#like i am archiving here and not going for visibility. i have you guys for that. look at my posts boy.
torchickentacos · 8 months
AG Watchthrough Episode 2: Ruin With a View, AG002.
Business first. The poll on the last watchthrough has fourteen hours left as of me typing this but it seems unanimous enough (92.9% pro-explosion) that I am adding an explosion counter. To retroactively do so, I must inform you all that AG001: Get the Show on the Road! had a total of 3 explosions (counting hypothetical explosions that were shown on screen and animated in but did not actually happen). Updated explosion counter is at three going forwards, which is half as many as I thought the episode had. No worries, it'll go up very soon. For the amount Birch spoke about Pikachu exploding, I recalled more frames about explosions. I might have missed a couple of frames too, I skipped around to look.
Onto AG002: Ruin with a View! Long post. We talk about Ash as a mentor, the really shitty bunk beds I had in a dorm room at jesus camp, inconsistencies/questions I have about petalburg gym, Team Magma, and other things.
The episode opens in a way we will soon grow very accustomed to: With Ash jollily (?) marching forth and May complaining about it. Sometimes it will be the other way around. One person is ahead of the group, the other complains about it. Side note, the narrator calls May an 'aspiring' pokemon trainer. Two things there. One, she is technically already a trainer. She has a pokemon. Two, she does not particularly aspire towards being a trainer, but it's far too early for semantics. Moving on.
We're headed to Oldale town! May and Ash are already arguing on the second day of knowing each other. Ash thinks May is walking too slow. May points out that she'd HAD A BIKE... and Ash slows down, unable to argue with that. (Well, he's able to argue about anything in AG, but chooses to not pick a fight with the random girl he's supposed to be friends with now. Smart choice).
Anyways, May asks about Pikachu being out in the ball and Ash explains. This sets up something that WORKED about AG (when they remembered it): the group dynamic. Borderline nonexistent but VERY FUN WHEN IT WAS EXISTENT. Ash and May specifically have a mentor/mentee relationship for a while that I've always liked. It was a nice change of pace that set Ash as a more mature version of himself. He's abrasive and cocky but he does have genuine skill and experience to back it up now, and May is unsure of herself and... well, incompetent as a trainer as of right now. Ash has a real opportunity to shine here.
Does pokeani TAKE that opportunity...? Not really BUT it's there and we do see glimpses of it, like with Ash patiently explaining that May can use her pokedex to learn more about her new Torchic.
Anyways, they keep walking, May tries and fails to catch an Azurill. She sees it and throws the pokeball immediately. Rather hilariously to me at least, Ash just watches her make the same mistake he did, standing behind her like this.
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The Azurill gets away, May forgets all of Torchic's attacks, Ash makes this weird face, and Torchic hits its head on a tree just like May did a single episode before.
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Torchic then uses ember!...Which hits Azurill's family, a Marill and an Azumarill. Hey, didn't someone else start their journey by trying and failing to catch a pokemon rather pathetically and then angering other pokemon? Contest/Pallet solidarity isn't relevant yet (do take note I never claimed to be an unbiased narrator here), but Ash and May solidarity IS relevant and beloved. May and Ash are really similar, with May being outwardly a bit softer and, well, nicer usually (though Early AG Girlboss May™ is, if we recall from Ag001, a bit snide which does dwindle off). But we're going to start seeing a lot of similarities, which I don't think are a bad thing at all! I quite like it actually, especially in early episodes since it so nicely mirrors the last brand-new trainer we saw, which was Ash himself at the start of OS. This is Ash's first time not being the underdog, the new guy.
He (usually) takes this role rather well, and is happy to explain to May that Torchic, now-knocked-out-via-Azumarill's-watergun, can be healed at a pokemon center.
Also, explosion count goes up as Pikachu thunderbolts the water types. We're at four now, counting last episode.
Anyways, we find a bunch of rocks that I guess are just chilling in the middle of route 101? Normal Hoenn things, honestly. It'll get weirder, this is perfectly normal and fine. Just wait for the Claydol episode. Or the Gulpin episode. Or WWWWW and the Wynaut wall/rope/slide. Sigh. They're like tiny aqua legos or something. Or Monkeys in a barrel, I guess, which the slide was a reference to. ANYWAYS moving on, that is a discussion for AG113. So. Rocks.
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We meet Professor Aldan and his WEIRD LITTLE PONYTAIL and he explains that these are "the Ruins of Oldale". (Not Oldale Ruins, I guess?)
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He is researching the ruins and points out the pokemon center for Ash and May. I like this random ass little palm tree.
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Look. There he is again below. It took all day for them to cross that single hill, by the way. It is nighttime now. It was a single hill they were on, overlooking Oldale.
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Nurse Joy heals Torchic up, and Ash calls Professor Oak! May interrupts this call and gets all up in his personal space, which she tends to do to people on occasion, to which Ash makes this face, which looks like an Aang expression to me. I swear Aang has made this exact face before.
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We learn that May has a brother (who "never misses one of your [Oak's] radio lectures!"). Amusingly, Oak seems slightly offput by May's enthusiasm, to which I ask, has Oak not met Ash??? Anyways, we switch over to Team Rocket, who is... here???? Wherever 'here' is???
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They're talking to Giovanni, they ask for money, they get no money. BUT Giovanni tells them that if they set a TR branch office in Hoenn, then they can talk money. This, of course, is nothing but a carrot dangle because Giovanni wants them to stop fucking calling him for money. Also, he wants to learn about some MYSTERIOUS NEW TEAMS called Team Aqua and Team Magma.
Don't get your hopes up for that. Yes, TA and TM were in pokeani. Yes, there's a reason nobody remembers this outside of maybe, like, Diane and Butler. ANYWAYS. Oldale's trainer rooms are nicer than when I stayed at (redacted) university for Jesus Camp. You know what? Side tangent. This warrants a side tangent.
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This college's dorm rooms had bunk beds that were two regular beds stacked and held together by a single thin wooden peg. Look at this. I had top bunk. I could have died. Also when I was there the elevator broke while people were in it and two girls passed out from the heat. This was in July. We weren't allowed to wear revealing (read: cool and summer safe) clothes. It was a weird two weeks in my life. We had a Jesus Rave. Twice. They played old town road. I have video proof of this.
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Stripey shirt on the left is talking to their friends about Petalburg Gym (May is notably not thrilled about this). Ash is like YO GYM BATTLES! I DO THOSE.
WAIT I JUST FUCKING NOTICED @soulsilversprings tagging you here because of a convo we had. They say NEW GYM LEADER which I guess is what bulbapedia used to assume Pokeani Norman was also from Johto? I still like native-to-Hoenn May but ...there's that, I guess.
But actually, that doesn't make sense, because later we find out that May was 'never allowed to watch any of her father's gym matches' and it's made out to sound like Norman was always busy with the gym as May was growing up in a few offhand lines I'll get to??? So either he was already a gym leader and transferred, OR this line is bullshit and Norman's BEEN the gym leader and stripey shirt and co. are full of tauros shit /lh. Will update with any new information.
We are almost halfway done with the episode.
Interestingly to me at least, May IMMEDIATELY yanks Ash away and we don't learn who the new gym leader is, at her own insistence. Young Taylor certainly didn't imprint on May's direct-and-then-forgotten-by-the-writers avoidance of her father. /sarcastic joke, you can laugh at this LMAO. Moving on again but this does come up again and I'll discuss whatever feels relevant then.
We see Prof. Aldan again! Then we switch to Wobbuffet digging a hole! Then we switch back to Ash staring at a picture of the rocks on the wall! Enthralling, truly. Anyways, Aldan just... lets the random kids into his research base in the pokemon center. He talks about a stone chamber that is "a sort of bridge or portal between our world and the ancient pokemon world", that is so unstable that any attempted entries cause it to begin crumbling. Sounds safe.
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May is oddly fascinated by the idea of ancient pokemon. Being a gym leader's daughter (spoilers.) did nothing for her, but hearing about an ancient pokemon in a hole in the ground? Now THAT'S interesting, I guess. And she's in luck, because Aldan shows them that he has the right way to enter the stone chamber!!! He met these children today and is inviting them to his unstable hole in the ground. Hoenn's gonna Hoenn, once again. At least there's no king of pokelantis to possess you in this specific hole in the ground. Don't worry about it <3.
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Turns out there's 4 keys needed to enter, though, which he doesn't have. We then see team Magma grunts lining up outside the window, and they turn out the lights to the center, and break down the door and they kidnap Prof. Aldan in front of the kids. Nurse Joy interrupts and is also captured.
Side note that tells me I know way too much about AG but we all knew that: May's hair is animated uniquely here. It flips at the end a lot more, almost curling upwards. Maybe it's just really humid in southern Hoenn.
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Anyways they LITERALLY FUCKING THROW MAY and I assume Ash and Nurse Joy too (but we only see May landing???) into a spare room and lock the door. Joy says with the power out, all the pokemon being treated there are in danger WHICH SEEMS LIKE AN OVERSIGHT TO ME but oh no, torchic is being treated there! But there IS reserve power that they can turn on once they escape the room.
Does anyone remember those room escape flash games??? I really liked those as a kid.
Pikachu points out an air vent, Ash says "That's grea-" but the sound engineers done fucked up and Ash is hilariously cut off by the WHO'S THAT POKEMON??? section. Which, note, still has Brock and Misty's voices in it.
It's Crobat. 👍
Team Rocket time. Insert 'posting hole on main' joke. They're in a hole. Get it?
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TR picks a fight with Team Magma, who's heading out with Aldan. They get scared off back into their hole. We switch back to Ash and co.
Ash is crawling in the air vent! I guess he fully intended to leave May in the room, because he's suprised when she's crawling right behind him. Again, let's revel in May having a decision that she was able to make, or an order that she was able to defy. We'll run out of those soon enough. She asks, quote, "Why should I miss out on the adventure?". I really do love this characterization of her and wish it had stayed a biiiiiit more consistent, even if I do really like later AG May. But we eventually get someone who pushes her to be annoyed and fiery later, yay rivals, so that's good. Her character needs it to balance out the sweet/dumb/inexperienced aspects. They get a key for the door and switch the power back on and retrieve Nurse Joy.
They then rush off to help Prof. Aldan, who is being bothered by TM (Team Magma) to open the stone chamber. He says they need the keys. TM has the keys, conveniently. For some reason.
They put the keys in the holes, it opens, they go in. This is... a normal ancient chamber. Animation budget running a little low already, huh? /lh.
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I think I hear Lisa Ortiz voice one of the magma grunts. I'm getting a migraine, let's speed this up a bit. Not much even happens past here anyways. TM leaves, TR shows up and blast off, explosion counter goes to 5, the sun comes up, they enter the chamber hole and find some Relicanth, and they get Torchic back from the center, and we head to Petalburg City.
What an oddly disjointed but enjoyable episode.
End of episode metrics:
Explosion count: 5.
Height ranking: Ash is arguably like four pixels taller. Ash>>May. Switched from episode 1 already.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Okay so, the thing about Boundaries, and why people keep bringing them up over and over again to creators, is I think there's a bit of a desire for what people are doing here to not be weird. Cause like, the creator signed off on it, so like, I'm fine and you can't make fun of me or get mad at me.
And like, I understand the desire to not be made fun of or have people get mad at you, believe me, I know, but I think we have all just gotta accept that what we're doing is— it's a little weird, bro.
Like by definition what fandom is is getting a little too much into your thing. Fan comes from Fanatic. We all saw some block men and we went way too hard with it. And I think that sufficiently viewed from the outside, there is just no way to do any kind of transformational creation and it not be weird to the wrong people.
Like, taking a character and making them miserable? One of the honourable fandom traditions, whether you're whumping them or if you go hard into comfort at the end. For someone entirely outside of fandom, that's just like why are you DOING that, bro, and when you add in the fact that we're using people's real names (well, gamer tags), there's no way for that not to be odd. "The creator said it was okay" is not going to make people go ??? any less. (Let me emphasize that this is fine, it's just like, also, you bring that up on the bus and peope go ????)
Let's look at fluff. You want to write about your characters in a coffee shop au? You want to write about your characters in a cuddly family dynamic, taking care of each other? You want to age down characters and write kid fic where they learn to face the challenges of the world and it's just so cute and you love them so much even if nothing really bad happens? I promise you that my non-fandom parents are gonna be like "why are you spending your time on that" and again, if you throw in the "is this real people" (it isn't, but that is a delicate thing to explain), you're looking at people staring at you in discomprehension and backing away.
Shippy stuff. Again, one of the honourable fandom traditions. You just love your guys and you want to write about how much they love each other (or maybe make it tragic about how only one person can make it out of the cactus ring). You spent all this time thinking about their feelings writing it out. You write out a kiss scene. It makes you flail happily. Most people don't do that! Absolutely fun to do? Yes! Something you can bring up as an ice breaker at the company potluck? Probably not! We are too much into the characters, and that's fine, but it's still gonna look a bit odd from the outside!
Plotty gen. You're writing an entire new story, but you're taking existing characters for it? Like it's original fiction, but you're using existing characters? Why not just write original fiction <I have had this conversation. Oh, you're writing a story about minecraft characters, and they— they get tortured? Like it starts with them being tortured? <also a fun conversation to be in.
I'm mostly thinking about this from the fanfiction side, but art, meta— we are just getting into things way too much. We're spending hours on this stuff. We drew the creators minecraft sonas in maid dresses. There are millions of words of fiction on the archive about every conceivable universe of good/bad things happeing to the characters. It is a primary hobby, where I could be learning piano or paying attention to sports. And I'm not, and like, that's fine.
I am here to tell you that people absolutely might find what we're doing weird, and also it's entirely fine. I just ran a poll about the sexiest minecraft character that got 68k votes on the most voted poll. And then I had to explain that to my doctor to explain why I didn't really have a normal baseline for the past week to compare to. (Doctor visibly thought it was weird but he was also like "you go" because he's a good doctor, but I had to start with explaining minecraft because he knew NOTHING about what I was talking about.) You just gotta accept that fandom is for a small segment of the population, we are all having fun with ourselves, and it's for us, it's not for the general population, and stop trying to make it palatable to people who don't care to understand. People on this site keep saying "racist white boys" and then they don't have the intellectual curiosity to pursue further as to why maybe that's not true, having a boundaries post is not going to make them nicer. It's fine. They're being jerks, we're just having fun.
