#like oh okay I guess i'm not safe anywhere ever
crimsonservbot · 3 months
gonna be honest, its incredibly demoralizing for going through transitioning if you can't even be Transgender on the Transgender Website
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*based off this awesome art right here by @chocoarts - the sketch on the left in particular :)
It doesn’t take long for Steve to get used to Eddie’s raised-by-wolves levels of affection. The hair chewing and the shoulder nibbles and the freckle licking. It’s never classified normal stuff - definitely not stuff he ever did with dainty Hawkins High girls, that’s for damn sure.
But still, it takes no time to get used to it. Full on expects it, by now. The most notable time that Steve is expecting it is on their one year anniversary.
Two months prior to the Big Day, Eddie's spontaneity and Steve's boredom led to an impulsive stick-and-poke tattoo on Steve's forearm. Eddie wanted to give Steve a simple crown. Told him it was to reclaim the stupid nickname from high school, make it his own.
'Overthrow all the teenaged bullshit. Kick trauma in the metaphorical ass.' Eddie had said after completing it, smiling up at Steve. 'It's what kings do best.'
After that day, Steve decides to add on to his impulsive tattoo and surprise Eddie with it. He gets one small bat, just like the ones on Eddie's arm. Gets it right next to the crown, side-by-side. The same way they all fought together a while back.
As soon as Eddie sees the addition, he tackles Steve, linebacker style. Steve is ready for it, totally braces for the aggressive affection. Fucking loves it. Expects it.
However, Eddie doesn't just stop there. Oh no. He climbs up Steve's body, tightly wrapping his arms around Steve's neck. Wraps his legs around Steve's upper arms even tighter.
Which... how the hell did Eddie get so flexible? And when the hell did Eddie get so flexible? Like, yeah they do some semi-contortionist stuff in the bedroom, mostly when they're hyped up on sugary soft drinks.
But this? This is... new. Wild.
He clutches on to Steve like he's a goddamn tree trunk. Some rare tree species that's in grave danger of being chopped down from the rainforest or whatever. He’s making lots of pleased sounds, singing maybe. Hard to tell for sure.
Steve holds Eddie firmly, hands underneath his thigh, his back, anywhere that he can get a solid grip. Keeps him safe from whatever corporate bulldozer that dares to take down their weirdly amazing love.
"Shit, I'm crazy about you." Eddie nuzzles into Steve's hair. "Like... totally and completely."
Steve laughs, comes out a bit strangled from the way Eddie is clinging to him. "Guessing you like it, huh?"
"Duh." Eddie slides off, connecting their hands on his way down.
"It represents-"
"I know what it represents." Eddie interrupts, his expression softens from the reminder, the difficult topic they're both skipping around. "You don't have to say it."
He does though, Steve has to say it. Needs to say it the same exact way Eddie had said it to him two months ago.
Because yeah, they act tough about what went down that night. But that doesn't mean they should just be stuck in a cycle of Acting Tough. Pretending to be okay all the damn time.
So Steve takes Eddie's arm, the one that's covered with tiny bat silhouettes. He holds their two arms together and carefully brushes over each tattoo design. Tells Eddie to reclaim the stupid scars that litter his body.
"Fight off all the inter-dimensional bullshit. Kick trauma's metaphorical ass." Steve smiles up at Eddie, who suddenly looks serious, focused. "It's what heroes do best."
"Steve." The seriousness is wiped clean off of Eddie's face. It's quickly replaced with a gentle grin. Relief reaching over his furrowed brow. No more worry lines. No more grimace. He looks at ease. Content, maybe.
And as much as Steve enjoys making Eddie feel content, he wants him happier right now. So he switches up the energy, tries to lighten the mood a little. Steve hooks his fingers into Eddie's front pockets, readying to pull him in.
It's predictable, been his go to make-out move any time they're standing up. This is a special fucking day, however, and that calls for a Special Edition Make-Out Move.
So Steve digs each hand deep into Eddie's pockets, wiggles them around a bit. Watches Eddie's cheeks go pink, blotchy red in some places. Steve moves all of the coins and lint and questionable items out of the way, making room.
He takes deep breath, then yanks the seams at the very bottom of each pocket, flipping the material inside out. Sticking straight up from his jeans.
Eddie is all red now, flushed down to his neck. "What the..."
Steve tugs on the flipped out pocket seams, jolting Eddie closer. He lands on Steve's lips, colliding a bit roughly. For a second, they're too busy smiling to kiss properly. But Steve slides his hands up Eddie's chest, around his neck, scratches the tiny hairs on the back of Eddie's head, and that's it. That's all that it takes for them to get lost in the kiss.
Eddie's mouth opens, biting the center of Steve's bottom lip. Breathes out the warmest air as he lets go, returns to a softer approach. Steve licks over the spot, soothes the pulse that Eddie left behind.
"That was... different. " Eddie laughs. He swipes his tongue over Steve's cupids bow, traces an outline until Steve is laughing too.
"Bad different?" Steve asks.
"Not at all." Eddie shakes Steve by the shoulders like he’s nuts for asking such an outrageous question. "Besides, different is right up my alley, babe."
"I'm highly aware."
"Didn't realize I was such a bad influence on your freakier side."
"What can I say?" Steve shrugs, steals one of Eddie’s rings to twirl around his finger. "I'm very easily persuaded."
They head over to the couch, kissing haphazardly as they flop down. Eddie tugs and twists at the fabric of Steve’s shirt, stretching it out. Wrinkling it. Steve couldn’t care less if it gets ruined because Eddie will be the one ruining it.
Eddie sighs into the kiss. Not a sexy sigh either (which are obviously Steve’s favorite of the sighing variety). It sounds more shocked. Disbelief or something.
Steve angles his head away from the kiss to see that Eddie’s eyes are open, wandering all over Steve’s face. It’s pretty cute, seeing Eddie too busy just staring to even shut his eyes mid-kiss. Like his schedule is too jam-packed up with Gawking, has to multitask during their make out sessions now.
"Kinda can’t believe it." Eddie finally says, still staring.
"What?" Steve stares backs. Makes it a staring contest. Doesn't tell Eddie though cause he wants to win.
Eddie motions toward his pockets that are still turned inside out. "After one whole year, you still keep me on my toes with shit like that."
"I do?"
"Sure do. You're something else, babe.”
"I am?" Steve blinks.
Damnit, he lost the one-sided staring contest.
“Yup.” Eddie nods, transitions to chewing on a chunk of Steve’s hair like he always does. Sometimes, he’ll make mooing sounds. Especially after sex, when he’s at his goofiest. Most comfortable.
It’s fucking unreal how Steve has learned all of these quirks. How he waits for them, anticipates them. Every bit feels familiar to him now.
"You're unexpected in all the best ways, Harrington."
Steve tries not to gush at that compliment. It's not one he gets often.
Eddie stops chewing on Steve’s hair to kiss his cheek instead. The kiss is powdery-sweet, miles away from his usual eagerness. Still perfect somehow. Just like the weird stuff is somehow perfect too.
That's kind of who they are together. Weird and unexpected.
In all the best ways.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
hi love <3 if ur taking requests rn, I was wondering if you could do another secret relationship w bucky. i love love love your two fanfics with that trope.
with this one, could be it be that the reader is the newest (and youngest) avenger, is basically liquid sunshine, everyone on the team adores her, they’re all overprotective (esp nat, steve, and tony), yada yada yada. but they don’t know that she’s been secretly seeing bucky since like the third week she’s started. and with bucky, he’s her first everything, and she just falls so much in love with him (i need the fluff after reading those angsty fics)
thank you, and if you decid not to write this, that’s completely fine! the other thing I ask is just to take care of yourself and have a great day.
You may have guessed my weaknesses by now but secret relationships and getting caught has this unholy choke hold on me and I will never let it go (also I'm so sorry I took forever to get to this, I loved this so much)
Warnings: FLUFFFF a lil bit of angst, implied smut 
"Bye y/n!"
“Be safe darling, call us if you need anything” Nat pressed a quick kiss to your head before boarding the jet. 
“Don’t let Barnes bite” Tony murmured, only half jokingly. If Bucky even thought of laying a finger on you, all hell would break loose, no one touched the team’s precious baby. You were the youngest and newest avenger to join the team and every single person was extremely protective over you, Tony, Steve and Nat especially. You were sunshine in a bottle and they made sure they took care of you at all times. 
That meant they’d whisk you away before missions got too risky. They’d fiercely fight anyone that tired to hurt you. That also meant  no one would ever get to break your heart because they’d screen any potential date you had. What they didn’t know was you had been dating Bucky from the third week you joined, which had been well over a year ago. 
It didn’t take long for you to fall for the super solider, especially when he roamed around the compound at night and you were a complete night owl. Passing smiles became late night walks. Late night rides on his motor bike. Late night hugs. Cuddles. Kisses. Moans and messes between the sheets...
You couldn’t actually tell anyone about the relationship. The team would have had Bucky’s head served on a platter for going anywhere near you. It pained you because you loved Bucky and while the team was protective over you, you were more protective over him. 
“It’ll be fine, you be careful though, okay?” Steve gave you a quick hug before following behind Nat, the team waving at you while you stood at the compound entrance. You waved back, watching the jet take off, your eyes growing wide when you felt someone behind you. 
“Hey baby” 
You yelped, feeling a thick pair of arms wrap around you, his beard tickling your skin as he buried his face into your neck “Do they know I bite you and kiss you and taste you and fuc-
“Oh my god James” You giggled, squealing when Bucky lifted you into his arms, peppering your face with kisses. “You couldn’t even wait 5 minutes for them to leave?” 
“Nope” He smirked, happily carrying you over to his room, dropping you onto his bed before flopping on top of you. “Couldn’t waste another second to get you all to myself. Now I can bite my girl as much as I want wherever I want” You giggled feeling Bucky’s fingers tickle your waist while he playfully nipped your skin, holding you in place “And no one can do anything about it” He said triumphantly. 
“You little perv” You narrowed your eyes at him, all clothes thrown off within seconds. 
“Only a little perv for you doll” 
“We can’t do anything Bucky, your still healing from the last mission” You rolled your eyes while he huffed dramatically, burying his face into your chest, hitching his leg over you. 
“Fine. Naked cuddles?” 
“C’mon, let’s go, time for drinks” 
The team had landed back from their mission with plans in place to go to the bar after reports were done. Tony was the first to head down, followed by the rest. You and Bucky sat on opposite ends of the couch without making eye contact, waiting for everyone to join before heading out. 
Moments earlier in Bucky’s room
“And where do you think you’re going looking like that baby” Bucky caught your arm as you passed his room, quickly pulling you inside. 
“Bucky, they’ll see us” You whispered warningly, your mind turning to mush as he pressed his body against yours, nipping your jawline. 
“Can’t help it, I won’t get to kiss you all night” Bucky pouted, nuzzling into your neck. “I just want a kiss” 
You giggle, cupping his face and pulling him down for a sweet kiss. You tried to pull away but Bucky chased your lips, claiming you again. 
“Bubba, you said one kiss” 
“Just one more”
“Noo, that was too short, one more?”
*intense puppy eyes* 
10 kisses later  
“Looks like that’s all of us, FRIDAY, tell Happy to pull the cars around” The team piled into a few cars; no one had the intention of driving when they all fully intended on drinking their body weight in alcohol. 
The night was going smoothly. You sat in the booth with Nat and Wanda while the guys headed off to the bar to grab a few more drinks. You had a light buzz, doing your best to keep the goofy grin that kept trying to sneak on your face each time you turned back to see your beautiful boyfriend. All black outfit. His dark grey arm. The gold accents. His chestnut hair. Stubble. His blue eyes. Pink lips. Perfect nose. His eyes twinkled as he glanced over at you, a tiny smirk playing on his lips. A man passed Bucky, pausing in front of him. You could see the light from his face drop. 
“Can’t believe they let people like you out” 
You blinked. Surely you heard wrong. 
“Honestly, who let him in here” 
You didn’t. 
Bucky swallowed thickly, frozen in place while Steve came to his side, placing himself between the two men. 
“Do we have a problem here?”
“I think so, why the hell is the winter solider allowed to be out in public” 
Tony and Sam made their way over but not quick enough. It took you less than three strides, shoving yourself in front of Steve, your hand itching to to grab the knife in your thigh holster. 
“What the fuck did you say to him?” Your voice came out a growl through gritted teeth, daring the man to continue. He was only slightly taller than you, but that didn’t phase you, you had taken on worse. 
“You heard me. What the fuck you gonna do about it princess” The man sneered, while Tony and Sam tried to intervene, but you weren’t having it. You grabbed the man by the throat, easily slamming his face against the wooden table of the bar, pressing his face onto the hard counter. You smirked that the tooth that had fallen out, your hands squeezing around his neck tighter the more he tried to pull away. 
“You say that about him again” You hissed, holding the man in place while he continued to squirm. You were relentless, no one, absolutely no one spoke about your Bucky that way. “Don’t you fucking dare” 
“Baby, let him go” Bucky called for you softly, his hands gently gripping your shoulders. You could feel the warmth of his hands melting onto your skin, reluctantly letting go of the man while he dropped to the floor, wheezing. Bucky carefully pulled you away towards him, his heart beating out of his chest because he had some how fallen even more in love with you. 
“Are you okay bubba?” You cupped his face, while he gazed down at you with heart eyes, leaning into your touch. 
“Why wouldn’t I be, I have my own little body guard looking out for me” Bucky whispered before pulling you in for a kiss, completely forgetting (although honestly not caring) that everyone was staring at you both. Steve had the man thrown out, joining the rest in the staring immediately after. 
The team blinked wide eyed, everyone frozen in place. So many questions. First at their little sun shines out burst. You hardly swore let alone raised your voice. You’d once apologized for punching someone too hard. Now you were breaking teeth? 
Why the fuck did you call Bucky bubba? He’s a 6′5 trained assassin. You hadn’t dated anyone since you arrived. Bucky and you never even spoke. Why was he looking at you like that. Now he called you baby? 
“What the hell...” 
You broke out of your trance with Bucky to see Steve, Nat and Tony staring you while Sam and Clint smirked. Tony was the first to speak up, motioning between you and Bucky. 
“You want to explain this?” 
“I love him and he’s mine” You stated matter of factly, wrapping your arms around Bucky protectively. “All mine” 
Bucky couldn’t help but melt into your embrace, his arms hugging you tightly to him. He’d never had anyone love him so fiercely; other than Steve, no one had ever thought to protect him. He’d spent years protecting himself and then you came along. This little drop of sunshine that turned into fire when someone tried to hurt him. 
“All yours huh?” Tony mused while you nodded, your face buried in Bucky’s chest.��“Well he’s not special, he has to pass the screening if he wants to date you”
Steve snorted while Bucky looked at the team with wide eyes, their faces all dead serious. 
“What, who said you get to date our baby without permission. Question 1 Barnes, what are your intentions with our y/n?” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog @happyt0exist @emmabarnes @bethyruth   @matchat3a @cjand10 @getwellsoontana @cherryschaos @lokisasgardianvampirequeen   @ashenc-blog   @buckybarnessimpp  @potatothots @goldylions   @high-functioning-lokipath  @morganemorganite-blog @peaches1958 @kingfleury @spiderman-stilinski @peaceinourtime82   @gublur @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46 @lolawassad @almosttoopizza @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess @buckycallsmeaslut @kamaria-sweet-writes @charmedbysarge @samfreakingwinchester @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02 @gh0stgurl
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Best day of my life (USWNT x ADHD reader)
Song: The one my heart beats for by Greg Steinfeld
This took longer than I expected and I got a bit carried away, but it's finally done!
I love this series, but I think it might be coming to an end. I'm open to doing one more part if you guys might want one, let me know and feel free to send me some ideas!
Warnings: Panic attack, self doubt
Part One, Two, Three, Four
Words: 7.3k
"What's got you so excited today?" Tierna asked sitting down next to me on the field. While I had tried to tone it down a bit, I was very hyperactive today. My hyperactivity was always worse when I was excited, there was pretty much nothing that could be done to stop it. Ally had to go back home for a month for work. We hadn't been apart for that long since her promotion so I was suffering. She was coming back today so it was safe to say I was extremely excited.  
"Take a guess."
