#literally the cutest thing i've ever seen in my entire life
windwenn · 3 months
Me reading a witch hat chapter that ends happily and immediately stopping bc that means the next chapter will categorically be the most heart wrenching thing i've ever laid eyes upon
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dorylinae-supremacy · 4 months
Thinking about an AU where Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are all the harbingers of the actual entire apocalypse and Phil (just some insane guy) decides that those are in fact his kids and starts gaslighting the absolute shit out of them about it.
Rambles under cut!
I wanna try something where they're just more insidious and passive killers than anything else, theyre mostly just biding their time and watching as wherever they're lingering around gets sicker and just starts withering away.
They're a slow moving threat that just can't be stopped and for some reason (because Kristin thinks its funny) Phil just isnt affected by them.
Phil: Oh Techno's always been like that ever since he was a baby Techno: I have literally never met you a day in my life Tommy: Idk man... you have always been like that Wilbur: Oh my death he's actually getting to us
Its a mix of that combined with that "how did he know I was a gemini" meme
Phil: Wil! I brought you some salmon, I know how much you love it! Wilbur: How the fuck did you know I like salmon Phil: I'm your dad silly, of course I'd know :-)
I just think itd be super fun since Phil in this au is literally just some insane dude. He literally lies about their entire childhood but does it so consistently and so realistically that it throws them off guard.
I also have a few ideas where they start referring to Phil as their dad in the beginning as a sarcastic / mocking thing but accidentally just getting themselves even more adopted as they do it.
Phil: Wilbur put on a coat Wilbur: I don't need one! Techno: Go on, Wil. Listen to dad Wilbur: Ugh fine. Only because dad wants it, though
Stranger: Whos this? Tommy: Oh thats our dad. He kinda just tags along Stranger: Aww thats so sweet! You got his nose and everything Tommy: I- wh- no he's not actually our da- Phil: I know he did! Isn't he the cutest, spitting image isnt he? Tommy: You're not my dad! Stranger: Oh someones embarrassed! Phil: Yeah he's going through a rebellious phase right now
Just a mixture of things like that where it starts as calling him it but then accidentally actually giving him parental authority along with that.
I also wanna explore how Kristin and Phils relationship would be like. Maybe her as death being very bemused by this silly human that just decided she was his wife one day.
She literally visits him in dreams and stuff and he just acts as if they're married and have been for years. He complains about their 'rambunctious kids' and how he has to threaten them with her so that they behave sometimes. She finds it so silly and just cant help but play pretend.
Kristin: Hello, human Phil: My love! Its been so long since I've seen you Kristin: We've never met Phil: Oh don't say that! It hasnt been that long. I've just been far too occupied with our boys to visit too much Kristin: Our boys? I made them Phil: And they came out beautiful! I'm so glad Wil and Tech got your eyes. I was hoping they would.
I think that'd be a core part of this AU as well. Everyone is playing pretend but then it just fuzzies and it all becomes real for them. At first its a joke that Phil is her husband and their father but then they get lost in the fantasy and fun of it all and actually accept him as such.
Phil has no ulterior motives either, he's literally just a strange insane man that heard stories about neotrio and started thinking they were his kids one day. He genuinely believes his delusion and they end up accidentally making it a reality.
He just makes lucky guesses and plausible lies often enough that he's still shiny and new, he's still fun to play with and thats what ends up 'tricking' them all.
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harrysblues · 2 years
Clean Baby
The one in which Harry comes back from work, and the only thing he wants to do is have a shower with his newborn.
After spending so much time working on his upcoming album Harry's House, the only thing Harry wants to do is get home to cuddle with his wife and his newborn. Y/N had given birth three months ago to a precious baby girl, Kennedy Gem, that Harry completely adores. He still doesn't believe how much he loves the little thing.
All he had wished to do since his sunshine had been born was to stay home with his family. Unfortunately, Kenny came three weeks early, and all Harry could do was rush through the last couple of things he had yet to arrange for his album release next month.
Even though he had been touring in America, Y/N's pregnancy had been kept a secret to the public. This means that not many people know what Harry has waiting for him at home, and how much he hates being away from home lately. The couple knows that they are going to need to start telling people soon, due to Harry going on tour to the UK and Europe during the summer, and Y/N and Kenny are going with him. However, they want to enjoy the most out of her without being bothered about how things are going, or people wanting to get their hands on pictures of their baby.
Harry got out of a meeting with Jeff and rushed home to be with both of his girls that he absolutely adores with his whole entire heart. They are literally the center of his universe, and the purpose that pushes him to be the best version of him everyday.
"Oh my baby, weren't you so hungry?" He heard Y/N coo right after he enters through the door. "You're the cutest thing I've seen in my entire life".
Harry is fast to lock the door and get to his family in the living room, and when he sees both of his girls on the sofa, wrapped in blankets because it is still chilly out, and Y/N breastfeeding Kenny while looking at her lovingly, he knows he made it. He has been dreaming about this his whole life.
"Hello my angels" He says while quickly sitting down in the sofa right by their side. "How has your day been? I hope fantastic. I've missed you both so so much".
He gives Y/N a passionate kiss, and they separate when they hear their baby make the cutest noise ever. "Yeah, sunshine. Do you also want a kiss?" Harry coos, and immediately kisses his baby's forehead. He is mesmerised with the way she's bonding with her mum right now.
"She's almost done, but she needs a bath. Your mum called and I got distracted" Y/N informs Harry. "She invited us to go to her house this weekend for a family get together. Gemma is also going".
"I'll call her tomorrow to let her know we are going" Harry answers. "But can I please be in charge of bath time tonight? I've missed my little ray of sunshine so much today, you have no idea".
"Oh, is that so? What about your wife?" Y/N says in a playful manner. "Did you forget about your wife when your daughter was born, or what?"
"Of course not, my love. We are soulmates, and I'm yours forever and ever" He says while burying his face on her neck. "You're the muse of all my songs, and the best thing to ever happen in my entire life".
Y/N looks at him, sees the way he is literally drooling over his daughter, and decides to agree to Harry being in charge of bath time. "Okay, I'll let you. However, you have to promise me that this won't be a recurring thing. Kenny is already so attached to you, if she starts getting used to showering with you she won't have it any other way ever again".
"Perfect, perfect, perfect" Harry celebrates. "C'mon Kenny baby, let's go get ourselves clean. Do you want to be a clean baby? Yes?" Harry takes his daughter from her mum's arms and burps her before cradling her in his arms and standing up to get to the bathroom.
"I'll be back in a bit, my love" He tells his wife. "Rest for a bit, put on your favourite show, but please don't worry about anything. You have been working so hard these last couple of months without me here, it's your turn to relax".
Y/N knows that Harry is doing the best he can to balance everything that's going on in his life right now. Nonetheless, her heart melts a little at how sweet he is being about everything. He is all she's ever asked for.
The couple shares a sweet kiss, and Y/N watches Harry and her daughter leave the room to go have a bath, so she doesn't hesitate to take up Harry's offer, and put on her favourite show.
Harry walks with Kenny in his arms to the bathroom, where he starts the shower, so that the water warms up to the perfect temperature for his baby girl, and he prepares the towels for when they get out. Then, he carefully undresses Kenny, as well as himself down to his boxers, and they both get in the shower.
Harry has his back to the shower stream, careful so it doesn't bother his little angel, while he holds her close to his chest. He did this for her first bath, because he was very scared of anything happening to her while in the water and he knew she was the safest in her daddy's arms. Ever since then, he does this as much as his wife lets him. He bonds with Kenny the best during bath times like this one, and he is determined to do this as long as his daughter lets him.
