#like I did mention Errol
raspberrybluejeans · 5 months
for no real reason i was just pondering about which is my favorite PC each mcelroy has played in The Adventure Zone.
I can say immediately with pretty much no contest that Taako is my favorite Justin PC. I think you all know how mentally ill I was about Taako. I love Duck and the Firbolg and all the others but i am insane about Taako.
Also pretty much immediately I can say my favorite of Clint’s is Argo. I think Clint mentioned at some point that he put more work into Argo than any other character (this may have been before Ethersea so idk if it’s still true) but I think it shows so much. He was so interesting and I love him and I loved learning about his background and motivations and stuff.
I was a little more torn about Travis because I do love Magnus a lot, but in the end I decided I like Devo the most. I just wish we had gotten to delve into more details about his background and upbringing and stuff and I hope someday when they make the Ethersea sequel we can learn more about him because he is a very interesting character.
I was the most torn about Griffin because I love almost all of his PCs so much. The two other contenders I was really torn about was Errol and Montrose. I was so devastated he didn’t play Errol again in Dust II because I fucking love Errol. Montrose is also such a good character he’s such a freak. But in the end I decided on Fitzroy. My sweet cheese my rotten soldier. I love that stupid bitch
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Eva Dahlbeck (Smiles of a Summer Night, A Lesson in Love, Kastrullresan)— Beautiful, formidable, funny. Ingmar Bergman called her a "battleship of femininity" and cast her in several of his comedies. It's a joy to see her pulling all the strings in Smiles of a Summer Night while her two boyfriends make utter fools of themselves.
Maureen O’Hara (The Parent Trap, The Quiet Man)—They called her the Queen of Technicolor. That right there should help introduce people to the fiery, wonderful, stunning Maureen O’Hara. She was from Ireland, born in 1920, and started in theater at the age of ten. At 15, she was winning drama awards, including one for her performance as Portia in the Merchant of Venice. At 16, she was the youngest pupil to graduate from the Guildhall School of Music. By 18, she transitioned to film, starting off with a bang alongside Charles Laughton in Hitchcock’s Jamaica Inn, and proceeded to work steadily up through the early 1970s. She was in adventures and comedies and romances, spent a lot of time in westerns giving merry hell to John Wayne (and less merry hell to the indomitable John Ford — she held her own even when he was verbally abusive and demeaning to her). She was in The Quiet Man, which was the first American-made film entirely filmed in a foreign country. She helped make American Christmas what it is with Miracle on 34th Street. She played a lineup of headstrong, forthright women second only, perhaps, to Katharine Hepburn. She was married three times, lived for a while with a boyfriend in Mexico, sued for custody of her daughter in the 1950s, AND sued a magazine for libel in the same era. After mostly retiring from acting, she edited a magazine. She eventually sold the magazine to spend more time with her grandson, but even then ran a ladies fashion store. She was an outspoken, brilliant, passionate lady, with amazing red hair, a career to envy, and — well — that face!
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Eva Dahlbeck:
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Maureen O'Hara:
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I thought she was one of the most beautiful women in the world when I was a kid and I have yet to really change my mind. Always loved her temper and her red hair. Plus she was kind of a MILF in The Parent Trap
Haughty, red hair, hot.
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The hair. The accent. The figure. The acting chops. The perfection.
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I would have to give up my passport if I didn't submit Maureen O'Hara but also have you seen her? Not only did she look like that (she was called the Queen of Technicolor, though she wasn't a big fan of that sobriquet), she was also very funny and tough as nails. She faced off against Walt Disney in a contract dispute and the legend goes that when someone mentioned her at his deathbed, he sat up and said 'That bitch!'. Her comment on that story is "At least he didn't think of me and say, 'That wimp'." She struggled to get serious roles for a time, saying ""Hollywood would never allow my talent to triumph over my face," so she plays the sexy princess/pirate/harem girl in a LOT of early movies that she referred to as "Tits and Sand" films, she being the tits in question. She also turned down so many leading men and studio bosses (Errol Flynn and Howard Hughes are among her rejects) that there were rumours spread that she was a lesbian. Many egos were battered it seems. I'm including the infamous Lady Godiva scene in the photo propaganda for the sheer Moment of it [link] . It was a bit of a flop critically, but it was one of Clint Eastwood's first film appearances and she said he told her later that he was very glad of the money at the time. She was a very proud Irish woman and when she went for her American citizenship they insisted on referring to her as British (the timeline of Irish independence is a bit wibbly wobbly, we won't get into it here). She refused to accept American citizenship under that condition and argued her way through every level of US immigration she could find, supposedly saying "I'm not responsible for your antiquated records here in Washington", until a judge finally gave up and said "Give her what she wants, just get her out of here". This made her the first ever person seeking US citizenship to be proclaimed Irish on the record! And while we don't embrace the leprechaun imagery quite so enthusiastically today, her dressing her dog up in a little shamrock hat is too cute for you all to miss so I'm including that in the photo propaganda.
*Marge Simpson voice*: I just think she's neat 🤷‍♀️
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby's 3 cameos Jeez; Clowning/Honking (no clown pictures); PhoneInFriday in the UK; SaveOFMD Crew Events on IG; Fan Spotlight; Custom Jackets; Collages; Chxrlotte New Song: OFMD; Morale/Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
== Rhys Darby ==
Good god, 3 Cameo's today? I hope you all enjoy dopamine-- remember to take a break in between because SHEESH. My brain overloaded real bad on #VitaminRD.
= Cameo 1: =
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The latest cameo features Rhys as Murray from Flight of the Conchords Thank you @it_llpass and "The Maybe Dids", a group of FotC fans, for getting this cameo and sharing it with everyone! Rhys Sings Leggy Blonde at the end, be sure to hold onto you seat. Src: Cameo Link - Also up on the Repo in the Cameo's section
= Cameo 2: =
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This cameo was put together by NDKiwi and The Giggle Bytes (and special thanks to @yronnia for keeping me in the loop, I've been waiting for this one since you mentioned it! The Giggle Bytes are a group of fans who really love Rhys and his Robots and sound effects! Thank you to everyone who was involved in getting this wonderfully whimsical video made! Src: Cameo Link
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= Cameo 3: =
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Thank you to the HWCC for this wonderful clowning video! Rhys scared the crap out of me in the first 6 seconds, so CW with jump scares friends. Src: Cameo
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Speaking of clowning...
== Clown/Honk Alert ==
So normally I would leave this in the cast & crew section, but they're part of the honking narrative today so here we go! The very first thing today that triggered some honking was Con O'Neill posting on his IG page the Rotten Tomatoes stats (which btw I know a lot of you have been reviewing-- and it's totally working! Those numbers have gone up from the last time I looked! GREAT JOB!)
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Which of course Samba, and Erroll posted in their IG Stories. Then, to add to the excitement, one of our crew-mates @soglamwow on twitter @'d Samba with our latest stats and he RESPONDED.
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Annnnnd to continue the clowning, Rhys JUST SO HAPPENED to take a little hiatus from Cameo until March.
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Okay so AND THEN, a sweet article from Paste was published today, and in it, Vico Ortiz talks about the SaveOFMD effort! See some of that article below!
These Thems‘ Vico Ortiz and Gretchen Wylder Talk Industry Obstacles to Making Queer Stories
If you've never seen These Thems' Please watch them here on youtube!
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Now, this is all pure speculation, but the scuttlebutt around the bronzetub booze cooler is there seems to be a LOT of engagement from multiple cast members across MULTIPLE platforms SPECIFICALLY having to do with the renewal. All of that + Vico having an article published giving shout outs to the crew? AND Rhys deciding to take some time off (which could be because he's cranking out cameos like no tomorrow, or because he found out what Vianton means, we don't know) all together in one day--- FOLLOWING multiple days of BTS and increased engagement on all platforms... it seems like a perfect storm for clowning/honking.