"Something to do with your better half I'd say. Is she coming back today?"
I did a little wiggle before flopping back onto the grass, "Yup. A month is way too long to not be with her. Oh! It's also her birthday in a few days! I love her birthday because it's the one day I get to go all out spoiling her and she can't complain about it." 
"You two are adorable, I love how excited you get to see her. We should do a team dinner to celebrate Ally's birthday. Is the wedding planning all done?"
"You guys would really want to celebrate her birthday? Um also mostly, we just need to sort out wedding rings and honeymoon."
Tierna looked at me like I had just said the craziest thing ever, "You're marrying her, we see her almost as much as you and she is amazing. Y/n, Ally is family now, of course we want to celebrate her. What rings are you going to get?"
The problem was, I had no idea what my ring was going to be. I had been scouring the internet and countless jewelers for anything that might work, but I was drawing a blank. Rings were a sensory nightmare for me, I could wear them for a short time before they started driving me crazy. Ally had gotten me a few rings over the years, mostly fidget rings. She knew I liked them and wanted to try adjusting even though I always ended up wearing them on a chain. It was my wedding ring though, I wanted to be able to wear it normally, to show off that I was married.
"I don't know. I think Ally is going to use her engagement ring since she loves it so much. I really struggle with wearing rings so we were talking about getting me a fidget ring though a fancier one to fit as a wedding ring. That way I can play with it and hopefully it'll help me get used to it. Ally wouldn't care if I wore it on a chain, but I want to wear it like normal people do, I want to show off I'm married T."
"Hey, don't go comparing yourself to others okay? I think a fidget ring is a great idea and it's awesome you're trying to adjust even if it makes you uncomfortable. Just be patient with yourself and if all else fails, just get it tattooed."
"That's not a silly idea. Thanks T."
"Hey Y/n, wher-"
"Don't have time," I yelled running away from Emily. Ally had messaged saying she was downstairs. I was very excited to see her, but I also wasn't going to let her carry her bags up herself. Whenever we went anywhere, I carried her bags. Ally had messaged me when she was already in the lobby, so I was in a rush to beat her before she could come up. 
Before Ally had the chance to turn around I wrapped my arms around her waist and spun her around. She squealed, well at least the person I was currently spinning around squealed. As soon as I heard it, I realised it wasn't Ally. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else."
The women laughed, before turning around to reveal Ally's younger sister. When you see her face on, they look nothing alike, but behind they look very similar, "Hi Y/n."
"Dani? What are you doing here? Where's Ally? I'm very confused."
"Ally's over there getting her key. I'm in town for a work conference so figured I'd come see Ally for her birthday." By this point, the coaches just automatically roomed me alone, but put down for two so Ally could stay with me. There had been a bit of push back when Ally first started traveling with me, though it was quickly realised that I played better when sharing a room with Ally.
After giving Dani a proper hug, I pulled away to go find Ally. There was no way I was going to repeat what just happened so instead I tapped Ally on the shoulder once she was clearly identified. "A warning would have been nice y'know, I just picked up and spun around your sister. Like I'm not complaining, I love your sister, but I love you more."
"I know, I saw and it was hilarious." I pouted. Ally giggled, pulling me into a hug and subtly kissing my neck. We didn't go out of our way to hide our relationship, but we were more careful in public. Things were easier without the public interfering, I also didn't want Ally to have to deal with the meanness of some of the fans. "I'm sorry my love. It was a last minute plan."
I pretended to think about it for a second before smirking, "Hmm I'll forgive you later when we're alone."
Ally blushed, but pulled me over to Dani without a word. I could only guess what was going through her mind. Dani had become like a sister to me pretty much as soon as we had met. So despite my initial embarrassment, I was actually really excited to see her. She was only a few months younger than me and much to Ally's dismay, she did match my energy most of the time. Ally loved that we got along, but it meant she had to deal with two crazy people. 
It was too early for dinner yet so Ally, Dani and I hung around in our room for a while catching up and talking about wedding stuff. Dani made me sit through the torture of looking at her possible dress choices. Ally loved it, but I would rather be doing anything else. Dani literally sat on me though, so there was no other option. 
Ally was taking too long to get ready so Dani and I decided to wait for her in the lobby. I had spent too much time sitting down and was feeling restless so I ran down the stairs while Dani walked behind me, complaining she wasn't an athlete and to slow down. I just flipped her off and ran faster, knowing full well that if Ally or Ali found out I would be in trouble.
Dani had decided to chase me after flipping her off. Some of the team were hanging around the lobby so I made a beeline to Ali and hid behind her, though Dani hadn't given up. I managed a few laps around Ali before she grabbed my shirt, allowing Dani to catch me. The team watched on as Dani tickled me, while I tried to fight her off. It wasn't an easy task given the full blown fits of laughter, but I managed to get her into a headlock. 
Eventually, Dani pulled out of my grip, doubling over in laughter while attempting to catch her breath. I followed suit, not realising how many eyes were currently on us. "Uh hey Y/n and mystery women who's not your fiancé."
My head shot up as I realised how strange this probably looked to them. "Right, this is Dani. Dani the team."
"Hello team."
"Where's Ally?" Ali asked, still looking very confused.
"She was taking too long to get ready as always so we left without her. We're always waiting on her, such a slowpoke." Dani answered, getting raised eye brows in response. A few of the team looked like they wanted to say something, but held back. It was then I realised I hadn't actually told them who Dani was.
"Dani is Ally's sister by the way. She's in town for work so we thought we'd go out for an early birthday dinner for Ally."
"Ohh that makes more sense. Nice to meet you Dani."
Ally caught my eye, looking stunning as always. I was really looking forward to having time alone with her. Not necessarily for inappropriate reasons, but to cuddle with her, the lazy make out sessions before we fell asleep or when we woke up and just being close to her. Dani flicked my ear, running out of my reach. Ali dodged me as I ran around her, moving to the safety of where Ally was standing, "Are they always like that?"
"Unfortunately. Dani matches Y/n's energy pretty much constantly so it's like having a hyperactive Y/n, times like 10 because they feed off each other. Dani is like the sister Y/n never had. They're happy, so I'm happy even though it's exhausting sometimes. I'll give them a few minutes to tire themselves out before stopping them, hopefully they'll sit through dinner."
"Good luck. The team and I were thinking we could go out for dinner to celebrate your birthday. Either on the day or a day around it. What do you think?"
"I would love that." Ally's smile caught my eye, distracting me from where I was going and making me run into Kristie. She stopped me from falling, but all my attention was still on Ally. It was one of her genuinely happy smiles, something that people wouldn't be able to tell apart from her regular smiles. This smile was more lopsided and toothy, the corner of her eyes crinkling just a bit more. Besides her love filled smile it was my favourite smile. Kristie and Dani followed my eye line when I didn't say anything for a while, "What are you looking at?"
"She's looking at Ally of course. She's in looooove."
"More than I ever thought possible," I mumbled, moving over to stand next to Ally. "I love you."
We had finished dinner a little while ago and had been walking around, but we all had to be up early so we dropped Dani at her hotel before starting the short walk back to ours. There weren't that many people around so my arm wrapped around Ally's shoulder, pulling her against me as we walked. "I love everyone and everything, but I'm really glad we're alone now. I missed you."
Ally kissed the spot under my ear, "I missed you too Y/n/n. Thankfully, I don't think I'll need to spend that much time away for a while."
"Good. Mmm I can't wait to cuddle."
"I believe you hinted at something earlier."
"Oh yeah, you giving me a massage to make up for not telling me about Dani."
Ally groaned, pushing me away, "You're such a tease."
I laughed, pulling Ally back into me, peppering her face with kisses, "I'm sorry."
"Nah," She pouted, walking away and into the hotel. I went to chase after her, but a group of fans outside the hotel called out to me. Interacting with fans was one of my favourite things to do so of course I went over. I knew she wasn't seriously mad or anything so it made me feel less bad about going over to them. Also, she was waiting just inside giving me reassuring smiles. Ten minutes and dozens of photos later, I made my way back into the hotel, following Ally into the elevator. 
My arms wrapped around her waist from behind, leaving light kisses across her neck. Sometimes, I felt bad that Ally had to deal with me being well known to the public. She never complained about it, instead keeping her distance and allowing me to interact as I wanted to. The guilt was hitting pretty hard right now though.
Once we were back in the room, Ally cupped my cheek, pulling me in for a slow, lingering kiss, "What's wrong?"
I shrugged, not meeting her eyes, "Nothing."
"Liar. You haven't said a word since you came inside, you got all soft and touchy suddenly so talk to me."
 "You're the best you know that? It can't be easy dating someone who's in the public eye all the time."
"You're feeling guilty again aren't you?" I just nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed. Ally straddled my legs, letting my head fall against her shoulder. "Y/n, I knew before we started dating that you were in the public eye and that once you got called up, it would only get worse. Maybe it's not always easy, but if I couldn't handle it, then I wouldn't have pursued you, let alone agreed to spend the rest of my life with you. You're respectful about it, you know the time and place to leave me to interact with them. Please don't feel guilty Y/n/n. Now, I know it's getting late, but I've really really missed you so what do you say we get reacquainted."
Once we were thoroughly reacquainted and cuddled up in bed for the night, I completed my nightly routine of scrolling the internet for my wedding ring. This time though I think I found the one. It was a simple black titanium fidget ring, engraved with shooting stars. They were subtle as they were black and flush with the surface. Ally absolutely loved stars so it would be a little reminder of her when we were apart. Another perk was there was the option to have the band width smaller which would be perfect.
I quickly rolled over toward Ally, making her look at me confused. "Baby I think I finally found my ring."
"Ooo show me." Ally grinned after seeing the photo, kissing my temple, "I love it. Stars because of me right?"
"You know me too well. A part of you for when you're not around."
"You're such a sap."
I cuddled against her side, leaning up to connect our lips, "Only for you Ally."
"Better be. Now we've got everything else sorted, we need to plan our honeymoon."
"Honestly, I don't even know where to start. There are so many options."
"Well, you've always talked about wanting to go back to New Zealand to explore the south island. Maybe we could do that? It'll be winter, but it'll be ski season."
"Wait really? That sounds amazing. It kinda fits, skiing was our first trip as a couple and it'll be our first trip as a married couple. I'll look into game schedules so we can book it."
Something anyone could tell you was that I was not in the slightest a morning person. I hated waking up early and would do everything to avoid it. That being said, there were three days in a year that I naturally woke up early for. They were Ally's birthday, our anniversary and since meeting Ally, Christmas. This morning I was awake at 7:30am because it was Ally's 27th birthday. It was too early to wake her up so I spent almost an hour enjoying cuddles before getting restless and sneaking out of bed to find breakfast for us. 
I peppered Ally's face with kisses. She groaned, shoving her face further against my chest, "Baby wake up it's your birthday!"
"Why does my birthday have to be one of the three days a year you turn into a morning person?" Ally groaned.
"Because I get to spoil you and you can't complain. Now I got you breakfast. I couldn't make it this year, but I found a cafe close by that had all your favourites so you gotta wake up."
Ally protested, but sat up anyway, taking the coffee with a sleepy smile. We ate breakfast in comfortable quite, some random show playing in the background. I just wanted to give her the presents I got, but I wanted her to enjoy her breakfast while it was warm so I waited impatiently. As soon as Ally finished eating, I pecked her lips before practically running to the cupboard where I had hidden them.
"Y/n, why did you get me so much? You know you don't have to."
"I don't have to, I want to so deal with it. Besides, it's only three things. You are an amazing, incredible women who deserves to be spoilt. I love you so much. Happy birthday my love."
"Thank you Y/n/n. I do appreciate it even though I don't like you buying me heaps of stuff. I love you."
"I know, now open them!"
In all honesty, I wanted to buy Ally much more than I actually did, but I knew she would feel really bad and not enjoy them as much. Instead I stuck with matching silver initial necklaces with a heart pendant, a star map of the night I proposed and a custom engraved keychain with a photo of me standing behind Ally, arms wrapped around her as she looked back at me with a huge grin. It was her favourite photo of us. These were all things that she had talked about wanting. Ally grinned, launching herself into my arms giggling. "You remembered. Thank you, I love them."
"You wanna know a secret?" Ally nodded quickly, "You know my memories shit so whenever you point something out that you want or talk about, I write it down in my phone notes so I remember."
"Really? You're so sweet Y/n/n. Put this on for me?"
I secured the necklace around her neck, leaving kisses across her neck and jaw before leaving a lingering kiss against her lips. "I have a whole day planned for you. Don't even ask because it's all a surprise."
We spent a while making out before moving to the shower and finally leaving the hotel. Ally went for a spa and massage session, while I went to get stuff required for a picnic lunch at the gardens. It was a little bit chilly, but Ally loved picnics so it was still perfect. We just used it as an excuse to cuddle the whole time. After the picnic, we walked around for a little bit before going to a board game cafe. They had a heap of board games you could play while you were there. While board games may not have been my thing, they were definitely Ally's and her birthday was all about things that she liked doing. That night, I took Ally to a restaurant where the team were waiting to surprise her. Of course we finished the night cuddled up in bed watching all of Ally's favourite movies. 
I felt multiple intense and overwhelming feelings as I read the text from an unknown number. 
Unknown: Hi Y/n, it's mum and dad. We're sorry it's been a while, but we've been thinking about you recently and wanted to check in, see how you're doing?
Unknown: We also heard you were getting married and wanted to say congratulations. We're sure he's lovely and can't wait to meet him. Maybe we can sort out a time before your wedding?
Anger, disgust, sadness, fear and many more emotions swirled around my head as all I could do was stare at the message. I didn't know how they had gotten my number, how they knew I was getting married or why they suddenly felt the need to reach out after years of no contact. There was nothing on my public social media about it and the only family I still talked to were a few cousins that had nothing to do with my parents. It was safe to say I was confused as hell and slightly scared at how they were getting information on me. They also knew I was gay, yet they still refused to acknowledge it, instead deciding to misgender my fiancé. 
I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to process it. The familiar tightness in my chest returned as my breath caught in my throat. The tightness that I hadn't felt in so long. It felt like I was drowning, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't catch my breath. My phone fell to the floor, catching the attention of some of the girls. They were saying stuff that I couldn't comprehend as a hand landed on my shoulder. I knew they were trying to help, but it just sent more panic through me as I shrugged it off and stumbled back. 
Arms wrapped tightly around me from behind, calming me down enough to realise it was Ali. I wanted my Ally, but Ali was helping enough to breath a little easier despite still panicking. 
"You're okay, I've got you Y/n. Ally is coming, but I need you to take some deep breaths for me. Just follow my breathing."
The more I focused on mine and her breathing, the easier it became. I found myself relaxing against Ali. The tightness in my chest slowly disappearing. A few minutes later, hands cupped my face, familiar lips leaving soft kisses across my face before landing on my lips.
"Ally," I whimpered, pushing myself into her arms. 
"I've got you my love. Come on, let's go back to our room."
Ally didn't question what had happened straight away, instead she held me tightly as I curled into her side and cried. All the feelings and memories from growing up came rushing back. It had been years since I cried over them, I couldn't help feeling stupid. They didn't deserve my tears. 
A hand ran through my hair and down my back, effectively helping me to calm down enough to stop the tears, but left me a hiccupping mess, "What happened Y/n/n?"
I handed her my phone, never leaving the safety of her side, "Messages."
She was quiet for a few seconds before my phone was thrown back on the bed next to us and I was held tighter, "Oh hell no. Don't even give them the satisfaction of a reply, they don't deserve it and you don't need to deal with this. We can just block them and move past this."
"I know that's what I should do. I don't want anything to do with them, but how did they know I was getting married? We haven't posted anything publicly and we don't know anyone who has anything to do with them. They also shouldn't be able to message, I blocked them. It scares me."
"Okay, I'll text them back and ask then block them. You're not going to have anything to do with it."
"Thank you Ally. I feel like this is a huge step back. I thought I had accepted the situation and moved past it, but I obviously haven't."
"That's not true. It was unexpected, they put you through hell and this was a normal reaction. You've made so much progress, this doesn't take away from that. I know it might have taken you back to times you don't want to remember, but you'll move past it. We'll work through this together."
"I love you."
"I love you Y/n."