And like, stop trying to get the creator to sign off on it. Accept that sometimes we're being weird and they can look at it if they want to see the weird fanatics going too hard with the characters. They will tell us if we're doing something they want to stop associating with their name, and up until that point, just accept that what we're doing is weird, and have fun with it.
We're weird.
Be more weird 2k23.
Have fun with it.
I wrote a time travel AU in DMs with a friend last night about a bird man and a minecraft piglin. Not normal. It's FINE.
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doodlemancy · 3 months
so here's the deal re: this fucking horseshit. god i hate this.
i, personally, have mostly given up on trying to dodge inclusion in AI datasets. the stuff i make generally isn't what they're looking for anyway and there's no real way to 100% avoid being scraped short of becoming entirely invisible online, which would um, lead to me having no money and dying. that's part of the cruelty of all this, but also, in a way, it's the same risk artists online have always taken; if you want people to see your work, you have to post it knowing that some of those people are fucking lowlife piece of shit scumbags who will try to resell it on redbubble or something for a quick buck. AI is just a new and exhausting way for garbagey people to stink worse. i am not in any way excusing that behavior or trying to imply people should not be mad about it or that we shouldn't condemn this move and fight back. "if you don't want your work stolen, don't put it online" is the kind of shitty Internet Tough Guy talk i've always hated since my dA days. it's as useless and heartless as telling people that if they don't want their bikes stolen, they shouldn't leave them at the bike rack. i'm saying that i, personally, will not let a bunch of soulless thieving shitheads drive me offline. i belong here. they belong in a wifi-proof dumpster.
nightshade and glaze eat my artwork alive. they make it look terrible. when you have to sell things on the basis that they look nice, it's a big problem when protective measures make them look like dogshit. my work is not a good candidate for these processes. even if that weren't the case, i don't have the stamina, especially right now while my chronic pain is flaring for the third month in a row and my adhd meds are scarce, to go back and shade/glaze everything, and it wouldn't work on reblogs anyway. given the way midjourney and its equally stinky siblings have already scraped years and terabytes' worth of image data from popular websites, it doesn't seem worth my time. if you think it is worth yours i am not going to like, yell at you. i am just one person. but i want to be clear about the kind of situations some of us are being forced into.
i think some of the doomsaying about AI and what it will do to us has been overblown-- they need you, for marketing purposes, to believe that someday their shitty robot will be as good at "drawing" and as practical to work with as a human-- but the consequences of "AI" (which is not even actually AI) are already real and visible and obvious to anyone paying attention. i unfortunately am not infinitely wise and powerful and therefore do not have an ideal all-encompassing solution to this deeply stupid problem that the Most Unlikeable Manbabies On Earth have imposed on us after NFTs fizzled out.
what i do have is a very large repository of nice anime and game screenshots i've taken, knowledge of many archives of nice public domain images, a computer that can run nightshade overnight or while i'm off doing other things, and, most importantly, near-infinite capacity for pettiness. i do kinda feel like the jury is still out on how well nightshade/glaze will work in the long run, but in the meantime, i suppose it wouldn't cost me a lot to... perhaps... every time i get Mad About AI™, channel that anger into dumping some thoroughly-but-not-spammily-tagged, high-quality, inconspicuous poison onto this godforsaken hellsite via a secret side blog. i could make a batch of poison ahead of time, keep it on my phone, use my Toilet Scrolling Time or my Public Transit Time to post and tag up an image here and there. it could be a fun challenge to try to make some pretty robot poison that some humans will still enjoy.
the other thing we need to poison at this point, IMO, is the word "AI" itself, by being loudly and mercilessly critical of any company that dabbles in it, the same way we all clowned on any company that pushed their luck with NFT/crypto shit a couple of years ago. we need to have every corporation terrified that association with AI will tank their sales and hurt their brand. AI must = number go down and lots of people screaming at you. companies will fuck around. we must provide the finding-out. we shouldn't have to. but we can!
so make sure to let tumblr know you hate this. maybe you could include this interesting link (tw child abuse) about how Stable Diffusion was trained on some extremely serious crime. or these screenshots of Midjourney devs just sort of admitting what their whole thing is, which i got here but which have kinda been spread all over since January.
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spite and anger can be forms of hope. that's all i have to say, or at least all i'm willing to type with my left hand tonight.
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up-in-flames-writing · 8 months
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This is an old Twitter thread I'm posting here as an archive, when I eventually get banned on there for not tolerating transphobic abuse against me.
Still pretty relevant tho, even tho it was written almost a year & a half ago.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to do alt text, so here is the image ID under the cut:
[Image ID: A Twitter thread made by user Booker-Garet Feniks @abookandabun. The thread reads:
So, lately, I've been seeing some Takes™ on transition on here, & as a transman who looks like a baby butch lesbian, I have some Thoughts™, so here's a thread
First thing's first: I am short. I am skinny (read: underweight), & curvy. I have a more or less conventional hourglass figure. I also have a soft face, big lips & big eyes with long lashes. I keep my nails long & my hair long & when I cut them, they grow back fast
By all means, if I were a woman, I would be, if not conventionally attractive, at least conventionally feminine, with my small waist, wide hips, my long legs, & even my tiny tits. Despite this, I dress masculine. I hold myself like a man, I deepen my voice
My voice is naturally a bit deep, but not deep enough for there to be any ambiguity about what's in my pants. I still speak in a fake, deep voice, & when I introduce myself, I do it with a grin & tell everyone very openly 'my name is Booker-Garet'
Despite this, I do not pass. I am constantly Miss'ed & Ma'am'ed when I'm out & about. People who know me need to be told that I'm a man & go by he/him pronouns. Imagine that, imagine calling a teenage boy with an unambiguous male name 'she'. Imagine how I feel
How I feel when none of my efforts matter. How, when I'm at my most masculine while pre-op & pre-T, people see meas nothing more than a girl. It's distressing. I know what they're thinking, that I'm a tomboy or a lesbian. If they recognise that I'm trans, they don't show it
And, I feel like it's easy to get mad at GNC women. It's easy to get mad at the tomboys & the butches & the studs. 'They think I'm you' you might think. 'You're too visible & I'm not, & they think I'm you.'
I find it easy to blame a lot of ciswomen for this. The ones who tell me I should've just stayed a lesbian (which I never was), that I should've just been a tomboy (which I was), that I'm a traitor to womanhood (so be it). It is easy to get mad at them
It's hard being a trans guy, when the only pieces of masculinity coming from a female person people are aware of are the ones who are women, who stay women & who love being women. I didn't love being a woman. I love women, I love my cis & trans sisters
But I can't help feeling bitter when they perform masculinity & no one denies their womanhood, no one on the right side of history. But I can be my most manly self & even my allies feel that I'd just be better off as a lesbian, as a masculine woman.
As if masculinity is alright, is safe, as long as you're a woman who performs it, but the moment you're a man performing masculinity, you're not worth the time, the effort, the brain power.
Almost as I'd it's easier for people to accept me as a masculine woman, with my deep voice & my masculine name, than admit to the fact that I am a man
It's hard to admit that you don't pass. It's hard to admit that I'm not a 'real man', whatever that means. It's not, however, hard to admit that I don't have privilege. It's not hard to admit that I face misogyny.
It's not hard to admit that if you're AFAB & masc presenting, nothing short of a Thor voice & a Gandalf beard, & body hair like a gorilla will make people see you as anything but a woman. Because if I don't say this, who else will? I can't let people live a lie
I can't let people keep on believing that 'transmascs have it easier', that it's easier for us to pass. I can't let people keep believing that we 'run away from womanhood to have male privilege'. Where's my male privilege, Joanne? Did it get lost in the Owl Mail?
People will keep on believing that we have it easier, that we don't face discrimination, that we don't get misgendered & assaulted & killed. They will keep believing that, & they will keep ignoring us & our oppression, unless someone finally says 'Enough!' & tells their story
& I'm a good story teller, so I'm telling you. I don't pass, I wish I did, but I don't. Many of my brothers do not pass. Stop ignoring us just because you think we have it 'easier'. We don't, & your inaction is allowing us to get killed. Do better
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flutteringfable · 2 months
hi everypony!! i finally finished that arin and sora thing ive been working on, here it is! i love writing cuddles so so much; i hope reading this makes you feel as cozy as i did writing it hehe. there’s no spoilers as this takes place in like early-mid dr season 1!
crossposted to my ao3, as per usual :3 it’s only visible to registered users to keep yucky ai scrapers off my work.
if you’d like to listen to the song i used for the title, you can find it here!
the moon had already fully risen by the time arin trudged back inside from training. he yawned, and almost tripped over riyu as the little dragon weaved between his legs in an almost catlike fashion. he smiled, crouching down to pat riyu’s head, but almost immediately regretted it as the ache of his muscles roared in protest.
“hey, arin,” sora chirped as she sauntered over from the living room. “i was wondering when you were gonna turn in for the night.”
arin groaned as he slowly stood back up. “sorry i was out for so long; i got so focused on training that i lost track of time.”
“why am i not surprised?” chuckled sora. “i left you some food on the counter; you might wanna heat it back up.”
riyu perked up at the mention of food. sora shot him a look of disapproval, which did little to reduce the thump-thump-thumping of the little dragon’s tail agaist the wooden floor.
“thanks,” arin replied. as he walked to the kitchen, riyu followed eagerly.
after reheating the leftovers sora left for him, arin slumped onto the sofa. sora joined him and leaned casually against his side, as she often did. riyu sniffed a few times at arin’s plate, but eventually realized he wasn’t going to get any and instead hopped up to lie with his head in sora’s lap.
“you should start setting reminders or something; this is like, the fourth time this has happened? if you overwork yourself this often, it’ll be harder to recover and improve your skills.” sora sighed.
arin nodded sheepishly. “i know, but i just get so focused on perfecting a move or improving my stamina that i just kinda… forget? like, i’ll register the sun going down, but then i’ll practice for another few hours until i finally realize how late it is.”
even riyu let out a soft grumble at that. sora smiled, patting his head.
“i know, buddy. what are we gonna do with this guy?” she teased.
arin chuckled. he and sora sat in comfortable silence for a bit, and riyu dozed off as he was pet. arin couldn’t help but be reminded of their time before lloyd had rescued them, when they were both still living in the crossroads with little to worry about besides winning races and pie baking competitions.
in the span of just a few days, the course of his and sora’s lives had changed drastically, mostly for the better. there was still the fate of the world to worry about, of course, but putting that aside, arin had decided he was incredibly lucky to have met his hero. he sighed, slouching further against sora.
“you good?” asked sora, patting his shoulder.
“mhm,” arin nodded. “just thinking about everything that’s happened. it still feels so surreal to me that we’re training under the green ninja.”
“yeah. i didn’t even know the guy that well and i’m still kind of in awe.”
arin grinned. “so…. you’re saying think he’s cool?”
“…yeah, i guess i am,” sora sighed, smiling exasperatedly at her friend. “i still think you’re a nerd for knowing so much about him, though.”
she grinned, poking his head teasingly. arin pouted back before setting his plate on the coffee table. he leaned back against sora and reached over to pat riyu’s head.
footsteps came from down the hall, and lloyd poked his head into the room. riyu slowly raised his head, letting out a small yawn as he looked in lloyd’s direction.
“hey, you two. it’s getting kinda late, you should probably head to bed soon.”
sora shot a thumbs up at lloyd. “will do.”
“i mean it,” lloyd insisted, a knowing look on his face. “no sneaking out. you guys need as much rest as you can get.”
arin glanced away sheepishly as he rubbed his eyes, replying, “we won’t. honestly, i don’t even have the energy to do anything else tonight.”
“yeah, i’ve noticed you training a lot more recently.” lloyd looked concerned. “you’re doing just fine, arin. you should let yourself rest more.”
“i’ll try and remember to. thanks, lloyd,” arin yawned.
lloyd smiled gently. “alright. go get some rest; i’ll see you both in the morning.”
when lloyd left, arin shifted and sat up. he turned and hugged sora, nosing into her hair sleepily. she returned the hug and patted his back.
“‘night, sora,” he mumbled.
“‘night. goodnight to you too, riyu,” sora added, giving riyu a chin scratch.
“‘night, riyu..!” arin echoed softly as he sat back up.
he slowly stood up and stretched with a groan before heading to his room.
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modern-day-bard · 5 months
Worth The Feeling
Note: this is a completed project but I’ve had major problems posting on tumblr from my laptop! I’m not sure why. If anyone who sees this is interested, I also posted the fic on Archive Of Our Own 🫶🏻
Content Warning: 18+
This story includes explicit smut, intimidation, and an age gap relationship (MC is 26, Pedro is in his 40s). Minors, do not interact.
Chapter 2:
Now, I've made some blunders before. Mostly calling talent by the wrong name, which is a big mistake when dealing with big personalities. But I've tripped a few times, spilled a few things, and I even broke a glass in the middle of a take.
Yet somehow, none of those things compare to this.
Treating the lead as if he was a PA? Telling him he needs to get a walkie ?
The thought makes me sprint even harder toward the sound stage. Once inside, I scan the area as quickly as I can. There's at least a hundred people in here now and the more I push past, the more I realize they are turning to look at me disapprovingly. I really should find a new shirt first, but it can wait.
"Lana!" I shout when I catch a glimpse of one of her classic colorful scarves. I can see the bright fabric tied in a bow on top of her curly head of hair, but she doesn't turn around.
"LANA!" This time several people, Lana included, turn around.
"Hey!" She runs up to me and sweeps me in a hug, before pulling back with an uncharacteristically miserable expression. "Why are you all wet? Ava, I can see your bra." She pokes my visible white strap.
I swat her away. "Just wait. That is the least of my worries."
I explain the situation, visibly cringing as I await her reaction.
In typical Lana fashion, she bursts into musical hysterics. She covers her mouth when she notices how pained my expression is.