I found this on @mytabsclosed's Twitter after writing this up, so it's definitely the TLDR; version:
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I wouldn't be surprised if we get some sort of breadcrumb from Chaos Dad tomorrow, but don't quote me on that. I can clown town and hope though!
== UK Folks! ==
Feb 23 is #PhoneInFriday - Call in to B.B.C. 3 to request Gnossienne No. 5 at 6:30 am G.M.T., and B.B.C. 2 to request The Chain at 4 pm G.M.T. Those outside the U.K. can text or email! Need info on where to call/email, visit: How to Call into BBC
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== Save OFMD Events on IG ==
The Save OFMD Crew has been doing a lot of fun engagement events on IG the last couple days! Yesterday was #Wrong Wednesday where folks submitted their incorrect captions for various pictures. Just a couple highlights below!
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Today was #TheoryThursday! It's still going on if you're interested in joining! Just comment on their post here!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Custom OFMD Jackets =
Tonight's new fan spotlight is @investedfandoms on Instagram! They make custom OFMD Jackets -- made to order! Check out these awesome designs!
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If this is something you're interested in feel free to hit them up-- they're $200/each or if you provide your own jacket, $175 (which includes shipping). This is their only source of income at the moment so if you'd like one, this would be a great time order one and help out a fellow crew-mate!
= Collages =
More Collages for the month of February from our fabulous crew-mate @ WanderingNomad!
Day 22: #Boyfriends!!
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Catch Up: Day 3: Kristian Nairn!
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== Chxrlotte New Release! ==
Chxrlotte is a UK artist that gained public attention after the releease of their Good Omens song "Come With Me". She's just released a new song "Message In A Bottle" which is all about Our Flag Means Death! Thank you @libbyroseitm for sending me the deets on this! Please give it a listen! It's really lovely. "Message In A Bottle" On Spotify
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== Morale / Love Notes ==
Wow friends. Today was a big one. Lots and lots of trending, lots of cameos, lots of honk honk honking. It was seriously busy. I hope some of the activity has helped raise some spirits! The cast & crew are definitely seeing our efforts and really showing us they are! Remember that when things feel down, they know we're fighting and they're behind us too! Vico's words: "It also makes me hopeful seeing how y’all are mobilizing and are incredibly earnest and passionate about seeing queer content on TV or wherever that may be. It makes me, as a producer, as a writer, as an actor, excited to know that there is a community of folks who are going to support queer content that I make and attach myself to with friends that are also queer creators, and writers, and producers, and actors, because I want to give it to y’all.”  And to end on-- words from Rhys' own mouth today in one of his cameos: "Don't Stop Clowning! Until you get arrested!"
Okay lovelies. It's that time again for me to be annoyingly loving towards you. I hope you're ready! Did you know you're doing an amazing job? Like, a fucking stellar job. Whatever you're struggling with, however you're coping, you're kicking ass! You are still here with us, and I am so fucking grateful for that! I know sometimes it's really hard to give yourself self-love (I am in fact terrible at it), so I just wanna take this moment to let you know I am rooting for you! Everyone on our crew is rooting for you! You are doing your very best, and there's no one in this world who can compare to you and what you're going through. Your struggles are hard, but you are making it through because you are a strong, resilient, powerhouse of a human being! YOU are a force to be reckoned with. YOU are a kind and caring soul who puts so much good into the world. YOU are an inspiration. YOU are mind-blowingly amazeballs (that's the technical term) and you are going to do marvelous things no matter how big or how small they are. I believe in you and so does everyone on your crew, whole-heartedly. When you're ready, go shine lovelies, you deserve to shine.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd regarding gifs tonight-- The moment I saw it, I knew this was todays Darby Gif, Courtesy of @ofmd-ann, and then of course, found this lovely Taika Gif today courtesy of @agaywithcoffee that seems pretty appropriate.
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butterflydm · 9 months
wot deeper dive 2x3: what might be
And here is my more in-depth look at the third episode, avoiding any book-related spoilers.
So the framing device for this episode is Nynaeve's testing for being Accepted -- we start when the testing starts and end when the testing finally ends for truth. This isn't the episode that takes place over the least amount of time, but it does take place over a short period of time -- Nynaeve goes in at night, the day passes while everyone (except Egwene) believes that she's dead, and then she exits the next night.
2. It cracks me up that Liandrin makes a point of mentioning that women could create ter'angreal before the Breaking. Because, yeah, Liandrin wouldn't admit in a thousand years that men might be able to do something useful (also: Liandrin hating 'men' but loving her son is actually a great example of the hypocritical nature of that kind of mindset in general; her son gets to exist outside the greater circle 'ugh men' because he is her son and special to her). I love us getting a bit of an explanation for ter'angreal, but Liandrin does crack me up. And the show does make a point of telling us that the Aes Sedai don't understand a lot about how the ter'angreal work, which sets us up for them being wrong that it's only possible for 'the way back' to come once.
3. Hmm, the White Tower waits for women to come to us (mentioned in the last episode) and we also put women out of the Tower if they can only make it through one part of the test and might need time before they face another part... I wonder why the Tower is getting emptier and emptier by the year. It's a mystery! But I do like all this exposition and it feels like it's well-placed, because Nynaeve genuinely needs the explanation. I wonder if Leane gets to be one of the people administering the test because she refused her first time, so having her there to honestly tell students that is meant to give them permission to decide they need a bit more time.
4. All of Nynaeve's tests made me cry and it definitely was starting early. Her scenes with her parents, and having to experience their deaths again was so painful! They did such a good job making her look younger/in the body of her younger self -- with her unbound hair and the style of her dress.
5. We have, here in the first test, Nynaeve bringing back crimsonthorn, which is reflecting another of Nynaeve's fears, which persists in all three tests -- her fear of being like Liandrin. "Red is dead" but a diluted version of crimsonthorn soothes pain rather than bringing death. But not all pain. It needs to be used for the right pain, we learned in the last episode. And the Red Ajah is essentially a hammer that is always looking for nails. The use of crimsonthorn in this episode feels like a mediation on moderation and picking the right tool for the job. Part of Nynaeve is sympathetic to the Red Ajah's causes in theory (being a watcher over abuses of the Power) but she is not a fan of their tactics in practice (she doesn't believe men who can channel are evil). But Nynaeve specifically having her father (a man) be the one who washes the crimsonthorn from her hands feels very pointed. "Red is dead" is something that Nynaeve is telling herself.
6. The Two Rivers continues to be a place of reversed gender roles to many traditional depictions -- Nynaeve's father is a nurturer and the one she's gotten her skill at herbalism from*, while her mother acts as the main protector of the family, using a bow against the attackers. The thread of allowing men to be caretakers is continuing strong in s2, with Rand working in the sanitarium and taking care of Errol and us seeing Nynaeve's father as the nurturing figure here.
(*though I will note that this is a key aspect of several male characters in one of the big OG western fantasy novels: LOTR, where Aragon is a nurturer/healer as well as a warrior, and we also have the hobbits, especially Sam.)
The fathers-and-daughters theme also continues strong. We have a lot of fathers and daughters so far in the series, and fathers wanting the world to be better for their daughters, specifically. Those themes are not exclusive to fathers and daughters, of course (Ila wanted a better world for her daughter) but we are getting a lot of focus on fathers and daughters and, specifically, on allowing men to be soft with their daughters and nurturing figures for them.
7. This is them continuing a story that Nynaeve originally told us in s1, so I wonder if we'll continue to learn more about it in the future -- will we ever find out who attacked the Two Rivers during this time and what their motives were? They don't look like they're wearing any kind of emblems, which makes me lean towards bandits of some kind.
8. Oof, but rewatching this made me cry again. Having to leave the people she loves behind (but they're already dead, my darling). Nynaeve trying to work out exactly how real everything was in that place. And getting 'idk?' in response from the Aes Sedai.
