nice laugh!
He pretends to be a lot more ticklish than he actually is for his friends sake.
Like if he didn’t laugh that’d be so awkward and embarrassing.
He doesn’t know how Craig does it. He hates that awkward silence so much
He’s so chill. If a tickle fight breaks out he’s just like I guess we’re doing this now.
He’s Nichole’s biggest ler. He loves to hear her laugh ❤️
CEO of cheer up tickles
Definitely tells bad jokes on purpose when the person is screaming
And like it makes his friends laugh harder because he’s so corny???
He has gotten ganged up on for too many bad jokes.
It’s his fault tho because the gang always warn him before hand. And he just doesn’t listen.
And he’ll proceed to tell bad jokes like they didn’t just wreck him
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heavenknowsffs · 1 year
A minha cabeça deu um nó a ler que o fado começou pouco antes do estado novo e o teatro de revista foi censurado
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opinions on lee!clyde and ler!tolkien?
Lee!Clyde: My tickle headcanons related to him are the ones who just appears from nowhere and I just... accept.
He's definitely the type of lee who gets all teasy and dramatic when he wants to be tickled, and if he doesn't get it will sit there and just stare the wall.
Clyde is sure nobody notices it, but it's obvious and absolutely everyone knows. Even Butters.
We stan Lee!Clyde here!!
Ler!Tolkien: I never saw Tolkien as a lee, so this is just p e r f e c t.
Being able to tickle him is almost as an achievement, since he WRECKS everyone. This is challenge for the tough ones only!
Everyone (mostly the main four) tell the new kids Tolkien's ticklish just to see him getting revenge and laugh. An asshole thing to assholes do.
Just like we stan Lee!Clyde, we stan Ler!Tolkien too!! >:)
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strawmyberry · 1 year
thank u for the kyle tickle hcs... him being the most ticklish out of the m4 AND being weakest to light tickling is SO IMPORTANT TO ME
you get me anon!!! lee kyle is so cute!! so cute in fact- i got a little surpriseeee! thank you all so much for all the kind words on my first fic!! im so glad you guys liked it 🥹 soooo…here’s another one!! i hope you guys like it!! thanks again!!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
B for Broflovski!
Lee Kyle / Ler Stan
Word Count: 4,229
With Kyle panicking over the “horrible” grade he got on his History test, Stan puts a little extra effort into convincing him that “B” doesn’t always have to stand for “Bad.” In fact, to him, it stands for something a thousand times better.
Stan knew Kyle was a perfectionist. Kyle knew Kyle was a perfectionist. The entire town of South Park knew Kyle was a perfectionist; yet, somehow, despite that, Stan was never really prepared for when Kyle would have one of those days.
“It’s bullshit, dude! I’m telling you; it’s fucking bullshit! Mr. Garrison has some kinda’ personal vendetta against me. I fucking hate him! ‘Fucking asshole, it’s ridiculous!”
Stan had gotten used to walking quickly besides Kyle since Kyle had the tendency to walk and talk, especially when he was in a bad mood. Luckily for Stan, he was pretty good at keeping up.
“And Cartman? Oooh, ‘fucking Cartman? I’m going to kick his ass- I deal with a lot of shit from him. I take it! I suck it up and I take it! But this? I’m done. I’m going to shove my foot so far up his ass- I swear to god-“
Stan had tried a million strategies when it came to this issue, and he had found that the best thing to do was to let Kyle get all of it out of his system. Let him ramble, eventually he’d get tired of it. After that is when he’d be able to talk logically with his, figure out what to do next.
“The only reason he got an A was because he cheated off of Tolkien. But, of course, Garrison doesn’t see it! As if it’s not the most obvious thing in the world! It’s so fucking dumb dude, I seriously can’t- Ma, I’m home! Stan’s here too, we’re gonna go upstairs, okay?”
Okay, Stan had to admit, it was a little funny how Kyle’s rage was like an on and off switch when it came to his mom. He’d be cursing up a storm one second and the next he’d go all Positive Paul on him. He’d shout a quick hello to Kyle’s mom too, because…manners, before following Kyle up the stairs and into his room.
“It just- It pisses me off so much! It’s not fair- I studied so hard for that stupid test!”
Stan would place his backpack next to Kyle’s dresser. He’d proceeded to chase the redhead around his room a little bit, stopping his endless pacing for a second so he could take the backpack off his friend’s back. He’d plop it next to his own before throwing himself onto Kyle’s bed, already getting himself comfortable. Knowing Kyle, this could go on for…god know how long.
“I fucking hate South Park…”
Kyle loved to rant and rave, yeah. It always made him feel a lot better- since he was able to get all his anger out without punching a hole in his wall. But…he could only talk for so long without breathing. So, he’d take a small break, just so he could regain his breath. Kyle would turn back to Stan- only to see the position he was in.
Stan was laying in his bed. Yes- yes that’s what beds are for- but Stan was laying in his bed. Like, laying in his bed. Head amidst a sea of pillows, body sinking slightly into the soft mattress, limbs languidly sprawled across the bed; the whole works. “Oh- sorry, ‘you done?” He’d ask, his words muffled by all of the pillows around his head.
“Uh…no. Not yet. Sorry- I can stop if you’d like-“
“No! No, keep going. I’m all ears.”
“Ooookay…?” Kyle would nod, confused as hell. How long had he been like that? How didn’t he notice before? Why was he messing up his pillows? Well- now he couldn’t remember where he had left off. He’d stare at the bed post as his mind wandered, trying to retrace his steps. Oh! Yeah! Hating South Park!
“…I think today was stupid.” Kyle would start, starting the tirade off slowly. “Everything about it, yeah, but the changing seats thing was really stupid.” He’d continue, the momentum slowly picking up as he spoke. He was getting the hang of it again!
“I mean, I get the changing seats thing. But I told him! I said, “Mr. Garrison, please keep me next to Stan. He keeps me focused.” Which is true because you’re one of the only ones in class who isn’t a total moron. And even when you are- you don’t do it to annoy me- you just-“
“Wait. Uh-go back? …Why am I being called a moron? What did I do?” Sitting up from his extremely habitable position, Stan would raise his left eyebrow; his face laced with confusion. Stan would usually listen to everything Kyle had to say before talking, but that little comment about him just threw him for a loop.
“Huh? I’m not calling you a moron, dude.”
“Uh…you just did though?”
“Did I? Really?” A flicker of his own confusion would cross his face, accompanied by a subtle furrowing of his brow as he stood there for his moment. He’d tap his foot, humming a bit as he thought before it clicked. Kyle’s face would turn white. “Oh shit.” His eyes would widen, quickly holding his hands up in defense. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that…I don’t think you’re a moron…sorry..”
“No, I know. It’s okay, man, really!” Stan would give a reassuring smile, letting the comment just slide off his shoulders. “You’re upset, dude, it’s all good.” Stan had gotten used to that too. Kyle was a very…passionate person- he’d go really big when it came to his rants. Stan knew better than to actually take offense to anything Kyle said when he was in one of those moods.
