#letting them all have nice things for once
ghostofhyuck · 2 days
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NCT Dream when jealousy occurs. 
Mark Lee
He finds you laughing with his co-member and honestly, while he loves that you're getting along with them he couldn't help but feel jealous all of the sudden. Mark will be quiet as he stares at the scene. He loves you and of course he trusts you and his co-member so much. Maybe he's just jealous that your attention is on someone else, so trust me when it's just the two of you, he'll be clingier than ever. You'll be confused and will poke him until he revealed that he saw the scene earlier, you'll laugh at how cute his jealousy can be!
Huang Renjun
Renjun's mood darkens the moment he finds you being TOO close with a male friend. He knows your guy friend, and even though you told him that everything is platonic, he just couldn't help but be jealous because you two have been friends longer than you and Renjun became a couple. He'll probably leave snarky comments like, "you and him are so close, aren't you?" and you'll be quick to catch that he's jealous. You'll assure him that it's nothing but is hopeful that he can be close with your guy friend. 
Lee Jeno
OH. Jealous! Jeno is a rare occurrence. I feel like Jeno tries to be as rational as he can be when it comes to his jealousy because he doesn't want it to be a reason for you two to fight. BUT lately, you've been so close with his co-members, sure that's because you found a similar hobby with them that's why you two tend to talk about it, leaving Jeno alone as a third wheel. That's why his jealousy couldn't be help. He'll be that sulky type of jealous where he'll complain about why he's jealous, so you have to shower him with affection to make it up for him!
Lee Donghyuck
Haechan gets jealous so EASILY. Once he finds you in the club with someone talking with a guy. And while you have a small smile on your lips, he knows that you're trying hard to nicely turn down the guy. Even so, his jealousy still appears! He'll approach you, clings to you like arms around your waist, back-hug and a small kiss as an entrance. "Do you know him babe?" HE RARELY CALLS YOU BABE so you'll be soooo confused. Once the guy leaves apologetically, you'll glare at him and he'll ignore it. "What? I didn't do anything." You know why he did that though!!
Na Jaemin
Jaemin is the silent type of jealousy. When he sees you talking to someone AND you two seem to be very close, even the guy whispering to your ears and making you laugh. He'll be shooting lasers at the guy. That's why it's just the two of you alone, you'll notice how he's been oddly quiet. "Does he really need to whisper to you what he wants to say?" Jaemin mocks. That's when you realized that he's jealous, making you laugh and have to explain your side so that it won't blow up further. 
Zhong Chenle
Chenle will be quiet, his rage slowly building up inside but at the same time, he doesn't want to exert effort and emotions on a silly thing called jealousy. So once you waved goodbye to your guy friend and approaches your boyfriend who seems to be in a foul mood. You'll have to poke it out of him before he blurts out to you that you and your guy friends seems to be pretty close than the usual. You'll be confused at first but when you realized that he said that out of jealousy, you'll tease him so hard that it'll make him pout because why are you teasing him!?
Park Jisung
Jisung lets himself be rational first. It's just you and his co-members talking. Nothing more, nothing less. But once his co-member became touchy to you like the way their hands pats your shoulder, it'll heighten his senses and his jealousy is slowly building up! Still it'll take him long to burst out, when it's just the two of you. Be prepared to be interrogated by your bf. What are you two talking about, why does it have to be in private, why is he touchy ??? tell him !! you realized that it was his jealousy that's talking that's why you have to CALM down your boyfriend and tell everything you and his co-member talked about so that he'll be assured. He'll probably say sorry and pouts because of his jealousy is showing. 
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frostyhelltime · 1 day
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Alastor Realizes He Has Feelings For You
Alastor x GN!Reader
AN: A lovely anon sent in a request for a few of the guys realizing they have feelings for the reader, and Alastor's got...so far away from me that I decided to give him his own post, and I'll link this in the ask I actually answer. I just had so much fun writing Alastor freaking the hell out once he realizes.
HERE is the link for the ask if anyone is curious to see this prompt with Lucifer or Vox.
In order of which of the guys notices first, Alastor realizes it dead last.
Which makes sense. He had long thought himself incapable of such feelings toward someone. There had never been anyone he had felt that particular inclination towards before, so he assumes at first that what he has with you is just…a very intense friendship, almost like him and Rosie, just with some odd caveats.
Once he does realize he'll immediately go to Rosie for some advice since it's…clearly not his area of expertise.
He doesn't even notice it, someone else points it out to him.
He's in a piss poor mood as he goes about the hotel. He hasn't yet figured out it's because you've been too busy to see him for the past four days.
Until someone gets mad enough at him to talk back.
Alastor is sitting in the lobby, impatiently tapping his foot as he wallows and waits, sipping a glass of rye as Husk made a point to only come over to his side of the bar when it looked like he needed something.
Alastor was struggling, trying to figure out why his mood has been so sour these past few days. Things had been fine, delightful even! The hotel was taken care of, his broadcasts went well, why he even went for a nice stroll in Cannibal Town to visit Rosie. By all means a perfect few days.
So why was his patience for everything wearing oh so thin? He sighs a moment and makes a sound almost like a growl to himself as he tries to puzzle this out. This was so infuriatingly perplexing!
It isn't much longer until Angel Dust is so fed up with Alastor ruining the good mood of the bar as he tries to flirt with Husk that he actually addresses the Overlord.
“Look Smiles. Just because you're all sad ya lovely little lover has been too busy to even say hi the past few days, doesn't mean you've gotta take it out on us. I'm trying to hit on the barman but your pissy mood is killing it.” Angel says, throwing a hand up from the other side of the bar. 
“Operative word here being try, not succeeding at.” Husk says dryly, closer to Angel’s side.
“Yeah yeah. You secretly adore me. Don't worry. I'll keep your secret.” Angel winks at him as Alastor tries to decipher what it is Angel just said.
“...Lover?” He asks, trying to clarify, tilting his head to the side. He's so flummoxed he even stops tapping his foot. He says it like someone sounding out a foreign word for the first time.
“...Are they not your lover?” Angel raises an eyebrow, putting his drink down a moment. “I mean the way you two act…I thought you were dating and just keeping it a secret.” Angel shrugs, and only then does it click Angel is talking about you. There's no one else in the hotel that he's consistently friendly enough with that that mistake could happen.
Once he figures it out he just cackles a moment, deep and loud, with his free hand over his stomach as he fails to contain his amusement.
“Oh my dear Angel, no!” He says, chuckling a little more before continuing, shaking his head. “They're just a very dear friend.” Alastor explains, waving off the idea. “Besides why would I be upset they haven't been around? I don't see Rosie every day and I'm perfectly fine.” He says, although he doesn't really need to explain himself to them anyway.
But it doesn't seem to convince Angel who just looks at him with skepticism.
“Surely you jest! What evidence have I possibly given to suggest they are more than a dear friend?” Alastor asks, sure Angel has nothing concrete.
“Well, for starters, they can touch you whenever and however they want. You let them in your personal bubble and you fucking hate people being in your personal bubble.” Angel begins to explain, holding a finger up.
“I'm the same way with Rosie, and Mimzy, to a degree.” Alastor shoots down that theory easily.
“You've been in an increasingly shit mood with  a short fuse since they've been too busy to see you.” Angel tries again, holding up a second finger.
“Preposterous. I don't know why I'm in such a frustrated mood, but I assure you it isn't them. Perhaps I'm feeling a bit of cabin fever and need to spend more time out and about in the city…?” The last bit is mostly Alastor's own suggestion to himself. "Perhaps too much time in the hotel..?" He continues wondering aloud.
Angel just rolls his eyes and sighs, rubbing his forehead with a free hand a moment.
“You get them presents! And do things for them without ever asking for a deal!” Angel tries again, holding up a third finger, but Alastor just shakes his head.
“I won't deny I do that, but I fail to see the connection between that behavior and them supposedly being my lover.” Alastor shakes his head, finding Angel's arguments far too easy to poke holes into.
Angel thinks he's about to scream with how absolutely daft this guy was in regards to his emotions apparently.
“You let them in your radio station, even when you're broadcasting, have picnics in your freaky weird swamp thing in your room, smile so much brighter as soon as you catch sight of them! You obviously have a big fat crush on them!” Angel almost shouts, standing and throwing all four arms up in absolute and utter exasperation.
"Am I fucking crazy or what? I can't be the only one who sees this?!" Angel sighs heavily as he turns to Husk who shakes his head.
"I'm not getting involved in this." Is all Husk says, although he stays close to Angel, as if to protect him should something go wrong.
“...None of that is something you would only do with a lover and not a friend.” Is all Alastor says through his smile. Not a denial of any of those actions, he has done all of those things. But he still thinks Angel is jumping to some rather far fetched conclusions.
Husk just knows Angel is right, but knows there's no way of convincing the guy unless it hits him right in the face, and Husk knows something you feel over a crush that you don't with a friend.
“I don't even know why you're bothering trying to set them up Angel. They already have a hot date this weekend anyway so what does it matter if he has a crush on them or not?” Husk says so casually, it comes across like it could only be true. He curses at himself in his head for saying he wouldn't get involved and then immediately doing so before Angel Dust could upset Alastor.
There's a loud pop of static that sounds off from Alastor's direction, and Husk thinks he's right on the edge of making him realize.
“No kiddin’? Man. That blows Smiles. Sorry.” Angel blinks, slumping a bit before sitting back down and drinking. “Huh. I wonder if that's why they asked me for outfit advice the other day? Said they really wanted to wow someone.” Angel taps his glass as he thinks, having absolutely no idea if Husk is lying, but playing along anyway.
“How’d they ask them out anyway?” Angel asks curiously, because if it's true he does want to know, and if it isn't he's sure the answer will rile Alastor up anyway.
“Some newbie sinner approached them while they were grabbing a snack from that bakery they like, and said something about having a crush on them and asked them out to some jazz show or something, I don't remember. They seemed pretty excited.” Husk says as he refills Angel's drink now. However Alastor's drink just shatters in his hand at this information and he just looks down in surprise.
He hadn't been holding it that tight, had he? He looks equally confused and irritated at the mess of glass and rye on the bar top and in his hands. But why was he upset? He was never upset whenever Rosie got a new husband. He couldn't actually be jealous could he? Just the very idea makes him want to scoff. He doesn't get jelaous. But the image of you on some date with some pathetic unworthy creature as you laughed at their jokes and leaned in closer, hand gently on their arm as you pressed your lips against thei-
He's standing up, letting out a deep breath to calm himself, clearly upset as he let his thoughts run away from him. He turns to look at the two there and sees them looking quite scared, and covering their ears. Oh. His static was exceptionally loud right now, wasn't it? He quickly fixes that and adjusts his jacket with tight hands. He doesn't even bother to think of an excuse as he melts into the shadows, appearing in the bog in his room, pacing rapidly.
“Surely…not?” He asks himself aloud as he paces amongst the trees, allowing himself to feel the full panic and upset now that he was behind closed doors. He's rubbing his chin as he thinks, trying to logically figure this out.
“Why do I care if they date someone?” He asks himself, gripping his head as if it hurts from trying to figure out this riddle. He thinks his head actually is starting to hurt, since the answer was beginning to dawn on him, and it was terrifyingly uncharted territory. “No, no. Impossible. I'm confused. Perhaps I'm ill?” He suggests, taking his hands down, bringing one hand up to feel his forehead.
“....That excuse sounds absolutely pathetic.” He grits out, fist swinging and demolishing a tree in his way. But it doesn't make him feel any better. Doesn't make him feel any more in control. The more he thinks about it the more he realizes that on the surface, his interactions with you and Rosie are a little different.
When he gets Rosie presents it's just a simple “Here you are dear! I thought of you!” And then they share a laugh as she thanks him. But when he gives you a present, he waits eagerly, eyes scrutinizing every aspect of your being as you open it. His posture is stiff but practiced as he awaits your reaction, only relaxing when he sees the ecstatic smile on your face as you begin to thank him.
He doesn't mind Rosie touching him, and in fact on some days actually quite enjoys it. But with you he wants it, moves instinctively towards your touch instead of away.
Fuck. That stupid spider was right, he realized with a swell of panic and fear at this new unknown variable.
He…loves you? It still didn't sound right, but the more he thought about it the more he realizes it could only unfortunately be true. When had you wrapped him around your little finger so tightly? And how hadn't he realized?!
He's even more upset now at how far gone he was on you without realizing. The radio demon has a weakness. Even just thinking the phrase makes the sensation of bile rise in his throat and he has to sit down a moment to collect himself again.
His entire body is stiff and agitated as he tries to come to terms with this. Until he hears a knock on his door.
“Alastor? Are you in there? It's me. Husk said you seemed like you were in a sour mood. So I thought I would come check on you. Can I come in?” Your voice rings through the door crystal clear and he sucks in a breath and pays attention to his reactions now.
His stiff muscles began to relax and soften, the frustration that was so unbearable he had begun tearing apart trees seemed so…distant now. Surely an over exaggeration to lose his cool like that. He sighs and looks down. 
Angel had been right.
But…now that he knows…all he needs to do now is get you wrapped just as tightly around his finger as he was around yours. There is no danger of feeling jealousy or rejection or heartbreak or of him possibly being controlled by you or anything of the sort if he ensures you fall for him as splendidly as he has apparently fallen for you.