9. Both of the parental figures that she faces in the second test are parents of the children she believes that she's failed to protect (Rand is dead and Mat is 'who knows where') and now she can't even stay to give Tam the comfort of dying with a friendly face by his bedside. Again, heartbreaking! Again, we have the thread of the crimsonthorn, being used here to bring a peaceful death to those that can't be healed... except that Nynaeve knows that they could be healed, if only she knew how to do it. Her block makes her unable to help those she cares about. She failed Rand and now she's failed Tam too. "I may not be a Wisdom, but I'm the one who stayed," Natti says. And this also tugs on the thread that Nynaeve herself felt back in the first episode -- that Tar Valon has no interest in helping the Two Rivers or people from the Two Rivers (the story of the old Wisdom).
"This isn't your home anymore." Ouch.
10. Nynaeve copying the motions of the healing weave but not able to embrace the Power to actually use it: heartbreaking. And then lying to Tam about Rand, because she can't face the idea of telling his father that Rand is dead. And then she has to walk away from him, even as he's pleading for her to stay with him as he dies! Again, tears!
11. I love that the different jars that they use for the ritual -- one white, one black, one both -- I wonder if they remember why that would be the case or if they keep doing it because it's traditional.
12. I enjoyed the trick they played on us (it's implied that Nynaeve's third test is about her becoming Red Ajah and that leading to her killing Lan somehow) and the way she walks out on the White Tower. Our first hint that this isn't real is that there's no Elayne hovering around Egwene in Nynaeve's goodbye scene (Elayne is clearly bonding hard with Egwene and definitely would have wanted to go with her to talk to Nynaeve; she's already shown interest in meeting Nynaeve) because Nynaeve doesn't know about her! But I didn't twig to it until Lan showed up and then didn't tell her Rand was alive and instead was just like "oh yeah I can go with you to the Two Rivers". If Lan is disconnected enough from Moiraine to walk away from his duty and go with Nynaeve back to the Two Rivers, then he's disconnected enough to tell her that Rand is alive, even if he knows Moiraine might not want him to tell. But Lan can't tell her that Rand's alive! Fictional Lan doesn't know! He doesn't tell her any of the new info that Lan should be able to tell her now.
13. That being said, Nynaeve's AU version of her reunion with Lan is very sweet! And I was glad to get it even if it was very much not real.
14. The Sisters believing that Nynaeve is dead also was something that worked really well for me because it gives us so much interesting character information and motivation. This is what leads to Liandrin deciding to 'free' Mat and send him on his way with Min! It's what leads to her confrontation with Egwene! Also: Leane's disdainful look at Liandrin as she turns and walks out. Judging Liandrin hard for pushing for Nynaeve to go through the arches so quickly. And then Sheriam expressing her disappointment verbally. "I hope your conscience never lets you find peace with that. I know mine won't." And Liandrin looks close to tears here, as well (and then expresses her pain through anger, once again, by throwing the jug).
15. Ooof, Seanchan time. This is so hard to watch. The show did such a good job making them feel alien and different to the rest of the people of the show. Even Loial has never heard of them! And the helmets make them look like they are grinning (way too widely) all the time. Just seeing how clearly formalized and ritualized everything is.
That spike at the bottom of Suroth's palanquin. Yikes on bikes.
16. I am going to note that the two women who channeled the previous night are NOT the one who points out the other women who then get dragged away (unless my eyes deceive me). They specifically have a third woman who comes out and does that, which implies specializations to me.
17. The music cue for the Seanchan is so effectively creepy. And now it is time for our Cheerful Customer Service Representative to share the Good News that it is time to Update Your Oaths. That she says everything in such a pleasant way really makes the horror of everything that's happening stand out. The Shadow, before now, has operated under darkness, but this horror is happening in the broad daylight and with the attitude of complete certainty in their own rightness, despite the clear brutality on display. It works similarly to how the horror in Midsommar works, for anyone else who may have seen that movie. Brutality in broad daylight, committed by people who are convinced that they have the One Truth and that it's an honor to kill to uphold that truth.
18. It does seem pretty clear that Uno was picked out because he was noticed by one of the soldiers as behaving defiantly -- having a clear example of what happens to someone who refuses to take the oaths is probably seen as extremely useful in getting everyone else to agree. But, yeah, another scene that is difficult to watch, for sure! Suroth's smile after Uno is killed is so effectively creepy and awful.
And now Perrin & co have officially taken the oaths. I do not expect Perrin to feel at all obliged to keep his oaths but it may be useful for him that he's aware of the wording, so he can perhaps do some sneaky scouting in the future.
19. The Man's eyes are on Perrin pretty much the entire time. But, yeah, #PerrinWillNotForgetThis
20. Love Rand's scene with Logain here. Rand is trying to build up some trust with Logain before he broaches the subject of channeling but Logain already knows the score and wants them to skip to the ending, lol. Logain is aware that Rand can channel and channel strongly, so he doesn't want to waste any time on pleasantries. I also love Logain yanking Rand around and giving him a sidequest, lol.
21. We get a reminder here of how much Rand doesn't know: pretty much everyone else has more knowledge than he does right now. He doesn't know that the Dark One wasn't defeated at the Eye; he doesn't know even of the Horn of Valere's existence, let alone that Perrin is on the hunt for it (even Mat knows about that, due to Perrin's letters).
22. So Rand finds out about the queen's promise here ("half her fortune" to the one who finds the Horn and brings it to Cairhien) and then learns in the party scene coming up next that this was a dirty lie being used to get people to leave Foregate and go off somewhere, anywhere else. His time in Cairhien is Rand's first experience of class differences and the nobles are not coming off well to him at all.
23. It's pretty clear here that Rand is keeping all his 'searching out knowledge about channeling' activities a secret from Selene, which makes a lot of sense. He probably assumes that the second she finds out, she won't want to come near him. She does seem pretty happy about the idea of getting to dress Rand up in some fancier clothes.
24. Haha, I love that Elayne has no ill effects from their night of drinking together. Another little hint about her past. Her banter with Egwene is pretty adorable (before the angst comes in for Egwene when she finds out that the Sisters all believe that Nynaeve is dead).
re: fake deaths -- they really only annoy me if they're primarily for the audience. I don't mind if they're being used to push story/character forward. Here, we're shown Egwene's refusal to believe that Nynaeve could be dead vs Elayne's greater knowledge of how ter'angreal are believed to work and Tower knowledge and tradition.
25. I love that Egwene snaps at Elayne to leave here -- it's such a pure emotional reaction due to her intense grief. She's already believed Nynaeve to be lost once; she believes that Rand is gone; and now she's losing Nynaeve 'again'. It's too much and she doesn't know Elayne well enough to let her in emotionally right now.
Also, "Ny"! That's so cute.
26. Sheriam sucks at grief counseling. Egwene's friend is dead and all Sheriam can tell her is "don't burden me with your grief; grow as a person from this".
So... I wonder if Sheriam sent Nynaeve's things off to the Two Rivers this day, and all Nynaeve's stuff is already on its way by the time she comes back.
27. In addition to everything else about this scene with Liandrin and Mat, it tells us that she's able to sneak in without waking him up. I doubt that it's the first time she's done it. Also, I note that Liandrin does not tell him that Nynaeve is the one who died.
Of course, we know from the ending conversation with Min that this is not actually Liandrin 'letting him go' but her setting him up to leave with a spy in tow.
She is really really good at cutting into people with her words. Mat escaped one abusive older woman (his mom) and ended up trapped with a second one. This really was such a worst case scenario for him, in terms of grinding his feelings of failure and not being good enough into him.
28. Liandrin tries to pull her same tricks with Egwene that she did with Mat, trying to cut into her insecurities and made her feel lesser. But Egwene has not spent the past five months being forced to listen to Liandrin stomp on her as a person over and over, so when Liandrin pushes her, she pushes back.
