#listen if someone can suggest a love story between a girl and a djinn that takes place in a desert region...
dualumina · 4 months
Now that we have more free time (and access to the family's smart TV with basically every subscription service..) what are some things y'all recommend?
Doesn't have to be recent, just stuff y'all have enjoyed.
Actually, bonus points if it's already completed.
Not going to name EVERYTHING we've already seen but we definitely lean more on the fiction or at least lightheaded side. Love a good romance plot (whatever genders) so long as the slow burn isn't room temperature for 80% of the series.
Extra bonus points if you can name something that takes place outside of Europe, North America, or Japan.
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1000roughdrafts · 5 years
Movie Monsters Pt. 1
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Summary: you’re teamed up with Dean to figure out the path of a new monster. And of course, things don’t go as planned.
A/N: written for @spndeanbingo and is part 1 of 2 (hopefully the keep reading insert works I’m on mobile - if it doesn’t I’ll fix it when I get to work tonight)
Warnings: spn style banter, some language and angst
Square Filled: enemies to lovers
Word Count: 2,047
You were never really one for movies, solely because you itched to stand up, walk around, move your limbs. Sitting for an hour or more was never appealing to you. You preferred reading, where you could submerge yourself in the story and close the pages when you needed a moment to yourself. You could always open up the book after your coffee break, or a shower and pick up where you left off.
People had said you could do the same with movies, but it just never had the same appeal. You are a controlling type, so perhaps the distaste in movies and love for books is because you can picture the story more Y/N-styled via book. Reading was easier as a hunter, as well, given that you could always carry a book or two with you anywhere you find yourself.
Lately, a new monster has hit the world - so new in fact that the only name it’s been given so far is Movie Monster. The thing is eerily similar to a Djinn, but you found out from visiting the roadhouse that they have one distinct difference; instead of the victim being placed in a dream, they are put into the world of a horror films, a lifetime of running for their lives.
Stumped, you drive to Bobby’s for a research session. He suggests you team up with the movie-loving Winchester. That arrogant smirk of his forms behind your eyes and you cringe at the sight of it.
“No way, Bobby,” you hold your hands up and shake your head. “There is no way I’m working with that prick! I’m sorry,” you say.
“You want someone who knows movies and can help you gank this sunnova bitch, or do you wanna wait till it kills more?” He shouts in his dad voice. “Besides, you’ve never even met the kid!”
“Yes I have. Don’t you remember when I was huntin that rougaru, only for Dean to come in with his sexist, ‘I’ll take it from here’ attitude?” Bobby only gives you a nagging glance. Rolling your eyes, you decide he’s right. You cross your arms, “fine, what’s this assholes number then?”
“No need for that,” he says absentmindedly. He peaks through the blinds, letting in a soft ray of sunshine as the sound of tires and the hum of an engine purrs outside. “He’s here now.”
Following behind him to the front door, you stand off to the side as two statuesque beauties make their way in offering hugs all around. The three men are offering niceties as if it’d been a long while since seeing each other.
After an uncomfortable silence, Bobby clears his throat and puts a hand on your back, “uh, Dean, Sam - this is Y/N, the girl I was telling you about.”
Dean, you remember, puts his hand out to you with a simper smile, “I believe we’ve met. It’s nice to see you again, Y/N.”
“Wish I could say the same to you,” you murmur, only to be swatted by Bobby. You offer him a shrug before crossing your arms.
Sam nods at you, repeating the pleasantry. You at give him a pitiful smile, at least he’s never derailed one of your cases only to overtake it completely like Dean has.
You lead the way into Bobby’s office, plopping down into your chair, watching Dean as he saunters in, eyes scanning for a resource he’s surely not going to read and rubbing his hands together in preparation.
Slouching forward in your chair, you prop your elbows on your knees, “researching is a lost cause, guys. There’s not going to be anything in the lore given how new this creature is.”
Sam's head tilts to the side as he runs a finger along the spines of Bobby’s books, without turning to you, he replies, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. We could look into a resurfacing monster that went dormant for years, or - or perhaps something similar to a Djinn that just,” he holds onto his tongue, in search of the phrasing, “transformed or morphed into something else.”
Pulling a book down, he quickly opens it and fans through the pages. Dean coasts over to the chair next to you, falling onto it and clapping his hands together. “Well, if we can’t find anything here, I say we do some hands on learning,” he says with a wink in your direction.
You roll your eyes with a scoff, standing up from the chair and walking over the creaking boards to Bobby’s side.