With that in mind he stands now, ready to face you with this new knowledge. He's dusting himself off and then opening his door, smiling at you in the typically charming way he knows had a tendency to make people swoon when he was alive, and even now in death. Just because he hadn't had an interest in dating didn't mean he didn't know how to charm someone. 
“How kind to come check on me.” He drawls almost sweetly as he snatches your hand as gently as possible before bringing it to his lips, eyes half-lidded as he peers at you, studying your expression. He feels confident from the sound of the slight intake of your breath and the small flush of red dusting your cheeks that he very well still has a chance to edge out any competition for your affections.
“Well now my dear I'm in a much less sour mood now that I have such exquisite company. If you're not too tired I would love to know what's captured your time so much these past few days. Come on in.” His smile is charming, a predator seeming to eye his unaware prey as he opens the door further to let you in, your eager smile mollifying him for the moment.
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ninyard · 2 days
Hey, so you said to send you prompts... Could you talk about some things Neil starts to remember and how he copes with remembering?
Here’s the time where Neil remembers being waterboarded, because I haven’t stopped thinking about that. Like not even once. cw; torture, vomitting
It’s not long after the Foxes big championship win that Andrew and Neil find themselves in a too-big, too-fancy hotel room for the first time. Kevin is staying with them, but he’s busy doing something with Wymack for a couple hours.
They have no responsibilities, nothing to do other than enjoy a hotel room to themselves. They do what any other couple would reasonably do; they order a bottle of champagne, a couple of desserts, and they run a hot bath. Not for them both, in the beginning, but Neil’s muscles are sore after a tough practice with Kevin the night beforehand, so he decided to run it for himself. The water is perfect to touch, almost a perfect amount in the tub, and Andrew is sitting up on the bathroom counter with his own glass of champagne in his hands.
“This feels weird,” Neil comments, twisting the knob until the water ceases to spill from the gold coloured faucet of the bath. “Like it’s something couples do.”
“Normal couples,” Andrew corrects him, putting the glass to his lips as Neil removes his clothes one article at a time. “You’re cleaning yourself and I’m here for moral support.”
“From all the way over there?” Neil steps into the hot water. The steam from it has fogged up the mirrors already, and he slides down into the white porcelain, relaxing back until the hair at the back of his neck is darkened by the water that wets it.
“I’m comfortable.” Andrew says around the rim of the flute. “But if you’re not used to it I can show you how it’s done.”
“Why would I not be used to having a bath?” Neil scoffs, running his wet hands over his hair to slick it back off of his face.
“I can’t picture it,” he shrugs, but he doesn’t really mean it. “I don’t imagine you had many while on the run.”
Neil’s sweet laugh reverberates around the room. “You’re right, but it’s not like it’s hard. I lie here and relax until I get so warm that it feels like I’m going to pass out. Right?”
Neil shuts his eyes and sinks back until the water surrounds his face, his hearing muffled by its calming rumble. He holds his breath to dip his face under before coming back up to the surface. When he opens his eyes after wiping the water from them, he looks over as Andrew crouched next to him with a washcloth in one hand and Neil’s glass in the other. Neil takes the glass in a dripping hand, and looks at Andrew as he sips from the cold, bubbly liquid.
“Are you going to show me how it’s done?” He says, and Andrew waves him off. He slips out of his robe with ease, and gestures for Neil to move forward in the tub. There’s plenty of room for the both of them, and Andrew steps in to sit behind him, his legs on either side of Neil. Neil waits until he is comfortable before reaching out to place his glass on the floor, moving to rest his back on Andrew’s chest.
They don’t speak as Andrew dips the small square cloth into the water to brush it over the top of Neil’s back. Neil shuts his eyes. The only sound in the room is the movement of the water between them, and the relaxed breathing that leaves the both of their noses. Andrew’s free arm rests on the edge of the tub, and Neil reaches out to interlace their fingers together. It’s so calming, the warmth that surrounds them, the peace that comes with the two of them alone together like this, so normal and comfortable.
Andrew’s squeezes out the liquid from the cloth onto the top of Neil’s head, then, startling him from his thoughts.
“I was just about to say how nice this was,” he tilts his head to let the water run off of it. “Thank you for changing my mind.”
Andrew’s response is to mumble a sound that could’ve been misconstrued as an apology, until he dips the cloth back under the water, and does it again. Neil tried to take the cloth from him, and the tub squeaks as he moves around, but Andrew keeps pulling it out of his reach.
Andrew gives up when Neil gets a hold of it, accepting as the gesture is returned. Neil loves how his blonde hair darkens under water, and smiles as Andrew’s bangs flatten over his eyes. He’s not quite turned around to face Andrew, but he twists his back to push his hair back off of his face.
“Yes or no?” He asks, and Andrew opens his eyes. His cheeks are pink from the heat of the bath.
“Yes.” He answers, and Neil stretches out to kiss him softly on the lips, before plopping the sopping wet square of fabric on the top of his head. Neil is laughing as Andrew takes the cloth from his hair and throws it at him, flat against his face, but that beautiful and melodic sound does not last long. It does not last long, as Neil’s laugh leads him to inhale beneath the fabric, and his flinch is almost strong enough to send a tidal wave of water cascading out onto the tiled floor.
For a second, Neil is back in the nest.
For a second, the memory is hazy, something unfamiliar. It’s not a memory he’s had before, more like a dream than a conscious reminder of Evermore.
There’s Jean’s hands on his shoulders, or somewhere else, as they tended to be, holding him down with as more force as required to keep him still. Riko’s maniacal laughter scores the scene, as he takes a break from whatever words he’d been spewing to admire his work.
“What is it?” Riko says. No, it’s Andrew, in their hotel bathroom, with this look across his face.
The washcloth is in Neil’s hand, and he looks down to it, but he sees nothing as he lifts his head back up. He can feel it, though, the water-heavy fabric spread over his face, over his head, draped without a chance of falling off. He doesn’t scream, but he hears it, the gargle of a plea to stop, incoherent as he feels himself drowning.
He can see Andrew as he wraps his fingers around Neil’s wrists, to pull them away from the mouth that they’d found themselves clamped over. There’s too much water. Too much water that feels like it’s filling his lungs, and it’s around him, and it’s in his hair, it’s in his eyes. Even the hands that protect him are damp with liquid. With lungs unwilling to fill at all, he tries to kick the water away from him, but with every movement, it just comes back to him stronger.
“You’ll drown him,” A cry of English words dipped in a French accent passes in front of him. He can’t hear it properly at all. It’s too loud; the slapping of water on a surface, the sputtering as he desperately struggles out of the path of pouring. Jean’s strained words mean nothing to Riko, a worthless request that would only lead to a desire for Riko to fulfil such a thing. “The master will not be pleased if you do.”
Riko snaps back at him then, a bark in Japanese as the spilling water subsides. He lifts the towel, or the bedsheets, or the heavy item of clothing that covered his lips. One hand in auburn hair he holds Neil back. He remembers how he pulls his own hair from its root while trying to lean forward to get the water out of his lungs.
He is standing now, and Andrew has wrapped him in a dry bathrobe before dressing himself, and he is rubbing a towel over Neil’s skin to dry it. Neil catches a glimpse of himself in the foggy glass of the shower door beside them, his lips almost blue, and face as pale as the porcelain tub that had started to drain.
Andrew snaps his fingers to pull Neil’s attention back to him, and does it again when it is unsuccessful at evoking any reaction. Neil looks at him finally, and Andrew places one hand on his chest and the other wrapped around the back of his neck.
“Breathe,” he says, one word, like it’s an easy thing to do.
“I can’t,” Neil gasps, but his lungs fill with water with every fill he takes in.
“You can.” Andrew says, sternly. “Breathe, Neil.”
Neil breathes in deep, but with it, another unexpected splash from an emptying basin pours down his throat without reprieve. He doesn’t remember falling to the floor, but suddenly his hands are flat on cold tile, as he heaves in oxygen that refuses to fill his chest at all.
Andrew lets him fall to his knees, and he doesn’t touch him. Instead he kneels down in front of him, his presence noticeable as Neil struggles through flashes of darkness and water and water and water and water.
“Stop,” he doesn’t mean to say it. His words are clear now, not a foolishly daring gargle, but still he feels the stream that travels from the sides of his lips down his cheeks.
“You’re killing him,” Jean’s panic doesn’t help. It doesn’t help, as the idea of torturing Neil to the point of extinction is nothing more than a turn on to Riko. It doesn’t stop him from holding each side of the towel over his face and pulling it backwards, crushing his nose, the water held in its fibres forced to escape. Riko does not fear the threat of a life taken by his hand. He is nothing less than excited by it.
Neil knows fear like an old friend. Neil knows this slow-dance with death like a movie on replay - it is as familiar as it is terrifying. Something about this though, this twisted assault born from sick fascination with torture, it’s different. He wouldn’t say that it was too far, even for someone like his father, but truth be told, he’s never known fear like this. The scars on his chest from the pointed touch of his father’s knife, or the smell of burning skin beneath a hot iron, or the puckering hole left by a gunshot wound had nothing on the sadistic things that Riko even thought of doing. He didn’t know how long he sits, or stands, or lies in that room for, hands holding him down, darkness of black walls parallel to the wet fabric over his eyes - and mouth, and nose, tight around the edges with rogue breaths finding their way beneath water and the penetrable thing that it pours onto.
“It will be much more satisfying if you just hand me over to my father,” Neil’s coughs are wet after he vomits out the water that had made its way to his stomach. It’s not until he looks up, and Riko’s eyes are on Jean instead of him, that he realises he’s spoken in French. He switched to English while spitting out water through gargling burps and coughs. “The master will kill you if I don’t come out of here alive.”
“I will be happy at least,” Riko shoves two fingers down Neil’s throat while pulling on his hair. He wipes the watery puke that coats his fingers onto Neil’s face after he vomits again from the force of Riko’s touch at the back of his throat. The noise that leaves his lips is guttural and unintentional. “Perhaps a long and painful death will be enough of a lesson learned for you. Oh, aren’t you having fun?”
Andrew’s voice pulls him back, again, but this time he grips Neil’s face so tightly it will leave a mark. “Come back,” he says, or maybe it’s, “fucking breathe.”
Neil battles against the flood that fills his mouth with no escape. There’s no room for air. There’s no room to breathe.
“Ten minutes,” Jean says, and the water stops. “We cannot be late.”
Then a rogue breath slips through, and another, and another, and the bathroom comes back into focus. Andrew is sitting in front of him, his face still as he waits for Neil to come back.
It’s a while before Neil’s heart starts to slow, and the bath is long emptied.
A long time since Neil had had such a visceral reaction to the next, perhaps the worst part about it all is the reminder of how much Neil had forgotten about the treatment he’d endured at the nest. If he’d forgotten about something as serious as torture banned by the Geneva Convention, what else had happened? What else had his mind stored away, too traumatising to be kept in view? Riko’s proclivity to going so far as committing an act that is considered a war crime is as unsurprising as it is fitting. It angers Neil, much angrier than he’s felt about Riko since his death. He remembers it in terrible and vivid snippets; the things Jean said to him afterwards, the smile on Riko’s face as he watched Neil come back from the brink over and over and over again. He remembers drying himself off afterwards to pull gear on over his head to start their evening practices with water in his lungs and a blur over his eyes. All he had wanted to do was sleep. Jean had helped him shower afterwards as he fought through laboured breath while avoiding the spray of water.
“Where were you?” Andrew asks, quietly, as neither of them dare to move.
It frustrated Neil to be unable to find the exact location of the incident in his head. Were they in the locker room? Or had a door locked behind them, keeping the Ravens out, who pretended to ignore the muffled screams as they walked past?
“Evermore,” Neil answers, and it doesn’t seem to be the answer Andrew is expecting. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Andrew doesn’t need the clarification, but still he nods.
“Riko,” Neil looks at his hands, and they’re shaking as he flexes his fingers. “He fucking waterboarded me. And I forgot.”
A flash of unmedicated rage crosses in front of Andrew’s vision. He doesn’t seem to have the right words to say, no response appropriate enough to explain what he wished he could do to the king.
“I’d kill him if I could,” Neil rests his fists on the floor. “I wish I pulled that trigger myself.”
“And still it wouldn’t be enough,” Andrew agrees. It’s hard to talk about the nest, even with him, especially with him. They both are too aware of what happened over those few weeks, in Evermore, in Easthaven. Neil knows too well how Andrew hates how he was unable to protect him. “Talk to me.”
“He would’ve killed me,” Neil says. “He would’ve kept going if we didn’t have to practice.”
Andrew can’t hide his grimace. It’s the part about Exy that he fears Kevin or Neil will find themselves toxically invested in - he occasionally worries their investment is born from necessity instead of true purpose. He sees their passion, clear as day, but that part that fears a life without it sometimes felt like it swallowed their passion whole.
“What do you need?” He asks.
“To know he’s burning in hell for the rest of eternity,” Neil pushes himself up to a standing position, and Andrew follows. Andrew doesn’t exactly hold out his arms, but something about his body language invites him close. As Neil steps into his space, he reaches out to hold his neck, as he hovers a hand over Andrew’s chest until he nods in permission for him to place it. Neil rests him head on Andrew’s shoulder as the goalkeepers fingers hold the damp hair at the back of his neck. “I have to talk to Kevin.”