"Lana, I am this close to panicking. You don't think he'll complain, do you?"
"No, no he won't complain. You said he was relatively cool about it, right?"
"Yeah, I mean, he didn't even correct me."
"Exactly. You know if it was one of the Marvel guys from our last picture, you might be in trouble. But from the sounds of it, he probably won't even remember it by tomorrow."
"Yeah..." Why did that idea not make me feel any better?
Lana is snickering again. "You know I sent you the cast list like a month ago, right? How do you of all people not recognize Javi Gutierrez?"
I lower my voice. "You know I'm not an indie movie fanatic."
"I know. It's your fatal friendship flaw. But he was on a bunch of shows, too!"
"I haven't had time for TV with school! Movies are less commitment. Don't scold me in my time of need." I wack her arm.
"Fine, fine," She holds her hands up in defeat. "But seriously Ava, unless you want to continue to give us all a free show you should really get another shirt. I have to get these mics up and running, but go to wardrobe and find Barb."
She's right. The first scene is at 8:00am, and as a sound assistant, Lana has to be ready to mic up the actors as soon as they're out of hair and makeup. I still have to print out scripts for the first few scenes, and I'm really starting to hate the sticky feeling on my stomach.
"Okay, thank you!"
Lana winks at me as I turn and head for the wardrobe trailer on the far side of the lot. Barbra has been on Norwick Productions sets since movies were invented. That is actually the answer she will give a person if they ask how long she's been working. She's the grumpy, tough-love mom I never had. And since Lana is pretty much the only person I hung out with during hiatus, I missed Barb dearly.
Barb's expression pales as soon as she sees me.
"Ava, it's only day one for god's sake."
"Don't worry Barb, Lana already scolded me for you."
"I do like that girl. And I'm guessing you came by to catch up after break, and not simply because you need my help?" She raises a knowing brow.
"Obviously." I flash her a very over-dramatic smile.
"I should give you one of the ratty uniforms from the end of this film for that."
"But you won't, because you love me." I batted my lashes.
"Uh-huh." Barb sighs, disappearing into the depths of the trailer before coming back out with a clean white t-shirt. No fuss, no fake blood.
"You are my guardian angel." I say after swapping the shirts.
"Bring me real coffee tomorrow instead of this crafty crap and we can call it even." She says in a flat tone, and I know she's not kidding.
I give her a quick hug. "It's good to see you Barb."
That makes her chuckle slightly. "You too, kiddo."
I check my watch again. 7:30am. Barely enough time to print out the scripts. I bid Barb a quick goodbye and head to the closest copier.
After kicking it a few times, and uttering several curse words, I got the copier up and running and several copies of today's script printed. I try to skim today's scenes while walking back to the soundstage. I'm beginning to grow curious as to watch is actually happening in this movie. Since we usually shoot scenes out of order, these few pages aren't helping very much.
Back on the soundstage, I spot Lloyd, our director, and walk over to hand him today's pages.
"Ava, welcome back." Lloyd says in his usual artistic drawl. He takes one of the copies from me, flipping through as though looking for something specific, though I know he is barely even skimming the pages.
Part of me is holding my breath, wondering if Javi would have complained to Lloyd or a production manager at this point. I'm not sure when he would have time for that between hair and makeup, but in a world where my mishap today costs me my job, he would find the time.
But, Lloyd is deep in conversation with a cameraman and doesn't spare me another glance. I take that as a good sign, and slowly slink toward the far corner of the room. This way I can still have a good view of the stage without calling too much attention to myself. I can see Lana across the room micing up one of the actors in the scene. Some older gentleman who I heard was popular on a cowboy show that I've never seen. I recognize his face more than I did Javi's, which embarrasses me further, even though the fact is only known to me.
Then, as though the gods of shame were looking down and laughing at me, Javi walks into the large room. I quickly open the first scene's pages to see if I can figure out whom he is playing. That, and so I can take my mind off of how he looks even more attractive in costume. I steal a glance up from the pages and see Lana micing him up now. He's smiling warmly at her, and she chuckles at something he said. Lana tends to laugh at most things, but I can't help but wonder what words were being passed between them.
The two men step onto the CIA set together, both dressed in impeccably tailored suits, making light conversation. Now is my que to bring them their copy of the pages for a final once-over before we roll the cameras. I inhale deeply and set my shoulders back.
Don't be intimidated, Ava. You can't embarrass yourself any worse than you already have.
Well, I know that last part isn't true. But I repeat it to myself all the same.
I walk up to the men, handing them each a copy with a smile.
The older gentleman gives me a friendly nod as he takes the script. Javi gives me the same smile he gave Lana a few minutes prior. I'm turning to leave, and I'm surprised when he says, "Thank you, Ava."
I pause, half out of surprise that he remembered my name, and half over the hesitation of wondering if I should apologize for earlier. But his attention is already on the pages, and there are so many people around to hear me admit my mistakes. I decide against it.
- - -
After we shoot the first few takes, I think I'm starting to piece together what the film is about. In the way that it is not unlike most other spy films I've seen. Older Cowboy, whose real name is still evading me, has a small role as the experienced head of the CIA who brings on Javi's character, a real loose cannon, despite his reservations. There is something about a kidnapping of Javi's lover that makes him "too close to the case," but he lies about his involvement with the woman to make sure he can be the one to save her. I'm assuming that is when we will be in Italy. Spy movies love a good ol' car chase in Europe.
I'm not blown away by the originality of the script or anything, but I'm still engaged in the scene even on their tenth take. I realize that Javi is actually quite talented. I'm only ever engaged in a scene if the actors are talented. That, or if Lloyd is having a breakdown.
I spend the rest of the scene trying not to notice just how well tailored that suit is on Javi. I never leer at the talent, but I always appreciate a good-looking man in a suit. Plus, there is something different about him. He has a kindness to him that I haven't seen with other actors. We've been working with a lot of big names recently, so maybe I've just become disillusioned. Even still, I know some lesser actors who would've complained about my assumption early, even if they painted it as a joke. They would never want me to fully live it down. But not Javi. At least, not so far.
When they call for a break, I decided it would be best to fulfill some of my other duties on another part of the lot.
The rest of the day goes by in a blur. I try to stay away from the soundstage, knowing that they will be working with Javi for the next few hours. I check my watch for the umpteenth today, and I crack a smile when I realize we only have about an hour left. My last stop is Emma Madden's trailer, our leading lady. And then I finally get to drive home and sleep.
I hadn't met Emma before, but similar to Javi, she isn't in the same celebrity category as our last film, so she seems much friendlier. I got a call on my walkie letting me know there was an issue with her food, and with not much else to go off of, I figured I might be in for a celebrity meltdown. However, when I got here, she let me know that she is severely allergic to mustard, and was afraid to touch the sandwich that had been dropped off to her. Sure, maybe it was a little 'Hollywood' for her to have me come and throw it in the garbage for her, but she was pretty apologetic about it.
"Thank you so much, Anna." She says with her knees brought up to her chest, as if she was shielding her center from the turkey sandwich springing back up out of the trash. Her expression is worried and her tone is so sincere that I don't correct her. Not that I would have otherwise.
"Not a problem Ms. Madden." I dust off sesame seeds from my palms.
"Oh please, call me Emma." She smiled at me now, and I couldn't help but like her a little.
"I know a mustard allergy is like, totally random, but it's actually pretty bad. I have an epipen and everything." I know she must be at least thirty years old, but her inflection reminds me of a teenager.
"I'll let crafty know. They should have sent you a food preference and allergy sheet to fill out months ago, that's the studio's fault."
"Oh, they did! I completely forgot about that. I figured it was just if you were a picky eater."
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"Well, no worries. I'll let them know now." I reach for the doorknob of the trailer.
"Thank you again!" Emma called out as I closed the door behind me.
As I'm finally able to drop off my walkie for the day, I run through all the ways that Emma's Mustard Mayhem could have cost the studio hundreds of thousands of dollars. How did they start production without having her sign a waiver? Why did no one double check that all the talent had sent in their allergy lists? If she were a higher profile celebrity, this could have been a huge issue. But as usual, these are the scenarios I keep to myself. And as I drive home, I try to run through only mustard scenarios, and ignore any that pop up with another actor in mind.
Series Masterlist
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gggoldfinch · 2 months
Genuine questions I have about my dear Swedes, and I think you're the best with the headcanons about them.
• How were they recruited?
(I wondered about that.)
• What era are they from?
(They look old-fashioned for even the 60s, they seem to have come from a much older time considering the family photo and also the outfits and the "strangeness" they have with the 60s and America.)
MY FRIEND YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE for I am the keeper of the Elder Knowledge and the Mind-Vault of Fanon (aka I've been rotting about these guys since the ikea fam was live and kicking circa 2020 and haven't let go). I am TICKLED to finally be asked about them because they are My Guys and i love writing exorbitant amounts of information about them!!!! Especially their clothes!!! Needless to say I will not be brief, so strap in 😁
(PS Tumblr ate my first draft of this after hours of research and paragraphs of writing so I had to rewrite all of the content here from memory 🥲) (PPS I used this as an excuse to talk about their clothing for 3 hours. this is the most deranged I've been in ages ! )
First off: there is no canon information regarding either of your questions. So let's just put that out there. They are tragically underdeveloped for being potentially some of the most interesting characters on the show (or maybe i'm just biased because I prefer the Commission characters lol). Basically everything we know about them is based off inferences and vague canon implications, and everything aside from that is widely-accepted fanon that we discussed way back when + my own personal headcanons (which are basically canon to me). I might have to do some deep-diving into the tumblr archives of my old blog or my mutuals for the information I'll get into here, but all of it will be stuff I either came up with myself or bore witness to the research of & agree with.
1. How were they recruited?
Generally, the accepted theory is that the brothers were recruited young, likely after some sort of event which resulted in their first kill. From what I recall, several fandom authors (myself included) have incorporated this storyline into our own work, roughly following the same theme of capable woodsmen Axel & Otto protecting Oscar and killing someone as a result, hence inviting attention from Commission recruiters who trawl the timeline for skilled individuals.
Also, I believe it is fairly accepted within the fandom that the Commission seeks out and hires people who are down on their luck or in otherwise bad circumstances, then organizes them into employment statuses from there (office workers, hitmen, etc.). I tend to think Axel & Otto were recruited first, then Oscar was roped in later on, playing into my theory that they are triplets, just separated by large periods of time-travel.
2. What era are they from?
YIPPEEE you came to the right ! person ! because actually lowkey I kinda perpetuated the headcanon that the Swedes are Victorian-Edwardian back in the day (on a prev blog). I personally hc they were born ca. 1880-ish, with their “natural” timeline falling somewhere around 1901-1910 (Edwardian period), and picked things up from different decades along the way, as is the way of time-travel. However, I know others preferred the idea that they were from ca. 1930-1950, which is also fairy plausible.
Now, time for me to be insane:
I have a copious amount of proof that they are from the early 1900's ! based on their clothing + the photograph Axel carries. It’s also worth nothing that their clothing is visibly that of working class men, which makes it slightly more difficult to research (because the working class always gets the short end of the stick). I base most of my research & beliefs on cross-examining Edwardian photographs of workmen, as well as my own knowledge of historical fashion. I won't delve that much into their culture as Swedes and the fashion implications of that, since it honestly wasn't taken seriously enough in canon to be visible past Otto's haircut.
Proof in their regular clothing:
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Trousers: Otto’s high-waisted trousers & suspenders are Edwardian, down to the very patterning. Oscar’s too, to a less obvious extent. It’s also worth noting that according to bts images, Axel also wears suspenders. His pants with the laces at the shins are baffling though...
Shirts: Oscar's turtleneck isn't not Edwardian; men have been wearing collared knit shirts like that as winter wear for a long time. Otto's green shirt, though it has those odd clasps, is somewhat reminiscent of arrow collar shirts worn in the Edwardian period. I have also found proof of three-button wool undershirts similar in style to Axel's henley, though these were more popular towards the 20's
Shoes: While Otto and Oscar's steel-toed boots weren't invented until the 1930's, Axel's boots are at least somewhat more reminiscent of those worn by workmen in the 10's. Though, the side zip and weird flap are… not.
Outerwear: Axel's blue vest is more akin to a double-breasted waistcoat, though it doesn't have lapels and the buttons are too large; it is... an outlier. Likewise, his canvas duster has a zipper and no lapels, and the pattern cut of it makes me think it's fairly modern, just like Oscar's canvas/corduroy jacket which is practically a Carhartt. Oscar's vest is baffling bc it looks different in every shot of it I analyze. Otto's trench coat is the oldest style. (Fun fact, the modern zipper was invented by a Swede in 1913)
Misc: The union suit was popularized in the 1860's (as women's wear, actually!), so Otto's wearing of it would be believable for the period. All their clothes are patched up, implying years of wear and tear.
Misc Pt 2; Weaponry: Though ofc I'm a gun girl, I have already spent 3 hours writing about clothes and cannot make myself research weird weapons. So if you're interested in their guns, PLEASE read this post by my old fandom pal!!! It's much a more intelligent and in-depth analysis than I can manage rn, and also discusses the context of weaponry within the Commission.
Proof in the photograph:
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They're really a ragtag crew, which makes it hard to date any of their garments. Here's some things I've noted though:
Headwear: Newsboy caps (which are what Oscar and Axel are wearing) were at their peak around the late 1910s, especially with working class men. Otto's hat looks like it could be an oilskin fisherman's hat, which were popular in 1880s America, though his looks more like the later 1950's design of the hat. Additionally, workmen in the Edwardian period often wore neckerchiefs, not unlike what Oscar wears around his neck in the photo.
