#llftx kenshi
yuunemi · 1 year
Miss Me, Miss Me, Now You Gotta Kiss Me
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LIBRARIAN'S NOTE/S : an entry for the Voltage Fandom Content Creation Challenge hosted by @voltagefandomproject. I sincerely apologize for posting very late. this is written in 2nd pov and I apologize in advance for grammatical errors and if some characterizations are off since all insights are based on ms1 stories, snippets, and other fanfics/thoughts from others. if other LIs are not here then that means I am too uncertain about their personality. other than that, enjoyy~~
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Wherein MC impulsively sings “Miss me, miss me, now you gotta ki—” once he returned home after a long trip but you stop yourself from finishing it upon realizing what the next words were. Your face flushed red from the embarrassment. (This can also apply if you just start singing it out in the blue).
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1. He will tease you and say "Now I gotta what?" He knows full well what the next words are, and he will not stop teasing you about it, not until you say the next words
Miyabi, KYOGA, Ayato Hidaka, Ichiya Misono, KYOHEI RIKUDOH, Nagito Aoshima, Eisuke Ichinomiya, Ota Kisaki, MITSUNARI BABA, Leon, Teorus, ICHYTHYS, Tauxolouve, Yosuke Sagara, SHUN RANDOH, Yuma Akagi, TAKAMASA SAEKI, FENN LUXURE, Roy Invidia, and Jasper Lane
No doubt that they would tease you to death, you missed him and he knows it
It is an ego boost for them
I put Leon in both 1 and 2 knowing that he would possibly do it in that order, like you say it > he kisses you > he says number 2
Saeki might even go "Awww, my honey missed meee~~"
I personally think that Fenn would be the biggest tease among everyone. He finds it so amusing that he'll laugh and he won't even try to hide it.
Roy and Jasper will feign cluelessness while teasing you into saying it
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2. Much like number one but instead of waiting for you to say it, he will just kiss you and then say "If you wanted a kiss, all you had to do was ask" bro will be smirking at you
Shinra, HIROKI ENIWA, IORI ENJO, Kota Igarashi, EISUKE ICHINOMIYA, Mamoru Kishi, Leon, Scorpio, PARTHENO, Kiyohito Shirakami, Yamato Kougami, and GUY AVARI
I put Eisuke in both numbers knowing that it is possible because I feel like he would do 1 and 2 in that order
Shinra, Kota, and Kiyohito might even blush about it, especially Shinra who would act cocky about it all the while he is blushing
You know Hiroki's princely-like pose where he raises his head with a subtle smirk, that's what he would look like while saying it
Okay, Kota is not the type to smirk but like do his expression where he puts his hand over his face and blush
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3. He knows what the next words are, he is amused. He found it cute and kissed you
Chikage, SAMON, MAKOTO MORIMACHI, Ryo Chibana, Soryu Oh, HUEDHAUT, Dui, KARNO, Zyglavis, Taki Kozaki, Takao Maruyama, Kenshi Inagaki, Toa Qelsum, TINO VALENTINE, and Lou
Samon, Makoto, and Karno would probably even pat your head after giving you the kiss
You know the soft doting look that Makoto has, yes that's what he would look like
Tino might even blush about it and I think that he probably chose to stay quiet so as to not embarrass you any further because he is considerate like that
Huedhaut and Lou would definitely chuckle at your behavior
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4. "Yeah? Now I gotta what?" He is genuinely clueless, so you gotta tell him and finish the sentence if you really want that kiss
Chikage, Yukinojo, Takamune Kitami, RIKU MORIMACHI, Takashi Ninagawa, Soryu Oh, Rhion Hatter, AIGONORUS, Yonghua, REN SHIBASAKI, LYNT AKEDIA, Toa Qelsum, and Grayson Hotz
Chikage, Soryu, and Toa are literally so similar because of how cool and distant they are. Moreover, knowing these three, I feel like they are in between 3 and 4 because those three are also like so smart, no shot, they are unaware, but they're quite dense sometimes so-
Riku, Aigonorus, and Lynt are quite the airheads so you literally have to spell it out to them, but I wouldn't put it past Riku to feign cluelessness just to tease you
In the case, that Soryu is in a good and he knows what the next words are but you aren't saying them then he will probably say, "You might wanna say it unless you want me to misunderstand and think I want to kill you." but we all know that he wouldn't do that because he even refuses to point a gun at a woman. He is respectful and principled like that
Nah cause even though half of these men are smart-asses, you sometimes just have to spell it out because of how absorbed they can get from their passions; like Takamune with soccer, Takashi with music, etc.
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5. Another one who is genuinely clueless but will still kiss you nonetheless because they missed you too
Yukinojo, Rhion Hatter, KRIOFF, and RIO VOLERI
Okay, so I put Yukinojo here as well cause I really feel like he might be clueless but whether he'd push you to say it or not is something I'm not sure cause he does not seem to be the forceful type either and would be the type to think/reason "If you wanted to tell me, you would, but if you didn't then you must have your reasons".
For Rhion, same reason as Yukinojo, but I think he also leans more toward the curious type. Depending on the topic, he might press for answers, but he doesn't seem that pushy either.
Krioff is a gentleman, and I don't think he would push you to say it either unless he senses something amiss or bad about it.
Rio would definitely let out a hearty laugh since he sees you lightly blushing. He'll say, "Hahaha! Whatever that is, you're right, I missed you." or somewhere along those lines before kissing you.
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6. "Ha? You're only saying that because you're the one who misses me." He missed you but won't admit it
Okay, hear me out, I put this specifically for them because of how Tsundere they can get. (Again, this is all according to what I've observed from them, and I haven't read Knight's route yet, but he literally gives me Tsun-Tsun vibes).
There is no way that those two are not blushing while or after saying that
Mention that he is blushing, and he will blush twice as much
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cascadedkiwi · 8 months
Demi-human Black Foxes (LLFTx)
(A/N: An unfinished idea from November 2021. Past me had some cute stuff in her head. I especially like Takuto's section😁)
Word count: Somewhere around 1,324
(Kenshi and Hiro)
The man blinked at her, cutting his eyes to the box where the tuft of brightly colored hair was peeking from the side again.
Kiyuki crouched down to be on eye level with the two. "I'm just curious. Oh! Wait right here!" She jumped off and ran around the corner, crossing over to the other side of the street to her favourite little buffet-style cafe. She zipped back to the alleyway, worried that they may have gone but somehow knowing they were still there.
The box rolled at the sound of her approach and she grinned at the sight. 'I finally get to see the face attached to that pretty hair!' She held out a bag in front of her. "These are for you two! I'm not sure what you like or if you have allergies so I got two different meals so you guys can share. Hopefully you like it!"
The taller boy watched her from his place sat next to a wall. He had been licking a scrape on his hand before she had reappeared. He sniffed the air in front of him, the smell from the bag a tempting one. He growled low under his breath, stopping his companion from edging any further out of the box towards the strange girl.
She tilted her head. "I don't really want to just leave it on ground like you're actual animals but I can see you don't trust me enough to take it from me so..." She lowered the bag, never breaking eye contact. "Enjoy!"
Kenshi watched her keenly as she left, eyeing Hiro popping out fully to sniff out the food in his peripheral.
"That smells really good..."
Kenshi waved toward the package. "Check it out if you want."
Hiro excitedly lept at the permission. "She seems really nice." His eyes went wide and sparkly at the hot food.
Kenshi watched him taste at the different assortment of foods from both takeout containers. "Some of the worst ones do at first. Play nice and then they turn on you."
Hiro's commically large ears drooped. He had never gotten the full story of Kenshi's experience before they met up, but it continued to be reaffirmed that he had no trust left for humans of any nature. Hiro still retained his hope that not all humans were as horrible as the one's he'd come across. He got the feeling that this girl was one of the good ones.
Kiyuki bit her lip as she approached her apartment building. She really hoped those two had eaten the food. It wasn't about the money - the cooks had actually given her extra with no charge - it was the way her chest squeezed at the sight of them. "They shouldn't have to live like that…"
She blinked in surprise at the fluff ball in front of her door. "Well hello there, cutie." She lowered herself to sit on her heels. "What are you doing here? You're such a pretty color, almost like a golden retriever. I've never see such a blond yellow kitty before."
The cat meowed loudly at her, pawing at her door. "You act like you live here, mister - or ma'am. Can't tell if you're a boy or a girl."
The cat promptly laid on its side and rolled, revealing its genitals.Kiyuki drew back. "Woah, ok, message received, MISTER cat. That was freaky. It's like you completely comprehend what I'm saying."
The cat sat up and pawed at the door again, meowing loudly.
"Demanding much? Excuse you. Come here." She reached out carefully, cautiously petting his head, scratching behind one ear. He pushed into her palm. "Ok then, will you let me pick you up?"
The yellow cat placed his front paws on her leg, looking at her.
"I'll take that as a yes." She scooped him up and let herself inside the apartment.
Once inside, the cat allowed her to get as far as her living room before squirming free and dashing for her bedroom.
