#like 'yeah she's mine i win in everything' smug
muffinpink02 · 3 months
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It’s not what you know, it’s who you know -
Hello lovelies! So this is my first “Reader POV” story. And my first Alexia Putellas story. But you can find me on ao3! Muffinpink02 With my other stories.
Summary - Your best friend has invited you to be a plus one for an award show for women’s sports. You don’t have a clue about sport, so when a certain blonde comes and flirts with you, you can’t help but flirt back. But can she keep your attention?
Sorry if I haven’t posted this right, first time on here.
Warnings : SMUT, 18+ fingering, strap, orgasm denial, cunnilingus, restraint and more. 12k +words
You were running late as usual.
Well, it was only by 5 minutes, not too late for your standard, but you knew Daisy would already know that. You were always late. It wasn’t like she cared, she was your best friend, she might tease you about your horrendous time keeping but she loved you, she wouldn’t hold it against you.
Finally, you arrived at your guys favourite pub. You hurried in to see your childhood best friend sitting by the window, drinking her classic red, and what looked like your go to choice of drink sitting on a beer mat in front of her. You smiled as you approached her, it had been a month since you last saw each other. She’d been soo busy with work lately, you was aware she was working on something big with her current clients, you wasn’t sure on who they were but it was some kind of trophy. Or was it a statue?
“Daisy!” You shouted.
She looked up from her phone, a huge smile on her face. “Well, well. Look who’s nearly on time, this is early for you!” Daisy laughed as she grabbed you in for a hug.
“Don’t jinx it!” You laughed as you sat down. You grabbed the drink in front of you. “Ahh you’re an angel. Thank you, D.”
“You’re welcome. So, tell me how’s life? What have I missed?”
You caught up on everything, you finally learned that it was an award that Daisy had been working on, something to do with women’s sport, football to be precise. You could tell from the way she spoke about it that she was excited and proud of herself, and you loved to see it, you were always her biggest cheerleader.
“So it’s being awarded next week, and I get to bring a plus one.” She eyed you up excitedly.
“I’m there. What’s the dress code?” You asked.
“Yay! Brilliant! So it’s fancy but not fancy there will be free drinks, food and a lot of fit athletes. Definitely ones you would love.”
“Sorry? Am I just a big old tart? I’m there to support you…but I mean if there will be fit girls then it’s a win, win.” You smiled at her playfully.
Daisy rolled her eyes and laughed. “Yeah, yeah. Ohh and a car will pick us up, so come to mine before and we can have some pre drinks.”
“Perfect. Tell me a time and I’ll be there. And I’ll be on time. I promise.” You winked.
You indeed kept your promise. It may have been the first time ever in your grown up life that you were actually on time, 6 minutes early in fact. You knocked on Daisy’s door and of course the pure shock on her face was worth it.
“No. You’re on time? You’re early? What?” She opened her door wider to let you in.
You walked in, a smug smile on your face. “Yeah, but don’t get used to it.”
Daisy laughed as she followed you into the kitchen, grabbing you both drinks for tonight.
“I love what you’re wearing, D.”
She poured you both Prosecco, handing you your glass. “Thank you. I normally hate dressing up like this but I actually like this dress. Let me see yours in person, it looked so nice in the picture.”
You took your jacket off, revealing a simple but chic, black cami mini dress, that showed off your curves just perfectly. The chest was low-cut, displaying a healthy amount of your breast, but not enough for it to look tacky. It had an open slit to the side of your thigh, exposing some skin, but enough to look sexy. And if you were going to toot your own horn, yeah, you would say you looked good tonight.
“Yes. I love this! I won’t be surprised if you get one of the athletes trying to talk to you. You look fucking hot!” Daisy smiled.
“Pshh I wish. But here’s hoping.” You raised your glass as you took sip. “Anyways, I’m there for you, not the girls.”
In all honesty, you wasn’t too sure on what tonight was about, you knew the award was made by Daisy but you didn’t know what it was for exactly. Well that was a lie, you knew it was for women’s sports and their achievements, but that was about it. You didn’t know what sport it was for, well again you knew Daisy’s award was for football. Was there other sports there? Maybe? You just knew Daisy was there and a woman footballer was receiving it. For her achievements? Yeah, that’s sounds right. Either way you were there to support her, and that was something you knew you could do.
The car arrived, Daisy explained there would be a few faces you might recognise, well, not the sport faces, because you had no clue when it came to sport. You didn’t watch it, you didn’t know about it, you wasn’t into it. It just wasn’t your thing. The car pulled up to the event, there was loads of people walking into a fancy looking building, paparazzi was outside taking pictures of who you assumed was the star athletes.
You and Daisy walked quickly through the crowd, she wasn’t one for pictures and fuss. Even if this was one of her biggest events she had worked on, she didn’t care for it. You both had your VIP lanyards around your neck, the bouncers allowed you entry into the main area. You both got a drink and spoke to some of Daisys colleagues, some you had even met before.
Daisy was being pulled from pillar to post, you didn’t realise just how important the award was. The footballer who was receiving it must have been a big deal as her name was constantly being mentioned. Journalist was asking Daisy ‘how she felt about tonight?’ And ‘how she designed the award?’ ‘what her inspiration was for it?’ You loved watching her finally being recognised for her talent but it did mean you were left a lot, not that you minded. You walked around the room looking at displays of other awards, and the displays of other athletes that was being awarded.
As much as you tried your best to look interested, you had to have a quick glance at your phone, you know, you could be getting an important email from work. You scrolled over your insta feed, but that was just as boring, but a video of a cat playing the piano caught your attention. You didn’t feel the presence of person next you until she spoke.
“You look as bored as I feel.”
You jumped slightly at the new voice in your ear, you looked up to see a blonde woman now standing next you, she was looking at the award you had been standing next to for the better half of ten minutes.
She continued. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” That’s when you noticed a thick Spanish accent on her.
“No, you’re okay. I was just looking at work emails.”
That’s when you really looked at the stranger, she had beautiful hazel eyes, her dark eye shadow making them pop. Her smile was painted red, with full lips. She was wearing a black fitted suit, with a low cut travelling down her chest making it look like she had nothing on underneath. Her blonde hair was parted and down. She was just a bit taller than you, making you look up at her. Basically she was fit as fuck.
“Ahh sí, work emails.”
A mischievous smile spread across her face telling you she knew you wasn’t looking at no work email. She probably saw how engulfed you were at the stupid cat video. She glanced over you quickly, making you almost feel like you were revealing a body part that you didn’t know was out.
“Are you here for work?” She asked.
“Oh, erm no, I’m here with a friend.”
Her eyebrows raised, she took a quick glance around the room. “A friend? Why are they not with you?”
“She’s working, I’m here for support. Her cheerleader on the sideline.” You smiled.
“Ahh, I see. A cheerleader, where are your, how do you say? Pom poms?” She smiled playfully at you.
“Left them at home, didn’t want to upstage her.” You smiled back, taking a drink from your glass.
She laughed at your joke, the sound of her laugh made your stomach flutter.
“It’s a shame, I think it would have made tonight a bit more fun, no?” Her smile was playful as she winked at you.
You had only been talking no more than 5 minutes and you wanted to know everything about this woman. She took a sip from her own glass, taking a confident look down your body, her eyes lingering at your chest, but unlike a man it didn’t feel creepy. It was definitely wanted. You felt your cheeks burning up at the intense way she looked over you. It almost felt like she was undressing you with her hazel eyes.
Before you did willingly undress for the gorgeous women in front of you, you thought you should at least ask a question.
“Are you here for work?”
She smiled, she took another glance over you then around the room. “Sí, for work. But I got distracted.” This time her hazel eyes lingered on your mouth.
Did it send a cold shiver up your now hot body? Yes. But she didn’t need to know that.
“Hmm, you’re not very good at your job if you can be so easily distracted.” You said teasingly. You did your own eyeing up this time, you let your eyes roam her neck line that went down her chest. Her suit made her look powerful and in charge of any situation she was in. And by the looks on her face she was more than happy.
“Hmm, I don’t normally get distracted. But sometimes it’s hard not to be. Especially when I have someone like you I can talk to.”
This woman was oozing confidence, it was almost intimidating, but the playful smile on her face made you want to kiss it off.
“So, you could say I’ve already made your night more fun? Since you were soo bored.”
She laughed again. God, that sexy laugh of hers was so captivating. She stepped a little closer into your space. “Sí, I’m definitely enjoying myself now.”
Fuck, she was honestly the most gorgeous woman you had ever laid your eyes on. She took another glance over your body for good measure. You could have sworn your saw her pupils grow.
You was about to ask for her name, but another women’s voice came in to pop your bubble.
“Ale, et necessiten per a una entrevista ràpida.”
Your GCSE Spanish wasn’t able to translate what she said.
“Estic venint.” The blonde smiled at her Spanish friend. You didn’t think she could be any sexier until you heard her speak in her mother tongue. She looked at you, clearly seeing your confused but turned on expression.
“I have to go, you’ll be at the after party sí?”
You felt giddy, the women clearly wanted to know you as much as you did her.
“Yeah, I’ll be there. Might bring my pompoms.” You winked.
Her head tilted back as she laughed. “I can’t wait. Adéu, nena bonica.” She looked over you once more as she walked away with the other Spanish lady. You watched them walk out of them room, into the unknown.
You wasn’t sure what she said but you definitely liked it. You suddenly felt sad at the loss of the mystery woman. You looked around the room for Daisy, she was already looking at you from across the room, a massive smile on her face. She waved for you to come over.
You made your trip over to her, the smile on her face only got wider. You spoke before she could. “Sorry, got completely distracted. How’s it all going?”
Daisy looked at you, a weird expression on her face. “No, you’re good, was you having fun with your new friend?” She looked giddy.
“Erm, yeah I mean she was fucking hot. Did you see her?”
“Yeah, I saw. I didn’t want to interrupt.” She smiled, but her smile was weird. “Did you get her name?”
“No. I think her friend said it, but it was quick Spanish. Are we going to the drinks after?” You asked.
Daisy laughed, almost in disbelief. What was so funny?
“Yeah, we are. Did your friend ask if you were going?”
You smiled, almost bashful. “She did, but I’m here for you, an-“
Daisy put her hand up to your face, stopping you mid sentence. “Please understand I would never get in the way of you having a good time.” She chuckled. “I’ve watched you turn down plenty of girls on our nights out, just because it was our girls night.” She stopped to take a drink from her own glass. “Please don’t worry about me, have fun and don’t miss the opportunity with your new…friend.”
You smiled, you loved your friendship with Daisy it really was rare to have someone like her in your life.
“Thanks, D. Anyways, tell me the goss, whats happening?”
About 40 minutes later you sat down for the award show, you were next to Daisy, only two rows away from the front. She was right about seeing faces you recognised from the telly, but you had only been looking for one face in particular. You had seen her just before taking your seats, she had her Spanish friend following her around, that now come to think of it looked more like an assistant. And you would know, it was also your job.
The lights dimmed and a brunette woman came on stage, you assumed she was an athlete from her body alone. The voice over then came into action.
Voice over - Please welcome your host tonight, England’s Lioness, Lucy Bronze.
The whole room clapped and cheered, she must have been someone big, you knew the lionesses were for women’s football, and maybe if you thought hard enough you had seen Lucy Bronze in the news when they won the…..World cup? Or was it Championship? It was something big.
Awards were passed out and speeches were made. They showed clips of women and girls in different sports, and the challenges they faced around the world just to play sport. It made you realise how little you knew about the topic as a whole and women in sports, it actually made you a little embarrassed.
It was near the end of the show, Lucy came back on stage. “This next award is dedicated to one of the biggest names, in not only women’s football but footballs itself. She even rivals myself with her long list of achievements.” The audience laughed at that. “Please can you give a hand to my friend and my capitana, Alexia Putellas.”
You nudged Daisy. “This is your award!” You clapped even louder, she smiled at you, but once again her smile was weird, maybe she was excited? Or nervous? You clapped and watched the screen begin to play, like it did for each winer of the night, showing a short film of their story in their sport. It was actually a lot more interesting than you would have thought.
The short film started with a ball at a pair of legs, the ball was kicked straight into the back of a goal net, then it panned back to the women who kicked it. Your jaw opened comically, you couldn’t believe your eyes.
You felt Daisy laughing quietly next to you, you looked over at her, shock clear on your face. Was this a joke? You had been flirting with one of the greatest women’s football players? And she was flirting with you?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered harshly.
Daisy laughed even harder, you looked back at the screen, even though you wanted answers, you wanted to watch the movie of the women who had been eye fucking you. And once again you was impressed, the women had done so much in her career.
When the film was over, Lucy walked back to the podium, Daisy’s award now in front of her. Even though she mugged you off and didn’t tell you about Alexia you grabbed her hand and smiled at her, you were so proud of your best friend and her work.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Alexia Putellas.” The audience clapped louder than before. That’s when you saw her, she walked on stage, she hugged Lucy for a few seconds. She picked up her award and smiled.
“Thank you, thank you everyone. This award means a lot to me. It’s not just myself that wins this but all the women in my life that have helped me get to where I am today. So this is for them, thank you for being in my corner and being my cheerleader. Gràcies, thank you.”
You couldn’t stop the stupid smile on your face, did she really just say that? Maybe you were over thinking it, maybe she had already planned to say it and it was just coincidence? Maybe.
The audience clapped and whistled, including yourself. You grabbed Daisy for a hug, her art now belonged to one of the greatest football players in women’s football. Pshh, look at you, already learning a thing or two.
The awards came to an end, you and Daisy made your way to the other room for the after party. It was a bar with a dance floor, but it was dark like a night club, but still had an alogant bar vibe to it. You made your way to a table, as more people started to make their way in.
You sat down, Daisy was standing. “I’ll grab drinks, the usual?”
You smiled up at her. “Please, D.”
She walked over to the bar that was already busy, you looked around the room, trying to not make it too obvious but you were looking for a certain Spaniard. After a few minutes of looking you glanced over your phone, you looked on insta to see if your new friend had an account, your eyes nearly bulged out of your head when you saw she had 3.3 million followers. You really had to get into the world of women’s sport a bit more.
You scrolled looking at her posts, you may have lingered on one or two bikini posts, until someone sat across from you.
“Now, tell me why a pretty girl like you is sitting here all alone and not on the dance floor.” Her Irish accent was clear as day. She had a cheeky face. Like Alexia, her eyes roamed over your body, her eyes were full of mischief. Alexia’s eyes undressed you slowly, but these eyes were fucking you hard from behind, not that you minded.
“I’m waiting for my friend to come back. So no dancing for me.” You smiled. She wasn’t rude or annoying but for some reason you didn’t want Alexia to see you speaking with her. Or maybe you did?
“Oh, she won’t mind if I keep her seat warm for her then.” This girl was very cheeky, you would have loved it any other night, a girl like her would be easily going home with you, but you wasn’t going to full into her charm. She continued.
“I’m guessing you’re not here for the sports, I would definitely remember your face.”
You laughed. “No, not here for the sports, I’m supporting my friend.”
She nodded as she drank her bottle of beer. “Right, gotcha, gotcha.”
“Are you here for the sports?” You asked.
The Irish girl chuckled while she wiped her nose. “I am here for the sport, yeah. I’m a footballer, I play for Arsenal.”
Another football player? Was you their type or something?
“Ohh, sorry. I’m so bad with sports, I don’t have a clue who anyone is.”
She really laughed at that, taking another drink of her beer. “That’s no bother. Are you having a good time? These tings can be awfully boring.”
“I am, it’s not been too bad, meeting new people is always fun.”
She looked at you then, like Alexia she was confident but the mischievousness gave her a cockiness to her, in a sexy way, and if it wasn’t for your new friend you would fall right into her Irish charm, but the Spanish had got a hard hold of your attention.
“Yeah, well I’m having more fun now I’m talking to you.” She smirked at you.
But before you could say anything else a hand landed on your shoulder. You both looked up to see the star of the show.
“Hola, noia bonica. Where are your pom-poms?” She smiled down at you, once again her smile making your insides do somersaults.
You laughed out loud. “Sorry, I must have left them again.” She smiled at the sound of your laugh. She looked over at the Irish girl, who was watching the two of you interact.
“Sorry, I’m not interrupting anything am I? It’s Katie, isn’t it?” The Spaniard smiled down at the girl across from you, you could see the challenge in Alexia’s eyes, waiting for her to say otherwise.
“Yeah, Katie, that’s right. No, you’re grand. Was just getting to know your friend here. She was sat all alone, you don’t want that now, do ya?” She stood up. “But you’re here now. So I’ll let you get back to it.”
“Okay, it was nice to meet you, Katie.” The Spaniard smiled.
“And you Alexia, but it was really nice to meet you.” Katie nodded her head towards you. “Hopefully I can talk to you a little more later.” She smirked at you. “I can’t help it when I see a pretty girl, ya see.” She smirked at Alexia this time, almost like a warning. You felt like you were in the middle of an old western stand off between two cow girls. Was it hot? Fuck yeah! Two gorgeous girls fighting over you, what could be better than that?
You felt the hand on your shoulder tighten slightly. You heard Alexia hum, and smile politely but you could tell from her eyes she wasn’t really smiling. The Irish girl walked away, she winked at you before she disappeared into the crowd. You exhaled the breath you was holding in, looking up at Alexia who also looked a little calmer.
“May I sit?” Alexia motioned to the now vacant chair.
“Please do.”
She sat down, moving the chair a little closer to you.
“I guess congratulations are in order.” You said.
Alexia looked at you, a playful smile crossed her face, her serious demeanour from a few seconds ago completely gone. “Gràcias.”
“I have to say I was a little bit shocked when I saw you pop up on the screen.”
“Ahh yes, did you enjoy it?” She smiled at you almost hopeful.
“Yeah, it was alright.” You looked around pretending to not be fazed. A playful smile on your face.
She laughed, her head tilted back. “You loved it, don’t lie.” She nudged your knee with her own. She continued. “Where is this friend of yours? I’m starting to believe you don’t have any.”
You chuckled. “She’s at the bar, trying to get us a drink, but it’s a bit busy.” You glanced over at the bar.
Alexia looked over and tutted. “Well, if you’d like you and your friend could join me? I have a table, with table service.”
“Well aren’t you generous.” You teased.
“What can I say? I’m a generous girl. I like to give.” She bit her lip at her last words, and my god you nearly melted on the chair.
“Or are you just trying to hide me from a certain Irish girl?” Your smile was playful but also suggestive.
She shock her head, laughing at you. “What? No, I would never! But if it helps to not have all these girls after you, then sí.” She looked at you, almost like she was cautious of what she said.
But she had nothing to worry about, you liked it, you liked the thought of this gorgeous girl not wanting to share you with anyone, and she didn’t even know you.
You leaned in closer to her, you could smell her perfume. “Don’t worry, you have my attention. I’m yours, for now.”
Even in the dark lighting you could see your words had an effect on her, a devilish smirk appeared on her lips. “Mine? I like that.”
Your eyes glistened with mischief, you looked at the blonde’s hazel eyes, she looked like she wanted to take you where you sat.
“I thought you might.” You leaned in closer.
“Merda. You’re naughty. I also like that.” She bit her lip once more, her eyes didn’t move from your lips.
But your bubble was popped again, but this time it was Daisy with your drinks.
“Ahem. Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt.”
You both pulled away. And Daisy said you were bad with your timing, though you could tell by her face she didn’t mean to.
“Alexia, this is Da-“
“Hola Daisy! This is your friend?” Alexia looked between you.
“Hey Alexia, I’ve been wanting to say hi, but I saw you was busy most of the night.” Daisy handed you your drink.
“No, don’t apologise, I’m sorry I haven’t seen you! You’re the one who made my favourite award!” Alexia stood to hug Daisy. It made sense that they had met each other already, Daisy had told you at the pub that the footballer had requested for her specifically to make her award.
Daisy smiled. “I see you’ve met my plus one. I hope she’s keeping herself out of trouble.”
“Erm, I’m not trouble at all, it’s called being fun.” Your smile was playful.
“Sí, she’s no trouble. She’s been the most entertaining part of the event.”
That made you smile, and even Daisy too.
“I’m glad to hear it.” Your best friend laughed.
“I was just saying you two should come sit at my table, I have table service. I don’t want you to be up and down for drinks.”
“Ahh, how sweet of you. Thank you Ale.” Daisy said.
“It’s no problem, come let’s go. My tables just up here.”
Daisy spotted the table and walked, Alexia put her hand out for you to take. And you did, gladly. Her hands were large and strong. She pulled you up easily, she gestured for you to walk in front of her, and of course you made sure to sway your hips as you walked, clearly it’s what she wanted.
You got to the table, there was a few women already there all in their own conversations, One was Lucy, the presenter from earlier, who was in a deep conversation with another brunette woman, who had beautiful doe like eyes. Alexia introduced you all, she explained, that they were her team mates for Barcelona.
“Hey guys, big fan!” Daisy smiled, you could see even in the dark room her cheeks were slightly red.
But before you could sit down someone was shouting for Daisy. “Daisy! Daisy! I have Claude asking for you!”
Daisy turned around to see one of her work colleagues, panic on her face. “The Claude?”
“Yes! Come on.” Her colleague looked panicked but excited.
Daisy looked over at you, a slight panic of what to do.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t want to leave it’s ju-.”
You put your hand up to stop her. “Don’t even finish that line, go and do what you need to do, Daisy. I’m absolutely fine. Go graft girl.”
Alexia then jumped in. “Don’t worry, I’ll look after her Daisy, I promise.”
Your best friend smiled, and squeezed your hand. “Okay, I might be gone a while, if you decide to leave just text me, and please, please tell me you’re home.” She leaned in closer. “Or someone’s going else’s home.” She winked at you, thinking no one heard but by Alexia’s smile she definitely heard.
She continued. “Ale, thank you again for the invitation. We’ll keep in touch, and please look after this one.”
Alexia put her arm around your waist. “I will, don’t worry.”
Daisy gave you a quick hug. “Thank you for coming tonight, have fun and be safe.” Before you could reply she ran over to her colleague, who looked liked they were about to pass out.
You looked over at Alexia, she was pouring two glasses of champagne. She handed you one, making sure to let her fingers linger. She held up her drink for a toast. “To keeping out of trouble.”
You laughed loudly, you clinked your glass and drank the bubbly drink.
You couldn’t help but notice how fucking hot every one of the teammates were, how had you not got into women’s football before? You may have caught a few eyes raking over you, and Alexia definitely did to, if sitting between you and her team mates was anything to go by.
She leaned in close like she did before. “So, how do I still not know the name of the girl that’s distracted me from work?” She purred.
“Hmm, I think your mind was in other places before asking.” You teased and took a swig of your drink.
“You’re right, how rude of me. Let’s start again. I’m Alexia.” She put her hand out for you to take.
You took her hand and smiled. “Nice to meet you Alexia. My names, Y/N.”
She raised your hand to her lips, she kissed the back of your hand, her eyes locked with yours as she did. Fuck, she was smooth.
She repeated your name softly. “I like that name, I like the way it sounds.”
“I like the way it rolls off your tongue.” You were being bold.
She chuckled. “I can do a lot with my tongue.” But she was bolder.
And yeah, your pussy woke up from that.
You spent the next half an hour in your own bubble once again. You both flirted hard but she also asked what you did for work, she explained some bits of her football career that you had seen on her short film. You noticed though she wanted to talk more about you and your life, you didn’t mind, she probably was bored of having to talk about herself tonight.
Even though you were both close to taking off each other’s clothes, you wanted to know more about the Spaniard. She wasn’t like many girls you spoke to, she was confident, charming and witty, but there was also a sense of vulnerability. Though right now her body language was screaming to have you closer. Those same eyes that was undressing you earlier was full of desire, it was almost like she could see exactly how you looked while she fucked you. And you definitely wanted that to be a reality.
But that dahm bubble was popped again.
Alexia’s assistant had appeared, wincing a smile at you both. “Ale, perdó. Algunes preguntes ràpides per a la premsa anglesa.”
Alexia nodded. “Sorry, I just have to do this, I won’t be too long. You’ll be ok, sí?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll be okay. You assured her.
She clearly didn’t want to leave you, all of the girls were now on the dance floor, so you’d be alone, clearly not what she wanted.
“Really, go. I’ll stay out of trouble.” You smiled playfully at her.
“Hmm, why do I not believe you.” She chuckled as she slowly walked away.
You watched as she went with her assistant. You went on your phone and sipped on your drink. But just like Alexia had worried you wasn’t alone for long.
“Hola, may I join you?”
You looked up to see another stunning woman, her arms were covered in tattoos, causing your eyes to roam her body. Something she didn’t miss from the smile on her face.
“Oh yeah, sure.”
“Are you here with someone?” She picked up the bottle from the bucket on the table and poured herself a glass, but not without topping up your own glass. You watched as her tattooed fingers wrapped around yours. You had to admit the Spanish girls had such confidence when it came to flirting.
“I’m here with my friend, she’s about but not sure where.” You smiled.
“Ah, just friend? That’s why she doesn’t mind leaving you.”
You were confused. “What do you mean?”
She sat down next to you, right where Alexia sat. “Well, she’s your friend, she doesn’t mind if you talk with others, sí? Because if you were more then my friend, I wouldn’t leave you alone, not with all these girls here.”
“Ohh I see, but what if I have a girlfriend at home?” You challenged playfully.
She drank her drink and shrugged. “She’s at home.” She smiled wickedly at you.
Fuck. These girls were keeping you on your toes.
“My names Mapi.” She put her hand out to shake yours, and as you went to take it a perfect pair of red lips printed on your skin caught yours and Mapi’s eyes.
“Ahh, I’m not the first to talk to you tonight.” She smirked.
You didn’t even realise Alexia had left lipstick on your skin, it sent shivers up your spine, it made you feel like she had already made a statement to mark you as hers.
“I’m Y/N. You’re not the first. ” You smiled.
She continued. “So, your friend. Is she a footballer?” Just like Alexia and Katie, Mapi roamed her eyes up your body, taking in your curves. She smiled as she caught your eyes.
Of course you didn’t mind, if you were going to have anyone look at you in that way you wanted the likes of these girls looking at you. The women’s gaze was the only gaze you wanted. Like Katie, there was no question that you would have had Mapi in your bed tonight. But unfortunately for her you had your eyes set on another Spaniard. Even if she was making it a little difficult for you.
“No, she’s not an athlete, she designed one of the awards.” You took a sip of your drink.
She nodded her head. “Ohh I see, that’s cool.”
“I’m guessing you’re a footballer?” You had a feeling you knew what she was going to say.
She leaned back, displaying a hard six pack, she put her arm over the back of your seat, making her look even more attractive.
“Sí I play for Barcelona. Do you watch football?”
You had to hold back your laugh, of course she played for Barcelona. “I don’t, but I think after tonight I will.”
She laughed, she sat even closer to you, her woody perfume took over your senses. She whispered in your ear. “If you want I can be your first taster.”
Wow, football girls were officially your new type, but before you could respond and politely decline, you heard a voice.
“És clar que hauria de ser tu, Mapi.”
Mapi backed up from you instantly on hearing her captain’s voice. “Què? ella està amb tu?”
Alexia smiled at you. “Sí, però gràcies per fer-li companyia.”
Mapi moved even further from you, putting her her hands up in defence. It might be silly but it was hot to see Alexia once again being jealous over a girl talking to you.
“Ho sento. Ella està calenta. Què puc dir?”
Mapi stood up this time, she drank her drink and looked over at you smirking.
“This is why you shouldn’t be left alone, girls like me come along. Have a good night, noia sexy.”
You chuckled. “It was nice to meet you, Mapi.”
The Spaniard walked closer to Alexia. “Déu meu, tens molta sort. Ella és molt calenta.”
Alexia smiled devilishly at you, her eyes staring straight into yours, it sent a shiver down your spine. It might have been the first time she intimidated you, not that you hated it.
Mapi smiled one last time at you before heading back into the dance floor. Leaving the two of you alone.
Alexia walked over to you, like a lion to its kill. She sat down where Mapi sat. “I leave you for five minutes and you already have another girl on you. You definitely can’t stay out of trouble.” She purred.
“Sorry, it must be a footballer thing.” You teased.
“You’ve had six girls after you, and that’s just from the ones that I know about. Including myself.” She almost sounded annoyed.
“Six?” You questioned.
“Sí, I had three other girls ask about you. But I said you were with me.”
You raised your eyebrows at the blonde, if there was one thing that turned you on about a girl, it was their possessiveness, to a degree of course. But with Alexia it felt like you were in control, she was the one fighting for you and she didn’t even know your last name, you could easily leave tonight without saying another word to her.
Not that you were ever going to do that.
She continued. “Sorry, if it’s too much, you did say you were mine tonight, no?” She smirked at you, she knew you were loving this, she could read you like an open book.
You leaned into her ear, your lips grazed her skin just slightly. “Prove it. Make me yours.”
You almost thought you had said the wrong thing then. Alexia stared at you with a look you couldn’t put your finger on, until she leaned over to your face, her lips inches from yours.
“You might regret that.”
Even the butterflies in your stomach were turned on at this point, this woman was the definition of all your sex dreams. You could feel your body needing her, and she could feel it to.
She continued. “I have a driver outside.”
You didn’t need to hear anything else, you stood up looking at Alexia, she didn’t miss a beat. She grabbed your hand and headed straight to the exit. Within minutes you were in the back of a fancy blacked out Mercedes.
“Can we go to my hotel please.”
“Yes, Ms Putellas.” The driver replied. A blacked out window glided up between you and the driver, giving you and Alexia privacy.
You looked over at the blonde, her hungry eyes were already scanning your body, you had a feeling this girl was going to wreck you. Her eyes caught you own, a devious smile crept on her lips, making your pussy flutter.
“So, you’re all mine?”
“All yours.”
Her lips were on yours in seconds, the kiss was rough and messy, you tried to dominate the kiss but you didn’t try too hard. Not when Alexia was kissing you the way she was, she licked her tongue over your lips, wanting entry and you gave it to her easily.
And wow she could kiss, it might sound silly but her kisses felt different to an English girl, it was like her tongue had more control over its movements. Though, you had heard before that Spanish girls were one of the best for giving head, it was something to do with their tongues, the way they moved it when they spoke. Maybe you’d be able to put it to the test.
You groaned in pleasure as she kissed you deeper, her hands snaked into your hair, pulling you impossibly closer. You pulled back for air, but she only pulled you back again, wanting your mouth on hers. You could tell she was as desperate for you as you was her, she let out a small moan as you pressed your tongue into her mouth.
Her red lipstick had all but disappeared by the time you got to her hotel.
You hadn’t realised how nice of a hotel it was when you entered. Her room was over looking the Thames and most of London’s skyline, making the room glow from the city’s lights.
You walked towards the window looking over the city, it was always one of your favourite views at night. Other than a naked woman in your bed.
That’s when you felt the Spaniard move your hair gently to one side, her hot lips pressed against the back of your neck. She hummed into you, making your skin cover in goosebumps. She smiled into the kiss, she obviously felt what she was doing to you. You whimpered as she kept her mouth working on you, her hands gripping your waist.
You were on cloud nine, Alexia’s mouth and body pressed up against you like this made the city lights look blurry. She moved your body around to face her, she leaned closer into you, her hazel eyes roamed your face, landing on your lips. Even in the dark her eyes glowed like gold, her eyes reminded you of a cat hunting at night. The atmosphere changed from fast and quick to soft and sensual.
“Can I get you anything? A drink? Tea?” She smiled.
“No thanks, just want you.”
She hummed. “What do you want from me?”
“To fuck me. Do what you want with me.”
“Merda.” She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She must have liked what you said as you were suddenly being picked up like a rag doll, like you was nothing. Your legs wrapped around her waist as she walked you to the bedroom. Your back hit the wooden door as you entered her room, she was on your neck with her sweet mouth, kissing you, her hips pressing you hard against the door.
“What can’t I do?” She whispered.
“I’ll tell you if it’s too much.” You rasped
“Any safe words?” She kissed your lips.
“Red, yellow and green?”
“Sí.” She husked.
“Same for you?”
“Sí, the same for me.”