Shirts: Oscar appears to be wearing another knit sweater. Axel's blue shirt appears to me to have a band collar, which was a style popular in the 10's (from what I can tell one of Otto's shirts also has a band collar). Beneath that, his undershirt (likely linen) has a string closure, which was popular even earlier than the Victorian era
The Woman (mother? grandmother?): Historically, older women tended to wear headscarves/ head coverings. The style of her dress/smock/apron is hard to determine because of its concealment beneath her cardigan. She's got a sick rifle tho
Misc: Oscar's workman's gloves aren't inaccurate; leather gloves like that were worn in the Victorian era. So have leather belts. Like I said earlier, from what I can tell from my cursory search (after sifting thru dubious "Viking" hairstyles), Otto is sporting a fairly historically/culturally accurate he-man haircut from the Nordic area. Oscar's hair is the second-most historically relevant, as most men in the Victorian/Edwardian era had short, groomed hairstyles (though perhaps his is a little messier than usual). Axel is the outlier here with a modern slick-back.
yeah. yeah. if you couldn't tell I am. fucking insane ? about them ?
since you're still here, you survived this long, have some bts stuff I dragged from the trenches:
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
Mystery Artist Carved Faces into Rocks on Coney Island Beach in 1970s | Amusing the Zillion
It's my father. He's the mystery artist. He and my uncle, his eldest brother Luciano. My dad is part of history!
A lady from The Coney Island History Project emailed my mom with an amazing story.
My mom:
"...so we get a call, out of the blue, from a woman who has been trying to solve the mystery of the carved rock heads at Brighton Beach! someone led her to John....mystery solved!!! we haven't thought of these in 40 years....this is hilarious!!!"
The email she got:
"Dear Linda and John,
It's so amazing to have found you and confirmed that John is the artist who carved the face on the rocks! I first saw a photo of the carvings in 2010 and wrote about it on my personal blog Amusing the Zillion. My friend Bruce Handy searched for the location of the carved faces and took many photos. I wrote about it in two blog posts, where you can find links to his photos.
The rocks are usually covered by the sand. They become visible when there's a storm and have reappeared recently. Some of my Coney Island friends, including open water swimmers, post photos on Facebook. Over the years, we were not able to find out for sure who did the carvings.
Some people suggested the names of other artists. A few years ago a friend mentioned the name John Philip Capello and suggested he was the artist after seeing his work and realizing he had lived in Brooklyn.
I have worked for the Coney Island History Project since 2007 and would like to record an oral history for our archive at www.coneyislandhistory.org/oral-history-archive
We have interviewed a number of different artists who have lived or worked in Southern Brooklyn:
Interviews are recorded remotely via phone or Zoom."
And here I am, going "yup those carvings are totally Dad's. I gotta show my friends."
Dad is currently painting a mural going all around the house. Flowers and plants to blend in, plus surrealism because he will always be The Guy Mistaken For Salvador Dali Once because he painted a portrait of Dali that looked literally exactly like a Dali painting enough to fool a friend of Dali himself. What a tale.
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elgascreamslikehell · 10 months
Just because I'm spending whole day singing 'I wanna die wanna die' here's a little fluff from the top of my head
Still have no Idea of current rating system so pg? Like nothing cruel only fluff and mi-mi-mi
'You love Buck!'
Eddie knew. Like for a long time. And he means long time as years now. So that wasn't a surprise or anything. He just doesn't understand why it could possibly matter.
'Well, yes. So what's your point?'
Peppa stares at him with her special 'mi sobrino is an idiot' look.
'I spent so much time to find you a perfect date. What for?'
'Still have no idea what are you talking about, you was bored maybe?'
'Edmundo! You're in love with this nice boy. I'm fine with it, i just don't understand why did you keep it a secret? You know i love you and I'm always on your side'.
Eddie nodded. Well, he is in love... kinda. But still, what could anything about it possibly do with his dating life
'I haven't kept it a secret, i just don't understand why could it matter'
Peppa scoffed
'Fine. At least you tried to face the reality. Not in a right way but still. Let me find you a fine boy then, i have a friend, her nephew is really nice young man... And he's also pretty. Not as pretty as you of course.'
'Peppa, just stop. You really think i can't find somebody by myself? I just don't need anyone'
'Mijo, you need someone so bad it looks pathetic! So no arguing, I'll update you when you have a date!
Eddie exhaled. Arguing with her anyway was senseless, if she decided something nobody can stop her.
'And that's how i have a date tonight. With some random guy named Alberto, who in their right mind would name their child Alberto?!'
'My brother's name is Albert, so i can give you a list'
'It's not Alberto, this 'o' in the end is just...'
'Well, Edmundo... You just don't wanna go on this date. With the guy. Actually, congratulations, you came out so smoothly i didn't even get it on the first time. I'm so proud of you'
'That's not the point, but thanks, Hen. I just... I mean I'm grown up man, can i decide something in my private life alone?'
'From your previous experiences - no.'
'Thanks, Bobby. Really helpful. By the way, Buck, you're surprisingly quiet. Is everything alright?'
Everyone just turn to him
'Yes, I'm fine. I hope your date would be great. I'd really love to see you happy.'
'But i am happy?!'
Buck just nodded with so much of visible attitude that Eddie was ready to start defending his imaginary happiness. Bobby saved the day, of course.
'If you say so. Okay, team. Work is calling'
'Still don't wanna go?'
'Try to guess. Buck, do you need a lift?'
'Nah, I'm good, thanks, i have a ton of plans with one of my favourite persons today'
Everybody seem intrigued. Eddie exhaled loudly
'My son. He's taking Chris to the natural history museum. And i should go to some bar. Maybe i also want to go to the museum'
'You hate museums!'
'But i.. ok, fine. I hate museums so i should drink myself to the oblivion, nice'
'Well, actually no. You can just have a good time.'
'Yeah. When i come up with some sweet excuses why I'm not interested in this guy'
'You've never met him before!'
This discussion is going nowhere
'Listen, i know you're getting ready for your big date...'
'Shut up and get to the point already'
Eddie puts him on speaker and threw away another shirt. He hates everything about this date but somehow he wants to look impressive. Why? What's wrong with him? Okay, this shirt is good. Buck loves it. But he's not dating Buck...
'I mean, did you know, the stairs in the museum are also... Historical?.. and slippery...'
Eddie dropped the tie he started to knot. Maybe it's for the best, who wears a tie to the bar, even if it's a fancy bar.
'O my god, no, of course not. Sorry if i scared you!'
'Buck. Back to business. Slippery stairs?'
'I sprained my ankle. It's not that bad but i was asking if you're fine i stay with Chris at your place instead? I'm not sure i can go further with museum walking. And Chris's pace'
'You shouldn't ask. Ever. Okay, I'll be there in...'
He opens uber app
'Thirty minutes or so. Are you sure you don't need ambulance?'
'I sprained my ankle, it's not that I'm dying! And what do you mean you'll be here? I can drive!'
'Yeah, sure. I'll be there anyway, so wait for me'
'But your date..'
'See you'
Eddie hung up, types quick message 'Sorry, i have an emergency' and called uber
'Well, it's not broken from the first glance but we're heading to the ER anyway. Give me the keys'
'I know it's not broken, i told you. So...'
'Buck, i can't recall asking you. Chris, go to the car. Did you have fun?'
'It was awesome, do you know T-rex and brachiosaurus have never met?!'
'Interesting. Give me my first aid kit please'
'What are you doing?!'
'Try to guess. Put on a tight bandage on your ankle. You're taking back seat to have your leg steady. Can you go or... nevermind'
Looking to the limping Buck was so unpleasant... And he moves so slowly! That Eddie has no choice other than carries him to the Jeep.
'I told you it's not broken!'
'And yet i wanna be sure. Okay, take your papers and let's go. Do you want to get some food on the way?'
'I can cook!'
'No you're not. You should keep your ankle in peace and comfort, so no kitchen work for you. I was thinking tacos. And a big bucket of ice cream'
'Sounds... Great, actually. But your date?'
'Forget it. Okay, you're so slow...'
'Don't you dare to carry me again! Edds, cut it! Put me down!'
Buck's laughs so lightly Eddie feels his heart melting. And even if he would never recover from that - he would never change this moment for anything.
'Why have we never watched Jurassic park before?'
'Well, i just thought as your museum experience wasn't so great... You can at least watch a movie about somebody with more problems? And now, Chris, it's time for bed!'
Chris yawned and headed to the bathroom with no arguing what was actually new for him. Or he was just really tired.
'It's your bed time also, Buck. But firstly you need to take another painkiller.'
Buck makes his special puppy eyes and smiles
'And then you get me another pillow here? For, you know, my ankle?'
'Why would i bring here pillows if you'd not be here?'
Buck freezes and his smile is literally vanished
'What do you mean?'
'I said. Bed time. Not couch time. We should have also checked your head cause you definitely lost your cognitive ability'
'Do you think you can manage the big journey to the bedroom or..'
'I can! It's not so bad, really, you saw that, doctor said tomorrow I'll be fine! Edds, please, don't carry me around anymore!'
Fuck Eddie loves his laugh. He loves everything about him.
And he forgot to call Peppa. Tomorrow, he'll do it tomorrow, anyway she already knew that he skipped the date, it doesn't matter when they could have an argue on that. Cause of course, Buck's ankle wasn't that bad. It wasn't a real emergency.
But to be fair... He has no regrets at all.
'Hey, Eddie! So, what's about your date night? Judging by your smile i can suspect it wasn't that bad?'
He smiles to Hen, taking the cup from her hands
'Actually...It was surprisingly good'
'Really? Which bar were you at?'
'No bars. We were at home, watching movie and eating ice cream. It was nice ice cream and actually i like Jurassic park.'
'Sounds.. cosy. But what's about this guy, do you like him?'
He paused for a second.
'I love him'
Chim whistled
'That's big! Maybe a little bit fast but...'
And here's Buck. It took him surprisingly long time to park that time. His ankle is fine - he still has a bandage but at least he is not limping anymore. And he even went to the loft to get his sketchers.
'Hey, guys! Oh, Eddie, you're already here. Sorry that I've ruined your date but I was thinking maybe we can watch second Jurassic park movie after shift? If you're not planning to give your date another chance, of course. Erhm. Guys? Why are you staring at me?'
Hen coughs
'Eddie was just telling us about his perfect date. With movie and ice cream....'
Chim nodded with enthusiasm till Eddie tries to drown himself in his cup
'Yap. Eddie said he loves the guy!'
'But..but he wasn't on date... I mean... Eddie?!'
'Why did you say that?'
'Cause, Evan, I'm not a liar?'
Buck's face became red as the engine behind him
'We can talk after shift, if you'll be in a mood but really, Buck, there's nothing to discuss'
It's so obvious for him that there's a lot to discuss but Eddie looks at him in a strange way... And yes, this is not that kind of discussion he would like to share with the team.
They were in the changing room after the shift when Buck starts again
'Why didn't you tell that to me first?'
'Didn't tell you what? That i love you and i can't imagine my life without you? Maybe it's non of your business?!'
Buck chokes on air. How can he forget Eddie's main line of defence usually is attack?
'Why so?'
'Cause I don't want to ruin our friendship.'
'Than i ruin it myself!'
'How do you think, if they even remember we're still here?'
'I think you need to give them space.'
'Bobby?! When did you get here?'
'Five minutes ago. Hen, what are you filming?!'
'Family archive'
'No, you don't! Get yourself out of here now, that's an order!'
'I beg you not to. I'm sorry, Evan. I really don't want to lose you. Ever. So I'm fine with the friendship if you're capable of doing so, knowing... That'
'I don't want to be your friend'
Buck see how Eddie's face goes grey. Like small light in him just burnt out in a second.
'I understand. I'm really sorry'
'Shut up. I don't want to be your friend and i don't want you to be my friend. Only because i want you to be my life. I want you to be happy, i want to make you happy, i want watching movies with you, hell, i want to live my life with you. And see Chris growing up. I want all of this. With you. I just have no idea i even have a chance!'
Eddie smiles a little
'Why didn't you ask then?!'
'...I didn't want to ruin our friendship...'
Eddie starts laughing
'Ruin it for fuck sake!'
Actually Buck has been thinking of this for several hours straight. He thought of doing this for several years now but constantly thinks from the second Eddie carried him to the car. So it is surprisingly easy for him to push Eddie to the locker and kiss. And kiss. And again. Like he was trying to catch up on something. Based on Eddie's reaction - he was for it.
Buck opened his eyes when kiss is abruptly stopped and he heard applause. He turns his head just to see three smiley faces in a small door window.
And then door opens.
'So, mi niño, how was your date?'
'Great, Peppa. It was great.'
'And Alberto told me you've never shown up'
Peppa smiled.
'I'm so glad for you. And i really like Evan, you know?'
'I know.'
'And now i love him even more. Cause he makes you happy'
'He does'
Eddie smiles.
'He really does'
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Group projects are the worst, but at least the cute guy Vio likes is in their group, so it can't be all bad, right?
This is my enerty for fsff, for the vampire prompt Wouldn't it be funny if i made a vampire au where Shadow is just a normal ass human, i joked some months ago. Anyways, thanks Four Swords Fright Fight for giving me an excuse to actually write this au. i'm gonna use it for all five weeks, so we will see more of them.
The only thing Vio could smell as Clair ushered them into her apartment was garlic. Wrinkling their nose, they realized they where regretting not insisting in doing this group project on their own more and more. The things they would do for a stupid crush, they swears it makes them stupid.
“You like it?” Clair chuckled, “Roasted garlic tomato spaghetti and garlic bread. Figured we could eat some before we started studying.”
“Or at least,” Jen added with a laugh as she stuck her head out from the kitchen, “The three of us can.”
Vio gave them both an unimpressed raised eyebrow. “Is this about Shadow? You two do know that vampires can like, exist, in the same general vicinity to garlic right? It just smells like shit.”
“Sure, but we can still make it squirm a bit.”
“What a great host you are,” There was a knock on the door as Vio spoke, “Can’t wait for the rumors to be just that, it’ll be hilarious when it loves garlic.” Vio made his way to the table where the girls already had their own books and laptops set up, and sat down as Clair went to answer the door.
Rolling her eyes before opening it, she put on a big smile as she greeted their last group member. “Shadow! Hey.”“Hi.” Shadow poked its head in a bit, and seeing the other two there already it frowned. “I’m not late, am I?”
“No, no! Vio just got here as well.” Her overly sweet smile was annoying Vio, and they weren’t even the one she was trying to fuck with. Trying being the key word, as Shadow seemed to be oblivious to it.