Once they are both completely wet, Harry takes a soft cloth, and with a little drop of baby soap, he starts washing his baby. She is sleepy in her father's chest, seeing as she loves listening to his heartbeat whenever she lays there. So when she notices her sleep being disrupted, she starts whimpering.
"Oh no, sunshine. Don't cry" He says softly to her. "It's just daddy cleaning you up, isn't that right? Didn't you want to be a clean baby?" Kenny stops the moment she hears her fathers voice, and looks up to him with the cutest smile ever.
"Hello, Kenny baby" He coos down at her. "It's bath time with daddy! We love bath time with daddy!" Harry exclaims while bouncing her a little and tickling her stomach. She lets out the most beautiful giggle Harry has ever heard, and he is completely sure he'll never get tired of it.
"How has your day been? Did you have fun with mummy?" He asks her softly while cleaning her body and shampooing the little curls she has started growing. "I'm very jealous that you get to spend so much time with her, especially cuddling. I love cuddles, you know that?" Kenny sees her father talking, and decides to start mumbling and making noises, as if she was answering all of his questions. Harry doesn't doubt it for a second, and he immediately starts talking to her as if she knew what he was saying.
"You love mummy's milk? Is that what you are saying?" The smile could be heard in his voice, as he was looking down at his precious daughter. Kenny squeals and slaps her little hands softly on her daddy's chest, making him chuckle. "We are so grateful for what she is doing for us, isn't that right? She is the most wonderful woman ever, and you are so lucky that you get to learn form her. You are going to be just like her".
The conversation carries on, Harry not once getting bored with the cute interaction, and he finishes giving her a bath and also, washing his body and hair. He would lie and tell Y/N that washing himself with only one arm wasn't difficult, but he would do it every day for his baby girl. It was very difficult for him to explain the bond he had with his daughter during these showers. The idea of her being completely dependent on him was something he thought about every single day. And he obviously loved every single minute of it.
Once both of them are clean, they get out of the shower and Harry carefully wraps Kenny in a very fluffy baby towel with a hood and bear ears on top. It was a gift from Mitch and Sarah for when she was born, and it is the cutest thing ever. Harry can't help but take pictures of her and send them to the love band's group chat every single time she uses it.
He creadles her in his arms again and wraps another towel around his waist. He obviously struggles, and he notices Kenny is watching him in the mirror when she lets out a very loud laugh, seeing her daddy drop his towel many times until he manages to wrap it in place.
"Oh my, Kenny baby! Are you laughing at y'daddy?" He jokingly reprimands her. "Does daddy make you laugh? Yeah?" He only gets more belly laughs from her, and he smiles so big, both of his dimples very prominent on his face, that he swears his cheeks are going to fall off. He is even trying to make her laugh harder, making weird faces at her while they both look at each other through the mirror.
When Kenny starts shivering a little, Harry knows it's time to get her dressed in a very cute pijama and put her to sleep. She was about to fall asleep on his chest after all, so he carries her to her bedroom and dresses her in his favourite pijamas of hers, decorated with little cherries, right after putting lotion on her with a very long massage. He loved pampering his girls, and he wasn't embarrassed to show it.
When she has her hair brushed, and she is ready for bed, with her pacifier on her mouth, Harry brings her to his bedroom so he can get ready.
"I know you're sleepy, sunshine. Let me get dressed and we'll go say goodnight to mummy, alright?" He tells her, while laying her in the middle of his king sized bed. He surrounds her with pillows so she won't roll and fall, although she is too tired to even move.
Harry goes inside his wardrobe to get into his pijamas really quick, and he looks at her playing with her hands at the top of her head while he is in his bathroom, doing his skincare and styling his hair.
"Let's go, angel" He kisses Kenny on the forehead, while picking her up and laying her against his chest. "We have to wish mummy a very good night, isn't that right?" Kenny softly coos, and Harry melts at the sound of her little voice. He can't wait for when she's able to tell him how she feels, or what she thinks.
When they get to the living room, Y/N is asleep on the couch. Harry quickly notices, and without wanting to wake her up, he gets down on his knees right next to her to give her a kiss on the forehead. "C'mon Kenny, give mummy a kissy so we can go to sleep" He whispers.
Right when he is about to get up from the floor to put Kenny to sleep, Y/N stirs awake. "Harry, cuddles please" His wife's demand earns a chuckle from Harry, but he doesn't think twice. He hands Kenny to Y/N, and he gets on the couch besides her to cuddle with the love of his life and his baby.
With the TV playing softly, the warmth of the blankets the three of them are wrapped up in, the feeling of his wife breathing, and the peaceful noises coming from his baby, Harry is in heaven. This is the best life he could have ever wished for, and he could never be happier.
First post! Please let me know if you like it and want more! Alsooo, don't forget to reblog :)
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disco-troy · 1 year
I feel like people who don't watch titans don't understand what its like to watch titans. like "its bad" no you don't understand
Jason kills a man and then roleplays with prostitutes to apologize
amazing ms anne diop STEALS THE SHOW
You get to a scene where you're expecting a big final confrontation and then Dick's just hit by a car. end scene. he spends 5 minutes in the hospital, moving on -
made me sad about HANK FUCKING HALL dying not ONCE BUT TWICE!! HANK HALL!!
raven leaves for an ENTIRE season to bring Donna back to life, has an episode where she comes to term with Donna death THE B-PLOT OF THE SAME EPISODE IS DONNA DECIDING TO COME BACK TO LIFE
The reason Donna decides to go back to life is that Tim's mad his death wasn't cool enough he wants to try again
Tim proceeds to spend every other fight scene curled up in a corner or hiding behind a strong woman preferably both
The have the literal most comic accurate Joey I've seen in my life in an adaptation an extremely relatable version of Kom that is super sympathetic to her, they work with themes like family and shared trauma and change things to make parallels between characters
Gar turns into a bat and dunks Dicks body into the lazurus pit
superboy mpreg
The cutest possible DickKory and THE BEST GAR I LOVE U SO MUCH
15 year old pretending to be the red hood and its funny but its also so sad
we interrupt this show to tell you that DICK IS A BOTTOM WHO WAS IN A MASOCHISTIC DOM/SUB RELATIONSHIP WITH JINX. okay u can continue
Babs and Joey are played by disabled actors
Donna dies by an electrical cable falls on her. Amazonian strength? never heard of her
They hype up trigon for all of season one and then spend 5 dollars on his CGI
Deathstroke comes back as a zombie and gets decapitated ❤️🥰🥰. Proceeds to stick his head back on 👎👎
Dick's legal name is Dick. Richard? never heard of her
an incredibility nuanced view of Kom and Kory's relationship in a way that pulls from the comics and changes a lot while keeping much of the same themes in a way that makes this show act like an excellent foil that enriches the original source material, especially in relation to their parents and mirroring countless side plots
at some point scarecrow gets jason high and dances an u just... watch i guess
Gar can only turn into a tiger for 3 seasons but then the show feels bad so he turns into a virus
There is no god or coherency in titans, the quality fluctuates widely from seconds of the show, its the best adaptation of the titans that has ever come out they tease a road trip EVERY SEASON and we have not had A SINGLE ROAD TRIP EPISODE
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Hi so I hope you can do yandere nezha and yandere wukong (together) HEADCANNON
Reader is gender neutral and who is cold and emotionless when you are strangers to them but immediately turn affectionate and caring when you become friends with them (which is pretty easy just say "can I be friends with you?" And they'll immediately accept and literally hugs you) and reader is innocent. Like they are just a small innocent little person who doesn't know a thing about nezha and sun wukong obsessing over them :)
I just love those two :(😭😭😭