"Hey, get back here!" Kiyuki hightailed it after her impromtu houseguest, squeaking in horror at the sight of the cat fighting to pull a particular bright blue blanket from her closet. "Stop that!" She cried just as the creature succeeded in his mission, yanking the blanket free and tumbling a few times with the released momentum.
"Oh geez, you!" Kiyuki shook her head as she went over. "Takuto's gonna have a fit if he hears about this!" She tugged gently at the blanket, trying to sort fur from fabric without further tousling the cat. "You literally could've gone for any other blanket. Or just the one on the top." She looked over at the rumpled piled spilling from her closet floor shelf. "What made you go for Takuto's?"
Distressed cries sounded from within the rumpled blanket, and Kiyuki pulled with more purpose and less caution. Finally, she caught a glimpse of a blonde stomach and was able to separate cloth from creature. "All that fuss to get yourself tangled up."
The cat meowed as if annoyed."You did it to yourself, mister, don't get an attitude with me."
The cat looked away and kiyuki laughed as she set him back down on the floor. "You seem more intuitive than the average cat so could you please keep still while I clean up this mess then I can get us some food?"
The cat watched her then meowed loudly, going over to the blanket she was holding up and away from him.
"You can't have this one, it's not mine. It's literally the only blanket in this entire apartment that isn't mine." She stood, which seemed to aggravate her feline visitor. "It's almost like you know this. Takkun's gonna get a kick if I ever tell him about this. A cat that loves Shiffy."
The cat meowed loudly, jumping for the blanket. Kiyuki furrowed her eyebrows. "What is up with you? You're almost as fussy as Takkun for this thing."
The cat fell over dramatically, rolling about.
"You know what? I'll let you have it for a bit. You and Takuto can fight over it next time he comes over. That'll be a funny sight."
The cat seemed to huff, its tail twitching in jerky movements in the air.
Kiyuki laughed as she dropped the blanket so one corner landed partially on the cat.
He looked away, ignoring it.
"Oh, so now you don't want it anymore? That's fine, I'll put it up then." She gave the farthest end of the blanket a little tug, a knowing laugh bursting from her when the cat jumped on top of the blanket, grabbing one end in its teeth and rolling to cover itself. The knowing laugh extended into a cackle as she watched the cat turn itself into a burrito. "You remind me of the time Takuto did the same thing to avoid going home one night. I gotta tell him I found his spirit animal."
She took a breath to steady herself again. "Well, you seem perfectly happy as a little cat blanket snail so I'll go get us some food. Then we'll decide what we're doing with you."
She murmured to herself as she left the room, "I don't remember what the landlady said about pets…" Something in the back of her mind did note that it was a bit odd for her to be so comfortable leaving a cat she had just found to its own devices in her bedroom, but he seemed preoccupied with the blanket and more than that, it was like he knew her. To be waiting for her on her floor and pawing at her door like he knew that was her off time. He was a very intelligent cat, no doubt about that. If not for his clear cat body she would think he was human. 'Or at least demi.' She'd look more into it tomorrow. Today had been long and eventful enough.
Kiyuki blinked in surprise at the sight blocking her entrance to the fox-themed bar she had finally gotten around to visiting. A large, brown dog lay on its side right in front the door. Its breathing seemed labored and she crouched down to get a better look. "Hey, buddy... you awake?"
One of the dog's pointy ears twitched as its eyes blinked open. It looked around before looking up at her, blinking forlorn puppy eyes.
Kiyuki was instantly smitten. "You poor thing..." She held the back of her hand up to its nose.
The dog sniffed it before looking back up at her, licking her he gently.
She lifted her hand slowly, reaching to pet his head. The dog stayed still and let her. She moved her pats down to his neck, rubbing around. "No collar... the white on your nose pins you as an older puppy... that's it. I've decided. You're mine now."
The dog looked up, raising its head as Kiyuki popped up onto her feet. "Come on, follow me. Unless... can you stand?"
The dog got up with a bit of effort, shaking out its fur. It was much bigger than she anticipated, standing at shoulder height to her waist. "You're a big doggo, aren't you..."
The dog whined, shrinking back.
"Aww, no, puppy I didnt mean that in a bad way! I didnt think you were so big but that doesnt mean i'm not gonna keep you anymore!" She hugged the tall pooch around the neck. "Ranko loves big dogs so it'll be easier to convince her."
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Love Letter From The Baddest Bidder
Crossover between Love Letter From Thief X and Kissed By The Baddest Bidder - Mitsu x OC
Originated from a request about OC falling for a bidder, who also falls her and how OC gets jealous from him going on a date with another. Flicking from different POV’s and first to third person.
Pairing - Mitsunari Baba x OC (Bella)
Warning: Strong language, NSFW And Smut, 
Word count: 8.5K
Mitsunari Baba:
Noun: A man who engages in numerous casual sexual affairs with women.
If you looked up womanizer in the dictionary, an image of Mitsunari Baba would appear next to it.
Mitsunari Baba was a world class thief, not only at stealing paintings and valuable items but also at the hearts of women. His cheeky grin, the tip of fedora and a smooth flirtatious line and he would have you buckling at the knees. His charming charisma, his light hazel eyes you often found yourself getting lost in, the teasing lines he would chuckle just to watch your cheeks flush. Everything about him was perfect, it was soon clear to you why he was such a hit with the ladies, flirtatious words rolled off his tongue like a fluent first language. He could charm the pants of anyone. And that is why you kicked yourself for falling for the devilish gentleman. 
You're doing it again, your inner voice scolding you as you found yourself once again watching the brunette as you lingered at the bar.
“Stare anymore and you’ll go blind,” A friendly voice, a familiar scent lingered beside you, Riki taking the free seat next to you.
“I’m not staring!” You poured, turning your attention from the back of the man, twirling the tumbler in your hand, eyes now focusing on the clear liquid in front of you, gin was always your go to. 
“Really? Because all night I’ve seen you gawping at that brute and after what I just witnessed...” Riki smirked, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“He’s not a brute!” You protested, watching as the ice in your drink began to melt away, “You only say because you don’t like him”. Riki scoffed at your words.
“I don’t trust him, there’s a difference, I don’t trust anyone of them, that no good thief or that mafia guy, especially not Eisuke,” You missed the glare in Riki’s eyes. 
“Then why are we even here Riki?” You questioned, picking up your glass and knocking back the remains of your drink.
“Business is business darlin, regardless if we get along or not,” He hummed in response, following your actions and throwing back the single finger measurement of whisky in his glass. Your eyes lingered the back to the brown hair, watching as he leaned forward and whispered something into the petite, jade-eye girl, her head thrown back in fits of laughter. Wishing it was you in her place.
You and your merry band of thieves were currently residing in ‘The Tres Spades’ hotel for the evening as part of a mission collaboration with another set of men who called themselves ‘The Bidders’. That was due to the set of five men being part of the black market which was held at the hotel, the events happening unknown to the outside world. This wasn’t your first encounter with the bidders, no that had happened many months ago, you had collaborated with them many times co-siding on missions together. The group bore a striking resemblance to your thieving gang:
You had Eisuke Ichinomiya, often referred to as the king, who was their leader or boss as they called him. Soryu Oh, a leader of the mafia who had a dis-liking for anything feminine of female. Mitsunari Baba, a reckless flirt who was the definition of a womaniser. Ota Kisaki, an artistic prodigy with the traits of the devil. And finally, Mamoru Kishi, a crooked cop although you never actually saw him do any work. 
Each member of your gang resembled one from the bidders: Riki and Eisuke being the leaders, Kenshi and Soryu having a hard time in engaging with conversation especially when it came to women, Atsumu and Mitsunari being the older ‘more mature’ men with a hobby for star signs and fortune telling,  Hiro and Ota being the youngest with playboy attitudes and finally Takuto and Mamoru being the slackers who only found interest in eating and sleeping. The striking resemblance of personalities often clashed causing chaos and arguments amongst the men. 
The glimmer red of your dress coordinated perfectly with his contrasting crimson tie, the shared moment you had not-long ago as the ghosting tease of his lips against yours made your fingertips run over your bottom lip. There was no negotiation, he was going to kiss you outside, the spark you felt with him was purely undeniable, on your half anyway. And yet, he sat only meters away from you, his charming ability working on the next thing he saw with a pulse. You completely forgot about.
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The man with the Red Fedora:
Your first time meeting the bidders was… eventful to say the least. It was normal Tuesday night, the gang and you sat around Le Renard Noir, discussing the newest mission.
“So the painting is hanging in the main art gallery of the city, it was stolen from another group of associates, more specifically from Mr.Ichinomiya so we have to work fast to get this back,” Riki stated, pointing to a painting, an image of a man and the art gallery. You watched as they went into intricate details about security and such, Takuto already pulling out his laptop and scanning across a screen of encrypted numbers. Being as helpful as you could be in that moment of time, Takuto practically barked at you when you offered any help, you took the bins from behind the bar and exited the building. Throwing them into the bin, you saw as two cars pulled up, calling out ‘Riki’, no-one came to the bar at this time of night. Watching as the head beams turned off, 3 men emerging from one car as 2 others left the other one.