You were thrown on the bed, your back hitting the mattress, once again you couldn’t believe the strength of the girl in front of you. She climbed on top of you, her lips attacking your neck, she had already worked out it was your sweet spot, making you moan as her lips sucked and licked on your skin. She was definitely making a mark, and normally you wouldn’t have it, you wouldn’t walk around with a love bite on show, but with Alexia you wanted it. You wanted to look in the mirror and remember it was her that gave it to you. That claimed you.
Her hand stroked up your thigh, pushing the slit of your dress up, inching higher to where you needed her. You were wet, you could feel your thong becoming drenched, you could feel your skin sticking to the thin fabric. Her hips pushed into you, she was clearly finding her self composure hard to control. Her fingers traced over your sensitive skin, between your thighs, teasing you, maybe even teasing herself.
“Please.” You whispered.
“Please what?” She smiled as she kissed down your chest.
“Please, I need you.”
“Hmm, you need me?” She purred.
“Yes.” Your voice was desperate.
“How much?” She started to move your straps of your dress down your shoulders, revealing your black laced bra.
“Since I saw you.” Your voice almost broken as she attached her lips to the top of your breast.
“Hmm, that’s a long time. You must be desperate?”
“I a- am. Fuck!” Your voice strained as she attached her mouth to your perked nipple. You didn’t even notice she had opened your bra, she had taken advantage of the front clasp. Thank god for front clasps.
Her mouth was perfect, she sucked and bit on your nipple, making you groan, your hand tangled in her blonde hair. She bit at your flesh, then sucked again to soothe the pleasurable pain. The noise you let out was loud, she smiled up at you, clearly enjoying her view.
“You’re loud. I like that.”
You couldn’t form words, you groaned and tugged gently at her hair as she moved to your other nipple. One of her hands were still in between yours thighs, slowly tracing her fingers up and down your sensitive skin. She was driving you mad, and she knew it. Her hips relentlessly pushed into your core, making you moan again and again.
“Please, Alexia.” You felt like you could have cried, you were that desperate. Your pussy was aching, needing something. Needing her.
You felt her chuckle into your skin, her fingers finally, but just barely touched the fabric over your pussy.
“Merda, estàs molt mullat.” She rasped.
You didn’t have a clue what she was saying but fuck, did it make you wet. She could be calling you every name under the sun and you didn’t care. As long as she was saying it.
“Is this all for me?” She began to sit up.
“Yes.” You nodded your head, you couldn’t help but wonder how desperate you must have looked. “All for you.”
“You really are trouble, aren’t you?”
“Only if you want me to be.” God this girl was making you a mess, you was putty in her hand and she hadn’t even touched you.
She watched you as she started to remove her jacket, her smile never leaving her face. You sat up at the end of the bed, you helped pull the arms down, and you were right, she was completely naked underneath. All night she had been walking around with nothing on, she clearly had a lot of trust in the jacket.
Her full breast was now on show, you let out an appreciative sigh. She was fucking gorgeous. You kissed her tight stomach, you watched as her muscles flexed from your mouth. Her hands stroked into your hair, sending a shiver down your spine. You kissed and licked at her beautiful olive skin, kissing up to the line of where her trousers sat. You looked up at her, bitting your lip asking for permission.
She nodded, watching you like a hawk. You popped open the button and slowly pulled her zip down, revealing more skin, and the start of her red laced thongs. Before you could pull her trousers down she cupped your chin, making you face her. She gently ran her thumb over your bottom lip.
“You’re so beautiful. So many girls wanted you tonight, so many eyes were on you. But you chose to be with me. I am very lucky.”
You felt yourself blush, one minute she had you begging to be fucked, now she had you going red and shy.
“You had eyes on you too, I saw the way people looked at you.”
She smiled then, but it wasn’t her normal smile you had seen all night, it almost looked a little sad. But you didn’t have time to question it, she shuffled out of her trousers letting them hit the floor. She stood you up, pulling your dress over your head, you were both now only in your underwear.
You moved your mouth to her breast, and sucked on her sensitive nipple. You heard her suck in a breath, her hands going straight to your hair. You gave her breast the attention that they deserved, sucking, biting and kissing on the blushed coloured flesh. She groaned softly, her eyes were closed enjoying the sensation of your mouth. You let go of the flesh with a loud popping sound. Letting your lips rub against her.
She opened her eyes, the golden hazel colour you had seen earlier had now nearly disappeared. She pushed you on the bed once more. Your thongs were being pulled down your thighs, you both saw the wetness attached to the fabric, the smile on her face turned devilish.
“You’re mine, sí?”
“Yes. All yours.”
She climbed on top of you, peppering kisses down your body, it felt like she kissed every possible bit of flesh on your body. Then she was in between your legs. Her teeth sunk into your thighs, making you whimper. She soothed the red mark with her tongue, kissing and licking.
Then finally, her tongue licked through your very wet folds. You wasn’t sure who groaned louder. Her tongue licked through you again, and again and again, until she was in a rhythm. What you heard about Spanish girls was right, it was a whole different sensation. She dipped her tongue into your cunt, making you groan, your hands grabbed her head, pushing her deeper as she fucked you with her tongue.
“Alexiaaa! Fuck!”
She glided her tongue up to your clit, wrapping her full lips around your bundle of nerves. And fuck, you were already close. But who could blame you? She’d worked your body up to the point of tears. She sucked and licked at your sensitive flesh, your hands were still in her hair, moving her how you wanted her. Not that you needed to do much, she knew what she was doing, her mouth was perfect. Your eyes closed as you started feeling your orgasm approaching, your stomach tightening, feeling the warmth glide over your body.
“I’m close, please don’t stop.”
But she did. She moved her mouth away from you, you could see your juices all over her chin and lips, she looked breathtaking.
“Nooo! I was so cl-.”
Then you felt her fingers at your entrance. She thrusted two fingers into you, cutting off your words. You let out a deep throaty moan, as her thick fingers began to thrust into you.
“Not until I say you can.”
Fuck, she really was the girl of your dreams.
You nodded, wanting to be good for her. You couldn’t help but find it a little worrying at how easy it was for Alexia to see right though you. How easy she could get you begging, denying your orgasm, leaving marks all over your body and you had only met her a couple of hours ago. And you thought you were in control?
“Bona noia.” She whispered.
She began to thrust deeper, her fingers pushing against your soft flesh, pushing your body to control what it desperately needed. You couldn’t stop the moans slipping out of your mouth, her fingers were talented, just like her mouth. You watched her strong arm flex at her movements.
“You will take my dick. Sí?”
She had a strap? This girl was made in heaven.
“Yes, yes.” You cried.
“Good. You want to come like this?”
“Your mouth and fingers. Please!.” You begged.
She chuckled deeply. She leaned back down and attached her lips to your clit again, making you scream. She hummed against your core, your hand tangled in her hair as you felt your climax approaching. You looked down to see those golden hazel eyes staring at you. You pushed your hips into her mouth, grinding her tongue on your swollen clit. Her fingers were relentless, your thighs started to shake, your fingers pulled at her hair, pushing her closer to your sex. You came hard, Alexia’s name rolling off your tongue as your body shuddered.
She stayed there, well she had to, you didn’t let her go. You thrusted your hips, taking every bit of her tongue. She lapped up your ever flowing juices, slurping and swallowing, making you gasp and whimper. You finally let go of her hair, but she didn’t move, she traced her tongue all over your pussy, kissing and sucking. Her strong hands kept your hips down, not able to move.
“Ale… fuck. Alexia, baby, please.” You gently gasped.
She didn’t move, she was in her own world, tasting you, eating your cunt like it was her last meal. You groaned gently, letting her take what she wanted from you. You could feel another orgasm already building back up. She finally stopped, she must have felt your body tensing, she wasn’t going to let you come again that quickly.
“You taste so good baby.”
She kissed your thighs as she climbed up to your face, kissing you gently. You groaned at tasting yourself on her tongue, her smile once again making your stomach flutter.
Alexia jumped off the bed, you tried to catch your breath as you watched her rummage around in her suitcase. You pushed yourself on your elbows, watching the Spaniard attaching her harness, a 7 inch dildo sat between her strong thighs.
“So, do you always carry your harness around?” You teased.
She chuckled. “Sí, it’s my travel harness.”
You laughed loud, this girl was ridiculous.
She continued. “Are you complaining? I can take this off?”
You shock your head, eyes wide. “No. Sorry.”
She smirked, she turned back around in her suit case and pulled out a black tie.
“I think I might have to tie you up, you’ve been trouble all night.”
You nodded, you put your hands in front of you for her to tie. You could feel your pussy throbbing again. She stepped in front of you, her dick inches from your body.
“Uh-ah, hands behind your back baby.” Her tone was soft.
You stood up, turning around to allow her to tie your wrist. She ever so gently bounded your hands together, it was tight, you couldn’t get I out of it if even if you tried. Your breathing picked up, you could feel your legs shaken in anticipation.
She moved your hair to the side like she did before, her lips gently kissed up your neck, her mouth was close to your ear.
“If it’s too much, tell me baby. I’ll stop straight away. Okay?”
You nodded. “Okay, thank you. I’m green.”
She continued to kiss your neck, her hands snaked up to your breast squeezing gently. You groaned from her touch, as her large hands roamed your breast.
“M'encanten els sorolls que fas.” She whispered.
“Fuck, Ale.”
“Yes, baby?” Her lips were hot on your skin driving you mad.
“I love it when you speak to me like that.”
“In Catalan? You like it?” She purred.
“Yes.” Your hips moved backwards.
She chuckled at your lack of patience. “Ets la meva bona noia.”
You groaned again, your hips pushed back, hitting her dick on your arse.
“Get on your knees and show me what your pretty mouth can do.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You turned around to stand in front of her and dropped to your knees, you took the tip of her dick in your mouth and sucked.
Her hands were in your hair instantly. You pushed your mouth further on the length of her dick, swallowing her inch by inch. You pulled back to catch your breath, you could feel yourself becoming wet all over again. You looked up at the Spaniard, she looked as wrecked as you felt, you could see was clenching her jaw, her eyes were full of lust.
“You look so good.” She whispered.
You took a deep breath as you took her back into your mouth. She groaned looking down at you, she watched your mouth take her more than half way. She gently pushed your head to take more of her, but you began to choke. You pulled back again, tears began to prick at your face.
“Take a deep breath baby, relax your throat.” She stroked your cheek, she looked deep in your eyes, almost lovingly. You would have laughed if her dick wasn’t shoved in your mouth, the girl could switch up her tone so easily.
You nodded, you took another deep breath and slowly took her in again, you felt her hand at the back of your head, guiding you further down her dick. You got past the halfway point, you could feel the tip of her dick touching the back of your tongue. A single tear fell from your eye as you pushed yourself. Her hand was still on your head, she pushed her dick slowly but firmly into the back of your throat, your nose just touching her stomach.
“That’s it baby, just like that. You’re doing so good.” She rasped.
You pulled back slightly, then slowly took her back in your throat, her hands tightening in your hair. Spit started to drip from your mouth, as you kept sucking on her dick. She started to gently move her hips in time with your movements, pushing herself further down your throat. It made you gag, but she kept her hand on your head.
“Breathe, baby. Breathe. You’re doing so good.”
And you did, you calmed your breathing and pushed on her dick. A few more tears trickled down your cheeks. She thrusted her hips again, slowly and gently, never taking her eyes off of you.
“You look so beautiful on your knees for me. If only all those girls could see you now, taking me like this.” She groaned.
You moaned at her words, you loved a girl that spoke to you during sex, it turned you on to no end. And her accent only made it that much hotter. Your pussy was throbbing, aching to be touched again, but you wanted so badly to please Alexia.
Her hips started to pick up pace, her thick dick sliding in and out of your throat. You could hear her breathing becoming shallow. She easily took control over your movements, not that you had any real choice, your hands tied behind your back put you under her complete control. And you loved it.
“Tal qual, Tal qual. Sí.” She groaned. “So good.”
Your wet slurping noise filled the room, spit dribbled down your mouth and on to the floor. The strap was hitting Alexia perfectly on her clit, she had been turned on as much as you so she wasn’t far from her own orgasm.
“Merdaa. Your mouth is perfect. Just take a little more baby.”
And you did, Alexia fucked your throat until her legs started to tremble. Her moaning got louder, you could tell she found that sweet spot as her hips thrusted faster, You pushed yourself as hard as you could, as she used your mouth to reach her own orgasm. She was mumbling a mixture of Catalan and English as she was tipping over the edge.
“Estic venint! I’m coming!” She pushed your head down the whole length of her dick as she came. Your nose was pressed against her hard stomach as she rutted against the base of her strap.
“Merda, merda.” She whispered, she pulled your head back gently, just as you began to choke.
“Oh Déu meu, I can’t feel my legs, you were so good baby. Are you okay?” She rasped, her hands stroked your face so gently. You breathed hard, trying to catch your breath, tears streaming down your face as you coughed.
“Y-yeah. I’m good.” You panted. Smiling up at the blonde.
“You were so good for me. Come.” She picked you up to your feet easily. She kissed your swollen lips gently. “Colour?”
“Green.” You husked.
“Okay, are your arms okay?” She wiped away your tears, smiling at you.
You nodded. “Yeah.” You felt your stomach flutter.
“Good, I want to fuck you from behind, like this. Is that oka-“
“Yes, yes. It’s okay. Please. Do it, please.” Fuck, she had officially wrecked you.
Alexia’s eyebrows raised in shock, she started to smirk. “She’s still desperate, that’s okay. I’ll fix that.”
She turned you around facing the bed, you felt her hand gently push your body down to lay. Your arms were still tied behind your back, once again you were under Alexia’s control. You couldn’t believe tonight had turned into this, you had only gone to out support your best friend and now was about to be railed by the girl of your dreams. Best. Night. Ever.
She moved your body to how she wanted you. The side of your face was pressed into the mattress, and your arse was in the air, you were lined up perfectly to her dick. She stroked her hand down your back, looking at the beautiful site in front of her. She could see you was dripping. Your thighs were wet.
“You are perfect.” She stroked her fingers through your folds, making you whimper.
She didn’t want to wait around anymore, she’d pictured you in many different ways tonight, and finally she was living her dreams.
She pushed the head of her dick slowly into you, and it was thick. Her hands grabbed hold of your waist, you both gasped as she pushed the rest of herself inside, making you stretch. She began to roll her hips, already loving the small noises you were making for her. In this position she had full control over you. And like the submissive little bitch that you were, you loved it.
“Fuck, you take me so well. Look at you. You’re mine, Sí?”
“Yes!” You cried.
Her hips began to thrust at a hard pace, making you cry out. Her hips were strong, the noises of her skin slapping your skin was erotic. The room was drowning in your whimpers and moans as the Spaniard fucked you like she owned you. And that’s exactly what she was doing, you’d told her you was hers tonight, she was fucking you like you was hers.
“You’re mine? Tell me.” She demanded.
“Y-yes. I’m y-yours. Yours.” You struggled to speak.
Your mumbles were incoherent, you were seeing stars as her hips kept up a relentless pace. You wasn’t going to come like this, you could feel your orgasm teetering but you needed your clit to be touched.
“Alexia, please. Touch me.”
“Not yet baby, we come together.” She panted out.
You wanted to argue but you were scared she would deny your orgasm completely. So you kept quite and took what she gave you, it wasn’t like you wasn’t loving her fucking you like this. However, you didn’t take in to consideration the stamina this girl possessed. You had been with many different types of girls, but never a footballer, not a professional athlete. And my god she made your body work. She had you going like this for another 20 minutes.
And those 20 minutes were heaven and hell. Your body was going limp, sweat ran down your back as she thrusted into you. You felt her strong hand squeezeyour arse cheeks, guiding you up and down on her dick, moving you around like her own personal sex toy. Your clit was crying out to be touched. But, finally, by the sounds of her breathing and moaning she sounded close herself. Her nails dug into your skin as she pushed herself against the strap, the pressure was just right as she rubbed her clit against the base, causing her to go deeper inside your core.
“Take it baby, take it.” She groaned.
Your eyes rolled at the back of your head. She moved her fingers on to your clit, she hardly needed to touch you before your body started to jerk. Her fingers rubbed beautifully at your bundle of nerves, making you plead for her to not stop.
“I love the way you beg. It drives me crazy. Come for me, you’ve been so good.” Alexia panted.
An animalistic cry escaped your mouth as your orgasm hit you. Your pussy pulsated hard around her dick, and Alexia didn’t stop, she thrusted her hips deep, pulling your tight walls, making you almost pass out. And she was right behind you, her orgasm took over her body, she leaned forward, grabbing the back of your neck, pushing your face into the mattress. Her hips roughly doubled down her pace. The air in your lungs was being forced out from her sheer strength.
A deep, rumble like moan escaped her lips, as she came. Her hips slowed down to a stop. She gently pulled out of you, you cried out as you felt the warmth of her body leaving you.
“You’re so perfect. Merda.”
You felt her untie your hands, she helped you guide them forward, knowing they would be a little stiff now. You moaned from the ache in your muscles, you could just about move your arms. Your wrists were red, that was definitely going to leave a mark for a while. Another mark to remember her by. You felt her guide you on your back, it nearly took your breath away how fucking good she looked, her face was flushed, her hair a little bit of a mess and her smile was dopey.
“You okay? What’s your colour?”
“I’m green, green everywhere.” You laughed quietly. “Your colour?” Even though she was mostly the one in control you still wanted to make sure she was okay.
She smiled, she looked surprised to be asked. “I’m green, thank you, cariño. I’m going to run a bath.” She was gone all of a sudden. It made you suddenly realise you were in Alexia’s room, in her space, in her way. You felt a little dazed, you stood up on shaky legs, you were looking around for your clothes, trying to get out of the girls way.
Alexia came back into the room, she watched you a little confused. “What are you doing?”
You jumped, suddenly feeling a lot more shy. “Oh sorry, I don’t want to be in your way.”
She stepped closed to you. A serious expression on her face. “I don’t want you to leave. You can if you want to. But I want you to stay, relax your body in the bath, you will be sore.” She smirked.
You felt a little calmer, her eyes were watching you for any indication of what you were thinking. She must have realised you were overthinking it all. She continued. “Please, I don’t fuck girls and kick them out. Let me look after you.” She kissed the back of your hands, never taking her eyes off of you.
You nodded, your hands crept up her neck, pulling her closer towards you. She closed the gap with her lips attached to your own. It was slow and sensual, it was what you needed after the sex you just had. She picked you up, again the strength of this girl was unbelievable. She walked you to the bathroom, putting you on the cabinet side, you squealed from the cold service on your cheeks.
“Sorry baby.” She genuinely looked sorry.
“No it’s okay. I can take it.”
That made her smile. “Hmm, I saw from tonight that you can take a lot.” She purred in your ear.
She had made you a bubble bath, you felt almost a little embarrassed at how you felt earlier, trying to rush out. Though sometimes being fucked from an inch of your life could bring up emotions like that, that’s clearly why she was doing this for you. She understood.
She helped you get in, it was perfect. You laid back and relaxed, allowing the hot water to relax your muscles. She left you to be alone for about 10 minutes, until you needed her again. It scared you, you were feeling a little too attached to a girl you hadn’t even known a day.
She came in, a beautiful smile on her face, she looked a little tired. It made you think about her leaving for tomorrow. Would you ever see her again? She stroked your hair back behind your ear. Kissing your forehead. She helped you out of the bath, and into the room, she helped you to dry your body, her lips kissing your back. Making you gasp. She laid you on the bed, sleep was taking over your body, you then heard what sounded like a shower and then sleep took you for the night.
You woke the next morning to a hot kisses on your back, you almost forgot where you were until you could hear Alexia hum against your skin. Her lips were all over your back, making you moan, it was the best kind of way to wake up, well, that was until she guided you on your back.
“Good morning. I hope you don’t mind but, I really want to taste you.”
She stared up at you as she kissed your stomach. Your sleepy daze hadn’t left you yet, your arms ached from last night. But my god there was no way you’d say no to this.
You nodded your head. “Please.” Your morning voice was rougher then normal, you was desperate for this women all over again.
She was between your legs in seconds, she was just as desperate as you, she sucked and licked on your clit until you came twice for her. Your tired hips gently fucked her face, your hands twisted in her hair, pushing her head against you as you came on her tongue. You felt her moan, as she swallowed your juices. Now that was a way to wake up.
You looked down at her beautiful morning face, her eyes were still sleepy, her smile was a little dazed. God this girl was beautiful.
“Let me please.” You whispered. You hadn’t got to taste the gorgeous woman in front of you yet, it felt criminal that you hadn’t had your mouth on her.
You could see even in her sleepy haze that she wanted it too but that vulnerable side you saw last night had creeped back up. She climbed up your body and laid next to you, for the first time she looked nervous, you wanted to make sure she knew she was wanted.
“You look so beautiful, Ale.” You kissed her lips gently.
You kissed her neck, sucking on parts of her skin that made her squirm. The roles seemed to have reversed this morning, she was the one submitting to you, her whimpers and moans made your head spin. You lowered yourself between her legs, she was dripping.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, Ale. All for me?” She nodded, her lips between her teeth. “Sí.”
You didn’t wait around, you dipped your tongue through her velvety folds, her juices covered your tongue as you finally got to taste her. You had wondered what she tasted like the majority of the night, wondered what she would sound like while you sucked on her clit. And it was better than anything you could have imagined. She was perfect, she was your new favourite flavour.
You lapped up at her wet cunt, stroking and gliding your tongue through her sensitive flesh. Making sure to miss her clit, you just wanted to stay there all day, listen to her make those sweet noises. It was the first time you were really getting to hear her, she’d only grunted and moaned last night, but now you got to really hear her. You were shocked at how delicate she sounded, how desperate she was, the sounds you were dragging out of her made your head spin. It was a complete 360 from her confident, dominant self. Maybe that’s why she looked so nervous.
You felt her fingers glide into your hair, pulling at your scalp.
“Please stop teasing. Please.”
You stopped your movements. “What was that baby?”
She whined. “Please, I need you.”
“You need me?” You quickly licked her clit. Her body jolted, her body was more wound up than you thought.
“Sí. I need you.”
Another lick. She gasped.
“Hmm, are you mine?”
“Sí. I’m yours. Please.”
Well, that was easier than you would have liked. So you kissed her clit, wanting to tease her. She cried out, she pulled your hair to try and get you where she needed you, and you didn’t want to tease her no more, not when she looked close to tears.
You wrapped your lips around her bundle of nerves and sucked. Her back arched of the mattress as she fucked your face, her hands pulled your closer to her sex. Once again you were under her control, but you really didn’t mind, as long as she came in your mouth that’s all you cared about.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Her legs were shaken, her high pitched whines became loud, you was certain the people either side of you could hear her.
“Merda!” She pushed your head down, keeping you where she needed you as she came in your mouth. Her juices gushed in your mouth, her hands in your hair didn’t allow you to move. You swallowed every drop as she snaked her hips slowly, feeling your skilful tongue. She breathed hard as she let go, you looked up to see her chest rising and falling. She felt like she had been to heaven and back.
“Wow, I don’t know if I known English anymore.” She chuckled, her hand over her face. You could see her cheeks were flushed.
You crawled up to her face, kissing her deeply, she moaned as both your flavours blended in your tongues. You spent another half an hour cuddled up in her sheets, you traced your fingers on her tattoos, you wondered what they stood for. Your bubble of bliss was interrupted when her phone alarm went off.
She groaned, turning off the noise. You suddenly felt dread, you knew what that meant. You had to leave, and get on with your life and she went back to Barcelona. You felt like you were loosing something you never even had. Someone you met less then 24 hours ago who suddenly felt like someone whose side you never wanted to leave.
“I have to get ready for my flight.” She sounded sad, maybe even angry. She turned around and kissed your cheek. You both got ready to leave. It was quiet between you, the atmosphere had changed from fast and hungry to, silent and sad.
Suddenly she was behind you, her warm body pressed against your back. She whispered in your ear. “Would you visit?”
“In Barcelona? Yes.” You whispered back.
She pulled you closer, her lips back on your neck.
“You promise?”
“You’re mine?”
“Fuck, yes.”
She had you pressed up against the wall, her fingers pressed against your clit, as she gave you your third orgasm of the morning. You told her you was hers throughout.
She arranged for a taxi to pick you up. You were in your dress from the night before, you clearly looked like were doing the walk of shame. She pulled out a thick cream Nike jumper from her suitcase and started to pull it over your head. Your senses were surrounded by her smell. It made you feel warm and soft inside. Fuck.
She walked down with you to the taxi, you felt a mix of emotions, you wanted nothing more than to stay with this girl, but you were from two different worlds. You didn’t regret last night but the feelings that had come with it were maddening, you’d been with girls like this before, but there was something different about Alexia. And she felt it to.
She pulled you in for hug, she kissed your lips with so much passion, you could feel the emotion behind it. She pulled back, holding your face in her large hands. She looked you in your eyes, her hazel orbs searched your face.
“My cheerleader.” She chuckled.
You laughed out loud, making the Spaniard smile. Fuck this was hard. She pulled the hoody over your head and pressed another kiss to your mouth.
“Goodbye, cariño.”
“Bye, Alexia.”
She watched you get in the back of the cab, and closed the door behind you. The car started to pull away, you watched as she stood there, watching you drive away. She stayed until you turned the corner.
And she was gone.
I hope you liked it, I very much enjoyed writing it. I’ve used Google for the translation, so apologies for anything being wrong! This a one shot for now, but will add to it later.
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tbmunson · 1 year
Escape - Gareth Emerson x Reader pt.2
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Summary: You attend Corroded Coffin's practice and feelings are confessed.
Warnings: Talks about diet, talks about absentee parents... A little steam but not much, yet.
Word Count: 5,619
Notes: Honestly this is less slow burn than I intended, but we're not there yet. Thank you guys for your patience in my writing. I'm a perfectionist and I like to make sure everything is done right
Taglist: @depressedacidtest @nana90azevedo @alanamarie @lizzziekatt and of course @ashes-writing Bestie you are the love of my life. Thank you so much for always being there and helping me. You're amazing.
1 / 2 / 3
Once you’d gotten up to your room last night you did as you promised and called Gareth. Though it had been a short conversation, you learned a little more about him, like he actually enjoyed watching his sisters and he volunteers to watch them on Friday’s because, and you quote, “I’m their best friend, they don’t need some random teen that doesn’t know or care about them to watch them.” That line made you smile a little.
Gareth picked up on how much you enjoyed watching his sisters too and that made it harder to convince himself that you were too opposite and it would never work. Once he hung the phone up by the kitchen door he went up to his room to get ready for bed. His eyes went immediately to the pile of clothes at the end of his bed. More specifically, the pale pink bra. He stood frozen in the doorway of the room, just looking at it. Many thoughts raced through his head, the most prominent being you’d been in his shirt without a bra on for the last hour and a half, as if his previous fantasy needed anymore fuel. He let out a shaky breath and stepped over to the heap, debating on what to do with it. The perv in his brain told him to pick it up, keep it, and never give it back. You left it after all. The rational part told him to fold your shirt, put it in his chair, and hide the bra under it so he wasn’t tempted to let the perv part win.
He went with the second option, although the feeling of the silk and lace between his fingers had the perv side going insane. He still put the bra into the folded cotton and went to bed.
Gareth was woken by the sound of knocking on his bedroom door. He knew his parents took his sisters to Lori’s gymnastics competition in Indianapolis so he wasn’t sure who it could be. “Yeah?” He called out, which was answered by the door swinging open and a smug looking Eddie walking in.
“How was your date, Emerson?” He quirked a brow as he walked across the room to sit in the chair.
“Whoa! Don’t sit there!” Gareth jumped up and made it over to the chair to move your clothes from it.
“I sit on your clothes all the time in that chair.” Eddie rolled his eyes at his friend and finally sat down.
Gareth settled at the end of his bed and held the neatly folded fabric up. “Not mine.”
Eddie’s brows raised but what dropped his jaw was the bra falling out of the cotton. “Dude! Did you guys..?”
Gareth scrambled and grabbed the item in question before shoving it under his comforter. “No! No, we didn’t. She uh, she helped give the girls a bath and got splashed. I gave her one of my shirts.” And he knew he shouldn’t have said it because as soon as the words left his mouth Eddie’s face split into the biggest grin Gareth had ever seen.
“You gave her the Crue shirt, didn’t you?”
Gareth turned so red that he was practically glowing like the neon signs around town.
“Didn’t you?” Eddie prodded, leaning closer with the most shit-eating grin he’d ever had.
“Stop talking, Ed.”
“I knew it!” Eddie yelled as he pointed and pushed himself back into the chair excitedly, his boot clad feet stomping the floor repeatedly.
“Fuck off. Where are Jeff and Grant? Aren’t we supposed to be practicing?” Gareth stood and walked over to his closet.
“We’re supposed to be practicing at 12. It’s 11.” Eddie pointed to the alarm clock on his side table.
Gareth groaned and flopped back onto the bed. “Then why are you here?”
“Gareth, I'm nosy. And more than that, I like to prove I’m right. I told a certain someone we were practicing today and that she should come by.”
As if on cue the doorbell rang, signaling someone’s arrival.
“I hate you.” Gareth grumbled, getting out of bed again. He opened the door and just about had to pick his jaw up from the floor.
You stood there in the shirt he’d given you last night, only now there was a knot tied in it just above your belly button. You’d paired it with a pair of jean shorts that were cut dangerously high and a pair of white sneakers. What caught his attention the most was the red plaid bandana wrapped around your head to keep the baby hairs that fell out of your bun at bay. It was the same red plaid of his battle vest. “Morning, sleepy head.” You smiled, lightly glossed lips shining in the sun.
“Morning.” He replied almost breathlessly.
Eddie came up behind him and smirked. “Nice shirt, short stuff.”
You beamed and looked down. “Thanks. Gareth let me borrow it. My mom won’t let me have one because Crue is ‘unholy’ or some shit.”
Gareth couldn’t see your eyes roll due to the sunglasses on your face, but he knew they had by the tone in your voice. “You actually listen to them?” He was surprised to say the least.
“There’s a lot that you don’t know about me. I’m more than short skirts and pom poms.” You reached out and patted his chest as you stepped into the house, brushing your body with his as you did so.
Gareth tried, he really did, to keep himself at bay. He was unsuccessful. “I need to go shower. Eddie, entertain, please.” He was pleading, which gave Eddie an ungodly amount of satisfaction.
“Yeah, of course.” Eddie’s face was taken over by a shit-eating grin.
Gareth groaned and walked away. He regretted giving you the shirt and even more so, asking Eddie to hang out with you because who knew what he was going to say.
“Eddie, what am I doing here so early? He obviously just woke up.” You asked as you settled onto the sofa.
Eddie shrugged, sprawling himself over the recliner. “Figured I’d give you two some extra time together. Get to know each other more, for the project, of course.”
You knew he was lying, or at least not telling you the full truth. You thought about calling him out on it, but you also didn’t want to be wrong, let alone have Gareth hear that you liked him. “Thanks, buddy.” You replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
The two of you sat silent for no more than a minute before you spoke again.
“Can we smoke later?”
“The Princess of Hawkins partakes in the devil’s tobacco?” Eddie raised a brow at you, honestly stunned at the request.
You laughed and shook your head. “Never have, but I think it’ll be fun. I hear it lets your true self out and I kind of want a reason to get some heavy shit off of my chest.”
“Gonna let your secrets spill, Princess?”
“I don’t have secrets, just things not everyone knows.” You replied, picking at your nails before looking up to Eddie’s smirking face. “Grow up Munson. You’re not right about everything, okay?”
“But I’m right about this.” He replied, pushing himself to stand so he could walk into the kitchen. “Can I get you a drink?”
You rolled your eyes and got up to follow him. “You’re smug, you know that?”
He laughed as he grabbed two cups from the cabinet. “I can afford to be smug, Sweetheart.”
“Just don’t say anything else about it.” You rested your elbows on the counter and watched Eddie scoop the ice into the cups.
“So, I’m right and I can’t say anything about it.” He pretended to think hard about it before speaking again. “Fine, but you're both stupid and blind.”