-The second you became friends Nezha and Wukong vowed that you would be protected until their last immortal breaths -Initially there was tension between the two, but then they realized "Why be mad when polycules exist"? -The second you gave them friendship bracelets Wukong was sobbing and Nezha had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from doing the same - Nezha: I want to see my little dear! Wukong, holding you: Here they come!! Nezha while he and Wukong both pap you: I want to see my little dear -It's literally like they're both obsessed with a cat sometimes you could just be sitting there and Wukong will be flailing b/c you're just SO DAMN CUTE!!! HE WILL DIE YOU ARE SO PRESHUSH HE WILL HAVOC HEAVEN AGAIN FOR YOU AUUUUGH -Nezha just gets really big eyes and will very softly, very gently pet you and will try not to turn into a puddle of goop if you want to put your head in his lap -Matching bracelets. All three of you. It is required by law - Nezha holding you in his arms: "We have only had Y/N for two days..." Wukong sitting on his shoulders: "But if anything happened to them we would kill everyone in the room and then ourselves." -If something dangerous should happen one of them will take you and run so the other can get rid of the danger -Any gift, no matter how poorly made, is deeply cherished and they will bite anyone who dares to say a word against it -You drew them as stick figures? It's going on the fridge, no questions asked -Nezha when you breathe: "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life,,," -They will co-snuggle you, except Wukong will curl up with his head on your chest so Nezha can hold the both of you and give kisses freely as needed
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girlbossblackbeard · 8 months
s2 brain thoughts: the squeakuel (ep 2)
as a reminder, if u see me posting any of these points as their own posts mind ur business:
-i'm sending my hospital bills to david jenkins for weaponizing thef cuking "you wear fine things well" scene WITHOUT ANY KIND OF WARNING i literally almost choked to death from shock
-hey so what the whole actual fuck is up with transitioning directly from the very painful "you wear fine things well" scene which, as we've already established, has REAL HUMAN CASUALTIES DUE TO THIS USE-CASE, into the "run from me darling" lyric overlayed on top of the god damn shot of ed pAINTING THE BRIDE CAKE TOPPER TO LOOK LIKE HIM AND BASICALLY PLAYING OUT HIS FANTASY OF MARRYING STEDE. david jenkins you have committed crimes
-also!!!!!!!!!! that cake topper has kohl smudged all over it so you KNOW our boy ed has been caressing it against his cheek and sighing longingly
-i know we've all talked about how insane the "ed plays with the wedding cake toppers pretending they're him and stede" scene is but i don't think we've really comprehended how GENUINELY INSANE it is like??? edward teach, blackbeard, the kraken, the scourge of the seven seas, the most fearsome pirate the caribbean has ever known that has recently been on a non-stop slaughtering spree, painted a bride wedding cake topper to look like himself which he then scoots next to a wedding cake topper that looks like stede so he can imagine that he's marrying him. this man carefully rubbed kohl on a cake topper to give it darker skin and darker hair and a BEARD. to make it look more like himself. so he could then. put it next to a cake topper that looked like stede. and pretend. they were getting married. i've written that 3 times now and my brain STILL refuses to fully process those sentences.
-i said it in my first brain thoughts post for ep 1 and i'll say it again: every time im reminded that ed has been crying NON-STOP. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. for MONTHS. over stede. my wall gains another hole
-the way ed is so delirious in his sadness as he pushes the cake toppers out the window. i don't even have any thoughts on that i feel like all i can do is just note it and let y'all deal with the rest
>>actually I lied, he literally watches them sink into the sea after he pushes them out the window that's so fucked up whomever made that decision to make him do that is so fucked up
-would looooooooooooooove to know what went through stede's head as soon as roach mentioned "some place called China??" like did he immediately think of the kiss or getting sent to the naval academy or the kiss or ed's excitement at the prospect of running away together or the kiss or getting kidnapped by chauncey or the kiss or watching chauncey shoot himself in the dome or the kiss or his flop behavior of running back to his family that doesn't even want him or the kiss or
-the crew of the red flag being so immediately kind and welcoming to stede and his crew <3
-i genuinely cannot wait to watch buttons fully immerse himself in the red flag traditions like he was made to be on that crew
-"how should I put this, your energy is..." can't believe they got hatecrimed like that
-fun fact: i recorded my live reaction to episodes 1 - 3 and posted the clip of my friends and i reacting to lucius coming back because we were quite literally jumping for joy and crying over the reunion and THE illustrious Nathan Foad himself told me it was literally the cutest thing he's ever seen (his words, not mine!!) so we're basically best friends forever now and the rest of my life will be spent chasing the high of the happiness i felt during that interaction
-i am also crying once again over his reappearance and i think that's just gonna happen every time i watch this scene :')
-roach's shocked face when lucius appears is something that can actually be so personal
-the way they all dogpile on top of him because they're so happy to see him bitch what the FCUK
-"i love it" *BIG SMOOCH* "i love all of it" *BIGGER SMOOCH* oh so they're trying to kill me by smothering me in the syrupy sweetness of their love. okay
-okay sorry but lucius's absolutely microscopic furrowing of his brow right before black pete kisses him again. for a split second he had a slight look of sadness which lines up with the very real trauma he's endured and how even in extremely happy moments they can be tinged with sadness - maybe a sadness for the past and the way things could've been if he hadn't been pushed off the boat - and all i can say is nathan foad. ur big powerful acting mind
-we gotta talk about lucius choosing not to reveal that ed had pushed him off the ship in front of the whole crew. i'm still trying to figure out if that was him trying to spare stede's feelings (unlikely considering he lets it all out later), spare black pete's feelings (possible, since he knows black pete idolizes blackbeard), prevent himself from having to relive that trauma in front of his friends when he's not prepared to confront those memories, or a combination of all of the above
-"i fell. off the ship." "that doesn't sound like you. you have impeccable balance, babe" i literally love black pete so much i may legally have to change my name to lucius spriggs
-"toouwelss? what is this? are these jobs?" stede i love you so very much to the moon and back but for the love of god you gotta shut it my guy
-ed just. washing the door handle. i dont have any other thoughts
-the way frenchie looks genuinely happy for ed when he says he thinks he got all the poison out of his system and it's a new day :((
-idk much about piracy but i really don't think there's a rule about the new first mate traditionally having to kill the old first mate, i think ed just made that up so someone else would have to kill izzy instead of him. despite everything, despite how low he's sunken into the very dark parts of his mind due to the heartbreak, ed still can't bring himself to deal the killing blow
-"i expect great things from you" might be one of the more chilling lines in that interaction because for THE blackbeard to have not just any expectations from you, but GREAT expectations? that's not a compliment, that's a threat. measure up to what blackbeard thinks you should be or else
-can't comment on the amputation scene too yucky sorry
-stede trying to triangulate ed's coordinates based off of his string of crimes on a map HE drew is me trying to triangulate where tf this season is going based off of buckwild theories i've made up and used as the foundation for even more buckwild theories
-yeah idk what the mushy ass lyrics stede wrote on that map mean but i know they're frighteningly homosexual
-"FUCK YOU. that's how i am" I am SO glad lucius gets to be openly bitchy towards stede it feels like a cathartic release for me personally
-ed's fuckin "heyyyy" to frenchie in the kitchen is both hilarious and unbelievably unsettling
-absolutely obsessed with the writers for once again showing just how scarily observant and intelligent ed is when he calls frenchie out for using his right hand to mime killing izzy even though he's actually left handed