“Sorry men, but we’re closed,” You yell, standing in the doorway of the bar, all 5 of them sharing a look before walking to you.
“You need to leave,” A harsh voice, followed by a glinting in the moonlight, a pistol being held to you by one of the strangers. He was tall, his hair slicked back and his eyes like cold steel.
“Excuse me?” You hold your hand up to bat away the gun, you work with thieves, you were used to having a gun or two thrown in your face to the point it no longer frightened you.
“Oh this little Koro has balls,” A young man, heavily resembling Hiro only less red and more auburn, laughed as he took a step towards you.
“Sor! Lower the damn weapon,” A friendly voice of the man who you would later come to be infatuated with, “Sorry about him pretty lady, I hope he didn’t scare you,”. The man speaking the words with the fedora took a bold step forward and wrapped an arm around your shoulder as the gun was lowered. 
“Bella is everything okay, Riki sent me out here and I-” Kenshi came bursting out the front door, his eyes narrowing as he saw the group of men, “Oh, it’s you”. Kenshi came outside, pushed the man's arm off of you and pulled you close, “Come on”. He guided you back inside, the men following him. Formal introductions were made to you by the thief's, the bidders here to give an insight into the mission, one of the men amongst them was Eisuke, you recognised his face from the photo Riki had pointed to earlier
“So this is the black fox lady,” Eisuke smirked, as he sat back on the leather sofa as if he owned it, “Quite impressive for your tastes Riki,”. You blinked a few times, wanting to knock that smug-smirk off of his face.
“Don’t be staring at my princess!” Hiro pouted, the redhead coming to your defence as if you were a helpless princess.
“I’m nobodies nothing,” You responded, seeking a safe place to stand behind the bar, “This ‘quite impressive’ lady actually has brains”.
“Hate to admit it but the kids right, she’s got some smartness behind them bambi eyes,” Takuto backs you up before he starts choking on his pork noodles, his face flushing red with embarrassment. Your heart almost stopped at the back-handed compliment, Takuto was never nice to you. 
You poured yourself a drink as the bidders and thieves conversed, your eyes meeting with the gaze of Mitsunari's as he gave a cheeky wink before turning back to the conversation at hand. 
“So the plan is, Bella your our lead, you enter the event of the gala with Ota, Hiro and Mitsu you both act as security guards, Hiro your on the left wing whilst Mitsu you stand guard in the back entrance, Takuto will sort the systems, when the lights go down, I’ll swap the paintings, Bella you secure the real one and leave through the back entrance with Mitsu, Hiro you reassure the room before leaving out this exit here, I’ll follow suit with Hiro, Kenny you bring the van to the back for Bella and Mitsu to jump in, then we’ll meet back here, all clear?” Riki’s voice in a formative tone as he explained the mission in depth. A reassuring nod and murmur from you all follows. 
“So my Koro,” Ota taking your hand in his as he pulls you to the side, “Send me a photo of your dress so we can coordinate, and if you feel like showing me what you’ll be wearing underneath I won’t mind either,”. He throws you a wink and you pull your hand quickly away. One, who or what the fuck is a Koro? Two, another version of Hiro, brilliant, bloody brilliant. A tut from the men behind him, the one named Soryu who pointed the gun at you burned holes into his head with his glare.
“Ota leave the lovely lady alone, I’m so sorry princess,” Mitsunari chuckled, bowing in an apologetic form as Ota left. 
“I’m used to it with Hiro and all, I’m a big girl. I can handle myself Mr.Baba,” You rolling your eyes.
“That I bet you can,” His eyes giving you a glance up and down with a wolfish grin, “Mitsu please”.
“Well Mitsu, it appears your friends are leaving,” Your eyes guesting to the group of bidders now leaving LRN. 
“Alas, until next time my princess,” He pressed a small kiss to your wrist, a blushing form of redness graces your cheeks before he follows the others who left him. 
The night of the mission soon came quickly dressed in your finest evening gowns, you had come to acquire a few due to the nature of your role in the black foxes, hair pinned back in an elegant up do. Ota had matched you with colour down to the tiniest of detail, the grey suit with a lavender tie to match your dress, the same coloured handkerchief folded in his top pocket.  He escorted you with him inside, your arm threaded through his as you held the crook of his elbow, a fake-smile gracing your lips. You were used to doing missions alone, why this annoying brat had to accompany you, you’d never know. He spent the whole evening filled with lewd comments, nicknames referring to Koro, at one point he even joked about having you on all fours and having you follow him around like a master. 
“Bella, 2 minutes to shut off,” Takuto mumbled through the transmitter. 
“You know Koro, that dress looks so good on you, I bet it will look so much better on my bedroom floor,” Ota leaning into whisper in your ear, his breath tickling against your neck.
“Right! A, my name is Bella, not Kiro, B, back the fuck off and C-” You hiss but are cut off from the lights in the building shutting off. 
“Show time,” Riki’s voice flooding your ear piece. You let go of Ota’s arms and make a dash to the area of where the painting you was after was hung. You had exactly 40 seconds for Riki to change the painting and get out to the second exit before the alarms would ring, time was of the essence. It was all going so smoothly, Riki managed to swap them as Hiro distracted the guests, passing you the real painting as you crept to the back exit where Mitsu met you. 
“10 seconds, Bella you need to hurry,”.
Mitsu holding the door open hurriedly tugging you into the abandoned staircase, shutting the door quietly behind you just as the alarms began to sound. The pair of you bolted down the stairs but Mitsu was faster, you tottered behind him in your stilettos, a very poor choice of footwear for a mission. 
“Come on princess,” He stopped, scooped you up in his arms and ran as the sound of the door you had fled from burst open. He held you tight as if you were completely weightless, kicking open the emergency exit and sprinting to the white van where Kenshi and Takuto were waiting. You both scrambled in, Kenny flooring the van as he sped off, the painting secure in your arms. Everything went off without a hitch. 
“To another successful mission,” Riki toasted, each of you joined by the bidders raised a glass in celebration. Ota and Hiro’s glasses both clinked against yours and you shot them both a glare that made them retreat.
“She’s just as feisty as you Sor,” Mitsu chuckled with a hearty laugh, a blush forming on the mobsters face as he tried to brush off the comment. 
As the night went on, you excused yourself to get some fresh air, lighting up a cigarette as you did but a flame of another's got their first, Mamoru's. 
“Thanks,” You say as you inhaled, the smoke sending wafts of relaxation throughout your body, nothing felt better than smoking after a mission. 
“Gotta say kid, the way you put Ota in his place, you know how to stand your ground,” The cop chuckled lightly, smoking exhaling out of his nose.
“You heard?”.
“We all heard, Baba won’t shut up about it, nice to see someone putting the brat in his place,”. You spent longer than you thought outside, engaging in an actual adult conversation with him, it was pleasant to actually have a conversation rather than just being flirted with or teased at. Mamoru looked the same age as Atsumu and so did Mitsu, Mitsu passing as slightly younger. It wasn’t until Mitsu came out, the outline of fedora clear in the shadows that you realised how long you had been gone.
“Princess, there you are!” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder like he had done the first night he met you, “Come back inside it’s no fun with just a bunch of guys, I miss your pretty face,”. A blush formed on your cheeks as you let him guide you back inside, you found yourself lowering your guard with him, you always had a thing for men who were older, more mature. You found the rest of your evening heavily gravitated to him, much to the disapproval of the others, the conversation between the pair of you naturally flowing. 
“I must say princess, I don’t understand the whole mission when the true beauty of the evening is sitting right in front of me,” Your eyes falling to meet his gaze, feeling yourself being pulled into that gleaming smile. You knew his type far too well, the womanising flirt but there was something about him, a subtle softness behind it all that kept pulling you back to him. Just as he was about to say something, a whining Riki pulled you away, the strong scent of whisky heavy on his breath.
“She’s miiine,” He whined, rubbing his cheek against your palm as he so often did when he was drunk. 
“Riki, god not again!” You tried to pull your hand away but Riki kept a tight grip on you. 
“No, all of you eyes off her,” He continued to pout, a smirking laughter coming from Eisuke who was clearly enjoying the show. 
“If you ever need a real man, you know where to find me,” Eisuke tilting your chin with his sleek fingertips, dropping a wink to you before pulling back. In all honesty, the only man you could think about was the one you had been previously speaking to, the man with the red fedora. In the end you sat on the sofa, Riki’s head in your lap as you played with his hair with a sigh, every time he drank he became a clinging mess. He had confessed his true feelings to you the last time he was drunk, a slight shock on your behalf as you never imagined Riki would feel something towards you but you were unable to reciprocate his feelings, you wanted a man. You needed a real man. 
Weeks had passed after your mission with the bidders but you still unable to shake the Mitsu from your head, even looking at Atsumu who resembled a close resemblance, brought back the flood of emotions you felt when he had been flirting with you. The gang had tried to warn you of his womanising ways, Kenshi calling him, ‘The older version of Hiro’, but for some ungodly reason that didn’t faze you. No in-fact you saw it as a challenge, you wanted him, you wanted Mitsunari Baba. 