It didn't take long for my parents to reply. In all honesty, they were probably waiting by the phone. They were likely delusional enough to think that everything they did to me would be forgotten and I would welcome them back with open arms. Actually, they never understood what they put me through so in reality they just expected to act like the last 3 years never happened.
"So apparently my gran told her church group I was getting married, showing off photos and everything. Someone from the group recoganised you as the daughter of someone they know from a different group and told them you were getting married. As for your number, apparently they just got a new phone and tried your old number. I guess they got embarrassed that they didn't know so wanted to make themselves look better. I'm so sorry baby, I didn't know they were connected in anyway. I'll talk to gran about keeping stuff to herself."
"It's not your fault, it's such a random connection. I don't blame your grandma either, she's just excited that her granddaughter is getting married. We can talk to her about it tomorrow or something. Can you tell them I don't want anything to do with them, then tell them to fuck off, block them and delete the messages? I don't want any reminder of this."
"Of course. I think maybe we should change your number so this can't happen again."
"That's a tomorrow job as well. For now can we just have a bath then cuddle and watch movies? After you please let the girls know I'm okay."
"That sounds like heaven. Let me call my boss as well and let her know I'm done for the day."
"No, you should be working. I'll be fine."
"That's not happening. You're more important than work."
Ally slipped out of my grip to call her boss and run a bath before coming back. I pouted, lifting my arms up, "Carry me?"
"Baby, I would love to carry you, but you're the strong one. You know I would drop you."
She was right, I knew it from experience. Doesn't mean I didn't pout the whole time I was getting up, "Ugh fine."
"Don't pout. I can give you a massage instead."
None of the team had been told the details of what caused my panic attack a few days. I hadn't wanted to bring it up again. Surprisingly, after the initial panic attack, it hadn't effected me as much as I expected. There had been a few nightmares to begin with, but Ally had stopped me from bottling it up and actually made me deal with it. 
Ali gave me a quick hug before letting me into her room, "I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but you doing okay kiddo?"
"I think so. Ally's been a big help." Besides Ally, Ali was the person I trusted most, so I gave her a quick rundown on what had happened. Even if she tried not to show it, I knew she was worried.  
"Don't worry, even if they show up, they won't be getting in."
"Thanks Ali. I know I've asked a lot of you recently, but I have another favour to ask."
"You know I would do almost anything for you Y/n."
"Will you teach me how to dance? Ally wants to have a first dance, but I don't really know how. She knows and offered not to have one which I agreed to. I'm planning on surprising her though and want it to be perfect."
Ali smiled widely, "Of course I will. I really admire how much effort you're putting into this. I'm sure she'll love it either way because you tried."
Ali put some slow music on quietly in the back ground before standing in front of me, "There are two ways you can do it, either holding one of her hands as you more around or one persons arms around the waist while the others around the neck. Or you can do both depending what you're comfortable with."
Ali guided one of my hands so it was around her waist, hers looped around the back of my neck as she connected our spare hands, "Obviously you two will be closer, but you get the idea."
We moved around in small steps, swaying to the music as I focused on not stepping on her feet. It didn't work though as my foot connected with the top of hers, she flinched, but laughed it off. "It's okay, we'll keep practicing. You're doing great. If you step on her feet, just laugh it off and keep going. I'm pretty sure she won't mind because you're trying."
I stepped on her feet multiple times before managing to go a few minutes without stepping on her feet and we moved on. I was starting to relax by this point while also getting excited about dancing with Ally. Ali looped her arms loosely around my shoulders as mine went around her waist. We mostly just swayed this time as she gave me pointers on where I could rest my hands or head on Ally. "I want you to spin me."
"What? No I can't do that."
"Yes you can, when we do the first dance, move your hand up, spin me around then bring me back in either into the same dance or into the second one which ever feels more comfortable."
As I attempted to spin Ali around, I brought her back in too quickly and ended up head butting her. "Shit, I'm sorry. See I can't do the spin."
"Yes you can, we'll keep practicing. It'll feel easier with Ally because she's a bit shorter than you. Just bring me in slower."
It took a lot more head butting and tripping before I finally got the hang of it. Before we got the chance to practice the full thing properly, Ally's name flashed across my phone screen. I instantly remembered that we had dinner plans tonight and I was running late. 
"I have to go."
"You did good today. On the day you're going to be nervous both because you don't want to mess up in front of everyone and because you want to be good for Ally. So when you start getting nervous, just focus on Ally, let her guide you." 
"Thank you Ali. See you tomorrow."
I couldn't believe in just over three hours I would be married to the love of my life. I was excited beyond belief, but I was also incredibly nervous. What if I wasn't a good wife? What if Ally changed her mind and decided she didn't want to get married anymore? What if we didn't work as a married couple?
I knew it was just me overthinking. Ally and I worked well together. We loved each other deeply, we connected and understood each other, we had fun. Maybe it was cheesy, but we were made for each other. Not just because we met and connected instantly. We worked hard to get where we were, we worked hard to keep our relationship working despite our busy schedules, distance, and my issues with my ADHD. I tried to remember that as my thoughts went crazy, but it wasn't working. Ali was updating me on the set up and preparations, I couldn't focus on anything she was saying though. I was too busy overthinking.
"Y/n, Y/n!"
"Are you okay?"
"I-I-I c-can't do this," I stammered, before running out of the house, Ali calling after me. I didn't stop until I found a hidden part of the beach where I slumped in the sand, tears falling down my cheeks. I don't know how long had passed when someone sat down behind me, arms wrapping around my waist and chin resting on my shoulder. Without even looking, I knew it was Ally, the softness of the way she held me and the smell of her hair gave it away. She didn't say anything for a while, just held me until the tears stopped.
Ally kissed my temple, hands drawing soothing patterns across my stomach. They weren't the soft touches most people find soothing, those touches made my sensory issues worse. There was a little bit more force behind it, making me relax against her. Sitting here with Ally, I realised that I was being stupid, there was no doubt that I was going to marry her today. Instead of being angry that I had ran away, she was here comforting me. "We can postpone if you don't want to do this, if you're having second thoughts about getting married. I understand, I know it was quick."
I quickly turned around, accidently knocking Ally over. "Shit sorry." I helped her so she was sitting again before kissing her softly, "No, no, we're not postponing. I want to marry you Ally, I'm going to marry you today, go to bed calling you my wife. I'm sorry I ran, I got stuck in my head, overthinking this, overthinking if I would even be a good wife, if you even still wanted to marry me, but didn't want to tell me and I freaked out."
"Baby, I want to marry you more than anything in this world, that hasn't changed and it won't ever change. You're are an amazing girlfriend Y/n, you're going to be an amazing wife. We're going to keep being the best couple there is and getting married is only going to strengthen that. I love you, I love you so much."
"I love you Ally. Can we stay here for a while?"
"We can stay here as long as you need. Ali's going to take care of the set up and everything. When you're ready we can go back and get ready for the first look."
I settled back between Ally's legs, back against her front as I watched the water, feeling more relaxed than I had all day, "I can't wait, you're going to look incredible."
"So are you Y/n/n."
Ally and I had decided to do the outfit reveals before the ceremony because I knew I wouldn't be able to control my emotions once I saw her. So here I was waiting anxiously for the love of my life to step around the corner. I was nervous about Ally's thoughts on my suit, but I was more anxious to finally see what Ally was wearing. Just as I was starting to get impatient, there she was. I froze, tears starting to fall instantly, I crouched down for a second, face buried in my hands to control the tears.
The sleeveless blue dress lined with lace, the black flats, her hair half up in a braid with the rest loose. She looked incredible, more breathtaking then I could have ever imagined. Ally stopped in front of me, small smile present with eyes shining with love and unshed tears. I took her hand, spinning her around so I could admire everything about her. Ally looked amazing on any given day, but today I was absolutely speechless.
"Y-y-yo-u-" I cut myself off, taking a deep breath to get myself together, "Y-you look breathtaking Ally, absolutely incredible. Holy shit."
Ally grinned, cupping my cheeks and connecting our lips. I heard protests about messing up Ally's make up, but I didn't care. Ally pulled away, this time being the one to take my hand and spin me around, she let out a long breath, making me slightly nervous, "Fuck you look stunning baby, my god you look incredible. I know it's probably out of your comfort zone, but you should definitely wear maroon more often, it is definitely your colour."
"I almost didn't choose it because it's not what I normally wear, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone for once."
Ally laced her fingers with mine, "I'm so proud of you love."
"Alright guys it's almost time to seal the deal so it's photo time," Alex interrupted as Ally was leaning in to kiss me. 
I groaned pulling away, "You couldn't have waited 2 seconds? We already had photos."
"And have you ruin her make up? No, you can do that after the photos. You had photos of your reveal, we want proper couple photos."
It was time. It was time to marry the love of my life. Of course I was nervous, incredibly so, but as the time came to walk down the aisle, most of my nerves were replaced with excitement. I was about to marry my person and there was nothing in this world I wanted more. We had decided I was going to go first, purely for the reason that I was dying to watch her walk down aisle. There was no better way to do that, then be standing at the end already.
We had gone pretty simple with decorations. The aisle was made out of various coloured petals, lined with rows of chairs and a wooden arch draped with white fabric at the end. String lights were strung around the trees, fence and patio. The chairs would later be replaced by outdoor furniture and bean bags. Long tables for food and the bar were set up, as well as a smore station for when the firepit was lit. We had made sure to hire a bartender to stop anyone getting out of control. 
Also, while we had hired a photographer, we also had a bunch of polaroid and disposable cameras for everyone to take their own photos. That way we had more intimate and fun memories. We had found a guest book that had mini envelopes and note cards so people could leave little messages if they chose to. The envelopes were the best idea knowing how inappropriate some of the team could be.  
Dance with me in the rain In the heart of Spain Let your hair fall down Curl around your face And sway with the tide Of the strangers passing us by
My arm linked with Ali's, her squeezing mine gently. Our friends and family lined the sides, huge smiles and some with tears in their eyes. My heart warmed knowing they were willing to be here, that they cared enough to make plans last minute to see us get married. 
Well let them watch What do we care There's no need to rush To come up for air As the world spins around us we dive In each other's eyes
No I don't want to go Can't seem to leave you alone For all that I am I wouldn't stand a chance This life on my own So love me now Love me forever Love me today and the days we're not together A moment this right is too hard to deny That you're the one The one my heart beats for
Land light on my feet To not make a peep Tip toe across the room So the floors don't creak As you're laying in bed Perfectly sound asleep I'll wake you with a kiss So you do not miss Your morning cup of coffee Pressed against your lips As the sun warms us up through the blinds We turn back the time
We stopped at the end, Ali kissing my cheek before walking back to her spot. I waited for a few seconds, trying not to fidget for once in my life. Every second that went by, made me want to walk back down grab her and drag her back because she was taking too long. Ally finally appeared, arm linked with her dad who had a huge, proud smile. There was a time in our relationship where I never thought he would be happy about us getting married. We had a rocky start, but now they were family. They had taken me in, treated me as if I was their own daughter. Between Ally, her family and the team, I had never been so loved.
No I don't want to go Can't seem to leave you alone For all that I am I wouldn't stand a chance This life on my own So love me now Love me forever Love me today and the days we're not together A moment this right is too hard to deny That you're the one The one my heart beats for No I don't want to go Can't seem to leave you alone For all that I am I wouldn't stand a chance This life on my own
They stopped in front of me, Ally's dad pulling her in for a hug and kiss on the cheek before moving to hug me, "You look amazing Y/n."
He moved back to his spot, while I took Ally's hands, kissing her cheek softly. We stood there, just looking at each other as the song came to an end. There was so much love shining in her eyes that it made my knees go weak. 
So love me now Love me forever Love me today and the days we're not together A moment this right is too hard to deny That you're the one A moment this right is too hard to deny That you're the one The one my heart beats for
We had chosen to have Sydney officiate our wedding just as she had with Ali and Ashlyn. It made the day feel just that little bit more personal. Once everyone was seated and quiet, Sydney started speaking.
"Thank you everyone for being here today to celebrate the marriage of our amazing Y/n and Ally. We all know Y/n gets antsy when she has to stand still for too long so we'll keep this as brief as possible. The relationship between Y/n and Ally is so full of love, life and friendship. It puts even the best of us to shame. With that being said, Y/n and Ally have chosen to write their own vows. Ally you're up."
"There are so many things I want to say to you, but we would be here all day if I did. So instead I'll start with thank you. Thank you for choosing me, for letting me in and trusting me with you and your heart. For trusting me enough to be your person and to show me who you are inside and out. With that, I vow to you that I will always tressure your love. I will always be by your side when you need me, I will always be there to hold you up when you need it and support you with everything I am. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you now and I will love you forever."
"Okay, you'll have to bare with me because there's no doubt I'm going to cry." There were a few laughs as Ally squeezed my hand. "There was a time in my life when I never thought this would happen for me. Where I never thought I would find someone who loves and trusts me so unconditionally, who understands me so deeply and who makes me laugh uncontrollably. Then you came crashing into my life, flipping it upside down in the best way possible. 
"You are my world Ally, my everything. I am far from perfect, but I promise to always be open and honest even on days that aren't great, to always support you in everything you do, to make you smile and laugh even when you don't feel like it. I promise to hold you, cuddle you and kiss you every chance I get because I know how much you love it. Most importantly I promise to love you with everything I am everyday for the rest of our lives."
My voice cracked as I pulled her closer, cupping her cheek and kissing her forehead, "You are my partner in life and love. I love you beyond what words can describe, I love the person I have become with you and the life we have and will continue to build."
"Now the rings. Ally, do you take Y/n to be your wife?"
Ally smiled widely, "I do."
I slipped the ring on her finger before letting her take my hand, "Y/n, do you take Ally to be your wife?"
"I do."
Ally slipped the ring on my finger, kissing it after she did so. If even possible, my smile grew as I stopped myself from fidgeting with excitement. One final sentence and Ally would be my wife. 
"It is my pleasure to pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
My arm wrapped around her waist, the other cupping her head as I dipped her, lips connecting in a long, passionate kiss. Everyone cheered and clapped as I threw my hands up, "We're married bitches!!"
"We would like to welcome the newlyweds to the floor for their first dance."
Ally looked confused, but let me take her hand and guide her to the dance floor. Just like Ali showed me, I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her against me and taking her hand in mine. Ally smiled, pecking my lips before resting her head on my shoulder as we moved around slowly. As we danced around, watched by our closest family and friends, I was the happiest I had ever been. To have so many people come to celebrate with us at last minute, I felt loved, possibly more than I ever had.
After a couple of minutes, I successfully spun Ally around, bringing her into me and connecting our lips. My head landed against Ally's shoulder, kissing the bare skin softly, "We're married Ally, we're actually married."
Ally giggled, kissing my temple, "Best day of my life so far. You learnt how to dance."
"You wanted to have a first dance so I got Ali to teach me. You make so many compromises for me, I wanted you to have this."
"This is how I know we'll be good married, you're so thoughtful and sweet, you go out of your comfort zone for me with out a second thought. I love you."
"I love you more my wife."
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poisonedprose · 1 year
oooh ellie x established relationship gf celebrating ellie’s bday?? her gf would spoil tf out of her (and probs top her tbh)
₊˚✧ happy birthday!
modern!ellie williams x fem!reader headcanons
warnings: lower case intended, might be typos, incomplete sentences, nsfw, cursing
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sfw ! ⋆ ellie is probably one to hate her birthday and you are more than determind to change that
⋆ you started with breakfast in bed and she just knew she was gonna be in for a long day
⋆ she didn't hate the breakfast, it was one of her favorites that she had mentioned off handedly to you once and she didn't even think you rememberd
⋆ "i guess this isn't awful." she admits forefully. you 1, birthday 0.
⋆ after breakfast you dragged her ass to the arcade
⋆ you led her over to a specific machine and pulled out a bag of quarters
⋆ "where tf did you even get those? no, seriously, thats like a million quarters." safe to say you and ellie were at the arcade for HOURS
⋆ she's just about ready to head home and thank you forgiving her a birthday that didn't want to make her rip her ribcage out
⋆ but wait theres more!! of course theres more. theres always more.
⋆ a nice candle lit dinner with a beach side view
⋆ "okay, okay fine. you win, this is really nice- IS THAT JESSE????" it was infact jesse.