“Cool, cool. I, uh, brought some snacks?” It lifted a bag, adorn with the logo from the convenience store around the corner, and gave the three and awkward, one corner smile.
“Aw, that’s great, Thanks Shad!” She smiled at it and made her way back into the apartment, sharing a look with Jen that had Vio rolling their own eyes when Shadow didn’t follow her in right away.
“Shadow,” They added themself, “Why don’t you come in and put those on the table.”
“Oh!” It quickly entered the apartment and closed the door, embarrassed flush on its face. “Right. Yeah. Uh, hi, Violet? Was it?”
“Right, I-” Shadow wrinkled its own nose, face twisting as if it had tasted something awful. “Is that, garlic?”“It is. Entirely to much garlic.” Vio nodded in exasperated agreement.
“Isn’t it great?” Jen came back out with a bowl of the pasta. “I figured I would make us dinner, since Clair was nice enough to let us work on the project at her place.”
“Oh, yea. That was nice of you.” Shadow glanced at the bowl, nose still winked like it had smelled something that had died. “But I um, I’m allergic to garlic, actually, so y’all have fun with that. I’ll be good with just the snacks.”
“Oh no, I’m so sorry! I wish I had known.” Jen’s words where so fake, and it was all honestly beginning to piss them off.
“Uh no, really, it’s fine?” Shadow put its hands up in a small gesture of surrender, eyebrow raised, looking, honestly just a bit confused. “I brought plenty, and it’s not like I was planing on eating here anyways.” The girls shared a look, and visibly had to hold back giggles as they continued to ‘apologize’ to Shadow, who shared its own, much more confused, look with Vio, who just shook their head. “Uh, so, what’s going on?”
Running through his option in his head, Vio decided that this was, in fact, not worth it. No mater what Red said. Slamming their hands on the table as they stood, to get the girls attention, Vio leveled them with a glare. “You know what, I’ve just decided, I actually don’t want to do this project with you two. Shadow keep your snacks, trust me you don’t either.”
“Oh thank Hylia. I never wanted to.” Shadow didn’t even bother looking sorry as it spoke, just shrugging his shoulders when Clair gave him a look.
Vio had to hold back a laugh of their own at that, giving the girls the same sickly sweet fake smile the had been giving Shadow since he arrived, though theirs had much more fang in it. “I would say it was nice, but I’m not interested in tricking you. Next time you plan on pulling a prank on someone who’s not even your friend, maybe don’t tell it to someone else who also doesn’t like your fake bullshit.”
Jen just stared at Vio’s fangs as Clair used her friend as a human shield, as if Vio was actually going to attack them. Please, they had far more class then that. Shadow however, looked like a light bulb was just smashed over its head, and it was pissed about it. “Oh come on! Is this about the vampire thing? Really? How many times do I have to explain to people that just because I’m goth and allergic to garlic does not mean I’m a vampire.”
“You didn’t come in the apartment, either.” Jen added, with far to much confidence for someone who was currently being used as a human shield.
“Yea! Because I’m autistic!” It laughed. “Besides, who the fuck just, walks into someone’s home without being told to when they barely know them?”
“Most humans, for some reason.” Vio added. “Also, vampires technically can, we just, for the most part, agree that it’s rude.”
“Because it is! I swear, I do not get neruotypical people.” Shadow hooked its own arm with Vio’s, pulling the vampire back towards the door. “Come on, lets go.”
Any intimidation Vio had on the girls faded as they proceeded to short circuit. Do humans still consider this gesture a courting thing? Or was Shadow just being friendly and making a point? the last time Vio had dated a human, they had also still been human, so they really didn’t know, but they hoped the blush on Shadow’s face was an indication.
When Vio did come back to his senses the two where about half a block away from Clair’s apartment, and Shadow was furiously texting. Vio couldn’t make out much of the conversation, other then the contact name ‘Puppy,’ as the whole conversation was moving to fast.
Curious, they leaned closer, grinning when Shadow shuddered a bit, but the human just turned to them with a big smile. Before Vio could ask any of the questions they now had, Shadow spoke, putting his phone away as it did. “Letting my girlfriend know my plans for the evening have changed a bit.”
“Oh?” Vio mused with a frown, debating texting their own partner about the nights plans. “Does she like to know where you are all the time?”
“Nah, but I like to keep him updated.” Shadow laughed, light and airy as it leaned into Vio. “Her and his other boyfriend love to keep a tally of how many people accuse me of being a vampire. I’m pretty sure they take bets on it?”
Vio responded with a small breathy laugh and a bewildered look, until they realized Shadow was serious. “How, how does that even work?”
“I donno. I think its monthly.” It shrugged. “Like whoever gets closest in a month wins? Don’t ask me what they win, I have no idea.”
“Ah. Alright then.” Vio chuckled, they had decided notifying Red was pointless. The Fae had probably assumed that Vio and Shadow would dip at first opportunity, seeing as she knew Vio didn’t like the girls in their group.
“Sooo,” Shadow cut through their thoughts, “Wanna go do something else, or do you have a partner to get back to now?”
“Oh don’t worry, they know exactly what my plans for the night are,” They grinned at their Shadow, “After all, it was only with his convincing that I came at all.”
“Oh!” It laughed at that, a full body laugh that had it leaning away from the force. As soon as Shadow calmed down, however, it leaned back in. “So we’re in the same boat tonight then. Come on darling, I’ll show you my favorite secluded spot in the park.”
“Careful,” Vio’s voice dropped as they let Shadow drag them along, “I think that’s how you humans get bit.”
“Oh don’t worry about that,” It shot them a coy smile, “That’s what I’m counting on.”
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scarletsaphire · 8 months
Mikey has been the DM for his Dungeons and Dragons group for ages. But that changes today; the local game store is holding an event, which means that he is finally going to get to play! The sorry sucker that's been assigned their DM, named Edgar, will have no idea what hit them.
And the other definitely not forgotten one @phantasycentral
"Are you excited?" Nathan asked as he walked down the street next to Mikey, holding his folder close to his chest.
"Am I excited," Mikey repeated in a mocking tone. "Of course I am! I've been stuck as you lot's dungeon master for five years now. Finally, I'll be able to be a player and join in your game ruining shenanigans!"
"Hey!" Caroline said. "We don't ruin any of the games."
"Yea," the other Nathan, or Nate as the gang tended to call him, added. "We enhance it!"
Mikey stopped in his walking to turn and look Nate in the eye. "You caused a black hole by sling-shotting a bag of holding into another bag of holding, ending the big bad instantly, and causing a TPK. On session four."
"Ok, but it's your fault we had two bags of holding," Nathan argued.
"It was not!" Mikey protested. "You guys are the ones who broke into the Grand Wizards Tower the second it was introduced, and then robbed him blind when he tried to stop you!"
"I mean," Caroline said, "You are the one who gave him two bags of holding."
"He made them!" Mikey was nearly yelling at this point. "He was the maker of like, all the enchanted items in the land, of course he'd have two bags of holding!"
"Still your fault," Nate said.
Mikey tugged at his hair. "This is exactly why I am so excited this event is happening. If I have to run one more game with you dunderheads as my party I'm going to lose my mind."
"I thought you already lost your mind when I made that Tabaxi?" Caroline asked, grinning deviously in a way that she only ever did around them. She was normally very self concious about her braces, but apparently bashing orcs heads in with a great axe made for great bonding experiences.
"Oh yea, that one that could run like, 300 feet in a turn!" Nathan said. "I remember that! You ran circles around that Dragonborn, literally!"
"I did!" she preened. "And I distinctly remember you saying that it was the final nail in the coffin of what was left of your sanity."
"I got it back," Mikey sniffed. "Because I'm just better like that."
"If you were than you wouldn't get so hung up on us just having some fun with your games," Nate said, elbowing Mikey in the side.
"Whatever," Mikey grumbled. "Hopefully, whoever is our DM for this event is someone really good, and our schedules will line up, and they can take the curse of Forever DM away from me."
"Well, we're about to find out," Nathan said, coming to a stop in front of the game store. "You all ready?" The group traded determined nods, and made their way into the building.
It was populated, but not full. A number of people were sitting at fold out table in the rear end of the store, just visible through the shelves of board games, RPG books, and fancy dice. A middle aged man stood behind the counter, helping a young woman buying a pack of Pokemon cards. He waved to the lot of them when they came in briefly, before returning to the transaction. They all hovered at the counter, waiting for him to be finished.
It didn't take long before the woman was happily on her way out, Pokemon cards in hand, and the man turned to the four of them. "Howdy folks!" he said, voice thick with a southern accent. "Y'all here for the D&D stuff I take it?"
"Uh, yea," Mikey said, shuffling his feet awkwardly. "We uh. We signed up online?"
"Yup, most did," he said. "My name's Chris, I run this place with my sister. Give me just a second to pull up the list and..." Chris clicked a few buttons on his computer. "Ok, it looks like you'll be playing with Edgar. He's the fella in the purple jacket, right back there." Chris nodded his head towards the back, where, just as described, a man sat at the head of one of the empty fold out tables, a DM screen in front of him and a play mat stretched out across the table.
"Ok," Mikey said. "Uh, thank you!" With that, he led the group the rest of the way into the game store. Edgar looked nice enough; he was on the paler side, with dark black hair and a well kept goatee. He had also set up the map pretty well, at least from Mikey's perspective; most of it was covered with papers, which he presumed would be removed while they explored. When the three of them approached the table, Edgar looked up and smiled at them.
"Aw yes, you must be my adventurers!" he said. "I'm Edgar, and I'll be the story writer for the evening. I assume you have all created characters for the evening?"
Mikey and the rest of the group gave a variety of affirmatives, as they all took their seats at the table. "Do you want to take a look at our character sheets before we get started?" Nathan asked, pulling the paper out and holding it out to Edgar. 
Edgar waved the paper away. "There's no need. I'm sure I will become... properly acquainted with all of your characters by the end of this story. Now, are you all ready to start? I promise, it will be an adventure to die for."
Mikey caught Caroline's eyes from across the table. She looked nervous. They all did; none of them were exactly what would be described as sociable, outgoing people, so it was only natural that they'd all have some kind of social anxiety in this situation, but there was something off about Edgar. Something about the way that he spoke...
Mikey took a deep breath. His mom had been getting on his case lately, about needing to get out of his comfort zone more. She probably meant to start playing a sport or something, but this counted. Maybe Edgar was just as nervous and socially awkward as they were, and just had an odd way of saying it? "We're ready," Mikey said. 
"Wonderful. Then let us begin."
Mikey couldn't say at what point during the exposition things started to get weird. Edgar was a very good storyteller, so for a while, it just seemed like he was painting a very vivid picture of the forest laid out before them, vivid enough that Mikey could see the towering trees and dappled sunlight on the ground. And then he could smell the clear, cool air, and hear the bird song and the wind rustling in the leaves, and feel the dirt on the ground beneath his leather boots, and Mikey was no longer just Mikey, he was Erdri, his dragonborn paladin. 
"What..." Nathan, a half-elf cleric named Vaeril. "What happened? How are we..."
"Ok cool so I'm not just going crazy," Nate said. His spoke with a lisp, his half-orc tusks making the softer sounds of Common awkward. 
"Not unless we all are," Caroline replied. Mikey almost missed her; she was a halfling rogue, which made her very, very easy to miss. "You don't think..."
"That I was a ghost?" It was Edgar's voice, coming from a squirrel in the trees. "If you didn't, you'd be wrong. You can call me Ghost Writer, and I've decided to play my hand at this new form of collaborative story telling. You will be my test group! How lucky you are."
Nate drew his great-axe from behind his back. "You let us go right now! You won't get away with this!" 
"Oh, none of that," Ghost Writer replied. "If you won't play fair, than neither will I." Nate tripped and fell face first on the ground, the great-axe flying from his hand. "All you have to do is finish this adventure. That's what you agreed to do, is it not?"
"Not like this!" Nathan complained.
"Tomato, tomato," Ghost Writer said. "You agreed, and now you have to see the story to the end. Be careful! I'm not planning on going easy on you." The squirrel lost the imprint of Ghost Writer's features, returning to existence as a completely regular squirrel.
"We're gonna die," Caroline said, just above a whisper. "We're totally going to die!"
"No, we're not," Mikey said. The strength in his voice surprised him. "We're going to win."
"How can you say that?" Nate asked, brushing the dirt off of his face. "We've never done anything like this before!"
"Yes, we have! We've been playing Dungeons and Dragons for years. You all are experts at breaking a DM's story, and I know all the tips and tricks about DMing that there is to know. This "Ghost Writer" won't know what hit him."
"Ok," Nathan said, taking a deep breath. "Ok. I believe you. But why the hell do I believe you."
"I rolled like, an 18 in charisma."
"That'll do it."
"Onwards and upwards?" Nate held his hand out between the four of them. 
One by one they all added their hands to the stack. 
"Onwards and upwards!" They said the cheer unanimously, throwing their hands up in the air. Together, they made their way deeper into the forest, where adventure awaits.
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Cw: mildly dubious consent (because he’s wearing a disguise but reader is hella into him). Also I guess this is technically monster fucking so if you aren’t into that… 🤷🏽‍♀️
SpinnerxReader, college AU
Ao3 link if anyone wants that
“Why me!?” Shuichi basically whined.
“Because everyone else’s skills will be better utilized in other locations,” Kurogiri explained with his characteristic detached formality.
“In other words you’re useless and we need you out of the way.” Dabi laughed cruelly.
Kurogiri sighed heavily at the interruption, “He is not useless. You are the best fit for this assignment.”
“He means you’re the most expendable.” God that guy was such a jerk.
“No.” The second in command sent Dabi a warning glance, “Your quirk will make sneaking on the campus possible.”
“What? Can’t you just warp me wherever I need to go like we always do?” This was sounding more and more unpleasant.
“No, I, as I said, will be needed elsewhere.”
“Fine, but don’t you think that my quirk also makes me a little conspicuous? Not a lot of lizards walking around the dorm rooms I’m guessing.”
“All For One has provided us with a quirk to temporarily alter your outward appearance. Once disguised, you should have no trouble infiltrating the school during the event”. The pink-haired villain’s skeptical look did not move. Kuroguri tried one more time. “You’re basically the same age as the UA students, it’ll be easiest for you to blend in.”