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Late Night Texts:
“Are you awake?”.
“Mitsu… it’s 1 a.m.”.
“I just wanted to check you was okay princess,”. 
The smile spread across your face as you re-read the message several times before reminding yourself who exactly was texting you. The others had tried to steer you clear but you found yourself drawn like a magnet to him. A slight fit of laughter as you remembered the first time he messaged you.
“Hey princess!”.
“Hello…?” You hesitantly responded.
“Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten who I am, my heart breaks,”. You couldn’t deny, your first thought went to Ota.
“Please do enlighten me,”. The next text to follow was a red fedora and your heart raced.
“Mitsu, how did you even get my number?”.
“A gentleman never tells,”.
“A gentleman also doesn’t text without asking for a lady's number,”. 
“You got me there princess,” You could almost hear his laughter through the text. 
“But I am also a thief, so that cancels out the gentleman part,”. 
An array of messages were exchanged, subtle flirting and hints could be read between the messages, a flood of excitement coursed through you. 
“Well yes, I got home safe so thank you,” You responded, kicking off your heels and settling down into bed. Another meeting mission with the bidders, this time something to do with a bunch of items being stolen and sold at the black market in “The Tres Spades’. 
“Was really nice to see you again, next time don’t leave it so long,”. You were just about to respond with a goodnight when another message came through, double texting so needy.
“Did you know, Leo and Capricorns make for an interesting match,”.
“Really now?”.
“Really, it’s almost like the stars are aligned,”. 
No stop, you thought to yourself to not reply, he was a womaniser, all these smooth lines were just part of his game to get you into bed. But what if there not? What if the man is generally interested in you? But before you could reply another message came through. 
“Goodnight princess x”. 
“Goodnight Mitsu”.
“Do we have to go?” Takuto groaned, his head pressed against the wooden table.
“Mr.Ichinomiya invited us as guests, we can’t just not go,” Riki tutted, “Besides we need to scout out the investors who got ahold of the Da Vinci painting,”. This was to do with the meeting from a few days ago, the plan for tonight was to mingle with other bidders from the black market, trying to suss out who stole and brought the painting to the market. 
“Come on it won’t be that bad,” You smiled, running your hands down to flatten the dress you had chosen to wear. It was red, the same red Mitsu wore, a plunging neckline and clung to every curve of your body. 
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Mitsu was a man of many words, he knew the words of ‘love’ better than English. Only he thought he did, until he met her. Bella, an enchantress, a siren, a beautiful woman who made him lose all his cool. Sure he got about, abit, at one point he had a different lady on his arm every night. But what's the harm in having a bit of fun? Especially since he’ll never love again, no love was out of the question, love got him burned in the past and he would be damned if it ever happened again. But for one night with her, even if it was purely talking, he would throw his new-day-new-fling attitude away forever. She was different, there something about her that purely intrigued him: was it that she blushed at his subtle flirting instead of throwing herself at him like every other woman, was it her dont-fuck-with-me attitude like how she had dealt with Ota, was it that when he had an actual conversation with her she had gotten so last in her passionate talks that she spoke for a solid 30 minutes on art and it’s beauty, was it that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen; a pocketful of sunshine bursting with personality, or was it purely because she was a woman, not a young model who he always lusted after. Yes whilst clearly a young woman, the young age of 24, she wasn't an ‘aspiring actress’ with daddy issues he always found himself with. No, Bella, she was a lady and Mitsu wanted to make her his lady.
The text that sent between him, the hinting flirts from both sides, he found himself feeling like a school-boy with a crush, checking his phone every couple of minutes. He found himself no-longer caring for the young scarlets that pounced on him wherever he went, leaching on to the next innocent fool, his mind wandering back off to the blonde he met at LRN. It almost felt like… fate, dare he say it. His horoscope had told him that a new interest would enter his life this month, maybe she was it? It was true, all he needed was a sign. 
The night the black foxes came to the penthouse for a meeting, all wanted to know if she was coming, even being in the same room as him made a light buzz tingle across his body. Was he nervous? No, surely not, Mitsunari did not get nervous. But then his mind wandered to how delicate she really was, that slight vulnerability as she let her guard down with him, no-harsh pretences or words, just rays of that spellbinding laugh that enticed him even future. Secretly praying she would come, he put on his finest fedora, just in-case. 
He felt himself smile when he saw her follow the others in, but it dropped when he saw Riki’s arm gently holding over her forearm in a reassuring manner. He disliked the boy, partially because he saw his younger self in him, he definitely dis-liked the way he caught him looking at her. The night after the mission, Riki pulled her away from his gaze, he had believed the two were a couple from the words of claim but her every eye roll, the batting off his words followed by a soft response of ‘Just friends, Riki,’ the meek smile she would throw at him every-time he caught her gaze, told him otherwise. 
She held her confidence as she began to relax, putting tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum in their rightful places once more, power almost radiating off her at her every word. Her aura was a mixture of beautiful colours: fluorescent yellows, illuminating shades of green, deep blues and purples like the ocean and his favourite colour of all, red. After time passed, she joined him in the kitchen as she offered to make coffees, a putting-others above her own needs attitude. 
“Look at us twinning,” She laughed, pointing to her white belt, which was holding her thin black jumper into her jeans. It took a moment for him to release before she gestured to his hat, his white hat. A sign, the sign. That was it, Mitsunari had a full blown crush. 
When they had all left all he wanted to do was ring her to check she got home okay, but he couldn’t do it, it would be too needy he thought. Instead a simple text. ‘The stars aligning’ were not meant to be sent, he typed it before quickly releasing what he was saying and hit send by mistake, god-damn young people technology. 
He physically felt the air from with his lungs being sucked out when she entered Eisuke’s event, the red dress that accentuated every inch of her pale skin, she literally took his breath away. He found himself drawn like a magnet to her throughout the night, like the moon to the earth, finding himself pulled to her. He asserted himself into the conversation when he felt men had been staring too long or getting a bit too close, listening sharply for words for only an adult audience before making his presence known. He wanted to protect her, knowing the real natures and intentions of half the men in the room, but she wasn’t his to protect. His eyes darted across the room when he lost track of her, before the glinting of a red bottomed heel flickered as the owners stepped outside. Red, the colour of his tie, fedora and boxers. 
“Everything alright?” He called out to her, leaning against the doorframe as she rested against the balcony rail, her figure and skin glowing in the basking moonlight. She hummed lightly in response before stretching, turning around to face him across the chiseled-slate floor. 
“Just get a bit tiring, the whole charade,” Her voice soft but changing into an attitude, “And I swear, if I get one more sleaze-ball talking to my breasts I will be kicking some ass”. He chuckled, taking a step towards her, his hands tucking into his slacks pockets.  
“The dress is very… nice,” He choked half-way through his sentence, shit he actually was nervous. Never had he fumbled a flirt, a pick up line or a smooth recovery, his cheeks raging pink with embarrassment and he turned his head slightly to hide it. 
“Thank you, it was a present,” She gave a light twirl with a laugh that sent his knees weak and a pit of happiness inside his stomach. 
“You know we have to stop meeting like this,” He chuckled, her face responded with a quizzical expression, “The colours, the dress, the tie, the hat,”. She let out another laugh and shook her head. 
“You know what they say about two people who wear the same matching colour twice in a row,” She took a step towards him, a small gap now between him, his heart racing slightly as he stared down into her pooling blue eyes.
“And what’s that?” He wanted nothing more than to bring his hand up and rest it against her supple cheek.
“That they have the best fashion,” She teased, bringing her face close to his before tapping his nose and pulling away. “So come on,” She tugged his arm and pulled him to the balcony edge with her, “I have some questions for you on stars”. He answered everything she asked him, his face turned to her as the corner of his lips jerked up whilst he watched her eyes widen at the glistening stars above. 
“And if you look just there,” He pointed up, her eyes squinting and a ‘where’ fell from her lips. He stood behind her, wrapping both arms around hers, using his right to point up, leaning his head on her shoulder so they was eye level, “There”. He felt her shudder slightly as his breath caught against her neck, the rapid beating of her heartbeat against his chest, the crinkling of her eyes as she focused before letting out the purest of gasps. 
“Them aligning stars are the ones that make the Leo symbol,” He softness in his voice as he traced the shape with her hand. 
“It’s beautiful,” She breathless whispered at the constellations above.
“You really are,” His voice in a whisper as she turned to face him, eyes meeting a gaze as their breaths mingled from the closeness, her thick eyelashes closing her blue eyes as she hesitated for a second before leaning in. Mitsu found himself replicating her actions, knees almost giving way as the distance between their lips grew shorter. Just as her flushed lips brushed over his, a cough from behind jerked them both apart, Mitsu turning to see their rude interrupter, Riki. 
The gaze he gave her, she lowered her head before retreating indoors alone, Riki took bounding steps towards him. 
“Why can’t you leave her alone,” He hissed, a slight glare of possession in his eyes.
“She’s a woman, not an object,” Mitsu stood up fully, towering slightly over him.