-i really admire how david chose to use a low camera angle that looks up at ed as he reveals to frenchie that he's well aware he hasn't killed izzy yet because taika's performance was already unsettling enough but that specific angle adds so much to his overall menacing presence in that scene
-joel fry's performance in the kitchen scene with ed literally makes me want to bite something he's so good at acting quietly terrified
-this is almost certainly an unpopular opinion but i really would've loved to see more buildup to jim and archie kissing. i just feel like we know NOTHING about her let alone her relationship with jim prior to the two days we've seen them interacting and i feel like that kiss would've felt like a much more satisfying payoff if we had seen more interactions between them before they got to that point. i would've taken delaying that kiss by a few episodes if it meant feeling fully invested in it once it did happen, but i also know the show already has so much material to get through (which is why we should've gotten 10 eps but i digress)
-"hey no one told me this room existed" is giving "i didn't even realize there was piracy happening"
-"take the fuckin leg" is such a perfect line delivery
-love the foreshadowing of olu explaining how the little ships on the war table were all over the place and "some of them were over land"
-roach waxing poetic about the noodles is so relatable
-"jesus christ stede keep your pants on" hands down one of the funniest fucking lucius moments of all time
-sorry but we gotta give a shout out to lucius modifying the chinese fleet uniform so it's sleeveless. the edges are cleanly done so either he was put on tailoring duty at some point and picked it up there or someone on the ship wanted to enable the slayage
-there's something to be said about the fact that the only other man who has lasted being on board the red flag ship is another member of the revenge who was picked up and welcomed into the fold well before stede and the rest of the crew wound up there. something about how stede attracts and retains other people who he can tell are gentle at heart, even if they're putting up a tough front. something about how lucius had bounced from ship to ship until he finally wound up on Zheng Yi Sao's ship where he was allowed to be himself
-"ya don't know............if ya picked up....smokin....." nathaniel buttons my beloved
-OOOOF stede's guilty face after lucius talks about how he must've picked up smoking somewhere. after the crushing guilt he already feels about the ed situation this definitely would've weighed extremely heavy on him
-"what the hell is going on in towels" wee john my beloved
-look i know izzy is on the brink of death but he genuinely looks kinda beautiful before ed wakes him up from his shock induced coma and i won't apologize for that
-"my leg" izzy is so fred rechid coded
-"it's up in leg heaven now" i need to know if ed said that as a way of metaphorically digging the knife into izzy and getting back at him for trying to force ed to send stede to doggy heaven in season 1
-i dont have the emotional capacity to dive into the ed and izzy shooting scene rn but just know it destroyed me on a metaphysical level
-"too scared to do it yourself" no because unfortunately now im thinking about ed thinking through taking his own life but coming to the realization that he can't do it. whether it's because of childhood christianity trauma and thinking he'll be sent to hell for doing so or because he knows he can't follow through with it himself if there's still a tiny shred of hope that he'll reunite with stede and everything will be okay again, he always has to outsource the big job
-also, very interesting choice to have almost jovial classical music playing in the background of the ed/izzy scene. it definitely undercut a lot of the tension compared to how supremely uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing the scene would've been if it were dead silent behind the dialogue
-"i loved you...best i could"
-"i've got an ex-wife, two messed up kids probably" LMAO stede acknowledging he would have no way of knowing how fucked up his kids are because of him
-"sounds like you're quite the fuck-up pal" "yeah, i am! and im alone! talk to pete. don't be like me" ohhhhh my god stede is in just as much agony as ed is over this breakup he's just been using his polite society social skills of saving face and never showing how truly devastated you are to others to cover up how supremely messed up he is over all of it. he is BEGGING lucius to talk to pete and NOT make the same mistakes he did because maybe if he can prevent lucius from bottling it up and actually deal with this in a healthy way he can make up for a fraction of all the hurt he's caused not only ed but lucius as well. maybe if he can get lucius to talk to pete he can absolve himself of some of the soul-crushing guilt he feels over how his actions have irreparably damaged the people he cares about the most. maybe if lucius and pete are able to work through this trauma and still come out the other side loving each other just as much or even more than they did before, he can believe that there's still hope for him and ed.
-ed choosing to put on the cravat for what he believes is going to be his last action on earth before dying because he's resigned himself to his fate but is still scared shitless by it and wants that modicum of comfort that stede will always be able to provide him no matter how badly he hurt ed is giving me the urge to find the nearest cast iron skillet and loony toons my skull
-"some people are just broken no matter what you do" noooo why do i feel like lucius was talking about himself when he said that to stede about ed ://
-oof i know they were an unnamed character but fang tried to save someone who went overboard during the storm and wasn't able to :(
-GGGOOOODDDDDDD izzy looks so fucking hot and badass all soaking wet and leaning up against the rigging after shooting ed jesus christ
-"finally" ed was so relieved to have his pain finally end. even after his journey of self discovery in the next episode im really curious how he's going to deal with having to confront the pain he thought he escaped in addition to the pain he inflicted on others while failing to cope with that pain and stopping at nothing, including nearly killing the rest of the crew, to end it
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jimin's each and every part is PERFECTION
His face is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. So angelic yet seductive. Prettiest human being to exist fr. You can just stare at him for hours. Reason why JK popping heart eyes everywhere.
Mfing lips God no wonder JK can't stop staring at it, it's made to be kissed hard by a handsome dude let's be honest, so plump and pink 💋💋💋
His eyes, God he can hypnotize anyone and their momma with that eyes. Reason why JK can't keep the eye contact. So brown and deep 🥲❤
His nose???? Cutest lil thing ever. One bite it's gone. I didn't knew button noses were this pretty until I saw Jimin. 🤏🤏😭
His toof. I swear that's one of my favorite feature of him and I'm glad he knows it 😭. Im so fucking happy he is keeping his adorably crooked teeth.
Ears. Yeah obsessed with that lil ears too. The one JK sucked to his mouth infront of whole world lol. And when he wears those dangling earrings >>>>>>>>
Cheeks, JESUS. One bite that's all I'm asking. Rosy chubby cheeks... I just wanna squish. Deserved tons of kisses everyday. 🍞🍞
Hair. Oh luscious thick hair which suits ANY HAIR COLOR??? Has ability to make him look a 7 yr old innocent kid or 27 yr old hottest diva 💫💫
Neck. It shouldn't be underrated at all. His neck is long and thick and prettiest when he wears his dainty chains 😭💥
His slender body with narrow shoulder and frame ? I swear he's so cuddly material. His full frame is only the size of JK's torso 😭 and he's completely engulfed in a hug 😭
His hands ? Have you seen his dainty hands ? The way it moves sooo gracefully when he dances, the way he runs delicately through his body when he dances, it's so pretty GAWD
His chubby lil fingers 😭 He loves it, JK loves it, We loves it. And he adorn it with pretty rings. And y'all have noted his manicured long nails right. He keep it so clean and beautiful 😍
Have you all seen that waist??? He literally trended worldwide and in his home country for that snatched waist. And JK slipping hands inside to hold it ?? It's literally made to he held by strong arms ⌛
His navel ??? It's so smooth and pretty. And the way he's blessing us with some pretty crop tops now. Everyone say THANKYOU JIMIN..And those hips are everything, the way he moves it??
That almighty butt ??? JK obsessed OBSESSED af for. It's so fat and firm and shaply plumped. I'm as obsessed as JK 😭💔
Thighs saves lifes and Park Jimin's Thighs in skinny fit jeans saves this whole universe. The way it fills his skinny jeans ?? So fucking sexy and thick in all right places.