“How ‘bout we split up,” Bobby suggests, pointing to Dean, “you and Y/N do the hands on, and me and Sam will crack open the books. We’ll keep each other posted on our findings and Hell, maybe when all this is over we can create the first book about this Movie Monster.”
“What?” You screech, directing your attention onto Bobby, “first of all, you know how I feel about that jerk, and secondly, I’m not into movies, remember!”
“Little girl you listen to me, and you listen good,” He flags a finger at you, gripping the attention of the brothers. They know this lecture all too well and exchange glances of gratification that they are not the only ones to deal with Bobby’s fatherly lessons. You cower only slightly. You admire Bobby, always have. Ever since your parents were murdered by a demon, he’s all you had.
“If you think for one second that I’m changin’ my mind, you can guess again. You better drop that attitude, little lady. We have no room for that huffin’ and puffin’ so you can take it or leave it,” He scolds.
You cross your arms, looking between the brothers as they quickly turn their heads away. “I’ll stay,” you mutter.
“Good,” Bobby sighs. He glances at the Winchester’s before looking back at you more affectionately, “now I hate gettin’ on you guys, but sometimes you really get on my nerves with your whining,” he says, taking a deep breath. “Now, can we agree on the teams?”
“Yes sir,” the three of you say in union.
“You two better scurry off if you wanna save daylight,” Bobby says, pointing to you and Dean, “sunsets bout to come in and we don’t know when or where this thing is gonna hit next.”
“Not to sound silly, but how do we know where to go next?” You ask.
“Have you forgotten how to do your damn job?” Bobby taunts. “Last attack was in Wisconsin, right? Go there, interview the victim’s families, check out the autopsies - the usual stuff,” he shrugs.
“That’s almost a seven hour drive!” You blurt out before you can cover your mouth. All eyes land on you, Sam with his head tilt and Bobby with his father frown.
Dean stands smugly, wagging a hand and arrogantly speaking out, “five and a half if I’m driving,” he winks. You groan, pushing past the men to pack up a bag.
Once you have everything you could imagine you’d need, you run your hands across the empty notebook your mother had gifted you merely weeks before she died. You never considered yourself to be a writer or a daily journal type of gal, but if this monster was one for the books, you know that you need to be the person to write that.
You slip the notebook and a few pens into your bag and rush back down the hallway, giving Bobby a kiss on the cheek and a small apology before heading out.
Jumping into the passenger side of the Impala, you slam the door shut behind you. Dean winces, glancing over at you, remaining quiet but keeping a frown.
“What?” You snap, whipping the seat belt over your lap and clicking it together.
“Hey!” He shouts, holding his palms out to you, “go easy on her! Do you have to be so aggressive with everything?” He rolls his eyes, clicking the key into driving and delicately rotating the ignition on - eliciting the soft purr of her engine.
“Do you have to be so bossy?” You retort, leaning back against the seat.
For the rest of the drive you speak no words, only listen to the wear of the tires on the road and the soft rock that plays from the speakers. Dean slowly pulls up in front of a motel, putting the car to a stop and jumping out without saying a word to you.
He returns shortly, letting out a huff as he falls into the seat with one key, “so, they only have one room left-“
“What?” You say, eyes wide. “Seriously?”
“There’s a bright side - there’s two beds in this room,” he says, raising his eyebrows.
You sigh in relief, “okay. That’s… better, I guess.”
Lugging in your bag, you take the bed by the bathroom after arguing with Dean about the one by the door. He says since he’s the man and he should be the one to protect the two of you should someone break in. You were in no mood to spend the night arguing, so you settled on the other bed with a request that he let you take the lead in the morning.
You wake up to the earthy and spicy aroma of freshly brewed coffee, following your nose to a cup planted on the nightstand by your bed. Chugging nearly half of it before you open your eyes, you hear a low chuckle off to the corner.
You squint your eyes in his direction, at his freshly showered and shaven face as you swallow down the hot liquid.
“Not a morning person I take it,” he quips before taking a sip of his own. Judging from his chipper voice, it’s certainly not the first cup he’s had for the day.
“Yeah, and you are?” You sass, hurling the blankets to the side and throwing your legs off of the bed. Grabbing your bag you ignore his response, pushing right past him and into the bathroom.
You rummage through the small bag, looking for the professional attire you find yourself wearing less and less. Displeased at the small hairs scattered in the sink and the splashes of water beside it, you grab a towel from the stand and place it on top of the counter to put your clothes safely onto. You reach into your bag again, pulling out a small bag of your makeup and toothbrush.