“And you’ll just use her like one!” Riki retaliated, a growing battle between them. His words stung, like a venomous wound but he knew why the younger male had said it. It was true, Mitsu did often use women for his own pleasure before discarding them, but her, Bella was different. She had a hold on him. His heart that stopped beating so long ago, began to tremble and tighten when he saw her, a racing rhythm he had forgotten the beat off. He wouldn’t say it was love, but it was very close to the feeling. 
“Why are you so jealous of her? Is it because she’s rejected you and you can’t bear to stand the fact she will feel something for someone?” Mitsu knew he struck a nerve when Riki’s jaw twitched and his fists balled.
“She’s too pure for you Mitsunari,” Is where the young politician left the conversation, his words hanging heavy over Mitsu. He knew they were true, he also knew he never stood a chance with her. 
He tried to shake her from his head, the softness of her skin still lingered against his hands where he had held her, her eyes like a galaxy allowing him to get lost. The softness of her lips being the stars, the brief touch that had sent shocks across his spine, the smallest taste of heaven. He watched sitting at the bar in the penthouse, him trying to pull his attention to someone else to try to forget about her, the black-haired scarlet fawning over him as he sat on the sofa. It was a distraction that was barely successful, the flirtatious words rolled off his tongue as he spoke so softly to be met with over-exaggerated laughing and a hand placed on his thigh. He caught the reflection of the woman he wished was next to him in the glass window, Riki once more latched to her side, Mitsu knowing he stood no chance with him around. Before he met her, he would have taken the girl sat next to him straight to his room but now all he could think of was pushing her away and holding the woman he longed for in his arms. 
“So how about it?” The green eyes now in a close proximity bringing him back from his thoughts.
“Dinner, tomorrow, I’ve heard so much about you Mitsunari, I’m just dying to hear if the rumours are true,” She purred, running a finger down his chest. He turned to meet Bella’s gaze, but she was no wear to be seen, sneaking out with the faintest of tears after seeing the actions between Mitsu and the girl. His heart dropped to release she had gone, a scowl on Riki’s face as he ran out of the penthouse to follow her. 
“Sure,” He said with a hopeless smile. 
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A playboy, a seducer:
“Bella stop,” Sweeping his bangs out of his face as he chased after her. 
“Riki please, just go away,” She yelled back for the seventh time, breath hitching as she had tried to flee so silently.
“Is it because of him,” His words make her stop in her track, turning as the moonlight shined off her pale skin, illuminating her in his path. 
“What if it is Riki?” The glistening tear glinted as it rolled down her cheek.
“He’s not good enough for you,” Riki holding out a hand to stroke her cheek as he stepped forward, she batting his hand away.
“And what? You are? Riki, we’ve been over this again and again, I’m sorry but I don’t the same way,” A plea in her voice that made his heart clench.
“He’s a playboy, a seducer, he doesn’t deserve you,”.
“Maybe I want that!” Her voice was a little louder than she had hoped, “I’m not a child Riki, I know how to handle myself,”. There was a lingering pause of silence between them before Riki finally broke it.
“If he hurts you…” He started but she reached forward and squeezed his hand with a faint smile, a ‘thank you’ gracing her lips. Riki kept his strong poker face as he felt the woman whose smile made his day, slip away from his grasp and longed to be in the arms of another. 
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Yellow Ties and Underwear:
You found your feet unable to stop themselves, walking into ‘The Tres Spaces’ the following evening after the party. You could use the excuse that you left something here from last night, but who was you kidding, you were here to see Mitsu. 
“Hi, I wanted to visit the penthouse?” You smiled at the young girl on reception who raised an eyebrow at you, “Tell Mr.Ichinomiya, it’s Bella”. The ring of a phone and a conversation between the girl and who you presumed to be Eisuke, a ‘Yes sir,’ following her voice.
“Here,” She smiled, passing a slicked gold card across the desk and gestured to the lifts. Your knees trembled as you leaned back against the railing as the elevator took you up over 50 flights of stairs, boy did you feel sorry for a maid who worked her. What were you even doing here? What did you think would happen? That’d you just waltz in, see Mitsu sitting on the sofa, stroll over and say “Hey, I really fucking fancy you to the point I can’t get you out of my head”. Brilliant ideas as always Bella. 
Only when the steel-doors opened, there was only one person in the room, Eisuke who was sat crossed legged in a leather arm chair, arms folded with his signature smirk on his face.
“Well, it’s this a nice surprise,” His crisp voice ringing against the marbled walls, making no effort to stand as he beckoned you towards him, “Are you finally here to take up my offer, I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist”. He stood up as you got closer, tracing a fingertip over your arm, “I knew you were trying to get my attention last night and let me tell you,”. His warm hand caressed your shoulder, “You certainly got it,”. He leaned forward, you pushed him back and took a pace backwards, face flushed red.
“M-Mr.Ichinomiya! I apologise if I gave you the wrong impression but I-” You stuttered, flustered as one of the wealthiest men in the city had just made a pass at you, unsure what to say next. He tutted and removed his hand from you, rolling his eyes.
“If you're not here for me, why are you here?” His voice dropping to his normal sternness, eyes heavily watching you as you began to buckle under his gaze. 
“I-I’m here… I’m here to see Mitsu,” You finally blurted after a few moments of silence, Eisuke cocking an eyebrow at your words, the corners of his lips twitching slightly.
“Hey boss, is the yellow too much or is it-” The voice of Mitsu came bursting out of one of the bedroom doors, he came into the room in a navy blue suit, holding up a yellow tie. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you, eyes wandering between you and Eisuke before he mumbled an apology of interrupting you. 
“It's not.. Mitsu I-” Your face was blushing heavily as you stood a step towards him before realising where you were. Eisuke scoffed, held up a hand and retreated into one of the other rooms, leaving you both alone in the silence. 
“Snap?” He chuckled, holding up his tie as he nodded to the yellow bra strap from under your off the shoulder top, laughter knowing replacing the lingering silence. 
“Are you going somewhere?” Your heart slightly pounding at the sheer handsomeness of the man who stood before you.
“Oh, I… kinda… date,” He mumbled off, your heart sinking as you felt a fool, of course he wouldn’t have been interested in you. He played you like a fiddle before moving onto the next woman, whatever strange connection you felt towards him was just part of his womanising persona and you had fallen for it. 
“I should go,” You quickly turned on your heels, feeling like a raging idiot, making a hurried escape but the softness of his voice that called for you, stopped you in your tracks. Turning to face him, the slight ruggedness of his face with a mixture of suppleness, the warming smile that lifted the corners of his mouth, the hazel eyes that peeked with a treacle of honey, the features you found you self gazing at made it feel as if time had stopped. The distance between you feeling a mile apart, silence held between the still of the room as your eyes met. 
“Don’t go on your date,” You meekly whispered, the words falling before you could think about what you said.
“Bella…” His voice low, taking a bounding strike towards you.
“Mitsu…” Your feet moving before you could stop them, finding yourself running almost into his arms, each other's hands placed on the side of your faces as your lips met in a passionate frenzy. Lips working against each other, your bottom lip being sucked against his as heat within you rose, a knotted ball of worry unraveling in your stomach. 
“Are you sure about this?” He breathlessly whispered between kisses against your lips, your hands quickly working at shedding his jacket, throwing it into the pit of his room. 
“God yes,” You responded, lips never parting afterwards, no rush, only sweet savouring kisses. Both of you remove articles of clothes in a slow, sensual manner until you both stand in only underwear in-front of each other. Hands running over crescent and dip, burning his touch into your brain as his lips found their way to your neck. Even if you only shared this moment, you wanted it, you needed him. You wanted to experience the epitome of pleasure with him, the desire to be with someone you found yourself unable to shake from your mind, the only thing being on your mind for the past weeks was him, and here he stood, wanting you just as much back. 
Running a hand down his chest, it wasn’t heavily toned but he was in great shape for his age, your fingers fluttering on the edge of his boxers, the press of his hard arousal against your thigh.  Dipping a hand below, wrapping your fingers around his heated length as his voice hitched, revealing to you the length thickness of him. Cascading kisses of soft lips against your neck fell to your collarbones, the warmth of his hands around your back as he tried to remove your bra, your hand working over his length.
“The front,” You moan, using your free hand to cover bring his hands to rest over your breasts, the clasp lying between the valley of your breasts. His wet tongue dives down to lick against your breast, sucking over your hardening nipple before moving to the other, the material of your bra lost amongst the pile of clothes that lay at your feet. The flat of his tongue ran against your sensitive nipples, flickering until they peddled with soft moans falling from your mouth, the hand between you beginning to pump his faster. Your underwear was peeled slowly from your body, hitting the floor with a light flood, wetness and arousal pooling between your thighs. With a struggled groan, a wrist wraps around your stilling your jerking movements as his breath becomes ragged.