“So is Dabi! So is Shigiraki!!” Shuichi knew he was grasping at straws but at this point, he was a bit desperate. This job sounded like a literal nightmare. What? Did he have to take a math test that he hadn’t studied for too?
At the mention of his name their leader finally chimed in, “Take your assignment and stop bitching.”
And that was the end of the discussion.
Shuichi shifted uncomfortably, looking this way and that in the mirror taking in his new appearance. He was… “normal”, his red eyes the only thing recognizable on his now perfectly average face. Shuichi examined his pink lips and soft but defined jawline - the only things visible under the maroon bauta-style mask he had been given to pair with a sharp grey suit. He looked…
Toga poked his now smooth cheek. “Is this what Spinner would have looked like if he was human?”
“I am human you bitch!”
“Yeeeeaaaaa, but you know what I mean.”
“I can’t be certain, but I believe so.” Kurogiri looked almost proud.
“Huh,” she lifted his mask to examine the rest of his altered features, “I kinda thought you would be hott.” She let the mask snap back onto his new nose. “Oh well.”
Why did he hang out with these assholes…
Shuichi took one last look in the mirror. He looked stupid. This sucked.
Shuichi stood stiffly by a wall, watching the event from the sidelines. People were talking in small groups around the room and there were numerous couples dancing. It reminded him of an American-style prom like he had seen in movies.
He didn’t belong here. It was obvious he wasn’t like these normie jerks smiling and laughing together like idiots. Kurogiri was fucking stupid if he truly thought that he could “blend in” with these future fakes.
“These things are so awkward, huh?” You asked with a poorly feigned nonchalance.
“Like forced fun activities. Does anyone actually enjoy these things?” You giggled.
Who were you? You had just appeared next to him and now you were talking. You were right. This was awkward.
You wore a white dress with delicate flame designs embroidered in red and a matching half-mask. You must have a fire quirk. He rolled his eyes at your lack of originality. He didn’t say anything but you inched a little closer and continued your inane chattering. “Have we met before?”
“No.” You looked a little taken aback by his abruptness. He sighed, he was supposed to be gathering information from the students. You were a student. He wasn’t going to get a better opportunity.
“I mean, maybe? I haven’t really met a lot of people yet and I can’t tell who you are either.”
“Oh yea,” you giggled, touching your mask, “I forgot. This is such a weird party. What kind of school has a masquerade ball as a welcoming event? UA has too much money.”
He shrugged. “Not like it was my choice to be here.”
“Oh yeah? Your advisor make you come? Extra credit or something?”
“Something like that.”
“I’m not from around here.” You said confusingly; what did that have to do with anything? “So I don’t know anyone. Like at all…” you continued with a nervous laugh when he didn’t reply, “so I thought, you know, here’s your chance [Y/n], get out there! You can do this!” You offered him your hand with a shaky smile. “I’m [y/n] by the way. Nice to meet you. If, you know, we haven’t already met.”
He eyed you incredulously. A handshake? You must not be Japanese. Still, it was clear you meant the gesture to be polite. He wasn’t used to that kind of consideration. It was weird.
He grabbed your hand cautiously. “Um, Iguchi.” Don’t lie any more than is necessary, right?
“Nice to meet you, Iguchi!” You beamed. Your smile was … nice. People didn’t usually smile at him. And he hadn’t realized how much he missed being called by his actual name. He was pretty sure that the rest of the League didn’t even know what it was. Shuichi glanced down at where you were touching him again, your soft hand enveloping his… oh… right. The glamour quirk. That’s why you were treating him like this. He looked “normal”.
He snatched his hand back but you recovered quickly, flashing him that smile again.
“So, what’s your quirk?”
What the fuck? Was this a polite question to ask a stranger? It felt really personal but Shuichi really wasn’t sure. He hadn’t had a lot of polite conversations in his life. Also, most people didn’t bother to ask him since they could just tell by looking at him. “Um, I have a … gecko quirk,” he watched your eyes search for the outward signs of his mutation that you wouldn’t see right now.
“You don’t look particularly reptilian,” you giggled. Pfft if only you knew.
He shrugged noncommittally.
“Not that I have anything against people with mutation quirks of course!” You added quickly, a slight note of panic in your voice.
Yea. Sure. Of course, you don’t. You would totally have come up to him like this if he had his usual face.
You shifted uncomfortably, you could obviously tell you’d offended him, though you probably didn’t understand how. It was kinda fun to watch you squirm but he decided to show you some mercy. “Flame quirk?”
He gestured at your dress.
“Oh! No,” you giggled. Why were you always giggling? It was weird. “I just like fire.” You smiled, almost maliciously. Oh. He wasn’t expecting that.
You beamed at him and held your hand up dramatically, giving your wrist a sharp graceful flick, a dagger appearing in your palm. You drew the blade slowly across your tongue and winked at him before you broke out into another fit of giggles. Wow. Ok. He *really* hadn’t been expecting that.
“Oh no. That’s it!” You gasped as you held your sides, “I’m officially drunk. That was so weird. I am so sorry.” Your laughter was almost contagious, Shuichi caught himself smiling at your wheezed apology.
You were… different from anyone he’d ever met.
Or maybe you weren’t, he thought bitterly, maybe this was just what life was like when you weren’t a freak. Maybe pretty girls in pretty dresses with nice smiles and a laugh like music aren’t afraid of or disgusted by you. Maybe they come up to you at parties and flirt with you. Maybe this isn’t a miracle. Maybe it’s just a glamour.
“What the fuck was that? You just carry knives around? Not in the hero course I’m guessing.” He huffed, he had meant it to sound more like a causal joke, but he had pissed himself off and it came out in his voice.
Your face twitched slightly at the sudden venom in his voice but you plastered your smile back on quickly, “Rude!” You stuck your tongue out at him. Pfft childish. “It’s my quirk.” You flicked your wrist again, a delicate blade appearing in your hand. Shuichi looked at it, his impassive face apparently not the reaction you were looking for.
“What are you one of those assholes that think that a person’s quirk is what makes them a hero or a villain? Because my entrance essay was about how that’s bullshit and I will totally go get it and make you read it right now.” You were still smiling stiffly but the way your eyes blazed let him know you were serious.
“That seems to be the majority opinion.” He shrugged, a little uncomfortable for a reason he couldn’t quite name.
“Well, the majority is wrong.”
Both of your moods had soured considerably. You seemed to have just noticed, you took a deep breath and smiled weakly at him. Why were you trying so hard?
“Sorry. I’m a little, uh, sensitive on the topic. It’s hard being judged by your quirk all the time, you know? Well, I guess you wouldn’t, would you?” You gave a little sad awkward half-laugh that pissed him off for some reason.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He practically spat.
He expected you to shrink back from his anger like you had previously but this time you got defensive right away, “You’re just, like, a hot guy; with an, I imagine, very versatile and completely neutral quirk. Not everyone has that luxury!’
“Who the fuck are you?! You don’t know anything about me!”
“I can tell enough about you from the fact that I can fucking see you. Do you have any idea how many people have to hide their quirks just to live?”
“Society demands that freaks hide away.”
You looked at him like he had just punched you in the face. “That’s disgusting!” You were nearly in tears. “What if you had scales or something would you want to have to hide that?!
“People would prefer that I did.”
“Well fuck those people!!”
Shuichi was physically taken aback by the passion of your answer. He scoffed, in an attempt to hide how much you’ve shaken him. “‘Those people’ make the rules,” he continued in a softer voice, but he couldn’t remove the edge completely, “you can cry about it all you want but that’s the world we live in.”
You deflated, all the fight knocked out of you now that you weren’t on the defensive. Shuichi cursed himself, resisting against himself not to reach for you. He agreed with you, why was he fighting you so hard?
“Hero society is … broken,” you pressed on in a quiet but determined voice, “No one should have to hide who they are. There is no such thing as a ‘villain quirk’. Everyone deserves the chance to be happy. Don’t you believe that?” You asked him so earnestly, like whatever he said would determine your whole worldview.
Shuichi nodded mutely. He would have agreed to anything in that moment to get rid of the pain in your eyes. Fuck, what had you done to him? He didn’t even know you. He didn’t care about anyone’s opinion but Stain’s. But… you look like you might cry, and if you did it would be his fault, and if he made you cry he…
Shuichi watched as you suddenly walked away without a word. Yea, that was much more familiar. At least this time it was actually his fault that you left - sliver linings, he laughed bitterly to himself. He was just about to leave to try to map out the campus like he was actually supposed to be doing when you reappeared. As suddenly and silently as the first time, here you were again at his side, this time you held a cup in each hand.
“An apology,” you handed him one of the cups sheepishly, “for getting so… political.” What were you stupid? Why were you apologizing to him? “… and personal. You’re right. I don’t know you and I shouldn’t have just attacked you like that.”
He murmured something about it being fine and accepted the cup. It held a reddish liquid that smelled like rubbing alcohol. Big juice. UA was a college after all. He took a few tentative sips. It tasted like a strawberry fart and burned in his stomach. But you visibly relaxed when he drank it so it wasn’t really that bad.
“I mean, it’s not like you were wrong. You’re just really passionate about… equality? I guess.”
“Exactly! I am!” You beamed, leaning into him and grabbing his arm in your enthusiasm, “That’s why I’m in the business course. I’m going to revolutionize how the public sees quirks, just wait!”
Your touch was so gentle and he could feel your warmth even through his suit jacket. You wer-
“You said you were in the hero course.”
“No, I didn't. I just said it was wrong of you to assume that I couldn’t be a hero.”
Fuck. If you aren’t in the hero course he shouldn’t even be talking to you. Well… to be fair you were the one that started the conversation. And he may be in the League of Villains but he still had manners. He should at least finish the drink you gave him right?
You continued to talk about quirk rights and hero society. This time a lot more calmly. It was … nice. Really nice. You were so smart and your level of compassion startled him each time he saw a new glimpse of it. Shuichi was sure his first assessment had been correct; you were different.
Every time his cup was empty you would flit off and every time he was surprised when you came back, a new peace offering in your hand. He was on his fourth “apology” when you suddenly turned and grinned at him sheepishly.
“I wasn’t kidding about my entrance essay, just, by the way. If, like, you wanted to read it…. I could show it to you?”
Shuichi shot you an incredulous look. You’d been talking about quirk theory for hours what could you possibly say in this essay that you hadn’t already said? And why were you blushing?
“You know… in my room?”
Oh my god!
Shuichi was sure that there was NO WAY you meant what those words were implying. But your scarlet cheeks left little room for doubt, and they were only getting redder the longer he took to answer.
“I mean, if you don’t want to that’s ok. We ca-“
“No! I want to!” He interrupted embarrassingly quickly.
You blushed harder but beamed, “ok.”
You grabbed his hand and began leading him out of the crowded ballroom. Everyone there could see that you were leaving together. You didn’t seem to notice the giggles and knowing glances of your schoolmates. It was like you weren’t ashamed to be seen with him.
You slammed his body against your door as soon as you had dragged him into the room. You acted like you wanted him so much. Shuichi tried desperately to find the angle you were playing to explain your behavior but your lips were making him dizzy. God, they were so soft. Kissing was… fuck… really good. He felt like he was melting under your touch.
You giggled and clumsily removed your mask after the third time they scraped uncomfortably against each other. You were beautiful. Your cheeks redden as he stared at you panting slightly through his parted kiss-swollen lips.
“Um… now you?” You giggled nervously and reached tentatively towards his face when he didn’t. He didn’t move and you took that as an okay, lifting his mask and tossing it in the corner with yours. You caressed his face as you studied it, admiring “his” features. Would you look at him like this if you saw what he actually looked like? You smiled wolfishly before drowning him in your kiss again. Shuichi let himself believe that you would.
You clawed at his jacket, releasing an adorable little growl of frustration into his mouth when your uncoordinated hands got tangled in his sleeves. He shrugged it off and began shucking off his buttons. A task you eagerly joined in on the second you were freed.
The glamour had only been applied to his top half as it would last longer if concentrated more. Your eyes danced over the transition down his abdomen from smooth skin to green scales, your fingers tracing lightly along the path of your gaze. Shuichi shivered at your touch. It’s not like he had absolutely no experience, but truth be told he didn’t have much. And he’d never been touched like this. You looked… you looked really fucking horny. You legitimately wanted this. Shuichi let himself believe that just maybe it wasn’t just because you were drunk. You kissed down his chest. His whole body felt like it was melting. “Beautiful.” You hummed to yourself as you admired his green scales.
The glamour had only been applied to his top half!!
He had to stop you.
God your hands were soft.
You were not going to like what you found.
Shit, when did you drop to your knees? He had to stop you.
Fuck, you were kissing along his hip. When had you unbuttoned his pants?
Don’t stop.
Your sharp intake of breath was like a knife in his heart. He had let you get too far and now you would finally give him that look of disgust he was so used to.
But your glazed eyes didn’t hold disgust; your blown-out pupils burned into his soul. You…. You meant this… there was no denying you wanted him.
His cocks were… well, his cockS. They were conical, thick and heavy at the bases and narrowing to a flared tip. You tentatively wrapped your hands around him and stroked him experimentally. His entire body shuddered and your eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. You played with him gleefully, gaining confidence in your touch with each breathy moan you managed to draw from him. Switching up your technique, speed, and attention with every stroke, you tried to figure out the best way to please him. He couldn’t cum without a steady rhythm but the way you were keeping him on edge had him seeing stars.
You eyed him hungrily, licking a fat stripe up the underside of his manhood choked by your right hand. He shuddered and bit back the trembling chirps he sometimes made when he was very happy. Shuichi looked down at you, practically drooling for him on your knees and he knew if he wanted any chance of being able to fuck you he had to stop you right now cause he wouldn’t last 20 seconds in your mouth.
He pulled you to your feet, almost losing his resolve when you let out a disappointed little whine. “I wanna see you.” He whined back, pulling at your dress pitifully while he attacked the junction of your neck with his tongue and teeth.