⋆ "what did you think i was going to hire an actual person to serve us? i love you but i'm not made of money."
⋆ "shouldve used those damn quarters." you and jesse laughed, she shot jesse and he was silent the rest of the night.
nsfw ! ⋆ she thinks you're finally done, the sun has set at dinner and shes driving the both of you back home
⋆ "that was really nice babe, thanks. i had a lot of fun." she sounded so genuine you almosted started crying.
⋆ but you were far from done with her and when you stayed quiet she knew she was in for a treat.
⋆ it was not even 10 seconds after you guys walked in the door that you pounced on her.
⋆ literally tonuge down her throat hands anywhere you could reach, you know that usual
⋆ she's not complaining tho 🫦
⋆ as the two of you reach the bedroom shes ready to fuck you until the sun comes up but you have something else in mind for tonight
⋆ "nuh huh, tonight's about you." she doesn't know what the entails but boy does she like the sound of that.
⋆ she likes your fiesty attitude as you push her on the bed and climb on top of her, almost like she would do to you
⋆ you're teasing her ever so slowly just to hear her little whines and whimpers with how turned on shes becoming
⋆ you decided not to tease her any further, finally giving her the pleasure she craved with your tongue
⋆ oh fuck how she loved your tongue. if she were to die rn she'd be so fine with that
⋆ her moans only get louder the closer she gets and it's just music to your ears.
⋆ and after ellie's first orgasm shes eying the strap that's laying on one of the shelves and you know just what to do
⋆ yeah maybe ellie doesn't hate birthdays that much
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baldurs-gape · 2 months
Seven Minutes in Hell
Bulettes were plain rude and that was putting it mildly. It wasn't enough that they appeared, caused trouble and left before they could be killed, they also left parts of the path dangerously unstable. This Gale unfortunately found out first hand. One moment he was picking his way over what he thought was a path while lecturing Astarion on the merits of having clothes dyed a single colour than the monstrosity of clashing that the vampire spawn was sporting, and the next the world was lurching and falling from under his feet.
Hitting the ground hard, Gale was winded and he coughed, letting out a groan as rubble settled on and around him.
"Well, this is inconvenient," he grumbled and tried to look around. It was pitch black but an all too familiar scoff of a laugh was reassuring rather than annoying for a change.
"Is this what you'd call inconvenient? I dread to think what your definition of a drastardly nightmare is." There was the sound of rocks and earth shifting. "Well, I can't smell the acrid stench of your blood so I'm guessing it's all in your body, where it's supposed to be?"
Taking stock of himself, Gale had to agree with Astarion. Aside from a few scrapes and what will probably turn into bruises that would rival the colours of the myconid colony, he was surprisingly intact. Coughing for good measure, he nodded - which wasn't very helpful in the dark.
"Yes, I'm okay, thank you. How are you?"
"Just peachy! I've always wanted to be stuck under some collapsed path with a catankerous wizard I like to fuck to keep quiet as my sole source of company."
Harsh. Actually, that kind of hurt and Gale wished he could see Astarion, just so he could glare. "You don't complain anywhere near this much when you're stuck balls deep in my hole."
"Yes, well, they do say that outside a wizard a book is man's best friend. Because inside it is too dark to read."
Something niggled at Gale's mind about that. Too dark...Astarion's sight was so much better than his in the dark but if there was no light what so ever... "Astarion, are you scared of the dark? I can make a bit of light."
It was too late, a soft glow illuminated the pocket of space they were in. Nothing more than a small gap between rocks piled on top of them and Gale had to swallow thickly. Best to think of something else. Like the way Astarion was curled up and covering his face, eyes squeezed shut, less than a handspan from him.
"It's okay. Starling, look at me. Please."
As always, Astarion did as Gale wished. For all his obstinancy, somehow Gale had wriggled his way into his trust. What Gale didn't expect was to be met with wide, terrified eyes. They tracked around the rocks, taking in just how small and confined they were, not enough space to stand up, to stretch out, to do much other than maybe wriggle a bit closer to each other if they didn't mind their limbs tangling.
"Starling?" The nickname had Astarion staring back at Gale, eyes wide with terror. Trembling set in a second later. "Oh little star. It'll be okay."
Astarion shook his head vehemently and closed his eyes tight again. Even though his breathing had stopped, Gale could still see the other telltale signs of an impeding panic. Reaching out, he gave Astarion's ankle a squeeze.
"We're getting out of here. Karlach if probably already lifting rocks while Wyll is telling her what to lift next to keep us safe."
He might as well have been talking to the sole of his own foot for the difference it made. The soft whimper as Astarion tried to curl up tighter was heartbreaking. In all their time together, not once had Gale see him reduced to something less than an arrogant, insufferable bastard who he'd grown to dote on. This was, well, it was concerning to say the least.
"Come here." Heart soft as ever, he wriggled to try and get closer to Astarion. As he pulled his legs free, the rocks above them shifted and Gale found himself squeezed up against Astarion. What little room they had became that much smaller. "Would it help if I put the lights out?"
Astarion shook his head, nodded then shook his head again.
"You're okay." Words raspy and thin, Astarion didn't raise his head from where it had burrowed into Gale's shoudler.
Of course Gale was okay, they'd already established that. He wriggled to wrap an arm around Astarion's waist and pulled him in.
"I'm okay. You're okay."
Looking around in the small space, Gale couldn't help but shiver. It really was cramped, his legs were already sore from being tucked under him. The silent panic from Astarion wasn't leaving him unaffected. Small mercies that only he needed to breathe of the two of them. Air was a precious commodity, stale and dusty as it was. Which wasn't a good line of thinking to go down, not when he started trying to guess just how much longer he could survive there. At least his lights weren't like regular fire and eating up air. But when air was going to become scarce, he was going to have to stop casting. Which was quite possibly what Astarion was meaning.
"Want to tell me what you're so scared of?"
Astarion's head rose and looked around at the earth and rocks. At the same time, Gale couldn't help but wonder what he was seeing because it wasn't the look of someone in the present.
"I- I can't do it again. Not again." His voice was a trembling whisper and hands dug into Gale in a desperate clutch. "The grave. The coffin. Now this. And you."
If only Gale had pushed to know more about Astarion's past, this all might have made more sense. For now all he could do was nod. "You don't have to. As soon as there's a gap, you take a potion of gaseous form and I'll misty step after you."
"Can't. No space. No air. You'll die." Gale's words might as well have fallen on deaf ears. "I don't want to sit with your body."
Perhaps it was for the best that Gale didn't mention that in the eventuality of his demise the orb was going to blow them all clear of the cave-in anyway. Though nobody was surviving that. Instead, he gave Astarion a squeeze.
"We'll be out long before that happens. Until then I'm right here, keeping the lights on."
"I scratched to get out. Broke my nails, wore them bloody. Screamed and shouted. Nobody came."
"Karlach and Wyll are coming. I promise. And I'm here, I'm not leaving you."
Heart breaking, Gale nodded. "Of course. I promise. You're not alone. Never again."
Rather than the anger that perhaps would have been in Astarion' voice before, it was now just broken. "Don't make promises you can't keep. Once you know the truth. What I did. Who I served."
Absolutely not the time to have such a conversation and Gale tried his best to redirect it by pressing a kiss to the top of Astarion's head. "That's a hurdle for the future. It doesn't sound like an easy topic. And once you know me, you may not want me to stick around, ever thought of that?"
A small shake of head and Gale let out a soft sigh. Sex was so much easier when emotions didn't get entangled in it. Alas, he was a begger for love so couldn't choose so to speak. This was his lot now.
Above them the rocks shifted and they were showered with dirt and pebbles as things moved. Astarion ducked in closer to Gale with another whimper.
"Fangs! Magic man! Great thinking with the light."
"Karlach, good to see you again." Gale smiled and tried not to notice how Astarion was staring at the gap to freedom with singular focus. "Think you could pass a potion of gaseous form down?"
"Right-o. I'll take this with me." With that, she disappeared from view and took another rock with her, leaving a bigger gap.
A knee to his ribs and the pressure of a foot on his calf was the first sign of something changing. Gale left out an 'ooft' as Astarion all but used him as a springboard in a mad scramble to get out. It wasn't graceful or elegant, pure desperation made him push his limits. For a second it looked as though he wouldn't make it, rocks tumbled under his foot as he tried to pull himself out but with a heave and a grunt he was out. As promised, Gale was only a misty step behind.
Astarion was on his knees and leaned over, head pressed to the ground, gasping big, unnecessary heaves. Tentatively, Gale crouched and laid a hand on his back.
"We're out. It's okay."
Next to them, Wyll and Karlach looked on as Astarion pulled himself together, layers of haughty indifference built up in front of their eyes as he visibly hardened.
"Let's never do that again." He pulled a dagger from his belt. "We have a bulette to kill. I want revenge."
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rorywritesjunk · 5 months
Let’s be one another’s present tense
Buggy ‘rescues’ you from an abusive situation, and after a less than stellar introduction, he has you audition for his crew to keep you safe. You want safety, security, and joining a circus seems like the best idea.
Rating: This chapter borderlines NC-17 nearing the end.
Warning: Swearing, Buggy gets mad in this chapter, there's interrupted sexy times. Mentions of blood and a head injury. Buggy also gets stressed. Cabaji fucks upppp. Maybe slight misuse of Devil Fruit powers?
A/N: I think from here the story may start having more sexy times in it, just a warning.
Title comes from “Crater Lake” by Lady Lamb
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 (NC-17) + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @neuvilleteismybby @fluffybunnyu @sinning-23 @the-angriest-angel @ane5e @fanshavegottensotoxic @honey-deerling
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Chapter 8
Being a target was… a little unnerving at first. You had to stay as still as possible, to not move in case one of the knives struck you, but it was hard not to flinch or shy away when they flew at you and sunk into the target behind you. And it didn't help that Cabaji looked nervous when he first started throwing sharp objects at you. If he even knicked you it could be the end.
In the past, having objects thrown at you had you dodging them, even trying to use your arms to deflect them, but now you willingly stood and waited for things to be thrown at you. 
And then Cabaji started doing just fine, making sure not to hit anywhere near you at first, to get you used to the sound of the knives hitting the target, and this was just the first practice. And maybe he got a little too cocky because he continued throwing, the knives getting closer to you until you felt something graze the size of your head. When you put your hand up to touch where you felt the knife, you were surprised to see some hair was in your hand as well as blood.
While you haven't been around that long, that was the first time you'd ever seen Buggy that angry. Cabaji managed to just get screamed at until Buggy was red in the face, limbs splitting apart even, but you were taken away by others to make sure you were okay, which disappointed you a little because you were interested to see how angry Buggy was going to get.
As long as it wasn't directed at you, you didn't mind seeing your boyfriend angry. It was… kind of hot in a way to you. But you weren't about to say that as one of the freaks trimmed the hair around the small wound, making sure it was cleaned and cared for, because Buggy stormed in at that moment, still seething as he knocked the freak out of the way to look at you.
“This was supposed to be a safer option.” He grumbled under his breath as he took a look at the injury. 
“I'm fine.” You told him as you gently pushed him away. “Let them finish up then you can touch me.”
He didn't like being told that, so he moved to your other side, arms crossed as he glared down at you. It wasn't that you were scared of him, but you didn't want the freak tending to you to get nervous while they fixed you up with him standing right there, the anger radiating off him. He wanted to keep it under control for you, to not upset you, but you would have rather he went and screamed at Cabaji some more. Why couldn’t he just go do that for a little bit longer?
He put his hand on your shoulder, watching as more hair was trimmed away to accommodate the bandage. You reached up to touch Buggy's wrist, just to reassure him you were okay, while doing your best to keep your head still.
“Guess I'll be sleeping on my left side for a bit.” You joked, but Buggy just gave your shoulder a squeeze as he looked over the wound.
“She'll be okay, right?”
“Yes, Captain, it's just a graze.”
“Lots of blood for a graze.”
“Head wounds can bleed, Captain. She'll be fine.”
“I'm fine.” You insisted, but Buggy was ignoring you. There had to be a safer option for you, even if it wasn't performing. You told him early on that you couldn't sew, cook, or do much of anything, but there had to be something.
It was only a few more minutes of keeping still until you were done and before you knew it, Buggy was taking you back to your room, fussing over your injury and new haircut.
“It was just starting to look good, too.” He sighed as he touched your head around the injury. “Now we'll have to start over.”
“Glad your concern is my look and not my health.” You replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you sat down on the edge of the bed. “I'm fine so please stop fussing over me.”
“I’m going to fuss since it was my idea that got you hurt!” He snapped as he stomped around the room in front of you as he tossed his jacket and hat aside before taking off his bandana next. “Can’t have you in water, can’t have knives thrown at you, I don’t know what to do!”
“I don't know either, but I'm sure we'll figure something out.” You said as he kicked the chair in front of his vanity. “Buggy, hey, it's okay. You don’t need to worry, please.”
“I brought you here to keep you from getting hurt and now…” He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “I don't know what to do.”
He started pacing but you reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him and pulling him over to you. He looked at you confused, feeling antsy now from the stress and adrenaline of what happened. You got hurt and he wasn't even watching when it happened. At least when you were in the tank he had his eyes on you, but the first time he didn't watch and you got hurt. He wasn’t able to stop it.
“Will you sit down and just breathe for a moment?” You asked, sounding annoyed. “You're starting to stress me out.”
“You're stressed out?!” He exclaimed as you held onto his hand. You narrowed your eyes at him and he listened, taking a seat beside you. You put your hand on his chest, over his heart, and took a slow, deep breath. He gripped your hand tightly but followed along, starting to feel himself calm down after a few minutes. The breathing was something another freak taught you early on to calm yourself before getting too overwhelmed and it was something you had started to do with Buggy when he was becoming too distressed. 
“Buggy, please don't worry about this.” You told him calmly, keeping your voice low as you wrapped your arms around him. “Cabaji and I can still do this, okay? It was one little incident, nothing major. I'm fine, I barely felt it.”
“You're in charge, I know, and if you really don't want me to do it then say so.” You continued. “Just say the word and I'll find something else.”
He hesitated. He did trust his performers, and he wanted to trust that you wouldn't get hurt. Ever since he rescued/took-you-from-your-ex-in-a-sketchy-deal, he's had this overwhelming urge to protect you and keep you safe. He remembered how you looked when he first saw you, the bruises and black eye, and the fear you had in your eyes when you were brought to his room, it was something he didn't want to see from you. He just wanted you to feel safe now that you were with him.
He didn't know what to say or how to respond. His mind was racing as he tried to think of something for you to do because he didn't want you to feel useless, nor did he want any of the crew to get the wrong impression about your position here. Yes, you both were a couple, but he didn't give you special treatment (for the most part).
You sighed, brow furrowed as you leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Buggy? I need you to stop thinking.”
“You're thinking too much.” You told him as you pushed him back onto the mattress before swinging your leg over to straddle his thighs. “I can hear the gears turning in there and it's too loud to be turning out nothing.”
Now he was trying to wrap his brain around what you said, whether or not you insulted him, but you leaned down to kiss him to get his focus back on you. He placed his hands on your hips, sighing against your lips as you started to undo the buttons on his shirt. He grabbed you by the wrist.
“You don't-”
“I want to, Buggy.” You assured him as you kissed his cheek. You two have yet to go further than kissing and touching since you told each other your feelings. You had initially been hesitant and Buggy didn't push it, not sure what all you had really been through (nothing, you hadn't been through anything but you just weren't ready at the time). And right now, you wanted your boyfriend to stop worrying about you, to relax and let you take care of him.
He nodded and sat up, popping his arms from his shoulders to make it easier to remove his shirt. It was a little weird when he did it, but you were used to it. You tossed the shirt aside before you started to undo his pants. His hands went to unbuckle his boots and remove them, making it easier for him to get naked. you climbed off him long enough to remove your own clothes, tossing them into a pile before you climbed back onto his lap. He looked you over before flipping you over onto your back, catching you off guard and getting a surprised yelp out of you.
He reached down to touch your cheek, fingers moving up to the bandage on your head. He hated seeing it but you reached up to grab his head, pulling him down for a kiss as you wrapped your legs around his waist. That seemed to distract him enough for him to grind his hips against yours, letting out a string of curse words and gasps. His hand moved between your legs, touching you, teasing you, making you whine softly for him.