“I want to indulge in you princess,” His soft words matched his tone of voice, eyes half-lidded with pure lust as he held your waist and guided you backwards to the bed. Feeling your knees hit the end of it, toppling backwards with a light fall, Mitsu dropping to his knees and spreading your thighs apart, “I’ve wanted to taste you since the minute I saw you,”. The pink flesh of his tongue ran alongside his bottom lip, eyes burning at your glistening as he pressed kisses up your thighs, leaving a blossoming mark where your thighs met your lower half. His breath was hot against your burning core, the suspense for him to touch encouraged by pleads and begs trickling from your mouth. The sensation of his flat tongue  in a sweeping movement against your damp folds in enough to make fireworks explode, each flicker of his tongue making you cry out for me. Hips raise to push yourself against him as he begins to devour you with his mouth, your hands push off his fedora and get tangled in his soft locks. The silent cries fall from your mouth, head thrown back against the mattress, back rising as his tongue brought you to a higher pleasure. The words ‘so sweet’ murmured against your flesh, the vibrations sending heavy tingles inside you. Thighs trembling around his head, fingers twisted in his hair and the soft cry of ‘Mitsu… I need you’ as he pressed a final kiss to your clit before pulling away.
Climbing above you and reaching into the bedside draw, pulling out a foil wrapper as he positioned himself above you. Holding his shoulders you pushed him back, rolling him onto his back as you straddled him, taking the foil and ripping it open with your teeth. Leaning down you spread the condom over his thickness, raising yourself before lowering onto his head. A strangled groan came from his throat, hands pressing into the side of your behind to help guide you down, a crying moan as you felt him stretch your walls until he was fully hilted inside. Everything about it felt right, like a perfect fit. Resting your hands on his chest you began to rock back and forth, falling into a steady rhythm as each time he hit the perfect spot inside you that made the pit of your stomach ignite with flame. The smoothness of his hands caressed your waist and behind, mesmerised as he watched your face throw back in pleasure, the gentle pace letting you be in-control as you brought yourself close. 
“Mitsu,” You repeated like a manta, gasping breaths as your mind began to haze over, your muscles began to tighten as you felt the rapid heat began to spread across your body. 
“That’s it princess,” He groaned, rolling his hips to meet your rocking movements, a heavy groan as your muscles spasmed around him. Fingertips leaving crescent moons markings on his chest, the tightness in your stomach snapping as you pulsed over him, the warmth flooding your body. Riding yourself down, stilling for a moment as you shut your eyes with a few light breaths, letting the wave of your orgasm die down before moving once more. Sensing your slight exhortation, he wrapped his hands under your knees and began to push you back until you felt your back hit the soft mattress below, still buried inside you. He held your trembling legs over his shoulder, leaning down to press hot kisses against you as he began to thrust into you. It didn’t take long for him to bring you close once more, your second release triggering his own, hands firmly on your waist as he held you tight against him, throbbing and releasing into the rubber inside you. Your name on his lips.
Pulling out, he threw it in the bin before pulling you close to him and letting you rest against his chest as you both regained your breath. Holding you tight to him, something Mitsunari never did. 
The rising and lowering of a chest against your cheek woke you, slightly dazed as you awoke, finding yourself still in the arms of Mitsu who was peacefully sleeping under you. You felt the smile tug at your lips, resting your chin on his chest and admiring the sight in-front of you.
“You okay princess?” He chuckled with a light yawn, hazel eyes meeting yours as they opened from beneath his thick lashes.
“Very,” You laugh back, your smile brings a smile to his face as he brings a hand up to run against your cheek, you nuzzling straight against it like a kitten. You embellish in the silence for a few moments, an intimate moment shared between the two of you before it finally broke by a phone buzzing on the floor. 
“Shit,” Mitsu groaned, bolting up to retrieve his phone before swiping it off. Both of you had forgotten he was getting ready to go on a date, the shared look between you as you gave him a soft smile. 
“It’s fine… I’ll- I’ll go,” You meekly whispered, pulling yourself away from him and off the bed but you don’t make it that, the faintest words of, ‘don’t go’ were repeated back to you from earlier. You were pulled back down, his strong arms wrapping around you as he held you to him. 
“Our evening together has been so unforgettable to me… I don’t want it to end,” The whisper of his voice into the shell of your ear, tremors pulsing over your heart. 
“Please, stay,” It was a plea, leaning over you and sharing an almost loving gaze. You brought a hand up to cup his cheek, pulling him down slowly, a kiss shared between you full of promises and hope. Neither of you wanted to be the first to pull back until you had to for air. 
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Stars Aligned:
“Mitsu stop it!” Her squealing giggle filled the penthouse as he wrapped a strong pair of arms around her from behind, hoisting up as he spun around. The smile on her face was one Mitsu would cherish forever, it was the first thing he thought about when he woke up and the last thing on his mind before he fell asleep. It was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes, the smile on his lovers face as she slept peacefully against his chest, her blonde hair draping behind her shoulders. He would sit for hours watching her sleep so blissfully, stirring slightly as she nuzzled into the planes of his chest, whispering sweet good mornings as he stroked her hair. Everything about her was perfect, feeling the stars aligning each time he looked at her. He thanked them everyday for bringing her into his life, his own piece of tranquil heaven held in his arms. 
“Sorry princess, no can do,” He chuckled, holding her tight still as he set her down. A vast array of vomiting noises came from the others in the room. 
“Can you please stop it’s revolting to watch,” Soryu groaned, turning his head away, Takuto groaning with agreement. Even since the pair of you became a couple, the bidders and black foxes became even tighter. 
“Your luckily they don’t live with you, it’s revolting to hear,” Mamoru mumbled lying on the sofa, newspaper sprawled across his face to block out the sun. 
“We’re not that bad!” Mitsu chuckled, although the blush across his and her cheeks said otherwise, “Anyway you filthy perverts probably enjoy listening,”.
“Mitsu!” She hissed, jabbing her elbow back to playfully nudge him ribs, a sign to shut up. The couple had been together for a good few months after their first physical encounter together, ravishing each other physically and emotionally, the ways of Baba’s past forgotten about. All he wanted in life was her; he lived to make her happy, never straying or turning an eye, he devoted himself to her as she did him.
Everything had fallen into place within the universe to Mitsu. The stolen paintings were recovered, the bidders and black foxes joining fully in forces, the woman he cherished held tight by his side every minute of the day.
“Come on princess,” He picked her up once more, carrying her bridal style outside to the balcony for some alone time. He propped her up against the railing, where they almost shared a kiss at Eisukes event, wrapping his arms around her behind. He held her for a moment, inhaling her heavenly scent of strawberries and vanilla, his head buried against her hair. There was no words to describe how content Mitsu felt, well maybe three words. His heart raced as he held her close, the smile plastered from ear to ear, a warm fuzz spreading across his body as he realised how he felt. A feeling he never expected to experience again in his time but somehow the universe smiled down on him and granted the best gift of all, her. 
“I love you,” The words spoken in an above whisper, without fearing the consequence, the only words he could form. She relaxed against him, turning her head to face him, slight tears in her eyes.
“I love you too,”.
Both leaning in to their embrace, lips pressing together to share a tender kiss over their exchange of words. Mitsu held close his most valuable, stolen treasure in his arms. 
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thatotomelove · 3 years
LLFTX - How they comfort MC who just lost her job
This is my very first attempt at a headcanon prompt, so do let me know how to improve and if you liked it at all. ^^
Would start off teasing you about it
"What, they finally had enough of your clumsiness?"
Would shut up when that only made it worse
If you start crying, would genuinely feel bad and hug you, trying to comfort you
He's not the best at comforting people, awkward boi he is, so he wouldn't say much and just let you complain and cry as much as you want to him, all the while holding you
Would focus much more on actions and little signs of affection, such as holding your hand the whole time you talk, and running his fingers through your hair if you put your head on him
Would bring you his Shiffey blanket and coccoon you with it, laying down beside you when you get tired
If you want to sleep, would hold you close all night long and you would have to pry him off if you ever want to get up the next morning
If you want... other things, he is more than willing to help you forget your worries with a bit of loving. He would be exceptionally gentle and attentive in this case, focusing on making you feel good
The next day, your ex-boss would find his computer mysteriously wiped clean with no idea how it happened
Would be cheerful and smile, trying to make light of the situation
Not that he's not sad for you, he is, but he tends to be optimistic and wants to make you smile
If it doesn't work, would hug you and let you let it out, kissing the top of your head
If his initial reaction makes you mad at him, would genuinely apologize and explain he just wanted to make you feel better
Would let you stay in his arms as long as you want, rubbing your back and kissing you lightly every so often
Would bring you both beers later on, claiming it's the best comfort food for rough times
"Beer isn't food silly"
"Don't mind that and just drink"
Would also bring you to see the night sky like he used to do before you were dating
His mom would catch you as you're walking out, stopping when she noticed your puffed-up-from-crying face
Would make a jab about her son making you cry, pretending to whack his head
Would actually be worried about you, and Kenshi would have to nervously explain the situation, worried she might think he made you cry for real
The whole interaction would make you laugh and feel a bit better
When you get seated outside, Kenshi would give you his jacket so you're not cold, and put his arm around your shoulders
You'd eventually fall asleep there, feeling warm and protected, and Kenshi would pick you up bridal-style and carry you back to his room carefully, so as to not wake you up
Would big spoon you to sleep himself, kissing your temple when he noticed the smile that appeared on your face as he laid down
Would call you periodically the next day, just to chat and make sure you're alright whenever he catches a break at work
Would be kinda pissed at your employer
How dare they make his princess feel sad and not recognise her talent??