Before stripping off your clothes, you make sure to lock the bathroom again, hopping in the shower and getting ready as quickly as you can.
Surprisingly, Dean held up to his promise - or bet, or whatever the Hell you would call the argument over who got the bed - and let you lead the conversation with the victim’s families. It went extremely well, you’d say. The families gave you some good information and you expressed your condolences, but you were ultimately sent back to the drawing board.
Both of you sighing out as you get into the Impala, Dean starts the conversation. “So, morgue?”
“Yep,” you say, slouching down in your seat, throwing a hand on your forehead.
He reaches over to the glove box, and you only notice that he’s so near to you when you hear the box pop open and his arm brushes against yours. You pull your hand from your face and lean back in time to see him holding a bottle of ibuprofen. Only then did you realize that there’s a throbbing against your temples, and a pulsing behind your eyes.
You groan, forcing a smile and taking the bottle from his hands. He twists around to reach into the back seat for some kind of liquid, only finding a can of beer.
“Thanks, Dean,” you chuckle, the throbbing intensifying at the vocalization. “I’ll just take it dry,” you whisper, opening up the bottle and popping two of the astringent capsules into your mouth. You cringe, shaking your head as they go down.
Dean laughs as he puts the car into gear, “I’ll take the morgue,” he says softly. “Not because I don’t think you can handle it, but-“
“Headache, no talking, got it,” you say with a hand covering your face, holding a thumbs up at him.
Part 2
Forever tags
@waywardblueshun @fangirl490
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Blind Love | Chapter 27
Pairing: Dean x Castiel
Words: 1,437
Story Summary: When Dean is blinded on a hunt, Cas loves him through it.
Chapter Summary: The boys come to a decision, make some life changes, and meet some new friends.
Betaed by @manawhaat
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It’s been three weeks since the marathon and five weeks since Sam last went on a hunt.
Dean realizes that one morning when he and Lady come into the library and finds Sam on the phone with Claire, walking her through how to take down a djinn and advising her to call in backup. Dean leans against a pillar and listens to his brother with a smile.
“You sound like Bobby,” he says when Sam is finished with the conversation.
Sam laughs quietly, but Dean knows the words hit him. “Really?”
Dean nods and moves to ruffle Sam’s hair. “Yeah.”
“I’ve been thinking about him lately- about how he helped other hunters, without ever really going out himself. We have all his books still in that storage locker in Sioux Falls. We could add them to the bunker library and make this into a resource for hunters across the country...what do you think?”
“I really like that idea,” Dean says and he means it. He rounds the table and slides into a seat across from his brother. Lady tucks herself under his chair. She doesn’t need to follow him around the bunker, since he knows it so well now, but she does anyway. He doesn’t mind.“Wanna talk specifics?”
“Yeah. How would this work? We would probably need more phone lines, so how would we go about getting those set up? Stuff like that.”
“That’s a long list,” Sam says honestly.
“It is. We better get started.”
It turns out to be a really, really long list. They start with bringing all the books they were able to salvage from Bobby’s house to the library, where Sam organizes them onto the empty shelves he and Cas put together. Next is making sure the bunker can provide for a large number of people at the same time. They test out all the old washers and dryers in the laundry room, making sure they all work (somehow they all do, which Dean isn’t even going to try and explain). Sam checks all the plumbing in the bathrooms.
Once the amenities and such are up to par, they clean bedrooms. They decide to only do a hallway because they probably won’t need the entire bunker worth of rooms right away. Dean’s not even sure they would use them all if they had every hunter in America staying with them at the same time, so there’s no point in cleaning every single one right this minute.
The bunker has bedding already, thankfully. There’s a stack on top of every dresser that he gathers up and puts in the laundry. They’re going to have to come up with some kind of system for keeping bedding clean, as well as for paying for the laundry detergent. Perhaps each hunter that comes to stay can leave a small donation in order to fund the bunker? Stolen credit cards can only buy so much and Dean knows how messy hunters are from experience.
He also knows how much they can eat. He invests in some much larger pots and pans, as well as a large number of cheap dishes from Ikea of all places. Sam finds piles of folding chairs somewhere and stashes them in a closet between the kitchen and library, so an extra chair is never too far away. They already have a decent sized fridge, so storing enough food shouldn’t be a problem.
After two weeks of work, they decide the bunker is as ready as it’s going to get. Now they need rules. A system. There has to be a way to vet the hunters they allow in, both the kind of people they are and whether they’re even really people. There’s also the matter of keeping things stocked.