29. Party scene! Selene has gotten Rand a coat and slipped the two of them into a fancy noble party -- she's out there trying to set up connections for Rand but he is focused on the mission. He gets a warning from another lady at the party that whether he replies yes or no to the invitation that he just received, it will be a subject of gossip, so he burns the letter (only to learn that this, too, is going to cause tons of gossip). The lady Anvaere then lets Rand know that she's figured out that he's likely staying in the Foregate and implies that she may or may not believe that he's an outlander lord. She lets him peek behind the curtain of nobility by telling him the truth about the Hunt for the Horn - that the queen doesn't care about it at all, just about getting some of the peasants to leave. We now get some of the history of the Aiel War from the nobles' side (after hearing a bit from the soldiers' side in the last episode) -- after the war, the farmers who had been devastated by the invasion sought shelter and protection nearer to the city and this has been an inconvenience for the nobles.
30. At this point, Selene returns with Rand's quest item but is disappointed when he immediately wants to leave the party without explaining why he wanted the wine and is offended when he asks her why she's helping him, after she shows herself to already understands that the Hunt for the Horn is just a political cover to push out the poorer residents of the city. In terms of costume design, they've really made it so that Rand is the only one standing out -- even Selene is dressed in the paler pastels that we see the rest of the nobles wearing. Rand is the only one I see in bold colors.
31. Rand returning so quickly with his Quest Item for Logain reveals his desperation to Logain. This conversation is... so incredibly queer-coded (which, tbh, male channelers in the books often came across that way too!). Rand has been suppressing something deep inside himself for so long but it just won't go away. It's an innate part of him and the more he tries to tamp it down, the more it builds up and demands to be seen. The metaphor of the overflowing wine glass was also fantastic.
"the answer to the question you already knew" (you can't make this part of yourself go away; "eventually, it will spill out of you. always.")
And Selene, at the party, "don't ask questions when you already know the answer"
We saw last season that Rand was really really good at ignoring things that he doesn't want to admit about himself -- he carries the secret about Tam's conversation with him all season! He manages to convince himself that Mat is probably the Dragon, until Moiraine reveals that it's the dagger that is influencing Mat. Part of him knew the true answer for a long time, but he wasn't willing to admit it to himself.
But it's not the answer that Rand wants to hear. And Logain losing it here gives Rand a convenient reason to dismiss everything else that he said.
32. So heartbreaking for Mat to watch Egwene crying and not feeling like he can go to her! I understand why -- Liandrin did a very good job of letting him know, over and over (a dozen letters!), that his friends do not care about him and would not want to see him again. So I understand. But it's painful to watch him turn and walk away from her. He almost does go to her! He hesitates! But he can't quite do it (which is only going to make him feel even more like a coward).
33. Min was just sitting and waiting for Mat to ask her to join him, wasn't she? I wonder if she was starting to worry that he would leave without her. She must be relieved that he came back for her.
34. Perrin's escape from Seanchan captivity (I notice that he's chained up, maybe because he was the last one to kneel?), but not before he gets a visit from our neighborhood Known Bad Guy. This scene is also very good and very intense, though I want to shake Perrin slightly and remind him that if the Bad Guy tells you something, he's probably trying to trick you! If he says that the wolf brings you closer to him, it's probably a lie! Do not trust this man! I am glad that Our Guy continues to bring intense homoeroticism to every scene he shares with one of our male ta'veren (let me cup your face and feed you water! let me stare intently into your eyes and talk about how you're mine!). Now we just need Mat to complete the set!
35. "You're dead! Rand killed you!" and now Perrin is the first of our ta'veren to find out that the world did not get saved back in 1x8. Doesn't have much opportunity to tell the others, sadly. He doesn't find out that Rand is alive, though.
36. Very emotional about Elyas and the wolves coming to save Perrin. That's their boy! They love him! Please don't be afraid of them, Perrin!
37. Mat and Min continue to have great banter. "Freedom is in the air tonight". And now we get our reveal that Min is working with Liandrin. I like that this feels like a consequence of Moiraine's actions from last season. Because being free of Moiraine, specifically, is part of the carrot that Liandrin is using with Min here. "If you succeed, Moiraine won't have anything over either of us ever again."
Okay, and Liandrin is asking Min to take Mat someplace specific because she checks, "You know the way?" and Min confirms it. So Liandrin does have a destination in mind. Min also does seem subdued in this scene with Liandrin, so I don't think she's eager to take Mat wherever they're going.
38. Rand has a dream about returning back to his room where Selene is waiting, and the two of them have sex (with him back in his fancy coat), and him channeling around her while she tells him that she's not afraid of him (but he looks pretty uncomfortable/scared/worried once the channeling begins). When he wakes up, he realizes that he's set the roof of the inn on fire, and Selene is at his door, and the two of them rush to safety and watch it burn. Oof, that had to be tough for Rand. Poor guy. *hugs*
39. Egwene trying to channel the arches back open again. Sweetheart! I love her so much for trying, and I love Elayne for coming to try to help her through her grief.
40. And now we jump back into Nynaeve's dream life -- she's back in the Two Rivers. She has a daughter with Lan, who is relaxed and comfortable. Perrin is back home, happy, and Mat has found a life elsewhere but is happy as well and visits when he can. Egwene has successfully become Aes Sedai. It's as happy as she can possibly make it, given the constraints that she started with (Rand being dead, especially, but also knowing that Egwene would want to stay and become Aes Sedai).
But they told us at the beginning that this was about Nynaeve facing her fears, and Egwene's letter brings the first hints of trouble as we hear of Trolloc attacks in Saldaea. And her dream world shatters apart as Trollocs attack the Two Rivers once again, just as her life shattered apart when they attacked the first time. I love the bookend of how she tries to protect her daughter the same way that she was once protected by her parents. This whole sequences really hit me hard, especially when she's still cradling her (no longer existing) daughter as she comes back through the arches. I'm really glad that Egwene was there for her when she arrived (and what an introduction for Elayne!) Again, it was so heartbreaking. The little girl wasn't real, but Nynaeve loved her like she was real.
41. I didn't notice on the night this first aired (probably because so much was happening in all three episodes) but this episode does not have Moiraine or Actual Lan in it at all. So they're still on the thread that we left them on in episode two, where Moiraine has left without Lan (and threatened him with having Alanna forcibly bond him to make sure he would let her go). So the question we have for episode four is: do we get a Lan x Nynaeve actual reunion at the White Tower or is Lan going to go after Moiraine as soon as Alanna's back is turned? We know that he stole the poem that she bought from Doman. I am intrigued to learn the answers in ep4.
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First of all i'd like to point out that I am not at all bothered by the casting of Aviendha and I do believe complaints abt it are very much rooted in racism.
With that being said, I did assume that the show was getting rid of the whole Aiel LookTM thing and just have them be recognized by their clothes and manner of speech.
But Errol clocked Rand as Aiel and Moiraine mentions that he would stand out in Cairhien so clearly they're keeping it.
But like, he and Avi look nothing alike!
How is he getting recognized so easily as Aiel?
And the thing is, he doesn't need to be visibly aiel for the story to work. All the times he gets clocked as Aiel in the books are much more driving home his identity crisis from finding out he's adopted! They also serve as foreshadowing yes but that's secondary. That's why most of these instances are in Eye of the World, the book where Rand's arc is all about his identity crisis!
The show could have removed this entirely and it would be fine. Instead the narrative is telling us that the Aiel have physical features distinct enough that a man with dementia can recognize one, and that even dressed as a westlander and Aiel would stand out, and yet the two Aiel characters look nothing alike! The only thing they have in common is that they're both redheads, so I guess Elayne should be getting confused for an Aiel lol.
I know that this isn't a big deal but it would have been such an easy fix, I don't get why the show did this.
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lionesswisdom · 9 months
Season 2 Episodes 1-3 Thoughts
So this will be all my thoughts on the first three episodes of season 2:
The pacing this season is so much better, we get to sit down with these characters and the scenes are allowed to breath. It adds so much more depth and I’m glad the episodes are longer
The Moiraine and Lan scenes hurt so much but god Rosamund and Daniel are doing phenomenal with these scenes.