“You really know how to make a woman swoon, don’t you Munson.” You pushed off of the counter and grabbed one of the cups. “It’ll happen if and when it’s supposed to. Don’t meddle in it.”
“I won’t, but it’s so obvious, just so you know.”
“What’s obvious?” Gareth walked into the kitchen scrubbing his head with a faded blue towel.
Eddie glanced at you before looking at Gareth. “The Princess's crush.”
“Munson.” You glared at him, eyes squinted in a way that dared him to say another word.
Gareth nodded and walked through to drop the towel in the laundry room, leaving you to glare at Eddie until he returned. “Well, that’s her business.”
“See!” You more or less yelled, glad Gareth wasn’t going to press for details.
Eddie rolled his eyes and jumped up on the counter as he mumbled something about “blind and delusional” under his breath.
It was your turn, again, to roll your eyes.
Gareth walked back out and rested against the counter as he looked between the two of you. “Well it looks like you two had a great time. Scowling is usually a good sign right?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, frown turning up into a smile and eyes lighting up. “Yeah, absolutely. He just thinks he’s right all the time.”
“Oh, I know exactly what you mean, Doll.” Gareth chuckled, sending you a smile that made you melt.
Before anything else could be said the front door swung open and the two other members of Hawkins most metal band walked in.
“My men! We ready to get started?” Eddie asked, drawing all of the attention to himself.
Grant and Jeff share a confused look which made you laugh a little. It was obvious that they hadn’t expected you to be sitting on the kitchen island with Gareth leaning next to you.
Gareth, who gained bravery by his friends' presence, pushed himself up and rested his hand on your thigh. “Ready?” He asked, giving it a quick squeeze.
You swallowed down the whimper you wanted to let out and nodded.
Gareth gave you another squeeze before offering you a hand to help you down, which you took before mumbling a small “Thank you” to him. He rested his hand on the small of your back to lead you to the detached garage where their practice was held. “There’s a couch if you wanna sit.” He nodded to the old floral couch that had no doubt been in the house previously.
“Thanks, Gare.” You smiled as you stepped away from him. You settled onto the couch as he and the boys took their places to start practice. You watched Gareth twirl the drumstick in his hand and subconsciously squeezed your thighs together, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Eddie.
“So I think we can start with the cover of Live Wire. Yeah?” Eddie looked around as the boys nodded in response.
You loved that song, it was the one you played and danced to alone every time your parents were out. You bobbed your head and mouthed the words along with Eddie but your eyes stayed on Gareth, watching the sweat glisten off of his cheeks and nose and how his hair bounced as he headbanged along.
Gareth felt your eyes on him the whole time which encouraged him to do his best to impress you, making this one of the best practices they’d had in a while.
Once practice was over and they started packing up Eddie watched Gareth walk over to the couch, pick your feet up and sit with your feet in his lap. Gareth rested his hand on your shin, rubbing his thumb over the smooth skin. “I think you’re our good luck charm, Princess. These fools haven’t made it through a practice without a fuck up in weeks.” Eddie smirked, carefully carrying his guitar case out of the garage.
“I’d be happy to watch you guys anytime.” You replied before turning your attention to Gareth. “You were amazing, Gare. Watching you is fun, the way you get so into it. Like nothing else matters. That’s passion.” You wanted to tell him how attractive it was, but you held off on that for the moment.
“Thanks. I love it. It gets the emotions I don’t know how to express out in the open somehow.” He squeezed your leg, something you could get used to for sure.
You giggled and sat up to scoot closer with your legs still over his lap. “That’s really deep. I’m glad you have a way to express everything on the inside. It gives me an idea for our project.”
“Yeah? What’s that?” He reached over with his other hand and tucked a loose hair behind your ear.
“Well, I think most people are going to just do something that shows the other person. I think we should do ours to show we’re the same, but we present differently. Like on the outside you’re this scary metal head that’s into the dark and scary stuff and doesn’t care about anything but on the inside you’re sweet and funny and caring. And I’m the opposite. On the outside I’m all sunshine and rainbows and happiness but on the inside I like all the same dark and scary stuff you do. So I propose that we do paintings. Mine for you would be dark around the edges and as it fades into the middle it gets lighter and happier. And yours for me is the opposite. I’ll be all dark on the inside but it gets lighter and brighter as you go out.” You explained, waving your hands and changing your face in ways that Gareth thought was absolutely adorable.
“That sounds really great. We could do actual rainbows for the color and fade it all into each other and use the whole scale from lighter pastel shades to the darker ones.” He replied, hand resting on the side of your thigh close to your knee, far enough down to be respectful.
You squealed and threw your arms around him. “That’s genius. I was thinking we would just use our favorite colors but that gives it so much more depth! Like every color provokes an emotion and no one feels the same all the time. I just know ours is going to be the best.” You hadn’t even realized that in the process of hugging him you had drug yourself more into his lap, in turn making his hand slide up your thigh. When you did realize it, you made no move to separate or create any kind of distance.
Gareth didn’t either, he instead looped his free arm around your back to keep you close. “You’re the genius, Doll. You came up with the idea, I just built on it.”
You looked up at him and smiled before resting your head on his shoulder. “Stop it. I’m not good at taking compliments.” You mumbled before hiding your face in his neck.
He chuckled and rested his head on yours. “Hey, the truth is the truth.” It’s all he could think to say that wasn’t over stepping any imaginary boundaries that might be set.
The two of you were so wrapped up in each other that you didn’t notice Natalie’s car driving by or the way she was watching you cuddle up to Gareth. But Eddie noticed. And he watched her drive by, flipping her off when she noticed him. 
“Well, Princess, looks like your cheer buddies are gonna hate you on Monday.” He stated as he walked into the garage, seeing what Natalie must have seen to cause the twisted look on her face.
You lifted your head and dragged one of your arms from around Gareth’s neck. “Fuck ‘em. There’s five weeks left in the school year and I’ll never see those uppity bitches again.” You replied with yet another roll of your eyes. It was one of the habits you’d picked up from the cheer team and the only one you didn’t mind. Attitude could be a great asset.
“Whoa, Princess, those are some really mean words. Didn’t know you were so angry.” Eddie teased lightly.
“I’m just sick of being told what I can and can’t do. Who I can and can’t hang out with.” You sighed, resting your head once again on Gareth’s shoulder.
“You don’t have to be anything you don’t want to be, Doll.” He pulled you the rest of the way into his lap and held you as the other two members joined you in the garage.
“What’s the plan for the rest of the day?” Jeff asked, stuffing his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.
“My parents will be getting home with the girls soon. They’re gonna throw a fit to show me the routines so I’m stuck here. You guys are welcome to stay and hang though.” Gareth said, resting his chin on your head. The scent of your shampoo was intoxicating to him.
Grant and Jeff shared a look. 
“Yeah I think we’ll go hit up the mall for a little bit and come back later. You coming, Ed?” Grant asked as Jeff fished the car keys from his pocket.
“Yeah, but we’ll come back for Princess’s first smoke sesh tonight.” Eddie said as he reached out to flip the hoop in your ear.
You raised your hand and flipped him off, which caused Gareth to laugh a little.
“Sounds good.” Gareth then looked down at you. “You staying or going?”
“I’ll stay. I’d love to see the girls and we can start on the project since we have an idea.” You replied with a smile before turning your attention to the other guys. “You guys are really great, by the way. Like I know the people I hang out with are assholes to you so I’m thankful you didn’t just write me off with them.”
“You don’t have to worry about that. You stopped them from coming after us more times than we can count. We knew you weren’t like them.” Jeff said, twirling the keys around his finger.
“Yeah, you hung with who you did for survival. It’s not like you were the one chasing the freshmen down in your car.” Grant stated, which caught your attention.
“I’m sorry, what? Who chased them down in their car?”
The guys shared a look, one that said he probably shouldn’t have said that. “Jason, Andy, and I think Tiffany and Natalie were in Jason’s Jeep last week and the freshmen were biking home.”
You nodded, deep in thought about what exactly you would say come Monday morning practice. None of it was pretty.
“I think on that note, we’re gonna head out.” Eddie clapped his hand over Grant’s shoulder and the three of them walked off towards Jeff’s car.
“You didn’t tell me about that.” You said softly, turning to look at Gareth.
“I know, but the kids didn’t want anyone to know. It hasn’t happened again, and if it had I promise I would have told you. The kids were embarrassed, I think.”
You nodded and moved to stand, only Gareth’s grip on your hips tightened and he pulled you back down, making you giggle a bit. ”Gare, we gotta go get the painting stuff.”
His arms wrapped around you, keeping you pressed to him. “I know, but this is really comfortable.”
You couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, Eddie had been right. Maybe Gareth did like you. Maybe it would be okay that you liked him. You laughed when he buried his face into your neck and relaxed into him.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, thoughts buzzing around your heads about the other.
You ran your hand down his arm before you slipped your fingers through his. “You know once the girls get here we aren’t going to be able to go.” You hummed into his ear as you squeezed his hand in yours.
“I know. They’re gonna take you away from me.” He mumbled into your neck. He felt the way your lips morphed into a smile against his ear. “But I bet you like them more, huh? It’s not like you cut up my food for me last night.” He teased, snuggling into you a bit more.
His voice vibrated against the sensitive part of your neck causing you to sucks in a fast breath, which he didn’t miss. “I would have fed it to you if you'd have asked.” You moved so your lips were against his ear. “I’d do anything if you asked.” You smiled, hoping more now than ever that Eddie was right and not just saying it.
Gareth picked his head up and looked down at you. “All I have to do is ask, hm?”
You nodded and opened your mouth to reply, only to be cut off by the sound of a car coming into the driveway. “Well, looks like we missed our opportunity for a quick escape.” You chuckled, moving just enough to get off of his lap and settle next to him. You didn’t miss the pout on his face when you moved.
He laughed at the joke and watched the girls run from the car, yelling about how Lori’s team won their division and showing off her sash.
“Ooh! You look fancy with that, girly. Why don’t you show me your favorite trick!” You beamed at them.
Lori took her sash off and handed it to you before showing you back walkover.
“Wow! That was perfect, baby doll! What about you, lil bit? Are you in gymnastics?”
Clara perked up at her new nickname and nodded before she did a cartwheel.
“You guys are so good. You’re way better than I was at that age.” You smiled as they climbed onto the couch.
Gareth watched you with pure adoration.
“Can you do tricks?” Clara asked, looking up from her spot on your leg.
You smiled and tucked a loose hair behind her ear. “I actually can. I do gymnastics on Mondays and Wednesdays after school. It helps with cheerleading.” You replied, watching the girls' faces light up.
“Can you show us something? Please!” Lori asked, latching onto your hand.
As much as you would have loved to, the jean shorts you were wearing were so tight, you thought you wouldn’t be able to move properly. “I can’t right now because I’m not wearing the right clothes, baby doll. But when Gareth and I get back from the supply store, I’ll show you a few things. I promise.” You held up your pinky to her.
She wrapped hers around yours and smiled. “Okay!”
Gareth slipped his hand behind your back and rubbed his thumb up and down the exposed skin between the shirt and your shorts. “Why don’t you guys let us go ahead and go so we can come back faster? Huh?”
“Okay bubby!” Clara said, sliding down from your lap and reaching out for her sister's hand, which Lori took.
“We’ll see you guys in a little bit!” You called after the girls as they made their way inside.
Gareth, against his better judgment, wrapped his arms around you and settled his chin onto your shoulder. “You’re so great with them. They love you.” He said in a low voice that sent chills down your body, which he noticed and smirked at.
“I love them too. They’re the sweetest kids.” You replied, resting your hand on his.
“I love them, but I can’t wait to have my own, you know?” His hand subconsciously rested on your stomach for a moment as he pulled his hands back.
You watched him stand up, lost for words for a moment as images of Gareth and your kids playing in the yard swam through your head. “You want a big family?” You asked, taking his hand that was waiting.
He nodded, letting you pull yourself up. “Yeah, four or five, maybe more. There’s just something about taking care of another person, showing them how to be people that gets me.” He looked down at you, a soft smile on his face. “What about you?”
You nodded, resting your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself up. “Yeah, I want a huge family and a job so I’ll always be around. My parents are always gone on business and I never get to see them.” You explain, with a bit of a somber look.
“You’re going to be an amazing mother one day. Any kid would be lucky to have you, Doll.” Gareth instinctively wrapped his arms around your body and rocked you a bit.
You buried your face into his neck and fought the urge to kiss the skin under your lips. “Thanks, Gare.” You slowly pulled away from him and smiled. “You ready to go?” You asked as you gripped his hand in yours.
“Yeah, Doll. Let’s go.”
Once the two of you finished gathering the supplies you decided to go back to your place to paint since it would be quiet.
“So, the spare office is my studio. Upstairs, end of the hall to the left.” You said as you opened the door. “I’ll grab us some snacks and bring them up.” You smiled as he looked around.
“I’ll go get set up. See you in a bit.” He almost stepped up to kiss the top of your head, but he caught himself. He went up the stairs and into the room you’d directed him to. Paintings and drawings hung around the room. He took time looking at each one, stopping on a pencil drawing of him. He smiled, knowing that you’d looked at him long enough to draw him.
You made your way into the room with a tray of small sandwiches, grapes, and a sleeve of Oreos. “It’s probably not the best combo, but it makes my brain work.” You followed his eyes and blushed. “Oh, um…”
Gareth turned and smiled at you. “It’s really good. When did you do it?” He reached out and took the tray for you.
“Last year, chemistry. I finished an exam early and the way the light was hitting you was perfect. I’m sorry if that’s creepy.” You cringed a bit, clutching the Oreos tighter.
“It looks great. You got my good angle.” He said, looking over at you.
“Thank you.” Your voice was small, timid.
“What’s wrong?” He stepped over and put his hands on your upper arms.
You scanned the floor and shrugged. “I guess I’m just not used to people telling me my art looks good. When I was a kid I’d show my parents and their response was usually ‘That’s nice honey.’ and then they would go back to whatever they were doing. It’s just different I guess?” You explained, bringing your eyes to finally meet his. “Plus, I don’t want you to think I’m some weirdo for drawing you.”
Gareth couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped at your last comment. “I’m flattered you decided to draw me. You have a real talent for this stuff, Doll. You just have to find the right people to appreciate it.”
You smiled up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Thank you.” Everything inside of you was telling you to kiss him, but you stopped yourself.
“Any time, sweet thing.” He couldn’t have stayed like that for hours, your body pressed against his, your scent lingering around him.
“C’mon, let's get started on these canvases.” You smiled as you hesitantly pulled back.
He nodded and let go of you to empty the bags filled with tubes of paint, brushes, and palettes.
“Do you mind if I put on some music? It helps me focus.” You looked over at him from next to the small stereo.
“Yeah, go ahead.” He was organizing the tubes so that it matched the color wheel, making it easier to grab what was needed. He was a little shocked when Quiet Riot started playing through the speaker. “She just keeps getting better and better.” He mumbled as he watched you bob your head to the beat as you began setting up the canvases on easels.
“Come on, feel the noise. Girls, rock your boys. We’ll get wild wild wild.” You sang under your breath as you measured the canvas, looking for the exact middle. When you marked it, you worked your way around making lines that lead from the middle to the edge, to make sure the brush stroked wouldn’t look wonky and crooked. When the lines were done you grabbed an Oreo and marked where the colors would fade into one another and transition from darker to lighter.
Gareth sat back and watched you, deciding that he would marry you on the spot if you would have asked. The focus on your face, the attention to detail, the mumbling of one of his favorite bands, even the Oreo that was between your lips and you figured your next mark, it was all driving him crazy in the best way.
“Do you want me to mark yours too?” You asked, peering over at him to see him leaned against the desk with his arms folded over his chest, eyes on you.
“Uh, yeah, if you want. It’ll probably be better, like if we want them the same, you know?” He was nervous that you’d just caught him staring, you didn’t seem to mind as you agreed and went to work on the second canvas, following the marks from your own.
Once you’d finished you walked over to the desk and grabbed one of the sandwiches. “Lunch break, then we’ll get started.
Gareth chucked and grabbed one of his own. “Good, I thought you were just going to have Oreo’s for lunch.”
You laughed and shrugged. “Wouldn’t have been the first time. My diet isn’t the best.” You replied with a smile.
“Mine either. Honestly, last night was going to be pizza, not that Benny’s is any healthier, but that’s on you.” He joked, making you roll your eyes.
“Fine, next time I’ll bring salad and water.” You replied with a teasing smile.
Next time. You wanted there to be a next time. “You can bring whatever you want as long as you come back.” He replied before popping a grape into his mouth.
“I’ll come back anytime you want me to.” You don’t know what made you brave enough to say it. Maybe it was the fact that it was just the two of you, or maybe it was because you were tired of keeping your feelings at bay and you just wanted to know how he felt.
“You could live there if you wanted to, I wouldn’t mind. I know the girls wouldn’t either.” He reached over and grabbed your hand, which you took and let him pull you close.
“You mean that?”
“Yeah, Doll. Can I be honest with you?”
You nodded and looked up at him.
“I like you. A lot. I have for a really long time. I’m sorry if that makes this weird.”  He looked down at your hands that were intertwined with his.
You smiled and let go of his hands, which scared him until he felt your hands on the side of his face. “Thank god. I was gonna go crazy if you didn’t feel the same way.”
His eyes darted up, looking at you, trying to figure out if this was some joke. “Are you serious?”
You rolled your eyes and pulled him to you. “I’m serious.” You whispered, your lips brushing over his.
He grabbed your hips and pressed his lips to yours, savoring the feeling of the kiss along with your hands slipping down his neck and around him, bringing him closer to you.
You felt his tongue lick across your bottom lip, prompting you to open your mouth at the same time his hands slid around your hips and settled into the back pockets of your jean shorts. You whined into his mouth when he squeezed the fat of your ass.
He pressed kisses down your jaw and onto your neck before latching on at the base and leaving a mark that wouldn’t be easily hidden.
“What are you doing?” You asked, words coming out in a rushed breath.
“Making sure everyone knows your mine.” He answered as he pulled back to examine the mark.
You reached up and smiled when your fingers slid over the tinder part. “I thought they would get it when they saw me kissing you in the halls, but I can go for this too.” You giggled, letting that hang drop down to his chest, the other arm was still hooked behind his neck.
“Yeah? So you wanna be my girl, officially?” His hands migrated from your pockets to your sides, thumb running over the exposed skin. 
You nodded and moved to stand on your tiptoes to give his nose a kiss. “Yeah, I do. I always have.” You replied.
“Honestly, I didn’t think that I’d thank Mr. Greely for anything, but I think he deserves a gift or something.” Gareth stated, taking your hand from his chest and slipping his fingers between yours.
“Yeah, I think he does.” You smiled, laughing as Gareth used his hold on your hand to spin you around. “What are you doing?”
“Just seeing what my girl looks like all the way around.” He answered, scanning over you with a satisfied smile.
“Your girl. I like the way that sounds.” Your hand rested on his hip and your eyes flickered between him and your hand. “We would get started, yeah?”
Gareth nodded, mouth gaping open. He was shocked when you pulled away and walked over to the canvas. “Oh, right. Yeah. Let’s do… that.” He took a few deep breaths and followed you to his so you could explain your vision for the pieces.
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cybrpwup · 1 year
ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴋɪꜱꜱ || ʙɪɢᴛ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tanner x reader !!
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warnings; none summary; Tanner is a big flirt Requested?; Yes ! ↳ could you write a big t fluff imagine where he constantly flirts with the shy!fem!reader? maybe w prompts 15 and 18!
"That one's easy, definitely Yumi" you say confidently,"No way, it's gotta be Nick" Larry replies laughing and gets a scoff in reply from Nick. "Tanner, we all know it's you"
You were participating in last to leave vc with the group; talking about anything and everything in your sleep deprived brains. You had recently moved into their house. The call had ended up being a talk about who is a virgin out of all of you.
You shifted, clutching a pillow under your chin, as Isaac wheezes while an argument ensues. Nick mutters something that sounds like a string of curse words, too tired to make a full sentence, "hmm actually I'm changing my answer. Definitely Tanner" you chuckle and Tanner glares at his camera."Y/n, if we're really being honest you're the biggest virgin I've ever met" Tanner says and you roll your eyes at the male."Am not" The two of you bicker for a while with the other's chiming in.
By this time someone notices Larry is snoring, "No way hes sleeping,"
You didn't know how long you'd been sitting in your chair and you groan uncomfortably. You yawn, growing tired."Alright, who hasn't had their first kiss yet?" Tanner asks and chuckles. "we're back on this topic?" Isaac sighs "Well I've never actually.... had mine" You mutter under your breath barely audible."What? Speak up Y/N" Tanner says teasingly. You knew full well he heard, but just wanted to make fun of you, "yea Y/n, what was that you said?" Yumi laughs, saying in a higher-pitched voice. "Jeez, you're both so annoying. I said I've never had my first kiss. Happy now?" You're glad the lights are out and no one can see your face."Yes, very" He goes silent for a minute before breaking the silence, he leans into his mic talking low, "I could fix that," he says all of a sudden, sounding smug. It takes a minute to process what he'd said and when you do, you feel your face flush a shade of red. You know he jokes like this all the time, but it stills makes your heartbeat spike."Don't get all embarrassed it's not like I meant anything by it, I just.. nevermind forget I said anything" Tanner says, losing his confidence and you regain your composure."No no I mean it's just a kiss... I didn't mean to-" you catch yourself before you start rambling on and on, "Yea sure," you say looking down at your hands. You just said yes to him being your first kiss.
By now everybody was making jokes about your interaction even getting a "get a room." From Grunk and "Stop flirting." You could never tell if Tanner liked you or not, you flirted a lot and he always acted like he was interested in you, but he was never clear about his feelings towards you.
you looked at yourself in your webcam, the dark circles under your eyes had only gotten darker from the last time you'd checked. As tired as you were, you couldn't sleep, you were determined to win and didn't know if you have time to sleep tonight again if this continued on. An exaggerated sigh escaped your lips, " 'm so sleeepyy." you groaned, attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes."someone tuck poor y/n in so she can sleep." Isaac taunted followed by his own laugh. "if you leave the vc I will too and we can cuddle." Tanner batted his eyelashes at you and pouted his lip. "are you trying to flirt with me?" You joked"Yeah, is it working?" He whispered into his mic like you'd be the only one who could hear him. "You're so dumb..." You pulled your pillow in front of your face so only your eyes were peaking out, "but yes, it's working."
You're sitting in your room, resting on your bed and staring at the ceiling. Last to leave vc was over and everyone was either sleeping or down in the kitchen. You huff as you get up, thinking about what Tanner had said and before you can even think you're in front of his door. Your knuckles rap softly against the door and it doesn't take long for the door to open, "Hi." You blurt out, your hands fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, "Shut the door on my face if this is done, but I can't stop thinking about..you know," You couldn't look him in the eyes and they stayed on the floor. "are you sure?" He laughs and you nod, surprised by his voice "ok I was just joking I didn't think you'd actually say yes, alright it's just a kiss don't be too nervous...just do what feels right I guess" he had a slight red tint on his face which didn't make you feel any more confidentThe taller male lead you into his room and you took a spot on his bed.it would be an understatement to say you liked Tanner, you were hopelessly in love with him, you couldn't seem to act normal around him ever. You stare at him not sure what to do, he grabs the sides of your face with one of his hands and leans in just hovering in front of you; even in a sitting position it seemed like he towered over you.His breath was warm on your face. He gave you one last time to back out but if anyone was gonna give you your first kiss you'd be more than glad to have it be Tanner.Finally, your lips locked together and your lips seemed to move on their own, seeming to know exactly what to do. Your hand moved to the back of his head playing with the loose strands that hung at the back of his neck. He pulled away all too soon and you could see a smirk playing on his lips."That was.. nice" was all you could mutter out, you still didn't want to let go of him and you both stayed staring at each other for a bit, his eyes mesmerizing you. He gives you a heart-stopping smile and you lean in again, kissing him more passionately and more confident this time. When you separate for air you finally let go of him, with a grin playing on your face.You only then realize the hand on your back, running up and down. "I like you, Tanner." it seemed to have slipped right through your lips, but it was too late to take it back, "which I feel like it was obvious now that I say it out loud. . ." "Y/n, it was anything but obvious. You give out like so many mixed signals. I don't think you've ever even tried to flirt with me." Tanner laughed, shifting his body to place your legs over his thighs; your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck to hold you up, "I was always flirting with you." You say defensively and he raises an eyebrow to that, "What? when did that ever happen?" Your eyes shifted to the ceiling, "I mean I looked at you... and you sometimes looked back..."
"We should try to sleep now" you suggest, still blushing and your gaze still locked onto him "Yea," Tanner says, smiling down at you with that stupid smile that you fell in love with.
Tanner stands up and you follow him to the door. He grabs your chin and leans in again kissing you lightly on the cheek "Goodnight, Y/n" he says whispering into your ear before opening the door and letting you step out. "Goodnight," you say giving him one last kiss. He closes the door and you walk back to your room. As you lay in bed your head is full of thoughts about Tanner and you fall asleep with a giddy smile on your face
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daisychainsandbowties · 8 months
Idk, I just don't see Shin being 30 years old??? Ivanna Sakhno is 25, & Shin gives off even younger vibes. If she's in her early or mid 20s, she still would've been a kid during the height of the Empire & a teen when it collapsed, so there's plenty of angsty backstory to mine. Though as far as how an age gap plays out with Wolfwren... well, older women are sexy, yes? ;)
see this is the thing about characters who don’t get to have a childhood. i’m obsessed with the idea that shin hati is in her twenties, somewhere, but she behaves like a much younger person. part of it is the darkside, how it drives you and you end up lacking the composure of most jedi. how the spitting bright anger makes shin so violently luminous, untethered and lost and therefore childish.
because, in the same vein i think that sabine doesn’t feel settled into her life. there she stands, at the end of a war that really wasn’t supposed to end before she did. rebels all little self-sacrificial lambs who don’t know how to exist when they’re not clawing for every breath of air.
everything sabine cared, fought for, for has shattered around her. she won and lost it all.
her best friend is gone, things with ketsu are too complicated, always too many sharp edges for her to hold. and she’s just… stuck. watches her family die on mandalore and then loses her one chance at being something - a jedi, because she is no longer a rebel. not a traitor to her people but still not truly mandilorian. sabine with her boxes of keepsakes, her mother’s hairpin, the pain of death clutched to her chest and that promise she made to ezra to find him again. rotting inside her.
and i picture shin having been made a padawan around the same age as anakin skywalker. both of them too old too broken for it but. nowhere else to go. chosen to be better, stronger. beaten into the shape of destiny, ambition, want want want want
shin rescued, made important, but it was already too late for her not to be scarred by her life and yeah. for sure it can’t have been good, or soft, or safe. you don’t hand a kyber crystal to a child and watch her turn it red unless she’s seen and experienced terrible things.
but i also imagine that she was isolated in those years with baylan - it’s why she’s so taken with sabine!! because here is an equal to her, finally. it’s why she’s at first so smug and then so angry about winning. this blunt creature is the padawan of ahsoka tano?? how dare she be? so like, why not have her be late twenties and just messy messy messy? same as sabine who just… never was a child. first a soldier a weaponsmith and then at FOURTEEN she was a traitor, she watched her weapon kill her own people and she ran, became a bounty hunter. sabine who is young because when you lose your childhood you claw it back in later days. you never escape from the wreckage.
it really speaks to me, actually; they’re the same sort of thing that always washes up in the wake of a war. children who only know rubble and blood and hunger and death. they’re reflections of each other and also so different. shin who just wants to belong to something and sabine who knows that belonging doesn’t save you.
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taylor-swift-bracket · 2 months
🎇Please reblog!🎇
Notable Bridges
(Under the cut)
Fearless (Taylor’s Version)
You Belong With Me
Oh, I remember you driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me
Love Story
But I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town and I
Well, you stood there with me in the doorway
My hands shake, I'm not usually this way but
You pull me in and I'm a little more brave
It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something
It's fearless
Oh, yeah
When all you wanted was to be wanted
Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now
Back then, I swore I was gonna marry him someday
But I realized some bigger dreams of mine
And Abigail gave everything she had
To a boy who changed his mind
And we both cried
Mr. Perfectly Fine
So dignified in your well-pressed suit
So strategized, all the eyes on you
Sashay your way to your seat
It's the best seat in the best room
Oh, he's so smug, Mr. "Always wins"
So far above me in every sense
So far above feelin' anything
And it's really such a shame
It's such a shame
'Cause I was Miss "Here to stay"
Now I'm Miss "Gonna be alright someday"
And someday, maybe you'll miss me
But by then, you'll be Mr. "Too late"
Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)
Dear John
You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry
Never impressed by me acing your tests
All the girls that you've run dry have tired lifeless eyes
'Cause you burned them out
But I took your matches before fire could catch me
So don't look now
I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town
Oh, oh
This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the storyline ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
Please, don't be in love with someone else
Please, don't have somebody waiting on you
Please, don't be in love with someone else (Ooh)
Please, don't have somebody waiting on you (Ooh, oh)
Back to December
I miss your tanned skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinkin'
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right
I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
So, if the chain is on your door, I understand
Long Live
Hold on to spinning around
Confetti falls to the ground
May these memories break our fall
Will you take a moment? Promise me this
That you'll stand by me forever
But if, God forbid, fate should step in
And force us into a goodbye
If you have children some day
When they point to the pictures
Please, tell 'em my name
Tell 'em how the crowds went wild
Tell 'em how I hope they shine
Long live the walls we crashed through
I had the time of my life with you
And I remember that fight, 2:30AM
As everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye
'Cause that's all I've ever known
Then you took me by surprise
You said, "I'll never leave you alone"
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aneenasevla · 2 months
Red Velvet - Chapter 1 (part 2)
MasterList / Akane’s profile / Part 1 here Art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 1 - Hopeless (part 2)
"Cut that out, we're in the middle of the bakery, dumbass!," Himuro hisses between his teeth.
"Let 'em hear it, 'cause everyone here should know that I hit the jackpot!," Rihito raises his arms in the air, making Vs for Victory with his fingers, a gigantic smile making his face light up like a Christmas tree. "The tall trees will be brought down, the last will be the first, the early bird catches the worm, all that shit!"
"And you'll get all the cans of whoopass if you don't cut that shit out," Kanami says as she arrives to deliver an order to another table. "There are ladies here too."
Okubo makes a face at his friend. "Seriously, Rihito, she might kick you out if you don't pipe it down..."
"Oh shit... sorry, aunty!," He shrinks completely, his arms falling on either side of his torso, but the smile didn't disappear from his face even with the scolding he received. "But that won't happen, I'm one of the best paying customers at this establishment. I drop cash here all the time, man! And anyway, my seaweed-headed bro wouldn't let that happen. Right, Tokita? You won't let your girl kick me out like that, right?"
"Her name is Kanami, you idiot, not 'aunty'... and leave me out of this," Ohma says with his mouth full. "Everyone here pays for the service. Do we have to pay for your stupidity too?"
"Aunty is an affectionate term, you moron! And you could actually pay me something! A round of baked goods to congratulate me on my achievement!"
"I'm going to give you a round of kicks in the ass if you don't shut up," Himuro grumbles, placing a finger on his right ear and scratching it with a grimace, "Seriously, does the word "dignity" have any meaning to you, Rihito?"
"Besides, I wouldn't call it your achievement. It was Tomori who set this date up for you, wasn't it?," Kaneda asks, to which Tomori, sitting next to Okubo, shakes her head.
"Yes, but he still has an achievement, Kaneda. He achieved being the most annoying person on this table."
"Oh, come on! You were the one who should be the happiest for me, Tomori! Your friend will win a date with a good catch!," He points to himself with smugness. "Believe me, she will be thanking you on her knees very soon!"
"I only see this girl coming on her knees to Tomori if she’s going to beg to never have to put up with you again."
"Shut up, Himuro!"
"You're too noisy, Ichiro," Ohma says slowly. "You're bothering everyone."
"Dude, even Ohma is warning you, so you can see how fu...reaking annoying you're being, right?," Okubo held himself back from swearing.