“We’ll just have to vet them the best we can using information from hunters we trust,” Sam decides. “It’s not like there’s a hunter social media or something we can dig through.”
“Yeah,” Dean agrees. The three of them are in the war room, Sam making lists and notes on their chalkboard. Lady has tucked herself under the table with her chin on Dean’s knee so he can scratch her ears.
“Now, what about supplies?” Cas pipes up. “It’s impractical to expect us to be able to provide what everyone needs at all times.”
“What if,” Dean says slowly, happy to present the idea he’s had brewing in the back of his mind for a week, “we have the hunters bring stuff? Say, they have to call when they get to town and while they’re there, we’ll give them suggestions of things we’re running low on? Then they just get what they can?”
“I like that,” Sam agrees. “We’ll have to stay on top of things, keeping track of food and toiletries, but I think that could work. What do you think, Cas?”
“I think that sounds like an excellent idea.”
Dean feels a small surge of pride. “Awesome.”
“How do we want to get the word out? Just have the girls help spread it?” Sam sits down across from Dean and taps his pen against the tabletop.
“That’s really the best method,” Dean replies, scratching Lady’s ears absentmindedly. “Word will spread slowly, which will give us time to get used to having more people around. If everyone found out at once, we would be overwhelmed.”
“Yeah, good point. I’ll call Jody.”
It’s a little while before the first hunters show up. They meet a guy named Elvis who’s a bit of a Sam fan- why Sam always gets stuck with the crazy fans, Dean doesn’t know- and his hunting partner, Bucky. A married couple named Cesar and Jesse stop by for a couple days, bearing fresh produce. Donna and Jody can only stay for one night, but Jody loads them up with enough toilet paper to last at least a month. Charlie pops in once. Eileen comes to visit and ends up staying- Dean was wondering when that would happen. He might be blind, but he’s not stupid. He knows how Sam looks at her, even if he can’t see it with his own eyes.
One pair of visitors Dean really likes are the Banes twins, a pair of sibling hunters raised by a white witch. Max is a flirt clearly crushing on Sam and Eileen, and Dean has a sense that the feelings are not entirely one-sided, but that’s not his problem. When both Eileen and Max emerge from Sam’s room one morning, it’s not Dean’s place to judge and as long as Sam’s happy, he doesn’t care what happens behind closed doors.
Dean was a little nervous about having so many people- particularly strangers- coming and going, but everyone is pretty respectful once they realize that being blind definitely doesn’t make Dean helpless or any less of a Winchester, and that Lady is not for petting when she’s wearing her vest, though some newer visitors still struggle with that last one.
There are a few hunters that come to stay and aren’t invited back, unfortunately. The ones who are overly violent- there’s a few that remind Dean of Gordon Walker- or the ones that don’t respect the sexualities of the bunker’s permanent residents- the first guy who makes a comment about Sam, Max, and Eileen gets Dean’s fist in his nose and leaves a few hours later. They keep the beer he brought.
Eventually, though, things get into a steady rhythm. The boys spend a lot of their days manning the phones- Sam in particular likes this job when it requires research. Even after all this time, he’s still a nerd. Dean’s happy to take over the phone if it means playing someone’s FBI supervisor or whatever it is they need to verify their story with the local law enforcement, but he also enjoys helping Sam figure out cases. They’re still hunting, in a way, but they’re doing more of the intellectual side of things, in true Men of Letters fashion.
Sam still likes to get out in the field on occasion- usually on cases further from the bunker, so he doesn’t make himself memorable to the locals- and Cas goes with him. Dean doesn’t mind. He keeps busy taking care of the bunker. With so many people coming and going, there’s always something to do. It’s given Dean a new purpose and he loves it. He genuinely loves it. If someone had suggested when he first lost his sight that this is what his life would be like, he would have thought they were crazy. Now, though, Dean’s not sure when he last felt this satisfied.
Like this fic? Commission one of your own!
Team Forever: @laughing-at-the-darkness @mrswhozeewhatsis @books-and-icecream
Team Destiel: @idelifrey @ilostmyshoe-79 @hexparker @smut-fluff-lemons-and-stuff @jwilly18 @ruined-by-destiel @keepingitrealcas @supernaturalfanfix @basic-joy @freedomcraziness
Team Blind Love: @jaebirdie @waywardasfudge @tina8009 @fangirl-writing-fiction @cacodaemonia @starcastlesinthesky @naruhearts
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