“Shh, shh, I got you.” He murmured, forcing himself not to rush anything. He didn't want to risk hurting you or making it uncomfortable. It needed to be perfect. He could feel how wet you were already as he teased you at first before he pressed a finger into you, swearing softly at how tight you were. “Ah, fuck, love.”
Before he could go any further, however, there was a pounding at the door, startling the both of you. Swearing, Buggy left his hand with you before stomping at the door to see what was going on, opening it just enough to peek out at the freak standing out there.
“What?!” Buggy snarled. You let out a moan behind him and his other hand went over to cover your mouth. He didn't need someone getting a view of you on his bed like that with his hand between your legs. “I'm busy!”
“J-Just wanted to make sure she was okay.”
“She's fine!” He snapped. “Don't come here again unless something is wrong, understand?!”
He slammed the door shut with his arm, swearing angrily at being interrupted. Didn't they know better? No one was to bug him in his room unless there was a true emergency - the tent was on fire, Marines were coming, or other pirates were sighted. Checking on you while you were under his care did not warrant an interruption.
When he got back to the bed, you were staring up at him, wide-eyed in surprise. He pulled both his hands back from you, wondering if he scared you just then since that was the last thing he wanted. 
“Babe, Cupcake, I’m sorry-”
“Uh, no, no.” You shook your head, reaching to pull him back down for a kiss. He hesitated, he wasn’t sure he was up to it now. He was pissed at being interrupted. “No, no, it’s okay, um, it happens.” 
“It shouldn’t have happened.” He mumbled as pulled away from you to grab your pajamas, tossing them over to you. Sighing, you got dressed, feeling frustrated at being interrupted, not so much at Buggy’s reaction. He was already worked up from your injury, and to have been interrupted while he was with you made him even more upset. He kicked his boots away as he moved to his side of the bed, laying on top of the blankets as he sank back into the mattress. 
You debated joining him, wondering if maybe he wanted to be alone, so you stood at your side of the bed, chewing on your fingernails as you watched as he closed his eyes. Did he want to be alone? Should you leave for a while and come back? Communication was something you were working on, and you hadn’t quite reached the ‘silent communication’ stage of the relationship. 
Buggy opened his eyes and turned to look at you. “Are you going to join me?”
“I was waiting to see what you wanted.” You told him as you crawled onto the bed and settled down beside him. “I didn’t want to assume anything.”
He rolled onto his side, arms wrapping around you as he kissed the top of your head. He just sighed, taking a look once more at your injury before he laid his head back down. “Imma figure somethin’ out, Cupcake. Don't worry.”
“I won't, Buggy.” You murmured as you closed your eyes. “I trust you.”
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moonswolfie · 11 months
Thunder storms
It's currently thunderstorm season where I live and I am absolutely horrified of them (always have been) so I decided to write some haikyuu men comforting you (the reader) during one because i desperately need this (;´д`)
A bit of timeskip spoilers so watch out, G/N reader
(currently writing this during a huge ass storm and I keep getting startled by the loud thunder, LIKE SERIOUSLY IT'S BEEN THUNDERING THE ENTIRE DAY LET ME BREATHE NORMALLY)
Characters featured: Kuroo, Kita, Hinata
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࿐ ࿔*:・゚Kuroo Tetsuro
"Oh, looks like there's going to be a storm." Kuroo looked outside, relaying the information to you casually. You've always been afraid of thunderstorms while he doesn't seem phased by them at all.
"Oh, really?" you turned your head to the window, and the sky was painted a dark grey. Guess he's right.
You shivered a bit when you heard the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. Kuroo seemed to take notice of your nervousness, and joined you on the couch.
"I gotta go unplug some devices, I'll be back." you stood up, going to unplug everything. It always made you feel more safe during a thunderstorm.
It seems you were taking quite a while to do that, because you heard a yell from downstairs. "Are you going to make me wait forever, or...?" you could almost see Kuroo's stupid smirky face as he yelled that.
"I'm going, I'm going!" you yelled back, running downstairs. By now, the storm was almost right above you, flashes of lightning illuminating the hallway as you ran downstairs.
"Ah, there you are." he said, smirking at you as you sat down next to him.
A really bright flash of lightning made you jump, and the loud crack of thunder after it wasn't helping at all.
Kuroo's arms around you surprised you, and you found yourself in his embrace in a split second, as fast as the lightning outside.
"What are you-"
"I know you hate thunderstorms, so I thought hugging your boyfriend would make it all better." you couldn't see his face, the only thing in your vision being his dark blue hoodie since he was holding you tight.
"I'm not a kid, I don't need to be hugged!" you wriggled and squirmed in his grip, voice muffled against him.
Instead of letting you go, he just chuckled.
"It's not funny, let me go!" your wriggling got more intense, and yet you couldn't budge much. Dammit, why does Kuroo have to be so strong?
"Hm... How about no?" he asked in a sweet, cheerful tone. "How about yes?" you grumbled through your teeth.
"No can do."
"Let me go right now!"
"Stop hugging me!"
"Let me think about it....nope."
When your protesting didn't stop, he sighed.
"Listen, love, I know you like this, so stop being stubborn and accept your fate, because I don't plan on letting you go till the storm is over. Actually, scratch that, maybe ever."
You started to relax in his hold, knowing he meant what he said. He was right, you did like it. But were you really going to admit it to that jerk?
"There we go, just relax and let me hold you, babe."
"Shut up." you grumbled against him, arms circling around him to hug him back. You heard him make a satisfied hum above you.
"I'll never get tired of your hugs. You're just too cute." he squeezed you gently when saying cute.
"Yeah, yeah..." you mumbled, squeezing him back.
"You do know I meant what I said earlier, right? You're not going anywhere until I say so~" he smiled down at you.
"...I don't mind at all."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚Kita Shinsuke
You were humming to yourself as you went downstairs to find your boyfriend, Kita, sweeping the floor.
"Why are you in the house?" it was currently 6 pm and your boyfriend was usually still out farming at this time.
"There's gonna be a storm,and it ain't safe to be outside durin' one." he replied without looking at you, still sweeping the floor.
"A s-storm, you say?"
"Yes, I heard some thunder rumblin' just now." he told you in his usual calm tone.
"Oh... Okay." you replied, already nervous due to the storm. You walked closer to him, since being in someone's presence made you feel safer during a storm.
"I noticed yer scared of thunderstorms."
I guess you could always leave your observant boyfriend to figure out everything about you. "Yeah, I am..." you said, unsure how to respond to that.
"Why? They're just another weather condition. Are ya afraid of snow, too?" he asked with that freezing cold look in his eyes, making you shudder. He really never holds back, does he?
"They're loud and creepy and if you get struck by lightning you can die." you explained.
"Ya can also die if ya get burried under snow. Shouldn't ya be scared of earthquakes instead? They cause a lot of damage."
You sighed as you flopped down on the couch. "Shinsukeeee..." he was right, earthquakes were much worse statistically speaking, but he just didn't understand your feelings here.
"Yeah?" he asked casually, still sweeping the floor, not registering your whine of his name as a complaint. Or maybe he did, but replied like he usually does.
"I'm-" a loud thunderclap interrupted your sentence, making you squeak in surprise instead of finishing it. You looked over to your boyfriend, who was looking at you, waiting for you to continue.
"Can you just... come hug me?"
"Will that make ya feel less scared?" he asked.
"Yes, of course." you replied, smiling.
He said nothing, going to put the broom away and cleaning up the collected dust and debris, and then joined you on the couch.
He hugged you wordlessly, and you hugged him back, the two of you laying down on the couch now.
"I don't like thunderstorms either, they can ruin ma crops if they're windy." he admitted, running his hand soothingly up and down your back.
"I get that." a bright flash outside made you flinch in his hold.
"I hate seeing ya scared. I want ya to feel safe with me."
"I do. You do a great job, I always feel so taken care of when I'm with you." you raised your head to peck him on the cheek, and watched as his cheeks turned pink.
"I'm glad." he pat your head gently.
"I want ya to be happy with me." he said after a small pause, thunder reverbating in the background.
"I am. You would make a good husband, you know?" you leaned up onto your elbows, smiling up at Kita. It's been on your mind for a while now, your wedding with Kita. A subtle hint won't hurt.
He was silent, a blush creeping up onto his cheeks.
"Ya can't just say somethin' like that outta nowhere..."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚Hinata Shoyo
A bright flash outside made you flinch as you and Hinata were laying in bed. He was dead asleep, you could tell by his gentle snoring.
It seems that there was a thunderstorm outside which started at night. You checked the alarm clock, and it was 5.34 AM.
Your boyfriend would normally already be up by now on his morning run but he's currently on break and has a rare chance to sleep in so you didn't want to wake him.
Actually, even when he's on break he usually is up by 5 AM, something about keeping his routine and that it feels wrong to not do it. And you respect that about him a lot.
You reach out to pat his head, smiling to yourself, when your happiness is interrupted by the loud roar of thunder. He told you he would sleep in today so you two could start the day together.
You thought about getting up for a second, but you decided against it. So you just quietly and carefully cuddled up to him, hugging him from the back.
Your boyfriend's sleepy voice surprised you, and you thought you were hearing things.
But Hinata turned around in your arms to face you, eyes fluttering open.
"Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?" you removed your arms around him.
"Nah, I guess I'm too used to waking up early that I wake up early even when I'm not trying to." he said after glancing at the alarm clock.
He noticed the thunderstorm outside, immediately turning to you and hugging you close.
"I'm used to this, but it must suck for you to be woken up by a thunderstorm this early."
You nodded into him, hugging him back.
"I love you, Shoyo." you mumbled into him, and felt him tense up around you.
"Why would you say that all of a sudden?! I- I mean, I love you too." you looked up at him, to see his entire face beetroot red.
"You're so hard-working, always dedicated to volleyball" you reached up to boop his nose "aaand at making me happy." you giggled as he somehow got even redder.
"Hey, I'm supposed to be the one comforting you right now." he shut his eyes, avoiding your gaze.
"Oh, I always forget about the thunderstorm when I see your handsome face." you giggled again, sliding your hand over his cheek as lightning lit up the room for a split second.
He didn't say anything back, seemingly losing his ability to speak. He was so cute when flustered.
After a couple of seconds, he found his voice. "I'm glad I c-can make you comfortable. I always try my best to."
"I'm glad I make you happy, too." you replied, snuggling into him, the storm outside on the out of your mind as your boyfriend filled it up with him instead.
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Idk if I wrote kita well, making him sound mean wasn't my intention I tried to make it sound like he doesn't get why you're scared and to convey his ice cold remarks
Also sorry about Kuroo's not being as lovey-dovey as the others 😭
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
*nervous laughter* I read spanking and I read SNL devil from weekend update and ma'am I'm going to need you to combine those thoughts and elaborate for the class please and thank you 😈
AN: oops a passing suggestion in response to this ask turned into a smutfest who would have guessed (Everyone. Everyone would have guessed). Note: I don't actually know if you can watch SNL on airplane live TV so suspend your disbelief plz and thanks. Appreciate the patience and also everyone who played the WIP game it made this so fun!
Rating: Explicit
Tags: RPF, AFAB!reader, One-Shot, Smut, Porn with barely any plot, roleplay, spanking, General sexy things
Fic masterlist
You tried your damndest to make it to 30 Rock to watch Jason host SNL, but after hours of flight delays, you knew it just wasn’t going to happen. You shed a few tears in the airport bathroom, but pulled yourself together, not wanting to be a burden on his big day. You knew how excited he was to be back on that stage, and you wanted to be there to support him however you could.
You both knew that you making it in time for filming was going to be a long shot to begin with—getting away from work was a challenge and it was a long flight. When you told him you had to try anyway as you purchased a ticket, he just smiled at you.
“You can support me from anywhere, baby, it’s okay.”
“I know, I know, but look, the flight isn’t even that expensive and I’ll get there with 2 hours to spare.”
Except with all the bad weather and cancellations you’d actually be getting there an hour after wrap. You were devastated as you sent him the message.
Y/N: Long delay and bad weather. About to board flight #2. I can make it to the wrap party if I go straight from the airport, I’m sorry baby!
Jason: Hey, it’s okay! Maybe you can watch it on live TV on the flight :)
Y/N: Of course I will!
Jason: One last dress rehearsal…
The last message Jason sent came with a picture of him in his Weekend Update devil outfit and he looked…good enough to eat. Red button-down shirt, tie, vest, and cape complete with horns and a pitchfork. The expression on his face was tired but happy, his hair a little messy since it was just rehearsal and you wanted to run your fingers through it. You wanted to grab him by his dumb little devil vest and kiss him senseless. You wanted him to fuck you with the horns still on.
You shifted in the uncomfortable airport chair, already feeling the heat between your thighs, and looked over your shoulder as if someone was going to catch you looking at porn instead of a very safe-for-work picture of your boyfriend. In fact, he was wearing MORE clothes than usual and he was hotter than ever.
Y/N: Fuck me.
Y/N: I can’t believe I’m missing Weekend Update Devil live!!
Y/N: That’s my favorite character of yours because you’re so fucking sexy in that outfit
Y/N: Oh boy would I like to
Jason: REALLY?
Jason: The Devil huh? Have you been…sinning lately?
You shifted again. Based on the way this conversation was headed, this was about to be a rather sticky and uncomfortable flight for you and you could already feel that itch of arousal within you begging for your attention.
Jason: Tell you what? How about I leave the wrap party a little early…and I’ll keep the costume on
Y/N: Dost thou tempt me, Devil?
Jason sent another picture. This time the tie was gone, the shirt was unbuttoned enough to see his chest hair, and the smile on his face was downright devilish. You groaned both at the picture and at the sound of you being called to board, and it took you a minute to get settled before you could reply.
Jason: Uh oh, what are you thinking right now?
Y/N: Currently? If I would I go to hell for masturbating in the plane bathroom
You chuckled, trying to think of something sexy to keep up the roleplay. It was easier when he was in front of you, but you knew he’d always be better at it considering the whole improv thing. It took you so long that by the time you hit send, you simultaneously received another message from him.
Jason: If you do, I’ll meet you there
Jason: I do run the place after all ;)
Jason had never spanked you before. The two of you had certainly explored some things, but that was one that you hadn’t broached with him yet. You cringed knowing there was no way he saw the message before he turned his phone off. Now you had to sit through the rest of the flight with damp panties, wondering when he would see it, how he’d react, and what the hell you’d be walking into once you got to the hotel. You listened to music to kill some time and try to calm your raging arousal, and then when it was on, you thanked your lucky stars and whoever the hell created the internet that you could watch SNL live from an airplane.
Y/N: And what would my punishment be, Mr. Prince of Darkness? At least a few lashings I hope?
Jason: Turning my phone off for the show, see you after <3
And then you saw the Parent-Teacher Conference.
Jason had told you he was kissing someone in a skit, but what you were looking at felt like softcore porn. You don’t even remember any jokes, just Jason’s lightly domineering tone and the way he dragged Ego Nwodim’s body toward him on the desk. You weren’t jealous at all. You were so turned on your whole body was pulsing with it, radiating out from your clit that was begging to be touched. You didn’t even realize until the commercial break that you were biting your lip so hard you could taste blood—it was a good thing though because if you weren’t you might have audibly moaned and how embarrassing would that have been?
You texted Jason in a stream of consciousness. You knew he couldn’t answer and that was part of the fun, but also this erotic energy had to go somewhere or you might really have to take it to the bathroom.
You locked your phone when the episode ended and stared out the window as if you could will the plan to get to Jason faster with erotic thoughts alone. You don’t know when you nodded off, but you woke up at the pilot’s announcement to buckle up for landing and a text from Jason:
Y/N: The Parent Teacher Conference ruined my life. I’m going to owe the airline money for ruining this seat.
YN: You’re so hot I can’t stand it. That was porn, Jason.
Y/N: Do you want to film a sex tape? No scratch that, you’re a celebrity that’s a terrible fucking idea
Y/N: …but do you?
Y/N: I’ll write I’ve been bad anywhere you want.