Long legs compared to that smaller upper body and those tiny feets which looks cute af when he wears slippers twice his size 😭💔
And tattoos, can we ignore those tattoos which adds to his beauty??? All tattoos are so HIM ans in the most right and sexiest places. Our Moon Goddess 🌙
His voice, no one can easily copy or replicate his beautiful voice. Its one of a kind, His voice is so Jimin, so soft yet so powerful and his giggles ?? the prettiest sound in this universe fr. I'm sad, JK is exclusive to hear some of the sounds.. just saying 👀
And his dancing?? The way everything surrounding disappears when our dancing doll begins to move 🥰🥰🥰 its Jimin tunnel vision whenever he dances. So graceful and flowy yet crisp and complete moves.
His style. It's so chic. From his outfits to Chelsea boots to his pretty jewelries. So simple yet so stylish. He looks so cute yet so sexy and hot in his style 🔥
Personality. Now that's the one makes him who he is. When I say he's literally an angel I mean it. So selfless, full of love, so caring, so adorable, so kind, so supportive, understanding, respectfu, grounded, calm, soft spoken ... idk I run out of words to praise his Angelic personality ❤❤ JK got an angel for himself.
All in all perfect, when JK said his favorite body part of Jimin is his WHOLE BODY he didn't lied. That man worships Jimin and loves his entire existence.
Anon... you realise Jimin is spoken for, right? Coz JK don't dick around, he will cut you.
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honeyxmonkey · 2 years
I just watched Luck and it's literally the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life
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heliads · 2 years
hi, lisa!!! how are you?
i read your last wanda imagine and i just loved it so much, it was stuck in my head all day and then i decided to watch descendants at night and i had an idea, so i figured i could come to you! i hope you like it!
here's what i thought, reader is nat's daughter, just like in the other one because i loved it, but she's still in high school and so is wanda, they're like 17/18 and reader is a huge disney/musicals fan, she made everyone in the compound watch all disney movies with her, and when nat took her to a broadway show for the first time it was the best day of her life, she's that kind of girl
and wanda is reader's best friend who obviously ends up watching all her favorite movies, so one night they're watching descendants for the 1000000 time and reader keeps talking about the "did i mention" scene and how having someone singing to her like that is her biggest dream, how she'd immediately fall in love, and wanda is like "oh, so that's what i gotta do"
so about a week later there's a school game or something like that, reader in on the cheerleader team and all the avengers show up to see her, and wanda surprises her by doing the descendants scene and singing to her and they get together because who wouldn't be in love after that?
and then nat comes to them and she's like "that was the cutest thing i've ever seen" and wanda is all nervous "so we have you blessing?" and nat goes "oh defitely yes" and then gets all serious "but be careful, i'll be watching" and wanda immediately takes her hands off readers waist, i think it would be funny lol
well, that's it! i saw you saying that you like details, so i tried my best! hope you like it and thanks <3
i do love details, and i love this!! i would kill for descendants
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For once, everything in Wanda Maximoff’s life is going well. It’s late on a Saturday night in the Avengers complex, and she’s crowded into a couch that’s long since outlived its use-by date. The thing is threadbare, all but falling to pieces beneath Wanda’s fingers, but it’s somehow the most comfortable piece of furniture in the entirety of the building, so it stays.
There’s a movie playing on the TV screen in front of her, one of her favorites. Wanda could close her eyes and jam her hands over her ears, yet still be able to quote the script word for word until the end credits begin. Wanda’s a firm believer that this is the best way to watch a movie, where you can have a conversation the entire time and still know exactly what’s going on with the plot.
Her sentiment is clearly shared by the girl by Wanda’s side. Y/N L/N watches the characters race across the screen and sighs fondly.
“Listen, I don’t care what the movie critics think,” Y/N says, “Descendants is the pinnacle of film. I have literally never felt so satisfied in my entire life.”
Wanda laughs. “Didn’t you say the same thing last week about Teen Beach Movie?”
Y/N grins back at her. “Yeah, and I’ll say it next Saturday about High School Musical. I’m an easy person to please, Wanda. All I need are 2000s haircuts and terrible songs.”
Wanda snorts. “I thought you loved the songs, and now you’re calling them terrible?”
“Well,” Y/N says languidly, “I can admit that they’re not, say, the most lyrically gifted. They’re just fun, alright?”
Wanda leans back against the couch cushions, watching the light from the latest scene play upon the darkened ceiling. “You don’t have to tell me twice. Honestly, I feel like we as a society need to give Disney movies more credit. Even the other Avengers like them.”
Y/N giggles, remembering the past team movie nights they’ve shared. “How could I forget? I think Thor had a fundamental change in his personality when he saw Frozen, and I know for a fact that Tony hurried off to his lab for like a week after we played Big Hero Six for him.”
“Tony was actually onto something, I think,” Wanda says offhandedly, “I remember stopping by his lab one day and seeing all this stuff about medical assistance droids. I legitimately thought he was going to make himself a Baymax until Pepper said he couldn’t use that much plastic. Still, I can hardly blame him for wanting to make at least some part of that world real. These movies are my favorites.”
Y/N slumps back beside her, their heads almost inches apart. There’s a faraway look in Y/N’s eyes, making Wanda wonder if she’s here at all or picturing herself back in the scenes of Auradon Prep. “Same here, Wanda. Same here.”
She goes quiet for a moment, gaze still trained upon the ceiling. Wanda lets the voices from the TV fade into background static, using Y/N’s distraction as an excuse to stare at her as she’s been trying to avoid all night. Wanda knows the planes and curves of Y/N’s face like the back of her hand. Even if she tries to convince herself that she isn’t infatuated enough to stare like a lovesick fool, Wanda knows better. This night proves it.
It’s just, well, Wanda isn’t used to things being as good as this. It’s easy to pretend that her life has always been perfect when she’s trapped in perfect bubbles like this evening, when if you squint you could almost believe that Wanda’s a normal American teenager and they’re all just fine, no questions asked. If you close your eyes and let the music wash over you, Wanda is blessedly normal and there would be nothing to stop her from loving Y/N as she wishes she could.
The problems, of course, come once Wanda opens her eyes and remembers where she is again. She’s not on the picturesque isle of Auradon from Descendants, nor is she a fairy tale character. There are no morals to Wanda’s story, only the time-learned lesson that no matter how hard you try to fight for your cause, you’ll never win unless you cheat.
This, though? Tonight, lying side by side with the girl she likes? Wanda feels like she’s been winning for quite a while. She and Y/N are on the breakthrough of something, some confession, and they have been for a while. Their smiles mean a little more than they did when they met, they let their gazes linger when the other pretends to not pay attention. Words have been on the tip of Wanda’s tongue for a long time now, but she’s never confident enough to force them out.
It’s silly to hold herself back like this, Wanda knows it. There’s no way that Y/N doesn’t like her as much as Wanda likes Y/N, practically all of the other Avengers have made it their mission to tell Wanda this at some point or another. There are no consequences to asking Y/N out except in Wanda’s head, yet she keeps hesitating.
The slow realization that Wanda may spend the rest of her life always on the outskirts of this grand truth stings at her, so she turns her attention back to the movie in the hopes of regaining at least a little bit of her good mood. 
On the screen, Mal is with her best friend, Evie, in the stands of Auradon Prep’s field, watching Prince Ben come alive under a love spell. With the way Mal and Ben argue in the later movies, Wanda always thought Mal and Evie had far more chemistry as a couple, but then again, maybe that’s just Wanda projecting her own feelings onto the nearest characters.
Y/N sighs contentedly as she watches the next song start up. “I love this song. Wouldn’t it be fun to have someone do that sort of thing to you?”