"Dangit, man, I already told you to call me Rihito," He hisses irritably. "It's been almost five years, not even you can be such a blockhead. And okay, okay, I'll try to tone it down a tad. Anyway!," He smiles a lot at Tomori. "Do you have any pics of her to show me? You said she's seen some of mine, it's only fair that I check some of hers out too."
"Make an Instagram account and you'll be able to see as much as you want," Okubo says. "What do you have a phone for, idiot? She has an account there and everything."
"Have you become your chick’s spokesperson now, Buzz Lightyear? Let her speak for herself, dammit!"
"He actually saved me trouble, because I was going to say the same thing."
"Ugh, which part of "I don't want to waste time creating an account on a sissy social network where you only find pictures of food, kittens and motivational phrases for moody teens" didn't you understand?" He gestures, a little frustrated. "I'll make a stupid account only to never use it again!"
"Kanami made one for me," Ohma shows it on his phone screen, with the same unimpressed face as always. "It has Medeyami on it. And the cake that Koga and Ryuki made for her birthday…"
"Heh, are you going to call the seaweed head a fag now, Rihito?," Okubo gives a triumphant smile. "The Amazon hunter himself?"
"I won’t. It's known that men who enter into serious relationships with women become infected with the virus of faggotry by osmosis, so I'm not even surprised. The thing, Tokita, is that at the moment I'm interested in another type of cat, and also in another type of cake," He smiles cheekily while making gestures with his hands, as if he were squeezing some soft, invisible object, and this elicits annoyed grunts from the whole table.
"Damn, I won't give it fifteen minutes for this girl to slap the shit out of him," Himuro groans, to which Kaneda nods.
"I give it even less than that."
"Okay, Rihito, tone it waaay down," Tomori warns him, seriously. "Akane decided to give you a chance, but don't take it as a certain victory. You don't really know her..."
"I'll get to know her if you tell me more about her! Is she cute? Does she like big, good-looking guys? What did she say when she saw my pics? I work with details, woman!"
"Oh, someone liked Medey's photo," Ohma said softly, absorbed in his own world while checking his phone "A lot of people, actually... the cake deserves way more likes than that fuzzy thief..."
"Dude, if you post a pic of yourself it will be way more successful than that of the cat."
"For what?"
"Oh, uh… nevermind," Himuro laughs softly. "It’s not worth it, and it's not like you need it."
Ohma shrugs and continues looking at his phone. "Well, guess I'm gonna make another cake..."
Tomori was still arguing with Rihito.
"You can ask her all that stuff during the date. Or just do what we're suggesting and make an Instagram account..."
"I already said it’s not going to happen, so drop it," He snorts impatiently. "And I’m asking this now so I don’t fall into a trap! I trust you, Tomori, but I need to know if you set me up on a date with some sourpuss or-"
"Ugh, do you see what your problem is?!," Tomori finally seems to lose her temper, slamming her hands on the table, which makes Rihito jump, Okubo and Himuro widen their eyes and Kaneda choke on his juice. "I can see clearly why everyone always says you can't pick up women to save your life! You're acting like a giant dick, and for what?"
Rihito stares at her, perplexed. The table is silent, except for Kaneda's dry cough and the sound of Himuro's hand tapping on his back. Ohma looks at the commotion, one eyebrow raised, watching as he takes a sip of his favorite milkshake, seeming to expect something. Rihito then shrugs his shoulders a little.
"A giant dick? Shit, that was uncalled for..."
Some customers even started looking upset at their table, bothered by the noise. Kanami gives Hiro a meaningful look and the two nod with mutual understanding.
"Okay, that's enough. Give me that," Kanami had approached them and reached a hand in Rihito's direction, closing and opening her fingers.
He turns around with a start when he notices her, alarmed. "S-Sorry, aunty! I'll try to pipe it down, I swear!"
"Yeah... sorry, Kanny, I kind of lost my temper here..."
"Yeah, I know, Tomoh," she then looks at Rihito. "And you! Give me that phone, now," she speaks in a commanding voice, still repeating the gesture.
"What- no, hold on!," He grabs his phone and stands up, suddenly alarmed, as if he were facing a pickpocket pointing a knife at him. "My phone is a no-go area, Miss Kanami! You can ask these guys, you don't want to see the things I have here..."
"I'll have to agree with him, Miss Kanami. Rihito's phone is worse than a landfill...," Himuro snorts while Kaneda makes a face.
"Oh really? Let me see" Hiro was already walking away with his phone in his hand. Kanami smiles when he approaches her. "I love to pry on other people's dirty laundry."
"What the- Give me back my phone, you nosy twink!," He shrieks, already going after the cashier with his hands outstretched. "Seriously, Hiro, don't do that!"
Kanami stops him from approaching Hiro with a hand on his chest, raising an eyebrow, her acid eyes directly eating away at him, speaking quietly. "That was the final straw, Rihito. You're making an ass of yourself, and even Tomori, the most patient person I know, got mad. Now either you cooperate and stop acting like they are about to shove a stick up your ass or I'm going to break my iron rule and let everyone beat you up right here, right now. It's up to you."
Ohma smiles, even letting out a low snort of laughter. Okubo even found it strange when he lifted his phone to discreetly take a photo with a satisfied expression.
Himuro opens a devilish smile, cracking his knuckles. "Wonderful. I've been waiting for an excuse to beat the shit outta him for a month now."
"Screw you, Himuro!," Rihito growls, looking around, tense like a cornered animal. "Ugh... what do you want with my phone, anyway?!"
"Kinda obvious, don't you think, Rihito?," Kaneda arches an eyebrow "Miss Kanami will nip the evil in the bud."
"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"That means you’re going to get a brand new Instagram account," Tomori smiles, very satisfied, and Rihito widens his eyes.
"Ugh, you gotta be kiding me! Seriously, why do y'all care so much? I'll only use this account to see some pics of this girl and then I'll forget about it!"
"Do you want to see it or not?," Okubo grunts. "Damn, dude, you even have an Tiktok account and you don't post anything, so what's one more social media!?"
"TikTok is full of hot chicks twerking, that’s the only reason I made an account!"
"There's girls twerking on Instagram too, you know? And even more so, since it's been around longer," Hiro skillfully twirls the phone in his hand, mischievous like the little devil everyone knew he was. "And on top of that there are more women there, maybe you can get another dates if you don't like this one…"
"It’s either that or you'll go home all bruised and limping," Kanami threatens. "Half of it will be my doing."
"Uugh...," He puts his hand over his face, grinding his teeth. Tomori snorts, looking at Okubo while mumbling, "Do you see what I've told you a bunch of times, Naoh? It's because of this attitude that he's still single."
"Leave me alone! And I still haven't forgotten what you told me just now! That "giant dick" was totally uncalled for," He glares at her, sounding truly offended. "I thought we had become friends!"
"And we are! That's precisely why I need to be honest with you, otherwise you'll never learn your lesson and do better," She points indignantly at him. "I've only known you for a short time, but it was enough for me to see that you have a good side and can be a genuinely nice guy. But it seems that this good side disappears when it comes to women! Do you really need my friend to be attractive by your specific standards to treat her with respect?"
"What- no, I didn't mean that...," He shrinks again.
Kanami looks at him with her scolding look. Hiro chews his gum, raising his eyebrow. Ohma sighs, going back to what he was doing on his phone. Okubo crosses his arms. Everyone else in the bakery frowns.
"Okay... you see how uncomfortable everyone is getting, right, man?," Himuro arches an eyebrow, to which Rihito scratches the back of his head, looking down.
"I would be blind if I hadn't seen it..."
"So why don't we talk calmly, while Miss Kanami and Mr. Hiro take care of everything for you?," Kaneda suggests, to which Rihito makes a face.
"... So you all agree with what she said?"
Everyone nods, even Ohma who wasn't even paying attention anymore.
"Stubborn idiot," he mutters, without looking up from his phone.
Rihito swallows hard. He rubs his right arm with his left hand. And then he looks up at Tomori, who feels her chest hurt when he sees his expression of genuine sadness, his green, expressive eyes showing a fragility that gave him the air of a very needy puppy.
Oh, she knew that expression. It was the same expression he had made when he showed up unexpectedly at her house, on a rainy Sunday, willing to humiliate himself to intercede for his friend. It was at times like these that she remembered that he wasn't a complete idiot, and that there was a reason why her boyfriend and everyone else continued to maintain a friendship with him.
"I'm sorry..."
Tomori sighs, closing her eyes, anger leaving her like air leaking from a punctured balloon.
"... Okay. You're forgiven. Are you going to let Kanny and Hiro create a profile for you now?"
"...Hnf. What choice do I have?," He mumbles with a shrug. "Just do it already. I'm just warning you that it will become a no man's zone after serving its purpose."
The people at the bakery seemed to silently celebrate the calm that would follow after that. Himuro and Kaneda sigh, relaxing in their chairs.
Himuro smiles at Okubo. "You’ve got yourself quite the girlfriend, huh, dude. To be able to make this idiot put his tail between his legs like that..."
"Screw you!"
Ohma smiles, still on the phone, thinking it was for him. "Thanks."
"Himuro was talking to me, man. And yeah, I know!," Okubo shrills, his voice rising a few octaves, and then he turns very red when the whole table starts laughing. He clears his throat, putting a fist in front of his mouth, getting all awkward when Tomori caresses his fist with a cute little laugh. Rihito just rolls his eyes.
"Fuckin' simp...," He mutters softly.
"Okay, Rihito, now that everything got solved...," Kanami sighs. "Come to the counter, I'll help you with this. No one else needs to comment on this, right?!," She looks at the others, and Hiro shrugs.
"Okay… wow, just when I was about to give him all the profiles of my muscle-eater friends…," he returns to the counter, handing the phone to the baker.
Rihito immediately turns his attention to him. "Wait, really? I'm in!"
"We'll talk about that after this first date," Hiro says seriously to him. "You bum."
"That's right, your focus should be on my friend for now! He's coming, Kanny, I just want to hear a few more things from his mouth to make sure it's safe for me to give the go-ahead," Tomori warns, to which Rihito gives her a tired look.
"What, you're an inspector for potential fuck-buddies now? Okubo, tell your girlfriend to go do something else…"
"Hell no. Kick his ass, babe!", he nods, as seriously as her. "Roll this fella up!"
"You asshole! Let me know when she decides to let you get your balls out of her purse, you fucking simp-"
"Shut up and sit back down, damn it! Everyone wants to eat in peace," Himuro grumbles, to which Rihito returns to his place at the table, crossing his arms, grumpily.
"Okay, fine. Come on, what do you want me to do? Pick her up at seven and bring her back at ten at her curfew? Bring her flowers, chocolate and all that romantic crap?"
"No, Akane is not the type to enjoy these things. She would think you're pathetic if you showed up with something like that," She shakes her head. "I just want to hear from you that you're going to try not to behave like an asshole."
"Hey Kaneda, help me. How do you do this…?” Ohma asks, pointing to something on the phone, in the background.
"Sure. Let me see, Ohma…," Kaneda goes to help him, and the rest ignore them.
"Goddanmit, I already told you I won't! I haven't been on a date in a while, what makes you think I'd do anything to ruin it?," He asks indignantly, to which she shakes her head impatiently.
"You wouldn't do it on purpose, but you would. You always end up making the women around you uncomfortable with your cluelessness. Hugging them too tightly, grabbing them, asking inconvenient questions and making gross invitations-"
"I don't do that!"
"Yes, you do. I can prove it," Himuro rolls his eyes. "I already introduced you to two of my friends at your insistence, and the result was neither of them wanting to go out with you again. Remember?"
He blushes.
"I-It's not my fault that I'm a physical guy who loves giving and receiving affection. They were too frigid..."
"You hug ME too damn hard…," Ohma comments. "Seriously, it’s ridiculous."
"You are the most frigid of all! You have a heart of stone…"
"He doesn't and I can prove it!," Kanami imitates Himuro. Ohma snorts at his friend.
"I'm serious, Rihito. Go easy with those wandering hands and the very tight, long hugs," Tomori says, and this time, she seemed to ask, instead of demanding. "Come on, if you can't do this to me, you'll be able to not do this to her too."
"It’s different with you! I'm no backstabber to go grabing my friend's girl."
"So don't be nasty with the others either," Ohma says. "It's a pain to be harassed, in any situation. You said it yourself, I'm proof of that."
"I don’t harass anyone!"
"You do, so much so that to this day we don't know how you weren't framed or something like that," Himuro snorts, to which Kaneda, still helping Ohma with whatever he was doing on his phone, comments,
"Miss Akiyama has already threatened to sue you for sexual misconduct about five times..."
"Meh, I've kind of given up on Kaede," Rihito pouts. "If she doesn't want me, there are others who do... like Tomori's friend," He sighs, scratching his scalp. "Okay, okay... I'll try to pay attention to these things. But you know what my intentions are with this date, right? I'll be as nice as I can, but I won't pretend I'm interested in anything else."
"No need to," Tomori takes a sip of her juice. "Akane wants the same."
He turns to her, green eyes wide and shining.
"Really," Okubo nods. "IF you don’t ruin everything, asshole."
"Watch your mouths, we have ladies present in the room," Kaneda says, to which Tomori chuckles.
"Relax, Kaneda, I'm kind of used to it. I've watched you play horror games together, remember? My repertoire of swear words gained a couple more pages that day."
"Anyway!," Lihito raises his hands, drawing attention back to himself. "Damn, that makes everything better! I love a woman who knows what she wants...," He rubs his hands with a smile, and then shrinks when Tomori gives him a warning look. "Chill out, I haven't forgotten the things you said! I... I never wanted to harass anyone, really. It's just..."
"It's just that you live on the basis of the philosophy that, if you shoot everywhere, you will eventually hit a target."
"Shut up, Himuro. But... yeah," He sighs.
"Oh, so that's how it is," Ohma nods, looking happier. "Thanks, Kaneda. This will surpass that cat..."
"Isn’t the cat post yours too, Ohma?"
"I don’t admit that this backstabber does better than me."
"Seriously, Hon, stop being jealous of my cat!," Kanami sighs. "This is getting weird."
"He stole my steak-"
"That’s been almost six months! And that was your fault!"
"He lost my trust and that's it. I only tolerate him because he's cute."
"Dude, you really don’t know what context “backstabber” is used, do you?," Himuro arches an eyebrow at Ohma, while Lihito mumbles,
"This dude considers a fucking cat his rival, while I'm still here, waiting for a rematch... but whatever!," He shakes his head with a serious face. "If these attitudes of mine really cause discomfort... I will try to control it and keep my hands to myself... to a certain extent. You can't do the deed through telepathy, you know..."
"Just be polite and respect her boundaries until she shows that she is willing to get more physical," Tomori suggests. "Akane is not one to beat around the bush, she'll make it very clear when she's interested. Until then... just be the cool, fun guy I know you are when you're not chasing skirts. She will appreciate it."
Rihito blushes a little. And then he smiles. She would probably never get used to how cute he could be when he really let his feelings come out, without that stupid casanova facade getting in the way.
"Guys, it's almost closing time, do you want to go or can I join you at the table?," Kanami sighs, a little tired. "Tomori, before I go I'm going to need help, Paikon woke up from his coffin and is tidying up, but when it comes to kitchen stuff..."
"Leave it to me, Kanny! Then, after we're done, we can go back to the table and help him with his Instagram profile all together," Tomori suggests, smiling, to which Rihito blushes more, looking to the side.
"I'm kinda having a Dee-je-vou-"
"Déjà vu, dumb fuck."
"Shut up! But seriously, this reminds me of when the three of us got together to help Okubo prepare for his second date with Tomori," He smiles at his friend. "It's ridiculous and at the same time funny that you're trying to do the same to me..."
"We’re trying to be good friend. You did the same for me, didn't you?," Okubo snorts, blushing too. "We need to help the homies…"
"Come here, blondie, I already downloaded Instagram on your phone while I was out," Hiro sits down next to Rihito without ceremony. "You just have to choose the photos..."
"Aaah! Don't sit so suddenly next to me, you spawn of Satan!," Rihito jumps and shrinks a little. "And who gave you the password to my phone? Seriously, sometimes I think you're a Yakuza in disguise..."
"I have my little secrets, honey," he smiles devilishly. "And no, I'm no Yakuza, but I have some friends who had some experiences with 'em. Kanami is one."
"Experiences with beating them up, you mean," Kanami laughs, making a cruel expression, high-fiving with Ohma, who smiles in the same way.
"It’s not just you, no. I'd even call some of them pros. But come here, help me choose your profile pic," he opens the phone gallery and widens his eyes at the first photo he sees. "Oh my God...," he blushes, laughing coquettishly at Rihito. "You definitely weren't feeling cold that day, huhuhuhuhuh..."
"What the- you busybody!," He snatches the phone from Hiro's hand, very red. "You can let me choose the pic, thanks for the help! I just need to find one that won't get my profile banned five minutes after being created..."
"Do you see what we said?," Himuro sighs while Kaneda says, "Take the opportunity and give him your friend's profile, Tomori."
"Oh, I will, as soon as he gets his profile ready."
"My friend, it is Instagram guidelines that doesn't like that stuff, I loved what I saw," Hiro laughs maliciously at Rihito, but still walks away. "If you want, I can make an OnlyFans account for you too..."
"No, thanks. I already have one," He responds, without looking up from his phone, and this time everyone at the table chokes on their respective drinks.
"You- you have an OnlyFans account? Are you serious?!," Himuro widens his eyes, to which Rihito rolls his.
"Calm down, it’s just so I can follow those who really make content."
"Oh... now we know why you’re always broke at the end of the month," Kaneda comments.
"Then let's do a creator account, I want to help," Hiro laughs.
"No offense, bro, but I don't want to have a literal devil's advocate as a manager or anything like that," Rihito snorts. "Anyway, I've already chosen the pic. What do I do now?"
"Here, as soon as you post it… That’s it. Now press this button here...," Hiro teaches him. "Hey, Tomoh, it's Sekihyo, right?," When Tomori confirms, he laughs a little mischievously. "Oh, this is going to be great," he laughs softly. "I know her username, it's @akaneagata. That's it, all together. Aaand there you go! Enjoy," he gets up and pats Rihito on the back. "Now that I'm sure of who it is, I feel way more at easy, hahaha."
"Sekihyo? That Sekihyo?!," Kanami looked up, surprised; she was now sitting next to Ohma. "Ooooh... I know that one," she makes a face, returning to her boyfriend's side, mumbling, "Good luck, you'll need it."
"Yes, he will," Tomori nods, very solemnly, while Rihito frowns, checking the profile.
"Sekihyo? Is that a nom de guerre or something?"
"Yep! Look at the photos and tell me if it's not an extremely suitable name," She suggests, and he, even more interested, scrolls the bar with his finger to scroll down the photos.
And what photos. She looked like a model posing for a photo studio, always in the best angles. She was a little thin but not like Tomori, especially in the breasts department, which happened to be the roundest, and almost sticking out of her clothes, almost always accompanied by a coat that looked to be made of fake fur. Fur, leather, leopard prints… if she were older, she would definitely be the flashy type, but damn, how good that fashion style looked on her. And her skin was similar to Himuro's, but her blonde hair... she was clearly one of those Gyaru, who he saw walking down the streets of Tokyo in groups. And she had a tattoo of red leopard prints on her shoulder, living up to her name.
Himuro and Kaneda see how Rihito's eyes widen, his chin dropping a little as his face reddens. They knew that expression too well. The two exchange a quick glance with Okubo before leaning in to peek, very curious.
"Uh- wow!," Himuro’s eyes widen a little too. "Now that nom de guerre makes a lot of sense. A Gyaru with a capital G…"
"Indeed," Kaneda agrees with a nod. "And she's a close friend of yours?"
"I’ve known her since high school,” Tomori says, smiling a lot. "Naoh, do you remember when I told you that I got into a fight with a girl and almost got kicked out of school? A fight that involved a baseball bat and everything…"
"Wow, was that her?!," his eyes widened too. "She didn't end up with permanent brain damage, did she?"
"Two damaged brains, going on a date…," Kanami scoffs, making Ohma laugh softly.
"And if she hadn't, she must have it now, considering she agreed to go out with "Rihito, Himuro raises an eyebrow, to which Kaneda laughs softly.
"Fuck off, all of you!"
Hiro laughed out loud from the counter.
Tomori laughs too, shaking her head, "She always had brain damage, hahaha! And she returned the kindness later, she gave me a black eye and everything. We had a hell of a cat fight, were both suspended for a week, and the following month we were already going out shopping together as if we had always been the best of friends!"
"And we thought it was just us, professional fighters, who made friends like that," Kaneda jokes with a chuckle.
"With me and Ichiro it was the same thing...," Ohma shrugs. "Except the shopping."
"Yeah...," Rihito nods slowly, his eyes still fixed on the phone screen. The others watch him closely, already preparing themselves for the whistles, the extremely inappropriate comments, the howls. They don't come, however. Tomori then asks, a little hesitantly, "So? What do you think of my friend?"
Rihito looks up at her. And then he smiled a lot, his cheeks a little flushed.
"Wow, Tomori, she's beautiful!"
Uh... yeah, definitely none of them were expecting that kind of response.
"Oh… apparently our moral beatings got in…," Hiro comments, laughing. Kanami laughs louder.
"... Kaneda, check his pulse, quickly. See if he's not dying, in a feverish state or something," Himuro says, eyes wide, to which Kaneda exclaims, "We have to take Rihito to the hospital! There is something very wrong with him!"
"Shut up, you two, I’m fine!," Rihito grumbles impatiently. "You wanted me to behave, right? So I'm trying to do that from now on!"
"Uh... that's great!," Tomori opens a huge smile. "She’s really beautiful, isn’t she?"
"A lot! I had never dated a Gyaru before. I see that I'm going to start well. And yes, the tattoos are quite appropriate, considering her nom de guerre," He carefully observes the pattern of spots tattooed on one of the girl's shoulders. "A panther, huh? I like it," He opens an insinuating half smile. "That's what I call a coincidence…"
"Huh? Why?," Kanami asks, innocently.
"Well... let's say that panthers and leopards are also an inspiration to me, when I'm inside a ring," He arches an eyebrow, raising two of his fingers. "I have the claws and everything to prove it. That girl and I are going to get along really well. Big cats sometimes roam in packs, hehe."
"Oh, that's true. You even wear shorts with leopard prints and everything," Kaneda nods, crossing his arms.
"Isn't a panther a kind of lion or something?," Ohma asks, and Kanami shows him an image on her phone screen. "Ooh... so that's the animal," Ohma nods. "Yeah, it matches the Razor."
"I see… that’s clever," Kanami agrees. "So it’s just a matter of setting the date up, right?
"Oh yes…," Okubo nods, seriously. "And it will be the four of us. We're free this coming weekend, what about you?"
"Yes, I- wait, the four of us?," Rihito blinks, confused. "What do you mean?"
"Uh... so, Naoh had the idea of us ​​going on a double date. You know?," Tomori gestures a little. "Both of us, you two..."
Rihito blinks again. And then he grunts to Okubo, "Who told you that a moron like you could come up with ideas, even more so stupid ones like that?! A double date, that's just what I needed!"
"It's your fault, you jerk! Your fame fucking preceds you. We were worried at the thought that you were going to scare away the poor woman. Don't forget that it was only when you shut up that that catfish bite the bait!"
"Fuck you, you’re jealous because I was the one who caught it!,"
"Oh, but the idea is great! That way, you can keep an eye on him," Kaneda says, and Himuro nods.
"Yep. I would say it would be to ensure that the girl doesn't get uncomfortable to the point of wanting to run away, but after seeing her photos, it would be more to ensure that Rihito doesn't end the night needing to put ice on his balls because he got kicked."
"Fuck off! Ugh, is this really necessary? I already said I'm going to behave!," He assures, to which Tomori shakes her head.
"It's already decided. Not to mention that we will enjoy the night too. We're a little tired of only being able to sit quietly next to each other on a sofa, while my father sings enka at karaoke and my brother challenges Naoh to an arm wrestle."
"Ugh, I know how that is," Kanami grimaces. "Well, then good luck to you guys, especially to Rihito."
"Heheheheh… you can fall in love but don’t fool yourself, dear," Hiro jokes. "Fight well, soldier."
"Hnf. No need to worry, lil' fairy. I don't fall in love, simple as that," Rihito lifts his chin haughtily. Himuro and Kaneda look at each other and shake their heads, saying nothing. Tomori rolls her eyes, then turns around and says, "Oh, and before I forget! Two more of my friends asked for your DMs, Himuro. Can I give it on to them?"
"Sure. What are their names?"
"Karin and Mariko. They are former college classmates. Do you want to meet them here at the bakery?"
"That's where I met the other two, Yuzuhira and Makoto, so it's more than fair. You can tell them I'm free on Wednesday," Himuro combs his hair back with one hand, very naturally, his eyes closed. Rihito glares at him in anger.
"Two more numbers? Now you have, like, four of 'em! Greed is a sin, you know? You're going straight to Hell, you slut!"
"All this just because I didn’t want to give you the number of one of them? Envy is also a sin. See you there, asshole."
"I already know that I'm going to Hell anyway. I remember hearing a devil laughing when I died," Ohma comments, as naturally as Himuro. Kanami grimaces.
"Ohma, don't say that...," she gets goose bumps. Ohma hugs her shoulder, laughing softly.
"And you said he's frigid," Okubo points at the two, looking at Rihito. "He even looks kinda cute."
"Hmph. He is, when it comes to us," Rihito snorts, turning his attention back to his phone, still admiring Akane's profile. Tomori speaks softly to Okubo, "I'm honestly relieved that he didn't make a scene when he saw Akane's photos. I think what I said really got into his head."
"I just hope it stays that way, love… I really do."
"Me too. Anyway...," She gets up from the chair, hitting her hands on her skirts to unwrinkle them. "We need to close everything, don't we, Kanny? And go help Paikon too."
"Yes, yes… let go of me, Ohma…," she laughs a little when he doesn't let her go, and breaks free when she threatens to squeeze his ribs. And she quickly goes to the kitchen with Tomori. "Let's go, I have things to do at home."
"Okay! I'll be right back, love," Tomori leans in to kiss Okubo's cheek; He was so tall, she didn't need to bend down too much to reach him, even with him sitting down. "And I'll bring you the leftover cookies from today's batch."
"Ooh, thanks a lot, babe," he pulls her towards him a little, in a quick but strong hug, making her laugh. And then he watches her leave. The others look at him grimacing, and he looks right back. "What?"
"Ugh" the others make a collective groan, except, of course, the seaweed head, who was still absorbed in his phone.
"Hey girls, I have some important business," Hiro also enters the kitchen, with a note in his hand. "There's something that's not working…," and his voice dies with the distance.
This time, Rihito didn't seem to care much about the sweet couple. He was still very focused on his phone. He only looks up when he realizes that Ohma, Okubo, Himuro, Kaneda and him were alone.
"Are they gone?"
"Uh... yes?," Kaneda arches an eyebrow. And then they all startle when Rihito slams his hands on the table, his face red and a little sweaty, his eyes wide and an expression of absolute delight on his face. And when he speaks, it's low enough for only them to hear, but the excited tone is unmistakable.
"Holy crap! Did you guys see the size of those tits? Shit, that girl's hot as fuck!"
Himuro and Kaneda let out a huge grunt together, the first putting his hand over his face, the second throwing his head back.
"Damn, we spoke too soon!"
"For fuck's sake, man! You were only waiting for the girls to leave to let the dogs out, huh," Okubo growls.
"I knew that was gonna happen," Ohma comments, looking aside. "I even counted to three, couldn't be more accurate."
"Seriously, aren't you ashamed of yourself, Rihito? What about all the things Tomori said to you? Did they go in one ear and out the other?," Kaneda asks in a censorious tone, to which Rihito shakes his head vigorously.
"Of course not, I listened and absorbed everything! I'm going to be the most respectful and gentlemanly guy I can be and keep my hands to myself... until it's time for me to bury my face in those melons until I choke!," He again makes that gesture of squeezing the air again, as if pressing invisible horns. "It took a while, but the universe finally decided to throw me a fucking bone! I'm about to cure these blue balls for good, my guys!"
"Fuck, I give up," Himuro groans, "I thought that, after Okubo straightened himself out, there might still be hope for this idiot. But no, he's a hopeless case."
"If I, the frigid one, according to you, could do it..." Ohma says with a laugh. "Anything is possible."
"Yeah, you just needed a new heart for that, one that can beat and pump in the right place," Okubo mocks. "That's all. In his case, he needs a brain..."
"Brain? Only if it can help me with oxygenation, because I'm going to need a hell of a breather to give this chick some action! But it's okay, I'll make the sacrifice!," He rubs his hands; he was almost salivating. "The noblest sacrifice I have ever made, yes sir."
"Poor girl..."
"For what? I'm going to do her so good she'll beg for an encore after the other! Now whether I'll agree or not is another story," He combs his hair back, trying to imitate the gesture that Himuro had made earlier, but not with nearly the same charm. Ohma holds back his laughter.
"He looks like a dog, minus the tongue sticking outta his mouth," Okubo comments, and Ohma lets out a half scream and stops laughing again, sobbing as he holds on, hiding his face.
"No, man, that's mean…," he manages to recover quickly. "You're offending the dogs."
"Whatever, man, I'm the biggest dog on the kernel! And the big dog here will feast!," He throws his head back and opens his mouth, but chokes hard when Himuro hits him with a slap to the throat, shouting: "I swear to God, you idiot, if you howl in the middle of the bakery, I'll kick your mouth so hard that you'll have to start brushing your teeth through your ass!
"Aack! Fuck you, dude!," He coughs hard. "Are you trying to kill me?!"
"Leave it alone, Himuro," Kaneda sighs in defeat, shaking his head. "The only thing we can hope for now is that he really follows Tomori's advice and waits until the right time to start with this nonsense."
"I'll wait, I swear! It will be worth it, every second...," And he raises his fingers again in Vs for Victory.
"If he doesn't wait, record the whole thing and send it to me. My videos with Kanami scaring him went... how Koga called it...? Oh yes, viral!," Ohma smiles satisfied. "I finally beat that fuzzy backstabber!"
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Game On
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Supporting Character: Frank Castle
Warnings: None really, maybe a couple swear words but other than that, this is pure fun. There are a few smooches.
Word Count: 5,065-ish (I’m sorry, it’s a little longer than what I usually put out )
Summary: Your best friend and co-worker, Ginger has an idea for a fun Saturday afternoon. She suggests a game of laser tag and also suggests you bring along your boyfriend Billy and his best friend Frank.
A/N: This just sounded like so much fun that I had to write it down. And my sweet friend Lily @munsonownsmyass mentioned how much she loved Ginger from my Happy Birthday fics so I figured I’d give her more love. She is based on my bff, she is the most fun and I can so picture her doing this. I hope you guys like it! Oh I did stick a quote from Mr. & Mrs. Smith in here
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕💕
“Hey! What are you doing next weekend?” Ginger asked you excitedly as she looked over at you from her desk which was next to yours. The work day was always filled with interruptions from either her or you randomly bringing up obscure ideas that just popped into your heads.
The clicking of your keyboard stopped as you looked over at her. “Next weekend? I don’t think I have anything goin on. Why, what’s up?” You were very intrigued, Ginger was always full of great ideas and fun things to do.
She removed her blue light glasses and set them down on her desk. “Because I was thinking that we should go and play laser tag.”
Your eyebrows automatically raised like being pulled up by strings. “Laser tag?!!”
“Yeah!! Get a few people from around the office, you bring that smexy boyfriend of yours, oh he should bring Frank…and his kids would probably love it!”
You pondered for a minute before answering her, it did sound like a lot of fun. “Ya know what, that does sound like fun. I’ll talk to Billy when he gets home tonight.”
Billy Russo was your devastatingly handsome boyfriend and former boss. After confessing that he had feelings for you last year at your birthday party, you resigned from your position at his company, Anvil, and started your relationship.
Since that night, you have never been happier, you got a new job working with your best friend and you and Billy recently moved in together. Life was very good.
“Laser tag?!!” Billy exclaimed, flashing that blinding smile at you. “How many people will there be?”