Andrew doesn’t respond.
He simply holds Neil for as long as it takes for him to ground himself back on earth.
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runningfrom2am · 2 days
requiem // prologue
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summary: according to coriolanus snow, his best friend had the most beautiful voice in all of panem. she had been training her whole life constantly to get where she was; being up for a residency at the most elite opera house in all of panem. singing was her passion. her true love; and when that got stripped from her in a second, his world became a whole lot quieter. he loathed every minute of it.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 0.8k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: opera singer!mentor!reader (blink and you'll miss it), she's kind of a prodigy!! p cool imo, mute!reader, bestfriend!coryo, friends to lovers trope ooo, mentions of graphic violence early on (particularly the prologue) but after that it's pretty safe, depictions of ptsd/trauma, mental illness and minor suicidal ideation but at least she's not entirely alone, descriptions of minor medical treatments and use of medication.
a/n: hi! welcome to the prologue for requiem!! just a taste to set things up :) sorry !!
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist // pinterest board
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'Are you coming to the zoo after class?' The note Coryo slid in front of you asks. You look up at him and nod, before taking your pen and scribbling underneath his penwork on the same page, sliding it back as your teacher went on and on about things you had already studied and knew by heart.
'Walk together?'
Now it's his turn to nod, meeting your gaze with a smile.
You hadn't had the chance to meet your tribute yet, but Coryo's idea to go and greet his tribute was very smart. You admired it- he was brave to do that, but something deep in the back of your chest made you uneasy about it. Regardless, you and several of your classmates would make the trip after school to go greet them, bring them food, and get to know them as much as you could. You part ways with him once you arrive, planning to walk home together later.
"Valkyrie?" You call out, scanning the tributes trapped in the cage to try and pinpoint her. You see her when her head turns at the name and you smile, waving her over. "My name is Y/N. I'll be your mentor."
She doesn't say anything as she stops in front of you, giving you a death glare that could give you chills. She looked strong. It was good, she'll do well in the games. "It's nice to meet you," you continue. "My job is to help you however I can. So anything you need or want, I'm your girl. Just say the word."
Her cold stare doesn't falter, but you try not to let your discomfort show. You need her to trust you, that was Coryo's best advice, so you would do all you could to take it. "Are you hungry? You must be. I brought you some food." You don't wait for a response that you know isn't coming, digging in your bag already.
"It's my favorite, but I do hope you like it." You hum, pulling out a container with some crackers and honey, and a lemon to cut up and put in your water bottles. "Care to sit?" You offer, already sitting down yourself, kneeling in front of the bars. You smile when she obliges, matching your posture across from you.
"I'm a singer, and honey is really good for the throat." You explain, hoping that she'll begin to trust you if she knows you a little better. "It's a nice bonus that it tastes good, too. I'm not supposed to have sugar, but I think honey is the next best thing." You open the container, trying not to expose the shakiness in your hands as you grab the small bowl of honey and a knife to spread it, but this fails drastically when you accidentally drop it and it falls past the bars just out of your reach.
"Oh, gosh- I'm just so clumsy, would you mind passing that to me?" You ask, trying to reach for it anyway. You grin when she reaches out for it, picking it up by the handle. "Thank you..." You tell her, leaning closer to grab it from her hand. Something in her eyes shifts so fast you have no chance to really pick up on it before she grabs your hair with her other hand and pulls you back into the bars.
You scream, adrenaline pumping through your veins in an instant as you try and pull yourself away but it's too late and your screams are silenced by the blade of the knife against your throat.
Your eyes go wide as she lets you go, hands coming up to your neck out of instinct and when you pull one away it's warm and covered in red. Blood. Your own blood. You're choking, trying to breathe but the air feels sticky as you fall back. "Y/N! Y/N? Hey, look at me. Look at me!" Your best friend cries out, suddenly in front of you with his arms at your sides, lowering you carefully to the ground.
You stare up at him, hands still clasped over your neck which he matches with his own, doing his best to try and stop the bleeding. "Help! Somebody, help!" He shouts, turning and hoping help is coming as your heartbeat drums behind your ears.
Several gunshots ring out, echoing in the back of your head as you stare up at the sky and Coryo drops down on top of you, likely trying to dodge the bullets. You don't know where they were going- and you don't care.
You try and speak but no sound is coming out, just the sickening gurgle of your own blood replacing the smoothness of your voice. You know it's really not good when your vision starts to blur, the last thing you see being Coryo's panicked expression as he looks over you, desperately yelling at you to stay awake and for someone to please, please help.
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no taglist this time around!! my fics usually get over a hundred requests to be added to the taglist so instead i made a library! follow me over on @runningfrom2am-library and turn on notifs to get updates when i post new parts!!
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lu-is-not-ok · 2 days
Timekilling Time Trailer Frame by Frame
That's right. The second trailer for Timekilling Time is out, and I'm gonna go through it frame by fucking frame. I've always done this for story-related teasers and trailers, just not on Tumblr. So, might as well do it here for once.
First thing after the logo of the event:
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We see a view of a T Corp street. The visual effect over some of the silhouettes if very interesting, especially considering it's almost completely unseen on the more working-class looking people, while being very extreme on the one person with color. Some sort of visual cue showing how much 'Time' currency everyone owns perhaps?
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Judging by the golden accents and clockwork motifs, seems like a T Corp official dealing with one of the workers. The official does mostly match the outfit one of the T Corp collectors we see in Canto 4, so we might be seeing some more intricacies of whatever their job entails in this Intervallo.
The transition between this and the ID showcase is a glitchy effect, interestingly enough.
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Project Moon why the fuck is Ryoshu's dialogue so goddamn blurry here? Whatever, we'll get back to that line later. Let's focus on what we can see.
Ryoshu is getting the 00 Identity, and is an Event Reward, meaning you'll be able to get her through grinding the event itself. Also, in case the pattern on the bandana wasn't already a dead give-away, then the name of the identity will be - we're dealing with the Yurodiviye again.
This has. A lot of lore implications. For one, we know from Canto 2 that the Yurodiviye are no longer confined to just District Y, but the fact that this is a confirmation they exist in District T as well means they are far more widespread than we might think.
Also the role they seem to take on is very interesting as well. In Canto 2 we learn of them as being a Syndicate that has connections with a bunch of other Syndicates in District J, but in here it seems like they're more official than that? We're talking straight up detective stuff, with the previous teaser implying the people we'll be working with are actually officially recognised by T Corp. Just what the fuck has Sonya been doing?
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First look at event combat. Unsurprisingly, we're in the streets of T Corp. Interestingly, we're fighting the human T Corp Collectors we got to see in Canto 4 but didn't get to fight. Does that imply some sort of inner conflict in T Corp? Like I said above, the previous teaser implied the detective work we're doing is for T Corp's interests, why are we being impeded by other T Corp officials?
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Looking at the Skill animation, Ryoshu's Skill 1 is two coins.
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Skill 2 looks like maybe three coins?
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Skill 3 is definitely three coins, and that is Very Much a Tremor Burst sound effect on the last coin. We got the Tremor baby!
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Finally, some readable dialogue! Doesn't give us much, but "Shake down the loaded pigs..." shows us that even in their new role, Yurodiviye still despise the rich and focus on redistributing wealth.
Also, hi Hong Lu! You're here early! We'll get to you in a moment.
Let's talk about Ryoshu's guard, as the trailer very nicely shows us that's what Ryoshu is using.
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"...and share the pilfered time with everyone." Yup, just as I said, redistribution of wealth.
Anyway, Ryoshu's guard seems to have a sort of Assist Attack mechanic to it, causing her to follow up with an attack of hers after Hong Lu's own attack. This Defense Assist Attack appears to be two coins, with a Tremor Burst on the second. Already looking very interesting as an ID.
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Good lord Project Moon, what is it with the unreadable Ryoshu dialogue?! At least this one is slightly legible. "Pictures? Hmph, fine-snap away. Just make sure to get all the blood splatters." This combined with the post-uptie art showing an overlay of a camera with a shattered lens gives the idea that the Yurodiviye are somewhat well known I think. Enough to warrant taking pictures of.
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Aaaand here's man of the hour! A 000 Identity that will be in the Gacha - District 20 Yurodivy Hong Lu. Same faction as Ryoshu, and the fact that we are definitely dealing with a Detective archetype here, again, it brings Yurodiviye's spot in T Corp into question. Are they going to be the people we help out, or are they the bad guys we'll be catching?
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There's a lot to unpack here. First - "Hmm... What an amateurish finish... They must've been really pressed for time." - again with the Hong Lu identities utterly unphased by violence! What is the deal with him! The fact that he comments on the murder scene in terms of 'finish', as if judging a piece of art, is extra suspicious considering we've got Ryoshu as the other Identity here. It also has a weird connection to Sign of Roses's Observation Log, where Hong Lu starts describing it as if it's an art piece. Something is going on here.
Next, probably the least important part - new Hong Lu hairstyle! This is the first time we get to see Hong Lu with a low ponytail, as opposed to his usual high ponytails.
Finally, something I'm sure everyone has been talking about since the first teaser we got of this Identity - the marks under his jade eye. That is very clearly a T, again seemingly marking him as connected to T Corp itself in some way. Add to that the uncanny resemblance those marks have to the barcode mark under Alphonso's eye, and we've got one hell of a mystery. What the fuck is his deal!
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Another look at event combat. A different area of T Corp + a return of the more robotic looking T Corp collectors. I repeat, why are we fighting T Corp collectors if we're working with T Corp on this case? What the hell happened?
Anyway, Hong Lu's Skill 1 seems to be a two coin, and I believe this is the same animation as in the Ryoshu Defense Skill showcase, meaning we got a potential early peek at its Sin Affinity - Gloom! Doesn't bode well for this Hong Lu story-wise!
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Skill 2 is a three coin skill.
"Okay, let's think. How would I do this, if I was the killer? I just have to slowly think it through, and..." Now, this doesn't have to be that deep, but this line combined with the previous one where Hong Lu judges the murder scene as 'amateurish' feels... just the slightest bit sus.
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"...Hehe, I suppose I'll find the truth sooner or later, hm?" He's the worst. I love him. Anyway.
First, the animation start with Hong Lu spitting out the stick he's had in his mouth, which is followed by a flashy either one or two coin skill with a Tremor Burst, which is then followed by that same eye sparkle effect that signifies SP healing in the Liu Identity and Dieci Identity. SP heal on stagger? SP heal on Tremor Burst? Fuck if I know.
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That eye is definitely sparkling. Project Moon please give us eye lore.
Also, the background is very interesting. The visual style and slight transparency makes it feel like a sort of replay of events. Is that what his eye allows him to see? Just straight up visualizing the murder?
And let's not forget the dialogue line. "Hm... let's think about what we should target next." This is. Ominous. Again, we know very little about why Yurodiviye are involved, but judging from Ryoshu's dialogue lines their core motivations haven't changed. What does it mean for them to 'target' something? Are they faking being detectives and just framing people to get their 'Time'? It is notable that the title of Hong Lu's Identity never actually refers to him as a detective or anything of the sort. Just what are they scheming?
Another glitchy transition out of the ID showcase section. Glitches seem to be a recurring theme for this Intervallo.
Anyhow, time for the event enemy showcase!
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We got another look at the T Corp collector guy from the ID showcase, not much to say here.
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Next up we've got... Oh! That's a Yurodivy! Looks like regardless of the faction we'll be actually working with, we'll be making enemies with everyone! That being said, it's exciting to know we're finally seeing the Yurodiviye in combat, even if it's just a very specific branch of them. The chance for a future Sonya fight or Sonya Rodya ID has risen due to the fact we're seeing this faction in action!
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T Corp collector guys from Canto 4, yup, we've seen that earlier as well.
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And here we are. In a split second frame. That is the character that Hong Lu's Identity is based on! Not much else to say on this because it's such a quick snippit, but it again puts Yurodiviye's role in the Intervallo's story in the question. If we don't start off working with them, why are they appearing as detective types? If we do start off working with them, what happens to make them turn on us?
Also, another glitchy transition.
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Alright, there's a lot to talk about here. First off, the CG in the background - what the fuck is going on.
Dante and Hong Lu (in his detective garbs) are looking at Meursault in... some Zero Time Dilemma looking ass contraption. Meursault has his arms crossed, the contraption connects to his head, and there's a T Corp logo on it. I honestly have no idea what to do with this information.
Next up - the dialogue line and character sprite silhouette.
"We observed a large-scale, unauthorized temporal leakage phenomenon... which shot you up the progressive Time Tax bracket due to the immense amount of time leak." Uhhhh, I understand what those word mean on their own I guess. My only guess here is that this is the work of Yurodiviye in some way. Looks like Limbus Company is gonna be dealing with the fallour of this temporal leak, whatever that entails.
The character silhouette itself... doesn't give us much. A secretary of some sort? One of the T Corp officials giving us a job? Hard to tell.
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Again, a lot to look through.
First we got a view of the whole room the previous CG is taking place in, including office desks and a shitload of clocks everywhere. We're definitely in some sort of T Corp office space, that's for sure.