You turned around, breathlessly asking him to unzip your dress. He let his fingers trail over your exposed shoulders. Every part of you was so… erotic. Your every move was seductive. He dragged the zipper down as slowly as he could manage, wanting to savor the unveiling of your bare skin. You let the dress drop when he reached the end of it, bunching at your feet, and revealing that you had worn absolutely nothing under it.
He moaned as he nuzzled at the back of your neck, you smelled so good, your body felt so good against his. He knew he should be embarrassed but he couldn’t bring himself to even try to stop his desperate little humps against you. You tried to turn around to face him but he kept you in place with a strong grip on your hips.
“Someone’s an ass man, huh?” You breathed. He groaned as he rolled his hips against your perfect backside in answer.
He felt another rumbling in his chest, expecting another groan of pleasure, however, the noise he made instead was a loud croak. He froze. He had never made that sound before! What the fuck was that!
“What the fuck was that?” You giggled.
His sharp embarrassed retort died in his throat as you ground yourself back harder on his lengths.
“Do it again.” God, you sounded so needy.
Without thinking he bite down hard on that beautiful neck of yours and shoved himself into you. You howled at the sudden overload of sensation, only one of his cocks having made it inside you on the first thrust, the other sliding against your clit instead.
This was pure ecstasy. Shuichi let his instincts guide him; wrapping his arms around you, trying to get as close to you as possible. You felt so good. So warm and wet and tight around his long-neglected sex. He fucked you hard and slow, grinding his hips into yours, trying to explore every inch of your insides with both of his members, alternating the cock he fucked you with with each stroke.
You whimpered, your legs losing strength the harder he rutted into you, but his strong jaw’s hold on the nape of your neck not allowing you to move. Shuichi felt for you but he no longer possessed the ability to be separated from you. He compromised by sinking to his knees with you, allowing you to fall forward into a more sustainable mating position. He draped his full body over your trembling form; you shook on your hands and knees but you accepted his weight, pushing your ass back into him as hard as you could with your limited mobility.
He used the helplessness of this new position to explore your body further. You really were breathtaking. He kept one hand clamped firmly on your hip, his body desperate to keep you close. He let the other trace along your curves, settling on the swell of your breast. His experimental groping growing bolder with each high-pitched whine he was able to draw out of you with each pinch or roll of your hardened nipple.
“Both?” You hiccuped through needy moans. He pulled your head back with a firm grip in your hair and asked you to repeat yourself. “Fu..ck me wi…th both your cocks, Igu…chi I need you. P-pl…ease.”
Shuichi slowed his movements, switching from fucking into you to deep grinds. His cocks weren’t massive but the fact that there were two of them was kind of… a lot to handle. He wanted to do it but he also didn’t want to hurt you. He tried to explain this to you but you whined and moaned and ground yourself against him until his resolve broke. He bit back down on the back of your neck; this time a sharp fang pressed into your pulse point. The resulting jerk of your body arching your back and throwing your ass hard up into him, the tapers of his flared cock heads sliding past the minimal resistance at your entrance and sheathed him fully in your pussy all at once.
You screamed as you came, the stretch hurtling you over the edge in one swift move. Your already tight cunt spasmed sporadically around him, pulling him right over the edge with you.
When Shuichi could breathe again, he gave you one last look, trying to burn the sight into his memory, so perfect and beautiful beneath him. He sighed and rolled off of your body, collecting his clothes silently.
You looked at him dreamily, reaching your hand out to stroke his leg. “Stay the night.”
God, he would have given anything to say yes to you.
“I can’t.” He gave you an apologetic look at your small sound of disappointment. “I want to. I just… can’t.”
You gave him one last pleading puppy-dog pout before smiling gently and walking him to your door.
“Text me,” you said with a happy wink, as you handed him back his phone. When had you taken that?! He sighed softly and tried not to look as desperate as he felt. He knew he would never see you again. At least not in a way that either of you wanted. He could already picture the look of betrayal you’d give him when the League attacked the school in a few weeks. For the first time in his life, Shuichi truly felt like a villain.
“I’ll see you again soon?” You whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek, before giving him a hopeful shy smile.
“Yea, you will.” At least he wasn’t a liar.
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Snippet from Corruption: TMA x Malevolent crossover
Tim opened a book he shouldn't have, and now has the last remaining god in the universe stuck in his head.
In the process of dealing with that, he was marked by the Desolation - a Fear entity, based on rage.
Elias Bouchard is supposedly helping out, but he has SOME sort of plan going on - and as Tim has manifested the unexpected ability to tell when someone lies, the whole situation has gotten a weeeee bit tense.
(As always, snippet is unedited, tenses are screwy, etc. Still fun!)
Elias hadn’t lied; it’s a neat little space down there, in the Archives.
Well. It’s a mess. But the living quarters are definitely neat.
Gertrude Lara Croft Robinson is down there already, eyeing them, visibly daring commentary on the stacks of mismatched files, the open cardboard boxes balanced precariously against each other or on chairs, the truly heinous amount of cobwebs in every corner, between every shelf.
“Uh,” says Tim. “Nice haunted house you’re running here.”
“Mm,” says Elias.
Gertrude gives Tim a skewering look.
“No, really,” says Tim, stepping over six sagging boxes and around two piles of unsorted papers. “Get a fog machine down here and you’ll clean up.”
Heh, heh, heh.
“Yes, well, Gertrude insists there is a reason for all of it,” says Elias as if his kingdom is of no concern, and waves a hand to indicate all of it.
Gertrude says nothing.
Tim suddenly wonders if she’s hiding weapons in the paperwork.
The little living area is, happily, free from nonsense. A very tiny kitchenette, a small cot sharing space with boxes and office supplies, and a bathroom with a cramped toilet and sink.
“There is a shower upstairs,” says Elias, “though it is in my office, and you will need to arrange time to use it.”
“Weird,” says Tim.
Elias shrugs. “It is a very old building. James Wright had it installed, so I am to understand, but what he was thinking doing it there… well. I have no idea.”
A lie.
Tim peers at him.
Elias smiles and it is a bright, sharp thing, like light glinting off a blade. “Oh, you are good at that, aren’t you?” he murmurs.
“What - was that a test?”
“It was. Over something I think you can agree, at least, is harmless.”
“Hard not to be insulted,” Tim says.
“Of course - but I had to be sure you knew on your own. I can clearly see Lord Hastur did not clue you in.”
“He wants to be called Yellow.”
It’s fine, Tim, says fucking Lord Hastur.
Tim rolls his eyes so hard they hurt. “Subject fucking change. Anyway. I don’t have my stuff, I just realized. That makes this a little bit rough.”
“Yes, I’m aware. I will send you home - during daylight - with help to gather your things and return here before darkness falls. All right? Just give me some time to make a couple of arrangements.”
Truth. “Okay. I guess. Fuck, this is… Am I really kipping in a haunted basement to hide from maggot gods?”
“I fear before all of this over, you will experience far stranger things than this,” says Elias. “Now - do try to get comfortable. I will fetch you a key, as well as the code for the alarm.”
“Elias!” snaps Gertrude.
“He is officially under our protection.” 
And there, right there, is the most real Elias has been this whole damn time, because that hardly sounded like the same man.
Even the smarm is gone, replaced with a frankly terrifying hardness, the kind that makes Tim think he could shoot a guy in the face and walk away without a second thought.
But maybe it’s necessary to corral someone like Gertrude.
She looks positively raucous for a moment, then glances at Tim.
He holds his hands up. “No quarrels with you. I’m just trying to stay alive.”
“I reserve the right to kill him if he tries a ritual inside the Institute - whether or not he knows what it does,” Gertrude snaps.
“Fair,” says Elias.
“Sure?” says Tim.
Yellow sighs. 
Oh. Apparently, he had plans. Oh, well! 
Gertrude nods as if her head is an axe and marches away.
Elias sighs. “I really do apologize for her.”
Will she honor your command?
Tim snorts. “Nobody talks like that, just so you know,” he mutters.
“For a while, anyway. Her focus is ‘protecting humanity,’ whatever that means, so as long as Tim provides no such active threat, he will fall off her radar.”
“So it sounds like ‘protecting humanity’ is funny?” says Tim. “Which it kind of isn’t, so much? And I don’t know how to take that?”
“In the name of saving the world, she sacrifices people,” Elias says coldly. “It makes one wonder what the value of life is to her - and is also why I will no longer provide her with assistants.”
So that’s a whole host of unspoken stories. “Wow.”
“Indeed. I’ll send help down with a key and all shortly. Rest, Tim. As best we can, we’ll keep you safe.” Elias smiles (and, oddly enough, was telling the truth), and leaves.
Tim flops onto the cot.
It squeaks.
“That’ll make masturbating awkward,” he says without thinking.
Yellow laughs.
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askthechronoverse · 11 months
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So I heard that archive of our own is down. I offer all of you looking for a fic to read this one shot. Originaly written as an anniversary fic for my first year with this AU, I hope this tides you over until you can read your regular stuff.
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It was dark by the time Rex got to the castle. He held his breath and looked for a way to enter. No time to be afraid. Nothing to it but to do it. After jogging around the castle's shadow, he found a broken window. With all the stealth he could muster, he sprang through the opening and walked around in the darkness of the unlit castle. It did sting to think that the others weren't as willing as he was to clear out the castle, reclaim the gems, and look for Richard. It made him think that maybe he was wrong about them again. He shook those thoughts out of his head. They were just scared. He would have to be the brave one, that much is obvious. Otherwise, they all would be cowering in the cabin.
It was far too quiet as he headed for the throne room. By now, surely someone would be there. As he passed a nondescript door in a forgettable hallway, he could hear soft sobbing coming from beyond it. He leaned against the door and the sobbing was louder. Rex tried the handle. It was locked and the sobbing quickly turned to a dead silence. Whoever was behind the door was a prisoner. There couldn't be any other explanation. He could hear the sobbing get more intense now. This emboldened Rex further.
"I'll build ya another door later, Princess." He whispered, looking around. He raised his fist, but stopped when the voice on the other side of the door whispered back, just above the sound of Rex's breathing.
"Please, try not to alert the Doom Lords of your presence." The voice quivered. "They appear more organized and focused than last I saw them. We can't risk your capture."
The voice had a point. As Rex thought about what to do, a lone paperclip slid from under the door.
"I would have used this myself, but the door locks from the outside. I'll walk you through using it as a lockpick." The paperclip gave away that this was Richard, which caused Rex to release some nervousness with his breath. He picked up the paperclip and began to follow the brick's uncharacteristically and breathtakingly expert instructions on the improvised lockpicking process. Someday, it was clear that he was going to need to ask how Richard knew how to pick locks like that. The door eventually was open and Richard's large eyes were half closed, but still visible.
"Thank you, RJ. I… I was worried I was going to never see you again." He tried to float to Rex, but faltered. Rex picked him up, which caused him to blush. "Do the others know you're here?"
"Nah. I had to do something. I can't just sit still and let these guys do… this." Rex pointed to the heartbreaking amount of graffiti on the walls like a game show co-host showing off an unwanted prize with a frantically freed hand.
"RJ…" The tone held was a muddy mix of disappointment and something a lot softer, something Rex didn't expect from the monotone brick. Richard closed his eyes, looking more tired than he would have wanted to admit to.
"You good, ba…bro?" Rex wasn't sure why he almost said what he did, but he turned red as he caught himself. The brick nodded slowly, brow furrowed with general anxiety. "Ya sure? Ya looked unsteady."
"I'm just exhausted. I haven't had anything substantial to eat in a while. You don't have anything by any chance?" Richard nestled himself into his rescuer's arm and kept his eyes firmly closed.
"I have…" Rex dug through his vest and pants pockets. "Some bubblegum and half a granola bar. We ain't too far from the kitchen. I could-"
"It's bad enough you came here to-"
"Punch that Lord Business wannabe in the face." Rex affirmed this, unintentionally cutting Richard off in the process.
"... Right… I assume you came without backup and with no one knowing you came. I am not letting you do anything to further compromise your position. Give me the granola bar, please." Rex offered the granola bar and it floated shakily in the air. Richard finished the bar unceremoniously and placed the wrapper in Rex's pocket. "I'm staying with you. Much as I don't feel safe, you're going to get yourself killed like this. I can't allow that."
"Oh? And why not?"
"I just cannot allow it. The princess likes you. I have a duty to her to keep her happy." Richard said, but the brick spoke in a tone that made Rex lift an eyebrow.
“Fine. But if ya feel scared, ya need to go. Trust your judgment. I ain’t gonna see ya get hurt.” Rex pressed his back against the shadow cloaked wall and looked around. “Wait. Why were you trapped in the closet? Can’tcha go through walls?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He spoke quickly, wishing he could become invisible. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Ya got it. Let’s get Doom and save the day before the others know we’re gone.” Rex looked down at his rectangular companion and began to inch his way toward the throne room. The way Rex looked down at him made Richard’s heart flutter a little. What was this? Why does he feel like his heart was a butterfly hatchery and all the cocoons finally hatched? No. He couldn’t think like this. He needed to focus on his surroundings, because Rex sure wasn’t going to. The flutter made it so hard to do that. It made him want to remain in Rex’s arms forevermore. He looked down for a moment to ground himself, then snapped his focus back to the area around them.
They somehow managed to get to the throne room undetected.There appeared to be no one around, but it was hard to see in the absent light. Rex held Richard close and the brick questioned why that felt so right. No, no. This man was reckless and bold. He couldn't see himself… being held softly in his big strong arms and being told everything would be just fine and he wasn't going to leave him. By the time Richard regained focus, Rex had placed him on the throne and was trying to pick the lock on a chest.
"What are you doing?" The words came out of Richard slowly and unsurely.
"I'm looking for the gems. Locked chest? Important room? Good place to start." Why did Rex always sound so sure of himself? Why was he so confident? It was almost infuriating… but also endearing. The confidence made him feel confident too, even if the situation they found themselves in was grim. He couldn't believe someone could be like that.
"I suppose. Do I assume you want me to be a lookout?"
"Yeah, Richie. I gotta focus on this. If someone comes, distract 'em." His back was turned to Richard, but the brick couldn't help but imagine the human's tongue was sticking out as he concentrated on picking the lock.