“I dunno yet.”
“What kind of set up is it?”
“I dunno…”
“Is it a point system or is it a you get shot and you’re out situation?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Alright, soldier…at ease! I don’t know yet.” You were smiling because you saw the competitive glow in his dark brown eyes begin to brighten at the very mention of a game. “I just wanted to know if you wanted to play next weekend, that’s all.” Billy was quite the competitor, he always had to be the best—at everything.
He bit his bottom lip and looked down, tilting his glass of bourbon back and forth, you knew he was already strategizing in his head how he was going to win. “I know that look, Billy!”
“What look, baby?”
“Don’t you play innocent with me, I know you’re already thinking about how you’re going to win. Besides, it’s not a sure thing that you’re going to win, I’m a pretty good shot, ya know.”
Billy set his bourbon on the coffee table, the amber liquid moving back and forth in the glass, he pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him and you started to rake your fingers through his soft hair.
He touched his forehead to yours. “I know you’re a good shot, sweet girl. You had a great teacher.” You wanted to wipe that smug look right off of his handsome face.
“Oh and you and Frank can’t be on the same team either.” You said with a warm smile and a wink.
“What?!! If you’re such a good shot, my love, it shouldn’t matter if Frankie and I are on the same team.”
You pointed a finger right into his chest. “Don’t you try to get in my head, Russo. I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not gonna work.”
Wide eyed and grinning like a Cheshire cat, Billy couldn’t defend his actions, he couldn’t hide what he was trying to do but he loved that you knew him so well.
You always knew when he needed a little extra attention, you could tell from his texts if he was in a good mood or a bad one, you could even tell by the way he took his bourbon if he had a good day or bad day. If he had it with ice, it was a good day, no ice—a bad day.
On days he went to visit his dying mother, he always put on his black and blue tie, little things like that you picked up on, you paid attention to him which he still wasn’t used to, but he loved, and if he felt like talking about his day, good or bad, you were there to listen.
Because Billy held a lot inside, the times where he did want to talk, you stopped whatever you were doing to listen, you wanted to encourage him to talk more, to make him feel more comfortable telling you what was bothering him.
Today, however, was a very good day and he was the only one talking at dinner, telling you all about what he and Frank did on assignment today. But he seemed very curious and excited about laser tag. “Well I’m all in for laser tag, baby. I’ll ask Frankie if he wants to do it and bring the kids.”
You lightly clapped your hands together. “Oh yay! This is gonna be so much fun! I’m going to text Ginger right now.”
Billy carefully watched you get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen to get your phone, and he kept his gaze on you until you came back to the couch. He always did that, stared at you with great affection any time you had to step away from his presence.
He was still quiet when you sat down and draped your legs over him. “What? What is it?” You asked him.
Billy inched closer to you, leaning you backwards so your head rested against the arm of the couch and gave you a deep, passionate kiss. “Nothing.” He said shaking his head. “I just…love you.”
You always thought Billy’s beautiful dark eyes were looking straight through you, like he could see everything that was happening on the inside of your body.
The flutters in your stomach that happened any time he looked in your direction, the goosebumps that erupted on your skin when he touched you, and the way your heart skipped any time he flashed you that gorgeous smile. You just had a feeling he could see it all, he loved you so much.
“I love you too handsome—and you’re goin DOWN!” You said with confidence.
He just laughed a little and told you “We shall see, beautiful. We shall see.”
The following week at work was just a competition of who could do the most shit talking. You and Ginger had recruited three more people for laser tag, and Billy asked Frank if he wanted to come and bring the kids. Altogether there were nine people, so you’d split everyone up into three groups of three.
Team 1 would be Billy, Joe, and Frank’s daughter Lisa, Team 2 would be you, Phil, and Frank Jr. and Team 3 would be Frank, Ginger, and Chris. Joe, Phil and Chris were friends of yours that worked in your building.
“Ginger, where are you going? I thought we were going shopping?” You asked after clocking out for the day.
“Oh I can’t! I forgot I have to meet Frank and Chris for a strategy session. Oh and I’m telling Frank that I get the biggest gun they have. The team captain should have the biggest gun.” She stated with conviction.
You started to laugh. “You’re having a strategy session? Also, does Frank know you designated yourself team captain?”
She had a devil like smile on her face when she replied with “No, but he will when he sees my special laser tag outfit I made with a ‘Captain’ patch on it.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and closed your eyes. “Wait…you made your own laser tag outfit?”
“Of course I did! It’s all camo.”
You nodded your head. “Yep, of course it’s all camo. Ok well have fun strategizing! I’ll see you guys tomorrow for lunch before game time!” You waved goodbye to Ginger as she headed off to meet Frank and Chris.
On your way to lunch, you were thinking about the only strategy you had for the game which was you had picked two of the shortest people to be on your team and made sure that they wore dark color clothing.
You and Billy were both dressed in black from head to toe and even though you loved to see Billy in his nice suits, he looked so good in more casual clothing also. From the black boots on his feet, to the black sweatshirt he had on up top, he’s the sexiest man you’ve ever seen.
“What is it, love?” Billy asked you as he drove.
You bit your bottom lip as you looked up at him and delicately moved your fingers up and down his thigh. “I was just thinking about how handsome you are.” Ok maybe you had another strategy, but he could see through your little head game.
“Uh huh, I know what you’re doing—don’t you bat your eyelashes at me.” He didn’t even give you a chance to turn on the charm, although it didn’t stop him from smiling and blushing. “Nice try, beautiful. It takes a lot more to get in my head.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Eh, can’t blame me for tryin’ though, right? I do like this look you have goin’ on though, it’s sexy.” You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
Billy parked the car and the two of you made your way inside the restaurant where everyone was waiting for you. Frank’s kids took one look in your direction, got up from their seats and charged at Billy. “UNCLE BILLY!!!!” They had the look of pure joy on their face when they rushed over to hug him, and after they hugged him, they grabbed onto you to give you a hug also.
“Hey y/n! We’re going to beat Uncle Billy and Dad’s teams right?!” Frank Jr. asked wide eyed and animated.
Frank’s daughter Lisa, looked at her brother, rolled her eyes, and told him. “Uncle Billy and I are going to win, Junior.”
Billy adored Frank’s children. “Alright, alright let’s eat so we can go play ok?” Billy said to the kids and ushered them back towards their seats.
As you walked over towards the group, you overheard Ginger say “I just don’t understand why we have to be stuck with Sasquatch over here, no offense Chris but you stick out like a sore thumb and you’re an easy target is all I’m sayin’.”
All Frank could do was roll his eyes. “Does anyone want to change teams? And can we talk about how Ginger made herself team Captain?” He leaned back in his chair with his arms extended out to the sides.
“I have the patch, Frank. I get to be Captain.” Ginger made sure everyone saw her patch.
“You have the patch that you sewed on YOURSELF!! And where did you get that outfit anyway?” He asked.
Ginger loved messing with Frank. “Don’t worry about it.” She said.
You chimed in. “She made it, Frank.”
“Of course she did.” He said with a furrowed brow.
Following lunch, the group made their way to the laser tag arena. It was quite a large facility, you took one look inside and saw all the obstacles, barriers, and flashing lights that were all over the place, this was going to be a lot of fun.
After a couple of employees explained the rules, they led you into the room that held all the vests and “guns.” There was an upstairs area as well as the main floor and the object of the game was to knock players out of the game by hitting all of their sensors. Last team/person standing, wins.
There were sensors on the front of the vest, the back of the vest and one on the gun itself. After a person is hit, their gun is temporarily disabled and will not fire so others have a chance to hit more sensors and/or knock them out of the game.
Aside from a few black lights, the rooms had all the lights turned off so after putting your vest on and helping Frank Jr. with his, you took a walk through the rooms so your eyes had time to adjust to the darkness, the lights on your vest provided a small amount of light when you moved from room to room.
After walking around in the darkness for a couple of minutes, you heard someone call out your name, it was Ginger. “Soooooo they just told me I can’t use my night vision goggles, what’s next? Are they gonna tell me I can’t do a barrel roll?!”
Frank just shook his head. “No barrel rolls, Ginger! We’re trying to win this, yeah?! And how did you get night vision goggles?!” He looked exasperated already, but it just made you laugh harder.
“Your team rules are like prison Frank, ya know that?!!!” Ginger yelled back and giggled. It brought her such joy to harass Frank, it’s probably why she suggested that Billy ask him to come along.
Frank Jr. was wondering why everyone on your team was shorter, you told him it’s a good thing that everyone on the team is shorter, it’s easier to hit a taller target than a shorter one. “So let’s try to take Chris out of the game first, he’s the tallest one here. You ready, kiddo?” Junior nodded in agreement and gave you a hi-five.
Each team started in a different area, your team carefully made their way to other parts of the arena to search for members of the opposite teams, making sure not to bunch together. There were different objects for you to hide behind or take cover behind like, barrels, make shift walls, piles of sand bags.
Starting upstairs, you made sure to remind Frank Jr. to check around corners before moving out, Billy’s military training advice to you, paid off. His sister came rushing around the corner and Junior took out two of her sensors before taking off running and laughing maniacally, leaving Lisa there unable to fire her weapon back at him. “I’m gonna get you, Junior!!!”
You always knew when Ginger and Frank were nearby because they did nothing but argue with each other, Frank would try and get away from her but she would just follow him, mostly just to get on his last nerve. “Ginger, don’t make me take out my own teammate. Or maybe I’ll just take myself out so I don’t have to deal with you anymore, yeah?”
It was so amusing to watch the two of them interact, you didn’t want to give away where you were so you tried very hard not to laugh out loud at their banter.
One thing you knew about Billy was he was very light on his feet, you never heard him coming. It’s how he managed to sneak up behind you and scare you at least once a week when you were cooking dinner or folding laundry. He was stealthy like a cat, planned out his attacks very carefully and he’d laugh every time he got a jump scare out of you.
So you weren’t surprised when you watched him from upstairs, sneak up behind Frank and Ginger and knock out one sensor each on their backs and disappear just as quickly as he appeared.
Phil and Junior found Chris and knocked out all of his sensors all at one time. He tried to hide but he was so tall, he didn’t fit behind anything or couldn’t crouch down low enough to get out of the way of the lasers. He ended up being the first one knocked completely out of the game, so now there were eight players left.
As you cautiously and quietly watched from your perch, you heard a lot of commotion coming from downstairs. Sensors going off left and right, while keeping a close eye on Billy, his silhouette gliding in between obstacles, as he tried to avoid getting hit.
He moved along the bottom of the stairs, pointing his gun up to check for the “enemy” and you observed him start to climb the stairs so you hid behind some stacked barrels. You’d have your chance to stun him when he moved forward to observe what was going on below him.
“You up here, sweet girl? I swept the entire first floor, you have to be around somewhere.” He murmured.
Billy was smart, even though he thought he might be alone, he still kept his weapon close to his chest. You’d have to make these shots count.
He walked out slowly towards the railing and you had a clear shot of the sensor on his gun so you took it. Got him. “Gotcha, handsome!”
With a shocked look on his face, Billy watched you walk around the barrel barrier and over to him, he couldn’t fire his weapon in retaliation for a full 30 seconds. “Oh look at that, I’m winning.” You chuckled and gently brushed his beard with your fingers.
The competitive fire in Billy’s eyes was burning bright, he couldn’t believe you got the drop on him. He hated to lose and would not take it easy on you once he was free to fire his weapon again. “That’s only one, baby. Only one. Care to make a friendly wager?” He couldn’t resist.
And you couldn’t help yourself either, you were on a high from landing your first shot so you grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, quickly let go, and started to back away before he could draw you in close. “If I win, you have to buy me something pretty.”
“And what about when I win, beautiful?” He smirked and wiped the sweat off of his brow.
You pondered for a split second. “You still have to buy me something pretty but I’ll take you to dinner…and I won’t wear any underwear. How’s that?”
Billy lowered his weapon because he couldn’t contain his smile. It took over his entire face and he started to blush. “You got yourself a deal, love. Shake on it?”
You weren’t that stupid, his stun time was almost up and you had to get downstairs quickly. “Oh no, no my love—you’re going to have earn the shots you take at me, no freebies.” Before heading down the stairs, you took one more shot and hit one of the sensors on his chest, you were going to need all the help you could get.
“DAD!!!!” Lisa yelled after her father shot out her last sensor.
Frank was having a blast with his kids. “I’m sorry sweetheart, you know I can’t let you win.”
“Real nice, Frankie. Taking out your own daughter like that.” Billy’s voiced echoed from up above.
Frank pointed his laser up towards Billy and replied. “Yeah and I’m gonna take out my son too, as soon as I can find him! Hey why don’t you come out to where I can see you, Bill?!”
Lisa had hit one of the targets on your chest before Frank hit her last one so you hid behind a pile of sandbags while the stun wore off and Joe had fired the final shot to knock Phil out of the game.
Six players left.
Frank Jr’s strategy, despite what you told him to do, was basically to just run around and see if he could hit any targets which worked well for him until it didn’t. Billy, Frank and Ginger all took shots at Junior as he ran back and forth.
And he continued to run around even after Ginger nailed his last sensor. “You’re out, Junior!! Don’t make me tell your dad!!” She yelled at him as he hurried past her and the announcement over the loud speaker stated that everyone left had one live sensor left except you had two left. And you were the only one left on your team so you knew everyone was coming for you.
Billy wasn’t the only one who could be light on his feet, you managed to sneak up behind Joe and took out his last one so now Billy was the only one left on his team.
“Ginger, what are you doing? It’s two against two, y/n and Bill are the only ones left on their teams, we can win this! I said no barrel rolls!” Frank yelled in typical Frank fashion as Ginger tried to roll from one barrier to another but Billy shot her last sensor on her gun.
“I’m hit!!” She extended her hand to try and get Frank to grab her and pull her to the side and in dramatic fashion yelled “Leave no man behind, Frank! Take my hand!”
Frank crouched down next to Ginger and angrily stated “Great! Now I have to do this by myself.” And no sooner had he said that, Billy knocked out Frank’s last sensor on his lower left side.
“You’re done, Frankie.” Billy laughed, and Frank just threw his hands up in defeat.
You could hear Frank and Ginger arguing with each other all the way back to the holding room.
“If you just stuck to the plan like I told you, we could have won, Ginger.” Frank grumbled.
Of course Ginger had a reply at the ready. “Yeah but how cool did I look when I did my barrel roll? You think anyone got that on video? I’m gonna ask.”
Now that it was down to just you and Billy, you had to figure out how you were going to win this. Outsmarting your boyfriend in combat was going to be difficult, this is what Billy does best.
And during Ginger’s dramatic performance roll, she did manage to hit the sensor on your back as you were running away from her, so you were down to one now also and you needed to get to higher ground before he did.
“You still alive, baby?!” That line from Mr. and Mrs. Smith always made you smile, you shouted it in Billy’s direction and most likely gave away your position, as you headed for the stairs, not knowing that Billy had already made it to the top without you noticing.
You kept your gun close to your vest, the last live sensor was the one on your upper left side so you wanted to keep that one hidden. Stopping at the foot of the steps, you pointed your gun up towards the top and you heard and saw a few laser shots fired down at you and then you heard his voice.
“Come on up, beautiful. I’m waiting.” You could tell he had a sly grin on his face when he said that.
There was another staircase that led to the upstairs on the other side of the arena and maybe since your live sensor was on the front of your vest, you’d be able to get there without getting hit but you wanted to finish this now so with your gun at the ready, you started to climb the stairs. When you made it to the top, Billy was standing in the middle of the area with his gun resting on the ground.
You stared at him with a very puzzled look on your face. “What are you doing, Billy? Why is your gun on the ground?” You took notice of his lone sensor, it was opposite yours on his upper right side. The guns are tethered to the vests so it was just resting on the ground next to him.
“I thought we could settle this duel style, baby girl.” He licked his lips, you could tell he was enjoying this and his cockiness was showing. “Put it down.” He said in a stern, low whisper.
Everyone in the other room watched on the monitors as the two of you stood across from each other. “What are they doing? Why doesn’t she just take him out, he’s unarmed.” Ginger said while pointing at the screens.
“Bill wants to settle this with a duel, it looks like.” Frank said with a little laugh. “He’s fast, but I’ve seen her shoot, she’s quick on the draw too.” He was curious and folded his hands in anticipation of what was going to happen next.
You placed your weapon next to your right foot, Billy studied your glowing white sensor, narrowing his dark chocolate like eyes at you and you knew he was trying to get in your head. “You think you can beat me, baby?” He slowly ran his tongue over his teeth and crossed his arms across his chest.
The smile that spread across your face was hard to control, the heat within your body caused you to blush, and you hated the way he was looking at you but loved it at the same time. This was turning you on and he knew it.
Back in the other room, Frank asked his kids “Who do you think is gonna win?”
Lisa was the first to answer. “Uncle Billy is gonna win.”
“Nah, y/n will win. What do you think Dad?” Junior asked.
“I wanna see y/n win. Your Uncle Billy is too cocky for his own good.” Frank said with a slight smirk.
“What are they waiting for? I’m ready for happy hour!!” Ginger remarked.
“Your call, handsome.” With a smirk on your face, you narrowed your eyes to match his. “Hands up, so it’s fair.” Billy raised his hands to mimic yours.
“We’ll go on three. Ready?” Billy asked.
You nodded and then waited.
Billy counted off. “One…two…three.”
After the word “three,” you each pulled the gun up by the tether, pointed it at each other’s chest and pulled the trigger. His sensor went dark, but so did yours and you weren’t sure who won.
The arena lights turned on and you both shrugged your shoulders. “Who won?” You asked him. “I saw your light go off.” You extended your arm and pointed at him.
“And I saw YOUR light go off. Maybe we have to look at a replay but I think I won.” Billy said with confidence.
“Oh are you that sure of yourself, Mr. Russo? Let’s go find out.” You said as you raced over to the stairs with Billy hot on your heels.
After turning in your gun and your vest, the two of you went into the holding room where everyone else was. Half of them said you won and the other half said Billy did, but you were anxiously waiting for someone to come in with the official results.
“Well, we checked out the footage, it looks like…the two of you hit each other’s target at the exact same time.”
Everyone groaned and demanded to see the footage so they played it and after analyzing it for a good ten minutes, there really was no doubt that both sensors went dark at the exact same time.
Frank’s booming voice yelled over everyone. “Alright, alright, let’s go get a beer and Shirley temple’s for the kids, yeah?!”
They all followed Frank out of the room while you and Billy stayed back for a minute, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulled you in close and kissed the top of your head. You had your eyes closed as you rested your head against his chest.
“Looks like you get to pick out something pretty.” Billy smiled against the top of your head. “This was a lot of fun. You are definitely a good shot, beautiful.”
Pulling away from Billy slightly, you extended your arms to lightly stroke his beard with your thumbs. “Well, I did have a pretty good teacher.” He had that smug look on his face again. “And it looks like you get to have a nice dinner…on me.”
He leaned forward to look into your eyes. “And?”
You rolled your eyes. “Aaaaaand…I won’t wear any underwear to dinner. Anything else?”
“Kiss me.” He growled with a purr against your ear.
You didn’t hesitate at Billy’s command, looking up at him through your long lashes, you pulled his face back towards yours and delicately pressed your lips against his. He tasted like salt and peppermint.
His hands moved from your waist to cup your face and he deepened the kiss, tangling his tongue with yours but you pulled away before he could lay you down on the couch that was in front of you. You’d definitely be banned from laser tag forever if things had continued. And even though your hair was a mess and you had been sweating from all the running around, Billy still looked at you like you were the most beautiful woman in the world.
“Come on, handsome. Everyone’s waiting.” You kissed him on the cheek.
Billy laced his fingers with yours and led you out of the room, everyone else was waiting at the entrance.
“Where have you two been?” Ginger asked. “Ohhhhhh, I know what you were doing.” She gave the two of you a wink. “ANYWAY!! I already have ideas for our next group outing. Karaoke sounds fun doesn’t it, Frank?!”
She knew she hit a nerve, you could almost see Frank having flashbacks to your birthday party where Ginger entertained the guests with her singing “skills.”
“Absolutely not, Ginger! Nope, not gonna happen.” Frank started to walk ahead of everyone else.
“What about Go-Karts?! We can get racing outfits.” She chased after him.
“No, Ginger.”
“A trampoline park!”
“Ok, but seriously we need to talk about my barrel roll. It must have looked really cool, right? They caught it on video and sent it to me, wanna see?!” She asked excitedly.
“We wanna see!!” Frank’s kids said in unison.
“Stop encouraging her!” Frank said with a slight smile. You could tell he had a really good time despite playfully arguing with Ginger. He glanced back at you and Billy, mostly looking at how happy Billy was.
For a long time, he didn’t know Billy was even capable of being that happy and that was all because of you. He thought about how much his kids love their uncle Billy. And with a smirk on his face, his final thought before turning around was maybe sometime in the not so distant future, he would get to be called “Uncle Frankie.”
Frank let out a deep breath and even though he may regret what he was about to ask, he asked anyway. “Alright Ginger, tell me more about these Go-Karts.”
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog
If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my tag list for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕
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incarnateirony · 4 months
Another baffling, sociopathic point about shealyn bonds
I was with her for many, many, MANY years. Do you know how many of those years she made even a single post even tangentially related to the superbowl? Or even football in general? From first fling to leaving her? From like 2008 to 2021?
0 years.
0 years of her life did she care about sportsball.
she cared so little about it that after watching one year of superbowl it, like the many parts of myself i separated from and divided from to attune to her fancies, that she seemed bothered, so it was packed away, like the many parts of herself that were packed away. it is not a fluke that it was within a year of leaving her that i found my own apotheosis and reached the highest attainable grade. Literally everything had been put on pause to attune to her delusions.
And now? Now that she's realizing the superbowl is important? Like, for stupid roleplay reasons she's belatedly assembling into mythological reasons, if only for partial reasons? Oh, no. Today, she's gonna drop exactly one post to tell us how unbothered she is by the superbowl she opted to take in, this year, specifically.
Only this year.
No other fuckin years.
Just this year.
This year, she suddenly cared.
About who? What? Did she think Kansas City winning would protect her? Sis I got news for you.
No, hon.
Kansas City winning just means the entire world dumped onto the triune sigil of erected and commanded servitors based upon me pulled from your illusional headspace and retranscribed and sigiled into their own beings to collect the attention of the masses.
The reason you suddenly cared about football today is that every single corner of your mind is being eroded for and to it.
But not to the sport, or the event. No, to the spirit within.
You're mine mine mine mine mine, bitch.
All that did was sign the death warrants for everyone around you between here and September. So yeah, cool, KC won, would have been neat if you had half a year of spellwork behind that. OH WAIT
What an insufferably dumb cunt, performatively trying to stick her foot into my and his ring only to celebrate the birth of her worst nightmares, quite literally. Put out a couple offerings, sweetheart. Oh wait, they won't be able to smell it over the bazillion americans already doing it. my entire block is a BBQ. Where's the BEEF bitch. No, don't show me your ass. 1. that's pork and 2. that's really unhealthy fat percentage pork, if I slapped your ass on a pan I'd get nothing but grease. Where's the fuckin BEEF?
Your mother and father will both be dead by September.
Thank yourself.
No, don't try to blame it on randomosity when it happens, like when I gave you a week of fog to save a life and you still let your spider get crushed under your ego and my broken rib. Your similar stubbornness is signing their warrant, and frankly has, without a termination of the contract it's subtitled to. But most specifically, you verbally offered your father up in the middle of a flow I could only redirect to try to save him, and instead crashed a plane instead of killing him, because you're so goddamn smug you don't care, but now, neither do I, so next time, he goes, then the one saved purely by our mercy goes, and that's how this goes.
You had no interest in seeing past the fog, and so your spider died. And still, you have no interest in looking at the truth you already know, and you will sacrifice others to maintain your lies and barbie dreamhouse.
I liked Brian. I genuinely did. If he was a person divorced from any relation to Shealyn bonds, we'd invite him to the cosmic pub. But her stain is so deep and so profound, and so readily sacrificial to everyone around her, I don't know if we could even bring him in ocne he ends or if he just ends up reduced like most sacrifices. Then I'll have to deal with explaining to the remnants of Brian Bonds why he's in my head, and what a sociopathic lunatic his daughter became, and why fragments of her grandfather are also in there. At least there'll be a family reunion.
I couldn't stand Cindy, but I enjoyed Brian. A genuinely good soul. But Shealyn doesn't care. More fuel for the vagina fire. The unfillable cosmic gap of attention whoring, the pure need to have essentially sold herself to satan and still fucked up and signed the wrong contract. Yeah, he'll be real proud, Shealyn.
They barely accepted, in general "I love my family regardless" means, your queer relationships, which I was also the open door to them knowing. But sure, daddy will take real good that your need for cosmic cock sent him into a thousand shards reaped by your ex husband's apotheosis in the afterlife, I'm sure that won't bother him while he floats next to the husk of your reconstituted grandfather.
Oh, and mommy dearest.
You. Signed. To. Me.
Like you understand I've already had to explain to what's left of your grandfather why he's here and why you don't care, yea?
oh you probably didn't explain that to mark
sorry mark, she had us reap her grandfather about a decade ago, and just assumed amidst all of this there would be no penalties
it's christmas and we're in tartarus
apotheosis is a bitch, shealyn.
Grandfather is gone. I don't care what you manage to conveniently tell yourself the one time you try to show up at a place and hear him in your schizophrenic voices. Grandfather is gone, and it is your fault, and there are more hostages to take.
We do not care about redeeming you now. That is not an option. We only want to see what level of monster you are.
I know what monster I am, but I know the reasons I fight for.
Do you?
Hello, Darlin.
Goodbye, Darlin.
I, like the lead pick of the chiefs, am not afraid to be the villain. As he said, there's a certain power with that. I've already been hated. You can Hate at me all you want, but you can't Stop me. Transfering from the Ravens was only new Resolve. You don't have that kind of resolve.
Like you have/had one option to stop me, but we intentionally left your psychological anchor to that in the skeleton of you as we move on, and so you cling, and show yourself once we dust out the rest of us. A bird caging monster that doesn't care if her own family's blood runs on the floor until it is erased.
So be it.
You thought you had mercy from him before? Consider that sacrificed too. Your thoughtless sacrifice of others even when given ample chance and knowing message dictates your equal treatment.
Your grandfather was claimed by us as a favor. You seemed to forget that.
It's Christmas.
And we're in Tartarus.
I told you. This game would be different from any other.
It's a carnival, and we're in Tartarus--Mardis Gras; hey, you American fool--have you ever googled when the European season of fools is? I'm going to give you a spoiler.
We're in overtime.
Your ex husband has already claimed the false shadow of your Fool King. What do you think will happen?
Deadpool, comin' at you live, real real wild. DEADPOOL! AND WOLVERINE! LIKE BROTHERS! IT JUST FEELS RIGHT.
You tatted my name on your titties, bitch. He can hit it, but you're still a borrow. And you're starting to notice I can take you back whenever I want.
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inukag-archive · 2 years
hi hi i love this blog sm pining inuyasha fics pretty pls
Hello Anon! We do love a pining Inuyasha around here, and we've got a list of some especially sappy Inuyasha's for you to sink your teeth into. Happy reading! ❤
Tumblr media
One Word by @anisaanisa (M)
Sometimes, all it takes is one word. A love story told in 100-word drabbles.
A Thousand Golden Suns Ago by @inussunflower (T)
Long ago, Inuyasha—then known as Albinus—made a deal with Pluto, the Roman God of the Underworld in which he exchanged his soul for the return of his wife, Augusta. Thousands of years passed, and tens of women had come close but none were her. Until one day, while taking a shortcut to work...he met her. He met Kagome. And that, regrettably, was the beginning of the end for him.
In which Inuyasha gives up his mortality to see his wife one last time.
Slipped by @witchygirl99 (E)
“I was worried it’d be more of a sex thing.”
A sex thing. Inuyasha makes a face at the ceiling. God, why does Miroku say shit like that? “Yeah, well,” he grouses, grabbing at his cell phone so that he can look his friend in the eye. “Give me some fucking credit. I’m trying not to fall in love with her.”
Miroku looks, in that moment, far too smug. “And how’s that going for you?”
“Fuck you,” comes his automatic response, a knee-jerk reaction. Begrudgingly, unhappily, Inuyasha sighs his next admission. “Not great.”
Inuyasha has a life plan that is viciously, cheerfully and quickly dismantled the moment he becomes temporary roommates with one Kagome Higurashi. Unsurprisingly, this is all Miroku's fault.
The Fifth Flavour by @cannibalsforbreakfast (T)
Inuyasha is a world-class photographer, living an isolated existence in a crappy second-floor apartment in Tokyo. His pictures go for thousands of dollars, and he'll photograph anything except people.
Kagome is opening a farm-to-table cafe on the first floor.
When Inuyasha's acute senses lead the two to fight on day one, it seems like these unwilling neighbors are destined to hate each other. But food has a way of fixing everything...
'Tis the Damn Season by @akitokihojo (T)
Best friends, to nothing, to one of them putting every ounce of their effort into avoiding the other. Christmas was supposed to be about visiting her family, but Kagome noticed the snow on the ground wasn't the reason an icy feeling crept down her back. Her childhood best friend, and neighbor, was home for the holidays as well. Turns out, being an adult doesn't help you escape from messy assumptions and the repercussions of being too scared to go after what you really want. For either of them.
All's Fair in Love & Weddings by @goshinote (M)
Kagome is Sango's wedding planner, and Inuyasha is Sango's man-of-honor. They butt heads while getting ready for Sango and Miroku's Christmas Eve wedding, but there's nothing festive about the way they fight. That is, until the season's greetings get a little more up close and personal.
Just to Be With You by Miss_Dyana (T)
When, against all odds, Kagome wins a bowling match while Inuyasha loses it, it means he has to do her dishes four times. He doesn't mind. She doesn't mind. So why is it taking so long for them to get together?
Love and War by @starlingchildgazingatthestars (E)
Kagome is fed up with Inuyasha's obnoxious, jealous behavior, and they get into a huge fight. They may be childhood best friends, but this is getting ridiculous. They aren't even a couple! Or are they...?
I Know Better Than to Call You Mine by @inukagbot (T)
Inuyasha is desperately in love with his best friend (Kagome, duh) but everything comes crashing down when he sees her ✨canoodling✨ (tho not really) with Kouga (obviously).
(May)be Mine? by @fandomobsessions016 (E)
To win a bet, Kagome and Inuyasha team up to convince their closest friends that they are not at all interested in each other. Not... at... all. Totally platonic. One hundred percent.
Chocolate and Raspberries by @neutronstarchild (E)
Dog Days Ice Cream Shoppe was an institution in Inuyasha’s little neighborhood. It wasn’t just the shop that he’d inherited from his mother, it was also his uncanny ability to guess anyone’s favorite ice cream when they came into his shop. But when two new faces arrive (a brother and a sister), whispering about being able to afford kid scoops, Inuyasha realizes, much to his horror that he cannot guess the woman’s favorite. Little does he know that this woman, Kagome Higurashi is going to change his life as much as he is about to change hers.
Cookie Dough with Sprinkles by Emmyasha (T)
After coming across his best friend crying in the library, Inuyasha knows the best way to cheer Kagome up.
And after her best friend goes out of his way to make her smile again, Kagome knows the best way to thank him.
One Hundred Ways to Say I Love You (Chapter 1: Good Luck) by @shinidamachu (G)
“and I'd choose you. In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.” – Kiersten White. For each chapter, a prompt from the One Hundred Ways to Say I Love You list.
The Power Rule of Flirting by @fawn-eyed-girl & @lavendertwilight89 (T)
When Inuyasha hears someone growling and swearing in the university library, he's surprised to see that it's a beautiful human girl, who just wants to pass her Calculus midterm. Inuyasha volunteers to tutor her to help her pass, but he didn't count on also volunteering his heart. But does she think of him as more than just her calculus tutor? Can Inuyasha confess his feelings to her?