Wouldn't let it show too much and focus on comforting you, you are in pain and you need him, his own emotions can wait
Would hug the life out of you the moment you tell him, kissing away any tear he saw streaming down your face
"Don't worry, Princess, you'll find something even better down the line! You have so much talent and passion for what you do, you're basically guaranteed to succeed!"
Genuinely believes what he said, and does his best to make you believe it too
Lots of sweet talking and "I love you"s, nothing is too much and too embarrassing to make you smile
Would join you in dissing your old boss when you complain in front of him
Would stay with you for the night, not wanting to leave you alone when you're in pain, and do virtually anything you ask of him
You want comfort and kisses? He's all over that
You want food and/or movies? Don't get up, he's already got them
You want s*x? As if you need to ask
Would take the day off his classes the next day and go on a date with you, taking you to your favorite places and ensuring you feel better
The best at comfort you'd ever find
Riki can be a tease, but if something makes you legitimately sad, his "big brother" side would activate immediately
Would finish early as soon as he heard the news, deeming your well-being more important than whatever meeting he had coming next
Would make you all your favorite foods for dinner without you being able to refuse or argue
"But Riki, you're already tir-"
"Stop talking, the soup is getting cold"
Would listen to you vent and cry until late in the night if you need it, all without saying a word
Would mention being able to find you a job in your field with a few phone calls if you want
If you refuse, would reassure you and say he can provide for you as long as you need and to not feel stressed about anything
When you stop crying, would sit with you on the couch, cuddling up to you, while you're watching a movie of your choice
Would pay more attention to you than the movie, watching over you to make sure you're okay while running his fingers through your hair
Would need only a sign from you hinting you want to do more than cuddle, and the movie would be all but forgotten
Would treat you like absolute glass in that case, taking you so gently and with so much love that you almost completely forget what made you sad in the first place
Would kiss everywhere he could reach and whisper "I love you" a lot all throughout the act
You'd both sleep on the couch that night
Would make sure you're eating right and taking care of yourself properly the next few days, spending as much time with you as his job will allow until you're back on your feet
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sadisticsmiles · 3 years
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Love Letter from Thief X Fanbook Images
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I've been following your blog since way back when, I almost forgot about you for a minute! XD My request: The Love Letter From Thief X Gang Sleeping HCs. Who is a nightowl/early riser, who steals the blankets, what's their favorite position to sleep in, etc. Whatever strikes you. Please and thanks! And welcome back!
Aww, thank you for all of your support over the years!! I really appreciate it, and I’m glad to be back and writing again! @panfanwithaplan
Love Letter from Thief X (LLFTX) Sleeping HCs
Takuto Hirukawa
Definitely a night owl due to his working style
Has honestly no semblance of a structured sleeping schedule at all
Really the type of guy to just go to sleep when he’s tired and wake up whenever he wakes up
When the two of you start dating though, he’s surprisingly clinging and will cuddle up to you whenever you’re in bed
Definitely the type to demand cuddles (he’ll never say it out loud, but when he starts getting pouty and whiny and asking why you aren’t in bed yet, you’ll know) and clings to you like a koala
Favorite position to sleep in is cuddling you from behind, arms wrapped around you and face tucked into the crook of your neck
Although he’ll never admit to it, he’ll probably just make up some excuse about being cold and you were just a comfortable body pillow
You know this isn’t the case since you gave him a body pillow once that he promptly threw out the window
He claimed that it got destroyed in the washing machine
And when you joke about getting him another one he’ll get all tsundere-y and come up with all sorts of absurd reasons why you shouldn’t
Even when you try to online shop for anything, for whatever curious reason whenever you try adding body pillows to your cart they just magically disappear
Isn’t a big blanket stealer cause he just clings to you and you’re all he needs
Kenshi Inagaki
The epitome of early to bed, early to rise
Probably the guy that wakes up at four in the morning, prepares a protein shake and is trying to wake you up to go jogging with him
He stopped doing this after you threatened him when he dared to wake you up from your beauty sleep
Kenshi’s just so peppy in the mornings and full of energy, so it’s rare that you’d ever wake up before him
The two of you usually sleep face to face
And he’s more than happy to offer up his arm as a pillow (cause he’s got those nice, toned biceps)
But it’s easy for him to give you lots of kisses, especially when he’s still feeling energetic at night
So sometimes, you have to sleep with your face turned away from him so you can resist the temptation of kissing him
And to avoid having to look at his puppy dog eyes
Probably doesn’t steal the blankets that much since he seems like someone that would radiate heat
Hiro Sarashina
Likes to sleep in, and will whine if you try to pull him out of bed any earlier than needs be
He’ll use all of his charms to lure you back into bed with him, and usually it works
Sometimes he’s the big spoon, sometimes you’re the big spoon
He likes to pamper you, but sometimes he doesn’t mind if you spoil him
Especially when you play with his hair and run your fingers through his locks
It’s really relaxing to him and that easily makes him fall asleep
Steals the blankets because he thinks it’s cute how you whine and reach out for them to steal them back
Sometimes you’ll reach out to try and grab the blankets back and instead you accidentally grab his hand
(He positions his hand there on purpose)
Then he’ll tease you for trying to get his attention, and I can totally see the two of you getting into tickle fights
Which usually ends with Hiro pinning you down from above as he attacks your face with kisses
Riki Yanase
Early riser, due to always needing to be at his job early in the morning
Often the one that cooks breakfast and has it waiting for you when you get up in the morning
On days when you’re trying to sleep in or avoiding getting up, he’ll come in and literally drag you out of the bed as you whine
So he tells you he’ll give you kisses if you get out of bed
He pretends that he doesn’t know that you intentionally do that just for the kisses since he thinks it’s cute how you’re trying to trick him
Tends to be the big spoon and hold you tightly from behind, he also does it because sometimes he’ll tease you by poking and touching you in different places and it’s easier for him to dodge your attempts at retaliation
If he’s drunk one night though, he turns into a big baby and wants to be coddled
He wants you to snuggle with him and play with his hair and kiss his cheeks and forehead and-
And complains if you try to even move a bit away from him
I see him stealing the blankets from you just to mess with you before he throws the blankets over you and wraps you in a cocoon, holding you tight in his arms and not letting you escape until you kiss him
Atsumu Kashiwabara
Wakes up early due to running the bar and having to get things prepared in the morning
Always super sweet, kisses your forehead before he gets out of bed
Lets you sleep in and will get you to wake up with kisses
If you still try to stay in bed after that he’ll rub his beard against your face to tickle you
He knows you hate it when he does that, so he’ll run away afterwards cause he knows you’ll start a tickle fight with him for payback
Prefers to sleep so that the two of you are face to face
I see him as someone who likes having deep conversations into the night
Hugs you close when you sleep
Definitely not a blanket stealer, he’s super caring so he’s more likely to be the one that wraps the blankets tighter around you and fusses over you in case you might be feeling chilly or cold
Tatsuro Togoshi
You’d think he’d be an early riser due to his job
But since he tends to stay up late a lot, he’s usually super sleepy in the morning
Many times you’ll be the one that wakes up early and you intentionally turn his alarm off so he can catch some extra bits of sleep while you get breakfast ready
You’ll hear him running into the kitchen as you finish setting everything out, and he’s always super appreciative of you making sure he eats in the morning and has something for lunch
Thanks you with lots and lots of cuddles, definitely someone who likes to snuggle up to you
Prefers being the big spoon since he likes having you in his arms
Probably doesn’t like to be face to face with you cause he feels shy and he thinks you’re so pretty and cute and admits that sometimes he can’t fall asleep if you’re looking at him cause he’s too nervous
Will get super embarrassed if you suddenly hug him and tell him to rest his head against your chest
Yuki Arisugawa
I see him as someone who may stay up for long periods of time due to work
Then he just absolutely crashes and is out like a rock for a long time
King of sleepy eyes that blink up at you as he’s trying to wake up
Also probably has the best sounding just-woke-up voice
Especially if it’s been a while since the two of you have spent time together, he’ll likely tug you into bed with him and force you to cuddle with him while he gets some more sleep
I can see him being a blanket stealer and forming a cocoon cause he’s sensitive to cold
It’s too cute for you to really get mad at him cause he looks like he’s a giant puffball when he’s got all the blankets wrapped around him
Likes going to sleep with his head resting against your chest/shoulder, especially when you run your fingers through his hair
He’s very blunt and will comment on if you smell good (especially after you’ve just taken a shower) or that you feel super soft and nice to rest his head against
Hyosuke Kujo
Likes to wake up earlier than you so he can mess with you
He’ll start attacking you with tickles to get you to wake up
Or he’ll wake up and just keep poking your nose or cheeks to wake you up
Gets jealous easily, so if you did something that day that made him upset he’ll sleep face turned away from you cause he’s being stubborn
Will also at that point steal all the blankets to be a brat
When you fall asleep though, he makes sure you’re still asleep before he turns back around and cuddles up next to you
But you know exactly what he’s doing since you’ve woken up in the middle of the night to him wrapped around your arm
You pretend that you don’t know though since you think it’s adorable and he always makes up for it in the morning with apologies and lots of kisses to say sorry
Taiga Kujo
Night owl, definitely dedicated to his work since he’ll stay up late perusing scientific journals or any new research that he’s interested in
But since he’s a doctor, he’s often waking up early in the mornings
You’re definitely on top of things and you know exactly when it looks like he’s starting to get worn out
And at that point you threaten to literally sit on top of him so he’ll stay in bed and rest
Likes to hear you sing, so he’ll ask you to hum a lullaby to help him fall asleep
It’s a bit embarrassing, but you do so since he’s worked hard every day and deserves to get rest
Likes to have you in his arms so prefers to be the big spoon, arms wrapped around your waist as the two of you are face to face
Gives you the blankets cause he worries about you, and one day you wake up with a small mountain of blankets on top of you
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
Handing out Candy to Trick-or-Treaters-LLFTX
(Throwback title category)
Halloween Countdown--- Day 12
Prologue: How would your guy act if he had to help you hand out candy to trick or treaters?