“Yeah…It’s just- maybe I get Garrison not putting us together because we’re Super Best Friends. I mean- I don’t really get it- but I could see the logic behind it. But, at the very least, he could’ve sat me next to someone who wasn’t a total asshole! Sit me next to Craig! He’s quiet! Or Tolkien! Tweek! Jimmy! Butters! I would’ve been fine with anyone! Anyone! Except, Cartman! And guess what happens! Guess who I get sat next to! Guess!”
Stan would nod along as he listened, staying sat up this time instead of going to lay back down again. He wouldn’t really notice he was supposed to answer the question at first. He thought it was rhetorical! After all, he was literally there. He saw all of this happen already. But…okay? He’d play along? “Uh…Cart..man?”
“Fucking Cartman! I’m pissed, but I’m like: “OK, whatever, I can deal with this, no big deal.” But then, I’m in the middle of the test- the test. ‘You know? The thing where you’re supposed to do your own work and shut the fuck up while you do it? And for some goddamn reason-he just won’t shut the fuck up! And I’m thinking: “Is it really that hard to just shut your fucking mouth for five seconds?” But, whatever, I studied for this test so I’m gonna get a good grade on it! Right? No! Fucking no! ‘Cause it’s let’s all dog on Kyle day! And I think his voice was just so fucking grating- I just forgot half of the shit that I studied! He fucked me! He literally fucked me!”
Man. Who needed TV? Who needed Assassins Creed, Indiana Jones, and Lego Batman when you had Kyle Broflovski as your super angry, Super Best Friend? He was basically free entertainment at this point! Stan’s eyes would follow Kyle around the room, and Kyle was moving so much it looked like Stan was watching a tennis match.
“-And you know what really upsets me? ‘You know what just irks me like just a little bit? The fact that I know I’m gonna have to walk in the school tomorrow, and Wendy is gonna come up to me-and she’s gonna be like, “Oh, Kyle! How did you do on the history test? I’m really happy with my grade!” And I’m gonna have to be like, “Oh yeah, Wendy! I’m sure you are!” And then she’s gonna rub it in my face like she always does-“
“What? Wendy doesn’t rub her grades in your face…” Stan would, admittedly, get a little defensive at that statement. This was his girlfriend they were talking about! And…well- she wasn’t here to defend her own honor like he knew she would’ve liked to- so he was gonna do it for her! “Wendy wouldn’t try to make you feel bad about yourself, Kyle-“ Stan would start to say, cutting himself off when Kyle randomly pointed his index finger at him.
“You know what’s funny? I knew you were going to say that!” Kyle would argue, his eyes lit with a combo of satisfaction and frustration. “I knew you were going to defend Wendy! You’re biased, Stan!”He’d accuse. “She rubs her grades in my face all the time! You just turn a blind eye to it because you’re biased!”
“What are you talking about? Dude, if anything, I’d be biased towards you. I’ve known you longer.” Stan would jump to defend himself, rolling her eyes as he did. “I’m sorry if she’s hurt your feelings, Kyle, but I’m sure there’s no bad blood there.” That was a bit of a half-assed apology. Again, Kyle was ranting- so Stan had no idea if he actually meant half of the shit he was saying. He just wanted to resolve the situation.
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure it’s not a big deal to you! You’re not the one who’s gonna be ridiculed for getting a B on the test!” Kyle would retort, crossing his arms as he huffed.
“I’m sorry…what?” Stan looked stunned. Staring at Kyle as if he had three heads, Stan would open his mouth to speak- just to cut himself off before he managed to say anything. He was trying to think of a nice way to put this. Really really hard. “…Run that by me again?”
“Don’t be an asshole! I got a B, okay?! It’s embarrassing- I know!”
“…Dude.” Stan would pinch the arch of his nose, letting out a long, irritated sigh. “That’s what this is about? Seriously?” He’d clarify. “…This whole time, I thought you had gotten an F- or, at the very best, a D. You got a B?” Stan wasn’t even mad, honestly. Actually, he was a little bit impressed. “Kyle…” At this point, Stan couldn’t help but laugh. There was no way this was actually happening. “A B is a good grade, dude. You have nothing to worry about.”
Now, Stan knew he was one to say stupid things sometimes- but this time, he could’ve sworn that what he said was actually a little bit smart. But the look Kyle was giving him? It almost made him doubt himself. Kyle was looking at him as if he had just said he puts milk in the bowl before the cereal. His jaw would drop, holding his hand out in front of him in shocked horror. “…You did not just say that to me.”
“Kyle, seriously, you’re wigging out over nothing!” Stan would try to explain, getting up from the bed. “You don’t need to beat yourself up over this. It’s just a B! A B is, what? …80%? That’s good! That’s really good!”
“I can’t believe you’re actually telling me this right now! You have to be shitting me! Do you even know what the B stands for, Stan?” Kyle would ask, the look on his face saying that he already knew the answer. “Do you? Do you, Mr. Isaac Newton? Care to enlighten me?”
“Jesus Christ…” Stan would grumble, rolling his eyes yet again. He’d stand there for a second, shrugging the question off. “…I dunno, brilliant?”
“Brilliant?” Kyle would repeat. “Brilliant?!” Kyle’s eye would twitch, as if Stan had just said the most absurd thing he had ever said. “No! It stands for BAD. Bad, Stan! B. A. D. Bad!”
“B doesn’t stand for Bad…” Stan would state. “F stands for bad.”
“Bad doesn’t start with a F, Stan!” Kyle would scream, frustrated. “B stands for Bad, Bummer, Buffoon- think of a word that starts with a B- nine times out of ten it’s a negative connotation! It’s the most obvious thing in the world!”
“I know that YOU’D be happy to get a B- but I’m perfectly valid in being upset about it! God!”
The air in the room was tense; and the silence that came after Kyle’s groan didn’t really help that. They’d stare at each other for a solid minute, waiting for the other one to say something. In that moment of stillness, Kyle had to opportunity to realize how mean what he said just sounded. In that moment, Kyle would brace for impact. He expected Stan to scream at him- or storm out the door and never come back. But…Stan didn’t do any of that.
Stan would take a deep breath. A long one. “…Okay.” He’d say, breaking the silence. “You need to chill out.” Kyle would open his mouth to apologize or, at the very least, give Stan a verbal agreement- but Stan would quickly cut him off.
“You broke Baseball Rules.”
Kyle’s eyes would widen. Shit. No. No- he didn’t. Did he? Oh god. No- he definitely did. Fuck! “…Y-You didn’t tell me we were playing Baseball Rules.” Kyle would hold his hands up in defense, backing up slightly.
“I don’t have to tell you when we’re playing Baseball Rules. That’s the whole point- we don’t have to repeat the rules, they’re just in place.” Stan would remind, a mischievous smile creeping onto his face. “You said three really fucked up things about me. Three strikes. You’re out. You broke Baseball Rules.”