Now I’m terrified that the bond passing will happen but with Alanna
Also don’t like them mentioning the Carniera thing. Especially with the smiles of their faces. I need to rewatch it again and see what Lan and Moiraine were thinking
I love what they are doing with Perrin’s arc and I am looking forward to him learning more about his connection with the wolves and his relationship with violence. As well as seeing more of Perrin Golden Eyes!
Donal is amazing as Mat. I am enjoying his performance so much. And that scene where he tried to go to Egwene to comfort her but decided not to. My heart.
I love how they are handling Nynaeve’s relationship with the one power and her block. You can see that her trauma from the s1 finale is affecting her. And oh the accepted test. I cried at throughout it. I love that it showed why Nynaeve really is in the tower and how she’s scared of being powerless to protect the people she loves without the one power.
And Egwene!! I really like that they explored her jealousy of Nynaeve and her insecurities. Madeleine did such a good job with her facial expressions at any time the Aes Sedai wanted Nynaeve. But as Elayne said it wasn’t a good look on her and I liked that Egwene realised that. Also so curious about the using the one power without her hands they are doing with Egwene.
Oh and where to begin with Rand. Those scenes we got of him and Selene were just wow. But Rand honey I need you to realise that you cannot trust Selene! I really liked his scenes with Errol and we got his red coat!! So happy we got that and I like that we are already getting into Daes Dae'mar and people showing interest in Rand.
Ceara Coveney is Elayne. She made me love Elayne even more. I really loved that she looked out for Egwene and how fast friends they became. Also her thinking Egwene was a servant was hilarious and assuming that Egwene just got here cause her room was a mess. Love that she soon got a reality check but took it with pride and acceptance her punishment.
The channeling also looks so much better! I loved the coloured weaves and exploring more of the one power. The vfx on the show has also improved as well as the set design and costumes which I loved seeing. You can tell they got a budget increase.
Also other stands outs were Verin and Adeleas. They were fantastic and I loved them the moment I saw them.
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
This was such a good mini arc I'm !!!!
I love how Travis incorporated their backstories a lot more, and it definitely feels a lot more fleshed out than Dust 1 did, like, there were a lot of things happening with everyone, but, while it did feel full, it didn't really feel too overwhelming. He's gotten so good at GMing, I'm so happy for him!!!!
And Indrid's backstory!!! I have so many questions now like, who is Weaver??? Did he get control over his Mothman powers permanently through that guy who bound him??? And I love how there's now an in story justification on why he can sustain himself outside of Kepler and that it's tied to him moving around so often and eventually living in the winnebago. I always wondered how he was able to live without soaking in the hot springs
And Lulu is together with Pearl!!!! I'm so happy about that!!!! And I'm sure they're going to be able to get Pearl back out of having to run her family's mine
I'm also sad that she lost Loreli without knowing about it until Mathias tried to blow them all up, and I really wish she had been able to get that closure of telling her what she did to her farm
And Callan's voice is so cool lol I just wanted to take the time to say that now, and I love how assured of himself he is and how he carries himself and how he doesn't kill people but he kills demons but he's intimidating enough for people to think he does the former. And he's so quiet but every time he speaks it's so good. And he has metaphysical parrot that follows him around that says what Clint wants to say that wouldn't be in character for his character lmao
And Augustus starting his own new cashew company because he listened to his daughter and his former employee, and him just waltzing back into Jackson's office like, here's some cashews bitch, thanks for investing in my new company that's so much better than yours 🖕 lol I love him so much. He turned into a train for pretty much the whole heist without telling anyone or it being planned, and I thought it was kind of a dumb move on Justin's part (mostly because he didn't tell anyone and I was wondering how he was going to help do any of the nitty gritty details), but it totally worked out in their favor
I wonder if he's going to tell Errol that he found out who the Banshee is
And if Amnesty and Dust are in the same universe, that means vampires and werewolves and ghosts all exist separate from Silvans, but there's no mention of any of them by the time present day rolls around so like, are they in hiding now? Did humans suddenly decide they were going to wipe them all out? This has so many interesting implications and raises so many questions like, why aren't they a part of everyday life anymore?
I'm so excited about this, and I can't wait for Steeplechase to come out on Thursday to see what they have planned next <3
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elliemarchetti · 2 years
The Road to a Perfect Summer
Just a quick one-shot for Fremione’s Fabulous Summer Bingo in which I tried to cover every square of the card. Enjoy!
Words: 1.8K
Rating: Teen and Up I suppose?
TW: if mentioning sex is triggering for you then don’t read this, but I swear it’s just a couple mentions and nothing too specific. Teenagers crazy hormones, that’s all. 
After Peeves revealed to Dumbledore it was Sirius Black who scarred the Fat Lady’s portrait, all the Gryffindors were sent back to the Great Hall, where within ten minutes they were joined by the rest of the students, all equally confused.
“The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle,” Professor Dumbledore told them as Professors McGonagall and Flitwick closed all doors into the hall. “I’m afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here.”
Although they were in different places in the room, Hermione and Fred’s eyes met with astonishing speed. They had no reason to search for each other, there was absolutely nothing between them, yet when Dumbledore conjured hundreds of purple sleeping bags, the twins sneaked up to the corner occupied by her, their brother and Harry.
“Do you think he’s still in the castle?” George whispered, anxiously.
“Dumbledore obviously thinks he might be,” said Fred.
"Don't you think it's strange that he chose to do it on Halloween?" Hermione asked, as they climbed fully dressed into their sleeping bags and propped themselves on their elbows to talk. “The one night we weren’t in the tower…”
“He must’ve lost track of time, being on the run,” said Ron. “Otherwise, he’d have come bursting in here.”
Hermione shuddered, and Fred moved imperceptibly closer.
“The true question is how did he get in,” observed George.
“Maybe he knows how to Apparate,” said a Ravenclaw a few feet away.
“Or he disguised himself,” ventured Lee Jordan, lying right next to George.
“He could’ve flown in,” suggested Ron, but Hermione knew none of those options were valid, not with Hogwarts' defences preventing Apparition and the Dementors patrolling outside the walls. As Percy shouted for silence, the candles went out all at once, the only light now coming from the silvery ghosts and the enchanted ceiling, mirroring the sky outside. Only much later, when everyone was already sound asleep, Fred saw a single shooting star right above his head. He wished there could be more nights like this, where Hermione Granger, even if only in her sleep, sought for his hand, unaware the opportunity would soon present again. They were in the infirmary, and although Madam Pomfrey reassured them Harry would wake up after the bad fall caused by the Dementors invading the Quidditch field, it hadn’t happened yet. Hermione cried silently for a while, tears mingling with the rain dripping from her curly hair, but finally exhaustion got the better of her and she fell asleep on his shoulder, their hands intertwined. No one wanted to wake her up, so when the Healer asked for everyone to leave, Fred carried her in the Common Room and slept at the sofa’s feet, just to be sure no one would bother her. He was kind of worried for the deep dark circles under her eyes and her overall ashy complexion, so different from the tan she had when she came back from France. In those months, Fred though a lot about the letter she wrote him over summer. To be totally honest, it was him who started the correspondence, sending her some innocent photos from Egypt. He said to himself he did it because he knew Ron wouldn’t adequately update her on the wonders they say, and he certainly wasn’t expecting an answer, but when Errol came back, all dishevelled for the long trip, with a letter addressed specifically to him,  his heart almost burst with joy. In the envelope, there was also a Muggle photo of Hermione, wearing a one-piece swimsuit, smiling happily after she climbed a particularly high reef.  Her face, shoulders and tights were a deep red, but she didn’t seem to care about the sunburn. That shot immediately became one of his most precious treasures, and se he watched it for the umpteenth time, he decided to ask her to spend a few days at the Barrow the next summer. Luckily, his father winning those tickets for the Quidditch World Cup made things infinitely less embarrassing with his parents, and despite his mother found out about the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, she wasn’t too rude with their guest, at least until she tried to defend them about the toffee he and George gave to Harry’s cousin.