Riki: “Riki, the doorbell is ringing! We have to go answer it,” MC muttered in between their make out session on the couch. Riki’s hand was continuing to creep up her shirt, and MC couldn’t help but let out a moan of pleasure. The doorbell rang again, and she finally snapped back into her senses. She gently pushed him away and raced to the door leaving behind an unhappy Riki. “I can’t believe you’re choosing them over me,” he pouted. Despite his protests, he dragged himself over to help MC, and couldn’t help but smile when he saw how happy she was. “One day we’re going to be the ones out trick or treating with our own kids,” Riki teased MC, while she was blushing furiously, but she couldn’t help but feel eager for that day to eventually come.
Kenshi: “Hey, kiddos! Are you guys having a good time tonight?” Kenshi asked cheerfully as he loaded up their bags with handfuls of candy. The kids happily nodded their heads and went on their way. He closed the door and then looked shocked when he glanced at the bowl. “I can’t believe we are out of candy already,” he said in true surprise, “That’s the second time tonight already!” Kenshi was genuinely confused as to how they kept running out of candy, even though he was handing out fistfuls to each trick or treater. “Kenshi, at the rate you’re handing out piles of candy at, we’re going to need to buy out the whole store just to be able to keep up!”
MC playfully scolded him. Kenshi went to the kitchen and came back with a large stack of bagged candy. “No, we won’t! I made sure to get plenty,” Kenshi assured her, “I even got enough so you can have some.” Without warning, Kenshi shoved a piece of candy in her mouth. She had to admit that the treat tasted pretty yummy, and Kenshi must have noticed because he was soon offering her another piece. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep feeding you,” he teased with a wink. MC smiled and knew her night was going to be anything but a dull one.  
Takuto: “Takuto! You can’t spray the kids with water!” MC exclaimed in exasperation. The doorbell had rung and when she was about to open the door to greet the trick or treaters, Takuto had an evil smirk and had a spray bottle positioned ready to make his attack. “Why not?” Takuto whined but obeyed his girlfriend until she opened the door and the kids were waiting with a roll of toilet paper. Before they even had a chance to launch their attack, Takuto grabbed the bottle and started to spray them. Realizing they didn’t stand a chance against him, they quickly retreated, and MC was left standing there with her mouth open.
Takuto crossed his arms, and wore a smug, triumphant smile on his face. “Good thing I was prepared,” he arrogantly stated, “You would have been left completely defenseless had I not been here.” She wanted to point out the fact one normally doesn’t arm themselves for battle against trick or treaters, but she was enjoying this cute boyish side of him. Takuto walked over and wrapped his arms around her. “You’re right, thanks for saving me,” she said while resting her head on his chest.
Tatsuro: “I just have a few points you should remember as you continue making your rounds,” Tatsuro informed the children, “Make sure you don’t talk to strangers, stay with your group and never wander off alone, and be sure to have lots of fun!” Tatsuro blurted out. He waved goodbye, and MC couldn’t help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. “You seem to be really into this,” MC pointed out, “I didn’t realize you enjoyed Halloween this much.” Tatsuro’s face began to turn pink, and he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. “It’s not that it’s the Halloween part I’m excited about,” Tatsuro shyly confessed, “I’m just happy to be spending time with you in general.” They returned to the couch to start watching a movie together. MC rested her head on his shoulder, and Tatsuro reached out to hold her hand. She couldn’t think of a more perfect Halloween and hoped that her and Tatsuro would be able to spend many more like this.
Yuki: “Yuki, there’s no need to be so paranoid! They’re just little kids,” MC told her boyfriend as he was peeping suspiciously out the curtain trying to scope out their visitors. She opened the door and greeted the trick or treaters with a smile. “Happy Halloween! Here’s some candy,” she tried to offer the treats, but was confused as to why the kids were just standing there. Trying again, she extended her hand to give them the treats, but they just stared back at her looking petrified. “I-Is the scary man angry at us? He looks like he’s in a bad mood,” one of the kids stuttered while pointing at Yuki. Worried Yuki was going to get angry, she was about to say something, but then Yuki grabbed the bowl of candy from her.
Crouching down so that he was eye-level with the children, he smiled gently, and started to put the candy into their bags.  MC couldn’t help but admire how sweet her boyfriend looked, and how great he was with kids. She knew he would probably deny this later, but she secretly took a picture on her phone of the precious moment. The kids were now gone, and Yuki shot her a suspicious look. “What did you just do?” Yuki asked. MC decided to play the naïve card and shrugged her shoulders. Turning away from him, she started to walk away, but Yuki picked her up and held her close to him. “I’m going to make you tell me what exactly you’re hiding from me,” he smirked and carried her back to the living room.
Taiga: “Now candy is bad for you, so I have a healthier alternative instead,” Taiga lectured the bored looking trick or treaters. MC saw the disgusted look on the kid’s faces when Taiga was about to hand them some boxes of raisins he had put to the side, when she decided she needed to intervene. “Here you go,” MC quickly said while shoving the candy in their bags, “Happy Halloween!” MC shut the door and winced when she saw Taiga looking at her solemnly like she had just betrayed him. “Come on Taiga,” MC pleaded with him, “Halloween is once a year. Let them enjoy their treats just for tonight!” Taiga took a moment to ponder what she had said, and then grinned at her. “Fine, but only if you make me some tea,” he proposed.
This was something she could easily do, so MC went to prepare the tea when Taiga suddenly grabbed her hand. “And after you finish making the tea, why don’t you bring it to me in my exam room?” Taiga seductively suggested. MC coughed in surprise at this uncharacteristic comment of his. “Taiga! Did someone tell you to say that?” MC questioned, as she suspected on of the other Black Foxes was involved. Taiga nodded his head and replied, “Riki told me you would like that an idea.” Rolling her eyes at her sweet but clueless boyfriend, she led him into the kitchen so they could make the tea and grab some snacks for the rest of their evening.
Feel free to check out my Masterlist!
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labyrinthofleah · 5 years
"Be careful out there" - Amy x Kenshi
[Let’s pretend you didn’t send this back in April @spyoflove ahahaha? Here have some introspective Kenshi with a side of guilt-ridden angst bc Amy doesn’t know he’s with the Black Foxes and it’s k i l l i n g him inside. 0:D]
“Be careful out there.”
Every time Amy spoke those words to Kenshi, they burned his heart worse than the fires he was supposed to be fighting.
Every time he had to explain away a particularly nasty bruise as “just something that happened on the job,” and laugh it off as coming with the territory, he felt as if an equally painful bruise bloomed ugly and raw inside him.
How many times could he pass off a cut as a result of helping out at his mother’s restaurant? How many times would she keep believing his scrapes came from showing off his strength and speed for the kids at the orphanage and his bravado getting out of hand?
He knew she noticed every single new injury, and even when he was more tired than usual or discouraged after a failed mission. He could see the worry lines forming around her eyes as she wished him luck on the job, even if she didn’t know which job he was really headed out to. He could sense the extra strength in the goodbye hugs she gave him, the lingering of the kisses she pressed to his lips before he left through the door.
“Be careful out there.”
“I will,” he always told her, and he swallowed something every bit as choking and acrid as smoke as he walked away from her without giving anything close to a real explanation. 
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iluvsexyvoltageguys · 5 years
LLFTX Masterlist
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~ Riki Yanase ~
“It was your idea”
The Dude in the Picture
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This is a mood.
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Love Letters From Thief X Sub Story- Scavenger Hunt in Ginza Submitted by: MythoMagic29
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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Kenshi is truly a treasure
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the-prima-vista · 6 years
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Replayed quite a few Love Letter from Thief X routes today and I just… really love Kenshi Inagaki
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sadisticsmiles · 5 years
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Over $45 dollars worth for the LLFTX fanbook (or any Voltage fanbook) is normal before paying shipping prices. But luckily, my manga and CDs are here too.
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emergencysquid · 7 years
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