Baseball Rules was a game created by Stan, a game that Kyle reluctantly participated in. The rules were simple, whenever the two were in an a little tiff, if either of them slung three insults in a row, they’d strike out.
Stan made the game in order to prevent the two from blowing up at each other, and it worked pretty well! But, admittedly, Baseball Rules wouldn’t be half as effective if it weren’t for what came after you struck out. That worked like a charm every single time.
“Stan, wait…” Kyle would try to reason, glancing behind him quickly to try to get an idea of how far he was from the door. Maybe he could run if he tried hard enough? “I’m sorry, dude…I don’t think you’re stupid, really-“
“I know you don’t!” Stan would cut Kyle’s apologizes short, stepping forward with the attempt of cornering him. “I’m not mad at you! But…rules are rules! If I let you get away with it this time- where do I draw the line, ya’ know? I’m sure you understand.”
Kyle would yelp at Stan stepping forward, quickly turning himself around to dash around him. “Just this once! I’m really sorry- I won’t do it again! I’m not upset anymore-“
“That’s great!” Stan would exclaim. “I’m glad you’re not upset anymore! But it’s the principle of Baseball Rules. I really wish I didn’t have to! I wanna let you off easy, really!” He didn’t. He knew he didn’t, Kyle knew that too. Just like how Stan knew Kyle well enough to know that he’d try to run around him; that’s why he’d turn as well, cornering Kyle officially.
“Stahahan!” Kyle would stumble backwards, his legs hitting his bed. He’d sink to the floor, already beginning to kick his legs. “It’s just a made up gahahame! Plehehease!”
“I’m not even touching you yet!” Stan would tease, wiggling his fingers right above Kyle’s hips. “I’ll go easy, okay?” He’d sink down right after him, sitting down in front of him.
“Noho! Nohot okahay! DohohOHOHON’T-“
“Don’t tickle your ears or your neck. I know, I know!” Stan would cut Kyle’s desperate pleas short, abruptly beginning to drill his fingers into his hips. “You’d think I’d know how to tickle my Super Best Friend. I can’t believe you’d think I wouldn’t! You cut me deep, Kyle.”
“That’s nohot-!” Kyle would shake his head, cutting himself off as he started to impulsively swing his arms in defense. Kyle was way too ticklish as it was, but Stan’s constant teasing was making it a thousand times worse.
“I knowww, that’s not what you were going to say. You were going to ask me not to tickle you, and…” Stan couldn’t keep the shit eating grin off of his face. “…you know I’m not gonna do that.” He’d laugh, fighting back the urge to make fun of how red Kyle’s face was.
“Stohohop ihihit! Plehehease, I’m sohohorry!” Kyle wouldn’t even last ten seconds before pleading for mercy. That was one of Stan’s favorite things about playing Baseball Rules, besides being able to hear Kyle’s laugh. That was always first on the list.
“I know you’re sorry! I forgive you!” He’d reassure, managing to dodge every punch Kyle threw at him. “Let’s do this, okay? You let me get a few words out, and then I’ll let you go, okay? I’ll stop tickling you once I’m done.”
Kyle wasn’t 100% sure how legit that offer was. Normally, Stan would stop when he wanted to- so it really depended on how merciful he was feeling on that day. For all Kyle knew, Stan could just say sike and keep going. But…at the same time, maybe he wouldn’t. If anything, he might as well take the bait.
“Okahahay okahahay!”
“Okay? Great!” Stan would smile, moving his hands from his hips to his sides, squeezing them as he began speaking. “I get that you like getting A’s. That makes sense- everyone likes getting them. But it’s okay to not get them sometimes. You shouldn’t be stressing yourself out about your grades, you’re doing an awesome job with them.”
“Buhut-“ Kyle would start, just to be cut off by Stan suddenly skittering his fingers against his ribs. “SHIHihihit!! Ohoh my goHOHOhod! Dohohon’t doHOHO thahahat!!” Kyle would squeal loudly, his eyes flying open as his kicking and punching intensified.
“I’m not done yet!” Stan would sing-song, poking in between each rib for each syllable. The shit-eating grin on his face would only grow as he continued. “As I was saying; you’re doing awesome, dude! I’m not saying you shouldn’t focus on your grades- i’m saying you shouldn’t stress yourself out about them.” Stan would clarify.
“Your grades don’t determine how smart you are. And, either way, you have some kick ass grades, dude! You are the smartest person I know, Kyle-“
“Thahahat’s nohohot trUHUHUE- OHOH MY GOHOHOD- FUHUHUCK OHohohoff!!”
Stan would jokingly roll his eyes at Kyle’s cackling, shaking his head softly. “I’m barely even touching you!” That was true, all he was doing was fluttering his fingers over his stomach. Of course, he knew how effective that was- he just chose to play dumb. ‘Made things more fun!
“It is so true.” Stan would insist, his tone genuine and honest. “…And if you even try to tell me I know Wendy, I’m gonna roll up your jacket. Don’t fuck with me.” He’d playfully threaten. “Wendy doesn’t count. Wendy- Wendy is different. That’s the thing- you guys are both smart. And we’re allowed to have two smart people in South Park. With the amount of morons we have- god knows we could use ‘em.”
“Kyle, I wouldn’t be calling you smart if you weren’t. You are so smart, dude! You know fucking Pig Latin! Do you know anyone else who knows Pig Latin?”
“YOHOHOU!” Kyle would retort, doubling over with laughter. “YOHohohou knohohow pihig lahatin tohohohoo!” He’d would swing at Stan’s face yet again, not expecting it to horrible backfire like it did. Stan would take the swing as an opportunity to snake his hands under his arms, quickly skittering his nails all over his armpits.
“Because you taught me it, Kyle!” Stan would exclaim, having to hold back his own laughter as Kyle shrieked. “You ran right into my point! You make me smarter! I would be a total moron if it weren’t for you! Do you know the amount of times I’m stuck on something and I think to myself, “What would Kyle do?” You’re a genius, dude!”
Maybe it was the fact that he was laughing so hard, or maybe it was the surplus of compliments Stan was dumping onto him. But, either way, Kyle was bright red; practically screaming with laughter as he tried to sink himself into the floor. An effort that was obviously in vain. His arms were slammed tightly down against Stan’s fingers in an effort to protect himself; of course, not even realizing until after the fact that it was having to opposite effect.
“Okay, okay I’m almost done!” Stan would quickly say, yanking his hands out from under Kyle’s arms; moving them back to his stomach, lightly skittering his fingers again. “All of this is to say- you’re being too hard on yourself! You are more than a grade you get on a test- putting aside the fact that a B is already a good grade!
“And- you know what? B doesn’t stand for Bad!”
And with that, Stan would still his fingers. The two of them would sit there, Kyle immediately noticing how Stan didn’t seem to be making any attempt of getting up. He’d still be giggling from the aftermath, eyeing Stan up and down expectingly.
“…One more thing.”
Of fucking course!
“…What does B stand for, Kyle?”