Y/N: Still keep the devil outfit on though
Y/N: Fuck I need you so badly Jason
Y/N: I am, and I cannot stress this enough, unbearably horny
Jason: I will leave this wrap party the minute you land. Gonna have to teach you a thing or two about making deals with the devil.
Y/N: Yes sir.
Jason: And you better not lay a finger on yourself before we see each other.
You shivered with anticipation and didn’t think twice about being the asshole that grabbed their carry-on and rushed down the aisle before anyone else. When anyone gave you a dirty look you just murmured, "connection," and in no time you were out of the airport and hailing a cab. If you adjusted how you sat specifically so the seam of your jeans pressed against you at every bump in the road and hard stop, well that was no one’s business but your own—and not technically against the rules. You arrived at Jason’s hotel, craving his touch like your body was on fire and he was cool water. You grabbed the key he left you at the front desk and when you let yourself into the room he was already there, reclining against the headboard with a glass of whiskey in one hand, in his devil outfit as promised.
You were already so worked up that just looking at him made you clench against nothing, and when you spoke you were surprised at how breathy you sounded.
“Hi, baby.”
Jason tilted his head at you but didn’t speak, a small smirk on his face. You set your bag on a chair near the door and moved to the side of the bed to lean down and kiss him, but he gently intercepted your face with a hand just under your jaw and your mouth fell open with a gasp. So that’s how we’re playing this, you thought gleefully. This close you could see he was clearly as affected as you were, his pants tight across the crotch, and you were more than a little pleased.
“Color?” It was the first word he’d spoken and his voice had a rasp to it from the show and talking loudly at the after-party you were sure.
“Good girl,” his hand was still holding your face as you leaned back away from him, but you shook your head no anyway.
“No? No. That’s right. Bad girl. You’ve been a’flirtin’ with the devil, hm?”
“Yes,” you responded, a near hiss. Both of you were still fully clothed and yet you felt seconds away from tipping over into ecstasy. Jason released his hand on your face and downed the rest of his drink before standing. You didn’t step back, so the two of you ended up so close his chest brushed against your already sensitive nipples—thank god you hadn’t worn a bra—and you whimpered at the barest of sensation. Jason looked you over quietly before unbuttoning your pants and sliding his hand into your underwear with no preamble. Your knees trembled and you whined as his middle finger slid over your clit with ease and then dipped inside you with zero resistance. You were absolutely drenched, but Jason moved slowly inside of you, toying with you instead of actually trying to make you cum.
He took hold of the back of your neck, drawing you into him tightly so his arm was pinned between your bodies and he could talk directly into your ear.
“You are absolutely dripping,” he punctuated the statement by pulling his finger out of you and driving two back in, hard, so you could hear the wet sound it made and you moaned. “You touched yourself when I told you not to, didn’t you?”
“No,” you responded, your eyes closed tightly, intoxicated by the smell of his cologne and the whiskey on his breath, the slippery feeling of him slowly fucking you with his fingers.
“Lying is a sin,” he murmured against the shell of your ear, “I should know.”
He slid his fingers out of you but didn’t release his hold on your neck, just moved to circling your clit. You weren’t sure how you were still hanging on, but you were trembling with ecstasy against him.
“You said not to lay a finger,” you choked out, “I didn’t use my fingers.”
Jason’s fingers stopped moving against your clit and he pulled you away just a hair so he could look at your face. You smirked at him and there was a sharp glint in his eye as he shook his head slightly, disapprovingly. You thought he might still go back to touching you, but instead, he removed his hand entirely and stepped away. You whipped around as he moved further from you, wanting to protest. You were so close you would get on your knees and beg for release if he wanted you to, but he just crossed his arms over his chest.
“Brat,” he said with light amusement, “strip.” You looked over at him, knew he’d be watching you closely, and when you pulled off your ruined underwear you saw him lick his lips. You stood in front of him, shivering more from intensity than temperature and he appraised you, palming himself over his pants as he did.
“What could a pretty little thing like you possibly have done to get sent to a devil like me?”
You smirked at him, amazed at how he still managed to be sweet even in scenes like this, even when you were being a brat. You reached for him and he moved to block your hand but you dodged him.
“No touching,” he growled and you playfully ignored him, hooking a finger in his belt loop to hold him still before going for the red pen he always kept in his pocket.
“Oh there’s plenty of naughty, sinful things I’ve done,” you responded as you clicked open the pen and began drawing hearts on the exposed skin of Jason’s hands and neck. He was maintaining his you're in trouble demeanor but you could feel his breath hitch when you made contact with him and he never stopped your doodling. “But I think what’s more important here is what I’m going to do.” You looked at him with your sweetest expression, before taking the pen to your own forearm and writing, I’ve been bad.
Jason groaned as he read it, grabbing you tightly by the hips and turning you towards the bed. You knew from experience that he could get so overcome by the excitement of a scene that looking at your face only made him want to stop roleplaying and fuck you into the nearest mattress. Sometimes you let him. But today you wanted to see this through.
“Color,” you asked, and he sighed because he knew that you knew it was getting harder for him to stay in it.
“It’ll be green when you lie down and take your punishment,” he said low in your ear and you shuddered at the feeling of his breath on your neck.
You did as he said, expecting the bed to dip next to you with the weight of him, but when you turned your head to look he was unbuttoning his cuffs and slowly rolling up his sleeves. He caught your eye and smirked.
“You know what they say, when a man hurries, the devil smiles,” he said with a small shrug and you groaned knowing how far he could drag this out. “Now,” he said, his voice full of authority, “I think you deserve, oh, about 10 smacks for being downright terrible on the airplane, and a brat with me just now, how does that sound?”
“Yes, sir.”
“But since you’re so keen on making deals…” He trailed off and you looked at him as he approached you and swept a hand down the length of your body, squeezing your ass to draw out a moan. “If you come only from being spanked we’ll stop there.”
“Yes, sir.”
Jason brought his hand down against the left side of your bottom and you cried out at the sharp sting of it, immediately followed by the warmth of pleasure. You could feel the slickness of your pussy spreading to your inner thighs. You didn’t know if you’d ever been this wet in your life but you still weren’t sure if you could actually come like this. It hurt, god it hurt, but you liked the tingling pain of it and the way that Jason couldn’t help but rub his hands over you after each slap.
It was swat number 7 that landed just a little too low, catching your inner thigh with just enough force that the vibration went straight to your clit. Before you could say anything, you were crying out in ecstasy, your pussy spasming against nothing and your face pressed hard into the pillow. When you came back down to earth, Jason was looking at you in awe and you wiped a stray tear from your face as you tried to catch your breath, the duvet beneath you damp against your thighs as you shifted slightly.
“Color,” Jason asked, his voice thick with a mix of concern and desire.
“Green. So green,” you sighed.
“I’m yellow,” he responded and you looked at him confused. “I need to touch you. Like, I NEED it. I need to love on you. I need…,” he palmed himself again and he was rambling slightly but you understood. He needed to touch you as himself. He needed to be boyfriend Jason making you feel good. The scene was incredibly fun and you could absolutely revisit it, but you certainly wouldn’t deny him that.
“Yes, baby, yes you can touch me,” you responded affectionately and he wasted no time stepping closer to the bed again and spreading your legs apart, sliding two fingers inside of you as you remained on your stomach, kissing the red marks he had left on you as he did.
“Jesus fuck you’re so wet, you feel so fucking good, god I missed you.” Every word of praise drew a high-pitched whimper out of you as he drove his fingers in and out. All you could hear was his voice and the lewd smack of him fucking into you as he added a third finger and curled them against your inner walls.
You snapped into your release with a wail of, "fuck, Jason" and he bit down on your thigh, which only heightened your peak. He slid his long, lithe fingers out of you as you caught your breath and he finally started undressing himself, losing the tie and vest first before working on his shirt buttons. You came out of your orgasm-induced haze enough to sit up and help with the pants, kissing across the soft expanse of his belly as you did. You had just freed him from the confines of his boxer briefs when you caught him reaching up to remove the horns from his head.
“Wait,” you said with a sly expression. “Leave them on. Please.”
He laughed and obliged, dropping his hands to his sides and you rewarded him with a long lick up the underside of his leaking cock. His sharp intake of breath and the way he twitched in your hand made you want to do it again, but you knew after the night you both had already had, he wouldn’t last long and you had already come so hard—twice—that you felt like you only had one more in you before you tapped out. You wouldn’t prolong the main event by lowering your mouth on him and hollowing your cheeks like you really wanted to. Instead, you took his hand and tugged him over you.
You guided him towards your entrance as he braced his arms near your shoulder and couldn’t help but glide the head of him against your clit, relishing in the sparks it created low in your abdomen.
“You know the devil works hard, but I think you’re harder,” you teased, wiggling your eyebrows up at him, and he groaned both at the pressure of your hand and your terrible joke.
“You know what, just for that,” he trailed off but finished his sentence by driving into you and filling you up in one swift stroke. He held one of your legs up as he entered you and even after two orgasms the stretch of him was deliciously rewarding. He kept a steady pace to work you up again, dropping his head to your chest to suck at your hardened nipples and nip at your collarbone, the plastic horns scratching under your chin. You brought his head up for a passionate kiss, all tongue and motion and heavy breathing. He returned to toying with your nipples, alternating sucking with quick licks that matched the rhythm of his hips as he picked up his pace.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good,” you praised him, knowing how much he loved hearing you. “You’re so fucking good. I love the way you fuck me.” Each thrust made the sheets brush against your still-stinging backside which only heightened the sensations.
You held his mouth to your chest with a hand on the back of his neck not wanting him to stop the tantalizing sensation of his tongue on you. You had just enough presence of mind to get your other hand between your bodies to rub your clit, helping to put you over the edge yet again. “That’s right, Y/N. Just like that. Come for me, beautiful.” Your walls fluttered and squeezed against Jason as you cried out and he drove into you faster still, his rhythm starting to stutter. After a few more thrusts he spilled inside you, dropping his forehead damp with sweat to the crook of your neck.
You felt the heaving of his chest slow as he calmed down and you stroked your hand mindlessly through this thick brown hair, tracing his gray temples affectionately. “We are going to have to put the devil in the rotation,” he grunted into your neck and you chuckled. “You have no idea how many times I almost lost it in my pants just looking at you. I think you might actually be the devil in disguise,” you wrinkled your nose at his corny joke but it was no worse than yours had been mid-fuck so you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Come on, we need to shower and I need to hear everything I missed by not making it in time.” He rolled to your side and you sat up, swinging your legs over the side of the hotel bed and tugging him with you toward the bathroom.
“Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it, you watched! And I know you watched because I saw your text message about the parent-teacher conference in front of Ego at the wrap party and I turned so red she asked if I was having an allergic reaction to something.”
You laughed, pulling him into the hot shower with you, trading lazy kisses as you washed each other.
You tucked yourself into his side back in bed, naked, sated, and sore, and he kissed your forehead and turned out the lamp. You were just drifting off when he spoke again.
“Yes, to the sex tape by the way. Terrible idea. But absolutely yes.”
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter seventeen
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.7k
my masterlist
series masterlist
~Rafe's POV~
I haven't heard from Snowy since we came in from the pool together. Pretty much she's been fully occupied with the Pogues ever since. I wonder what they're doing, if she's safe. That's a stupid thought, so I brush it quickly out of my mind. What I can't seem to keep out of my mind is how amazing it felt to kiss her. Everything about her is so soft- her lips are no different. Fully sober and I think it gave me butterflies, I haven't kissed someone like that since I was fifteen. It's almost refreshing.
I try not to think about Snowy for long enough to get in a quick bump. I'm hardly successful. Then I grab my golf club and get ready to line up my shot, but I'm distracted by my friends laughing and talking. "Hey, uh, can you guys shut up, for like three seconds?" I ask, turning back to Topper, Kegs, and Kelce. "We've got to hurry if we want to finish this hole- the sun is setting," I say.
"Yeah, yeah of course." Kelce says, raising his hands.
They're ridiculously quiet at this point, definitely just making fun of me. I line myself up again, take the swing, and fluke it right as I hear one of their phones rings.
"Bro, are you fucking kidding me right now?"
"Hey, man, sorry, how was I supposed to know?" Kegs says, digging his phone out of his pocket.
I roll my eyes and walk back to the cart, throwing my club in as he answers it.
"Hey, Snowy." Instantly he's got my attention, and I turn to watch. He looks confused.
"Snowy? You there?" He asks again, I'm guessing he got no response. "If this is some stupid prank call it's not funny." He pulls it from his ear and puts it on speaker since we're all listening now.
We hear some static, and then some whispers as we look around at each other, confused. "Leon... it's late. I've been waiting for you.."
"What the fuck?" Topper laughs.
"Hey, shh." I shush him as the whispers continue.
"Guys, oh my god what do we do?" It's Snowy, I'd recognize her voice anywhere.
"Snowy?" I ask, but again, no response.
"We have to get down there, like, right now." And Sarah?
Suddenly, we hear some screaming, then the sound of something getting smashed, and then it cuts out.
I feel myself start shaking instantly, and I start pacing back and forth, running my hand through my hair. "Rafe, man, it's fine. They're just pranking Kegs, probably high out of their minds or something." Kelce says and I shake my head.
"Dude, no- you don't understand, you don't know-" I start but I'm cut off.
"I love you, dude, but you're absolutely pussy-whipped." He jokes and I shove him back into the golf cart.
"You don't know shit!" I hear myself shouting.
"Rafe, buddy, calm down, hey.." Kegs says, pulling me off of Kelce and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I feel sick- I feel sick and I wish no one was touching me. Then I shove him off too.
"No, no... You guys don't know what those pogues have roped her into, I don't even really know but last week she was getting shot at because of that punk JJ, apparently, who's pulled them into some drug debts or some shit-" I try to explain.
"Rafe, they're fine. They're fine but let's just head back to the club, and we can go to John B's to check on them, alright?" Topper says and Kegs shakes his head in confusion.
"Wait, did you say drugs?" He asks and I nod. "Not like weed, right, you mean like hard shit?"
"I don't know, man. She just said "drugs", okay?" I sigh.
"Fuck- dude..." Kegs says, taking his hat off and rubbing his forehead. "What do we do? I've done everything I possibly can to keep her out of that and it's just not enough, apparently."
"Look, maybe it's just Barry and we can talk to him?" I suggest hopefully, not that I fully believe it.  "I- uh... I could get some money from my dad, I know how to get into the safe, and we could pay him out."
"He definitely would have said something to us if my sister and your.. I don't know, friend, as well as your sister and Topper's girl all were involved with him. No way he wouldn't say something." Kegs says, and I know he's right. "And you know we already owe him so we probably shouldn't poke the bear man."
"I... Okay, uh..." I try to think of a plan of action and calm down at the same time. I'm no help to her if I'm panicking. "Let's just get out of here, okay? We'll call Snowy when we get back to the club, and we'll try and find her." I insist, getting in the golf cart and my friends climb in.
The whole drive back I can feel myself shaking, I'm bouncing my leg and just trying to focus on finishing the drink Topper gave me to try and calm me down. It's far from working. I'm literally hearing that screaming in my head over and over again. It just won't stop. We eventually make it back, after the longest drive of my life. As soon as we get to the parking lot I'm on my phone, waiting for Snowy to pick up as I pace next to my car. It rings out until I hear her voice on the machine, I have to try again. I hangup and try again. This time, she answers.
I immediately hear laughter in the background. "Hi Rafe!" She sounds so happy- sloshed, too, probably. I furrow my brows. I assume she leaves, because the background noise slows to a stop.
"Snowy? What happened? Are you okay?" I fire off.
"I- yeah. I'm great. I'm great." She giggles. "What's up with you?"
"No, no, no, no don't do this to me." I sigh, walking away out of earshot of my nosey friends.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"You don't know? Do you remember when you called Kegs, about twenty minutes ago, screaming, and- and, and I heard this banging sound like someone was bashing you with a crowbar?" I say.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have butt-dialled him." She responds casually. I ball up my fist.
"Okay but you're not telling me what happened, here. You're not answering me."
"Nothing happened, Rafe. Everything is fine. We're safe. You don't need to worry." She says, that reassuring tone of hers taking over.
"No, I do, tell me."
"There's nothing to tell, even if there was, I don't know how it's your business anyhow." She slurs. Yeah, definitely drunk.