For Rex's sake, Richard kept up some silence. While he did this, he let his mind wander again. He had overheard that this man used to be the hero of TAKOS Tuesday known as The Special, a far more cautious man who still managed to save the day. How? The Special was a public figure at this point. Everyone knew him and he was nothing like Rex. They appeared to be total opposites. Richard knew very little about the specifics and this wasn't the time to ask for more info.
"Ya good, bro? You're super quiet." Rex's concern cut Rick's concentration.
"Oh. Yes, I'm just thinking." The brick bobbed, letting himself take some altitude.
"I like that aboutchu. Ya're always thinkin'. What were ya thinkin' about?" Rex finally finished picking the lock and dug through the chest.
"Nothing. It's none of your concern." Richard looked away for a moment. Why did he want to tell him everything, to talk for hours until dawn? No. He couldn't do that. They were in enemy territory and… oh no. He had been concentrating so hard on his own train of thought, that he hadn't scanned thel area for enemies in a while. He looked around and gasped. He saw a dark shadow on the opposite side of the room. Rex was oblivious to this. He squinted. The yellow face was unmistakable. Master Frown. He cleared his throat to get Rex's attention. Rex couldn't hear him. Richard cleared his throat louder. This made both Rex and Frown pause. The cloaked teen shrugged as he inched closer to Rex, who could see a green twinkle from the corner of his eye.
"They let kids have the gems? Sad. Your boss is makin' things too easy for me." Rex did not turn around.
"OK, I know this is gonna seem like a weird ask from the guy about to kick your butt, but could you sign my cloak? You're kind of a big deal around here and I need something to show that I met you." Frown, despite his name, had a bright grin on his face and a sharpie in his hand, which he spun.
"You know the reason I'm a big deal, right?" Richard was surprised: Rex spoke with such patience in the face of danger.
"Yeah! You're the Master Breaker! The destroyer of worlds! Doom has been wanting us to do that for as long as any of us can remember and you just did it all by yourself! You may have said no to the big boss, but you're a rockstar around here!" The twinkle in Frown's eyes was disturbing to Richard. His mind and gaze went to Rex, who's left eye twitched.
"I am trying to not be that guy anymore. I would have thought sayin' no to your boss would have signaled that. I wish ya said that you were just a fan of my podcast or somethin'." The man got to his feet and shook his head. "No. I ain't signin' anythin' for ya if the reason ya want it is because of that."
"Come on, man! Don't be such a buzzkill! I'm a fan!" The snotty voice made Rex's eye continue to twitch. The frown on Rex's face was sharp and made Richard's heart freeze.
"Yeah. A fan of my work during a time I want to put behind me right now. I'm not signing anything for you." Rex walked toward the teenage Doom Lord. "Give me the gem, kid."
"No way! You won't even give me your autograph! I'm just gonna kick your butt!" The junior Doom Lord held the gem tightly in one hand and rushed at Rex with an open hand in the other. The slap connected with Rex's unshaven face and Rex stood still. Richard called out to him, but the man said nothing, his gaze set somewhere far away from this time and place. Frown turned to face Richard now.
Frown shrugged. "I'm gonna call for backup, but I probably should stop you from getting help." He came as the brick with his hands, but was pushed away by an unseen force.
"No. Let him… let him go, Frown." Richard looked to Rex, who stood like an unsettling statue. The human's eyes were glazed over and saucer like, his face pale and frigid looking. The brick floated over the thone, attempting to make his plain form look more threatening.
"Let him go? Last I checked, I'm not Princess Unidork. I don't take orders from you." Frown tried to move forward, but he was pushed again by the invisible force. This force got stronger as Richard moved.
"RJ! Please snap out of whatever hold he has on you! I can only hold him off for so long!" The brick floated to Rex and brushed hair out of his face with invisible hands. "Please, Rex." The brick bit his lower lip.
"I don't know where he is right now, but man his screams are… well, I love screaming usually, but I wasn't expecting such a scared little voice from the great Rex Dangervest." Frown tapped his chin and laughed after a moment at something unheard. He brought the gem out again and shook it by his assumed ear. "Maybe the gem the boss gave me is broken?" The comment and the fact the gem was out in the open was lost on Richard, who kept calling Rex's name to get him out of whatever hold Frown had on him.
"Rex? Please come back." The cold and fearful state his companion was in chilled Richard to his core. Maybe he should get help. He looked around to see that Frown had left, possibly to get help of his own. His companion's voice made the brick jump, both because of how it sounded and the fact that it could be heard.
"Run." This was all Rex was able to choke out before he froze once again. The voice was soft and kind, but that just made the order more chilling. From the distance, Richard could hear two different people giggling. That was very much his cue to get out of there. His body acted before he could say any objections. As he flew, he could hear a woman laughing and telling Rex that the pain in his eyes would look so much better with bruises. He went through the wall of the throne room, but stopped just outside in the garden, covered in the safety of the blueberry bushes.
Why did he run? Rex needed him, though he did say to do just that. He turned to face the castle. Maybe he needed to go back. Something glued him to the spot and made that thought impossible to go through with. He needed to at least get back to the others. He was sure Rex could handle himself, right? It was the only reason that Rex would have told him to run, right? That had to be the thought he settled on at this point. They couldn't afford to lose him, but Rex was strong. You'd have to be strong to be able to do all of the things he's done, good and bad. The fluttering in his heart had yet to abate. Maybe that was because of his fear, or maybe it was something else. There was too much going on in his head for him to know for absolutely certain. He headed for the city in a slow and cautious way, knowing that Puppycorn probably ate them out of house and home and he would need to return with supplies.
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amariss-613 · 2 years
재등장, bts | scene 02: rehearsals
{resurfaced, bts}
summary: the biggest group in the world has their scandal resurface as the former female member the world thought was done become the best new artist of the year at the grammys.
face claim: yeri of red velvet
original is on archive of our own: amariss_0613, and wattpad: amariss_amaryllis, just decided to publish it on here~
this story mentions non-consensual things and includes some mentions of drugs, depression, and sasaengs.
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scene 02: rehearsals
chapter summary: "wait, american artists have stage rehearsals too?"
bold w/ italic- english 
normal- korean
playing: girl of my dreams | juice world feat. suga of bts
fighting demons | 2022
|namjoon pov|
"what took you guys so long? we were here like 15 minutes ago!" jungkook complained into his mic headset, as he was warming up on the stage. i noticed that he was talking about hoseok and taehyung as they made their way toward me and the rest of the members. when jimin also noticed them, he ran towards them, meeting halfway. "hey are you guys ok? we were starting to get worried." he said, grabbing hobi and tae's hands that were interlocked. "even yoongi-hyung?" tae asked, making a visible cutesy face to yoongi, who was behind me. "yah, stop! let's just get started!" yoongi yelled, turning around and walking to jungkook so that the rest of us couldn't see the blush that was covering his cheeks.
"here are your guys' mics, start warming up." jin said, walking up to tae and hobi, holding each of their personalized earpieces and mics. "i should be the one saying that jagi, i am the dance leader after all." hobi laughed, adding a wink towards jin.
'i swear i love these guys so mu-'
"alright, we're gonna start camera rehearsing first in 5 minutes, start taking your places." one of the american camera directors announced.
'way to ruin my poetic confession.'
"ok! tae, hobi, get a quick warm-up done, then we'll start taking our places." jimin said, pushing them towards the middle-right of the stage where gukk was previously stretching. me, jimin, yoongi, gukk, and jin gathered at the center of the stage, waiting to take our places for butter.
tae and hobi soon joined 3 minutes later, then we began rehearsals.
|no ones pov|
the camerawoman was already filming for their bangtan bomb by the time bts had started rehearsing, focusing on the main parts like the dance break. when they had finished with butter, they returned to the side of the stage where their choreographer was to review.
"after jungkook's 'smooth like butter' at the beginning, the rest of you guys can follow him forward." their choreographers said, gesturing towards jungkook and then back to the rest of the members. "ok! a-are you able to turn voice up?" jungkook asked one of the sound coordinators, hoping that he could understand him enough. "got it, try it out now." the sound coordinator said, looking back up to jungkook. "ahhh, ah, oh! thank you!" he said giving a thumbs up. "when yoongi's part comes up, split up to each side of the stage so it doesn't seem all in one place." "so yoongi, taehyung, and hoseok on the right side and namjoon, seokjin, me, and jungkook on the left side?" jimin asked pointing to each side of the stage. "and then we should meet up in the middle again after namjoon's part?" jin also asked. "yeah, just try to make it more fun with interacting with the crowd and such." one of their staff said.
"coldplay's here to start my universe rehearsals." one of the staff stated, announcing coldplay's entrance to the stage.
"so we're going to split up for my universe as we did for butter?." namjoon asked into his mic to one of the directors, "yes, but you will do different members and it will be equal with chris joining you." the director responded, walking back to the where the cameras were at. "me, rm, j-hope and you will go to left side of stage, and suga, jin, jimin, and jungkook will go to right of stage." tae said, pointing to each side of the stage. "yeah that sounds good." chris martin responded looking around the stage and then turning around, informing his bandmates.
"5 minutes left before the next artist's rehearsal. please start exiting the stage."
"wait, american artists have stage rehearsals too?" jungkook questioned as he was taking off his mic while walking off the stage.
armies would definitely notice the judgment on yoongi's face as he stared at the oblivious boy in front of him.
"a-anyway let's start heading off the stage." namjoon stuttered, slowly looking away from jungkook, while also taking off his mic.
when all of the members left the stage, they gathered up in a line on the side to talk about rehearsals in front of the camerawoman who was finishing up today's filming of the bangtan bomb.
taehyung was the only was who seemed out of it as he stared at the figure who walked past them and up onto the stage where they wouldn't be able to see it properly. he was grateful that by the time he felt the tears gather in his eyes, the camerawoman had put her camera down.
jin was the first to notice the difference in taehyung as he was standing across from him and he also kept glancing at the stage, where the next artist was seemingly rehearsing. "hey, hey, tae, what's wrong? is something bothering you?" jin was suddenly in front of taehyung with his hands to his face, comforting him. "i-i saw her h-hyung!" tae cried, grabbing onto the hands that were on his face. jin had suspected that y/n would be here, but performing too? he couldn't make assumptions that the person tae was talking about was her, but jin felt that he wasn't too far from it. "let's get back to the hotel, then you can tell us everything." yoongi sighed, ushering the rest of the members to the back entrance of the arena.
the only thing that the members had on their minds was the fact that the person that taehyung saw was more than likely y/n, and that if it was her, she would be performing right after them.
. . .
Hope you enjoyed the new chapter of this story <3
{Updates are (at least) once a month if get lucky}
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oldflyingraven · 2 years
Day 26: No one left behind
Prompt: Seperated
Grian took a last deep breath before jumping in as well, expecting to pop in right next to Taurtis on the other side.  Instead he landed painfully on the end stone with nobody in sight.
Read it here or on AO3!
“Are you ready Gri?” Pearls excited voice drew him away from the portal. Besides her stood Martyn and Taurtis.
“As i’ll ever be,” he responded with trepidation. He’d never fought the Ender dragon before. And this was an older version too!
“You’ll have us by your side man! It’s gonna be fine,” Martyn said, patting him on the back.
“Three, two, one, let’s go!” Taurtis shouted. Then, he took a leap and jumped into the portal.
Grian took a last deep breath before jumping in as well, expecting to pop in right next to Taurtis on the other side.
Instead he landed painfully on the end stone with nobody in sight. “Taurtis?” he called out shakily.
Nobody responded.
“Martyn? Pearl?!” his voice rose.
But nobody responded.
A mighty roar above him almost made him fall off of the platform he’d spawned on. He dropped to the ground, curling up to make himself less visible. Then, he grabbed his communicator. His friends’s achievements were all visible in chat, but nobody was around him!
Grian: guys?
Grian: where are you?!
Martyn: why am I alone on the platform?
Pearlescentmoon: I’m in the end like you guys but you’re not here
Taurtis: this is bad
Martyn: did we glitch?
Bad. This was so bad. Here he was, alone. Fighting a foe he’d never seen before. Taking in a shaky breath he tried to remember what Martyn had told him. Towers first, then the dragon. He quickly bridged to the main island and shot at the first crystal. It exploded violently. But it also got the attention of the dragon. She immediately swooped towards him and hit him with a fireball. It shot him backwards straight into the void.
He respawned back on the platform in the end.
He didn’t scream when he woke up. The only noise he could make were panicked, shallow breaths and whimpers. Alone. He was alone in the room. No Pearl, no Martyn, no Taurtis. For all he knew a Watcher could show up any second and take him back. After all, that was what had happened the last time he’d been separated from his friends. He stumbled out of bed. Practically falling out of the door he tried to remember the way outside. He needed to see someone. Anyone!
“Grian?” Mumbo asked with concern. The relief of seeing another person made his weak legs buckle. “Woah!” bless his quick reflexes. He managed to catch Grian before he hit the ground. They sunk to the ground together. “You’re okay, you’re okay. You’re safe,” Mumbo said, running his hand through Grian’s hair.
“Pearl- I need to see- where are they?” Grian sobbed. “Taurtis is gone, where are- the rest- I need- I can’t,”
“They still register as active. Martyn and Pearl at least. I’m sure they’re in hiding somewhere,” Mumbo said gently.
Grian whimpered. “But Taurtis is gone.”
There was nothing Mumbo could say except “I’m sorry.”
“I saw it happen,” the broken confession fell from Grian’s lips before he could stop it. “They forced me to watch while Evo collapsed. I saw Pearl and Martyn- they escaped before it was consumed but Taurtis- he wasn’t- he couldn’t- get away. I saw how his code was erased. Just- he vanished while he s-” he couldn’t finish.
Mumbo cursed under his breath. “That’s- I’m sorry doesn’t cut it,” he said.  
“I’m scared- I don’t want to lose you as well.”
“You won’t. I promise,” Mumbo said. “With my whole heart, I promise. Hermitcraft is safe. If you want I can get Xisuma to show you the firewall.”
Grian shook his head. “Don’t leave me alone,” he whispered.
“I won’t. I won’t.”  
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