Oh shit. Shit. He was fucked. The truth of the matter was Kyle had no clue. It obviously wasn’t Bad. But…he didn’t really know what answer Stan wanted from him. From the expectant look on Stan’s face, he obviously already had an answer in mind. Kyle would think long and hard, searching every crevice of his brain in the hopes that somehow, someway, the answer would magically come to him.
“Ohhh…that’s a good one..” Stan would say in mock amazement, beginning to turn; as if he was about to get up. Kyle would let out a sigh of relief, thanking the universe for sparing him this time. The funny thing about that, though? He wasn’t. Stan would swiftly turn back around, making a buzzer noise to signify that Kyle had gotten the wrong answer before blowing a quick raspberry on his neck.
It all happened so fast, Kyle didn’t even have time to say anything- the only thing that left his mouth was a screech; jolting so hard that he yanked himself away from Stan, falling onto his side. He’d quickly scrunch his neck, along with covering it with his hands.
Kyle was too busy giggling on the floor to realize that Stan had gotten up, walked back over to Kyle’s backpack, and came back with his water bottle. He’d sit next to him, offering his hand to help him up. Kyle would hesitantly take it, a relieved sigh escaping him as Stan pulled him up- no strings attached.
Kyle would raise his eyebrow with giggly confusion. Stan had never referred to him by his last name. They were strictly on a first name basis! Stan would return the confused look with his own confused look. After a few seconds, his eyes would widen as he realized why Kyle looked so confused. He’d shake his head, beginning to chuckle softly.
“Noho! Broflovski! B is for Broflovski!”
It would take a second for Kyle to understand what Stan was saying. Once it clicked, Kyle would turn to Stan, a fed-up smile on his face. God, he was cheesy. He’d hold out his hand as Stan gave him his water bottle, glancing at him again before rolling his eyes and taking a sip.
“What? You don’t like it?” Stan would tease, elbowing him as soon as he closed the cap to his water bottle. “It makes sense! I thought it was funny! Broflovski! It starts with a B- and it’s your last name! Get it?” Stan would repeat, his eyes bright with excitement.
“The more you repeat it the less funny it gets.” Kyle would jokingly groan in annoyance, even scooting a little further away from him! For bit purposes! Stan would scoot right after him, the giddy smile still on his face.
“…Can I tell you something?”
“If it’s B for Broflovski again, I’m gonna hit you.” “It’s not! It’s not.” Stan would say, the smile on his face never wavering. Kyle couldn’t help but smile with him, ushering him to continue with what he was going to say.
“I’d take a Broflovski for life over an A on a test any day.”
Maybe it was stupid for Kyle to be as grateful as he was for Stan. He knew he had a bit of a temper when it came to things like this- and he knew he could be a huge handful at times. But, for reason, Stan stuck by him. Maybe he was bored? Maybe he had nothing better to do, no one better to be with?
But when Kyle looked at the pure happiness on Stan’s face, he couldn’t help but feel like that wasn’t the case. It made him happy, knowing that Stan enjoyed his company just as much as he enjoyed his- even when he was being dramatic. They were Super Best Friends through thick or thin, no matter the circumstance. That felt…nice.
“Thanks, Stan…that means a lot.”
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twinkpoll · 1 year
Drum roll, please!
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Final nomination count: 31
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Final nomination count: 12
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Final nomination count: 23
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Final nomination count: 17
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Final nomination count: 15
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Final nomination count: 13
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Final nomination count: 12
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Final nomination count: 12
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Final nomination count: 12
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Final nomination count: 11
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Final nomination count: 11
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Final nomation count: 10
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Final nomination count: 10
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Final nomination count: 9
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Final nomination count: 9 and I hate every one of you
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Final nomination count: 9
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Final nomination count: 8
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Final nomination count: 8
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Final nomination count: 8
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Final nomination count: 8
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Final nomination count: 7 (art by Elena Kukanova)
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Final nomination count: 7
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Final nomination count: 7
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Final nomination count: 7
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Final nomination count: 6 (sorry, I had to use a show screenshot, but if you want to share some fanart, including artist credit, I could use, feel free!)
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Final nomination count: 6
Nominated by @girlfailure-bracket, absolute legend
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dannystheone · 1 year
hmmm maybe he’s tryna give one of his gay ass speeches and the 3 boys are fed up and want him to shush so ofc they use the most efficient method hehe
ugh i love you anon LMAKSSK PLEASE
So the summer vibes are PERFECT today so I thought we could have a pool fic!!
WARNINGS: Feet tickles and kids swearing! also kind of a long intro sorry
Kyle's New Pool! (Lee Kyle/Multiple Lers)
Kyle got a new pool installed for the summer in his backyard, but he needs to set some ground rules first!
I hope you like this! :) also I just re-read the whole thing and totally forgot Clyde existed AAA sorry he'll be in the next one
Energetic boys piled into the Broflovski's home, yelling and shouting with excitement. They were all eager to get a glimpse of what new installment was waiting in the backyard. Kyle had said his parents put something BIG for the summer back there, and to look for themselves to see he wasn't full of shit.
"Oh Gerald! There sure are a lot of them, I wasn't expecting so many guests!" Sheila Broflovski was pretty much plastered to her wall as boys from the fourth-grade class rumbled through her front door, including even a boy wheeling in on a motorized wheelchair.
"Just set out some more chips Sheila- OOF-" Gerald Broflovski was nearly run over by the entourage of shirtless boys as they threw open the sliding glass door in the kitchen and piled outside in the backyard.
"Look! There it is!" Craig Tucker called out. All the boys scrambled to the edge of the water. Kyle wasn't lying. His parents had installed a huge glistening pool in their backyard! The grass and playground they used to have were replaced with concrete, with pillowy lounging areas and table seating off to the sides.
"It's amazing! GAH! It's so hot out here! If I don't get in the water I'm gonna die!" Tweak Tweek winked an eye as Craig turned to him and started applying sunscreen to his shoulders, already blushing from the sun.
"Where the hell is Kyle?" Stan Marsh asked.
"Yeah, should we just get in without him?" Kenny McCormick questioned.
"TIMMEH!" Timmy answered.
"Guys! I'm right here! Isn't it cool?!" Kyle showed up behind the crowd of boys with a few boxes of Capri-Suns under his arms. The fourth-grade class cheered as Kyle set the boxes down on his patio table.
"Yeah, yeah, it's kewl, now let's get in the water already!" Eric Cartman pulled on his goggles and started pulling on his floaties to his upper arms. The boys followed suit by kicking off their flip-flops and throwing their shirts off.
"Woah, woah, woah, hang on fat-ass!" The fourth-grade boys froze and looked at Kyle quizzically. Kyle adjusted his green hat, despite wearing no shirt and green swim trunks.
"Before you get in the pool, there's some rules we have to follow! My dad said if we don't pay attention to the rules, he's not gonna let all of us use it anymore." Kyle explained. The boys looked at each other before they shrugged and continued taking their clothing items off.
"Okay well, what are the rules?" Tolkien Black asked. Kyle splayed his hands to get everyone's attention, but the boys chatted amongst themselves.