Wanda arches her brow. “What, bewitch you with a love spell and force you through magic to sing your heart out to the entirety of the school about how you think your feelings are R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S?”
Y/N laughs, shoving Wanda in the shoulder with a casual move that makes Wanda’s heart flutter in her chest. “No, you cynic, I want somebody else to care about me enough to sing their heart out to the entirety of the school about how they think their love for me is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. I just think it would be fun, you know? So many people are afraid to be seen with an Avenger that they’d never do something like that for me.”
Y/N’s voice trails off at the end, and Wanda hums in agreement. That’s the nice thing about maintaining a secret identity, at least in the public sphere: if high school isn’t hard enough, having a ton of people realize that you’re an Avenger would make it even worse. All the same, the teen Avengers have already been cautioned about staying away from relationships with non-Avengers. The stakes are just too high if anyone were to find out or be in danger.
“Sure,” Wanda says contemplatively, “I can see it. Plus, being in a movie would be fun. I think I’d love to live in a TV world. It would just be great to have everything work out all the time. You know your plot twists would always resolve themselves, and nothing could hurt you, not really. You’d be in control all the time, even when you weren’t.”
Y/N nods. “Exactly. Guess having someone sing to me like that would be the closest I’d ever get to that sort of world. It would be fun, though.” She repeats.
There’s a soft look on Y/N’s face, like she’s homesick for something that has never even happened to her before. Y/N must really want to have a song like that, Wanda realizes, and then a sudden thought occurs to her and she’s done it, connected the dots, had her own lightbulb moment. Wanda knows how to ask Y/N out, the other girl has practically spelled it out for her: a song.
Wanda barely even notices Descendants end, she’s too distracted thinking about just how she’s going to get this to work. She’ll need the proper setting, obviously, a sports game at their shared high school, but that’s easy enough to arrange, they’re in the thick of the fall athletics season.
The plan comes to fruition about two weeks later. Y/N is on the cheer team at their high school, the result of yet another plan to pretend that she’s actually got a normal life, and Wanda has shown up with the other Avengers to watch her perform at a football game.
Wanda is never able to fully understand how it is that the entirety of the Avengers team can show up at public functions with only hooded jackets, baseball caps, and sunglasses and still never be recognized. It’s the most terrible disguise ever, yet it works every time. Maybe it’s because it makes absolutely no sense for Steve Rogers to be commenting on high school football with Tony Stark when you could just have a family reunion in town with relatives that look exactly the same as New York’s hometown heroes.
Regardless, it works just as it always does. Wanda doesn’t need a disguise because she’s a student here, and she guides the Avengers to a spot in the stands where they can see Y/N’s cheer team well. They don’t know about her plan, but they’re about to find out.
Wanda shoots a surreptitious glance over at them. She’s not worried about their reactions, only Natasha’s. See, Nat’s all but adopted Y/N ever since the other girl showed up at the Avengers complex. 
Natasha still tells the story fondly, how they all filed into what was then the Avengers Tower one day to find a preteen girl waiting for them in one of the meeting rooms. She’d had her hands folded on the table in front of her, the perfect picture of business casual were it not for the blood streaking her from head to toe.
Turns out young Y/N had been forced to fight her way there through a pack of HYDRA agents after her for her inhuman gifts, but the Avengers didn’t know that, only that there was a nine year old covered in gore who had broken into their building without setting off a single alarm. Natasha claims that she’d loved the girl from that day forward, and Wanda doesn’t dare doubt it.
Basically, Natasha is fiercely protective over Y/N due to her status as the other girl’s parent. Wanda doesn’t think Nat would have a problem with her asking Y/N out, but you never know. However, she’s too far into the plan to back out now. All she can do is hope it goes well.
Wanda makes her move at halftime. The cheer team performs their usual routine, and after they finish, pause for a few moments’ applause before the music shifts to a new tune. Y/N looks confused, probably because she’s never learned these steps. Wanda watches panic flare across her face for half a second before Wanda heads out of the rows of seats, casually switching places with Y/N to guide her friend back to the stands.
An instant later, Y/N recognizes the song as Wanda knew she would: “Did I Mention” from the Descendants soundtrack, the song Y/N was talking about how much she would love to witness for herself. Delight replaces shock on her face, and Y/N’s beaming at Wanda so broadly that Wanda doesn’t spare a second to think about stage fright.
With the other cheerleaders as her backup dancers (it took barely a few seconds to convince them to help Wanda out, they were all delighted to take part in this), Wanda begins to sing along to the song. She’s been practicing for ages, watching that clip from the movie over and over to make sure she knows every word and step by heart. In fact, she’d go so far as to say that she’d make a better Prince Ben at this point than Mitchell Hope himself.
Wanda ends the song triumphantly, feeling more powerful than she’s ever felt before. Magic be damned, this was real and it was everything. Wanda’s living her TV dreams without having to switch a single reality. It’s wonderful.
This feeling only grows when Wanda sees the look on Y/N’s face: pure joy, easy and simple. Wanda walks off of the field to Y/N’s side, and finally asks the question she’s been waiting on all this time.
“Y/N, will you go out with me?”
Y/N’s laughing even as she answers back. “Yes, yes. A thousand times yes. Wanda, this was amazing.”
Wanda’s cheeks hurt from the force of her grin. “It was worth it for someone as amazing as you.”
There’s a sound of someone clapping from the stands, distinguishable even from the mass of applause coming from the spectators. Wanda turns to see Natasha emerging from crowds, looking proud.
“That was nice, kid. Really nice. Honestly, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Wanda feels her familiar panic creeping back over her. “Does this mean we have your blessing?”
Natasha snorts. “You’re not getting married already, right? Yeah, you do. You two are sweet together. Still, be careful. If you break Y/N’s heart, I will break you.”
Wanda has no doubt in that statement. Belatedly, she realizes that she’s been hugging Y/N, and she quickly takes her hands off of the other girl’s waist. Wanda is very appropriate when she needs to be, and right now, she needs to not be broken.
Still, Y/N’s smiling at her, and that erases the last of Wanda’s doubts. The song was right after all, wasn’t it? This is ridiculous. Ridiculously good, just like the movie said.
marvel tag list: @mionemymind, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx, @rogueanschel, @thatfangirl42, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @caswinchester2000, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes
requested by @maximoffgxrl, i hope you enjoy!
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svltburn · 1 year
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Happy happy birthday to my dearest & most beloved Benja! Words cannot express enough how thankful that I have a treasure like you in my life. You are just a wonderful light in my life with a beautiful heart & awesome taste in music 😘 I wish I could be where you are & giving you so many birthday hugs & kisses, but alas the seas are parting up but I’m sure we’ll have the chance someday soon!!🫂 Wishing you all the love, happiness & I hope all your dreams & wishes come true. I love you ❤️❤️❤️
MYNNNNNN, oh my god the scream i let out when i saw this!! this is literally the cutest thing i've ever seen in my entire life!!! i actually had to stop and immediately go show my whole family, oh my god. gabe and kindi 🥺🥺🥺
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i love youuuuu i'm so grateful for this past (almost!) year of having you in my life!!
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
With how stuck I am in this kin shift right now, a lot has come back to me, especially my love for my brothers (not technically but in the found family sense yknow). So.. I am now required to send an ask talking to them all and hope... something. I'm not entirely sure what I'm hoping for tbch.