"If it's you, if it's your safety, it's my business. You are my business, Snowy." I say frustratedly, looking back at my friends as I talk, seeing they're still listening and having a laugh at me.
"Rafe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out, okay? I shouldn't have said that. But I promise you right now, we are fine. I am safe- okay?"
I sigh and rub my head as she continues. "We were watching a movie at The Chat, now we're just hanging out, having some bevies, hotboxing the Twinkie..." She laughs a little. I can't focus with those screams echoing in the back of my head, her screams. And she's trying to gaslight me right now.
"I know what I heard." I say slowly.
"No, I know, I believe you." Her voice is so soft- I can almost taste the sweetness of it in my state. "I just, we were watching a scary movie, and I am high off my ass. I don't know what I said or did, but I'm sorry I scared you."
"It's okay, Snow." I sigh, shaking my hand to loosen up my muscles after I had my fist clenched for so long. I don't want to believe she's lying to me. I mean, clearly she is fine. She's alive, and she sounds like she's having fun. "I just- it's so hard to predict what kind of shit you're getting into when you're with them and it's hard for me to keep track of that and make sure that you're good. Like it would be nice to have a heads up if you're going to be in danger- which seems pretty common for you-"
"Hey, I'm good." Snowy cuts me off, curbing my rant that even I knew wasn't going anywhere. "I get it, you're just like... a proactive type of person. You like to have a hold on things before they go wrong and that's great, I really appreciate you looking out for me."
I nod a little bit and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding with my panic. "Yeah... I guess so. I just like to be prepared, you know?" I agree.
"Totally, and that makes you really smart because a lot of guys around our age can't think ten minutes into the future." I can hear the smile in her tone, she's being so genuine. "That being said, Rafe, I'm okay. Despite what you think, my friends wouldn't let anything happen to me."
I smile a little to myself at that. She thinks I'm smart- this inflates my ego more than I know it probably should. When I don't respond because I'm processing what she said, she speaks again. "Hey, why don't you come over, and we'll take out the boat, just the two of us..." She says, trailing off.
I look back at her brother, already feeling his eyes on me. I know he can't hear her, but I can, and that is too much already.
"I would love to, you know I'd love to, but.. I just can't. I'm busy I can't." I shake my head, more trying to convince myself.
"Aw, okay.." She replies. If I don't hangup right now I'll fold. I just know it. Besides, I have to figure out how to pay Barry so I can get my bike back, like as soon as possible.
"Bye, Snowy. I'll talk to you later." I say before quickly hanging up. I shove my phone into my pocket and walk back over to my friends.
"They're fine." I tell Kegs, getting in my car and driving off before he can say anything.
A/N; Another short one today sorryyyyy -R
taglist: @boo22sstuff@madelynie (message me if you want to be added!!)
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anneimaginesundertale · 5 months
How about a meet cute injury with G? Cause you know, detective work XD
Someone slammed into you as you stepped out of the shop. Both of you fell to the ground in a tangle. The stranger on top of you was too heavy for you to move, which meant you were currently trapped, with your left leg twisted in a very uncomfortable position.
"Get off!" you tried to say, but your face was pressed against the pavement.
"Gotcha!" a new voice cried and then the person was lifted off of you in a great shout of profanity. They managed to kick you in the side as you were set free. You moved your leg, curling yourself into a ball on the pavement. You didn't trust anyone around you to let you get up safely. You'd just stay here until it was all over...
You listened to the ensuing struggle. The person who had landed on you was screaming and shouting about how it wasn't fair and they'd never hold them and all kinds of things you thought only got said on those stupid cop shows.
Another voice kept saying, "Yeah, yeah, tell it to the cops" and "Just shut up already. You're boring me." It was a sarcastic voice, with a hint of a laugh in it.
Sirens. More voices. The belligerent voice grew muffled and you heard a car drive away. Then a hand reached out and touched you gently. "You okay, lovely?" It was the sarcastic voice.
You dared to lift your head and found yourself looking into...eye sockets? They were lit with sparkling golden flecks of light, but they were definitely eye sockets. In a skull. And the hand touching you belonged to a skeleton. Any words you might have had vanished at the sight. You gaped like a fish.
The skeleton sighed. "Oh, geez," he said, "I'm sorry. That guy landed right on you. He kinda messed you up. I'm so sorry. That's my fault."
You blinked. "What?"
"I was chasing that idiot around the corner and he smacked right into you. You've got a scrape on your cheek there and, well, are you hurt anywhere else? You need a ride to the hospital or anything?"
"Um..." You tried to get your brain to focus long enough to take stock. Your cheek did hurt, and your knee, and your shoulder. You hesitantly touched each one. When you touched your cheek, your fingers came back slightly bloody. Hoo boy...
"Can I call somebody for you?" the skeleton asked.
"I...um...I..." You took another look at the blood on your fingers and felt the world swirl around you. You'd never been good with blood, especially your own. The last thing you heard was the skeleton saying, "Oh, shit!"
You woke up in a much more comfortable position. Looking around, you found that you were laying on a bed. The sarcastic skeleton was sitting in a chair next to you, engrossed in his phone. He looked up when he heard you shifting. "There you are, lovely," he said. "You doin' better?" He grinned at you.
"What happened?" you asked.
The skeleton's grin turned sheepish. "So, uh, you fainted and I figured I'd better just bring you to the hospital. They let me stay with you because I told 'em I was in charge of you."
"In charge of me?"
"I, uh, kinda made it sound like I'm your boss. I didn't wanna just leave you here on your own. 'Specially since it is my fault you got hurt. If I'd thought about it, I wouldn't've let that guy get back into town. It's lucky you were the only one who got hurt."
You blinked, trying to piece together what had happened. "Why were you chasing him?" you asked. "Who was he? Who are you?"
"He was a crook," the skeleton said. "I'm a private detective. Somebody hired me to catch him. Which I only did because he knocked into you and you both went down. So I guess I kinda owe you." He fished in the pocket of his black leather jacket and pulled out a wallet. "You ever need anything, you call me, okay?" He handed you a business card. You read G Osseus, Private Detective, along with a phone number and an email address.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
~I'm mis~behav~ing! To the volcano I was expressly told not to visit.
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There's a strange crystal jutting out of this mountain. I'm sure it's not important.
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So this is Torment Peak. Bit of a misnomer since we are at the base of the mountain but okay. We've got a mysterious door that only Solstice Warriors can open.
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Pardon, that not even Solstice Warriors can open. My mistake.
Don't really see what the big deal is if everything's locked down. Doesn't really warrant a "STAY AWAY FROM THE DANGER ZONE" command.
Unless he thinks I'm a determined little shit who will keep banging her head against a brick wall until it caves in. Which. Fair.
In any case, I guess we should go check out the Sacred Grove now.
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Also, there's a giant tower in the ocean with a crystal. Bet you money that crystal, like, beams light onto the prism and then Something Something.
That is a very large mechanism and I want to see it active. For shits and giggles.
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I am ready, at long last to make paths through water. This has to be what my prophecy was about. I'm pretty sure we fulfilled Garl's back at Malkomud and Zale's dragging his feet on accepting lunar supremacy but this has to be my moment. Let's go!
Right after story time.
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Is this about the Botanical Horror? I was wondering what the hell that was.
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Sounds like Death needs to lower her fucking standards. She has reaped the lives of every living thing that has ever been on this planet and not one of them, not one was ever good enough for her?
Staring at the magnificent beauty of nature like, "EHHHH, 6 out of 10." Needing scientists to fabricate a shape that's impossible to occur in nature before you'll deign to call it pretty is the very epitome of unrealistic beauty standards.
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Hold up, why is Death's magic wicked? It's a natural part of the life cycle.
Maybe this was all in good fun. I mean, the botanist was trying to prank Death. Maybe Death pranked back.
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Oh goddammit, is this the Celestial Willow again? Does every part of this world have telepathic compulsion flora!?
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That has to be a trap. I don't buy that Death would have woven an enchantment that bestows immortality to others.
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Yep, that's a trap alright. So instead of counter-pranking the botanist, Death counter-pranked everyone.
Botanist: Let's do an immortality experiment. I'm gonna make a flower so pretty that even Death will refuse to claim its life. Death: Funny. I'll raise you the Instant Regret Rose! You guys want immortality so bad, huh? How much are you willing to utterly destroy yourselves to get it? Let's find out! It's like a contest except that the only way to win is to make peace with mortality and stop trying to cheat me.
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But unfortunately, there are others. Some people would take the existence of such a thing as a self-imposed challenge. Not even for the immortality. Once you've put a pain flower out into the world, there are people, especially men in their late teens or early twenties, who are going to make it a contest of pride to see who can hold the pain flower the longest.
Just. Because.
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I. Kinda. Want it.
Not for myself. Of course not. But it's an eldritch flower that causes irreversible lasting harm to anything that touches it. If there was a way to weaponize that....
Like, I wouldn't dare wrap any part of my staff in it. Do you know how often you touch yourself with any given part of a bo staff? Both on purpose and by accident? There is no safe location anywhere on this thing for something so vicious as the Instant Regret Rose.
But if we could make. Like. A jabby stick or a club or something with the rose on the end? We could really fuck some people up with that.
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See? It was a prank. One that I'm sure must have been absolutely hilarious from her perspective.
"Wicked magic." That's fucking rude, Teaks.
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ga-yuu · 8 months
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WARNING! The story contains assault.
-----Part 1------
Yoshino: "Then have a safe trip, Sueharu-san."
Sueharu: "Mm."
Smiling mischievously, Sueharu-san then hugged me gently....
He gently kissed my cheek.
Yoshino: "....!? W-What was that for...!?"
Sueharu: " 'I'm going out' kiss. I'd be happy if you could do the same for me next time."
That day will never come.
We're not newlywed couple.
Do it with someone you like.
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Yoshino: "We're not a newlywed couple...!"
Sueharu: "Oh, that's great too! If I'm ever blessed with a beautiful wife like you, I will never go anywhere."
Yoshino: "Come on.."
I didn't even get the chance to get angry, and Sueharu-san waved and left the room.
(I should not get carried away)
(After this mission, we'll go back to being enemies)
Or maybe even that was Sueharu-san's calculation...
An unbreakable feeling stabbed at my heart.
After Sueharu-san leaves for the meeting, the moon rises high up in the sky....
Yoshino: "Okay. I'm done!"
Subordinate 1: "Is that medicine? I heard that you are a pharmacist, so it was true huh....?"
Yoshino: "Yes. These are wound medicines by the way. If you don't mind, I want you to have them and also share it with all of Sueharu-san's subordinates."
In the waiting room, I exchange words with my guard, who is also a subordinate of Sueharu-san.
Subordinate 1: "Really? Then, thank you very much!"
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Subordinate 1: "I'm sure everyone will be pleased."
Subordinate 1: "Especially those who are ordered to do rough jobs like me."
Yoshino: "It's strange that despite being a merchant, he has a lot of rough jobs..."
(Nothing less expected from a black merchant, I guess..)
Subordinate 1: "Well, he is not an ordinary merchant."
Yoshino: "Um, can I ask you a question?"
Subordinate 1: "....? Yeah sure. As long as I can answer that is."
After a moment of thinking, the friendly subordinate nodded his head.
Yoshino: "What kind of person....is Sueharu-san from a subordinate's perspective?"
Subordinate 1: "..............."
Subordinate 1: "He is-----"
After thinking for the moment, when the subordinate was about to answer...
(....!? What is that sound?)
Subordinate 1: "....!Yoshino-san stand back."
Hearing the sounds of multiple footsteps echoing from the back of the hallway, I suddenly felt nervous----
Subordinate 1: "Is this an e-enemy attack? But what happened to the guards outside...?"
Few minutes earlier...
A child stands in the alleyway behind the inn, where Yoshino is currently residing.
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Ibuki: *sighs* "There we go..."
Small hands slyly drag something on the ground.
The pale moonlight illuminated and it revealed to be two unconscious guards.
Ibuki: "This should do it."
In the shadows of the alleyway, Ibuki placed the men disorderly.
Nearby were several guards who had also passed out unconscious.
Ibuki: "The finish is good. The workmanship is a little boring to be so proud of."
Ibuki: "It will make for a good night's drinking tonight."
-----No one knew about Ibuki's 'secret prank'.
A few minutes later, at Sadakatsu's mansion.
Sueharu: "Sadakatsu-sama, did you call me here just to confirm the contents of the contract?"
-----Part 2------
Sueharu: "Sadakatsu-sama, did you call me here just to confirm the contents of the contract?"
Sadakatsu: "Yes. I thought it was important. If it turns out something is wrong, I would be in trouble..."
Sueharu: "That's fine. But wouldn't this have been better for tomorrow's meeting?"
Sadakatsu: "Don't say that. Why don't you tell me more about your business over a drink or two?"
Sueharu: "........."
Sueharu stares intently at Sadakatsu.
Sueharu: "Sadakatsu-sama."
Sadakatsu: "....Hm? Yes?"
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Sueharu: "What are you hiding from me?"
Sadakatsu: "....!? O-Of course nothing. Why would you think that!?"
Just as when Sueharu stands up....
Subordinate 2: "Boss!"
Sueharu: "What's wrong?"
Several subordinates burst into the room.
Sadakatsu: "Hey!? How dare you enter..."
One of the subordinates whispers something to Sueharu.
At that moment, Sueharu turned stone cold.
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Sueharu: "...!"
His cold eyes slowly turned to look at Sadakatsu.
Sadakatsu: "K-Kichiji...? What's wrong?"
Sueharu: "Who told you to keep me here tonight?"
Sadakatsu: "Ngh....."
Sadakatsu started turning pale.
Sueharu: "Or..was it your plan to attack Yoshino?"
Sadakatsu: "O-Of course not!"
Sadaktasu shook his head under Sueharu's pressure.
Sadakatsu: "I didn't expect things to come out so quickly..."
Sadakatsu: "Listen! It's wasn't me, okay!?"
Sadakatsu: "I was serious about my business with you. But the trading company that was associated with me, insisted that I..."
Sueharu: "Were you overwhelmed? Or were you just afraid that the bandits supporting them, would turn on you?"
Sadakatsu: "That's not true..."
Sueharu: "It was you, Sadakatsu-sama who fed them and fattened them up."
Sadakatsu's forehead beads with sweat as he is blamed for the incident.
Sueharu: "So where is Yoshino and my subordinate right now?"
Sadakatsu: "I don't know! How the hell should I know!?"
Sadakatsu: "Sorry. I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel our business deal, Kichiji."
Sueharu: "Cancel? Heh...Hahaha, you're very funny. Did you actually think that you could say that to me and get away with it?"
Sadakatsu: "ngh.."
Smiling Sueharu looked into Sadakatsu's face.
Sueharu: "Let me make this clear."
Sueharu: "In my business, once a contract is made, its absolute."
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Sueharu: "Whether you're a noble or god himself, I don't care. There are no exceptions."
Sueharu: "If you break it of your own volition, you're gonna have to pay the price. Now tell me, are you ready for that?"
-----Part 3-----
Sueharu: "In my business, once a contract is made, its absolute."
Sueharu: "Whether you're a noble or god himself, I don't care. There are no exceptions."
Sueharu: "If you break it of your own volition, you're gonna have to pay the price. Now tell me, are you ready for that?"
Sadakatsu: "W-What are you exaggerating for...did you think you can actually talk like that to me!?"
Sueharu: "There is no use wasting time on you for now. You're no longer my customer, but my enemy."
Sueharu looks at his subordinates.
Sueharu: "Take him."
Subordinate 2: "Yes!"
The subordinate grabbed Sadakatsu, forcing him to stand up.
Sadakatsu: "Hey! Stop touching me! Who do you think I am...!?"
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Sueharu: "No one cares. Once you're dead, you nothing more than a piece meat."
Sueharu's voice was so cold that even his subordinates shivered slightly.
Man 1: "Hey! Get in there!"
Subordinate 1: "Argh..."
Yoshino: "Please wait! At least let me treat him."
I was thrown into a cold cell with Sueharu-san's subordinate.
The subordinate who is also my guard, was seriously injured because he fought alone to protect me.
Man 2: "Do we kill the man? This woman is more than enough for a hostage."
The subordinate lying on the ground moaning didn't seem to have much strength left to fight.