"Alright! Rule number one! ABSOLUTELY NO PEEING IN THE POOL! THAT'S DISGUSTING!! I'm looking at you, Cartman!" Cartman yelled out an "AYE!" before Kyle continued. "There is a bathroom located inside the house, first door on your right!"
Kyle looked around to see if he had everyone's attention. He had the attention of Butters, Jimmy, Timmy, and Tolkien, but everyone else was either setting up their toys in the pool or talking to other people.
"Guys! Don't put anything in the pool until I'm done saying the rules! This is important!" Kenny looked up from the pool as he slowly slid on a snorkel. Kyle sighed exasperated as he continued.
"Rule number two! No running around the edge of the pool or the pool area in general! It can get slippery and you don't want to fall! Rule number three! No diving headfirst into the pool, even in the deep area! You can hit your head and get hurt! Cannonballs are okay!" Cartman yawned loud and obnoxiously as the rest of the boys stood around and looked at their phones. Kyle could tell he was losing their attention already.
"Shut up Cartman! Rule number four! You have to put on sunscreen before you enter the pool! My mom is gonna set a timer for 80 minutes for everyone so we can get out of the pool, reapply our sunscreen, and then we can get back in!" The boys looked up at Kyle and groaned loudly.
"Dude we don't need sunscreen, the sun is good for you!" Stan complained. Craig was still helping Tweek apply his sunscreen across his back, so at least he was good. Kyle looked over at Stan with narrowed eyes.
"Dude do you have any idea how much cancer you can get from the sun?! Skin cancer is no joke! There was a study published just this year in 2023 stating that more than 2 people die of skin cancer every hour in the U.S.! 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70! Do you want that to be you?!" Kyle pointed at Stan. Tweek fidgeted as he yanked the sun tan lotion from Craig's hands and started rubbing generous amounts all over his front vigorously.
"GAHAH! THAT'S NOT GONNA BE ME! CRAIG, HELP ME!!" Craig took the bottle back from Tweek and gently started applying more lotion onto Tweek's back as he shot Kyle a venomous glance. Kyle swallowed as he looked back at the boys.
"Dude, we'll put the lotion on. But every 80 minutes is a little much, we'll be fine." Stan shrugged. The boys nodded in agreement.
"Guys you're acting like I'm making up the rules. It's my mom-" Eric rolled his eyes and walked up to stand next to Kyle.
"Kyle, buddy, hey there. Listen, you're talking waaaaay too damn much. Let us into the pool and we can start having fun, okay? I'll deal with your bitch of a mom if she decides to give us crap." Eric clapped Kyle on the back as Kyle stared dumbfounded at Cartman.
"Bitch of a-?! Cartman this is my parent's pool that YOU'RE using, fatass! The least you can do is listen!" Kyle said angrily.
"I think we should listen to Kyle's rules, very much. His p-p-p-pee-parents are nice enough to let us use it on such a hot day." Jimmy spoke up.
"Well, sure! My dad said if I don't put on my suntan lotion every 80 minutes and get skin cancer, he'd ground me for sure!" Butters fidgeted with his hands. Kyle smiled at them both and turned back to Cartman.
"There, you see fat-boy? That's why anyone who doesn't put on sunscreen BEFORE getting in the pool isn't getting in at all!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all stopped what they were doing and stared at Kyle and Cartman silently. Cartman cupped his chin in thought while Kyle stood next to him with his arms crossed.
"Hmm...ah, I see what you're saying, Kyle. Loud and Clear." Kyle had a triumphant face on before Cartman pointed at Kyle.
"GRAB 'EM!" Cartman exclaimed. All the boys in the fourth-grade class rushed Kyle. Kyle yelped as he was scooped up by the boys, wriggling and fighting to no avail. The boys carried him above their heads to the edge of the pool.
"GUYS! PUT ME DOWN!!" Kyle yelled out. The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"You wanna be put down?" Stan asked a squirming Kyle.
"YES!!" Kyle shouted. The fourth-grade boys unanimously decided to set Kyle down.
By throwing his ass in the pool.
Kyle hit the water with a huge splash, causing the water to be disturbed and rippled. The boys cheered as they started jumping in after him and cannonballing into the pool. Kyle resurfaced and spit water out from his mouth.
"Pfft- GUYS! We can't be in the pool yet, we need sunscreen!" Kyle complained. Cartman waded into the pool as the boys started splashing each other with water and putting floaties and toys in the pool.
"Uh oh, guys! Kyle's still whining about the sunscreen! We better fix that!" Cartman exclaimed. Kyle turned to yell at Cartman when he felt hands grabbing his arms. Kyle turned back to see that Craig, Tweek, and Kenny started putting their hands on him. More kids were advancing as well.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Get off me!" Kyle squeaked as he splashed in the pool, more kids grabbing his legs and arms and wiggling fingers into his bare skin.
"You see Kyle, I knew you were gonna make a big gay ass speech about what we should and shouldn't do before we got into your pool. As you always do such faggoty things before we're allowed to have any fun, I took it upon myself to tell the guys that if you start going off on a tangent and we need a quick way to shut you up, this was the perfect way to get it done." Cartman watched with glory in his eyes as Kyle started wriggling and giggling in the fourth-grade class's grip.
"Guhuhuys! Guhuhuys stohohohop!" Kyle giggled as what felt like hungry invasive fingers squished, kneaded, prodded, poked, spidered, and scribbled his skin. Jimmy, Tolkien, Butters, Stan, Kenny, Craig, and Tweek all zipped and wriggled their fingers into Kyle's skin while keeping his limbs spread apart. Being in the pool didn't help Kyle fight them off, and the water made his skin slick. Timmy watched with Cartman with a frown on his face.
"Uh...Timmeh?" Timmy asked. Cartman turned to Timmy, Kyle splashing in the pool behind him.
"Yes, Timmy?" Cartman asked. Timmy pulled up his phone and started recording.
"Timmy Timmy." Timmy said with an evil glint in his eye. Cartman nodded approvingly as he turned back to Kyle.
Craig held Kyle's arm away from his side and scribbled his fingers in his underarm while Tweek scritched along his ribs. Tolkien and Butters held onto Kyle's ankle and entertained themselves by stroking one finger up his foot and watching his toes clamp up. They did this over and over as it was entertaining each time.
Stan and Kenny held apart Kyle's other arm as Kenny gave Kyle little nibbles on his side and blew raspberries in his belly, which made Kyle buck and squeal. Stan scritched in Kyle's armpit while making conversation with Craig. Jimmy had Kyle's other foot all to himself. He held his ankle in the crook between his arm and his side in a headlock as he scrubbed Kyle's foot up and down with one hand. Kyle was quickly going ballistic already as 70 fingers played him at once.
"GUHUHUYS PLEHEHEASE!! THIHIHIS IHIHIS CRAHAHAZY!!" Kyle yelled out, the water splashing all around them. Kyle was floating on his back in the water being held up by the guys holding his limbs apart, so he had no leverage to squirm or escape anywhere. Kyle's eyes screwed shut as he felt fingers squish the pudge on his belly, to which he gave a loud reaction.