Firstly, Branch; You were like a little brother to me. I loved hanging out with you, and singing you to sleep, and playing with you- you were the cutest kid, and it was obvious you were going to grow up into an amazing Troll. But when your brothers left, it hurt you to see me, so I left to hopefully let you grow up and forget that pain... At least a little. I hadn't seen you until John Dory and I showed up also I'm so sorry about his entrance I literally begged him to be normal about it/lh and... It was really nice seeing you all grown up and happy with someone as amazing as Poppy (The Queen??? Of Pop Trolls????). She was very polite even if she was excited, and I very much enjoyed spending time with her. You two are perfect for each other /gen. I know I didn't give you much of an explanation about why my color wasn't as bright anymore, and I hope you never thought I was hiding it from you. I just didn't want to ruin the moment with something depressing like going Grey. You grew into an awesome guy, and it was nice to learn who "Big Branch" was /gen/t. I'm.. I'm also sorry. About Grandma. About not being there for you when it happened, or not being there to prevent it. I'm so sorry none of us were there for you.. I know it doesn't change anything, but I don't know if we ever actually said we were sorry. We felt it, and I know you knew it. But it's nice to hear it, sometimes. You will always be my brother, and I'll be there for you whenever you need me. I promise.
Also, to Poppy: thank you for taking care of my brother, and thank you for loving him. You make him so happy, and I'm so glad you two met. I remember you talking(squealing?) about a song of mine, and I wish I could remember what it was /lh
Bruce; you've always been amazing, and I considered you my favorite older brother. There was so much pressure for you to keep that impossible body standard set for you, and I can't tell you how happy I was to see you and your dad bod, rocking it up on Vacay island with your wife and kids. We always worked out together and talked about the pressures we were struggling with, and you gave me some amazing advice. Like, all of the time. And that never changed. When we found you, you continued to be someone I could confide in, as if we started right back where we left off. And you comforted me a lot whenever I got too anxious about Floyd's situation and his well-being. Thank you for that... You were also the one I opened up to about why I had went Grey, and you were so supportive, and we had an amazing talk. Oh! Also: Your hugs were great before, but now? Dude, total cuddle city. I remember taking naps with you all the time when we were younger, but that definitely stayed a thing when we were older lmfao. But yeah, you've always been someone I've looked up to, and trusted, and you know things that I've been to nervous or afraid to say to anyone else. I love you, bro. I hope this life is treating you with the kindness you deserve.
Clay; I remember you helping me out with choreos- you were always such a talented dancer. I remember going to you for pointers and you were always so happy to help me find my own style. I wouldn't've gotten as far as I did without your help and lessons. We didn't hang out all the time or anything, but you were always the most observant, and very frequently noticed things the others didn't. Especially when it came to me. We've had lots of talks because of that, and I've always cherished all of them. I don't remember the details of many anymore, but I remember how they felt, and I cherish that too. There were many times during our journey that you pulled me aside to check up on me, and I really appreciated that. Even if I shrugged off my worries, it was nice to know that if I needed someone to talk to, you'd notice. We bonded a lot over books, too, I remember that. I more preferred mysteries over sad books, but there was an overlap in the genres that I remember us talking extensively about, before you left. I hope you're not afraid to be fun, anymore. I'm sorry that part of yourself was blown out of proportion to the point of you resenting it, but even when you try to be boring, the fun will always slip out /affectionate, It's as much a part of you as the serious side is: I just hope you're allowed to live more in balance nowadays. And I know for a fact you got that drip still, you've always been pretty fond of clothes and accessories lol.
Floyd; You were my best friend, easily. You and Bruce were the ones I trusted the most out of anyone ever, and that never changed. We even published some songs together which was super fun, and I've been trying to remember them lately. You were always the one to mend any fights between the brothers, and I was always the one you vented to after. You were all under so much stress all the time especially in that last year or so, and... I think you knew you guys would disband soon, and it was really tough on you. I hope I helped, even just a little. It was hard when you guys left, and you asked me to take care of baby b while you were gone, and.. I tried. I really did try. but.. Branch and I couldn't look at each other without thinking of you guys so. I had to leave; if only for Branch. But during my time alone, you somehow found me and the little home tree I made out in the middle of Nowhere. And we lived together for a while. I don't know if it's because I was Grey at the time, or you just wanted a place to settle down for a bit and knew I'd let you stay, but I loved hearing your stories. During your time away, you had traveled all over the place and discovered all sorts of music, big and small- it was amazing. Your music was so unique, a little bit of a whole lot; but it fit you. Even if your brothers didn't understand at first /lh. I hope you're doing okay, and that you're happy and healthy.
Last and definitely not the least, JD; We used to work on songs together, helping each other out when we were stuck, giving ideas and helpful critiques. Which is yknow, pretty much what musicians do when friends with other musicians lol. But sometimes you'd let slip about your worries about your brothers, about not wanting to let them down but not really knowing what was the right thing to do. You loved them so much, and there was so much pressure all the time, from the fans to having to take care of four brothers.. It's okay that you made some mistakes. Please don't carry that guilt with you. At least in my canon, you wanted to do better and you did do better, and slowly learned how to not overwhelm yourself with trying to make your brothers your entire responsibility (that's a lot for one Troll). I felt guilty for disturbing your isolation, because honestly you seemed to be enjoying the peace, but I didn't know who else to go to when Floyd got captured, y'know? Plus you were the easiest to find /hj. But yeah. You grew up into a super cool dude, in my opinion. You learned so many things in your time alone, and had so many weapons??? Like.. So many weapons. You and Branch may be the oldest and youngest but mannnn.... it's obvious you two are bros lmfao. The Survivalist Duo in action was a sight to see lol. We had a more friend dynamic than brothers but. I do miss you, man. I hope you're doing good. /gen
If you don't remember me, and/or aren't from my canon, please know that this still applies to you. Each and every one of you is so special and talented, and I will always wish only the best for all of you. I hope you're able to find each other again, if that's something you want. I truly miss all of you, my dearest friends. My brothers.
-Lyle #🐾🪩
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kaijudyke · 2 years
mechs things that make me smile every single time:
on the DTTM recording of thor when the entire audience shouts AND FUCK YOUR TRAIN
"ah, the marquis de all-the-knives"
drunk space pirate
everything about tim and nastya's dynamic in gender rebels but especially "how could you forget my girlfriend's name" and "quickly repressing that memory"
expert testimony
hatter and hare my good friends hatter and hare
at the start of the live recording of UDAD when jonny introduces himself as the captain and the audience yells FIRST MATE and tim gleefully says "we don't even have to do it anymore, jonny"
basically everything that happens in spaceport mahon but especially tim and jonny's bickering and ESPECIALLY "would you like to retune that?" "yeah, i'd like to retune that!"
in the OUAT(IS) live recording during the aurora strikes when nastya says "thank you :)" to brian and smiles and it's literally the cutest thing i've ever seen in my entire life
during DTTM when the entire band is like jonny it's actually not normal to kill your father and you're fucking weird
nastya in lashings acting like a beleaguered substitute teacher
"you have been deemed detrimental to the war effort." "but it's the ceasefire declaration, the war is over!" "which i'm sure you'll agree is very detrimental to king cole's war effort!"
on the HNOC live album when jonny says "just this once, there could be a happy ending" and the entire audience laughs
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
Well, why not? Girl's gotta try. If you're up for it, maybe "You are in no position to be making threats" with ShinDeku? Your choice of lee/ler. (I've seriously missed you by the way!! I'm so happy to see you popping up on my dash again today! <3)
so sorry for getting this out so late love but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless! and tysm ur literally so kind <3
. . .
"You are in no position to be making threats,” Shinsou smirked down at the squirmy, giggly boy in his lap whose hands were above his head and tied behind Shinsou’s back. Midoriya was a blushing, tittering mess and Shinsou hadn’t even started yet. It was possibly the most adorable thing Shinsou had ever seen.