“You shouldn’t have done it. Now she’s going to blame you for anything too now,” Fred told her once Mrs. Weasley stopped screaming. They were hidden in a nearby field, laying in the grass watching countless little white clouds rushing by, carried south by the wind.
“Someone had to do it, not everything you do is just plain wrong,” she replied, adjusting the denim jacket she tucked under her head. With a stretch of the imagination, she could imagine it was a soft pillow, and she was as weightless as the clouds, headed for a light-hearted adventure.
“I hope someday she’ll understand us,” Fred went on, more lost in Hermione’s side profile than in the blue and white sky. “It’s not just about making people laugh, we want to create something of our own, something nobody has ever done before.”
For some strange reasons, Hermione found it honourable, perhaps more so than Percy’s desire to take the social ladder.
“She’ll understand, you’ll open your own shop and she’ll be you customer too,” Hermione replied, closing her eyes to enjoy the peace and silent those daydream exuded. No more screaming matches in the kitchen, no more cold stares at the dinner table, and most of all, a true lab for the twins to experiment in, so no more explosions coming from their bedroom. A little too perfect for the Weasleys, but after all she liked to let her imagination run wild once in a while.
“And will you be too?” Fred asked in a whisper, making her shiver. She didn’t know what exactly was happening to her, but it’s been months since she started to get along more with her best friend’s brother than with Ron himself.
“I won’t need to be you customer to know all the products, you’ll come to ask desperately for my help and my infinite knowledge will finally be appreciated,” she joked, crossing Fred’s half amused and half amazed gaze.
“Not even for Penelope’s Purple Pussy Cats?” he asked, feigning offense.
“Not for those, and not even for one of your cheap love potions,” Hermione added, getting closer and closer to her friend’s face, drawn like iron to a magnet.
“You definitely don’t need those,” Fred concluded, cancelling the ridiculous distance separating them. Although he had thin lips, they were incredibly soft, and despite his lively character, he kissed her gently, as if they had all the time in the world and he wanted to woo her by stroking her rosy cheeks with trembling fingers. Hermione lost all sense of time, and perhaps even of space, for it was with utter amazement she felt a raindrop fall on her bare shoulder.
“You can’t be serious...” Fred muttered, his eyes turned to the suddenly leaden sky. The storm hit them fully as they tried to run home, and while they slipped through the front door soaked and covered in mud, Hermione couldn’t help but think she would kiss him for hours, hiding in a hallway or pressed against the wooden walls of his room, if only there weren’t all those people at the Burrow. The problem turned out to be even greater at school, but they managed to keep the situation under control until the summer after her fourth year, when everyone joined Sirius at Grimmauld Place. The first to express her perplexities aloud was Ginny, when in honour of the Summer Solstice Fred didn’t took off the flower crown Hermione made for him. The older of the two girls begged the younger Weasley to keep the information to herself, but Ron soon became suspicious too, seeing that Fred, who along with George could now Apparate, did nothing but sneak out to bring their common friend whatever she craved at the moment.
“First it was marshmallows, then iced coffee, I’d understand if it was something from Honeydukes, but those are Muggle things and they can be only for you,” he said, in his embarrassed and twisted way to explain the matter. The quieter of the twins obviously already knew everything, so with the start of her fifth year it seemed natural to go public, as much as possible under Umbridge’s dictatorial regime. Hermione just found a comfortable place to read in the Room of Requirements when Lee, Fred and George joined them along with Cho Chang, much to Harry’s delight.
“It’s bizarre,” said her boyfriend, frowning around at it. “We once hid from Filch in here, remember, darling? But it was just a broom closet then...”
A shiver ran through Hermione’s spine, forcing her to squeeze the pages of Jinx for the Jinxed harder than she wanted. She remembered perfectly well that day on the beginning of the year, her moans muffled by Fred’s kisses, his hands making their way under her skirt... She had to close the book shut to get a grip on herself and not rush out with him from the first official meeting of the Dumbledore’s Army.
“You did it on purpose!” Hermione exclaimed as they came back to the Common Room, while Lee and George moved far enough to give them the much agonized space. “You wanted to distract me to get the better of me with disarmament spells!”
“You know I’d do anything to win,” he teased her again, and for the next two weeks there were no more discussions about the methods he and George choose to test their new products, only long passionate kisses and a couple stolen caresses, after which came the Terry Boot incident. The Ravenclaw was so enchanted that Hermione could cast a flawless Protea Charm his words sparkled a little jealously in Fred, who decided he had to mark his territory. They nearly broke curfew that time, but for a moment, Hermione forgot even her Prefect duties and dreamed of their naked bodies for several nights to come. After the lifetime ban Professor Umbridge inflicted on nearly half the Gryffindor Quidditch Team things calmed down a little, but Hermione knew the twins would find the perfect way to get back at her, which came in the form of the biggest and most elaborate prank they ever set up, involving a lot of fireworks, some Stinksap stolen from Professor Sprout’s greenhouse, a Portable Swamp and the confiscated brooms, which reached the twins still attached to the chains used to fasten them to the wall.
“Only two months left, and then we’ll have the best summer of our lives,” Fred told Hermione before flying off into the glorious sunset, accompanied by a tumultuous applause and Professor Umbridge’s indignant screams.
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mariacallous · 2 years
I'm most likely a petty bitch who lives for drama but I did enjoy the AOC-Jessica Ramos fight.
I mean mainly because I like someone pointing out we don't need influencers in Congress and do the work in your district damn it
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NY State Senator Jessica Ramos Torches AOC For Being Unreachable: ‘It Would be Nice if You Breathed Our Air’
Progressive New York State Senator Jessica Ramos called out Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Twitter for her lack of presence in her constituency, asserting that the Congresswoman is becoming out of touch.
Ramos is the Chair of the New York Senate Committee on Labor and serves the 13th district of the state, of which portions overlap with Ocasio-Cortez’s congressional district.
The series of tweets took place after a medical student posted that health policy academics were denied a meeting with Ocasio-Cortez’s staff:
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The congresswoman replied in an apologetic manner claiming that what was described is “not representative of me nor my values.” She encouraged the sender to connect with her to remedy the issue.
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Ramos then began a string of criticisms of Ocasio-Cortez in response to the two tweets above. The state lawmaker called her out for her absence, arguing that it is felt throughout her constituency.
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When another person tweeted in response questioning Ramos’s credibility, she dug in further saying that her absence is “an indisputable fact.”
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Journalist Errol Louis joined the discussion responding to the thread that the public feud between the lawmakers “suggests private diplomacy has failed,” to which Ramos replied, “That’s correct.”
The state senator claimed that she has not been able to reach Ocasio-Cortez in months, saying that she “gave up texting her a while back,” asking “what else is it I’m supposed to do?”
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Ramos continued to reply to many others continuing to criticize Ocasio-Cortez, writing, “I believe what I see and hear on my streets and in my office building :),” and that she just wants her “congressional representative to be around and do their job in the community.”
According to the New York Post, a spokesperson for Ocasio-Cortez claimed that their office did not have any record of the meeting being discussed. The spokesperson additionally said that they will continue to look into the incident.
I have a problem with "Let's connect and DM over Twitter to discuss this" tbh but overall this whole thing isn't a good look at all and I've mentioned before how she's seen her numbers drop in her district and how she's not winning allies or friends really.
Also I absolutely believe that one of her staff members would say "We're not doing healthcare right now"
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the-invisible-queer · 2 years
Stark Pictures' Captain America Picture:
Based on my HC that Howard Stark wanted to make a Cap movie to rival Roxxon Corporation's radio serial.
We know Howard founded Stark Pictures in 1947.
And yes he got into a fight with Peggy about making it because she hated how Betty was portrayed in the radio serial.