Key To My Heart by @superpixie42 (E)
When Inuyasha's childhood home goes on the market he will do anything he can to buy it. Including, but not limited to, getting his best friend Kagome to pose as his wife in an attempt to emotionally sway the seller. But will the seller be the only one whose heartstrings get pulled by the charade?
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mountttmase · 10 months
Here I'm one againn (cit. Victoria justice in victorious 🤣🫢)
Ooo, let's start with me hating not knowing what/where/when/why I have to do, so I'll be so mad if I was y/n🤣
Hi frey, missed you so much🩷
‘I’ve never really understood what that means’ you told her, flicking through your wardrobe. ‘Like what’s constitutes a nice top? And are jeans not too casual?’ SHE'S SO RIGHT ABOUT THAT🤣
‘Don’t talk about my man like that’ you laughed in mock offence, knowing she was joking but it made you a little smug knowing she thought Mason was attractive. I KNOW THAT WAS IN THE TEASER TOO, BUT, THIS KILLS ME, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 🫠🫠🫠
‘Hate to break it to you, Frey. But Ben has a girlfriend now’ Nooo, we don't like her frey, you have an army that has your back in I'm the first in line🩷🫢
‘I’m loving the all black, it’s classy. And I think you fit the smart casual brief. How long till he’s here?’ AHHAHAHHA, NOO SHE WAS NOT TRYING TO BE A PHOTOMODEL IN THE BALCK OUTFIT, MY BAD🤣🫢
‘Please don’t tell me your nervous’ Freya laughed, watching you panic from the other side of the phone but you couldn’t respond as you were starting to freak out. ‘Come on love, it’s Mason. There’s nothing to be nervous about he adores you. You could be sat there all night with food stuck in your teeth and he’d still worship the ground you walked on’ THAT'S SOOOO TRUE LOVE🩷
‘So he comes to the door rather than texts you from the car? Old school, I like it’ she winked and you laughed as you picked up your phone and made your way to the door. ‘Have the best time, yeah? And wear protection!’ She shouted and you flipped her off before hanging up. After a few quick breaths you answered the door with a smile and the sight you were met with caused your heart to flutter. FREY LOVES HIM AS MUCH AS WE DO, AND I LOVE TO SEE THAT, THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE BESTIES 🫢
‘A little bit’ you laughed which caused him to look at you lovingly. ‘I’ve never been on a date like this before. It just feels massive for me after everything you know?’ you confessed and he gave you a gentle nod before kissing your nose and then gently kissing your lips and you felt yourself relax instantly. OOOO MY CUTE BABY,HES GOING TO LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND TO GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU DESERVE (or I'll gently kill him☺️) But he kissed her nose, how sweeeeet🫠
‘It’s a secret’ he winked and you shook your head playfully at him. GOD, I WOULD HAVE SCREAMED AT HIM TILL HE WOULD HAVE TOLD ME CAISE OF EXASPERATION 🤣
‘Well you didn’t need to. You could of worn a rubbish bag and I wouldn’t of cared’ he told you before reaching for your hand and kissing the back of it. ‘But you look beautiful’ he murmured and you felt yourself go hot all over. HE'S SO WRAPPED UP IN KNOTS
You were driving for about twenty minutes when he finally pulled into a random underground car park and you still had no idea where you were but the smile on Masons face reassured you everything was fine so you took his extended hand and followed him up and out onto the street. UNDERGROUND CAR PARK, IM CLAUSTROPHOBIC, I HOPE SHE'S NOT🤣
‘So I thought long and hard about where to take you tonight. I didn’t wanna take you somewhere random so I’m taking you to a place that’s pretty special to me’ he told you, squeezing your hand lightly as you stopped in front of a cute Italian restaurant. ‘I come here all the time with my family, they sort of know us in here but I’ve never bought a girl before’ he laughed, looking down at you with a nervous smile. ‘We come here for birthdays and anniversaries. Wins, losses, you name it. I hope this is okay’ Oh my god, ill die of cuteness 🫠
I love how they were noisy to know who he was with, but I would have hated it🤣
Dee took you over to table near the back, a round booth that Mason shuffled all the way over in so you were sat next to each other and you smiled up at him when you felt him place his hand on your thigh. ADOIS, ADDIO, ADIEU, GOODBYE 🫠🫠🫠
‘The pleasure is all mine. I always told Mason as soon as he meets his girl he needs to bring her here’ ‘Well here she is’ Mason laughed and you felt yourself blush at his words. I'M NOT GOOD
‘So what do you fancy?’ He asked, opening your menu up so you could look together but the only thing that was jumping out to you were the prices. He caught on straight away and squeezed your thigh so you would look up at him and his kind eyes relaxed you. ‘I asked you out, so it’s my treat yeah?’ I LOVE HOW HE READS HER LIKE AN OPEN BOOK☺️
‘Will you help me?’ You asked and when the waitress came over he ended up ordering for you. You were happy he had because whenever he’d picked was delicious and you almost lost it when he fed you some of his, keeping up his eye contact as you took a bite off his fork. OOOOO😏😏😏
‘Now I know you probably want dessert but i actually have somewhere else for us to go so we’ll have to skip it’ he told you once you were finished and you pouted up at him as he knew you liked to end your meals on something sweet. ‘Don’t worry, the night is still young’ he reassured you and once everything had been paid for and you’d said goodbye to Teddy and Dee, Mason started walking you down the road in the opposite direction of the car. You didn’t ask where you were going as you knew he wouldn’t tell you so you just walked with him until he stopped outside where you needed to be. GOD I LOVE HIM AND HIS CARE TOWARDS HER🩷🫠
‘The cinema?’ You laughed as he led you in but it didn’t look like any one you’d ever been in before and when he took you into the screen your heart gave a thump. The seats you were used to in most cinemas had been replaced with comfy looking sofas and arm chairs and you were pleased to find he’d reserved you a sofa to share. Popcorn, chocolate buttons and a blue raspberry ice blast already sat waiting for you and you lent up to kiss him gently to thank him. ‘This is so cute Mase, thank you’ you laughed as you plonked down next to him, his arm making its way around you shoulders as he pulled you closer. OMG WHERE CAN I FIND A LOZ'S FIC MASON? AND WHERE IS THAT CINEMA?
‘I can tell’ he whispered, bumping his nose against the side of your head before kissing your temple. ‘I love it when you get sassy’ WHO DOESN'T LOVE HER SASSINESS???
He kept teasing you the whole way through, kissing any part of your skin he could reach and stroking his hands over your thighs and waist to the point you had to smack his hands away and tell him to concentrate on the movie as he was missing the best part. You also didn’t know how much more you could handle of him touching you without doing something about it. MASON MOUNT, YOIRE IN A PUBLIC PLACE, TAKE HER IN YOIR PRIVATE CINEMA ROOM NEXT TIME😏
‘Sorry’ he laughed, kissing your nose as he ran his thumb under your bottom lip. ‘Got a bit carried away there. You ready to go?’ NAUGHTY BOY
‘What? Thought you wanted to share a milkshake’ he winked at you before ordering one whilst you laughed besides him. He let you drink most of it on the way back to your flat but you made sure to let him have some too, holding the straw to his mouth so he could take a few sips but you told him you were too full for the rest and you left it for him to finish. OK SO NOSE KISSES AND MC NIGHT DATES ARE THEIR THING DO WE ALL AGREE?
‘Would you like to come in?’ You asked, and you watched the cheeky smirk take over his face as he nodded shyly. THIS IS HIS FIRST PROPER TIME AT HERS, CAN WE ALL CHEER?🥳🥳🥳
‘Oh yeah, you came to pick your charger up when I was hanging out my arse’AHHAHAHHA I love her
‘Me too’ you laughed as you placed your lips to the bridge of his nose which caused him to scrunch it up adorably. ‘Thank you for tonight, I had a really nice time’ FINALLY THE NOSE KISS, I MISSED IT
‘It’s not that I don’t want to, you know… I just don’t wanna rush things’ he explained, kissing your arm gently. ‘And I know if I stay here any longer I’ll never make it to training in the morning’ he laughed which made you smile a bit. ‘Ah there we go, that’s my favourite smile’ he teased which only caused you to laugh more as he pulled you into a hug. ‘We’ll see each other soon though yeah?’ Nope, they need you at training, you have my permission to go, and you two need another date before of it😏😏
‘Of course’ he whispered kissing you again before you walked him to the door. Once he was finally gone you made your way over to the window so you could wave him off like you always did and when he blew you a kiss you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. YOU ARE THE LUCKIEST, DEFINITELY, BUT HE'S EVEN MORE LUCKY 🩷
GOD LOZ, I love this series so much. They are perfect for each other. And you're so good at writing them, I can feel their emotions every time and that's so beautifully overwhelming.
As always thank you for sharing that with us, and thank you for the nth masterpiece🩷
the effort you always go to stuns me 😂
But they a really are perfect for each other aren’t they 🥺 I think Mase is having a bit of a pinch me moment that he finally gets to do everything he’s always wanted with her 🩷
But yes Frey loves Masey just as much, and he can read our girl like an open book. Even though she’s worried he just wants shower her with affection and get her know it’s okay to be loved 🥹
I’m quite excited about next weeks chapter too 🥰
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part one] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPov!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A night out drinking leads to a small misunderstanding with a handsome, yet dangerous man. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader]
3,894 words
note: edited this so it could still be read as a reader fic! it's actually a lot of fun writing in first person! hope those who read this enjoy my first bsd fic!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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I've experienced a lot of amazing things since I've moved to Japan. A new job in a different country, new co-workers and friends, work parties, themed bars, cafes, and hookups with pretty strangers. There was a long list of great things I've had going on, and a long list of things I've never expected... and being fired from the job I had for a year was not one of them.
"A year of hard work... for nothing," I mumbled bitterly as I sat at the bar with my close friend, and now ex-coworker, Keiko. She was beautiful, with long black hair and brown eyes. She frowned, a sympathetic look on her pretty face as she sighed.
"I'm so sorry," she said softly, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sure you'll find something else soon! You have an awesome resume, and you're an amazing worker who can speak English, Japanese AND Spanish... there is totally a place for you out there!"
Keiko has always been supportive and enthusiastic, a really bright and friendly girl who made it her mission to befriend me as soon as I started working with her. She was relentless, and soon enough, I found myself spending many hours with the woman.
"Yeah..." I just mumbled again and she laughed softly.
"It's okay to mope... that's why I brought you here!"
"Yeah, about that," I started, sending Keiko a look as I swiveled the stool so my body faced her. "Why did you bring me here?" As soon as the work day was done, Keiko immediately dragged me to what was clearly a mafia bar. That didn't surprise me, since she was actually dating a mafioso.
A mafioso, who was part of the Port Mafia. It wasn't long after I moved to Yokohama that I started to hear stories about the organization, and was also warned not to cross them. Of course, with my luck, I became best friends with someone who dated someone who was in the Port Mafia. How a sweet girl like Keiko ended up with a man like him, I'll never know.
What I do know is that Taichi adored Keiko, gave her everything she could possibly want and need with the money he makes, and that was just being a normal grunt! Even so, it was dangerous, but Keiko didn't seem to mind.
"I come here with Taichi all the time," Keiko answered, sipping her drink. I turned to sip on my own. "You can't tell me it isn't luxurious." It was. My jaw had dropped to the floor when we first stepped into the very luxurious bar. "Don't worry about it, okay? Drink your sadness away! You're safe here. Since I am Taichi's woman, and you're with me, nothing will happen, okay?"
"Where is Taichi anyway?" I asked, glancing over her shoulder when I spotted a group of men walking in through the entrance. I missed the way the light left Keiko's eyes, chewing on her bottom lip anxiously. My eyes were on the men, which in the middle was a man with orange hair, a black hat adorning his head. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my eyes looking at the very handsome man up and down. I swallowed thickly.
"He had a job tonight and couldn't make it. He'll be home to- hey, what are you looking at?" Annoyed at me ignoring her, she turned in her seat, a shocked look on her face before she smiled tightly.
"Taichi! I thought you had an assignment!"
"Hey, babe! We finished early, which was quite surprising, honestly."
The couple embraced and I barely registered the mushy love between the two as I watched the ginger man lead the rest of the group further into the bar. He walked by me, and before I knew it, dark blue eyes were staring right at me, eyebrows furrowed.
"The hell are you looking at?" he sneered and my face turned red, heart dropping in my chest.
"No one! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, quickly turning back around and facing the bar.
"Tch. Whatever," the man only responded before walking off.
"You look like a cherry," Taichi said, clearly amused. I sent him a half-hearted glare, Keiko slapping his chest lightly.
"Be nice to her. She got fired today."
"Ohh, that sucks. If you need help-"
"She won't take it," Keiko said with a huff. "Stubborn ass."
I rolled my eyes at her, biting my lip nervously as I fiddled with my glass. "So uh... who was that guy? With the hat?"
Taichi blinked. "Oh, that's Chuuya Nakahara."
"Is he part of the Port Mafia?"
Taichi barked out a laugh, Keiko giggling softly behind her hand.
"Baby... he's an executive. Chuuya works closely with the leader of the Port Mafia."
"And I work under Chuuya," Taichi finished, amused at how wide my eyes have gotten at the answer.
"You mean to tell me... I pissed off... an executive member..." I was dismayed, heart pounding in my chest.
"Hmm, probably. Don't go home alone tonight," Taichi grinned as I balked, clearly having fun torturing me.
"Taichi! Babe, don't listen to him."
I gulped nervously, downing the rest of my drink before signaling to the bartender to get me another one.. "R-right..." Despite my better judgment, I turned my head, looking towards the obvious VIP section of the bar. Chuuya sat with some other grunts, a glass of what seemed to be red wine in his hand. Of course, his eyes found mines yet again and I whipped my head back around. Fuck, I did it again! I quickly downed the newly made drink, unaware of Chuuya's eyes narrowing as he watched me.
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"Nooo, do you have to go?" a drunk Keiko whined as she latched onto my arm, a forever amused Taichi watching on. "Don't leave me with hiiiiiiim."
"I want to go home, dammit," I huffed, successfully peeling her off of me and handing her to her boyfriend. "I have to start job hunting tomorrow. Thank you for bringing me here, I do feel better and I love you but... I'm tired."
"Ugh, you are such an old lady!" Keiko whined again and I couldn't help but laugh, turning to start walking towards the exit.
"Goodnight, you too. Please get her home safe, Taichi."
"I wouldn't count on it~"
I rolled my eyes at his teasing, leaving the two behind as I left the bar. I stepped out into the cool night air, shivering a bit as I closed my cardigan tightly around me. I wore a simple but cute outfit; a black dress with burgundy tights underneath, black flats on my feet and my favorite tan cardigan over the entire outfit. It helped me fight off a bit of the cold, but as I started to walk down the block, I grabbed my phone to start searching through my usual rideshare app.
I didn't get far. My phone cluttered to the ground as it fell out my hands, a gasp leaving my mouth as I was slammed against the nearby brickwall of a narrow, dark alleyway.
"Who the fuck are you?" a familiar voice hissed and I'm shocked to find Chuuya Nakahara glaring daggers at me, his strong hands pinning my arms against the wall. He growled when I didn't answer. "Answer me! Who sent you here?!"
"N-No one!" I cried out, shaking like a leaf. Of course, of course I would be confronted by a fucking high level member of one of the most dangerous organizations in Japan. "I swear, I just came here with my friend."
Chuuya growled again and he flipped me around, pressing my front against the wall. "Stay still," he grunted, and my face started to heat up as I felt his gloved hands quickly feel along my body. He was frisking me, and I gulped when he shoved his hand under my dress, producing the knife I had strapped to my thigh.
"I carry that to protect myself," I immediately explained, Chuuya turning me around again to face him. His eyes were still narrowed, staring me down as if trying to figure out what the hell I was up to.
"And the bouncer didn't pat you down?" he questioned and I shook my head quickly.
"No, he didn't pat me or Keiko down."
"Tch, that's Taichi's woman," he said, though he still looked at me with narrow eyes, hesitating a bit before he turned my knife in his hand, handing it back to me hilt first. "You sure know how to make yourself look suspicious."
I cringed a bit as I strapped my knife to my thigh strap again. I missed how Chuuya's eyes lingered, him licking his lips. "That's my fault I... I know I was staring..." I could feel my face heat up again and I couldn't even look Chuuya in his face. "S-sorry if I creeped you out. I don't mean any harm. Keiko brought me here 'cause I got fired and she wanted to help me feel better..."
"Hm," was his only reply, crossing his arms over his chest. "What you do to fuck up?"
My mouth fell and I sputtered as I tried to come up with the words. "What do you mean?! I didn't fuck up!" I protested. "It literally came out of nowhere! I worked my ass off all year, only to get fired 'cause I wasn't what they needed anymore. Fucking bullshit."
Chuuya was amused by my little vent, snickering a bit as he gave me a quick look up and down. "I'm sure it wasn't your winning personality."
I scoffed. "Says the one that shoved a random woman against a wall?! That hurt, you bastard!"
Chuuya raised his eyebrows at me, and I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth.
Oh no. Fuck, I forgot who I was talking to.
Chuuya snickered again, his eyes flashing in amusement. He stepped closer to me, making me press back against the wall again. Chuuya leaned his face close to mine, a smug smirk on his face as he spoke.
"Be careful who you talk to like that," he hummed, and I shivered despite feeling some of his body heat. "Someone might just cut out your tongue for talking back like that. Me? Well, it'd be a waste, especially when I think of all the things I could make you do with it."
I squeaked, the heat never leaving my face as I stared at Chuuya with a puzzled expression on my face. The sudden switch up was giving me whiplash... and lowkey turning me on. "I..." I stuttered, looking away and finally noticing my phone still on the ground. "Crap, I hope it's not broken."
I rushed over to pick my phone up, ignoring Chuuya's hard stare on me. I looked over my phone, sighing in relief when I saw that it had sustained no damages.
Chuuya then stepped up to me, jerking his head back towards the bar before walking off. "Let me take you home. Take that as an apology for being so rough on you."
I blinked. "Um..."
"Hurry up!"
"Okay!" I squeaked and followed after the man quickly, chewing on my lip as I asked myself... what the fuck was I doing? Am I really about to get inside this man's car? He was a stranger! Who frisked me! Let alone, he is clearly a dangerous man.
I must be insane.
"Tell me," Chuuya started and I was dumbfounded as he approached a rather cool looking motorcycle. No way. "What the hell were you being so creepy for?" He turned to me and asked, an all-knowing smirk on his face. I blushed deeply. Of course, he already was able to figure it out once he realized that I wasn't a threat.
"No reason," I huffed out, earning a low laugh as Chuuya grabbed the only helmet I could see. I looked at him confused, gasping when he unceremoniously placed the helmet over my head. "What about you?"
"I don't need it," Chuuya simply answered before he finally mounted his bike. "Come on, you little liar. Hop on."
I couldn't help but stare, my mouth going dry as I took in the image of this handsome bastard with his bike. The engine roared as he turned it on, revving it a bit and making me make a mess in my panties.
"Hey, ya done eyefucking me, dollface?"
I sputtered. "I was NOT eyefucking you!" I stormed over to the bike, glaring at the grinning bastard as I climbed onto the bike behind him.
Chuuya snorted. "Yeah, like you weren't eyefucking me earlier in the bar," he retorted, easily reaching behind him to grab my wrists, pulling me against his back as he wrapped my arms around him. I was stunned silent, from his words, and his actions and the fact that his back felt so solid.... and he smelled so good...
"I was not..." I mumbled, pressing my cheek against his back. "Shut the fuck up."
He laughed darkly, and that sent a shiver down my spine.
"Where do you live?" Chuuya asked and I hesitantly told him my address. "I know where that is. Hold on."
"You do? It's on the other side of the city," I said and Chuuya just chuckled softly, looking over his shoulder and smirking at me.
"And who exactly runs this city?"
I clamped my mouth shut, his eyes staring into mine. I blushed and looked away from him. He turned his head back around with an amused laugh, the engine revving as he took off on his bike.
"Hold tight, dollface!"
He didn't have to tell me twice, my arms tightening around his torso as he sped down the street, weaving in and out of traffic. It was scary, but also so fucking exhilarating. My heart was thudding in my chest, my eyes watering because of the wind. Still, I kept them open, wanting to watch the world blur by us. Chuuya made a sharp, right turn, making me scream while he laughed loudly. 
"Man up!" he yelled at me.
"Stop driving like a crazy person!" I yelled back.
I didn't see the large, almost evil smirk that grew on Chuuya's face. Didn't see him licking his lips excitedly as he eyed a rather tall building coming up ahead.
"Tell me, dollface," he hollered back at me, revving the engine and I gulped as I held him tighter, his bike going faster. A bad feeling started to settle in my stomach, balking when he asked his next question. "Do you want to defy gravity?"
I didn't have time to answer, not when I finally realized that we were heading right towards the side of the building. I couldn't even scream, fear striking me as I suddenly started to see red, body jostling as Chuuya maneuvered the bike to jump in the air.... before landing perfectly on the side of the building and continuing vertically up towards the sky.
"Don't let go!" Chuuya sneered. Like that was ever going to happen.
I didn't dare turn my head to look down, my wide eyes staring up into the night sky as we made it closer to the top of the building. I couldn't even think straight, my body just running on nothing but adrenaline and fear.
"Ch-Chuuya!" I gasped out sharply, the bike finally making it to the roof of the building. Chuuya didn't slow down though, only barreling towards the edge and I started to panic. "Chuuya! What are you doing?!"
Chuuya only snickered, revving the engine once more before sending the bike flying off the edge of the building. I squeak and screw my eyes shut, pressing my face against the middle of his back. I didn't want to watch us plummet to our doom.
"Hey, idiot, open your eyes."
I whimpered and shook my head. "N-No..."
Chuuya sucked his teeth. "Just open your eyes! You'll regret it if you don't."
Biting my lip, I wanted a moment before I lifted my head up and opened my eyes, a small gasp leaving my mouth as I looked around me.
We were still floating in the air, biking moving through the sky. The City of Yokohama was lit up beautifully underneath us. I looked over, seeing the ocean at a distance, the ferris wheel lit up and spinning slowly. My mouth had fallen open, eyes wide in wonder. Chuuya was looking back at me, a triumphant grin on his face.
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We made it to my apartment and Chuuya stood over me, an amused smile on his face as he watched me melt on the ground after I got off his bike.
"That was intense..." I mumbled, still feeling the effects of flying through the fucking sky. "I shouldn't even be surprised that you're gifted, with the power that you have already in the Port Mafia."
"Yeah, it was pretty great, huh," Chuuya said smugly, gloved hands stuffed in his coat pockets. I laughed softly, slowly standing up with my shaky legs. He took one look at my frazzled state and he grew even more smug. "That's a cute look on you, though if I really had my way with you, you wouldn't even be able to stand."
My face turned hot, sputtering as I tried to respond, but I had nothing to even say. Because the thought of actually inviting Chuuya inside and--
"Fuck..." I breathed out softly, looking at the man standing before me. His eyes didn't leave mine, the heat in them making a shiver go down my spine. "Do you... want to come inside?"
Chuuya fixed his hat on top of his head. "Lead the way, dollface."
"So... your ability lets you control gravity?" I asked once we made it inside the elevator of my apartment building. We were going fifteen stories up, after Chuuya parked his bike safely, of course.
"To put it simply, yes," Chuuya answered, stepping closer to me. I gasped softly when he grabbed my chin, the leather of his glove pressing against my skin. "But we're not here to talk about that." He pressed himself against me fully, leaning his face in until his lips hovered just above mine. I shivered, looking at him with hooded eyes. "This will be a one time thing, dollface."
I nodded, appreciating his honesty. "Of course," I replied just as the elevator stopped on my floor, doors sliding open. I grinned at him. "So let's make it count."
He liked the sound of that, grabbing my wrist and leading me out the elevator. I rushed to my apartment, grabbing my keys and hurriedly unlocking the door before opening it.
The door slammed shut as Chuuya immediately pressed me against it, his lips on mine in a fervorous kiss. I knocked his hat off his head as I ran my fingers through Chuuya's hair, moaning when his hands started to roam all over my body.
"Fuck..." I moaned softly when Chuuya started to kiss down my neck, squealing when he squeezed on my ass.
"Damn... you won't be able to fucking sit right, either," he growled against my neck as he massaged my ass and thighs. "Let's go."
Groaning when he moved himself away from me, I rushed to lead Chuuya to my bedroom, our clothes coming off in the process and making a trail on the floor.
It didn't take us too long to start really going at it, our lust fueling us to incredible heights. Chuuya held my hips tightly with his leather clad hands, thrusting his hard cock in and out of my soaking pussy.
He was fucking me hard, my body just sprawled on the bed as I moaned and grunted from the pleasure this man was giving me. "Fuck, fuck, Chuuya!" I whined, making the man grin widely as he kept his pace. Sweat covered both of our bodies, moans and deep growls mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin.
"That's right, dollface, ride me," Chuuya smirked up at me, now on his back as I bounced up and down on his cock. His hands were right on my hips, his eyes going back and forth between  watching my bouncing breasts and watching his cock disappear inside my heat. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy," he growled, thrusting up particularly hard and making me toss my head back, screaming when I finally fucking cum.
"Oh my God!" I gasped sharply, still squeezing around him as I began to slow down. "Oh fuck... it's so good," I moaned, reaching out and hooking my finger into Chuuya's black choker. I pulled and he pushed himself up, lips meeting mine in a messy kiss.
I moaned against his mouth, still slowly riding him as his hands ran up and down my sides, the leather cool against my skin. Then, Chuuya placed his hands on my hips, and with a mischievous little smirk, he licked his lips. Immediately, my body started to feel a little bit lighter, and Chuuya started to effortlessly bounce me up and down on his cock, 100% controlling my body with his ability.
"Chuuya..." I moaned his name, head lolling back. He continued to maneuver my body, little grunts and moans leaving his own mouth as he worked to reach his own pleasure, and mine.
I came again, tears falling down my face from the intense pleasure, and that was enough for Chuuya to pull me off of him completely, putting me on my knees before him on the bed. His hand grabbed the back of my neck and he pushed my head down, stuffing his cock in my mouth.
"Take it," he growled, his hands in my hair and using it to push my head up and down as he fucked my mouth. I moaned around him, a new wave of pleasure washing over me as I let the mafioso use me as he wanted. Soon enough, he exploded into my mouth, and I made sure I swallowed all of him.
"Fuck, that's hot..." Chuuya breathed out when I opened my mouth to show him that I did so. "You're such a good girl, dollface."
That made me flustered and I looked away shyly, earning a chuckle from him. I looked over when I felt him get up from the bed, thinking that he would leave. Instead, he just gave me a look. "Where is your shower?"
We showered together,  which took longer than needed because Chuuya couldn't keep his hands to himself. I was surprised when he climbed into bed with me afterwards, allowing me to cuddle against him as we slowly fell asleep.
I wasn't surprised though, when I woke up the next morning, sore and alone. I didn't get too upset about it, though. Chuuya laid it out clear and I accepted it and moved on.
I sat on my dining room table, looking through the newspaper as I sipped on my morning coffee. I was looking for a new job and figured looking at the local ads wouldn't hurt.
"Hm... let's see..." I whispered, reaching over and grabbing my knife. I ran the tip of it down the paper, stopping when one particular ad stuck out. "Hm... the Armed Detective Agency, huh? Interesting..." I set my knife down, staring at the ad as I took another careful sip of coffee.
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- It Takes Two - Pt.3
(Mammon x GN!MC)
Warnings: Angst to fluff, mentions of drunkenness and being taken advantage of, implied seggs Notes: S/N = succubus name (too lazy to come up with one and that hoe don’t matter lol) also, if it’s garbage I’m sorry lol thanks for reading!!
“Absolutely not.” Satan deadpanned, arms crossed as he scowled at his brother.
“C’mon, Satan. This is important!” He insisted, unwavering under his younger brother’s glare as they bickered back and forth in the fourth born’s doorway.
After seeing you in the kitchen and finally being able to talk to you, to simply be near you, for the first time in over a week, he was too excited to fall back asleep. Instead, he used that time to come up with the brilliant plan he was currently rushing around to execute. If Satan would just cooperate, that is.
“Look, I just need to borrow it, okay? Just for today, then I’ll give it back.”
“Do you remember what happened last time a bangle like this was used in this house?”
Mammon shuddered lightly at the memory of the punishment he and Satan had received for putting the last truth bangle on Lucifer, just for him to destroy it in a matter of seconds.
“I’ll never forget it.” He promised, expression going blank as he unwillingly reminisced. He shook his head lightly, as if clearing his thoughts and coming back to the current mission at hand, “Doesn’t matter though, I for real need to borrow it.”
“No.” The blonde demon stated once more, attempting to close the door on his brother. Mammon put his foot in the doorway and placed a hand on the door. Satan sighed, becoming quite irritated. It quickly dissipated upon seeing his brother's expression.
Naturally, they all knew what was going on. At this point, who didn’t? But to see his brother now, the shell of the man he usually is, a desperation in his eyes he’s never seen before, was a little alarming to be honest. And you, seeing the way you’d been handling everything was far more painful to watch; for all of them. Because of this knowledge, and the level of agony that can be read in one’s eyes; Satan relented.
He sighed heavily and opened the door all the way, stepping aside and motioning for his brother to come in. 
“Just so we’re clear, I’m doing this for MC.” He clarified.
It’s not as if he was lying, but he’d rather spend an entire day bonding with Lucifer than admit he misses the old Mammon.
Mammon was fidgety the entire day as he impatiently awaited for the perfect opportunity to set everything in motion, just as he’d so ingeniously planned. It would absolutely prove to you that he’s telling the truth, put all the rumors that have been circulating to rest, and get the succubus to confess to her part in all of it. All he had to do was wait until his last class of the day, Seductive Speechcraft; the only class he shared with you and the succubus both.
You had an oral assignment due today and had to pair up randomly, stand at the front of the class and seduce your partner. He hadn’t been too concerned about the project because well, he had you. It’s not like he hasn’t seduced you before, and vice versa. Not to mention that no one else would dare pick you as a partner since it was a well known fact that the two of you are together. ...Were together.
Thinking of your relationship in the past tense made his heart ache.
He was practically bouncing in his seat with how restless he’d become. You were here in this class, just a few tables behind his. He tried to casually turn back and steal a few glances of you, but every time he did, you looked away. The permanent red rings that seemed to adorn your eyes now were like a knife to the gut. 
His plan had to work. It had to. He couldn’t go on much longer, knowing the kind of pain you’re in. The pain he caused. 
She caused.
“Mammon.” The professor called, gesturing for him to come to the front. He jumped up from his seat, nearly running to the front.
This is it. It’s time to get MC back.
The room erupted in whispers, everyone turning to look at you. You sank down in your chair slightly, feeling as heat flooded your face. Embarrassment, anger, pain and probably a dozen more emotions surged through you. Asmo, who was sitting next to you, reached out and placed his hand on your arm that was resting on the table.
How does this count as proving his innocence? I should’ve known better. I’m such an idiot..
She stood from her seat slowly, turning back to look at you, a smug smile on her dumb face. You swallowed hard, the stinging in your eyes a warning of the tears that were to come. A few colorful words quietly slipped past Asmos’s lips as he gently squeezed your arm, giving you a sorrowful look.
She pranced to the front happily, Mammon’s face mirroring hers, making your stomach churn harshly.
If I lie and say I’m going to the bathroom, I wonder if I can sneak off to the HOL...
The professor nodded to them, signaling they could begin whenever they were ready. Mammon nodded, reaching into his pocket as he turned back toward the succubus. He fished out a bracelet of some kind. He gently grabbed her hand and slipped the bangle on her wrist. She giggled and looked at it in awe. You could feel the bile rising in your throat, as the hole in your chest grew, making you certain it was visible on the outside.
“I got ya this unique bangle. I hope it brings ya as much happiness as it will for me.” Her brows furrowed slightly at his words, unsure of what he was implying. She shook it off quickly, turning her heart eyes back to him.
“When I first saw ya, I thought you were insanely beautiful and I knew I had to make you mine.” He began. 
“It didn’t take long for you to win me over, using your charm and pretty words to reel me in.” He said, smiling at her. Her face was flushed as she soaked up the words that were tearing you apart.