"Wow Kenny, you really like Kyle's stomach huh," Stan commented. Kenny shrugged and scribbled his fingers all over Kyle's tummy, reaching from the bottom of his ribs to the tops of his hips with his hands.
"Oh hey, I wanna help! Let me try!" Butters left Tolkien at Kyle's foot and went up to the opposite side of Kenny to add another ten fingers to Kyle's midsection. Kenny started scribbling his fingers in Kyle's bottom ribs while Butters dipped his fingers in Kyle's belly button and pinched his hips.
"GAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHO!! STOHOHOP PLEHEHEASE!!" Kyle pleaded, his body getting tired with all the exertion from trying to get away from so many fingers. He was gonna have a killer six-pack in the morning.
"Aww, well he's just ticklish everywhere, isn't he! That's so sweet!" Butters beamed at Kenny while Tolkien decided to experiment and scritched his fingers underneath Kyle's knee while still pulling his leg apart. Kyle let out a loud cackle as he tried pulling his leg back.
"Hey, how's that working for you, T-T-Tolkien?" Tolkien looked up at Jimmy with a smile on his face.
"Oh, it's working great! He gets really loud when I get right here. You wanna try?" Jimmy nodded and grabbed a better hold of Kyle's leg, and started scratching his fingers under Kyle's knee. Sure enough, Kyle started pulling on both legs trying to reclaim them with this new technique.
"Hahaha, awesome!" Tolkien gave Jimmy a thumbs-up as Craig halted his tickling for a moment to stretch his wrist. Cartman pointed a finger at Craig as he sat on the steps.
"Keep going, Craig! We gotta tire the Jew out so he doesn't bitch for the rest of the night!" Cartman demanded.
"NOHOHO YOU DOHOHON'T! JUHUHUST STOHOHOP!! I'M SORREHEHEE!!" Kyle yelled out, as Craig responded in his monotone voice.
"I'm doing the best that I can. His pulling is hard on my wrist." Craig rotated his wrist before holding onto Kyle's bicep and going back to a hidden gem he found. Between Kyle's middle ribs and back where the skin joined, Craig scribbled in that one spot to make Kyle scream a manly sound. Tweek winked as he kept his tickling confined to Kyle's side.
"So anyway, Red Racer reaches the finish line right as Blue Racer does, so the judges have to go back and watch the footage to see who actually won the race. It was a nail-biter." Craig explained to Stan. Stan nodded as he listened, but mostly looked down at his super best friend getting the shit tickled out of him. He had a forced smile plastered on his face with his eyes screwed shut tightly, with an occasional pull or tug of his limbs. Stan couldn't imagine being in this situation, but he wasn't gonna be the one to stop it. What if Cartman ordered they all go after him next? He couldn't handle that.
"...Yeah, so what did the judges say?" Stan asked as he scribbled his fingers in Kyle's underarm. He noticed he didn't have to try too hard to keep Kyle's arm away from his side to reach this spot.
"We won't know until next week. I can hardly wait. Red Racer always wins every race, but it's the season finale, so it could have a different ending." Craig discussed calmly as if he wasn't tickling a wildly splashing boy with six other boys.
"Timmy? Timmy Timmy?" Timmy asked Cartman, still recording on his phone. Cartman thought about it for a moment.
"Hmm, I'm not sure. Let's see." Cartman cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to Kyle. "How you doing Jew? Ready to give up the sunscreen?" He called out. Kyle shook his head bravely as he continued to laugh out.
"NOHOHOHO!! YOHOHOU STIHIHIHLL NEEHEHEHEED TO WEHEHEHEAR IT!!" Cartman shrugged as he went back to lounging in the pool.
"You heard him, boys! He wants more!" The fourth-grade class worked diligently, their fingers more energized than before.
"GAHAHAHAD!! I DOHOHOHON'T WAHAHANT MOHOHOHORE!! PLEHEHEHEASE!!" Kyle laughed out earnestly as more spots were found on him, to in-between his thighs, to his hands, to his inner elbows, and the skin above his knees. His thighs were a winner, however. Jimmy and Tolkien pulled apart his legs and hugged his knee to grip and scribble their fingers in his inner thigh, causing Kyle to squeal and cackle loudly.
Gerald and Sheila watched from the closed slider door, smiling gently. It was a rare sight to see Kyle acting like a kid for once with all his friends.
"He gets it from you, you know." Gerald held Sheila around her waist while they watched their son and pattered his fingers along her side. Sheila twitched as she bat Gerald's hand away with a blushing face.
"Oh stop it, Gerald!~ Save it for Saturday, honey~" Sheila cooed as the two shared a kiss, and turned for the living room as their son splashed in the water.
"CHRIHIST!! SOMEONE- *hic* so-SOHOHOHOMEONE HEHEHEHELP!!" Kyle cackled out as he felt Tolkien's fingers invade his toe spaces and Tweek and Kenny took turns blowing raspberries in his hip divets. They were having fun with this, actually.
"Wow, Kyle has a lot more endurance than I thought. If I had endurance like Kyle I would be so happy." Craig commented. Stan started to get uneasy. Kyle started hiccuping a second ago, and his red cheeks were concerning.
"Alright Cartman, that should be enough right? I mean, look at him." The boys stilled their fingers for a moment. Kyle still giggled to himself and twitched from the air moving around him.
"Aww, the poor guys all tickled out. Aren't you buddy?" Butters patted Kyle's stomach, which Kyle jerked away from reflexively.
"Buhuhutters- *hic* doho-dohon't touch me-" Kyle snickered as Butters fidgeted. Cartman stood up from the pool steps and looked down at Kyle. Kyle's eyes winced having to look up into the sun-filled sky.
"Well, Kyle? What do you say? Are we forgetting the sunscreen?" The boys waited intently for an answer; their arms still wrapped around Kyle's arms and legs while the water waved around them.
"Fuck no, fat-ass! We can't forget it, my parents will find out! Please, just put some on and we can start playing!" Kyle pleaded. Cartman sighed and gave the signal for the boys to start tickling again. Kyle felt the boys' hands around him shift and place themselves on his body.
"Wait wait WAIT! Okay okay! I'll forget it! I'll forget the sunscreen I swear!" Kyle yelled out. Cartman turned back and pointed a finger in Kyle's face.
"If I hear a single word about sunscreen or rules again from you Kyle, you're gonna get it! Alright, let him go." The fourth-graders slowly released Kyle. Kyle rubbed his wrists as the boys saw their fingers onslaught over Kyle's torso, the pink swipes and scratches on his white skin. Kyle looked to the side as he rubbed his shoulder silently.
"Well, I still need to put on my sunscreen, or I'll get grounded!" Butters announced. Kyle looked up at him.
"Yeah, I n-n-need to put on mine too, a comic always has to look his b-best!" Jimmy added.
"Hey honey, mind helping me put some sunscreen on my back? I could use it." Craig asked Tweek.