I'm a sucker for old movies and actors/actresses of the past so I've only casted actors who were popular (and alive) between 47-55 because I think thats a good window for Howard to have made the movie.
Captain America played by Errol Flynn
Errol Flynn was Howard's first choice, despite the fact that Errol is not American born. Which did garner some negative press. But as Howard would say "no such thing as bad press".
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The Agent played by Jane Russell
Howard saw many actresses for the role inspired by Peggy and had Rita Hayworth as backup incase things with Jane Russell didn't end well being that he had a romantic past with her. She threw her shoe at Howard before accepting the role.
Howard made sure The Agent was a badass and didn't need to be saved by any man. But of course she was Cap's romantic interest.
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The Sargeant played by Cary Grant
Howard didn't know much about Bucky so he used this character as the comedy relief so Cary Grant felt like a natural choice. Being that The Agent wasn't the damsel in distress, The Sargeant was the one being saved by Cap.
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The Engineer played by Clark Gable
Who else to play the handsome mustachioed playboy millionaire than the most handsome man in Hollywood? No, Howard did not mention his past affair with Clark's late wife, Carole Lombard.
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The Man in Red played by Lon Chaney Jr.
Who else could play a villain so vile? And which such great makeup and special effects.
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Of course the Howling Commandos were included but I don't have a casting for them. But if you're interested I can figure it out and make another post.
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@lorraine-widow-jackson-st-oc asked:
(To Errol, Stranger Things AU) 1. Errol at the lab before you were separated who was your least favorite orderly or guard? Who was the person that gave you the worst problems? 2. How would you react if your mother was alive? And Brenner saved her somehow? And how would you react if she apologized to you? In despite of what she did to you being absolutely awful. 3. If your mother met Lorraine specifically now that you two are together how do you think your mother would react to her? Especially sense Lorraine is seen as “weird and an outcast”? 4. Was there ever a moment where you thought Tina, Lorraine’s bully and antagonizer was attractive or absolutely not?
Errol, at the lab before you were separated who was your least favorite orderly or guard? Who was the person that gave you the worst problems?
"There were two of them, actually. The head of security, and one of his crony guards that was constantly brown nosing up to him. Their names aren't really worth mentioning now, because I killed them both, but they were always the ones assigned to give me punishments because they never felt any sort of guilt or remorse about it. They would do the job 'efficiently' and 'without complaint', or that's what Papa said." Errol scowls and looks away. "Which just means they were sadistic and enjoyed hurting me. They didn't have to be given orders to do so either. They'd find ways to make me miserable even if a punishment wasn't in order."
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How would you react if your mother was alive? And Brenner saved her somehow? And how would you react if she apologized to you? In despite of what she did to you being absolutely awful.
It takes Errol a long moment to respond as he thinks over the question. When he does speak, it's slowly, and his voice is unsure. "If she apologized?" he asks. "I don't know if she would ever do that... But I suppose, if we're operating off of 'what ifs'... I don't know. I don't know if I would trust her. She would have to gain my trust before I ever believed that she really was sorry. I'd give her a second chance... but one slip up is all it would take for that to end..."
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If your mother met Lorraine specifically now that you two are together how do you think your mother would react to her? Especially sense Lorraine is seen as “weird and an outcast”?
"My mother was never one to like anything outside of her little box. She lived in her own world of white picket fences and picture perfect families. Anything that didn't fit that image was rejected by her," Errol says. "I doubt she would like Lorraine much. Lorraine is unique, different. She shines brighter than my mother, and that would make her envious and disgusted. She would lash out and hate Lorraine. I just know it. She would never approve of Lorraine, she hated anything that wasn't like her."
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Was there ever a moment where you thought Tina, Lorraine’s bully and antagonist, was attractive or absolutely not?
"Tina? Psh, not really." He makes a sort of grossed out look just thinking of it. "Tina was never attractive to me. She radiates 'snob' energy, and I could pick up on that right away. All the makeup and hairspray in the world wouldn't cover up her bad attitude."
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
Hi, Puck! What are your plans for your Love, Duty, and Glorious Purpose story now that Thor: Love and Thunder is out? 🤩
Thanks for the ask! Probably the first thing I plan to do is see the movie. ^_^;
As an overview, my summer job has been keeping me really busy. I was going to do an update post about the lack of progress on WIPs and how I'm still accepting asks and prompts, but I haven't even had the time to do that properly!
Speaking of, Sigyn and Loki are gonna be in Multiverse of Madness as well! I'm still working out their parts-- definitely in the fight at Kamar Taj, definitely ribbing Stephen about how he's not the Sorcerer Supreme anymore. I've also got a few ideas about how Loki and Sigyn are going to interact with the Multiverse, and then there's explaining away how Sigyn managed to lose her influence over Wanda. That's going to take some character work and worldbuilding that the movie didn't really flesh out in the way it probably should have.
However, if the Disney+ turnaround is as quick on Love and Thunder as it was on Multiverse of Madness, I should be able to see the new Thor soon when it comes to streaming.
That being said, I'm also not exactly one to avoid spoilers. (Spoilers under the cut.)
So, what is it I'm hearing about a Heimdallson????
So, yeah, Axl Rose Heimdallson is probably going to not be Sigyn's really young brother that she's just never mentioned before. I can't exactly make him a bastard he didn't know about either, because how would he not know? But from what I understand, he's there to be a kid character that the audience cares about. I think I've got one of those. I won't cut the character entirely, but he's going to have a different backstory. Probably not unlike what I did with Sylvie, only less dramatic.
Given that one of the characters is called "Gorr the God Killer" I'm expecting that death is a major theme. Which is great, because death is a major theme in LDGP! But from what I understand, it hinges on whether or not there's an afterlife, which I think could be interesting to play with, considering Sigyn's gotten multiple visions of people reaching out to her from the afterlife. I think I know what I want to do with it, but I need to see the movie first to see Gorr's character arc in regards to that.
Sounds like I'm going to be giving Sif and Bruni a bunch to do! I'm honestly glad-- I feel like of the Asgardians, I tend towards putting Fandral into situations (just cause I like Errol Flynn-type characters, and I find writing them really easy), and so it will be nice to bring out some others. Might throw in Hogun and Volstagg (my other neglected Asgardians) as well.
I think I'll want something for Rindr to do. Lord Freyr might make an appearance as well, and I really liked writing Theoric, so he might come back. It'll depend on cast size. Nari the Elder will probably not be featured. Sylvie definitely won't, I need Loki season 2 before I do more with her.
Jane's back! Gotta fix it around the breakup, but I'm excited for The Mighty Thor to finally make her debut. As for the end... I mean, I know I've said that I don't like unnecessary character deaths. I need to watch the movie, but it doesn't sound like Jane's was one of them. The Warriors Three, yes, Classic Loki, yes, but Jane? I'm not seeing that as a fridge moment as much. On the other hand, I kinda fridged Heimdall, so... But again, I haven't seen the movie yet.
And speaking of fridging, the super spoiler character. I have no idea what I'm doing with her. But I guess this is what I get for trying to look into the MCU's future.
I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh, yeah.
The sun will shine again.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
01/28/2024 Daily Crew Recap
TLDR; Hoist The Ads Charity Donations; Campaign Status Updates; Hunt For the Pirate Home Watch Party; General Morale; Past Renewal Campaign Comparisons; Cast & Crew Sightings; Upcoming Events: Pets for Pirates Jan 29; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
=Hoist The Ads Updates =
Looks like the voting is done, and the results are in! @gingerlyvibing was kind enough to break down how much is going where. Just a reminder-- you all made this happen! Everything over the $10K it cost to get the billboard is going to help out these awesome charities! Links to threads: Tumblr / Twitter
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Funnily enough, apparently one of the trucks still has the ads on it
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== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US
How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
I'm helping some folks over on FB get similar/ the same updates right now, if anyone would like to help give me feedback I'd appreciate it, please just PM me! I have a couple ideas and I want to run them by folks.