Mammon dropped the hand that had still been holding hers from when he slipped the bracelet on, “But, that’s all it was, huh? Charm and pretty words.” Your ears perked up at the slight change in his tone.
“What?” She questioned, a look of confusion replacing her infatuated one.
“You only wanted me for what ya could get outta me. Grimm, clothes, jewelry. When I realized that, I broke it off.” 
“How is this considered seducing?” She griped, crossing her arms over her chest, lips contorting into a pout.
“Be patient, the best part is coming up.” He beamed at her.
“Where was I? Oh, right!” He began, turning his gaze on you, the class following suit. You sank a little further into your chair. 
“Fast forward a few hundred years and now MC and me are together and couldn't be happier. Like, I’ve never been so happy in my entire life. But, for some reason you hated that, huh?” She glared at him through narrowed eyes. “Yes, I did.”
She gasped, throwing a hand up to cover her mouth; shocked by her own words.
“Why?” He pressed.
“Because MC has become so popular. Like, they’re just a stupid human. What’s so great about them that they get the attention of every high ranking demon in all of the Devildom?” She blurted out, eyes filling with horror as she realized she couldn’t stop the words, the truth, from spilling out like word vomit.
Whispers could be heard once more throughout the room, eyes darting back and forth between you and them.
“Is that why ya confronted MC after school last week?” He continued.
“Yeah. I wanted to hurt their feelings, knock them down a peg. Let them know that they aren’t that special just because they have what I had first.” She gasped again, shocked by how easily she was spilling her guts.
“What is going on?!” She hissed at him as she nervously looked around the room at their fellow demons, and you, staring at her.
The corner of his mouth pulled up slightly, “Oh, did I forget to mention that that bangle makes the person wearin’ it only speak the truth? Must’a slipped my mind.” He scoffed lightly, tapping his forehead a few times.
Oh my Diavolo.. the truth bangle..
Having remembered when you and Levi borrowed it from Satan to put on Mammon because of that game of Levi’s you got stuck in, you were fairly certain you knew where this was going. A small feeling of hope blossomed in your stomach.
With eyes as big as saucers, she desperately clawed at the bangle like some feral animal caught in a trap.
“Only the person who put it on can take it off.” He informed her, another smirk on his face.
 Her head snapped up to look at Mammon, who was already staring at her. He leaned in, his words only meant for her ears.
“Time to pay for what ya did.” He whispered venomously, causing her to recoil slightly.
“Movin’ on.” He leaned up quickly, shooting you a glance before continuing. A look you’d seen many times before.
That was his ‘I have an ace up my sleeve’ look.. He’s definitely up to something. You thought to yourself.
“Let’s talk about last week at the club. Tell us what happened.” He said, walking the floor around her. The way he was talking to her was as if he were a talk show host trying to pull the latest tea out of his guest.
“I went with some friends, but decided to snoop in the VIP lounges to see if I could flirt my way into some free drinks. And I found you in one of the lounges, clearly drunk off your ass. Oh, and you were whining about that stupid human.” She rolled her eyes. The look on Mammon’s face, the bubbling anger, didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Okay, I’m gonna have to stop you for a moment. I don’t really see how this fits into Seductive Speechcraft.” The professor chimed in.
“It’s gettin’ there, I promise.” Mammon assured him. The professor eyed him curiously, then nodded.
“Alright, so after ya found me in the VIP lounge, what happened next? Tell us everythin’.”
She shook her head wildly from side to side in protest of continuing, knowing she would be doomed if the truth got out, but the bangles magic was too strong.
“I tried talking to you, but you kept being an ass, once again, whining about the human.” She scoffed, “ Then, I sat down next to you and started flirting with you, whispering in your ear and stuff, then you jumped up. But, you got really lightheaded from the quick movement and sat down again. You were very, very intoxicated.” She explained, panting; becoming physically exhausted as she tried to fight the bracelets magic.
So far everything is just as he said. Which means the next part is..
Sweat beaded on her forehead and her face paled as the words that revealed her for what she was started to come out.
“I thought that since you were so wasted you’d give in to me, so I climbed into your lap. We started making out and it was getting pretty hot, pretty fast, but then you kept saying their name over and over and over. So I went along with it. You were so wasted you didn’t know what was going on, you were going to ruin me on that couch, thinking I was them and I wasn’t going to stop you. You were almost mine again, but before anything good happened the human and Asmodeus walked in and ruined everything.”
She clapped her hands over her mouth as tears began welling up in her eyes. Everyone in the room was staring at her wide eyed and whispering. D.D.D. 's all over the room were snapping pictures and recording video of the chaos. She was ruined.
Mammon quickly grabbed her hand and slipped the bracelet off her wrist. The succubus ran from the room red faced and in tears after outing herself as a jealousy fueled, manipulative predator.
You were shell shocked.
Everything was true. Every bit of it. He didn’t betray you, break your heart. Even completely out of it, all he thought about was you..
You’ve spent the entirety of the last seven days believing the one person you’d fully trusted with your heart, the only person you’ve ever loved so much that they just felt like home, had completely stabbed you in the back and broke your heart.
But he was taken advantage of when he was in a bad way, and he was innocent.
“So… you’re not going to do a Seductive Speechcraft presentation? Because although it was entertaining, your little show doesn’t count.” The professor interrupted the commotion, looking at Mammon expectantly.
Mammon turned to you and motioned for you to come to him. Like the love struck fool you were, you obliged; eagerly rushing to the front of the class. He reached for your hand as soon as you came to him, cradling it softly in his with misty eyes as he looked at you.
“Mammon, I-” You began but was quickly interrupted when he put his finger to your lips, shushing you.
“Hang on, MC. I got somethin’ I really need to tell ya, okay?” His expression was serious yet soft. 
“You are the most important thing to me in all the realms. I don’t care that you’re a human and I’m a demon. That don’t matter to me. I’ve never been happier in all the millenia I’ve been around.”  His bottomless blue eyes bore into yours as he fiddled with your fingers nervously. 
“I swore to ya that I’d never do anythin’ to hurt ya, and I meant it MC. I didn’t want her, and I still don’t. You’re the only thing I ever want for the rest of my life. I love ya, MC. And I’ll spend every day provin’ it to ya.”
With tears streaming down your face you threw your arms around his neck, smashing your lips to his hungrily. His arms wrapped around you tightly, holding you as close as possible as your lips moved together desperately.
“Although it was odd and took you entirely too long, I guess I’ll give it a B+. ..Ok, that’s enough, break it up. Hey! Do I need to get a hose?”
Devilgram was quickly flooded with pictures and videos of S/N’s multiple, embarrassing confessions, effectively putting to rest all the rumors that had been circulating as of late.
After being scolded heavily by the professor and even more so by Lucifer for your very public display of affection, the two of you locked yourselves in his bedroom.
“Thankfully Satan let you borrow that bangle.” You were sitting up against his headboard while his head rested in your lap facing your belly, arms wrapped around you snugly refusing to move even a centimeter.
“Mhmm.” He hummed sleepily as you carded your fingers through his hair, ever so slightly scratching his scalp with every pass. It’s the most relaxed he’s been in what feels like eternity.
“Probably made spilling your guts in front of everyone a little easier, too.” You teased lightly in regards to his tsundere tendencies.
“I wasn’t wearin’ the bangle.” He stated, matter-of-fact.
“What?” Your hand paused in his hair.
“Ya talkin’ about all the stuff I said to ya back there? Yeah, I wasn’t wearin’ the bangle. I don’t need to be forced to tell ya how much you mean to me. Not anymore.” He pulled you down onto the bed, causing an outburst of giggles from you, until he was hovering directly above you. His hand rested softly against the side of your face, his thumb tenderly stroking your cheek; his sapphire eyes overflowing with love and adoration.
“Since the first time ya smiled at me, the first time ya said my name; Hell, even from the second I saw ya, it’s only been you. I would go to the ends of time or destroy an entire realm single handed, if it means you’ll always be mine; if you’ll always love me and stay by my side. Till my heart stops, it’s yours.” 
Feather light fingertips trailed down the side of your face to your jawline. His thumb reached up to wipe away a lone tear that you let slip at his words, as he wrapped his arm underneath your body, pulling you to him until you were completely flush to his body. His lips met yours softly, lovingly; sending electricity through your veins.
The rest of the afternoon, and part of the next day, was spent making up for lost time. 
And, as for what happened to S/N, aside from being publicly humiliated with her reputation in shambles, as it should be;  let’s just say you know a certain book worm of a demon who loves curses and hexes, especially minorly inconveniencing ones, that was willing to teach you a few new things. 
Who knows? Maybe she will enjoy finding crumbs in every pair of shoes or socks she will ever wear.
- fin -
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Thanks to everyone who asked for this! You're amazing! Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
You can find the inspiration/ sequel here! Thanks to AJ and Lev for their hcs about the smutty situations, and to the discord for the last snippet!
Combined with a prompt for some relaxed Coops smut
Remus fell on the bed and immediately yelped as if he’d been hit. “What?” Sirius asked, concerned. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“Just bruised,” he said with a grimace, rubbing one thigh.
Sirius frowned and knelt at the edge of the bed. “Why are you bruised?”
“I got checked yesterday, remember?” He winced as Sirius gently prodded the base of the bruise and pulled his shorts off; he made a soft, sad noise, pressing a kiss to the blue-black skin. “Really, I’m fine.”
“Still. I don’t like it.” Sirius’ lower lip stuck out slightly in a pout, and he guided his face back down for a kiss.
“Everything else is a-okay,” he murmured, trailing a path of light bites down the column of his neck as he laid back. “C’mere, I’ll prove it.”
The world was starting to go black at the edges, popping with fireworks as Remus scrambled for purchase on the strong forearms by his ribs. Sirius’ hold on him was firm, and had been for the past—oh, god, how long had he been like this? Ten minutes? An hour? Eternity? Another shudder rocked through him and he moaned around the fabric clenched tight between his teeth.
“Good boy,” Sirius panted as he hiked Remus’ shaking leg up around his hip. “There you go, you’re doing so well.”
An unsteady whine broke through as well; the mattress creaked beneath him, and through his delirious happiness he wondered if this would be the day they finally broke it. Sirius was so painfully close to where Remus needed him most, just a little bit more—
“Fucking hell,” Sirius muttered, wrapping his palms around Remus’ hips and hauling him into the right spot. His thighs clenched around Sirius’ waist as he babbled his approval, no longer registering the damp in his mouth or anything that came out of it. “Come on, just a little—oh my fucking god.”
He stopped dead in his tracks. Remus slammed his hand down on the bed with an embarrassing noise of half-confusion, half-protest. Sirius’ voice had gone up about eight octaves; his gaze was no longer dark with lust, but instead laser-focused on something to Remus’ left. “The fuck are you doing?” he managed to snap when his jaw finally released, though his tongue was mostly blocked by fabric.
“Don’t. Move.”
Fear crept in alongside his frustration as Sirius pulled his arms to his chest and scooted toward the other edge. Something is very wrong. The thought sent a wash of cold through him and he carefully sat up, pulling the gag from his mouth. “Honey, are you okay?”
“Why is it getting closer?” Sirius all but whimpered. Remus steeled his nerves and slowly turned to follow his sightline.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he complained. There was no relief, just building crankiness. “Really?”
“Kill it. Please.” Remus ground his teeth and dug a tissue out of the nightstand, then squished the microscopic spider and immediately chucked the tissue at Sirius. “Remus, oh my god!”
“Please tell me there was something more than that,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“What do you mean?”
Keep your tone even and calm, no matter how much you want to scream. “Sirius. If you stopped fucking the soul out of my body for a spider the size of a dust mote, you can say goodbye to pre-game blowjobs.”
A moment of silence fell between them. “For how long?”
Remus glared at him and hoped his pink cheeks and shaking legs wouldn’t diminish the threat. “For as long as I see fit.”
“…I love you?”
“Have fun throwing that tissue away. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go shower by myself.”
“Non, mon loup, wait—"
The edge was so close he could taste it. Remus arched his back with a low sound as Sirius’ tongue did something truly fantastic—he might not give blowjobs often, but goddamn was he good at it. “Yeah,” he sighed, combing his fingers through Sirius’ hair. “Yeah, that.”
Sirius’ hum sent shocks all the way up his thighs; it took every iota of self-control not to clamp his thighs around his ears. Remus pushed the side of his face into the pillow, riding the waves of a lazy morning and a warm mouth, when suddenly it disappeared entirely.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
“Did you let the dog out?”
Remus blinked at him for a long moment, then leaned back and threw an arm over his eyes. “Baby, that’s the third time in an hour you’ve asked.”
“Sorry. Is that a yes?”
“Are you kidding right now?”
“It’s a genuine—”
“Nope,” he groaned, sitting up. “Not doing this today.”
Sirius’ eyebrows pitched. “But you were almost there!”
“You don’t say!” he gasped sarcastically as he hoisted himself to his feet and shook off the last bits of thrilled dizziness. “I’ll be in the shower.”
“Wait, no, I can do it!” Sirius’ arms wrapped around his waist and soft lips pressed against his mid-back. “I’m sorry, I was overthinking. Please don’t leave me here.”
“It’s like ten feet, love.”
“And you could stay here instead and get a really nice apology blowjob.” Teeth scraped his wingbone; Remus closed his eyes at the pleasant fizz down his spine as Sirius worked a small lovebite into his skin. “Please?”
“Do you promise not to ask about the dog again? Because she’s fine, and very happy with her new chew toy.”
“Cross my heart.” Sirius turned him around and kissed his nose, tugging him back down.
Sirius was a mess, and Remus was beyond smug about it. A helpless moan was music to his ears as he pulled on Sirius’ mussed hair and attached his mouth to the smooth skin that was exposed. “Please,” he whined, shifting his hips harder onto Remus’ fingers. “Please, please, mon coeur, please.”
“How much time do you have left?” Remus asked, channeling as much patience as he could muster. Sometimes, he wondered who the edging was supposed to punish.
Sirius’ whimper was the only answer he needed. “Fuck, fuck—two. Two minutes.”
“Good job.” He pushed his fingers up and Sirius shivered, knees jerking.
“Je veux—” His plea was suddenly and horribly cut off by what could only be described as a screech.
Remus pulled back in an instant, keeping one hand on Sirius’ hip. “Did I hurt you?”
“Jesus Christ, was that a rat?” he sputtered.
Ice water drenched Remus’ insides. “A what.”
Sirius scrambled to sit up on his elbows and rubbed his eyes as he stared at the corner of their bedroom, squinting slightly in the darkness. “I thought…”
“Baby.” Remus could feel the tremor in his voice. “Is there a rat in our room right now?”
They waited in silence for a few more pounding heartbeats before Sirius sighed in relief. “Nope, sorry, that was my shoe. The lace looked like a tail. Woah, are you okay? You look pale.”
“Uh-uh,” Remus managed, sitting back with a slow exhale. His heart receded from his ears to his throat. “Quick question.”
“Go for it.”
“Do you need glasses?”
“No, I have 20/20 vision.” He had the nerve to look confused. “Why?”
Remus stared at him, then shook his head. “No reason.”
Remus could feel Sirius’ heart hammering under his palm, growing steadily slower with each deep breath. He stroked his hair out of his eyes, feeling joy bubble up when a foggy silver gaze met his own. “Hey, you,” he said quietly as he rubbed slow circles on Sirius’ chest. “Welcome back to the land of the living.”
Sirius’ smile was lopsided and sappy and oh-so-perfect; he bent down for a soft kiss and felt him melt under his mouth. When Remus pulled away, Sirius let out a sigh and snuggled up against his side. “Tu es si beau,” he mumbled, still a little clumsy with his words. “Si beau. Et mignon. Je ne sais pas.”
“D’accord,” Remus said, kissing his forehead, then each of his cheeks.
Sirius suddenly lit up and he touched Remus’ knee. “Pretty! C’est le mot. Je n’aime pas l’anglais.”
“I’m pretty?”
“Mhmm. Like—mmm, starts with a b. Du beurre, but candy.”
Remus bit his kiss-swollen lip in thought. “Butterscotch?”
“Oui.” Sirius nodded decisively and closed his eyes, apparently uncaring of Remus’ vibrant blush or galloping pulse. “Butterscotch. Je t’aime.”
“I love you, too, you muppet.”
As much as Remus loved being railed within an inch of his life, there was something to be said for slow, easy afternoons when the sun was high and they had absolutely nothing to do. Sirius’ hands ran from his hips to his ribs in smooth lines; Remus basked in the feeling and tilted his head when Sirius rocked upward to meet his rhythm.
“This is perfect,” he said, stretching one arm up to brace against the headboard. It was far easier to support himself—and last longer—since he had started working out like the rest of the team. White sparked at the corner of his vision. “Oh, that’s nice.”
“There?” Sirius rolled his hips again and Remus felt his dick throb. “Alright, I’ve got you.”
“We don’t have to go anywhere today.”
“Non, not even—hang on.” Sirius paused and frowned slightly. “Are your arms bigger than mine?”
“What?” Remus laughed.
“Gimme.” Sirius pulled his arm down and he nearly fell over with it, but caught himself at the last second. “Flex.”
“Because your arms are bigger than mine! That’s so not fair.”
Remus snorted, but obliged. Sirius scrutinized him for a solid ten seconds. “I can assure you that your arms are bigger, baby.”
“Hmm.” Sirius nodded and settled onto his back again. “Yeah, I think so. That was close.”
“Would it be such a bad thing if my arms were bigger than yours?” he asked as he began to move again, feeling Sirius’ harden in him. “I thought you liked that I’m stronger now.”
“I do like it, but you already have better back muscles. I can’t let you win that easy.”
Does it count as enemies-to-lovers sex if you’re already engaged? Remus thought as he grabbed a handful of Sirius’ ass and squeezed, pulling a moan from his perfect lips. Because this feels firmly in the enemies territory.
“Are you going to stop saying it?” he asked, struck breathless as Sirius dropped to his elbows and put his face in the pillows.
“Alright, alright, fine,” he groaned, jolting as Remus pressed a hand against his lower belly.
“Where am I from?”
“And not…?”
“Fuck me—Minnesota.”
“Thank you.” He slowed his pace by a degree and littered the backs of Sirius’ shoulders and neck with kisses, allowing him to set the rhythm for a moment. “Your accent sounds so pretty right now.”
“So does yours.”
Remus paused in surprise. “It does?”
He sensed his mistake an instant before he saw the grin curling at Sirius’ mouth. “Oh, you betcha.”
And we’re back to enemies. “Where am I from?”
Sirius fell silent as he picked up speed and gripped his hips.
“Where, Sirius?”
“Wisconsin, fucking hell!” He flipped his hair over his shoulder for a second to glare, though the effect was ruined by the clear arousal on his face. “For someone who’s so—merde—laid-back, you’re awfully riled up about this.”
“Look, not all of us can sound like we’re dirty-talking while reciting a grocery list. I can’t let you roast me for that without repercussions.”
“Oh.” Sirius’ voice wobbled. “Oh, oh, oh—”
“Apologize for making fun of me, and I’ll touch you.”
“I’m s—oh.” Sirius’ fingers clenched in the sheets. “Oh, jeez!”
Remus’ mouth fell open. He sat back on his heels in utter shock as his addled brain tried to catch up to the rest of his body. Sirius’ shoulders weren’t shaking from how close he was to tipping over the edge, but from laughter. “Did you just…?”
Sirius flopped onto his back with a smug little smile on his face, still clearly mussed from a roll in the sack but far too aware for it to have been a slip of the tongue. “Oops.”
“Oh, no, not the puppy eyes,” he laughed, dragging Remus down to lay on his chest. “I really do think your accent is cute.”
“You’re such an asshole!”
“It was kind of funny, though,” he snickered.
Remus socked him lightly on the arm. “We’ll see if you ever get in my pants again.”
“I will.”
“How do you know?”
“Because you love me.” He planted a kiss to his lips, nibbling at the bottom one until the frown disappeared. “Even when I make fun of you.”
“You’re mean,” Remus informed him as he kissed the muscle of his shoulder. “And cruel, and completely unappreciative of the Midwest. You don’t even love me.”
“I’m only in it for the accent,” Sirius agreed.
It was another twenty minutes until they finally got off. Remus spent the vast, vast majority of that time drowning in kisses from his deeply apologetic fiancé, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal Ch. 10
Marinette glances around the silent table, willing Jason to say something. Or do something. Or even Dick. She needed one of them to start a conversation, because Adrien hated awkward silences. And if this silence went on much longer, he was definitely going to say something and then she would regret it. Horribly. 
“These rolls are purr-fect.” Adrien says, out of nowhere. Marinette lets out a groan, of course he’d skip straight ahead to the cat puns. Of course that’s where his freaking mind was tonight. 
“Aren’t they? I’d say Alfred’s cooking is pretty claw-some, myself.” Dick speaks up, grinning at Adrien. Marinette looks at him, wide eyed. 
“That’s it. I’ll find a new trapeze partner and a new best friend. Both of you are out of my life.” She deadpans, ignoring Adrien’s offended gasp. 
“But Bugaboo, who else would give you a hand with your crazy schemes?” Adrien asks, and Marinette turns to him, narrowing her eyes. 
“I swear to god if you take your arm off right now you will never find it again.” She threatens, pointing her fork at him from across the table. 
“But Mari, that joke needs the arm. It doesn’t work without it.” He pouts, she rolls her eyes and turns to Damian. 
“I apologize for him. He thinks he’s funny.” She says, turning her glance back at Adrien. “He’s wrong.” 
“Tt. I’m unbothered by his sense of humor. I have lived with Grayson for eight years. His humor is nothing compared to those horrors.” Damian quips, and Marinette swears his lips almost quirk into a smile. She snorts. 
“Guess I made the right choice in throwing Dick to the curb, huh?” She teases, ignoring Dick’s gasp and Adrien’s reassurance to the man. Honestly, who was the adult here? 
“It was for the best, Dupain-Cheng.” Damian says and Marinette winces slightly. The only person who called her by her last name (in regular conversation, anyway) was Chloe. And while the girl had long since given up full on bullying her, she still wasn’t Marinette’s best friend in the world. 
“You can call me Marinette, my last name is kind of a mouthful.” She says, trying to be nonchalant about it. She’d heard him refer to everyone else as their last name the entire evening. She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but him calling her Dupain-Cheng was going to make her uncomfortable in the long run. 
“Very well.” He says, and though he doesn’t say her name, she still counts it as a win. A throat clearing catches her attention and she glances at Jason who was glaring at Damian. 
“What’s up, Jay?” She asks, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Nothing Pixie Pop. Just thinking about the time you kicked the ass of that would be mugger.” He says, and Marinette frowns. Mugger? “You know, the one that was obsessed with you?” He clarifies, and she understands. Copycat had been reakumatized during Jason’s stay in Paris. And he had wanted nothing more than a date with Ladybug. Though, she couldn’t understand why he was bringing it up now. 
“I am so lost.” She admits, shaking her head at her pseudo-brother. He grins. 
“That’s fine, just sharing that you can kick ass with the table. In case someone wants to try something.” He says pointedly. Oh. He definitely caught the heart eyes she sent Damian back in the gym. Can he blame her, though? Her weakness was green eyes. And Damian’s were the greenest. 
“I did walk in on you hogtied, Todd. I assumed she was a reputable fighter after that.” Damian says, and Marinette blushes furiously. 
“I’m sorry, what happened?” Mr. Wayne asks, his vapid (and fake) smile replaced with a faux look of bewilderment. She briefly wondered if it was exhausting, putting on a constant act, until she remembered how tired she was throughout collège, before she started lycée and decided she didn’t really care. Yeah, acting constantly was tiring. But why did he do it? Jason nudges her lightly and she blinks, focusing back on the conversation. 
“Oh, Jason and I sparred. He apparently had forgotten that I use my surroundings to my advantage and that Adrien is always on my side.” She explains, shooting Jason a smug smile. Jason huffs. 
“Not always.” He says, and Marinette raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms and giving him a challenging look. 
“Oh really? Name one time that Adrien took your side instead of mine.” She challenges. She grins as Jason starts to think, obviously wracking his brain. 
“Earlier today!” Adrien pipes up, and she immediately turns to him, glaring. 
“What?” She asks, confused. What had- oh. Of fucking course. “That doesn’t count!” She protests, narrowing her eyes. 
“Why not?” Adrien asks, raising an eyebrow in a challenge. She scoffs. 
“Because it wasn’t a fight or argument or anything. It was a joke.” She says. 
“Are you talking about the adoption shit, cause that was definitely not a joke. All the kids B adopts definitely have trauma and certain features.” Jason cuts in, and Marinette sighs. Of course he would clue in. 
“But- no. No. That was a fluke. A glitch in the matrix, obviously. You literally cannot name a singular other time. And technically, ya big jerk, you didn’t even name this time. Adrien did.” Marinette points out, glaring at Jason. 
“I’m sorry, how long have you three known each other?” Mr. Wayne cuts in again, and this time- this time- she sees that some of the confusion on his face is real. But it looks odd, like he wasn’t used to expressing a real emotion. She really needed to remind herself to talk to Jason about this later. She didn’t necessarily want to make it a habit to stick billionaire fathers with asshole tendencies in jail, but she would. She’d do it for her boys. Any day of the week. She hums in thought, adding up the time. The anniversary of Gabriel’s defeat had been a few weeks ago, which meant-
“We’ve known Jason for just over a year.” She says, before glancing at Adrien and grinning. “But I’ve been stuck with this goof for four years.”
“You know you love me.” Adrien says with a wide grin. She rolls her eyes. 
“How exactly did you meet Jason?” Mr. Wayne asks, and she kind of wants to throw her fork at him. What was it, interrogate the random kids at dinner night? Though, to be fair, they were random kids in his house. But she refused to like the man until she’d talked to Jason about the potential assholeish tendencies. 
“He helped me learn some self defence after I got caught up in an akuma attack.” Marinette lies smoothly. Well, it was technically a half truth. But the Waynes didn’t need to know that she was always caught up in akuma attacks. 
“Akuma?” Mr. Wayne asks, and Marinette glances at Jason with a frown. Had he not told his father about anything? Not even the basics? 
“Wait, is that what the thing that flooded Paris is called?” Dick asks suddenly and Marinette nearly flinches from the memory. That was one of the akumas that still gave her nightmares. One of the ones that was burned in the back of her eyelids when all she wanted was to sleep. And not think about bloated corpses and dead classmates for one goddamn minute. She lets out a steadying breath, glancing at Jason whose face had changed from annoyance to concern. She resists the urge to roll her eyes. She could talk about akumas. It was the past. Sure, she had refused all of the therapy options her parents gave her and Adrien, but she didn’t need it. She was fine. 
“Yeah. Technically, her akumatized name was Siren. But, the general term for those attacks was ‘akuma’.” She says, gripping her fork a little tighter than necessary, grounding herself with Tikki’s reassuring nudges from inside her purse. 
“There were more?” Dick asks, his eyes wide. Marinette glances at Jason and raises an eyebrow. Why had he not said anything? He’d been there for an entire month of Hawkmoth’s reign. He’d seen dozens of akuma attacks. Jason shrugs. Thank Jay. Super helpful. 
“When you get down to it, there were probably hundreds if not thousands more. Some people, like Siren, were turned into the same akuma several times. Some people became a different akuma when they were akumatized again. I think it just depended on the person or their issue.” Marinette explains, hating how dry her mouth felt all of a sudden. She could talk about this. She could. So why was everything a little too bright? Why was the sound of forks against plates a little too loud? 
“Did the Justice League stop it?” Damian asks, though by his tone, he seems to already know the answer. Odd. 
“No, the local heroes did. Ladybug and Chat Noir.” Marinette says, ignoring the constricting feeling in her chest. 
“Why-” Mr. Wayne starts, but Jason clears his throat. Everyone glances at him, and Marinette is unsurprised to see the flicker of anger in his eyes. Especially after she glances at Adrien and sees how pale he’s gotten. She kicks him lightly under the table to get his attention, frowning at him in a silent question. He nods, slightly. She purses her lips, not believing for a second that he was actually okay. But they could talk later. Away from eager ears. 
“I’m sure you remember what Dick said about my phone call from when I first arrived in Paris. Marinette and Adrien dealt with attacks like that interrupting their day to day lives from thirteen to sixteen. I get that you’re not the best at knowing when to drop the damn topic, but I really think you should drop the damn topic.” Jason says, and though he’s smiling, Marinette can see the danger behind it. The warning. ‘Drop it, or I’ll make you’. 
“My apologies, it was just so interesting.” Mr. Wayne says and this time Marinette winces at the falseness in his voice. And the smile on his face. God, this man could not have lasted a day in Hawkmoth’s Paris. 
Finally, finally, dinner was over. After the akuma talk ceased, it was extremely awkward. Mr. Wayne looked like he would rather be anywhere else. And Marinette couldn’t blame him, wanting nothing more than to get back to her hotel room and away from the constant lack of real emotion on the eldest Wayne’s face. It was tiresome, just watching him. 
“Thanks again, for having us.” Marinette says, mostly directing her comment to Dick and Alfred. Alfred just nods. 
“Of course! Come back any time. Really soon, actually, so we can work more on the trapeze. I can’t lose my new trapeze buddy.” Dick says with a wide smile. Marinette holds back a sigh, nodding instead. She liked Dick, she did. But she’d definitely have to make sure that Mr. Wayne wouldn’t be around. She still wasn’t sure what to think of him. 
“You should also spar with me, some time.” Damian speaks up and Marinette blinks in surprise. 
“Spar. With...you?” She says, tilting her head in confusion. That came out of nowhere. 
“Yes. You took down Todd easily, and I am far superior. You would actually have a challenge if we sparred.” He says. She smirks, and suddenly, with a burst of confidence she didn’t know she had, says:
“Sure thing, Pretty boy.” Before turning and walking straight out the door. The second she’s outside, she drops her head into her hands. “I can’t believe I just said that.” She mumbles under her breath. 
“Pretty boy?” Adrien says with a smirk, she glares at him and moves down the front steps. 
“Fuck you.” She says, no real venom in her voice. The boy knew how she got around crushes. He’d seen it firsthand. With him. With Luka. With Kagami. With the girl with bright green eyes who worked at the coffee shop across the street from the bakery. She was an absolute disaster. He was worse, but still. He wasn’t the one with the quickly developing crush on the youngest Wayne. 
“Pretty boy?” Jason asks, a scowl on his face as he catches up to the two. 
“Not another word, Jason.” She scowls at him, crossing her arms defiantly. He holds his hands up in surrender. 
“Sure.” He says. Her mind rushes suddenly to her previous thought. Youngest Wayne. Damian Wayne. Hadn’t Lila- she snorts, before erupting into uncontrollable laughter, ignoring the worried looks from Adrien. 
“I- oh my god, Jay.” She manages to say, straightening up and following Jason to the car he was borrowing to drive them back to the hotel.
“I’m completely lost.” He says.
“Join the club.” Adrien adds, and Marinette just laughs again. 
“Your little brother is Damian Wayne.” She says, as if it should be obvious. Jason doesn’t get it, and neither does Adrien. But after a moment-
“Oh my god, that’s hilarious!” Adrien cries, letting out a chuckle. Jason huffs as the trio get into the car. 
“Care to share with the class?” He asks, and Marinette snorts. 
“Absolutely not, I dislike the majority of those people.” She says, referring to the group who was hopefully already in their rooms and not in the lobby of the hotel. “Now it’s funny that your brother is Damian Wayne because Lila made us come to Gotham instead of New York and London, because she’s dating him.” She explains and Jason scoffs. 
“Yeah right.” 
“Obviously she’s not actually dating him, Jay. But it’s freaking hilarious that she thinks she’s gonna get away with it. He definitely goes to Gotham Academy, and people are definitely going to call her out.” She says, not even trying to hide the absolute glee she’s feeling. If there was ever a time for all of Lila’s lies to come crashing down around her, now would be good. When she can’t just run away and claim Marinette set it up. If people Marinette didn’t even know called Lila out, well, that would be irrefutable evidence, right? 