"GAH! O-Of course! Skin cancer is no joke!" Tweek winked as Craig smiled softly at him.
"We're all gonna put ours on, too." Tolkien, Stan and Kenny nodded in agreement.
"TIMMEH!!" Timmy smiled and exclaimed. All the boys started getting out of the pool to put their sunscreen on and made sure everyone was properly covered. Kyle had a huge smile on that wasn't forced on his face.
"Thanks you guys, you're the best! Now we can play all we want in the sun without getting hurt!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all cheered and cannonballed back into the pool while Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Aw dude, sick!" Stan shouted upon seeing Cartman at the bus stop on Monday. Cartman's face was pink with white peelies all over his ears, neck, and cheeks. He had suffered bad sunburn from the pool with no sunscreen. He rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms in a huff.
"Whatever! Sunscreen is overrated and gay as hell! I don't peel, I'll just get tan after this!" Kenny and Kyle walked to the bus stop and stood next to Cartman. Kenny burst out laughing upon seeing Cartman, and Kyle let out a few sputters as well.
"AYE! You all better shut the fuck up! I don't need any damn sunscreen!" Cartman defended.
"HE LOOKS LIKE A FAT TOMATO!" Kenny cried out. Kyle and Stan both started laughing hysterically as Cartman yelled out at them.
"I'M NOT FAT! SHUT UP!" Cartman shouted.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it, you big baby." Stan rolled his eyes as he clapped Eric on the back. Eric yelped as the sunburn on his back stung from Stan's slap.
"ACK! Don't do that, retard! I got sunburn-" Cartman called out, but shut himself up as his friends leered at him.
"What was that you said, fat-ass? You got sunburn?" Kyle said with a shit-eating grin as he slapped Eric's back. Eric let out a screech as he started running down the road, away from the bus stop. Well, as well as he could run anyway. The three boys easily caught up to him and slapped all their hands across his sunburned back.
After this experience, Cartman learned his lesson. He was never caught without sunscreen again, and abided by all of Kyle's rules before entering his pool.
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matchacowbee · 11 months
Heloo! Your art style is just so damn cute. I love it. If requests are still open, could you please do lee tolkien and ler tyler and craig. If not, that's completely okay.
Make sure to keep yourself happy and healthy and don't overwork yourself.
Thank You!
thank you so much !! ofc i can do lee tolkien/ler craig and i hope you meant tweek instead of tyler haha :)
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make sure that you and all my other anons/followers are taking care of yourselves as well!! i love u allll :3
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happyandticklish · 1 year
I feel like Craig as a lee is very similar to cats with affection. If he doesn't like the person, they are simply Not Tickling Him (or they risk getting very seriously injured). He also has the ability to somewhat turn off his sensitivity if he needs, so it's harder to get him if he's not in the mood for it.
But if it's with someone he likes, he'll just curl up and let out these sweet giggles as he forces himself not to fight back. He will not protest no matter how bad it gets, which usually means the ler has to eventually call it at some point lol.
Tweek, Tolkien, and sometimes Clyde are the only people who are actually allowed to tickle him, though.
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trechos-delivros · 6 months
"Bilbo sabia de tudo isso. Tinha lido sobre um bocado de coisas que nunca tinha visto ou feito."
- O Hobbit (J. R. R. Tolkien)
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bubbleecloud · 1 year
omg i loved the stans gang hcs please i am on the ground asking for craigs gang because its hard to find anyone interested in sp, only if you would like though :)
Your wish is my command, anon 😌 headcannons for Craig and his goons!
-pretty average ticklishness
-thinks tickling is childish and embarrassing
-will threaten you to no end if you try to tickle him, but he's all talk.
-will hold in his laugh until he physically can't anymore (just go for his underarms and he's gone)
-uncharacteristically loud laugh. Like uncontrollably so
-will only let tweek get away with tickling him without consequence. If your not him, though..
-boy oh boy
-terrifyingly stoic ler. His silence is honestly more effective than the tickling
-just goes for the death spot and calls it a day, isnt really one for build up
-unless your tweek. Behind closed doors he's such a soft Ler with his boyfriend 🥺
-hes not really terribly ticklish, but his reactions are so borderline insane that you'd think his nerves were out side of his body
-he just can't handle it, poor thing. He shrieks and squirms like crazy! just begs and pleads immediately
-cannot handle anticipation or teasing. He gets so unbelievably jittery
-doesn't mind being tickled as long as your not too rough. Sometimes it tires him out enough to where he can relax for a bit!
-ticklish 👏ears👏and👏hips👏
-hes a compulsive Ler and only really tickles people out of adrenaline and vengeance if you tickle him first
-will tap out if you start laughing too hard because it feels like to much pressure to keep it up while still being fun
-likes to tickle craig if he's being too grumpy
-Such a fucking drama queen. If asked if he's ticklish he's try to act all cool and tough. He ends up getting teamed up on 😬😬
-squeals and tries to curl up to protect himself
-will get pouty afterwards, but he actually really loves the attention
-tears up very easily, and hiccups if he's tickled hard enough
-ticklish tum!!! Pretty bad near his underarms too
-he's such a silly and playful Ler omfg
-is the biggest Ler of the group and loves to start tickle fights!
-likes to team up with Tolkien and completely wreak the other three
-is always cautious of taking it too far
-hes so teasy bro! Expect alot of compliments and harmless flirting
-not really much of a Lee, honestly
-isnt too ticklish in many places, and you can only ever really get him to giggle at best
-Clyde once tried to tickle him and it totally backfired.
-a big fan of playful roughhousing with tickling, often gets into wrestling matches with Craig to try to get the upper hand.
-pretty chill and casual Ler. Never really goes to far into it unless its a situation like above
-is currently the tickle champion solely because he's so hard to get
ok, I know there's some discourse about whether or not Jimmy is apart of Craig's gang, but I just love him too much!
-its hard for him to participate in tickling because of his disability, but the others always find ways to make sure he's included
-at times when they're all just chilling at Craig's house and he has his crutches off, he just gets bombarded
-a surprising defiant Lee, will curse your name throughout the whole process
-although he really does appreciate that his friends just treat him like any other kid, he's just saving face
-really ticklish sides
-has such a bubbly contagious laugh
-as a comedian, he loves making people laugh
-if ya know what I mean
- will totally crack jokes while he's tickling you, and then say something like "wow, you must have found that one really funny!"