"Isn't it absolutely brilliant? The very concept of 'killing time'. They're not slowing down or speeding up time; they're eliminating it completely, just entirely yanking it out of circulation." Hmm... Again, hard to say much about this line with its lack of context, but it certainly does seem interesting. All of T Corp stuff we've seen thus far does rely on things like speeding up or slowing down. The TimeTrack upgrade in LobCorp lets you speed up time. The L Corp time loop and the R Corp hatchery compress time so that what takes a long time inside takes less time outside. The Warp Train collects the time of its extremely long travels to sell to T Corp. Straight up deleting time seems very different from what we've seen thus far.
Also, the matter of the silhouette - whoever it is doesn't seem to be the same person as the Yurodivy we see in the split second frame, so whoever this is likely has no connection to Rodya or Sonya.
...This might sound a little out there, but I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity for Project Moon to pull out their own version of Sherlock Holmes. It almost feels like a waste to not include that reference in a detective themed Intervallo.
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And now for the biggest surprise of them all from this Trailer - Faust is getting a WAW E.G.O. The name of the E.G.O itself is Everlasting, and the Abnormality it's based on is the Time Duck from the Mirror Dungeon event, also known as the Abnormality that gives the E.G.O Gift Melted Spring.
Not much is known about the Abnormality, as its MD Event primarily connects it to the Duck-Rabbit Illusion, where you have to tell it whether it's a Duck or a Rabbit in your eyes, with the Abnormality fleeing if the answer isn't confident enough.
"How does it appear, my form in your eyes? Perhaps within the clockwork of time the answer lies?" First of all- nice rhymes. Second of all - this is a direct reference to the MD Event, but also very interesting with regards to Faust herself. There's a lot about Faust that shows she lacks self-awareness, with her describing herself as someone who only speaks when asked and doesn't talk much, when in reality she goes on endless tangents without prompting. Add to that the Council of Fausts theory, and it makes the idea of her seeking the opinion of other people with regards to her identity resonate quite intensely.
Also, I'm pretty sure more than enough people have made comparisons between Everlasting Faust and Eileen the Church of Gears leader, but it has to be stated that there definitely are some parallels here. Again, further adds to the Council of Fausts theory, as it would make Everlasting Faust a mirror to Eileen. Eileen, who controls the gears in her head, and Faust, who is controlled by the gears in her head.
Oh, and the E.G.O is Tremor as well. Because why not. At least Faust has a good Tremor Identity already, so it works well.
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Putting this here for the woman likers.
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Corrosion time. For one, Faust takes on a distinctly bird-like form here. Not sure what exactly this means in the grand scheme of things for the E.G.O's meaning just yet, but it does feel important to note.
"Thus. You cease to move. Trapped in the stopped time. For eternity." ...Hm. There's a few ways this can be interpreted. If we ignore the time-related references and treat them as something only connected to the Abnormality, it gives us the idea of Faust being trapped. Being unable to move on her own, likely due to her extreme ties with Limbus Company and/or the Council of Fausts.
However, adding the time motif into it makes it more interesting. There's a lot of ways one can be 'stuck in time' and unable to move forward. One is a literal time stop Za Warudo style, and another is being trapped in a Time Loop, being unable to make progress due to always being reset and thus ceasing to move for eternity. Both feel relevant to Faust when it comes to what little we've learned of her 'goal' from her original character PV.
There's something Faust is seeking above all else. Some piece of knowledge that is nigh unobtainable. ...But what comes after she reaches it? I think the Corrosion line alludes to exactly that.
If it's a Time Stop scenario, that means that once Faust reaches the unreachable she will just. Stop. There's nothing left for her. She'll be trapped for eternity knowing everything she wished for but being unable to keep moving forward, because there'll no longer be anything for her to move towards.
If it's a Time Loop scenario, that means that Faust's constant push towards the unreachable is an inescapable loop. Once she learns what she wishes, it won't be enough, and she'll just repeat the process again. Stuck in a cycle of reaching everything, coming back to nothing, and reaching for everything anew ad infinitum. No movement made in the process, because she always comes back to square one.
Either way, it doesn't bode well for her.
On another note, the animation fucks severely, and there's another glitchy transition.
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Time Georg. Sorry. Actually not sorry.
Seriously though, we get to see another view of T Corp streets, this time with one of the factories in the background and, funnily enough, the fucking Big Ben. We really are in London.
"An average T Corp. citizen has about 20 to 28 hours in a day, but you might also run into people like him; people with plenty time to spare. Because he has so much surplus time, he can afford to condence 40, 50 hours into a single day." Looks like the 'Time' currency doesn't just act as money - you literally can use it to manipulate your time scale. If you're rich, you can do like L Corp Time Loop and make yourself experience more time than everyone around you. It's also notable that the average T Corp citizen can go as low as having less than 24 hours in a day. Guess that explains why people are so desperate that they try to steal 'Time' from each other - their days literally get shorter than more debt they have.
Also, who is this 'him'? Who is this mysterious man with so much ''Time' he can have double his daily hours? I wonder if it's the fully colored man from the first CG of the trailer?
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Hey it's the same factory CG from the previous teaser! Nice to know we're still on the track of visiting one.
"And to people with fewer hours in a day... it'll look as though he's moving two, three times faster than them. Someone with that much time could pick their nose in the blink of an eye before anyone even has the chance to catch them in the act." Yup, this explains the visual effect in the first CG. People with a lot of 'Time', who can have more hours in a day than other people, straight up look like they're moving so fast they leave behind after images.
Also, this very much feels like a commentary on how the rich can get away with things just because they're rich. A man rich with 'Time' can get away with unsightly behaviors just because he moves so fast people can't see him do it, just how real life rich people can get away with crimes because they have enough money to not care about fines.
Another glitch transition.
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We get to see the iconic CG from the Roadmap, this time in washed out T Corp colors and in all its glory. God I'm excited for seeing more of these goobers.
After we get the logo again, not only do we see the glitch effect, but the music completely cuts out.
What follows is a constantly glitching out text with a background noise that gets louder and more discordant as it goes on.
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"Can't wait for what won't come."
"Now is the time for action."
"All those time-killing bastards..."
Hmmm. Curious and ominous. The presentation of these words does not bode well for the fate of whoever is speaking them, but the content makes me even more interested.
Because... this is Yurodiviye we're talking about. Sonya's whole thing was that he kept reading and learning about theory instead of actually acting until after Rodya commited murder, and even then his personal actions within the group seems confined to establishing connections with other Syndicates and delegating duties to others.
So to have someone who opposes the idea of sitting back and waiting so vehemently in the same Intervallo as Yurodiviye coming back into the spotlight... It is certainly interesting, don't you think?
Alright, that's all for the Trailer! Holy shit I'm excited for this Intervallo.
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angronsjewelbeetle · 22 hours
This has been in my drafts for....too long. But this is for the nestmakers of the fandom. And self-indulgent.
Tagging the wonderful @ms--lobotomy and @pickpocketing-your-gender because I think they (just like you, dear reader), deserve to be tucked into a cosy nest.
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Includes: Fulgrim, Sanguinius, Magnus, Corvus
Magnus is a nest hog. He will purposefully spread out and even make himself bigger just to take up the entirety of the nest. Not to worry though, you can still squeeze in next to him - he may be being an ass, but he still wants his cuddles. He is also conveniently the perfect temperature for snoozing. Daemon Magnus is even worse because now wings are involved. But at least you get to watch his happy little tail waggle when he flops all over the bed.
Corvus is an unintentional nest hog. He doesn’t mean to be, but the nest is so cosy and warm and he is so tired...
You will have to shove your way in there, but he won't mind. He won't even wake up, actually, so you'll be right; just go on ahead and snuggle up under his arm. His body temp runs on the cooler side, so the contrast between that and the warmth of the bedding around you is quite nice.
Fulgrim is a little unsure about the whole "nesting" thing, but he does his best. His nests are well made, and mostly pillows. He also tends to curl up when he sleeps, so chances are you'll wake up with his face buried in your shoulder or chest, his arms wrapped around you and legs curled as if he is part of the nest itself. He sleeps best in the nest with you, loves the closeness of it and the intimacy that brings. He quietly prefers if you let him handle the nest-making, but if you're someone very specific about it, he will let you handle it without a fuss.
Sanguinius's nests look the most like a bird's out of all of them. He uses the blankets and pillows to make a circle and then settles himself in there and waits for you. Once you've joined him, he fluffs his wings up like a broody hen and nestles you even closer, his wings downy soft. Sanguinius only uses a sheet, possibly a light blanket because he, like Fulgrim, runs warm, and he doesn't enjoy having his wings tangled.
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darlingshane · 2 days
Secret Ingredient / Part II
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Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: Things are looking up for Michael. He has great hopes of making this work, and all he wants is to spend the rest of his life with you and Rhys. While you're still apprehensive about certain aspects of your relationship, there's nothing you'd love more than to figure it all out with him.
CW: 18+, explicit, smut, vaginal sex, shower sex, fluff, friends to lovers, complicated relationships, some angst.
Word Count: 2.4k
— Links: First Part // AO3.
A/N: Richie makes a guest appearance to question all of Michael's choices.
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Six months later…
There’s nothing that hypes Michael more right now than going home after closing The Beef. Getting to hang out with you and squeeze some time with your baby when he’s awake has become the highlight of his day that he looks forward to every single night.
He still brings you food, or cooks you something when he gets home. Even if you don’t live together yet, the spark is there and has grown far brighter than he could ever imagine since you started dating, and he has no doubt it’ll happen at some point
His life was drastically changed that moment he stumbled onto you in the hallway when you moved into his building with Rhys in tow.
He didn’t know that day that you were exactly what he needed. It took him away from that familiar path that it was leading him to dangerous places and guided him toward a nice clearing instead.
Though he still struggles with a lot of shit about the business, he’s gained some leeway, and has learned there’s a better way of handling those issues. He’s also come to accept that if he wants to be in your life, he needs to follow through with his decisions. In both– business and life. Even if that means asking for help, which it doesn’t come naturally for him.
You are the biggest inspiration and supporter he has right now. He’s taken suggestions directly from you to improve the shop, like giving customers pre-order options, and offering delivery. It’s a work in progress, but he has hope it’ll work out.
Besides all that, watching you raise Rhys on your own in the past six months gave him the most courage to take that leap forward. Even if it was fucking scary. Even if there are still a few old demons he has to fight every night before closing his eyes.
It all has put him in a better mood too. People have noticed. He’s also gotten rid of a few bad habits and taken up jogging in the morning, before the city wakes up. Sometimes he takes Rhys with him. Usually in his stroller but sometimes the baby would refuse to let go of his arms and would have to use a carrier and trade his jog for a walk. He’s shown him all his favorite places around the city, the same places he’s taken you to as well. They sit at the dog park and look at the dogs play cause Rhys is completely taken away with them. It’s the first thing he’s shown a real interest in, besides mom of course. The baby would spread his arms and try calling to them with his cute unintelligible babble.
He had never seen himself as a dad until now. It was never on his plans. Figure his family was fucked enough that there was no need to bring more Berzattos into the world. But getting to know Rhys, care for him, watching grown and love him as much as he loves you has made him consider that maybe there’s still hope yet. He just has to make sure of not repeating all those same mistakes that haunt his past.
While everyone cleans up their station, Michael sits at his desk and goes over today's numbers before going home. For a change, they're not as bad as a year ago, which is something to take into account. Perhaps in a couple of months he’d be able to hire a couple of new guys to run deliveries. He keeps that pinned for when the right time comes.
Once he's done in the office, he wishes everyone goodnight as they part home.
When the lights are off and doors locked, he heads out last with Richie by his side, who needs a ride home.
Cousin lights up a cigarette before getting into the car while Michael unlocks the doors and slides into the driver's seat. On the passenger side, on the floor mat, rests a bag of groceries and a pack of diapers he left there earlier that he now moves to the backseat to make room for Richie.
“Mama's got you running errands like an asshole again,” Richie taunts, settling on his seat as Michael starts the engine.
“She ain't. I offered.” He scoffs. “What is it to you? Why are you so concerned about what I do?”
“I’m just looking out for you, Cousin.”
“How? How are you looking out for me? All you’ve done is question and ridicule everything I do since I told you about her.”
“Because she’s using you. She has no baby daddy, and she’s just latched onto the first schmuck she met cause raising a baby is expensive.”
Michael shakes that frustration with a sharp tilt of his head as he veers the car out of the lot.
It’s not the first time he’s said something like that, but it’s starting to rub him the wrong way to see Richie thinking he knows better than him.
“What? You think she’s after my money now?” he can’t help but scoff. “She probably has more saved than you and me put together. Why are you being a fucking dick about it?”
“I don’t know… I just can’t wrap my head around you settling down and raising someone else’s baby. Now look at you, you don’t smoke, you don't drink, you don’t wanna hang out… it’s like you’re a totally different person.”
“Well, maybe that’s not a bad thing. It's called growing up. You should look it up, Cousin.”
“If she’s so important to you why haven’t you introduced her to the rest of the family, huh? Are you embarrassed of us or something? The only times you’ve brought her to the shop is when I wasn’t there. She’s met Tina, and Ebra and Gary… are the rest of us not worthy of her presence?”
“It’s not like that. We’re still trying to figure out how to do this. You’ll meet her when the time is right. And this is the last time we're having this conversation. I’m tired of you busting my balls every chance you get. I know what I’m doing.”