== Status Updates ==
Good news! Wb is still having trouble recovering, as it should. Thanks @btweenhisteeth on twitter
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==Petition Status==
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Over 82K -- going slow, but still ticking up! Takes time all, especially since we're focused on the networks right now. Don't give up!
== Hunt For The Pirate Home Watch Party ==
Had some great turn out all over the world today for the Hunt For the Wilder People watch party. Thank you again to @dandeebakes for getting those coordinated!
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Saw some great trends during it, and a lot of people having fun. If you haven't actually seen the movie, I highly recommend it, it's incredibly good!
==General Morale==
So despite things being fairly quiet today, the general vibe from folks has been that we're just in a holding pattern and we're just gonna keep clowning and polite menacing until we hear more word.
== Other Cancelled Series Comparisons ==
Something cool that I saw more of today was several groups doing comparisons with other cancelled TV Shows. Thank you to @OFMDCrew for these stats on twitter.
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After they were posted, I did hear conflicting feelings on these (some felt it helped raise their mood, some felt it made it worse). So I wanted to point out a few things:
1. We've done a hell of a lot in 3 weeks (and signatures were our priority for most of the first two weeks, but once David Jenkins lit the beacon 8 days ago, we changed our focus). 2. We had a leadership change mid-all of this with Renew As A Crew. 3. Oh and there's other stuff in the world going on (Palestine) 4. As @saltpepperbeard says in their post "David only posted his "call to arms" just a little over a week ago. Eight days ago." So much has changed and we've STILL accomplished so much in that time too.
We are kicking ass, we really are, I promise you!
Across Twitter / IG / and Tumblr, several people have mentioned they feel like something's "in the air". That's totally a second hand "I have a feeling" thing but as you probably remember, quite a few of us had that as a bad feeling the morning before the show got cancelled. Now, if you're not into that kinda thing-- I would like to mention, that could just be because this crew is so fucking awesome, and that's why the vibe is so good-- because we're leaning on each other and take care of each other. Also when lovely people like @saltpepperbeard (as referenced above) write lovely responses to asks that can always help too. This post made ME feel better, I recommend giving it a read for a little perspective :)
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
1. The weekend is still pretty scarce as usual. Our pirate queen Ruibo Qian has been enjoying a lot of everyone's artwork lately. 2. Nathan Foad announced his con dates 3. Renewal Campaign Related: mostly seeing updates again from our boi Erroll Shand supporting the campaign.
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== Pets For Pirates ==
Tomorrow, Jan 29, there will be a Pets for Pirates Even! Share your Pet pictures and use the hashtags:
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==Love Notes==
I know, I know "Jeez Abby, Shut Up We Already Know How Awesome We Are" Well good! Cause you should! But that won't stop me from saying so again! I'm serious when I say the vibe is so good right now in general because we have such a great crew. You all take such good care of each other and it shows every single day. You helped raise an extra $11,578 that are now going to charities that are going to help so many families, and kids, and that's just from the extra stuff from the Hoist The Ads Campaign -- not including everything else going on. I'm going to include a picture from one of my favorite people @thelatestkate because she does awesome work, and this one applies significantly to all of you. <3
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Daily Darby/Tonights Taika
Tonights gifs are brought you by the wonderful @celluloidbroomcloset's Posts: Rhys / Taika
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I'm literally watching Green Lanturn this moment because I needed to remember this youngin Taika, so thank you / no thank you for that, but hey I've watched worse for Rhys so I guess I can't complain.
Goodnight Lovelies <3
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About Old Hollywood Bios
As something of an enthusiast of Old Hollywood, among many other topics, I warn people, especially younger people, as I was when I read (for free, to be honest, at a public library) a lot of old Hollywood biographies (some "unauthorized") not to believe most of what they read or hear about famous people of the past.
Some of it is true, but a good rule of thumb is this: Did anyone have the spine to say it while the person was alive and could sue? Remember that lawsuits have to show a 51% chance that a rumor/allegation is false, so if the gossip could simply show that it was probably true, that is an ironclad defense in civil court.
Now, some might point to the fact that Liberace successfully sued about something that turned out to be true (though no longer considered scandalous in our culture). No, the courts then, as now, were not perfect, but it is still a good rule of thumb.
If someone claims, for instance, that Errol Flynn was a Nazi or that Joan Crawford was an abusive stepmother, ask yourself this? Is there any substantiated allegation of such while the accused was still alive?
While Flynn was no role model, that particular rumor has been rightly dismissed as laughable, if for no other reason than this: Why would a nation as diabolically clever as the Third Reich entrust secrets to a man with well-known struggles with alcoholism, and whose personal entanglements with young women could also have been used as leverage by the Allies (for instance, the Allies could have sent attractive young spies, a common strategy, and Flynn would have been an easy mark).
As for Joan Crawford, I know for a fact that Christina Crawford at least distorted parts of Joan's life, because I did some digging on Joan's year of birth, which Christina claimed to know, and Christina got it wrong, so if she was wrong about that, one has to give a somewhat skeptical eye to other claims.
Still, all specific cases aside, if no one was saying it during the person's own life, it is probably not true. Remember, there were people who made big money from gossip then, all the more profitable if the gossip was true, not to mention blackmail, which was easier then than now, because, for instance, if a celebrity is gay, dresses in drag, carries on multiple "situationships" or smokes certain substances, they most likely do not care who knows, but in Old Hollywood, that kind of thing happened, but it ended careers.
If anything then, there was more incentive for the press vultures to dig things up then than now, especially as studios would pay a lot of money to keep them quiet, so if it was not said in the celebrity's own lifetime, just dismiss it as noise or a waste of ink, and tell the gossip authors this:
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beachboysnatural · 2 years
No one even needs to ask me here is the whole timeline
So first off you have Errol Flynn who was an Australian guy who fucked around and found out for the first twenty five years of his life. He was an awful person who had issues with consent and kindness (like BIG issues). He also had malaria, a host of STDs, and multiple addictions from all the fucking around and finding out he did. He found his way to Hollywood in the mid 1930s and, by some fluke of nature, landed the lead role in Captain Blood (1935).
Then you’ve got Olivia de Havilland, who left home at like seventeen or something to become an actress. She signed a seven-year contract with Warner Bros. when she was like eighteen or nineteen I think? And she, by some fluke of nature, got cast in the female lead role in Captain Blood at just nineteen.
So Errol and Olivia met, did the movie, both had feelings for each other but didn’t say anything, and the movie was a huge hit. It led to them being paired together the following year in Charge of the Light Brigade. They were in eight movies together (including my favorite, The Adventures of Robin Hood, where they fully make out onscreen and he “had trouble with his tights” as Olivia later put it) and while again, they both later said that they had feelings for each other, apparently nothing was ever “consummated” according to Olivia.
But yeah eventually Olivia got sick of being his leading lady and getting no acting to do (side note: she could really, truly act and he could...act) so she sued Warner Bros, etc etc we all know the story. But in the early 1940s she was dating this guy John Huston who was a serial cheater and also married.
So when I say Errol and Huston got into a fight it was about her and Errol hadn’t even officially had a thing with her. (According to Olivia they went on one serious date and she told him that if he wanted to be with her he needed to divorce his wife, who he later claimed was abusive, but he didn’t until three years later.) This was compounded by the fact that in the early 1940s Errol had been in and out of court for some horrible shit, labeled a 4Fer because Warner Bros. would rather he look cowardly than admit that he had malaria and was thus unfit for serving in WW2, and then there’s all the other shit I mentioned above. I personally think this is fascinating and such important information.
He never mentioned the fight in his autobiography, which is entertaining and sad and mostly lies. He barely even talked about his Hollywood career, probably because it could have been fact checked. And the reason a lot of this is according to Olivia is because Errol died at age 50 because of like five billion health problems and Olivia died two years ago.
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anyone else ever think about how the only time the books mention it was ron’s birthday is the one he gets poisoned on?
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