-will lovingly make fun of you, but it's all in good nature
-really good upper arm strength and totally uses it to his advantage. Will not hesitate to pin you
Aaaaa there we go, you guys!! Hope you enjoy! ^^
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iinterludia · 3 months
Doh Kyungsoo e o Alto Rei Elfo
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Sinopse: Após um acidente que o dispensou do exército, Kyungsoo decide recomeçar sua vida em outro país, buscando escapar de seu passado e encontrar alguma normalidade. No entanto, sua rotina é abruptamente interrompida quando ele se depara com um homem misterioso, alto e vestido de maneira estranha, que o observa intensamente antes de desmaiar. Chanyeol, o rei elfo, foi transportado para um mundo diferente do seu durante um ataque ao seu reino. E após 600 anos de busca, finalmente reencontra Kyungsoo. Sem saber como retornar ao seu reino, Chanyeol é acolhido pelo ex-militar, mesmo este duvidando da sanidade do rei elfo. Kyungsoo, surpreendentemente, se sente bem ao lado dele e aquele vazio que ele sempre sentiu, estranhamente diminui. Por estar em um lugar onde a natureza élfica nunca existiu, o rei corre perigo, por isso Kyungsoo precisa decidir entre cortar a comunicação com a realeza élfica e deixá-lo ir, ou embarcar junto para a Terra média sem a possibilidade de voltar para sua casa.
TÍTULO:  Doh Kyungsoo e o Alto Rei Elfo AUTOR(ES): Interludia CATEGORIA:EXO  COUPLE: CHANSOO (CHANYEOL & KYUNGSOO) GÊNERO: ROMANCE, FANTASIA TAGS: chansoo, soulmates, elfos, terra média ONDE LER: Spirit Fanfiction ◈ AO3 ◈ Wattpad ◈ +Fiction ◈ Nyah Fanfiction
Oiê, o post de hoje é uma divulgação! Yaay!
Como puderam ver pela capa, sinopse e detalhes da fic, essa chansoo lindinha é minha baby de reestreia depois de 12 anos sem escrever uma fic.
A verdade, maninhos, é que eu tenho uns plots e outros que vão surgindo do nada. Às vezes fico pensando se o que vem na minha cabeça já não é uma das fics que eu li e acho que é um plot novo kk.
Vamos ao que interessa:
Doh Kyungsoo e o Alto Rei Elfo, apelidado carinhosamente de DKARE, conta a história de como o rei elfo, Chanyeol, reencontra seu amado após 600 anos. Adivinha quem é o mô dele? Isso mesmo, o ex-piloto da aeronáutica, Doh Kyungsoo. 
Mas como eles se reencontram se eles fazem parte de diferentes mundos? Kyungsoo vive sua pacata vida com uma estranha e interminável sensação de vazio e Chanyeol detém o título de maior autoridade élfica na Terra Média, mas está definhando de tristeza, qual a probabilidade de Kyungsoo ser a pessoa que Chanyeol procura? E qual a probabilidade do Kyung acreditar no cara maluco que apareceu no seu terreno às seis da manhã?
Para os amantes de EXO e do Universo Tolkien, descubra acompanhando DKARE, toda quarta-feira nas seguintes plataformas de fanfics: 
Spirit Fanfiction ◈ AO3 ◈ Wattpad ◈ +Fiction ◈ Nyah Fanfiction
Sim, eu joguei em todos os lugares que eu tinha conta. 
XOXO, Interludia.
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euemeuslivros · 10 months
Espero um dia encontrar alguém que queira me comprar flores, comida e livros.
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Título: A Razão do Amor Autora: Ali Hazelwood Classificação: +18 Avaliação: ★★★★★
Lançado em 2022 poucos meses após seu antecessor, A Razão Amor é mais um dos romances da escritora e neurocientista Ali Hazelwood. Outra obra que rapidamente viralizou nas redes sociais e conquistou centenas de leitores. Acho notável a forma como a autora escreve livros que não são necessariamente sequências, mas parecem se complementar de uma forma única. Após ter lido A Hipótese do Amor, A Razão do Amor, Sob o Mesmo Teto e Presa com Você, posso afirmar com todas as letras que a escrita da autora me encanta e que eu leria até mesmo sua tese de doutorado. 
Aqui conhecemos Bee Königswasser, uma doutora em neurociência (que coincidência) cuja carreira parece estar estagnada até que surge um processo seletivo para co-liderar um projeto da Nasa. Pensando em seu futuro e guiada pela vida de sua heroína Marie Curie, Bee decide se inscrever para o projeto e consegue a tão sonhada vaga. Só tem um probleminha…  quem vai liderar o projeto junto com ela é Levi Ward. Levi é alto, bonito e tem olhos verdes capazes de encantar qualquer um.
Ele parece estar sempre lá quando ela precisa dele, mas pelo que Bee se lembra de quando estudaram juntos, ele não era exatamente seu fã número um. Bee os considera rivais declarados, mas aparentemente Levi não vê as coisas da mesma forma. Com a convivência forçada, eles percebem que possuem exatamente os mesmos gostos e interesses, o que os intriga e os aproxima. Quando o projeto começa a caminhar e cada vez mais problemas surgem, Bee encontra em Levi um ombro amigo e alguém que a apoia em suas decisões, os sentimentos entre eles parecem mudar rapidamente, mas Bee não parece disposta a abrir seu coração, o que será que a mãe da física moderna Marie Curie faria em seu lugar?
Entre gatos, desmaios e tweets, A Razão do Amor se mostra mais um romance fora da caixa, divertido e gostoso de ler. Admiro como Ali Hazelwood consegue  consegue conectar absolutamente tudo na história, pequenos detalhes, tramas familiares, relacionamentos de personagens secundários, tudo é desenvolvido mas sem deixar a trama principal de lado. A forma como ela pode escrever personagens masculinos que parecem os príncipes que vemos nos filmes e ao mesmo tempo escrever personagens detestáveis que nos fazem querer entrar no livro apenas para estrangulá-los é algo que torna a história ainda mais envolvente.
Outro ponto que não fica de fora é como a autora consegue trazer debates relevantes dentro de uma comédia romântica. Os momentos que retratavam a realidade das mulheres nas áreas de STEM (ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática) me pegaram de jeito, sou uma mulher na área de tecnologia e em diversos momentos me identifiquei com muitas das situações de machismo e assédio em que as personagens femininas eram colocadas. Tudo nesse livro fez sentido e foi bem conduzido. Embora, imagino que momento da grande reviravolta final possa ser um pouco exagerada para alguns, mas ainda assim isso não me incomodou, um momento frenético antes da calmaria que o casal precisava para poder seguir em frente.
É comum atualmente ler nas redes sociais que a autora só escreve os mesmos livros alterando os personagens e poucas coisas no enredo, mas eu discordo dessa fala. Acredito que Ali Hazelwood descobriu uma fórmula de comédia romântica que funciona e a está utilizando da melhor forma possível criando histórias incríveis com as quais facilmente nos identificamos e qual é o problema nisso?!
Fora que é curioso o fato de apontarem o sucesso da autora dessa forma quando temos inúmeros outros escritores que sempre utilizaram desse artifício e até hoje mantém suas vendas no topo, Nicholas Sparks faz isso, Agatha Christie fazia isso, Tolkien… Você pode não gostar da escrita, das histórias, dos personagens, mas o sucesso de Ali Hazelwood é inegável, a autora veio para ficar. Cinco estrelas não são suficientes para demonstrar o quanto eu amei esse livro.
Resenha por: Martha Cristina IG: @eu.e.meus.livros
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