He ends that conversation hoping that his friend won’t bring that up again. As much as Richie has tried to convince him otherwise, there’s no doubt in Michael's heart that this is what he wants– just to be a part of your life.
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After placing the bags on the counter, he goes around the apartment to find Rhys already sleeping in his crib. He has to fight the urge to pick him up and cuddle him, but he’d probably get to that in a couple of hours when he stirs awake in the middle of the night. So he just dips his head to print a gentle kiss on his forehead.
You’re taking a shower and when he sees the silhouette of your bare body behind the frosted glass he can't fight the need of having you in his hands.
He announces himself with a knock and watches your head poke out from the side of the sliding glass as he starts taking off his clothes.
“Hey, bear,” your face beams, beautifully covered on water beads.
“Hey, mind if I join you?”
“I’m almost done but come in if you want.”
He rushes out of his jeans and underwear, leaving his pile of clothes to pool by the sink to set his feet in the shower. From behind, he slides his palms along your sides to hug your torso as he prints a string of kisses along your neck and shoulders while you finish rinsing your body.
“How was your day, mama bear?”
“Good, they green-lit my project. We're starting next week.”
“That's my girl. You're gonna do great. We should do something to celebrate.”
“Aww, thank you.” Glancing over your shoulder, you tuck your arm back to caress his nape. “How's yours?”
“Same old, same old.”
“You always said that.”
“No. It was okay. It's just not as good as I'm with you.”
“Hm,” your lips curve up as they capture a soft kiss from his silver tongue.
“Say, you think we have time for a celebration quickie before the little bear wakes up?”
“He went down five minutes ago so we probably have like ten minutes tops.”
“That's more than enough for me,” his wandering hand travels down your abdomen toward your mound. “Do you wanna?”
Licking your lips, you nod your head as you wave your ass back against his dick that quickly jumps awake at the friction. It doesn't take you long to feel him swell to perfection. Same in your end. It took you a few months to get comfortable having sex with him but once you started you couldn't ever have enough of him. Feeling utterly wanted by Michael arouses you more than his fingers rounding your clit that makes your walls melt.
Once you're ready, you brace your hands on the tiled wall, bending slightly so he can properly slip into you from behind. The warm shower spray pours nicely on your back as Michael slips inside you. His hardness throbs against your walks when he’s fully sheathed inside. As he leans forwards to mouth at your neck, he blocks the spray of water. Your skin buzzes when his teeth scrape the surface of your skin as his hips start gaining some speed.
Your breath hitches, as he pounds your ass with dedicated passion. You move with him as the temperature rises, letting one of his hands tenderly massage your breasts as the other handles your clit as rough as his hips slam against you.
“You like it like that, sweetheart?” He sucks your earlobe between his lips.
“Fuck yeah.”
It’s quick, and hot, and utterly satisfying to end the day with him pushing inside you until you both come undone.
Allowing Michael to weave into your life so seamlessly fast wasn’t a decision you took lightly. Having a new little person to care for and at the same time figure out your feelings for Michael was quite challenging, to say the least. Scary comes to mind too if you really think about it. It took you a few months to warm up to the idea, but ultimately it was Michael’s unwavering attitude that put you more at ease. He was there from the get-go. He’s helped you in ways no one ever did. You never had to ask, he’d always show up, day after day. Seeing him caring for Rhys just as much really warmed you up to the idea that there might be some good guys yet. And though you’re aware he’s not perfect, he has one of the biggest hearts you’ve ever come across. He makes you feel loved and supported, always finds new ways to make you laugh but more importantly he’s won his place in your baby’s heart as well. Rhys adores him as much as you do. Sometimes it feels like even more. His little face lights up brightly when he sees Michael more than anyone. So, in a way it was watching them bond the thing that made you welcome him deeper into your life.
There are still a few things you have some reservations about, like moving in together. Though he’s been spending more and more time at your place in the past few weeks, and has been proven to be a good partner, making it official still makes you a little wary.
It doesn’t stop him from trying… Every other week, he’d suggest that maybe it is time to take the next step. It scares you how willing he is to do that, and it worries you that he might have not mulled it over enough. There are a lot of things that could potentially go wrong, and if it was just you, you’d jump right in, eyes closed. The key here is Rhys. Your son already has a deadbeat dad who went as far as signing away his parental rights. You don’t ever wanna give anyone the chance to break your baby’s heart like that ever again. No matter how much Michael loves the both of you, you need to be sure that if anything happens between you two, this is not going to affect Rhys.
Perhaps it’s the fact that you're in a good mood today or the way he’s holding the baby in his chest with both making eyes at you that you can’t resist but give in a little after dinner.
“What was that Rye Bread?” He says after the baby makes an undistinguishable noise behind his pacifier. “Oh, he says he’s taken a vote and that I should move in.”
“He didn’t say that,” you scoff, shaking your head. “He probably said– it’s time for a diaper change, and it should be you the one to deal with it for being so damn annoying.”
“Those are a lot of words for a none-talking baby.” You both laugh. “C’mon, I know you want to, sweetheart.” He changes voices to a funny pitch tone pretending it is Rhys talking then. “Yeah, mommy. Let Mikey move in. I need a buddy to play games and watch TV. Please?”
You can swear you’ve never met anyone crazier than Michael. Anyone in their right mind would take heed of a situation like this or just downright bolt in the other direction.
“Look, I have a lot of faults, but I promise if for some reason this doesn’t work, I’d never stop caring about this little guy here. I know that’s something that you’re really worried about.”
“Would you be willing to put that in writing? Officially?”
“Anytime. Where do I have to sign?”
“You’re crazy,” you shake your head, amused.
“Pretty crazy about you.” he smiles with his whole face. “This is the last time I’ll ask. What do you say? Do you want me to move in?”
It feels easy to say and hard to admit that deep down–
This is what you always wanted.
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skygemspeaks · 2 days
fic concept where xie lian, early into his second banishment, finds out that if he goes to offers prayers at one of mu qing or feng xin's temples, they will always inevitably show up to see him, each time in a different form and pretending not to know who he is
they think they're being SO slick, but xie lian always manages to clock them immediately, because they're not very good actors and because he knows them better than he knows himself. he doesn't say anything though because he's afraid to scare them off. they'll usually hang around to talk to him for a few hours, and it's just. it's nice. to not be alone for a little while. to know that they still care, even a little bit.
(he knows they don't care about him, not anymore, not after all he's done. he knows that their need to keep tabs on him is probably due to a lingering sense of loyalty to the crown prince they had once loved so dearly, the crown prince who had died long ago. he tries not to think about that)
after he ascends for the third time, he wonders if either of them will come talk to him, as themselves for once. they don't. he tries not to be too disappointed by it.
then, he's tasked to take care of the ghost groom on mount yujun, and then nan feng and fu yao show up as volunteers to aid him in his quest, and xie lian doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. he wonders if it's just going to be like this from now on. he decides not to say anything though because even this is better than nothing.
then they come with him to banyue pass, and when they return to puqi shrine afterwards, he invites them to stay for dinner.
they both decline, ready to make their escape, and xie lian can't help it. he starts crying.
they both immediately freeze in their tracks, horrified, before immediately rushing to him and starting to fuss over him, asking if he's okay, if he's gotten hurt.
(it's at this point that hua cheng decides to make a discreet exit for them to have this conversation in private)
"i-i'm sorry!" xie lian sobs, tripping over his words as he desperately wipe at his tears. "i just-i just thought it would be different after i ascended again!"
fu yao and nan feng are both baffled. "you thought what would be different?" asks fu yao hesitantly.
xie lian flails his arms between the three of them. "THIS!" he wails out loud. "but now you're LEAVING again and-and-and you won't even show me your real faces so i can apologize to you properly for everything i did wrong!"
nan feng and fu yao feng xin and mu qing turn to stare at each other in mounting horror as those words sink in.
"Your highness, you knew this whole time???" demands feng xin, his face beet red from embarrassment.
"why didn't you say anything?" mu qing hisses through his teeth, turning his head in an attempt to hide his mortification.
"because i thought if i did, you wouldn't come back!" xie lian replies, still sobbing
feng xin and mu qing both lock gazes, having a wordless argument as they try and figure what to do now that their covers have been blown.
in the end, feng xin is the one that gives in first, taking a deep breath as he gathers up his courage and lets his disguise drop. he steps forward, and pulls xie lian into a rough embrace.
"your highness, you have nothing to apologize for," he says. "we're the ones that did you wrong."
xie lian is still sobbing, but he's clinging onto feng xin like his life depends on it, and he's shaking his head in denial.
"you both stayed by my side longer than i deserved!" he insists. "if i had just listened to mu qing and swallowed my pride, things wouldn't have gotten as bad as they did!"
now mu qing steps up, and though his face is still flushed red, he looks determined as he joins the embrace.
"regardless of who was right or wrong, that didn't give me the right to treat you the way i did that day, your highness....i'm...s-sorry."
xie lian shakes his head again, ready to argue, but mu qing stubbornly speaks over him.
"the reason we came to you in disguise was because we were too ashamed to show our faces to you. we hope your highness will forgive us."
xie lian insists that there's nothing to forgive, and in the end, feng xin and mu qing both end up staying for dinner anyways, though they're saved from having to eat any of xie lian's cooking when hua cheng returns from his impromptu walk with some food that had been given to him by the neighbours for helping them with some tasks while he was out.
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a11eya · 2 days
Vacation + fake dating - Kiri x reader please 💖💖💖
not this ending up being almost 2K words... i blame my inability to write without providing context. i hope you like it em!!!
for the fanfic trope mashup game!
34. Vacation Fic + 48. Fake Dating 💖 Kirishima Eijirou x Reader
“Mom,” you say, a little exasperated, watching her as she fiddles with her luggage. “It’s fine. You didn’t forget anything. You shouldn’t mess with it—the Kirishimas will be here any minute.”
Your mother pauses. “You’re right.”
She turns to your father. “Now, I know you definitely forgot something. Do you have your wallet?”
You sigh, tuning them out and turning to watch the road. 
Going on a joint family vacation was not on your bingo card this summer. 
A couple months ago, on a phone call with your parents, you let yourself be guilted into it. You’d moved several regions away for university after high school, and your education has kept you away for nearly ten years since, as you’ve worked hard to obtain your doctorate and secure your job. 
Of course, when you could afford it over the years, you visited your parents for holidays and special occasions. But recently, you’ve been so busy with work that you haven’t seen them in over a year. So when your mother told you she’d won an all-inclusive stay at a resort and asked you to come with, you couldn’t say no. 
Conveniently, they omitted the information that they’d invited the Kirishimas, long-time friends of your parents, and their son, on this vacation. 
“It’ll be nice for you to see Eijirou again!” your mother told you. “Don’t be such a downer.”
You aren’t being a downer. It’s just… The last time you saw Kirishima was when you were kids. You’d grown up playing together. You’d gone to school together, though had different friends and were in different classes. He completely fell off your radar once he got into U. A., though your parents kept you informed about his wellbeing through that troubling time during his first year and through the war. 
There were times when you wanted to reach out to him—check in and see if he’s okay. Tell him you’re proud of him, proud that he got over that insecurity he had over his quirk and became a hero like he always wanted. But it just never happened. 
A van turns the corner and slows as it approaches your house, and you tap your father’s arm. 
“Is that them, you think?” you ask. 
“I think so!” your father exclaims just as the front passenger’s window rolls down and Kirishima’s mother sticks her head out and waves. 
As they park, your mother immediately abandons her luggage to talk to Kirishima’s mother. 
You shake your head at her, and your father laughs before going to greet Kirishima’s father. 
You grab your luggage and your mother’s, beginning to roll them to the back of the van, when a voice says your name. 
“Hey! Long time no see!”
You turn, a greeting on your lips, before you nearly bite your tongue as you look up. 
Kirishima—Kirishima does not look like the Kirishima of your memories. His hair is bright red, for one, and he’s so tall. The last time you saw him, he was shorter than you. And he’s gained so much muscle. What the actual fuck. 
Your eyes catch on his biceps, his shirt sleeves tight around them, and his veined, defined forearms. He’s in loose jeans, but something tells you his lower half is just as fit as his upper. 
The only familiar thing about him is that smile of his—bright, warm, genuine. It helps you get yourself out of your head. 
Knock it off, you tell yourself. Don’t make it weird. 
“Hey—Kirishima. It’s good to see you,” you say, returning his smile. 
His smile fades, replaced with confusion. 
“Kirishima?” he repeats. “What happened to ‘Eiji’?”
You shuffle your feet, flustered. “We were kids when I called you that! And it’s been so long, I don’t know. It felt weird to be so informal after all this time. Sorry. This is awkward.”
He touches your shoulder. You look up at him. 
“Don’t be sorry,” he tells you. “Call me whatever you’re comfortable calling me. But I do miss hearing someone call me ‘Eiji.’”
He gives you some exaggerated puppy dog eyes, and you laugh. 
“Okay, okay. Let’s start with Eijirou first and work our way to it.”
“Sounds good to me!” he says, smile back in place. When you reach for your luggage again, he steps forward and gently takes them from you. 
“I got this! Feel free to get in the van. I’m sitting in the back if you wanna sit next to me. I’m pretty sure your parents called dibs on the middle seats so they can talk to my parents.”