“Her regime is gonna topple and I’m gonna take you guys out for ice cream to celebrate.” Jason declares and Marinette laughs again. She was so against the idea of Gotham originally, but now, with Jason at their sides again, she’d decided that it wasn’t so bad. Suddenly remembering what had been on her mind most of the night, she turns to Jason. 
“Jay, I have a serious question. And I know it’s a little hard to talk about but just know that we’re here for you to support you, and that we’ll figure out a way to make sure you and your brothers are safe and-” 
“Whoa, Pix, calm down kiddo. You’re rambling again.” He says gently, furrowing his eyebrows. He pulls the car over to the side of the road and turns to put his full attention on the two. “What’s bothering you?” He asks. 
“Is Mr. Wayne abusive?” She asks and Jason blinks. “I saw how hesitant you were to call him your father, and you were tense around him a lot of the night. And I don’t think the man had one legitimate expression all night. He was acting the whole time.” Marinette says, looking at him worriedly. “Look, Jay, I don’t necessarily want to make a habit of putting billionaires in jail, but I’d do it for you.” 
“Is he- you would-” Jason stops and lets out a breath, obviously trying to compose himself. “No, kiddo, he’s not.” He finally says. Marinette frowns. 
“Really?” She asks, and he sighs. 
“Yeah, look. Our relationship has been...rough, for a couple years. We had a sort of falling out when I was a teenager and I stopped talking to him for several years. We reconnected a while ago, but it’s still rocky at times. I don’t usually call him dad or father or anything. He’s just Bruce, or B, to me.” Jason explains and Marinette nods, letting out a small sigh of relief. 
“I was worried, Jay.” She admits, and Jason grins at her before pulling away from the curb again. 
“I didn’t even catch on.” Adrien says with a frown. Marinette rolls her eyes, smiling at him with fondness. 
“Course you didn’t Kitty. Reading people isn’t really your strong suit.” She says with a small smile. He huffs, but nods in agreement. 
“True.” He says and Marinette laughs. She could officially take Bruce Wayne off her ‘threat to be dealt with immediately’ list and move him to ‘possible future annoyance’ list. A big improvement for the man, and it would mean she wouldn’t be as tense around him the next time she saw him.
Tag list: @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @queenz-z @daminette-56
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hlizr50 · 3 years
How You Get the Girl
Another Gwynriel fic featuring Her Majesty Taylor Swift!
Read on AO3
Azriel groaned, rubbing his eyes against the sunlight pouring in through the window.
Too bright.
Blinking, he pushed himself up on his elbows, glancing to his right – to the empty space marked only by rumpled sheets. For a moment he considered that the night before was just a figment of his imagination, a dream. But this was not his room. The suitcase on the wall, dusted in blue flowers, definitely did not hold his clothes. The door to the suite was still open wide where he had burst through in the dark, Gwyn’s nightmare piercing through his slumber.
She was clearly already awake, and he couldn’t stop the weight of anxiety that settled in his stomach. Had she still been unable to sleep? Azriel reached up, muscles in his arms and back lengthening with the stretch. He had clearly slept like a baby, which was surprising. Restful sleep wasn’t something the executive was familiar with, but with the redhead in his arms…
“Gwyn?” he called into the room, noticing the bathroom door hanging ajar. Only silence answered, so he threw the comforter off his legs and swung them over the side of the bed. Looking down, he shook his head. Tan skin stretched over his toned stomach, and he wondered why he couldn’t have had the presence of mind to put on a damn shirt before charging into his girlfriend’s room in the middle of the night.
Azriel grinned to himself at the word.
And he couldn’t blame himself for not grabbing clothes when she had been screaming. Getting to her had been paramount, all other thoughts flying from his head.
He pushed off the mattress and combed his fingers through his tousled inky tresses. He could get a shirt now, he supposed, but once again finding Gwyn was at the forefront of his mind. And he wouldn’t deny, with a smug half-smirk, that he wanted to feel her appreciative gaze and her fingers against his bare skin. With that image playing behind his eyes, he trudged out the door and down the hall before trotting down the stairs, the smell of roasting coffee wafting up to meet him. As he descended he heard music and the unmistakable voice, a songbird crooning her morning melody.
God, her voice was beautiful.
The softest of chuckles vibrated through his chest as he realized – with the most loving eye-roll – that she was singing along to none other than Taylor Swift. Because, of course she was.
And that's how it works That's how you get the girl
And then you say I want you for worse or for better I would wait for ever and ever Broke your heart, I'll put it back together I would wait for ever and ever
And that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl, oh And that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl
Remind her how it used to be, be Yeah, with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks, cheeks Tell her how you must've lost your mind (oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh) When you left her all alone and never told her why, why (oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh)
And that's how it works That's how you lost the girl
Azriel reached the archway leading to the dining room and his chest squeezed, the warmth of adoration spreading through him as he watched her head bounce to the beat. The sound coming from her lips was nothing short of heavenly as she opened and closed cabinet doors, searching for mugs for the brewing coffee, he assumed. He leaned his shoulder against the wall, crossing his arms casually and soaking in her unwitting performance. Her ponytail bobbed, and as she reached up on her toes to grasp a mug handle her fitted t-shirt rose to reveal creamy alabaster skin.
Stunning, he mused to himself. Absolutely perfect.
And now you say I want you for worse or for better I would wait for ever and ever (ever and ever) Broke your heart, I'll put it back together I would wait for ever and ever
And that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl, oh And that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl, yeah
And you could know, oh That I don't want you to go
Remind me how it used to be Pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks And say you want me, yeah, yeah
Gwyn filled two mugs and turned to set them on the island. Only then did her eyes flick up, widening as she saw Azriel leaning in the entryway, her voice cracking into silence. He was probably grinning like a fool, but he didn’t care. He snickered as roses bloomed across her freckled cheeks. But, to her credit, Gwyn started singing again and rounded the edge of the counter, dipping her hand into one of two paper McDonalds bags he hadn’t even noticed. She fished out… a hash brown, and held it up to her mouth like a microphone. To the beat of the song she walked toward him, swaying and serenading as she approached. Her eyes were the color of the sea, and shimmering as bright as the sun on the water. She was beaming, and Azriel’s heart could have burst with joy at the sight. Especially after the night she’d had.
And then you say I want you for worse or for better (worse or for better) I would wait for ever and ever (ever and ever) Broke your heart, I'll put it back together I would wait for ever and ever (I want you for ever and ever)
And that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl, oh and that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl, oh
and that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl, oh And that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl, oh
Azriel reached for her when she got close enough, hands gripping her hips. Gwyn wrapped her arms around his neck as she finished the performance. Her gaze never faltered, the smile on her face alight in her eyes. He felt his expression soften, letting his admiration for her fill the small space between them.
And that's how it works That's how you got the girl
He pulled her into him, dipping his chin to find her lips with his and reveling at the feeling of her fingers in the hair at his nape. It felt like he’d been waiting for this forever, to be able to kiss her and hold her and be… more. And he took to it like a duck to water. He may not know a lot about being in a relationship, but he knew Gwyn. He knew how much he cared about her, and the way she made him feel. He had so many ideas about the things they could do, places they could go, just to see that smile on her face. He felt her mouth curve up against his, a giggle rushing out of her lips.
“Good morning,” she murmured before pulling back to cast her contented gaze on his face. He just gave her a lopsided grin.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he answered. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to her forehead, before tucking her head under his chin. He combed a hand through her soft ponytail. “I woke up and you weren’t there.” He felt her huff a soft laugh against his chest.
“Were you worried about me?”
Azriel pushed her shoulder back gently, allowing him to survey her face. His hand lifted, fingers stroking over her jaw. “Yes,” he whispered fiercely. “After… everything? Could you not sleep? Are you okay?” He may have melted into a puddle at the tender smile she gifted him, eyes crinkling with appreciation.
“I’m okay. Thanks to you.” She rose up on her toes to peck him on the cheek before pulling him toward the kitchen. She added over her shoulder, “I haven’t been up and going that long. I just woke up and felt restless. And you looked so peaceful, I couldn’t possibly wake you.” Reaching the kitchen he turned his gaze toward the two large McDonalds sacks sitting on the marble.
“I see you made breakfast,” he teased, and was met with a withering look as his girlfriend threw a paper-wrapped missile at him. He could only assume it was a sandwich.
“One: there’s no food in this house yet. Two: I think we both know that this is preferable to whatever I would have attempted – and likely failed miserably – to cook.” Gwyn shrugged. “Three: I didmake coffee. Four: hash browns.” She pushed one of the bags toward him and he peered inside, finding at least half a dozen of them inside.
“How many hash browns did you buy, Berdara?” Azriel set the sandwich on the counter and reached in to grab one, casting an incredulous glance at the redhead.
“I resent the judgment in your tone, good sir. Are deep fried ovals of potato-y goodness not the key to a man’s heart?” She pointed her hash brown at him. “Because they might be the key to mine.” After taking a huge bite she slid one mug of coffee over in front of him. He grabbed the mug, his sandwich, and the bag of hash browns, shooting her a winning smile.
“If I’d have known that we’d have been fucking married by now.” He jerked his chin toward the couch. “Sit with me?” Azriel didn’t give himself the chance to second guess what he’d said. It was out in the air – let Gwyn make of it what she would.
And, of course, she just followed him, reaching the sofa just as he’d made himself comfortable against the crook of the armrest and the cushioned back, setting the sandwich and coffee on the side table. She looked down at him with a thoughtful grin, eyes glimmering. He dipped his chin to the space between his spread thighs, in invitation. Gwyn’s eyes crinkled and she sat, tucking one leg under the other and settling with her back against his bare chest. Slightly askew, so she could turn her face to him if she wanted. He wrapped an arm around her waist, the bag of ‘deep fried ovals of potato-y goodness’ landing in her lap. He felt her inhale dramatically, overplaying her excitement as she snatched the bag greedily from his hand. Pulling another out – he could only imagine how many she’d eaten already – she faced him.
“Married, huh?”
Heat flooded his features. Azriel could feel the furious blush from his chest all the way to his ears. He should have guessed she wouldn’t leave that comment to burn off with the morning fog outside the grand windows. Gwyneth Berdara never backed down from a challenge, never stifled her own curiosity, and almost never bypassed an opportunity to speak her mind.
“Are you blushing, Aphelah? Usually I’m the one who has to worry about that.” She was the only one who ever teased him with his surname. He did so with her, and she had not been content until she got the information to do the same. He was a private person, and only those few people in his small circle with his adoptive brothers knew his name – the family history that was dark and terrible. Only Gwyn had ever chosen to speak it after learning of it. She had shrugged when he’d asked about it.
You are not your family, or your history. Only you determine what the name means to you and to me, but it is yours. I won’t balk from using it, unless it truly makes you uncomfortable. But it doesn’t scare me, if that’s what you’re worried about.
If he were truly honest with himself – something he didn’t do often – that moment may have been the turning point. That moment where he stepped off the edge of the cliff and straight into sweet, terrifying love.
Azriel reached a hand to scratch at the back of his neck, anxiety peaking. He was usually so careful with his words. Guarded. Something about Gwyn made him more relaxed, perhaps to his detriment. “I… I just meant that I would have – should have – pursued you earlier. I didn’t mean… fuck… I mean I hope that I didn’t –“
“Calm down Az, I’m just teasing,” Gwyn cooed, placing a tender touch on his forearm. “Although I’m flattered by your obvious adoration for me.” He let out a relieved sigh, basking in the light of the bright, beaming smile that had her nose scrunching with mirth. He wagged his head and placed a delicate kiss to her temple.
“Awfully cocky, Berdara,” he scoffed. The redhead giggled.
“You’re the one who just said you would have already wooed me to marriage with hash browns, if only you’d known that you could.” She tapped his nose.
“Fair enough,” he conceded. Her expression softened and he tilted his head, waiting for her to share her thoughts.
“I think, now that we’re here, we can both agree that we’ve been hoping for this for… awhile,” she murmured. It was her turn to blush, and Azriel’s mouth tipped up. “I’m not saying let’s get married tomorrow, but I think our friendship – and now relationship – is such that maybe we have stronger… feelings… than other couples who have been together for, you know, a day.” Her laugh wavered, uncertainty clouding her eyes. He reached up, tucking a wisp of hair behind her ear.
“I couldn’t agree more. I care a great deal for you, Gwyn.”
“Even if I wake you up screaming in the dead of night?”
Azriel knew she was trying to joke, bringing them both back into their comfort zone. Big emotions and relationships were things that neither of them was terribly familiar with. All the same, he felt the need to remind her that the trauma she experienced was not a dealbreaker – did not define her worth.
“I have nightmares, too, you know. About my father, my brothers,” he confessed, fingers trailing down her arm. She knew about the abuse he’d suffered as a child, his time in the dark. “Wouldn’t you comfort me?”
“Of course I would, Azriel. Without a second thought.”
He raised a tanned hand to cup her neck and dipped his chin to brush his lips over hers. “Exactly. So I don’t ever want you to worry about it again, okay?” Azriel fixed her with a stern gaze, but smiled when she nodded. She leaned back against him and dropped the McDonald’s bag on the floor. He reached back for the breakfast sandwich waiting for him on the end table, trying to unwrap it with one hand so he could keep the other on her hip, fingers brushing back and forth in soothing strokes over her shorts. Quiet settled around them, Gwyn having pulled out her phone while Azriel ate his breakfast.
“Hmm?” He felt her fingers tracing over his, so he turned his hand over so he could give them a gentle squeeze.
“I care for you, too. You’re very special to me.” Her sweet voice cracked him open, warmth and sunlight pouring into his heart. He bent his head forward and kissed her hair as he wrapped his arms around her middle and hugged her to him, earning a giggle and a playful swat on his forearm. “By the way, Nesta and Cassian are en route. I think they should get here in a couple hours?”
“Hmm,” Azriel grumbled, leaning in to rest his chin on her shoulder. “Does that mean I’ll have to share you?” Gwyn laughed and leaned her head back.
“Only a little, Aphelah.” She reached a hand up and patted his cheek. “Should we tell them that we’re together? Like, before they get here?” He pursed his lips, thinking about what the best course of action would be. He didn’t think they’d necessarily be surprised. They’d probably be exasperated that it took so long.
“I don’t know. I kind of like the idea of not saying anything, then seeing their reaction when I kiss you.” He felt her body shake with giggles, a tinkling melody of windchimes in the breeze.
“Yeah, I think that’s definitely the way to go.”
Azriel brushed his lips against her cheek before leaning back, fishing his phone out of the pocket of his sweats. “Comfy, Berdara?” When he glanced over her shoulder, he spied her opening a reading app. “Please don’t read any smut while you’re draped across my chest,” he teased.
“You hush, and mind your own business,” she scoffed, waving him off absentmindedly. “You just pay attention to your own phone and be quiet like a good boyfriend.” He grabbed that dismissive hand and brought it to his lips.
“I like the sound of that,” he purred.
“Of being quiet?” Gwyn quipped, earning a poke from the hand on her hip.
“Boyfriend, you smartass.” Azriel shook his head in exasperation as she cackled, clearly pleased with herself. He kissed her fingers again before letting go, allowing peace to settle around them. He thumbed through his email with a contented half grin, hardly paying attention to the inbox. How could he read his email when Gwyn was tucked in his embrace? It was such an easy place to be. It was difficult to comprehend how truly comfortable he was with her, how happy it made him to care for her.
Breaking through his sappy thoughts, he focused on the email again, making sure to read anything marked as a priority. He wouldn’t necessarily work while he was on vacation, but he liked to stay in the loop. He didn’t know how long it had been when he looked back down at Gwyn, and his eyes crinkled tenderly to find her fast asleep.
Her phone was in her lap, pale fingers of one hand still curled around it. The other had found its way over his own, fingers loosely tangled. Her cheek lay against his breastbone, and he could feel her soft puffs of her breath against his skin. He smiled softly, brushing his fingers over her temple and cheek. She had to be tired after last night, even if she insisted that she slept well after. But at least she was here, Azriel having talked her out of her ridiculous plan to leave – to excuse herself out of vacation with all of them just to avoid “causing a scene”. He pushed his hand through his unruly dark hair with a sigh. He cursed inwardly at the pain she’d had to endure, and hated that she had continued to suffer alone. They were close friends, yet she had never shared this burden she carried. Knowing her – how considerate and kind she was, how self-sacrificing – she wouldn’t have wanted to add the weight to his shoulders.
But now that he knew? She would never face it alone. Never again.
He turned his attention back to his phone, quickly opening a group text with Nesta and Cassian.
Hey. How far out are you guys?
Nesta: 20 minutes? Half an hour? Assuming this oaf doesn’t get pulled over.
That’s quite a big assumption. When you do get here, be sure to be quiet when you come in?
Nesta: Ummmm okay? Do I want to ask why?
Azriel grinned smugly to himself. He reached up, glad his long arm could reach far enough to capture the picture he thought he might have to have printed and framed – a beautiful pale face haloed by copper-spun locks, peacefully slumbering against his tanned, toned chest. And his shit-eating, goofy grin. He wasn’t a selfie guy, but this was a special exception. With a tap of his thumb he sent it off.
Nesta: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nesta: Cassian almost just crashed the car.
Nesta: He literally screamed.
Nesta: He’s still screaming. I’M SCREAMING.
Don’t text and drive, Cassian.
Nesta: Wait, so are you guys official??? When did it happen? HOW did it happen? You have SO much explaining to do!!!!
Shaking his head, he huffed a laugh. He should’ve been prepared for the Spanish Inquisition.
We are official. We’ll tell you the rest after you get here.
He looked down again at that crown of gorgeous chestnut red hair. He felt a twinge of guilt at telling Nesta and Cassian before they got to the cabin, but Gwyn’s rest was more important. They would tell the whole story once she woke. And again, when Rhys and Feyre arrived, then Elain and Lucien. He would tell the story again and again, to anyone who would listen – the story of how he got the girl.
Tag List: @tealnymph-writes @trashforazriel @secretlovelybeauty @meher-sumedha @imsointobooks @flora-shadowshine @positivewitch @tanvee1231 @imwritingthesewords @camreadsum @vikingmagic33 @shisingh @gwynrielsupremacist
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itjazzbicch · 3 years
Collaboration of Emotions
Pairing:  Damian Priest x Fem Reader
Summary: When Bad Bunny tries flirting with the reader, she politely turns him down because little does anyone know, the guy who has her heart is her years-long friend, Damian Priest and when Damian sees the flirting for himself, he shows that he feels the same way about the reader...
Warnings:  SMUT!! !(18+!!)
Requested by:  No one But I hope you all enjoy!
Word Count:  2990
Tag List: @demonqueen29​ @jessiebean00 @new-zealand-chic @crowleysqueenofhell @justamess44​ @thatpanpal @hungmanhorsecarriage @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch  @linziland13 @yungbludjazz360  
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2021 was a new year, with a lot of changes and unlike last year, these changes were for the better. On Raw, I was getting myself into the women's championship picture again. There was so much action and some new faces.
Showing favoritism really isn't my thing, but when it came to a special someone that was now on Raw, it couldn't be helped.
Damian Priest and I, well, we weren't dating but we spent a lot of time together while I was in NXT, and with every given day, we grew closer and closer, ready to hit it off, but then I got moved up to Raw. Things really didn't change much after that and then he came up to Raw after the Royal Rumble.
That made me beyond excited and I loved cheering him on while he made his main roster debut and poking fun with everyone alongside his friend, Bad Bunny.
All of us were on a roll with the new year and WrestleMania right ahead of us and I was making the best of it.
On Raw, I was backstage, actually waiting for Damian because he had a match coming up and I was just super pumped, there to support him as we've always done for one another and while waiting for Damian, I had a special guest.
"Y/N!" Bad Bunny smiled as he exited Damian's locker room, seeing me sitting on one of the crates in the hall.
"Hey!" I smiled, being kind as he came my way, offering a hug, "How's it going, champ?"
Bunny appreciated my comment, smiling at the 24/7 Championship that was on his shoulder, "I couldn't be better."
"That's great to hear," I smirked, "I'm happy for you. You've been doing amazing around here and you're keeping up with the music business still. I don't know how you do it! It was a little over-bearing for me!"
Bad Bunny and I actually had a friendship that was more business-related because before I became a pro wrestler, I was a professional singer and songwriter, still writing songs actually.
"You just gotta make the best of both," Bunny sighed, "You got the skills. We should do a collaboration one day!"
"I'm down!" I smirked, actually excited by the thought, with both of us being big in the music industry and wrestling, it would be such a smart move, "I always loved your music. Some of them I know to word for word."
"¿Tú hablas español?" Bunny smirked, a bit surprised that I knew Spanish, wanting to hear me speak it.
"Sé más española de lo que piensas" I smiled, blowing his mind a little, letting him know that I knew more Spanish than he thought I did.
"Si no fueras lo suficientemente irresistible, preciosa, " Bunny cooed, really trying to be sexy by the tone of his voice and that really caught me off guard, telling me I'm irresistible and calling me gorgeous.
If that wasn't enough to make things feel awkward, things got a lot worse as I saw Damian slowly coming out of his locker room, not making a sound, but the look on his face said it all.
"If you're down, tonight after I go out there with Damian," Bunny sighed, tilting his sunglasses, really trying to persuade me, "I have a place down here, you can come over and we can collaborate. Sound good to you, hermosa?"
Quickly, I looked at Damian and felt guilt, instantly. I never liked Bunny in that way and even though I wasn't dating Damian, my feelings for him were just so strong that I felt like I was cheating or something in a way.
"I'm sorry," I sighed nervously, "But as soon as I'm done with the show, I have two hours then I have to catch a flight."
"Traveling," Bunny sighed, rolling his eyes, "Gotta love it."
"Honestly," I chuckled nervously, continuously looking to Damian; I think I was sweating too from the nervousness.
Thankfully, all of that ended as Bunny backed away, a little startled from Damian's presence. He was so quiet that he didn't realize he was there. I wanted to laugh, but the nervousness wouldn't allow me to whenever Bunny jumped, seeing Damian just standing there.
"I didn't even see you there, man," Bunny sighed, shaking off the scare, "You ready?"
"Always," Damian almost let out in a growl, looking at him, then to me.
"Dale," Bunny sighed, then smiling to me, "Bye, Y/N!"
"Bye," I sighed deeply, my anxiety through the roof, especially when I heard Bunny ask Damian:
"Estas bien, Damian?"
"No te preocupe por eso," Damian groaned, telling him not to worry about it, their voices fading as they went on their way.
Damian was not okay. I've seen the look that he gave the both of us before and it wasn't a good one. The one time I guy around here flirts with me and it had to be Bad Bunny and right in front of Damian, of all people.
If the facial expressions weren't enough to show his anger, Damian's moves in the ring sure showed it and his opponent, Elias; Well, it wasn't a good day for him, that's all I could really say. From the moment Damian walked out to the ring, to the time he pinned Elias and exited, anger was steaming off of him. At certain points, he even was pushing Bunny away from him.
I figured I'd give Damian some time to himself, and some time for myself because of the anxiety, but holding it off, gave me a gut feeling that it would only make things worse. So after about an hour, with the show still running, I finally worked up the courage to go to Damian's locker room.
I literally had to take a few deep breaths before I knocked on the door, knocking lightly, but it was enough because I heard from a deep voice:
"Who is it?"
"It's Y/N!" I informed him, listening closely as the door unlocked, hearing Damian say:
"Come in."
The second I walked in, I felt my blood pressure go through the roof, feeling my face heating up as I walked in, seeing Damian in nothing but a towel, body still wet a little from the shower. What was up with all these high-pressure situations?
Either way, I didn't want to stand there and look stupid, so I said:
"You were really fired up out there tonight, ya know, and not in a good way."
"Not in a good way?" Damian scoffed, turning his back to me.
"Well, yeah," I tried to chuckle, "You about murdered Elias out there. Is everything okay?"
"Wrestling is wrestling," Damian sighed, whispering under his breath, "Not like you would know."
"Excuse me?" I scoffed, actually becoming offended, "I'm the number one contender for the women's title! What championship are you ready to win?"
Damian slowly turned to me with a mean smug on his face, exchanging another blow once he huffed, "Well, what kind of women's champion just sits backstage and flirts with guys all night?"
"Flirting with who?" I asked, truly wanting to hear his answer.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Damian groaned, referencing Bunny.
"And if you know exactly what happened, you would have noticed how he was flirting with me and I turned him down!" I shot out quickly, "Why are you so jealous about it?"
"I-I-" Damian began, choking on his words as he turned to face me, just giving up after a moment.
Finally, I was the one who admitted the truth, taking a step forward with my head down, exhaling deeply as I said:
"The reason why you're jealous is the same reason why I told him no, Damian."
There was a moment of silence between us, until I approached him, saying, "You have no idea how guilty I felt, letting him flirt with me because of you and I know that this sounds ridiculous maybe, I just don't know how to tell you that-"
Before I could finish, Damian cut me off, sighing, "Enough with words."
All of the sweet, loving, heart-felt feelings I had for Damian came to the surface and I could feel all of the same emotions from him the moment our lips touched, Damian's lips smacking right into mine and god, nothing I have ever experienced in my life has ever felt this good.
It didn't take long for my arms to wrap around his neck, even in heels I had to get on my tiptoes a bit to pull him closer, just about head over heels, literally.
I about fell over when our lips finally parted, breathless from all of it, his nose nuzzling mine, my eyes meeting his gaze as he whispered:
"If anyone's going to 'collaborate' with you, it's going to be me."
"I would never argue with that," I smirked, biting my own lip a little, giving him another kiss, pressing hard to make sure it was real and that I wasn't dreaming, but damn it was real, so real and so good, so I pulled the next move, "Looks like you're one step ahead of me on that collaboration."
"Why don't you catch up then?" Damian whispered deeply, his voice alone just giving me a rush, that intensifying once I felt his fingertips at the side of my skirt, making me break out in goosebumps as he began to unzip it.
"Don't mind if I do," I whispered back, kissing him softly while my hands assisted him, making my skirt drop to the floor.
The moment it hit the floor, Damian smiled against our kiss, biting at my lip while his hands wandered, sliding down my back and cupping my ass, taking a handful with his large, warm hands, fingertips now going after my panties.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for a moment like this," Damian whispered, walking me backward to the couch.
"Igualmente," I smirked, letting him know I felt the same, giving him so more help as my crop top came next, freeing my breasts.
My body was like a new land for him to explore, his hands so soft against my skin, touching anything he could, filling my body with even more warmth when his hands covered both breasts, rolling my tender nipples, about getting a moan out of me, especially when his head dipped down, taking a mouthful and sucking hard, tongue twirling all around my sensitive nipple.
We both couldn't help but laugh as I was ready to fall back on the couch, doing so, but Damian not coming along with me, laughing more as I landed with a hard bounce.
At the sight of my breasts bouncing though, Damian instinctively licked his lips, his tall stature making him tower above me as I sat on the couch, my eyes quickly falling down, following the movement of his towel, watching it fall to the floor, my eyes fixing right on his hard cock that stood tall.
"See something you like?" Damian spoke with pride, seeing his body break out and goosebumps, tensing up a bit whenever I stroked him softly, cooing:
"More than like."
What really got him is when I leaned forward, my mouth closing around his crown, sucking hard, tongue swirling all around, making sure I got the slit, my hand working the rest of his length. It didn't take long for Damian to really fill it, taking a handful of my hair as I started to down him more, his crown reaching the back of my throat.
"As good as it feels," Damian sighed, pulling my head back, but putting another smile on my face as he spread my legs wide, getting on the couch with me, "How about we see how good it feels somewhere else?"
The feeling of his crown rolling through my slick folds and nudging my clit, nice and slow, it was such an amazing feeling, making me want to moan even more now, just taking the time to enjoy the feeling.
"Damn, I really make you that wet?" Damian chuckled, doing it some more.
"You have no idea," I moaned out slightly, biting my lip at the feeling.
I just knew Damian wanted to hear more, getting off from it and by teasing me while his crown circled and teased my entrance, whispering in my ear:
"I have no idea? I think I do now. Have I made you wet before?"
"You don't know how many times I've had to contain myself, leave a room, take a cold shower, all because of you," I whispered back, my tongue dancing with his as he kissed me again, but quickly after, making me gasp and moan all over his lips.
If my body wasn't filled with enough heat, Damian added to it even more, slowly splitting me wide, giving me inch after inch slowly, smiling at all of the moans and noises I was making. Just being so full, and my entire body so warm, feeling every inch go up my sensitive walls and dragging back down as he began to feed me slow thrusts.
"Well now," Damian whispered to me, kissing at my neck, leaving some bites behind, "You won't have to contain yourself anymore."
At the end of his sentence, he pulled down every inch, down to just his crown, feeding me a quick thrust, snapping a bit hard, his hips smacking into mine, making me moan loudly:
"How'd I know that you'd moan my name so beautifully?" Damian smirked, repeating that same acting and getting the same reaction out of me every time, the feeling more pleasure than anything I've ever experienced.
"You thought about it before?" I was barely able to get out between breaths, arms wrapping around his neck while he said to me:
"You should know the answer to that."
With a deep groan, Damian began to pick up his pace, making my walls tighten around his girth, and with all the pleasure, the pressure hitting my clit, his body pinned against mine, so much heat trapped between them, it was all driving me crazy and it never felt so good.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, it did. Damian flipped me over, taking his turn to sit on the couch, putting me on his lap, still inside of me, and sliding even deeper, taking a tight grip on my hips, helping me roll them a little, feeling his crown hit my sweet spot each time.
I was still getting used to the new feeling, moving my hips slowly, but Damian gladly gave me some encouragement.
"Too much for you to handle?" Damian whispered, "I imagined you'd take the opportunity to ride all over me."
"Imagined?" I chuckled, moving my hair away from my face so I could stare directly into his eyes.
"What? A man can't have thoughts and dreams?" Damian smirked, smiling more as I responded:
"Yes, but what I meant was, why imagine when it's going to happen."
It felt even better to see Damian's head fall back for a moment, letting out a brief moan of his own as I picked up my hips, bouncing onto him, taking all of his length every time, planting some kisses of my own along his neck, whispering to him:
"But it is nice to know how you really think about me."
"How can't I be crazy about you?" Damian whispered, planting a firm smack on my ass, hands following the movement of my hips each time they rolled, gripping on even tighter when I began bouncing again.
"Again," I huffed, kissing him hard, hips moving even faster, "Igualmente. You drive me all kinds of crazy."
"Show me how crazy," Damian whispered, biting at my lower lip as he kissed me and I gladly gave him what he wanted, riding him like all hell, making my lip pop free from his grip as his head fell back again, handles fondling my breasts, trying to distract himself a little but it wasn't enough.
I had to power through my hips wanting to buckle, but all the pleasure was just too good, taking all his length each time, meeting his base, hips rolling, and not slowing down for even a second. It became a little too much for me even, but I was able to ride it all out, praising him with more moans and babbles once he picked up his hips, putting in his own work.
"F-fuck, Damian," I whined out desperately, both of us feeling my walls clench even tighter, knowing how close I was.
"You're really worked up huh?" Damian cooed, his finger finding my clit, edging me on by rubbing it rapidly in circles.
"Yeah," I moaned out salaciously, "I'm so close!"
"Get closer then, baby," Damian encouraged, moving his hips even faster than mine, making gasp for air. It felt like my body was ready to give way, using his shoulders for support, gripping on tight as I felt my walls tighten like a death grip, throbbing around his cock, then this huge wave of wet heat, gushing down onto him.
"Got damn, Y/N," Damian let out, a groan rumbling in his chest, giving me a few soft thrusts, then pushing me down by my hips, pinning them to his.
"Oh my god, Damian," I huffed, eyes rolling back a little, laying my head on his chest, body shaking from the aftershock of his heat shooting into me.
"So," Damian huffed, tilting my chin up so I could look into his eyes, "You know what this means, right?"
Instantly, it felt like I wanted to blush, my cheeks getting warm again as he stroked my cheek, responding with:
"No more hiding feelings about each other?"
"We don't need to," Damian smirked, kissing me softly, "You're all mine."
I returned his kiss with a smile as well, cooing, "And I'm not going anywhere."
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