Man 3: "You're right. He's an eyesore anyway."
Man 3: "You poor thing? Do you now regret being that man's subordinate?"
Subordinate 1: "Ha....Ha..Hahaha...."
Yoshino: "....!"
The subordinate suddenly laughed with his swollen face.
Man 4: "Why are you laughing!?"
Subordinate 1: "Boss...Sueharu-san..is definitely scary."
Subordinate 1: "He won't show kindness to subordinates who fails easily. They will all end up like this if they screwed over."
Subordinate 1: "But that's not the only reason I take orders from him."
Man 3: "Huh? Is he going crazy because he's going to die?"
(No! That person's eyes.....isn't dead yet!)
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Subordinate 1: "Kitsuji Sueharu....will hunt down anyone who harms his men to the ends of the earth."
Subordinate 1: "As long as....we don't betray him...Sueharu-san will definitely protect us."
Subordinate 1: "That's why, it's over for you...."
The men flinched at the spirit of the subordinate who stared up at them, covered in wounds.
Man 1: "Tsk...stop talking nonsense!"
One of the men took out a knife, that he was hiding, in agitation.
Yoshino: "...! No!"
When I see the man about to attack the subordinate, my body moves before I can think.
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(I can't let this man, who believes in Sueharu-san and who protected me, die!)
(Also for Sueharu-san's sake)
-----Part 4-----
(I can't let this man, who believes in Sueharu-san and who protected me, die!)
(Also for Sueharu-san's sake)
I pushed the man away from the side.
Man 1: "This woman...!"
I desperately try to shield the subordinate and protected him.
(If help is really coming, let's buy some time!)
Yoshino: "Please don't kill him! Please..."
Subordinate 1: "No...Yoshino...san..."
Man 2: "Get out of my way!"
The moment I was forcibly thrown away----
???: "Let go of her."
Man 2: "Gah!?"
A cold anger rang out, and the man holding me collapses.
Yoshino: "Ah....."
(This voice)
I felt my body being hugged by someone and the warmth enveloped me...
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Sueharu: "Ha....How can I forget how reckless you are for the sake of others. I'm glad I made it in time."
Yoshino: "Sueharu...san.."
Sueharu-san subordinates rushed in and attacked the men.
Man 1: "You..Arghh."
Man 3: "Shit.."
In an instant, the men were pinned down and restrained.
Sueharu: "Yoshino. I'm sorry for scaring you. I was late."
The whispered words are less flamboyant than usual.
That's why it was so heartbreaking to hear his voice which sounded genuinely relieved.
(He really came to save us)
Yoshino: "Thank you...but your subordinate was protecting me and got seriously injured."
I pleaded that sounded like a cry.
Sueharu: "............"
Sueharu-san crouched down in front his subordinate who was lying on the floor.
Subordinate 1: "Boss....forgive me..."
Sueharu: "You protected Yoshino well."
Sueharu: "I'll make them pay for your injuries."
Subordinate 1: "...Mm...."
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Sueharu: "Go to sleep for now and dream about what reward you want. I'll get it for you by the time you wake up."
Subordinate 1: "....yes."
The tearful subordinate laughed happily and passed out in relief.
(Sueharu-san is a terrifying black merchant)
(.....he's not just a terrifying black merchant)
After that-----
Sueharu-san's men completely controlled the stronghold of the bandits.
We found out that the bandits thought that kidnapping me would be a good reason for them to join the trading company.
(A lot happened...but I'm glad we were able to return to the inn safely)
After we were alone, Sueharu-san explained everything to me.
Yoshino: "So that's what happened. The guards outside were unconscious...."
Sueharu: "Yeah. Inexplicably, none of the bandits knew about the guards outside, either."
(Who in the world...?)
Yoshino: "There were no witnesses?"
Sueharu: ".....There was only one person who claimed to have seen someone."
Yoshino: "Eh?"
Sueharu: "They say it was a beautiful boy with shiny golden hair."
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Sueharu: "There's no way a kid like that could take out a bunch of trained guards."
Sueharu: "They were unsure whether they were dreaming or not."
Yoshino: "A child....yeah that for sure he must be dreaming."
Sueharu: "The matter is being investigated at the moment. If I find out anything, I'll let you know."
------Part 5-----
Yoshino: "Okay."
I nodded and switched to another topic.
(Oh yeah)
Yoshino: "I wish I could personally thank the subordinate again tomorrow for protecting me."
Yoshino: "Can you call me when he wakes up?"
Sueharu: "Sure."
I smiled with relief.
Yoshino: "By the way, I see that Sueharu-san really cares about his subordinates."
Sueharu: "Eh?"
Yoshino: "That subordinate believed in Sueharu-san....until the end. He knew that you would come to help us."
Sueharu: "What are you saying?"
Sueharu rested his chin listlessly.
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Sueharu: "The employment relationship is a kind of transaction. My subordinates follow my orders faithfully and I pay them for their work."
Sueharu: "In some cases. It's part of the deal to act as shield for your men."
(....That's what Sueharu-san thinks)
A certainty was gained and an unknown stirring was born deep in my heart.
Sueharu: "I owe you an apology and a thank you."
Yoshino: "Sueharu-san?"
He looks at me with a serious face.
Sueharu: "From the moment I made you my partner, I had a duty to protect you."
Sueharu: "But in the end I put you in danger. Please forgive me."
Sueharu: "Also thank you for protecting my subordinate."
(After all....he's a man of means)
Yoshino: "....You're welcome."
Yoshino: "But that person was actually saved by Sueharu-san who arrived just in time."
All I did is buy time.
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Sueharu: "If you underestimate what you've done, let me buy it for a higher price."
Sueharu: "What price should I pay for you?"
His palm gently touched my cheek making my heart pound sweetly.
(I feel....kinda strange when you touch me like this)
Yoshino: "Sueharu-san is so loyal...that if the Shogunate and the Rebels start their war, you would be my enemy."
Sueharu: "A debt is a debt. It would be healthier not to carry it over to the battlefield."
Yoshino: "That...might be true."
Sueharu-san's eyes, filled with glamorous heat, are shaken by my bewilderment.
Sueharu: "..........."
For a moment there was silence but our gazes were still entwined.
Yoshino: "Sueharu-san....?"
(No. I'm not imagining, right? .....His eye is flickering, right?)
When I realised that, my eyes widened.
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Sueharu: "Yoshino."
His voice which is supposed to be good at hiding his real emotions, was...
It melts in the night wind as if to restrain something.
Sueharu: "You're right."
Sueharu: "When the war between the Shogunate and the Rebels starts, I will be your enemy by default no matter what."
Sueharu: "Even though I don't like that, it's a sentiment that is not appropriate for a black merchant."
Chapter 15
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strwbrry-skies · 1 year
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"but i promise you this,
i'll always look out for you.
yeah, that's what i'll do."
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summary: you are new to moralton, the first day of school you met tommy. and ever since then, you guys became the bestest of friends. one day, he sees you crying on a bench in the park. seeing his best friend cry like that, he comforts you.
pronouns: Tommy he/him, Reader they/them.
trope(?): hurt/comfort, childhood bestfriends.
warnings/head's up: no capital letters, reader's parents live in different houses(but eventually they live together again), joe slightly teasing reader and tommy. (or maybe just tommy lol) also not proofread!!
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you are a normal kid. lived in a normal neighborhood, laughed with normal friends, got normal grades, everything about you is normal. that's what you thought. one day, your parent decided to move and stay at their partner's in moralton. you were somewhat against the idea, but you wanted to see your parents together again. so you said "fine".
after a few days there, your parents decided to let you go to moralton's school. you felt really bad in the stomach, but you said yes anyway. 'i guess it is time to meet new friends' you thought to yourself.
the very next day was your first day of school. you looked at the school outside of your parent's vehicle while they told you their goodbyes. "Alright, here we are, cupcake! stay safe, okay? i love you!" they said as they hugged you tight, in response you said "ah! i won't go anywhere except inside my class if you let go, you know!" you said while chuckling softly. "goodbye!" you waved to your parent as they waved back at you, you started to make your way inside the school until you bumped into someone.
"ah!?" they yelped. "oh my gosh! i'm so so so sorry!!" you said as you lend a hand to help them get up. they had blonde hair, big black eyes, and some freckles decorated their face. "oh, thank you.. are you new here?" they said as they took your hand to help them get up. "uhm.. yeah. you've heard?" you asked them as they brush the dirt off their clothes, "oh! you! yeah, i remember what my teacher said about you the other day. my name's tommy by the way." he held out a hand to shake with yours, and so you did. after a few days, you guys became very close friends. you guys learn together, eat together, draw together, play together.. you guys do everything together!
until one day…
tommy went to your house to see you. he knocked on the door to your house, thinking of seeing you on the other side but instead got greeted by your parent. "oh, hello, tommy! i'm afraid our little cupcake isn't at home right now! we thought they were with you.." your parent pondered while tommy replied, "oh, why's that? where do you think they are? i'll help find them!" tommy said his goodbyes as he rushed to go find you.
after a few hours, he started to give up. orel, doughy, "him", and joe were also trying to find you! he went everywhere and he asked everyone, but nothing. "where were they?" he thought to himself. the afternoon started to become night. he went to the park and sat under a tree, right beside a pond and a bench. right there, he heard crying. he quickly turned the way where the crying was coming from, and there you were. the moonlight shone bright on you, making your tears look like diamonds, and your eyes look like gemstones. "hey.. there you are…" he said softly, taking off his helmet, and making his way to you.
he was really relieved he found you, not because he promised your parents to bring you home. no. he was relieved because you are his best friend. you are his sibling. you are his other half! he sat beside you on the bench, looking down at the grass. waiting for one of you to break the silence as you were sobbing softly. your sobs started to calm down.
"you know.. orel, doughy, and the others are looking for you too you know?" he said as he looked at you with a sweet smile, trying to lighten up the mood. you looked at him with glossy eyes and a shocked expression on your face. "they.. they are?" your voice cracking from the crying. "haha.. yeah. they're still looking for you, because i haven't told them you are here with me!" he chuckled softly.
his expression of relief turned into one of worry. "why.. were you crying? if you wanna talk to someone, im here! i won't tell anyone, honest!" he said as he put a hand on his chest with a comforting smile on his face. "i.. i don't know why i'm crying, tommy…" you said while looking down at the pond. "huh? you don't know? how's that??" he said as he put a finger on his chin while he pondered. he then stopped as he realized you looked even down as he said that, then something clicked.
tommy has got an idea.
"you know what? don't mind that! you don't need any excuse to do something! well, except illegal stuff… but, that's beside the point!" he said as he smiled brightly at you. the air became silent. but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comforting.
"i'm really happy to be your best friend."
tommy suddenly broke the silence, you whipped your head to look at him. it went silent again after a few minutes. "you are very, very, very special. everyone would be happy to be with you. to spend time with you. even if it's just a few seconds or if it's just.. sitting on a bench, looking at the stars." he said as he slowly looked at you. "tommy…" is what you said before you pull him into a tight hug. he hugs you back and you start squeezing him while laughing.
"ah! you're gonna turn me into tommy juice, you goofball!" tommy exclaimed in between his laughter. you loosened up your hugs so he could breathe. you two stayed like that for a long time until you two heard someone say "ooooohhhhh".
you two quickly let go of each other and looked at the person making that noise, it was joe. "looks like tommy has a crush! i'm going to tell orel and the others!" joe said as he pointed at the two of you. "wh- hey! no i do not! don't tell them!" tommy screamed at him while his face was bright red. what a night…
what a night.
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saotoru · 9 months
That makes me very happy that you recognize my art omggg ,tell me what's your twitter so we can be moots there too!!,<333
Um as you can see i like a certain devil hunter a bit too much and his cold bro <(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)\ , I'd draw more Vergil but I never get his body to look right he's just too sexy for my humble art skills ,i have some Leon ones but they're too messy
Okay Some context: the first one is Dante pole dancing drawing I never finished because someone on Pinterest said Dante can canonically pole dance lol (I was gonna make a Vergil version but gave up) ,and the Vergil gif is a drawing that's on my blog but I never posted the shirtless ver so I guess u get to see it!
The other ones are just self indulgent doodles maybe I'll finish someday,,,,maybe, I usually don't post these anywhere because I get shy posting nsfw things or I'm just not satisfied with it so either I delete them or only show my friends (I try not to include the face of y/n so anyone can insert themselves )
Your blog is a safe place for horniness ,so pls accept my humble doodles
I hope you enjoy and again I LOVE YOUR WRITING thank you for the food you write <3 (sorry for the long rant too)
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OH MY GOD DJDBBF SCREAMING CRYING FOAMING AT THE MOUTH RN!!!! holy shit the last one of dante is making me SCREAM SUB DANTE SUB DANTE!!! wow your art is SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL LIKE? dante is personally my favorite so this is FEEDING me rn especially the stripper one AND THE LAST I RLLY CANT DEAL !!! and the vergil one is making me FEEL things
dude your style is GORGEOUS <333 wow thank you SO much for sharing with me. my acc is very much an n-sfw safe space so im glad you felt comfortable sharing <33 if u were to ever draw more uh ,,,, i would foam at the mouth
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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They reach the second floor
It's still as unsettling as ever
The clock ticks
"It's past 9, but the clock didn't chime. Is it broken?"
"Maybe it's for the best. It was really loud"
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They see a girl get out of one of the rooms carrying various blankets.
"Hey! If that's for the blanket fort, then put them back. It's been canceled!"
"... Who are you"
"Ah, the scary judgmental stare of a teenager who's cooler than you, it should be considered a war tactic"
"I'm Detective Beebo, and this is my partner Detective Ángel, we would like to ask you some questions"
She looks at Ángel weirdly
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"Are you-"
"I am sorry for interrupting, but please do not ask if we are cops. We are not cops. We are private detectives, and we do not associate with the police department "
"Yeah! We don't care about the law!"
"That is not what I said, and I'd like that misinformation to not be repeated anywhere else"
"I see you opening twitter. Put that down"
"Fine, but I'll keep the hat for longer"
"Wha- you're not even wearing it! Give it back!"
"It's the price to pay for my silence"
"Are you guys done?"
"Ah! Yes, ahem, we wanted to ask you about your father, Mr. Coli"
"Do you happen to know anything about him? What might make him want to commit multiple crimes?"
"... Why are you asking?"
"Not you, you are Oliver Beebo, right?"
"Uh, I am. Have we met before?"
She ignores that and turns to Ángel
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"Aren't you the guy who bought the comp-"
"But that doesn't really matter right now, yeah? This has nothing to do with that, so we don't have to talk about it"
"Wha- have THEY met before?
Did they have a fight over a last product on a supermarket or what"
"... I'll only talk to Beebo"
"I have something to ask you"
"Wait, no! We asked first!"
"Please don't tell me Ángel has some sort of rivalry with a 17 year old girl"
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"So? Are you really in a position to ask for anything, 'detective' Ángel?"
"Never mind, you are right, ladies first"
"Uh, so, you'll tell me? About your father?"
"Yes. In private"
Ángel does not look happy. He and the teen are exchanging nasty looks
"He has a rivalry with a 17 year old. Ah man, I already decided to keep him, so better get used to it, I guess"
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"I guess we'll separate for a bit"
"Ah, yeah, it's fine"
"Um, were will you two be?"
"Well, she needs to out those blankets back, so, a room?"
"That's fine, don't try hearing from behind the door, you"
"Wh- I would never!"
"I'll just stay by the stairs.
That way, if anything happens, here or on the first floor, I can quickly check it out!"
"I'd prefer if you weren't alone"
"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, and I can just call Vivi if I get lonely"
"... Alright, but be safe, okay? Don't you dare not be safe"
He looks a bit sad at that
"I will. Now go get that info from Miss moody teen over there"
"Bye-bye to you too"
Oliver and Nadia enter one of the rooms, and there's not much difference between them, just window placement
She puts the blankets down
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"You know me?"
"Yes, I've looked you up online"
"Oh, do you want to hire me?"
"Not quite, I need to know something from you"
"So do I, I've been told you know more about your father than others"
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She gets quiet
"We can both get what we want"
"You're right"
"Then, let me ask you, Mr. Detective
Have you ever heard about
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House anatomy"
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