“You sure? My mom and I don’t pack light…”
You trail off as you watch him pick up both of your luggages as if they’re five-pound dumbbells. 
“Nevermind!” you say, laughing. “Thank you.”
As you accept your drink from the bartender, you catch sight of a familiar face from the corner of your eye. You hurriedly turn to the side.
Please don’t notice me, please don’t notice me, you chant in your head just as you hear your name being called. You work hard not to wince before turning, a smile pasted onto your face. 
“What a coincidence, bumping into you here!” Kaji, a fellow professor at the university you teach at, exclaims. Of all the people to bump into. 
“Yes, what a coincidence,” you say weakly. 
“Are you also here on vacation?” he asks, putting a hand on the counter close to yours. One of his fingers brushes yours. He smiles at you. 
“Yes,” you say, surreptitiously moving your hand to stir your drink. “I’m here with my family.”
“That’s great! I heard that you worked hard this past term. You deserve the break.” 
“Oh!” You soften a little. “Thanks so much. That’s very nice of you to say.” 
Maybe you’re worrying over nothing. When he’d flirted with you at the beginning of the last term, at one of the student orientation events, you had to be heavy-handed about shutting him down while balancing being cordial because of your new faculty status and his seniority. Maybe he took the hint and moved on. He’s just being nice. 
You set your drink down and smile, trying to relax. “What about you? How’d this year go for you?”
He leans against the counter. “It went well, as usual! You’ll see. The more years you put into teaching, the easier it gets. Once you establish the material you need for each class, you’re set. Just recycle it every year.”
Humming noncommittally, you cross your arms over your chest. You catch his eyes dropping down, and you become suddenly conscious of the amount of skin you’re showing in your swimsuit. You quickly readjust your arms so that they cover up more skin. 
“That makes sense. It means you only have to update your material every so often, so less prep time.”
Kaji snorts. “You’ll learn. You untenured faculty won’t have time to update anything if you ever wanna climb the ladder.”
You just barely manage to stifle your frown. His condescension is really grating. 
Laughing, Kaji waves a hand. “Enough about work, though. What are your plans for tonight? Tomorrow?”
Dread creeps up your spine. Fuck. Maybe he’s just being friendly. 
“Oh, just going to have dinner with the family,” you say. “Then we’re going to take a tour of the museum tomorrow, sight-see a little.” 
“Hmm,” he says. “What about tomorrow night? You can’t spend the entire day with your family, surely. Let’s have dinner together. I’ve been meaning to get to know you better.”
Fuuuuuuck, he really did not take the hint. Can he not read the room? You’re afraid to offend him, though, because although he isn’t in your department, so many of your colleagues are on friendly terms with him. You’re just starting out; you can’t afford to sour any relationships right now. 
“Oh, I—thank you, but—“
In your peripheral, you catch a glimpse of red. 
It’s Kirishima, looking around, scanning the area. You wonder if he’s looking for you; you really have been gone longer than you intended.  
Your eyes meet, and an absolutely ridiculous, desperate idea develops in your mind in an instant. 
“Eiji! Over here!” you call, waving at him. 
Kirishima perks up at the sound of your voice, so like a puppy, that the smile that comes to your lips is as natural as anything. He strides over to the poolside bar where you and Kaji are standing. 
When Kirishima reaches you, you lean into him, looking up into his face. His eyes are a little wide as they gaze down at you, and you give him a pleading look, hoping he doesn’t react negatively, hoping he catches on quickly. 
“Kaji, this is my boyfriend, Kirishima Eijirou. Eiji, this is Kaji Katsuyuki, a professor at the university I teach at,” you say.
Since he’s pressed all along your side, you feel it when Kirishima startles a bit. Anxiety swells in you. As you begin to panic about how the hell you’re going to smooth this situation over, distantly, you hear Kaji’s voice as he greets Kirishima. Kirishima, after a little delay, says hello back.
“I thought you said you were here with your family,” Kaji says to you, tone clipped.
To your surprise, Kirishima wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. His hand settles on your hip. Squeezes. It completely halts your racing thoughts. 
Instead, you’re endlessly aware of him. He’s so warm, radiating body heat like he’s absorbed all of the sun’s rays. The feel of your bare skin against his is addicting; you just want to soak him in. 
“We’re here with both of our families!” Kirishima says, smiling. “It’s a joint vacation. Right, babe?” 
“Right,” you say after a moment, trying to rein in your body’s reaction to the pet name. You like it a little too much. 
“I see,” Kaji says. “Well, I won’t keep you. It was nice chatting with you, and good to meet you, Kirishima.”
“You too,” Kirishima says cheerfully, and you say your goodbyes as Kaji beats a hasty retreat. 
There’s a long silence between the two of you that feels impossible to break before Kirishima says, “Did I do good?”
This startles a laugh out of you, and you relax, shoulders lowering. Looking up at him doesn’t feel as intimidating, so you do to find him smiling down at you. 
“You did great, Eiji, thank you. I’m sorry I sprung that on you. He was just being so pushy!”
Kirishima shakes his head. “I don’t mind! Anything for you.”
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codemiracle · 2 days
Hello 👋🏻 hope you're having a nice day ^^ I just found this game today and really like the idea, i read all the posts on here to make sure I'm asking something new and unless I missed them I don't think these questions have been answered yet ^^ I apologize if they have
1. How likely are the LIs to harm the mc or even kill them? Either to get what they want or like out of jealousy, anger, in the heat of the moment or something like that
2. Would Seth ever grow bored of mc and get rid of them? Also since he is a machine I suppose he is immortal, so what will he do when mc dies?
Anyways that's all, have a nice week and remember to take care of yourself :)
Sorry if some things I've written don't make sense, english is not my first language ahah
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No: Dr. Kurosaki, Tatsuya. Psychological damage: Seth. Accidentally, would apologize afterwards: Yuuta. Yotsuya is the only one who would kill the MC but only if they cheated on him. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎// ✦ Would Seth get bored of the MC? What would he do if the MC dies? No, he has his own reasons to find the MC interesting. He couldn't possibly get bored of them, after all, he chose them in the first place because Seth found them interesting. Death will be irrelevant when he creates his perfect paradise, there's no way he'd let you go. Once he manages to do it, he'll ensure you stay by his side forever. In the case you die before that, I'm sure he'd find a way to fix it, not even death can stop his love for you. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎// ✦ How would they act with a sex-repulsed MC? None of them would mind, Seth isn't really interested in having sex, Yuuta doesn't like it either, and the rest of them would just accept it, and be really careful with sexual themes or touching you, all of them would respect their feelings. (Even these guys understand that consent matters!)
Thanks for asking!
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vivalas-vega · 1 day
unexpected / bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x reader
howdy y'all - we've got another rooster fic. i feel i've neglected this man too much on my blog and wanna start writing for him more so here we are with a fleet week fic inspired by my own journey onto a navy ship yesterday!!! (the similarities between my fic and the real deal start and end with waiting in line. my guide was cute but let's just say he was no bradley bradshaw). it was very cool and educational and if your city does fleet week i highly recommend checking it out! this fic will have maybe three parts total. anyways hope you enjoy :)
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unexpected / bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x reader
follow my taglist blog and turn on notifications to be updated @vegaslibrary
word count: 3.2k
warnings: slight language, naval inaccuracies!! (even tho I just did my own fleet week tour I still don't know shit, I'm just a girl)
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The ocean breeze filtered through your hair as you stood off to the side, eyes fixated on the impressive carriers in front of you. The sun felt hot on your skin and excitement was buzzing through your veins as you listened to your best friend in your ear… well, half-listened.
“We’re brunching! Come on, meet us at Malibu Farm,” Maggie said and you sighed.
“I told you it’s Fleet Week, I’m already down here,” you replied and you could feel her eyes roll on the other side of the phone.
“I would be supportive if you were trying to bag one of those Navy hotties but come on… bottomless mimosas and all the dirt on Stephanie’s breakup are better than some boats,” she said.
“I will see you for drinks tonight,” was all you replied before hanging up. You’d tried (very unsuccessfully) to convince some of your friends to come with you, telling them about how cool these carriers were and how you only got the chance to see them up close and personal once a year but they had zero interest… you were the only one in your circle who found this sort of thing interesting, and you would have been bummed except for the fact that you were more than okay doing things by yourself.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to go to a concert or a museum solo, you actually enjoyed it… you loved hanging out with your friends but it was nice to not be tied to what the majority of the group wanted to do (or didn’t want to do), and as you waited in line you were actually a little glad none of them had taken you up on your offer. If Maggie were here she’d be ogling the cute officer who appeared to be getting ready to take your group on board, and she’d spend the whole tour trying to flirt with him instead of listening to what he had to say. 
You were content to wait in line as long as it took, taking in the beautiful ships to your left before switching to people watching, you knew this week drew all kinds of visitors and you found it entertaining to see such an eclectic mix of people all in one space… there were the obvious ex-Navy types, returning to their roots and reliving the glory days, there were couples who looked a little out of their element but excited for something new to do as a date, and families with kids… you even spotted an entire elementary class on a field trip. Spare your friend group, most people were more than interested in the opportunity to spend a day aboard multi-million dollar vessels and you were one of them.
Across the way Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw was chatting with his teammates about how much they wanted today to be over… it wasn’t that he hated Fleet Week, because he did enjoy it for about the first hour, but after that it became tiresome to give the same spiel over and over and over. They’d all tried to get out of it, Natasha had even gone so far as trying to manifest a deployment, but according to the higher ups there was no excuse for the Navy’s best and brightest to not make an appearance at an event happening so close to their home base. 
But then he saw you and he couldn’t help but smile as he watched you seem so enamored by everything around you… you didn’t hold an ounce of annoyance over the fact you’d been standing in that same spot going on half an hour now, something he’d seen from other visitors a dozen times already, and when a gust of wind kicked up your hair and sent it fluttering around your face you gave a half hearted attempt to tame it, but really you were just enjoying the breeze and the sun on your skin and he knew he had to know your name. He watched Jake getting ready to take your group aboard and he had to know if you’d abandon the formal tour in favor of letting him take you up instead.
You were eavesdropping on a conversation between a sailor and a kid just ahead of you, a soft smile on your lips as you listened to just how excited both parties were to be talking about the ship in front of you and you were so focused on them that you didn’t notice a person approaching you, not until his shadow cast across your face and when you turned you saw a man who nearly knocked the wind out of you… he was tall and solid, arms straining against the short sleeves of his khaki uniform and you thought that no one should look good in that color yet here he was proving you wrong. His golden brown waves glistened in the direct sunlight and he had a slight smirk beneath a mustache that you really wanted to hate, but you really didn’t… he was handsome, potentially one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen, and here he was standing directly in front of you and you looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something.
“Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, ma’am,” he introduced, extending his hand for you to shake which you did as you gave him your name and a smile. “What brings you out today?”
“A bizarre fascination with ships the size of planets,” you replied and he laughed. It was warm and a little rough around the edges, much like you’d appraised him to be in your short interaction, and you wanted to hear it again.
“Well, my day wrapped up not too long ago and I couldn’t help but notice you waiting for a tour…” he started, leaning in slightly with a mischievous look on his face as if he was about to tell you a secret, “and between you and me, your tour guide is a dud.” he finished and you looked towards the man, tall, blonde and oozing charisma and you had a feeling Bradley was lying to you as you watched him charm the entirety of your group with one sentence… but you weren’t feeling too keen on calling him out on his fib.
“Oh no, is that so?” you replied, disappointment lacing your tone.
“Mmhm,” he hummed. “I think you oughta let me take you up, make sure you get the tour you deserve,” he propositioned and you nodded, a smirk tugging at your lips.
“I think that might be for the best… for the sake of a thorough Navy education and all,” you said and he nodded, gesturing towards the ramp and he held out his hand for you to take as you pulled yourself onto the steep landing. His hand was warm in yours and all-encompassing as he held it and made sure you made it safely before letting it fall back to your side and you were almost a little disappointed when he did.
He led you into the cargo hold, a massive room filled with so many things your eyes had a hard time adjusting at first. You trailed alongside him as he explained everything to you, sparing no detail as he went and you were particularly fascinated by the boat that was rigged to be deployed at a moments notice, positioned right in front of a hatch door, and he told you it was primarily there for search and rescue missions as he rattled off information about how long it takes to get it down into the water and pointed out the crane used to move it around as needed.
You listened with rapt attention as you continued through, you added a quip or a question here and there but mostly you were hanging onto his every word as he pointed out things like their freezer and the gym, and you realized you might have been content to listen to this man read you his grocery list and you had to make a conscious effort to focus on the words themselves and not just the voice that was speaking them. As you made your way up a steep and narrow stairwell, so much so you might have described it closer to a ladder than stairs, he stayed right behind you where he could catch you if you fell and you tried to ignore the fact that his diligence almost made you want to fall.
“There’s a lot up here,” he said as he led you down a hallway lined with doors, “but it’s mostly just bunks and offices. We’re not technically supposed to show you this, but… I won’t tell if you won’t,” he added as he pushed one of the doors open and you pretended to lock your lips and throw away the key as you peeked inside, taking in the modest living quarters with multiple twin beds.