“I knohohow, I'm sohorrehehee! Juhust pleheheasee!” Midoriya whined through his giggles, yipping when he felt soft fingertips touch down on the inside of his sensitive arms. They trailed sooo gently, back and forth, the nails just barely scratching the skin enough to light up his nerves in the most ticklish way possible. Midoriya could only let out loose giggly gibberish, so incredibly flustered by the sensations and his extremely teasy boyfriend that he just didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Please what, love? You want me to tickle under your arms where you’re extra sensitive? Hm?” Shinsou chuckled at the shriek he elicited just from his teasy words, his fingers never changing from their ticklish pattern on his sensitive inner-arms. Midoriya shook his head back and forth wildly, his curls messy and face rosy in just the cutest way. Shinsou smiled down at him. “Ohh, don’t shake your head at me now. We both know this is exactly what you wanted, huh? Teased and tickled so gently you just can’t stand it.”
Midoriya was wheeze-laughing now, and his underarms hadn’t even been so much as grazed. He had never felt so sensitive, so unbearably ticklish in his entire life, and god he’d probably kill Shinsou if he even threatened to stop now.
“Shihin! I cahahaha- ehehe! Plehehease!” Midoriya pleaded through wheezy cackles, tugging at his arms like it would do anything other than bring his mean boyfriend closer to his sensitive body. Shinsou chuckled in delight.
“You are just too precious, y’know that?” Shinsou smiled, then smirked deviously at the new evil idea that formed in his head. Midoriya suddenly felt the sensations on his arms stop, and he felt a tinge of disappointment fall through his chest. But when he opened up a tightly clenched eye, and saw two clawed hands wiggling right above both of his underarms, Midoriya screamed before falling into helpless anticipatory cackles.
“NAHAHA! Shihin! Not fahahair!” He shook his head frantically, unable to close his eyes without immediately opening them slightly to peek at those evil fingers inching closer and closer.
“Hey Midoriya?” Shinsou brought his voice down low, and his fingers even lower. “I’m gonna get you~”
Midoriya screamed when he finally, finally, felt those terrible, meticulous fingers scribble into the hollows of his underarms. One hand worked fast, all fingers moving at the same time to cover the entire surface area of that sensitive pit. The other, however, worked so fucking slow, taking it’s time to find the most sensitive areas and hone in on them for the most delicious screams.
The green-haired hero in training couldn't tell which was worse, he was far too overwhelmed by the ticklish sensations to thoroughly rate them.
"So cute...so sensitive," Shinsou grinned, never relenting his meticulous attack on the adorable, giggly puddle in his lap he called his boyfriend.
Midoriya was a mess. His screeches were so loud and pitchy, tugging uselessly at his arms and kicking his legs out against the mattress like he was fighting a genuine battle. His tummy bounced hilariously through his laughter, body quivering with sensations as he pleaded for it to stop and never end at the same time.
Shinsou just snickered at his adorable demise.
. . .
tysm for the submission!! i am no longer taking requests so thanks to those who sent them in! <3
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19thcenturylover · 2 years
Hey your Jurassic husbands art is literally the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Obsessed with the way you draw Ian 💕
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and since I've been gone for a long time and you've made my night, some doodles I did :]
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(No context, I was practicing kisses xd) ^^
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JW:D Ian doodles🚶‍♂️💖
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Alan e Ian in a little scene akdjsjd
And tkm💖
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myutsuwu · 2 years
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Ok but why is this literally the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my whole entire life
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vivisoni · 2 years
Here is my first impression of wayv members when I first started stanning NCT. Enjoy!。◕‿◕。
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I thought his name was a stage name and that Kun isn't is real name. 😭 Ofcourse I don't have a problem with his name now but back then, I was surely confused. Anyways, I remember recognising him for the first time during the princess birthday party of WinWin. I had seen him earlier in fan made videos and content but I recognised him correctly in that party video only. It wasn't later when I also learnt that he can fly planes and oh my god! the way I was impressed by this man was incredible!
So, again, I saw him in Super M and knew him from there. And without doubt, I loved his voice! I mean, I loved his voice more than I loved Baekhyun's voice! There is this distict lightness and grainy texture in his voice, you know? Like, his voice is kinda raspy and sounds really, really good when he talks or sings. I first noticed him in the "As we wish" episodes of Super M. The video that he made about his perception of love (or whatever those short videos were on😅). I loved the dynamic of the relationship that was shown in that video. Also, I relate with him very much. Like, some of the things I hear him say like his opinions about things and stuff in total also his attitude as well as hobbies or personality are all same like mine. My friends even say that so, my first impression was that he has to be my twin flame, you know...?😂😭
Okay, so you know how he is considered soo cute and adorable and that he is literally NCT's official heather? Yeah, I didn't think so though 😖 I mean, don't get me wrong. I did like his personality and all, but I just didn't think of him as cute or adorable. He was more of a mysterious and stoic person to me. But never mind, it was all cleared up when towards the end of NCT world 2.0 he dropped the piece of meat and did aegyo to get him out of trouble with Renjun. That was enough for me to turn my trail of thoughts a whole 360 degree. For all I know, he is one of the cutest member of NCT that I've known my entire life.
Again, introduced to him in Super M. And yes, I was blown away by his visuals. He had a very fascinating boyish charm that just struck me in the heart. Although he made the strongest impression on me when I watched his short video on love in the "As We Wish" program 🤣. If you know what I'm talking about, you know what I mean when I say that I was laughing my head off as well as hiding my face from the second hand embarrassment at the same time😂. But it sure did leave a lasting impression on me that I'm sure never to forget.
Eyebrows. No words needed, just eyebrows. He had the most astonishingly bold yet pretty eyes I've ever seen. And yes, the eyebrows were the main focus. That was the first thing I noticed about him and it still takes me by surprise some times. The first time I payed attention on him was when I saw him in the princess birthday party of WinWin. His Jasmine look was definitely.... interesting 😅. But it most definitely made me wanna pay attention on him more. His behaviour through the whole video as well as the way he acted and behaved was sooo funny. I love that video, really! And, so I wasn't mistaken in describing him as funny and goofy.
The only thing that I remember the most boldly about him was that one clip when a van or car with the wayv members is passing by with the curtains but through one of the windows, there is Hendery, peeking at ones outside with a peace sign ✌️😂. That was so hilarious! And also the princess birthday party of WinWin where he dressed up as Rapunzel and somehow managed to look like the prettiest girl on earth 😓 that was seriously kinda depressing... But yeah, I was like, "who is he?" Though the whole video! I just couldn't believe my eyes that he was a boy and that he looked like. Princess with a wig and like a prince without one.
So, anybody else who thought the isn't a 00 liner but the same age as Jungwoo? No, just me? Oh well. But you can't blame me, I thought that NCT dream had the only 00 liners in NCT and that Yangyang wasn't in dream because he was much older. But, I don't remember having any other memory about him rather than the surprise about his age. Oh yeah, but I did came across the legendary "Why are we talking about having a baby?I don't know, anything could happen"😂 moment and the comment section of YouTube told me a lot a about him. In all, I considered him as goofy and funny as the other members.
So thats it. This was my first impression of wayv members when I first got to know them. I hope you enjoyed ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Fun fact: back in the days when I knew nothing about k-pop, I once stumbled upon the "Love talk" music video and I loved the song, but before I could see the name of the song or artist, I accidentally exited YouTube and it was lost forever(I didn't have the history switched on). And then around an year later, I was listening to the NCT albums on shuffle and "love talk" came on. I cannot express what I felt at that moment. I don't believe in destiny and shit but I for sure think that it was destiny only!
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