“So, this is where you sleep when you’re deployed?” you asked and he nodded, brow furrowing when you looked at him, clearly skeptical about something as your eyes trailed him top to bottom before returning to the beds in front of you, “how do you even fit?” you followed up and immediately you flushed, not meaning to ask that at all but it was the first thing that popped into your head and it flew out of your mouth before you could stop it.
“Not comfortably, sweetheart,” he replied with a laugh and you smiled softly at the term of endearment as he shut the door and nodded for you to follow. He talked about the photos lining the walls, telling you who was who or what was what in the ones he recognized before you went up another stairwell and before you could walk through the door frame in front of you he placed his hands on your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks.
You turned your head to look at him, an unasked question on your face, and he gave you that addictive smirk of his, “now this is the really fun part that very few people get to see,” he prefaced and you felt anticipation brimming as he kept his hands on you and guided you forward.
“Just breaking all the rules today aren’t you, Lieutenant Bradshaw?” you replied and he wanted to tell you that you could just call him Bradley but one look at the mischief in your eyes told him you knew that… you just liked calling him Lieutenant and he liked hearing it too much to stop you. When you turned your attention forward you were faced with two beautiful jets right in front of you and you faltered for a moment, stunned by the sheer impressiveness of the aircrafts.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, careful of your step as you approached one of them and Bradley tried to commit that look of awe on your features to memory, his heart stuttering at the sight. You instinctively reached a hand out before snapping it back, realizing you probably shouldn’t be touching things with price tags you couldn’t comprehend.
He chuckled, “go ahead, it’s mine so do your worst.” 
He thought you might get whiplash with how quickly you turned to face him, “yours? How have we made it through this whole tour without you mentioning you’re a pilot?”
“Thought I’d keep you on your toes,” he replied as you returned your focus to his jet, hand trailing along the smooth metal as you walked around it.
“I never thought I’d get to see an F/A-18 in person… at least not one that’s active,” you sighed, and now he was certain his heart had stopped in his chest. “Tops out at what, twelve hundred?” you asked and he blinked in surprise, only able to nod in response because he didn’t quite trust his words right now. He knew he liked you as soon as he saw you, so much so he was taking you on his tenth tour of the day when all he’d wanted to do previously was go to the bar, but now he was worried he was in a little over his head as you appreciated his jet, having identified it immediately without any help from him. “God, this is incredible, Bradley,” you said, maybe a little breathless from how excited you were and before you knew it he was disappearing, leaving you standing at the nose with a confused expression.
You laughed when he returned, rolling a ladder to the side of his jet and beckoning you over. He hadn’t anticipated you to know anything about planes, or really have any interest beyond the first minute of being in front of it, but now that he knew otherwise he wanted to show you everything. He held onto your hand as you took each step, trailing right behind you just as he had in the stairwells and when you got to the landing he started pulling the canopy back and you let out another soft gasp.
“Can you get in trouble for this?” you asked, turning to look at him. You knew private tours with high ranking pilots were not standard for Fleet Week, and you also knew this wasn’t an area most people would be allowed in, and you worried for a brief moment what would happen to him if anyone caught you.
He shook his head, “you’re accompanied by a Lieutenant, we’re fine,” he answered, smiling as you leaned over slightly to look inside his cockpit and his heart was thudding in his chest at the sheer wonder in your eyes. He started pointing out all of the controls, telling you what they did and why, and he answered your every question just as he had with the rest of the ship. “Sweetheart, I’ve gotta be honest… I’ve never met anyone who gave a damn about these jets that didn't work in or around them already.” 
You pulled your attention back to him with an incredulous look, “how could they not?” you asked, and you wanted to keep your gaze on those pretty brown eyes that were locked on you, but the novelty hadn’t quite worn off yet and you looked back inside the jet. “I mean… this is next level engineering wrapped up in a pretty package, what’s better than that?” He thought you were beautiful when he saw you standing on your own with your hair blowing in the breeze and the sun kissing your skin, he thought you were beautiful when you laughed at his dumb jokes in the cargo hold, but right now he was certain he’d never seen anything more beautiful than you slightly bent over and leaning into his cockpit as you truly appreciated the one thing he loved most in this world.
“Please let me take you on a date,” he blurted out, unable to stop himself and you looked at him a little surprised. You’d been hoping since he approached you that he’d ask, but you couldn’t help but laugh a little at the unexpected timing.
“Ask me again after the tour,” you replied with a smirk and though it vaguely sounded like rejection he couldn’t help but smile. If you wanted to make him work for it then he absolutely would. You asked him a question about the gauges and he told you exactly what they measured, and when you finally made your way back down the ladder he even let you sit on the second to last step as he wheeled it back to its place.
“Bradley!” you squealed when he whipped it around, hands bracing on the poles on either side of you and you were a little breathless when you were suddenly facing him, looking up at him as his strong hands gripped just above your head as he continued pushing you through the open area.
“Just wanted a better view,” he replied and you flushed at the compliment. Even though it was only two steps he still offered you his hand as you got off and of course you still accepted it, lingering for a moment before dropping it. He took you back through the carrier a different way than you’d came so he could show you absolutely everything, still narrating as he went. Truthfully, there wasn’t much difference on this route than the other but it was longer and he wanted to drag this out. He knew as soon as you stepped off the ship he wouldn’t have any reason to keep you longer than he already had, and he wanted to postpone that moment as long as he could. 
When you entered the now familiar cargo hold you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, you didn’t want your time with Bradley to come to an end but it seemed it was inevitable as he led you down the ramp and back onto solid ground. Your eyes were bright when you turned to face him and you still had that smile on that hadn’t seemed to leave your face all day and it was another sight he wanted to commit to memory. You had surprised the hell out of him, turned his boring day around the second he saw you and he knew with certainty he couldn’t get enough of you… and you were in the exact same boat. You knew when you got here today you’d have a good time, that the other man Bradley insisted was a dud still would have given a good tour and you’d have gotten exactly what you came for but the man in front of you exceeded every one of your expectations and then some, and you weren’t looking forward to the moment you had to go back to your car and not have his eyes on you anymore.
“Bradley, that was…” you sighed, “that was incredible, I don’t really know how to thank you for that.”
“Let me take you out,” he replied easily and you flushed, the tour was over and he was wasting no time in asking you out again, and this time you let him. 
You nodded, “I’m free tonight.” His grin was wide as he fished his phone out of his pocket for you to input your number, and you couldn’t help but mirror him when he told you to put your address as well so he could pick you up… if this was anyone else, if you hadn’t just spent the afternoon with him catering to your every query and whim, you would have told him no. You would have said you could meet him somewhere, but you trusted him. The few hours spent together showed you that you could, and that wasn’t lost on Bradley. If you’d said no he wouldn’t have even blinked, he would have suggested something else that made you more comfortable, but you didn’t say no… and that caused his chest to tighten as he looked down at your beautiful smile.
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” he said, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek and you felt your skin tingling as he pulled away. “Wear something comfortable.”
You nodded, a little curious as to what he could have planned but you could just tell if you asked he wouldn’t say, and you were more than happy to let this man surprise you. “I’ll see you tonight, Bradley.”
“And I’ll be counting down every second.”
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marvelwitchergilmore · 12 hours
In A While...
Summary: Spencer Reid x Fe!Reader -> You were first introduced to Spencer through Emily, however, six years later, it seems some things are beginning to change.
Disclaimer: This is part one. A lot of pining, fluff and a little angst to come. Part two here. Not proof read.
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“Who is that?”
“Who’s who? Oh.”
“Baby girl, do you know-”
“No, but, oh. She’s cute. Hey, do you think-”
“Hey, guys. What’s going on?”
“You know her?”
Emily’s face lit up. “Actually, I do.”
Emily had called out your name, and when you looked up, you’d gone from looking a little lost and a little intimidated to bright and confident. 
Emily hugged you tightly and began asking questions about your journey to the office when more people gathered around her, leaving you to assume they were her teammates she always talked about. 
“Oh, right. Yes, this is Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, JJ you’ve met, and…where’s Reid?”
“I’m here.”
That was the very first day you met him. 
From behind Morgan, Reid stopped in his tracks and was introduced to you. The little sister of one of Emily’s friends. You’d applied for a small internship role at the Bureau. But once Emily caught wind of your name going through the servers, she asked Hotch if you could be placed with them. 
It would only be for two weeks and you had enough experience already with research which allowed you to help consult on cases with Garcia by your side. 
Once Hotch had finally made his introductions, you were thrown into the deep end. 
And, for the most part, it was smooth sailing. 
Your small background in linguistics helped on a case in Georgia, you’d made fast friends with Penelope who, within the first half an hour of meeting you, wanted to adopt you. And the team really seemed to like you, and best of all, you liked them. 
You also, despite your forced effort to shut it down, began to develop a small crush on one Doctor Spencer Reid. 
Granted, it didn’t go anywhere. After all, it was just a small crush. But it was nice to have his friendship. 
He was only three years older than you, so it made things easier. 
Everyone else, like Emily, was close to being ten years older than you, save for JJ and Spencer. 
“So, how do you know Emily?”
“She’s my sister’s best friend,” you replied. “They were in the same year at College. I was just the little sister, but they made me feel welcome. Less shut out despite the age gap.”
“Is that how you found this job?” Penelope asked you. 
“Sorta. It wasn’t nepotism or anything like that,” you quickly jumped to explain. “I- there was a posting for applicants. Emily didn’t even know until she called me up and asked me because she saw my name go through one of the servers. She knew before I did that I had been accepted but, instead of catching a train into DC every day, she helped me find a posting here.”
“Well, I’m glad. We need more girls around here.”
You smiled at Penelope’s comment, soaking in the moment before a call came through from Hotch. 
After the two weeks had finished, you returned back to College, but not before you had one final drink with the team. However, research for your Master’s still called. 
“No, no, no, please, please stay.”
“I can’t,” you smiled as Emily tried to drag you closer to the bar. 
“I will call you in the morning, but right now I need to finish up some research.”
Emily groaned. “Fine, but let me go with you.”
“No, Em, you’re having fun.”
“I can’t let you go alone.”
“I can go with her.”
From behind you, Spencer appeared. 
“No, it’s-”
“Please, it’s my pleasure.”
Emily smiled when you looked back at her. “Thank you, Reid.”
Spencer just smiled. 
Emily hugged you, but you were the last to let go. “Have fun.”
“Not a word.” you told her. 
“About what?” she pretended. 
That night, Spencer walked you home. And you both just talked. About anything and everything. He rattled off statistics about the amount of people that walk home, vs drive and catch the train. He asked you about your Masters and you told him. He even gave you some book recommendations which you checked out from the library the very next day. And you asked him about the love for his job which, by the time you reached your apartment, he told you;
“You should apply.”
“For what?”
“To be an Agent. I think you’d be really good.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Aside from your resume?” Spencer thought for a moment. “It just…seems to suit you.”
For the rest of the night, you tried to imagine your life from the past two weeks, being the rest of it. 
And it didn’t seem all that bad of an idea. 
Six years later…
You’d been, officially, SA Dr. Y/n Y/l/n of the BAU for four months. Before that, you had worked within the State Department for three years since your knowledge in languages was helpful for their investigations, and before that, you were placed from post to post, helping agents with their cases, mostly in and around the East Coast. 
And the minute you walked into the building, it oddly felt like coming home. 
You’d lived in Virginia most of your life, but working with the BAU…felt like home. 
This was also helped by the fact that Emily had decided to come to town for a visit, even if it wasn’t for long. 
“Oh my god, Emily, Hi.”
“Penelope,” Emily smiled before hugging her. 
“I really am really happy to see you but right now…”
“We’ve got a case?” you asked. 
“Big one.”
“I guess I’ll catch you later, then?” Emily asked. 
“Or you could consult?”
As if appearing out of thin air, you all turned to find Hotch stood behind her. 
“We’re always welcome to have you on the team, Emily. Even if it’s just as a consultant.”
Penelope had a badge for her by the time you’d all made it into the briefing room. 
“Here you go.”
“Thank you.” Emily replied before pinning it to her shirt. 
“We have a case…”
Penelope went on to explain the case and within twenty minutes, the wheels were up. You had taken your seat next to Rossi, and across from Spencer. And even though she was paying attention to the case, Emily couldn’t help but notice the small look in Spencer’s eyes every time you looked at each other. 
She also knew that look meant more than what Spencer’s brain was willing to admit. 
And it only continued to happen. 
Three days later, Emily watched yourself and Spencer dance around each other, like you knew each other’s every move. 
You both stood in front of the evidence board, moving things around as you talked about the case, working out the geo-file. And every time you stood back, Emily could have sworn she saw Spencer’s eyes glow when looking at you. She also didn’t fail to notice the double glances you passed each other, just a few seconds away from catching each other in the act.
Emily had always known you had a small crush on Spencer. Even from the first day you met. The fact you could barely look at him for the first four days was her biggest sign. But when she’d asked JJ about you two when you’d officially joined the team, it seemed like…nothing. 
You’d both just become…friends. 
Nothing more. 
But Emily couldn’t be the only one to see it. 
So when Derek snuck up on her as she watched the both of you, it gave her some confirmation to her doubts that ‘friendship’ was all that was between yourself and Spencer. 
“They’ve practically been glued at the hip.”
“Clearly.” Emily stated. “They seem to be in sync with one another.”
“Been like that since her first day.” Derek explained. “Now they don’t even have to talk. They just…know.”
“And nothing ever…”
“Hey, guys?” Spencer called out. “We might have something.”
You went on to explain what you had found with Spencer’s help. 
However, by the end of the case, Emily finally got the answer she was looking for. 
Spencer trailed your every move with his eyes as you unbuckled your belt, stood and grabbed a snack and drink for yourself and JJ. 
“Hey, Reid?”
He snapped his attention to Emily who was sitting across from him. 
“If you want to ask her, she might just say yes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And he turned back to his book. 
“Hey, Spencer?” Emily placed a finger on the top of his book and pushed it down. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know.”
Emily waited for him to continue. 
“I…I know that we’re friends but recently I’ve just felt…different. And I can’t even remember when it started. All I know is one day we’re walking back from a coffee shop, and the next…”
“You can’t take your eyes off of her?”
Spencer felt slightly embarrassed, but nodded all the same.
“I know something has changed, but I don’t know when or even how. But I know it’s changed and…it’s different, and I don’t hate it, but I also can’t seem to make sense of it.”
“Do you think she feels the same way?”
That was a question Spencer had been asking himself for weeks. “I don’t know.”
“Have you thought of asking her?”
“What if she says no? I like her but…”
“You don’t want to lose her.”
Spencer shook his head. And then his eyes found you again as you walked back to JJ and handed her her drink and bag of chips before sitting down beside her with your own. 
He’d lived his entire adult life as an FBI agent and somehow the prospect of his feelings for you and the potential chance of losing you was the scariest thing he’d ever witnessed.
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monsterousthoughts · 14 hours
any ideas about a giantess gf?
Mmm interesting…
Obviously you know you should hate them all… they’re your swore enemies and countless battles have been fought between the giants and humans but you can’t help but love her.
She towers over you, at least 3 times your height, muscles rippling and those fierce eyes blazing. Her thighs alone are as broad as your whole body, can you really be blamed for wanting her to crush you between them. It’s not like you tried to get captured by her but when a huge ruggedly handsome woman bursts out of the trees and pins you five feet up a tree with one hand wrapped around your whole chest what else could you do but surrender and hope she’d take you home with her?
It’s not so bad really. Sure you’ve traded your sword and armour for an apron and a frying pan, but you did always like cooking and the way she wolf’s down each meal you cook for her and genuinely seems to appreciate that you made her something nice makes your heart all fuzzy. She even brought you some of these “herbs” that you kept asking about the other day and smiled at you, a little unsettling but definitely a smile. Once you’d sorted out the herbs from the poisonous plants it had made a half decent stew, now all you need is to persuade her to undo your shackles and let you go out foraging with her and you could make something really delicious for her.
The whole not falling in love with her thing is obviously made even more difficult by the fact the cave is only one room with the bath in full view of the corner you’re allowed in. You live for those moments when she gets undressed out in the open and then slides into that steamy vat of water and you get to see the water trickling down her biceps and making her breasts glisten in the half light. You haven’t managed to catch a glimpse of her sex yet but by the way her pubic hair trails enticingly up her muscular torso you’d gladly get lost down there for hours at a time.
It’s all you can do to bite your tongue at night when she’s asleep and you finally get some time alone to quietly slip your fingers between your own legs and imagine how she’d use your tiny little body like a toy… maybe you should be a little louder tonight… she might wake up and want to join in… the thought makes your stomach do backflips and your sex throb… it can’t hurt can it?
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the-original-skipps · 13 hours
|| Relationship Headcanons #2 || Poly!Sakura x Reader x Poly!Suo || Wind Breaker ||
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▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||| 0:10
due to popular demand folks we are back again for part 2 I can literally go on and on about them HELP
: fluff. polyamorous relationship. established relationship
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❥ Let’s start this off with how they all got together in the first place. I reckon it’s something like where you and Suo were already together. Ever since Sakura joined the group he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You’re so kind and beautiful. Just brushing past you has his heart racing. However, when he found out you were with Suo he was definitely down in the dumps but that didn’t stop him from continuing to like you-no matter how much he tries to snuff it out.
❥ Suo from the first moment could tell that Sakura likes you. It’s natural, how could anyone not like someone like you? He didn’t say anything about it wanting to observe how it’ll turn out. Until he notices your eyes now linger a little longer on Sakura. He understands your feelings because he feels it too. So Suo decides to pull all three of you for a discussion, long story short you’re all happily together now.
❥ Since you’re all together, you all call each other by your first names. Sakura had a difficult time as he already has a hard time just calling you and Suo by your last names. Suo likes to tease as Sakura gets beet red trying to say your first name. Sakura is really not used to anyone calling him by his first name so every time you and Suo say his name, he freezes in shock.
❥ Sakura is inexperienced in a lot of things it’s up to you and Suo to show him the wonders of the world. Dates happen quite often, bringing Sakura to places he’s never been to before such as the aquarium or the amusement park.
❥ It’s so adorable how Sakura’s eyes light up as he sees all the fishes, you can’t help but coo at him. Pulling him along to look at the different tanks, all the meanwhile Sakura is flushed red. Suo trails behind you both with a gentle smile on his face, secretly snapping pictures of you two. Who knows maybe he’ll capture an ugly picture of Sakura to use as blackmail.
Suo: Oh look, Haruka-kun! That penguin looks like you!
❥ Speaking of amusement park dates, Sakura feels his soul his leaving his body every time he rides another scary looking attraction. He swears he’s fine but you and Suo both know otherwise. Suo on the other hand, is as cool as a cucumber with a smile on his face as you and Sakura grip onto him screaming your lungs out.
❥ You begged Sakura and Suo to wear the ear head bands with you. Sakura put up quite the struggle saying it looks lame but eventually your puppy dog eyes won him over. Of course you all have matching ears-Suo happily paid for them because he’s a rich boy like that who likes to spoil. The picture you all took in front of the castle is your phone’s wallpaper.
❥ Suo likes to invite both you and Sakura over for lunch or dinner. Suo is alone most of the time so it’s nice to have some company over at his house. His cooking is magnificent, he has you and Sakura asking for seconds. The hard part is forcing him to eat as well. You were almost begging on your knees for Suo to take at least one bite.
❥ Another hobby you all like to do together is play video games. A fight almost broke out because of how many times Suo beat Sakura at a game. Suo swears he’s going easy on Sakura which pisses him off a lot more. Despite the many times he loses he always asks for a rematch. You have to hold Sakura down before he tackles Suo.
❥ You always like to give these boys hello and goodbye hugs despite seeing each other almost everyday. Suo gladly accepts your hugs, hugging you back-burying his face in your hair. While Sakura malfunctions like a robot whenever you wrap your arms around him-then again just the slightest touch from you has him sweating.
❥ You once tried not giving them goodbye hugs and it did not go well. Suo was immediately sulking, complaining how you don’t love him anymore he’s just wants to tease you. Sakura will give you the silent treatment, because he’s too embarrassed to voice out his thoughts. He really likes your hugs no matter how much he complains about it. Please give these poor boys  their huggy wuggies. 
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lemme know if part 3 is needed hehe
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Hiii pookie 🫶🥹
it's me again the same anon from Arthur's long fic 😂 i thought it would be nice to thank you again for fulfilling the request, they were all absolutely beautiful and I enjoyed them a lot✨,now proclaimed you one of my favorite Arthur writers ✨🥹🫶
i used to want an Arthur in my life now I NEED him 😭
Also today my mood was so bad but reading the fic distracted me a little from everyday things, thank you once again i send you a hug and kisses 🫶😚🫂💗💗
I hope you have the best days, always and forever !!!🙂‍↕️love ya boo💗
(if you didn't get enough of me, I promise that if I have any more ideas I will let you know so you can use them with your writings about other pilots)
A Bit Off
A/N: Hi Anon!!!!!
I’m so, so happy you enjoyed them and I feel privileged to be your favourite Arthur writer 🥰🥰. I’m thinking I might start writing for other drivers as well.
I swear I need an Arthur in my life too 😫. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling too well today, I’m glad my writing was able to help you feel better! 😘
And I will never get enough of you, message as much as you want!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I’ve currently got another Arthur fic and an Ollie Bearman fic in the works. I just wanted to write this little one as thank you for your kind words and requests. It’s also kind of based off how you felt today, enjoy ☺️
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Synopsis: After a bad day, Arthur just wants to make you feel all better
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(He’s such a cute, lil smiley boyyyyy 😍)
You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you felt down and depressed all day for no reason. Unfortunately, Arthur wasn’t around and wouldn’t be back for another 3 days. All you wanted to do was cuddle up and watch movies with him.
You stayed on the couch, drowning in your favourite hoodie of Arthur’s, watching your comfort tv show. You heard the door at the front of the apartment unlock, keys jangling as the door was pushed open. You pulled the baseball bat out from under the couch and crept over to the wall next to the hallway.
You heard shoes being toed off, sock padded feet slowly walking down the hallways. You waited for the footsteps to come closer before you stepped out from the wall. You swung the bat.
“OHHH HOLY SHIT BABY ITS ME” Arthur screamed in his Monegasque accent. You immediately dropped the bat, “oh my god, Arty! You’re not suppose to be here for 3 days!” Arthur smirked when he said “I know. I wanted to surprise you, gorgeous”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you buried yourself in your boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your nose pressing against his jugular as you deeply inhaled his cologne. Arthur’s hands firmly wrapped around your waist, he kissed your temple and leaned his head against yours.
He felt teardrops on his collarbone, prompting him to let go for a second. He found you with wet eyes, teardrop stains down your cheeks. “Bèbè, what’s wrong?” Arthur pouted. He raised his hand and wiped your tears. You made eye contact with him and the flood gates opened.
You weren’t sad about anything in particular, you just started babbling about anything and everything. Arthur guided you to the couch and sat down, pulling you on top of him and he laid down. Your legs ended up in either side of his body, your chin rested on his chest, your noses nearly bumping.
Arthur let you get it all out, contently listening. After you finished, Arthur extended his neck and pecked your lips. “It’s ok to feel like this, love” you kissed him again “thank you Arty” you had cried yourself to exhaustion, he could see your eyes started to droop. He pulled the couch blanket over you both as he watched you fall asleep.
“Good night, my love” he said as he kissed your nose, “I love you, bad day or good day, I don’t care.” You lazily smile and confessed “I love you” back to him, drifting off to sleep. Arthur followed you not long after.
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takenbypeter · 3 days
Laundry Day
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Tangerine x reader
Words: 637
Based on the prompt: “you don’t have to waste your day doing this with me.” “Nothing is a waste as long as you’re there.” From @deity-prompts I may have tweaked it a bit.
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Laundry day. Such a mundane thing. Boring but necessary, is what you told yourself as you forced yourself to get up and finally wash that pile of dirty laundry you’ve been meaning to get to for the last two weeks. 
Did you love doing laundry? No, nobody loves doing laundry but you figured with Tangerine gone on a mission for the past three days, what better time to do it then while he’s still out. 
But of course, just like with every plan you make, something else always gets mixed in. 
You had just begun folding the first load, while the second one continued to spin in the drying machine and the third in the washer.
Folding just about the third piece of fabric that you’d picked out, you heard keys jangling on the other side of the front door. Peeking out from the nearby window you recognized Tangerine’s car as the door unlocked and in he came. 
He looked…messy, to say the least. His hair was all over the place, he had blood splattered over his shirt, his tie was thrown about across his shoulders. 
Although his appearance gave off an exhausted look, his expression was just the opposite as he came in animatedly. 
“You would not believe the dumbest—most boring f——g mission I just had, wait till you hear this,” he leaned close and you pucker your lips slightly, as he connected to them almost magnetically before trailing off.
He told his tale of events as he walked around the kitchen munching on a quick snack and pouring himself a small drink. You listened, continuing to fold your clothes (and some of his), adding some hums and surprised noises of your own as you got swept in to some of the details. 
Then after telling you the whirlwind of the story that he claimed was the lamest mission he’s ever been on, he went to take a shower, once again leaving you with the same load.
You folded and folded and when you were just about finished with that pile, the second load in the dryer dinged, ready for you to work on it next. 
You took the warm fabric out pressing it to your face for a moment enjoying the feeling before setting it on the couch for you to begin.
About ten minutes had passed when you heard some steps nearing before a pair of arms snaked its way around your waist. 
“I missed you,” Tangerine hummed, pressing his lips to your cheek, then to your neck, his mustache tickling you as he did so before resting his chin in the crook of your neck. 
“I missed you too,” and of course you had a smile on your lips as your hands continued working. 
“I wish I could just take you everywhere with me.”
“While the thought is nice, I’d rather sit your blood baths out.”
You felt his shoulders lift and then drop against your body as a sigh escaped, while he once again left a single kiss to your skin before letting go. 
You half expected him to leave, being that he’s been out for a few days and typically he was tired after completing missions, but surprisingly he grabbed a clean shirt that was on the couch and he folded it, setting it right down on the neat stack. 
You shook your head at his action, “you don’t have to waste your day doing this with me. Go rest.”
“Nothing is a waste as long as I’m doing it with you,” he flashed you that proper smile of his. 
Although the sentiment was sweet, you knew he was only helping you so he could steal all your attention away for himself. 
“You’re quite cheeky, aren’t you?” 
You already knew the answer to that question. But he feigned innocence. 
“Me? Never.”
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